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Drawfag Thread 1761 second rarfag's files until thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 604
Thread images: 145

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Drawfag Thread 1761
second rarfag's files until thread 1759: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/m5rhvc5a9bfku

Draw Friends Booru!

Please help a little by tagging and uploading pics!
Tag list of artists and colorists: http://pastebin.com/J0dJ6gtn

Missed a delivery or sudden 404? http://desustorage.org/a/
Drawfaggin' references and tablet guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r76FugZ2pZIE74LdSEBMwGJ7HxweawNdoGrNT6hrOfs/edit

Thread 1760 >>140000422
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Freyja Mikumo.png
397KB, 1270x770px
Requesting Freyja lustfully licking Mikumo's navel and both are in their Walkure outfits.
This Thread must be very popular.
Posting from the previous thread, Requesting these Doctor Who characters in the style of the Doraemon anime. The hero's will come first, the aliens later. They must be full body, and in color. That's all I'm asking.
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lovepon and her nurse.jpg
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From the previous thread, Narna licking Lovepon's bellybutton (Mayoiga) and/or an edit of that Illya/maid!Miyu meme pic with Lovepon as the rapist.
He looks happy.
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366KB, 800x800px
You can use my previous request as reference.
I love you, drawfriends.
And this trailer for help.
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573KB, 566x800px
Requesting any 2 girls of your choice performing the fabled Navel Kiss. Who it is is up to the drawfag.

Some suggestions people made:
Lovepon and Narna (Mayoiga)
>tfw can't into expressions
beru < miku
How come no delivery from last thread as OP?
Because I felt like using this pic. There's no rule that the OP has to be from the last thread.
I second this.
And if you want, you can use this as a reference for the humans.
Requesting Yukari Yakumo head patting a young Ran
Anyone else playing as their waifu in DS3?
No. I don't want to see her die. I just stopped playing after a 7 hour binge.
OR here, other anon is right in that he looks happy, but I rather like it this way as well.
Thanks for taking my request, it's really cute.
I have. I wonder if I somehow end up aiding anyone from here that will recognize her from the hair if not the name.

I only gogotten killed at most 10 times.
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2MB, 1394x1012px
Requesting "MILF" Akane.
Requesting a fight between the /m/ triad consisting of Elder God Demonbane, Shurouga Sin, and Aquarion Logos Genesis. These guys have the power to destroy multiverses at a whim so feel free to give it grandeur!
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370KB, 1606x1000px
Requesting an /m/ version of Warhammer 40K chaos gods using various /m/ anime creators, please. For those wanting to know who is who:

-Yoshiyuki Tomino as Nurgle
-Kunio Okawara as Khorne
-Mitsuo Fukada as Tzeentch
-Masami Obari as Slaanesh
File: axwielders.png (1MB, 1472x520px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1472x520px
Requesting Skarbrand and Ein Graze slaying hordes of unlikeable characters and mechs with their dual axes while referencing this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5UXfU7PSdM
I'd really like to see Ciel giving Archer EMIYA his trademark red cloth as a gift.
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484KB, 850x1306px
Requesting Homura dropping her chubby, semi-flaccid futa dick on a table. The impact causes a squirt of cum to shoot out of her urethra, as she's been backed up for days and needs someone to suck it all out
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I might give it a bit color later some day.
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Enjoy /pol/
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1MB, 1366x768px
Requesting Kanon from Coppelion shaking hands with people using a hand buzzer.
As a prank.
How can a dick be "chubby"?
Imagine a small dick but very large.
Not, like, big with veins and shit, but just large and very meaty.

That's how I imagine it.
Requesting Nozomi singing happily on a stage.
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>small dick but very large

I think what anon means to say is that the ratio of the diameter to the penis to the length of the shaft is disproportionately large.
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112KB, 603x657px
Dunno if anyone did this already but here
Requesting a confused class of students sitting in front of a chalkboard that says:
>Classwork: Translate these sentences into Japanese
>I have gone home.
>I am never coming back.
>Japan is disgusting.
>Kill yourselves.
Don't forget
>Gaijin Glory c======3
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Requesting Rukia standing on a chair, terrified of a Venipede that is chasing Swordbro around on the floor.
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394KB, 1024x1280px
OR Here, sorry for being late this is pretty cute thank you

2cakes! Thank you too anon
Oops, didint know someone already did it
and i couldn't find your post to reply to
Not OR but great work, would love to have a delivery from you some day.
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Not OR, but how do you get your lines to look that sharp? My lines look just bulky, and I don't know why, and I use a fairly small pen size at that.
Requesting Frenda and Saten whoring it out in a California beach
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Requesting some big Nero tiddy.
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i give up
Yuuko is a soft ghost.
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Looks like she's not pointing the gun at Kongou.
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I appreciate the 70s style font.
Good shit
File: Witches.jpg (2MB, 1888x2556px)
2MB, 1888x2556px
I'd like a BDSM dungeon of the Madokas where each are being dressed up while in varying states of undress and vaginally stimulated according to their witch form. Homura in stocks with her triple-bowed gag on. Madoka suspended by a metal skirt with her arms chained in the upward Y position. Sayaka with her legs wrapped mermaid style. Kyouko chained to the saddle of a 'horse.' Mami as the Dungeon mistress who captured them all.

(Anon has claimed this. Reposting for convenience. Progress please? Hello?)
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Teruha and Yuka ref.png
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Requesting Teruha and Yuka from Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu with their hair lengths switched.

Someone did Yuka already
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Purple Dress.jpg
135KB, 1024x1448px
Requesting a little fixing and overextended lines, and colors for this beauty.
Ref: https://my.mixtape.moe/exadlq.jpg

Please and thanks a lot in advance.
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Feel free to re-request
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Naisu, we need more girls wearing suits

They got advice from here.
The beach collage was too expensive.

Should have been $10 for the whole thing.
This is great, but >>140028110 is right, you should make Kongou's head smaller.
Not the OR, but thank you for this.
The gym Yuuko is looking deliciously fit, a contrast from her normally soft self that I don't mind. And oh boy, armpit.
The martial arts Yuuko is good, too. Not a footfag, but those are some nice feet.
Poses are nice as well.
It should have, half the faces looked terrible
Paintr is overrated
In all seriousness, I remember long time ago the general suggested P to have $5 commissions
he was an idiot for following through, I remember a couple of artist advised him against it and he still went with it. And then he disappeared.
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Satou NHK.jpg
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Requesting Satou from Welcome to the NHK in the toilet scene from Trainspotting
Nah. He's fine.

That's really gross. Unless they do one minute sketches or something. I'm not familiar with their work.
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1MB, 300x169px
>It's another "artists should charge more" episode

I'm convinced its shilling to hike up prices because it happens every single goddamn week. If someone thinks something is too expensive they will look around, if someone is cheaper than chances are they will do it with them. That's just it, plain and simple.
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requesting more abusive waifus, in particular including insults that are relevant to the 4chan lifestyle and culture
It's one thing to shop around
It's another to low ball inexperienced artists that don't know any better
He was an idiot for actually doing that, but seeing those prices suggested here is pretty disgusting. Art is a service after all, free or not, but those are some slave prices there.

Thee is only a problem when the audience suggests someone should lower their prices because someone else is doing it for the cheap and you want their art.
If people are offering 10 dollars for something you think is worth more, then don't fucking do their job.

I haven't personally seen anyone who's good who'll actually charge below 30 dollars for a colored image. It strikes me as the guy being mad that there's people who are willing to pay less money to get lesser art, and I'm sorry, but that's the free market, if you can provide a low quality product at a low price, there are going to be some people who are interested in that, and if they get the warped idea that all art should be cheap, well, that's their own fault and you don't have to trifle with them.

If you're actually decent, don't sell yourself short is all (if someone thinks you're too expensive but you know you're not, then tell them to fuck off or ignore them), but likewise, don't overestimate the value of your services, I've seen people who charge 200 dollars for rough pencil sketches done in short time and that shit seriously is not worth that kind of money
Requesting Fin E Ld Si Laffinty from Rinne no Lagrange as a male, and being taken advantage of by Madoka and Muginami.
>give up
Why, it looks fucking great. Thanks for drawing Yuuko friend, looks great in just about everything.
It happens. They just have to figure out a middle point where they're making money and the price is reasonable for the person to pay it. The key is to have the person come back and be a repeat commissioner, not just charge a shitload once and then have them never commission you again.

That's up to the person who's set the prices, if they can take a bit off the price and get more people in that way and still be making money then it's their decision.
File: Chihaya Kisaragi.jpg (1MB, 2546x1540px) Image search: [Google]
Chihaya Kisaragi.jpg
1MB, 2546x1540px
Requesting a remake of one of your drawings, but now with Chihaya taking the photo, or simply Chihaya taking a cute photo of any girl you like.
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Goddamn that ass and foot.
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Ryu Yona.png
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Yona from Akatsuki no Yona as a red Ryu monstergirl.
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Noire in her catsuit - sexy, same design
Sexier designs of Vert's and Compa's costumes.
That's not what I'm saying. It happened here before even with 34. She seems okay with the number of people that come to her at the price she sets up (not be overflooded with work and backogs), yet people here are still trying to push her to lower them.
Some good artists from poorer countries will charge less because after exchange rates they will get good money anyway. They could go for 10$/h or so but they either don't want to or don't feel it's necessary for them. And if you are really good, you don't have to put 40 hours into one piece. People will commission them because it's cheaper, and return later because they can afford it.

Market, bitches.
>but likewise, don't overestimate the value of your services,
A lot of popular artists charge high prices, some I've seen from here too.
I can attribute that to them being so popular they can charge anything, or they don't want to do commissions and get pestered about them all the time so they charge a lot.
If they already have a demand that they are fine with they don't need to change shit. Again, up to the person in question. If someone is willing to take in more and do it for less, they are free to do so because it's their choice and their business/services.

Yeah, this can happen too. If they can handle the volume of commissions it can work out pretty well for them.
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savedoutfit number 32.png
783KB, 524x944px
Requesting: Tamamo from Fate/Extra dressed like this.
Also how about Tamamo doing any dance of sorts? From swing to the Hotline bling one http://cdn.pigeonsandplanes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/102015-music-drake-hotline-bling-gif-8.gif
>yet people here are still trying to push her to lower them.
Of course they are, that's business.
If you're dealing with various clients yourself you'll run into people haggling you, it's part of the job.
File: cecilia.png (622KB, 800x1050px) Image search: [Google]
622KB, 800x1050px
Here's the color version. I'm just hoping you see this some day.
I think it is wasted on Cecilia wow IS is fucking terrible.
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201KB, 800x1169px
Requesting Age and Patema kissing.
Patema can be the one standing and Age the one inverted.
Haven't watched the series so I wouldn't know, the girl just looked cute.
My God, those nails are life!1
>all the good girls wasted on that
It's a shame
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3MB, 5030x7101px
Requesting Sento taking her prostitution role a little too seriously
I wouldn't call them good by any means.
They could also move on if the price isn't right, and not bitch and moan like some of here.

Pretty good!
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There's now a Planetarian anime, so I'd like to request Reverie infront of the fiddler crab and then going full JoJo and punching the shit out of it. Should you not want to draw that idea, you can have her wearing anything you like.
Char is olev you take that back
File: jeannexgilles.jpg (417KB, 1568x1016px) Image search: [Google]
417KB, 1568x1016px
Requesting Kamikaze Jeanne clinging to a casually dressed Gilles back.
Everyone from IS is shit.
I can't judge your moonrunes, but it made me kek anyway. Thanks for drawing it.
Delete this now.
Charlotte and Laura were both pretty cute desu.
The other three girls were lacking, though.
Namely Neo Japan, Neo China and Neo England.
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Effie with black sclera and as a full-dom but with a hint of gentleness, like a succubus.
>wearing cow-print lingerie
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540KB, 1800x2400px
But she's roleplaying as a prostitute just for you, anon. Although her idea of prostitution seems to come out of a military-state dictatorship rather than modern society
>Neo China
How come childhood friend girls are never first girl, and never EVER best girl?
Fuck, I want my waifu like that. With smaller pantsu of course, much smaller.
so lingerie?
You best commission it family
I should also fill in that some people work on quantity rather than individual quality.

Not in the sense that they're doing a shit job, but they'll do a basic but presentable job, they'll do it fast, and for an agreeable rate, to attract more commissioners.
No way I'm requesting that here senpai
File: Yamai twins.jpg (578KB, 1256x2180px) Image search: [Google]
Yamai twins.jpg
578KB, 1256x2180px
requesting both the Yamai twins with their hair down, possibly messy too
Alright let's see that request! I'll be waiting for it, even in the WWD!
I'll be requesting the same thing. Just without panties
I could request it there, but I don't know.
Nice, good luck with that.
>Not a footfag but..
you're a footfag.
Would also like to know
Requesting Ika-neechan as a dark skinned gyaru BITCH
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50KB, 960x540px

It's not about the size of the pen
If your lines are close to each other they will seem thick and bulky.
If they're far apart they'll make your work look thinner.

For example the one on the far right is the same thickness as the far left one, but the lines are farther from each other
When is scale down it looks like it's thin lines.
File: [Arinu] 02.png (1MB, 850x1219px) Image search: [Google]
[Arinu] 02.png
1MB, 850x1219px
requesting girls mind breaking girls with superior hand holding skills.
Thanks anon
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>hand holding mind break
Over the line anon.
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>tfw someone ntr's you out of a great request and theres no need to continue drawing.

Great job man
File: Raphtalia tate no yuusha.jpg (536KB, 1340x1098px) Image search: [Google]
Raphtalia tate no yuusha.jpg
536KB, 1340x1098px
Raphtalia wearing a Tanuki cut-out lingerie, and a picture of her eating chocolate for the first time; I suppose her dressing in a bunnygirl costume could be good too.
You're a sick fuck.
Oh man, I just got an idea for the weekend! I hope someone draws her like that!
File: berserker.jpg (45KB, 498x571px) Image search: [Google]
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Requesting Tamamo and Tamamo Cat snowballing a load of cum; also requesting Tamamo Cat wearing this
Haha, yeah!

She won't be
Don't talk to me or my waifu ever again.
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straight out of compton.png
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Requesting naofumi the shield hero riding firo in her bird form while causing mischief. STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON, FUCK THE KNIGHTS or a dissappointed raphtalia encouraged.
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1MB, 1000x1700px
Is that a dick with legs on the left?
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83KB, 233x538px
Requesting Flare Corona dressed as Brandish μ from Fairy Tail if possible.

Reference of Brandish μ:
Which drawfags like to draw short hair on longer haired waifus?
I don't know if the head is too small or the neck is too big, but besides that, really nice work.
Someone's actually doing art of it? Nice.
Damn, this came out better than I imagined. Good work dude!
Old meme.
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Rquesting Ravel paizuri, or anal sex.
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Kindly (re)requesting a cute boy with short black hair and brown eyes in a light blue sweater with "あ" on it, doing a cute pose like in pic related. Would like to use it as a phone wallaper. pls draw my animu husbando
Old and busted. Tamaki! Is the new hotness.
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572KB, 1136x1544px
Sorry for tracing, I just wanted to get to the part where I got to play with designs quicker
someone is sure salty
Don't worry about the tracing, it still looks fine. Thanks for delivering a pretty solid piece anon, I like how you approached the designs.
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4758-1888964084 ws.jpg
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Requesting Futayo in the Obari pose/Yuusha stance with her spear please.
Otherwise her doing a heart with her hands, or topless and surprised as a brown algae latched on to each of her bare breasts
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185KB, 1200x1208px
Hakuno patting Tamamo's head and/or hugging her.
This is the worst such image I've seen:

That's hot.
Shit now I want to see more of this. Not with my waifu, of course.
Requesting Fred in the armor in the painting; it being made sexier (skimpy) or it stripped off and scattered around her on a bed she's lying on, or more like Kamui's from Fire Emblem.
The waifufag didn't even exist in 2012, so it's not for him.
I can fap to this:
File: Leo robe.jpg (52KB, 666x957px)
Leo robe.jpg
52KB, 666x957px
Requesting an illustration of her naked on a bed that has a lot of money on with with a few notes on her body.
>Tfw nobody uses the good Waifu-tan hair color
Presumably there was another Akeno waifufag at the time though, otherwise that image wouldn't make sense.
There wasn't, I was there.
Me too.

That one's too overdone.
File: 1458602350789.png (461KB, 870x722px) Image search: [Google]
461KB, 870x722px
Fuck you
Requesting Nico hooking Nozomi to a milking machine.

Or just Nozomi with her tits getting milked
Moar pics here:
File: d2_Rozalin.jpg (358KB, 1858x996px) Image search: [Google]
358KB, 1858x996px
Rozalin as a Magical girl
Feel free to reference her dress.

As well as requesting Rozalin brandishing the BFG-9000 from Doom.
This is good if it wasn't LL garbage.
I agree with him. The IS characters were simplistic, uninteresting and annoying.
Nico has some cute footwear on.
File: Velvet-turnaround.png (543KB, 1766x639px)
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Requesting Velvet Scarlatina dressed as Archer from Fate Stay Night. She has a similar weapon-tracing ability.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9jFHF2YAMA
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190KB, 810x990px
More Ayame in formal clothing or bunny-maid outfit.
Requesting KanColle Iowa playing Battleship with Yamato, or Anon playing it with Taihou.
I'll never understand the appeal of NTR.
self-insert into the guy fucking her.
I've gotten into self inserting as the guy doing the NTR recently more specifically lonely milf /ss/

Though even still I don't understand someone getting off actually being the cuck
insert as the girl senpai
Self-insert as the girl.

Asking for NTR of waifus is a dick move though.
How will we ever get our fix? Some waifus need to be sacrificed.
Fitting considering that NTRing a waifu is a dick move.
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I need more of Tamamo in her frilly nightgown
I'm pretty fond of male:netorare desu.
requesting meido waifus on the weekend.
Find the people who like NTR.
My waifu is a maid but doesn't look like a stereotype so no one would ever know
Too much work, sacrificing yields faster results.
Sakuyafag pls
Request non-WWD waifus then
I was planning to request that.
Not unless you tell us what is happening.
Requesting the Happy Birthday Rick tattoo with Kaiman from Dorohedoro instead of Bowser.
Make it someone seasonal.
Like Bakuon's Suzuki getting NTRd by her bike.
Request waifus that canonically love a dude in their series getting NTRed by Anon.
What she already looks like a maid, my waifu is even more obscure m8. Her profession as a maid is never brought up in the anime even only the light novel.
I hate to do this, but seconding with Rikka and Yuuta from Chuunibyou.
File: spitroast.png (3MB, 2556x896px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 2556x896px
Adlet and Hans spitroasting/DPing Chamot from Rokka no Yuusha after all the shit she put them through, as she's bound up or not if its just spitroast then have Adlet using a dildo on her ass
Requesting the Hiiragi twins: Tsukasa (bottom left) and Kagami (bottom right) from Lucky Star cosplaying as the Yamai twins and vice versa
Imagine the day you can just feed an AI with character and object references, a reference art style and a scene setup and it'll spew out iterations until you like it.

It's probably still many years off into the future, but it'll happen eventually.
File: first wip.jpg (2MB, 1879x3151px)
first wip.jpg
2MB, 1879x3151px
Im on my way, anon-kun!

Tech's already there in a primitive form. Neural networks and that sort of stuff are cool. I imagine it'd be even more versatile if you fed it a user-manipulated 3D puppet to start with.
File: Axe Meister Anna.png (301KB, 1024x1184px) Image search: [Google]
Axe Meister Anna.png
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Gay Jersey Tomo pls go

Unrelated: Requesting Berserker Anna colors.

Ref: http://i.imgur.com/lpbIQ8U.jpg
>it spew out iterations until you like it
You mean like here, or more specifically the WWD?
Not anytime soon anyways, and it wouldn't really be worthwhile.
The best chance is feed it a reference and a character and it copies the reference. But that's very limited. To do an artist job it needs to be able to do infinite iterations which is time consuming for the user because of the endless iterations.
I wish I had money to commission incredibly lewd things of my waifu.
I've commissioned so many things but barely got into lewds.
I wish I had the money to pay the artist even more to make sure nobody gets lewds.
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I drew this, how long until I am expert level?
Are your requests ready for the weekend?
List of waifus canonically in love with a guy?
Anon please it's tuesday don't make me think about it.
The vast majority of them.
Since Friday
Prepared it on Monday.
My waifu.

With me
Oh yeah, I ended up watching on your recommendation, it was pretty good.
As soon as they were send flying in the sky, the ending was obvious.
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Howdy, all

Since it's Spring time, requesting R. Dorothy in a sundress and sunhat, either both black or a complementary pastel.

Also, if you would, please add any joints that would be exposed.

I request on the spot.
I'd rather get some bonus early deliveries for people ready during the week as practice.
It sort of was, but it didn't make it any less enjoyable.
The best way, confirmed. It's great getting some nice stuff on Friday.
Requesting Nero naked on top of a lion and Rider naked on top of a big snake in a Frank Frazetta-esk style.
Drawfags are still gone like last week
t. finals
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Requesting fit sweaty girls in bikinis.
Remove /dng/.
My waifu is in love with the self-insert MC.
and darksouls for the neets
Only us wageslaves are left.
And we're too tired to do anything.
The only way Japan knows how to tell a story with a male character anynore
I'm worried. It might be the worst weekend yet.
As long as it's a comfy slow burner, I don't really mind if it's slow. It's better than one or two people making the place hostile all weekend.
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/dng/ is everywhere
I'm worried because some friends invited me over for a DaS3 all-nighter, and I may miss some WWD threads.
>Having friends
Get out!
Lucky you ;_;
I'm preparing for all of the despairposting that will happen.
Maybe I shouldn't request this weekend
Who's the first person you'd want to comission
Hard mode:No JADF
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Just something of her, anything's fine. Even donning Tamamo's robes or one of her costumes, or that nyangeire which was a fad recently or doing some midnight drinking with her.
When is the release?
that's the problem, it's going to be all shitposting and no drawings
and this
Why would I commission JADF?
I get shitposted here, so it balances out.

It's today.
>that Hard mode

More like Easy mode. I have no interest in animal fucking because it's disgusting.

I'd commission kubo, ryai, and noccu.
Why did t. become a thing?
He's a cool guy, a good artist who can draw your particular fetish very well.
My fetish doesn't involve animals.
I thought I still had time to preorder. Damn.
Here are the waifus from the 1st WWD thread:

Waifus that love a man in their series:
Chelsea, Orihime Inoue, Maka Albarn, Mai Natsume, Inori, Rias Gremory, Ai Nanasaki, Amakusa Shino, Futayo Honda, Miia, Sumeragi Shion, Mazaki Anzu, Natsume Tsuchimikado, Yukino Yukinoshita, Koujin Rikka, Akeno Himejima, Kazuko Kawakami, RJ, Fujibayashi Ryou, Jolyne, Mitsuru Kirijo, Hanako, Hitagi, Aigis, Shalltear Bloodfallen, Kyou Fujibayashi, Ionasal.kkll.Preciel, Tsukihi, Kurisu, Reikadou Ayame, Hinagiku, Sara.

Waifus that I don't know if they love a man:
Nio, Kobori, Madotsuki, Mizunashi Akari, Gazer, Stocking, Frenda Seivelun, Momo Kawashima, Konata, Yumi, Nonon, Satsuki Kiryuuin, Yotsugi Ononoki, Akiyama Mio, Matoi Ryuko, Patchouli, Kanon, Colette, Hibiki, Risty, Natsuki, Fuuka, Kaede, Watashi, Sakuya, Tomoko, Rin Ena, Andou Mirai, Ivis, Akame, Yukari, Mimi, Sawyer, Kagura, Oora, *Hyun-ae, Kneesocks, Akane, Noir VinoCacao, Q, Taiga, Honoka, Neptune, Ayaya, Cynthia, Mami Tomoe, Kukaku Shiba, Kukuru, Manaka, Weiss, Yuki, Karen, Mao, Misao, Misato Tachibana, Chiaki Nanami, Uni, Sina, Lumina, Hakodate Omiko, Maria, Birdy, Yuria, Irisu Kyouko, Pyrrha Alexandra, Yuumi, Jack the Ripper, Nui.
I've practically commissioned everyone from these threads I've wanted something from or was already delivered at least once.

Guess I could go commission ch2o if he opened them up too.
How do her clothes work? Why aren't her tits all over the place?
9,999 hours
Maybe if you like horses.
So many of those are wrong
No shit, really? It's a shitposting list.
What's wrong?
How much do they usually ask?
Now do it with husbandos.
Bigger question would be why you bother to do a list like this.
I'm a little worried if you'd write that legitimately, not knowing that many characters from shows.
I mean, half of those would be obvious even if you hadn't seen the show.
At this point despairposting sustains me.
Well he got mine wrong so I doubt he's seen/read her material
$25-$60 range
Who is it?
Each weekend is the worst and every internet community in any given time is in the constant state of decline.
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Guy who does the chibi collages, BB, Smurf, or ycum
Ok drawfags,
Who can make the smuggest anime face?
That doesn't seem that much. How's the quality? Is it comparably better to their usual deliveries?
Satan please, leave these poor men alone.
Why are you asking this from drawfags?
>Comparably better
Commissions and fine-tuned details so yeah, and the added benefit of being able to be really specific.
I wish September would end.
Magical obi sash.
>Waifus that I don't know if they love a man:
Some are carpet munchers
Shion doesn't make sense
Megumi wins the kyolobowl In the Light novel and Shion just wants to be friends with Kyolo
Commissions are typically better quality than deliveries because there's money involved.
Besides that she's really cute and I liked her in the series, I hope she gets drawn.
Colette does, Q does.
At that, some might seem like carpet munchers but actually really aren't in the source material.
Anime directors really love to sell things with yuri.
That's kind of obvious, but I was hoping some sort of comparison on how much better.
Pretty much the same. To most here commission is literally priority timing. Its more of a bribe.
That's a lie
Oh Satan, we only care about cute girls
Why wouldn't you want your waifu to have canon love interest? Do you want her to suffer alone for eternity?
Doyora, Doomfest.
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How much is too much smug?
hi ycake, hows your drawing practice
Not really.
Who is ycake and why am I him?
Don't converse with the third world.
I'm not actually sure. If I was to request commissions, they'd be POV, which requires pretty expert perspective work, and would need to be very clean with a good sense of shape. While I have a few artists I really like, they aren't really suited to that sort of thing.
It's eternal.
My waifu isn't liked by anyone in-universe. She couldn't get a canon love interest if she was the protagonist in an H-visual novel and the only ends were good ends.
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Requesting Kaname Madoka reading this book either at school or on the train in public:


oblivious to the looks of disgust that people give her. On a thought bubble, you can see there's only one thing on her mind, and that's DAT HOMU ASS:
I'd like this to be drawn as Aqua fucking Wiz with a futa dick
Plus it confirms she's heterosexual and you get to see how your waifu behaves when she's in love, which is really cute
POV doesn't actually require that much unless you are using some sort of fish-eye perspective.
by a wolf
Sounds like a neat waifu
Because she's a doomed loser with no self-control.
Everyone I've commissioned put in way more value and, as a result, better looking art than the free things they've done here. Talking about the guys from here of course.
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Requesting a Stand for either Cure Marine:
Stand Name: Se a Vida E
Stand Ability: [Friendship Embodiment](http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Friendship_Embodiment)
Power - E
Speed - C
Range - D
Durability - D
Precision - E
Potential - E
Description: The ability to become the embodiment of friendship. Variation of Emotional Energy Manipulation and Emotion Embodiment. Opposite of Loneliness Embodiment. Users of this power can become the living embodiment of Friendship and gains abilities that can come from any forms of friendship. Users can convert their strong relationship into a powerful energy and use it as a full source their own abilities.

Or Cure Twinkle
Stand Name: Vogue
Stand Ability: [Hormone Manipulation](http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Hormone_Manipulation)
Power - E
Speed - D
Range - C
Durability - E
Precision - A
Potential - D
Description: The power to manipulate hormones of oneself and others. Variation of Body Manipulation. The user has complete control over the hormones of oneself and others, allowing them to freely alter and manipulate them.
If asoc can't beat his dick to it he has literally no interest in it.
How does it make you feel someone has literally king Arthur or Jack the ripper as his wifu?
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Rossweisse getting a boyfriend or at the altar in a church crying. And a drawing of her masturbating intensely because she's alone and desperate. She'd even take Sleipnir.
Also requesting Rossweisse like >>138915179 after a training workout.
Who cares?
Post proof
I've done just about every one who has drawn in WWD, and I can say there's extremely little difference in quality. In fact I'd say some overcharge, but the feeling when you had to pay an exorbant fee when right after they do an amazing piece for someone else - twice - it gives a sour feeling.
>I've done just about every one who has drawn in WWD

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Why would I ever show my commission? Lol.

I can see where this is going.
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Would have been amusing if it was the vampire Jack the Ripper from JJBA.
She had one, but he died.
That's pretty cute.
I know that feel.
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Requesting Kosame doing something cute like cuddling in bed with a bunch of plushies or playing with a kitten, or trying to look cool while wearing gyaru fashion but failing.
Requesting Homura from Senran Kagura and Shinobu from Ninin ga Shinobuden dueling with guitars.
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Just thought of Madoka reading that when I saw that pic, also I love Homura's ass. So soft, so round....

Also Requesting someone remake this xkcd comic using kawaii anime girls

And yeti in real life:
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Jack the Ripper would fit right in among the purityfags on /a/.
Dude, that SkiFree comic applies the most to Madoka.
I would do it but I hate Skifree intensely
How so?
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Requesting Ichigo and Ichigo teaming up and fighting against an animal or giant strawberry themed hollow.
No drawfags here do lewds just the way I like them, so no one.
How do you like your lewd?
Was actually thinking how funny it would be if Tsukasa from Lucky Star was playing that game and Kagami was the one that told her about the F key
If even JADF doesn't do it, I'm pretty curious to exactly what you mean by 'obscene'.
Nom draws perfect sexy ss but that dumb pig never takes requests and is always trolling
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Easiest way to get my (you) fix is drawing lewds.
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Nero cover up.png
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Misaka should be punished for this sexual harassment
Draw her punishment
draw lewds of mai waifu senpai
JADF sure is mentioned a lot around here. I wonder if he'll ever do one of my requests.
Nice ass and tits there!
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Because the majority of the people here want lewds or beastshit.
Where are the cute requests?
Sorry senpai but I like that stuff.
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Now that is some excellently drawn tiddy AND ass, fantastic job and thanks brohan.
That's because they know drawfags that like drawing that shit. If drawfags liked drawing yaoi here there'd be more yaoi requests.
He is too limited in his obscene. He just does horse dicks and bestiality. I'm talking gangbangs, public sperm dumpster, condom skirts, prostitution, pregnant sex, cum inflation, lolis, shotas and things like that. As many of those as you can jam in at once preferably.
>Where are the cute requests?
I made one earlier if you mind me shilling it fampai: >>140030424
I wish I was cruel enough to offer fake deliveries for stuff.
Super great, wasted on her.
>That's because they know drawfags that like drawing that shit.
I find that unlikely, I ask for beast both here and /d/ on occasion but seemingly get nothing regardless of the characters.
It's not terribly uncommon to have those requests deleted from here either.
>It's not terribly uncommon to have those requests deleted from here either.
They -are- /d/ requests. /d/ is about as far from SFW as you can get.
But they know Jadf and other beastfags lurk here and try to bait them.

Jadf is smarter than the average bear
And they're not even the good /d/ requests
Guess I'm moving that pose up from my queue
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Requesting bride/housewife Sera
-Second is corrupted to be a succubus of sorts, a lady of the night.
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Because they could draw a smug face?
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Tamamo in a labcoat + miniskirt
Glasses optional
I'm actually not too big on JADF's art despite making requests that could be considered bait for him. That's not to say it's impossible for me to enjoy it though.
Yet these same people won't commission him?
If people could afford to get commissions, why would they beg here? I stopped making regular requests within a month of earning enough money to commission shit.
Fuck off.
Cause people get commission tier stuff for free. It's a lottery so why not try?
what will be next OP?
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Requesting anything with the Chaikas from Chaika and the Biblioprincesses from Dantalian like tea party or reading
But that's not true at all.
Sorry was that your idea you were keeping for your waifu? Calm down, she'd be very let down by your behavior.
You're fucking blind then, or just never click on any deliveries. Or extremely new.
Or all the above.
They do.
I can afford to get commissions, but I like to see a variety of different people trying to draw her. It feels nice.
If I was to actually commission someone, I'd probably get one private drawing for myself and one for someone who doesn't get much at all in WWD.
Requesting Tomoko from Watamote as a Japanese transfer student in Maine U.S.A., where she befriends fellow outcast Carrie White from the Stephen King novel.

Tomoko goes to dat prom as a total wallflower and is the only person Carrie spares from the Hell-fires.

Tomoko returns to Japan the next day with a story to tell. As she boards the plane, she looks back and says: “Someone was finally nice to me…”
Its pretty fucking rare. Even the stuff that is close to commission quality isn't fully 100% "done" most of the time. I wouldn't rely on it at all unless you know a specific artist that you know you can bait into doing them.
Why not both?
Are you describing yourself? How else would I know who to commission quality-wiae if it wasn't for their deliveries?
The commissions are better dude, stop spewing nonsense.
> lotterie
> Its pretty fucking rare

No shit desu senpai.
I commission all the time and still request in WWD. I save the more complex ideas that I want to see done in fine detail for commissions.
If I REALLY want something done, I'll commission it. Especially if I want it at a commission level quality. If its just some silly thing, or some cute thing where I don't really care that much, yeah, I'll request it. But a lot of requests here seem really intensely specific and really would make more sense as a comm.
Free art of my waifu is still art
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Bat the bat.png
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I think this is the closest to commission quality I've ever gotten, and its lovely, but even its rough in a few places a real commission wouldn't be.
What's your opinion on lewds?
>the "big name" drawfags have been drawing my waifu since I started requesting
>several have expressed that they enjoy drawing her

Feels nice.
I love them and request lewds every week.
I like them. The lewder the better. Wish we had more lewd drawfags to request from.
That doesn't make any sense to me but I guess his way works.
I was the one that traced it and I just made sure that I was on the smallest diameter (and min size) on sai and then made sure I wasn't pressing too hard since tablets have pressure sensitivity. I made sure my lines were one continueous stroke and if it went wrong, I undid it. Overlaps can be easily erased and I didn't have to downsize. Your line quality is mostly about having a steady hand.
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Trying on clothes with Hatsune Miku, who is making her try on clothing and already is wearing an outfit herself.
I love them.
This, though I've been more in the mood for cute things lately.
I'd like ecchi stuff, though I don't request it specifically. If a delivery's pretty lewd, it'd be a pleasant surprise.
H, I'd commission because I probably wouldn't want it posted in a thread.
Happened to me the first 3 months I started. The latter part not so much
What's your opinion on straight-out porn deliveries?
>keep getting sniped by no-name baddies and SSF
Feels bad.
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someone gotta do it to get the rest of us off, even if its wrong.
Like them. Don't request them on /a/ pretty much ever.
I request porn regularly. I need to find good drawfags that will make high-quality porn commissions. Any suggestions?
Personally, I like them, and I'd be fine with my waifu getting one. They can be unpleasant when the requester isn't okay with it, though.
Literally feels good man.
Your waifu must be simple as shit
Who are the "big names"?
The definition of a basic bitch
The ones people always ask for.
Nobody posts the comissions here so how should anyone judge
Pretty nice. I'd be happy with that quality commission.
I try to vary the waifus I draw so people don't get depressed about getting shitty drawings at least.
Exactly, that guy is full of shit. You can't compare quality of commissions unless you've actually commissioned someone. 9/10 times it's better than their free deliveries.
So your complaint is you got something amazing for free, but it could have been better?
That's noble I guess, but I don't think it's actually your fault if someone gets depressed when received art isn't exactly up to his autistic standards.
I wish there was a decent list of commisioning names, it's kinda hard to keep track on an anonymous imageboard.
I'm so used to shitposting here my main immediately turned "I try to vary the waifus I draw" into "I try to vary the waifus I request".
I'm merely saying that as wonderful as some deliveries are, calling them "commission quality" shows people don't really know what commission quality" is.
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>bait into doing
I'd post my list but I don't want any of you taking up their time when they could be drawing my commissions instead.
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Requesting my waifu hugging an anon and being happy
Is she the anal girl?
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anime novel.jpg
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Requesting more source and adaptation versions of girls together
I can imagine that's the case for a few people. I know there's an archived list, but it's not particularly exhaustive.
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baker sensei.jpg
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Requesting a fierce tactical operator Ellen showing off her war face.

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Draw someone in this module or just draw Meiko in it
Megumin operating heavy artilery like a howitzer or half-out of a tank hatch as it fires its cannon.
I will draw this some day. I got the perfect pair in mind. But it's not today and not any day soon.
If anyone's gonna draw the Doctor in Doraemon form, keep him like my previous request draw, with the upper lip thing. And I also want his to have his Sonic Screwdriver.
I'm super curious as to who.
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Ushio with his long hair from the Beast Spear, shredding on a guitar and swinging his head & hair around like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPuI_pbCYOI
Yuno from hidamari. The adaption is cute too but the gap in style is huge and would make a perfect pair for the image.
Doctor who sucks dick though.
Are you kidding? I live it! Go fuck off!!
Requesting Konata reading LS magazine.
The more recent ones are bad, the current and previous were just awful.
Hey, that's three sentences with three words each!
How can you be immersed when the monsters look so shit?
I need ideas for waifu porn requests.
Eccleston and Tennant were decent in their own ways, Eccy for being a little bit of a more 'spooky', more aggressive Dr, while Tennant did the more emotional episodes well, even if a lot of the script was a bit shit.

Then they just went dumb with it, and even the decent actors they get along for the ride can't deal with the fuckawful script.

They should just get a studio to do a Dr Who alien harem anime.
Come up with your own ideas faggot.
You need to specify what your waifu looks like, and what you're into.
Gangbanged by Tamamo
I hope you basters get Exterminated by the Daleks.
█████ with ██████, I think that would be hot.
>didn't finish my daily grind quota
>current DaS3 session 660 minutes

It doesnt matter when I slack off for a week right
Jesus, how do you come up with the OP image for these numbers?
Requesting drunk waifus holding onto their husbandos as they walk home from the bar.
Is this the new hot meme?
High impact sexual handholding with interlocked fingers, ear blush, and cheeks touching
The Daleks who've come back a hundred times after being 'killed for real this time guys'?

I wish the source material was a bit more rigid with her age, she drives a car now, but I don't know if she's old enough to drink in Japan yet.
Two drunk waifus making out passionately and groping each under their clothes
That's what they all say!
I've watched Doctor Who, I remember Daleks, the series still pretty shit
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Requesting color of this cute cake please
Ref >>139626292
Surprised no request of Tamamo with Dr. Who and Daleks.
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Rip dead link
draw a rabid tamamo cat
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/r/ing a Jinako "Bump" picture or shitposting on a PC
Who is this semen demon?
She is an anime.
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Draw Tamamo, Saber, and Galko surrounded by 200 Donovans
Isn't this the big guy's wifu?
What about it?
You might fit in there, they're to England what weebs are to Japan and love Doctor Who
Gambino please.
I'll draw for you some day because your wifu a cute.
Why is it important to receive shitty drawings of your waifu?
>wasted on her
I love this meme
>I love this meme
I hate this meme.
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I hate you
The series was cute but I couldn't finish it
If you could choose a delivery in any art-style, what would it be?
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requesting Super Sailor Chibimoon and Cardcaptor Sakura in Goku and Vegeta's pose.
I don't know if that's nice considering how many tamamofags here are in the threads.

If someone draw a rabid version of your waifu, what would it feel like?
At least you aren't using the crystal designs.
Only 1 that matters
I really liked it but it took while a long time to finish honestly 24 eps of just cute is alot of cute
Plus I had already read a good portion of the manga
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>have an excellent idea for a request at work today
>come home
>forget it
>Not writing them down
I'll get back to it frequently just to forget it. I'll finish it some day.
This is fun and all but are you actually that autistic you scribble down ideas for weeb requests while at work?
I do when I think of it at home. At work I'm pretty busy so I'm easily sidetracked a lot.
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>get great idea
>sit down to draw it
>completely fucking forget

Or even worse
>about to draw, tablet fucking breaks
>back to traditional
>what is details :)
Well if you're retarded enough you can't remember a single idea for 6 hours, I think coming off as autistic is the least of your worries.
the S3 designs are fine. but If it's possible, I'd like it if the one who takes this makes a great balance of the 90's Sailormoon designs and CLAMP's ccs designs.
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Draw nui!
Taking 10 seconds to wrote something down? It's just a regular habit like making a grocery list.
A balance is pretty much to ask when CLAMP designs are so unbalanced.
I forget when I need for groceries a lot too. I need help.
Thank you anon, the plaid design of the skirt is missing but it's still recognizable as her and what I had in mind. Thank you again.
>Boss walks in
>Sees note "remember to request cute anime girl penetrated by girl with huge penis on 4chan when home"
>Get to go home early
Don't do this.
>not having your request list on your phone for when you need to request on the go
>writing verbose notes
a simple
>wifi getting intercepted by african prince
should be enough
Where are you assuming I write these down? You sound like you have some stories to share though
I want to correct you on so many of these because my waifu's in there but I'm aware it's shitposting
Which ones are incorrect that's aren't your waifu? He can't have seen/read them all.
I really wasn't assuming, just quoted people I saw having the conversation about writing ideas down.
My waifu!
>remember to perform a mitm attack with wifi
How do you actually decide on the OP image for the next thread? Is there some sort of consensus or is the first person free to soil the thread with whatever shit they come up with?
Nico and Nozomi is the poor man's pairing though.
It is whatever picture that gets ASOC's dick hard.
I may be wrong on some of these, but I know Chelsea, Maka might be wrong though, Rikka unless you count her brother, Akeno I remember hearing Rias got together with Issei, I may be wrong, Jolyne unless you count Annakiss but that was Irene, not Jolyne, Mitsuru and Aigis the canon route for the MC was Yukari and Shalltear unless you count idolizing Ainz
Who wants their milfified waifu doing lewd things?
My waifu kissing me.
Draw in the style of the actual artist for her series.

So help me god if I can find someone that can closely replicate that style. I'd go bankrupt commissioning them.
These are girls that fall in love with a dude, not win their series' bowl.
Do you not have a phone? Are you okay?
No canon love interest
can confirm
but a hell of a lot of shipping
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Would you like to see your waifu in a full nelson?
>tfw waifu isn't even included on the shit posting lists
I mean to be fair she's (hopefully) a lesbian, but still.
I'd love to see my waifu in full nelson.
Swing and a miss
Your fault for missing the 1st thread.
Sone of us have to deal with IP range bans thanks to fuckheads on other boards like that faggot Heyrifag shitting up /mu/
That's good for you, the less attention you receive in the threads the better for you.
Thank god my waifu is hinted at being bi so we can be carpet munchers together.
I didn't say to post it on your phone, I said to write it down on there.
>the canon route was Yukari
Except that's wrong, you idiot. What, are you one of those who think
>lovers arcana is canon love interest
Because that's not the case. Canon is Aigis.
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but I did post in the 1st thread
In that case, Maka, as evidenced by >>140044061, Jolyne despite Annasui being in love with her but to be fair she did have a boyfriend, and lastly Mitsuru/Aigis because they remain single unless you go for their routes, Aigis still thought her purpose in life was protecting the MC so there's that.
I can't be to sure about any other waifus though so I'll shut up.
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so, my Tablet is kill, and I have to draw old school for a while, does anyone have some good tips on how to avoid smearing the lead or graphite or w/e when drawing?
Quoted the wrong post?
>canon is aigis
I think you mean
aigis is cannon
Isn't Yukari the canon love interest? That's what I got from the prologue in FES, at least. Aigis just dealt with the MC's dying by finding a new purpose in life but Yukari was heartbroken.
She has at least two cannons to be fair
I'm just going to assume "old school" means by hand and is not some hip terms youngsters use when referring to using ms paint or something.

Use harder lead, it smears less. If you are afraid of smearing after the work is finished/having the work to rub on something that smears use fixative. Also don't rest your hand on top of the work while drawing, if this is a problem then try to start applying shading etc from left to right side assuming your right handed.
If the girls have routes then I think it still counts.
No, hell, even Aigis' ending song to the game itself is enough of a tell.
Yukari is just selfish and couldn't stomach the thought of someone else being closer to MC than her.
The lines arent clean, the shading is very lazy... I might come back, clean up and paint later, (or just share the psd if anyone wants to do it) but I'm done with this for today!

Hope you like it, anon. And in case you don't, I would love some honest criticism
She also becomes the MC of the second half of the game gaining his Persona and the wildcard.
Okay, so then we still have Maka and Jolyne.
I don't remember Maka showing any kind of romantic interest in anyone but formed a brotherly bond with Soul.
Jolyne, on the other hand, ignores Annasui but Annakiss gets engaged with Irene so I don't think that counts.

My apologies, then, it's been a few years since I last played Persona 3.
Yukari worst girl, anyway.

I completely forgot about that.
Let's talk about things that actually matter, like gyaru.
I didn't want to point that out because spoilers.
But yes, that too.
Yukari also feeds into the jealousy that Aigis ended up being wildcard instead of her. Because she's a petty bitch.
Yes please. I don't like this discussion.
You have your own containment board for that.
Waifu liked the gyaru DICK!
/gyaru/ is dead
Any girls from the unknown list that are romantically interested in guys?
>Q does
Isn't that her older brother? I never thought of it as that kind of love, more her remembering the feelings she had as a real person while spending time with her sibling. Ghosts are weird.
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/gyaru/ is alive, because it lives everywhere. The age of gyaru will never end, because there's a kogyaru starting high school every day.
How many drawfags can actually emulate not one, but two artists' styles with a degree of competence in both? Not saying it's impossible, just out of the skill level of the kind of artists I see here. Hell, that image needed two artists.
Who is she?
Go back to sleep Kirinofag.
Nio, Gazer for obvious reasons, like them or not, Stocking, Konata, Ryuko, Akame and Kneesocks, I don't know about the others, sadly
Can you somehow kill this thread faster?
The thread is already autosaging you moron.
post you're waifu drinking chips!
Bump threads below this one on the catalog and this'll die.
Oh wait nevermind, I'm retarded and can't read.
I meant girls that have no romantic interests
uh, its already dead anon
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>drinking chips
It's 6 PM. I wouldn't be able to live the late night gyaru life if I went to sleep now.
>I cast gun
I think we need an updated 200+ club list
Don't be so triggered, we all know her man pleases her properly every night it's nothing to be embarrassed about
200+ is old and busted. 300+ is the new hotness.
Requesting a small collage (for use as an op) of maid waifus welcoming anons to the thread
>300+ is the new hotness.
Who is in it?
Well can we start another one, Just as long as my Doctor Who Doraemon style Request is done. And no bitching about it!!!
My waifu looks hot in a maid uniform.
My waifu soon
Soon I'll be part of that. I only need about 20 years.
maid outfits are pleb.
counter requesting serving wenches.
Theoretically my waifu could enter that club before the end of the year. I'm not that lucky though, there's no way I'd get over a hundred deliveries between now and then.
Feels good to be a part of it.
Waifu in maid uniform giving a handjob to add cum to a cup of tea
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>add cum to a cup of tea
You lost me
Requesting a collage of gyaru waifus doing karaoke.
Stop overreacting to mentions of cum Kirinofag.

Why add milk when you can add cum instead?
>Jadf is smarter than the average bear
He isn't, he's easy as fuck to bait. These idiots just don't know how to bait him and think ANY futa or ANY beast will get him to draw.
Wrong namedrop.
>adding anything to tea
literally pleb.

Poorfag can't even afford good tea leaves.
>and then we have faggots like
Yes. I want that.
I hate the taste of tea and never drink any. I prefer to drink coke.
If you do, that will be amazing. The drawing itself is already amazing, anything else will be amazing + 1. Thanks drawbro, love it.
It can just be the angle, however the legs can use work like her thighs, and most of her left - our right - leg. Slightly lower mouth.
>I prefer to drink coke

I didn't realize I was talking to such an unrefined commoner.
Please leave, your presence disgusts me.
200+ club:
oora kanako 292
pleinair 292
yuzuriha inori 289
kuroki tomoko 281
laura bodewig 263
kannazuki tamaki 226
sako rk95 226
kousaka kirino 223
misaki mei 211
tomoe mami 221
300+ club:
mizunashi akari 499
anarchy stocking 433
maka albarn 398
saber 368
caster (fate/extra) 333
ayanami rei 325
tasogare mimi 311
Love is love. It doesn't matter in what way, the fact that Mikuni is a man is all that matters.
more like memes club
>drinking anything other than soft drinks

You're the one with awful taste.
You're weird.
How do you see which tags have the most entries?
Laura isn't relevant anymore.
Waifu hall of famers have lifetime status
I love being a cool kid.
The only list that matters is list of gyaru.
Wow, I only like 2 girls from that list
Would it be a good idea to tag random images with my waifu's name to get her in the 200 club?
>only like one character
I'm okay with 7 of them. The rest, the requesters should just go jump in a ditch or something.
No surprise there. The majority are jokes that went too far.
One not from a shitty anime or awful moeshit series.
Thread posts: 604
Thread images: 145

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