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From August 1,?Japanese government wii give notice to about

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From August 1,?Japanese government wii give notice to about 580 illegal anime and manga uploading websites in oversea to delete those contents.
This kills the anime industry.

Face it, every anime fan overseas got into anime through piracy.
About time, they have been way to lenient.
Only streaming sites will be killed. I'm ok with that.

And they will do this, how?
You what? Read the op again. It says anime and manga UPLOADING sites.
And nobody will give a fuck.
The biggest manga streaming sites are in countries that don't give a shit.
And Nyaa doesn't give a shit either.
Worst case scenario is that a bunch of redditors can't stream anime anymore.
They only said they'll give "notice".
>If you don't stop pirating our exports, I'll...I'll...I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU
There are 580 anime and manga uploading sites?
Nippon confirmed for qt bwaka?
>/s4s/ shitposter
Opinion discarded.

Only thing that matters is nyaa and bakabt, and they'll move servers
Mostly in China, that's their target. US may cooperate without hassle.
>anonymous shitposter

Opinion discarded
You mean tsundere?
Stuff like mangafox, mangereader, shit like that.
So basically nobody should give a shit?
>implying anything will happen

This happens at least once a year, its a good excuse for anons to dust of their Ron Paul folder
They're only depriving themselves of any cash (however minimal) that would come from overseas in forms of buyfagging or tourism
Someone translate some of the comments please.
I'm not really worried.

As long as Daiz runs the cartel, I will always get my chinese cartoons.
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This one?
This. I dont think they realize all theyre going to do its kill interest and popularity. Hell, shit like the Madoka streaming in murrica and Knight of Sidonia on netflix wouldnt have happened if not for fansubbing.
What are they going to do if the sites don't comply?
Oh no, they're going to crack down on piracy. Because that has been so effective in the past across all mediums including anime, I better start panicking and posting Ron Paul images all day.
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>opinion discarded
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oh pleas
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We are covered.
Don't you understand?

They're taking away your freedom to watch anime illegally over the internet! Next thing, they'll be taking away your freedom to speak out against the government!
>july 2014
>implying any dust is left on the happening folder
[citation needed]

I could just as easily say in our present day world of streaming it's because CR has shown Americans will pay for anime and not pirate it.
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>Already have all the anime I care about on my hard drive.
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>he thinks that basic reading comprehension is opinion
>he doesn't know about [s4s]
What an idiot.
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what happen the ehentai?
Nothing will change.
The source says even only chinese anime and manga piracy acounted for about US 5600 million dollar last year.
That could have funded your favorite anime.
Fakku killed sandapanda, they've deleted nearly all the licensed works
What a stupid way of thinking, sasuga Japan.
>5600 million dollar

That's 5.6 billion. What
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One does not simply request that illegal anime and manga gets removed.

Ah yes, the "if they didn't pirate it they would've paid for it instead!" argument.
>US 5600 million dollar
You sure it's not in yen?
>piracy accounted for nearly 6 billion dollars

Some vanilla got deleted and every retard and their dog started claiming it was the end of ehentai although it effected less than 10% of the shit on there
That list gets longer every time I see it. Also, apparently I'm in the same uni as daiz is
I love Japan is that naive.

Kill him and steal his internet life.
This isnt something you can easily provide a citation. Think of it rationally though. Would anyone in the west give a shit about Madoka to the extent they do now if we had to wait years for release due to a non existent fansubbing community? Why would the movies be aired in theaters if nobody gave a shit?

"Casuals" and normalfags represent the bulk of western anime fans and regardless of whether you like or dislike them they're still the reason why shit thats good for us happens. Anime is an easily consumable, varied medium, that can be streamed online for free or very cheaply. If people can't stream it then they will start to care less since not every show is officially or "officially" done by funi, cr, aniplex, etc.
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>US 5600 million
>Cantonese animated cartoons
Go beat him up. Please.

>5600 million dollar last year.

You mean yen right? That would make it around $55 million and much more reasonable.
is that bald guy really daiz?
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>mfw I only buy things after I've pirated and watched/read them
>mfw if they make me stop pirating I'll also stop buying
The current anime industry can die for all I care.
>Some vanilla got deleted

This is so stupid, if we couldn't pirate we wouldn't watch anime at all and the few buyfags out there who buy BDs wouldn't buy anything at all.
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oh wow its nothing. Also not like if they take out one there wont be three more in its place.
>300k+ viewers
>no lag
Do you bully him with it?
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As if even 5% of the people who pirated it would pay for the ridiculously overpriced blurays sold in Japan.
560 billion in yen.
Will this impact us, like, at all?
Does he have cancer or something? Why is he so bald?
He's right it was mostly vanilla shit
Not in the slightest.
He's so moe, but I hate his fucking guts.

You know what you must do, anon

Save anime
It's probably only going to hit online manga streaming sites that just have a new site set up in a day and maybe some of those shit-tier video streaming sites that you shouldn't be using in the first place.
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OPM life time cosplay.
It never does.
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Good to hear.
560 billion yen
No, but only if you're not a faggot.
>100+ episode series
>not expensive as fuck
So, streaming sites will die?
What if Nyaa went down?
Yes, this will strike a heavy blow against anime piracy. Nyaa and Bakabt will probably go down. People in this thread are naive for denying it.
Daiz would create wan.se
Why would the total number of episodes increase the price of each individual blu-ray?
tokyotosho as a backup.
>He's right it was mostly vanilla shit
So as long it's vanilla it's shit? I'd like to remind you that every work is either purely of one genre or a mix of two or more.

Just saying its vanilla shit is wrong, man. Some delicious henreader and kinku disappearded too. And Napata's work isn't shit either.
It's just a tracker so there's nothing uploaded there. You should know this by now.
>Nyaa going down
>With Daiz support
Not happening, anon.
Then we'll go back to TT, just like old times
this is japan, they'll send a fax to shut boxtorrents down and don't even know about baka
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Even if this does kill fansubbing, which it probably won't, it feels good knowing my imouto has a CR account that I can jump ship to.
We might get more "my favorite streaming site got taken down by the government, where do I watch my DragonBleaPiece now" threads.
Are you telling me that there is 50 individual blu-rays? Whats the cost per episode?
Anon you must live up to your destiny. Save the world
Casuals usually use Hulu and CR though, and are willing to wait. So I don't see your point entirely. The fansubbing community was built on hardcore fans watching countless shows a season. For casuals as soon as an easier way to watch it comes around, they go for that. It's why Netflix and Hulu both exploded and led to everyone "binge-watching". It was right in front of them for, in the case of Hulu, just a few ads.

And back in the day, even though people had to wait a few months or years word of mouth got around pretty quickly when a VHS release happened.

The thing is we don't know an alternate world of licensed anime on TV without fansubs. It's known fansubbing, and the ease of getting it, killed a lot of the licensing companies and took anime off TV for the most part. If there were no fansubs would anime have grown through TV broadcasts and rental video stores as it did in the 90s? And would that growth in US popularity still have snowballed the way it did? We'll never know.
>"Casuals" and normalfags represent the bulk of western anime fans and regardless of whether you like or dislike them they're still the reason why shit thats good for us happens.

Anime being imported and subbed to the west happened long before casuals got wind of it and worked fine. With the rise of CR fansubbing has become increasingly squeezed which is a bad thing - there used to be variety in translations meaning choice and certain groups with affinities toward certain genres and hence knew better how to make good tailored translations have been eradicated or lost interest.

Even if there was several days or weeks/months delay as many of us remember it never dampened our spirits. Also many niche anime which don't get casualfag exposure nor ever will get interest are still subject to the whims of fansub groups because crunchyshit won't pick them up (e.g. Hyouge Mono).

XDCC. I don't torrent anyway since I'm not sure if my college wifi allows it.
You do realize that there's 4 blurays there, right?
LoGH has 110 episodes.
Around 27 episodes on each BD.
Let's get the average price of 750 dollars.
750/27 = ~28 dollars. You're paying around 28 dollars for each episode.
Why does your imouto have a CR account in the first place? Also does she have good taste?
>So as long as it's vanilla it's shit?

The Pirate Bay's founder is in jail and the site is still going and migrating when needed. Fuck even Demonoid is back. You can't stop trackers.
It's an OVA series, it's older and on Bluray, it's probably the remastered version, they can sell it more expensive because of age and pedigree.
This. I dont want to sound entitled or anything but for an industry as niche as anime for otaku they should be glad theres some minor interest elsewhere.

If people back home are buying lemonade for $2 and you learn you can sell lemonade overseas for a $0.75 and still make a profit because there some guys who bootleg lemonade thus creating a small market and a slight demand you should go for it. But if you get greedy and not only try to shut those guys down but also try to sell it for $2 maybe they'll just loose interest and go back to drinking orange juice like they always have. After all, lemonade isnt made for them.
Well that just, like, your opinion.

Fuck off and fuck you.
B-but I really like romancing vanilla shit complete with hand holding and dates
Pretty much nothing will go down, since what they'll do is send out a lot of emails saying "Stop doing this OR ELSE", but nothing will ever happen if you just ignore them.
You have a shit tier imouto. I taught mine the wonders of torrenting long ago.
one word
trackless torrents and magnet links

That way /a/ is itself a content delivery network.
If you want to read vanilla shit go do it on reddit with the other casuals
>Why does your imouto have a CR account in the first place?
Didn't know how to torrent until I taught her. Also didn't have a computer until recently so she wanted to watch it on her Xbox.
>Also does she have good taste?
The only thing she uses her CR account for is Naruto. The few other things she watches are alright, though.
>majority of /a/
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But what if they go after moot-kun?
If they do that, they're technically committing suicide because a lot of the anime get their popularity from these sites. You could watch the series and say "hey this is good maybe I'll buy it." Without that, they're shooting themselves in the foot.
>making your little hopefully cute imouto fell into the pit of disgrace you're living in
And no one gives a shit. fuck off namefag.
His mom will take over.
less than 10% sounds like a huge goddamned amount. Also some of my favorite stuff got taken down. Luckily i download/torrent my stuff but the poor fools that actually rely on stuff being online
Coughs and sneezes spread Daizeases
Five thousand, six hundred million? That doesn't make any fucking sense, retard. In any language, you illiterate scumbag.
I don't give a shit about you either, but I can't tell you to fuck off since you don't have a name.

What do I do?
Why are you even responding? Fuck off newfag.
I will never do that again. I just bought many harddrives.
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Glad I'm not the not the only one disgusted by marring the purity of the imoutos.
They can immediately go to CR or Hulu and watch a few episodes for free. If you had to pay for anything on all the legit sites it would be a lot more of a pressing point. But now it doesn't matter, casuals can get their anime free, easy, and through means endorsed by the powers that be.
>humiliating mitshiuro ichiki
aaand now we know why diaz decided to kill anime/manga/doujins. big bucks in it for him.
CR doesn't sub everything, anon.
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Ahhh fuck that noise! Real bank isn't made off of movies and television show. It's made off of the merchandising that comes from said media. http://youtu.be/PQEVgbMqq7o
>not watching anime with your imouto and making sure she has good taste
Every year "THE HAPPENING" happens and nothing actually happens. When/if it does ill just cave and sub to Crunchyroll since they're not actually shit and im not poor.
I'm a little worried. I do stream the first episode before downloading when it comes to completed series.
What with this new retard defense force?
It's clear nobody wants to pay to stream anime. If they want to pay they'd by the blu-ray. But they'd be blind to the anime and if they hate it then they'd have spent $60 for nothing.
>Not downloading what they liked

They can only blame themselves. Play the game and when you get to lvl20 you can get 2k credits a day, That's like 1 direct download, if they don't want to use or you can't use torrents.
She has a husbando too. I made sure she didn't turn into a slut. Feels good.
Does anyone have that scary picture of Daiz opening my basement's door?
Even the domestic release of Fate/Zero was around a little over $300 for the whole release.
Oh jesus. He's completely right.
This is pretty bad. Because if the government is stepping in this could lead to ISPs coming down harder on anime distribution. Not all of us are in positions where we can anonymize ourselves.

>This happens at least once a year,
Uhhh no it doesn't.
My little sister watched SnK recently and liked it.
I know what I meant anon
>playing the ponyfag game
Just use downthemall and the script.
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>Not all of us are in positions where we can anonymize ourselves.
Yes we are.
>It's clear nobody wants to pay to stream anime

Then why does CR make money?

The old days we were forced to buy a DVD or VHS to see if we liked it. Either that or drive around to countless Blockbusters and their ilk to find hopefully volume 1 somewhere. I have no nostalgia about these days. Fansubbing came along and made it more accessible, and now streaming has picked up that torch and carried it further. I feel like a lot of the people getting so bothered by "needing to pay for anime" generally are products of the endless summer and didn't know what life was like 10-12 years ago.
Jews don't go after Jews, it's in the Torah
Thats not the point dumbass. Not everything is provided by the legitimate providers. Furthermore without the ease of streaming fansubbed anime those legitimate stream sites wouldnt exist in the first place because the owners wouldnt be very aware that was something people would be into and the people themselves wouldnt even give a shit about anime.

The average streamer is the average western anime fan.

Does anyone here happen to have a list that documents some of the websites that have been asked to be taken down?

I have certain theory which personally I need evidence for.
>Uhhh no it doesn't.

You're right - we get one of these scare stories near every other month now.
>Most older shows are only available as streams as most torrents simply don't exist or are far no longer being seeded
>Most vendor wouldn't even carry them as they're practically collectable merchandise now so legally obtaining them is out of the window too.
>Most older shows will be permanently loss or beyond worthwhile to obtain
>You fags are perfectly fine with this
Fucking summer fags.
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>my imouto has a CR account
Shit onii-san
>making sure she has good taste
You've already failed. I'm sorry.
>making sure she has good taste
>torrenting over tor
Fuck off cancer.
What will they do anyways? Threaten people with ''WE WILL STOP MAKING ANIME!''?

Tor only works if you know what you're doing. The majority fuck up and then blame the software for their troubles.
> I dont think they realize all theyre going to do its kill interest and popularity.
This argument worked 6 or 7 years ago when anime streaming was in its infnacy, but not anymore. Most anime airing are streamed from official sources nowadays around the same time as the Japanese air. Fansubbing has become unnecessary in sustaining the popularity of anime.
Oh yeah. Those were dark days for anime.
I doubt ISPs are going to be able to do much if you encrypt your torrent traffic. They'll know you're torrenting, but not WHAT you're torrenting. If you get a C&D because some faggot sent your IP on a list to the ISP, just start buying VPN service from someone. Hell, I've seen some for less than the price of most MMO subscriptions.
>ISPs coming down harder on anime distribution
Good thing I live in a country where ISPs and the government don't give a single fuck about digital piracy. If everything goes wrong I can just go back to watching anime translated in my native language, although I really don't want to.
>Then why does CR make money?
Ads and "this series is region blocked pls pay me shekels first" business model.
>paying for anime
You be a dumb cunt and pay for your anime. I will continue to download glorious 1080p for free and laugh at your ass.
>not actually shit
If censorship, poor translating, and bad typesetting are your idea of good, then sure. Not to mention that not every show gets picked up by Crunchyroll.
Is there a list anywhere, do we get a forewarning of some sort?
Tor isn't safe any longer.
You upload anime to sites? Who does this?
>jumping around exit nodes and checking the 4chan ban status on them

Shit's hilarious. Good way to waste an afternoon.
So because something was always done through piracy it should continue to be that way even though it's apparent the more legitimate option is working?

Yes the streaming sites showed it could be done, they played an important role in history. Just as the old VHS trading did before video stores came into existence, and DVD burning and torrents did before streaming sites. It's the natural progression of things.

And, yes, them not having everything is a big issue but that's not something that is going to hinder the exposure to anime (just certain anime) for a large part of the population. What it means, of course, is more and more anime becomes readily available through streaming means.

Even with Netflix not everything is on there, but it still gets plenty of loyal subscribers. Hell Seinfeld isn't on there and people are content waiting for it to show up. I think you're underestimating the consumer in some ways.
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Oh here it is.
Depending on what sites are targeted, this could affect BDMVs and manga raws, since most of those leaks originate in China somewhere. But I doubt they will go after those.
Then tell me anon-kun what would you recommend to use, because from what I know TOR is the most efficient and the best to use.
But I haven't researched this shit in months so I'm kinda out the loop.
There are really cunts like this on /a/ who are ok with paying for anime?
There's no alternative.
Enjoy your jail time pedophile, the NSA is watching you.
No, we don't. In the years I've watched anime, I've never heard of anything like this. The Japanese government has never stepped in and cast this wide a net. Distributors (usually foreign in the name of their Japanese clients) send C&Ds, but that's about it.

That's not how it works. The copyright holder (or someone working for it) joins the swarm and catalogs all the IPs. They complain to the ISP of those IPs and the ISP complains to the users of those IPs. It doesn't matter if you encrypt your traffic.
Hypothesis, the word is hypothesis.
>So because something was always done through piracy it should continue to be that way

Sure. We basically cut out the middleman and everyone is happy. It's not like anime studios are payed on a 'per viewer' basis anyway - they reclaim money via merchandise. The idea that western audience are eating into studio profits because they 'pirate' anime is ridiculous.

The only ones who lose out are normalfags who use those streaming sites in the first place.
I just want the things I enjoy for free. Don't care about your moral bullshit.
>implying japanese manlet lawyers have a chance against Daiz and his knights of faggotry
Yeah we've grown up over the years, established an income, and are fine with the low cost of an annual subscription. Back when I was a kid the price of one year of CR was equal to 2 or maybe 3 DVDs.

Don't let nostalgia lie to you /a/, the past was a terrible time.
That's ok.

Like all true fans on nippon culture I have imported enough raw manga to last a lifetime.
Why haven't you prepared for the reckoning?
>from what I know TOR is the most efficient and the best to use
Tor is a fucking joke, it's full of spyware and it got infiltrated 2 years ago. To make matters worse Putin has now issued a reward to whoever manages to crack Tor and extract the credentials of its users. Nowhere is safe these days.
Oh how I wish anime ended. fucking garbage fanservice for 12yo
This cunt basically said he is ok with a being a cunt who pays to watch anime. Why the fuck are people like this allowed on /a/? Is MAL banning retards like them from their site?
>And, yes, them not having everything is a big issue
It's a big issue, think of all the good anime you'd missed just because CR doesn't have it.

>So because something was always done through piracy

A long time ago, when fansubbing was for fans, by fans, and when the Japanese jews are concentrated targeting Japan only no one calls fansubbing piracy.

It got only called piracy when jews thought that anime marketing outside Japan can be profitable.
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>I am entitled to free anime.
>all true fans
This. Fucking newfags.
Most of the big busts have been regarding a few uploaders on PD or Share, stricter copyright laws for downloading files, or a C&D on certain works. Never have they broadly targeted so many secondary sites.
I would pay gladly if the service/product wasn't actually inferior to the free alternative.
Implying internet can be stopped
>Japanese government
Isn't the the job of the copyright holders to send claims? What does the government have to do with that? How do they even know which sites have got publishing rights and which have not?
>No, we don't. In the years I've watched anime, I've never heard of anything like this. The Japanese government has never stepped in and cast this wide a net. Distributors (usually foreign in the name of their Japanese clients) send C&Ds, but that's about it.

No - you misunderstand. I meant that some faggot always posts some nes story from Japan about tehm cracking down on whatever (loli, streaming, uploading' and claiming 'it's happening' by extended hyperbole on it's ripple effect on the industry) Maybe they don't come out every other month, but some faggot on /a/ will try and start a thread this way and these kinds of threads are what pop up fairly often (maybe every other month was an exaggeration) but we do get several a year from what I remember.
>To make matters worse Putin has now issued a reward to whoever manages to crack Tor

Top fucking kek, implying that will actually do anything.
I honestly wouldn't care that much if there were actually a proper business in the anime industry. They don't fucking know how to monetize it, then they get mad when no one buys it. No one in their right mind is paying hundreds of dollars for blu-rays, it's fucking idiocy. You can keep that for otaku collectors, but why the fuck not put out "standard editions" that just have all the episodes without any extras for a reasonable price ($60 max)? The only reason otaku are the only ones supporting the industry are because they're the only ones willing to pay those ridiculous prices.

As for the rest, Crunchyroll is a step in the right direction, but it needs competition badly. Hell, maybe Daiz should start his own subscription site that actually gives you downloads instead of shitty streaming and recruit from current fansub groups or something. The reason Crunchy is so bad is because they can get away with it.

tl;dr, if Japan knew how to sell its anime, it would sell. Piracy isn't going to fix the fact that they can't monetize for shit.
Let me guess, you payed for the OS you are using right now too right? You are not even worth wasting another second on.
Trust me, I know the NSA is watching me. Just being in an IT security major puts me on there list.

Well that's new, I know that putin wanted to start his own "internet" that the CIA and the NSA didn't have full reigns over. But ima do some research on trying to crack TOR, thats a major issue along with spyware.
They already do that now. Japanese government whining isn't going to make things any worse. This changes absolutely nothing. Some pussy sites might get scared and close down, maybe, but others will just pick up the slack. The fanbase is too entrenched to ever stop what we are doing. This is just pissing into the wind. The only thing that will happen is they get covered in their own piss.
VPN provider with no logs paid with buttcoins.
Chances that they're going to target a lot of Chinese sites are big. Expect raw providers to go down like flies.
If you say next that you read One Piece I am going to laugh at you.
I use LInux like any intelligent person so no.
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>the year of our lord and savior saint IGNUcius
>not using a free as in FREEDOM operating system
This really doesn't effect torrenting at all, does it?
Both OS X and Linux is free of charge.
(And in freedom in the latter case)
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Thank GNU/God.
??? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ?????
It doesn't but /a/ needs to panic over something else since they got over sadpanda and wani.
Haven't seen this for a while and the list keep getting longer.
Anime & Manga has been nationalized by the central government.
This. A majority of those are probably from chinkland.
The article seemed to imply they're going after Chinese sites. Japan likely doesn't give a shit about English-language piracy.
I would be more than willing to pay if the prices were reasonable. Until that happens Japan can shove their $100+BDs up their ass and fuck off.
If trackers go down you can bet your ass it's going to affect torrenting.
As it is now we have a handful of options when it comes to torrenting anime. THIS is the downside of putting all your eggs in one basket.

>people in this thread thinking CR is similar to Steam

Video games and anime are not the same product in the slightest and the way of offering it to the masses are not comparable in terms of product distribution and profit models.
>not downloading
>not watching it as it downloads
I see no reason to stream, ever.
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>caring about freedom
>not using your computer exclusively for anime, erogres, and 4chan
Yeah bra 10 dollars for a full series is totally reasonable. If your poor ass can't pay for it then it's not for you hun.
>Japanese government cares about anime
>Japanese government can do shit to people outside their jurisdiction
The Japanese government has resources and connections that individual distributors don't. It is plausible that these are the first steps of anime being treated a lot like American film and music are.
I'd pay if it was 10 dollars for a full series.
>ctrl+f "Steam"
>only 1 hit

The fuck are you talking about?
There's absolutely no reason it shouldn't be priced comparable to Western box sets.
It's significantly easier on a windows computer.
>I use LInux like any intelligent person so no.
See I used to have the same opinion as you. Then I realized half of the /g/'s tinfoil hatting is bull because a cocks already 6 inches up our ass and that an OS is a tool more so than anything else. So regardless of whether you use a hacksaw or a buzzsaw it doesnt fucking matter if all you need to do is cut a small ass 1 inch thick piece of wood, or in this case shitpost on 4chan and download chinese cartoons.
>This is pretty bad. Because if the government is stepping in this could lead to ISPs coming down harder on anime distribution. Not all of us are in positions where we can anonymize ourselves.
you do know hundreds of thousands of people are still downloading TV shows and movies and music from america IN america, right? the media companies in america can't even convince government to do something about all their shit being pirated, do you seriously think the anime industry in japan (incredibly small in comparison) could do anything?

>Uhhh no it doesn't.
They're not going to kill Nyaa are they?

I swear to god i'll nuke them again if they fucking try it.
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And not a single fuck was given.
Remember when shutting down Napster stopped all mp3 downloads forever?

50 new sites will be up within a week.

It's very obvious by the nature of comments in this thread that people are thinking about a Steam type model (stick it on a central authority were the user then pays via that to gain access to the quality product) even if it isn't explicitly stated.

What? No it fucking isn't. Maybe the eroges but that's only if you are a massive fucking retard.
It's not just about freedom (Linux is flat out a better operating system than Windows), but it is partly so. Microsoft is untrustworthy, and especially in the age of that three letter agency who shall not be named, you'd you have to be pretty ignorant to use Windows.
If the MPAA couldn't kill the Piratebay then elevens can't kill nyaa or bakabt, I don't give any fucks about streaming
It is, for one this shit ain't mainstream popular, you gigantic homosexual.
this kills the RMS
Not really. Anime and 4chan are simplier on GNU/Linux (sudo pacman -S mpv firefox).

As for eroge, wine *.exe works fine 99% of the time. If not, then just boot up a VM.

A-anon... I-I'm sorry. Nyaa is kill.
Wine is fucking awful and shits bricks on most VNs.
1080p is shit. 4k when?
This news says they induce anime viewer to view animes at legitimate anime streaming services for a few dollars by a month.
what if they sued fansubbers?

all remaining 3 groups?
So... Netflix?
I give a fuck.
Nyaa is a pretty nice centralized site.
I wouldn't want to see it go down because of some crap like this, just like I didn't like mangatraders dying.
Sure, you can still get everything that was there, but a good site was lost.
My experience with wine has been exactly the opposite.
If murrika can't even stop piracy, what makes you think the elevens can pull it off?
Literally worse than the holocaust.
The ridiculous prices and lack of advertising are exactly why it's not popular. I'm sorry you don't remember the anime boom of the 90s. It can be very popular if they just fucking get it out there. The problem is there's no network willing to give it the timeslots CN gave it back in the day, but that's irrelevant anyway because TV is dying and streaming is the future. Get more of that shit on Netflix and fucking advertise it and bam, second anime boom. Hell, Attack on Titan is already making waves.
Because we're nowhere near as big as the mainstream scene.
>anime on steam
Send this idea to Gabe ASAP
Fuck off, Jacob.

Because they will fold their DMCA requests wan mirrion times making them too strong to ignore.
>I'm sorry you don't remember the anime boom of the 90s.
Said like a true newfag.
Son of a bitch, how am I gonna watch stuff like Joshiraku which won't get subbed? Crunchyroll won't save me there!
That's your rebuttal? You have said absolutely nothing and addressed absolutely none of the points made.
Like I said. Give it a week and there will be a site just as good, or better. This kind of thing is nothing new.
>Tor is a fucking joke, it's full of spyware and it got infiltrated 2 years ago.
Can I get a source on that?
>anime boom of the 90s

Haha what? The boom of going to rent a VHS for 3 episodes? I'll give you Toonami, but the prices to buy anime then were even worse than they are now. And our options were much more limited than they are with CR.
But I thought the jews feared the samurai. How can jewpanese wield the katana against us?
Im going to circumvent everything you just said as its totally irrelevant. Hell, you even mentioned the biggest flaw in your statement. Anime here is a niche within a niche in a foreign country. WHY do YOU think its popular here?
>anime boom of the 90s
Yea, because their economy tanking totally had a positive effect on anime.

Even Netfix isn't comparable. TV shows - how do they recoup money? Especially where shows can have budgets which stretch well into the tens of millions.

The same way you do now. Just possibly on a different site. People have been trying to stop piracy since before the internet even existed. I've yet to see them have more than a moment's success. Piracy is the ultimate hydra. Kill one site and 3 more pop up in it's place.
Your points are worthless and so are your posts. Anime caters to a niche precisely because it became unable to cater to the mainstream.
>The exact same thing isn't comparable.
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>trying to start an argument about whether the holocaust is good or bad out of a joke
not really spyware but every tor node is tracked by the US gov't. using tor just once gets you put on the terrorist watchlist FOR LIFE. good thing to do a friend's house of a friend you don't really like...
The same way you always have. Nothing is going to change because of this. Fansubbing is dying, but this isn't why.

Why would China give a shit about Japanese butthurt, especially now with Abe waggling his dick?
You grow an audience from the inside out, not the outside in. Anime does not need to cater to the mainstream, it just needs to be able to be seen by the mainstream.
We aren't a shame and blame culture like Japan. The government asking nicely is going to get them two middle fingers from everyone.
>play around with tor for fun
>gets put on a terrorist watchlist for life
Thanks NSA.
The whole target of anime on US TV was people on the outside with a goal of bringing them in.
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>no more faggot streaming sites
Thank you based Nippon
Fansubbing is already dead. CR can pull the plug on it any fucking day now, specially now that they have the funding of the jews to back them.
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Yes, because governments stepping in to curb piracy has been shown to be effective in the past.

Remember /a/, don't copy that floppy.
>t. using tor just once gets you put on the terrorist watchlist FOR LIFE

I knew this already. It really means absolutely nothing.

>shows with multi-million dollar budgets huge supporting casts and teams of assistants with mainstream audience in the tens of millions vs anime (mostly niche product) made on shoestring budgets and recouping money via merchandise

Yep - totally the same. Having the same model will rectify all monetary issues.
Right, but it was not created for them. The anime that grew popular didn't cater to the mainstream, the mainstream just took a liking to it.
And what of it? What comes out of that?
Stream sites are the first line of the defense, you retard. If they go then soon we will too.

>on 4chan
>not on the NSA watchlist by default
CR becomes the monopoly
>enjoying sites going down that you never visit or affect you in your life

The shills and retards are starting to come out.
Nope. If anything this will force you to stream by killing off non official fansubbers in an actually legal way.

Enjoy your hulu and netflix anon :^)
Honestly, I don't think so. It probably only applies to a few boards like /pol/ or /b/.
Are you really this goddamm stupid, or are you just pretending? For your sake I hope it's the latter.
GUNS and TITS and FIGHTING and BLOOD is somehow not mainstream in the 90's? Were you even self aware back then?
I think that's what they WANT.

The Japanese government hates anime and anime fans.
I bet Daiz tipped them off.
Yeah that describes a number of the properties available on Netflix. Not all though. You'd be surprised if you dug a little deeper and saw the number of independently-produced and/or low budget television shows they have available. Those kind of shows counting on the exposure Netflix can bring them.

It's the same thing, there's financial backing, nothing will change. This is it. That's the entire discussion we needed to have, I just had right there.
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>It is plausible that these are the first steps of anime being treated a lot like American film and music are.

So even easier to pirate and distribute. Sweet.
Top proprietary.

Wouldn't it just be easier for sub groups to just release sub files that users staple to whatever raw the user finds instead of releasing their own encodes? They would cut their liability and not have to worry about uploading and seeding massive files upon release.
Most anime are streamed on legal platforms these days so what do they have to do with anything? You'd only get rid of those low-quality illegal stream sites (do they even exist anymore?

The Japanese government loves foreign anime and manga fans, which is why they've been trying to use anime as a way to grow Japan's soft power.
Yes, Toriyama created Dragon Ball to appeal to the mainstream!

Are you fucking stupid? I'm talking about the integrity of the work, it didn't cater to fucking anyone. Battle shounen having mainstream appeal is not the same as making something specifically to cater to the mainstream, which absolutely nothing that aired on Toonami did except for maybe Big O.
I don't think they'll even need to move servers, aren't they in countries that don't give a fuck about copyrights?
>Gundam Wing didn't cater to the mainstream
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>do they even exist anymore?
I wish they would, it baffles me that they don't.
No, fuck. Subs have to be timed and that in itself is a gigantic timedrain.
So unless you want to spend 1-2 hours of work for every one anime then go right ahead.
What? No. Pretty much all the good Hollywood film / music trackers are private and it's a lot more risky because they consistently threaten legal action.
Well shit.
Well, the real question is: if Nyaa and bt are fucking dead, what do? I don't want see my anime on some shitty legals streams (like hulu, wakanim or any same shits)
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>The Japanese government loves foreign anime and manga fans

While anime and mango may be positive for japans influence in the world, japanese politicians aren't sensible or aware in the slightest sense. You will never meet a group more out of touch and "old man screams at clouds" than japanese politicians.
As long as the subs are all being released for the same raw you should never have to time anything yourself.
Do they? I don't understand why they would now that most anime made in the last few years most anime fans would care about can be streamed legally.
No, it fucking didn't. Wing did not do notably better than the other 90s Gundam series in Japan. It had mass appeal and good timing for American kids, but that wasn't its purpose.
Japanese politicians are the ones pushing "Cool Japan."

If it came to it I'm sure timing could be sped up if distributing an encoded release becomes risky for groups. Its not like there is going to be a giant diversity in raws anyway to make timing hard.
In America yeah since I live here. Are the japanese government going to do fly me a private jet to Japan and persecute me in their land?
No they hate anime and anime fans IN JAPAN. They hate the stereotype of a NEET shutin otaku. They want to export their shit and push it on everyone else just like any other country because that creates industry and international interest. The thing is they dont understand the how or why anime is popular in the west. Its like how those shareholders at nintendo that got bitchy because nintendo wasnt doing crap like trying to expand or create a mobile market.

Why shouldnt they do that? Who knows but it may make money so why not? Surely this wont have a backlash effect and kill popularity in someway or form.

Suck it ??.
Everyone is on the NSA watchlist, but I'm sure they give higher priorities to people who exhibit certain traits.

Like for example, browsing 4chan. That probably bumps you up a few points.

And than of course, things like not using social media websites like facebook. Since I don't a have a facebook, they can't get as much information out of me, so wouldn't I be considered a bigger threat in their system?

I mean, everytime I see I see a loli thread on /a/ I feel like I'm becoming a bigger target for NSA. Shit, just typing loli in this post is probably triggering some sort of NSA spy shit.

I'm not so self-centered to think I'm actually someone worth spying on, the world is just so fucked up.
The whole point of Wing was to appeal to a mainstream audience that Gundam had gotten away from. It doesn't matter how much better or not it did, the show was made to cater to a mainstream audience and it struck gold with the foreign, mainstream audience.
You do realize this is actually done for TV shows, right?
There are a lot of sub only sites for some english only works.
They just make a timed sub for each independent release.

If my tech illiterate family can download them, I don't see why the average anon wouldn't be able to.
Most of the influential politicos in japan think anime is the devil, otakus are satanspawn, and that the answer to all their problems is making life even more miserable for the young.
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>shutting down lolipower.org
That was HIM?
Weren't these the same people who wanted to ban all manga that includes any type of characters below the age or 18 in the story?
Fuck the japanese government

Fuck those failed chinks, they should have been nuked some more.
So if I go to Japan with my external full of anime, will I be arrested?
>Saber Rider didn't cater to the mainstream
>Rounin Warrior didn't cater to the mainstream
>Gatchaman didn't cater to the mainstream
Give me a break. I am 97% convinced now that you have no recollection of the 90's whatsoever.
Big robots, ninjas, androids, cute girls and vigilante teams were a trademark of 90's popular culture. Anime most fucking certainly pandered to the mainstream. It found an audience in the millions of fans of power rangers and other sunday morning cartoons.
And 99% of them has never pay for it.
Interesting interpretation of Japan. How long have you lived there?
That was G Gundam, actually
There's your problem, they bloat prices.
You just described G Gundam.
You fucking moron. Unless you use a different IP 24/7 they will always know who you are regardless of whether you have a social media or not. Unless you're an illegal immigrant with not photo, no home and no SS of any kind only then would they not know who you are.
I'm genuinely being paranoid and scared here.

Someone comfort me.
Besides a lot of the anime running in the 90's were 10-20 year old reruns. So they most certainly had an audience from before.
You don't deserve it. Cower in fear and curse your own lack of power.
What are you some kind of faggot or something?
Well, what I meant is, since I'm not constantly updating some feed about what I'm doing every five minutes, that would certainly make me someone who is more suspicious, right?
To be fair, most people in japan as well as other part of the world think the same anyway.
And never will.
>560 billion yen
That's only 5.5 billion USD, it's not much.
G Gundam rebooted the franchise. Wing too attempted to continue along with that.
If the nips wasn't such an ass and provided like a website where they publish all their shit with english translations, then they would get their money, they wouldn't get exploited and then we would get a wide variety of anime & mangos holy shit, I'd even happily throw them money. Why cant they capitalize on the market and realize the amount of profit they could make?
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>not browsing the internet from a stolen notebook using the next town's public park's wifi
Oops. Daiz took it down.

>this is what happens when you put all your eggs in one basket
Well considering MT is down, they don't really have anything to take from me. At the very least someone has a backup right now, even if they are idiots who are incapable of getting it up.

Could do with a fuckload less streaming sites.

/a/ is just sperging like usual. China isn't going to seriously chase after ripper/scan groups, especially with Japan trying to get JDF stronk on some islands. Subs will still go on and as will torrents/filelockers. As long as you dont jump on public trackers downloading big 3 shit your going to be fine.
Oh please, you can't afford to pay for half of the media you consume.
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and now this.

We're only a little better than half way through the year and all this shit has happened.

2014 is the year of the great /a/pocalypse. Brace yourselves, because the worst is yet to come.
If any manga viewing sites and RAWs sites go down, it might be a pain too.
A few posters have brought up that a lot of series are super-expensive, so that's my point. I'd actually pay for the anime I'd torrent/watch if owning a series wasn't the equivalent of buying a high-end graphics card or CPU. Some anon linked the vol. 1 BDs for Sabagebu from JPN Amazon in a Sabagebu thread earlier in the day - it's $52 and change for vol. 1 because they're throwing in 3 posters. That's just vol. 1. I'd buy some series if it wouldn't cost me an absolute fortune. If I want Sabagebu the Men's Daily Vitamin or Sabagebu the Box Fan, I'll pay for that separately.

I'm not sure if this is because of isolationist practices or bad business decisions, but cracking down on a foreign audience that will buy your shit if it's at a reasonable price for them locally is stupid.
Are people ITT seriously scared they would go after individual downloaders? That would be a huge waste of their time and money. If anyone's getting v& it's the fansubbers.
So long as jcafe and nyaa are left, we're good.
No, not at all.
Don't take the advice of this moron. He abuses possessive nouns like some grade schooler idiot.
Nobody gives a shit about what you're doing every 5 minutes but if you're stupid enough to download 10GB of CP and go around posting it all over the place without hiding your IP would be when you really get in trouble.

Although nowadays the NSA is more concern about Sand Monkeys plotting to blow up the nearest synagogue.
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What about sadpanda? It works fine for me.

You underestimate my pay check and my drive for cute and kawaii things, anon.
Someone should make sure to post on the blog there some info about Sekret Klub and how to get in. LOL
Jcafe is almost certainly going to get caught in the crossfire. It has a large Japanese userbase.
They're sanitizing it for more global consumption.
>a stolen notebook using the next town's public park's wifi
That's even stupidier. Even I would be able to track your ass and I'm not even good with MACs
I'll go tell the head to start migrating servers then.
Not him, but your post raises one of my lifelong questions:
What would I do if I had to pay for my media?
I have literally thousands of music CDs on my HDDs, not to mention the anime, movies, and vidya I have played.
Probably more than a hundred thousand dollars in my life.
"This week I will but THIS product and enjoy it because it's the only thing I'll have until next week" sounds a line from another planet.
CR quite literally exists because of anime pirating. Considering that's how CR started.
And nothing of value was lost.
The prices are that way because otherwise the industry would not survive.

What nigga? NSA already hacked into Tor through java a while back. Im not sure it's safe anymore at the moment unless hackers work on it.
>50 new sites will be up within a week.
Are you implying that wouldn't be a huge step down?
>If anyone's getting v& it's the fansubbers.
Even if they do, they won't get arrested since they're not selling it illegally or anything. If anything most of them probably have the own the damn shows.
And it continues to exist because people are willing to pay for anime, thus rendering the fansubbers obsolete.
Wani shit got taken down for good, not even sekrit sekrit club people can see the galleries anymore. You can thank Jacob for that.
Can't get a hold of him myself.
Better get used to it. I hope you like JUMP, because that's all you're going to able to afford from now on, Digital JUMP releases on a tablet.
Sounds swell, doesn't it?
4chan has been quick to pick up on /pol/'s alarmism. They'll grasp and anything that makes it seem that EVERYTHING IS DOOMED IN EVERY WAY FOREVER WITH NOTHING LEFT BUT A BLACK EMPTY SHELL OF WHAT ONCE WAS.
Blah blah blah every year there's some new incredible threat that will end our comfortable lives of piracy as we know it and every year things go back to the way it always is.
There is going to be a legitimate problem in 50 years or so, in that technology is likely going to make things so easily available and low-cost that there is no justifiable monetary value for it. As people who have been downloading tons of entertainment for free we're ahead of the curb on that. Eventually everything will be so plentiful and readily available that either the economy collapses, or we find some other method of compensation. Money can only weigh humanity down for so long.
>thus rendering the fansubbers obsolete.
It's a shame that CR such dick when it comes to their job. I'm not going to pay 11 dollars a month for shit quality and shody subbing, as well as them dropping and skipping over certain shows and mangas just because they want to do the more popular ones first.

CR is a piece of shit.
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My imouto watches GITS and other such stuff, my even younger imouto has read all of Jojo and she reads the new chapters with me, she also likes slice of life stuff like working, and Ika Musume. Pretty good taste in my book
I'm that way about changes in media, thanks to video games, but as far as alarmist tendencies, you have to admit this year has been a bit much.
Apparently if you pay a couple hundred yen you can turn legit.
I use IRC, so it doesn't effect me. And TBH, I imagine the majority of those takedown requests will be for all awful streaming websites that pop up firsth in google.
This. If I could buy an official release DVD of an english subbed Bakemonogatari right now for 35 bucks Id go order it right now.

They need to realize that to a western audience, the ability to OWN and episode of a series on disc is between 1-3 bucks. Most people just buy that for the shit they like and then get merch separate. Bonus features, content, posters, etc. at a price is something hardly anyone here wants to pay extra for.
You did a fine job Onii-chan, not turn her into an /ak/ fag.
I quite to the point, don't even have any legitimate means of watching anime legally. Outside of importing BDs.
CR and the other stream networks aren't exactly that good outside of America.
They don't give a fuck about western audiences.
For niggers who can't read sure.
Kill him, for fuck's sake. I am BEGGING you.
If you get rid of all those streaming sites in Google, and more don't pop up, what are you left with? Nyaa and Bakabt. It's going to be really easy for them to dismantle the foreign anime downloading community now that we have conveniently put all our eggs in one basket.
Refer back to the op. Clearly they do.
They can't do anything to sites oversea, especially those in China, but that doesn't mean they don't have the jurisdiction to prosecute those who are living in Japan and uploaded to those sites.
Only about "money loss", they don't care enough to cater to your prices and market shit for you.
They need to just copy the Western games industry and do standard and collector's editions. Skyrim had a fucking $100+ collector's edition with a dragon statue and a cloth map or some shit but the regular version was your standard $60. With anime, the $100+ is the only version available, which is why the industry isn't fucking growing.
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>First they came for the MT, and I did not speak out—
>Because I was using manga reading sites.

>Then they came for the sadpanda, and I did not speak out—
>Because I was muh sekretclub.

>Then they came for the nyaa, and I did not speak out—
>Because I was using TT

>Then they came for me—
>and there was no one left to speak for me.

Seriously, i don't know why you guys didn't care. If Nyaa or TT is down, they may go after fansub site. Nyaa is for convenience for the downloader since we know who and what they were subbing. i don't want to go to all fansub site to find what i wanted to.

and for someone using IRC, i dont want to go to all IRC channels to download shit, same goes for fansub site.

i bet bakabt and animebytes will be down after this.
>implying related to javascript
>implying retards who don't disable it have anything to do with Tor being cracked
>implying silk road isn't already back up since forever ago
So then where the hell do they think this market loss is coming from?
Anime isn't expensive anymore. You get access to HD quality of Crunchyroll's catalog for $60 a year.
That's because their shit isn't aim toward us. You think when they talk about BD-sales they're talking about overall and not just specific parts of Japan?
It's not that I want to pirate and like fansubs, it's that THEY DON'T FUCKING PROVIDE ANYTHING FOR WESTERN USERS!

Half the shows, not even, most of the anime I saw within my lifetime were all anime that would never be released to the western public and some never even get as much as a Dvd release.
>which is why the industry isn't fucking growing.
No it's not, it's because anime is a niche hobby.
They soon will, anon.

It's niche because it costs hundreds of dollars to check out a series.
It wouldn't be bad if they do.
No more worrying that no one might pick up my obscure show next season.
Yeah, their shitty catalog.
>he still thinks CR is bad
It's not 2007 anymore.
I somewhat doubt the presence of AB.
You can still find anime torrents on regular torrent trackers.

That's a laugh.

90% of people that watch anime are too spooked and stupid to torrent.

Most people that are current anime fans got into it via TV, and new anime fans usually just use Crunchyroll or something
Over-exaggerating at its finest.
Do you get to download episodes to your computer, or do you have to deal with re-buffering and shit?
>shilling for CR

Kill yourself.
>and for someone using IRC, i dont want to go to all IRC channels to download shit,
You literally only have to type in one command which you can copy paste.
You know the kiddies on places like MAL and online forums and even damn gaming forums who love anime? They're consumers too. We're consumers as well. Any westerner who has an interest in anime is a potential sale. NEETfags and richfags here make purchases all the time. I've been a return customer to AmiAmi myself. Sure it's not going to be the perfect gigantic market that every business wants, but the point is that I've got currency and I'm willing to pay for the shows I enjoy if I don't have to pay an arm and a leg just to enjoy them without all the bells n' whistles in terms of extra goodies like posters and whatnot. If I want extra bits and pieces like Steins;Gate the Drinking Glass or YuruYuri the SSD, I'll pay the extra I have to for it.

so fahnny joak
Isn't this like taking down bars all over the country that have Cable and sports channels because people might go there and watch it instead of buying cable themselves?
Not really. It's about as eventful as every other one.
>citation needed
that people that buy anime, which are the only people that matter, all dl anime, watch them kill their sales when they kill anime overseas and then secretly let new dling/streaming sites pop up because they realised what a stupid fucking mistake they made
i'm using rss feed download. its easy.
I don't remember two massive manga sites having happenings within less than two months of each other last year.
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Why the fuck do they always assume people would have bought this in the first place. Hell if I see something I still wouldn't waste my money trying to buy it. I'd just ignore it and forget about it.
Yeah but its more justifiable because the only money these sites are making is off ad money and donations.
goodluck getting seeded
Wishful thinking, anon. Every time you make it marginally harder to pirate anything, the most retarded users are unable to migrate. They are also the ones most likely to be parted with their money, so they are the users the legal streaming services actually want. Look how many people pay for music on iTunes just for convenience's sake. It's not like those people are going to miss the shows that don't get licensed anyway; they probably won't even hear about them.
Bakabt are pussies and always comply with takedown requests.

If they get a bunch they are finished.
MT wasn't even because of copyrights and shit, it was because no money, then HS admins felt like hacking them and leaking shit, then it shut down.
The problem is Japan assumes it can support an entire industry on the backs of obsessive rich otaku alone, and do not make reasonably priced BDs available for regular consumers to draw them in and grow profit.

Piracy is not the reason no one is paying.
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9/10 made me edit this picture in return
No money was because of paypal and paypal fucked them sideway because of copyright.
Then they got money once bitcoin shit was set up and were going to stay alive for at least another month. I
I remember the year the Christopher Handley plead guiltyand google delisting little white butterflies and baka-updates for child pornography. This is not that big of a deal.
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>90% of people that watch anime are too spooked and stupid to torrent.
I'm going to use an example to illustrate why you are stupid.

If we look at one of the more popular shows this season (I'm going to use SAO II because reasons), and look at the initial torrent available for English language subs, there were over 126,000 downloads across all the 480p, 720p, and 1080p releases of Horriblesubs. Think about that. 126,000 people torrented this episode, just from Horriblesubs' torrent, it in the time between initial episode release and now (just a few days). If you add up Commie subs and other minor groups, it comes to more like 140,000 people torrenting this episode. Wait a week and it will be 50% higher. Some of the first season SAO episodes have over 200,000 downloads for just the 720p Horriblesubs release alone.

So basically, you're saying that 200,000 people is 10% of the number of English-speaking people who actually watch SAO. In other words, 2 million people, across America, the UK, Australia, and the minor English-speaking countries of the world, are actively following popular Japanese anime? 2 million? Really.

Imma call bullshit on this one.
>200 USD for 12 episodes
Yeah, fuck them.
ASCII comic thing.
>I have no idea how many sites there eare in China, but killing them all off's impossible.
>It's not like they would listen even if you call for all of them to be deleted...
>I mean, like, it's China, you know?
>Heck, more importantly, open CR up to Japan...
>Why the heck does CR have better video quality...
>It's so shitty on NicoVid and Bandai Channel.

Randomly picked from first 50.
>It's all over for the rural folks.
>Don't they just have to wait a week for Niconico?
>Rurals can watch most anime via BS or Niconico anyway.
>Well, it's not likely that disc sales will go up thanks to that, though.
>No way they can crush any chink sites.
>It's not like you can't just proxy for CR
>They can go ahead and crush them, but how about addressing the timeslot and location lock problem first?
>250's barely anything, lol
>Crush those from China and Korea, I don't care about the rest
>560b yen's enough for 28k episodes of 30 minutes anime at 20m each. Wha...
>Go ahead, but they're way too late.
>Get a site that broadcasts ASAP first, illegal distribution's never going to end otherwise.
>^(reply) That's exactly what CR is, but non-premium have to watch for a week. And that's with ads. So if you're not paying, you can only go watch it on pirate sites.
>buying music on itunes
Bullshit, all my normalfag friends went back to buying CDs and do so from the artist's sites. Half the time the alternate options to piracy are more effort than theyre worth.
I am dying at Japan being jelly of CR
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Considering the popularity of direct download sites, even in a post-megaupload world, as well as streaming sites... I don't know if it's 10% who torrent, but that's actually pretty scary when you think about it. Next time you're walking down the street in Australia, or America, look at the person to your left and look at the person to your right. Two of you watch Sword Art Online.
Japan is so fucking wacky about certain things. They put ATM's on the inside of banks.
Considering the price of DVD and BD, CR looks like cheap as hell legal alternative.
I guess it's easier to not get robbed on your way out that way.
My country does that too, what is wrong with it?
It's a lot better than getting mugged by some faggot in the street.
>dirt cheap
>massive consumer base
>huge industry worth more domestically than its equivalents in other nations (bigger than American comics in America, Franco-Belgian comics in Europe, etc.)

>$599 US dollars for 12 episodes
>most shows barely turn a profit
>only bought by otaku without any financial responsibilities to spend their money on

Why are elevens so stupid?
Fun fact: Japanese ATMs also have "business hours." No withdrawing late at night.
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what a terrible year, ain't it?
>Crush those from China and Korea, I don't care about the rest
My niggas, I knew I liked nips for a reason.
>They put ATM's on the inside of banks.
Canada reporting in. Isn't that totally normal?
For ultrapopular kiddie bullshit like SAO? 2 million is nothing. I'd put it at 10 or 20. Maybe much more.
I think you don't even know of the lowest (and most expansive, which is more important) layer of uberplebs who pass it to their friends through a pendrive after downloading 50MB encodes from Rapidshare.
There's a shitload of those dudes. You know, the ones who watch five shows, go to one of those shitty cons, play a couple translated vidya adaptations and then go around saying they love anime. Those. They're very very numerous. At this point in time and since a few years back you'll always find at least a handful of them in any school over the whole world.
Imagine if CR opened up for Japan. Bombshells everywhere. CR would drown in Benjamins.
Last I checked they do that here as well.
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>look at the person to your left and look at the person to your right. Two of you watch Sword Art Online.

The whole point of the ATM is to be able to get money when banks aren't open.
If you are inside the bank why would they pay for an ATM there and not just have you wait in line at the teller?

I guess if its a super busy bank maybe
It's not abnormal to find an ATM on the inside of a bank. But in the USA, we get ATMs on the outside of banks too.
Do the nips actually torrent anime?
But what if you don't want to have to talk to a person just to deposit a check or get some cash?
>2 million worldwide

That's actually pretty easy to buy, especially considering China (many comp users there are tech-illiterate and would be streamfags). My concern is if they go after fansubs and raw providers hard. Still though I think that just doing this pretty much just challenges new raw uploaders to spring up as a fuck-you kneejerk response, so I think we'll be ok.
So you put the ATM in a foyer area that is separate from the main lobby of the bank and it provides light, heating and security cameras; which gives it a sense of safety as well as an actual deterrent to a potential robbery.
Most machines made in the last 15 years can read checks.
Yes, from nyaa even.
>That's actually pretty easy to buy, especially considering China
2 million English speaking watchers. Chinese have their own fansubs.
Hi, newfriend-kun.
Yes, yes they do.
Have a nice experience.
Remember to lurk more before posting.
Yes. Pick up any recent release (or raw) from nyaa and look at the peers.
Compare the convenience of setting up a video recorder or staying up at midnight to watch anime versus an automated RSS downloader.
Funny thing is that nothing gets you on the NSA list faster than talking about the NSA.
You clip a mirror on the ATM, saving time, space, and money.
I know. That's why I was saying they have a purpose beyond getting money when the bank's closed.
How can a mirror record some niggers face when he mugs you?
>ultrapopular kiddie bullshit like SAO

His number is right on the money. SAO has about 2 million likes on Facebook, which is obviously normalfag central in the West.
I guess that makes sense

Only ATMs I ever see are drive-thru

But can their toasters play 10but? Do the Japanese know about the existence of Daiz?
I would never feel safe withdrawing money from an ATM without a drone machine gun on a motion detector mounted on the ceiling over the ATM.

>SAO has about 2 million likes on Facebook

How do you even know this shit?
I hope those idiots know to put deposit only on their little checks.
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But that is the singular purpose for which they were created, putting them on the inside of the bank defeats that.

They make cameras you can put on the outside of buildings, you know.
You can easily look this shit up you know. I bet you I could google SAO facebook fan page and find it.
It takes literally a second to look it up.
I just looked it up? You don't even need an account to see that shit.
So according to you, ten out of ten kids who watch SAO have given it the like thingy in Facebook?
Man, I think your estimates are off by at least a factor of ten to fifty.
Not that anon, but I just googled "facebook sao" and got the page.
Same in France.
That's why you go to ATMs that are in areas like malls or within a shop, not those that are in the middle of nowhere.

>You don't even need an account to see that shit.

Didn't know that.
>DVD/BD sales are the only source of profit for anime production.

On top of a lot of light novel and manga adaptations being funded partly by the publishers for the sake of promoting a product, commercial revenue and revenue from toys and merchandise related to the show are also a major factor in how 'profitable' a series is. Symphogear, for one, got multiple seasons largely because of CD sales. And Total Eclipse got its funding because Kouki shoved toy sales in the faces of skeptical CEOs.
Where else would they put them?
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>Next time you're walking down the street in Australia, look at the person to your left and look at the person to your right. Two of you watch Sword Art Online.
What the fuck, Australia?
>But that is the singular purpose for which they were created, putting them on the inside of the bank defeats that.
ATMs are made so you don't have to wait in line for a fucking hour while some jew slowly count your money. It's call fast withdrawl for a reason you fuck.
If you look at pretty much any anime - related page on that shit hole, it's full of SAO. The fanbase for the show jives pretty well with the sort of users who frequent Facebook. I'd consider it a pretty decent rough estimate.
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Thank you, oldfag-senpai

I've seen some japanese IPs in the peer list but they aren't many. I just thought it wasn't that common...
I don't know about shitty second-rate banks, but the bank I work at has video cameras showing the area all around the ATM's
Pretty much the safest place in the neighborhood is anywhere near the ATM.
Apparently SAO was pretty popular with the Kangaroos and Dingos. I guess it's the only thing left for them to watch now that the crocodile hunter guy has been dead for so long.
The raws have way more Japanese peers
Unless the mugger is wearing a mask.

I thought Cookie took out a big fat loan to finance TE.
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Have you seen this man ?
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That's not how it works retard. Anime has been dead with the general populace for yeas now since it's heyday back when you had Gundam, DBZ, Sailor Moon, and etc coming on tv back in the 90s. Networks pretty much killed all that stuff in the quest for more profits over time with live action and shitty cartoons.

In the times since then all you have are those who loved the art form after getting exposed to it back then. They formed communities and subbed anime that were never going to see the light of day over here. As time went on more and more people joined the communities as many were still kids when anime was airing in the 90s.

This is where the anime scene is now these communities who sub and share anime. It's only gotten slightly bigger again because some anime enthusiasts from back then managed to get some anime back on the tv (toonami, Ani-Monday,etc). But it's a pathetic poultry amount that barely even scratches 1% of the anime that's out there.

If you hit these communities you've pretty much killed anime in the west. No more fucking expose when there's nothing to talk about. Because nobody is gonna be discussing the new naruto episode on toonami day and night. And many aren't that stupid/rich to import anime from japan that's un-subbed, and costs over $600 in most cases.
Because anime already has a stigma to the average person and also airs at 2am. Lowering the prices would make them go bankrupt so theyre stuck.
The nips can get v& for it though.
So only, say, one to five percent of people around the whole world who watch SAO haven't clicked likeylikey?
Do you seriously consider that?
Because one of us is wronger than the other and I'd like to know who.
Fun fact, some of those japanese IPs are fake.
While I don't think this will affect Nyaa, this kind of shit is why I fear the extreme centralization of the anime scene.

Centralization It has its pros, mind you, the anime scene is far more focused and standard-driven than other scenes and in general it helps to develop a community around it. It's easier for users to track the releases down, etc. There's a problem, though. You are putting all your eggs in one basket and thinking nothing will ever happen to Nyaa is more than just wishful thinking, it's borderline stupid.

Of course, even if Nyaa were to go down, another service will resurface eventually, but everything will be thrown into disarray until that happens. This is a serious issue and we have people actively trying to centralize the scene even more, I'm just hoping that when shit hits the fan we are able to weather the storm somewhat gracefully.
I once got a cease and desist email for downloading seikeri
they didn't do anything aside from sending the email.
>some of those japanese IPs are fake
How do they get into my peer list then?
I don't quite get why you're using Ron Paul in a post that attacks the basic merits of capitalism.
I have been saying this for years. We need contingency plans instead of promises. We've been betrayed too many times.
You probably shouldn't take it too seriously.
>Do you seriously consider that?

Yes, I do. Look at some recent huge sellers in Japan like Bakemonogatari or Madoka. They each have about 50k likes a piece on Facebook, nowhere near the 2m that SAO has. Again, the sort of people who watch SAO are the sort of people who frequent Facebook and want to show their shit taste to the world.
and nothing will fucking happen. I've been to many steaming sites before and some of these sites pretty much have the same fucking layout. In short, there's probably a few fuckers who will stop one site and simply make a new copy in a few hours or something.

>going to streaming site

yeah yeah I know. it was a long time ago
They're on VPNs.
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It's funny because if you look back and try to find some of the old animes you will never find them. When was the last time someone mention Masakazu Katsura's older work despite the fact that he did just as much as Toriyama.
Different senpai here, but you should stop using ellipsis if you want to fit in like us oldfags because it makes you sound like a gigantic faggot.

You're welcome. :^)
>people think the Japanese care about the Western market
Fuck, even Love Live only has around 30k likes, and its volume 1 sales for S2 breached 100k sales, which is massive.
What's a VPN?
Chances are if it's a Jap IP using BitComet or Thunder, it's a chink.

Rebuilding Nyaa won't be that bad because it's a public tracker and can easily be turned into a magnet-only site and return. The worst are those people who take sites like Animebytes for granted. It's fucking retarded how some really old shit is only seeded there and people are content with that.
Same way you rarely see people mention older movies or older TV shows or older books. What's current is always most readily available.
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Love Live has Sunrise to back them up, as well as well known singers. Even if they didn't do well with sales they would have gotten a S2 regardless.
also fuck you...
Can you toggle subs on and off on CR? If so, the worst case scenario is that CR is the only video source, and fansub groups transition to releasing aegisub files timed to the CR video.
>What's a VPN?
I wish the newshit kids would stop posting
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Here's a list from a random eroge I just picked off sukebei.

Google it.
Runs your connection through another network, so it looks like the traffic's coming from there instead.
That's not a fake IP, nigga.
He was being sarcastic you dumbfuck.
I wish you weren't this stupid.
Holy shit, that was a rhetorical question.
I know what a VPN is; I was answering his question about how some Jap IP's are fake.
Even if nyaa goes, a resident dev on /a/ can write a bot that puts magnet links in an irc. And another one to submit a patch to add that functionality (fetch links from irc) to an existing torrent client.

The bottom line is that all you need to share a torrent is a textfile, and the ways to share that are dime-a-dozen.
Holy fuck, how don't you realize he was asking a rhetorical question?
Now I feel guilty because I pretended to be retarded at Anon saying "fake IP."
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what's lolipower?
>That's not how it works retard. Anime has been dead with the general populace for yeas now since it's heyday back when you had Gundam, DBZ, Sailor Moon, and etc coming on tv back in the 90s. Networks pretty much killed all that stuff in the quest for more profits over time with live action and shitty cartoons.
You're an idiot if you don't think that anime is more popular than ever in the West. Fans are just that much more versed in technology and understand that they'll have to download/stream/order DVDs in order to see their anime.
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>11 dollars a month

Shit. Did they increase the price? I remember it being way lower.
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It's actually true. Even ATMs in a 24 hour convenience store will stop doing transactions from like 11:00 pm to 7:00 am, depending on the brand ATM.
Saudi Arabia what?
>Saudi Arabia
What the actual fuck.
How can it even be 3670th in USA?
If I couldn't torrent full seasons of anime to watch I wouldn't watch anime at all and subsequently I wouldn't spend thousands of dollars on anime merchandise, so sucks for them I guess.
Newfag please go.
Everything in Japan stops once it hits midnight except for vending machines. Those things can survive an earthquake, a tsunami and a nuclear meltdown

I guess they're afraid of the fucking dark hour or some bullshit.
Are you sure about this?
You wouldn't need money in case of a natural disaster, but you would need food.
Too bad you wouldn't be able to buy that food because you don't have money.
Sure about what?

That's a pretty outrageous claim.
What's outrageous about it?
They'd obviously be downloading the raws.
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>What's outrageous about it?
Not him but I sure as hell don't buy cars without testing them out first. Same goes with houses, or anything important. It's one thing if they sell it episode by episode but when you sell it as a package for a high price not everyone is dumb enough to go in blind and rely on reviews/word of mouth.
One singular variable is enough to pull you away from a hobby you have invested thousands of dollars and probably thousands of hours into. It defies basic logic.

Unless you are that anecdote, that one guy who will follow through with a claim such as this.
Since when do legal streaming sites make you watch the whole show and pay for it all in advance?
And that's where smashing and stealing comes in.
This. I already hate going in blind and risking wasting my time on something bad when I torrent.
Do they really expect anyone to bet their money on Japan being able to release a captivating and good first episode, AND keep that up for the next 13-26?
No, that's why the market has catered towards streaming as a viable option for people apprehensive about paying for a show.

Netflix has thrived under this model and American TV has had more success than ever before.
This is especially true when it comes to shows that start out decent then take a huge turn to shit once you got to near the end, and after you decide to buy it *cough*Negima*cough*

I've swore to myself I will never buy any anime until I watch the whole thing out.
The Saudis must really like their Chinese cartoons.
Since when does test driving a WRX = test driving a WRX STi?
>Unless you are that anecdote, that one guy who will follow through with a claim such as this.

I say what I mean and I mean what I say.
I don't mind spending money for something of higher quality if it's something I like. If the anime is good, I'll fucking buy the BD even if you make it cost a thousand.

If it's shit yet they expect me to pay for the tv release version, I'll tell them to go shove it.
I'm surprised their sekret moral police isn't cracking down on the degenerating animes which will corrupt their youths. Maybe they just have no idea how the internet work.
Shouldn't they be too busy managing their harems and making their women act like tables and chairs, as well as try get rid of infidels.
So what you're saying is we're talking about cars now? Your metaphor doesn't work with an entertainment medium. People see a movie on Netflix, they buy a blu-ray that has some added features. People see an anime they like on Netflix, they buy it with additional features. That doesn't hold when test driving two different cars, you're buying the same thing you're test driving only they're throwing in an air freshener. That's an accurate metaphor.
>shows about how males defeat evil people while attracting a million virgin women into a harem
it's literally their heaven
The signal to noise ratio in anime is just way way way too fucking bad to buy before watching rather than after.
Except for many of us, the first impression is the most important, and more importantly there's no evidence that just because it's BD it's gonna not have artifacts, banding, etc etc.
>managing their harems

They're trying to learn, anon. As long as they keep of the Haganai, they should be ok
B-But muh wahabi beliefs require veils. Anime is literally too lewd for them.
Are you all fucking stupid? Japanese distributors are never going to price their BDs for you fucks because their local audience would just reverse import.
Uh what? The STi is the same fucking car you moron it's just modified, just like how an anime going from 720p to 1080p bd is a modification.

Are you really trying to claim that an air freshener is the equivalent of the upgrade from 720p streaming to 1080p bd? Fuck off nigger.
No, anime is evil! There are shows where the protagonist is a useless beta coward and only the women are strong and fight to protect him.
>Fuck off nigger.

And here we have the point at which anon had lost his argument, took his ball, and went home.
If anime means so little to you that you could just drop it tomorrow, over something petty, then you don't belong here. There, I said it. And I do mean that.

Wow I didn't know NEETS were dumb enough to comment on things they can't afford or understand.
Exactly, they are lessons, teaching us to always be courageous and that beta cowards will get walked all over by the heinous women
Has anyone even liked a beta character? Exactly.
It's the prices in Japan that need to come down, no one's talking about localized Funidubbed releases domestically.
>Has anyone even liked a beta character?
Yes, in anime the cute girls like them.
Uh what? I shot you down. Just because I'm pointing out your inferior genes doesn't make my argument any less valid quit straw manning and get a job.
They already do that
I just bought a car actually, nice try at the personal attack to get around your inability to provide coherent discourse.

Implying that you would look at the quality of something on TV or on a streaming site, watch the entire series, and then have apprehensions about purchasing a physical form that comes with added features and improved video quality defies years of extensive market research. Unless anime as an entertainment medium is so vastly different from everything else then the metaphor was a terrible metaphor that failed to address the point.

Got work tomorrow actually, one of my two jobs.
Well I'm still here and not planning on going anywhere soon so it's too bad for you I suppose.
>it's too bad for you I suppose.
Why would it be too bad for me? You just proved me right. Every waking hour that you consider yourself an anime fan is a victory for me. You won't defeat me until you have completely sworn off anime.

>claims he bought a car
>thinks a different edition of a model makes it a different model

And now your entire defense is

>because plebs abide by this I learned it in marketing 101

Your argument might work on Adult Swim boards or something but not here.
>gets called out for not having a job after showing his lack of common sense
>overcompensates not only by claiming he JUST bought a CAR but has TWO jobs

Even COD babies lie better than you.
Since the Japs are too dense to know how to monetize, in the event that shit really does go down and the only option left is CR, should the Western community organize some mass petition or something to get them to get their shit together? I think these bullet points sound reasonable:

>$15-per BD volume
>$60 for all episodes on BD
>keep releasing current model of BD as premium "Collector's Editions"
Oh look more fearmongering shit about something that will result in nothing. The fucking RIAA, MPAA, and every other jew organization hasn't stopped torrenting of music or movies or vidya.
That's the Shaft way of thinking all right.
I just ctrl + f'd for model and I didn't even accidentally slip it into my post at some point. Two different editions of a model would logically be interpreted the same as two different cars unless we're getting overly-semantic and I know we're above those petty levels, right?

You guys made personal attacks that weren't actually true. I just felt the need to clarify some things.

You have two jobs and still come on /a/ and argue instead of watching anime? Do you work 2 hour shifts part time or something?
>Got work tomorrow actually, one of my two jobs.
What are you, a nigger? Unless you're a poor black man living on wellfare and raising 6 kids you shouldn't need more than a single job to raise your dumbass.
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