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Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

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Thread replies: 424
Thread images: 106

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Episode 4 preview: https://youtu.be/Ang5CPmtwgo

After having a needed exposition episode, looks like we're getting back to the frantic rhythm of episode 2.

Do you guys think that WIT will make this art style their "thing", just like Trigger has its characteristic "pretty-colours" style?
I hope they remain consistent. This show has the makings of a real winner.
I'm not a fan of those smudgy looking eyes, they look like someone just photoshoped a photo in there, looks dirty.
But they are beautiful, anon.
I think that style will be exclusive for Kabaneri, since its creation is pretty much a dream team built specifically for the project.
It's not as exciting without Guy Jean's masculine voice-over.
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But if Kabaneri becomes a success, WIT might convince Haruhiko with that juicy Amazon money they have now
No sound?
The amount of retards that attached to this shit is astounding
Seems to have dropped a layer of shading in some of those scenes.
WIT doesn't have any of Amazon's money, you fucking retard. Amazon paid Fuji TV to have exclusive rights to stream their noitamina shows.
WIT has nothing to do with Amazon's and Fuji TV's deal.
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>Do you guys think that WIT will make this art style their "thing"
I really hope so or that it catches on to other studios, Is it costly to do? I think it looks beautiful, It has a old look with a modern twist to it.

Shame they used it on such a shit show.

>Amazon money

Enough with this meme.
The deal still brought a lot money to WIT. This show has high budget quality all over it anon.
You're the retard. If I work for a company and go buy stuff out of my wages, where do you think that money came from? Amazon are paying Fuji TV a large amount of money, and partly with that money Fuji is giving WIT a rather larger budget than normal for a 1 cour show.
Jesus christ, you guys really knows nothing about the anime industry. Educate yourselves.
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How much is this thing going to cost?

Do I need to sell my car and live without food for a month?
I need Max Power's voice or it doesn't work for me anymore.

Holy shit, this looks good (art wise). It's like an old anime shading style, I'm surprised this is recent. A fag is away from /a/ for two years and things like these happen, amazing.

Is this show decent, though?
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Yeah, it's pretty good.
It has some of the best potential of the season.

Whether it lives up to that potential is yet to be seen.
>convincing a barely-active 60-year-old to join you full-time for some reason
>with money that doesn't exist
Yeah, no.
I'm excited to start watching this. It's like the only good thing I've seen on the catalog since apparently now naruto threads are "okay".
I see. I'll give it a try, I can only dream for more decent art (with no CGI) and stories to come out and maybe occasional yuri.
This truly is the Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
Mikimoto (Macross, Gunbuster) is the character designer.
I thought the first two episodes were fantastic, I haven't been this interested in an original anime in years.
I fucking knew it, hype.
>Do you guys think that WIT will make this art style their "thing"
Nah, they're only doing this because of Mikimoto designs. WIT wants to make it look old-school mixed with modern technology hence those touched-up shots.
We really are.. Kabeneri of the Iron Fortress.
>We really were the Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

Jesus Christ, really WIT?
I still don't understand this meme. Is it something from the Chink Ep. 2?
Can someone explain this meme to me?

Is this a /tv/ thing again?
Just watched episode 3. Why is the blonde guy with the curly hair and face goggles speaking Japanese with an accent? Did they hire a white guy or something?
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>Do you guys think that WIT will make this art style their "thing", just like Trigger has its characteristic "pretty-colours" style?
Man I really hope so
Although WIT's "pretty colors" style also looks really nice. As long as they keep it varied I don't really mind
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Is it confirmed that Ikoma fainted because all his blood went to his dick after getting aroused with the sweet scent of Ayame-sama?
It's a joke on how Hollywood keeps doing title drops.

>You have no idea what you've just started, Captain America. Civil War has begun!
Yeah. That's also how he avoided the virus. The auto-erotic asphyxiation cause all the blood to go to his dick then too.
For the god knows how manyth time, in the world of Kabaneri, Europe fell to the kabane first and Japan wasn't closed off to the rest of the world. So lots of survivors from Europe travelled eastwards to escape the kabane and ended up in Japan.
Yes, he's a gaijin.
>Do you guys think that WIT will make this art style their "thing", just like Trigger has its characteristic "pretty-colours" style?
No, why would you think that?
It's a steampunk anime set in an alternative feudal Japan mixed with victorian era stuff.

The gaijin who understands steam trains and speaks english probably comes with the kit.
Wishful thinking, anon.

I'm loving this style, and I would like to see more of it in the future.
Is there a name for this art style, or is it something new?

Mumei best girl.
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Does this mean that his dick is a rock solid immortal iron-blooded monster then?
Will Mumei be able to handle it?
Ah, gotcha. Thanks.
I don't think so, but the digital colouring is reminiscent of Kou Yoshinari's approach to digital processing.
It's mainly just five tone shading.
I thought it might be related to that, I just wondered if the cause was anything specific rather than a trend in the industry.
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It'll take hours of foreplay before she's ready to take his spicy trouser habanero.
>Will Mumei be able to handle it?
She's a big girl.
>Do you guys think that WIT will make this art style their "thing"

I doubt Mikimoto will produce designs for all of their shows
early 90s style and shading with modern digital coloring
It's just a question of whether WIT want this artstyle or not.

Mikimoto might not make more stuff for them, but their other artists can simply "learn" the style and draw like that.
Mumei is shit, I'm pretty close to dropping the series because of her.
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you the type who like this type right ??
what moeshit to watch this season btw?
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Wow, just because the dude isn't into the type of eyes you are pretty triggered against the entire "moe" anime series? Pretty childish, isn't it?
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Calm down anon.

Are you a Kabane for being so angry?
>lacks empathy
>best girl
Empathy is for suckers.
Should I pick this up?

I'd get it if this was MAL or something but I just see nothing in particular that is special enough about this show warrant the crown of laurels /a/ wants to put on it. This show is to /a/ what Erased is to MAL

Its honestly too late for them. I doubt they care anyway but they still feel entitled to chest thump their opinions across which is where the problem is
Sure, it's been pretty good so far.

What do you expect from the current anime fanbase mutual respect for other people's opinions or something?
I expect non-retards to realize a comment about EYES doesn't mean shit about whether you like moe or not.
(and that even if they liked moe stuff, it's still irrelevant to the discussion of this show)
be honest you like moeshit do you?
same moeshit lover
MAL is /A/ is nippon. They all shit taster, niglets. As expected from colored degenerates, amirite?
Jesus man did a moeshitter hit your mum or something
Just wait until he upgrades it to be steam-powered.
Is she gonna get vulvaraped?
>it became like a needle!
See, now you're trying to dismiss the point and disguise it as a different thing so you try to get your tantrum across. Fuck, you're pathetic. Thanks for proving me right, child.
No. This man will put that monster down.
Is mal the new bogeyman? What happend to sending people back to lebbit?
it's not rape if she wants it.
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you dismiss the point that you like moeshit do you?
so you like moeshit yes or no?
unable to reply to something this simple ? fuck you're pathetic !!
you prove me right too !! child
No. Unlike Haruto, Ikoma can just tell his bloodlust to fuck off. He'll need to since there's no Eru Erufu in this show.
>Beautiful animation
/a/ seems forget that Thunderbolt anime exist.
Don't get me wrong, I love KoTIF art style too, but Thunderbolt is also godly.
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Jesus Christ newfag, calm your tits. Like I said, no matter how much you try to disguise your tantrum as an argument switch over, you're going to wreck yourself to oblivion in the end. You're a fucking child throwing a tantrum over someone's opinions about EYES.
She might be his new blood bank since it seems like kabaneri need blood to survive.
Sounds like a mexicunt trying to sound like a threat but just ending up showing his true colors: a kid who's butthurt over an opinion.
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But how is he going to drink her blood without hurting poor Ayame-sama?
Looked it up. Hey, that looks pretty good.
was saying since he dislike this type of eye he like the moeshit type eye and im right
im not angry, the way you call me a kids
( im not) prove you are the one butthurt
and you are probably a moeshit lover
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>tfw you will never be spicy
That scrub hasn't shot a damn thing.
>a kids
Just stop. Troll or not, this is cringeworthy to even read. Kill yourself and stop annoying everyone here, no one likes your ass, illiterate mexicunt.
What the fuck. Leave.
dont like you either, kill yourself you
im happy and my life fine, fuck off moeshit>>140967026
no you
can someone explain this

habanero is the first animu i've watched in years so I have not kept up on the dank memes
Best part was, nobody said whether they liked moe or not. You're fucking embarrassing and refuse to admit you're fucking digging yourself in a deep, deep hole.

In other words, just fucking kill yourself already, newfag. No one cares about your obsession with moe anime. The fact that you can't even type in basic English should be enough for you to get the fuck out of here.
Some chick got raped in a mecha anime. I didn't watch it but it was a big deal when it happened, /a/ got wet over it.
Why do you still think you're relevant? Just leave like you were told.
>Some chick got raped in a mecha anime.
>Implying that was rape.
What's the best subgroup for this show?
Anon. This is an anonymous board. Just stop posting your dumb shit and nobody will remember the things you said.

It's alright to back down.
why the vulva part though. i can't imagine whatever it was was THAT explicit unless there's mecha hentai

wait now I totally want mecha hentai. first we will fight in the robots and then I will fuck the loser.
moeshit got many fans
who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?
fuck off
Kabaneri eyes are pretty moe themselves

Just look at this >>140965782 >>140964602
Horriblesubs publish "their" version a few hours after it's aired on Japan.

There's a fansub group making it too if you don't like official subs. But their release takes more time
Oh shit.
Because the anime name is valrave, it's a "funny", anon.
Holy fucking shit, just take your 9gaggery with you and leave, stupid mexicunt child.
Valrave*, my bad.
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Ikoma is the moest GAR MC I ever saw.

did /a/ always do this name-shenanigan shit? Habanero of the Spicy Fortress still cracks me up at random times.
Valvrave. I need sleep.
Sometimes, I have recently gotten back here too, after two years. Last time I was active here was when Akuma no Riddle aired.
Not him, But which one have the best quality video? The one that I download looks like complete crap.

Should I waiting for the BD?
The child is you, and im not leaving just because you sai so, you don own this foro.
I think the last time I came here was actually for SnK but all my initial hype just melted away. I got to the point where "OMG HE'S A TITAN" and realized I just didn't care.

so I'm pretty hype for "hey we're doing that again but y'know, GOOD this time". fingers crossed anyway.
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Jabroni of the Iron Locker

thanks anon who came up with that one
BD tooks too long.

Maybe you watched episode 2 by AnonSubs? That version was a chinese leak with shit quality.

There are only 2 groups releasing it that I know. I always download HS, so I don't know which one looks better.

Who invited this newfaggot?
Canyonero of the Iron 4 Wheel Drive
Some of the background zombies are cgi, and the train/railroad is frequently cgi.

They've done a good job with where they use it though. It never sticks out like a sore thumb to distract your attention.
god that chinese sub. I lost my shit but also tapped out at

>lacks empathy

You can see why she's everyone's best girl here.
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Same, anon, same. I'll cross fingers with you. Finished downloading the 3 episodes just now, time to watch.
I tolerate background stuff, I guess. I'm expecting some episodes where the quality decreases (nearly all anime ever) and then increases again, but overall I'm excited.
yeah the one that have chinese sub in it.

Okay then, HS it is.
I not a newfaggot faggot, ive been her since 2013.
Fucking lol
Oh my god tit princess is alive! No way!! I never expected this to happen!!! My heart was really pounding this episode!!!!
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I didn't post this. Holy shit, the switching shit still happens.
And the best part is that it's still not true, but who gives a shit. Kill yourself.
>ive been her since 2013

Well, that's actually what I call a newfaggot, newfaggot. Lurk more before posting, and also learn some english.
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Who would've thought that this cuttie was Kurusu's sister?

That was the real twist of this episode.
I actually have access to amazon prime but I think I may go back to torrenting it anyway because their web player is just god awful. I keep having to trick it into streaming the proper HD despite having a connection that could torrent it faster than they could possibly buffer it.

and god forbid you bump the mouse, so much visual garbage comes up

and yes, that's it open in chrome because it refuses to recognize silverlight in firefox despite the fact that netflix works just fine

so if any anons are actually contemplating getting prime just for this, yeah, don't.
That's scary to look at, anon.
That's kinda disapointing, anon
and maybe it's autistic to get so mad over this shit but there isn't even an option to turn on HD. there's a little slider between "SD" and "Auto" and you just have to hope it decides you're worthy of the video quality you paid for

there is a workaround by fucking with the URL so I guess you can hope that it works for you
Samurai family don't do dirty job
You are nobody to say to me what i have to do, i will post when i want, and mi english is well.
At this point I'm just taking it as bait, because no one can be this retarded unironically.
Take it as you want, they was the first that start attack me, i just respond to them to defend me.
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Why is this anime so good, yet so memeable? Truly AOTS.
Fuck off. You're a shitty attempt of a troll, go ask somewhere else for attention.

Seeing Kajika at the same social rank as Ikoma and Takumi, you can see that he comes from a humble background. That explains his inferiority complex and his need to protect Ayame-sama at all costs.
>no one can be this retarded unironically

>This thread

Holy shit, Habanerofags confirmed as the most retarded of the season. Especially this one >>140964583
*fanbase of the season
Just because we had a troll storming the thread, it doesn't mean the fanbase sucks.
What studio actually put that in the final product thinking it was ok? Or is that a shop?
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Why are you fucks derailing this thread?

Let's talk about Kabaneri for fucks sake!
I'm dropping the show, it looked interesting, but barely any story progression or character development was had since episode 1.

Also I really hate No-name, they just made her hard to predict so they could use her to add some forced conflict on scenes, for no real reason other than "tension lol".

This will probably be the "What could've been" anime of the season.
What's there to talk about? The show is edgy shit.

Apparently her name is Mumei, probably the subs fucked me or whatever, point is fuck the bitch.
I'm curious to see how Ayame's going to get out of being chomped by Zombie Ikoma. It's nice that while Mumei may be an unparalleled fighter she is garbage at simple shit like explaining to a newly minted kabaneri to watch out for blood loss or he might become an uncontrollable zombie.

Also now that I think about it Ikoma is probably a replacement shield for the white robed monk guy who hung with Mumei and had to suicide bag himself back in episode one.
She was his sister? Since when?
edgy shit = another word used by moeshit lover
Ikoma is moe, anon. If you hate moe you cannot watch this show.
Maybe Ikoma is going to regain conciousness in the last moment.

That or Kurusu will shoot him and make everything awkward.
Daily reminder that this anime is being targetted by IRC, and it's the reason why we have so much shitposting and falseflagging in these threads.

Just ignore them.
that fine they are not doing ''cute thing''

and ep 3 was not a beach ep
it was mentioned when she admonished him for trying to grab some food with his grubby little samurai hands.
Mumei means no-name.
Does she have aspergers? Is she autistic? She beats up Ikoma any chance she gets and is a total fucking cunt. Worst girl confirmed in episode 3.

You need a character to generate generic tension anon, the series has two of those so far.
John means "Graced by Yahweh"
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See pic related, anon.

For an exposition episode it was pretty good. I'm really liking the pacing of this anime.
Do it for him, anon. Ikoma is worth it.
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>Is she autistic?

>Exceptionally good at one task to the point of neglecting most other things.

>Preoccupied with simple games.

>Incapable of basic social interactions.

>Requires a handler or guardian.

Maybe so.

Bur anon, the Kabaneri threads have always been full of spics, since the very beginning. The edge attracts them. That alone make these threads the most retarded ones on /a/ right now, along with the Jojo and Mayoiga ones.

>tamest shit I've ever seen

Is this edgy by today's anime standards?
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He's either shitposting, or trying way too hard to fit in and hide the fact that he's probably only watched 10 series in his entire life.
I'd volunteer to feed her.
''edge attracts them''

moeshit retard

''moeshit attract them''
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i watched more anime that the numbers of nigger you're mom fucked, over 100
So it's the former then. Thanks champ.
Hey, I think you got the wrong door, the Kabane club's two blocks down.
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Is it normal that I want to slip my hand under her kimono and never let go?
I would ask why, but then I remember where I am.
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Fuck off Habane. Only humans are allowed.
But she's only 12!
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Are habaneros even native to japan?
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Even better.

Too bad she's poorly written and has shit personality.
The reason why these threads attrack this much of shitposting is because this is the normalfag show of the season, as simple as that.
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Mumei is a little rough around the edges, but she's the perfect one for me.
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Baka mitai.

There are better characters with that trope around.

At least she'll be good for porn I guess.
She might have a shit personality, but she isn't poorly written.
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Give her a break, she's only 12. A few years and I'm sure she'll develop an amazing personality.
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I'm ok with her personality so far, I like that she doesn't give a fuck. Moralfaggotry gets boring.

Well, is pretty clear to me that Munmei is the only reason to watch this shit show.
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I agree.

No, she's overly mysterious for no reason, the way she chooses to reveal(or not to reveal) information is a cheap way to inject tension to scenes.

Literally all tension resulted from her are created because she chooses to be super obtuse about everything and doesn't know how to comunicate like a human being.

Instead of writing genuine tension they just made a crazy bitch so that they can pull out that card at any time.
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>implying we're not self-inserting as Ikoma
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I'm definitely feeling it, but not in the plot. If you know what i mean.
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Ikoma is a gentle lover
Don't engage shitposters. They'll burn out if you don't respond to them.
Anyone get Valvrave vibes from that scene where MC pushes down hime-sama?
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>Mumei will never drink your bodily fluids

Don't respond to criticism, it's always shitposting!
>You will never drink Mumei's bodily fluids
Is she really his sister?

Somebody shop semen around her lips.


Trips wasted on a shitpost.
This is too spicy.
How are they wrong? Does the show not have a large budget?
Yeah this anime is dead on arrival
>She's only 12 years old

Is this show trying to make me a pedo or what?
But we already saw that he's into some kinky stuff

I'm pretty sure this was a mistranslation.
Well he's a bushi and she just casually smacked him, so they probably have some kind of relationship.
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Erotic S&M asphyxiation doujins when?
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nothing to explain, just troll doing their thing.
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I mean, I could be wrong. Japanese is really vague. What Kajika said was
"A body you received from [your/our/a] Mother!"
The bracketed part is omitted, so it could be any one of them. You're supposed to figure it out with context, and there's not much to work with here.

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From the context, I definitely felt the sibling relationship especially since she mentioned お母さん.
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>mfw when habaneros are used for sexual
Saged, reported, hidden, called the cops, called the Fire Department, called pizza hut, called the USN, called the Royal Navy, called the Red Army, called the FBI. called the CIA, called Interpol, called the KGB, called the USMC, called the USAF, called the Royal Air force, called MI 6, called Scotland Yard, called the US National Guard of every state, called NYPD, called Obama, called the Queen, called Putin, called David Cameron, called every Governor of every US State, used my time phone to call Winston Church hill, As well as Hitler, Stalin, Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, Montezuma, ever Caesar, and Gilgamesh, called US Army, called British Army in every era, called every phone sexline, called papa john's, called the US Coast Guard, called my State Senators, called my Senators, called every republican in the US, called Dr. Who, called the Pope, called my local Gang lords, called the State Patrol of ever state west of the Mississippi, called all of my local news channels, called Star Fleet, called The Sun, called The national enquirer, called CNN, called Scot Pelly, called Steven Colbert, called half of the Mexican Drug Cartels, called Nintendo, called the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, called the head of the Illuminati, called ever free mason, called bilderberg, called my neighbors, called the mayor of ever city in France, called my mom, called the Emperor of Man, and called every school district in Canada.
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Trigger warning.
>Called CNN
Too far man

But that's forbidden love!
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>Mumei will never put your habanero in your mouth

Why is a dick sticking out of Ikoma's head?
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Also tangentially related, do the habaneros like Mumei and Ikoma need to drink blood because it has iron in it?
Should I go Doki or HS?

I'm not a fan of the artistic risks they're taking with those close up shots of characters.
I admit, they are beautiful, but it just seems jarring to me as it is inconsistent with the rest of the series art style.
That being said, I do appreciate when studios take risks like this, because if the risk works you get a fucking amazing product.
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I hope Takumi survives the show.
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i got chu
>hahaha fun times with the kids
>btw gib blood
I'm in the beginning of episode 3. Jesus fuck, how stupid are these samurai? Kabaneri are obviously different, and it's not like they understand Kabane at all.
Eating is a basic need.
i will treasure this

i still need to get around to editting her face armor onto the first google-search picture of a habanero, if anyone wants to take up that mantle

they are fucking stupid, but i forgive them a little bit because I bet in 20 years of kabane bite victims, there have been TONS who made up ridiculous lies about why they weren't really going to become kabane because they were stupid cowards, and any time anyone believed them it ended badly, and they're just assuming "kabaneri" is just another one of these lies
Takumi's voice really sounds similar to Eren's
don't question the kabaneri biology
It's the same guy.
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habanero magick
So I'm guessing Ayame likes getting handled by nerd zombies
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why is mumei so qt
You wouldn't lie with your lord, would you?
>Face scars totally healed on the next day
Is everyone a Kabaneri?
habanero ja nai!
Would Ikoma die if he took all that leather shit off?
if you're looking for weird inconsistencies, look no further than the first two episodes

>mumei arrives on the train with no possessions beyond what she's wearing and her ball-and-cup
>ep 2; mumei is shown in her kimono and ditches her 2nd shoe
>fast forward 45 seconds
>mumei has changed her hair, acquired an entirely new outfit, and two steam guns that are totally different design than what everyone else uses, from apparently nowhere
>is this some kind of magic habanero xylophone?

i was actually wondering for the latter half of that episode if mumei in her new outfit was a different character, like a sister or something. when she first appears in the new outfit the princess says her name once, which I missed, and then her name is never spoken for the remainder of the ep. I just kept going "if that's the same girl, where the fuck did she get all that stuff during this catastrophe?"
That's what I wanna know. Like if it's stuck wont it start to rot around the edges and shit and just start to stink? Or can he heal that shit constantly?
Like wtf man take that shit off.
What does it matter if Shino's pregnant? Not like they can do anything about it.
>and it's not like they understand Kabane at all.
No one does. That's why they're going with "guilty until proven innocent".
because most people can't separate their emotional response in favor of logic under alot of circumstances, and 'oh god the baby' is one of the top contenders
Well, Mumei was with them the entire time, and she saved everyone's lives.
My habanero is tingling.
>mumei arrives on the train with no possessions beyond what she's wearing and her ball-and-cup

Well thats obviously wrong since her weapons and battle outfit were part of her baggage. Not seeing them doesnt mean they didnt exist.
The reactions from Twitter in that regards are astounding.
>muh pregnant woman
>so edgy
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Would Mumei make a good mum?
Mumei doesn't seem like the type to get hung up on that stuff.
yeah, i'm not saying it's -impossible- that she had the stuff brought along, but it's still rather jarring that you just have to assume some servant collected her stuff offscreen and then conveniently deposited it in a location that just happened to be between where she lost the shoe and where she encountered the princess to have her big fight scene.

and also that, while yes, more time could have passed between scenes, it is literally less than one minute between her in the kimono/different hair and her in full battle regalia in actual screentime.

also she must have had her ball-and-cup tucked somewhere into her battle gear because she definitely didn't have time to retrieve that between the big fight scene in ep2 and her arrival at the kotetsujo to have it back in ep3. which is acceptable but still sorta funny
i was responding to an anon asking why the OTHER characters were upset about it, not mumei herself
Isn't that a close-up of her at the end like "Oh shit I didn't know?" Especially in that style, there's no reason to do that if it wasn't the case.
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>I will kill kill all the titans

why did he say this?
oh yeah, i'm not saying mumei has no reaction whatsoever to it, but that's more like, how to put it, she's upset after the fact because she didn't know, so she's momentarily stunned/upset/whatever, but she totally would have done it anyway had she known in advance.

meanwhile it seems like everyone else is just horrified by the fact that she 'killed' the pregnant lady, nevermind that she was a kabane
It's not a good part to end the episode on because of all the implications, but I guess I'll accept that.
I do like the artstyle. Shit looks great.
I think they were more shocked at the event in general, the scene changed before anyone could say something positive or negative about Mumei's action. Kajika's remark was neutral.

We will see next episode is someone has the balls to blame her for saving her asses again.
I'm bothered more by Ikoma's vamping out. unless he's somehow unusual as a kabaneri, it just means mumei totally knew that would happen and just entirely neglected to warn him. which, yeah, mumei often gives no fucks, but she wants this guy to be her 'shield' and unless she's an idiot he's not going to be a very effective shield if he's been killed or thrown off the train because you didn't bother to tell him he's going to go full vampire-mode
Why does guy think he'd even have a chance of killing either of them? He did see Ikoma tank like everything that came at him right? He was there watching Mumei tear apart all the kabane threatening the town right?
So why does he think aggravating them is the best choice?
Fuck I hate this guy

Honestly I think you're just trying really really hard to find things wrong with it because lol 4chan culture frodo amirite XDDD
>She put everyone in danger to try and deliver the baby when she knew she was infected.
>Neglecting to realize that if she's infected than the baby being sustained off her body is undoubtedly also infected.
Hasn't she seen the Dawn of the Dead remake?
>Honestly I think you're just trying really really hard to find things wrong with it

nah. i don't really think that part is any kind of real problem, we were just on the subject of inconsistencies.

and having a character change their entire look offscreen in the space of 1 minute of screen time during a crazy catastrophe is a bit inconsistent. I'm not really criticizing it, just pointing it out.
She's not a very good teacher, they established that in the episode. She probably just forgot to tell him or didn't think it was necessary at the moment.
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Not that sure about Mumei, but Kajika is perfect wife and mother material.
>She's not a very good teacher, they established that in the episode.
I suppose that's true, but I would draw a line between 'not describing things well" and "not bothering to mention them at all"

> She probably just forgot to tell him or didn't think it was necessary at the moment.
this is quite possible, but if so it kind of makes her an idiot, and I don't really want her to be an idiot. also why i'm kind of annoyed by her announcing "GIVE ME BLOOD" in the middle of a big crowd after handling their children. not giving a fuck is one thing, but unless you are an idiot you'd have to know that this is going to massively inconvenience yourself, and so you wouldn't do it on purely selfish reasons.

mumei's fucking weird so far. although now that I think about it that seems to be one of this show's themes, they really want to keep the viewer guessing.

>is ikoma's gun definitely a pile bunker, or can it shoot projectiles? it's probably the former, but you can't be sure!
>how does being a kabaneri work? did all that shit ikoma did to his body actually matter or was it determination or accident of genetics or a magic river stone?
>what the fuck is mumei's deal? is she an idiot, a sociopath, both, or something else entirely

the list goes on
She's a little immature but she has the makings and the potential.
My take on that part is that he's supposed to be locked up in that train car alone. She intended to bring blood back with her to give to him after she convinced the others to give up some.

She didn't expect for hime-sama to hang around, stab Ikoma and trigger the bloodlust shit.

I'd like to think something like that was what they intended but I'm probably giving the writers too much credit.
and while the answer to "how does kabaneri work" is probably going to just be
>it's anime magic don't worry about it
I have cobbled together a convoluted but consistent theory on the mechanics

>when the virus/parasite/whatever enters a new host it briefly goes into a "conversion" stage where it turns the new host into a habanero
>if you can cut off the bloodflow to your brain long enough, it will convert your body into a habanero body and then return to a dormant state, leaving you with a kabane body but a human brain
>with your new kabane heart pumping super-blood to your brain, you can function normally with reduced bloodflow to your brain while you've got a choker on
>if you remove the choker, your brain now gets a full dose of the super-blood, and you go into full-battle-habanero-mode
>but this is extra taxing on your human brain, so after awhile like this you have to stop and sleep it off
What would sex with Mumei feel like?
>Trigger has its characteristic "pretty-colours" style?
Every day I am blown away by how little OP knows about the craft.
okay yeah, I actually never considered it from that angle. i agree it's probably giving them too much credit, but it is the first take i've heard that doesn't require "mumei is a moron" or "ikoma is different"

Like bam bam boom
It'd probably infect you so she'd have to start choking you or kill you towards the end.

Like pouring hot sauce on your dick
Very spicy
It would extremely spicy.
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>watch HS release for the first 3 episodes
>try DDY for shits and giggles
>literal translation of Mumei as No-Name

Why do translators think this is ok, this is the purpose of tl-notes if you are worried about a names meaning.
I hope Ayame gets mad development.

I like her so far.
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every day until you like it
honestly, it's stupid that they keep doing it, but I would have appreciated the official translation making note of this once, because I literally wouldn't have known why 'mumei' was significant and why ikoma thought it unusual if I wasn't in these threads. it should have been pointed out at least once that that's what her name means
I'm interested to see how she handles that steam bow thing.
Episode 2 made her seem like a regular damsel in distress, but she was pretty based this episode.

Is that qt loli holding a dildo?
It bothers me how no one listens to her, or argues all the way. Even her defense of Ikoma was pretty weak, and no one acted convinced.
>arguing with their lord

what kind of dishonorrabu behavior would that be
that water is painted weirdly
i'm surprised this gets posted every thread and the mods don't crack down
She's a poor girl's Euphy.

Hopefully she doesn't have the same fate though

Lay with and lie to and two different things
Last I heard nipples were allowed and yogurt is delicious. I've posted nipples and it was okay.
kek, bare tits are fine on a blue board?

I'm fine with it, but I'm having a right sensible chuckle that the mods are too
extra chuckles since I have seen bans in the last few days on /tv/ when someone posted game-of-thrones tits
There was that whole thing on /a/ about nipples and mods, ended with "as long as it isn't sexual" which honestly means fucking nothing as more suggestive things get posted all the time even without them.
>Kurusu, please. Stop. It's a fucking funeral.
well then, huzzah for tits.

I've always been baffled by the "safe for work" distinction. like anyone caught browsing 4chan at work on a blue board that is covered with violent racism, almost-nude women or anime girls, or any of the other random socially-unacceptable shit that goes around, would somehow keep their job JUST because it's not actual pornography.
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>panting muh meh
What's so special about that guys gun if the girl already had a better gun that was able to kill loads of them?
because she has inhuman hyper-accuracy and fires like 5-8 shots dead-fucking-on into the heart for each zombie.

his gun kills each one in one shot

This is a Kabane?
She doesn't have a better gun, her physical ability lets her shoot them repeatedly while his gun will pierce their heart in one shot.
watch mumei's scene again. she doesn't kill any kabane with less than three shots and i think up to eight that are all PERFECTLY aimed at the heart because she's a habanero. the steam guns are wildly ineffectual for a normal human being.

ikoma's gun on the other hand, even if it is a pile bunker and does not fire projectiles, can consistently kill a kabane in one shot every time
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>ikoma goes to capital and tries to help with kabane research
>they take credit for his gun, and attempt to torture him for experimentation and research
>he escapes realizing that humanity is not worth saving, and begins a purge with mumei
Please, for ultimate trainwreck
Its not even a pile bunker, it fires high pressure air/steam like a waterjet cutter.
>They take credit for his gun

The one you need to get up real close and personal in biting range to use?
No cutie co-worker like Fujika to pour my tea and make my food.

Why even lowly engineer?
>inb4 it's just a prototype and he creates a perfected version with the gun Ayame asked to inspect from the 1st episode
although if his weapon is truly a pile bunker and incapable of firing projectiles, I don't understand why he would think it would be a revolutionary new weapon. when he was designing it, he was totally unaware of the concept of kabaneri.

so even if his pile bunker was mass produced as he explicitly hoped, it wouldn't be worth shit. because your average human would have to risk certain death/being bitten in order to use it (exactly like he totally was bitten the first time he used it successfully).

I really want Ikoma's weapon to be a projectile firing weapon, because it doesn't make any fucking sense otherwise. also his mention of "jet bullets" in pic related unless this a mistranslation issue
>No cutie co-worker that slaps you when you try to eat without washing your hands

Goodbye world
while that is cool and another possibility for a ranged weapon, we still have no actual evidence that it's anything but a point-blank-only device

I think i said earlier, but i'm pretty sure this show is obsessed with keeping the viewer guessing how everything works
also somewhat unlikely because he explicitly says that his gun needs to be unlike the bushi's steam guns. man i'm using the word explicitly alot
let's predict how many times kurusu points his gun on Ikoma in next ep?
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What does her tea taste like?
at least three, no more than six
I figure it's going to open with him shooting Ikoma off Ayame and going on another ALL YOU KABANE ARE THE SAME tangent.
Bushi's steam guns use air/steam to fire lead projectiles.

Ikoma's gun uses the air/steam itself in a jet to pierce. I have no idea why you think I was implying it was a ranged weapon, especially after posting a waterjet video where the nozzle was 'point blank' with the metal plate being cut.
okay, misunderstanding going on here. i never thought you were implying it was a ranged gun. although I WANT it to be a ranged gun, i was simply disputing it being based on -steam- because he deliberately states that his weapon needs to be different from the bushi steam guns in ep1, and also expresses a need to add explosives to the mix to make it work.

I need to sleep soon so I guess i'll just lay out my hopes for the show;

I think the best possible (story) outcome is that Ikoma has invented the first real -GUN-, like it literally uses explosive force to fire a projectile at high velocity.

this would make it completely distinct from the steam-guns that can fire projectiles but not at sufficient velocity to pierce a kabane heart (unless you're a habanero and can bullseye several shots directly to the heart in a span of a single second like mumei).

If Ikoma's weapon is just a pile bunker, or a similar weapon that can only be used at point-blank-range, I don't understand how he could think it would be more useful mass-produced for regular humans. if anything the same weapon would be more useful for the purpose of blowing a kabane's head off. but either way your average soldier has to expose themselves to a HUGE risk of being bitten just to employ the weapon.
>You die if kabane bite you
>Nobody wearing armor
mattaku, these nips are hopeless
I don't get it. How can we have that quality in 2016 with a shitty nippon sales?
What if they start spinning?
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>How can we have that quality in 2016
i dont understand the industry, but maybe because of the amazon deal?

or maybe they've just gone out on a limb and are praying that the (actual) quality will ultimately set them apart from the normal bullshit and they'll make the sales back over time.

either way, goddamn i hope we see this (non-meme) quality going forward
Considering how the Kabane are able to dent and bend the plating on the train I don't think any armor light enough for a human to move around in would save them.
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They're doing SnK S2 right after this.

It's confirmed free money for them.
eh, the regular bushi wear a decent amount of armor. not enough if we're talking world-war-z levels, but more than your average zombie bullshit
What does this face convey?

Barley presumably.
you mean shogunai
wait is there actually more SnK coming? i thought that shit was finished and dead
>I wish he'd stop moaning about his tragic past and dick me already.
>she managed to fit her book and ball-and-cup into her combat regalia in ep2
But human teeth even can't bite through leather armor.
They confirmed S2 like last year.
>But human teeth even can't
Kabane can
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>Ikoma has invented the first real -GUN-
Closer to the truth.

It's certainly not a PB, as it has a muzzle and fires a projectile. Is still steam-powered though, so not a real gun. It seems like the creative effort was in finding a way to pack a disgusting amount of steam power without bursting - which would explain the frame supporting the barrel.

The suicide pouches may lead to a chemical solution.
so snk's seasons are 26 apeice? or am i hallucinating and snk 1 was only 13?
Sounds like two two-cour runs.
>It's certainly not a PB, as it has a muzzle and fires a projectile.
that's totally unconfirmed, the thing that pierced the cloth when he first used it could have been a piece of the kabane heart-cage that was propelled out by the PB

>Is still steam-powered though, so not a real gun
except Ikoma directly states that his gun is not steam powered, differentiating it from the bushi's guns.

again, i'm totally in favor of it being an actual projectile gun, but there is no conclusive evidence so far that it is.
>Trigger has its characteristic "pretty-colours" style
top laugh

Kabane ja nai?

see from ep1
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I was not expecting lewd
But was it the Purple Bricks & Still Images the signature art style of WIT though?
Kabane is literally a human corpse. And they are as fragile as your average body except steel heart (see spinning kabane).
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If it's a PB, why does it have a muzzle, a magazine, and leave a hole in the cloth behind the kabane? If it uses only explosive powder, why does the gauge read "圧"?

Based Nips.
Took them long enough
>And they are as fragile as your average body except steel heart (see spinning kabane).

but they've been shown to be able to tear open steel doors without having to sonic spindash

>If it's a PB, why does it have a muzzle
a gun and PB would both have a front end
>a magazine
a PB based on explosives would require repeated explosives to operate
>and leave a hole in the cloth behind the kabane
because the PB propelled a piece of the kabane heart out its back and through the cloth
>If it uses only explosive powder, why does the gauge read "圧"?
it canonically does not use ONLY explosives, in episode 1 we learn that ikoma ADDS explosives to his previous design upon the suggestion of his other engineer friend.

again, I'm COMPLETELY onboard with ikoma's weapon being a projectile gun. that's what I want it to be. but I'm also not going to assume it definitely is one until there's proper proof of the fact, since he's never once used it besides point-blank-range
dont fall for the buyfag autism anon, its the stupidest fucking hobby ever
I'm just a little bit EXTREMELY disappointed that we have yet to see anything more of ikomas gun
But I really really want a nopan fig of Mumei in her roundhouse kabane kick pose.
>just a little bit EXTREMELY
kek on the contradiction in terms, but i'm right there with you.

like i've said before, this show is leaning super hard on 'keep the audience guessing' and it's probably the only part that I really don't care for
print a picture of the figure and frame it

done, you can now look at the fig anytime you want and it didn't cost you a cent
Maybe if it was a holographic picture I'd agree with you.
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Got a picture, knock yourself out lads.

Nice, I'd rail her, if you know what I mean.

By that I mean I'd date her in a loving relationship.
>dual-trigger system
>no sighting system
>magazine appears to be unreleaseable
How does this thing work again?
fucking cmon, PLEASE be a gun. it's got an aperture, he speaks of 'jet bullets', and he incorporates explosives into the design. I want Ikoma to be the super inventor guy who creates the first weapon of its kind, so much more interesting than a mook who makes a pile-bunker that only habaneros like himself can use effectively.
>PLEASE be a gun
Ikoma pointing that shit point blank every time wasn't enough to convince you?
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Why do they have a pet american?
no, I realize it's probably just a fucking pile-bunker, but it would be so much cooler as a gun.

i mean he rants about how if the thing could be mass-produced it would somehow allow normal humans to fight the kabane. but if it's not a gun and has to be fired point blank, how could it possibly be effective for normal humans to use (and he didn't even know kabaneri existed at that point)
this anime is not interesting at all yet it has amazing design and animation so I will probably finish it because of that, even if I end up watching it muted.
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When will we get Rolling Girls backgrounds again?
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i've heard repeated that europe/the west fell to the kabane before japan and there are some european refugees around, like this guy, although i've yet to hear a source that makes this canon and not just speculation
>Do you guys think that WIT will make this art style their "thing",
I haven't thought of that possibility, but I'd love for it to happen.
There's a bit of world-building on the official site. Apparently it says about Europe falling first and Japan having being opened up in the Sengoku period instead of being closed, but the refugee thing is speculation. Even so it's logical.
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nah anon you're alright, it's just the nips are horrible at conveying character ages

for example, pic related is 12 too

Looks a bit like a nailgun. Depending on what it's loaded with it should be able to pierce steel if the ammunition is fired at high enough velocity.
Bullshit its logical, unless the refugees all spoke in their regional dialects generations after they first arrived
Fujika is love. Ikoma's got good mates, Takumi and her.

It's more likely he's English.

Could be a merchant or engineering who got stranded in Japan after the outbreak.
So how come there are people in New York with Irish and Italian accents when it's been over 100 years since their ancestors arrived there?
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They managed to tick all the right boxes with her design
Because plastic paddies are real. I doubt the bet American gives a monkies about his destroyed nation
>pile bunker
It's called a punker bile you dork
The Kabaneri are the humans, everyone else is already dead
>CAPTAIN watashi wa TANK
>SIDE japanese japanese UHREEMASEN
>MAYBE nip nong ching chong
Man i hope that guy survives.
I hope people will scan the manga, the art looks very good.
Why is she blushing? Is she some kind of pervert with a Kabane fetish?
we're gonna need the boys from /k/ to work this one out
She probably doesn't realize she's in danger and thinks he just wants to kiss her. She seems dumb enough to think that.
>dat milf in da middle
Fujika ja nai.
Kajika desu.
>doesn't like the show
>still shitposts in the threads.
FFS fuck off you contranian moefag.
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You're not the hero that /a/ needs, but the one it deserves.
that girl is straight out of a Ghibli movie
>using a still frame for exposition
but i want pictures of the face where only the mouth moves
How do you think Ayame's uncle will receive her?

Her tits are amazing.

My mistake.
This show could've been great with the steampunk setting fighting zombies, why the fuck have they then decided to make it gary stu and his bunch of badass warriors
>points gun at Ikoma
She might have thought that...for maybe five seconds.
I prefer Habanero of the Iron Burrito.
/a/ always make fun of everything, no exception, without being offensive though most of the time, which made this board a fun time killer for me.
>"You know, we need to start repopulating"
ruined tbqh
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How hard would you marry her?
Very softly
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The Europe did not "fall", but devastated. It just says the kabane originated form eastern Europe. And that it eventually spread all the way to Japan. Chances are Europe is having a similar situation as Japan, where people are forced to turn their cities into fortresses connected by armored trains, but the cities are still slowly falling one by one.
I can see that happening and it wouldn't even be a trainwreck.
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