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Post pics that prove old anime wasn't always deep and "philosophical"

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Thread replies: 265
Thread images: 90

Post pics that prove old anime wasn't always deep and "philosophical" as people might think right now.
Nobody thinks it was deep and philosophical you dumbass, we just think that the girls were prettier, sexier and the action was more badass.

also it had ecchi, but not overwhelming amounts of moe. that's why people here praise old anime, not because depth or someshit
> prettier, sexier and action more badass
Please make me laugh more
That is a very deep screenshot that captures the philosophical quandaries of the role clothing plays in society as it both supports us and binds us.
I watched Gunbuster last night for the first time and I'm not sure how I feel about it. My initial impression was something like a 2.5/5, but I read some essays on it and watched some reviews and I think I like it a little more the more I think about it.

Is Gunbuster deep, /a/nons? Or is it just douchebags looking too hard into stupid bullshit?
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That's not KLK m8
Or maybe you're just cherry picking out the best stuff from back then and the worst stuff from today.
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>Nobody thinks it was deep and philosophical you dumbass, we just think that the girls were prettier, sexier and the action was more badass.
>also it had ecchi, but not overwhelming amounts of moe. that's why people here praise old anime, not because depth or someshit
top lel
It's sci-fi, anon. Watch Diebuster for the nice ending that wraps the whole thing up.
Compared to contemporary anime the most it has is nipples. Time dilation was a nice touch as well.
Just sage.
Nobody thinks it was philosophical, faggot

It just had better production values and artstyle.
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It wasn't deep or philosophical but it was gud

Not in the fucking 80s and 90s tho, pic related
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>not overwhelming amounts of moe
Just this
It's recognized because it shows the transition from Super Robots shit to Real Robots shit.
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Not sure on it being deep or philosophical but goddamn their violence was top notch, not as much censoring or downplaying as much.
That's an OVA though. Shit that gets censored are TV releases, and that's where the BDs come in.
It's not deep. It's fun, though.
Now watch Diebuster to compelte the set.
Good film.
I liked how she was raped.
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I'll post some more, since I see there's only youngfags here.
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This was basically sexul harrasment: the anime
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Not to mention all that school bullshit, which makes, yes the 80s had those too.
Thank you.
For those who say there wasn't moe. That's an adult elementary school teacher.
I dunno, would you buy her character singles, scales, daki, doujins etc.? Because that's what moe anime encompasses in reality and not concept level.
Not much. The amount of daytime shows hasn't deteriorated since then. What's different now is that we have a lot of late night shows aimed at adults.
>Skirts working with gravity
The best
Well, we didn't have the internet and anime was much less popular. But I can assure you we didn't watch ecchi then for its meritorical value.
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7 shows per season at maximum. We had twice that amount of daytime public TV shows last season.
Project Eden was amazing. That animation, those character designs, that music, it all came together well.
>Patlabor OVA 2
That's the good stuff right there
You're just being retarded on purpose, right? You don't actually believe that, do you?
Haha go back to tvtropes
You might say it was really over the top.
Yuri always had a nice ass.
True, but that defies the meaning of moe, since you're not invested in the character but only looking for the weekly tits and ass hijinks, if older viewers actually watched it - the 80s wasn't that deprived of porn. It's the difference of Love Live and Maken-ki.
I liked old anime because
I liked pre 2000s anime because
Why did I like old anime again?

Every romcom should've been judged by this series.
Glad no one fell for this b8
>but I read some essays on it and watched some reviews and I think I like it a little more the more I let others dictate my opinions for me

fixed that for you
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>not moe
Pick one
Old animes are horrible if you actually watch them today.
New stuff is good BECAUSE it's new. Only retards who doesn't understand basic logic wood say otherwise.
Of course, anime is only as good as its visuals, it's common sense.
This, if you didn't already watch them in the 90's you most likely won't enjoy them today.
You look at it moe, but it wasn't the intention of the director for her to look moe.
This is the saddest mindset I have ever seen.
My problem with nostalgia is that it just used to be better.
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which old series is bottom left?

Don't worry, he's actually wrong because old anime being remastered for BDs is actually higher quality than 99% of everything being released nowadays.
Absolutely. Anime now is largely the same as anime then: a few jems in a sea of mediocre to crap other shows. The jems will be remembered, the mediocre shows will be enjoyed as they air, and /a/ will spend most of its time discussing the crap.
To paraphrase, the founder of MAD Magazine on nostalgia: Anime was always best when you first started watching it.
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An outrageous typo. Truly, truly outrageous.
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Are you legitimately retarded?
The ova could work with a male MC just as easily.
It was obviously meant to monetize on her vagina.
And Abe is a known moefaggot.
This post is truly outrageous, truly truly outrageous.
pico no boku
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>deep and philosophical
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UnterAlterBach: the anime
Post the rest.
And it's also the truth.
I don't understand kyonyuu. It's like the deliciousness and excitement in watching violently jiggling boobs is not even remotely there.
While ideally one should be able to enjoy anime from a wide range of genres and eras, I would much rather deal with fans who only watch newer anime than ones who are stuck in the past and can't do anything besides complain.

>that defies the meaning of moe, since you're not invested in the character
True enough, but the moe-bashing crowd believes it's about a category of anime or character archetypes, or typically just anything that isn't gritty Sci-fi. In the sense they mean it, those things have been integral to anime all along.
This image is really incomplete. What is the point of it?
I actually like Gunbuster better than Diebuster.
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>This image is really incomplete.
It's not. They used to make like 5-6 anime for TV per season up till the 2000s, and half of it was shit for babies and 10 year old girls.
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>old anime
>always deep and "philosophical"
No one with a brain ever thought that.
Haha, I remember those. They were hilarious.
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No one with a brain ever thought it's all or mostly good either. But people with a brain around here are rare.
It's 1990 not 1990's, genius
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>that rocket launch from Wings of Honneamise
I cry everytiem
I'll see if I can find the dogfighting/battle webms.
Aren't they judged by Urusei Yatsura? I always thought that was the romcom gold standard.
>get BD remastered directors cut of 30 year old anime
>think that's how they aired it on TV if at all

You're a cute assburger.
Late night anime came up during the mid to late 90s, allegedly due to the success of Evangelion re-broadcasts.
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The only intention of the director was to tell a story
What exactly that story was and everything about it was left entirely to the viewer

Therefore Lain is super moe
Who the heck thinks that, OP?
I just like it because cel animation is more appealing to me. It felt more natural and the colors weren't in your face.

This part is nostalgia probably, but its imperfections were charming, while imperfections in anime today just seems lazy since it feels like it would be an easy thing to change with computers being involved.
It's beautiful. Does anyone have some Gunbuster .webms?
>get Abe for character design
>they were totally not going for moeblobs!

Does Ideon have a director's cut?
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There was an equal ratio of good anime to forgettable shit back in the 70s, 80s, and 90s as there is today. However shows ran longer, there were less airing at any given time, and the financial backing and marketing for individual franchises was greater making it appear that the shows of yesteryear were absolute titans to the shows of today. The fact is in the spring of 1987 there was just as much quality anime happening as there was in the spring of 2014.

The chief difference is the shows today run less time, get less backing, and since we are living in the present the bad shows stick out so much more than the bad shows of the 80s do.
Neither aired on TV. Be Invoked is a movie and Zeorymer an OVA.
How many anime get a director's cut? it's not like they produce much more material than they can use.
Barthes pls
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This gentlemen is what a rose-tinted glasses 80's anime weeb looks like.
A Contact is a recut of the key scenes of the TV series with additional detail to death scenes.
Also, the good & the hilariously bad shows from before are remembered, while the simply bad shows are forgotten. The same can't be said about today's shows. That's confirmation bias.
I have a better question for you.
Do you know if that scene is from the TV or the Movies?

Because I'm almost positive it's from the movies.

Which is my point. Every time a well animated scene, gore or tits are shown it's from an OVA or a movie. So posting them trying to make a point about old anime is meaningless.
New OVAs and movies are superior as well.

It's just a meaningless thread.
>How many anime get a director's cut? it's not like they produce much more material than they can use.

Mecha anime get a "director's cut" all the time.
Younger fans I meet today look back on like 2004-05 as this bygone era and are rose-tinted about what came out then. They think they missed out on this era when all anime was good, forgotten the number of bad anime released then.

It's no different than us older guys and the 80s.
> Those explosions
This might be one of the most beautiful anime ever made.

It seems to be a lot like /vr/.

There will be 19 year old kids who pay $40 for old NES carts and show a big collection and claim "modern games just aren't goo anymore".

They struggle through the best and worst of the 80s and claim it was all solid gold. They will defend obsucure unplayable shit as being "ahead of it's time" even though the game was rushed, incomplete, and the challenge was not by design but simply a result of bad play control.

95% of old games were shit. Just like old anime.
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It's mainly disgruntled /v/irgins who are angry that most modern Japanese games are just otaku pandering shit instead of the glorious stuff they remember from the 80s.
I though the first one was merely a recut of the TV series.
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>o-o-o-other people do it too so it's alright
No, both groups are shit.

I agree with /v/. Japanese games have gone down in quality immensely.
It seems like half the shows from 80s that get brought up are of the extreme so-bad-it's-good OVA variety. Of course, the thing about a lot of those OVAs, Angel Cop for instance, is that they're considered bad mostly because some guy on ANN said so.
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Not always. If only all the series looked like this.
>marginalizing your retarded opinion
You're fucking wrong, cancer.
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Mah nigga
Why was space blue in Macross 7?
Everything was wrong on Macross 7.
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Yea those old PC9800 games were proper grimdark adventures. It's not like modern JRPGS that are full of lewd catgirls and sexploitation elves.
I really like the graphical style found in a lot of old Japanese PC games. Compare that with Princess Maker 4.
No, see, that only applies to shitty shows. I watched 0079 and votoms and liked them fine, but dropped blue gender like the sack of irredeemable garbage it is.
He was trolling.

Or he's a legitimate moron.
Yeah, I just wanted to shit on blue gender because someone posted a screen of it and it reminded me how terrible it is.
Truth to be told, I like old eroge. They had eroge for all sorts of genres while nowadays it's just simple adventures and a few RPG.
I don't miss them because there's still a ton I haven't played.
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Or the early 90s moe pandering games (before they called it "moe").

Cute all-girl cast, who sleep-in and run to work with toast in their mouth. And they are also pirates!
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I miss everything being hand drawn. I'll take the QUALITY that comes with that if it means we still get the impressive exceptions.
While digital assisted production isn't bad per se at all it's pretty much only used as a cost cutting homogenizing feature. In the modern era there's less polarization when it comes to QUALITY but that also means there's less impressive stuff as well.
Pic related, it's digital not being necessarily evil.

And a lot of the early eroge wasn't necessarily explicit. Most was pantyshots and nipples as rewards for reaching certain achievements. They really were not that far off from the modern PS Vita fan service game.
Is there any relation to the OVA Cosmos Pink Shock?
I think this whole toast in mouth cliche goes back to the 60s or 70s.
What is this?
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>Unraveling thighhighs
Early eroge had growing rewards. You start with small glimpses and in the end get the full monty.
Censorship wasn't as enforced during the 80s so quite a few have detailed vaginas without mosaic or other censoring.
>the girls were prettier, sexier and the action was more badass.
You could not be any more wrong.
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>also it had ecchi, but not overwhelming amounts of moe.
You clearly don't even know what moe is.
Here, have more Dirty Pair.
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I can't believe no one posted this yet.

I don't beleive so.

But in the sequel to the moe pirate game they added a catgirl. The producers decided it wasn't already moe enough. This was 1990 though and by then every single fantasy game should have a catgirl if at all possible.
We have more genre variety in eroge (and moege) than ever before, it's just that most of it isn't published by big-name companies..
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In the PC98 days they even had a predecessor to Kancolle and other moe anthropomorphic genres (strike witches, upotte, etc).

In "Armor girl" it was a war sim where each boat, jet and tank was personified as a cute girl wearing the vehicle/weapon accessories.
Is he ok?
Holy shit, that's easily the world's worst propeller design. That thing wouldn't have been going anywhere, let alone the sky.
Those weren't real eroge, just regular Japanese computer games. Those still existed back in the day.
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The ecchi genre still existed at the time as an in-between gap between true eroge and generic RPG. Most were very tame by modern standards.
Ero is ero. If the point is to see panties and nipples it's an eroge.
I guess it's just easier for me to sift through the few thousand titles on the PC-98 than to find something comparable for Windows.
Most people remember PC98 for Koei strategy games and YU-NO
You could just hit the doujinge threads on /jp/ or maybe /hgg/ once they get over AA2.
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Koei strategy games were multiplat though.

The PC-98 was home to more RPGs and lewd games than anything else. The dating sim genre really came to life on that platform and that is what kept it alive long after it was technologically obsolete.

The PC Engine and FM towns shared some of the games, but the PC-98 owned eroge in it's era.
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I can't tell if her head is just tiny or her hair is fuck-huge.
Where's that from?
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>the girls were prettier, sexier
They really were. Waifu related.
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How on earth does the fact that they didn't air on tv disqualify them as old anime?

I was just posting .gifs of older anime to keep the thread going not to make a point or some shit. On top of that if you think "a well animated scene, gore or tits" make an anime deep and "philosophical" you're an even bigger retard than I'd already assume you are.
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Oh, god, I didn't know this was a thing back then.
>pirate with toast in her mouth late for piracy
I swear, one day they'll find a shitload of Ukiyo-e prints with a lovely maiden with toast in her mouth late for calligraphy practice
There are some parallels to anime. Softcore is almost a dead art and hentai in general has become very formulaic. Few companies are willing to take risks and break the patterns.
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>Post pics that prove old anime wasn't always deep and "philosophical" as people might think right now.


Your call, OP.
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>Yang Wen-Li
>Loves: Half Circles, alcohol, historical perspective
>Hates: Lt. Mashengo
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You have restored my faith in you /a/ with this discussion of games from yesteryear. I need to improve my moon so I can play them all.

Thank you /a/ for improving my quality of life. It took 10 years, but my patience paid off.
I want to watch this series.

Low-quality laserdisc or jarring redraws BD?

Nadesico really set the standard for otaku pandering, considering it was just a Yamato parody made in 1996.

>homage to 1970s mecha anime and hot blooded mecha pilots
>One girl is a former voice actress in a magical girl series
>One girl is a fujoshi and draws BL manga
>A Kuudere that out-Rei's Rei Ayanami (and also wears cat pajamas).
>A more forgettable Tsundere
>love triangle cooking episode
>Christmas episode
>beach episode
>beauty pageant episode
>an anime convention episode
>"early 21st century highschool" VR sim
>best recap episode in the history of anime

They managed to do pretty much all of this on their ship while flying to Jupiter.
I've been working my way through the BD, had half the people tell me that was the way to go and the other half say the low-quality was the way to go. Honestly the early episodes (especially the first 26) are filled with QUALITY no matter how you slice it.

But the storytelling and directing is incredible and nothing should detract from that.
Laser disc. the jarring redraws are just that. Jarring. Be prepared to have everyone you get attached to die terribly. Stay out of LoGH threads too.
...What? The arc words were 'Let's all love Lain'.

Her character design had to be as moe as possible so everyone watching would literally love Lain.
>>best recap episode in the history of anime

I don't know if it set the standard as much as it was one of the first. Otaku pandering had been slowly developing itself from the late 80s and early 90s as the same people who used to be otaku now were the ones making anime. Nadesico certainly can be considered at the forefront of what would come later though. That being an entire wave of shows that treated themselves as confined to a specific otaku circle and needed to pander to them as much as possible.
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>best recap episode in the history of anime

Undeniably yes.

The in-show "classic anime" Gekiganger III got it's own episode, where they were real and they watched a cartoon called Nadesico.

The 1970's characters watched the 13 episode recap episode and commented on it from their own perspective.

Just as the Nadesico pilots drew inspiration from Gekiganger, the Gekiganger pilots drew inspiration from the heroic feats of the Nadesico crew. The villain was also watching Nadesico and he was also inspired from it.

It was one of the most original clip/recap episodes of all time.
Shinobu a SHIT. Wish she had died early on in the show or something she's such a fuckin bitch.
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>Im watching Heidi of the Alps right now

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Too late, this thread already degenerated and got actual discussion.
The whole term "JRPG" really bothers me.
It implies mechanical differences between RPGs and "JRPGs". And it really makes no sense whatsoever if you know something about RPG history, or the rich history of the industry in Japan and outside of it.
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Not old, but oh boy, where to begin.


_______________________________ This anime is a masterpiece from the physiological point. Anyone who disagrees was too dumb to realize its greatness.
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Kiddy Grade. Loaded with fanservice, and a plot/scenario to get one's teeth into.

Thus it's my all-time favourite anime series.
It's fine if you use it in the same way as anime/cartoons. A JRPG is just a RPG from Japan. There is no inherent gameplay, art or whatever attached to it, it doesn't even have to be in Japanese.
Yeah, lots of good smug in that one.
2002 is considered old now? I already have difficulties seeing 1992 as old.
Noice b8 U got there m8
Ok, this is interesting. What is this?
>mfw with that PV was great footage that was never used

Fuck you, Gonzo. I wanted Eclair slicing soldiers with her lipstick weapon and bikinis.

Most Japanese RPG lack roleplaying.
My nigger.
most JRPGs are pretty different from western RPGs, usually in storytelling manner
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In an episode of the sequel series (made by Satelight*) "Kiddy Girl-and":

*- Macross Frontier. Galaxy Angel Rune. Muv-Luv. Moretsu Pirates.

>Cute/hot girls... in SPAAAACE!

Proof that Satelight can do no wrong.
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I prefer 80/90s because Mecha was hand animated and not shitty out of place CG shit.
To elaborate, most westerners are also pretty confused about the genre, but at least they got the basic gist of it, it has to involve narrative decision making, how many JRPG have that? Furthermore almost all JRPG have you control entire parties of character, a concept which is almost antithetical to the idea of roleplaying.

To be fair most Japanese games have an MC surrounded by companions. He is the leader and decision maker (for the few decisions that are made, anyway).

The other party members are controllable for the sake of game play.
Japanese media always loved to have fun with light sexual entertainment and comedy. That has always been there. There was an oldschool 'moe' aesthetic before people knew what to call it. But it was there. And it's fine. It's a fun little element of anime.
>Kiddy Girl-and
So bad it almost gave me cancer.
Is Dark Souls a JRPG?
Absolutely not.
> a concept which is almost antithetical to the idea of roleplaying.

Wrong, cRPGs had controllable parties since the time of fucking Ultima,BG,Arcanum,etc.

In the first place "Role Playing Game" is just a borrowed term from the PnP version. Technically speaking you can roleplay as every character, even Kratos from God of War.

Here's some defining traits of the RPG genre (parties have nothing to do with it)
>Story and setting

>Exploration and quests

>Items and inventory

>Character actions and abilities

>Experience and levels
Game must have one of the following :
-The experience system (Get exp ,level up , increase stats)
-The training system (Hit things many times with a sword , character becomes better with Swords)
But it's an RPG from Japan. According to the post I'm quoting, it has nothing to do with gameplay, and the only thing that matters is its origin.
Made in Japan, yes. Your typical JRPG, no.
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...yet, you still watched the series. Me, I watched the first few minutes of ep. 1 of Kaiji. The terminal ugliness gave me eye cancer. I clicked off the media player and deleted the file. That's the difference betwen you & I, I guess.
>Game must have one of the following :
All it really needs is mechanics derived from TRPGs.
Which is essentially what you listed, but still.
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>Your typical JRPG, no.
But Japan has always had games like them, even from the PC-98 era.
It's nothing new.
What I meant to say is that any RPG worth calling an RPG needs to have "leveling up" which can happen in two ways. One is the standard "level up at 1000 experience" , and the other method is the one used by certain games in the past, like Ultima where you hit things with a weapon and your "weapon skill" levels up automatically.
There is no such thing as 'typical JRPG'. It's too varied a genre. And no, Final Fantasy is not a fucking genre.
but it was
Reminder that DQ was based heavily on Ultima. WRPGs and JRPGs share the same roots.
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Safari Eyes > Over the Top
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Gary Gygax had multiple characters. RPG may have evolved from wargames by making them asymmetric they didn't necessary make you take on a single role.
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I don't understand why some say DQ1 was based on Wizardry. Wiz was obviously a big hit in Japan and progenitor of most later RPG but in DQ the influence is minor compared to Ultima.
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I'm on Episode 2 right now. It's definitely not meant to be taken too seriously or interpreted in the same way Eva is, but the attention to detail (like Time Dilation and shit) makes it really enjoyable and fun. Plus, the animation is extremely beautiful.
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Idk what you mean by Safari Eyes, but the eyes were great.
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>complaining about resolution size, using an ugly fucker as a reaction image

>complaining about resolution size, period
>not watching IMAX-sized anime

>Ugly fucker
>Not using superior R63'd versions

...kinda out of your league, eh?
What did this guy use to search up anime by season that far into the past?
>Opening Theme:
>"Safari Eyes" by Miki Matsubara
>Ending Theme:
>"Pas de Deux" by Miki Matsubara
>Insert song:
>"Matters To Me" by Poker Face
>"Over The Top" by Miki Matsubara
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Oh, I think I get it, now that's safari right?
>Autism: The Post
So I was completely wrong. Thanks.
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>Autism: The Post

>>111201694 ? Certainly. Otherwise, he wouldn't care about the resolution of an image/annime it's taken from.

Unless everyone here watches IMAX-sized anime, infinitely bigger than BD-resolutions, then your so-called butthurt about resolutions (non)argument is invalid, /a/.
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Reformat your entire post. It is a syntactic nightmare. My eyes feel like vomiting.
>>111201035 Wrong, cRPGs had controllable parties since the time of fucking Ultima,BG,Arcanum,etc.

And they're lesser RPGs for it.
You're right that you can role-play as practically any character or object in any game, however in a roleplaying game this sits at the core of the play mechanics. The game has to be centered around a narrative and it has to bend according to the player's action.
As a matter of fact, your average eroge is more of an RPG than Final Fantasy.
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It's funny because I hear the same shit form nostalgiafags saying there were less sexual things and less focused on pretty girls. Then they go on to say how cool Tenchi Muyo was.
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That ass has more deepness than shit like Kill la Kill
This was done by Bahi, right? Why does he whine about moe if the character in this video is moe as fuck? Do people just shout ''moe'' at anything they don't like or something?
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Hug you, Satsuki's ass is much deeper than a puddle like that.
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Who ever thought that?

I'm no native english speaker, but isn't the word depth?
Neither. The word you want is "deepitude".
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>lesser rpg
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Shhh, that is internet lingo like the intentional use of "bestest".
I understand now Freddy. It's the amount of DEEP it has, not the depth itself. I'm sorry, I was wrong.
No they mean about the same thing, try googling it
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There ya go
Hi icycalm.
Except for Ultima 1 and 2 of course. They're on par with the great RPG ancestor Rogue before they were tainted with elements from that shit stain Wizardry.
Of course Zork is the greatest RPG of all times.
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Tim Buckley?
>And they're lesser RPGs for it.

No they're not. And cRPGs purpose was to simulate the PnP RPG experience. Usually you didn't play alone, you had a party, thus parties in cRPGs too.

I don't really understand why you consider this a problem, you only controlled the characters during the fights as to constitute less of a problem for the developer to make AI that will satisfy the player. In the end your party members are still their own characters, you don't roleplay as them, they follow you for their reasons and you only control them during fights. Everywhere else you roleplay as the blank state that is the player character.
An* not and.
>Japanese games have gone down in quality immensely.
They haven't actually, it's just that none of the good stuff gets translated anymore. If I had a fat stack of cash and a bottomless supply of translators, I would dedicate my life to bringing over niche Japanese games.
don't leave us hanging, what's this
>only control them during fights
You can also use them to open chests, disarm traps and shit like that. Many games will allow you to continue with your party even while your main character has is dead or otherwise incapacitated.
His point is that you don't determine their personality, things like that. You act less like their brain and more like their leader. Which your character usually is.
You control their every move, their equipment and even their clothes. The only thing that's fixed is their name and in some cases their look, voice and class.
If you can't see how deep and philosophical that scene is then you are a shallow person.
Super Junk Boy if i'm not mistaken
Duh. That's the point.
You probably need to be logged in.
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Not so sure nowadays.
They seem to follow more so the Tenchi or Mahoromatic route, where there's only one MC surrounded by a bunch of females that want him and maybe one guy that rarely gets screen time.

>only one MC
Yeah... I meant one relevant male character.
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>I miss everything being hand drawn.

What does that even mean?
Everything is still hand drawn.

If you're talking about animators going digital (Flash, Toon Boom, TVpaint etc) then you're frankly stupid and wrong because in Japan most animating is still done with your traditional pen & paper, only difference being that coloring is done digitally. So quite literally the only difference between now and then is that we have a clearer picture and better resolution and wider range of colors.

I don't know you, but you are probably like most /a/nons here who watch a lot of airing anime, with a backlog of classics. Classics obviously gaining such reputation not only through good story, but also good animation production. When you watch new anime, you see a lot of half-assed shit because that's how anime is and has always been, but when you look back at old anime you only see great masterpieces. This obviously gives a twisted image of the old anime industry.
I feel like you're just not looking at the right places. Anime is just as well, if not better animated than what it used to be, which is mostly thanks to the digital coloring and capturing methods.
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oh boy
Not everything is hand drawn, a lot of shows use CGI for things like mechs and vehicles and they usually look like shit.
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Remember when they used to show anime on the Sci-Fi Channel?

Remember when it was the Sci-Fi Channel?
The animation is better mainly because of higher budgets. As you stated yourself, the actual drawings are still made with pen and paper the same way they always have.
As for the inking and coloring, there are obvious advantages to doing things the digital way, but you can't really say that one method produces objectively better results than the other.
>but you can't really say that one method produces objectively better results than the other.

That's not what I'm saying. Just saying that the picture quality is better.
It's clear you didn't even read my post.
Just one thing I'll call out though
>better resolution
If you think the ~900p that studios are finally flirting with has more detail than 35mm film you're on crack.
What old hentai has the best animation /a/?
Of course I read your post.
What you're saying makes no sense though, because the only thing that has changed in the animation process is that they've gone from capturing with a camera to using a scanner. All the actual labor that happens in the animating process itself is still the same.
You're saying that the mere addition of digital technology somehow makes the animation process itself worse, when in fact all those new factors only come in to play later on in the production, way after the key drawings have been done.

>If you think the ~900p that studios are finally flirting with has more detail than 35mm film you're on crack.

Hear me out here.

Just because it's filmed on a 35 mm camera, doesn't mean that the cels themselves have more detail.
Cels were 10.5" x 12.5"
Current animation paper is 13.5" x 17"
You can put more detail into a bigger piece of paper. Simple as that. It doesn't matter what capture technology you use (scanning is more accurate anyways but that's besides the point).
Not to mention that you can be far more precise with digital coloring, than you could with cels.
>their violence was top notch,
Late 80s-90s sure was edgy gore pandering in all media.
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Tales of Titillation is pretty good.
I consider myself a bit of a romcom obsessee and I've never once felt Mahoromatic was a standard at all. Tenchi is certainly a standard for any sort of harem-based romcom, but for the traditional romcom it's gotta be Urusei Yatsura.

I guess I'm too old and the kids have a completely different perception of things based on what they saw when they were young, which is all well and good.
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The first issue of Newtype in 1985 featured the cute little fairy Cham as the cover girl.
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Military stuff and cute girls go hand in hand with each other.
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