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Thread replies: 438
Thread images: 113

Shots fired!

Family ruined!

Aliens invading!
And the prom is tommorow!
As a European that never had opportunity to experience a prom, did I miss much?
>hitting your kids

Bad parent indeed
More like why didn't you stop them?

Shit, mate. I'm quite surprised there's an actual repercussion from visiting a battlefield in this show. Lovely.

They'll probably come back some how though.

Not hitting your kids for insulting your husbando, demon please.
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Is that the Quake logo?
Sweet mother of Bill.

Those titties.
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As I european who didnt go to prom even when one was available

Probably not much anon,half of the people in my class didnt attend and school had to do a PSA because not every girl got a partner.

Girls generally were about 7-10/10
>Girls generally were about 7-10/10
So, they turned into lolis for the night?
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As a Eastern/Central European I had an oportunity once.

There was pretty good desu. But I overdose a vodka and I had to back home earlier.
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Fuck you for that picture. You did remind me.
I still don't understand why they didn't just name it Win Super or something.
It's not like they religiously named every windows with a number.
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Microsoft Windows Turbo Hyper Fighting
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Who's hoping for mommy doujins from Eroquis?
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An event where everyone attending transformed into lolis would be great.
>I on the other hand have successfully completed my mission
Spoiler :

They didn't die and got arrested because of the video leak
This is actually the reason why I didn't drop it at this episode. I thought that those two dumbassess will appear and being stupid in front of the MCs, but yeah what a surprise.
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Alien is AYYSAYYS?
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PA just can't resist the melodrama Im glad
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These are great.
Since Sotsu is part of production partner, i guess this show have high change to join SRW.
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Why is Kennosuke so adorable and entertaining?
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I want to rape this chubby girl.
Why couldn't she be the main heroine?
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Fucking Sluts.
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>Forced to wear a sock collar 24/7
>Make him go to the pool

Are they trying to kill him?
Your face when?
What's that niggah's story?
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Yukina still the cutest
You will never have a serious fight whilst clashing with popsicle sticks with Yukina. Ever.


Cheeky vulnerable girls are the best!
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this scene was so cute.

I want to do sparring with popsicle sticks with Yukina.
Well he like to wear it.
[gg] is alive again?
I want to do a lot of things to her.
I don't care in the slightest with Yukina or its stupid family drama.
Tutoring her to allow her to attend a top school so she can become an astronaut?
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>main heroine
I think that Mika would have made for the better female lead. The more fun option. And in many ways, more fitting with what PAW female leads tend to be like. Mika would probably try to soldier through, and put on a brave smiling face, while slowly getting traumatized on the inside, eventually leading to a blow-up.
That slap was definitely deserved. Well I can understand that Yukina doesn't wanna navigate anymore, but taking out frustration on her mother and (possibly) death father was uncalled for.
>Do you think those two guys are actually dead?
>How the hell should I know?
>*Everyone stairs*
>*He dives to get out of there*

Or alternatively he just drowned since black guys can't swim.
Mika will have her own cube mechs in the later episodes with samurai badass to even the playing field for Kennosuke and Yukina.
That was more about her parents never being around instead of the navigation thing.
Local mum not so tough after husband leaving.


I agree. Yukina doesn't realise how selfish she's being herself disregarding other's peoples situations.
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However, her habit of taking it on anyone around (whether it was father before or mim/MC now) is pretty serious flaw.
>basically takes care of the family while mom's out working
>literally no complaints until now
Yukina was wrong, but to say she's selfish is pretty stupid.

Yukina is actually quite good at throwing hurtful comments. Hit the weak point about the princess, her father, calling her father a liar to his face, etc. To be fair people can say things in the heat of the moment, but she's quite elite at it. Just blows up with her mother. While her mother actually did want to be on her side it ends up with her looking more like a more distant mother than before. Caught up in anger at her husband being talked badly of....and then slapping the one person she wanted to get along with here...
>No bodies seen

The classmates are probably still alive then.
They got beamed up to the spaceship
She would be motivated entirely by samurai lust.
I'm okay with that.
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She will get in the robot after a few more slaps.
Woah people are still watching this flop?
Your mom is a flop
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>watching anime based on how well they sell
Top lad.
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Post yfw the actual madmen actually go full NGE with the livestream kids really dead and lots of characters (such as the GAUS1 pilot) dying in the next few episodes.

Get in the fucking mecha Yukina.

I know fully well there's no chance it will happen
>the livestream kids really dead and lots of characters (such as the GAUS1 pilot) dying in the next few episodes.
How is that "full NGE"?
If anything, that's Sunrise.
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>Ancient aliens invade fucking samurais with mechs
>1 of their mechs gets jacked
>So they retreat for 450 years after 1 battle
>Nobody even knows which mech was hijacked until it shows up
>Claim they could just blow it up from the atmosphere
>Will proceed to sword fight it instead

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Are you underestimating the powers of the samurai again, Sam?
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PA works continues to save mecha
>Saving mecha
>3D mecha

Pick one.
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I'd give her a good English style caning too !
right after the slapping
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>YFW this happens to the Butler
Got to wonder what the hell happened in the rest of the world 450 years ago if they're going back to fucking Nevada and the middle of Russia to pick up their shit.
Are we meant to believe one robot in Japan thwarted a global attack?
Their current spaceship only appears to have a crew of 6, formerly 7.
Nevada was probably a more recent visit just exploring
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>Episode 8 preview.
>8. 白雪姫
>8. Snow White
And get brainwashed/held hostage.
oh shit they realized I am black
>As a European that never had opportunity to experience a prom, did I miss much?
the prom is just a school dance. Thats not what people are interested in. The point of PROM is the afterparty. Which when I was growing up was certainly the no.1 common event/night many american high schoolers loose their virginity.

I fell backwards into a 5 girls vs Me orgy junior year after prom (if it's possible for a surprise sex orgy to happen, got invited to an after prom party and showed up to find 5 girls waiting for me, and no one else there). 3 straight days of alcohol, illegal narcotics and sex. Didn't eat anything but pussy. It was fucking amazing.

The hilarious thing was monday morning after ~ showed up in school still hung over and coming down only to find out the whole school knew about it. Apparently the 5 girls spent all morning bragging to the school about the orgy and my big dick.
Nice fan fiction bro. Can I get a link to your tumblr?
Good thing it's made by PA Works then.

Also, read the whole sentence.
When is Major Tom going to free the shit out of that chinese sluts pussy with his bald eagle?
I read the whole sentence. It raises the question if you even watched NGE.
>Woah people are still watching this flop?
it's the best fun i've had watching a mecha since VVV.
More like PA Flops.
I heard NGE was a Zambot 3 clone and thought people on /a/ wouldn't know Zambot 3.
>Nice fan fiction bro. Can I get a link to your tumblr?
not fanfic. this was 20 years ago, fuck that makes me feel old. it was also back when I didn't know about the joy of 2d and wasn't completely jaded toward 3d. And no, my dick isn't particularly large, but those girls certainly were telling everyone who wanted to know that I was hung like a horse. Certainly did wonders for my popularity.
>Nearly 40 year old man posting lies on an anonymous chinese cartoon imageboard for no reason whatsoever.
Holy shit dude please seek help.
>I heard NGE was a Zambot 3 clone
So that's a no then.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
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samefag/weebshit shitposter


At current status this show won't flop, may even have decent-good sales.
The prices are a little high
There are six episodes per volume though, a lot more than typical BDs.
Why does she pretend to hate being a co-pilot so much? If she really didn't want to do it she could just say no.
>If she really didn't want to do it she could just say no.
Some people can't decide such a thing for themselves.
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She could have at least got herself a good deal for doing it.
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>lots of characters (such as the GAUS1 pilot)

Based Tom, 2 cool 2 live
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mmmh satisfaction
NGE was an Ideon clone. No one on /a/ knowing Zambot 3 is true though
Uhh, I thought WSO's IRL were actually trained to be able to fly if necessary as well?
Best girl.
Handy andy, she'd look good in spandy.
This image is fierce.
thats not chinese pilot though
Can't be. He can swim.
It's being sold in boxes not singles
Why do you think he went under anon? He only forgot that he was for a second.
Fair enough.
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RealityRush shitposter pls
Actually RR here.... you realize I'm not the one that only says WSO nor the one that came up with it first.... you keep false-flagging me as like 5000 other shitposters for some bizarre reason.
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Why is he so perfect?
Why is he so harsh?

She's a lil schoolgirl, goddammit America.
This is why the world hates you.

And that guy's Chinese Waifu also disapproves.
Are they fucking?

haha, fuckin' nips
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I believe it.
>Burger fixating on an obsolete standard

modern long rod 125mm, as used by the Armata's 2A82 or China's new Type 99A2 guns are much more superior.
i cant believe i wasted 1 minute of my time reading that and replying
I bet they like to cuddle.
Is he really foul mouthed, or is [gg] exaggerating in the translations?
He's very foul-mouthed.
gg isn't exaggerating a lot, merely adjusting his rudeness to English.
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It's basically his defining character trait.

And it's pretty amusing because everyone else in the unit acts like they got a stick up their ass, but they can't do anything about it because he's the superior officer.

Pretty based.
... they don't realize her entire role in the mecha is support? She sits in the back seat and warns Ken when shit is coming. There is nothing wrong with being a support character.
I'm pretty sure she'll get more active when she grows a pair.
Her entire job can't just be telling Kenny to watch his flanks all the time.
>Her entire job can't just be telling Kenny to watch his flanks all the time.
It'd get super boring if that's all she did, so I seriously doubt that's as far as she progresses. You're probably right.
This show is still going to be talked about in 10 years.
Your first mecha anime?
Does that 'demon' kennonuske drew a few episodes ago resemble any of the helmets that we've seen so far?
The guy with the sword in the OP.
My guess is that it's the one in the OP.
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This advised is the fuel of boners.
Damn this contraption.
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Maybe I should install such an early warning system on my bike too.
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Kennosuke pls
Oh yeah of course
So is he the thing in that spooky photo then? Did they say when that was taken?
>kennonosuke thinks yukinas mother is a phone
>her mother is always forgetting about the phone and leaving it behind
>just like her duties as a mother
Don't waste your time! Kuromukuro fanbase is not formed by Mecha fans.
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Shes probably one of the most accurate 15 year old anime girls portrayed in recent anime. She is finally given freedom and responsibility to determine her destiny in a place and time in human history that will ensure that her actions will matter and have weight, and she uses all 15 minutes of fame to throw an attention pity party for herself.

For example, she isn't actually conflicted by the fact that the demons are actually enemy human combatants. She is just throwing shit out there as excuses to be right. In fact, she is more of an asshole than the usual male asshole tropey mecha teammate - literally shitting on the memory of the dead to try to win an argument.

If she could pilot the geoframe all by herself, she would turn into a monster of the week supervillain who would be purified by the power of Pretty Cure.
Those girls are great. God bless free swimming lessons.
>remember how I turned down some average girl who asked me go to the prom because she felt like a booby prize

I'm done with this board. Going to watch anime in peace.

I like how the on-site XOs generally don't give a shit about what he does because he gets results, even if he ends up driving smugschoolgirl into depressing with his (rightful) backhand comments.
>eventually leading to a blow-up.
I want to blow up inside of her if you know what I mean.
Explain further.
Worst mother of the decade
>neglects her two young daughters
>probably spends less than an hour a week with them and knows nothing about them
>forces her high school aged daughter to spend all her free time being a slave solider for her pet project
>daughter is millimetres away from having a bus sized sword through her skull thanks to her
>slaps her when she tries to tell her what's worrying her

The only good thing she did was not make her get back in the robot after almost being killed.

Megumin, NO
>when u in the pool and everyone hopin u can swim
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Yukina Did Nothing Wrong
Those slutty bikinis are nice

She was right to slap her, though. Part of Yukina's character flaw is she is a coddled millennial. Instead of turning her bullying into a pedestal to transcend adversity, she just stews in it and can't be bothered to make the effort to get out of it. That in turn created a really shitty personality trait in her, whereby she thinks she can just fling shit at the people around her because it was done to her.

On the flip side, its made her a shockingly honest Japanese person. I mean, her opinions are at best self-fellating and at worse absolutely toxic bullshit but at least she speaks her mind so that people know theres actually something going on with her and that she needs some actual honest help.
Sounds like any modern mother, especially single moms.
More like Saki YES.

Professor Mom bails Yukina out of trouble every chance she gets, despite knowing that Yukina is a godawful slacker who would probably elect to drop out of college and watch TV in her house as a NEET for the rest of her days. If anything, she cares about Yukina too much to to discipline her correclty and to let her experience adversity. Her first instinct to the alien invasion was to keep Yukina out of the pilot's seat.

Its fine if Yukina think her dad was a horrible person for essentially abandoning his family in favor of being Indiana Jones, but Yukina can't be allowed to keep thinking that her shitty behavior can be constantly excused by it.

They don't seem to be invading rather after some unknown objects.

It could be that it takes 450 years to get there (space is big) and they were somehow wiped out by another alien group.

If their advanced party was wiped out on the far frontier they wouldn't exactly get any reports if they are all dead. Although who was erasing the history books/people after is a big question.

They never claimed they could blow it up from orbit one of them floated the idea but then they said they could not blow it up so why bother trying. "We couldn't possibly drop enough to destroy Glongur". Although given it probably takes at least a few mega-nukes to destroy a mech them bombarding japan would probably wipe out at least the major cities if they felt like it.

Sword fights bypass the energy shields which block almost everything including nukes.

You can't teach someone who doesn't want to put in the work.
She's 18.
>despite knowing that Yukina is a godawful slacker who would probably elect to drop out of college and watch TV in her house as a NEET for the rest of her days

From where did you get that idea

The explanations could literally be anything from hibernation period to exploratory party to bounty hunters completing a mission targeting rogue colonists that is centuries old. The most important development is that their first response to the loss of their team member was to put out misinformation.

Its almost as if they 100% expect the people of Earth to be so stupid and backwards that they would give up the robot and buy the "harbingers of peace" line. And if the anime is going in its current direction (JAPAN BEST COUNTRY), then that makes them geniuses because the entire world is going to bully Japan into giving up the giant robot.

Her current behavior

>given the chance to defend all 7 billion people of Earth
>makes meatballs instead
Fuck this girls. What about the guys=
Check the kuromukuro threads from MAL/AnimeSuki/Reddit.
Check the AZ threads from MAL/AnimeSuki/Reddit.

you'll find that.......
Shes taking care of the whole fucking family you know?

They would starve without her
Shes a good housewife
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Gross rape of culturally different dumplings.
Those are dumplings lad.
Fuck off, NGE is pretentious trash.
yeah because her job isn's saving humanity which directly relates to the well-being of her daughters.
Sounds like you've got mommy issues yourself and projecting it onto this show
females don't age mentally beyond 15

They are not lying about anything the robot is confirmed to be stolen (how, why are unknown but it was mentioned in the meeting at the start of the episode) and at least they didn't say or else we will blow up one world monument an hour.

Giving it up would be stupid however given its the only real point of strength humans have. It is probably more along the lines that some countries would want to negotiate while other would want to fight. They already stated this by saying the UN security council is divided although their terse email reply to literally everyone will probably cause more problems obviously.

What is interesting is that it really does seem like the alien's advanced party was wiped out as they don't know anything about what happened and don't know who/how/when the mech was stolen. But earlier the father mentioned that some group was systematically erasing Ken's clan from history both literally and in the history books but what group is doing this given both the advanced party and Ken's clan was wiped out.

Another issue is there may be more then one alien group as Ken is surprised that the aliens are human sized and the old BW photo has an alien (demon) that is >8ft tall complete with a cape. (Which may even have been around way back before Ken was put into stasis). None of the aliens in the ship are that tall not to mention they just got here.

The father also mentioned evil demons (evil aliens) that would eat (devour) humans but then later says he is going off to make friends with demons (aliens) to bring gifts back. Is he talking about the same aliens/demons or two different groups.
She does pretty much everything a mother would be doing for 3 other people on top of going to school and doing homework and now she has to work another job for zero pay. I don't see how she can be called a slacker, it would be stressful for most people let alone a teenage girl.

She does it because she chose to. Her mother entrusted her with those duties because those are all the duties Yukina was willing to accept. Shopping at the supermarket instead of acing that test? Thats totally something Yukina chose to do. Her mother knows Yukina is capable of more, but Yukina refuses to do more. That is part of her problem.
While everything else is questionable, I think Yukina is absolutely right for bitching about her father.

I mean your daughter, not even 10 years old, gets bullied at school because of you and tells you to fuck off during an emotional high and you actually do it? What the fuck is wrong with you? Did you even consider how that would fuck her up?
Her dad was trying to find proof for her so she would stop getting bullied. He's a role model.
Why didn't he just beat up those kids bullying her or at least reassure her that what those kids say is bullshit.
Yeah, why didn't that adult man just beat up those small children? What an irresponsible parent.
>you will never be the cool dad that beats up the school bullies in front of everyone
If he knew that going would possibly get him killed or at least stuck on another planet/dimension why did he go in the first place?
>What an irresponsible parent.
Pretty sure abandoning your family to go find out if demons are real is the very definition of irresponsible.
How can you say you love your kids if you won't even beat up their bullies?

I like your post, just wanted to add a few things

1. They wouldn't know what locations are the monuments, seeing as how they see everything on the planet as a complete joke save the "stolen" robot.
2. They did put out possible implications that the "stolen" suit was the big cause for their invasion, and that hostilities might cease if the geoframe were returned to the "harbingers of peace". Not exactly lying, but structuring their diplomatic message in such a way as to incentivize the return of the geoframe despite how it is seemingly humanity's only practical form of defense against the "demons" at the moment.

This diplomatic recourse pretty much takes the effort out of the invasion if humanity collectively figures that submission is preferably to extinction. After all, the world's nuclear powers have already realized their entire arsenal (sans experimental giant robot suits) is nigh useless against these monstrosities. It was effectively the smartest decision they could have made, out of all possible options.
What if the dad was caught and brainwashed by the aliens and he's the final boss?

If I had to bet, he probably wouldn't be brainwashed and would probably be the herald of the "main" alien invasion which will come midseason. After all, Earth is supposedly a colony of an extraterrestrial organization and its inclusion into some all powerful space empire would rapidly accelerate Terran development in virtually all sectors of global society.
Shit got all valvrave too.

Because the mission was greater than him. If lore spoke of an epic struggle which determined the fate of all Japan or possibly even all of Asia, then he would probably figure that it was some super serious shadow war shit.
>Father is crazy and abandons you
>Mother is never there and doesn't listen to you
>Samurai guy is a nuisance who's only using you to get revenge for his dead clan
>Force to participate in a conflict you never wanted to be involved with to begin
>People give you shit for not wanting to risk your life against crazy suicidal aliens

Its been a while since an MC has a legit reason to not GET IN THE FUCKING ROBOT. It's a lot of ask from a teenager who's already dealing with shit from peers because of her family's work on a daily basis and considering she was literally kidnapped into piloting it seems pretty unfair to pressure her by pulling the "you're saving humanity" card when everyone's has already set their minds on doing this longer than she has.
Then why did he choose to leave literally the moment his daughter told him to go away if he'd already known about that struggle?

Does anyone else feel like the characters faces are just weirdly small? Not the heads, just the faces.
they're just Asian that's all
Not the faces, just the mouths.

>another NIPPON STRONK animu

oh well, at least the robots are neat.
Once they mass-produce Glongur's sword, glorious Nihon won't be the only one capable of fighting back.

Can't rush your flight.


I watch for Ken and for the awesome battle choreography. I think Ken is one of the most interesting mecha protagonists this decade. He is adapting to modern society and technologies at an amazing rate. If he continues being this noble and dedicated to completing his mission, he could even be analogous to Captain America.


>mass produce swords
>attach them to jet fighters
>ram them into alien robots

Sounds like a plan.
Especially since she barely escaped death from that sword through the cockpit last time. I don't get why people are shitting on her so much.
>jousting with jets
Sounds like a very familiar scenario.

If she has PTSD, she needs to open up about her experiences. Right now shes just taking it out on everybody without seeking actual help. No, her core problem is she isn't used to responsibility. It wasn't the blood shed which bothered her, it was the fact that she had to be one of the two people in the entire world to do it. She is absolutely dying to have Ken agree with her point of view so she can win an argument.
>getting rid of what makes the main characters special and different

Just like how in Gundam they always mass produced the main characters mecha and gave it to everyone else amirite

> I think Ken is one of the most interesting mecha protagonists this decade. He is adapting to modern society and technologies at an amazing rate. If he continues being this noble and dedicated to completing his mission, he could even be analogous to Captain America.

Please. Its just another "we need bushido to teach us the errors of our modern ways. Its a dime a dozen theme in anime.
Fuck, I love this slut. Would date.

No, they said kinetic bombardment wouldn't work. I'm pretty sure the force fields are just a plot point so we can have sword fights whilst giving an excuse why we don't destroy them for afar.

>Please. Its just another "we need bushido to teach us the errors of our modern ways. Its a dime a dozen theme in anime.

After the last batch of genius bullshit gary stus brainstorming their way past hordes of absolute space retards like they're the forgotten bastard children of MacGuyver, a bushido guy is a breath of fresh air.
>Just like how in Gundam they always mass produced the main characters mecha and gave it to everyone else amirite
Does the GM not count?
I liked how Kennosuke was complaining about them being "almost naked" while blushing furiously. He should have fucked the three bikini gals right there.

Finding monuments is pretty easy just shoot the big cities and your bound to hit a monument at some point they don't seem to be that type of alien invader though. They do seem to know how to use email funnily enough since that is how they sent the message in 195 languages. Presumably they have access to the internet by intercepting satcom links since they are sending emails maybe next time they will use twitter/youtube/.... as email is so old school although I guess you don't need to register an email address to send something if you have your own email server. With that and knowing 195 world languages it would be pretty easy to find out where the monuments are on Google or as the show writes Galoo (probably a twist on Yahoo).

They didn't really explain or say anything other than give us back our property which of course could be misunderstood as why they are here but the UN already knows they are after particular gravity anomalies (Area 51, probably is the show hinting at even more ancient/other alien stuff) they just don't know what exactly they are looking for and why. Obviously the macguffins the aliens are after are probably pretty important.

It is rather logical and peaceful to send a the blunt email though I doubt the earth would entirely want to give up on the spot as that would show great weakness and the aliens would probably just ignore humanity get what they want and do whatever follows that. Although not giving up probably means more fighting which is likely where the show will go obviously but I think it has been dropping hints left and right that things are not as simple as it appears.

Even the first episode starts off with the teacher saying her dreams are a pipe dream buried deep underground and the dreams are of space. (The mech was found deep underground digging a pipe and the origins are clearly from deep space)
My dick, liberation when?

He's a real hero.

Not when they immediately make new special Gundams that are better.

Do you seriously think the Ken's mecha is going to be equaled in this?

better start quick then. Old Tom's time with us is probably already half over.
Do you expect a stressed out teenage girl to know how to deal with all these things? If I were in her position I can't imagine myself acting that much different from her.
He'll make to it to the end.
He has to. True American heroes never die.

Technically Japan gave it up to the UN long ago so it is more Earth strong. Appropriate given Ronald Reagan did make a statement to the UN saying "Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. "

Having it set in Japan is reasonable given it is Japanese anime after all. Not every member of the UN security council in their universe is for negotiating and technically not considering diplomacy and fighting would be illogical.

The force fields not working on slow moving objects is a logical weakness though as a force field that would stop even slow moving low energy actions would block the air and interfere with movement. (It would probably use a ton of energy and be a ball of energy at that point)


Instead of suicide jets guided rocket swords would probably work although you probably have to slow the sword down just before impact to bypass the shield as a supersonic rocket sword would be blocked.
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>Do you seriously think the Ken's mecha is going to be equaled in this?
No. I'm not the guy you were responding to originally, I just wanted to point out that the Gundam was, in fact, mass produced in some capacity. I could see them doing something similar here, just to let the rest of the UN join in on the party.

Either your idea of stress tolerance is hilariously insulting to the capability of human beings, or Yukina operates on a short fuse. Its probably the latter, owing to her teenage bitch tendencies.
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Good joke. At least, with any luck, he'll go out in style. He's good as dead though, safe bet is episode 12.
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I know I shouldn't reply weebshit shitposter but Yukina is not the MC.
>Right now shes just taking it out on everybody without seeking actual help. No, her core problem is she isn't used to responsibility
She literally takes care of her sister and uncle, if she wasn't there her sister will would eat nothing but crap every night.

> It wasn't the blood shed which bothered her, it was the fact that she had to be one of the two people in the entire world to do it.

She was all fine with piloting it until she saw that the demons they were fighting are human, Ken has killed a lot of humans so it means nothing to him but the whole experience is new to Yukina and she isn't cut out for it. The problem is that nobody gives a shit about her situation or the dangers of sending a teenager to fight a battle she never sign up for, her mother definitely cares but their relationship was already strained years ago and while Ken tries his best to cheer her up he is far too honest to mince words to make her feel better because his intention is suing her for revenge and it doesn't help that Yukina is pretty self-absorbed herself even if we understand why she doesn't want to fight it seems that she's lashing out for entirely personal reasons.
>she needs to open up about her experiences.
You mean like she tried to do with her mo- wait.
GMs are pretty shit
They got the job done.
They'll live on in my heart.
>Having it set in Japan is reasonable given it is Japanese anime after all

Obviously. Just that NIPPON STRONK isn't exactly their most fresh theme.

>Technically Japan gave it up to the UN long ago so it is more Earth strong

Except that its piloted by two Japanese teenagers, one of whom is literal samurai who manages to slay the foe and become the sole beacon of hope while the rest of the world flounders. Didn't they literally say that this last episode? That Japan (or the mech) is humanities sole beacon of hope or something of that nature?

You're fooling yourself if you don't think this is anything but nationalistic rah-rahing. That doesn't make it bad, but it is what it is.

Oh I'm sure they will, they'll just make a point of it to tell or show us that they are just inferior copies.
I hope we get more banter between these two.
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>Yukina is not the MC.
Go be stupid somewhere else.
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Hey there shitposter. How's your day been?
sometimes I like to finger cantaloupe
His son is missing, but he still goes to work.

Those machines aren't going to kill aliens without maintenance.

What a hero.

Cutest Japanophile, would give her the sabot, if you know what I mean.
Why is she such a shortstack?
Or just use big ass caliber hyper slow projectiles.
I want to grope her titties.
All the advertising paints Ken as the MC, but hasn't Yukina had like double he screen time at this point? The show is almost always focused on her problems over Ken. He's usually reacting to her in some way. At this point think it's fair to call her the MC for at least what we've seen so far, no?

Maybe Ken gets a bigger part later on though.
don't encourage the shitposter anon.
just ignore him
>her sister will would eat nothing but crap every night.

Uncle would cook or they would just order food. They aren't exactly poor, so it wouldn't be a problem. She probably likes cooking or something like that, there's no real need for he to cook. Having a hobby is not equal to being responsible.

Its the reality of the current market. Most of the market demographic would not tune in just for Ken, and a tragic moping moeblob schoolgirl is more sympathetic than a tragic moping samurai relic.
>Just that NIPPON STRONK isn't exactly their most fresh theme.

But is it NIPPON STRONK if it's UN forces that are kicking ass, not Japanese forces? Also, 3/4 of the GAUSS pilots are not Japanese and they saved Kennosuke's ass last episode. Are you retarded or only pretending?
>Uncle would cook or they would just order food
Her sister was begging to come back because the food her uncle serves is shit and she was concerned at what type of food she consumes.

> She probably likes cooking or something like that, there's no real need for he to cook. Having a hobby is not equal to being responsible.
Nothing really implies anything of the sort. She took over maternal duties because her mom is always business and sucks at that stuff. She also does all the shopping as well so it is her responsibility and not just something she likes to do.
>All the advertising paints Ken as the MC
It's all three of them.

It is a UN japan facility of course it is going to be Japanese mainly. Nationalistic rah-rahing would be Japan breaks off from the UN and becomes a super power and then takes over the alien empire and then rules over earth. (not what is happening in the show)

Obviously the show is for the Japanese audience being set in Japan and having Japanese main characters but that doesn't mean it is a political Japan is strong message.

Compared to GATE where the Japanese military leads the way and every other nation is basically evil that is nationalistic rah rah.


Dropping a small mountain slowly on a mech would probably just trap it. Other question is how exactly are you going to get a hyper massive projectile to move hyper slowly and still hit its target.

Most projectiles even the largest caliber if slowed to the speed of a sword swing would cause next to no damage.
Wasn't making Yukina a co-pilot just a matter of the box shooting some device into her brain stem from the back? Why do the characters just assume that it can't do that to multiple people?
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Its robot found in Japan, piloted by two japanese teenagers, that fights with katanas, and are flat out told pic related.

The Gauss were just there to clear the way so they could fight the real, most dangerous foe. One of the gauss pilots is a literal weeaboo.

I'm not criticizing you anon, I'm (lightly) poking fun at a tired anime trope. You don't need to leap to its defense like its a maiden in need.
I'm not sure if cooking instead of learning is really what you call responsible? She just found an excuse to be "useful"/not do stuff she's actually supposed to do (learn). Uncle can't cook so sister wouldn't starve. She would suffer for some time not eating delicious meals and eventually he would get better / they would start ordering stuff.
The Kuromukuro has the biometrics of the princess, Yukina is related to her so no one else can take the seat. They already tried and didnt budge.

Apparently he doesn't understand what UN means. In universe not only is japan sharing the technology they are allowing the UN to run the place and the only reason it is based in japan is just because of chance (plot and better for marketing but not a political nationalistic thing)

Until recently they couldn't study the sword tech and that is why they can't effectively fight back world wide.
RealityRush shitposter pls
RealityRush is a SAOfag
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>Completed: 89
>If she really didn't want to do it she could just say no.
She did retard,
>driving a teenager to depression by essentially stating "GIT GOOD"
You're misusing the term. NIPPON STRONK means glorifying Japan and their soldiers, inventors and so on (see GATE). There's nothing of the sort here. It's just a coincidence that the first mech princess stole landed in Japan.

They probably need the service manual from the aliens. I doubt they are going to give them that information. (Press the reset/retrain button?)

Practically speaking it would be a very poor security system if anyone else could be linked in after one was already assigned. This of course leads to the question of how was it stolen in the first place. (A question they already asked but Ken doesn't know the answer to)
>Most projectiles even the largest caliber if slowed to the speed of a sword swing would cause next to no damage.
With enough mass they would probably fuck the mech up.

>Dropping a small mountain slowly on a mech would probably just trap it.
And when trapped just use cutting equipment and mech is destroyed.
You realise we can tell its you every post you make rught?

The media are sensationalizing the geoframe. The two mecha robots have also put in some good work, even if they have only taken out grunts so far. Whatever advantage the "demons" have is at best razor thin. Mankind has the industrial power to build the necessary countermeasures, but Earth primarily America needs more time. The Kuromukuro will buy that time.
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>Not hitting your kids for insulting your husbando, demon please.

stupid dad being stupid and stupid mom defending her stupid husband.

sounds like every family out there.
>Moeblob: You came to tell me to get in the robot?
>Mother: No, not really, I'm not gonna force you.
>Moeblob: I don't want to be the world saving hero. You only care about yourself. I hate my dad.
(Which has nothing to do with matter at hand and is not Mother's fault, but whatever)
>Audience: She's on your side. Why the fuck are you arguing?

A real human bean. Such a deep and complicated personality. Deeply rooted in the reality of everyday normal retarded sub 90 IQ high school girl.
I appreciated the fact that she stood up for her daughter here. Should have done more to convey that to Yukina when she got home.

Pretty fucked that they'd basically conscript a high school girl to fight aliens to the death. I wonder how Samurai kun will convince her.

He will save yukina's ass again, see >>141816643
Why >>141816643 give us a fake title anyway, it's not like the official site doesn't comes with actual episode 8 title.
We just do not want her to become female Shinji.
It would be better if she releases all the rage she have on the life over the enemy.

Also since she is not Main Character nor Main Cast or heroine, how should we call her?
She is heroine.

I don't really see how it is feasible for the humans to drop a small mountain on a mech it isn't like they have ultra-tractor beams.

If you took a tank shell and hit someone with it moving at an ultra low speed it would do nothing as it has no impact force as velocity is much more important than a projectiles mass. Even a ship crashing into a dock doesn't do that much damage (way bigger than any calibre of bullet).


Also the other problem is a slow projectile is easy to dodge. A high speed sword strapped to a guided rocket could deliver a sword/pointy tip faster than a mech could react and slow the blade down at the last moment. This system would be light weight and easy to mass produce.

Trying to use ultra-massive ultra-slow projectiles is going to be pointless not to mention impossible.
fuck off, She is being protected by its Snow White's plot armor
That's weird because like the entire Kuromukuro post last night you idiots kept flagging other people as me ;P
>If you took a tank shell and hit someone with it moving at an ultra low speed it would do nothing as it has no impact force as velocity is much more important than a projectiles mass.
I know it, I specifically wrote
>With enough mass they would probably fuck the mech up.
>enough mass
They would need to make some new weapon.

>Even a ship crashing into a dock doesn't do that much damage (way bigger than any calibre of bullet).
What are you on, pal? It's disastrous if a big ship is moving at speed of 15-20 km/h. Such impact would fuck the mech up unless it is build from magic metal. The one you posted was nowhere near that speed.

>A high speed sword strapped to a guided rocket could deliver a sword/pointy tip faster than a mech could react and slow the blade down at the last moment.
Is even better.
8. 黒鷺の城
8. Castle of the Eastern Reef Heron
He save yukina's ass, it's true

The mechs are built of magic nanomachine metal. Metal that can both regenerate and take a ton of damage even without the shield. How exactly you get a massive big ship to crash into a mech on dry land is questionable as well. Arguably it would be easier to get the ship there via a massive explosion although I doubt the bits would be moving slowly. No helicopter, rocket, ... is going to rapidly move and slowly drop a ship on a mech. Not even the aliens tractor beam appears to be big enough to work on massive ship objects.

A guided sword rocket while technically complex would be much easier to make. ground to space weapons would be even easier since you just have to match their relative velocity without needing any deceleration system. Only problem is that humans don't have the anti-nanite tech yet so copying the swords would be the first step so the show has it thought out as the larger swords also appear to need some sort of power source.
What is she thinking of?
Shit, I fucked it up
How much she misses her husband's huge dong.
So the wso thing is a bad thing now when the shitposter made it into his vocabulary? Thats just stupid. Just dont start joining his samefagging printscreen images and posts from whatever site hes on.
They look like good peoples. How did they raise a pervert who flouted the law?

Just ignore him. Co-pilot, navigator, WSO, etc. are all viable terms.
He sees Yukina's point and was just saying those things to free her of this burden by trying to keep her away
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Why are P.A. Works moms so shit?
>They look like good peoples. How did they raise a pervert who flouted the law?
This show is full of top tier parenting.
It's really not NIPPON STRONK. The ace pilots of the show are American and French, and they do a fairly great job at taking down enemies. The samurai's only advantage is having stolen alien tech.
You will never have a live and death orgy with these lovely ladies.
Filming disasters, and getting way too close to the action is pretty realistic so I guess real world parenting isn't very good.


6 PoVs with many more out there some PoVs are probably lost because they were killed in the explosion and their phones were lost in the fire. Also since the second explosion was larger in that real world disaster some of the PoVs knocked out would have possibly died as well. Like a moth to a flame I guess.

Filming disasters is normal nowadays even if it is stupid. This dashcam user in real life has the right idea of nope, back away slowly from the same explosion.


Which is what the two guys should have been doing when the fight rained down debris when they were far away but instead they wanted to get closer. They deserved to die if they are dead.

Their whole get closer and closer was irritating but when they might have been caught in the blast made it all worth the irritation. Hopefully their ashes have been vaporized. (not likely but one can hope for the worst).
I felt pretty bad for titty sensei here.

She also must have been reflecting on lost opportunities of love.
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I'm fine with just Mika, thanks.
>coddled millennial
>shitty parents who are never around, one of which simply left out of nowhere
>mother tries to act like an actual mother when it's convienent to her
>forced to take care of the family on her own
The only thing she got handed to her is what I'm assuming was entrance to the school. Then again, that place is full of plenty of retards so it's hard to tell whether it's anything special.
Who are you quoting?
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Anyone else expecting a time-loop like Buddy Complex?

Yuukina in present will go back in time to be the princess in the past abd the father was trying to save her/look for her in the artifacts the whole time which is why he didn't care about being called a liar?
The father already said he was looking to befriend some demons (aliens) probably because evil demons (evil aliens) were going to come back. How he planned on doing this and how he even learned of this information is unknown.

Not sure why there would be time travel involved as nothing really hints at this.
The princess looking almost exactly like Yukina so much so Ken would confuse her for it just screams it for me at least.
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>what was left of this relationship is down the drain
I feel bad for her unlike I did for Shinji.
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He did it!

He got the picture! May his soul rest in peace.

I fucking love Mika, would date.
Yes she does look very similar but in the flashbacks the princess asks questions Yukina would not as I'm pretty sure even though she has poor grades she at least knows what is across the river/ocean even if it was in the far past. So the princess does not remotely appear to have the same memories which would make them totally different people for all intensive purposes.

If you memory wipe/alter someone in time travel then your essentially killing them and putting another person in the same body. It could easily be coincidence she looks very similar so that the introductions would be smoothed over at the start of the series.
>What are bloodlines
The only thing that's obvious is that Yukina is the princess' descendant.
Could explain how the family has information no one else has access to maybe they passed it down the generations and whatever wiped out the clan and erased all the history books missed it since they ran and kept the information unpublished.

The show seems to hint at another alien party (evil demons) being involved long ago as if the current aliens advanced party was actually wiped out and the clan was also wiped out some other group would have to stick around to erase the history books and kill any remaining survivors to the point where neither the humans or just arrived aliens have much information on what happened back then.
Their is the delinquent not the pervert.
This alien slut sounds hot.

Hope we see her without the mask. Would demonstrate Terran hospitality.
Huh, the GAUS modules were built internationally.
And all because of her gender, I bet.
Well even that male alien is looks her tits.
What do you think their motives are?

They mentioned a 'hinge' which I presume they found in Area 51 and 'corner' stone they're still looking for and were concerned with how much humanity knows.
While her parents deserve some criticism for not parenting enough Yukina sure turned out to be a self-centered brat.
Another episode Sophie shits on Yukina and she is too much of a pussy or idiot to respond back. Someone needs to tell that blond little shit to fuck off. I don't care if she is cute, she has been nothing but a massive cunt the entire show.
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I enjoy the music on these parts.
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He is answering your own shitposting.
Holy shit, RealityRush shitposter is back.
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Zeon had to cut the budget for the invaders eh
This reminds me of Majestic Prince
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>tfw didn't go to swim class because im disgusting fat
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This is how you kill a thread, by spoiling shit.
Good job faggots. Why do I even bother with this place anymore. It's clearly overrun by shitstains like you
RealityRush pls
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>referring to eceleb cancer
It's like I'm on /V/
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I came here to laugh at that, good job anon.
good job anon.
anon to report him or just ignore him
It's not like Ken really needs Yukina as a WSO.

All she's done is verbally warn him. Having Tom and Sophie as wingmen with direct comms would be better.
Parents who beat their children are the worst scum.
Should have been the first thing you told Yukina, mum.

Beating yes, a slap is fine. That one was also well deserved.
Fug, the things I would do with/to her.
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RealityRush shitposter.
Stop the shitposting!
They're annoying.
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If only she had been the one Kennosuke kidnapped.

She'll be an absolute madman as a WSO.

Dead aliens everywhere and sex appeal everywhere.
What the fuck is a WSO?
Do you really think so? Everything about her screams friend side character to me.
Do you people have downs? I am RR, me, right here, literally none of the people you are referring to are my posts. Not a single one. Jesus christ you people are idiots, now I remember why I avoided this cancerous place for a while.

>What the fuck is a WSO?
Weapons System Officer. In two man jets it is the guy that sits in the back and normally helps with navigation and weapons so the pilot can focus on, well, piloting.
I would pay for her tuition.
I'd make daily deposits for her if you know what I mean.
I want /m/ to fuck off.
I want to take her out to a nice restaraunt
shitposter RealityRush.
You doesn't know when to stop

shitposter RealityRush ( >>141824396 ), see >>141824396
it could have been held anywhere but the UN let Japan keep hold of it when it really should have been moved to america when they realised it was a weapon, area 51 wasn't a bad guess.
>One of the best shows of the season
>Threads are dead
Is this what happens when it's not on crunchyroll?
I want /m/ to stay.
The newfags won. Streaming has become the norm. No one wants to torrent or XDCC or do anything of the sort because they don't want to be labelled a pirate. They'd rather use some shitty app than go through all the trouble of managing files because that's what this world has come to.
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You are literally the stupidest fuck I've ever seen. I'm done responding to your jabs after this shit. Here's proof of your fucking autism. Notice 2 of the three that were actually me were the ones where I told you? Gtfo with your "samefag" bullshit you stupid attention whoring faggot.
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Inia Sestina
hi RealityRush
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So...Is Yukina a female version of Shinji?
What's the veredict?
She's not nearly as good as Shinji.
Fug, is torrenting really dying?
Both cooks and clean the house.

Still shit but 10 times better than Gendo.
At least she cares about the daughter.
Also she doesn't plan to fuck up the world like Gendo what wants to resurrect the fiancée by destroying the world.

>Did everything wrong.
Shinji fucked up the world more than once due to lack of lucky and cristal ball to see the future traps, a crystal ball what everyone, including me, should have.

She is near to fuck up the world just by not doing her job as an key of the robot.
She have to do it.
Her feelings is the least of the least important.
It's her duty to be a tool for the fight, she must embrace it even if it means throw to trash her morality or her soul.

tl;dr She is 75% Female Shinji.
No, streaming took the place of ddl.

More like the only sub is a memesub group and the show is about 3DCG mecha. I personally don't mind but I can see why this wouldn't be too popular here.
>>141865175 >>141863500

There are some shit called traffic shaping in the country I live.
Mega and stuff is hard to get traffic shaped but p2p is easy.

Also nowadays streamings have graphics 2 times better than 90s analog TV transmissions.
It's not an ultra mega HD cinema but you can watch without having to buy an latest nvidia GTX 1080.
Not the top but decent.

Also there are still gazillions of people under 15Mbits/s on internet.
There are still people with less than 2TB HDD.

Streaming is useful, not the best but easy.
>3DCG mecha
For a moment I forgot here is /a/ and not /m/.
I like the actual direction of anime 3d is going.

Most of then are trying to mimic 2D aspects instead to try to turn it photorealistic.

I dunno why hate this movement.
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Hey guys what's going on in this thr-

Never mind.
Because photorealistic 3DCG with drawn 2D is ugly, and full 3DCG is uncanny.

I wish they'd rather go for stuff like in Etotama with a clear plot reason as to why they switch to 3DCG (moe form).
Cgi helps make some of the action scenes a lot smoother too for a much lower cost. Not every studio can be Sunrise.

That means a kickass, well-choreographed fight scene every few episodes rather than one or two in the whole series.
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Etotama had some nice 3DCG.
Looking for even more ancient macguffins related to the gravity control technology. Given a corner stone can mean a foundation of sorts and the hinge stones are parts presumably they are rebuilding something.

My random guess which could easily be total wrong is that they are trying to build a precursor type gravity control gate because many systems used to have them but they fell out of orbit long ago when the ancient civ collapsed or something along those lines. (the locations are neatly spread around the planet so if it is all part of one assembly it could easily have fallen out of orbit and scattered across the planet)

Also it is unclear if the clan really did win since they were all wiped out and erased from history with their stolen mech buried deep underground. Add that the aliens consider their own advanced party back then to have been wiped out may indicate there is a third party involved.
Obviously Aki Toyosaki
But illegal streamshit sites upload it anyway
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None of them is Yukina's father.

Yukina's father
>白羽岳人(しらはね たけひと)
Takehito (Takehito Shirahane)
>CV:大川 透
Voiced by: Tōru Ōkawa
Let's see what kind of comments getting translated.
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Her calling the monk nii-san was cute.

It's not every day you see parents interact with their siblings on shows.
I hope they're skipping the retarded shitposting this series has inexplicably attracted
Seems the translator didn't.
I can't believe there's one guy who's so mad about the term WSO.

I know where I've seen those guys before.
I can kind of understand where Yukina's coming from.

Being bullied at school is fine by itself. You can get over that pretty easily. Home is a bit different. Home is supposed to be your safe haven. If you're at home and every time you try to open up about something you get shut down before you can even get a complete thought out, or worse, laughed at when you do it just sends a strong message that not even your family cares what you think. You start to feel worthless and you carry that feeling with you into all aspects of life. It takes a while to pull yourself out of that rut too since you can't even rely on the people close to you.

I think once Yukina does pull herself out of that rut though, she'll be great.
Yukina handled that a bit weird, when she said mum didn't understand her problems. She didn't explain and just went 'see, you don't know jack shit' and then just went on a tirade about her dad.
Death flags are gonna rise like the sun for Yukina mom's
Fair enough. Though I thought was pretty spot on for when you so much you want to say because it built up for so long. It all just comes pouring out and you don't even think of making it coherent.
How awesome If they had still secure Area 51 right now. I hope we see an Area 51 arc when Yukina and Kennosuke travels to the US.
It would, be more likely the aliens will come to them.

Also, the mech is 300 tonnes. It's not easy to transport, quickly and safely. Put that on a ship and if the ship goes down, RIP.
hi RealityRush
Good lord.
Well the mech can teleport right unless they could acquire from a third or fourth party.

We should see mecha formed gunslinger with a cowboy and miss america from the past help a hand.
Who will be the first character to die?
Yukina mom might bite the dust

it's 50/50 percent chance. death flags will grow even more when the series progresses.
The gravity control system does let the mechs float/walk on water although it would still take forever to walk/run across the ocean regardless.

Since they can't fly it would be very slow to transport the mech. Maybe if they had a super rocket they could do it but 300 tonnes is going to make that one expensive trip.

They would need to use a similar system the aliens are using to be able to rapidly launch across the planet (gravity tractor up, drop from orbit).

Their rail gun launcher doesn't appear to be big enough to launch everywhere on the planet not to mention it has no method to retrieve the mechs even if it could.

Although I do hope they don't just stay in the one city forever as that would get boring.
Hopefully Yukina so the show will be better and the shitposting will end.
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Yukina is the worst girl on this show, even worse than that cunt Sophie.
Without yukina there's no samurai robots.

Yukina is acting like shinji so she can grow and adapt as a person. In her future is some sort of trauma which convinces her that it's worth fighting.
Probably one of her friends will die, or perhaps she finds out that the missing boys are dead.
>Was too poor to go to prom

Well whatever

Yukina is just a normal girl who does not want to fight life or death battles, who hates both her parents for having to do their job.

Sophie is a bitch who lets her butler change her diapers.

>Not liking Sophie

How is this possible?
I mean, she is a massive cunt. It's not hard to hate her. If her nose was any higher she'd probably run out of oxygen.
Will we get more nice shots of the mom?
Likely ext episode.
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Japan has such a small nigger population, they don't even know that they can't swim.
Well Spainish isn't even white in this show.
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I'd give her a 120mm sabot up the arse, if you know what I mean.

>Shinji is a Pilot
Yukina is a navigator

> Evangelion Unit-01 is piloted by Shinji
kuromukuro is piloted by Kenny

>Shinji's role in the mecha is pilot as Kenny, He controls the Mech's movements as Kenny. He uses their abilities (instincts, techniques, strategies, intelligence) to defeat and kill all of the enemies with her own hands as Kenny.
Yukina's role in the mecha is support, She sits in the back seat and warns Ken when shit is coming. Inside the Mech, Yukina is a support character.

>Shinji's problem is that he can't form relationships. Sh*t happened to Shinji every time he tried to do something right. Shinji never got a break imo.
Yukina's problem is that she is a stupid spoiled teen without a focus. She can't handle adversity.
Her mother and father were prob top in their fields and dad even switched fields which is not easy to do under normal situations.
She has an extended family giving her a safe and comfortable lifestyle. Her mother occasionally comes home. She can't handle her mother's successes as she prob won't be able to top her in the same field.
She whines and complains. Then, she tops off everything by calling her dad a jerk for sticking to his guns. She didn't consider that her dad could be dead. Or...that he was right as they are in the middle of an invasion and people have to retract what they said about him now. It's all about her lifestyle has been changed. She's not used to responsibiities.
Humans have killed humans in war for a very long time. The situation isn't different. Now, the humans are in space.
Her mother did not hit her hard enough in my opinion.

Yukina is not a female Shinji imo.
tl;dr She is 0% Female Shinji.
I like Yukina.
She would also suck the dick of everybody in the UN.
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>short, blonde, flat girl
Pls boner.
What the fuck is up with all the ESLfaggotry in this thread?
But what do you expect?
Yukina's fanbase is not formed by mecha fans
Or, you know, maybe it's not as good as you think.
They're weebshit shitposters (MALfags, AnimeSukifags, redditards)
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No twintails tho.
So how exactly do the aliens contact Earth and prove it?

Radio, and localisation to determine it's space origin or they just start up a twitter account?
I see her mothers favorite show must haven been Gundam back in the days
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Enough hair for really short twintails, making her look even more like a little girl.
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If only they added more detail to the feet.

Shit they're going to kill the mother to force her to get in the fucking robot aren't they?
Yukina will never be your WSO, calling out contacts and telling you what course of action to take when she gets good.

Hey look it's the RealityRush shitposter
The UN is kinda dirty but they will dealt the cards unless Yukina mother won't do a damn thing to make her daughter become a huge asset for them.

The last episode shows the domino effect coming in place.
No, Kennosuke will continue to do that for her mother's sake.
delusional anon, Stop the fanwank

Well I meant the writers in general. It doesn't have to be the UN to kill her.
Literally who
"Now I have to prepare dinner alone!"
It can go either way the demons might have to kidnap Yukina mom's and will probably out of spite with the humans as an act of total war.

If the writers won't pull it off later instead of sooner then fuck this series.
I do not want to be the protagonist's relation or friend when they suddenly refuse to save the world
>playing an important role
Only in jap media ever.
Then either get /m/ mods, or find someway to keep crossboarders from shitting up /m/ threads. They only come here when /a/ has better /m/ threads than /m/ does.
Have we seen China and Seb do anything?

What are their roles in a battle?
Honestly Kissanime is great for streaming. Just you wait, Kissanime will become a legal alternative one of these days.

not that I stream, but it's much better than what I had to deal with back in the day
Navigators. Same as Yukina. They sit in the back and warn the pilot about shit.
Inia still gets my dick hard everytime.

I find it amusing that Tom and Sophie expect Yukina, a normal high school girl to willingly accept being conscripted and thrust into battle against aliens with a clear threat to life and limb.

No initiation, no training. Nope, go to school and we'll pick you up when the aliens come knocking.
Tom doesn't expect that of her, he talks about how he gets what she was saying. He was being overly mean to her precisely to keep her away from what she doesn't want to do.
Are you sure? He understood her point of view, but I think his original statement still stood.

I don't see any implication he intended his words to keep her away. He said it'll be nice if things could have been avoided without a fight.
Could it be that aliens are right?
Maybe they weren't the one to invade Earth before and just came back for some stuff and their machine which was stolen by princess.
And samurai is so bent on revenge that refuses to acknowledge them as anything but enemies.
>acting like shinji
Is NGE literally the only teen-angst show you've watched? jesus fuck man it makes me worry for this board. They're not alike at all
Where's this from?
well it's pretty selfish not sacrificing yourself for humanity. The entirety of humanity includes you.
It's one of few prominent teen-angst shows involving one of the MCs in the cockpit of a giant robot doing battle with alien foes. It's pretty analogous.

Yukina isn't exactly Shinji, but they share a lot of traits. Shitty parents/upbringing. Forced into battle against their will. Inexperienced and weak. The only real difference honestly is that Yukina isn't the lone pilot and her one parental figure actually didn't try to force her in.
Don't forget, no post mission support and care at all, even when it's obvious you're mentally cracking and depressed. Nope, just sent home to make dinner and then have a talk with worlds best mom.
Well there are some similarities, but they are thoroughly superfluous into point it doesn't even matter.
Don't encourage the weebshit shitposter.
NGE is pretentious trash, its surface level fetish-pandering harem.
They sent it by email the message arrived in their gmail for business inbox presumably they have tapped into satcom datalinks to transmit which even today are not very well encrypted as the technical equipment required is very expensive and you would be detected pretty fast. If someone is emailing everyone on the planet or is sending the UN emails in 195 languages you probably know they mean business or are a crazy spammer. A twitter account would require registration maybe they don't want spam and internet comments. Emails can be sent just by reverse engineering the protocol through observation of internet traffic.

The aliens that just arrived don't seem to know what happened way back and it seem very likely there is another alien group that wiped out both the advanced party and Ken's clan. Not only that some group also erased everything out of human history books somehow. Technically though they did "invade" earth by landing here without approval. (Not that back then humans could even detect that) At least that is what it seems like.
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