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Boku no Hero Academia

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 559
Thread images: 120

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Niggastream delivered. All Might wil be kill soon.
Deku deserved to die more.
>No link to chapter
You failed.
Or you can lurk more.

Unless you honestly want to read their garbage rushed translations.
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>To die more

What? He never once died.
>not knowing how to simply go to niggastreams page
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I know it's probably not going to happen but fuck i wan't Stain training with Deku

It's very unlogical since Deku probably don't want ot be trained by a hero killer and it will probably be about School things after AM death
I wasn't aware that Deku died 2 or 3 times already.
Sorry for my poor english.

Deku should die instead.
it seems that the "insert character name here"fag poster is here.

Brace yourselfs anons!
The word you want is 'illogical'. Just for future reference.

>punch a guy's face off
>he dedicates every waking second to ruining you
You know, I'm not sure All Might had the kind of hustle he needed in finding AfO
>Said last thread you weren't going to respond
>Respond now

Well it's to ruin him because he's literally the thing that's stopping his crime empire from rising again.
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Thanks for proving my point that you're >>142026907 in the last thread.

Gotta admit, you've got dedication trying to reel in people.

including me :^)
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Holy fucking shit this chapter.
Since you keep responding, can I ask you why you prefer Deku to All Might? Or maybe you don't, in that case, why are we having this discussion?
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More flashbacks with her are pretty much a given, right? We didn't even see the full costume.
Todoroki is the one who deserves it the most, he's boring
>Prequel story look like the dopest shit compared to the actual plot.

Why do nips do this?
and not a fuck was given
I like deku because he's someone who doesn't develop at a breakneck ass pace and he's respectful towards others and pretty humble.

But thats just my personal reason but I know it won't change yours so i'll respect that :^)
Probably. It's one of those few backstories that I want a flashback of.
But slice of life with silly mutants is pretty dope
which english VA should voice AfO?
Blood King/Vlad King/whatever is the traitor
Deku doesn't develop at all, apart from his handling in OfA. Can you name one thing that the Deku from today would do differently than the Deku from when he started UA?

He's neither respectful nor humble, if he was, he wouldn't assume to know better than the pros and go to rescue Kacchan without a very solid plan.

I think you don't like Deku, you like the idea you have of him
Michael Ironside
Nothing happen: the chapter
Ron Perlman
Anon it only looks dope because we're not following it, if we were following her story and got glimpses of OFA's past user before her, you'd probably think their story was the dopest shit.
Jackie Chan
Since you said name one thing i'll just mention one.

He's gotten more confident as the story progresses Like he was pretty scared when the mini robot villain appeared during the entrance exam.

I'l accept your reasons too and i'll leave it at that.

I still like him non the less :^)
I see you're also from last thread >>142025681. It's been getting lonely here.
>He's neither respectful nor humble, if he was, he wouldn't assume to know better than the pros and go to rescue Kacchan without a very solid plan.
Shut the fuck up, Iida
I don't think it count, I can't imagine the Deku from the beginning of the manga being scared enough to run away from the villains in the latest arc.

I also don't see why you're trying to pass off as smug when all you're doing is dragging Deku down with you by the qualities of your posts.
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How do the quirks of all these class B people work?
Oh that would actually be pretty good.
How likrly would that be, just curious.
>I don't think it count

he couldn't move his feet when the robot approached him anon, not until lazer belly boy saved him iirc

the hell is this
Better question which seiyuu should voice OFA?
horiyuchi kenyuu
Oh, then you're right, he does indeed shows a little bit of development. Any other instances of that?
His record is almost strictly western. The exception is Afro Samurai.
And well you know how that is.
Team compositions from the school festival arc, although I'm not sure where some of these come from - was the mantis guy even shown outside of the scene with the first stage's results?
I ship ponymantis
Tom Hardy
Original OfA or Nana?
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I ship mantis boy x lizard girl, they stood next to each other once
during the sports festival he gained confidence and he smiled, I think it was at the end of chapter 24 iirc.

Also when todoroki confronted him about him deku did say he wouldn't make it this far without the help of others and thats was chapter 31.

Pretty humble if you ask me :^)

Thats pretty humble if you ask me
I meant AFO sorry.
ah I meant to say "confronted him about all might"
which is the gist of it I suppose
That is a shame, because he is great his voice is very ominous.
Is it known why he only does western stuff?
Oh man, I really hope All Might doesn't die.
Is it next thursday yet?
Ah. I see. Norio Wakamoto is always a good choice.
>during the sports festival he gained confidence and he smiled
Yeah, I don't know, I can't see how the Deku from the past would've reacted differently in that same situation.

>deku did say he wouldn't make it this far without the help of others and thats was chapter 31.
There's saying you're humble and then being humble. Personally I think the actions Deku took in the latest arc and the one before that put him out of the "humble" category for good.
The ones we know for sure:
>Kendou: yaoi hands
>Tetesu x4: metallic skin
>Monoma: copying quirks for 5 mins
>Jesus-chan: controlling thorny vines
>headband man: welding things together
>cartoony eyes man: walls made out of solid air
>Lanternhead: mutant body + shooting cement/wood glue/whatever
>exposed teeth: softening anything, he was a recommended student so shit must be pretty strong

The ones we probably know:
>mantisman: mantis powers
>yetiman: bootleg of X-Men Beast
>sad girl: shrinking/growing
>Pony: shooting horns/from horns
>girl with covered eyes: mushroom control

What the fuck:
>blandman no. 22 (guidebook says it's "swiveling")
>happy girl: probably lizard powers, discarding/regrowing limbs and such
>girl between happy girl and shroom girl (guidebook says it's "poltergeist")
>black man
>speech bubble
Fred Tatasciore
This chapter is pure love for this manga. It is so damn great how well the characters are designed. Just this little piece of information about All Might's Master, how he has to smile because the people he has to rescue are in such a shitty situation. It is fantastic. I have a bad feeling with all this. All for One doesn't look that damaged from this fight and All Might is the exact opposite. I love All Might, but it seems like it will end soon. And the hunt for Tomura and Sensei will be opened.
This chapter made me tear up a bit. He's gonna die, there's no doubt.
All Milf is best girl.
>Yeah, I don't know, I can't see how the Deku from the past would've reacted differently in that same situation.

chapter 3 near the begining and chapter 24 near the end show case this.

>There's saying you're humble and then being humble. Personally I think the actions Deku took in the latest arc and the one before that put him out of the "humble" category for good.

I forgot to mention that in chapter 2 he thought that all might done this all for him and he felt like cheating. "I never been so blessed". So yeah he showed his humble attitude near the beginning of the series.

As for the latest arc even gran torino mentioned that deku is like all might for all the wrong reasons so it must be done on purpose.

In the end you're on the same boat as gran torino in chapter 91 which is good.

deku talk aside how did you find the dub of episode 4? also it's nice talking about characters with you anon
All for One might not outwardly look like he's hurt, but he wasn't exactly in great shape to start with either. Tomura was even worried about what fighting would do to his body, so I imagine he's under a lot more stress than he's letting on. Not as much as All Might of course, but still not great.
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Stain did nothing wrong
You're right, Dkeu does get development, I guess my problem comes from the fact that it's very slow in contrast of the manga's pacing, and it's not associated with lessons he learned from important events, like his arm breaking down.

I also dislike how the characters know Deku (but on a more broad sense, the protagonists) do something wrong, but don't try to stop them when lives are a stake. I know that it'll turns out okay since it's a shonen manga but it's just hard to feel immersed.

And I don't watch the BnHA anime, I generally dislike watching adaptations.
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It seems pretty clear to me where this is going to go. Everyone is predicting that All Might will die outright, but I don't think that's quite it. It has been strongly hinted that something would happen when All Might truly passes himself and his powers on, either that he would lose his powers or else would cease to exist. So I foresee that he will win outright, or receive essentially a mortal blow (but not truly die), and just as Midoriya arrives crying "Why? Why did this have to happen?" All Might will smile and say that he was going to have to leave anyways...it's alright, because the time had come for him, and now it's up to you.
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Setsuna is the cutest class B girl

Murder is always wrong, Holden
All-might killed AFO back then. Does that make things wrong?
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I personally like that the character development is more subtle seems more human imo, Also IIda stopped izuku trying to rush in without a plan in chapter 89.

But I can understand why it can be a gripe for many people.

Nice chatting with you anon it was fun but if you want to talk more im more than happy to, it's fun dissecting characters from time to time.
Well, for one thing, AfO is still alive. There's also a difference between "killing" someone and "murdering" them.
>Stain is probably cheering for All Might, alone in his cell, through the jaw mask he's most likely wearing to prevent any opportunity he can get to lick someone's blood.
>All the others inmates are too scared to tell him to shut the fuck up.
Ingenium is still alive. Your point is?
His point is probably that you're a moron.
Stain is confirmed to have killed a few heroes though, he didn't earn his "Hero Killer" nickname by creating a buncha cripples.
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She couldn't protect her own smile

Max Troll
This chapter made me lose all respect I had for AFO. That was definitely not okay from him.

All Milf. ;;
I can see why you would choose,him he is great, but I think someone with a more smooth suave voice would fit him better.
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shall be give all for one a nice name?

How about we call him Troll for one
I kinda wanted All for One to be cordial with All Might due to the way he acted towards everyone else in the chapter before All Might caught up.

I know AM turned him into a cripple but still.

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>all mighty turned the last pages of despair into pure hope
Holy fuck how can one man be so based
its been a while since someone had a female mentor thats actually seems pretty cool
>troll for one
>trolls exclusively to all might for the duration of chapter 92

I grinned so damn hard when I saw that people didn't lose hope in All Might even after his skinny form was revealed.

I was really expecting everyone's faith in him to be shattered, at least for a few chapters.
Hmm. You may have a point. What about Koyasu?
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I want to protect that smile
>All Might's arm going through the same effect as Deku's arm when he uses OfA.

Yeah boy.
>>All Might's arm going through the same effect as Deku's arm when he uses OfA.

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Is Bakugou gonna get some PTSD thinking he got All Might killed?

Worse, are others going to blame him for it since the rescue op is more or less public knowledge?

HUUUH? A member of Class A got All Might killed? Hahaha oh man I thought Class A was supposed to be perfect and could do no wrong! Typical class A[/spoiler
Funny that you mention that, because I was thinking of him too, but I have a feeling that someone else would fit him better, but I have no idea who that would be.
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So how did AfO do this at the start of the fight? I know he's really strong but way this was portrayed it looked like his attacks were instantaneous, not like his attacks during the rest of the fight.
fuck off neito
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He's doing it for greater good. For a better society. Fuck fake heroes. We deserves true heroes.

I love this guy. So insensitive

>Best case Scenario
>All Might breaks his arm punching out AfO
>All Might is exposed but AfO is ded

>Good case Scenario
>All Might breaks his arm punching out AfO
>not enough to kill him, but enough to seriously injure him, AfO flees
>All Might is exposed, AfO is in hiding again

>Bittersweet Scenario
>All Might over-expends himself punchign out AfO
>All Might dies but so does AfO
>Tomura never learns how fucked up his father figure was

>Worst case Scenario
>This is a hope spot
>AfO wins
Come on Monoma wouldn't be that much of a dick right?
Don't think so. All Might is his biggest target, but the sarcastic clapping for Jeanist shows that he trolls for all.
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when doujin by tamagoro ?
I really hope this madman will actually say that
His spring limb combination. I guess he prepared it before hand
Morgan Freeman
none because they're all horrible
So is Jeanist dead?
Who knows
Are there any seiyuu that specialize in voicing smooth older gentleman?
Which is why he does SO much research into his targets before he strikes.
Looks that way, but who knows?
that black panel is a small time jump
>We deserves people only I like
Ftfy Shit-Stain
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>the lady telling All Might not to give up is missing one of her fake nails

it's the little things
A serial killer is not the best person to judge what makes a real hero, even if some of his ideals were worth following he's a murderous nutcase himself, and on top of that because of being locked in his delusions himself he's unable to comprehend people can grow and change. Also note that going by Stain's ideology, Endeavor, who's an eugenics-loving scumbag is a better person than Uraraka who just wants her family to have a better life
I don't get it

Yeah, Horikoshi is pretty good at small details like that. In Chapter 69, it really looked like everyone in the crowd was doing their own thing. Then again, that was the point of Shigaraki's first monologue.
I don't remember that is why I am asking.
Koyasu is great because he killed it as DIO who is the biggest classy asshole in existance that should fit AFO to a T, but he was also kind of hammy which was fantastic for DIO, but I am not sure if it would fit OFA you feel me?
>tfw he's crying
It's just a small detail. Nothing major.
Yeah, I have to wonder why Stain never went after Endeavor. Was he working his way up?
Or three of her real nails...
Hmm-MMMH! This manga!
No they are clearly sticking out of her finger.
Yeah, I can see that. And Koyasu DOES still sound kind of young, even though I'm pretty sure he's in his 50's now.

>All Mights tears
holy fuck
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Next thursday this thread will be nothing but "F"
Will this arc be THE arc of the series.
I mean the soul society, york new city, CP9 and varia arc of the series.
The series defining arc if you know what I mean.
Might be. Depends on how good All Might's death/backstory is.
Yeah, but I really can't think of someone else even though I am pretty sure there is someone who would fit him perfectly
>mentor passing the torch
>defining arc
He's clearly not the best but he's clearly a better person than most of the pro heroes
What are the chances of All Might NOT dying this arc?

You mean Alabasta right?
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hopefully the madman wakes up next week
hopefully not, we're good now but the start was not great
What would that accomplish?
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Bakugo blames himself since All Might went to rescue him.

Deku blames himself for running away instead of finding some way to help All Might

They both fight to take the blame.
What did Jeanist do wrong? Or Ectoplasm? Or Thirteen? Or that guy with wood powers? The only prominent pro-hero who did a lot wrong is Endeavor and that one-off with snake hair.

Stain is a pretty interesting character because you can see where he comes from and which of his points are justified but simultaneously you also can easily say why he's in the wrong in the grand scheme of things. Stainfags, however, are just sickening.
>he's clearly a better person than most of the pro heroes
Not in any way.

None of the pro heroes are autistically murdering people over a label.
I miss that ninja turtle...
I really don't think Mt. Lady or Ereaserhead get off to killing teenagers while wearing nothing but rags covered in mud and blood, it might just be a personal impression though, maybe I've missed all the obvious hints about all of them being psychos
I just realized this arc has only been 10 chapters. Half of them have been All For One chapters.
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He was still wrong in his principles.

Working for fame and money, does not equal that they will be shit at their jobs. Even MT. Lady who got into it for the fame to help her company, jumped in front of the villains so the kids could escape.

Stain was completely wrong, he was a fanatic. He would be right if said heroes were complete shit, and never bothered to save people, or did it half assed.
Yeah me too, he may have been a psychopath but his heart was in the right place.
I thought so too, but didn't one piece blow up when the manga was at cp9?
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I don't think I've ever been this hype for a manga holy fuck
>does not equal that they will be shit at their jobs.
Not that the Stainfag you are replying to, but I assume Stain witnessed some truly sell-out Heroes with much money in their pockets from self-promotion and little to no heroic records for him to become that insane and averse to Heroics being an actual job, not a path of pure selflessness.
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>mfw when All Might dies, Deku is going to go ABSOLUTE MAD MAN again and go on a rampage.
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I don't think it'll happen, but holy shit do I hope it does
It blew up multiple times. First Alabasta, then CP9, after that it was Marineford/early-timeskip (especially in Japan, where sales exploded), and despite how divisive it was Dressrosa was probably peak popularity outside of Japan.
AfO is probably the best thing to happen to WSJ this year.
Not he is not, for Stain everything is so black and white that it's clear the dude is fucking insane and should be locked up.
So far the heroes shown that are supposedly not very "heroic" are Mt. Lady and Endeavor, and they have been way more useful than Stain's actions could ever hope to be.
Stain also doesn't understand that some people want to earn cash through heroics because it fucking sucks to be poor, for someone who claims he's a social activist he sure doesn't understand the suffering of the lower classes

I don't really care for Ochako overall but it made her pretty sympathetic that she's a kid from a poor family who wants to aim a bit higher - and do something good in the process. Stain honestly sounds sheltered as fuck.
Mt. Lady doesn't count anymore and that one who was shown in the Kendou/Momo segment was worse than her anyway.

Endeavor supposedly doesn't bother Stain because his public facade is noble, all the fucked up stuff happened in private.
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Of course that Mt lady would help the kids to escape. Pro heroes will earn a bad name from the media if those kids are caught within the crossfire. She only does that for her own good. Stain was right after all
4 chapters have been dedicated for the characterization of all for one and it's been done so right
This is a lizard-free board
It's still dumb, it's like you see that one person who likes a certain things, or has a certain job doing something awful, and then you immediately think "wow, every single one of these fuckers is trash".
Nice Head canon
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>Hurt like hell from AFO nuke
>None of the others can even move properly
>Still gets up and takes a hit for the kids when there were no cameras around yet

You're pushing it Stain fag.
I know and that's great. I'm just surprised by how long it's been. He still feels pretty recent to me.
Spinner, it's time to stop typing.
It's called character development. People are capable of that when they're not raging madmen, anon, it tends to happen in real life too, as odd as it sounds.
> no cameras around yet
She wouldnt want those kids to be seen anon.
Is Spinner just an angry virgin who latches to an extemist ideology to blame own shortcomings on someone else? Why is he so different from all other mutants who are either great bros or at worst harmless autists?
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I don’t get it; throughout all the series so far it seems All Might is the singular, ever only, the ultimate, never seen before symbol of peace and the face of heroics.

Where the previous wielders of the One For All are placed in this, did they get treated as the singulars of their time as well? How did people react when one of them died in their time?

I mean, the public seems to act as if only All Might was ever truly known, like if the whole planet couldn’t contain their tears and despair if Toshinori died.

What will happen when Deku eventually succeeds All Might, will he go public and say he was his pupil or he will have to start his own legend?
Stain is open for respecting some heroes though, he already respected All Might and Deku made a good impression on his as well.
he's like most of /a/ specially the archerfag/kerryfags
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All mighty is pure as shit, and has Deku's drive to want to help everyone in need, and save everyone, which helps mix with his power, since he's willing to go all out for it.

The prior users weren't as strong as him remember? They were pretty strong, but every new wielder gets a power up, and i guess All mighty was just so passionate about it and on the right scale of power that he made short work of all of AFO's cronies and petty criminals.
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>those nails
come on there was no reason to save that prostitute
Because they are super passionate about helping others, and don't seem to want much on the side of money and fame, while there's really nothing wrong with that as long as they do their jobs right.
I would guess they where good heroes on their own right. Maybe some of them didn't care for the showmanship like Aizawa, some may have dedicated themselves to deal exclusively with OFA
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All Might actually beat AfO and was also responsible for the huge decline in crimes.
ah shit, I meant AFO
well, one for all gets stronger over time
probably only the last two or three bearers were super impressive
Yeah I mean Nana this chapter obviously had a hero costume so she was a professional hero, I wonder when we'll hear about her career. Older OfA users might not have been heroes and simply were outlaws that fought against AfO. It'd be cool if one of them was the red guy Kirishima looks up to.
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Post more class B, I need to finally start a proper folder
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Shut your French whore mouth Neito. I think Neito may hold a bigger grudge towards Bakugou and Class A as a whole since half is class his friends are in a coma
What this guys says: >>142032770

Also All might did explain that he was the first wielder to defeat ofa. Before that the whole world seemed to be run by super villains. Which probably meant that news and such did not get passed around as much. Plus the super villains probably wanted to suppress the news of a super hero able to defeat them.
It's like if Stain was Hitler and Spinner was from /pol/.
All the kids who were on his team during the sports festival are in a coma, assuming these were his closest friends he's bound to go all out with blaming Bakugou.

And Himiko is the dA nazi fangirl who doesn't know when WWII took place
>This chapters hype levels
Why is it I want to gently cuddle with Jesus girl. /a/?
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Here is the picture to end all Class B pictures. Look at that precious Setsuna.
I'm not sure monoma is that much of an asshole
This thread felt like one-sided. No one really tried to understand Stain as a character who strives for betterment of society of heroes and the people. Stain should led a movement of anti-heroes.
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Guys, AFO wouldn´t be cruel enough to have targeted Deku´s childhood friends or classmates and transforming them into Noumus, just to use them to break his spirit, right? RIGHT?

Hell, I remember that someone said that the four eyed noumu had a power similar to one of Deku/Bakugou Classmates, the one that had Polnareff hair and was able to become buffy.
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>he's crying

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Because she always looks relaxed

Murder doesn't improve society, fuck off
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Who would be the main character in Class B?
Aren't Monoma and Kendou the only Class B survivors? I think Tetsu inhaled some of the gas and all the other students where shown being knocked out.
I really hope we'll learn the remaining 16 class B hero names at some point. I want to know what speech bubble and nightman went for.
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Kendou as a main, Tetsu as a sidekick.
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>class B has Cementbro, Steel Madman and Yeti Guy
>we have Sugar Retard and Animal Autist

Just smash my shit up
> bad heroes improves society
Fat kid, ghost girl and welder are all ok too, or only injured.

Two Punch Man
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He has no idea Deku inherited the power, and he won't be able to if he dies here.

Shigaraki seems SUPER concerned for him because of the state of his body, so he's sure to be forever crippled or die after this.
>those tears of justice
Fuck man. Don't die on me bb
>All might die
>has be 5 years since that day
Stain isn't that powerful, he probably wouldn't be able to beat Endeavor. Endeavor isn't the #2 hero for no reason.
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None of then are bad at their jobs, the only difference they have from the others is that their main goal is money and fame.
I like how Hori has different ways to make character cry. You get manly tears, messy tears, happiness tears, relief tears and so on.
If Hori pulls a timeskip I'm dropping this shit
Bondo is a really cool design, I'd trade sugar for him in a heartbeat. I like animal autist though.
I guess so plus she is just beautiful in a sense...
I'm gonna need to start collecting her fanart first and foremost
I'm pretty sure all of the previous successors of OfA just straight up got killed by AfO.
So not only a Stain's a murderous madman, but also a coward.
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Don't joke

Ditto. Fuck timeskips.
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I'd enjoy watching this petty little shitter become a genuine hero.
We all understand that Stain is a "end justifies the means" type of character. I like him and how he sticks to his ideals, it's just that the Stainfag tries to argue how he is a good person, he isn't, he is a crazy fuck who thinks murdering heroes that want fame is going to improve society.
fucking no thanks
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There isn't much of her but you're still more likely to find some quite good stuff than that guy who liked lanternhead a lot from a couple of threads ago, or even lizard girl enthusiasts. Check twitter, there's a lot of good artists from both western and jap communities who almost exclusively post there.
It's funny that you mention this.
Because of stains actions it brought more villains into the fray which is the opposite of what he wanted.

like pottery
I think that he could have conected the dots when Shigaraki told him about how Deku was as fast as All Might. I mean, the only thing that he had to do was look at his quirk registry and see that Deku used to be quirkless.

If Afo didn´t know about OFA reaching to that conclusion would be difficult, but he know about it.

I fear for Dekumom.
>All Might crying and smiling while destroying his own body being a complete fucking madman
Like teacher, like student
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This one has potential imo, he has a respectable attitude and survived the villain assault without going into a coma.
I wouldn't be surprised if Bakugou actually tries to murder this guy if he dares say that shit
>phantom thief
Imagine him in his costume, he would be the smuggest of all heroes.
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>mfw Saucegayfags can finally die in a giant fire
They only thing they could have possibly cling onto was Bakugou seeing his true form and he'd go to the Villain side and now he's cheering for him to win.

Blown completely the fuck out, forever.
And not only that the villains that he attracted don't get what Stain is about at all, seeing as some of them are fighting against what Stain considers as true heroes, like All Might.
It´s as Deku said, the core of Stain´s ideals is good, but the means are unnaceptable. Stain should have become a hero and teaching by being an example, not becoming a murderer.

That said, there could be more parts about his story that we don´t know, I hope that we got a flashback about him and how he went from giving speechs at train stations to killing people.
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>AFO best thing in WSJ this year
>Not Chrollo vs Hisoka
I know BnHA fags are something else but come on
The registry would be school access only, also speed isn't that impressive, lots of people must have super speed.
yfw all might cry ;__________________;
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I want this as a spin off series. Right fucking now.
I agree that Bakugou will probably stay a hero, but the real test of character is how he'll react if/when All Might loses.
It´s sad, but even if Hori actually tell us that Bakugou is not gonna be a Sasuke in his twitter or in a volume, they would still continue saying it.
All for one is the greatest thing to happen to this manga. His presence radiates on every page. I fear that if he dies/loses the quality will go down but I also fear he might get dragged out in terms of longevity just because of how great he is.
Is it bad I like Tetsu more than Kirishima?
Deku and Bakugo having it out would be very, very old but it will bring in $. Even if the mangaka doesn't want to his editors will push him into. Isn;t that why his previous work was cancelled?
I actually like them as a pair, not bad
Copycat as the rival?
I like Tetsu but he might get annoying as a MC
They're very similar desu
The steel lad is a bit more agressive
I don't think so either but this'd make him somewhat justified in his hatred and we don't know how much he relies on other. I'd be pretty pissed off if most of my friends were in a coma and it'd be technically possible to blame it on someone I already hate.
>Sphincter X Sphincter

The author will go into his year-long hiatus right after the fight anyway.
>Chrollo vs Hisoka
Is a cool fight, but it's just a cool fight. The Kurapika chapter was better.
>Chrollo vs Hisoka
wwho cares about that shit "faggot X Faggot"

The art is horrible
The story is shit

Its a miracl that readers dont have eye tumors all over the place
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I think that the registry is a nation thing and it wouldn´t be weird if AFO still had some people inside the governement (on his side or threatened)

And I just remembered, but since most people think that the doctor that told Deku that he didn´t have any power and the one that helps AFO to create Noumus/heal himself are the same, he could very well has a list with the quirks of his patients in general.
And you guys wonder why you are called the new narutofags
Fair enough
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Why am I so aroused by this?
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Did someone piss off the people in the HxH threads while talking about BnHA? Why are you people even coming here, or is this just all one shitter trying to start something?
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>People think his ego is fragile and will fuck him
>Losing to Deku and seeing ice boy win super easy made him only made him feel more motivated to get better at it instead of crumbling
>Gets captured by villains, made to see stuff that could turn him against then so they would join him
>Instead blows up the leader's head and tells then to go fuck themselves
>Sees All mighty in his real form, skinny and weak
>Cheers for him to win instead of feeling betrayer or hurt over the fact

He may be a colossal asshole, but he's a pretty fun character.
Isn't it a government run thing?, he probably has someone spying on it to check for useful quirks. Besides Shigaraki noted that he was "as fast as all might", it might be worth his time to give the kid a quick check since he has such vendetta against ofa users
How far is deku? I hope his somehow going to try to save All Might.
My predictions are that he's going to try to save all might but at the end All Might's going to die trying to protect him.
Copycat as Bakugou analog and exposed teeth man as Todoroki analog, Manga/Bondo as Crowbro/Shouji analogs
"Having it out" are you talking about Yaoi shit?
Monoma's hate so far pretty entertaining, but if he seriously blames it on a guy that was kidnapped and almost murdered he'll turn from lovable ass to shitty person
Because you're a virgin
I wonder who they'll go for next
they'll get btfo again regardless
Oh, god no, please...
Also, it's Called My hero academia, not my hero academia for about 1/4 of the series because now they're all pro heroes.
>Kendou is the main
>Tetsu becomes the Kirishima
>Monoma as an Iida Kaminari Bakugou mix
>Setsuna as the Frog
>Yui as the anti Uraraka
>Ibara as the Momo
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I want a full colored version of that last panel to use as a wallpaper because holy shit that's awesome
>heart of darkness as the Tokoyami
>speech bubble as the Mineta
>whoever the recommended student was as Todoroki/Momo mix
Some autist in the HxH thread tried starting a "fanbase war" over there and then came to the boku no pico academia threads to try but everyone told him to fuck off.

So it's most likely just him
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Hori is a madman

saucefags thought that shouto was going to become the next sasuke but then he got healed and became such a cool character

They thought Iida was going to be the next sauce due to his hateboner for stain, then he learned that being a vengeful faggot makes things worse and learns through his mistakes.

And now with bakugou for all the reasons you mentioned.

true and utter anal destruction famalam
Imagine this entire scene animated and with a soundtrack.

They did an amazing job with the scene where Izuku discovers he has no quirk, and is looking dejected and sad onto his computer asking his mother if he can be a hero too. So i'm sure if they get far enough to anime this it will deliver on the emotional side too.
He already knew he was the skinny form because All might told him...
We have a better chance of walking to the moon than BONES doing a 3rd season of anything.

The only hope is that another studio picks up where BONES leaves off.
Is it really that rare for then to continue something?
When? Cause i'm pretty sure that never happened. if it did i forgot.

If Bones had a top-selling, top-ranking WSJ series dangled in front of them to do more seasons of however?
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Let's get this shit started


>Patrician/God/Most Interesting tier
All Might and All For One have their final showdown and end up murdering the fuck out of each other in a glorious blaze. Facepalm and CryBoy are deeply affected but pick up their respective mentor figure's torch. The entire first 100 chapters were basically a prologue for the rest of the series and the conflict between the villains and heroes.

>Satisfying, but typical unsurprising Shonen tier
All For One kills All Might and retreats, surviving. He remains the main antagonist for the rest of the series.

>Well That Was Fucking Nothing tier
All Might and All for One fight, only to both retreat and survive. This includes 'coma' bullshit.

>Literally WHY tier
All Might kills One For All and survives.

It's a damn shame that All Might has to die for a good ending out of this (he's my favorite character), but human emotion dictates that them's the brakes.

Oh, also, All Might final fight theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_SxVtf6Nk0
What if All Might being dead is one of the requirements for Deku to inherit his full power?
It's more that they don't usually adapt this kind of property in the first place. It's hard to say how it will pan out.
Shit I meant 'All For One' in that last one.
You know that it doesn't matter what BONES wants, right?

The BNHA council thing in Shueisha makes all the big business decisions.

If BONES doesn't want to do it but Shueisha wants a second season, they'll just get another studio.
That song is cool as fuck
Kinda fits a hero going out in a blaze of glory
no he didn't
Can you imagine bnha getting an OC arc/filler donutsteal of bones?
How cringy and ooc would they make it?
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What if Gran Torino ends up sacrificing himself to save All Might?
The saddest thing about it would be the fact that you could easily make decent additional filler just by giving various less important students own slice of life episodes. It's the most obvious route so obviously they wouldn't go for it.
Were you high on that part?
>All Might and All For One have their final showdown and end up murdering the fuck out of each other in a glorious blaze. Facepalm and CryBoy are deeply affected but pick up their respective mentor figure's torch. The entire first 100 chapters were basically a prologue for the rest of the series and the conflict between the villains and heroes.
I don't know about that. All For One is a pretty interesting antagonist. I'm not sure killing him off so quickly is the best idea.

>All Might and All for One fight, only to both retreat and survive. This includes 'coma' bullshit.
I think you're underselling how damaging it was for All Might's secret to come out. Sure the people watching the fight don't mind, but not everyone in the world is watching the news right now. It would still damage his reputation as a symbol of peace. Not only that, the villains know that he's not invincible. It's almost certainly going to lead to a rise in villain activity (and possibly an "All Might assassination arc").

I'm not saying you're wrong I'm just saying it all depends on what Horikoshi has planned.
Look I love Not-Yoda but this is All Might's moment, not his. Everything so far has been leading up to this moment, including his death.

If he doesn't die then the author fucked up. It's plain and simple.
But he's the actual good teacher
>Facepalm and CryBoy
I fucking love the nicknames people come up for the characters here
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>all might
>don't lose!
You just have to change and add "All Might, All for One and Midoriya Izuku" and it fits pretty damn well.
It could be like a more lackluster, charmless Smash spin-off... I've seen what bones has done before, it's not pretty.
thread theme for next chapter

Shiggy and The Madman were a staple before this fucker tried to force his own meme names
And I forgot, the "boost fire" would become "One for All" and the "Falcon Punch" would become All Might most powerful smash.
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How dare you talk shit on the symbol of justice in his time of sacrifice
Show some respect
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That sounds amazing
Quickly what will be the name of All Might's final punch?
nigger stop sperging out, people coming up with their own nicknames for characters isn't forcing memes, those nicknames appeared the same fucking way and no one called them forced meme names you retard
All american, Freedom
Star-spangled Smash
Someone needs to post this In the next chapter thread, shits emotional
Washington Haymaker
"All American"

Would fit perfectly since he's been shouting random state names all throughout the manga.
One for All
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>yfw All Might will be dead by the time he BTFO of Noumu in the anime

Sorry I triggered you senpai
Hori just loooves parallels.
If you don't think someone will save AM you're insane.

I can see torino dying and AM being moved to officially out of commission status
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Will Deku ever come up with his own attack names? American states are cool for an american looking hero but Izuku is a beta japanese kid.
>Wanting AM to live on as a withered tired husk instead of going out BTFO his arch nemesis

Denial is the first stage of grief anon
I actually do want him to die and deku to man up. I'm just saying, it's WSJ, and AM is very very popular, he won't die.
he came up with full cowl and deleware smash
Whatever happens I think AM will live long enough to have at least one last talk with deku

he needs to tell him about shigaraki so deku can try to drop that bomb on him later to heal him, and then it either works or he's like I don't even give a fuck and it cements him as firmly villain
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Goddamit Hori, you aren´t moe anymore.
It's going to be PLUS ULTRA or something involving the quote AND ONE FOR ALL. Torino even talked about pushing your limits.
Naming smashes after prefectures just means we'll get delays any time there's an earthquake.
What if he dies but comes back as one of those ghosts we saw at the sports festival to guide Izuku
I´m a bad person for wanting Tomura to become good, he is pretty much a victim, I don´t mean that he should the sasuke treatment and doesn´t pay for his crimes, he should stay a time in jail the correct amount and start over.
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I hate to break it you but
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No. I think the perfect outcome for the manga's story overall is AM dying next chapter, then only reappearing in the climactic final battle along with all other 8 OfA users when Deku's at his lowest point.
All Might said that those ghosts don´t any will, if anything, maybe AFO brother could have one and guide Deku through the lifes of all the holders in order.
You're an idiot

I can see a ghost mentor or "conscience swap" quirk that moves him to a doll or something comical.
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I feel like All Might just became the MC, or OfA is the MC somehow.
What if AFO doesn't kill All Might, but just takes back his portion of the OFA quirk?
And sometimes you turn out to be a better person than you think you are.
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>you're an idiot
how so?
it's been forshadowed that all might's going to die and chapter 59 solidified that fact, fastforward to chapter 92 and we see all might on his last leg
He can't unless it's done willingly remenber? It was like a counter against his own quirk, he can't forcefully take it.
This is not the time, Anon...
Save it for the anime thread.
Because characters "almost" (or actually) die all the fucking time in WSJ series and are still relevant plot wise.

I'm sure he'll die eventually, maybe when the series is 80%+ done.

Think about how many main characters have died in WSJ. I can only think of netero/jiraiya
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Am I fucked in the head for finding Momo hotter when she wears more clothes?
Well this chapter also showed us that all for one wants to make it the stage where all might will die so.....
I like fashionable women too.
>main character
If this was an anti-hero/villain based manga, you might ahve a point, but it's kind of the opposite.
I do too, but that's because I hate Momo's costume, I know it's designed that way because of her quirk, but I really don't like it. The belt and the book stand just rub me the wrong way.
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>itachi dies 5 times and is still relevant to the plot until literally the last handful of chapters

You get my point
probably the hypest ive been for shounenshit in a long time honestly, great chapter
you got some crazy doublespeak going on there
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Best Momo coming through
I don't even like Momo too much
>Shimura Nana
>SHIgaraki ToMURA

It's a good thing Horikoshi kept her name under wraps until literally last chapter, otherwise this shit would have been blown open ages ago.
which it is?
Have you forgotten about stain already
It's the first time in years that I get indignated, I cry and rage and cheer reading manga.
This is fucking bizarre.
Maybe... buf i think it's more like All.might gets weaker as deku gets stronger.
yare yare daze
AFO mindfucking All Might is fucking amazing- villain of the year.

"Ahahah, remember your master you get all indignant about when I mention her? And your crap about saving people with a smile?

I turned her grandson evil, then set him against you, and you kicked the shit out of him wearing that smile. You made him even more evil, you fuck up."

fuckin savage.
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I'm trying not to cry myself.
Punch his shit in All Might.

>be villian
>get BTFO by some quiaboo
>fucked my shit up with my own quirk
>won't stfu about it being a smug cunt

"Oh, what's this villian? I beat you with your own quirk? We'rent you supposed to be dangerous? That's rich!
that is way too fucking good
I can't remember, has All Might actually, physically, injured Tomura? I know he captured him and screwed with him but I don't remember All Might injuring him.
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The fact that all for one orchestrated this entire shit is great.

AFO is the best thing to happen in this series

He socked him one when he first arrived at USJ.
I thought Bakugou was gonna turn against All Might when he saw his weaker form. Glad to see I was wrong.
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So is this how everyone else saw this panel? Because this is how I saw it.
How does AfO even see, he has no eyes?
Tony Jay ;_;
How do they have super powers, they don't exist?
He got used to not having eyes like Crybaby Sakura from Garouden.
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im hoping for some sweater pups
Probably some kind of quirk?
You know what cohearence is? It ok for them to have superpowers because it's known that in the series universe people have superpowers, but I've never read that people could see without eyes in the man.
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>when you find out Uraraka's dub voice is Nami
We knew that Shimura was the last name of AM's mentor for a while now.
A narutard losing more of his mind.
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Kek I can actually see that happening.
You're worse than a speedreader cuck star
NukeLittle boy SMASH
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>All for One takes All Might's quirk that lets him pass down his strenghth
>He passes his power on to hand face in the ultimate revenge on All Might
He probably stole some bat guy's quirk and hears through sound.
Nana /ss/ fucking when?
>hears through sound

Great police work anon
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Stop sexualizing my grandma
Shota Might would be cute
By using Ragdolls quirk. This is clearly stated right before All Might arrives on how he detects him and why he wanted her quirk so bad.

>Search allows the user to monitor and observe up to 100 people at a time, including their location and weak points.
>no skeleton eyes

That's wrong.
>mfw All Might used to be a delinquent with a scary face until Nana set him back on the right path ala Onizuka-style
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Horikoshi said AM has shadow eyes because he's the symbol of peace no? Also didn't Toshinori say Nana raised him?
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>Not remembering based Kamina
>All Might died in Kamino


Eh, he waltzed around the issue, something along the lines of "His eyes are sunken in his skinny form because he's been reduced to a mere shadow of his former self" and in his Might form, "his eyes gets obscure in the shadow of his pride for being the symbol of peace"
It's a reference to Star Wars, Anon...
make america great again

The real reason is probably that he used to cry a lot and now his eyes always dark.
>because he's been reduced to a mere shadow of his former self
Would that be before his sensei got murdered? Will Deku get shadow eyes too?
Everyone here knows that Hori is a huge star wars fan

I just thought that the Kamina parallel is anything but a coincidence
nah it's because AfO eviscerated him and now he's chronically emaciated.
But on the video Deku watched 1000 times he already has shadow eyes.
>York New

I think you misspelled chimera ant



That would be neat to see. Monoma would copy his quirk and assume he's on even ground, so Bakugou bests him in skill level.
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I'll quote myself quoting Hori
>in his Might form, "his eyes get obscured in the shadow of his pride for being the symbol of peace"
The joke is he's a character with a lot of dramatic comic book shadowing.
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She needs him.
And that's enough reason for a true hero, anon.
I know Hori loves drawing AM vs OfA instead of the regular kids. You can feel the passion of something that hasn't been stretched for 500+ chapters
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Who are these two?
David Lodge
He's the dragon
Stars and Stripes
Who hype for funeral?
Some people assume freshman that will be coming to UA next semester.
>Endeavor sitting there trying not to grin
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>Implying it won't start an arc where Endeavor realizes how lonely it is to be at the top
greg was awesome as fuck.
they look bland as fuck so hopefully just random citizens
I see what you did there Hori.
>thinking that all for one can be forcibly taken
Deku's disciples
Mount Rushmore
You are like a literal definition of retarded. All Might's death has been foreshadowed for a long time. This is not the fucking Fairy Tail where the master almost dies for like 5 times and still survives like nothing.
Those are just the terms of OfA. There's nothing that said it can't be stolen by another quirk.
I really doubt we'll see any freshmen, there's still loads of characters from A and B who haven't done much, not to mention all the general, management and support classes.
He's class B's heavy hitter
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>Villains needed to break into UA to get the trip details for the 1st invasion
>Faculty already knew the details, students didn't

>The second trip
>Faculty knew the details, students learned it on arrival
>Villains didn't arrive until the 3rd night

The traitor is among them.
He's a shitstain but he's not that bad of a guy.
And upper classes
Or maybe one of AfO's henchman stayed in the school for spying.

>Day 31
>Still no sign of Invisitits.
He is that bad, but all might dying would be the checkmate, he's never beating him. I doubt he'd be happy
a student is the traitor?

could be the kids of the woman All Might is trying to save.
It's the second recommended student in class B
he even has the deku eye style down pat

Endeavor would be fucking pissed dude- someone killed his sole reason for being. He'll NEVER outshine All Might's image now.
>Grown woman instead of the little girl in trouble trope
Endeavor was so confident in his abilities that he thought he could upstage All Might with sheer power alone. All Might's death would crush him, because it would signify an opponent Endeavor could never beat. It would put a proverbial asterisk in front of Endeavor's new #1 ranking.
Deku + fat Deku lookalike teamup when?
I'm surprised there isn't more waifufagging over Nana.
It's gotten even more specific now. Thanks to the villains being caught off guard by All-Might it's someone who didn't know about the raid. That's narrowed it down to just Jirou, Hagakure, or someone from class B, as everyone else in class A knew about the tracker.
All Might would also immortalize himself as one of the greatest heroes of all time because of his selfless acts, something Endeavor would never be able to overcome.
>as of yet unseen #3 becomes the new #1 motivated by All Might's dead to try even harder
>Endeavor stays with nothing
Right now there are less panels with her than even with the most obscure class 1B girls like mushroom and ghost, give it time
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So is this how narutofags felt when the 3rd Hokage was fighting Orochimaru?

Or when Jiraiya was fighting Pain?

I must say, holy shit I can't hold my hype.
Isn't there a sleeping room scene where Shouto is missing?
Do you think we'll get a timeskip ever?

They've got to make Deku taller somehow
Hopefully only one at the end.
>Do you think we'll get a timeskip ever?
Depends if Horikoshi wants this to be a super long series. If he doesn't we'll probably skip to senior year at some point
>They've got to make Deku taller somehow
Fuck time skip. Training arc in Murrica when?
More like mysterious ethnic themed transfer students.
Technically we already had one, the training
Not that guy, but I always imagined that at the end of the journey Deku would be a tall and muscular gentleman à la All Might.
Though now that I think about it, I can't imagine Deku being muscular, it just looks wrong.
I meant make him look like an adult.
You think Todo is the traitor?
He does have motive, but he is a healed man now so I don't think it is him, he even has his own origin.
Louisiana Purchase

this too
He's just a 15 year old boy. His face and body will change somehow.
He'll just be a slender type of muscular
I hope not, I like the slice of life stuff a lot.

I do hope the ending will show everyone a few years further down the line.
He's already like that tho
Shonen protags tend to keep their baby faces even when they're adults
Nigga we haven't had SoL stuff since the tournament save for the one chapter where they arrived in the mountains

I was actually thinking the manga moved a bit too fast, there were no breathers inbetween the arcs.
Taller and muscular but not all might tank level
With the training arc cut short, I think it's done fully on purpose.
Kentucky Fried Smash!
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>that despair

AFO best villain.
I was thinking we'd get a breather this arc with everyone almost fucking dying and deku not being able to move but we jumped right back into action and into full hype mode.
My money is on little miss Max Stealth, for obvious reasons but also because of an underlying reason that sort of bugged me, but not enough to think on it further until traitor talk came up.

During USJ, she and IcyHot apparently got warped to the same area but she never let him know she was there. She had already experienced freezing in the previous test, and if AM reviewed their test she would have known Todo would have taken care to avoid hitting her with his AoE. Even though she did avoid the freezing, there was still no real reason not to give him a heads up. If she remained with him until he left the Zone, apparently all she did was watch him interrogate the scrubs in silence.
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Best student.

Prove me wrong.
Flashback Arc next chapter hopefully.
Nah, Deku had to get character development into escape routes after the shitfest that was the training camp. Besides, All Might's death has always been waiting to happen.
It's that girl who only ever says "nn", mark my words
It is pretty sketchy, the only thong I can think of was maybe she didn't think she could let him know without alerting the villians

why is he a dumb bird head if his power has nothing to do with being a bird head
Ex aequo with mindfuck-kun
One or both of his parents has a bird head
Because the author doesn't like drawing humans
Crows are associated with the night.
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And problem is that with All Might dying we'll enter a full despair arc for Deku where he only burrows holes in his room for multiple chapters until something snaps him out of it. Bakugou will likely also be quiet and brooding for some chapters but somehow pull himself out of his rut.
It's cool and silly at the same time, and it helps avoid the EDGY. A fully human would be way more boring as a design.

It'll be bakugou that snaps Midoriya out of his funk. Probably a righteous beatdown, screaming at him for turning into a pussy.
I feel like it's not quite Hori enough but lets say it does Who's it gonna be?
uraraka hasn't done anything for a while
Invisigirl is the traitor. She can slip in and out of UA without any problem.

your quirk is to control shadows.
would you fuck a bird head?
What does talking to animals have to do with having a rock formation for a face?
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I can't wait for him to taunt All Might with Deku.

>Say All might, is that cute kid from before your successor? What was his name? Midoriya-kun? I wonder what kind of face he is making right now
being invisible but only when naked is a terrible superhero power for anyone except sexual predators.
I just love how in most of the panels where he's fighting someone Deku looks fucking insane.
He's not called the madman for nothing
maybe rock face parent had a hot rock face

bird head is a bird head, like i cant even kiss... you have a beak...
I feel like a lot of this depends on if the bird head is the father or the mother
although considering tsuyu's family it's probably both and we're just not supposed to think too hard about how coincidental that is
So what's gonna happen, AfO gets defeated/chased off by All Might so All Might still "wins", but then All Might dies afterwards from a fatal blow?
He'll crush AfO's head between his hands. Miami Vice.

man, what are the chances of finding another frog person

and wanting to fuck it
If AfO survives this fight then it's safe to say Mamadeku is as good as dead given how merciless he is with family members of OfA users.
There are probably a lot of weirdly specific online dating sites in bnhaverse

I'd taunt All Might with the fact that Midoriya is going to end up just like him.

"You watched your master die and look what that drove you to. Look where you are now. What do you think'll happen to that boy?

I have a feeling him and I are going to be having this conversation again someday. Just a hunch."
bird cloaca
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So for how long do you think Deku is going to be depressed. This will hit him real hard because not only is AM his idol, he was also the first person to ever believe in him when nobody did, even his mother.

Deku has been too strong for too long
Yeah. Additionally she is the last class A student to still not have their quirk fully explained.
But does the father has the duck's dingdong?
I think it's worse than that.

All might chases him off but can no longer transform at all.

He then gets killed by some street level villain trying to make a name.
It has been confirmed that rockmom has a rockface
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That sounds dumb as shit.
I don't think a shonen manga would be that depressing, he needs a more dignified death than that.
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Oh shit... before ending that phrase I was imagining horrible depraved shit.
I need to get my head our of the gutter.

Deku's problem is that he's obsessed with All Might's image and not him as a person.

Like he wants to be "the cool hero who saves everyone with a smile", and he clings to All Might's "Symbol of Peace" ideal when:

1. No you don't need a "symbol". If the world as it is revolves around one dude and crumbles when he dies it's a shit world. EVERYONE needs to be better to make a better society.


2. All Might the man is cooler than All Might the image. It's more impressive that he does what he does when he's half dead and terrified by the pressure he's under, rather than him being some weird invulnerable hero golem who is never threatened by anything.

AFO is definitively going to die, he can't stay alive because no one on the hero side would be able to fight him.

All Might will probably die of his injuries, he can't instantly die against AFO in battle because if he does he and Deku can't have a touching moment as he dies.
With all this talk about weird hereditary shit that isnt quirk related, is it confirmed that Invisibility is her quirk? Could the Invisible body be something she got from her parents, and still have a completely unrelated quirk?
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Here's a Moe Might since we're on bump limit.

>this is how AfO will deliver the final blow on All Might
Think about it. The so called Symbol of Peace killed by some random D Class villain. Not an uber person like All For One but someone with a shitty quirk like shooting fingernails with spin added to them.

The world would never be the same as all of the illusions of heroes would be shattered. Not to the mention All Might's legacy would be forever tarnished. It's exactly what Afo would want.
I want doujins of Nana teaching All Might how to perform well in bed.
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Anon there's nothing around then, and i doubt any villain would be retarded enough to go rushing in there.

Other heroes are most likely on their way as well, going there just to get a shot a killing freaking all mighty even when he looks like that is just asking for it.
arrested by the cops. Heroes only started becoming a thing in All-might's time, there would have been more regulations on vigilante activity before then.
Everyone alreafy saw the one to weaken him is superstrong so it wouldn't go down that way anyway
Look up Ornifex from Dark Souls 2
>Can no longer transform
>Trips over his own shoelaces and dies
It's possible, most of the other people with mutations have an actual quirk in addition to it. If her invisibility wasn't a mutation she'd probably be able to turn it off.

>Deku SMASH!
Transparency is her quirk, whether or not making herself invisible is the only thing she can do is unknown.
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>all might will die next chapter
well, memes outside, it WAS the song for a hero going out in a blaze of glory.
Was her quirk confirmed in the databook? How do you know her quirk is "Transparency"? And, no, the wiki page does not count.
I know she had a 'tasteful nude' cover page with notes about her but I cant remember what chapter it was
It's from the databook.
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Shh no tears no more
only panic
pls post Blackbird God of the Night
we need more All moe
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>tfw All Might will never be your wife
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>All Might will die after a flashback and an emotional moment with Midoriya
>On chapter 100
but is she invisible... in all spectrums,

if she is, Now that's a powerful quirk
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>yfw next chapter is another cliffhanger
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But of course!
>tfw All Might delivers an official killing blow to AfO
>tfw AfO reveals that Deku will have to fight Nana's shitty grandson
>tfw this will be AfO final blow to All Might
>tfw All Might will try to tell Deku to find a way to save Nana's shitty grandson

AfO knew he was going to die, he just wanted to make All Might suffer more.
The difference between a good villain and a great one? The personal touches, and AfO was nothing but personal touches this chapter.
>they look bland as fuck
our protagonist looks bland as fuck and I don't see you complaining although he is supposed to look bland on purpose
>Shit talking Tusk
Fight me faggot
wait.. which one is the grandchild?
Shigaraki Tomura. Hand-on-face man.
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why is she so cute bros
o.k. that makes sense,
Endeavor is not even bad. He's just a bad father.

As far as bad fathers go though, he is extremely, bad. If the guy wasn't a walking nuke he'd probably be in jail, or at the very least child support would've taken his children.
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