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>12% chance of a massive Solar Storm in the next 10 years.

It has begun. The Committee of 300 is already releasing information to prepare the masses for their attempt to conquer humanity.

Project Atum is underway.

It's Happening.

El Psy Kongroo.
We cant do anything about it. Why do you even care?
>10 years
It'll take 1 to devise an affordable preparation for it.
I remember that mass flare.
we were posting about it on /a/, I and other said they had headaches but I think it was probably being too paranoid about the solar flare at the time.
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I'll probably be dead by then, so it doesn't matter.
>not becoming 2d instead
Nothing catastrophic and interesting will ever happen in our lives. There is nothing to fear but our own boredom.
WWIII nigga.
The Singularity
It'd just be a boring war fought by bored people over more boredom.
Not even exciting enough for a sidebar.
>Gaza and Israel
>Russia and Ukraine
>South Korea and Best Korea
>Nothing to fear
It's a bad time to be an American.
Something happened with the koreans again?
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Well, it's true that you'd be bored if you were dead.
>Russia and Ukraine

>A former empire picking on a corrupt 3rd world shithole
>Meaning anything

US has been doing it for years, it means nothing.
>climate change
North Korea launched some ballistics into the Sea of Japan or something.
Can this effect my HDDs?
I don't wanna lose all my porn
Nice joke.

Republicans please go.
Ecofascists please go.
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So yeah and california can get wiped out tomorrow by the biggest earthquake to ever hit humanity.
As far as space threats go, it's like I say:

As long as Jupiter is here
We have nothing to fear.
That one probably won't be catastrophic until we're dead.
Government isn't going to tell you shit like this. Same goes for aliens or whatever. You'll be the last to know.

There will never be a third world war dummy.

/g/ tried to fuck with them and got all of their IPs
>There will never be a third world war dummy.
WWII was WWIII, WWI was WWII, and the Seven Year War was WWI.
Time to spread the true history.
WWI - Eighty Year's War
WWII - Dutch-Portuguese War
WWIII - Nine Year's War
WWIV - Spanish Succession
WWV - Austrian Succession
WWVI - Seven Year's War
WWVII - American Revolution
WWVIII - French Revolutionary Wars
WWIX - Napoleonic Wars
WWX - Crimean War
WWXI - "World War I"
WWXII - "World War II"
>only Europeans matter
They are certainly the most important and "World War I" was not really the first world war, but you're exaggerating.
A world war involves most of the entire world, the American Revolution isn't a world war, nor are half of those you listed.
What is it with people and their internal desire to live out a morbid apocalyptic fantasy? Are you lives that pathetic, and your ability to change it so nullified that you actually crave the release of responsibilities that the fall of humanity would have for you? Stop being a child.
Battles fought in Euro colonies count
3+ continents = world war
>crave the release of responsibilities that the fall of humanity would have for you?
But you'd probably have more responsibilities not less.
You can't seriously not know the draw to it, whether you agree or not.
Are you using a map with 4, 5, 6 or 7 different continents?
North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania
Depends if the world ends in 2 years
But 2010 is over.
You'd probably have more responsibilities, although they'd be different.

The world now is pretty boring. Everything is pretty much explored, except the Ocean, and I can't swim. There are also way too many people in the world.

If an apocalypse happened, and I happened to survive, I could go on adventures like in my fantasy anime and novels. Life would be just like in the Stand.
Then I would say that a war spanning only 3 continents could not be considered a world war.
50%+ of the world is enough for me
Hmm, I would say more like 70%.
More like "WWII" should be "WWI"
and "WWI" should be the "Austro Hungarian War"
Red heifer
Third jewish temple being built
Jews the final boss confirmed.
Hitler tried to prevent this and failed.
I hear israel does stuff from behind the media doesn't want us to know.
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>nothing to fear
But, wouldn't the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars be just one conflict that lasted about 20 years? Makes more sense that way. War of 1812 can be folded in there too.
>Commie Steins;Gate

Anon why.
I was an idiot back then.
If you build a giant faraday cage and put all your electronics in it, then no solar storm will be able to fuck with it.

>Solar storms can generate EM fields poweful to not just disable electronics, but to fry them.

Even if only the face of the earth that is facing the sun for 10 seconds is what gets hit by such a powerful storm, it'd end up becoming the new standardized date in which we measure all future and past events from, since at least 1 billion would die since the human race is incapable of feeding its current size without machinery. Youre talking about the biggest disaster this planet and race would ever face.

No doubt, we'd survive as humans are hardy, but we'd be sent back to the Medieval Era and our population would have reduced drastically. Which, is technically a good thing.

Thanks for the reminder OP, im not ready yet, but i got about half my kit and im hoping to influence like minded people to head to the same place i plan to bug out too
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>mfw dumbfucks from /pol/ are going to put all their money into gold and not stuff that's actually useful
> Which, is technically a good thing.
Kill yourself malthusian shiteater.
>Medieval Era with guns.
Fund it.
You can deny global warming, cannot deny Climate change, anon. Earth does it naturally.
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So lets start this:

>Huge ass Solar Storm about to hit, will take the whole world back to medival technology level for at least an entire year, all media content will be lost including your backups and backlog.
>When the storm begin, suddenly a portal opens in front of you.
>The world from that portal is the one from the series you are currently watching at that current timeline, or just finished on its finishing timeline.
But things aren't that easy, as you approach you realize that world is turning into 3D, yet it still conserve its physics and logics.

Now choose, anon.
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>Haganai next
I think I'll stay.
The second one obviously.
I don't even know what you mean by "turning 3D", but I already know its better than living with nothing to do with these people.

The last show I watched was Samurai Flamenco. Not my ideal, but if I spend the rest of my life saying flamwenco, a good percent of my wishes will be granted.
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>Hidamari Sketch
I can't even imagine the horrors of 3D WIDE.
>Akame ga Kill

There's like a 90% chance I'll get raped, tortured and murdered. I think I'd rather stay here.

The earths population is reaching a point where its current growth rates are unsustainable for our planet. Out of every single person in all of history, alive or dead, fucking 1 in 7 of them are alive today. And governments wont start imposing one child only rules til its too late.

Earth has gone through several extinction periods and its natural, but humans aren't exactly natural and we've attained a level of intelligence that should allow us to break through the extinction list and exist eternally. But unless there is some kind of disaster that kills off the majority of the population without outright poisoning our world, the next 300 years is gonna have a bad time.

If we lost half our population it'd be a great thing, since it'd probably then lead to losing half of that remaining population (lack of skilled jobs such as doctors, law, government etc) and it'd lead to a total social reform on a planetary scale with whatever surviving trying to reform their society in however way THEY see best, but done 1000 times over, and then maybe about 500 years from now we'll be at a higher state of science and be laughing about the mistakes we made today which allowed for us to come so close to the brink.

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>The earths population is reaching a point where its current growth rates are unsustainable for our planet
>Out of every single person in all of history, alive or dead, fucking 1 in 7 of them are alive today
>And governments wont start imposing one child only rules til its too late.
>humans aren't exactly natural
>If we lost half our population it'd be a great thing
>Tekkaman Blade.
Time to join the space army and remove Radam.
>If we lost half our population
...our society would collapse.
>we'd be sent back to the Medieval Era
No, we fucking wouldn't be. Maybe in third world nations, but not any first world ones.
Point is, you uneducated Malthusian retard, overpopulation is a myth. We are no where near running out of resources. There will be no population disaster. Malthus was wrong. China's one child policy doomed itself to collapse.
World population doubled in only a decade. It'll happen sooner or later
>...our society would collapse.
Depends on where the loss was.
You just like to fantasizing about mass amounts of people dying to the tune of Tool and Perfect Circle. There's nothing wrong with that, I do it sometimes two when I get moody. But stop going out of your way to justify by making assumptions fed to you by disaster movies and infographs using uncited information.
World population growth is slowing, and is projected to stop growing altogether somewhere between 9 and 11 billion.
sometimes too*

People don't just magically stop making babies anon.
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The only kind of loss that we wouldn't suffer from, since all the modern world is "connected" (see globalization, internet) would be humans from really poor unproductive 3rd world countries, and these people consume little resources anyway, you ignorant.
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Do I at least get to be one of the characters?
>People don't just magically stop making babies anon.
Are you retarded? Do you know what population growth means?
>People don't just magically stop making babies anon.

The only people who are still making a significant amount of "babies" are poor people in poor countries, and this has been a trend for years, you ignorant retard

You do realize why India and China have such high populations is the mentality is 'if i have enough kids, they'll be able to take care of me'

So please do tell me, when you got a population of close to 3 billion who consider this mindset a way of life and have always for over 3,000 years (and this mindset goes into alot of other countries too), how do you plan to slow it down? Especially when you're not able to keep track of each birth since many are un-registered.

Earths population in 1927 was 1 billion.

In less than 90 years, it has increased by 700%

Tell me, how is this 'slowing down', since apparently laughing at me gives you some kind of arcane knowledge or some bullshit, so id like you to see you explain your Knowledge. Also you do understand the planet doesn't have infinite resources to take care of infinite people, and what you're seeing in the middle east and ukraine right now is literally resource wars right?
tell that to Japan
See >>111166455
>'if i have enough kids, they'll be able to take care of me'
That is a mentality common in undeveloped poor nations. It died in europe, america and japan which is one of the reasons why we have so few babies now. It's slowly dying in china too. Stop being ignorant and talking out of your ass.
Also you seem to have little understanding of politics and economy.
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To address your 'points'
>You do realize why India and China have such high populations is the mentality is 'if i have enough kids, they'll be able to take care of me'
Yes, and they're industrializing and growth is slowing there.
>Also you do understand the planet doesn't have infinite resources to take care of infinite people, and what you're seeing in the middle east and ukraine right now is literally resource wars right?
Nobody's saying anything about infinite people. Growth is limited, obviously. It's also slowing. Also those wars are ethno-religious in nature, not resources, with the exception of oil in Iraq.
>That is a mentality common in undeveloped poor nations. It died in europe, america and japan which is one of the reasons why we have so few babies now. It's slowly dying in china too.
That's exactly what he said.
I'll survive by any means, for the sake of my waifu and backlog.
What the hell happened in 1961?
12% is not too bad for 10 years time. I do agree that preparations need to be made, since the potential damage is significant.

Think of all the anime that would be lost. I get shivers just by starting to imagine it.
Nothing is going to happen. It will never "Happen". Things will just be sterilized slowly but surely until there's nothing left.
Maoism killed millions.
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