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It all comes tumbling down http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/n

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It all comes tumbling down
It can't possibly be the entire manga in one film. How far into the plot do you think they will go?

>No casting for any Xing character
It's like some industry bigwigs meet in some dimly-lit, shady back room somewhere and agree that this year all the studios will collaborate on live-action versions of various anime properties.
Was the second Gantz movie any good? I only watched the first one and it was okay.
Talk about yellow-washing.
>Western fantasy setting battle manga getting animated again
Why can't they for once pick something they can actually make decent, like a Vagabond movie or something.
Studios everywhere are betting in successful IPs so they make bank. There's a fucking Angry Birds movie out there right now. For God's sake, Hollywood.
The actress who plays Winry is hot.

That said, a blonde, blue-eyed scandinavian chick would have been a better fit.
The second one was watchable as well.
>anime is about Japanese people
>it gets adapted by Americans starring white actors

>anime is about white people
>it gets adapted by Japanese starring Japanese actors

Every time
Did you actually read it?
who will be the dog girl?
xing characters played by white people.

The worlds entertainment industry is chicken shit and look bat shit crazy as fuck. Then again if it weren't so easy to convince morons to spend money on things with massive marketing campaigns I don't think they could pull this shit off.

This seems to be the new thing lately. It almost feels like a contingency just in case the anime market really does completely bottom out soon. I remember reading that the Erased movie did exponentially better financially than the anime did. I don't know if that's cause it was any better or just because most Japanese people don't take anime remotely seriously as a medium for obvious reasons.
Don't assume he can actually read, it's retard shaming.
Whats with this whole "revive a dead franchise" fad? First nasuverse, now this
The director is solid so there's some hope for decent movie.

They are probably going for the Kenshin movie deal. First movie to kick up plot and charcters. If it's successful they'll get contract for next two movies to wrap up the bigger plot. Honestly, it could work, somehow. Judging from the annoucned cast the first movie will most likely cover the story up to Hughes death with some changes and streamlining here and there.
>not white
>The director is solid
Sure, but going from Ping Pong to FMA is a pretty huge step.

>This seems to be the new thing lately. It almost feels like a contingency just in case the anime market really does completely bottom out soon.

Live action adaption aren't new at all, how fucking new are you? LA adaptions have nothing to do with the anime market, this stuff is put out by large multimedia companies.

/a/ is filled with new summer fags that doesn't know how the world works.


You're part of the masses too.
To be fair, there aren't exactly a ton of white people in Japan. Especially white people who speak Japanese fluently and are actors.
Mai Hime is next brother

FMA is still popular worldwide my friend

I want a fourth Kenshin with Enishi plz.
It's going to suck anyway. Why bother.
They should do what capeshit has been doing lately, just assume people are there because they already have a good idea of what the characters are all about. Might as well do a stand alone plot or something further along in the manga.
So is this american or what?
If it's just another jap live action movie of an anime then who cares, if it's american, then maybe we really are seeing hollywood shift from capeshit to anishit.
>Might as well do a stand alone plot or something further along in the manga
Well, Ed banged Winry and she popped out some babies, so I guess it would have to be about Mustang and his crew.
Can't you read the fucking article?

I don't get why this is so hard to do this. Being on the internet isn't a excuse to be dumb/lazy.
It's not like it was necessary to read either, the OP picture has Japanese actors in it. They're just being fucking retarded.
>market movie as FMA
>it's just an R rated love story between Hawkeye and Mustang

I wish I was still a ship fag.
>Full Metal
As long as the special effects are okay, I have hope.
To be fair, there aren't a lot of popular Japanese female actresses in the US.

Btw Fuck off to /pol/
That's a entirely different thing altogether. You could even say that's a consequence of the jew cronyism club. The popularity excuse is bullshit. They will cast newbie white actors/actresses, but asian is too much. Name Hollywood Death Note cast without googling their names. Name american Goku. You can't.
What were you expecting, if I may ask?
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A poster talking about the GitS shitstorm earlier this year literally described FMA as the next movie to get an adaptation, in a list of them which would bring anime to normies.

Jesus christ its real
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