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SNK / Shingeki No Kyojin 77

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New chapter is out, CR soon. Reiner may actually not be dead. Absolute bullshit the amount of asspulls this series has.
Anniebot out.
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Annie is love
Annie is life
Annie is the light of my life
Annie a miracle of the universe
Annie might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out
Drop it.
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I want to see Bert become more assertive and find happiness in life, as impossible that is in their situation.
Annie is shit.
> mfw Marcofags were right and there was more to his death than it seemed

Why am I so retarded? Am I the only one who didn't consider Annie killing him despite her having his gear?
What did I fucking think, that she found it on the streets and sacked it because she thought it might come in handy?

Did Armin think of this possibility, did he know she had something to do with his death?
He's going to become Annie's prince.
That took me by surprise also, I never expected him to be brough up again.
Daily reminder that MT has studied the 3DMG he stole from Mike, he knows how to counter it and will use that knowledge to BTFO Levi.
>Am I the only one who didn't consider Annie killing him despite her having his gear?
Whenever I wanted to discuss about this I got a lot of shit, even though it was obvious.
It's so obvious in hindsight.
Did anybody ever come up with a theory regarding this? Nobody has called it afaik.
>Reinerfags saying that after what he did this chapter
You're not alone. I didn't believe anyone was involved in his death either. I thought Marco got offed by a titan and Annie looted his gear off his corpse after the fact.
Who is worse - somebody who knows what has to be done and gets it done, or'
- a follower who can't make decisions on his own
asspulls: the series right here. just fucking kill these faggoty shifters get some new villains. Based Kenny dies and we're stuck with these whiney goofs. gonna give me an aneurysm
Someone that isn't a rude asshole who forces people to do his dirty job.
Drop it.
Reiner's words to him makes me think he'll become more assertive after this
>get some new villains
I hate this part in a story. It feels like a different manga with the same characters being replaced.
Too late for that shit.
There were a few people who speculated about Marco having been killed by BRA as a result of overhearing them since they were shown standing together in Trost, but most anons disregarded this a stupid tumblr-tier theory and didn't think we'd be seeing him again.
Honestly, BR were dumb as shit for even openly talking about that stuff when Marco was around.
>but most anons disregarded this a stupid tumblr-tier theory and didn't think we'd be seeing him again
This, I called it long ago.
Nah, like I posted earlier Isayama wants every character to change somehow. Whether it's for better or worse.
Me too. My precious son Bert.
They didn't know he was around, he was hiding behind the roof.
Only the "Marco is alive" shit was shut down continuously. Marco being killed by one of BRA was well acepted it and I've never seen someone trying to shut down it.
Bert is garbage
For Bert it will be better. Seriously he'll become a great character.
I remember that, I didn't believe it either. I never expected to see Marco again. If anything I thought one of the shifters would say Annie stole his gear off his dead body or something just to give closure to that mystery.
The first one was just retarded and used for joking, but the other was disregarded a lot.
You sure about that?
Reiner is far worse. He's a little shit that forced Annie kill Marco instead of Bert, or even better, do the job alone. BA did enough already under the orders of this shit.
>1001 ways of saying Reiner a shit
We get it already.
I like him as he is as a character. He's not badass or cool despite his power and that's better than being yet another badass. I want him to get development so I'm not complaining, but being assertive doesn't make a good character.
I like BRA after this chapter. If there were only good people to like in this manga there would be zero suspense.
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Who will be caught in Bertys body drop?
Ouch someone is butthurt that Reiner is confirmed to be the worst member out of BRA. Sorry that your shitposting doesn't work anymore.
No one is a wholesome good person in this manga.
Hopefully all of JSC
Gluttony, Baldie and Horsie.
>wanting JSC to die
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Isayama said he like to do his characters moraly ambiguous. There's hardly a character here who can be called "good".
I dunno, it was a high pressure situation and I don't think he necessarily made the wrong call there. He saw Annie's facade crumbling and he probably felt his own crumbling as well, hence needed reapproval.

It was selfish but understandable, a "don't forget we're in this together!" sort of deal.

In that one scene in Trost where Rainer says "I'm glad you're okay, Annie" and she scoffs him off, do you think Reiner is in his soldier persona or trying to be goody-goody again with Annie after what happened?

Not sure when exactly it happened or I would screencap it, may very well have been even before Marco was killed but not sure.

If that happened before, then Rainer probably got paranoid and his doubts were strengthened after that.
It looks like it was heading for Lebi.
Sounds like an interesting fanfic.
It was before.
>thread is calm and comfy when the Mikasafag is busy shitposting in the other thread
>still liking any of BRA
Absolutely disgusting.
I think it was for a purpose though. Annie clearly had sympathy for humanity and she'd never be able to do what had to be done unless she threw that away. Their job from then on was going to involve directly killing people instead of simply letting titans do most of the work for them. If Annie went into battle and hesitated or messed up in any way then it could cost her her life.
Can anyone please give me a Link for the new chapter?
They just support them for the purpose of baiting at this point. It's more then clear by now that BRA is completely evil with absolutely no goal or endgame. They just want to kill because they can, don't even bother replying to BRAfags.
>The book of Ezekiel relates the story of Nebuchadnezzar
>Nebuchadnezzar, continuing his father's work of reconstruction, aimed at making his capital one of the world's wonders. Old temples were restored; new edifices of incredible magnificence were erected to the many gods of the Babylonian pantheon (Diodorus of Sicily, 2.95; Herodotus, 1.183). To complete the royal palace begun by Nabopolassar, nothing was spared, neither "cedar-wood, nor bronze, gold, silver, rare and precious stones"; an underground passage and a stone bridge connected the two parts of the city separated by the Euphrates; the city itself was rendered impregnable by the construction of a triple line of walls.
>she'd never be able to do what had to be done unless she threw that away
This, he actually had the balls to carry the mission and prevented a lot of shit. When Annie spared Armin, he came back to bite her.
Why is every theory fanfic? I don't even care about BRA that much.
Just trying to interpret the clues that were given now that we know what transpired.
If it was before that very well may have affected Rainer and led to him forcing her to take Marco's gear. Seeing her save Connie and them giving him, her fellow warrior on a joint mission, the cold shoulder, could've made him anxious.
Not saying it was the sole reason, maybe just another perceived slight in a long line of aloofness and stress.
Isayama probably decided to expand on his death after seeing how popular Marco was for some reason.
Go check Reddit faggot, I bet you frequent there.
What are you implying?
What? If he manages to find happiness after what he's done it'll only be in death.
Someone need to kill the manlet asap, I want to see fujo tears.
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>instead of just stabbing him
>she tortures him and throws away the gear
>might've done SOME things wrong.
Didn't he also say that he decided to kill Marco on a whim because he thought that he couldn't go anywhere with the character?
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>Trying this hard
Major bitch
Stabbing him would've been too suspicious, you braindead cuck.
Would it make you feel better if I changed the formula to "a lot of things"?
Was there this much uproar when Annie killed Petra?
Should there have been?
Yes. Even more so when the anime got to this scene.
Mankasafag and pigfag weren't around to be vocal. Everyone was just shocked and ;_;.
You have no idea, wait till BRA kill someone important. If they even scratched Mikasa these threads would 404 in 30 minutes tops.
Annie is his sole exception.

This person is predicting that Reiner is going to be hated more.
Annie and Pisstra a shit, who cares.
I always thought Marco died to show that even the skilled and cool-headed ones are not guaranteed to survive against titans.
Pigner is a shit and his fans are even worse, serves him right.
What? He didn't even place top twenty...
Pretty safe bet unfortunately
Good riddance that piece of shit.
>Someone important
You mean everyone who ever been on a snk thread coming here to laugh together? 10 threads wouldn't be enough. I already lost just thinking about it.
Yes he did, he was in the Top 10.

1. Mikasa
2. Rainer
3. Bert
4. Annie
5. Eren?
6. Marco?
7. Jean?
8. Connie?
9. Sasha?
10. Historia

Not sure about the order but yeah, he was good.
Armin however didn't place. Ymir would've but she let Historia have it.
Kek, I can see this happening.
He was tanked 7th place.
Are you joking? People would be laughing, butthurt Mikasafag pain would make my year already.
Still can't believe you idiots thought Reiner was dead or the Annie a thing for Marco
Anniefag pls
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I honestly don´t know how you can be sad over any of the deaths that happened in SnK. The only slightly developed/interesting character that died was Kenny.
Bert placed third? Above Annie? What?
Please stop giving the two Shitnnie retards something to shitpost about.
Not sure about the order.
Only think I'm sure of is Mikasa first and Historia last, no clue which way BRA placed.
>tfw can translate the chapter
I won't ;)
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>I-I never take off my trip to shitpost
The person says that "Zeke" might come from Siegfried,who is an important figure in Norse mythology. His name is probably Sieg then.
I'm sad about Grisha and Frieda. Otherwise anyone dying but BRAMT I would just laugh.
Can't take this ranking serious. Annie would kick both Reiner and Bert asses and Eren wasn't really skilled at his normal form.
Yes they said he was even same as Reiner as power but they him 3rd place because of his lack of willingness unlike Reiner.
It's already translated m8
Annie did him a favor, she didn't want him feel like being betrayed by being killed by his comrade's very hands.
3DMG counts most, not close quarter combat.
It's: 1.Mikasa
8.Sasha (or Connie)
9.Connie (or Sasha)
> Grisha
> Frieda.
We hardly knew them
Annie slacked off in everything that wouldn't earn her points to get into the MP. Eren got pretty gud at H2H partially thanks to her training.
>Marco died to show that even the skilled and cool-headed ones are not guaranteed to survive against titans
>skilled and cool-headed
If you overhear someones saying they are spies and directly ask them to confirm when you are alone with them, I can't exactly say you are "skilled and cool-headed".
I hope we see more of him in the upcoming chapters.
Manlet of course.
I bet he could have placed above Reiner too if he wasn't such an underling.
Reiner said in this chapter there's no one stronger in the world than Bertolt. Obviously he meant because of CT form and below MT most likely. Reiner himself admitted he's shit in combat so no surprise there. Keith's description of Bert is that he is talented in various forms of combat and has great potential. He would give trouble for Eren and Annie definitely. I want to see him fight against Mikasa.
>Reiner there's no one stronger than Bert in the world
That's cute.
From now on Bert use his great potential. You all will see, he'll become the best.
>Reiner said in this chapter there's no one stronger in the world than Bertolt
Your parents and siblings never said you were the best boy, huh?
This. He should've turned 360° and walked away.
I think he was speaking in general and complimenting Bert.
You fags are really underestimating Bert. He ranked 3rd even with the deducted points he got for his passive personality.
>calling me raidou because you're so mad
now you're just blatantly throwing random posts about
I'm rooting for him, hopefully he doesn't die on us.
Mikasa will kill bert instantly. The guy hasn't shown anything impressive in his base form. All he's been doing is crying and getting bullied by ymir.
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Who LH here
Can we say Marco killed himself now?
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Mikasa couldn't even get to him, even when he had extra weight tied on his back.
>Mikasa will kill bert instantly
>Had to be saved from Annie twice
>Will probably turn into kebab if gets too near of CT
I hope so.
I want Mikasa to do something noteworthy again.
Nah the time is here now to step up. Odds are for Mikasa but instantly is unlikely.
I hope the same anon.
Of course she had to be more cautious in that scene since he had eren.
Eren is such a princess, getting saved by Mikasa all the time. No wonder he had an inferiority complex, plus she keeps acting like a creepy mixture of personal assistant and mother.

When can they walk side by side as equals?
Never realised, amazing.
He placed third only because annie was a slacker and everyone else below him is too shit.
Hope Bert dies.
He'll show that Mikasa's special snowflake powers aren't that worthy if it comes to it.
She looks like she didn't hold back though. I know it's funny to joke about Bert being a pussy and a crybaby but he's more than capable to protect himself.
Keep believing that, he wasn't even trying that hard and still got 3rd. Annie might be more skilled in hand to hand, but that alone isn't enough to get first place.
> yfw Bert's combat skills can rival Mikasa's, he just never used them because he "lacks initiative"

it is indeed impressive how he was able to fend her off.
>all this headcanon
>getting saved by Mikasa all the time.
I can't remember of no time Mikasa saved him.
>Saved by Hannes
>Saved himself
>Saved by Manlet
>Saved by Manlet
>Saved by Erwin and Armin
>Saved by Historia
>Saved by JCL
>Saved everyone
>You'll die if I'm not around.
I don't think his human skills are enough to rival Mikasa, since Mikasa has her ackerpowers that make her strong beyond human limits. He's still really capable though.
It's according to what happened in manga.
>When can they walk side by side as equals?
Never, since Eren will eventually fall in love with Annie and Mankasa will become the evil mother-in-law.
Why are you hindering a nice discussion by acting like an asshole?
Who do you think will eat Reiner's body so that person would become a shifter?
What are you talking about? We do know Annie was a slacker in everything and also sucked at teamwork. That's why her grades were so low. We know nothing abouy Bert not trying too hard though, you're just making stuff up.
Kek, tell that to Eren.
Though it seems he's over it by now.
Only Bert will ever eat Reiner, in bed.
That's what he always does.
So since it's ever more likely that MT is Erwin's father, does that mean Erwin might have to kill Levi to save his daddy?

Gif pretty much related.
Why are you such a sensitive little bitch?
Not sure about the eating part, but I kind would love to see either Jean or Annie killing Reiner.
Sasha likes pork.
I don't think you get it. The ranking is determined by only some classes. Hand to hand isn't one of them so Annie didn't partake in it. She tried hard enough in the classes that mattered, she said so herself.
Bert got less points according to Keith because he lacks initiative and leaves it to others, not because he didn't try. Leaving it to others is not trying though, in a different way maybe but still same thing.
I like how bert is getting a lot of hype now.He best deliver in the upcoming chapters.
If MT managed to study and improve 3DMG, he might have the advantage here. I could see him losing if he would fight Levi, but Levi will already be put down by MT.
I think if anything he's related to Grisha. Maybe he even has a personal vendetta because he believes Grisha was tortured and killed by Wallers.
I will hate Annie if she ever tries to kill Reiner or Bert. Fgt bitch girl.
He's going to die like a bitch.
I'm not sure if it's that much of a huge advantage unless he's some sort of master tactician.
Any other Titan shifter we've seen so far has understood how 3DMG works as well. Although I guess it's better knowing beforehand than figuring it out as you're fighting.
She won't, she will never see them again.
He isn't, but MT is.
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Wow, he dodged one blow. truly more capable than Mikasa.
>Annie will never see BR
I'm fine with this. BR don't need Annie.
>more capable
That's not what I said.
Annie is better than BR anyway
Bert will save her and let her abandon the fight
I thought bert wanted to fuck annie
Nobody said that.
Just speculating that he might have hidden his powerlevel and that a fight could turn out interesting.
Annie doesn't like Bert
She doesn't like Reiner. We have no idea how she feels about Bert.
she will soon.
Doesn't matter he still wants to fuck her
Knowing that Bert will most likely die for her sake is a little upsetting, since she will most likely ignore him and let him die.
This makes a lot more sense when you think the motif and origin of other shifters names like Ymir, Frieda and MT faction. Ezekiel is just random.
So according to nips, MT's name "ジーク" could also be understood as "Sieg" as in "Siegfried"
>His name is probably Sieg then.
How fitting, because in that case his name means "Victory"
After this chapter you know that may happen right?
What are they saying about this chapter? Do they hate Reiner now?
That's not what I said, I just want to see them fight. Reiner was busy with Eren and Annie has fought against both of them. What that leaves for Bert? Levi and Erwin can deal MT.
No, it won't.
We'll have wait for CR to know for sure. Though in this case it should be si-e-gu in katakana, but with the pronunciation I can see where Isayama is coming from. I too think it's Sieg.
>jacking off to Annie
Bert is pure and BA is pure. He has never had a dirty thought about Annie.
Any proof of this? The only thing that's been shown is rockiness with Reiner, not Bert.
Yep, MTBR confirmed to win at least this round.
Bert will save her regardless. He's content off jacking off to her like all Anniefags.
I wonder if it's just a coincidence that he looks just like Erwin's dad in every recent panel?
Bert dead before he hits the ground. He has nothing else going for his character.
Bert only had a crush on Annie, nothing more. BR see her as their comrade so that's it. At this point Bert is more bonded with Reiner. I'm %100 sure he'd prefer Reiner or even Ymir than Annie, if he ever wants to be with somebody. He's fine on his own too though.
Bert is turning out to be one of the kindest characters at heart, but he should act out more.
So far he doesn't do much in situations that he should be acting on and clearly affect him. He just stood and cried when RA were breaking, and they're the people he cares about the most.
This. They will win this round by capturing eren and come back later to get annie and historia in which they will lose.
Nope, this chapter still confirms he wants the Annie.
Nope, he looks like Grisha. He's too young to be Smith, he's like younger than Erwin's father the last time Erwin's saw him.
>kindest at heart
Oh Bertyfujo. Your small brain is so pitying. Bert wants Annie. Reiner wants Bert to have Annie . Annie despises Bort. Reiner is annoyed by Bort.
> Ymir
> Same girl who bullied him
> Over Annie
>and come back later to get annie and historia in which they will lose.
Maybe they'll win again. I highly doubt the walls will stay save from now on until the end. They probably will even get destroyed by the wall titans.
What's Reiner saying here? Did he switch over to his soldier persona, or what?
>Did he switch over to his soldier persona, or what?
> If anyone busts in to save her ass, she's gonna take them for a prince.
>Even if it happens to be you
Yeah no. Each time Annie is brought up to him it proves more and more he likes her a lot.
He looks just like Erwin's dad, more and more every panel. That one closeup of his face, he has Erwin's nose.
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He actually looks like someone who would find a stray cat on the streets and take it home.
Reiner is the most interesting out of BRA.
I like how Reiner insulted him all the time and Bert just said "I know".
Things has changed fellas, ignore it as you like. Bert likes Annie but not in a romantic way.
He's not killing people because he enjoys it, he was thinking about Marco and RA when he said he wants to end it all. If he wasn't kind he would give no shits about Marco.
Bert doesn't have much self esteem
>inb4 twenty replies
What if not-dead Reiner suddenly switches over to soldier mode when Barreltolt crashes the party and proceeds to take him out?
>Things has changed fellas
Did you even read this chapter? It made it even more obvious he likes her in a romantic way.
This is not legit translation. He says different.
That actually looked Bert's nose.
A lot of people would do that.
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Well he does know.
Bert's nose is totally different than Zeke's nose.
He's the best for sure.
>save your beloved annie
They might be bros and more bonded but it's weird if after all that talk Annie isn't the number #1 in his heart and doesn't feel more to her than a comrade. Reiner knows what's up and tries to push him and tells him stop denying it. He's a coward so help is needed.
Who but edgelords enjoy killing? Obviously he isn't going to enjoy it, but it also doesn't make him the kindest person in the world either. If he was so kind he would support Annie more.
What does he say then?
The Best what? He's ugly and boring as fuck.
More like this the birth of it. Annie and Bert are looking at him horrified and 'are you serious'?
Projecting much
>Bertfujos on damage control
It's just a crush guys, Bert acts like it's only a crush with blushing and getting excited. He wouldn't be embarrassed if it was real love. He'll be more happy with like R or Y.
>being this much in denial
>the kindest person in the world
I said one of the kindest characters, not the kindest one, relax. He's still a murderer and should rightfully die for what he did.

>If he was so kind he would support Annie more.
Maybe, but don't forget that he never acts on his own volition.
Reiner: That’s good. For your beloved Annie, let’s overcome this obstacle.
Bertholt: I…I don’t feel that way towards Annie…
Reiner: Even if it’s Annie, if someone appears in front of her at a moment of desperation, she’ll think that person is Prince Charming.
Reiner: And then there is…Christa…
Bertholt: …yep.
Reiner: For the sake of our agreement with Ymir, we have to rescue her.
Bertholt: Mm…yes.
This reminds me of a theory that the basement has an entrance to a tunnel that would connect the Walls with another settlement, possibly the shifters' village.
Most of the main characters are kind in some way, Bert isn't special for it. It's called having humanity.
Same thing.
>those legs in the final panel
god damn
Not really.
I'm with you on that, but most people wrote him off as a heartless monster until now and he's nothing like that.
And what's apparently so super different?
Then why MT didnt use that the first time? Sneak in, find out where and who has the coordinate and just take it.
Those people are clearly retarded as no one is heartless although maybe MT could qualify out of anyone.
This manga is pretty much "I do things because I was told to".
That's Isayama's inconsistency. One time his nose looks like Bert's other time Annie's. I still fail to see how he could slightly remember Erwin or his father though.
Bert looks pretty sex this chapter
>germo visuses
I'll pass.
Reiner is the best.

probably because most of the characters in this series are shit.

especially Marco
Marco was just kind, basically shit.
>literally can use Eren as a shield
>wow he dodged
What a feat
Mankasa, so that she could become a manly bulky titan.
Bert's nose bulges out at the end. That's the nose of Erwin. Go back and compare Erwin's father side by side - the nose, the beard, the face matches better than anyone on the current cast. Also, visually it seems Erwin will be confronting Zeke for maybe some narrative symmetry.
It's quite different since in the official one, Reiner doesn't mean any despise towards Bert.
Reiner is only best at escaping death
He didn't use Eren as a shield though and he can't do that because he's the fucking coordinate and they need him alive. Eren was only slowing him down at that point.
I can't stand Bert, he really isn't that great of a character
I'm not the one behind the theory nor am I saying it actually leads to the village. Maybe it leads to a place MT doesn't know about or can't enter for some reason, or maybe Grisha did something to prevent MT from coming through here. You can easily find the theory through Google and judge for yourself, though for the record it's on blumblr.
His hair looks really fluffy this chapter.
Born and raised
You are just jealous of him. Grow up.
Maybe Rainer didn't go "shit Eren, the worst person possible has the coordinate" because of Eren's personality, but because he knew about Grisha.
I want to pet him.
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It has already been done actually. The noses really differ.
I want to ruffle his hair.
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>He didn't use Eren as a shield though
Looks to me like he turned Eren into the direction of the slash to reduce Mikasas options.
Compare the closeups.
He simply isn't relatded to anyone.
Levi's the one to confront Sieg, actually.
He didn't turn anywhere, he just dashed forward. Jesus.
Yeah and people insist he needs to be related to someone.
Also, there is really nothing similar to Bert in terms of looks, from nose, face, eyes down to hair/eye color.
No need for that, face's overall doesn't change.
He can create his own version of that thing and humanity will be doomed once titans can fly.
Sure thing buddy. He was fully unaware of the advantageous position he was in with Eren on his back, literally serving as a shield that will stop Mikasa in particular from even thinking about seriously attacking him.
Isayama's consistency, however, does. We have many good closeups this chapter to compare
I love the bromance between BR. Just like me and my best friend and we are not faggots.
Yes, I'm jealous of a fictional character
SL may actually forgive her if she presents them their heads.
Where the fuck would they be able to fly? Titan-sized cities?
Same here. It's not homo like EAr.
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>and we are not faggots
You gay son.
You have no friends.
Then SL is retarded as well as Annie. Then we'll have an actual traitor in the series.
His perverted fantasy will never come true as Annie despises him and everything he stands for.
She hates Reiner for forcing her to be a murderer.
I know, right!
Same. Worst boy with Levi.
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Reiner even calls him "bro", it can't get better than that.
That theory was mentioned plenty of times here. Not all theories come from dumblr, maybe the really stupid ones like Marco is alive or MT.
ayy lmao
He won't even have the chance to do so.
And yet Erwin finished the job with one arm.
Bravo Mikasa
Obivious thing that too shouldn't be forgoten. Eyebrows. MT's look common.

He still looks the same from chapter 70. Nothing much has changed.
Mikasa is useless so who will kill Bort? I think Armin might.
I think warrior Reiner is gay in canon. His birthday on yaoi day, Ymir jokes him about being gay, official art shows his anus ready for penetrating. He just gave that netflix and chill look to Bert. Doesn't it imply anything? Only soldier Reiner liked Historia. Also this doesn't necessarily mean that Bert is gay as well or they are a couple.
They just needs to fly over the wall.
This. ;_;
True bromance.
Hitler was a vegetarian, you know?
>I think warrior Reiner is gay in canon
Stoped reading there.
I leave for couple of hours and these threads is flooded with bertfags.
>that little deformed hand
This shows his features better and he looks related to Erwin. Once I get to my comp I'll make a side-by-side comparison with Erwin's dad, I'm on mobile right now.
This panel is legit no homo but I love you.
These threads are always flooded with Bertfags. Bert is the most popular boy here.
Also everywhere. Even in the walls.
So if the shit taste isn't focused on Levi it's focused on Bert. Yuck
I didn't say they're gay though, they're the usual no homo bros.
They're cringe worthy but I still love them.
How is Erwin not the most popular? He's done far more and is much cooler than that whiny shit Bort
I think they are better than Annie or Shitkasafags and definitely better than that delusional EH shipperfag.
Don't worry, he's more popular with nip fujos.
Y-You too
Because Erwin is a manipulative selfish asshole. He only wants pleasure and satisfaction of understanding, he would fuck his own mother for that.
They're all equally cancer.
>he looks related
Since when does Erwin looks like a hipster on marijuana? If it's for the eyes a shitload of characters have irises like that. If it's the nose at least 4 characters have a nose like that. Erwin and his father have the same eyebrows, it's obvious there that MT's are common eyebrows. Please don't tell me it's the glasses.
They're cringeworthy and annoying. Also delusional judging by this thread alone.
Because he's wasting panels and has overstayed his welcome.
Nah for me as cancer:
He's not hipster enough for them.
I kind of think the EHfag may be a reverse shitposter at this point, maybe another one of Reinerfag's personalities.
It'll just look like another version of this>>135841891
I agree.
He's not moe and easily bullied.
Still better than Bert will ever be.
Turn the arrows into < and you're good to go.
If you are talking about the one playing with dolls, then I don't thinks so.
Yeah BRAfags are utter retards but EMAfags are god awful, please don't lie to yourself.
You are jealous of Bert too. Grow up already. He's obviously best according to Isayama.
My sides.
Well I didn't see many EMAfags so that's why I put them down there.
>Since when does Erwin looks like a hipster on marijuana?
They grew up in different cultures, of course they don't dress alike.

Wait until I make the comparison pic.
I only think this because he randomly pops up when Reinerfag is shitposting too. But who even knows anymore the level of cancer here is truly high.
Reiner is ready. Is this really official drawing btw?
Where can I read the chapter?
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>Is this really official drawing btw?
In hell.
Yeah, I totally meant the way they dress.
You mean the one who will be crush by the ape?
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It is.
>Wait until I make the comparison pic
I already know how it will be.
He couldn't bet. He needed Eren alive at all cost, he couldn't risk the possibility they would attack Eren too.
How would you react if MT kills Levi?
Fucking based MT.
Does eren being the son of a former warrior leader make him a warrior?
Switch Mikasafags with EHfags and it's good.
No, the question is who is going to get killed by Bert.
Their differing mannerisms? That's also conditional to enviroment.
Amazing. Why they drew him like that? I mean this is pretty unique since we don't have any similar official art or is there any other?
But does Erwin have legs as fine and as toned as >>135841920 ? That'd be a no.
Bert kills himself.
No idea what Isayama was thinking.
I want CT body slam to leave Sasha in a state only thing saving her is titan serum and her eating Reiner.
Apparently he drew it for a thanksgiving event where all mangakas from Bessatsu had to draw for. The theme was "romance" or something, I forgot.
He was thinking to have BRfujos post this picture every thread to make comments like yours.
Take the opportunity and do a Annie/Erwin comparison too.
Erwin's legs are more toned than that.
I'm not a BRfujo though. The pic is just funny.
Their faces.They don't look alike.
>I'm not a BRfujo though.
>Levi saves Eren from Annie while Mikasa spills spaghetti and acts like a noob
>Eren wakes up and sees Mikasa and assumes she saved him
Yes, since BR a shit.
What is MT real name?
Zeke or Sieg?
CR today?
Sasha being the one who gets the serum is very likely.
6 hours
Ezekiel Jebediah Smith
Erwongfag pls
The suffering never ends.
simulpub countdown is 7 hours for me
I wouldn't be surprised if was real.
Butthurtfag pls.
Ezekiel Siegried Leonhardt Smith Yeagar Ackerman Reiss Arlert.
No one is butthurt over your delusions.
>s-stop saying why my crack theory is bullshit
As anons mentioned before Sieg fits better into the whole Norse mythology theme, but at this moment we don't know for sure which one is correct.
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No need for hemorrhoid flare up. It's just a harmless prediction.
A retarded one though.
Not him, but at this point it really seems like some anons are butthurt over it for some reason.
maybe... in a cage, full of niggers
As soon as you suggest he doesn't look like Erwin's dad there's imminent butthurt.
Kek. Good choice Isayama so it's crack?
Erwin looks ugly as fuck here.
The reverse is just as, if not more true. Same when anyone compares Erwin to Annie.
>if not more true.
I know. The way they did his nose bugs me.
ewww erwin a grossgeki
Those Ymirfags shitting on the entire fanbase saying Ymir may be dead are so pathetic. It's OBVIOUS she wouldn't die off screen you retards, she is probably dying or went to rescue Annie as part of a deal with RB.

Bert is the worst character in this entire series.
Just some butthurt retards. Expect very triggered posts now.
>or went to rescue Annie as part of a deal with RB.
So she'll be Annie's prince? Nice.
MT looking hyped as fuck and ready to go in that bottom panel
Bert and Reiner wouldn't talk about saving Annie if Ymir was already doing it. And if Ymir could save Annie then she'd also be able to get Historia on her own as well. I agree that she isn't dead though
Ymir may aswell be dead, she contributes nothing to the story.
It's actually people who dislike her that claim she died off screen.
Ymir is dead.
There are still people who care about that character?
Yep they'll fuck SL in the ass.
I'm not even baiting, she's dead. BR were sad when they mentioned her and saving Historia sounded like a dying wish, she can't be more dead than that.
I blame BRA village for the existence of Urban Outfitters.
would it kill you to post one link to view the chapter
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I missed the fun. Can I have the link of the new chapter?
Keep she never did something noteworthy only thing she can do is fucking die already.
Why does every post that mentions Ymir get that many replies anyway? Seeing as no one replied to shitkasafag's post before that, is it him samefagging to bump his own thread again?
I'm kinda sad about BRA gonna die virgin.
>inb4 cringey BR post

This. It was said about him he has incredible skills but lacks initiative.
She saved Based Commander. Shes alright in my book.
i'm growing tired of autists like you

Nein, they all fucked each other in an orgy already.

That s why the little bitch couldn t say shit to defend her from Reiner.
Look I try to hold back saying they're faggots but you're not helping here.
Deal with it bitch.
When did Mikasa save Erwin?
Butthurt faggots.
Thanks anon. Can someone translate this?

Did someone already upload this month's issue of BSM?
Thank you, I found Lost Girls new chapter.
Most people try to ignore Shitkasafag
Oh shit wrong post. I was talking about Ymir.
The people they killed also died virgins.
Fuck Them
now dump it.
I can translate one line for you.
>searching for Frieda in the bushes
The fuck.
It's good that Isayama BTFO BR every chapter.
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It's here
You will also die a virgin.
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Is this whole chapter just a flashback or will there finally be some plot development going on?
Too late.
Are these from spinoffs?

Only delusionalfags here are the Ymirfags and their retarded autism.
there's like 3 pages of plot

bert is launched toward them in a barrel and the chapter ends
I don't know but I got that from here >>135845155
She loves her Historia doesn't she?

Does she get in argument with Ymir in the spin-off?
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Read it.

The English translation played it up more I think. Then again she still got a nosebleed over her own sister and was way too invested in YH's relationship
>Does she get in argument with Ymir in the spin-off?
Nope, she actually got excited when Ymir said her and Historia have a special relationship. Frieda doesn't seem to like anyone else getting close to Historia though.
Perfect. More cringey BRshipping posts and ignoring canon from the BRfujos.
Okay that's gay. Where I can it in English and find the rest of it?
She's a siscon and a YHfag.
You keep calling it cringey, you might be lost in the closet or might not. Who knows? But why this bothers you anon?
Fucking hell, talk about delusion. Do you honestly think anyone gives a fuck if she is alive or dead? Thing is it's been well implied she is dead, the fact she is not confirmed as dead is perfectly normal as Isayama probably is planning another flashback or shit to confirm this. Even if she didn't died her death is very well scheduled by how it goes. I'd be surprised if she isn't dead before the final arc.
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Why they keep making Reiner look gay? It's kinda funny but they don't do with Bertolt.
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Oh for god sake you fucking degenerate, I didn't not need to see this shit. I hope you enjoy your deserved ban, this is a christian board.
Anon this is a Christian Board, put a spoiler on that shit.
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>implying canon isn't just as bad
Stay mad.
Forbidden? Why?
Can't wait to see the salt when Ymir isn't confirm dead.
More Bertfujos will post this as proof of BR and ignore the real chapter of SNk. The same joke will be posted 1,000,000 times.

I don't know. It's canon that Reiner thinks Bort is Annie's annoying KEKworthy prince.
Men can't love men anon.
Look at Reiner come on, it tells everything kek.
That's some hardcore shit right there.
What planet do you live in
Bert isn't a man
>the fact she is not confirmed as dead
Actually her going to BRA's village should already confrim she is dead, since it's been mentioned a few times she will definitely die there. Apparently it didn't confirm she is dead though. I don't really get the point of making her current status ambiguous. Well we already know how bad Isayama is with pretending characters might die.
>Frieda will never molest you
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Censor your shit.
Anons stop commenting about it, mein sides. It's hilarious. I wish I could see them before. What's the name of the spinoff?
Are you retarded or is this another one of your "canon" hedcanons?
Daily reminder: Bert likes Annie, which (although she kinda looks like) is not a man.
Because she isn't dead, if she was killed we would see it, of course she might got killed in BRA village during the time, but then what would be really the point of it?
If Isayama wanted to kill her he could easily do it 2 times already which would more fit in the story than killing her off-screen like that.

Maybe she is a prisoner in BRA village where they injure her daily to keep her regeneration at bay so she would not escape, cause the village doesn't have anymore of special warrior serum to make shifters at the moment which would need sacrifice.

I still belive Ymir has some bigger role to play, but then Isayama could just have scrapped that plot already for something else and the whole "Ymir-sama" deal will be just left without any explenation.
Doesn't matter since both are going to die.
>Not knowing Chuugakkou

You can't be this new.
Definitely retarded. Just agree with the Bertfags or they'll bring out more unrelated panels.
This. I swear most of these idiots always fall for isayama death flags bait.
Why would Bert hide it from his best bara bro? He denied it twice. You know someone people blush whenever they get mentioned in any romantic thing if they interested in that person or not. Blushing doesn't mean he likes Annie in that way.
>this nigga
>all this handholding
Best example is Erwin and the political arc.
This is so fucking gay I can't.

Thanks anon, didn't know but I'm gonna read it now.
Anon please, your lewd posts are too much for me to handle
because he is beta about everything maybe? As a bertfujo you're supposed to know it even better than I do.
>I can't
>I can't
>I can't
BA is never going to happen
Kek. It's always about Annie and Krista in the end.

That's why he blushes that's all. You all know people like that. Bert fits into that type. He would share it openly with Reiner if he would seriously like Annie.
Can you tell me which chapter is it? Also Bertfags are the last annoying fags admit it. They are funny, nice and cute just like BR.
Funny how the Chuugakkou anime completely cuts out BR but the manga makes it super gay.
Reiner is a beautiful princess.
No they're fucking annoying.
No they are just joking around teehee.
Why don't you just ignore the complexity?
Where did they even get that sticker?
Reiner gives the same look.
Cool Ymir is alive theories bro, belongs in the trash.
See >>135846416

Because he wants the cliffhanger to continue until he will confirm it in another flashback most likely.
Doubt it.
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