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Buyfag thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 512
Thread images: 145

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Read the Guide before asking stupid questions
>that anime tier shading
>that bloom to hide the lack of detail
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After all those years, is Samurai still the best?
>Pancake ass
Settle down whiteboi
when is a vulva too puffy?
>anime figure has anime shading
Fuck off nig
>muh big ass
>muh big tits
I'll call it best puffy vulva next time.
e2046 including eye decals makes gk's sound a lot less scary. i might give it a try
>supporting recast pirates

i hope you die from resin cancer you degenerate
I really don't get this meme, it's not a big deal. Nothing wrong with doing something yourself.
What a shitty picture.
but many GK come with eye decals not just those from E2046

fuck off.
OP took that pic.
painting a GK isn't as easy as you might think
OP took a shitty picture.
what bloom?
It'd be cool if you were 14 maybe.
Yup, definitely underage b8

I'm just kidding, I know GKs are an art and take a lot of practice
you gotta start somewhere though
I'm 31 fuck you, shithead.
Wew that's embarrassing, Should have just kept your mouth shut lad.
i dont think they used an airbrush or if they did they just put one gigantic coat without primer
One day you'll be old too, grasshopper.
is this his account? http://myfigurecollection.net/profile/TheDeadTexan
At least my taste in photography won't be underage tier.
I thought this was a GK of a Rei corpse from looking at the thumbnail.
Why are gatarifags so cancerous?
he's right though. it makes her uniform look like chewing gum
Looks hand brushed to me, but even then they probably used globs of paint instead of thinning it out and paint several thin coats.

To the anon who wants to paint GKs:
Good on you. I like to hear of more people in the hobby. Recasts are fine to start out with, but if you can get originals for a good price I'd do it.

Always pin. Always prime. Always seal.
And wear safety gear. It's all fun and games until you get a piece of resin in the eye.
>3850 anime bucks
>worst character on any anime
>shinobu fags BTFO
but I already use glasses.
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Found this in a local shop for 1200MXN (66USD?). It seems to be new since it's still in its box. The thing is that it would be worth one and a half week of food (universityfag).

Should I go for it?
you need to eat properly anon, don't starve yourself.
These questions are dumb as fuck.
Only you know the answer to that.
Do you like the bitch?
Do you want the bitch?
You got money for the bitch?
You willing to put up with what everyone thinks of the bitch?
You got space for the bitch?
If yes, cop dat bitch
So do I. When you sand there is a lot of dust and glasses won't prevent that getting in your eyes. You're sanding dangerous stuff so a mask and safety googles are pretty much a must.

Depending on paints and how you are painting you need to get a vapor mask. Disposable gloves are good for working with putty/painting. Get some of those glad ware tubs and make sure they are kept someplace to designate them for hobby use only. Oxiclean is great for removing primer, and I've heard it's good for removing mold release residue.
if you really really want it. decent price if its really new
>That burgerface

pls no
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>virgin weeb as an insult

What's wrong anon? 2hightest4u?
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Any good bookshelves under $200 that will hold about 3-400 volumes of manga? I've been either putting them in boxes or stacking them on top of each other on my desk, the spines are starting to get fucked. How do you guys store manga?
i have come to understand that hightest is synonymous to shittaste
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fuck off nigger
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how hard is it to hide shit like broken fingers after gluing them back?
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Why haven't you pre-order?
The LA Kizumonogatari showing opened up a new showing at 9pm opening day just recently.
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do it faggot
If you line them up correctly not that hard. You may need to do a thin coat of putty, depending if some chipping happened, but paint should cover the break just fine.

If you don't line them up flush, then you have to putty and sand a bit.

Just go slow. Make sure you get a glue that sets quickly enough but also would allow a bit of time to do adjusting.

If the fingers are small or tight fitting use needle nose tweezers and a magnifying glass or light.
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Can you ask for cheaper shipping at amiami? paying half the price of a figure for shipping is not something I am keen on doing. What are the chances and how much would shipping be via SAL?
what kind of retarded question is this
zero chances, use HS instead from now when you feel that the box would not fit in SAL small packet.
>66 usd for 1.5 weeks of food
what the fuck man, i live in the states and i don't even spend that much on food
Go read their FAQ.
it's more than half in my case, actually shipping is almost 55% the price of the scale.
>confirmed nigger
>weeb as an unironic insult

you really fucking blew it
Fuck off.
enjoy your ramen.
I'm not preordering it just because of how much you spam it, you subhuman monkey.
Is it a figure you have wanted for a while, or is it an impulse buy?

Have you done you research? Do you know what the retail price for this figure was? Do you know how much it sells for now? What have other people paid for this figure?

Finally, with all of this in mind and accounting for your personal situation, are you willing to pay that much for this particular figure?

These are the questions you must ask yourself when making these decisions. Now fuck off because we're not going to spoonfeed you like this again.
Enjoy your shitty budgeting skills, faggot.
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Maybe you live in some backwater area or you only eat 1 meal a day, but if I spent $8 a day on food I would be eating ghetto store brand cereal for breakfast, mcdonalds single dollar menu item for lunch and top ramen for dinner.

and I would probably be washing my dishes with water from my toilet tank.
i eat pretty healthily, i don't know what you're talking about

i mean snack ramen is nice but that's not what i survive on

you're just shitty at cooking and budgeting

wut, why quote me
you should learn to cook

onions, carrots, cabbage, and chicken are pretty cheap

your main source of carbs can be rice, corn tortillas, potatoes, and whatever you want since they're usually cheap, too

see >>136185120
Or maybe you're just shit at cooking and you're satisfied with toasting up a sheet of cardboard for lunch.
Not steak= fuck off.
yeah, unless you're some 300 lb neckbeard eating bacon on top of bacon and butter on top of butter every meal i don't see what you mean
Steak gives you cancer
A half pound of chicken is $6 just by itself. You're a moron.
Stop projecting, fat fuck.
you being alive gives me cancer.
>he doesn't keep a chicken coup
>let me just buy the ORGANIC GLUTEN-FREE PALEO WHATEVER THE FUCK MARKETING SCHEME chicken from a supermarket

if that's what you mean

"decent" chicken is not that expensive, at least not in socal
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>Anette and Liliana re-release with added bunny ears.

Holy fuck, I think it's time to finally get my first lewd statue. I've wanted Anette for a long time now.
What i I can't cook?
2016 not vegan, you guys will die young.
pink version made me wannt buy
waste of money
Who wants to go to wonfes and buy me the GSC exclusives
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Why is he so expensive when he comes with so little accessories/face plates?
It's tough. Normally I prefer black fishnets, but with the dark skin and the perfectly white hair, the white fishnets might be better here. I might take a few weeks to decide before preordering. Can't imagine they'll sell out.
I know a vegan. He has cancer. Awesome guy though.
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tfw I've weaned off buying figyas and used my fig money for card games instead. Got more mileage and satisfaction out of it
One Hype Train

And even though I know it's not worth the price, I still find myself tempted to buy it. Saitama is just so pure ;_;
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Because GSC has been going full jew lately with the yen tanking. They know he'll sell whatever they charge.

Just look at the new Witches compared to him. Perrine comes with three faces, the striker unit, a gun, a sword, an effect piece, a tail, and an extra bangs piece and she's only 300 yen more.

The Love Live nendos are about 1k less and come with the same amount of extra stuff.
Romane lettuce hearts, rice, beans, chicken, onions, and potatoes
Why do you think a lot if Asian people live off curry? It's cheap as fuck to make.
Get a slow cooker and cook beans all day and you will have enough for a few days. Lettuce can give you salads and shit
You can make delicious food with a few spices and those ingredients
people pretend like everything won't give you cancer. even just breathing can give you cancer. may as well enjoy life. being vegan doesn't dramatically reduce your risk of any type of cancer.
So tiny, nimble and probably removable! SEKAI ICHI
Fuck off then, this is not the thread for you.
how does one derive fun from cards?
*punches you in the face*
I want him as well but I'm hoping he'll bin from GSC overstocking or just from people dropping pre-orders. He should be the price as the LL nendos since he comes with the same amount of accessories. It's ridiculous.

I'm hoping the Genos nendo won't get jewed either since that's the one I'm patiently waiting on.
Where can I?
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The thing about figures is they're meant to be displayed and look pretty.

But the average person would never have enough space to properly display these things.
i know a vegan too

he's a canadian hearthstone streamer who got a greek wife and is now playing diablo 3

he's cancer free, pretty awesome guy as well
I mean if they're anime cards, isn't it still acceptable? I got a couple packs of Monster Hunter cards one time just because I'm a terrible person.
If you're by an Ikea, 1, maybe 2 Detolfs could fit all that pretty easily.

And the average person definitely has two square feet of free space.
>expecting self entitled NEETS living with their parents to prepare anything other than hotpockets
You would need to ask /ck/ to invent a cooking 101 for newfags and link it there. You'd also have to spoonfeed like crazy because faggots can't tell the difference between healthy and unhealthy, whether springing for organic is worth it, and cross contamination prevention.
Don't knock it til you've tried it. I fucking loved that Zatch Bell card game when I was going through my 8th grade syndrome with my friends.

Pink version just feels a lot more girly, and somewhat more flirty and inciting.

I wanna add that to my brown collection, mmm.
Can you fuck off you goddamn reddit-browsing subhuman spic
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Pink is cute, black is sexy.

Personally, this might be what I need to start a hentai/doujin collection. Assuming I can ever hunt down a Newmanoid Cam, that is.
I wish you'd get this autistic when Noodles posts his cards here.
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Did Kiss Shot get delayed again?

How far can we go, I wonder?
and she's smiling in the pink version

the original bunny version she has her jaw hanging open like wut

that's probably why i like pink version more
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She is already released.
Who is THAT
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>preorder discount already 13%
Too much jew for me. Everything either bargains bins really quick or goes straight to retail price within days.
why does her hair have bulbs at the end
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>that fat as fuck butt

Why does Pork never wear clothes?
There are no clothes large enough for her
I have all trips filtered, this retard posts the same pictures of his shitty room over and over
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Universityfag here. Also found this one. Anyone has any reviews of it? Should I go for this one or the Kuroneko one?

Thanks man. [Spoiler]My main motivation for doing this is making it my first SoF[/Spoiler]
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i need to watch more anime
>welded tits
into the trash it doodely googly goes
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that porkchop is too fat
skinny pork looks better
>tfw will never have a complete collection of figs of every Monogatari girl
>tfw no Sodachi or Gaen or Yotsugi
the way she's holding her fork really pisses me off
Should be happy she's using a fork at all. Porkers tend to just grab handfuls of food to shove in their mouth.
>tfw dont even like any of the monogatari figures
Are you saying that like it's a good or bad thing? I've got an assault Lily with her side pony on a ball joint and I love it.
Worst part is that he has the wrong "Serious" face.

would this be a good figure to start off with? i think it might have too many pieces but i'm kinda afraid they'll discontinue it since its been out for over a year
seems really hard to paint, choose a simple figure as a first
im saying it's so tiny, nimble, and removable, it's even on a balljoint of its own
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Same, there's something about Monogatari figures that doesn't catch my eye like in the anime.
The only Monogatari figures I like are this and the Hachikuji one that's similar, but I can't find them anywhere.
This Jeanne has several pieces. One of the good things about that is there is less masking to do, the bad more to paint. If you're worried she'll get discontinued you could just go a head and buy it, then practice on other kits until you feel comfortable tackling her.

A good kit would be something like G-Port's Sailor Senshi kits. In a few pieces, simple colors, and not too complicated.
It say's it's released, but GSC is only at "Packing Slip Created" and I still haven't gotten any emails? Should I be worried?
GSC doesn't ship the very day figures are released, they can take a few days.
Plus they sometimes miss updating the site. My cheerleader set was on 'packing slip created' until it arrived at my door.
So, never order direct from GSC again?
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You know who's got the power
...unless you have too
You can't be this retarded. Even Tyson chicken, which is twice as expensive as store brand, is $3/pound.
I never said that, just deal with their shit. THey are fine if you are ordering exclusives or multiple figures, to order a single non limited nendo from them is retarded though.
>Not getting chicken when its on especial 99 cents a pound
Too bad their QC was shit and they're overpriced too.
>not only buying stuff when it's on sale in general
Thats exactly what i do my dude
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>not buying pork when its 2 for 1
>QC was shit
How? Do they break easily?
Paint is bad, there are plenty of globs and bleeds, the lining is bad as well. Seams from the sculpt and overall a really shitty job for such simple figures.
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There's a figma hibiki. Where can I get her?
Everytime I see this pic I always imagine this chick smells really bad. It's some combination of stale Cheetos, BO, 3 year unwashed ass, and a heavy dousing of an obnoxious celebrity perfume and baby powder.
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Check out the stores that sell used goods. The guide posted in the OP has a list of them. She should pop up on occasion and there might be some available right now.
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>tfw like Monogatari
>tfw have no interest on buying the figure because they'd look silly on my display
I'd probably buy Kagenui fig if they ever make one, but that's it.

How is it fun when Maki clearly shits on Rin?
>It's some combination of stale Cheetos, BO, 3 year unwashed ass, and a heavy dousing of an obnoxious celebrity perfume and baby powder.
sounds like my daily bus commute
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If you find a good one to practice on, post it here. I've been wanting to get into GKs too.
I'm so sorry Anon.
Pretty cute, but I think I'll still order her Nendoroid instead.
As usual, I still have to see a Pochaco figure where her mouth is actually closed
I almost want to buy this just because of how over the top it is. I want the most obese, obnoxious Pochaco figure there is.
Is she one of those tumblr feminists using Pochaco as an example of an object of beauty?
Just go to your local butchers and look for a pig carcass
She has to breathe some how, Anon.
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>mouth is actually closed
What about this Pochaco?
Then how does she eat if she can only breathe through her mouth?
What card game is that called?
Not sure about you, but I find that her face with her mouth closed looks kind off unnatural there. It's as if it's always meant to be open.
>nigger elf

absolutely disgusting taste
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She's a qt and her thigh gap is lewd. I should do less window-shopping, it's killing me inside.
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Weiss Schwarz
>buyfagging since 2007
>have less than 40 figures including trading ones and stuff like that
>buy tons of random anime merchandise, manga, games, and CDs
Is it just me?
I'd get her if only she didn't have rabbit shit glued to her thighs.

At least the cu-poche is cute.
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All the Raibus are equally best. But Nico is the most best
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I have the cheap trading figure, I feel like it's the best proportioned renge.
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spooky sexy ougi.
Any fun?
my favorite figure of 2015
>I'd get her if only she didn't have rabbit shit glued to her thighs
It makes me want to try and pry them off, but that probably would not end well. It's a shame.
Where's a good place to buy these?
Do you own her?
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CDs get out of control really quickly. It isn't hard to add just 10 more to your cart. Have you had this problem?
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rate my sleeves buyfags
Local card stores. No lie.
Who else is excited for kiss shot to bin?
That's not going to happen and you know it.
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10/10 my brethren.
fug, I'm at school with no access to a car. What do?
I think every order I end up adding 3 extra CDs I wasn't originally planning to get just because discs weigh so little and don't do shit to the shipping cost.
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Take public transit?
Nice Illya, though her pose is a bit awkward.

>porkchop sleeves

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My 1/4 Miku just came in today... No fucking idea where she's going to fit though.

Excuse potato pic.
Not with CDs, but I always add far too many Little Armory kits to my monthly orders.
I've always what people do with those, are they for figma?
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Also, Koma-chan.
I need to learn how to use a camera.
They're not half bad actually.
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I use mine for my Assault Lilys, but yet. They work with shinkis, too. And I'm huge into guns so I like collecting them for their own sake, too.

Excuse the potato pic, it's the only one I have handy and it's too late to take another.
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$1 = 117Â¥ and will only drop from here.

Projections are that if it doesn't stablize at this price soon, it will only get stronger, which is awful for us.

I don't know how many of you buyfagged in 2012 and prior, but it was suffering and I really hope it doesn't go back there again.

I've been so spoiled the last few years.
You probably just need a light source such as a desk lamp and to focus on the subject. Once you have both sufficient light and focal point it just comes down to taking enough photos for at least one to turn out okay. Enough.

Photographing small things indoors is hard at first.

Being shit at something is the first step towards being sort of okay at something.
It's not all gloom and doom. Part of the reason why GSC has gone full jew with figmas is because of how garbage the yen is right now. A lot of stuff will sort of even out or at least stop getting worse.
Just work more hours. You shouldn't have to change your lifestyle just because the exchange rate is getting worse.
>haven't been able to buyfag since June
>the yen has completely tanked
God fucking damn it.
Oh anon
What the hell is wrong with the guide?
Thanks. I picked her up.
I'm afraid they've tasted what their exclusives can do, and that even with a strong yen they will continue to do so.

Thankfully I only order mauve one or two things from them a year, but I feel for those who order from them often.


It's bit that I dint have the money, it's that I've been spoiled by the 8+scales I can get every year as opposed to the 3 or 4 I could get with what I put aside before.

Pray the nip gods decide to let it tank again
What's up with this? Isn't the US economy pretty much the only one doing well right now?
It sucks, but it happens. I remember those years though and I'm not looking forward to it again.

Best thing to do is pick some figures you absolutely can not do without PO, cut back on goods (if you collect them), and use stores that allow cancellations for things you want but would be okay doing without.
Someone fucked with it within the past hour.
Its called a dirty float. Google it.
Yeah. I'm prepping for the hurt my wallet is going to go through in 2016.
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Am I just imagining things or is her right eye (left in the picture) more slanted and a bit lower seated than the left? The longer I look at it the more she looks a bit retarded.

If so, how likely is it for it to be fixed on the production model? I might have to cancel.
1Â¥ = 119 IDR here. You don't know shit about suffering.
Wow 1/4 share some more pics with us anon!
Who do these attach to?
I'd mash em
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How do you guys even manage to have hobbies at those prices?
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the one and only
Bootleg, its a fucking bootleg.
Ah, its shit like this that makes economics such a crapshoot.
It's been a long time coming. They couldn't keep their ¥ down forever or else they would lose out on their foreign holdings. Though I wish they could, our only hope now is that they see the revenue from trade as more important.
The best thing to do is just don't preorder or buy any figures and wait until the yen becomes weak again. Might take ten years but whatever.

I refrained from buying the monogataris and I bought them recently. Even with obscene aftermarket prices they're still cheaper than they were before 2013.
Saving $100/month for a figure is not really that hard. At least that's the case for me.
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I basically save up for 2 or 4 months and then spend all my cash at once for maximum figurines and trinkets. Its better doing that for me basically.

Also Owner of the Wiki here, I'm about 50% done with moving the google doc to the wiki. I wanted to ask would people rather have it in once page or broken up into different articles so you can just click and read which part you want.
A bootleg sold through amiami?
cute cat, oniichan
True, but most people won't do that unless it tanks really bad, which it might not.
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Thanks, based anon
I'm partial to one page, but if we're gunna do a wiki you might as well do multiple.

As long as there is an easy click navigation, im happy
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oh my god why would anyone do this to her
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I do.
Inverted nipples are my fetish
thay scratched the hair and ribbon too
Has amiami become so strict that they'll trash your account on your first cancellation?
1. Curiosity
2. Modding
nope they ban you after the fouth or fifth unpaid invoice, and you will get a warning from them first.
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Understood /a/non. It will have a very good navigation system. Last thing needed is people being annoyed by it so I will do this.
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How is this modding?, this is nothing but the work of an idiot.
Not that I know of. Is it your first ever order, or a super expensive figure?

AmiAmi generally gives leeway if you do business with them often, but in truth it really depends on the CS Representative you get. Though I'm not sure, and maybe some Anon's from the Madokami era can answer, it's possible they get really anal if there's a mass cancellation of a certain figure due to shipping.
Well, it really depends on the modding. Most figures like this I'd suspect the person intends to make a cast off feature with detailed breasts. It's possible he doesn't care about the character and intends to mod her to be an OC or add a different characters face.

It is very sloppy though, but if they have the skill to fix it, then that shit probably doesn't matter.
I am pretty sure this was either curiosity or they were trying to pirate or at least figure out how it's sculpted. Either ways whoever did it chances are has another one or knows how to fix it.
It's the second order I've placed. The first one is for an in-stock Nendoroid that hasn't shipped yet. I'm certain I want the nendo though, so maybe it would be prudent to wait until it has shipped before I ask them to cancel the other order?
what exactly do you want to cancel?
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What's the reason for cancelling?
If it's this >>136192736, I'd probably do it sooner than later.
This morning I woke up with the intention of canceling it too because cash is tight with my country's econmy. Right now the USD is at 18 mxn and 100 yen being 15 mxn. Ideally the usd would be between the 10-12 mxn range and 100 yen would be 10 around mxn. But I got the invoice in the mail, I looked at the figure once more and I told to myself that I'd rather regret getting it than regret not getting it.

While I am not particularly attached to any girl in Monogatari I am attached to the series as a whole and this will be the first and possibly only money I ever spend on it. It's weird with so many good girls in the series, my favorite characters are by far Koyomi and Kaiki.

See >>136191265

I didn't notice before how strange her eyes actually look from up close, basically.
so what you're saying is you don't have a dick and you're not sure if you want to spend a lot on a busty vampire.
it's a prototype. It doesn't matter.
I already did, I might lack resolve, but my dick sure has more than enough for both of us. I trust in my dick, he has rarely ever failed me. I owe him my life, he's a great pal.

Don't you trust in your dick?
Trying to set up some shelf space. What is the diameter of kiss-shot's base?
Usually a prototype looks (slightly) better than the final model from what I've seen. I hope you're right.
She really does look great. Cherish her, anon.
Does manda Store Front Item undervalues? thanks if anyone knows.
no they do not

stop evading taxes you criminal fuck
But it's Perrine, so binning is all but certain.
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1MB, 1099x1280px
Mod in process
Fuck off, Ahmed
shut up idiot, i have to pay an 85% fee in taxes for each item I buy, and it's limited to only two purchases per year.
yep I don't like the nipples either.
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welp at the end I ordered this beauty for 12K (Dark elf), so I will be cancelling kiss shot.
Looks like a quick tit mod. I dunno why but a feel like the proper way to do this would be sculpt the breast and let it cure, then the areola and sculpt/blend it in and let it cure, then it nipple.
That's miles better than Kissshot anyway.
Does anybody know where I could buy a prepainted GK of Renge? I really want a figure of her
Thanks that's what think too, it was a good deal for 12K sealed, hopefully she will fit in SAL Small packet too.
I prefer one page, it's easier to ctrl-f.
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oh sweet jesus mary and joseph
Are there any figures you guys wanted but immediately changed your mind due to a certain detail? What was it and why? Company producing it? Paintjob?
Delete this, it's too spooky.
see this >>136192736 due to box size which meant 5K only for shipping.
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Native, Tony (his girls are soft), interesting cloth clothes, fully castoffable.

Then they decided to go full retard and just have those seams.
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Is this some kind of fucking joke.
>thin your paints
I'm beginning to think this is the same idiot, every thread posting that exact greentext, regardless of context.
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I will. I will.
That can't be real.
This is beautiful, I really just want to feel on her breast.
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I probably want it
I wanted this >>136193945 Lineage dark elf, but they changed the face between unpainted prototype and painted.
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Sorry anon, didn't mean to ignore you.
Here. Again sorry for potato.
I love it, I must have one, WHERE DAMMIT!
You should stop putting figures in front of your books. It looks tacky as hell.
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Anime Girl 19.png
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I have no more shelf space, or else I would put them somewhere else.
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Badly done hair really ticks me off, and I avoided buying Alter's Yuuki Yuuna scale and Phat's Im@s Yukiho scale specifically because the sculptors made no effort whatsoever to camouflage the hair seams. And then there's this PriPara Lala scale from GSC, which I skipped out on due to having literally less paint detail on the back of its head than my $8 prize figure.
And you fuckers said nobody else bought that sento, My ass.
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Anime Girl 20.jpg
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I was so mad when the Kotobukiya Sento came out because I like the face on that one better.
Wall shelves are actually a thing anon. I refuse to believe you don't have the space for one or two.
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Ok so how about I create the One Page style on obviously one page and have on the Main Page a option choice for you guys to pick which version you'd like to use?

Basically each person can get what they want out of the wiki so no one is left out?

It'll add more time to do but I'll add it to the wiki.
I know. But it's not a big priority for me at the moment. I'd rather get that glass shelf from IKEA and use that instead.
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I had no idea of that, looks good but different, still to me the final ver looks way better it's one of the finest scales I ever had, I sold her a year ago for a good price but regretted the decision later.
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I found a painted ver of the first prototype.
Can't wait for 1/1 figure of her
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I have a huge urge to do some boarderline impulse buying but I should just wait for my January order. I fell like I'm going insane though all my December shit got delayed and I went a whole month without getting anything
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She looks like a blue skinned bimbo there. Final version looks better and accurate to the illustration.

Also, Human Lineage 2 figure when?
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I have 1,000 on me right now, guys tell me what to buy.
As I said I prefer the final ver too, though the prototype isn't bad looking.
stop shitposting retard last time you said you had 300 bucks.
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worried pvc.jpg
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Buy some nice rope.

>sideways image

Welp looks like I'm going to have to post it again.

Reminder that if you have merchandise of any of the following:

>vocaloid shit
>sonico shit
>saber shit
>pork shit
>k-on shit
>SAO shit
>attack on titan shit
>idol shit
>fujo shit
>madoka shit
>trap shit
>POP! shit
>amiibo shit
>joint shit
>monstergirl shit
>to love ru shit
>western shit

you are the cancer killing buyfagging.

Please find your nearest cemetery and bury yourself alive .
Always open, always willing to please.
>no monogatari shit
Save it for the future. Alternatively, buy a gun and one bullet.
That's like 80% of the current market. You might as well get out of buyfaggotry and be some asshole that invest in new artist
madoka has some good figs and if u have k-on figs from back in the day i think thats fine
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Reminder that Obama collects Amiibos.
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> Don't use your own money to buy things I don't like!
Legless cat


Looks like one of those folding animal pillows
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More like
>I'm going to post the same shitpost over and over for replies/attention
Yet another success for him, bravo.
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Got my first fig.
Slippery slope, here I come.
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re-release announced.
that's the parasol girl right?
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how much did you pay?, was she sealed?
>focus actually on the potatoes
not sure if this is stupidity or a brilliant troll
Overrated shit.
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In 2008 the yen was about 80 to a dollar

Those were dark times.

But figmas were 2,500-3,500 yen with a shit ton of accessories.
Never been in one of these threads but I just had to see this.

Has raita released someone thing last comiket?
Mahou Shoujo 15. It sells out pretty quickly in Mandarake for 1,000 yen a copy.
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$170 sealed, but no pre-order postcard.
>those thighs
>those sides
>those breasts

This just gives me a hardon looking at it.
>hardon from a anime figure

I hope you are joking
Thanks, I don't check exhentai normally, found it there, however untranslated. I guess I'll make due
why are you even here
thanks I saw her for 21K A-/B
Has anyone's Kiss-shot shipped yet?
What did you expect from a PriPara figure? All the characters have too much detail on them which leads to the anime have very bad art quality and so there's not much from where to pick details like the hair. Don't get me wrong, I own the kashikoma ver. and its one of my favorite figures.
everyone here cancelled her.
Poorfags, I'm canadian and still payed it.
Well payed, Sir.
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I love my boxes.
I have the money but I don't want to pay 14K for her, 5K only for sal parcel is fucking stupid, I'm getting this instead >>136193945
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Should I go ahead and buy the artbooks I have wanted forever before yen tanks more or wait and see?
don't you fucks try to buy them
>before yen tanks
Little late on that one pal

On the brightside maybe these threads will get better now that the kiddos won't be able to get every new meme figure every month and post about it here
Is there a website where people show off their gk's? Noone on mfc seems too have them
I know I was hesitating too long on this due to the prices on aftermarket.
It's price is 2,5x times more than on release, its insane
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Anyone know why the most recent odanon manga is so expensive?
Yes, the yen might continue to drop. Use Amazon.jp for better shipping rates. Buying jap books is pure suffering.
Tell me this isn't a GK. I never got her last event and this would make up for it.
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That box is fucking ugly
same as you.
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Paid, waiting on shipping now. Has anyone's shipped yet?
that box doesn't look oversized like people were saying.
Has anyone here bought from WIT studio store? Is it possible to buy anything without use of forwarders?
>all that wasted box space
GSC get your shit together. And the box doesn't look half as nice as either of my two Yamato-class, goddamn.
Tell me your hopes and dreams for Wonfes /a/.
I'd like to see something of these two.
People who ordered from GSC had theirs shipped on Friday. Most of us are waiting until Monday for their shipping notices I guess.
Jeanne and boatslut Bismarck.
just dropped 400 dollars on mandarake. whatsup guys
>Addicted to MMO for the past year or so
>Completely forgot about WHF last winter
>Didn't even know what the exclusives were
>Go to Mandarake to look up new items I only just learned about
>Completely barren which is odd
>Their site had a complete makeover at some point

Holy shit what have I missed in a year.
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Pic related and Bishamon in her plate armor.
>back of her head
What the fuck, how could they make this shit?
I want a painted Jeanne before my monopoly money crashes out completely.
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Kongou already got a figure.
What the fuck, are you me? I just posted right after you too.
lol what did u cop
More Valkyrie Drive figures
Shunya Yamashita Sonico
ZSS figma
More figures of my waifu because she only has a couple that are decent quality.
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I know, I'm just too lazy to edit that picture.
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Painted jetstriker Trude


GSC to deliver on those Magic Knight Rayearth figmas

A good Saitama scale
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Makoto scale.
He doesn't though.
I'd like a Sheena too.
The original color is a lot better.
> won't be able to get every new meme figure every month and post about it here
You almost sound like you believe that.
But I want the original color
>joint shit
It depends, some are not that visible
Swordboy nendos.
I'm still hoping Koukaku no Pandora gets some delicious joint figures.
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My nyagga.

I just got the new Love Live variety set and got a Rin sign. Very happy considering I only bought one pack.
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A figure of this fag.
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Is it her leg that's sticking out of a portal, or is she getting fisted?
Getting a 20k order of waifu merch this month, so I'm finally gonna finish her shrine. Any of you have built you're waifu a shrine, looking for some inspiration
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Hopefully soon.
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Never Ever.jpg
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I want the hats NOW fruend
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I really want to start a shrine of her, but I'd rather not get her not-so-good prize figures. All I have of her is Stronger's 5th Anniversary figure.
There's a lot of stationary and miscellaneous merch though, so maybe a small shrine would be nice.
You are in for pain and suffering.
I'm used to it by now.
thats what you get for being a hipster
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>ordered a set of fairies from a mfc user
>sorry anon, I accidentally sold this to another guy, here's your money!
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a prototype of this fucker
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I just want a scale of this meme girl
From the thumbnail I though she had cum leaking from her mouth.
cowtits ruin the overall good design

>buying figures of a dead character
>AmiAmi: Shipping Notification

Looks like they are sending Kiss-Shot out now from AmiAmi. Hopefully some west coast EMS magic happens and I get it by Monday.

seconded, k-on! and madoka are quality m8
>liking fotm seasonal waifus and hating big tits

You couldn't possibly get taste any shittier.
Just got my notification too, hopefully I don't have to pick her up at the customs.
Everytime I hear about places that need to go to customs to pick shit up it makes me glad my stuff gets delivered to my door and if there are any custom fees, I can pay it with any method i want at the door. Also i work nights so i never miss packages thanks to my dog flipping his shit anytime the canada post truck pulls up on my driveway
I usually just get them delivered too, but my last package got captured, so I had to pick it up yesterday.
I am hoping, this was the only case I had to do this. (It probably won't be)
>Everytime I hear about places that need to go to customs to pick shit up it makes me glad my stuff gets delivered to my door
It's the exact opposite for me. I'd rather get up one hour earlier and drive to the next customs office to open the package myself. Fact is: customs (or rather the postal service) already damaged two of my items while cutting it open with a box cutter.
hotglue them
>I hope I'll get it by monday
Air Mail
>I hope I'll get it in january
>I hope I'll get it in 2016
I've never actually had them open a package before and i import a lot of stuff, not just figures. they just slap a tag on the side of the box saying i gotta pay $10 handling free, duty fees(seems to be 6.5% for figures) and 12% sales tax that we have where i live on non-food items (and some other things).

Honestly it's only the handling fees and duty i get mad at since duty is meant to be a incentive to buy domestically, which is impossible for shit like this and $10 is far too much just to scan a package and slap a sticker on it if it gets flagged. I have no problems paying sales taxes though because my family has benefited a lot from government run shit, probably a lot more then we payed into, woo genetic illnesses.
This is the australian dollarydoos right now, plus let's not forget that:

>every fig is basically 10k+ nowdays
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Another couch Shinobu arrived
When will they start making short haired loli shinobu? I need her.
I'd rather have a teen Shinobu. I'm sure something will be announced for her at wonfes, but probably another standard donut version.
Better yet, when will they stop making monogatari trash altogether?
same time they stop making sabers, boats and mikus, when it stops printing money.
>H=170 mm

damn, I wish she was bigger
Funny that the change happened three minutes before this post you shitposting faggot.
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>weeb ninja will never get a figure
Can't wait for Guns and Roses to get a figure. Surely she's popular enough that there will be one.
For some reason, SAL seems to get delivered fairly quickly this time of the year.
This looks amazing. I wish I had ever played Lineage. so I could justify getting one for myself.
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I feel like if I try to import the Shomin Sample manga I will go to jail.
You could always load up your paypal account with yen, even though you'd get a shitty rate like 114 to one usd, if you think the yens going to continue to slide to like 100, then it's probably worth while.
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prototype never ;_;
name of the 3rd figure?
Looks like: nobody, illya, maria
What if that anon is from Australia or Canada? It's a legitimate concern.
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>Tfw there is a chance I might have to open box at post office
>Mfw anti bomb squad sees package full of half-naked high school girls/maids cover books and sexy loli figurines

It is not a crime here or anything, but still.
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More Bertille-sama's figures. If Q-Six makes it happen like how they did to the series of Celia's figures I am much more happier. And damn, A+'s Bertille figure is quite shitty.
Also, make the Selvaria Bles in Bikini figure come true, Vertex, you have promised it.
Why is she wet?
I'm fucking sick of her and Celia. Where the fuck is my Ayako and Noel figure?
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More Saber, less non-Saber. I hope this is announced or Saber Alter (Lancer).
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Progress, or any news at all.
news that it's cancelled
>Urobutcher new project unveiled at WonFes, with a PV and all
Now's the time to show it off, really. If there is nothing then you're probably right.
Her ass looks fat in that art.
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not that i'll ever hold her in my hands, but at least i'd like to see her with a nice coat of paint.
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Anatomically correct muv-luv figures.
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Is this the right way to put the 2you4 address on Surugaya?
>3 weeks till wonfest
What character is this? Reverse search gives me black and white drawings and untextured 3d models.
My waifu. It will never happen though.

I got the shipping notification around 6 hours ago from AmiAmi. Tracking number works and shows it hasnt completed the first leg yet.

I fooled around and put the number into the USPS website and its a reused number and shows a package from two years ago that was delivered to someone else.
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Enjoy the sixteenth of January.
Thanks, doc.
Thank you, doc.
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It's pretty simple anon
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no fuckin way

They're re-releasing the custom white only version that people paid absurd money for?
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yeah but only for WF2016 so it will be extremely limited again.
oh then it's still gonna be too expensive to buy.

What a shame.
grab it inmediately after WF2016 on YAJ!, that way you'll get her for around 25K.
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It was on ami all the damn time for weeks to months after the initial week. You could have easily gotten it for a fair price at that time.
original character
Lacking in detail. It's shit.
Lewd. Wish she had some color to her panty showing so it'd be more like a see through stocking that she's wearing.
silly opinion
Shame about the forehead.
What about 17?
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Summerfest had 300 Pieces for 13,000 yen. This upcoming Winterfest has 300 for 15,000 yen. Stalk Yahoo Auctions jp to get it for 25,000-30,000 yen, which is the cheapest you'll ever hope to get it for.

>Event Exclusive
This is how you do exclusives right. At the event and extremely limited. Vertex are geniuses. None of that GSC exclusive bullshit.
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I know that feel.

Looks accurate to me.
accurate but a shame
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Thank god it looks like shit. I didn't have the space anyway
Poor Miku!
Figma tier paint job.
Anon, please.
What a waste.
Is that forced?
Araragi scale
attack of laser chairs?
I've got a little bit of hope for Mira to get something seeing as Dimension W wasn't terrible.
Something more from Noragami would be really nice.
Karen nendo.
Anything Eufo.

Native to strike a deal with any of the eromanga authors I like.
Kohina nendo.
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I like how she looks. It's a GK anyway, you can paint her how you want.
I don't like it.
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>Tony Taka's Shiro to Kuro Odette figures, painted and priced
>Aniplex+ F/GO Saber painted
>Aniplex+ Kimono Saber sculpted
>Aniplex+ Kaori Contest vers. sculpted
>Beat's Emperor Nero painted
>Toda Satoshi's Saber Bride finally revealed
>More cute lewd blondes are announced by Native, Skytube, and OS

GSC announces/teases re-release for 1/7 Saber Alter, and announces both Rin and Sakura figures, with teases of Illya, Rider, and Caster figures.
GSC's Orange Rouge line teases Shirou, Archer, and Lancer figures. Gilgamesh proto is shown.
Aniplex+ teases a Amira figure
Aniplex plus has Sheilder painted, and surprises us with a painted proto of Jeanne
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I am hoping for a figure of Mai, mai waifu.
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Never ever.
>2 episodes

This is the kind of people who watch phantom world.
i hope they realize how bad it looks and try a different color scheme
It's going to be sold unpainted.
I know. I mean for the display model they present on wonfes. I mean that's probably the thing e2046 is going to copy, if anything.
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scale please.jpg
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Probably going to happen:
painted Valkyrie


Naoto scale will take anything
Hideo scale
Hana or Meiko in prisoner clothes
another Orchidseed Triage X figure
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the yellows, offwhites, and red tints fuck it up
What's wrong with it?
The box matches the other figures in the line, which has been going on for a while now.
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I can't wait for all the scuffed paint after putting her in the base.
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>head seam

Can't unsee that now.

Reminds me of a Nami bootleg I have.
Looks awful.
That looks awful. What were they thinking?
This is actually a part of the figure you are not supposed to see. Someone removed her dress.
The dress is laying on the base directly.
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