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March Comes in Like a Lion staff: Director: Shinbo Akiyuki Studio:

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March Comes in Like a Lion staff:
Director: Shinbo Akiyuki
Studio: SHAFT

NHK show.
>Shitbo actually directs something for the first time in years
>not honey and clovers director
>not JC staff

H&C is my all time favorite show, rewatched it easily 10 times. Watched it with /a/ when it aired.

I'm mad, even though this is probably just a shitpost.
For real? I guess it's about time SHAFT did something that wasn't Madoka or Monogatari. What was the last thing they did, Koufuku Graffiti?
Oh yeah, and the page said Shinbo is "Director", not "Chief Director".
So yup, he will acutal in charge this time.
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>shaft will do it with their bright colors filtered with an obnoxious dulling/bluring filter like koufuku graffiti had
>instead of JC staffs PERFECT adaptation using pastel watercolors
Hm, for real? Well then. At least it's not an action show. I don't know, if they take it seriously I'll have faith in them. Just don't ever mess up like Mekakushitty Actors again.

Yes. With Prism Nana in the future.
Holy shit.
Finally a good shaft show in years.
Time to pick up shogi.
I feel bad for the manga fan.
Stop playing with my heart anon. We all know that is impossible.
The worst they can do is make it like shigatsu.
How far could this possibly get with just 1 cour? Probably not even to where the slow translations are.
>even though this is probably just a shitpost.

I mean, unless you think that magazine picture is somehow fake, that's very clearly what it says in big pink letters and even if you don't speak Japanese like I don't you can look up stuff like Shinbo's japanese name and see it matches.
Fuck this, I wanted Kenichi Kasai.
Apparently it's a big deal that it's airing on NHK. Is it a mainstream slot or something??

You have to keep in mind there's also a live-action adaptation coming up so it's one of those cross-media efforts (a la Parasyte).
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>Just saw this tweet
>Don't know nip for shit
>New NHK show
No fucking way
What's the the official website's url supposed to be?
Might actually watch this despite my profound loathing towards SHAFT. I don't know the source material or anything but that drawing looks nice enough. If I end up liking it, I might give Sasami-san another chance.
I think the last anime that aired on NHK was Bakuman.
This is the Shogi manga, right?

Did this artist do other work? I looked once, and found essentially nothing.
Guess I'll be watching an anime for the first time in a while.
Probably right up till he get promoted.
Log Horizon aired on NHK
Please be a lie. I don't want to get my hopes up.
That was their secondary channel or some shit. This is the main one.
Honey & CLover. Which also got an anime (two seasons), a live action film and a TV series
Please let that Bump of chicken song be the OP
Nothing else? I never watched/read Honey & Clover, but this art is so familiar.
They probably won't even get to Shimada's matches. This really needs more than twelve episodes.
I'm pretty sure Koufuku Graffiti was also announced with Shinbo as the director and then we got the Nisekoi guy directing it instead. There he acquired the knowledge of how to use shitty 3DCG kitchenware in his anime and brought it over to Nisekoi S2 which was already a terrible adaptation.
>Shinbo directing again
I bet this will be the next masterpiece.
You're probably thinking of Eden of the East, which had characters designed by Umino.
Hoping this turns out to be great, 3gatsu really deserves a stellar anime adaptation.
Fucking Hype. Never would have expected this.
A SHAFT show on NHK?
Hopefully this time they try something fresh instead of repeating the same tricks they've been using for the past years now.
Another reason not to kill myself!
>Director: Shinbo Akiyuki
Okay, who's the real director?
Well shit.
Pray that they don't push their cut-corner animation in this.
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Kizumonogatari is their main project, don't expect much from this.
I think they'll have to, unless they seriously don't give a shit at all. The tone really wouldn't work with the approach they've taken on their recent stuff.
Don't get your hopes up. Until we see the full credits, it doesn't mean anything.
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>Hopefully this time they try something fresh
Yea that's not happening.
The term chief director is denoted differently. It seems he is being pushed as the actual director but I guess that could change.
It does look more and more likely to happen to be honest though. Prism Nana is having 7 different directors for each OVA episode which you can only assume means SHAFT want their directors to experiment and show their stuff then pick the best from the bunch to become their next generation.
Fucking yes! Based SHAFT
Unfortunately, me too. Is /a/ up for amateur shogi matches? Could be fun.
I think SHAFT could do well on this, think about how good a job they did with Soredemo.
I've always found this implied attitude of superiority that people who claim to have switched over to manga because they ran out of good old anime to watch and got tired of seasonal stuff to be amusing. The majority of the time they have just watched the same 300 shows as everybody else and haven't bothered to explore very far into the medium before giving up and assuming everything they don't see mentioned constantly before their eyes on /a/ is shit.
I hope it's actually Shinbo directing.
>Prism Nana
Fucking when? And no, I don't mean that shitty private viewing.

Any good tracks from them that would suit the series?
Will we get Soul Taker 2?
As far as I can recall, he's usually credited as "director" when a Shaft anime is first announced though.
Oh God, please Shaft don't mess this up.
It's always been more a lack of time personally. Reading a lot of manga is plenty more manageable. I could say the same about manga. Few people on this board could even claim to know anything about well-known avant-garde artists from the past. It's probably much much fewer than their anime counterparts. I never watch many of the adaptations, because I've already read them, or seen them done better either in anime or manga before. As a person who enjoys silence, only a very compelling soundtrack would ever convince me otherwise, or a ridiculous budget.
Please let it be a more interesting style of directing for once.
Didn't see that coming. I really hope Shaft's on point for this one.
/a/ does not talk about March came like a lion much. What is anon's view on it? I love how warm and fuzzy it is occasionally.
Why is Shinbo so liked anyway?
What in the fuck is this staff?
It has. It had threads once upon a time. You know when manga threads weren't simply pushed off the board at all times.

>warm and fuzzy
And yet isolating and real. As someone who probably engaged in too much chess as a kid, it's frustrating to read at times, but cathartic.
Shaft is gonna fuck it up again, like negima, nisekoi or monogatari
The manga is really great
he's just a pretty well-known name with a fairly distinctive and influential (within a certain sphere) style
like a "babby's first" type of director, not that he's bad at all
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> You know when manga threads weren't simply pushed off the board at all times
I think it's more that the dead scans killed discussion and it never recovered.
Seasonal anime is not worth the time, I haven't watched a seasonal show for a year now.
>implying they fucked Monogatari up
>implying Nisekoi had anything to fuck up in the first place
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>Shitty Minimalist Backgrounds




Not or director i would have expected or hoped for a March Comes in Like a Lion adaptation, i hope they actually try match of mood of the manga.
>PA Works
If your ideal staff is not JC with the same people, you're insane.
Then why is everyone shitting on Mekaku city adaptation? The source material is bad?
Wat. Are you fucking serious!? Shinbo directing Sangatsu anime?
What the fuck is the guy holding?

JC Staff may be good, but PA Works and Kyoani could is better for this manga


I think we're in a state of stolkholme syndrome like shock to the point where we're actually conditioned to think a studio that doesn't randomly shit out 1-cour 12 episode series year after year and never looking back and instead stick to a series and build it up over time and invest in it, is a bad thing
Well when an anon I think, contracted a translator to do it, interest was renewed. At the time, a lot of people were still quite interested in the series. That was after quite a large hiatus already. People used to complain about the series not being scanlated all the time. As a whole, complaints about unscanlated manga are just decreasing. Where did all the Soil fags go? I think all the big groups working on seinen series are just dead and that's one of the big problems.
I mean, he's got other shows as well. I didn't watch that one.
I don't even know.

>shitty adaptation
>JC Staff may be good, but PA Works and Kyoani could is better for this manga
You didn't watch Honey & Clover, did you?
they fucked monogatari up, the same flashy shit everytime, also after bakemonogatari the show was full of shitty fanservice, read the fucking novels
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Kizumono isn't taking up resources from entire studio, it's a project that's been going on for 7 years it's not going to cut into a TV series
this is Shaft's show now, you're show and it's fanbase can get fucked we headtilt now
I would've never expected Shaft would animate it, much less Shinbo direct it. Maybe I have Shinbo unfairly pegged down as a one-trick pony, but I just don't really see anything about the manga that would benefit with his style. It's just so out of place.
The last thing I genuinely enjoyed from Shaft was SZS. Here's hoping.
I could see those internal narrations maybe being up his alley if he decides to try and give himself some new visual tools instead of just reusing old ones, because a bland voice-over really wouldn't work well for those, I think. My main issue is the melancholy feeling of it, because I don't think Shaft has tried something consistently emotional since maybe Ef.
although he's not as much an anime director anymore as much as he is the head of Shaft now, still get excited when I hear he's actually working on something hand-on but he mostly holds back compared to his early work now, not counting Kizu

The Manga had beautiful backgrounds and had a good art. I preferred Kyoani/Pa Works/JC Staff this would

At best this will be a Nisekoi V2 and at worst this would be a shit adaptation like Mekaku City Actors.
JC Staff is literally a completely different studio every 18 months
Why? The translations have always been glacial. This much new content is welcome.
>the studio that did SZS
>the studio that did Uchuten Kazoku
it's really nice how pretty PA Works made the whole setting in U. Kazoku, too bad I fucking fell asleep watching it and coudn't tell, it's like comparing a paiting by Bob Ross with one by Van Gogh
just BELIEVE it.

they took that out
>SHAFT makes something that isn't Bake or Madoka
>It always flops

Why do they keep making the same mistake?
SHAFT should just make more Hidamari.
Nisekoi did fine
it's target audience was pre-teens and it's story plays out to that without trying to be anything more

still a shit adaptation


>Van Gogh

If Shaft and Shinbo should make an adaptation of Spirit Circle instead.

Sangatsu isn't just suited to their style.
It is just going to be an ad for the live action.
I mean it is fucking 1cour. I bet they aren't even gonna touch the arc with his childhood friend having affair with the sunglass dude.
I don't even know where you're getting that, they've got plenty of long-term employees and some other guys they use frequently.
While I'm not one to play up series, Silver Spoon for instance barely scraped even, Honey and Clover had a lot of popularity and I'm pretty sure Sangatsu outsold Naruto at some points last year. Even if it flops, who gives a shit about anime sales? It's only manga sales they care about.
>It is just going to be an ad for the live action.
Why do people always use the "ad" thing like it means anything?

>I mean it is fucking 1cour. I bet they aren't even gonna touch the arc with his childhood friend having affair with the sunglass dude.
>childhood friend
You need to get better reading comprehension, holy shit.
Because you sound offended. And the fact that it's true.
> better reading comprehension
He doesn't even read it, he just skimmed some chapters and a synopsis so he could shitpost.
This doesn't look like something SHAFT would do. They'll either have to change their directing style for this one or keep re-using the Bake template like they always do and expect fans to react poorly.
It's an owl-cat. What else?
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Okay, I'm expecting disaster and headtilts, this don't even come close to their normal style, REC and Arakawa are the only that come close and don't even.
it's not like Shaft or KyoAni, trying to say a show had something in common with another because they were both made by JC Staff is ridiculous, the number of shows they put out is ridiculous and even with the regulars, across 4+ shows they're making a season it becomes extremely unlikely across years that you have the same people trying to make the same kind of shows when it's all done on commission anyway
Uchoten is better than SZS though.
I'm not much experienced with Shaft's production besides the big names, is this something up their alley? Why choose them?
I'm perplexed.
The only thing I remember from that season is ear shitposting.
So who is actually directing?
I just want to them to finally change their style. God how long have I been tired of the pseudomonogatari shit they do in all of their series that isn't Hidamari.
it's Shimbo, he's the only one at Shaft who doesn't need to follow his own rules on how to make a Shaft show
It's an NHK anime, they're not looking for BD sales on this one.
So is Shinbo going to try running this like Cossette, or what?
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that's nice
>KyoAni and Shaft moving out of their comfort zones

Are the other studios even trying?
Anything SHAFT has made besides Bake, Madoka, Hidamari and SZS has been complete and utter garbage. Ever since they hit the jackpot with Bake they've been using the same directing style with everything else and more often than not they get poor results, see Maria Holic, Vampire Bund, Soredemo, Arakawa, Sasami-San, Denpa Onna, Mekaku, Graffiti. Nisekoi got carried thanks to its huge popularity but otherwise it would've done poorly as well.

So, expect out of place abstract backgrounds, heavy use mouth and hand of close ups, necktilt galore, slow motion body movements, random things happen while characters are talking, and an overall shit pacing not fit for the type of manga they're adapting.
Fuck you.

PPD was golden.
>think about how good a job they did with Soredemo.

You're a funny guy Anonymous.
>moving out of their comfort zones
When was that?
Don't respond to shitposters.
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When they stopped whoring out to Kadokawa like SHAFT is doing with Aniplex.
None of those even make sense. They don't even have places to shove half of those things in. I wonder how they're going to tackle lots of motionless thinking about a shogi board.
>Kyoani doing a battle harem
>shaft doing SoL with good characters
Kyoani Koe no Katachi will easily beat Shaft 3lion.
It is not even a contest even with kyoani having the weaker sauce material.
>there are people in this very thread that didn't like Uchouten Kazoku
I want to die
So SHAFT got jealous that Kyoani got to adapt KnK?
This will suck, JC Staff is much better choice for Sangatsu.
They'll find a way to fit them in there. At this point SHAFT just uses these shows to make nods to Bake, nothing more.
>Shaft and KyoAni adapting award-bait manga for 2016
This should be good.
Shaft only works with Aniplex when it's convinient, KyoAni can't to do shit on their own and had to go back to using sponsors for their shows for Amaburi and Euphonium
It's not like Shaft gets to pick what they want to adapt.
Gonzo 3gatsu would beat KnK.
Oh? Is this finally a SHAFT anime where they aren't being Aniplex's bitches?
KnK is pretty shit. Feel-good manga that mostly misses the point of what it should be trying to achieve. But no, deaf girls are moe.
They can and they did.

A1 is Aniplex's "we need an anime adaptation of that random IP" studio not Shaft.
Aniplex has SHAFT on a leash lad. They own Bake and Madoka, and could as easily take those IPs away from them if the fall out of line.
One-shot was pretty good until that victim blaming at the end.

If KyoAni makes a movie closer to that with a better ending then KnK is the next big thing because we all know already that it will look fantastic.
Kyoani always improves on the sauce material.
And the KnK manga did start out great with the 1shot. I am sure Kyoani will ignore the 2nd half of the shitty KnK manga and come up with their own story moving forward from the oneshot.
Only Shaft could do justice to the character designs. All the other studios would replace the designs with generic anime ones.
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>Kyoani always improves
>not respect the original source in any way
What other studio can make Madoka if not Shaft? If they do they will just kill the franchise.
how can a person this ignorant be so confident in their shitposts
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It's not like that design hasn't been done before.
they don't own them, they're built out of collaberation of several companies and groups that share and own them amongst themselves. Even if Shaft lost the rights to animate further projects from those series, they were making shows for years on almost no budget, they would be fine without Aniplex
We don't talk about good manga
In a few more months they'll start calling him Shimbow or something
That's bullshit. I talk about good manga a good once a month.
you people really drive me insane
She did Berserk too.
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The H&C anime designs were pretty streamlined.
They were hardly generic, and they definitely did it justice.
Have you read K-On, Lucky Star, or any garbage Keyshit VN? They're incredibly boring and in Key's case overrated at best. KyoAni usually polishes the source material. The only times they've missed was with a few scenes in Hibike during the competition and Nichijou up to episode 13.
>KyoAni can't do shit on their own
>Has been animating their own IPs on top of the committees since 2012, and even acquiring material from other publishers
>can't do shit on their own

of course they can't do things like music production, tv broadcasts, or disc distribution, that's why they need Lantis, Pony Canyon, TBS, etc. What show has SHAFT been the main investor in? Owned the IP? Been on the top of the committee?
H&C was visually so boring.

I have high hopes for March Comes in Like a Lion in that regard.
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Keit-Ai Staff:

Director: Makoto Shinkai
Studio: CoMix Wave
Please no shitty SHAFT memes like head tilt and slideshow animation.
the furigana bothers me, that's not how kanji works
Don't start this shit again.
Are you saying that you know it better than the samurai?
>kyoukai no kanata
All of them are extremely shit and none of them became commercial failure and free actually printed money for them.

Noname manga like rucky star and k-on also became extremely popular after kyoani adapted them and K-on is a literally a masterpiece compare to the turd manga.
Just look at kakifly poor attempt to revive the manga, it got canceled. It was all kyoani.

>rucky star

All of these are extremely shitty manga
>What show has SHAFT been the main investor in? Owned the IP? Been on the top of the committee?

B-but muhdoka
you and everybody else with at least a basic knowledge of japanese. The people who think it's a good name are all monolingual faggots.
I'm conflicted.

On one hand, we won't get another Honey & Clover.


So yeah, I'll live. Though being unable to talk about it on /a/ will be annoying.
/tg/fags usually make threads better. I wouldn't mind a round of chess or shogi.
Those are still not so good even in animation form (chuuni at least had a good ending tho).

Also, Amabri is a LN.

You don't pick up a novel source if you arn't aiming for a nevel style
I can't wait!
It's actually Keito-Ai.


Keito means yarn and ai means love.

It becomes a pun on love and the red string of fate.

Are we talking about actual yams or sweet potatoes?
Fuck this shit. I hoped for new Honey and Clover quality show. Shinbo will ruin it.

Too bad, liked the manga.

I can understand why you're confused. Because of that, I forgive you.
Can someone make it clear to me what being an NHK anime means?

Does it mean shaft can't pull their usual bullshit or something? Will it have lots of budget?
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Threadly reminder that you should stop posting that because it's a thing.

I think the point is that it's airing in a regular TV slot, as in, anyone and everyone will watch it. Not just garbage for filthy otaku.
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NHK airs anime for ratings not BD sales.

Though a lot of NHK stuff looked bad as fuck.
List of Shows SHAFT ruined and that would be better done by any other studio:
This Ugly Yet Beautiful World
He is My Master (those and above are lowest quality Gainax thanks to Shaft co-production)
Negima! Magister Negi Magi (other studios had to salvage the wreck)
Natsu no Arashi! (complete disaster of great manga)
Monogatari (pornogatari, inferior in all aspects to novels. Katanagatari shown how it should be done. But anime only fags jerking to Kanbaru eat it up)
Dance in the Vampire Bund
Arakawa Under the Bridge (would be much much better done by proper studio like JC Staff or Dogakobo. But Shaft crude quality fags still eat this shit).
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Nisekoi (JC Staff or A-1 type show ruined by SHAFT)
Mekakucity Actors (well, original is shit too - but Shaft could not even live up to fan made Mekakushit AMVs quality)

3-gatsu no Honey and Clover

RIP, it was a good manga.
>still doing that low-tier shitposting

When will you graduate?
Kill yoursefl nigger
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Are you very subtly implying that Salami-san was good?
Shaft fags are the most pathetic existence on /a/ boards. I remember them argently defending Maria Holic, Denpa Onna and Mekakushit in begining with religious zeal to disappear later.

The most obnoxious are post-gatari and madoka fags. The ones who jumped with SZS and HDM are grey crowd too, but least actually have some validity unlike the later.
Are you implying it wasn't, faggot?
Fuck off.
>Nisekoi (JC Staff or A-1 type show ruined by SHAFT)
>I wanted a boring generic adaptation of my super boring manga and got SHAFT's generic style instead
There is literally no reason to complain about that.
tbf Nisekoi is already bad, there's no way not to make something good of it.
Maria Holic S1 was good, fuck everyone who says otherwise.
They're bad but not as bad as KyoAnifags.
You missed SoreMachi.
Salami-san was decent. Well, it was not the greatest show, but i dont see other studio, aside KyoAni or Madhouse making it in serious key adapting it better - the specifics of novel.

Kyouran Kazzoku Nikki for example adaptation of same author, won in some aspects, lost in many others. So it was a show right Shinbo`s allely.

You can adapt it either as insane comedy, or semi-serious horror - striking balance between it is hard, so least Shaft faithfully adapted authors work without turning it to pure gag comedy, but also somewhat failed to bringing the serious atmosphere (its actual Cthulhu plot for fuck sake).
Shaft does what KyoAnidont
KyoAnifags are just jealous because their otaku-pandering crap won't get to air on NHK
Shimoneta, Danmaichi, Shokugeki - are all as generic, but least JC Staff makes them fun, since knows how to adapt such generic stuff in quality.

Meanwhile Shaft just did Monogatari Jr with its shit backgrounds, perspective and effects - completely runining most of fun aspects of the manga that could be adapted.

Pretty much same happened when Shaft adapted Negima before.
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To be fair, Kyoani is now challenging the normalfags ghibli market.
No, thats what PA Whores for. Picking up trash that KyoAni does not agree to make.
SHAFT is the reverse KyoAni.
KyoAni is the Ghibli of the otakuworld.
Better bring up KyoAni so they won't bully SHAFT!
JC's generic stuff is just as boring as the source, usually. They're only good when they do something more unusual and put their actual talent on it.
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>NHK show.
I love you NHK, S2 confirmed at least, full adaptation confirmed if Shaft managed to do something good that sell at least 10k BD.
>Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
SHAFT adaptation was literally the only good aspect of it.
>Natsu no Arashi!
>Arakawa Under the Bridge
All good adaptations.
>He is My Master
>Dance in the Vampire Bund
>Mekakucity Actors
All shit to begin with, plus all that was wrong with Mekaku outside of that one CG bit was letting the original author write the script.

>Nisekoi (JC Staff or A-1 type show ruined by SHAFT)

>Negima! Magister Negi Magi
TV show was probably the worst adaptation SHAFT done to date, yeah.
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>3gatsu threads will all be shaft vs kyoani shitposting
Bakuman, Log Horizon, Baby Steps, and Kyoukai no Rinne

The sales don't matter, season 2 confirmed.
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/a/ finds a way.
I'd rather they finish Monogatari instead of adapting some jousei sports shit
You get both.

Kizu and Koyomin are all stated for this month
It's seinen actually.
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Friendly reminder to the newfags that pic related was the last anime Shinbo directed.
We all know how it went.
>seinen board game series are josei sports shit
So does anyone actually know how to play? Trying to find some good references. I vaguely know the rules of Chinese Chess as well as Chess, but I've never read up much of Shogi. Even less so than Go.
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The OAD of Another World and the movie are the only good a adaptation of Negima, faggot.
Shogi's key differences to Chess
>9x9 board
>pieces captured can be dropped on the board as your own
>promotion system is more complex than in chess
oh boy here comes the slideshow show of the year
Does Your Name's plot even resemble Keit-Ai's plot at all?
They got him for Amanchu.
Sadly this.
Shogi is terrible spectator sport. I have read the manga and I am actually turn off by all the mumble jumbo due to my lack of knowledge in shogi. Even go is more interesting than shogi.

No bluffing, no pulling off miracle and other shit.
Should have adapted Tohai instead to go with the live action.
What the fuck is up with that? SHAFT lacked budget again?
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>he think this shitty meme is still relevant
NHK tends to air/fund whatever the fuck they want, even if the show itself makes no money.
Shogi is so much more interesting to watch that karuta for example which is just a memory for people with OCD.
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>>9x9 board
>still no chess anime
The recent NHK shows were Baby Steps and Log Horizon.
It always sounded interesting at least. The most computationally complex, I think, of the traditional chess variants. Of course, nowhere near Go. I don't suppose anyone here has heard of Arima which was designed to be hard for computers but playable with a normal chess set. Chinese chess is between normal chess and shogi. One of the interesting things about it is cannons which can only take by hoping over another piece. Deadly, but their value decreases over time.

But chess is an excellent spectator sport.
Can someone explain to me the distinction between Director, Series Director, Chief Director, etc?
Karuta is not a sport. I never like Chihayafuru anyway, it is like a chick flick.
Zerg Rush edition?
Again, side channel.
Oh man I sure love me some 2deep4u pretentious powerpoint garbage. Should've gone with DEEN to be honest.
How do you even manage all those?
Do you think the cast will be full of Veterans, newbies or a mix of both?

Also, who do you think will voice each character?
Nice, just picked up the manga.
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>we will never have a proper Your Name thread because of this shitty meme
Shaft tend to go with mostly veterans (and the same select pool of them, at that) with the occasional newbie thrown in the mix.
Chinese chess is more computationally complex than chess?

I've always wondered what most Western chess fans think of it, as it seems to be vastly overshadowed by Go's appeal to the West as containing some iconic Eastern values, even though it seems to be hold more mainstream popularity among the Chinese and Koreans I've talked to.
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inb4 Kamiya is MC
Good, Shinkai movies are all trash.
Heroine = hanakana
Mekakushitty had a myriad of problems, from the format it took so its existing younger fanbase could just purchase the DVD/BD/episode about their favorite character, to Shaft never being able to handle their schedules, to leaving Jin to write the series composition, and this is coming from a fan of the source of the material among other things. Shinbou didn't actually direct Mekakushitty though, his name is slapped in the credits of every Shaft show.
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>inb4 HanaKana is in it

What if she doesn't appear? That'd be amazing

>and the same select pool of them, at that

Lately I've been seeing them try to stray away with their regulars like with Mekaku, it had half regulars and half new
Yuki Kaji, actually
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She could play the best girl pretty well as long as she uses her angry voice.
I find it really hard to conquer and master cannons. The amount of pinning and forking you can do with double cannons is just too much for me. Not only that but I've found handicaps can make it much easier to overpower people because of the more open layout. Thus making handicaps not as much of a handicap as they seem.
I mean skewering, probably. And yeah I'm pretty sure it is more computationally complex.
You know, SHAFT/Shinbo working on it would be a great news if it didn't mean they'll recycle (again) their monogatari-certified style without giving a fuck about how well it blends with the source material almost for sure.

Could've been much worse, i guess.
>inb4 it'll be Kaito Ishikawa
>inb4 Ari Ozawa, Ayane Sakura, Risa Taneda or Aoi Yuuki
Literally only single show that copied Monogatari explicitly in some parts was Mekaku, all their shows are visually unique while using some common elements. People just like repeating that meme without thinking critically.

Just because they are all different than your average anime doesn't mean they're all the same.
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Akari is the best girl
Sensei is the best boy
>Could've been much worse, i guess.

JC Staff, A-1, KyoAni, Madhouse, Production IG all suited better for it.

So what could be worse, Deen or Manglobe?

Xebec, ARMS etc. would never get show like this - though the fact SHAFT got it, puts question mark on sanity of producers.
wtf that looks like shigatsu
Why are some people trying so hard?
Shaft can adapt any source designs properly (unlike kyoani), so everything is fine.
wtf you should kill yourself
That's Bones since most PA shows are original.

Another point outside of interesting visuals is that we know that they will pinpoint the VA selection.
because futari doo-bi-doo-ba
SHAFT better not bring its piece of shit style with it.
Fuck off newshit.

Monogatari itself is a litteral copy of Moonphase, with nothing new in terms of art and direction appearing there at all. Since then, Shinbo rehashes it whenever possible - Mekakushi, Salami and Nisekoi done in exact same key.

Their other shows, while different from Gatari still rehash their limited existing styles - mainly manifesting in SZS and HDM.

In fact, this idiocy went so far, that since many original staff members left SHAFT, you can see SHAFT style in other studios now, sometimes surpassing original shaft - see DEEN, Silverlink.
What is the URL of the anime website?
This is true. Memes aside, each Shaft show does have its own distinct look.
That means they'll just grab their regulars right? How boring. I mean, don't get me wrong the best part about SHAFT shows is their VAs (Like Mekaku for instance) but I'm sick of them just pulling out from their regular bucket. Why don't they just expand, hell bring in some of those Mekaku VAs some of them would do pretty well voicing the girls.
>most PA shows are original
Angel Beats and Charlotte are all KeyShit KyoAni did not do, so they went for PA. in case of Little Busters to JC Staff.
Haruchika is Kadokawa trying to do Hyouka 2.0 since KyoAni no longer adapts their stuff
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>mfw i still dont even know what Keit-ai is.
Are there Shaft series which are not like that besides Madoka? It's starting to annoy me. Other than Madoka I have only watched the Gataris, Nisekoi and Zetsubo.
>since many original staff members left SHAFT, you can see SHAFT style in other studios now, sometimes surpassing original shaft
As expected of Shinbo the master
dat shitposting
A-1 does basically the same thing as Shaft except with generic choices instead of Bake-rip-off ones, and people will probably disagree with me on this, but I'd really hate KyoAni's style on this. Madhouse and JC would have been better (assuming they didn't pass it off to their LN adaptation teams or something stupid). I'm just realizing I haven't watched an IG show in ages. I think the only one I did last year was Maria.
Heck, you can even see the SHAFT style in Yamamoto Yohko because of that fucker Shinbo.
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>unlike kyoAni
Here we go.
We are two.
A meme. Not even in the ironic sense people throw around to label shit they don't like, it actually is a meme.
REC actually looks like he manga.
So basically you're really mad that Dezaki existed and want to blame it all on Shaft and Monogatari because that'll get you more replies?
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>I'm just realizing I haven't watched an IG show in ages
They're doing Haikyuu, which looks great.
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Fight me mate. You can't deny the VAs in Mekaku were the only good thing about the show.
Why do SHAFTfags always use the KyoAni boogeyman? Did KyoAnus lickers hurt them?
Do you not know what original means?
Makoto Shinkai's latest hit.
I'm not seeing the problem with that. I loved Yamamoto Yohko, and I saw that before I had the foggiest idea who Shinbo was.
Better than Kyo "everything we make is a copy of K-on" Anus.
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You already know the truth.
the first Shinbo shows were very different from gatari. Best illustration being Soul Taker (interesting fact: KyoAni worked on few eps of it).

The same style he tries to expand with Vampire Bund, but failed horribly, so since then sticks to Gatari -"paper kabuki theatre" style instead of psychodelic dynamic animation he tried before.
no, it's an ad for the manga like the live action
I can deny it and counter it by saying the op/ed were good too
fujoshi bait show
Yeah, except REC and EF are not Shinbo, and people making them left SHAFT.
S1 Haruhi was better than S2.
Then about how we agree that the only good things about Mekaku were the VAs and the OP/ED.

I still think some of those VAs from Mekaku would do really well in March Comes in Like a Lion
Angel Beats and Charlotte are "originals". Means shit since in this case its Maeda approaching them to adapt his shitty script.
Honestly, the reason Vampire Bund failed horribly is because Vampire Bund is such irredeemable shit that nothing could save it.
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such obvious bait is not even funny
Me too. I recently watched it again. I don't know if JC Staff didn't give it enough budget or it was just Shinbo's style, but goddamn was it a slideshow. Lots of typical Shinbo artsy shortcuts.
I think he know, he just trying to use PA Works as shield.
Everytime when people start saying something bad about Kyoani, Kyoanishills will bring PA Works as their shield to defend Kyoani.
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It's not even bait, it's a really good shounen sports anime. The fujos will latch onto any show with a large cast of male characters.
I only read this for the stories centred on that family he spends time with. Need more raws. I need to find out what happened after he proposed jokingly
I like Vampire Bund when I first watched it. But then I realised nothing had been solved.
It wasn't always like this. Blame Free and SnK in the same season.
to whom?
>sports anime
Shinbo anime in short

It actually was. Downside being, as all sport anime in length it becomes tedious. But least begining is well worth it.

Actually we got two decent sports show this year - Baby Steps and this.
>this is what PA works shill believes
Except Baby Steps was pretty forgettable.
Probably budget/scheduling woes. And say what you will about Shinbo's style, it at least makes limited animation look interesting... I've seen plenty of anime that stick with a more traditional look while cheaping out on the animation, and it looks much worse.
They both were in long run, but both enjoyable in begining. The no-budget Bike racing anime on other hand was forgettable from get go.
Is this a girl on the right?
What? YowaPeda? Nips ate that shit up too, it was pretty successful. I wasn't a fan though.
Yeah, I agree with that. He's pretty good at using perspective to make interesting shots. I just wish he varied those shots more.
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It's pretty good

Yes, the left and right are the manager girls. Right is Yachi.
Calm down it's a girl, Haikyuu isn't an Otome, meaning no guys look very feminine
The bullied middle daughter. She kind of almost had a heart attack of what appears to be happiness. He better not back out of it.
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Feels like it's been a while since the last round of SHAFT vs KyoAni.
Looks good. I've been wary of fujoshi bait because of Free and Kuroko, but this looks decent.
There'll be no romantic ending anon for MC at least, you should know that after reading/watching Honey&Clover
PA Works is now KyoAni rival. SHAFT left behind.
While 3-Gatsu is great, SHAFT is a handycap for it and KyoAni has Koe no Oshigoto, so there will be no real war -winner is alreacy clear.
PA Works is not a rival. Its KyoAni Jr. To be rival, it would have to be on same level, which its not yet.
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>Koe no Oshigoto
Koe no Katachi, I think you mean...
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>inb4 Kamiya is MC
>Koe no Oshigoto
holy shit, Freudian-slip
>Koe no Oshigoto

Oh my, does this confirm Gokumi is just an alias for KyoAni?
Still, if any studio is going to grow into a KyoAni rival, it is PA Works.
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Unlike KnB it doesn't have magic power bullshit sports, everything is kept pretty realistic and down to earth. What I like is how none of the rival teams are treated as generic edgelord evil team #72626, all the opponents are shown to be as human as the protagonists are.
Dogakobo is rival of KyoAni in making cute girls doing cute things, but since KyoAni seems to have moved on from K-ON, they are now kings of it.
This isn't that show where the 3 guys fly into space and do some triangle kick? I was under the mistaken impression it was one of those shows.
Kamiya should play all characters.

I'm not used to people posting anything with sense on /a/ WTF HAPPENED?
>Koe no Oshigoto
You know you want it.
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>This isn't that show where the 3 guys fly into space and do some triangle kick?
Literally never heard of that one, maybe it's from some shit like Inazuma 11.
I'm posting Haikyuu!!, which is about Volleyball, no kicking involved.
Godakobo is ahead of everyone. Making anime for Occulus Rift

Dogakobo are good at making cute girls do cute things, but their animation in general isn't up to the same standard as KyoAni's.
>Face changing to other girls

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That's Inazuma Eleven, which is based off a video game series (some justification) with ridiculous elements all around
In general yes, since they cant keep up the consistent animation quality of KyoAni all the time. But they can do great animation, so in terms of quality of it dont lose - just have no resources to keep it up all the time. But same applies to most other studios too, be it Sunrise or JC Staff. The only one near in consistency is PA Works.

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It's not like I expected much from this adaption, it was never gonna cover the whole manga anyway since Umino is working at a snail pace and it isn't gonna end before another 10 volumes, but SHAFT and Shinbo? What the fuck?
Not only they'll rape and ruin material that should have been put in the hands of someone conpetent like Madhouse, the Shaft fanbase will also make any diacussion of the series impossible and tarnish its reputation on /a/.
I would be so happy if kotringo is in charge of the soundtrack again.
>The only one near in consistency is PA Works.
Consistently unremarkable, sure.
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>someone conpetent

Your samefagging is just sad.
He wasn't joking.
What heroine?
I doubt Kyoani could have animated that video. Like, they have the manpower and scheduling ability to but Yamada is the only director there who embraces anime as moldable drawings that don't need to be on-model 100% of the time with a pseudo-film directing style. Doga Kobo doesn't have near the keyframe output as Kyoani but they have amazing animators/freelancers that have creativity.
Yeah, no

You could've at least left Glasslip of all things out.

For all its story-related faults, it was beautifully animated.
No, since despite all its flaws qualitative it still looks better than most shows from other studios. (and god tier ost, same compose as Hibike)
on model

This is why the sakuga community isn't in love with KyoAni because its the same shit all the time.
I see (subjectively) pretty pictures, not good animation.
dat bullshit
Weak sakuga desu
The "sakuga community" can go fuck themselves.
White fox has both of them beat.
Dogakobo is finished.
>plastic memories
All 3 are literally trash.
>denying the obvious even though theres video posted in the post disproving him
Who are the 7 Prism Nana directors by the way? Wikipedia doesn't name any. Is Shinbo one of them?
Seiya Numata is directing one of them.
He also wrote a song for it.
You could have posted Migakura Gakuen and than could be remotedly believable, now you are just revealing yourself as a troll
The character design in manga looks like trash
but it's shaft, so i'll watch it i guess.

also two (2) lolis
Mikakura is shit too, I just forgot about it.
Face it the last good show that they made was Gekkan Shoujo. All their anime is bad there after.
I thought this was going to be Noitamina? Not like it matters when Noitamina airs shit like Subete.
>garbage Keyshit VN?
Kyoani didn't alter the source material for that, you fucking retard.

>garbage keyshit
Kill yourself. I bet you haven't even read the VN, just seen Kyoani's adaptation.
>there are people here who haven't seen Haikyuu!

AOTD was on noitaminA
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I love SHAFT but don't know if this is a good fit.

H&C is one of my favorite shows ever, and I'm hoping this gets done properly.
The Sasami-san look might work. It's not like SHAFT uses the same character/art/color design for every show like some studios. I don't think anyone actually tries to argue that SZS, Monogatari, or Madoka look all the same.
He's just confusing direction and quirks with art style. Not that many anon could tell the difference.
Thanks Zidan
>fuck it up again, like negima
What SHAFT did was FIX Negima
What's the difference, fampai?
>shit like Subete.
Fucking awful taste.
I see you're one of those ADHD types, who can't stand a slow paced mystery.
You want everything solved in one episode, like Law and Order.

>Shilling for KyoAni this hard

Megax please
As much as I love shaft.
I don't want them to animate this, especially Shinbo. Fuck.

More like you have shit taste if you think that tripe is any good. The dialogue in the show was god awful, and character interactions came straight out of a bad live action TV show.

I see you're one of those autistic types that thinks that when people don't like a show like Subete it must be because they have ADHD and not because the show has other serious issues.
This better be the OP.
We shogi now
Head tilts are not art direction. Typography is not art direction. Quick cuts are not art direction. The closest SHAFT "quirks" that's relatable to art direction is the superflat style they like to employ. Even then it's more to do with background design, which SHAFT would generally offload to specialty studios these days.
When this movie is released, it won't stand a chance against the shitposters, will it?

NHK is funded by the govenment so they tend to make shows that try to appeal to EVERYONE not just otaku/fujoshi/children

Basically, old Noitamina before their downhill slide with Guilty Crown


YUKI OP and Suneohair ED. MUH DICK.
Can't wait for the inner monologue scenes with CG shogi pieces moving on a CG background
Can't wait for cute shogi cats fighting by best bro.
Into the trash it goes. I'm gonna stick to the manga and avoid any discussion on /a/.
>can't appreciate good josei-ish artstyle
shit taste desu
The Shaft fanbase everyone.
honestly, kill yourself. Thanks!
Kill yourself.
>Josei-ish artstyle
is josei just a synonim of garbage now?

i bet there's must be atleast one rape scene or an attempt of rape in this manga

afterall women really really REALLY love rape

y-you too samefag femanon
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Are you retarded?
>doesn't know Umino
>hasn't read H&C
>knows nothing about josei
>gender nonsense
Time to fuck off back to /v/, kid.
>knows nothing about josei
And nothing of value was lost
>gender nonsense
Really now? save that for your blog/tumblr

after a bit of googling, there really is a/n rape/attempt of rape scene afterall

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Chihayafuru was aired on NHK too.
Is there a worse feeling than seeing the discussions of a manga you like flooded by secondary /v/ermins?
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>sakuga community isn't in love with KyoAni because its the same shit all the time

Last time I checked they are all busy jerking off to their recent shows, including me.
You are not even Japanese.
Where did imply that?
Which one are you again? megax, kvin, or mew? Also, why is the Kyoani Defense Brigade so salty about not getting this stupid show?
Inferiority complex i guess

see >>135701452
English hard
It depends on the anime, if it ends to be not interesting for them (not enough action/fanservice/pandering, too much talking) they will drop it after the first few episodes.
The threads after these first few episodes might become nice again.
But still expect one or two faggots shitposting in every thread.

If these faggots got interested, we are fucked, the rare Umaru manga threads will never come back, same with the Overlord LN thread.

Anime adaptation always ruin everything.
Who would you like for the OST?
Yokoyama Masaru
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>shitting on josei
>muh rape
i hear they have an anime board over at reddit.

there isn't
there really isn't
I heard they also have one on neogaf, i heard they value gender equality and love josei
>if it ends to be not interesting for them (not enough action/fanservice/pandering, too much talking) they will drop it after the first few episodes.
That is usually the case, but this one is animated by Shaft.
Even if they don't like it (and they won't, since it's a slow character drama) they'll stick around until the end just to shitpost it.
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animefags always ruin everything.
here's me hoping that shinbo at least puts on a good show.
Loli rape?
it doesn't have that kind of plot imo
I can't wait for its release. The shitposting will be boxxy levels circa 2009 by then.
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>A shogi player gets friendly with the neighbor who has loads of fucking cats.
Uh it's not really selling to me.
Mostly bulling but implied shota rape
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>/a/ bases their opinion on gender equality
now go back to reddit
Gatchaman Crowds started as an ad for a live action movie and it ended up getting a S2 while the movie flopped
The neighbor has big Akaris and cute little sisters.
Sweet Jesus

So we have a Shinbo show, a Urobuchi show, and an Okada/Trigger show

Spring is going to be the season of shitposting
Kyoko pleasures old men for money!
>/a/ bases their opinion on gender equality
Reading comprehension?
I don't know how I feel about this because Shaft has had weird budget control lately and they don't really match Gatsu's style aside from the focus on architecture in backgrounds. I'm just hoping they'll go out of their way to match up with the manga and avoid any cg shenanigans.

>The no-budget Bike racing anime on other hand was forgettable from get go
The manga is pretty fantastic though, the anime lost all the charm of the artwork and decent pacing.
For sex and the affection she didn't get from her father and gifts more than money but yeah.
you implied that liking josei has something to do with valueing gender equality.
and i said you should go back to reddit for even bringing up gender equality.
here in the real world, nobody bases their opinion on "gender equality".

and let's not forget
Look like shit, and Shinbo is a hack.
It did won an award. It could become a masterpiece not in the sense of becoming popular but for being a good story, just like ping pong.
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I haven't read this since the little girl bulling. Did Rei protected her smile as he promised?
It's a seinen manga
Are you retarded? Does this look minimal to you? Their backgrounds entirely depend on the style the director chooses for the show. Monogatari has minimal backgrounds because that's Oishi's shit. Not every SHAFT show is Monogatari.

The movie was shit. The OVAs were the only good Negima stuff.
Pick it back up and read it.
It already is a masterpiece and unless there is any major fuckup that isn't gonna change.
I'm not expecting the anime to be any good however.
He doesn't really do anything aside from providing moral support, but the incident gets resolved anyway.
>Exaggeration of caplock
Firstly, fuck off back to Tumblr.

Secondly, that entirely depend on the director. Try watching a Simbo anime compare to one of othe other Shaft directors, it's significantly different.
>my favorite anime are SAO and NGNL
Fuck off.
>sometimes surpassing original shaft

Pretty much all of Shinbo's underlings are shit, especially the ones that left SHAFT. The only good people he's trained/worked with are Oishi and Tatsuwa Naoyuki.
Shusei Murai with Ko-Ko-Ya.

Of whoever did the music for Penguindrum because I also like reading this manga while listening to shoegaze.
And you should an hero already. Your waifu a shit, your tripfaggotry name a shit, your unwanted here and likely outside of /a/, your life a shit also. Die already.
i wouldn't say it's a masterpiece with just what we have right now, that'd be overrating it.
That owl has a tail
Have you read all the volumes or just the scans?
it's a cat

just the scans. and i'm behind one or two chapters
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>Miura put Berserk on hiatus for the 3Gatsu anime
Luckily it gets published in my country, I'm currently wating for volume 11. 4 volumes make a big difference.
They already made music for the series
>that bump of chicken song
What? He's the fag who invented that shitty style to begin with.
Are Shuji's feelings for Haku explained more thoroughly in the manga? Because that surprised the fuck out of me even if I got spoiled the day before finishing it. It was probably the worst spoiler of my life, I literally punched the wall in anger because of how much I anticipated the end, I loved the series.
Just wait and see.

Also Hinata best grill
Ok, but this is not your blog though, anime reccomendation go to >>>/wsr/

are you from MAL, i notice there's many defensive femanon on this thread

enjoying your stay?
>being this retarded
>being this new
please just kill yourself.
Are you in the right thread?
Are you Italian? I didn't buy it because the quality is poor.
Do you know where you are? this is not MAL buddy

no hugbox for you
Do you have problems with reading comprehension?
I had no issues with the quality.
Am I the only one not allowed to talk about Honey & Clover or something?
please. end yourself.
stop trying to fit in, this isn't even funny.
newfags should lurk more before posting.

and no, not only women read josei and shoujo.
No ot was Baby Steps 2.
>and no, not only women read josei and shoujo.
faggots doesn't count though, they're not even human

This was 2014 too. What was this for?
The edition is the €4 one, on the level of the naruto one, it's shit, especially if you don't buy volumes just printed. If I think that Yuureitou will get a similar treatment I fucking pass out.
>challenging the normalfags ghibli market.
>with a harem fanservice battle anime

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>only faggots and women read shoujo/josei
neo /a/
It's a fact though
One of the manga volumes had the single included as a first-release bonus.

I'm torn about the music though. The series is practically double-sided between the scenes that are cute sol and serious drama, they could really go in either direction for the soundtrack. It's going to make or break the series for me because I have 0 expectations for the animation.
What's so shitty about it?
it's a fact that you're a closet homo
The damage control is only making it worse. Stop while you still can.
What the hell are you talking about.
3lion is in the 5.9/6.5€ edition format, which while being a tad overpriced for what it actually is it still has decent paper/print quality, bigger (compared to standard) format and dustcover.

The fact that Panini is pushing hard on a lot of new series the horrible, cheap 4.5/4.9€ format is another matter and quite a bunch of stuff i was waiting for got hit by that, but not this one.
when was the last time shinbo directed something? Bakemonogatari?
I'm not the one who's reading josei though

>reading josei
embarassing to be honest

Hello User ID:mayuka-chan from MAL
>besides Madoka?
Madoka was like that, all SHAFT anime follow the same pattern going into the 00s because it was an ingenious way to make the best out of digipaint animation before studios got the hang of it, why people think its exclusive to Monogatari is because its their most popular franchise but Negima!, Kino, ef, etc all used the same shit.
>Comparing Denzaki to Shinobo

Please kill yourself
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embarassing because you secretly like men.
it's ok anon.
Are you talking OST, or OP/ED, cause I'm honestly fine if they stuck with that for the OP, or anything by them for that matter. It's a pretty good fit.
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>Muh projecting
Embarassing desu senpai
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>opm image
there is no end to your shit taste
Both but I think BoC would be good for the OP and then a cheerier song for the ED, like Orange Pekoe or something with the female seiyuu.
It's Seinen.
To help you out a bit, I'm the one who made the NGNL comment.
I also use MAL's list if that makes you feel any better.
Rip me apart
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Everything? The paper, the print, the glue.
Unless I'm retarded 3gatsu doesn't have a dustcover. I'll check.
Ah so it's seinen, all is well and forgiven

>Sharing MAL's list
Why? nevermind, i'm not gonna bother checking some random anon taste on chinese cartoon
It does have a dustcover, and the quality is alright.
You're confusing it with something else.
Nevermind, I'm retarded, it's the €6.5 edition, I don't know why I was certain it was the €4.5 one.
Seems passable then.
Don't forget the Kawamori one too.
>check Umino's page on MU
>her volume of one-shots isn't even entirely scanlated
What the fuck is wrong with scanlators?
I hope it will air this spring.

It really isn't cause pretty much nobody knows how to run a proper show anymore

That show was basically just Aniplex experimenting with it's whole squeeze as much money out of obsessive demographics as possible formula except trying to find something they could use on teenagers. It didn't really work because I'm pretty sure it's fans weren't fans of or interested in anime much.

They also don't give a shit about or know who Shinbo or SHAFT so trying to use they're brand popularity at the time as if they were pandering to regular otaku made no sense either.

A-1 and Aniplex are half the reason that SHAFT is so extra shitty and gimmicky these days. I'm pretty sure they've been forcing them to try to use the Monogatari style with everything cause they seem to think it gives it a greater chance of being a blockbuster seller.
>Negima! Magister Negi Magi (other studios had to salvage the wreck)
You are retarded, original series was by Xebec, Shaft did remake/spin-off Negima?!
kek that's what you hetshitters get for reading this shit, this is going to be a complete disaster
Where is Ghibli?
Aria was bad because source is bad
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