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Kyoukai no Kanata (KnK) I'll be here new trailer

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Thread replies: 262
Thread images: 81


New Mirai confirmed to be fake Mirai
Movie confirmed to be masterpiece
New OST confirmed to be great
New monsters confirmed to be scarier
New fights confirmed to be more exciting
Oh right, this was happening.
>Movie confirmed to be masterpiece
When has KyoAni ever disappointed when it comes to non-summary movies?
I hope Amagi Brilliant Park gets a movie someday as well. I want more of Kayne and Sento's releationship. That last little interaction they had was such a tease..
>New Mirai confirmed to be fake Mirai
more like erased memories
>that top flight animations

Thanks Kyoani for finding the way
She's a youmu.
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>that fucking animation
so that's where the Amagi budget went
>making Mirai even fluffier
Please be good! Please be good! Please be good! Please be good! Please be good! Please be good! Please be good! Please be good! Please be good! Please be good!
Imagine Houka movie.
It looks like they are changing some things in the recap and making the animation even better. Looks really good.
>New Mirai confirmed to be fake Mirai
Oh thank god, Kyoani redeems that bullshit.
Looks swell. I enjoyed the series but wasn't keeping tabs. More fun to be had it seems.
Did anyone translate what the fake Mirai sad at the beginning?
There's a translation in the yt comments
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KnK Mirai maid fluffed by Ai.gif
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With a bigger movie budget they were able to hire more professional fluffers than a cat
It's scary how much of that I could understand
Oh shit that singer in the trailer is the same one that did the OP and/or ED for the original show?
I could post a fucking translation and I don't know shit about Japanese. Shows just how generic the movie is going to be.
Mitsuki looks sluttier
Or, you know, movie trailers
Yes. She's Mirai's voice actress
the singer is Mitsuki's voice actor
Considering the anime, It'd be more safe to bet on it being absolute tripe.
>Shows just how generic the movie is going to be.
More like shows how much of a faggot you are.
Someone's angry
>Movie confirmed to be masterpiece

I wouldn't go so far as to claim that shit. But I can guarantee that it will be the greatest love story ever told yet.

After my utter disappointment with TLS, I hope this one would deliver. I really wish! Please, I have faith in you, Ishidate!
Come on anons, you both know the anime barely had any substance.
Someone is always angry if you mention Kyoani.
ur balls barely had any substance
>Inb4 this is movie 1

I'm surprised they aren't promoting the first movie just yet.
let it die, LET IT DIE
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Fun things are fun, /v/-kun, and Mirai a cute.
It had plenty of substance, it just went over your head. KnK haters get blown the fuck out every time.
Huh? That's...fitting Mitsuki does sorta behave like that idol chick from rail wars
>needs promotion

As if Kyoani didn't learn their lesson with Chuuni recap
; )
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Seriously, Anon. Were you living under a rock?
Nigga do you seriously not know who her VA is?
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Is KyoAni the only company who's produced a retcon that actually improved an ending?
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it's not a retcon, everyone knew Mirai at the end wasn't the same one
Is it a retcon if it was planned that way the whole time? Aki's mom quite blatantly tells the viewers "I can't explain everything this season you'll have to wait for more!"
denial is a river in egypt
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How do you not know who Minori Chihara is?
The redpill from the ova is still a mystery.
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Tamako Love Story was so wonderful so now I really look forward to this. Next, Hyouka movie.
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we made a collage and everything!
Not before we get a 2-hour long AmaBuri movie consisting solely of Kanye fucking the person he loves most, himself.
KyoAni goes god mode for movies
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Fuck, they should stick to making movies.
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>Tamako Love Story was so wonderful

Go eat a dick! You can't even defend that piece of shit properly.
Why would you make two recap movies from something almost nobody liked?
>Movie confirmed to be masterpiece
please don't over-hype this, it'll be the TV series all over again
Amagi didn't even use Kyoani's money.
I think so.
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Why don't you send Shaft an e-mail?
Monogatari Killer kept the threads alive.
>two recap movies
I'm starting to think that Kyoani makes television series just so they can go back and make incredible movie sequels to them.
Not really, everyone thought it's the same Mirai, except not human.
And now we know it's a new copy of Mirai.
What the hell was wrong with it and why are you so mad about it?
I guess people are still mad that it wasn't another Hyouka.
It's actually a Mirai that doesn't remember anything. We don't know if it's a copy or just amnesia.
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Speak for yourself. There were plenty of threads discussing the possibility of her being a youmu or puppet.
Wow, so there is a chance that this new Mirai isn't the real one after all. This new cloaked youmu screams of KnK, another fragment perhaps? Maybe we might finally get vol 4 of the LN now.
Nobody's translating them anyways.
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Amnesia sounds lazy to me, I'll take new copy theory.
Does anyone actually want them to go the LN direction with this? I'm happy that they're doing their own thing.
Youmu theory has been going on since day one of the finale
>mad Midorifag

Nice desu ne.
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Depends. It looks like the LN tries to go with the same direction with the anime.
Author sures taking his fucking sweet time releasing volumes.
Chuu2 author added Kumin to the LN after the anime had her too didn't he
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we'd get more glorious Christmas Cake.
But at this point I'm hoping they just stick to the original route.
When did they add Sakura?
I would still love copy mirai
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Mirai a shit.
That is Mitsuki
we got Izumi instead
>saber clone
it looks as though she's going to be the big bad boss in the sequel movie as well.
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>forced moe
>poverty moe
>social justice moe
>menstrual moe
She just can't win.
Does that frog make noises?
Being voiced by Ayako Kawasumi doesn't automatically make you a Saber clone.
Mirai is mai waifu.
Mirai doesn't strike me as someone who gives a shit about SJ. Most of the times she complains about sexual harrassment, she is being sexually harrassed.
Well maybe she shouldn't be so easy to bully.
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But those glasses.
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She said people shit on her most of the time when she blogs so it can't be sj.
So Mirai is secretly a masochist? It all makes sense now.
Mirai a shit. A SHIT.
But they have to make shows first, for movie material.

And money.
She looks extra fluffy in that picture where she's eating.
I dunno, she still gets pretty worked up about her regrettable chest.
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mirai eating.gif
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DFC a best
and so is Mirai
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since today is Valentines Day
>Mirai's face
Maximum 1st world suffering.
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More webms please.
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Sex with ______!
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She's going to knock over her juice
Damnit, it's just not the same without sound.

Why is Yakiimo so fucking fat?
Mirai is up there with Kyoani's best girls
I want to cum on Mirai's glasses, they are so huge.
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Do you know Chuu2Koi? Despite its flaw and "fuck you fans!" in S2, the romance still worth damn. At least it has nice build up and nice moment being put together and then climaxed at that under-blanket scene. I'm not a kissu fag (seriously, fuck those assholes who demand a kiss just because). But, the whole TLS doesn't have a proper and satisfying romance buildup (buildup! not ending). Like, for fuck's sake Tamako is just a dumb girl who has mochi inside her head the entire S1. Now, you're telling me that she suddenly 'magically' loves Mochizo because he confessed to her and about to leave? WHAT?

Somehow I know Yamada's intention since it has been covered in an interview (translated by megax). That we've had the whole S1 telling that anybody loves somebody, so this movie will be focusing on Tamako also loves somebody. And pretty much the movie sticks at what Yamada has said IN OUR FACE! No proper romantic buildup or any tension AT ALL! I almost get the impression that Tamako would zone out Mochizo in the end but still loves to hang around her or something. Heck even Mochizo's interaction with Midori was far more dynamic and actually engaging. For Tamako? It just so awfully awkward and painful to watch. Yamada doesn't know shit how to build a relationship.

Thats only the romance part. There are also bits of character growth but mainly just nitpicking. Also, Mochizo and her peers. The whole script just felt like 14-years old writing on a manga cafe or something.

inb4 "you missed the whole point and go watch the ending/epilogue."
That's a tight fit
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Let's try one more time. Sex with
Keep trying
you missed the whole point and go watch the ending/epilogue faggot

Never mind his copypasta.
>UTW will never sub the movie
All he does is eat and keep Mitsuki's tits warm. Livin the dream.
>it's going to be tamako love story all over again
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>dumping this much money into a flop

what the fuck?
Is she a SJW?
it's like you don't know that kyoani does whatever the fuck it wants
You can do this when you have spare money lying around.
Suicidal Jesus Warrior? Yeah.
From the unanimated LN? Yes!!
Would that make Akihito an MRA - a Megane Revering Aficionado?
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literally Free money
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Mirai Resurrection Activist
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>>dumping this much money into a flop
>what the fuck?
I am going to assume you are not trolling, and explain what is going on; because KyoAni is both the animator and the publisher of the source material, they get to double dip on the profits of the show. Of course most of the money still end up with faceless fund managers, but the fact is KyoAni gets a bigger percentage of the final profits when they make their own show. This means even with mideocre sales, KyoAni is still better off than animating Key or Kadokawa works. The only reason they don't do it often enough is because most their source material is shit. This is why KnK has been altered so much, because they actually don't trust the original story un-altered.
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>no post idol camping trip ova
With how amazing the Tamako Market movie was I have high hopes for this release as well. The PV definitely makes it seems like it might have a more serious tone than the TV series and I'm okay with that. A bit of a dramatic love story paired with KyoAni's god-tier art and animation should make for a great movie.
Remember that trailers always lie. KnK trailer was really good and hyped everyone when it first came out and look how mediocre the show turned out. On the other hand, Hyouka trailer was relatively low-key and the actual show blew everyone away.
Are BD's mastered at 1080p?
>inb4 you can't spoiler love screencap.
TLS trailer was good and so was the movie
To be fair, a movie will probably be plotted more tightly. About half of KnK's episodes felt like filler.
Tamako Love Story wasn't.

I have yet to see KnK Shinonome. Guess I'll get the 1080p
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Still no scans.
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"KnK was a mistake"
- Taichi Ishidate
I'm surprised I haven't seen some autist analyze this picture and say how the position of the chess pieces is impossible or something
The PV for Tamako Love Story was great, and the movie was even better
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Anon went to comiket and didn't scan shit.
Needed more idol squad hunting.

I want to do lewd stuff with all of them.
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Take it up with their pimp.

I'd fuck her too.
I want to do sappy romantic stuff with Mitsuki and make her blush a lot.
This show is all about the older ladies.
sorry, only older brothers get to see that
You wouldn't fuck a christmas cake.
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>thinking you can handle Mitsuki
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Like hell I would. Just not that one.
>said the soon-to-be wizard

Bro should have impregnated her when she was young. Now she grew up to be a bitch.
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She grew up to dislike him BECAUSE of his obsessive siscon shit
It's for the best.
Loose imoutos sink boatos

She's tsundere for it.
Christmas cakes with two mouths cannot be trusted
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But can you make her do this?
Kyoani vs SHAFT for foot service. Who wins?
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When will they finally animate a Hyouka movie?

There isn't enough source material for a 2nd season, but there is enough for at least one great movie.

Pls make it happen, KyoAni ;_;
I would've said SHAFT before KnK and Amaburi. I wonder if there will be any in the movies? I bet we'll get at least one good shot.
The 5th novel is just about Oreki solving another boring mystery.
I can't see them making a movie about that.
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what did he do to her?
W-W-well I-Shut up.
>that one stray hair in the gif
has fluffiness gone too far?
Completely fine talking about how she's not wearing panties...completely loses it when she realizes her chest is an ironing board.

Yes people who didn't like Kara No Kyoukia must have shit taste. As for this boring series, the same could not be said.
not give her the dick for one
She is wearing panties though, they started talking about it because she stank despite washing herself, and she said that she had to use the dirty underwear because she didnt bring extra.
They ran out of soap too. They never killed that youmu so Mitsuki permanently smells bad.
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Kyoani always has great soundtracks.
Are you ready for KyoAni to redefine olev yet again?
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A-are you the guy that posted the really high res picture of Obama in the other thread?
I-if so please stop ;n;
>Loved KnK
>Able to ignore shitposters who hate Kyoani for whatever stupid reason
>Excited for the movie
>That fucking trailer
>Know enough moon that I can watch the movie without waiting 16 years for it to get subbed
It's a good day to be alive.
>2 hours of Kanie masturbating and Sento watching while making funny faces as the mascots tease her
I'd watch that shit twice a day.
You'll have to wait 16 years to get the rips though
>Wow, so there is a chance that this new Mirai isn't the real one after all.
Her body is definitely a puppet body, and I'm sure her memories got jumbled up on the way out, seeing as her blood was eaten by the KnK which was eaten by Aki which was then essentially vomited out into a meat doll. If then entire movie is as good as the last 4 episodes of the TV series were, this is going right up there with Hyouka, Nichijou and the Haruhi movie in my book.
Sex with glasses on.
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Izumi confirmed?
Well fuck.
I spent over $100 buying a daki and some manga from amazon jp today. Do you really think that I won't just import a movie if I want to watch it and there aren't rips? I think I spend close to 3k a year on weebshit.
You couldn't tell it was her by how fast she was? Only one person in the series moved that quick. I can easily see her trying to kill fake Mirai because not only is this one a youmu she's a youmu with mirai''s cursed blood powers and we know how broken she was with just that.
Izumi is going to kick her ass. Nice find.
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Couple more shots.

Looks like her
The problem is you'll have to wait for the BDs to release anyway, not whether some nip cares to rip it.
I doubt she'll be the endboss. She'd already taken some demon powers and wasn't pure evil yet. Unless maybe she's back now to exterminate Mirai so that she doesn't spill the beans about her plans and whatnot.

Fujimiya was stronger than her.

>Izumi is going to kick her ass.
Nah, Mirai without her self imposed power limiter is broken.
I'm glad they seem to be picking up the things they left open from the show. I was worried that they would drop everything and just keep going.
But anon, that only takes 16 months, not 16 years!

Actually by the time that comes out, I might consider translating the movie myself. I do scanlation stuff with some people and my groupmates have wanted to sub some stuff that wasn't an edited CR script for a while now.
Well, Izumi fucked off at the end of the series to find a cure for the youmu inside her. It will be interesting to see why she's back so soon and fighting Mirai
Sub it for your few knk bros. Nobody else is going to do it.
Please, please do.
One of Mirai's first lines for this movie was that she will decide her future so I wonder what she means by that. She does end up stabbing Akki again.
I want to, but don't get your hopes up. I'd need to ask a few people for help, and I wouldn't do it if the subs were going to be shit, which means asking Japanese Otaku friends to help me check lines. If I have the time and resources to do it, you'll find me in the threads here. I really enjoyed discussing the series in non-shitposting threads and I'd like to continue doing so.
Wasn't there something weird about the father of the Nase clan? He's probably going to have something to do with it and no doubt Fujima will be back and explain why he wanted to destroy KnK.
>Fujima will be back and explain
That nigga was just crazy.

The full workings of the Nase mafia clan need their own movie. I think this one will be more about Aki and Mirai than anything.
Mindbroken Izumi?
>now I've lost it
>I know I can kill
still fuck her though
Man, Kyokai no Kanata has god-tier adult women in the cast

When will they do adult women SOL show considering Shirobako is becoming a surprise success
Fujima's youmu infusion was similar to Izumi's. I think there is a connection. There is more to the plot than just Akkey and Mirai, of course they are the main characters, but there is still some pretty interesting stuff going on in the background. Hiroomi still answers to his father and it would appear that he didn't know about Izumi being part youmu. Yayoi is knee deep in all of the shit too, plus she gave birth to a half youmu and the most powerful character in their universe so far.
>Fujima's youmu infusion was similar to Izumi's. I think there is a connection
He commented on her throwing away her humanity or something like he did, but we don't know about the methods or anything more about their reasons (outside of the obvious). Of course there are interesting side characters, but it's only a single movie and I'd rather it tell a more focused chapter of the story. Now if we got a movie every couple years or so, that'd be something. If both of Aki's parents show up and get shit done, it might be the best thing ever.
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>yfw they adapt more of their CM and add adult women in the cast
Will the recap BD come out before the second movie?
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>New monsters confirmed to be scarier

3 spooky 4 me
I doubt it, the movies are releasing only a month apart in theaters
So we're probably not going to see this until fall or winter?
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Guys, what if Ishidate actually want to make movie instead tv series?
So that we could post webms of animation that are better than literally everything else, and when the anti Kyoani shitposters start shitposting about a show they don't watch, we can laugh and tell them they're mad that this one webm has more budget and attention to detail than their entire favorite series.
I hope it's not the same director as the TV show.
It is
All is lost.
> not having faith in Ishidate
>All is lost.
Someone let the shitposting get to him.
So will each movie have a new song? the one for the recap can be for the opening singer and the next one can be for the ones who did the ending theme.
And then during the finally of the second movie we get a Chihara Minori insert song for the climax, right?
And by "climax," you mean when Akihito literally shatters Mirai's happy hole?
I want that too, but I think playing Daisy for a romance scene would be more fitting.


Listen to that shit and tell me inserting it as a grand fight started wouldn't be phenomenal.
Didn't they insert the opening song for that scene where Akiko and Mirei started beating Yomu fodder together? I wish he had at least kept the ability to defend himself.
They inserted it for him running down the street to leap up to the KnK and go after Mirai. It was glorious.
>having faith in Hanada
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Looks like a lot of romance will be in this.
Really Lelouch? Does it look that way? Who would have fucking guessed that a continuation of a story about 2 characters who share a unique and romantic bond, with the original story ending on a romantic note, would continue in a way that perpetuated more romance on screen.

Your insight is as amazing as your taste in girls.
It's just like my romantic comedies!
>Leaping inside of a demon to save your waifu as you have to fight a physical manifestation of both of your feelings of isolation, doubt and fear
What kind of romcoms are you watching?
Not that, the dramatic running to save/catch the love interest set to some sort of music part.
>You will never have kouhai like Ai-chan
Why even life?
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The show was such garbage that I'm not getting my hopes up for this.

Beautiful visuals as always, will watch it for this at least.
>The show was such garbage that I'm not getting my hopes up for this.
The shitposting was such garbage that I'm not getting my hopes up for the threads.
I'm not sure I want to be Ema.
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the key visual is nice
Amagi was a comedy, it didn't need stunning animation
And yet it still had great animation.

But by your logic, Nichijou doesn't need great animation either, but we all know that Nichijou was the greatest thing ever, so let's not write off comedy shows as not needing great animation.
thank you based Kyoani
subtitles when?
KnK had beautiful artwork.
Thread posts: 262
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