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Thread replies: 688
Thread images: 154

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Hi guys.
y u do dis?
Just finished watching WTF srsly guys WTF?
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Isn't that what happened?
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I want Lovepon to execute my dick.
Is he an alien?
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Cutest executioner.
Friendly reminder if you're not a Maimaifag at this point you may as well be retarded
I thought we were cool, Naana. I thought you were a bro. ;_____;
Never trust cakes.
>last week: can't wait until they kill Mitsumune
>this week: they try to kill Mitsumune, they're the worst
You fags are funny.
I was hoping there would be nothing supernatural going on.
I don't get it. Lion can see people who are about to die. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? She can already see literally everyone. Does she mean she sees them differently? Fucking ambiguous bitch.
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fucking tokimune always getting hugs from okasan
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I love how everyone is now trying to find/make as much shit as they can to fling at the waifus, especially Narna

So this is the power of the contrarian hivemind. Not bad
What exactly did Naana do in this episode that seemingly everyone dislikes her now?
>Lion can see people who are about to die.
>She can already see literally everyone.
You already know know what it means /a/non . . . everyone is going to die
Please, it's just Mitsumune. Mitsumune is the kind of guy, even nice persons would exploit.
I want Narna to lick Lovepon's bellybutton!
Fuck you seasonal waifufag. Naana is still great.
>tfw I liked her right from her introduction
>tfw she turned out to be one of the few characters who didn't turn out to be comically evil
My anti-bitch senses have been honed to the nth degree.
Jesus fucking Christ. How many threads happened while I was asleep? 4?
Dolan plz
So, do people love or hate Lovepon or is it more of a broken base, where she is equally loved by some and equally hated by others?

It's not like you missed anything of value.
They're all tripping on candy.
>I want Shit to lick Shit's bellybutton!
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I want Hellfire and Nyanta to redeem themselves.
I browsed through a couple, and I agree.
The second one. She's shit.
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Comedy of the year
Why was the title not related to the episode at all?
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Lovepon's looking for criminals to punish, but she can't find them. Help her out, anons!
People liked her because she was a meme. Not even memers are willing to defend her now.
It's funny because everyone is going to die at some point or other so I guess we all can see people who are going to die.
a shitshow like this has no business having music this good
I want Hellfire to side with the logic of getting rid of the danger, and take up with Lovepon's crazy bullshit in the hopes of making everything right. Then Nyanta and Pon need to get into a fight, and hellfire to side with his emotions and get back beside Nyanta where he belongs. And Lovepon dies
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I want to smell Maimai's dirty panties.
Absolutey nothing. They're a bunch of frightened girls, it's perfectly normal for them to want someone to guard the house. Mitsumune is a nice guy, so they asked him and that's it. Were they supposed to ask this to a selfish and lazy asshole like dozaemon ? Or to someone who wouldn't give a fuck like Speedstar ?

Mitsumune got out of that the joy of talking to many girls, and a sense of usefulness (and a tasty candy). And no, they didn't set him up for Mikage team. Pu-ko almost blurting out that they ask him because he's the easiest to ask to shows that they were really wanting a guard. They weren't helping Mikage. The Mikage team was simply for an opportunity and they seized it.
Why didn't see see the nigger?
>Original run April 1, 2016 – present
Borken base. After next episode everybody will probably love her again.
Were there any major CR translation fuck ups this episode?
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So much for that OTP, he works better with Lovepon now.
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You are always there
no one ever notices you except for me senpai
always trying to calm the main characters down
not ever developing a strong plotline
even glasses would be too strong of a character for you
just a simply man trapped with a bunch of weirdos
I love you background boy
They are never going to adress in universe the double standard between Jack and Lovepon

Why are the creators doing this? Just to frustrate the viewer?
SHUT the FUCK UP Lovepon
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>10 pages essay due next Tuesday
>Still reading Mayoiga threads
Where the fuck have I gone wrong?
Fuck you, Naana still a best.
Yeah, both of those shits can die together.
Yeah I'm considering dropping it because they are treating the audience like shit on purpose by ignoring important plot points
I want to FUCK Lovepon
If your opinion on Lovepon changed, you're retarded. She's always been a crazy little girl. Not even my favorite, but others are just outing themselves as incompetent idiots.
No one cares about Jack in universe. Maybe Mitsumune. A bit.
Naana a degenerate manipulative cunt
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Pssst kid, want some candy?
The line they forgot.
I wonder if the Jackpon shitters are done pushing this retarded ship.
Maimai cares about him more than Mitsumune
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>e-everyone must have a heart of gold to be likeable!
Maimai canonically cares about Jack.
Found the angry betacuck who always got friendzoned by girls.
>three stills of Nyanta looking shocked in the preview
>one indicating we'll get to know about her past

You've served well, cat soldier.
Kumbaya to you too.
>y-you're not allowed to dislike my waifu, even if she's a confirmed cunt!
>people are finally realising that Hellfire and Nyanta are garbage

Took you long enough.
>420 word essay due 30 minutes ago
>never watched Mayoiga in my life
Where did it all fall apart?
>bullying a beta faggot MC is somehow bad
Bitches and whores
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I want to exchange saliva with Maimai.
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Jackfags are on suicide watch, need to focus on people like Hellfire, Nyanta and Naana.

Other than the super questionable things they did this episode, there wasn't really much reason to hate them.
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Guys, I think the fact that most of the characters have made bad decisions and overall unlikeable also has something to do with the fact that they're social outcasts.
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Psssst want some candy kid?
Anon, I think you solved the riddle.
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I just unearthed something...terrible.

On a scale of 1 to 2spooky, how spooky is this animu? Can I watch it alone at night? Will I get a boner?
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Anyone else laughed when Mistumune said his brothers' name when he saw the penguin?

Like what the fuck?
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Don't make that face, Maimai-san!
>being a cunt is somehow bad
lol. the whole reason everyone was on nananas nuts before was because she was so comfy.

now she's not.

just admit you like manipulative bitches. :^)
God fucking dammit anon we all agreed to never let this shit see the light of the day ever again.
I want to splatter Lion's thighs with me semen.
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>Jackfags are on suicide watch,

Whatever for? If anything, I'm glad he's not being made to endure all this shitflinging and witchhunting and alliance-forming. He's been through enough.
that women looks like soy latte
Not him but yes, I don't like wallpaper white knights or insipid doormats.
Did they just make fun of a guy that fell off a cliff and died?
>not wanting to cum inside her socks before making her wear them again

Narna shitterfags are actually not much different from Lovepon, which is quite ironic since they probably loathe her as well. One scene where Naana is not 100% perfect, only 99%, and here they come screaming "SHIT ! DIE WHORE ! EXECUTION !!!!!!"
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>implying the fact that she's both laid back and a bitch doesn't make me like her more
KLK reference?

Diomedea confirmed for bros.
Mikage has the most soulless fucking black eyes, the fuck.
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What the fuck does that mean? Jack hasn't been ruined yet.
>420 pages

lil'nig that's less than a page with double space, get to writing.
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oops, meant to reply to >>140886299

what the fuck
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>all the "normal" characters are going to be ignored because muh mikage group and muh three bitches

I'm just trying to figure out who it'll be when the time comes. Pink Goddess is clearly one of the most reasonable and intelligent people there, but that will work against the group if he ends up snapping. Also have eyes on Toshiboy.
>fucking Toriyasu's reply

Fuck Hellcat, these two are the real OTP
Nobody likes Typemoon fans
you just looking at the outliners. Half of the cast is reasonable enough: goddess, shopper guy, soy latte, sick boy, dozaemon and most girls
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This guy is such a faggot.
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I bet Naana was like Tomoko as a teen
Wasn't that his mo--
Oh god.
Jack next episode? Or should I let go?
I hope Toriyasu doesn't turn out to be her stalker.
Is this the face he makes before killing someone?
Just wait for Jacks BIG REVEAL
Yes and it was hilarious.

Jack was fodder, Judgeness and Yottsun level.
Come the fuck on anons. Naana literally joined the trip because she had no friends. She had no friends because there's something seriously screwy about her. You could have seen this coming.

So this has probably been covered, but I think everyone is just insane.

There are no monsters, we're just witnessing chan autists lose their shit in the woods.

Also does anyone have the close up of lovepon's bra through her wet shirt?
Maimai is best girl.

Varukana is best boy.
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This is retarded. So what if he faps to Arcueid and spours retarded Shirou memes all day, it's still better than pretty much 90% of people in this series.

Why are they ripping a guy that probably spends his entire life playing Visual Novels apart?
But it's Puuko who said that line.

'Pon bless you anon.
Nanko > Naana. I thought it was obvious but people just can't grasp reality...
Criminal lack of Nanko this episode to be quite desu
I wonder what Lovepon smells like.
where were all you narnafags when ep 1 aired. if i remember right it was only masaki, maimai, lion and jackfags around..

when did you decide to like single most likely girl that enjoys being BLACKED while she listens to hip hop and smokes candy?
>99% perfect
You mean 99% SHIT.
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Am I really the only one who's been expecting Yamauchi to snap some time later and pull a murder spree while crossdressing since episode 1? You know damn well something is up with him.
And they'll remain great in our hearts, unlike the shit brigade.

Everyone has something screwy about them, it's just on a week by week basis. All the "I told you X was bad!" posts will come nonstop once the innocent characters get exposed.
>character who literally had no lines in this episode doesn't manage to show her flawed side
That's probably why she didn't make friends
I've been a Narnafag since ep 1 and still am. Laid back personality and beanies are my kind of thing, you see.
Nanko is best girl so yeah.
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Nyanta a cute. CUTE!
You fags despised Judgeness and Yottsun until one episode ago, now that Jack has vanished with them they're suddenly great. Hilarious.
I've been here since episode 1. Always enjoyed the fact that she wasn't posted that often until the seasonal waifufags decided to latch on her. Enjoying all your tears currently.
Is someone still counting the threads?
Why would you ever think of letting go? He's worth so much more than that.

Say what you want, I'll never give up on Jack. Not for anyone or anything.
Now it's cool to hate on Naana, Hellfire, Nyanta and Mikage. Get with the weekly program, anon.
smelly socks belong of nyantan
Lovepon makes the best faces.
>implying Yottsun was ever bad
I want to marry Maimai.
Fuck off with your herd mentality.
Jack's always been good, Judgeness is a source of comedy. That hasn't changed?
Someone should do an edit with one of the Penguindrum penguins.
psychotropic candies, has them now
What if the spoiler titles were all in the wrong order, intentionally?
Nobody ever commented on "Look before you leap" title in episode 1.
I don't like Yottsun

Judgeness has always been of the most meme characters. Like, he's too retarded to be hated
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>Say what you want, I'll never give up on Jack. Not for anyone or anything.

What herd mentality? He's only stating the truth. Next week the Lovepon and Nyanta hate will decrease since they've got their backstories, and the next character to focus the hate on for the week will show themself.
shut the fuck up lion
I've always loved Ketsu-kun.
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I've updated the collage. Naana might not have been at her nicest but compared to what the Mikage team did, her messing with Mitsumune isn't really a crime worth shitting on her for. And since paranoia and distrust are a big part of the show it would have been silly to assume she wouldn't take part in something like that anyways. Either way I have no intentions to ditch her and I'm sure sooner or later she'll make up for any transgressions this episode.
Blood, rust and executions.
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My eyes hurt
How happy must MC's classmates have been when they found out him and his friend Speedstar ran away?
I can be really certain that Judgeness was written as a gag character. And he's done his job well.
I meant let go for only a week, anon. In the end, I'll always come back to him.
>Next week the Lovepon and Nyanta hate will decrease since they've got their backstories

But I'm gonna enjoy Lovepon being raped by her father
I bet they're all red herrings honestly
It's the truth.

We'll be wed when this is over.
Nyanta seems unable to think for herself. Hellfire is a full-blown retard.
>herd mentality
People hated these characters, suddenly they're great because they vanished and fantasize they're chilling with Jack.

People hated Mitsumune last week and wanted him dead, but Mitsumune was Jack's butt buddy so this week they hate that people tried to kill him.
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I mean, when he turns 18.

And when this is over.
Why does she wear the hat?
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Same here. I just can't hate her after all. Remember to take it easy, anon.
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Too bad no one will realize this or care. Shitting on her is going to be the popular thing to do next week.
too dark
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We saw Yottsun's body, and Judgeness fell of a cliff, that's why most people think they're dead.
Jack on the other hand escaped and was casually walking in the woods.
And yet some butthurt fags are trying force that he is dead even though there's no confirmation.
Jack was raped by his father and gangbanged by his classmates and teachers though. That's why his asshole prolapsed and he (was) so edgy.
I think the people start to disappoint in her because instead of being a super-yangire who go on murder spree she just bully MC (an easy-mode victim) all while hiding behind /k/'s back. The worst is she doesn't even had enough devotion to finish the deed and be the first person who ran away when her ass was in danger first. That was what I gathered anyway.

>unable to think for herself

She lead the group through the forest and was in command of the little execution squad though.

Good job anon.
If anything, /k/ used her as the executioner because they know she's all for that.
Marriage tier:
Soy Latte

Bro tier:

Casual sex tier:

Evil cunt tier:
Everyone else
Could be, honestly we have no lead whatsoever for this show. I was thinking "what if in later episodes a character accidentally failed to cross a gap or something?" and then I'd remember the title of episode 1, which still doesn't make a lot of sense.
No I hate both Mitsumune and the people that tried to kill them. I do. I like based Yottsun and despised Judgeness. Other people have different opinions, it's not that hard to understand.
Next week people will hate on Soy Latte and Yamauchi.

I remember when people hated Maimai and Soy Latte, Judgeness, Yottsun, and Valkana. Fickle.
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I do too anon. What they did was awful, but that doesn't mean they are beyond redemption.
I noticed him too
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>implying this doesn't make me like her more
I think the MC's a cunt too.
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She couldn't even remember Judgeness' name, what kind of detective is that?
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Why are you asking?
Actually, yeah that's exactly it.
You got a problem with that?
>They're a bunch of frightened girls,

Anon, look, I like Na-na too, but she's 25 years old.

She didn't do anything nearly as horrible as Mikage and his group, but it was mean of her to single out a teenage boy for guard duty all by himself when things are clearly dangerous right now. She took advantage of his retardation and excitement over being relied on by girls. Nothing so egregious, but seriously irresponsible since it directly contributed to Mitsumune getting captured and nearly tortured.
That forehead will never stop bothering me.
I thought the MC was going to die after that deathflag,
what a disapointment
I'm keeping Hellcat on my chart. I have faith, and I shall live with my mistakes
None of the kids are what they say they are.
Yeah, we are fickle. This isn't fucking football where I support my club through thick and thin. Last week I could've been a Lifelong Lovepon fan and this week I could be backing Maimai.

Deal with it
I feel so let down by them but I don't want to dislike them forever. I want them to redeem themselves and come back as better people after making a huge lapse in judgement.
Hellfire survived, but at what cost?
Give it a rest, everyone is horrible. Next week you'll be shitting on the flavor of the week.
The only thing they ever did wrong was associating with Shitpon and targeting a obviously wrong target instead of Driver or the guides. When surrounded by suspicious people, it's crucial for survival to gather information
She was in front because she has a toy gun. Checking the map was a group effort, she wasn't really leading and only making the marks. She also ran away without speaking a word. The most she did was warn people about a cliff.

>in command of the little execution squad
Where does it say that? I'm watching other anime and can't check.

The preview is trying to throw us off, just like the worthless episode titles. I'm gonna go ahead and say no one dies next episode either.
Not really. Maimai fans are the most balanced ones.
While I do hate Nyanta and Hellfire for what they did in this episode I also expect Nyanta to have some sort of redemption with her backstory.
Nothing to redeem. They wanted to off Mitsumune, they're great in my book.
You do know anonymous is multiple people with differing opinions right?

Hellfire and Lovepon were following her instructions. He wanted to jump the gun twice and she told him to back down.
I thought Naana & co. were just cornering him? What she did is because she was obviously frightened and she was trying to be useful.
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I'm rooting for team crazy.
how is killing that faggot mc not redemeption
>people expecting a bunch of mentally ill people to act like normalfags
Am I on tumblr?
>all those posts get dubs
>the reminder post also gets dubs
Dozaemon is officially the dubs man of the show now.
Beanie render where?
I'm rooting for their death.

It's pretty damn close, based on the reactions to what some characters did. Guess that comes with spoonfeeding.
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>people still like naana
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Trust her.
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What evil things will Naana do next?
She'd probably bite off my cock if I ever forced her to suck my dick.

I'll still enjoy it though.
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>I hate Naana cause she isn't 100% nice
Who would've thought that people liked Mitsumune so much.
I just remember Mikage being against the torture, it didn't seem like anyone was in charge.
This. Naana was one of the few I still liked before this episode but I won't bother defending this shit.
I'm rooting for team whoever fucking kills Mitsumune
so far they are the closests.
So basically, everyone is terrible except for Maimai, Lion, and Pink Goddess. Speedstar too I guess
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My dick
she's going to tell the rest of the girls to walk into certain death and end up getting herself killed instead
She's the reason they're all hallucinating right?
Don't get me wrong I want him dead too, but we can't excuse what they did just because it was directed towards someone we hate.

The fags who now hate who wanted to kill Mitsumune are hilariously weird and straight from the depths of tumblr.
>but we can't excuse
maybey you can't
but I sure as hell can
Dat Naana's candy has Toxic.
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Chart update when?
Bet she's gonna steal Mitsumune's nose next episode. What a bully.
>muh black and white world view
Fucking hell it's like I'm on tumblr.
This isn't SURVIVAL.
This isn't SURVIVAL at all.
we don't. He still obnoxious and pitiful. It's just that Shitpon and Junkie-chan just happened to target him
EVERYONE is terrible, it's just that some of them hasn't get their reveal screentime yet.
>we can't excuse what they did
I can. Go team, kill the fag.
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>No appearance of Jack at all this episode
>Jackfags resort to waifu shitposting
Jackfags on suicide watch.
I don't like Mitsumune but torturing him for no good reason is fucking retarded and certainly makes you a cunt.
I didn't hear her starting to say anything like "gullible"

I heard "You're the most, umm.." and then she gets interrupted by the other girl
And? I'd target him too.

tumblr please.
>I like getting used by bitches
look at this bitch face
Never said I hated her, but I wouldn't turn back to save her from a rampaging sea lion
Valkana has become such a pussywhipped beta fag. Elite-kun was right; he fell for the honeypot. Fucking sex starved idiot.
Remove nyanta.
>waah they called my waifu a shit, i bet their from tumblr!!
Kill yourself.
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Naana a cute. A CUTE.
Mitsumune is a good MC.
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It's hard to hate these guys when they're the source of this week's entertainment. Everyone on this trip has problems and it's their turn to get exposed.
No, you're tumblr because you're crying about "redemption".
>no one's posting jack
>somehow people get triggered out of nowhere
How's your jackphobia going?
This fucking guy.
If anything Naana didn't say a single cunty line.
Did they really think Mitsumune would be reliable guard?
not everyone likes tsunderes or edgy lolis. The only unanimously liked are Goddess, Latte and Toriyasu
Stop telling me to visit your favorite website, woman.
I for one never thought Mitsumune should die. Being awkward and kind of a dumb fuck doesn't warrant a death wish. That's way overdoing it.
But they weren't really planning to?

They took Lovepon with them for the intimidation factor, not to torture his ass.
So does being shot by an airsoft hurt that bad? I know some cases of people who became blind after taking a pellet into the eye but I never heard of falling unconscious after a shot to the chest.

Those are the ones to watch out for, too.
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Fuck all of them. No one would miss them if they died anyways.
Mitsumune reminds them of their highschool selves.
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Just read the last thread, since when do we have so many faggots here who are against enhanced interrogations? Go hug a tree or something.

Lovepon doesn't seem like a sadistic cunt who'd do this stuff just for her enjoyment, it was implied previously that she probably had experienced a criminal getting away because people didn't have the balls to do what was necessary. So she's stepping up and taking responsibility.
I want him out of the picture, he's bland and uninteresting and takes away screen time from the other characters.
Mistumune is a fucking shit that doesn't have any grudge against Lovepon after she tried to kill him

He's pure shit
This desu baka senpai. Are we on the twilight zone?

It was a stun gun.
More like we knew that he is at least innocent on a certain degree and yet all these people ganged up on him for flimsy, self-justified reason. Ganging up on a harmless person is the hallmark of bully and make the character less likable. If Lovepon or one of survival duo confront him alone I think people wouldn't have negative reaction like this.

Torture doesn't work. The subject just says anything to get the torture to stop.
Jack is irrelevant, but Jackposters are still rampant and asspained that he was just cannon fodder and not the "complex, with a tragic past" woobie they claimed he was.
Mitsumune is barely a man. A gentle breeze would probably knock him out.

He's complete shit
Actually junior high.

It still hurts
Pretty much. I'm tired of the beta MC by now.
Hardly anyone has raised a word against her.
no, for me thats jack
>defending degenerate criminals is tumblr
Just kill yourself.
He's pure AND shit, not pure shit, senpai.
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Official list of people who still aight as of episode 5:

>Pink Goddess
>Soy Latte
No, for me it was Toshiboy.
The criminal did nothing wrong.

Millions of girls are raped in the world and don't turn out like Lovepon. She deserves to be raped to death.
>this is what americans believe
There's very few people that like Mitsumune.

I'm one of them.
I didn't say everyone liked them. I'm talking about them as good or bad people. I'm still not sure if Latte is a secret murderer or not. She's cute though
It rarely happens. And he's still one of the better characters in the show, considering that others are way worse.
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>somehow people get triggered out of nowhere
Do you even know where you are?
What did she really see?
>Jackfags on suicide watch.
Toshiboy was the guy talking about rape so casually.
>Jack is irrelevant
Just like your favorite character amirite?
>implying any of them is innocent
What do you think you're watching?
She wants the D(ozaemon), doesn't she?
For me that was Valkana.
Jigoku was planning on torturing him. Lovepon wanted to kill him. Mikage and Nyanta did nothing wrong.
Atleast he was kinda consistent, even when Lion threw him under the bus with her comment, he still doesn't take grudges against her, even encouraging her
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>The subject just says anything to get the torture to stop.
would he say that he loves me?
That's the worst part of the show. Everyone is starting to get unhinged and NOBODY says anything to the dumb bitch trying to incite hatred and violence.
Nyanta left him to die.
This. For me the worst thing about the show so far is the fact that he's the MC. Everytime that beta faggot opens his mouth I feel like closing the video.
We shouldn't be forcing this until about 2 days remaining to the new episode. Last week we started too early and it was utter shit. Wait for the memes to be made.
Not really.

/a/nons aren't are nice as Mitsumune. They're Jacks without balls to stab others.
I do, but only because I want to see him break.
No, for me it was Nettaiya.
At least Nyanta cut his ropes.

She's hiding something about Yottsun.
What the fuck happened to these threads. Everyone is attacking characters for no real reason and everyone is also defending characters for no real reason.
I debated putting Toshiboy there for that reason but I feel like 99% of people in these threads do the very same shit he did.
What does she mean by this?
I don't think I've ever felt second-hand embarrassment from an anime before Mitsumune. Shit is cringeworthy.
>rape is more okay than torture
How's the life in Europe?
i beat a guy with a chair once, thats got to count for something right?
Yeah right.
Valkana is one of the main characters who got merch so no, he's not Jack-irrelevant tier.
Pon said there's "nonviolent ways of torture."
Hellfire probably didn't think she would seriously try to go Higurashi on MC
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Will lovepon go beyond waterboarding?
She could see Mitsumune was going to die until Masaki put a stop to it.
And let's not forget that it wwas an idea shared by Yuuno and Pu-ko. And possibly by even more girls In that regard, Na-na was the girl's spokeperson, for something that was likely born as a common idea. So why hating that much the messenger ? Na-na is a reasonable candidate to deliver such a message to Mitsumune since she's among the older girls in the tour, isn't aggressive like a Yuuna and isn't shy like a Yuune.

Also, Mitsumune was tailing the girls like a creepy stalker. Isn't it normal to give him a little payback by making him guard the house since he wants that much to be near the girls ?
>not rooting for team Mikage
what is wrong with you people
I don't even like the MC but what Nyanta/Hellfire/Lovepon did was just gross. Well that was to be expected of Lovepon but I thought Nyanta and Hellfire were cool.
What are you on about?
It's like this every Saturday when the shitposters come out to play.
>I don't think I've ever felt second-hand embarrassment from an anime before Mitsumune.
clearly you've not watch watamote
Literally insane sheltered boy. I can't hate him.
Just like in the show.
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Nyanta and Jigoku look so cute together.
>Pon said there's "nonviolent ways of torture."
liking sexy time?
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So what, you're supposed to ask nicely and if they decline accuastions be done with it? It's not like they can surveil Mitsumune for a few weeks or something, they needed answers, and they needed them quick.

I'm actually german.
I think you read that scene wrong. They were in on Mikage's plan to capture Mitsumune so that's why they made him stand on guard duty. Easier for the others to catch him. I think this explanation makes Naana less of a cunt actually.
The whole point of this show is that thirty assholes get together in the middle of fucking nowhere and go batshit. Why are people surprised at all or mad about this?
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He cut his rope though.

That's probably not even the worst of what we'll see since we still have 20 something other characters to go through. I'm pretty sure someone more dangerous is among them.
g-guys I think I'm becoming a Maimaifag
For the love of fuck, /a/. Why would you want the creators of the show to blow their loads early? The reason he seems bland and uninteresting right now is because we know shit-all about him.

Let the damn staff play their cards close to the chest with Mitsumune right now. We haven't seen his true colors yet, but we will. When we do, then pass judgement on him.
How do you torture someone non-violently?
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Her bandwidth limit.
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Your favourite three girls after this episode?

Maimai, Naana and Soy Latte.
It means Mitsumune will have a giant harem by the end of this.

even Lovepon
I'd usually see people start crafting theories at this time, and shitposts on later days.
He might've just been a slutty boy, is that still okay?
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Fuck off, we're full.
Break them mentally. Cop-style interrogation
Pink Goddess.
Why does Mikage find Mitsumune suspicious?

There's literally zero evidence to suspect Mitsumune. He's one of the least suspicious of the entire bunch.

Nevermind, it's just an Okada script.
No I haven't.
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People seem to want this series to be a conflict-free, torture-free SoL.
We truly are in N/a/naki village.
Puuko was a bad influence on Naana.
Jokes on you, I was a Maimaifag since the first episode because I saw her development coming
He finds Maimai suspicious as well, the guy's paranoia has hit the next level.
Well, this episode, things actually happened.
At least we can all agree the Hyakushiki no Javascript is still the worst character.
It's the other way round.
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mayoegg has great MST3K qualities. I'd sit in a theatre with you guys and drink beer, shittalk and throw popcorn at all the naaarna fags.

eventually we'd split up into groups and start killing each other too.

She came up with the giant mitsumune, forcing their group back, so there is SOME evidence to suspect her.

As for Mitsumune, the only evidence is that he went in the middle of the night to see Jack and crazy fucking Lovepon was involved.
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no it's not ok
>claims he saw Yottsun in the river but they never found a trace of him
>defends an actual suspicious person like Masaki
>is creepy just in general
Puuko a Puuta
Some people are still under the illusion that there are good, stable characters.

No one is like that. No one sane would've joined this tour, you're fucking retarded if you think so. "Beware of the nice ones", the ones you fag for this week will be the worst the next.
>defend Masaki when Yottsun disappeared
>suspected to have freed jack
>first one to spot Yottsun corpse
>someone saw a giant him in a tunnel
He is suspicious as fuck.
God I fucking hate Mikage.
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>Not betamaxmune
"Look before you leap" could simply be referring to the fact that perhaps it would have been better for the mayoigas to know more details about what exactly they were getting themselves into with this trip.
No, for me it was Nettaiya
One episode some characters are decent then the next they are dickheads.

Can anyone save them?
There was nothing to support that idea. Why the hell they give him a hoe if they were in the plan? MC didn't even has brain to ask for weapon. He was just an easiest guy to order nothing more or less.
you're the one thats missing the point

I'm under suspicion of pink goddess too, he seems to be on top of the nice list. How much do you want to bet that he is the one that killed his parents?
There is also that shit Lion pulled by calling him a ghost.
what exactly could that bring up that redeems him?
I don't understand what she wanted to say. gul-what?
But he's hilarious.
Orgasm denial
>How much do you want to bet that he is the one that killed his parents?
I thought everyone was thinking the same thing.
Yes, Yamauchi is probably the craziest of them all. I think he killed his parents too.

Soy Latte is most likely a nurse who killed her patients, too.
Calling it now, JACKU will end up being the only one person with a kind heart.
Nanko, Koharun, Soy Latte
nothing she faked it like the little whore that she is
Fuck off.
>Maimai saw him first
>obviously they're not going to find him if he was drifting down a river
>treats everyone equally
>among the smallest and youngest
>is only involved when others involve him
>not including the limited edition Narna misprint title card.

Disappointed anon.
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>Jack was fodder
A shame he still has many more faces to show us, you can bid your farewells to Lovepon though.
He is suspicious. But in a way more like he'd follow girls back in the dark, watch them sleep, then steal their panties. And he'd do it all while believing he's acting completely normal. Too bad Hayato got in the way.
Why isn't Yuuna in the correct order?
Yeh that's why he stabbed a classmate right.
Nothing, she just wanted to throw Mitsumune under the bus.
I was laughing throughout the whole episode, great stuff indeed.
The Speedstar/Mitsumune relationship got unusual again.

Judging by their backstory, Hayato should have defended Mitsumune when everyone was bullying him - but he didn't.
RIP Bus ;_;7
> you're supposed to ask nicely and if they decline accuastions be done with it?
There's this thing called evidence...
That's true for the cannon fodder but the ones being propped up as main characters will never be portrayed as evil in any way. They'll be baby faces until the end with the possible exception of Mitsumune.
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I still hate Yottsun and Judgeness, moreover these two are actually confirmed kill as opposite to Jack who ran away.
Nothing wrong with stabbing subhumans.
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Fodder and non fodder, nicely explained.
I like her wide forehead
im not sure if theres a word for this fetish
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>We will see Jack smile in our lifetime
Yes please.
>Lovepon will survive
Some characters don't have any highlights in their eyes. What does that mean?
Nah that's just funny.
You know what would be cool?

If, completely out of pattern, some wild twist happened and we got rused by the writers. Like everyone thinks it's this shitty Another knock off, and then it turns into some insane harem cult shit or something.

Like how a ton of people thought SamFlam was pointless SOL shit, and then boom Furious George.
He is a penguin anon. Most he could do is bitching about MC's suicidal decision.
Yeah I still believed he didn't really exist and Puuko/Maimai just commented on a penguin doll. His whole existence and interaction tied too much with MC.

he falls easily for lies

Can someone who speaks moon go through that and translate it accurately?
I don't see Masaki here
Pu-ko let slip that they chose him because she is gullible, which was clearly not intended to be said to him That's their real reason for chosing him She clearly accidentally told what was in her mind
If they were working with Mikage she wouldn't have said that
He's a fucking dickhead who's in an abusive relationship with Mitsumune, and exaggerates everything he does for him. Maimai has probably done more for Mitsumune at this point than Speedshit.
Masaki is all over the OP, anon.
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>that dead look
they're the hanzaisha
That's what I want, honestly. But I also want it to be an elimination game kind of show as well.
"Because you're the most- umm..."
Almost the entire opening focuses on her, she's about as likely to die as the fag mc.
Of course anon, I'm sure they drew a varied and uncharacteristic, as of his latest appearance, range of expressions for a fodder character on the same level as Judgeness and Yottsun.
You mean that dank look
She looks high.
I wish she survived pie festival
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As I said, they don't have the time. They can't start an investigation, have a surveilance team on him for a few weeks and see what they come up with. Also, what would classify as evidence in a case like that? You want satelite images of him meeting up with the yokai?

They had good reasons to suspect Mitsumune, they didn't just took him into custody for nothing. Granted, I would interrogate Pukey-chan first, but you might as well start with him.

Mikage is a naive faggot because he didn't think this through. At least Hellfire had the guts to realize that what Lovepon was intending to do was necessary for the security of the camp.
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Hyouketsu no Goddess did nothing wrong.
Don't need to speak much moon.

>datte ichi ban— sono...

>after all, you're number one— um...
>I would interrogate Pukey-chan first, but you might as well start with him.
Mitsumune doesn't know shit though.
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So instead of letting out what she thought of him, she was trying to think of a reason on the spot, but couldn't come up with anything. That kinda changes the context a bit, but not in any important way.
>I would interrogate Pukey-chan first
I would just rape
>Varukana, Koharun and Dahara try to preserve Driver-kun's honor by not telling everyone that he saw his dead daughter
>immediately suspicious in everyone's eyes

What the fuck


I don't think the situation they were suggested that Mitsumune is gullible as well, where did the translators get that word from?
They actually did, look at the started book.
Because Mikage is a doof.
>puke-chan saved Mitsumune
>doesn't give a shit about the giant penguin
How much does she know
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Doesn't have to mean anything, but some characters sure do look creepy.
More than you do apparently

>datte ichi ban— suna...

For "sunao" (meek/obedient/gentle/gullible...)
>They had good reasons to suspect Mitsumune
No they don't. Stop with the armchair lawyer act. And if the security of the camp mattered to them at all, Lovepon would be locked up for basically confessing to attempted murder.
This, rape the answers out of them.
Out of their asses.
She didn't see it.
>preserve Driver-kun's honor
hows that preversing honor
>The point
>Your head
I imagine that if it didn't mean anything they'd at least stay consistent.
Where's that OC pic that said to hide all Lovepon posts.
>Pink Goddess
>Soy Latte

Top 3 "normal" candidates in my view that are likely to snap and/or commit a crime. I'm inclined to add Naana too because it's suspicious how she has zero friends at her age, yet gets along perfectly with everyone in the group.
Because if they told people that, people would begin to think he's crazy.
>rape the answers out of them.
I doubt that would work
I just want to rape her
I haven't cringed a single time this whole anime. He might be very awkward but it's overshadowed by the fact that he's batshit insane. This is one of the few animes I know that I can watch without turning down the volume or skipping parts.
Mikage was actually fucking right in this scene as much as I hated him in this episode. If someone is seeing weird shit when weird shit has been happening all around them, it's only proper to share it with the group.
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>i dont even...
5th ep completely ruined all my expectations. giant duck my ass. no sane person would continue this crap.
He wasn't doing very good when he started losing it a bit with Lion.
he trid to drive them off the road over an egg on ramen issue,
people already think he's crazy
>he was actually expecting a good anime
Now that I've taken a good look you may be onto something there.
Honestly, trying to keep a secret in a situation like that wasn't the best thing to do. People are more likely to panic when they know SOMETHING happened when they were away and nobody wanted to tell them.
It's fitting, since she's already dead.
>hahaha i bet you were raped lol
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Maybe that's what Lovepon had in mind too and the nail thing is just a fetish or something.

Lovepon never showed any kind of hostility towards anyone who didn't pose a threat. Jack tried to assault someone because he was annoyed, so Lovepon suggested to execute the maniac for the benefit of the group. Faggot Mitsumune then tried to free him, so Lovepon had to deal with his attempted treason. Yottsun was a sexual predator also he looked muslim.

She's a good girl who just wants protect everyone from the criminal scum.
Who yells more, Valkana or Lovepon?
Why do girls always go for the angry men
I'm like Mitsumune,nice with every girls but they make fun of me
do i need to be a angry men too??
Dahara pls.
Valkana. But he's my favorite.
Not really given how desperate he is in his attempts to fuck Koharun
Lovepon, Varukana was tame in this episode.
Valkana most of the time. Lovepon when I'm with her.
It's lucky we're on 4chan then.
How would you torture Lovepon? Puncturing her eardrums sounds like fun.
I thought Valkana was going to be some sort of former yakuza enforcer or something
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What did he mean by this?
The face of an angel.
That's how the world works man
He's desperate.
This is the biggest problem i have with the show so far. Here's some crazy chick screaming about execution and torture, but they'd rather accuse other people who objectively did not do anything just because someone else starts rumors about them.

At one point Lovepon accused Mitsumune and everyone started agreeing with her, and fucking no one brought up the fact that she tried to strangle him in the goddamn river for no reason other than she's batshit insane.
What's the title of the next episode again?
Why now? All of this could have been avoided you cock mongler.

Also Maimai and Narna are cute!

She was originally listed as 25. I assume the person who fixed didn't have the skills/time to rearrange it.
>this is bait
I would tolerate his screaming a lot more if he was.
This is the logical list of suspicious people from the characters perspective:

Koharun (obvious) > Dahara (organizer) > Misaki (ovciously lying) > Bus Driver (not associated directly with trip, changed his mind to come along) > Mitsumune (found dead yottsun, was going to see Jack) > Hayato (for being associated closely with Mitsumune) > Masaki > Lovepon (for unusual behavior) > Lion (for unusual behavior)

The characters themselves seem unaware of this, though.
Monk something
>Na-na is a 25-year-old cake who would bully you and give you her candy
Immoral Monk or something.
Maimai is the culprit, she threw Yottsun in the river and freed Jack before MC and Lovepon came to her.
What the fuck is wrong with him?

How far does his insanity goes?

When will he lose it?
I don't know for current Lovepon, I don't care for her. But as for Lolipon, I would sure rape her and paint her playroom in white if you see what I mean. I would then take pictures of her naked body (and her blood/semen dripping pussy) with her smartphone and forward that to her family, friends and school.
Doujins when?
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The 10-years gap diference only makes my dick harder
Do you think the fact that no one notices or cares about Lovepon's violent tendencies has something to do with her past? Does she naturally fly under everyone's radar or something?

Or are they all just that fucking stupid? Say what you want about the aggressive characters this episode, but I don't think the innocent characters are any better for tolerating her.
someone needs to put him in a cute dress and buttrape him
You're 15 years old? Back to >>>/reddit/
Nobody gives a shit about speedwagon. Masakin Lovepon or Lion are much more suspicious to them.
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Never have I seen a better display of betaness in anime. He tries to cheer the girl up by being soft on her and sugar-coating things, but that's not going to get him pussy.
Lovepon was always crazy
>Or are they all just that fucking stupid?
Hey I think you are onto something here anon
It's just bad writing
She was dropped on her head as a baby.
She's still in middle school. How do you know it's not right before she signed up? If it's explaining why she joined the tour in the first place, it's probably not that far back in time.
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10 years gap between Naana and Lovepon
Manga chapter 3 when?
What WAS Mitsumune doing when he was following the girls? He never actually answered Hayato's question.
>reading the manga
It was posted yesterday.
>paint her playroom in white if you see what I mean.
not really
some sort of minimalistic asthetic you are trying to create?
They think she's crazy but not dangerous/violent. And Naana was babysitting her.
Being his usual creepy self.
I want to fuck Lion.
He was just following Puke probably.
When will it be Mitsumune's day of retribution?
Give me a logical reason why nobody punched Lovepon in the face yet

0. Not spooky at all.

It's not a horror, it's a mystery.
He was simply doing what Hayato called him on. Stalking the girls like a creep.
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How butthurt would you guys be if Maimai was the mastermind?

What if Mitsmune was Tyler Durden doing everything that's been going wrong? KIlling people, inciting paranoia, etc. etc. A little bit of his normal personality shows through.
Can someone post the twisted fucking psychopath edit?
I honestly think this is supposed to be commentary on Japanese society, which the characters were all desperate to escape. People will ignore obvious problems there all day long for the sake of not causing a fuss, only to turn around and viciously rip apart people who really haven't done anything all that bad just because they've somehow broken form.

Jack has a criminal past and the group goes apeshit on him for it. Lovepon, though? It's fine to ignore her because she can't immediately be profiled the way he can. She isn't "officially" classed within a group threatening to society, so she can get away with shit that a documented criminal can't.
this has source material?
Walking them home gently?
>How butthurt would you guys be if Maimai was the mastermind?
Impossible, I just can't think of a logical way that this would happen.
But Jack is Elliot Rodger anon
You know what, I agree.
I hope Yuune doesn't turn out to be bad.
No, the manga is published along the anime, but the manga storyline is 2 episodes behind.
Maimai's scream when she saw Mitsumune was erotic as fuck.
>How do you know it's not right before she signed up?
Much shorter hair.
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Still the cutest
Jack wouldn't be super stoked that he spoke to some girls that day.
You're overanalyzing shit. There isn't commentary on anything here. It's just shit writing
am..I in bizarro world?
there's a time and place for it depending on the person but neither of those apply right now and dahara doesn't realize it at all

plus he triple fucked up by dismissing her studies as old wives' tales, if he had an iota of a chance before he fucking destroyed it there
>I honestly think this is supposed to be commentary on Japanese society
Says fucking who? Until the creators confirm or deny whether or not it's commentary, your guess is as good as mine.
>execute him
>torture him
Even the dead are not free from this bitch. Ponpon needs a good dicking to calm her tits
It's illogical shit writing anon. move on
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It's still her middle school uniform.

That strand that's sticking out is really cute.
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my reaction at the ending of this episode
Mitsumune was actually really cute this episode. Why is everyone so mad?



> I can't think of a logical way this would happen.

This is a Mari Okada show. Logic is not important.
I hope Jack rapes her until she gets heart pupils.
I assumed he was going to his assigned house like everyone was told to, but I don't remember the groups, and it looks like it was just him being a stalker anyway.
So why did not a single one of the Yuunas die?
They're autistic
Maimai please.
Except Okada just edits the fucking script down to a manageable size and the interview confirmed that. That's it, that's her job.

Enough with the Okada meme.
This is probably the most likely - she's the last in the group when they're turning the corner into the house, and he watches her back and stands there for a bit before turning away - BEFORE Hayato shines his flashlight on him.

So he's just stalking Masaki as usual.
One of them is already dead, you just didn't notice.
>for no reason
Are you even watching the show mate? He tried to help Jack, someone who assaulted an innocent guy just a few hours ago. As far as they know, Mitsumune might as well be in cahoots with Jack.

What would they accuse Lovepon for? She didn't do anything apart from suggesting a very reasonable way to move forward and caring for the safety of the group.
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Why did they have to turn my pure innocent waifu into a condescending bitch?
What's she doing?
Lovepon doesn't yell, she screeches.


There's the issue, faggot.
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>sells drugs
>pure innocent waifu
I bet Mitsumune saw the giant penguin because he ate the candy she gave him
>What would they accuse Lovepon for?
being an unstable element
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>first fucking episode confirms in no uncertain terms that MC has bought himself a one-way ticket to Lose Your Shitville
>there are still people retarded enough to think he's just a bland boring uninteresting guy with nothing else to him
Will we see more Detective Nanko?
Also I like her hips.
Invisible execution.

Who's the player character here?
Not a Naanafag but I was shocked as well, it's like when you first found out that wrestling wasn't real.
Nobody thinks that. He's a fucking bizarre weirdo. He went along with Lion getting everyone to suspect him and smiled about it.
For all I know, Mikage's the mastermind and is deliberately fostering dissent and splitting up the groups further while simultaneously deflecting suspicion from himself by casting doubt on others first, and he's the one that actually freed Jack in the first place
Nah, it doesn't fit his character archetype, which is 'guy who is above average in terms of intelligence but thinks he's smarter than he is because he grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth'/
Seems weird that she doesn't speak when another mystery came up.
>people trying to rationalize his blandness away
It's literally just candy.

Obviously the viewer, since later on in that mission he gets betrayed by the characters.

That's pretty much what's going to happen especially if you're a fan of someone seemingly innocent.
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Post yfw Mitsu is a serial killer that anonymously inspired Dahara to gather people nobody would miss and bring them to a location nobody ever goes to.
Reminder that Mikage was the one to throw out a theory regarding the village that can't possibly make any sense if you think about it for half a second. He's been suspicious from the start.
He's just slightly incompetent - that's the joke.

>rampart autism
He's interesting and one of the most consistent.
That's just the kind of thinking he'd want to throw people further off from suspecting him!
She stood up when Mikage left. She probably still has suspicions about Dahara, but doesn't want to separate from the group.
>verbally defending someone accused of a crime is worse than actually strangling and trying to drown someone for trying to stop you from committing murder
Ok retard.
So Lovepon was raped by a monk?
Ticking time bomb, remember?
People overreact. She was just acting to hae Mitsumune captured because theyre all fucking paranoid.
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There is no monk.
She's leaving to go somewhere private with the shirtless dude.
"If the eyes are yellow, machete that fellow."
Does that phrase ring any bells for you, anon?
Naana just went there to use them as test subjects for her drugs.
>guy who is above average in terms of intelligence but thinks he's smarter than he is
And freeing Jack is the just the material he needed to keep up that facade. He gets to monopolize the material he created, and can act out the leader role he desired (like how Hellfire mentioned).
I actually feel a lot more sympathetic for Mitsumune, which is why I feel uneasy about the characters being dickish to him.

I mean, imagine it. Your twin dies in an accident and your homo friend Hayato suggests that you take his identity and pretend you died in order to stop being bullied/be loved more by your parents. Then, your parents put hellish expectations on you and you always feel like the love they give you isn't for you, but for your dead ass twin. You never make any friends of your own, as your 'friends' are friends with Tokimune, not yourself. Then, when going on this tour to do life over and finally get a life of your own instead of living someone else's life, one of the first things a person says to you is that they like your name, something you've been forced to hide and not use for years.

His actions make sense thus far considering this. I can't just dismiss him as a spineless creep anymore.
So after watching this episode I think the moster will be revealed as some wannabe therapis, who tries to let the characters confront their issues. He has yet to kill anyone. Judgeness fell of a cliff because he saw the real Jack and Masaki most likely killed Yotsun.

Masaki and Mitsumune are probably more fucked-up then Lovepon. And what Mitsumune saw was supposed to be ridiculus to show that how pathetic he is.

Mitsumune's real name is probably Tobiume or whatever he called that duck thing. Mitsumune was his twin brother, who died during an accident, that he survived. His mother only carried for Mitsumune. She then tried to believe that Tobiume died and Mitsumune survived. Tobiume at some point started believing that too. Hayato knows what happened.

I still like Lovepon. I wonder if there is something between her an Nyanta. They are together quite often and next week both get a flashback.
>I mean, imagine it. Your twin dies in an accident and your homo friend Hayato suggests that you take his identity and pretend you died in order to stop being bullied/be loved more by your parents. Then, your parents put hellish expectations on you and you always feel like the love they give you isn't for you, but for your dead ass twin. You never make any friends of your own, as your 'friends' are friends with Tokimune, not yourself. Then, when going on this tour to do life over and finally get a life of your own instead of living someone else's life, one of the first things a person says to you is that they like your name, something you've been forced to hide and not use for years.
Nice fanfiction.
when the hell was all this revealed?
>Feeling sorry for someone because of your own headcanon
What the fuck are you doing?
So this show really is a ripoff of Angel Beats.
Essay writer, calm down with the fic.
How do you know what's under the wrapper?

Also, Mitsumune is such a fucking betamax tool. A few nice words and candy from cuties, and he's putty. PUTTY!
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Thanks for noticing. Even my post is ignored just like her.
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Lovepon still hasn't gotten a machete in her back, unfortunately. Probably won't happen too because Hellfire has a hard on for her.
You could take down a mothership with headcannon that strong.

Valkana is the same, so is Dahara.

The only non beta main characters who don't worship the pussy are Mikage and Hayato.
>people start shipping Hellfire x Nyanta
>Hellfire wants the pon
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All the losers on this thread who got cucked and bullied by Chad in highnschool got brainwashed into believing that being nice makes you a beta by default.
She didn't try do drown him because he tried to stop him, what show are you watching? How would Mitsumune stop anyone from doing anything in the first pace? He almost choked to death on candy when standing guard.
And at least one of those is homo.
he's boring
and taking screen time away from the characters that arn't
unless the guy turns out to be a serial killer putting up a front i have no reason to believe any of that.
He's letting girls step all over his beta self but isn't a beta somehow.

Boring? He makes me laugh the most out of any character.
then why do they like Valkana and not Dahara?

we all know this is gonna end with Dahara getting brutally cucked and then murdering Valkana and Koharun
I don't understand, this seems incredibly plausible. Speedstar calls him Tokimune in the manga, there's the weird reaction with him calling himself Mitsumune but then telling Misaki that it's his real name, there's an accident as a child and the scene where his mom hugs someone else instead of himself, he suddenly stopped being bullied at the beginning of middle school because of Speedstar's advice, and he calls the giant monster that looks like the stuffed penguin at the accident with his face coming out of it (probably what was seen as BIG MITSUMUNE) Tokimune.

All this added up shows that he's taken his twin's identity after an accident killed him and hospitalized Mitsumune. Everything else is, admittedly, just the blanks filled in by imagination, but they're all the natural consequences of these events.
Varukana is a whipped whiteknight now, as bad as MC.
He's anything but. The fodder should hurry up and die.
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Valkana is the cuck for being dumb enough to fall for such a suspicious lunatic.

Pic related, must be all the '''research''' we haven't seen her doing. After all, she's a '''researcher'''.
You need to stop with these headcanons, the Jack ones were embarrassing enough.
You're right. I watched it again. She tried to drown him for no good reason at all.
Valkane is nice though, he hasn't shown a single asshole tendency yet. If anything Dahara is an asshole because he is only saying things to girls what they want to hear while Valkana is straight up telling the truth.
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I don't necessarily disagree, but don't you think this is kind of a fucking weird statement to be making so confidently?

"Nearby factory"? How could Mikage possibly fucking have a frame of reference for what's nearby when speaking of a village nobody is supposed to know the exact location of? If he wants to lob around accusations, then shit, this right here makes him just as suspicious as the people he's trying to nail.
I like this Valkana, he's finally chilled out a bit


They have nothing in common.
He knows that you can't just tie up and interrogate anyone you find suspicious.
Fuck off, Dahara. Go masturbate in your corner.
>"Nearby factory"? How could Mikage possibly fucking have a frame of reference for what's nearby when speaking of a village nobody is supposed to know the exact location of?
if you dont know the exact location of the factory only that its nearby, its stil works.
Who, Hellfire and Lovepon? Hellfire wanted Lovepon to proceed with the torture.
He wants to fuck her brains out m8, he likes his girls wild.
>You're right. I watched it again.
That's good, keep trying. Don't blame yourself, some people just need more time. Watch it a couple of more times and maybe you'll get it.
Someone gag her and save the village
But here's the thing, Mikage shouldn't even know if Nanaki is in a place where a factory could feasibly be near to.
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Amateur. A factory is the most likely culprit. He just followed the facts where they led him.

Fucking amateurs, not even once.
I want to cum on Aki-lucky's scar and have her softly clean my dick up afterwards.
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Isn't Koharun's VA Himari's VA?

Koharun confirmed for penguin summoner
Justify what she did. Go on you retarded cuck.
Your theory isn't impossible, but the thing is that you're feeling empathy towards a character because of your theory, which has no proof that it's bust or true as of right now.
>Loveponfags literally running out of ways to defend their favorite meme cunt
Just kill yourself.
You know, that's fair. I'll reserve judgment, negative or positive, until later.
If Aki-lovely doesn't show up in Lostorage I'm ending it.
Go back to /pol/.

I don't have anything to defend her from though. She got great screentime and fags like you crying because she continues to be best girl. Seems like a good deal to me.
Koharun's seriuosly creepy.
And a penguin summoner, too.
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Retarded just like the goddess you worship.
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Creepy cute!
Keep eating shit, cuck.
this is every mayoiga thread ever.
Enjoy your last seconds of Lovepon before she's kill with Nyanta next ep.
Not after I get my lolipon flashback.

Lovepon is not irrelevant cannon fodder like Jack.
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I like my boys tied up

upon re-reading that I sound like some creepy ass 40 year old man
>it's just one guy
every time
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wew lads
she summons my penguin every time if you catch my drift
He's wrong, he's actually extremely irrelevant.
wait wasnt mitsumune suspected by most of the group in the prior scene why give a suspicious person a weapon these people want to be killed
I will. I just hope she goes out in a glorious way, not just in some lame off-screen death or by falling down a cliff.

So Jackfags are still mad, huh?
>getting baited all the way to page 10

just stop replying
>So Jackfags are still mad, huh?
I'm not, I'm certain he'll be back soon.
>implying we aren't aware
>Lovepon is not irrelevant
As relevant as being a retard whose only gimmick is shouting EXECUTION
>a fujobait crawling in my skin character who doesn't even speak is relevant
>goes away after three episodes
Keep headcanoning.
her other gimmick is shouting TORTURE
Soon as in episode 12, I agree.
>quating things I didn't said
Keep coming loveponfag your tears are delicious
You lost me.
Well, we're not the ones crying because muh Jack won't be in the show anymore. You're ridiculous.
two more
The funny thing is you're still implying that I'm a Jackfag.
Stop projecting already.
666th post for satan
For what?
He's still not relevant and won't be appearing in the show anymore. I'm content.
Why are you just setting yourself up to be blown the fuck out when he returns? there aren't even many people talking about it
Just noticed this. Good job.
Yuune confirmed an angel.
I'm looking forward to his return.
We're talking about Lovepon here not Jack.
Seriously are you so butthurt about jackfags that you keep shitting on jack even though I didn't say anything about him?
Lovepon is love
That deluded fuck has been on a one track Jack mind for at least two weeks now. Poor faggot.
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Let me make this clear: Masaki is the true culprit of the show. She is some sort of skin crawler alien specimen that infects others and takes over their body by exchanging fluids. The first case of infection was in the first episode where she puked all over the driver, next was the STD exchange with Yottsun (he's not actually dead). I'm guessing the reason she's avoiding Mitsumune so much is because she doesn't want her alien genes to be contaminated with autism.
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Wow that was really nice anon 666th post for satan, very cool, I mean, that's really good seriously what an amazing thing to experience holy shit I congratulate you for achieving this amazing goal
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>tfw 5 (You)'s at once
I want to drink Kanata's piss.
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Try harder.
Nice paintskills
>current year
>using auto-update
Yes, she's like a Punisher
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