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Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 511
Thread images: 165

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first for Ruri
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Fuckin birds, they always ruin card games
I wish Fire Kings got some more support
Thats not a ruri
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>tfw she has Yuzu's hair colour and eye colour
Where does Yuto get that strength from
>Where does Yuto get that strength

From the undead.
We'll be singing the TV size of Hanate/Unleash

Lyrics and other information can be found on this pastebin

Remember to sing along with your earphones in so the you don't get the song in your recording, and to please take measures that you have as little background noise as possible to make things easier on me, also that you can sing better standing then sitting. As long as you're not singing out of sync and you don't have obnoxious background noise louder then you are then we should be fine. If you've noticed you've gone off sync please retry.

PLEASE actually put a slight bit of effort into pronunciation.

Ideally I want you guys to use a program Audacity to record it yourself and then upload it to mediafire/picosong/mega/sendspace/whatever site you'd like to use. If you can't do that then just use http://vocaroo.com/ or any similar site to record from there.

I'll be watching the threads but if you don't want to post it on /a/ because you're a shy faggot, or you REALLY want to make sure you don't want me to miss it just email your contribution to [email protected]

Deadline is the 17th.
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Post your favorite pairing with one character genderbent.
Yuya should learn from him so he won't get thrown into prison
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Why are all Arc-Vs better as girls?
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why are part of Yuya's pants there
>There is never any 63 Gorgonzola.
I just want my Bancho Superheavy Samurai Girl, dammit.
Genderbent dimension never
Stop making me want things I cant have
Fuck now I cant unsee it
Isn't that girl from Black and White?
BW2 and her Japanese is Ruri, Yancy in the english localisation
Look harder
Cant tell is genderbent or not
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Probably Leg Warmers.
Dem tomatos
I love how Shingo basically looks exactly the same no matter what gender s/he is.
>Delicious brown girl gets carded and forgotten
I really hate how Arc-V just discards all the good supporting cast in the Syncro arc. You know we're never going to see any of them again until the end either.
If Yuya was a girl and Yuzu a boy, would the Yuzusexuality be better accepted on /a/rc-v threads?
Female Dennis also looks pretty good

Damn shame there is barely any of him
So does Sora have any intention of saving Yuya as well?

Because if that's the case, we might get a reunion sooner than expected since Yuzu is with Sora.
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I don't know but I do know that Yuya is a better girl then he is a girl
That implies that thirst for the Citrus/Tomato duo isn't universal. No matter what gender they are, they still have bodies made of pure sex.
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>mfw Sora reunites Yuya with Yuzu, they get to embrace each other... then Jean captures all three of them because Jean is the true master of KEIKAKU DOORI.

Why bother getting Security to chase Yuzu when Sora will just bring Yuzu to Yuya, then get all three?
Reminder that pendulums ruined yugioh.

Adding a shit mechanic that summons 60 monsters to the field at once is terrible
Good point.

Yuya will most likely stay locked up until he decides to cooperate unwillingly
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>Giving me all this wonderful GenderBender stuff

Thanks /a/
If he puts them in the same cell, then thank you based Jean.
Reminder that they're only that bad becuase of Rank 4 cancer.
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Pendulums are fine. Konami printing broken cards to cash in on free money when they could be printing broken cards to support old shit isn't.

Pendulums are literally designed to work with older pre-boardspam shit to make it remotely playable in casual play.
You saying you'd be homo for maleruri?
Pendulums are fine

There are already a million other way to get a shitload of cards out on the field with no effort

All Pendos do is let the slower/older decks that keep up with swarm/speed decks.
I don't recall developing a stutter, anon.
I'd post way more but I'd imagine some people are already finding this obnoxious.
Nah, he'll stay locked up until Jean "escorts" him back to the duel arena to duel Crow, then immediately restrain him after the victory so he doesn't run off.
Got links for some prolific Arc-V GB artists?
/dng/ here. You fags are shitters using nothing but petdecks. Why don't you use a real deck like Necloths and Shaddols?
>Real decks
Go away
Who's the petdeck shitter, now?
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>Shaddolls relevant after getting fucked hard by the banlist.
>Nekroz relevant after getting fucked by the banlist even harder.
You could say that... Sora is BI FOR(CE) Yuya and Yuzu
>a deck got hit by the banlist so it must be shit now
Git gud, shitters.
I did. I play Chaos Photon Resonator Synchrons now because being gud is boring.
Those decks were always shit you faggot

It was banned for a fucking reason

The Meta is always fucking cancer

Fuck PePe and Majespecter too

Have some fucking creativity and run something that isn't the number one meta deck
>Those decks were always shit you faggot
>It was banned for a fucking reason
Why would konami ban shit decks?
Its shit as in its cancer and unfun
>stop running things that I can't win against!
Congrats you have no imagination and run a deck that thousands of other faggots run

You are the cancer killing YGO
Deck hit by the banlist every time... however Nekroz and Shaddolls got FUCKED by the banlist. Especially considering the recent banlist had:
>Shurit to 0
>Nekroz of Brionac to 1
>Nerkroz of Unicore to 1
>Construct to 0
>El-Shaddoll Fusion to 1
>Mathematician to 1

In what world would the hits to Nekroz and Shaddolls not be massive setbacks. Especially in the case of Nekroz with Shurit.

Not that Anon, but being creative doesn't make you more skilled than someone who isn't. Being unique doesn't make you better either.

If a shitty and unpopular deck like Toons for instance (or any tier 3 or lower deck for that matter), suddenly became tier 1 and very popular, would you say people are unimaginative for playing?

You just come off like an annoying hipster who doesn't like mainstream decks? If a petdeck like Melodious or Superheavy Samurai won Worlds, would those decks be uncreative if people played them?

Whining about popular decks in YGO is like whining about basically any TCG or online game in existence: you aren't better for using shittier options, it just makes you an idiot for purposefully not using better options.
Consider that YGO is a game and the point is to have fun, if he has fun playing powerful meta decks who the hell are you to bitch and cry about it? Are you so insecure in yourself you need to dictate "acceptable" ways for people to have fun themselves? Don't be ashamed of defeat, don't be proud of victory. Above all, let's enjoy.
who let pojo in?
Reminder to stop pretending 5Ds is good.
Arc-V is making it very clear that 5Ds was always garbage.
>but being creative doesn't make you more skilled than someone who isn't. Being unique doesn't make you better either.
I never said that was the case.
>If a shitty and unpopular deck like Toons for instance (or any tier 3 or lower deck for that matter), suddenly became tier 1 and very popular, would you say people are unimaginative for playing?
If you were playing it the whole time? Sure I wouldn't. If you're ONLY playing it because its tier 1 then fuck you.
>You just come off like an annoying hipster who doesn't like mainstream decks?
Are you HONESTLY telling me you're ok with fighting the SAME 5 or so decks OVER and OVER and OVER?
>If a petdeck like Melodious or Superheavy Samurai won Worlds, would those decks be uncreative if people played them?
Once again, if you're ONLY playing it just because its tier 1 then why even bother?
Go away Chojirou you fucking hippy
a cancerous, whiny, bitchy community
So like /a/?
Is Pojo the ones with the mentality that a card that doesn't have protection on it, doesn't have a special summon effect or a removal effect on it is useless trash and a waste of deck space or is that NAC?
more or less but these guys thinks the world should be resolve around them
So like /a/?
more or less but these guys thinks the world should be resolving around them
oh almost forgot, their main topic is TCGs
>This fucking thread
That would be Pojo from what I remember of it.

NAC is more YGO anime/manga focused than on the TCG/OCG meta, at least it seems that way, so they probably don't care as much about the meta as much. I'm too lazy to go looking through the TCG/OCG threads regarding the actual game.
How many duels do you guys think Crow has left in Arc-V? At the very least 1 more right? Do you think we'll get a new level 8 Synchro out of that duel?
As much as I wanted Shun to win, this episode was fucking fantastic.
Best girl.
Makes you wonder if he saved Yuto like that
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now we just go around in circles
When do we get to see our first look at Shining Victories?
whens the next v jump?
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2 more
>VS Yuya
>VS an Academia duelist (Yuri, Sora, or Barrett) beats Crow and turns him into a card
Ok whats the effect it os broken?
It's book of moon. Spell speed 2 if it's got green layer as a material. It's also generic, and an out to great magnus. By having its effect, it makes the archetype worse.
This Thursday, it should have Millennium Box, Premium Pack 18, Shining Victories and a Vjump card. This could wind up being exciting or extremely disappointing.
Anon pls
Are we getting manga cards like phantom dragon?
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Unless you or your opponent are running Power Rangers, isn't it just a worse Maestroke?
Great magnus? Sorry I didnt follow this set.
>Super Quantum Mecha Lord Great Magnus
>3 Level 12 monsters
>This card gains effects based on the number of Xyz Materials with different names attached to it.
>● 2 or more: Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; shuffle 1 card on the field into the Deck.
>● 4 or more: Unaffected by card effects, except by the effects of "Super Quantum" cards.
>● 6 or more: Your opponent cannot add cards from their Deck to their hand, except by drawing them.
>If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 3 "Super Quantum Mecha Beast" Xyz Monsters with different names from your Graveyard.
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I was going to get mad for him losing to Crow like that, but then I saw that serene smile of his and I just couldn't get angry anymore.
>1.- VS Yuya
>2.- VS Yugo
>3.- VS Jack
>4.- VS Roger
>5.- VS Yuri
>6.- VS Shark
>7.- VS Kaito
>8.- VS Yuri
>9.- VS Kaiser
>10.- VS Reiji
>11.- VS Yusho
>12.- VS Leo
>13.- VS Jaden
>14.- VS Ritual Yuya
>15.- VS The Final BOSS
>16.- VS Shun
>17.- VS Atem

17 duels more or less, senpai.
>VS Shun AFTER the Final Boss.
That's some shit.
>he lets Atem win because he's a bro

Crow was a good friend.
>shun loses
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>>VS Shun AFTER the Final Boss.
>That's some shit.

He's the optional broken boss. Like Kaiser Dragon in FFVI.
Who's Yugi's VA he sounds really good
Which duel will his Assault Blackwing Dragon appear??
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You can't be serious "fair" play from Atem
I thought they did that on purpose
Edgy genderbends are best genderbends
>not playing fair while believing in the Heart of the Cards
That's just something he made up. Haven't you ever wondered why it only ever worked for him
You have to believe.
I refuse just look at Kaiba a virgin making dragon theme parks
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The fuck is with this image flooding?
So will Konami release the lvl 5 and 12 Assault Blackwing??
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Give up Yuzu, Ruri already beat you
>yfw Friendship Cup Finals is BLACKWINGS vs DICHROIC MIRROR
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Best Girl.
Prove me wrong.
>devotes his company's entire resources to trying to win in a children's card game against some kid
>loses every time
shoulda believed in the Heart of the Cards
>all this fucking time wasted on this synchro crow and shinji bullshit when we could have been exploring yuya/yugo
I'm so fucking tired of this multiple season-spanning filler arc shit
Arc-V is directed by Ono Katsumi.
He won't call up senpai from DM,GX,Zexal.
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>Yugo went from a strong duelist who easily handled Yuto to struggling against Sawatari to a filler character
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Kaiba's the kind of person I think who would go to a cafe and order a cup of Blu- Eyes Mountain Coffee and upon finding a hair in it: buy the place, fire all of the staff and turn it into a Card & Duel Disk Shop.
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this tread turn around pretty quick
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What is it with NEET girls portrayed in media and sweatpants?
>YFW Blackwings become tier 1 again
So are the four Yu's vessels or the actual thing split apart?
Jury's still out on that one.

It moderately peeves me that we're over halfway through the series and we still don't know SHIT about the D R A G O N S subplot.
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It signifies giving up on life.
Well we know that Yuya is the special one
That's end game material.
We already know that Ritual Yuya is the final boss.
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When will they bring up H E A R T B U R N I N G U again?
When Crow reveals his true ace monster, Assault Blackwing Dragon during his duel vs Yuya
Is Crow a Yuu?
He is the 5th Yuu
I wonder if we'll see anything interesting this week. I'm getting card hungry.
Yuzu and Sora's monsters holding hands
Oh come on.
Shill vs shill wasn't enough to revive /a/rc - v? That settles it YGO is dead until Thursday when the spoilers come out. I don't know how this general will live for 4 days but I'll see for myself.
This whole arc proves 5ds is the worst YGO series, if we were in xyz and saw Kaito, this general would be alive and kicking
Cards, anon, cards. Shining Victories or Millenum Pack reveals would be grand. They seem to have spilled the beans on whats in Millenum box, Phoenix mode Ra, and cards that didn't get printed from Yugi vs Atem. Sorry Silent fags.
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When we get to the Xyz arc.
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I just realized, with a blue duel disc the whole MUH ODD EYES symbolism with Yuzu is more blatant
Stop being so obsessed with the general not being 100 posts a minute.
Is this a Joke? Today we had like 3 main post + this one.
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>Shining Victories

Isn't it too early for that? It'll probably be the blackwings stuff anyway.
Are Crow's kids the real reason why he's been winning, they seem to interfere with the match in all of his duels.
Indirectly, yeah. He probably gets an emotional high when he knows they're safe. You're more likely to play better when you're in a good state of mind. It's like the opposite of being on tilt.
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>This yuya
Christ muh dick.

>Female sora looks the same
>Arc-V made you realize how boring 5Ds actually was

Oh boohoo poor people are being oppressed how sad. Oh there's some interesting cult stuff? Better gut that out because our VA joined a sex cult. Oh how about a neat time travel plot? Let's water it down with non-stop tournament arcs and let's makes sure the villain only exists to make Yusei look cooler.

People who complain about Japan hating 5Ds and it having the lowest ratings need a reality check. It earned that.
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I'm probably the sole person that liked Mr. Heartland and didn't think he deserved all the crap they threw at him. He's one of the few characters that never got redeemed and stayed dead. Even Bakura and Vector had it better.
Not to mention the BMG relationship to BM as apprentice to master what with Sora's standard duel disc having a blue blade and a yellow base much like BMG has a blue and yellow staff.

I wonder who Academia's Bakura character is that Sora is going to sacrifice himself to in order to protect Yuya and Yuzu?
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>I wonder who Academia's Bakura character is that Sora is going to sacrifice himself to in order to protect Yuya and Yuzu?
Yeah, I don´t know why I love GX darker plot in season 3 while I dislike 5d and absoluty hate the Doma arc in DM. Sometimes edgyness work and sometime not.
Don't fucking do this to me, anon.

Woah there, buddy. That's already too deep.

Most likely Sora will be forced to choose between Yuya and Yuzu, or Academia. And he chooses to Academia in fear of being carded, so chooses to job to Yuzu.
Don't do what anon-kun?
I don't know what happened here, but I like it.
So it's confirmed shun and crow lust each other?

Fujoshits win again i guess.
Makes sense since he is stealing Ruris from their native dimensions. I imagine his deck is able to do what the Goyos do in stealing monsters to use as fusion materials, and also being mechanical in nature to fit the Academia theme.

Though I wonder if he is going to play a new Death Toy fusion because the only fusion he has left to play is Wolf from the earlier sets.
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Fujos always win Anon. ALWAYS.
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As always, desu. This is Yu-Gi-Oh!, after all.
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He has Yuya all locked up with no where to run, and you think putting a marker is his only priority?
I appreciate Yuto's shock at seeing Shunbird on Sora's head.
Show me your power levels, Fujo Master Race.
>Reiji at the back
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>All these doujins
>None of them will ever get scanned
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Women are useless.
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Enjoy another Yuzu doujin getting scanned instead.
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I think hetero love don´t have place for the main character in YGO, let´s the seconday characters have it but the protagonist must remain homo.
>Someone scanned one of the Shun/Yuto doujins
>No one has scanned the Shun/Ruri one

Get it together Japan you ultra homos.
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Too bad for you, then, fujoshit.
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We should have listened to Aporia
Shun as a female makes my dick hard enough to cut diamonds.

And the last time anything YGO-related did this to me was Kaz' artwork of Silent Magician LV8 in a tight red leather body-hugging outfit.
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>Synchro was a mistake
>Not GX

Woah there buddy, GX is what began the degenerate garbage we have nowadays.
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Do we even have Wall Yuri yet?
>Kaz' artwork of Silent Magician LV8 in a tight red leather body-hugging outfit.
Post it
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>implying crow gives a fuck about Shinji anymore since he has a DARK WINGED BEAST comrade
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>Hanging out with some insignificant bug that uses bugs when he has a Winged Beast Bro that likes children
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>Yuzu loses
>(almost) crashes straight into a building
>Yuya wins
>makes new enemies and hated by commons

>Shun loses
>makes a new bff to replace Yuto and gets spotlighted as a nakama to all children
>Yuto brought back to life at the end
>Only to be a 3rd wheel to Shun and Crow's bromance
>Leaves and moves in with Yuya

Then again, imagine Yuri, Yuto and Yugo moving in with Yuya. Imagine the tension and the arguments.
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Will they ever escape the Forbidden Realm /a/rc-v?
it never stops
More like
>Yuzu loses
>sleeps it off and duels again 6 episodes later
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Sorry Shinji here is my new AIBOU
TOPS together
>Crow is a Topsie Faggot all along
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>Bird Brain Brothers
>Tfw Yuya ends the Tops/ Commons conflict and Neo City is built for both the Tops and Commons to live in
>Shinji refuses to move and lives in the run down and abandoned slums on his own, cursing the Tops and Yuya and has to watch as Crow and Shun beat everyone in the yearly tournaments
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anyways else think its sad that yuya couldn't make shun smile but crow could. you suck yuya
>Yugi vs Atem
>Judai vs Yugi
>Yusei vs Jack
>Yuma vs Astral

Who will Yuya have his after big bad duel with?
Yuzu still looks like a girl
The best options are Yuzu and Manga!Yuya.
Yuya is too close to Yuto to make him smile.

Besides, Shun is too cool for Yuya. He should be the MC! His duels are almost always better than Yuya's, his action scenes are almost always better than Yuya's, his Ruri-lust is more best than Yuya's, and he is just much, much, cooler than Yuya.
Duel Chaser 227
Holy Shit Shinji is such a faggot
I can't even hate it

Crow and Shun being BFFs >>>>> Crow and Shun being inconsiderate jerks to each other
>Yuya is too close to Yuto to make him smile.
What does this mean
Yuya is as a person too close to Yuto in terms of appearance and probably behavior that Shun can't help but relate him to Yuto and remind himself of his loss, is my guess.
Yuya making Shun smile at this point is like trying to cheer Shun up by having him duel in a virtual Heartland. Too many memories.

I mean, Shun could probably consciously separate Yuto from Yuya in his mind and he at least 'trust' (?) Yuya, but surely looking at him can't bring him happy thoughts.
It doesn't help that deep down, Yuto has a similar personality and ideal as Yuya
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guys guys

rate my harem
Shun it's like 2 AM. Go to bed.
Not even best Ruri
You mean Neo New Duel Chaser 227 Turbo, where he tries (and fails) to shill new Goyos
Most animes there's always a side character cooler than the MC dimwit.
That's a vague thing to say considering they haven't had a proper interaction for shit yet.
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Nah, Yuya will tag with Yuzu near the last episodes, the order of importance to Yuzu will be the ones she tagged with last to first. Yuya > Sora > Gon
Holy fuck Yuya, calm the fuck down.
His childhood friend Crow
Would raid her with my raptor/10

Would card Fusion scum for/10
Holy fuck

You actually spared the time to make this
>[MonoSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V - 089 - Inside Yuya's Prison Cell [720p].mkv_snapshot.jpg
>That one that's just the bracelet.

Calm down Yuya.
Yuya please
>Jean: Don't forget, you're here forever

Both of these are trash because they aren't Serena
Kek I laughed
>That one image of just a tomato and citrus fruit together
Yuya I know it's hard right now but please try to get some sleep.
>Serena will never force herself on Shun and laugh as she tells him that he is submitting to a Fusion user
>never got my own yuzu
R.i.p. Me
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Serena isn't a bully, she's a bully target.
I'd bully Serena after sweet consensual lovemaking
That is my fetish
sad thing is I started like a month ago in response to *something* that I can't remember anymore.

Might not even be in an arc-v threads.
Do you still have the source for the one of Yuzu wearing Yuya's goggles? final row, fourth from the right
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>Episode 83: 柚子はどこ - Yuzu wa Doko
>(Where is Yuzu)

>I'm in a prison! How can I save Yuzu, then!?
Yuzu needs to be saved, but I'm locked, so I can't save Yuzu, or help Yuzu, or aid Yuzu, or really doing anything about Yuzu at all. I want to save Yuzu as soon as possible. I remember Sora saying he wanted to save Yuzu.

>This week's Sora: searching for Yuzu...!?
Sora desperately searches for Yuzu in the Commons' area. There he saw Yuzu. Yuzu!? He saw Yuzu, but that Yuzu was not alone. Sora runs into the Duel Chasers that were chasing after Yuzu!?

Sakaki Yuya
Shiun'in Sora
Hiiragi Yuzu
Hiiragi Yuzu
GX and Zexal both end on high notes.
They might have rocky starts but they end decently.

5Ds is the one that started out "good" and then went to shit.

And now it's infecting Arc-V. The sooner we get out of Synchro the sooner Arc-V can be salvaged. Especially if turns out that Yuri's dragon is female and he's fused his soul with it
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I have the sources for all the fucking frames, it takes time just to sort out all the original pictures.

I assume you know how to get to pixiv pictures from its name.
I don't need Arc-V for that. I watched 5D's as it was airing and almost dropped it in the 80s which is something since I also watched the first 2 seasons of GX as they were airing and didn't feel that bored.
Is that how he 'escapes' the Yuzu-Yuya bonds that exist for the other dimension versions of him?
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Indeed. Much appreciated!
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Huh, I dropped GX halfway through Season 2 but watched 5Ds all the way.
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There are comics for that.
Huh, I just thought of something.

>Sawatari - Manjoume
>Shun - Jack?
>Reiji - Kaiba

Do we have anyone that could be Shark?
>How do you feel, knowing that a filthy Fusion murderer carries your child? I hope you plan on taking responsibility for this
Shun is Shark, Jack is Jack.
>Constantly being a "NOBODY IS MY FRIEND" jackass
>Does almost everything for his sister, and later elaborated to include his "people" as a whole.
Yeah, pretty much Shark in a nutshell.
It was mainly because I felt like nothing happened between 80 and 100. It was more than 30 episodes between Antimony appearing and Yusei finally performing Accel Synchro.
>Used that Fusion once
>Didn't even use Turbo Warrior
baka Yusei
Oh yeah, you are right.

Also, should I go rewatch GX? I heard Season 3 and 4 are better than Seasons 1 and 2.
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I want to live here as well.
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Oh definitely. GX 3 and 4 are a fucking ride.
How long did this take you?
Oh boy. All I know is Judai has to watch everyone die in S3 and has Dueling PTSD in S4. Fucking ride is definitely how it seems.
Season 3 remains the craziest part of the franchise. I felt like Season 4 was just padding until 5D's, but it ends nicely.
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I'm inefficient.

~4 hours just to find all the pictures (from Pixiv, Tumblr and Twitter)

I split the whole thing into rough 'quadrants' and each takes about 4 hours, so about 16 hours to crop, resize and put it in the proper panel, then rename the original file so it refers to which panel is it used for.

So image related is used for panel in the 15th row, 8th column.

In total it takes just 20 hours, but I split it into so many days.
So is it just mere coincidence that Yuya, Rune Eyes, and Creation have shit covering the same eye?
>Is it just mere coincidence that the MC and his two Bullshit Transformed Card Archetypes have design similarities?
No. No it is not.
So I missed the episode, but I saw the new cards.

Can some one explain to me how Crow managed to get over Uli Falcon
lvl 12 synchro gains 1000 attack for every time you synchro summoned
Yuzu pls
Why does bracelet-kun have arms and legs
I like how there's Sakaki trees in the frontyard.
So guys, is this new DDD a Synchro or an Xyz?
My money is on a Synchro, and they'll reprint Wave Caesar

It will be Xyz, Synchro is shit
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>tfw it's foreshadowing that Yuya loses an eye down the line because shit happens
No i get that, what I don't get is how shun out of all people let that hit him. Did uni falcon not have materials to negate the effect and attack increase?
It looks like Raiden in MGS4
V-Jump when?
>Sakaki trees
What the fuck you talking about?
Unaffected by your opponent's card effects. You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the effects of all face-up cards your opponent currently controls until the end of this turn, then all monsters your opponent controls lose 1000 ATK. During the End Phase, if this card was Xyz Summoned by using a "Raidraptor" Xyz Monster as a Material this turn: Activate 1 of these effects.
● If your opponent controls a monster: All monsters your opponent controls lose 1000 ATK.
● If your opponent controls no monsters: Inflict 1000 damage to your opponent.
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Both Yuya and Yuzu's second names 'Sakaki' and 'Hiragii' are the name of flowers that grow on their respective trees.

Deepest Lore?
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Every thread until he returns.
I'm at the part where Reiji told Roger to fuck off, how much did I miss?
Not really.

It's just a naming choice.
It meant they're both herbivores. Or 'betas', as assholes like to call it.
Yuzu lost
Shinji becomes 10 times worse
Roger is gay for Yuya
Sora is back
Crow and Shun become best friends
Although the funniest part is that those flowers look very identical to each other.
Are there any people not gay for Yuya?
Sam use to be, but know he ain't.
Get the fuck back to tumblr. Seriously.
Probably wasn't a quick effect. Besides, if it did, it would be too broken considering Ultimate Falcon already has a base ATK of 3500.
Even grills are gay for Yuya.
I've been playing for a bit with Deskbots, and they're pretty fun. But are the pendulum versions even useful? I only use 005 for Infinity shenanigans and s/t destruction, but the others seem like a dead draw most of the time.
006 is quite good for dumping with 004's effect
Is ep 83 a duel or plot or sora x ninja
duel and plot
All of them
You don't really need a bigger boost than 2500, especially when you likely have a 003 on the field most of the times.
You should either wait for 009 to come out some day and go full pendulum with 003 and 001, or just put some cydra in your deck and go Infinity turbo featuring Naturia.
By duel you mean against nameless security mooks and possibly ninja vs sora
Have you tribute summoned today, my children?
One tribute a day keeps the pendulums away.
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Keikaku intensifies
Not in the age of pepe
Yuya, Reiji and Reira vs Jean
Is that fucking Raiden on the right?
Qliphorts are the spawns of the devil my son, do not trust them.
I shall convert you my child, you can still be saved.
Please let Raiden be a Synchro.
We don't need more Xyz, they can just reprint Wave Caesar since the OCG only got it as a V-Jump promo
Vampires and Monarchs
Blessings be upon you my son.
If that thing's a synchro, what level should it be? If we don't get any new tuners, I think level 6 would be best
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ideally 10
10 or 11, most monsters you get on the field will be level 7 or 8.
Or 7 again, just give him a good eff
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Reminder Jean is a liar
To be fair, that cell isn't in the Detention Facility, so he didn't lie
Detention facility!=sex dungeon.
>Wants to save Yuzu
>The world won't let him

Being Yuya is suffering
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>check sadpanda
>new Yuu- doujins
>get excited
>they're samples copied directly from pixiv
What the fuck
It worked for Rafael
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Jesus, Yuya.
Are you new in the doujin business? It's common practice.
For a minute I thought she was surrounded by Yuri
Yuya don't tell me they gave you a PC in your prison cell.
Rafael used his card waifu, that improves your game considerably. Just look at Kaiba.
I'm not surprised, just disappointed. I was hoping for new content.
Every single Commons hates Yuya.

In an "amazing" plot twist, it's revealed that he's actually a topsie faggot and a dirty traitor
>Bakura character
His dragon needs to have another dragon as its penis
I hate Sora, but that doesn't mean I don't want to lay him in face down defence position and then do piercing damage to him.
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Xyz Jigen when?
17 more episodes
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When the writers want to start shilling Raidraptors again, with possible side additions of Entermages shilling depending on if the budget returned by then.
>Jean makes him look like a TOPS
>Commons hate him
>Jean the person who made him look a TOPS doesn't even take care of him

This is just the start of the ZETSUBO.
Nice doubles
We only care about fours here.
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That's some IV shit right there.
Is there any way to make Superheavy useable?
Any guesses on what historical/mythical figure Raiden is?
Siegfried maybe?
people still watch this? this went to crap after gx
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I'd like to hear your opinion on what is watchable these days
Sadly, not really.
If you use an engine like symphonics to make it faster, you empty your hand to summon non durable bosses most of the time. If you go for generic synchros, they are not supported by the rest of the cards in your hand.
Pure superheavy is rather slow (best searcher needs to be blown up from the field) and it's hard to get the exact protection you want (compare it to how easily Bujins do it).

And any builds that use Spells/traps are pretty much OTK gimmicks
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New Gundam has some hot girls.
Aside from build, the last two series were lacking
They're considered deepest lore by Nips though. I remember it was posted in previous threads I think.

Sakaki trees are vessels for deities, while Hiiragi are the ones that drive evil deities away, subdue them or something like that.
>Mika bowl still not decided
Gundam thats all ?
I though you knew a anime series that would knock our socks off
Also to add, 'Shiunin' means the 'purple cloud' that Buddha comes with in a person's time of death.

While 'Gongen' means a manifestation of a buddha in a form of a deity, 'zaka' means hill, and 'Noboru' means 'to ascend'. So Gon's name sounds like to ascend to a Buddha or something.
Which is funny considering Gon and Sora are the closest friends to Yuya and Yuzu.

Welp I now could see who's going to sacrifice themselves.
>tfw everyone that was revealed early is related in some way to deities and gods
>Reiji isn't so he makes contracts with them
>His given Japanese name of Reiji means "Zero Child".
I guess his dad picked the name.
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REEEEEE, why is this TOPSIE girl touching me?
>all this deep lore
Why Arc V isnt AOTY yet?
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What about Neo New Sawatari-san?
Until Yuya and Yuzu reunite which will make it AOTD
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The only good thing Shinji ever did was saving ARC-V's best girl from Security.
>tfw Sawatari will never have Serena wrap her arms around him.
Who's that?
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Do you think we will ever see Sawatari win a duel?
So. Someone can make a screencap of all the depeest lore? I feel that something really fucked up will happen and we are getting a lot of hints
Yusho obviously
Haven't watched this shit yet. Are nigger wings ruining it as bad as they ruined 5D's?
Not really.
Sora's already likely to get carded by the end of this arc. Gon probably in fusion to make Yuya go Super EGAO God Super Egao
>nigger wings
Can you elaborate? I don't speak nigger languange.
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No deepest lore for Neo New Sawatari since his name is written with katakana instead of kanji. Sawatari doesn't seem to be anything special either. The kanji for it (沢渡) mean something like
>swamp; marsh; brilliance; grace
>transit; ford; ferry; cross; import; deliver; diameter; migrate
>brilliance; grace
fuck off fag
Tomorrow probably.
I expect Shining Victories, Millenium Pack, Structure Deck DDD and Premium Pack 18 news.
We might also get some movie news.
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why is konami makes black wing so golden eggs
Numbers never
full version of this anywhere?
Sorry thats the whole thing.
I know it sucks. Blame komoney
I bet they will make this the playmat when the set hits so they can get people to play the sneak or something dumb. I just want my desktop background ;_;
I know you pain. Clear Wing wallpaper never!!
I downloaded it from their twitter account.
I don't know why they can't just give us the full art for cards. Just release them when the next set hits or something. I don't know why they wouldn't just give them out to hype stuff and drive the price up.
The DDD promo poster would be great if they cleaned it up
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>full art for cards
Chinese factories commence operation
Oh come on, just because Yuya/Yuzu is now a meme-tier ship wouldn't degrade Arc-V to anime of the day!
So what are your thoughts on Ruris?
Yuzu is the thirstiest.
Rin has the hair I want to ruffle the most.
Serena is the best for rough Sex.
Ruri is Shun's
>Yuya/Yuzu meme tier ship

Don't touch my Ruris.
It meant Anime of the decade.
>Most popular arc-v ship will degrade the show
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Nigga that was close
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How do I git gud with Vampires?
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Decade a shit
Diend best rider
I still prefer Stronger
so I've made it until 51, I'm gonna watch the remaining 30something episodes next weekend

Still, though, what the fuck is up with Reiji's plans?
Everything's made unnecesarily convoluted for no particular reason whatsoever other than keikaku doori, there had to be a much better way to handle the Lancers recruitment and the Obelisk raid.
I really think he's just retarded outside of dueling, kind of like an early GX Judai but with less gotcha and more WANNA BE THE PERFECT
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Why must Yuya suffer so much? This is the second time he has been imprisoned and is hated by the entire Synchro Dimension except Jack, Yugo(?) and Crow(?), as well as ENJOY.

What's next? Yuri tells Yuya that he went to Standard and carded Shuzo, Yoko and the YSDS kids.
He is just a prankster

nice job rusing the saladfaggots anon

you shall be remembered
Remember when he got Teppei and Micchi killed because of his HILARIOUS intrusion penalty?
Fucking lost it there
He cheated in the first episode
That wasn't Yuya.
And besides, the card game Gods allowed it to happen.
Even better, he keeps the penalty for synchro.
The man's stratagems surpass common sense
Not according to the system he didn't
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Reiji's 2000 LP penalty bullshit.png
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Remember when the intrusion penalty STILL fucks the Lancers in Synchro Dimension, like when they went against Security and Shun intruded to summon Rise Falcon?

In what world would Reiji think that the intrusion penalty is a good idea if the Maiami Championship is over, and it only fucks the Lancers (except Reiji who wouldn't put that restriction on himself, or Reira who wasn't in the Junior Youth section at all) whereas everyone else is unaffected (e.g. Yugo vs Obelisk Force).

Reminder that Dennis' duel disk probably still has that intrusion penalty. Unless Dennis changes his duel disk, he will get fucked by the KEIKAKU DOORI that is the 2000 damage penalty.

I wouldn't be surprised if Sora's old duel disk (the one Yuzu now has) also has the penalty because even though he never advanced to the battle royale, it would be coded into the duel disk like Sawatari's was.
Considering who Reiji is based on, its no surprise that he surpasses common sense.
>Reminder that Dennis' duel disk probably still has that intrusion penalty. Unless Dennis changes his duel disk, he will get fucked by the KEIKAKU DOORI that is the 2000 damage penalty.
>Considered the possibility of the enemy worming it's way into the Lancers.
Holy fuck, they're going to do that.
> based on
Unless it's a virus that spread on all academia duel discs, a single duel disk used by the worst spy ever will not do much
>Reminder that Dennis' duel disk probably still has that intrusion penalty. Unless Dennis changes his duel disk, he will get fucked by the KEIKAKU DOORI that is the 2000 damage penalty.
Dennis got teleported back to Academia with nothing but the riding suit on his back. Though he'll probably have everything back when he returns thanks to anime logic/Sora's ninja magic.

It'd be hilarious to have him scream "OH NOOOOO" again thanks to the penalty.
No, even better: the Intrusion Penalty is hard-coded into the compact Action Field Generator. Odds are good that Dennis will pass that tech on to Academia.

Literally every Academia Soldier that intrudes will be slammed with a 2k LP Penalty.

Keikaku Doori, motherfuckers.
Fucking kill me.
Keikakuman may not be what he appears to be
So does anyone think shun is gone for like 10 ep again since crow own him

Side note gon own crow thus is gon stronger then shun?
>gon own crow
nah man, he has finally taken the deserved spot of MC of the show. I can't wait for Yuzu to fall in love with him
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Reiji gift.png
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Suddenly pic related becomes relevant to Dennis considering the "gift" Reiji just gave him, aside from a trillion Entermage Pendulums which most definitely won't be used to make Ancient Gear Pendulum Monsters, as well Pendulum Fusions.

I didn't even consider the penalty was hard-coded into the Action Field Generator. Just imagine if the Lancers fucked over the Obelisk Force similarly to what the Knights of Duels tried to do to Yuya/Shun.
>3 or more Obelisk Force duelists show up.
>2 Lancers decide to duel each other just as Obelisk Force show up but don't actually do shit.
>The 3 or more Obelisk Force intrude on the "duel".
>All of those Obelisk Force duelists take 2000 damage because they intruded on the Lancers' "duel".
>The 2 Lancers crush the Obelisk Force easily due to the 2000 penalty screwing the Obelisk Force.

How angry will Yuri be if Dennis gave the Action Field Generator to him which meant Yuri was also vunerable to the 2000 LP penalty, as well as Sora and Barrett too?
He's the Crow of the show, always second most important fro shilling reasons.
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At least we got this. If only it had less text.
wait how the fuck did Kali Yuga's effect negate Misdirection Wings?
MW wasn't on the field anymore and its effect should've stayed

not that it would change much since Dark Rebellion would still get destroyed
His own eff cannot be negated.
Reiji pulled another one of his dastardly pranks on Yuya.

What a stinker.
Heavy Yuga's effect can't be negated.
Anime Covenant with the Seal Mistake negates lingering effects.

>Yuya's Misdirection Wings
>Not worse
Yuya literally only has to summon DRXD with Wings of Misdirection to win against literally any foe provided they have a monster with more than 1400 ATK.
It's nearly as broken as Ragnarok.
did Reiji seriously activate traps on the turn they were set
I mean it may be part of Kali Yuga's anime effect but unless the card shows up again and they make it so the card text is actually visible, I'm calling bullshit on that duel
Anime Yuga is different. The real Yuga re-sets them, anime Yuga returns them to their positions. It doesnt set them

>doubting the keikakuman
Every move Reiji does just empowers my doubts further.
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Daily Reminder:

Ruri is love.
Believe in the keikaku
Rin is better.
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You can't be better than perfection.
So what is the point of the new Exodia card? Without a special win condition it's just a slightly better Necros.
Exactly, that's why Rin is better.
It gives the deck an option besides "Obsessively draw solitaire until you can say 'I win!'" Now you have an aggro strategy and a monster that is completely unaffected by your opponent's bullshit.

You can sit on a progressively stronger monster that can't be removed, or you can sit on a defensive wall while you gradually recover and draw into your Exodia pieces.
>stalling or attacking in an Exodia deck
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Rin is just a pale imitation of the true goddess.
Exodius works like that, or well, it can work like that.
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Greatest Love Story ever.png
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>Rin pleases old men for cards

No surprise there.
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I want to impregnate Yuzu
I can't fucking believe that Jean actually gave you access to a computer, Yuya.
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So many sluts in this thread. Take a Pure Maiden, /a/rc-v.
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No, Shun is the MC. If you see the last episode, you must know it; he's better than Crow.
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So we know it can teleport to Academia, but does it have a carding function?

I honestly think it does. The reason he switched over to the Sword Duel Disc was because he wanted Shun to know he was gunning for him directly, but as a spy I'm sure his duel disc had carding power in case of shit hitting the fan.
Exxod Flame dumps a limb to Compulse any monster OPT. If it's destroyed, add an Exodia card (pieces or Neo) to your hand.

Neo Exodia retrieves a limb every turn. If it is destroyed by battle (its immune to everything else) reveal any Exodia pieces in your hand and draw that many cards
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>Ruri is Shun's

Damn straight
Crow totally own shun if it was not for the action card shun would have lost in the 4 turn so shun is pretty lousy.
You wouldn't please old men for some bitching Kozmo cards?
Shun got hit with the Yuzu "I have to lose so my new monster sucks shit" curse
Ruri, pls.
I want to put it inside Ruri.
No because I'm not a filthy common like Rin, and I can actually afford my own cards.
>he can afford Kozmos
Can Kaibas post here?
Every time I see some say Yuga, I always mistake the word as Yuya
Those cards are really expensive.
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Of course anon
So what is the general consensus on the best cardfu of 2015?
Dun buy raidraptor buy blackwing kids
Was the episode really bad or something? This thread is not normal.
Ruri pls, your Yuu's inside another man
Shun lost to Crow. Of course it is bad.
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She already forgot that Cuuck. Bennis is her man.
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Shun have manners
Garbage. I like titty monsters so I really wanted her to be good, but she just isn't. The maiden is far better.
I thought the episode was fine.
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Go big or go home.
Shun became arc-V's certified Crow after saving a kid from falling to his death before losing.
Right? He even mastered the action card technique

what a cool MC
it was fine. Your contribution to the thread is pure garbage instead.
>sucks shit
>can't be affected by opponent card effects
>one unit to negate all effects on field
>additional turn end effects
Yeah, it was so bad.
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Yuya does that all the time, but he never saved a children. Shun is the MC, indeed.


And let's keep the shitposting limited please
>but he never saved a children.
He saved the school kids back in his first duel with Sawatari, 3 kids and a Ruri>>>>>>>>>one kid and a dead Ruri.
It was good actually(though ultimate falcon summon was underwhelming).
But with the characters involved, regardless of quality and outcome, a shitstorm was coming
>Page 4
Maybe because the writers don't pull a bullshit reason in his duels?
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