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Shingeki no Kyojin 80

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Thread replies: 536
Thread images: 60

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Spoiler time.
New cover to be leaked soon.

What does everyone think this month's chapter will bring us?
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Please more Annie
Annie a shit.
Squad Hange isn't dead they just pretending.
Wall titans gang raping Bert
>Falling for homo bait
Good answers

Prediction Levi and Erwin will talk to beast titan
Would that be incest? Are the wall titans related to Bert?
Reiner gets eaten by titan Levi or Erwin. A shifter has to get eaten
Why would Isayama go through the trouble of saving Reiner through an asspull only to have him killed 3 chapters later?

I think it's much more likely the quadrupedal titan is a shifter and will be fodder for the serum receiver.
Neither of those two will receive the serum.
It's possible dead shifters can't be eaten to gain their abilities. Reiner is unable to the move at the moment and his body got blasted somewhere. Eating Reiner will grant whoever eats him armor that could be a big advantage.
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Sasha and Hanjo are the only other viable choices since everyone else got titan forms in a joke page.
Choose one.
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Sasha not being in that joke page was always suspicious.
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I want Bert to feel what happiness is like even if it doesn't last for long.
Maybe to use him as serum bait? But still the serum is on the other side of the wall than BR and the best candidate is the dog titan.
Sasha has always been my bet.
>serum is on the other side of the wall
I don't think this argument holds up, I mean the shingekis can easily swing to the other side of the wall when they want. Erwin was at the top of the wall for several chapters and suddenly just hopped right down.

Actually I can see manlet swinging to the top after seeing RT lodged in there.
Erwin will receive the serum, but die as a mindless. Or manlet will take it, but the serum doesn't work on Ackermans so they waste it.
Ymir could be an Ackerman.
That makes no sense. Why would Levi inject anyone without a ready shifter for them to eat? Even he isn't that retarded.
>Ymir could be an Ackerman.
She's more likely to be a Jaeger or related to that line.
A chapter entirely dedicated to Armin. He deserves it, I am tired of Eren and Levi.
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>A chapter entirely dedicated to Armin
Anything but this
>A chapter entirely dedicated to Armin.
He nearly every chapter in this arc for himself except the BR flashback
It's his time. We have 3 arcs dedicated to Eren and his shit and also pages about Hisu and Manlet. It's Armin's time and Bert's time too.
Thread should be dedicated to Bert so fuck off scum.
>It's Armin's time
Yes, because we need even more of Armin crying and being an insecure beta and more of everyone turning into a retard that doesn't know what the fuck to do without his super genius brain.

If that faggot cries again in this chapter, he loses his right to have a penis.
Armin has nearly every chapter every arc. He doesn't need anymore panel time. If anyone gets an arc this time around, it's BRMT and maybe Mikasa or Ymir along with them.
It's all about a process. I know some consider his insecurities are boring and irritating but Isayama is showing us how he is learning to become a leader. Everyone trust him, the problem is Armin himself.
>I know some consider his insecurities are boring and irritating
The biggest problem is how repetitive they are.
Things that don't make sense:

People who say Levi is their favourite character, yet call Erwin a horrible person.
If you do indeed like Levi, that means you understand his character. If you do indeed understand his character, that means you are aware that Erwin is Levi’s most trusted and respected person. You’d be aware that the only person Levi is willing to take orders from is Erwin. You’d know Levi would do anything to keep Erwin safe, even if he had to break his legs. You’d also know that Levi hates ignorant people inside the wall who trashtalk Erwin.
If you both like Levi and hate Erwin at the same time, you are actually contradicting yourself. You don’t like Levi at all, mate. You’re the ignorant people inside the wall.
He's a horrible person. What's that have to do with manlet trusting him?
Damn this is totally retarded. It's like saying if someone likes Mikasa they automatically have to like Eren too because Eren is Mikasa's most important person or if someone likes Ymir/Jean they have to like Historia/Marco respectively etc. This argument only views characters as shipping fodder and not as individual characters.
>Jean's most important person

As for Ymir she is too much "muh Krista/Historia" to like her for anything else so far.
This. Ymir will probably get an arc where she gets developed individually much like Historia did in the political arc whenever she comes back into the story (inb4 Ymir is already dead).
This. I love my favorite shingeki but that doesn't mean I have to like their respective favorite person.

>Isayama will waste the last arc on Ymir

So much delusion. Kill yourself
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I want Erwin to choke me while pounding me mercilessly
I rather have constant panels of a top less zeke than this
This will be the last time.
Because he finally fucking dies?
and not in a cool way
Armin dies like a lil bitch
You hate Armin, it seems I can't do anything about that. Good luck.
Nah, it's already been confirmed Armin will live at least until the end.
Moblit saved Hange of the explosion in the same way Mikasa saved Armin.
sometimes I forget Moblit is even a thing.

how the fuck has he not been red-shirted yet
By slicing Bert's ear?
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Pulling him away from the explosion. I suppose Moblit did the same to protect Hange.
Moblit is alive ;.;
Disgusting. That would be the most boring chapter so far. I would even take Connie or Sasha over him.
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He already got 73, which turned out to be one of the worst chapters in the series.
We finally getting a shingeki family-themed amusement park?
No, it's a smartpass special.
It's the smartpass's yearly April Fool's prank.
Even Connie and Sasha had a chapter for themselves. It's Armin's turn.
Connie didn't and Armin already enough chapters. Not to mention all of his chapters are boring and shit.
Connie and Sasha could actually die unlike Armin. Armin shows up plenty anyway. Once Erwin dies Armin's appearances should increase even more
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>those higurashi-tier eyes

What the fuck that's way too spooky
Does Isayama even have the balls to kill a fan favorite and major character like Erwin?
I hope so.
After the editor cried just because of Sasha? I doubt it, at least until the end
Is that the same editor who is an ErwL fag and BTFO Eren fujo or a different one?
Armin didn't get a chapter for himself, for his own development. Connie is a secondary character but Isayama dedicated some panels about him and how he passed to being a little more serious.
Is it the same editor that said Eren dying is the only way Jean could get with Mikasa. This guy
He will die in this arc. There's some hints Hange will be the commander. The real question if he has enough balls to kill Manlet or Eren.
That's because Armin already gets attention in almost every chapter. Connie usually is just in the background doing nothing. How terrible of Isayama if he actually dedicates a few panels actually to him and not even more to Armin.
I love Connie too, but we we have not seen a chapter about Armin's feelings or his thoughts about others. We always see him as a brilliant boy, tactician. rational that understands the situation, that's why (I believe) Isayama is showing us that facet of his personality, maybe he is thinking in giving him a few chapters for his own good, as a person. We only know he wants to see the outside world and nothing more, nothing about how he feels.
He's already had the revelation he needs once. When Eren and Mikasa relied on him to get them out of the line of cannon fire. He probably just feels inadequate and like he's being babied again.
No thanks. He is boring, annoying and already got enough focus.
If no main character is dead by next chapter's end I'm giving up on anyone dying till the end

the amount of bullshit in place to keep Reiner alive in this series is complete horseshit
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>A chapter entirely dedicated to Armin

this is so stupid I can see it happening
That was at the beginning, Armin is different now or at least he already knows in which things he is good. That's different, you cannot compare Eren or Jean from the first chapters to what are now. Armin knows he is not a burden and he knows that Mikasa, Eren and the others trust him their lives, now he has a different problem, that's why I think he deserves some panels for his own personal feelings.
That's what common people prefers, the action instead of reasoning. You will have your ZBR development soon so don't worry.
He's going to get them whether you ask or not. Somethings got to shape him up before Jean commands everyone to ruin.
No, I don't need action. Armin is just a boring character.
Do tell who you think is interesting then?
Pretty much everyone, except EMAL.
Why Armin is more hated than Eren or Manlet? the last two are the worst characters, predictables and cliches as hell. I can't understand some people.
>predictables and cliches as hell
Same goes for Armin, which is why he is also one of the worst characters along side with Eren and manlet.
Uh I don't think Armin is a cliche character, but if some people believe Reiner is interesting because of the double personality you should have low standards.
Name fictional characters that resemble Armin please.
Nearly every wimpy character in an anime
Name them. Prove your argument.
that won't work, they were a lot closer to the epicenter of the explosion, everything got BTFO
At least there sane Eren and Manlet fans who acknowledge that not everyone loves their favourite and nothing they say will change people's minds. Arminfags can't stand the idea that someone, somewhere, doesn't think he is the best and most influential character in SnK and will wall-of-text at you until you agree.
That's not the point, I am writing what I want to see about him, but people throw shit and then when I asked why they just respond because he is boring and a little shit. If you hate some character I can accept that but being a little rational at least to prove your point.

People actually have arguments of why they hate Eren and Manlet. Those are different for Armin haters.
I said I want Isayama to dedicate a chapter to himself not that he is the best and most influential character in the manga. Have some reading comprehension. It's bad to share your thoughts?
Someone who likes anyone of EMAL shouldn't accuse anyone of having low standards. Armin is the cliche whiny genius.
I like both Armin and Bert and also Mikasa and Zeke.
>Armin, Mikasa
Looks like you have indeed low standards. It's also always funny when someone already claims he likes Zeke when we barely know anything about him so far. I would understand if someone found him interesting.
you think eren and historia banged when they were alone in that room
Tell that to those who like Annie, Ymir and Bert, but I actually like Bert. Zeke was introduced not long enough but I like his sarcasm to start.
Eren was a little selfish shit, he was on the bed so comfortable instead of offering it to Historia who had to sleep in a chair.
These three have more characterization than Zeke, so it's more understandable if someone found them more than just interesting. You like Zeke already, just because of a sarcastic remark. Then again you also like the cliche genius and a character with barely any personality.
Eh forgive me for starting to like a relative new character instead of secondary characters that don't appear since 2/3 years ago and practically don't know anything about them. But I will remake my list and add Hange instead of Zeke. But also you still don't prove why Armin is a cliche character and if he resembles some other fictional character, just want to read your point.
We still now more about them than Zeke so it's still more understandable to like them. Last arc also focused on humanity, so it's not surprising they were gone and didn't get any attention the last two years, especially considering that this is a monthly manga.
>All characters are shit without exemption.
yeah this series doesn't have much in the way of character development or writing
>Armin isn't cliche
>Eren And Levi are
Haven't read any since the anime first aired.

Do we know what's in Dad's basement yet?
On the basement's arc.
> Do we know what's in Dad's basement yet?
Secret other family
>Do we know what's in Dad's basement yet?
An record history with all of their world most dankest memes.

seeing as how his Dad saw Eren wanting to be in the SL, he knew he was now a man. He wanted to give him his personal collection
what do you guys think's in the basement?

I think it's the first titan ever with information about everything that happened
Grisha's titan form also looked like a neckbeard
Should we make an basementb owl?
Coordinate guidebook according to Grisha's words. Maybe the location to his hometown.
I think people would have noticed if Grisha were keeping a titan in his basement
no sunlight, dormant
How in the fuck did he get a titan there?
that I don't know, I would imagine the prototype titan wouldn't be as large as the others
>Implying he would just put his hands on it out of lels.
Now I'm just imaging Grisha trying to sneak a titan through the city at night without anyone noticing.

A guard approaches him at one point and he has to lie about what he's doing. He looks back and to his horror the titan has wandered off and is about to eat an old lady who has her back turned and is complete oblivious to the danger. He quickly rans and grab the titan, shoving him out of sight behind a wall just as the old lady turns around and greets him with a friendly hello. He gives her a big smile and says hello back, and as soon as her back is turned he darts behind the wall after the titan and starts shoving the titan in the back to make it move. Eventually they make it to Grisha's house but now he has a new problem, how to get the titan to fit through his basement's door.
He could just kidnap someone and use a serum. He probably knew how to create them.
Then how would it be the first titan, genius?
It obviously can't be the first titan either way.
He already has more screentime than EM, why more? Not to mention it's boring as fuck. I don't care about Mikasa but at least a Mikasa chapter would help her character because it looks like Isayama forgot she exists.
>It's a Mikasa chapter.
Argh no. I'd rather have a quads titan chapter.
Closest name to a character wins. Watch mine.
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Got a Hoover.
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My poster name will be the name of EH's canon child.
Darren is cute. Mine is cutter.
BA's child. ^
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So who's the dad?
You mean Flegel/Historia's child.
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I want Reiner to survive. ;_;
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What's his name?
Fuck off Leo.
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Maybe when you fuck off with your delusions, Olga.
This is Grisha's real name. ^
Me too Lawrence.
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I don't like your tone, Dominic.
Grisha confirmed for tranny.
No, this is Grisha's real name.
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Grill name for BR surviving the arc.
Androgynous as fuck
Sure Jan.
Hey Jan boy.
If grill name manlet dies next chapter.
>Given Name PHYLLIS
>GENDER: Feminine

Buh buh poor Ymirfag spits on other ships being deluded yet forgets his is just as deluded.
>Harry Harding
Holy shit anon.
Calm down, Debra.
Male name for Ymir loved monkey dick.
Shut up Emily you landwhale fujoshit.
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I want Reiner to live and be happy with the waifu of his choice.
Emily is an autistic waifufag though.
My name will be the name of the one Jean will marry
Adam is MikaQT's real name.
Isaac giving an even worse name to Ymirfags one post at a time.
If male name EM is canon
How can Jean do that to Eren?
>Sophie Turner
Holy fug it's Sansa Stark
Best name.
Hello, Bert.
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This name will be the name of the chosen one who purges the world of Ymirfags.
You are going to get rid of Isayama?
All hail Sherri Weaver
Nice pseudoname Reiner
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If female name then EMA are no longer the protagonists.
Thank you, Verna.
If male Alberto stump Makasa.
This is going to be a great thread.
EMA a cute.
EMA a shit.
EMA worst shingekis and no longer the protagonists.
Andy pls.
If girl Annie shows up this year.
Hey sluty.
If male Jean will fuck Eren.
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I can feel it too, Antonio.
Mark my words Jean and Hitch will happen
Sure Carlos.
Kek good riddance
HEL is now, Lucinda-cute.
If male BRZ winrar.
If this post get dubs and name similar to SNK character. He or she will die in new or next chapter.
Well, you got the dubs.
I want to fuck Bert!
Fugg. Who is Eunice?
Dubs but can't think of anything similar
Erens name starts with E so let's go with that.
Bert is dead.
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This character will eat Eren.
Good riddance.
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RIP Bert at least you have this magazine cover
I guess we doged bullet unless some redshirt or titan shifter have similar name .
Dafuq is that
Yes pls
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Don't do this to me.
Roll roll roll
Kill Bort.
>white hair strands
Looks like all the stress finally got to him ;_;
Hopefully Reiner
Similar name character survives arc.
Bert worst and ugliest shingeki
nice trips
Similar name character is next shifter
Can't believe Satan spared Donald Trump.
Thank god.
If male name, Pigner gets eaten by titan Erwin.
If female name, Berthole dies.
Good luck Bimbong
>Pigner gets eaten by titan Erwin.
Fucking finally.
Historia next coordinate comfirmed.
Roooll for all
Wait, I want both.
Armin is going to discover a way to defeat Bert next chapter. Chapter after that he will tell Mikasa about his plan. Chapter after that Mikasa will do it.
Fuck off nigga
My nigga Latoya.
First name itt that is an actual character.
Similar name character I'll draw a shitty fanart of.
There was a Jean and Kenny.
Nope >>139417305
Female name similar to Shingeki girl name will marry manlet.
First letter of my name matches a SnK character you have to draw them.

I want to suck him when soft and feel him getting hard in my mouth.
I want to kiss Annie on the nose.

Sucks to be you Sasha.
If name of shifter ITT basement live up to hype.
Michelle is my favorite shifter.
Armin can't do shit right now. Even if he figures out how to take down CT, he still has MT and AT to worry about.
Manlet will cook for her, is ok.
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Male name and Ymir is thankfully kill.
If Western Surname, we get season 2 this year. Asian or Hispanic, season 2 delayed until 2017.
Richard where have you been you cuck?
Let's try this again
Fuck you.
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A disappointment indeed.
Similar name will be Eren's waifu
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Female name means EH will be canon in the final chapter.
Richard pls do Zeke raping Ymir.
Best shingeko
Ymir a disgusting hideous shit.
Next name with five letters or more will befriend Erwin.
He a cute.
Go back to Nile, Marie. Erwin has Pedro now.
I think they at least respect each other.
Pedro x Eren fanarts when?
Name will be the one who assassinates Armin.
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Male name for Ymir a qt.
Well Ymir is handsome and not cute.
Haha Ymir a shitty.
Okay mom.
Ymir is hideous confirmed
Ymir a shit confirmed.
From this post forward, all names appearing will be names we use for all nameless solders appearing in manga (and anime too).
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Shingeki closest to my name gets to fuck Rico.
Female name for EMA is kill this arc.
Which character beginning with 'C' should I draw then?
The one and only .
Only one I think of is Connie.
Reroll to save Armin
Connie a turd so go with Carla
Thank god.
Forgot Marie.
Too bad. Shitmin is kill.
Kek, they won't be missed.
That's retarded. Just because your favourite character likes someone it doesn't mean you have to like that guy too. That said Erwin is better than Levi.
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What will her new name be.
Reroll to assure Mikasa is kill.
This one.
Levi is okay but Erwin a shit and I'm not forced to like him because Levi does.
Charlie Kent it is.
King Charlie.
Roll for new waifu/husbando
It won't turn out that way. Reiner's whole upper torso should have been BTFO by the spears but look what happened.
Your taste is beyond shit.
I saw a bunch of Annies, Christas and Marcos
Waiting for when it happens here.
He's not my favorite but at least he's not a forced Gary Stu like Erwong.
None on TT.
>Not a Gary Stu
Levi is more of a Gary Stu than Erwin is.
You're a fucking car, shut up.
More serums to help Eren control his powers or a written coordinate manual.
Not as much as Erwin, at least Levi is an autistic retard.
BAfags have cute little girl names
Saw a Krista, Hoover and Ackerman.
An autistic retard who people in universe get crushes on and look up to meanwhile Erwin became self hating and no one particularly likes him.
This will be it.
roll for whatever name
It doesn't make sense because he's not a horrible person. What Levi thinks about him is irrelevant.
This, Erwin's Stuness is 2deep4u.
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BA is a cute ship.
Character's name starting with the letter of the one I get will Make /snk/ Great Again.
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I can confirm
So Reiner?
Ruth is kill.
MIKE ;_;
Mike pls. Banana is your waifu.
Who has a surname like that?
Lel man my name is gay.
It will be the year of homo and Reiner will lead us there.
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Reiner is lame. It will be Rico as foretold by Mike
>strongest ever
>special bloodline
>mysterious past that others are curious about
>famous hero
>people excuse his behavior to Historia
The only one who comes close to his Stuness is Historia.
He is 1.60, autistic, fucks shit up.
>people excuse his behavior to Historia
What fans say is irrelevant. Not a manletfag.
His behavior got excused in the story
That hair is terrible
Rolls Royce
It's done in canon.
>>strongest ever
Couldn't kill Reiner, fucked up with FT
>>special bloodline
Usless unless mind wiping
>>mysterious past that others are curious about
Only Petra was gossiping to Eren
>>famous hero
Erwin made his title
>>people excuse his behavior to Historia
Only idiots excuse his behavior, true manletfag recognize he was an idiot
Manlet and HIstoria will marry and raise their thousand children while playing with 99 balloons.
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Special bloodline is where they get their magical super strength from.
He didn't beat her. This is set in a time where people die like fries, it would be unrealistic if they gave a huge shit about it.
No one else calls him out on fucking shit up.
>Gibbs me dat
>changing waifus
>reaching this much
If it wasn't a big deal then JSC wouldn't have gotten angry but not that it mattered, the narrative finds a way to excuse him. Even the girl he grabbed forgave him and even seems to like him now out of no where.
Jean and the others got mad about it.
>not being polywaifurus
He didn't fuck up that much to be blamed
Or an addition, May
His behavior got excused in canon not just by his retarded fags like you
Because they were her friends? Why is everyone here so social sensitive?
>multiple waifus
He was an idiot who didn't know how to treat her, I found the scene hilarious while it helped to show JSC's way of thinking and how they changed later.
It's not about being sensitive, it's how his actions get whitewashed because he's a Gary Stu.
Ayyy, another name.
Manlet stop trying to defend choking 15 year old girls.
i didn't choose the waifus, the waifus chose me
Good goyim.
>He was an idiot who didn't know how to treat her
Sorry, feminism wasn't a thing back then.
Their way of thinking had to change because they disagree with gary stulet.
Here a hug, Manlet. Don't listen to the jelly ones.
Stop that manlet, we know it's you.
Shut up Levi. It was a fuck up. Every time you fuck up the story bends over backwards to pretend you didn't fuck up.
Shitlet might be a shit leader, but Historia's waifufags act like she is made out of jelly and everyone needs to treat her like a delicate flower. She obviously can take it.
>if you don't like manlet you must be jealous
She can but that's not the point.
Just because she can take it doesn't make it right.
Obviously she's been through worse, but the point is that his fuck ups get excused.
Fuck off Levi
Nice numbers. She sure can take all of manlet.
What a beautiful mare
I like you, Karen.
Another one.
Mankasa a cute.
Hello moon moon.
>Erwin is more hated than the shitlet here
Why is this allowed
>tfw they can finally make hot air balloons now but it's useless thanks to Pitching Primate
Probably not much of it to take
Don't hate your fellow Jew
Going to settle the age old question.

If girl's name, Bert is pure.
If boy's name, Bert is a turbo slut.
Nobody wants to talk about Mike, MENfag, so limit yourself to post Mike art and shut up.
Erwin is the second most popular boy here.
Thought as much
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Going out on full force today I see.
Bert is soiling the next name just because he is being named.
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Bert a turboslut confirmed
It mostly seems to help Historia if you are direct and rough and not babysit her.
Levi is an ugly little goblin and Erwin is superior.
EM is canon. idk why i wrote this but i just wrote it im writing again EM is CANON
Nobody cares. EMA a shit.
It does help her more because it doesn't enable her.
Girl's name, purest shingekis
Boy's name, lewdest shingekis
Mike was alright. The last good death in SNK.
Purest shingekis confirmed.
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BR got the monkey dick. They are not pure anymore.
I hate both Levi and Erwin, they are the most boring characters to me
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I demand a reroll.
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>Pamela Rollins
Aw fuck.
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Confirmed pure again.
And Bimbong holds hands in public out of wedlock
Still pure.
Looks like they remain pure, ladies
anglos have some ugly ass names
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You lose again.
Glad to know that BH are still pure.
Manletfags are angry little goblins
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Only BR had sweaty handholding.
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They are still pure, Minnie.
Yes but did the balls touch?
She just taking a shower with her clothes on.
You wish, James.
im eating banana am i gay?
It was a hot shower, Mack.
with that name yes
No, you are a woman so it's ok, you are just a dick hungry slut
In their hearts they are.
Male name as in you're retarded and BH is pure.
Manletfags have shit taste
Nice try, Kirby.
Eating a banana is okay, molesting little boys isn't, Zeke.
Time for you to stop, Kirby.
You mean Walters.
I'll eat your banana Zeke
How is Bert a tubroslut >>139422592 if BH are pure? >>139422907
Who are you people?
Surname Cox proves they aren't pure.
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Back over the wall you go.
The gods of 4chan are rusing us, we all know they're made for abuse.
Hamplanet name.
Nope, looks like even the gods agree they are made for cuddling.
Sounds more like a black woman name.
guys im licking a peach am i straight?
No, Annie.
God just do it already.
Can I join in?
Are grill names more likely?
Peaches are butts.
Peach is ass.
No, we're on a lucky streak here.
Peach is butt
works both ways
Well we are all little girls and fujoshits here right?
I got Annie.
peach is pussy u virgins...
No, the universe just decided that BH are pure.
not here pham
Kek. The universe is lying to itself
2bh pham.
Rollin for Annie or christa
Lincoln pls.
Alexander Hamilton already posted ITT.
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I agree, Janis.
What's done can't be undone, BH are pure.
Too late Gustavo.
shingeki name get
You a CUTE
There is nothing wrong about cuddling with your husbando.
Annie a cute
That is more than cuddling.

another get roll
Still pure.
Monique your career is over.
Annie/Sansa confirmed
You're cute, Annie!
am i handsome guys?
Well you did give the shingekis meat so you aight
I need your feet
Please no more Annie
Sansa a shit
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