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After all these years, are you ready to concede that Orihime

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After all these years, are you ready to concede that Orihime was the best Bleach female?
fuck off
Serious question, has Ms. I Can Reject Reality done anything of worth with her powers?
That's not how you spell Nelliel.
I would fuck her tits pretty hard.

But I still like Neliel, Ikumi, Queen Sharktits and Rukia more.
That's a weird way to spell "literally every other girl in the story but her".
Oh, and Matsumoto.

I nearly forgot.

She was made to have her tits fucked through a school uniform.
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>guaranteed replies

I think she was supposed to be important in Mexico. Something about making the Hougyoku disappear with her powers. Never happened and I don't think it came up again.
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>that face
She sure is underrated compared to rukia.
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/a/ prefers Rukia. Otakus have more affinity for magical boyish fantasy girls with the power to make them gods; the idea of a bit-titted normie girl you'd have to cultivate a real relationship with in order to fuck is just frightening to them.
I don't care if your a shitposter

I still love you
You're telling me she still hasn't done shit since I gave up on Bleach?

Bravo Kubo. Way to waste a character
dubs confirm rukia best
No, Renji is.
Fuck it, roll

Heh, I always liked big cow tits Orihime more, but rukia is nice as well.

That scream of despair rukia gave when gin was fucking with her heart made me hard as fuck.
Roll for 2
pls no loli
Kek. You jinxed it mate. Got the worst loli to ever exist. I called for 2, but at least got the nigress. Better luck next time.
Bring back the anime!
So you could see what a hack Kubo is in 30fps
>No Neliel
>No Harribel


1, 3 or 6 please.
Yay. Got my favorite of the bunch.
let's roll
Roll for glory
Captain milf please
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>I think she was supposed to be important in Mexico. Something about making the Hougyoku disappear with her powers. Never happened and I don't think it came up again.
Nope, never again. Aizen did make a return and Orihime is still around so maybe Kubo will deliver on that pol point but for some reason I doubt it.
Rolling, hoping to get best girl

I'm okay with this
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Rukia is objectively best girl but Orihime is my waifu because she is the most kawaii
Alright, let's see what I win.
Nice that'll do
>bitches thinking they can be useful
>not just leaving it to the men to take care of things
Bleach is all about showing you that women are around to be tits, cock sleeves, and sandwich makers; and nothing else.
Unless it's Nelliel.
Or Harribel.
Or Rangiku.
Or Captain Mom.
Or Isane.
Or Yoruichi.
Or Nemu.
Or Kukaku.
Or Thundertits.
Or Cirrucci.

Kubo has a lot of high-quality girls.
Orihime is the best marriable girl because she is hot, has big boobs and can heal you if your dick goes limp but as a character she is boring as fuck. BORING as fuck.
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Aizen even said that her powers could not affect the hougyoku and he only used her as bait for ichigo, and juha bach already told her to fuck off, her powers will never work on transcendental beings.

Her only use now is being fap bait.
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Best girl you say?
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>No Neliel
>No Taisuki
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Orihime was always the best girl, it's only to be expected that a website famed for its spergs wouldn't see that.
Has she even done anything worth a damn in the story?
Eh fuck it, let's see what I get.
Roll out!
Please lord anything but 2 and 9
Well I wanted either Rangiku or Kukaku but fuck it, she's also good.
her main asset is her tits. However, as the manga progressed, bigger titties appeared. SO now, Orihime is basicailly considered shit tier by the people who like interesting characters AND people who like big cow tits.
She is the best you fuck, but good taste nonetheless, especially Kukaku, I can get past Rangiku easily
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Hey I didn't say I hate Isane. Why the fuck would I?
Good point mate. Why the fuck would anyone, really, if said person isn't a repressed homosexual
she is one of the worst and I'm not even talking about just her series. There is literally nothing appealing in her
>"b-but her tit..."
yeah no fuck cow tits.
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>Aizen even said that her powers could not affect the hougyoku and he only used her as bait for ichigo, and juha bach already told her to fuck off, her powers will never work on transcendental beings.
I still have hope. Not much but still a little.

> Her only use now is being fap bait.
And bless him for that.
Oh what the fuck I'll roll
No matter who I get

I'm a winner
She's still my favorite tit cow.
Best girl for Bleach? I guess it's up to personal taste desu.

Best girl for Ichigo? That's Rukia. You literally can't picture Ichigo without Rukia, and vice versa. I haven't kept up with bleach for 7 years but I've always felt this way.
this desu. Nothing good about being a second-hand nigger
I have no idea who the fuck hates her.
Waifu rawl
here we go
i struck gold
The best girl is that childhood friend now long forgotten by Kubo.
Orihime needs to end up with a real prince like Rukia.

Ichigo can have his gay sword.
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You call that a roulette?
not a robot
Oh boy another one.

Kubo just like to add new characters without giving any love to old ones, Sado had a good backstory but at this point I think kubo dont even remember he exists aside from making him job.
Shit I kind of forgot about the character I got.
Rolling for 02
>Liltott Lamperd

Eh, my least favorite Quincy girl
I would "fuck" her, if you know what I mean.
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pls stay
fuck this im rolling for both!!
>I'll just revert your junk back to a state where it was rock hard.
Infinite Sex Works
Ima fuck those titties
Centaur Nel
Loli Nel
That one armed girl
that angry blonde twintail loli
That loli that hangs on Zaraki's shoulder
that glasses chick that hangs out with Muri
Muri himself
Brown bigtits waifu
That girl who is a gun
Soi Fon

All top tier bleach females
rolling for best girl
she makes my dick hard every time. my water empress
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Pretty sure I fapped to this the first time I saw it
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Piss on my chest
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Now for a tastes of things to come.
I could never warm up to orihime because her dub va was the same as hinata's and I abhor her stupid fucking voice
>inb4 watch the sub
Isane masterrace
>little cross on bikini-bottom zipper
Is this what reading on the 4th level feels like
Oh for fucks sake.
>Fapper's choice
SWEET! It's either Nel or Harribel. Fuck it, Harribel!
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this shit is dragging on still ? I remember being hyped up for the fights when it first came out the story was average. Are the fights still good?
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>Luppi and other deceased Arrancar return to life as Mayuri's minions and fight undead Matsumoto and other shinigami zombies in defence of Soul Society

is this real

has kubo gone too far
Can I roll too?
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Yoru come on guys
Damn it really has been a while since I last saw (or read) Bleach. I need to try to catch up to it. Can someone give me a tl;dr of what's going on now?
Prime semon demons
What's the last thing you remember?
They finally rekt Aizen, and he has to sit in a chair for thousands of years or something
Well he's still doing that.
I think I left off when the Zampakuto rebellion happened.
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haha back when i was still pushing my shit theory that pernida was a girl. here's a slightly more updated one.
>ichigo loses all his powers, becomes a normal high school boy
>can't even see ghosts anymore, so he and rukia say goodbye
>anime team has a fucking field day, Kubo says he loved the episode, himefags BTFO


TALE OF THE LOST AGENT (aka Fullbring arc)
>Ichigo is still a normal high school boy, but now is a mercenary athlete (he literally has teams book hours for him to play for them) with a part time job with an odd-jobs company
>enter Ginjo Kugo, a random guy who claims he can help Ichigo get his powers back, or at least a semblance of them
>through Ginjo, Kubo introduces Fullbringers: a human who was attacked by a Hollow in utero and was given powers by the nearby spiritual pressure
>these powers, called Fullbring, work by bringing out an object's symbolic potential
>Time Tells No Lies is a pocket watch that can set a lethal time limit on a chosen task
>Invaders Must Die is a NotPSP that can make vidya real, very useful for training (health bars, recovery items, custom maps, etc)
>Jackpot Knuckle is a set of brass knuckles with 777 on them (lots of post number jokes there) that could make a perfect hit on the first strike on a given target, because he's just that lucky
>you get the idea: they're basically Stands
>Ginjo has a group of Fullbringers calling themselves XCution
>turns out Chad's been a member for a while, but that goes fucking nowhere
>enter Xcution's sworn enemy, Tsukishima Shukuro, with his Stand whoops Fullbring Book of the End
>Book of the End is fucking broken as shit, it's a bookmark that turns into a sword - get cut with it, he can insert himself into your past any way he likes
>you think he's your friend, or your cousin, or an ex-boyfriend
>he can even cut the ground to retcon traps into it, or cut your sword to retcon himself into having taught you everything you know
>turns out Chad's been a member for a while
Finally, the Chad-is-actually-relevant arc!
>but that goes fucking nowhere
Good ol' Chad.
>Ginjo himself has Cross of Scaffold, a huge fuckoff European broadsword with sword powers, boring as shit
>Ginjo is also apparently the most recent Substitute Shinigami yeah no joke this entire arc is one big homage to Chapter Black, it's actually fucking amazing
>Tsukishima makes his move
>Orihime - hey I ran into Tsukishima and we thought we should all meet up! Remember when he helped us save Rukia and beat Aizen?
>sisters - Onii-chan! Cousin Tsukishima's come to visit!
>Odd-job boss - Ichigo, I'd like you to meet my fiancee, Tsukishima
>he's actually on the warpath right now, gets Ginjo and tells him they're rolling up to Tsukishima's hideout right the fuck now
>2 v 1 fight for a bit when suddenly Tsukishima stabs Ginjo in the back
>Ginjo stabs Ichigo, turns out Cross of Scaffold can also absorb and redistribute spiritual power, sucks all of Ichigo's massive Fullbring power away (he looked like a tokusatsu hero if it matters)
>turns out Ginjo and all of Xcution were all on Tsukishima's side the entire time, he just mind-whammied them all beforehand so they'd sell the lie of him being an enemy, it was all a plot to create a huge Fullbring for them to steal
>Ichigo has no allies - Urahara has been MIA this entire arc
>he has no friends - they're all on the bad guys' side, trying to make Ichigo see reason, why are you attacking our good friend Tsukishima
>he has no family - Isshin has also been MIA
>and it's raining, based Kubo symbolism
>Ichigo starts bawling his eyes out
>it's all over
>he's going to die weak and alone
then Rukia shows up and stabs him with a sword.
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>cue the next chapter:
>and most shocking of all
And that's basically it for that arc.
Do you want me to continue through the final/current arc? It won't be as solid but I can do it
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Also I forgot: we starting called Tsukishima "Facebook" because he adds you to his friends list
That was one of the better Bleach memes.
>Nemu and Pernida
Well isn't that interesting
Yeah but the final arc got fucking balls to the wall real fast.
Yes pls
mods will get mad
You can't fool me Porky, go eat shit, and be emo some place else.
It´s not fair to play when you can't lose anon.
OK, i will bite, row first, column 2
why, indeed i win
Whoever said the columns are numbered 1 to 10?
02 is the third column in row one.
Ok here's where things get ABSOLUTELY CUHRAZY and the levels of Kubo go off the fucking charts

>ok so remember Quincies? Uryu? Ryuuken? Soken?
>remember how Quincies only use bows and arrows?
>the Ishida family are backwards conservatives
>the vast majority of quincy are forward-thinking progressives: a quincy weapon can be pretty much any projectile weapon, up to and including guns made of reishi
>remember how they were all dead?
>a whole kingdom of them waiting around the world for the signal
>so there's this guy: Yhwach (I forgot the actual rule for pronunciation but I'm pretty sure it's written as YHWH, that should tell you where this is headed)
>he's basically the OG Quincy, he gave them all powers by loaning them a bit of his soul
>these soul bits are passed on through generations, until
>he's been gearing up for the past decade, he woke up and took away all the powers from the halfblood/impure Quincy
>did I mention the main Quincy demographic are ghost racists
>they're called the Vandenreich ("Invisible Empire" in German, which is the exact KKK jargon for, well, the KKK)
>they're uniforms are fucking gorgeous SS-styled hugo boss shit, Kubo's fashion is at its zenith
>no not Soul Society, the OTHER SS
>they're conducting horrible experiments on Arrancar, cue boner-inducing full-page panel of Tia Harribel in chains and even more naked than usual (they're using her to breed Arrancar-Quincy hybrids, yeah, it goes fucking nowhere even though it's horrible as shit, also she's been in charge of Mexico this whole time)
>they roll in to Soul Society
>they kill Yamamoto's lieutenant
>they steal a bunch of bankai
>they nearly kill byakuya he basically should have died by all rights but dem fujoshis couldn't have that, alive by editorial mandate...probably
>so Yamamoto says "Fuck it, Bankai"
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don't be jelly anon, I´m sure some day you will be blessed like me.
>they're using her to breed Arrancar-Quincy hybrids
This is never implied at all, you're just retarded.
you think that was a joke? the columns start with label X0
Does Kubo remember she's in the rape dungeon?
I know, that's why I stated that i was doing it in reverse, since i don´t like shit. So i went through the array in a mode where the result would be to my convenience, and I stated that prior the roll, thanks.
>Zanka no Tachi is OP as fuck
>basically untouchable flame armor
>super ridiculous sword strikes with FIRE
>just kidding, you weren't fighting YHWH, you were fighting Lloyd Lloyd, his body double (he has a twin named Royd Lloyd)
>also YHWH's top soldiers have an alphabet thing going on,
>so yeah Yamamoto was fighting a copy the whole time
>who then steals his bankai and gives it to YHWH
>who promptly kills Yamamoto
>Ichigo arrives and tries to fight YHWH
>and during this fight Ichigo instinctively uses Quincy powers
>so the Vandenreich fuck off and say they'll be back to wipe SS out for good in like a week
>so remember the 0 division? The Royal Guard that served the Spirit King directly?
>Well not only are they fucking wacky, they're basically responsible for the idea of a Soul Reaper being what it is
>one guy invented the idea of names giving spirits power, (including zanpakuto), another guy invented healing, another invented the gigai, another invented zanpakuto
>so Ichigo (and renji) decide to go up and train with them
>and it turns out that unless your bankai is meant to be broken (Soi Fon's is supposed to be explode, Komamura's can heal itself, Senbonzakura is already a bunch of pieces anyway) if the Bankai is damaged, you take a huge hit to your spiritual power and you'll never recover
>unless you reforge the sword
Yes it was totally implied. She was chained up behind a curtain and was revealed after YHWH killed an Arrancar subordinate like it didn't matter one bit, his Quincy lieutenant asks him about it and YHWH says "who gives a shit, we can just make more" and pulls back the curtain
He said we can just get more/find more in the proper translations, you read a shit job.
roll nemu or nanao please
They're just low test homos. Hence all the loli, flat chest, and tomboy threads. I do like a good tomboy, but they gotta have big tits and a great ass
Your synopsis makes this manga sound so much better than it is. Please keep going.
>so they talk to the guy who invented zanpakuto, Ooetsu
>he explains that zanpakuto are actually blank shells made of artificial hollows: in order to use your spirit powers without hollowfying, you had to find something to be the vessel so why not an actual hollow
>he helps Renji and Ichigo get new asauchi (for Ichigo his first, technically)
>except it's just not working for Ichigo, until Ooetsu figures out that the Man In Black isn't Zangetsu. That is actually the bit of soul passed down from YHWH. The real Zangetsu is Ichigo's inner Hollow, just like he'd always said.
>At ooetsu's urging, Ichigo decides to finally have a talk with his father
>"Get ready for some gut-spilling." - Isshin Kurosaki
super roll
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I feel like I'm the only one that favours rangiku. Best female thing I've seen in my life.
road roller
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A boy. A BOY
She's okay in looks but I like her personality and relationship with Gin more. Still pretty pissed that Gin thought it was a good idea to go up aginst Aizen by himself instead of gathering evidence that Aizen was a fucking traitor and was conducting unlawful experiments on shinigami and hollow alike and report them to the athorities. But nope, gotta get back that fragment of Rangiku's soul back. In the end he hurt the woman he loved pretty bad and she would have been alot more happier if he had just stayed by her side.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
I fucking hate this.
>>Book of the End is fucking broken as shit
Ok so I want to get the whole flashback in one post if I can
>let's do the time warp again
>Isshin Shiba was the captain of 10th company
>Isshin is on patrol in the human world when he spots a Hollow on a rampage
>this Hollow has two long thin swords for arms and a black mask with long bull horns
>they fight for a bit, we see Engetsu for the first time, it's fire magic
>a normal high school girl walks in on all of this, Hollow attacks her because she's a juicy target
>but it's bait
>girl pulls out a quincy handbow and BLOWS THE HOLLOW'S HEAD OFF FROM POINT-BLANK RANGE
>you see, Masaki Kurosaki was the last survivor of a Hollow attack that killed the rest of the Kurosaki clan of Quincies, betrothed to marry Ryuuken Ishida in order to keep both the Kurosaki and Ishida lines pure
>but now she's infected with Hollow reiatsu, and how convenient Urahara shows up with the perfect remedy
>Isshin has to help him, and of course he does
>he and Masaki fall in love, Ryuuken is pissed, ends up marrying his moe maid
>Ichigo is born
>also whaddayaknow Aizen created the Hollow that infected Masaki and is technically the same Hollow that is Ichigo's zanpakuto
>Having learned all of this, he goes back to Ooetsu and gets an new zanpakuto incorporating both his soul reaper and quincy powers unto a pair of swords
>now while this is all going on, something else entirely is happening within the 13 companies...
>Ryuuken is pissed
That was more or less about getting Masaki infected and making her an impure quincy though. He never had any romantic feelings for Masaki and only saw her as a friend. He was pretty much into the cute maid though.
>so kyoraku (who got his eye shot out and now looks exactly like Big Boss) is the new captain commander, and his first decision is that kenpachi needs to learn how to into zanpakuto
>he also needs to learn how to actually fight
>so he needs to finally claim the title of Kenpachi from the real one, the first one, who was never defeated but merely abdicated the throne
>It's Retsu Unohana. Well, her real name is actually Yachiru
>there's a reason everyone was scared of her
>she and zaraki fight, turns out she's a complete psychopath
>zaraki kills her, is now the true kenpachi
>and then a voice from out of nowhere starts talking to him and introduces himself
>we see like a year later that it's actually his zanpakuto, Nozaraki
>also something that we had to wait year(s) for after it was teased super vaguely: FUCKING GRIMMJOW BITCHES THE PANTHER KING IS BACK BABYYYYY
>back in the main plot, Uryu is now part of the Vandenreich whoopsies
>and then the Vandenreich enacts their master plan
>turns out their base is literally inside SS, they flip a switch and suddenly everyone that's in SS is now in THE ICE PALACE
After this point it's basically a chain of fight after fight after fight. Basically the only high points are Renji arriving with his new zanpakuto and NOT JOBBING, Rukia's Bankai, lots and lots of big ol titties, a villianous trap, /a/ going crazy after Toshiro is zombified by said trap, and the reappearance of Aizen
So yeah, you didn't miss much.
>no not Soul Society, the OTHER SS
Thank you. This made my morning
>you were fighting Lloyd Lloyd, his body double (he has a twin named Royd Lloyd)
Fuck you kubo, stop wasting pages
>Isshin Shiba was the captain of 10th company
What is this, old man prostitution?

I read inaccurate translation then

le roll
here we go again
Unohana pls
So you've missed all the ichihime
Rolling for 6
After all these years I'm ready to know why the fuck Aizen kidnapped her.
Rangiku is part quincy?
>I'm ready to know why the fuck Aizen kidnapped her.
for her power of rejecting. Aizen was planing to use her power for something, but i guess Ichigo kinda ruined that part of the plan.
Come the fuck on. In his plan there was no place for her. Also how did he not expect Ichigo to not try to save her?

Because she was always best, and she'll win (the awful, horrible, who even wants it) Ichigobowl.
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>be in middle school
>school library has an American SJ subscription
>hey a new issue let's see what's going on in Bleach this month
>open to page
>it's schoolgirl Rangiku
>"hey anon are you looking at porn"
It was a convoluted keikaku. Basically, Aizen was aware that Ichigo was the only captain-level combatant not under the power of his shikai, and so threw away like... the majority of his forces in order to lure Ichigo into a trap that would keep him away from Aizen when the real fighting was happening.

Note, this is the answer we were given after the previously sensible, if odd statement that Orihime could feasibly, with enough power behind her undo anything that had ever happened, including death and total destruction of a soul.

Which would be a good reason, but fuck it, might as well stretch a storyline out for another 100 chapters, right as the heroes are reaching the finish line, right? "Hah! She was never important at all! Which is why I made my own forces believe she was important, and killed/punished powerful followers who caused her trouble!"
Nice boobs but she really needs to eat something.
But Ichigo is a qt. Anon
ill roll for this one

I'm tying up who I roll
Ichigo is one of the worst protagonists in shonen history.
Eh. He's handsome at least
bleachrepo.tk SLASH ichigo.php
fuck off tumblr
There, if Aizen told us he wanted her to revive his troops I would have believed, it's a good enough reason. Even interesting.
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Not saying she needs to be a landwhale, just that she looks like a stick.
>always a pure idiot waifu to the MC, even suggesting a harem end for him in the first dozen chapters so as to keep potential rivals from being sad
>Wants to be a city destroying giant robot in the future
>boring slut

I don't even understand some people.
>kamen rider visored
Okay with this
but do trips do anything
Is that one girl's name "Wolf Vagina"?
Dark souls
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Rukia is so superior to every other girl it's unreal. She's so perfect. I love her so much.
Fuck off sperg.
But Orihime's backstory is that she fell so deeply in love with him that even with little to no interactions she would profess her undying, death-transcending love and devotion. Who needs to cultivate anything with that other than sex?
Orihime started out having a crush on him. It's only been through interacting more and getting to know him better that she came to truly love him. Frankly, I don't know what she sees in him, but it makes sense.
>little to no interactions
Anime first, huh? In the manga is much different
It's really not. What are their interactions? He's mostly just a good-looking guy that doesn't act like an ass to her. She's been pining for him from a distance and built him up as the pinnacle of her emotional life for all eternity based on limited interactions.

Did they spend a lot of time playing together as children? No, that's the friend-who-shall-be-forgotten. Did she support him at difficult times? No, that's the same girl-who-isn't-relevant. Had they ever dated, hung out with each other regularly over a long period of time, talked over the phone together about topics ranging from the silly to intense?

Tell me what it is that gives her a legitimate basis to put him on such a pedestal. Other than weepy vagina, over-reacting emotional woman syndrome.
Wolfgangina, resident tittymonster of Zombie Powder
Roll for Retsu
Another girl wants him, so she wants him in turn.
Typical girl behavior. Also she has supposedly had a one sided crush on him since middle school, they just were never all that close.
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Just finished reading it.
Actually a lot of fun, really nostalgic to see his old artstyle and comedy.
jesus christ what I wouldn't give for a titfuck from her in that outfit

bitchigo is an idiot faggot for not noticing her
Rolling for that hot 4/5 or dubs.
Super roll
Come on dubs
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Any chapter this week?
this. thats a girl no matter how you look at it

I tried, but comparing her now with her Karakura and SS arc selves, I wonder how can you even ask that.

She's like Sakura Haruno in terms of character progresion except that Orihime is likeable and an overall better human being.
No Yachiru please.
>always a pure idiot waifu to the MC, even suggesting a harem end for him in the first dozen chapters so as to keep potential rivals from being sad
>Wants to be a city destroying giant robot in the future
That Orihime is long gone
She along with Ichigo went full-on emo mode at the start of the Arrancar arc and never recovered
I'm sure the majority of readers hate her because she's on the way of their ship.
Zombiepowder. was so good
Shame it got canceled so early

Gemma Akutabi>Kurosaki Ichigo
And Elwood and the Secretary Sunglasses Guy were fucking awesome
You forget that Ichigo saved him from her Brother's ghost or whatever at the beginning

Also Orihime is a huge beta so it's completely in character
>it's only to be expected that a website famed for its spergs wouldn't see that.

I have to kinda agree. FLOL sure fucked up.
48 GET
>The most popular girl at school with idol status
Have you been around other sites besides /a/?
Shipping forums became irrelevant long ago. Flol and deathberry are dead places.
Roll spring roll
She resurrected ichigo like 3 times.
>She's like Sakura Haruno in terms of character progresion except that Orihime is likeable and an overall better human being

You mean regression, retard. Even compared to Naruto, Orihime will always be worse than Sakura. Orihime is the reason Bleach is shit, HM arc killed the Bleach, like her love confession offset everything, and every bullshit Orihime moment Kubo squeezes in to torture us.

>Whore obsessed with MC for no reason
>Big tits for no reason

That sums her up desu
>Did they spend a lot of time playing together as children? No, that's the friend-who-shall-be-forgotten.

Tatsuki WON'T be forgotten! I refuse.

Did she support him at difficult times? No, that's the same girl-who-isn't-relevant.

Same girl? Tatsuki sure supported him after Masaki died, but after Ichigo quit Karate she pretty much started to feel she wasn't close to him, but that's mainly Ichigo's fault. She was bothered by the fact he stopped calling her "Tatsuki-chan" anymore.

It was Rukia the one who got the enough strengh to beat some sense into him.
How is she a whore when she is still pure?
soi fon plz
ITT: buttblasted rukia- and tatsukifags
Dem kubo titties. It's been a whilee since Kubo sexually aused a woman.
No should be the time
Yoruichi is black kek
I'm fine with anyone except Orihime. Rollan.
Gotto roll now.
Can i play
>tfw Utility Pole Spirit is kill
I wouldn't mind if they make a threesome with Aizen
But she is
She totally acts like one
She's too pure/good which is why she has an irrational crush on Ichigo even though the latter pays her no mind and only considers her a friend(and he's stupid for doing that but y'know)
Emo Ichigo ruined Bleach not Emohime so you're wrong

And Orihime is way better than Sakura
Sakura has no redeeming quality to her whatsoever
I'm curious. What is a rational crush?
He's 17 ffs. How do you expect him to act?
At least Sakura is strong. She can heal like Orihime and she's actually one of the strongest fighters in the series.

Rolling because of reasons
point taken

this is a fucking shonen manga doofus
and he was pretty fine up untill Soul Society

he had a breakdown at the end of the first arc when Rukia got kidnapped but he didn't mope around forever and got to training so he can save her and return the favour

now he just isn't fun anymore ever since he turn full-on emo mode at the start of the Arrancar arc

and it's funny how people will blame Orihime for being emo but when Ichigo does the same
>give him a break guys he's only 15
Such a cuckish picture.
Wasted potential: the series
Kubo will never go back to early bleach style

Fullbringer arc was the closest we got but japan had to ruin it.
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Soul Society Arc Ichigo was alpha as fuck.
Sakura still accepted Sasuke after he tried to kill her twice
She's shittier no matter how you cut it

>one of the strongest fighters in the series
I beg to differ...she's not that strong

Not to mention she's not that attractive(Orihime destroys in her that aspect)
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Reading it all in one go makes you realize how bad the Shunsui-Barro fight was in comparison to the Mayuri-Pernida fight.

Pernida was fucking based.
He became more emo maybe because he was more invested in saving Inoue, than he was with Rukia? He cared more?
>beats 3 vice-captains with his bare hands
Still the best moment he's head after all these years
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So smug.
Fullbringer was pretty damn far away from the first arc to be honest
People who think this is mostly because the plot is set on Karakura Town
She's Hokage level in strength, and everyone accepted Sasuke back, not just Sakura, so that point applies to every single Naruto character.
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No he became emo because he turned into a Naruto clone
>waaaaah there's a monster inside of me who I can't control
Mayuri is fucking awesome
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A fucking arm turned out to be one of Kubo's better characters.
Kubo loves arms, you know that
Yoruichi pls
By "accept" I mean that she still wanted his dick you retard

And you say Hokage level strength but she really didn't achieve much throughout the series
The only good fight she had was the one with Sasori and even there it was Grandma doing the bulk of the work
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Friendly reminder that Rukia is best girl.
>tfw she will never motivate you
It felt like the fourth arc of the manga that Bleach was during the first arc, if you get what I mean. It felt like the same setting being played in darker tones because the characters are now young adults as opposed to teenagers.

The second arc feels like a completely different manga about samurai in feudal japan. And it was pretty good at it, I really wanted to read more of Ikkaku's story, for example. But I wish it was a separate manga, you know.

Hueco mundo and the latest are are also completely different, I don't even know what to say about them. There was a fundamental shift in aesthetic that came with hueco mundo.
How is that disembodied arm so expressive when it doesn't even have a face, only an eye?
Look at how smug and condescending he looks in the second panel.
Kubo's heART
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She did crazy shit during the war arc, including summoning a boss summon, shitting out ridiculous strength greater than Tsunade's, and healing the entire Shinobi alliance, saving Naruto's life, and she was instrumental in defeating Kaguya. And of course she still wanted his dick, she was in love with him. He obviously loved her too considering he married her and had a child with her.
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Soul Society was the best arc by far, what the hell went wrong.
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I used to have this opinion, but I like the first arc more now.
Mimihagi was also a black blob, but had some kind of personality
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Ghostbusters arc is top tier for sure.
Come on...
Bleach used to be like 30% humour.
Now it's like 1% between every five fights that we see a funny from kubo.
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Best girl indeed
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Sadly the good times are gone forever, replaced by edgyshit.
gdi Yuzu. Stop salivating over your brother's sword
Yuzu can't see spirit stuff at all, right?
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Kubo has lost his youth.

Also, I'm strongly suspecting that Kubo wants to make a horror manga.
Every ten or so chapters he can't help but draw some horrible monstrosity or make a detailed drawing of someone's head exploding.

decent b8
look at those replies

she hasnt done shit for a few arcs
and is completely irrelevant now
Yeah. But that makes the pocture even worse
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He probably does, I think he would be great at it. The hollow's were really creepy and interesting enemies in the first few arcs.

roll because I need to fap and die
I mean sleep
fap and sleep
Mystery/horror/sci-fi are best options for Kubo's style

Rolling for Rukia or Soi.
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Rolling because it's almost 2 am and I've ruined my life.
give me that carlton fade nigga
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You replied with my favorite Rukia outfit.

Thanks based Rukia
Manga got b& at my middle school for similar reasons
4 or 8!
Rollin fo real
I'll join you in the late to the rollin party.
Ohh goddammit I got Xion, but worse.

Rolling again for Rukia or Sui.

If Rukia twice it's meant to be. >>135783650
They're only 2 years older really so not much different

Idk who Shino is but I'm going to stick to Rukia.
>He obviously loved her too
top kek
that's a load of shit
saucegay never gave a shit about sakura prior to that
Yes he did, it was shown multiple times. Most prominently when he left the village for the first time.
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best art style
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This is romance, you plebs
probably because of all the tits
that's why he tried to kill her twice?
She's still not Rukia, so no
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He had some rough points anon. But in case you haven't noticed, he's a completely different person as of Gaiden/Boruto. He trusts in Sakura's strength, and is proud to call her his wife.
Fuck this shit.
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I wasn't even the one who brought up Naruto in the first place niggerlord.
still doesn't change the fact the he tried to kill her twice/gave no shit about her and suddenly he just decided he loved her and married her

stop defending kishi's shit writing anon
I'm not defending his writing, I'm just telling it how it is. Naruto slobbers on Sasuke's cock a thousand times harder than Sakura ever did anyways.
>She resurrected ichigo like 3 times.
As far as I know she is basically GOD. She can resurrect people by making sure they never died. Or to kill people by removing their existence.

This is INSANE as a superpower, and I think that was why she never did anything. She was created in a way that screw with the story so she is never allowed to do shit ever again.
>Aizen even said that her powers could not affect the hougyoku and he only used her as bait for ichigo
We will never know because she never tried. I will believe it doesn't work only when it is tried but failed.
She can't do anything against a higher level of reiatsu than her. She was completely useless when Ichigo died fighting Ulquiorra, and he was saved by his own hollow/zanpakuto instead.
>Bleach used to be like 30% humour.
>Now it's like 1% between every five fights that we see a funny from kubo.
Most shonen manga aruthors are influwenced by Dragonball. And it seems for Bleach the "Kid Goku" arc ended too quickly and we jumped right to adult Goku.
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Rukia's birthday is coming up soon.
>Naruto slobbers on Sasuke's cock a thousand times harder than Sakura ever did anyways.
which is why a yaoi ending would have made much more sense

Is Rukia the Lala of Bleach yet?
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He already has.
Bleach was never really like "Kid Goku" arc
I'm a huge Dragon Ball fan but linking every aspect of every Battle Shonen manga to Dragon Ball is ridiculous
It's not like Dragon Ball was the first manga to be funny or anything

And besides Dragon Ball prior to King Piccolo saga was a phenomenal mix of Action and Comedy(Red Ribbon Saga is a great example of this with how comical the villains are but at the same time they're capable/threatening)

Bleach on the other hand separated the serious/action parts from the comedy parts even from the beginning so it's not really the same at all
Oh really? Proof?
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This is a blue board anon.
I want to see him smile more often
I loved Orihime in the first arc. What happened?
He does have a great smile.
she turned emo
lucky number 5
Pfft, that's just the punch she uses when she's in her home and frustrated at her daughter.
Giving it a go.
Post Aizen-sama
Fuck, I got worst girl...
rollan for orihime
pls no loli
I'm still waiting for the moment, where Orihime will face the consequences for completely healing the Hogyoku.

Narita was originally planning to write a "steamy" novel about Yoruichi, Sui-feng and Chizuru. But for some reason we got one about Kenpachi, Don Kanonji and Szayel.

And Gigi for best girl. Kubo seems to know, because despite how evil she is, she is one of the few Sternritter, who could survive the whole thing.
pls no loli either
rolling for soi fon
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1,2,4 or 8 please
>It felt like the same setting being played in darker tones because the characters are now young adults as opposed to teenagers.

Except they're still teenagers. They aren't even out of high school.
Welp at least it's somebody with large breasts.
I'm still gonna reroll
yoruichi please
that's a bit too young for me
She will remove it so Aizen could become mortal and be sent to the RW , where he will live in a gigai and helping at the Kurosaki clinic.
SK will be Haschwalth
Ichigo will either impregnate her or die a virgin.
At this point being imprisoned for eternity without conscious seems more likely.
says a brave /a/non from his couch at his momma's basement
>implying you would react any different
During the final battle, Orihime uses all six of her fairies at the same time, rejecting the existence of her own limits to turn into the Future Orihime Killer Robot, slaying the Soul King and Yhwach with one titmissile each. Great ending or best ending?
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I just want to see the tears of Rukiafags even though I'm a rukia fag myself. Amazing isn't it? My tastes vary from Nel to Yoruichi but always start back at Rukia.
I kind of like ichigo killing ginjo. It shows that ichigo can be ruthless when he needs to.
He is still remains Gotei's bitch.
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come on, bleach slut thread
Orihime was my fave back when she drew herself as a robot and hit footballs with a bat.
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Rolling for best girl
Rolling for 3way
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literally anything but 5 would be good
When did Aizen say she couldn't affect the Hougyoku?
My heart and my dick
>Only one of the twins
Into the trash it goes.

Give me the cat

Nanao is damn fine too
Let's do this
Never. Anon is full of shit
Thought so.
rolling rolling rolling rolling what keep rolling rolling rolling rolling
>Invested into saving Inoue
Except that he just wanted to find Grimmjow to fight him since he kicked his ass so hard he became emo. Saving Inoue was just the perfect excuse for him.
Still clinging to that page huh?
Ichigo became emo right at the start of the Arrancar arc way before he went to Hueco Mundo

It's evident in his first fight vs Yammy in Karakura Town how emo he was by then

The series constantly tells us that he's emo because he was afraid of the Hollow inside him(which is just a ripoff of Naruto's Fox Bullshit)
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>Completely different person

In the doesn't want to kill anyone anymore. He's the same edgy faggot, just that now he has to awknowledge his wife, but makes up for ignoring his daughter instead.

>Implying the "Adult Goku" arcs didn't had jokes either
roringu thanda
Good taste
I always laugh when that argument is made. People really don't want to admit when they are wrong.
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Here's your (You)

It's like you didn't even read the manga.
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I hope she does something relevant in this last arc.
I'm looking at some of the pictures and that made me thinking: what if Inoue's fairies are zanpakto spirits?? Nimaya had a full harem of materialized spirits. Hachi called her powers similar to zanpakto.
Yoruichi ftw lol
Your face when Orihime has a part of the soul king
I'm going to get someone shit aren't I?
Let's go
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Before this arc really began people thought that she could be the soul queen.
It would be interesting, would also explain the lack of parents.
Her powers are given to her by Ichigo. He has Bach's blood inside. Bach is the son of the SK.
Orihime's powers could be part quincy
But it was said by Sora that their mother was a whore and the father was an alcoholic. Sora could be just her guardian, but you never know
If so then ywach would have realized ages ago. Remember, Ywach called her a "mere human" when she tried to revive the soul king.
Yet a "mere human" has one of the most broken abilities in the manga. Remember, Aizen was calling Ichigo a human too
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We really don't know much about her parents, all we know is that they are dead/gone.

I mean, her brother thought that they were going to kill her. It's strange.
Sora told that story in ch. 4 or 5 I think.
Well still is a mere human. But a mere human with a Schrift. I wouldn't be surprised if Ichigo unconsciously gave Orihime a Schrift, because she cursed her powerlessness from her heart. Sounds like what Yhwach did. But because Ichigo is everything, he can give a Schrift to every race, not just Quincy. He probably empowered Chad, who had a sleeping Fullbring and gave Orihime, who had no powers, a Schrift.
I think it's strange, that Kubo chose to add this detail so late. While we always knew, that they were abusive, we were never told, it was that bad. It was also just Orihime. It was never implied they did anything to Orihime. I do wonder if Orihime never met her real father. Her mother was described as a faithless whore afterall.
new chapter today?
Next week
8,3,2,7 and 4
>no nel (grown) who would have been my second choice
>no Tier who would have been number 1
Can someone expand this already
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Look at this 4
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There's so much mystery regarding Orihime. I just hope we get some answers before the series is over.
Dayum son
intergalactic ghost pussy
Nanao's family curse might kill me but I'll still bust my nut in her.

Hopefully any of them. But preferably 4
Fine roll

Now this should be fun. 69
>no Tatsuki
Shit list.
Now this is podracing.
i miss ichigo not looking like a faggot so much

loved kubo's artstyle back then. Sometimes I wish he somehow retconned all his style changes on some characters, all the young males have had the same face for the last 8 years
>Who is Naak le vaar

Most hilarious character in Bleach of all time.
These are the best, and you can't tell me otherwise.
she was never relevant and was never going to be
ayy lmao
won the last one, round 2 STARTO
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Anon I conceded her as best girl a long time ago.

Ma Nigga!
ayyy lmaoooo again
oh for fuck's sake
Which one?
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Why not?
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Tatsuki is the first ih shipper
Nice melons
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And not the last.

Fuck it. Rolling.
>Kubo finally finishes his manga
>Bleach starts back at Chapter 1 in the anime
>Animated by Madhouse

I'm doing it
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Rukia was my first tsundere waifu though.
Please rangiku
...was she ever tsundere at all though? She's more of a kuudere, and even then, most of her cute stuff was self-centered.
There's a few doujins with Rangiku and Yoru by this one artist, my god is it the hottest shit ever.

Forgot the names though.
His best friends, his mentors, his enemies. They are all IH shippers

best OP
Time to get my waifu.
I will never forgive this series for relegating Grimmjow and Nel to limbo and for letting the concept of HELL fall by the wayside to focus on pointless Arrancar and letting the Hell verse pick up the interesting tidbits of that plot thread.
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She was pretty tsundere in a way, although it only stemmed from her traumas. In the beginning she had nothing left, really. Byakuya was cold, her childhood friends (and sister) were dead, Renji had abandoned her, Kaien and his wife were dead. Ukitake seemed like on the verge of death with his illness.

Then came Ichigo and cured her with his heart
Eh. I can take or leave Yui. looks and sounds like an asexual waif.

Much better imo. And more of an animation budget than the other OP.
It's either that or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMZpePoxgqk
for the waifus
Faggots. Objectively superior OP coming through
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How can someone be so tasteless?
roller coaster
If that OP doesn't cause even the slightest nostalgia then you are underage confirmed
It doesn't. Because it sucked then and it sucks now.
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If only.
Damn son. This I can get behind.
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A robot will do.
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