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Buyfag thread WONFES TIME Twitter: #wf2014s http://twitp

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Thread replies: 783
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Buyfag thread

Twitter: #wf2014s
I need more of that Papi.
And that Optimus riding Grimlock
Thread was posted first
Women always suck up the life energy of the man they marry. It's awful, I've seen it happening many times with people I know too. They marry and suddenly they lose any kind of identity and creativity they once had.
where is native?
Ton of GSC and friends' stuff

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Motherfucking Alter takes all my money

Lots if good shit so far but nothing that I want except Maybe Xiao Me. That might change when everything gets painted, but im glad about not wanting a bunch of stuff.
WUG Time
WUG time
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Damn bones.
But she was a cute Aya cosplayer who gave him a baby girl.

Are women really a man's downfall?
I never wanted a building figure so bad before.
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So when the fuck japan is gonna upload the God Hand prototype pictures?
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Copypasting >>111112190
Full story of how TH fandom may disintegrate.

Don't pick sides, just know this is a big deal right now. I myself still likes both and I'm not really planning to pick sides either.

>Mob@AS blows up (IM@S CG)
>Touhou artists starts drawing CG doujins
>sells IM@S doujins in Touhou-only events
>This is only acceptable if they're selling leftover stocks from other events
>Few artists abused this and printed newer stuff anyways
>not a huge issue, people are easily forgiving
>one of the TH doujin artist draws this as a joke
>Becomes a joke between Touhoufans, it's no big deal


>PMMM blows up
>rinse and repeat, no big deal
>Kancolle blows up
>fandom expands at speed of light
>random Anon in 2ch decides to post "Betrayal List" on Naver, spreads at speed of light on Twitter
>It's not even serious list, some bullshit list compilation of Pixiv artist who drew both Touhou and Kancolle some time in their career
>Other fags declare THfags dangerous, "THfags have no life, making lists like this and bullying artists"
>Some artists make stance, "why bully us for drawing Kancolle"
>shitstorm slowly brews
>then >http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=36015380 gets brought up again
>ZUN suddenly says "Kancolle fans and Touhou fans should get along"
>there was no fight in the first place
>now there really is a fight
>TH fandom starts disintegrating

>THPolice still doesn't exist.

Being Asian has it's perks. I got these from non-Japanese sources but I can read enough, and there are enough reference points I researched to say the event is legitimate.

I just do hope that Touhou doesn't disintegrate.

Kudos if you know who I am, if you don't, oh well
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Gift making a swimsuit Vita? Seems kind of random.
Only if they let it happen.
Minami best wug
Giant naked overalls when?
Suicide stairs the second.
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Just how many idol shows are there in japan?
>Wake up girls.
>Love Live

the fuck? When is the idol thing going to die?

is her hair buildings?
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Oh shit. GGXrd Ky incoming.
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You're acute girl, just like all of us.
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Speaking of GE, where was James tonight?
TACHIAGARE One more time.
Man, are building-musume really going to become a thing? Most of Japan's modern architecture fucking sucks; I don't want to see their countless squatty crap boxes glorified in grill form with all sorts of boring lame facts about their history and who the tenants are/were.

Call me when they do New York or Chicago buildings so they can at least have pretty art deco grills and have cool stories like the time a B-25 flew into the Empire State Building.
Well, even if 2hu dies we have years and years of backlog to fall on.

I doubt it'll die completely though. Decrease in size, sure, but die forever? Nah.
Noodles, is that you?
Or KingofMaids?
Those are the only two asian buyfags I know of.
It's not even a lot. The other half are kids shows.
I can read and write Japanese well enough, but I never lurk the Japanese BBS long enough to notice that anything interesting is going on.
>Man, are building-musume really going to become a thing?
They are trying to make musume of everything, trying to cash-in on the Kancolle fad obviously.
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Shinjuku x Tokyo Tower OTP
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I'm not good enough to be Miku though.

Is he even still around?

Yeah, but I am also bit sick of staleness in goods. I stopped buying doujin music because of that, also

This was mostly in Twitter. Most incident backbrews in 2CH, but really nowadays blows up in Twitter.
holy shit these wake up girls are hideous
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Native'll be making this, apparently
I think his head looks too much like a battle-shounen character. His face should be bigger, his back broader, and his hair longer and less "vegeta-y".
Showed up on MFC 4 days ago.
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All these shows and guests.
Just how big is Good Smile Company?
Potemkin when?
Based 11's, not to mention finally getting Gundam Girl figures again.
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It's not like ZUN will keep doing games untill he dies, he'll eventually quit.
There'll be always at least one dedicated touhoufag in comickets, that's for sure.
Man, not even the music circles are as big as before anymore.
That's a pleasant surprise.
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Alright this is the kind of Tenryu I've been waiting for. QuesQ please don't mess it up.

Can't wait to see how she sells
>Gundam MILF
interest piqued
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I'm not asian. I do like QT asian grills though

I will be waiting warmly for this GSC Kurumi.
My bugfag blood want this, but my heart says no
Does new stuff get shown on each day of WONFES? That's how I remember the winter one being.
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2 prototypes, 4 new figs announced and colored elevator girl.
Is it fucked up if I can't tell the difference between them?
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Her hair looks so dull.
Simple, that's not Good Smile Company.
Finally, been waiting for her.
inb4 danny chew
Well, 4chan doesn't count, so, perfect.

Yeah, last post of his that I recall was 6 days ago.
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I want to protect.
They have the most money invested in Wonfes and they do their business internationally.

They are pretty large.
>Does new stuff get shown on each day of WONFES?
Technically, yes.
On a low quality stream where they're all in the same outfit? Not really.
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>Man, not even the music circles are as big as before anymore.
Well, I can't really blame them. I honestly can't remember any past Ten Desires song at all.

The games have lost it's charm, simple as that.

Honestly, what I have never been able to get is Kancolle. It's like one day I went to sleep and Kancolle did not exist, I wake up, and Kancolle is superpopular overnight. How did the Kancolle boom even happen?
What is this girl getting emotional about?
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We're not etc
We're /a/
Are you okay, Anon? Do you not English?
Do you not have PRIDE?

Asianfag here, I can't tell difference either.
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Dammit, Alter.
but its only one day
Hey, remember me? Thank you for the Sakuya, she's gorgeous.
not to mention they keep raising their prices since faggots will eat them up (myself included..)
enjoy your 50 dollar figmas
16 sai no agape !
OS and Plum

I really wish China was holding a bearguy, but I will buy every single one of those girls. Im so happy Rinko has a figure.
You're not even a bro, you imposter.
She really love figures
>7th Dragon Samurai recolour
Uh oh.
Is this going to cut into the value of my original one?
He said he'd be on a plane or something.
Isn't that Griffon's?
Looks pretty acceptable.
?????!!! ????? o(???o) (o???o) (o???)o ????? ????
I hope these are alternate parts, because I liked Yato holding the bottle with the sword behind him.
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You are literally seeing your dollars dance away in a shitty stream.
T-thanks GSC, have some more money.
Have you seen the recolor? If anything it will make people appreciate the original more.
I fucking hate recolours. The recolour looks hideous too. I just want Katanako to stay that way.
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Why is WUG here? I thought it was a failure
Is the girl on the right based on an existing art piece? She looks gorgeous.
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Can't keep my eyes open any longer. Good night, buyfags.
She wasn't a cosplayer. She was some assistant in his circle and she doesn't look cute at all.

ZUN could have done better. Heck, he could married a white girl.
Yeah he was QQing about how he won't be able to grab anything for few weeks, and is about to miss his packages and etc

literally, QQing
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>another year with no merch of my waifu besides her source material
Who's your waifu?
Don't believe their lies.
> with a simple gameplay
There you go, it attracts more people compared to 2hu's bullet hell games.
Shhh... shh... Don't spread lies.
this better be a thing
There better be a band-aid.
Touhou's been pretty boring for the past few years. ZUN's grils have been pretty uninspiring lately and the last two games feel just kind of phoned in compared to 11-12.
Get a better waifu
I've heard of twintails, but are those twintowers?
Sounds like bullshit.

It would be the equivalent of /a/ implying old tripshits on /a/ actually mattered
everything on that stream is promoting gsc crap
The recolor makes the original look god-made.
You're good, just keep hording it.
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>malaysian twin towers
You and me both.
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Yes, I do. The maid collection has grown considerably here. Is your email still the same?
I'm still around. I mostly lurk, though. Or play KanColle and roll with Bismarck

Have the IS 1/4s on PO, and looking forward to my favorite, Houki. Hopefully they make one of Chifuyu Maid. I'd Day One Buy that.
It all makes sense now.
The yakuza are mad that they don't have control over the doujin circles. They want all that sweet otaku money to flow into their coffers.
Not gonna lie, I bought her for the soft hips.
it is
Japanese communities are actually pretty organized. Not everything is a clusterfuck like /a/ or most western places.
And 13.5 went to shit almost immediately with no extra characters added.
It's like 1000% drills combined with twintails equals OP's image.
I don't even think the japs know what they're doing with the tanks
>tony sameface

WUG ED now.
>giant GSC banners in the back
>everything takes place on the GSC stage
>all products shown are from GSC
>not GSC affiliated

Does it matter when Big Sight is confirmed for Kill before the Japanese Olympics?

Bigwigs already plan to tear it down and replace it with some venue meant for Olympic athletes and the audience.

Comiket will actually need a new location soon.
This is a GSC event broadcast over in NicoNico.
Everything has been GSC or something from under their umbrella.
Hmm a Tony piece? I guess I could just buy one if she turns out well, thanks for the help.
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Malaysiafag pls.

That's the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building.
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Looks like all these are going into MF's new Figfix line
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But she's the best
Is there some compilation blog with everything announced?
Ah, that's what they blew up in ZnT. I can't believe I just realized this.
Oooh , this is the one that got blown up in Zankyou no Terror right?
>Puri Pura
>Ai Mai Mi
>Symphogear (It's idol shit, deal with it)
I'm sure there is more, that's just the ones off the top of my head.
You've gotta admit they're creative

believe whatever you want. I'm only telling you what happened. How you interpret is entirely uptoyou.

yeah I seen you there once or twice. I'm still very very newfag there so people there help a lot and are nice enough to teach me shit that I don't know.
for comisnh
Tokyo also has the CN tower.
what a faggot
got BTFO so badly he had to delete his post
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cant a guy dream of his country statue being turned into a cute girl?
Neko Magic and Twitter hashtag.
Yeah, after UFO everything just feels unnecesary. It was a great game. Although SA is the best of the modern games no questions.
Sukuna was a horrible, horrible final boss compared to Utsuho or Kanako.
God damn Utsuho's theme and everything is so fucking cool, I miss that shit.
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Event just sort of happened. You're asking too much, literally.
macross is more idol shit than Symphogear
Yaranika dude, where are the pictures
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More Native
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Hell yeah, good to hear.
I still have this golden egg.
Also, I decided to cave in and get the maids card game. Would you recommend it?
Yes, my email is still the same. Let's do SecretSanta again this year, if you'd like.
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>Yaegashi Nan
I like her face and her butt, but that tit is too huge

Lot better.
Random and yet holy shit there goes more of my money.
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Not much DFC from native this time around, how disappointing.
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Considering that it only runs from 10am to 5pm on a single day...
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In a flying metal bird between Houston and Detroit.
SamFlam figures fucking when?
There was Yui. She's pretty close.
Holy fuck, is this confirmed?
I was planning to go to Japan for the olympics since they'll be forced to be kinds to foreigners.

Should I go to japan before 2020?
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Miracle of robotics.
Malaysia tak Boleh!
You've gotta be kidding me.
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Non-GK Akatsuki
the best OP
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7 GIRLS WAR (again)
7GW best song.
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Can't find a single decent Rozen Maiden figure to buy, hold me.
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The BD sales weren't exceptional, but it wasn't a failure either. They were about average. All the merchandise sold out, which doesn't necessarily mean a whole lot, but I don't think it means it was a failure per se,
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Another fig based on Cat Lap Milk's artist.
Same boat, bud.

maybe something in s3
For those who hasn't visited Japan, I highly recommend that if you want to, do it ASAP. For 3 key reasons:
1. Japanese domestic troubles (read: Abe is retard)
2. Fukishima may blow up any minute
3. Mt. Fuji may blow up any minute
It's a fucking GK right?
God damn it my husbando will never officially get anything.
>That HD quality
Have you subscribed to premium?
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The face looks awful, but I want it anyways/
Whose making it?
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Part of me wants to buy this just to try give as gifts
Japan didn't get chosen for the 2020 Olympics, they asked for it, a secret deal in order to use it as an excuse to purge all otaku culture which is clearly the cause of their low birth rates.
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Yes, i was hoping for Ciel nendo.
I guess this and FW Beatrice Nendo will enough for now.
Wish it was Accessory Nendo instead
Fucking newfags who can only recognize >>111114019 from a new anime airing this season.
The recent Griffon and Wave figures were decent, I thought.

Though they did manage to pick four characters I have minimal interest in.
What exactly do you do anyway? All I remember is that you work at GM or somethibg making 80k/y
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It's about time.
Yeah but it's not HD, it's just higher quality.
What's Abe going to do? Start a civil war?
Fukushima's not going to fucking blow.
Fuji... yeah, that could happen I guess.

The main problem is the Olympics. I'm fucking terrified about what they'll do to "clean up" things like doujin and eroge.
>Just get home
>See that the Ryuuko GSC figure got shown
>It's not uniform it's super sayian form
That's what I get for being excited.
Suigintou Nendo
I guess I'm going to japan in 2016, since I'm already going to Anime Expo next year.
When is the best time of the year to go to japan?
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I wanted a nendo of her but depending on the quality that'll work.
I'm actually vaguely interested in the Elsa one

Elsa's hot as fuck, yo, and a nendo has serious potential to be cute
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Maka model1.jpg
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my first model and she is mai waifu
Different figures
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Probably in spring or fall so that you don't get baked in the sun or frozen by winter extremes (unless you go to Okinawa or somewhere year-round tropical).
>The main problem is the Olympics. I'm fucking terrified about what they'll do to "clean up" things like doujin and eroge.

Fucking worse than sadpanda purge.
Sitting in customs for me. I'll probably have her Monday.
>that fucking smirk
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Alter sure loves to stuff its big greedy cock in my tight little wallet
Abe will send in army to clean that up. He has full right of exercise to, now that they're setting up that army

I'd have to say dead summer or dead in the winter if it's like any other Asian places, but anyone is welcome to correct me. I haven't been to Japan in ages.
Or... They could be using this to bring in rich foreigners to forcefully inseminate their cutiepie females with STRONK foreigner genes.
Their birth rate will grow after 2020, mark my words.
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Passing through slut lane
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It's amazing to see what fans still love.
If that's true, learn to paint just for him.
Odeya. I'm not loving the face either, but it is Cyborg 009.
I want to hotglue her already.
CDJapan still in "shipping process" for me.

What the fuck are they doing.
Sure, I'd include that as well. I've just never seen Macross, heh.
Don't hide your Shinobu-love
I'll take it, unless something better comes along.
Now all I need is a /glassesadust figure and I'll be able to die
>betraying their people
That's pathetic.
You know you love it.
Eh, good enough.
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>Dat Jack-Chan
>Dat Armored Mordred

Yes please.

>Dat Class Rep
>Dem Meat Buns

More please.

Goodie. Though the pose looks a bit boring compared to a GK I saw. Still nice.


I want to try and go either for Winter Comiket, or a Cherry Blossom Viewing.

What is that? D-Arts?
Whoah they're still making digimon stuff?
Yeah I'm sure Japan will be forced to get rid of otaku culture just like Russia was forced to be nicer to gays and Brazil was forced to stop child prostitution.

Quit fear-mongering.
I know how to paint, the question is that if I'll ever manage to get him.
Hoping for gathering or just plain luck in YAJ.
4 U !!!!!
I want to sleep but fucking Ufotable won't let me.

At least wonfes is keeping me awake
If there is no band-aid, I swear to God.
>Mexico Loves Wake up Girls

James are you posting in NicoNico again?
>Olympics force Comiket out of Big Sight
>It starts in a new, bigger venue
>Everything is better than before

This will happen... right? Right?
Hopefully. I'm still gonna buy it because I'm buying pretty much ever decent looking KlK figure.
Ken scale when
I know the source anon, I was wondering if it was being made by a company. The base looks a little too elaborate to be just a GK.
I dream a day when our planes would stop falling from the skies but hey, a Malaysian can dream right?
Please give me more of your big cock, Alter-sama~.
I'm actually planning on going back in the next year or two since I know it will be gutted for the olympics.

I went in September and it was great. I'm not a fan of going during TGS/WonFes/Comiket or anything like that. I expect the general attitude for tourists is more negative and everything is more crowded around those times.
Oh fuck, when is that?
Would buy pre-painted.
Difference being that Japan is not a third world shithole.

Also, Brazil and Russia aren't pussies who care about how others look or think of them. They don't have MUH HONOR ingrained into their fucking brains since they are born either.
Fuck I'm high from no sleep
You guys keep forgetting about NIPPON PRIDE.

They won't subjugate their people for dirty gaijins.

I mean really, Japan is already under international scrutiny for Otaku Culture, Loli in particular.

Their response has basically been, "Would you be quiet already, we're doing the best we can, just leave it alone."

Basically they've made a few concessions, but otherwise just deflect further probes because they know it's a big fucking part of their economy.
3 more hours
I know how you feel anon
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Also Odeya.
Which Anon were you? I'd like to answer.
I brought my light stick out for this.

It was great
The old need young people to take care of them.
If their own youth will not make more youth then who will?
We will.
Through Dick Unity.
People are just being dumb and scared. We all know it isn't going to happen because everybody already knows about it and if they fucked with it a major portion of Japan's economy will get fucked and that's the last thing they need right now. Everybody knows the most that would come of anybody seeing anything "bad" would just be on someones Twitter going "OH JAPAN IS SO NUTTY! XD!"
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You and I are in the same boat.

And I thought it was 4 hours?

Not to mention Tokyo is a big fucking city. It's not like London did anything about the other shithole areas, just the bit near the Olympic venues.
mah nigga
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I can't actually pay for mine yet do to funds not being available yet. But hopeful in the next 2 days.

The postal system works in mysterious ways.
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Holy hell, that image is outdated.
I'm happy to help if I'm around, though my specialty is pic related...
I assumed WUG being an IRL idol group died now that some of them were getting voice roles in other shows. I guess I was wrong.
Plus, none of this shit is hidden in Japan like Brazil's shit is. All a tourist has to do is get off the train in Akihabara and look at any one of the billboards with scantily clad cartoon children on it. Not a big deal now, but would become a lot more public with the world watching.
Then why in the fuck would they ask for the olympics to be hosted in their country?
They want that foreign money.
They will purge the otaku and pedoshit out and fill it with the japanese old culture, honor, and other respectful shit we don't care about.
Maka-chan is a cute.
Yamakan said himself that WUG-chan has monthly concerts in Akiba.

They have some devoted fans.
I wan to fuck BB's thighs
I have all those K-ON maids too. Kawaii as hell.
You mean the olympics be held in the comiket venue or Akibahara?
>dat Native cat maid slurping the hotglue off the floor

Fine collection you have there.
Engineering Manager, I work for a company specialized in acoustic and thermal insulation for vehicles, mainly making interior trims. One of the new plants in MI is having serious trouble and I'll be here for a couple of weeks helping hem.

And Ford is our biggest client, not GM, Chrysler in second place, then Nissan.
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They also do a live tour.
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Fuck yeah, this girl was shown, I can't wait to see her painted.
The world already knows about little naked anime girls. Brazil's shit is not hidden at all. It is literally one part of the country is fine and the rest of it, which is most of it, is a total shithole that you don't go to unless you want to die.
Their country is made up of 5 million people.
300k attend comiket every 6 months.
Otaku culture is a deep part of their economy.
Let's just wait 10 more years so that the old people will die off and the otaku lovers take power.
Then we will finally reach the golden age of anime.
So what's left? Things have slowed down a fuckton.
>Then why in the fuck would they ask for the olympics to be hosted in their country?
Their economy is still shitty as fuck.

Olympics will help them. Not like this is anything new as they hosted the world cup in 2002.
That tongue ruined that perfect body and helmet.
Fuck you guys I love the tongue.
>Live Tour
>Titled "Sorry that We're Newbs and We Suck"

Oh Yamakan... Is public self-degradation a fetish now?
GK's. Unless there's some figma/nendos that are in the no photo booth that haven't gotten online yet.
Or a Brown Age of pure Moe-Crap.
I can hope for a Gundam Filled Utopia.
But the odds probably aren't with me.
singapore pls, go back to be JIDF
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I don't know what the fuck these are supposed to be, but since they're Shunya Yamashita designs I'm going to have to get them.
You forgot the two.
Yep and they've already made possession of CP illegal.
>5 million people

More like take it out of the dining room and put it in the closet while the guests are over.

Of course they aren't going to flaunt otaku shit in their opening ceremony or anything, that would be retarded.

That doesn't mean they're going to kill it forever though, Jesus.
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Too lewd

And why wont anyone take a fucking picture of her.
Hopefully never
Holy crap, all them maids. You make me proud.
Feels great to see my maido in the middle. Good Job!
>Not Braves
I still believe.
Pre-Orders WHEN?!
it will be soon brother, we only need to remove the giant noses
It's nice to know that they have some fans and didn't fail. I enjoyed the show.
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>No new Nintendo stuff besides one Nendo
>5 million people.
Much higher anon.
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Best Sinon.
It will be beautiful. Finally we can live in the best of times.
>not wanting both
It's like you don't like cute girls flying cute mechas
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Dumbpire anime when?
That's bullshit and you know it. They just made that announcement to appease the west, I doubt they'll really do anything.
A pointless gesture at best. Unless they start posting police checks outside Comiket, or conduct raids on Akibahara Bookstores, it's not gonna do much.
maybe don't fly over the fucking Ukraine next time.
Go away /v/.
MI Welcome to my State, please enjoy your stay.

I love them. They were some of my first purchases. I have an extra unopened set of all of them.

I also have Kazuno, but she doesn't fit on the stand, It's too full.
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Oh my fuck. Way to go. I'm sure all that schooling was worth it. Have you gotten your shelves and room done? I'm looking forward to an updated picture of your collection.
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my nigger
Was this a GK? She'll never show up on mandarake, will she?
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This looks like the figure toppled over halfway.
You are a bold man.
And I wish you the best.

Cute girls are okay. I just don't want them to completely overtake hot blooded veterans.
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>Unless there's some figma/nendos that are in the no photo booth that haven't gotten online yet.
I can't believe someone still hasn't taken a clear shot of the God Hand.
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>Email from AmiAmi
>Only 4 items this month

Oh... oh wow, it's been so long since I had such a small order.

I knew it would start to ease up, but this WF proves I"m gonna be poor again.
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Damn, you make double what I make. Keep up the good work, James.
I been listening to the online radio AnimeNexus to practice my spanish and I love hearing what their view on anime is nowadays. Dubbers are huge there.
>K figures are from Union Creative
Fuck. They'd better step up their game.
I said CP. They specifically noted that drawn has nothing to do with it.
>wasted potential the anime
don't remind me.
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The first one isn't even out yet (release date is still up in the air), and it's rather bland, and yet I still want it.
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Interest piqued.
Wow, some pre anime snack here
It wasn't on sale if it were a GK, it was surrounded by other GKs though, so I assume so. Was just her on a stand, no boxes or anything around her.
Just say you love Saint Seiya and Grendizer and you'll be swimming in spic otaku poon.
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This is the only thing keeping me up. For fucks sake, you'd think at least a single jap cares enough to take a picture
>You're in Michigan.
Damn, if you were any closer to Virginia I'd take you out for a drink.
This, and a PVC Scale? Wonderful.
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>Big Sight going down
>Death of 2hu
Literally all that you love is going to disappear by 2025.
GK, isn't it?
That's my favourite one so far, too.
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Cause photos aren't allowed.
This. Do we even know where it's going to be held in particular? There is Tokyo itself which is actually not that big, it's the greater metro area that is actually several other cities that kind of grew into each other that brings up the statistic of being a city of 30 million.

I bet what'll happen is that Tokyo gov will snoop around the seediest parts of Akiba and force shop owners to cover up / put away anything too lewd for the duration of the Olympics. Tourists coming in for the Olympics are going to be mostly interested in eating the food, touring museums, visiting temples and -maybe- trying to see some of the "wacky" part of Japan that includes Akiba/Shinjuku, for joe shmoe tourist bringing his family along, going to a maid cafe or a cat cafe or a karaoke bar just once is good enough to amuse them in that aspect, and they won't actually hang around these areas too long in favor of the other tourist traps. Not to mention it was Ishihara who was the ultra-conservative anti-otaku governor and he's been out for a while, and his successor will almost surely be gone by 2020 because he's already in a political scandal himself, so we have no idea what the mentality of whoever the governor in 2020 is going to be like, not to mention what the olympic committee thinks of this and how easily their opinions can be bought by Sunrise/Bandai etc. Chances are high they don't -really- give a shit about the otaku stuff and will be fine taking a big-ass kickback to help protect something that is going to be probably far down on their priorities compared to things like stadium safety/security and logistics support for the tourist flock.

Also the Olympics start in July, and will be over by the time summer Comiket rolls around. They won't even need to move it unless they are that afraid of being scrutinized by tourists who stayed behind an extra two weeks somehow, which will be just about fucking no one since the games themselves are already 16 days or so.
Not really, but definitely better than what I was expecting.
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>that Chiya and her rabbit
Pretty great.
Do you want to....like, hang out?

When are they gonna show us the Hulk?
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I really hope they do. Praying for the ZnT ones to look good as well.
Maybe if their K boys sells they'll make Neko.
Yeah, I don't like how apparent these joints are.
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The Thinker time
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Here you go. Some Anon was concerned about what looked pink earlier.
>bathtub collectables
I think it says "Do not take pictures" there.
Yes, GK. Was originally at winter Wonfes.
Mine is payed for but hasn't shipped yet
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Feels great doesn't it?
Because as long as there is money in the wallet, they must be used.
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Didn't somebody earlier mention a rumor about them demoing the Big Site to make way for their Olympic Stadium?
What is that Kuroko figure?
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>Neodroids, Hakutaku figures, that figure...
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You say it like if people give a shit about that.
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oh shit.jpg
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Best girl
Oh thank god.

She's going to receive a figma.

It hasn't been announced yet but I know for a fact they will.
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I like that they went with a different illustration for Venera-sama. Not sure how the smile will look painted, but it's accurate to the source. Dat belly.
That's never stopped photos of figures that were clearly marked as "No photos allowed" from showing up online.
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Sweet. I didn't see that kit.
And I'm happy to see all this for HnR.
better hide your opinion soon since terraformer is going the way of SnK
gonna get shit on when it blows up
There's gotta be a sneaky lawbreaker there with a hidden camera on his pompadour
I'm going to need that Chiya.
Fucking stop it niconico, I just want to watch Aki-chan play with toy robots.
I think for a few years now various manufacturers have been imagining that there is room in the market for something in between a figma and a nendoroid, and they manifest in things like this because there is little way to outdo GSC without costing a lot more and having none of the established cache to give people a reason to trust those higher prices.
So anything Nui while I was asleep?

Please say yes.
You better buy him dinner and a movie. Then use lots of PVC lube.
No, sorry.
Fuck off.
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Not even Nonon.
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Don't bring IRC shit in here
This phrase needs to stop being a thing in these threads.

Hopes and dreams crushed


I thought for sure there would be something. KlK but all we go were shitty Satsuki and Ryuko again.
Fuck off.
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I want that K-ON! umbrella.
What's the company's name, if you don't mind me asking?
Dibs on the GuP one.
KLK is old and busted, Ninja Slayer is the new hotness
No you don't.
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I want there to be a scale or GK of Alpha-01 from Blazblue.

Maybe next year.
Wait, where's the Knight of Sidonia fig?
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Alter scale when
Watch the stream.

They just went through a few.
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Oh man, it's glorious. Then again we already knew that, but still.
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There's some MaoHaoHao-chan (Hakutaku's cat) charms too.

Oh shit, is that from Parasyte?
in the stream right now.
There are 2 robot figmas, a usb, a scale, and an actual bike.
Missed it, any pics?
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>no Kagari in her normal Witch mode
>no Kagari in medusa mode
>no Kagari in Princess mode
>no Kagari with her dragon
well not like I expected Japan to model something challenging
Why the fuck her but no fucking Mitotsudaira worth a damn.
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What the fug I don't even
Holy shit those headphones are baller.
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Aniplex's is comparable I think.
It's a GK dumb shit.

Also Naomasa > dog
Is that a hidden vibrator? Damn that's pretty.
>Aldnoah 0
>Just in the background
Oh come on...
I know they've show the yukata version of the dokes girls by freeing which nobody wants, but did they show anymore of the maiko version I'm sure I remember seeing a pic of the Mami one, was there a prototype shown? Also in general did Kyouko get anything good?
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No maiko Mami, no scale Beatrice, no scale Chariot. What a shitty wonfes.
It's Slayer from Guilty Gear series.
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>telling your better sculptors to spend time on anything but boatshit
I was expecting them to use the pose from the illustration they originally showed, so it was a pleasant surprise they didn't. That other pose wasn't very interesting, but I really like the look of this one.
Depends on if ass.
We need rear angle shots.
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Where my Dorobros?
Yes. Those I saw. Thanks.
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Headphones? I'm in the market for those since my last pair broke. Mayhaps I'll get that.
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What company is making this beauty?
Or is she a GK? ;_;
>giving a fuck about that dumb bitch
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You guys still play with figs? Go home and be a family man
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>15+ Ryuuko
>10+ Satsuki
>Not even 1 (one) Nonon
Why is life so unfair?
Giant Robo
oh here we are, that's what I get for working tonight
There's gonna be a set of the megucas in robes, and the Kyouko one looks pretty nice. Other than that and various Rebellion homu stuff, there isn't much really. Boats absolutely dominated new announcements as predicted, but there were a lot of nice things besides them too.
Tanikaze best liquid identifier in Japan.

>implying she isn't just a slightly changed Arturia

Not as bad as Nero, but still

This isn't the freeing one is it?
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That type of wooden base usually is for GK's. But who knows.
Holy shit I don't care who is making this I'm buying. Best character in GR.
I do it for America.
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Do it right.
>set of the megucas in robes

Any pictures?
why the fuck are they even doing this on the stream
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I believe in the good scales to come. They are going to happen, they have to happen.
These are... headphones? I want them already.
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This is very important for piloting robots.
These are going to be expensive.

Maybe the price will also reflect the sound quality.
I came.
>is this water???

what the fuck am I watching
But are they /g/ approved?
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Any price or where to pre-order?
I need theml.
You can always watch the dangeki strean
Shiiiiiiit. I really want to listen to music now, but I also really want this, and I can't have both.
I was hoping for something other than a prize figure to at least be announced, but I guess it's a little too soon.
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They mostly look kind of shitty imo, incidentally the Kyouko one is the only nice-looking one imo so you're in luck.
Aw shit.
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I'm hoping it's not a GK, I'm tired of eyepatch, cat themed, see through Shikinami related stuff. Asuka in uniform is looking pretty damn nice
They're intoxicating the speakers with experimental beverages.
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Yes, I do recommend Tanto Cuore. Is a very fun game. It plays like Dominion, if you've tried your hand at that.
it compresses and shit, such heresy. I want it. How to order these when they come out/what website do I even lurk to find them when they come up?

I don't really give a shit what /g/ approves. I'm not an audiophile. As long as the sound quality isn't anything below average I'll buy it.
You have to be Gardes pilot that can identify drinks.
>no maid version rei
>azushit taking the space on the stand rei is supposed to go
>not alternate colors
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Anyone looking for a "statement" figure?
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>Wonderful Hobby Life
>All of those expansions.
Where should I start?
>32 watching now
Chachamaru, leave my spider alone.
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Is there more figs of HNR besides the ones posted here? or nothing yet?
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nendo when?

I like it, I don't mind.
it isn't

Yeah, my only worry would be they paint her really plainly. I mean compared to the maiko version of the girls these have looked incredibly plain so far.
How to get when they come out anon?
Is this Idolm@ster stage the last one? I don't have much interest in it and i want to sleep.,
You can start literally anywhere. The expansions are standalone, but it's probably best to start with the base set (on the left)
Oh my bad, wonfes was slightly redeemed.
My sides
There will come a point where they'll realize it's useless and pack up.
Those cards are the limited edition ones aren't they?

The third box has an English localiation already?

I played Tanto Cuore with my slightly more normalfag college friends, they liked it well enough.
Start with the pink box. That's the base.
The schedule is right there, anon.
They are streaming on nico too.
How the hell does the vampire already have a figure? That's just not fair.
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LEDs confirmed for not awful.
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Most definitely.
I don't believe so. These guys are tough. Always beautiful items or personal sculpted figs for us never.
Kits, several of them. Honestly, they don't look too good, but I'm glad to see fans respond.
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don't fuck it up aquamarine
Damn nigga, that is so fucking kawaii.
oh yeah it is. Fuck i need to sleep
>not painted yet
Fuck, it's going to be a Sept. 2015 release, isn't it?
I can't find Rei. I'd love to complete the set, though. I have a weakness for Asuka, though.

The original is the best place to start if you've never played before. I'll be touring the southern states for a week in late Sept. if you want to learn.
Alright, will do. Thanks.
I hope I don't start a maido cosplay after getting this.
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Because Ninjas.
These Hoozuki figurines are getting to me. This one looks better than the curling poop dragon one at least.
What the fuck is this supposed to be?
Mandarake already has one for 8000 Yen.
Then I think I'll save for both figures >>111115938
and >>111115593.
Anon is a liar and they know it
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Anything painful year without any SZS figures, figmas, ANYTHING
>MF Yamato
>GSC Musashi
>Phat Kongo
Looks like this WonFes is turning me full cancer. God help me if they add in US Navy ships.
Is that Yui from K-ON! ? So cute.
>Maybe the price will also reflect the sound quality.
Right, just ask Kiririn how much she likes her not-Beats!
It's only natural that a shit tier girl would use shit tier headphones.
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I would a Hibari.
Yes, kindergarden Yui.

Ban you replace batteries/leds?
wo that's huge
I'm going to Otakon in 2 weeks so I can pick up the pink box then.

Hell yeah. I would love to meet a fellow buyfag for lunch or whatever. I live in Manassas, Virginia. You still have my email, right?
Meido dresses? Whatever you do, don't start that. Its a deep slope. Check out Milky-ange. They have really good dresses. I'm a fan of the minerva one myself.

Yeah, it came out early this year, I believe. Those are the limited edition cards, btw.
More like 10 Ryuuko and 7 Satsuki, and that includes prize figures.
But I agree, any other character fucking when?
The nendoroid faceplate pack is up for preorders on the GSC online shop , just a heads up.
GSC preorders up

Tell me when those headphones go on sale anywhere...
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You do know sakuyabro is a grill
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Best cosplay ever.

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Look at my penis.
That's the biggest base I've ever seen
Oh fuck
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There are at least six others not posted in the thread.
I don't really care

Is Aquamarine good ?

Nothing on the guide.
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Nips never miss a good chance.
I don't think the prototype looks that bad but the defining moment will be when they color it. I just hope GSC doesn't suddenly go green and adopt environmentally healthy paints that look like shit.owskolo
5000 yen vs 4800 yen...
install your own led lights into the giant one
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I'm just so pissed off with Native right now.

Why are they working on such garbage when these amazing figures could be produced.
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Worst girl of all girls, but I cannot deny that body.

Especially that reflection of her butt.
They look really good. But I can't into moon yet.
Is there a middleman for that site?
$200 for a well-made dress is a good deal. I would love to order a custom Sakuya one.
Did they show the switch? It is on the inside of the hat or whatever that is?
Doesn't anyone in Japan proofread their advertisements?
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Done mine, only wanted the Kyouko Sayaka set.
Friendly reminder never to wear anime shirts because an actual Japanese person might recognize it.
Pretty new so they are a step up from Griffon.
Abyss fleet is largely been speculated as US ships, considering they use inches for their armaments.
I hate Kirino but so much but yeah I agree with you. That looks fucking beautfiul

I think it's based off an illustration too. Which means Kuroneko and Yandere might follow
Why not?
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>waifu gets a fig out of nowhere
I... huh. Looks shabby, who's making this? It's a bit indecent, too.
How can such a shit character get such a fantastic figure?
Impossible. There are no Japanese outside of Japan
Those nendo pictures are really cute, are there more out there online, or is this the first time they've had them?

How does her tail work?
Nevermind, disregard that post. >>111116915
They have an international site. I'll send a request for a Sakuya one.
But it's griffon, its gonna turn out to be shit
It's happened before and you'll want to commit sudoku when it does.
They're new, but so far their figs are far inferior to the prototype. Maybe they're still learning though.
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Unfortunately not, just had her sitting at the desk. Didn't go into a lot of detail.
Well i only wear anime shirts in my country so I don't give a shit.
What is this from?
I never use one. Moon does help, but the layout is easy enough to figure out what is what if you can't read runes.
I added the Kyouko/Sayaka to get free shipping. Might just sell them when i get them
It's going to happen to you one day and you'll regret it.
Oh how very much want.
Watching stream when suddenly this page:

Wat do?
Kirino a shit, but a very fuckable shit.
A anime soccer shirt would be about twice as bad as normal anime shirt I imagine? The Dengeki stream was showing off a Mikoto one and I'd totally where that around the house. Kuroko's VA is pretty entertaining even if alot doesn't seem to be happening atm.
What's the problem ?
I want to say knights of sidonia but I might be wrong
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Knights of Sidonia.
You are correct.
Buy premium, it's only 521 yens I think.
You're right.
>being a nonpaying jew during a popular segment like CG
enjoy being kicked out every few seconds
Hit back, refresh will just bring up the same page.
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Apparently shipping to murrica is still free so that's breddy gud but on the other hand my order with free shipping from last year still has not been sent out so maybe this is a bad thing.
Pretty sure British ships did that as well.

I know about the theory, but I meant designed in a similar style to that of the player ships.
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Wrong pic.
Are these just posters or what?
What's going to happen ?
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Alter seems to love my waifu, as of late.
You're utterly retarded. Big Sight is going to host a bunch of Olympic events. There's so much open space around the halls that they can put up whatever temporary structures they need.
They're not going to tear down the building, it's not even 20 years old.
You get what you pay for. Your plastic is waiting for you to come pick it up.
>Your points will expire soon

>Buy something or we'll erase your points
Fuck you.
>>111117220 meant to >>111117071
Their dresses are so nice, I might sell back my sewing machine and have them do everything.
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I did it!
It's free for 10k+ yen orders
>sold out
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Let's hope they learn from their mistakes.
So many idols out there.
Which group has the best songs?
Nothing works. Oh well, I'm done stalking this thread anyway.
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There's always auction!

I'm sorry.
Still unsure if I should get two for an extra school uniform body for Kyouko or not. It would put me over 10k and give me free shipping, but on the other hand I could also get a cheap school uniform Homu instead, whose sitting parts I like more.
holy crap my sides
Welcome to my slope. http://www.milky-ange.com/fs/milkyange/maid/minerva is my favorite. Black just makes it look oh so good.
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Just keep trying anon. It may take a few times but you'll eventually get a steady connection.
That's an obnoxious amount of lighting and shopping.
who is this?
Yamakan's still trying to push that? Poor sod.
Ha ha, no. They wanted the Olympics for the same reason everyone else does, it's a cash grab for foreign money and some disposable tourist traps. Japan needs the money because of that whole shit economy thing they've had going on, it has nothing to do with a secret plan to fuck over nerds jerking off to cartoons.

At the most they will brush some eroge shops in Akihabara under the rug for a couple weeks until the western moralfags go home. Just like how Beijing had to stop snacking on dogs for a few weeks during their Olympics. No one is going to uproot an entire industry based on 50+ years of niche culture to appease retarded westerners making a quick visit.

Also, politicians are very disposable in Japan. Abenomics has been a miserable failure, it won't be long before he's given the boot and replaced with another retard like the rest of Japan's PMs.
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I feel like that would look fine if the hair was still black. The brown+green combo they have there looks horrid.
Such is the fate of non-miku vocaloids
Literally his only success. I kinda feel bad for him, he's trying so hard to change anime.
My order from last Wonfes, which I paid shipping for, hasn't been sent yet either. They must do it in waves or some shit, and just didn't get through all of them.
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That looks so good! You're really into this, aren't you? I like it.
Only the small is left, do you have a petite frame?
Asian small is like XS for Americans.
>no good Kagami scales
How awful
Why haven't you ordered Wo yet, anon?
Was the Sakura Kinomoto figma shown?
WUG was a success? I thought that it bombed horribly. Not Fractale-tier, but still pretty bad.
He's trying to change anime by pushing for idolshit? Some change he's got there.
that is pretty damn cool
Just did.
Just barely, by like 60 copies sold.
Because boatshit.
Like stated before, it didn't sell good but they manage to sell out their first print of stuff.
Now he has them dance every month in akiba to a small cult following who are too cool to be into AK48
This is in the same category as Pyramid Head figures for me: cool, but I don't want it in the corner of my bedroom watching me.
Jokes on you, I already ordered two for loving
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He's trying to change it by killing it apparently.
Kind of upset that they made a child-form Yami. I really want another standard, not-terribly-lewd version, like GSC's in her black outfit from a few years ago.
Watching you masturbate? Kinky anon.

Why has nobody managed to get her face right yet?
He sounds like a slave driver.

>B-but we've danced and sang this 10 times in the past week!
> DO IT.
Why is this all that ever gets attention from K?
I want something of Kuro.
Or hey, really fucking extreme here, something of goddamn NEKO.
Not unless pic related
And to think you could have gotten wo for only $28
Are you seriously asking why the cliche setup fujo pairing is popular?
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No luck this time I see. I guess I'll look forward to winter.
S2 never ;_;
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But I did.

I might if i see more of her, i'm already tempted

Enemy boats are the only good thing to come out of boatshit
Unfortunately I get it.
I'm just being wishful, hoping for any of the main damn characters instead...

I'm waiting for her figma
With the re-release of nendo pajamas my august order is going to cost over 250 obamas. It can't be helped.
>figma Levi:Cleaning ver.
Why are all fujoshit obsessed with this annoying manlet?
Hold me, Anon.

In a way I'm glad to be saving the money; I won't buy the meh scales any more since I know the perfect Houzuki exists somewhere out there. I just have to cope with the fact that I'll probably never own him.
And his face was so cute ;___;
How did Beijing go about that dog thing?
First volume sold 3,788.
I haven't heard anything about a figma but apparently Koto's making Sakura and Syaoran scales
>could have spent 700 more yens for free shipping
Agreed. Oguchi's a great character designer
>no witchcraft works
>no monster hunter
>no katanagatari

I'm sad.
Nah, just an announcement graphic.
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But there's nothing there that costs 700 yen, and I wasn't going to spend more on something I didn't want just to "avoid" shipping costs.

I loved it. S2 never ;_;
So are you going to cave in and have it custom made?
He's a pretty typical "Badass", from a super-popular series that's reached normalfag levels of saturation.

Personally, I like him. Why anyone would buy a figure based on his quirk of being cleaning obsessed, rather than just the normal one of him in combat gear, I don't know.
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You know what pisses me off the most about the Freeing versions?
Everyone thought they would do the Yukata's based on this picture, mainly because Madoka came with the same accessorizes and patterns on the garment. In the end they are still loosely based on them, just with the most notable difference being that the garment colors were changed to match their hair colors.
Damn them, I was really looking forward to that black Yukata.
But the anime was so real, man, it had the girls whoring themselves and everything.
Very manly. Nothing beats a man in uniform.
No matter what the profession.
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You can't blame them for starting with the two most popular. I would think that they would go for Red and Blue king with Shiro and Kuro closely following on mixed in.
Let's just give the two announced earlier some time.
Check the others, but I know what you mean about the face. I like the roundness that UC put in.

Plus, sold out now doesn't mean they won't do another run.
It's China. If they don't want you to do something they just come through and tear down your place of business. They went as far as demolishing shanty towns and locking up the homeless just to brush them under the rug and make it look like China isn't a borderline 3rd world shithole. They even shut down most of their factories in hopes that no one would notice Beijing is literally choking on toxic fumes.
Thanks for commiserating.

The annoying thing is I might have even bought Grisaia Beach Queens if they were decent.
Fuck you MF. First Miku, then the crack whore and now a dumb recolor.
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Fuck ?vember
Eh, I guess I can understand it. It's one of the things that sets him apart from other characters in the series right? What else are you going to do? Get one of him in a generic action pose any one of the other main characters could take?
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Well gg. Gives me hope that Japan will use a bandage solution that they'll tear right off as soon as olympics are done.

They look better in the picture. Madoka's white yukata looks so bland.
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I have, the superior versions.
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holy shit
> can afford to by 80-120 bucks figs >but can't even read a simple light novel to enlighten them self's about how shit the anime was and why kirino is best girl.
you buyfags make me sick
Fair point. Though he's at least semi-unique combat wise, in that he's the only character to hold his swords with an under-hand grip.

And really, how interesting a pose can you get him into with just a dusting rag or broom?
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>no new hyouka anything
>this abomination will always be the "best" hyouka scale
Is there a GSC bonus on the Dekacchu Wo? I was about to order it from AmiAmi.
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So I heard you guys liked monster girls.
It really is a shame.
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lewd eru.jpg
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it ain't all bad
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>MFW There's going to be a figure of Hoozuki with his blue hat (?).
>MFW Malibu Stacy.
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You're confusing Medicchu with Dekacchu.
Here's the Medicchu (on amiami) vs Dekacchu (the GSC exclusive)
Yeah, but busts are shit.
Shes huge.
>HLJ Sale
>Wind up getting KYH Death by Embracing, D-Arts Konohanasakuya, and S.H. HurricaneRed

I'm already broke.
I should stop.
I've still got hundreds in pre-orders through to August.
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Going to bed now, it is 3:30am here and I work tomorrow. Good talking to you again.
It's not so bad that it deserves to be called that.
It's just a boring figure.
I remember being so excited for mami, fuck freeing, the contrast from purple and yellow on mami would of looked so good. Only jewplex and their maikos are worth it. Maybe if freeing bins hard.
That's why she is a Dekacchu, anon.
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>hair up
>that pose
>that seam
The one time I really wanted Alter to not shit the bed and look what we got.

>hair still up
>frilly ribbon bullshit all over her
2/10 See me after class.
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Reminder that this girl now owns 13 of the regular nendo and 3 of the cleaning nendo.
Yes, UC seems to like reusing sculpts and changing little things so they can advertise them as an entirely new figure.
Want as PVC badly.
That's the Dekacchu on the left then? Guess I'll be ordering her too. Thanks anon.
These just sit there, right? I know you can remove the hat, but you can't move the arms or swap faces or anything, yeah?
TL note: dekai means huge
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They had Yui's art there.
>series came out years ago, long been done and over with
>wasn't a huge smash hit
>already has an okay fig

Manufacturers are geared around trying to strike while the iron's hot, not ice-cold like it is with Hyouka. In other words basically there would need to be an S2 or an OVA out of nowhere to rekindle the thought of more Hyouka figs because otherwise it's pointless to waste time/resources on something in low (if any) demand.
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Wo is love.
Wo is life.
Wo is going to murder my Wallet.
I'm going to need the back of Aoi first. I'm wondering if they modelled the back of the skirt properly.
What a lame base
I understand what you're saying.

But I'm still upset.
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Union Creative are the worst ever. Is their sculptor blind? Or does he just hate faces?
That's both impressive and terrifying.
Wo is going to be the character I own the most things of and she isn't even my waifu.
That's because I haven't found her yet, but still.
It hasn't even been 2 years since it ended.
They should've done 2nd ED outfits. Those would've been great.
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Jesus fuck her head is huge.
You could land an airplane on those bangs.

Still preordering the second she goes up.
I want to cum on her so bad.
KyoAni probably sits on the licence for these outfits just like they did for K-on, the big difference is that they will never do shit with it.
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I just noticed he's "hiding" the Tasmanian Devil in that image.
Gen already touched her, how does that make you feel?
That is basically my point. No one is going to completely wipe out something that has been around for decades just to appease some temporary visitors. I'll even go so far as to say that it would be impossible to do so.
It would be like America trying to ban alcohol because Islamic investors are showing up and they don't want to offend them. An extreme example but the idea is the same.

At the most I'm willing to bet they will just have some store owners take down or cover up some of the more lewd/objectionable ads and billboards in areas where foreigners are expected to frequent. Keep in mind Abe got into office giving people hopes he would help the economy. If he were to suddenly force shop owners in Akihabara to completely close for the Olympics, he will have to deal with some very, very pissed off business owners. It would be the end of his career, right then and there.
Kill yourself.
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I want spidergirls
I would never treat a figure as poorly as that
>Stop liking things I don't like!
>it's a cash grab for foreign money and some disposable tourist traps.
>Japan needs the money

The olympics generally cost the host country more than they earn unless they already have to-notch stadiums ready that only need some slight remodeling.
He's probably the same newfag that was mad yesterday at people who buy characters from shows they haven't seen
He's gone off the deep end. It's not a matter of taste.

but I love Kirino, anon

everyone does
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>HLJ sale
>big titty nurse from yamato 2199 down to $35
nice. Grabbed her.
It's a sign but I'm losing hope.
I grabbed SH HurricaneRed, KYH Death by Embracing, and D-Arts KonohanaSakuya.
If they fix his face too I may consider it.
People buying figures from shows/games they don't know about or aren't involved in is kind of strange.
They're just tossing their money around at things that look pretty without taking into account personal or sentimental value.

But to be real though, I wish I was that rich.
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Why can't she get a good figure?
Any link to a page on MFC with all the announcements?

Can't find the usual info blog there

I hate to navigate on anything that is not figures there so I have no idea where it would be
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I'm not rich.
Just stupid.
In fact I'm down to about $1500 in finances...and if I can't find work soon, that'll be sliced in half by October.
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>the face
more likely why can't any TM that isn't saber get a good figure
But the comic version one is adorable.
Because Prisma Illya is an abomination.
Rin has a good figure
Her pose is ugly.
Chitanda looks bad with her hair up.
Headswapping is dumb.
Those ribbons look like shit.
And you have buyer's remorse. Any questions, faggot?

Why not? They have every single other type of Miku
Uh, wow. I'll take two.
Old shit
Maybe he's commenting on the cast off?
Stow the spidergirls, anon.

I need a close up of that qt on the far right!
Old, marked for deletion
>looking at hair
Didn't this come out last year?
March this year.
I didn't buy it, it's not my picture, I'm not the person who posted it, it's not even a pic from here, and you're autistic. Have fun with that.
So, I've been wondering. How much does a Nendo weights approximately? I've been meaning to buy one but I don't know how much it weights, so I can't calculate the price accurately.
Yep, it even was just recently on sale on amiami, was tempted
>us oldfags amirite

no, why is miku a monster?
Rin and Sakura both have a really excellent scale.
Long cat is long
This one's a new entry, labelled as cast off. Not sure if it's a mistake, or if UC's that desperate and uncreative.
It matters on how much shit it comes with. Usually they don't go over 400g though so base it around that.
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Chiya and Anko!
I'm going to need all three.
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Athens 2004 is more or less what collapsed the Greek economy due to the amount of money that they had to borrow to build and then attempt to maintain the stadiums and other buildings.

But, a lot of the spending that Japan will be doing for Tokyo 2020 is probably going to be useful for everyone, since they're going to have to renovate a lot of transportation infrastructure that really needs it.
Not Miku. Calne Ca is a vocaloid derivative of Miku, who was given the seal of approval by Crypton. So she's sort of her own vocaloid now.

I can tell you've been having a rough day, anon. Did your waifu not get any scales announced at wonfes or something?
I like it but it looks like her hair has gained sentience and it trying to trip her over
You are.
Ohhhhh shit, I didn't know this happened. I called it like a year ago.
Fuck, I must've missed it. It's still 50% off, though.
Nice reading comprehension, moron.
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And it ended.
I guess there is always next time.
I don't have a waifu, stop straying. It doesn't differ from the fact that you're fussing over dumb shit no one cares about, like a commonly seen headswap.
Nevermind, I'm retarded.
Unless his waifu is a boat, he didn't get shit.

it's nice they give the losing girls nendos

it's only fair
I'm not really familiar with a lot of Japan but don't they already have very good transportation? This is coming from a person who lives in a place without even a bus system
Maybe next year, other-matryoshka-wishing-anon-kun
>No Vertex Selvaria prototype
>NO GSC Erza scale prototype
>No painted Millia rage
>No Zero Suit Samua and Link figma prototype
>No Cordelia prototype
>No painted Kisshot

Some good stuff though
But overall I'm actually happy because that means I can tale it easy for a while My next 4 months are overkill already
Nurse and Konohanasakuya for me.
>caring about figures in a buyfag thread is now autism
Kill yourself.

could've sworn I saw the zero suit and kissshot pictures today
figures are autism
Are you serious? No one cares about the finer details of what you think of a headswap of some image taken from 2chan dude. Give it up.
To those anons who are dissapointed with this year's Wonfes, just remember, you can't always get what you want.
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Please tell me that's not a GK
I am going to preorder that at the fucking speed of light
Tell Your World is best Miku
It's not a GK
An overall okay WonFes, if you like Boatshit/Nendoshit/other entry level shit.

KlK faggots got wrecked pretty bad, though. KlK is successful and popular my ass. So it's alright with me.
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Any news on this?
It's not and I'd like to take a moment to gloat about being right >>94534832
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