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Shingeki no Kyojin

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Thread replies: 522
Thread images: 67

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RIP Erwin. ;-;7

>Marlo is kill.
>Zeke is a jobber.
>Dog titan best titan.
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Annie is love
Annie is life
Annie means the world to me
Annie a miracle of the universe
Annie might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out
Armin x Eren.
Inb4 anniebot.
>mfw too slow by 6 seconds
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>Cucked again
It never stops.
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How will Ravioli escape this one?

Remember to make and link threads before Mikashit
Why do people still care about SnK? Kabaneri has already proven itself to be superior in every way, shape, and form of the same devolution post-apocalypse with monsters concept.
Thanks for spoilering the image anon. I didn't avoid the spoiler OP last thread.
Both are good.
by copy/pasteing everything and adding some ninja loli?

No thanks
No one respond to this anon. He's searching for (You)s that he does not deserve.
Will there be ever an end to her cuckening? Being Mikasa is suffering.
Why are you faggots making threads so early?

Fucking hell I hate the new /a/
By going fast
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Reminder Mikasa is going to win the Erenbowl.
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I want Bert to be happy.
We got ErwL pandering and EAr pandering. What next, BR? JM?
I want Habanerofags to leave.
Mikasa gets stopped going to Eren, but it's cool if Armin goes.
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I want Reiner to survive this fight and not be fed to another warrior. ;_;
I hate SnK but Kabaneri is absolute garbage.
Jean is a fucking smart dude. He really deserves to be the next commander. R E S P E C T
BR. Watch one of them think about going home.
His husbando came back, that must count for something, right?
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Erwin, no!
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I guess IT'S TIME
I'm not sure, since we don't have an update on Reiner's state yet. I hate the soldier Reiner theory but I can see Isayama pulling a twist like this.
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Reminder that JH is now canon.
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Thread theme

And so is JS.
And so is EAr.
>Shit guy with slut girl
>Shit guy to self insert
>Slut girl because is an easy bitch
That's what I call having low expectation
EAr is mounds better than any other Eren ship and this is coming from someone who owns an EH mug.
I swore during last chapter's threads that I would drop this shit if Armin got Eren back on his feet by tell by telling him about the ocean.

What do I do now?
>EH mug
drop it
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Nice try.
EAr a shit. Those two have nothing going on for them other than talking about their dream vacation.
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What was Marlo thinking in his last moments?
Cringe and suck it up, like the rest of us.
Eh he survives that easiliy since this author is afraid of killing off anyone of importance.
As long as he's the colossal titan, he'll never truly be happy.
The soldier theory is sort of moot at this point. Levi took down MT single handedly -- that's a HUGE unexpected win for SL even if everyone died. MT will be forced to retreat anyway, and so anything happening to Reiner will have less shock value now.
Press F to pay respects.
>wow someone actually liked me
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>Potential dream honeymoon

>Armin is the brains
>Eren is the brawn

>Unlike Mikasa, Armin is blonde and feminine
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R.I.P. Sweet Prince
I ship this and I'm grill what are you implying?
Can't wait for Eren's reaction to Armin in a bikini
>take care of her, boris
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So is HS then
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>Marlo: The mentality of sacrificing oneself. That’s what I’ve said myself. What is Hitch doing at this time… No… I bet she’s still sleeping… Ah… how good…
>Last panel is Eren waking up
Wew lad.
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>Armin and Eren's relationship will not be that of childhood friends by the end of the story
>They will be lovers
Is Moblit dead?
You know the situation is hopeless when you see people start fucking each other before they die
Nice try cuckasa.
Fuck. Stop it anon, I can't stop laughing
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His own boss got KO'd by a manlet, so I don't think Reiner is going to be threatened any time soon.
How are they supposed to stop Bert anyway?
>sees Mikasa behind him
>grips sword tighter
Gotta be ready to protect himself from the yandere
Erwin imagined ded Moblit. He had no idea he's dead but didn't imagine ded Hanji. Pretty sure it's Isayama's way to tell that he's gone.
You tried, Micucksa.
Armin wants to see the D.
Too much delusion in one image
It seems like he's stuck in space time. He's walking forever but he haven't moved an inch.
maybe they did just before he left
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He's the Colossal Titan, so every second is colossal for him. For Bert 1 second = 50 seconds.
Holy shit anon, that's cute as fuck
There's nothing wrong in that. I'd pay for BH being cute in a mug and don't even ship them.
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smash that shit
Mikasa: Armin what's the plan?
Godammit what's with Isayama and this fujo shit
Anon.. This is pathetic
It's weird, fujos don't even like EAr

What's even the appeal to EH? Historia doesn't have half the personality Mikasa has. And far less chemistry with Eren.
That's really cute.
It's not fujo shit when it's the one true endgame pairing. Accept it, anon. Mikeksa forever.
Yeah, fujos being women are only into pairings where both guys are masculine. Armin is basically a girl so they don't like it.
There is no appeal
Tell me about Mikasa's personality.
I don't ship it YHsatan but that is cute.
She's a cuckold.
>the face of a woman cucked by a mug
So, are Erwin and Zeke kill?
Can you take pics of the other angles of the mug? I see other EH stuff on there
Erwin will take the serum
Ravioli will go fast
>shifters dying
KEK. There's no help for deluded Mikasafags.
You can make it happen anon. A lot of companies will print images of your choice on things like mugs.
He has a fujo inside him, so since everyone poops it's only logical that he makes fujo shit.
If Eren was a female titan, Armin would be between her tits right now
This is shit. Yumir/Historia is the sole decent ship in this manga.
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Erwin looks moe in here
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There goes a man.
And Manlet looks like he's about to cry.
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I can't wait.
>using spoilers as OP
Kill yourself faggot, I mean it.

What is he saying?
Which is better, Elen/Armin or Eren/Armina?
Eren/Armina Best pairing and incredible chemistry
Go to bed YHsatan.
Elen is for Jean

Armina is for bullying
Why is everyone acting as if Erwin will die? It's obnoxiously obvious that he'll get titanized.
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I'll strike you a deal. If EM truly becomes canon, I'll take a simple kiss at the very least, I'll smash it and post a webm.

If any other Mikasa or Eren ship becomes canon, you have to post a webm of yourself dressed as Mikasa while holding up a sign reading "Eternally cucked."

Here you go anon.
T-thanks everyone else.
Stop seeing everything romantic and percate Armin decides to go alone and try to pull Eren out for the chest of the titan. This is something suicidal and dangerous. Bert is approaching.
Not if Levi took too long. Mindless titanwin would just wander away anyway.
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Deal. Screencap this, nigger.
>bites his thumb off. OFF
i lost it
Yeah and Levi will feed him dog titan via Isayama's convenient writing as usual.
Someone go to /biz/ and get a lawyer. We need this shit notarized.
What a waste. Send it to me.
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Elen/Armin is superior. Shame there's not much art though.
Looks really cute. Anon, I can 1-up your EHness in a moment.
Not a lawyer but a law student. Is that enough?
Well according to law, this shit has no legal effect so take it however you will
It isn't cucking, Mikasa is out there fighting for their lives right now. If anything Mikasa is the true hero in this panel.
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>I can 1-up your EHness in a moment.
Whatchu got?
What is the objective of Bert and Reiner's group? I don't get it at all.
She will try to protect Armin but I don't think she is close, her arm is bleeding and its cut.
I think I'm good anon
RIP Jean
>he takes that delusional crackship so seriously he makes mugs
You'll see anon.
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I can't wait.
>inb4 troll shitty drawing
>so insecure over shipping bullshit, he feels like he's being cucked by a mug
rip mug
Bottered by something m8?
No, I find it weird how people can get so attached to nonexistent things that they will waste money for it.
>How dare you like something I don't like
Well virtual stuff are non-existent as well yet we buy it all the time. I think it's really petty to decide what is acceptable or not to derive enjoyment from desu but if you think it's weird, sure.
It's weirder how you are so annoyed over a fucking mug. Get the fuck over it.
People buy merch of fictional characters all the time.

WTF...Isayama made Zeke appear to be the most badass of all the Titans,but the dwarf humiliated him.Zeke was a false god.
>he doesn't have a mug with his OTP on it
>weee stop bullying me, you're not allowed to make comments
Well, I guess it will still take a while till we'll see the conclusion but you guys better not forget that.
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Featuring Hisukitten.
Cat is cute.
>wee stop replying to my childish results or I'll make another subliminal greentext retort
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Isayama's cat ships EH?

That's adorable.
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I love you. Hisukitten best pet.
Of course you're allowed to. And I'm a firm believer there are no stupid comments but only stupid people.
Where do you think you are?
>fw offended landwhale keeps replying
>this kitten again
Anon don't do this to me, I'm so jealous ;_;
Did you forget
You fucking are?
I hope you use those mugs for your tears when it eventually sinks.
That's his cat?
Yes, Kuroneko.
it already became canon
No, there are those buythreads where people order fapworthy shit.
Liking animu for anything other than that is retarded.
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Even tumblr has more spoilers what the fuck
>Those delicate hands.
>I was just pretending to be a retard
Fuck off back to tumblr.
You're 15 hours late
I already stated my grounds. Anything from a kiss upwards (marriage, sex, kids) is the busting point.
So you're here only to complain about things?
He's just protecting his mother.
>landwhale is still butthurt enough to reply
I was going to post a modified manlet spoiler, before I found spoilers. Did I miss a thread?
I'm reading a work that is just one man's delusion in the first place.
his mom's dead
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Good point.
What is worse? "muh ocean" or "muh scarf"?
Yes, and Mikasa took over the mother role in Eren's eyes.
we never get spoilers this early so I'm a little surprised, sorry
Anyone tired of EAr? It's the same thing over and over again.
The ocean thing does bother me but I wouldn't mind EAr if they got some proper development.
It's the opposite for me. I loathed it and Armin from the beginning but this is getting comical now.
It's really annoying. I can overlook the repetitive ocean talk that takes up whole chapters, but Isayama pulling exactly the same shit with Trost is stupid.
I'm indifferent at this point. My a fan of Armin personally.
This, I like it because we can joke a lot about it and how it cucks everyone.
Why the fuck is every weekly manga so late and SnK spoiler so soon
Same here. I found it really annoying at first but watching Mikasa being treated as a joke again and again makes it funny as fuck.
I love Armin and yeah it upset me but I prefer to read the entire chapter before commenting. Seeing it in a literal way this could mean just one of them will see the ocean at the end.
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I can say this about the whole manga.
Not really, I don't mind it. But it'd be nice if their relationship moved forward some more, preferably through other means than ocean talk. Can't see that happening this arc though.
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Man of the day... or is it manlet?
He's a big titan >>140899451
Their relationship bores me and I don't like EMA
I hope this piece of shit has the serum ready for use in case somethig happened to him, getting killed by dog titan would be the most retarded shit ever.
EMA are doing a really shitty job at being main characters. It's pretty telling when most of the side characters are more interesting than them.
Indeed, so I basically just ignore them now. They're there to do their MC things but as characters I feel no attachment to them
Isayama is getting really repetitive.
The scene where Levi fights MT is almost the same as Levi vs FT.
>I basically just ignore them now
Not much effort to do that because of the reason.
I asked Yonkou if Reiner was still alive more than 12 hours ago and he never replied me. What does that mean? ;_;
Nothing. He probably gets dozens of questions he doesn't care to answer.
Reiner is alive.
>what does that mean
He know you're from /a/ and he hates it considering how ungrateful we are towards based Yonkou. I'm not yonkou btw
>AT is shown fine and well last chapter
>What does that mean?
That he's kill obviously.
I asked him the same question. Also I asked him about JSC, no answer.
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Big you say?
Not really, she came off as an annoying mother to him and that's why he was always angry towards her. This obviously has changed in recent chapters and he's no longer annoyed by it.
Yonkachi-chan pls.
I've been here since the anime, I'll hold up my part of the bargain.
He's big, I checked it.
Lel, the rest of us will place our bets.
The Historiafag needs to make it more fair though.
Everyone is disappointed about Zeke? it was so damn easy. Were you planning to do this the whole time Isayama?
All the "Reiner will be in soldier mode" theories have gotten the best of me, so even though you're probably being sarcastic, I'm still doubtful. ;_;
D-did you really named her Hisukitten?
Things will change. Owls are not what they seem.
We'll see both because the two of them are going to get cucked by Armin, kek.
obvious the EH fag barely gets any punishment he must have hundreds of mugs.
>The Historiafag needs to make it more fair though
Well the odds are on EM's side so it's a pretty fair deal
Ah, really? Then I guess he just posts about characters he likes then. This makes me hopeful.
Wait what the hell did Levi kill the monkey?
I never saw an manga character get more cucked than Makasa though. Not even in ntr doujins.
Based on the translations, he didn't. He's saving MT for his waifu.
Zeke was always a jobber, he never did anything of import other than pick on weak people and throw fucking rocks, even a monkey can do that.
Why no one talks about Reiner's alien hand? The most important thing.
Isayama is some sick fuck that has a cuck fetish examples: Keith, Jean, Erwin, Mikasa, and even Oluo was getting cucked by Levi.
>the odds are on EM's side

I definitely thought so in chapter 50, but they haven't spoken to each other since and Isayama now seems to consider EAr to be the most important relationship of the manga.
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kek I love nips
You forgot Bert and Reiner
Maybe he got cucked a lot when he was young?
How are Bert and Reiner cucked? Reiner never had a chance with Historia and we don't know if Annie could like Bert back in the near future.
death cucked Marlo and Hanz
I see a pattern there. Wouldn't mind Mikasa with her brother's son.
But they are husbandos so having each other isn't make them a part of Isayama's cuck fetish.
Pigner killed them all.
So you guys still believe Ymir saving Levi was a bad idea?
I hate both of them, but the predictions are better than the canon plot.
I'm not sure myself. As much as I dislike EM, it's a trope older than time itself that MC/MC would be a thing especially since Eren saved Mikasa and all that. EAr despite everything, I believe they're still friends only
Though I love shitting on EM for the keks
I want to squeeze those tits.
Very accurate.
Bert pls.
I'd motorboat them
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Yeah honestly I didn't expect MT to job at all
He mentioned before how all his childhood friends started dating each other. Isayama confirmed to be a cuck
NH didn't speak for half of the manga but we all know how it ended.
>Reiner never had a chance with Historia
Well then, Jean never had a chance with Mikasa
>we don't know if Annie could like Bert back in the future
Well same thing again, we don't know if Mikasa would like Jean in the future
>Do you get emotional too?
>I'm heartless
Come home, anonymous.
I didn't, but I'll call her that for here. Her real name is a reference to a Marvel character
>Reiner repays his debt to the reaper by killing everyone the moment he comes back.

Would be pretty based desu.
Nile/Hitch? Offscreen doesn't count.
Black Widow?
He means Naruto/Hinata
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He'd have a hard time killing Connie. R-right?
Naw, Black Cat's real name.
>That Bert not showing his sympathy unlike Reiner
What a fucking asshole.
Naruto actually liked Hinata. Comparing Best hirl to mankasa is an heresy.
I hope that motherfucker is still able to put a good fight because that was pitiful .
"The most powerful" they said,"no match for him" they said.
I wonder why???
Felicia a cute.
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This chick.
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>You will never feel Reiner's chest

Why live? ;_;
Not really
Armin is actually touching him while she risks her life for someone that won't let him near him like he let's Armin
She could love Armin though.
Ymir looks cool here
Kitty Kitty mew mew
Bert was being bromantically NTR'd right there
It is too late for this to happen or not?

That is Levi
My point being if you include Jean in the list of cucks, Bert and Reiner definitely deserve to join in as well.
This. I still have faith in Janbo.
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>You will never milk his piggy bara tits dry
More than likely Ymir would be showing up to rescue Zeke at this point.
Comparing useless borderline background characters to even someone as shitty as Mikasa is even worse
That's Jean.
No such thing as a best girl in Nardo.
That's a big pìc.
This, please stop mentioning Naruto.
It's Janbo's time to shine with Hitch now anon. Forget about Mikasa, he deserves better
I was talking abour Mikasa.
Jean and Hitch can get close.
Mikasa too good for Jean.
That's Sonic!
Jean is too good for Mikasa.
>I was talking about Mikasa
>She could love Armin though
Well that is true, considering they do have an incredible chemistry and tension between them!
Jean deserves better than Hitch desu.
>Jean deserves better
>Gets paired with a slut
Memes apart Mikasa seems more less of a annoying bitch with Armin.
Hitch is like an undeveloped Jean as character-wise.
>Jean and Hitch can get close
Actually wouldn't it be a pretty scumbag move by Jean if he decides to jump onto Hitch the moment Marlo is dead? Doesn't seem right.
Their relationship is more than chemistry, I think we all know this. It's something deeper.
end yourself, you were funny until you butchered your phrase.
Please don't smash your mug. Send it to me
I need to know if manlet gets eaten

Right now
Jean is a gentleman, we don't know Hitch so much besides the comments about her.
They're just friends, Anon. Anything else you see is delusion because Armin has homo chemistry with everyone.
He didn't. He probably dodged and Mule Titan ate Zeke for safekeeping.
I don't wanna keep repeating UNDENIABLE so I switched it with something else. Seems fine to me
Hitch had a crush on Marlo, you can't say she loved him, they weren't together.
You're probably right because of how bad this sounds
Are EHfags grills or guys?
Actually yeah memes aside, Mikasa is extremely tolerable when she's with Armin but basically she's pretty fine as long as she stays the fuck away from Eren.
No one cares.
I need to know is zeke the final boss of the manga because it does not seem like it right now

I am guess zeke really isn't defeated by levi
Cute little girls.
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Now that Zeke is kill, will God Bert be end game villain?
It doesn't remove my desires of loving it if something happen. Anyway, nobody could understand this.
I ship mekasa with manlet and historia with eren
Rio horse, you were a good horse.

I bet that human faggot isn't lethally wounded though.
I believe it.
>half the personality Mikasa has
Anon you can't divide by zero
I'm sorry but what the movie is this from?
What kind of shitty deal is that? Breaking a fucking mug vs embarrassing yourself cosplaying and what not? That anon's punishment is 10 times worse than yours.
You should make it fair and also agree to dress up as Historia while holding a sing.
Good taste.
What if the final boss is DT/HT?
I hate anti villians that arn't really bad I want a real evil motherfucker for FV
I want to see both anons dress as their waifus.
Extremely good taste anon!
>historiafag has to destroy personal property
>mikasafag has to post a picture of himself
it's not that fair but you go it the other way around.
That's pretty sane anon. Good job.
Mikasafag agreed to it. Maybe that Mexican manlet likes crossdressing.
So I guess this confirms that Levi is able to easily beat any shifter except maybe Bert and Reiner. They're the only ones he can't cut up super fast, since they're protected by steam and armor respectively.
>EMfag is a guy
>EHfag is a grill
I fucking dislike EM but I'd rather see EH lose than some fat neckbeard in a costume
And then Zeke magically transmits his soul into big hairy monkey's ass and survives because fuck you.
Now this guy gets with it
Kek. But a neckbeard in costume would be hilarious.
Well try explaining what you see in AM anon? I honestly see it as a crack pairing only.
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I wonder if Mikasa shows her true feelings when she is not with Eren.
I don't think Bert would make a good FV. He's too meek at heart and he's definitely not a leader.
This is a great page.
It shows the differences of Bertolt and Reiner.
Bertolt is introverted, Reiner is extroverted.
Bertolt is the weak one, Reiner is the strong one.
Because Reiner is extroverted, it's hard for him to not feel sympathy for someone,
while Bertolt is introverted and knows the danger of sympathizing with his enemies.
I'm a grill. Hisukitten owner seem to be too. Don't know about cutemugfag.
But Hitch is a cute anon. And snarky enough to match Jean.
Bort stopped being a pussy after chapter 78. He has potential.
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Destroying a mug isn't a big deal, Mikasafag's part is
Off hand comments from a character that's had like 3 lines doesn't count as canon.
>he doesn't want to see allah in a mikasa wig and scarf and nothing else
I dunno, Mikasa could have a potentially good relationship with Eren now that he is no longer a suicidal ragetard that is jelly of her strength.

But Isayama only cares about EAr and their beach.
I will summarize AM with this:
You got something to say?
Why don’t you speak it out loud, instead of living in your head?
Hisukitten a cute. I prefer these shipperfags over the usual waifufag wars.
Soldier Reiner might be extroverted but, Warrior Reiner doesn't strike me as having much empathy.
>a pairing with a homo manlet and a yandere and a pairing that fat girls like
Hitch needs some more time, I want her to be happy too eventually but JH wouldn't work as we imagine if you ask me. Someone else might be better for Jean.
That's not how it works. Bertolt is the stronger one here and Reiner is letting his emotions get to him, thus he's the weaker here.
Hitch will die soon too
I like it, but it needs a different kind of development. I'm looking forward to whatever their fight is about. That'll make things interesting.
>Bert is introverted
More like Bert is an edgy asshole who decided to end humanity. Is it surprising that Reiner and Annie have mental issues while Bert is still sane?
His personalities are not clear cut. Soldier!Reiner only started existing after they killed Marco. The only difference between the two personalities is that one believes they're just a normal human wanting to fight titans.
What are they saying?
They look so cute together!
Dat ass though
Is Isayama reusing panels or...?
They are confessing
They do!
Uhh I don't really get it but it's okay, if it happens it's perfect I guess, if it doesn't it's fine.
Didn't take long till the fujo comments.
I don't think so.
Best butt.
Reiner is one hell of a glorious bastard.
Best ass.
No ass though
Is Reiner ok????
Who's talking?
Damn he is.
Can someone translate? Is it Jean's words?
We will miss you commander ;_;
Maybe Reiner wonders what happened meantime like what Bert did.
So, do CT and AT do a lot of standing around this chapter?
I doubt it, the unknown pages must be about Levi killing the titans and Armin goes to Eren too.
When Isayama does "thoughts" he doesn't do speech bubbles anon. Someone is talking over them. Probably Armin.
No, but he's slowly learning to draw more consistently.
Maybe one of them started to talk in the previous page and it continues, I don't know.
>"That bastard... He really came back to life."
>"No matter what you do, he won't die."
Will I finally see CT and AT fighting together?
Fat girls like YH and EM.
You have a clear example of Levi having an internal monologue >>140901341 here. Speech bubbles = someone else is speaking.
Zeke has proven that he is not up to the job. If he makes it out of this, Bert should take command away from him and lead from now on
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Kek. Reiner is officially immortal.
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Reiner is the terminator.
Looks like he won't die even if he's killed.
Jean is talking so.
Anon I know.
I wish Reiner would die already. He is my least favorite character.
Fat girls is mostly EHfags, YHfags and Historiafags in general.
You have quite the shit taste anon. Reiner is magnificent as fuck.
>that bastard
>pairing that fat girls like
that would be any gay shit like manlet/erin or whatever
There's more panels of them right?!
He's among my favorites and I still want him to die.
>Mikasafag is neckbeard
>Historiafag with kitten from what we see is regular grill
>Historiafags are fat
He's my favorite and I'm glad he's still alive for one more chapter. ;_;
When are we getting the whole thing?
Isn't the どうやったら死め more of a question of 'how can he die'?
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Next page.
He isn't my favourite but I want him to live.
Reiner is garbage.
Just give up guys, he's immortal. Nice to know he makes it to the last arc.
Not surprising at all.
>Chapter is called promise
It's an Armin talks with Eren about the ocean chapter.
Nah, moreso Shitmirfags and Mikasafags.
Sorry that your taste is so shit. Please prepare yourself for the wreckage that Reiner would bring upon you favourite shingeki.
If that happens, I'll fly to Japan and set hundreds of inflatable pool in Isayama's backyard.
Haven't we already had like three of those?
Your butthurt is funny. Reiner is still worst boy though.
Fujo Pandering: The Chapter
So it's Armin who's talking.
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CT and AT have such complex love.
Obviously she needs more time. I want both of them to be happy (together or not), but I do think they would be cute together.

I want to hug Hitch right now, the poor child :(
Fuck that I just want to see the warrior village
I hate Pigner, he's ugly and annoying
Why would I be butthurt when he is alive and being magnificent as fuck. Sounds like you're the one deluding yourself anon.
Nah, that speaking style definitely belongs to Jean.
Might as well buy your ticket now.
Formal: Armin
Informal: Jean
If the first translation is true, it's Jean, if it's not so it's Armin.
I hope manlet kills Bort and Reiner
Why so expensive?
>Being anyone's favorite
Yuuuuck. How desperate for a favorite are you
Not him but yeah, pretty magnificent.
Not really.
You can stop samefagging already
I want AT to piggyback on CT.
>Pisstoriafag damage control
Post your fatty fingers.
And whoa, look at Historiafags hating Ymirfags like the shitposters they are.
Smh senpai.
どうやったら would be "no matter how we do it"
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>yonkou-senpai just answered my ask
>only one person dislikes Pigner
Yeah it's you.
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Guys, don't be mean to the piggy. Let him have his standing moment.
You must not come to threads very often
Are we ever getting season 2?
I'm pretty sure only you would say Pigner, bet you came up with it also.
That was so cute.
>the one shitting on Ymirfags is the Historiafag and not the Mikasafag...
They dindu nuffin
Naw someone else came up with Pigner. The best one is pig ogre though
WIT reconfirmed it a few days ago
Why would I want to post my fingers for a Mikasafag that has a finger fetish?
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More expressions like this from Mikasa confirmed.
>Sasha concerned for Connie
>Armin is concerned for Mikasa

its like pottery
I think Sasha will die out of SCJ.
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Thanks but, I think you mean orc pig.
Eren should make a promise with Mikasa too
no chink scans yet?
Because they are the ones with injuries, still nice to see them caring each other.
It would be pretty shitty if they weren't concerned after seeing them injured.
He'll promise her some seashells after he gets back from the ocean with Armin.
>Eren should make a promise with Mikasa too
A promise that he'll always treat her like his mother?
I really hope none of JSC die...
It's too early for chink scans. probably in another couple of days.
He'll get her pocketsand.
>afraid to post your fat fingers like the other did
No he'll get sand in his vagina.
This. How could anyone deny that Armin and Mikasa don't deserve to be canon? They're just perfect for each other.
Has there been Oinkner yet?
>wanting more attention whoring
Post yours first, and that one looked normal to me. Skeleton hands are as unattractive as landwhale hands.
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How big a threat would Armin be to Mikasa if he was a grill?
>"Historia and I will name our first child after you"
why defending her
They would've already fucked with Mikasa watching on the side.
Isayama is a hardcore fujo so it would probably be Connie the one making promises with Eren and sleeping on his tits.
I can't see any picture of fingers in this thread. Are there supposed to be any?
I need to see this happen. Pls Isayama.
Just ignore, the Mikasafag is on assblast mode and he's also blind.
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Now that's a knee slapper.
Yes the are. Cute faces are always related to Armin, I wonder if she will be worried about Armin going alone since Bert and Reiner are coming to the Wall.
If you want so much to see the hand of a Historiafag.
Are you an Asian?
That would be cute. Wonder if Connie is blond.
Why are the spoilers out this early?
what are you doing? this is retarded
>if Connie is blond
They would've fucked in front of Keith already.
With Armin you mean?
I'm not going to attention whore for you, MikaQT. Now please back off before I call the police.
Coolman, is that you?
Just vote for Trump. He's an illegal spic.
Coolman only owns pony merch probably.
Can't. I don't live in murica.
>Pissyfatstoriafag trigger intensifies
Not MikaQT.
I think manlet getting killed by dog titan would be golden
It costs nothing too. Like 5 bucks maybe? you'll pay more for delivery costs.
I like it, if only for Mikasa's inevitable suffering.
>implying would vote for Trump
If an anon makes a cute BH mug I would love them forever. They can drink emo tears from it.
wait so is there any text spoilers?
It's more funny when Eren does it with girls, since that makes Mikasa chimp out and make funny faces.

With Armin is just the same beach shit over and over and over again while Mikasa does nothing in the background.
Probably not. Bernie ideology coincides more with my country.
>not voting for Trump
Are you an Arminfag?
I want to drink BH's tears. They would taste pure and sweet.
Go to Tumblr, it actually has more discussion than /snk/ at this point. not that I mind
The Marlo tag vs the Erwin tag is depressing. Literally no one cares about Marlo...
What kind of tea would it taste like?
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Has to be.

Arminfags are typical Bernouts.
It's natural.
>a minor ugly character vs one of the most popular fujobait characters
What did you expect?
Fangirls and fujos make me hate Levi.
I'm not an Arminfag, I just have a brain that works.
My sides.
Lel, is this real
I just hate the fangirls and fujos.
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>AR extremist
More that one post? Idk
I don't care about Levi's fans but I don't really like Levi himself because he is boring to me.
>white people
>nice reverse racism
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Leddit really has taken over.
Check your privilege.
Pls. The son of Mikasa's brother will be called Armin.
Thread posts: 522
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