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It's time.

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 393
Thread images: 70

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It's time.
For the thread to be deleted by a dumbass newfag mod who doesn't understand how /y/ and /a/ work?
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>mod think you can "discuss" anime on a PORN board without mods that doesn't even have a spoiler function
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I don't give a shit, it will take the time it will take, but mugen thread will reach bump limit on /a/, and no newfag mod will prevent this from happening.
>mugen thread
More like you're a newfag yourself. Stop making them for now, there's no point until somebody talks to them.
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Can the homophobic mod stop deleting these threads?
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>muh homothread
Same difference, fake oldfag. Just discuss shit instead of pretending that matters right now.
It's too late to damage control newshit. There's no point in keeping this one alive, we already had our discussion fill between all the other threads, there's nothing to talk about now so stop trying to force them. Wait a while and try again later.
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What do you think the trick to rainbow jesus is? Is there some kind of synesthetic drug enhancing the sound of the bell? Or is it just gas and LSD?
There is a point. If we let it pass the mod will think what he's doing is okay. I don't care to keep the discussion alive more than necessary either, you can let the thread die if you want to. It's just a matter of principle. If the thread is gonna die, it should die naturally, not because a mod needs to get off on the little power he has and bother the users as a result.
We've been trying for a whole day now, currently there's no point in keep trying to force them because the result is going to be the same. I'm not saying you give in to the newfag mods, but right now this is pointless. Just wait a few days and repeat. Right now the only answer is to talk with them, go lurk in IRC if you want to fix things that badly.
When will mc and his boyfriend fuck already
I think we should wait for /feedback/ for now.
New mod clearly don't know how /y/ and /a/ works so it's better to wait for someone older in charge.
You'll only get yourself banned
We were supposed to get an answer from one of the mods on IRC. What happened to that?
Not true. Bans are strictly rationed.
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I just miss those boys ;_;
They're giving them out like hotcakes now.
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I'm not doing anything wrong. Even if it happens, I can just start phoneposting.
You're not doing anything good either, not at this point.
Too gay even for me
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Well neither are you, nice gets though.
Do we have a release date for King of Prism 2 yet?
I hated S2 when it took battle shonen root with shitty dramas.
Would be better if it sticked to the comedy.
Some mod was deleting the mogura threads yesterday too, it's probably the same guy.

Can you go back to tumblr you landwhale
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You act like he's wrong. No retard would move a fucking discussion thread to a gay porn board unless he afraid of homos.
About these priests, as the mods don't want us to have homothreads, are we supposed to speak about how gay they are in the show's own thread? Do they want us to shit up each show's respective threads? I'd rather discuss the properties of Hitler's sperm and sneks in Vatican threads and the gayness here.
People already talk about how gay they are in the thread, how fucking new are you
I'll do that regardless of whether homothreads stay on /a/ or not.
I personally refrain from much homoposting in show threads.
God, if I could I would also suck this snek's venom out of this delicious thigh
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The worst part is that it ended the same way Gangsta did.
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Who's your boy of the season now that it's almost over?
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And I'm still waiting for season 3 to see more of this cutie
This reminds me, this was supposed to have an OVA. I completely forgot about it. The show sucked but Nico was best boy, and Momo best girl.
Best mom
You already posted him
Why do Sakurai's characters always suffer?
That isn't Sakurai anon.
My bad.
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He deserves better than anime about Nina's and cheeto's love.
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Why aren't all of you reading Golden Kamuy yet?
> : (
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Man, I just fucking wake up and I see that we get kicked from /a/. Well, I'm still waiting for kino to come back, but here is what one of the mods told me.
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based mods

fags btfo
It's weird to realize that I don't have a best boy of the season. Altair has the prettiest boys though.

On an unrelated note, I'm disappointed by the lack of Nikaidou in 3-gatsu's PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjAYR5-gtz4
>From what we observed they are mostly about "homolust"
How does that make any sense into moving them to /y/? That's like moving every respective thread about waifudiscussion to /e/, /h/, etc.
I can only assume it's because they think /y/ is for anything gay, which is dumb.
>enforcing the "no general" guideline
The reason general aren't allowed anymore is because the quality of post decrease with time and people eventually start circlejerking.
That kind of thing can't happen here because we talk about airing and new shows.
What board would you prefer, /cm/ or /trash/?
It's evident that the threads in this form can't be allowed to stay on /a/.
So I guess every thread that has people talking about how they want to fuck X girl or how they think X scene is hot should go to /e/ or something, huh? What a load of shit.
>That kind of thing can't happen here because we talk about airing and new shows.
Except these threads are fucking dying this season.
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>That kind of thing can't happen here




Holy shit you're serious, these threads are always 50% shitposting
/cm/ would've actually made a little sense, unlike /y/ at least.
RIP you guys anyway.
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>sudoku the discussion before it even began by assuming a consensus has been reached rather than asking the guy what he knows and assuming it's just a single mod doing his own thing
>make it apparent you weren't taken seriously by the previous people you talked to
>take the blatant lack of fucks and "I CANT DO ANYTHNG" attitude the mod gives lying down instead of getting him to at least discuss the issue with other mods and/or rat out the mod in question
No offense but your negociation skills need work.
Well let's see you "negotiate" with them then.
Makes literally no sense. Does every waifu or "which X would you Y" thread go to /h/ now?
>/a/ is getting too much traffic
>lets kill discussion and split the board like /v/
>i know, lets move generals to DEAD, ugly-fetish, hc porn boards
i'd call the mods fags, but they probably haven't touched the loli nsfl webms
There's still a fuckton of circlejerking and shitposting going on in here, don't kid yourself.
Yeah, that whole screenshot reeks of autism
Well sure it's too easy for me to say I would have done it better. I apologize. Still I'll stand by my opinion you did a rather poor job.
They're no as codified as the "It's time" threads, which are poised to appear every saturday

Don't try to argue against it
We'll see if the mods are going to take down the drawfag and buyfag threads.
>poised to appear every saturday
They're not scheduled at all, they just happen intermittently as they have done since about 2007.
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Has gay character ever won in shounen manga?
Aren't Waifu Wednesday threads banned already?
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Are you ready to get baked with Dick Suck next season?
What is this?
They're definitely scheduled, you haven't been paying attention
Would Evangelion count? or Prunus Girl, I think that one was shounen too
I missed him so much.
>try to improve board quality
>ban threads that've been around a decade and have banners
>don't ban all the naruto/snk/yoi threads
>don't ban the thread earlier full of "muh manime" newfags wanking off to cowboy bebop and screaming about so-called moeshit for the 100th time
This fucking nigga
Mods are fucking new
Why don't you come and talk to us instead you fucking retard?
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Wow, this is mod faggotry on a whole new level. Anyway.

>Zapp gets fucked up
>Steven gets beaten up

I'm ready. BBB&Beyond is going to be glorious.
Did mod choke on dicks
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Based mods
Boy I can't wait to get banned for telling saucefags or kysposters to fuck off.
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Mods going for the low hanging fruit first. Better bring out the popcorn for when they attempt to prune the bigger threads.
I'm kinda impressed I must admit. Also I didn't know you could bypass the "no two same pics" rule by moving threads.

Btw, OP here. Since I've been criticized for creating this thread right after the last one was moved, I'll leave the decision of whether to create another one or not up to you guys.
Some advice for when you talk to Kinomod:
Explain how it's NOT a general.
Explain that we talk about anime in manga in general. Not just "homolust", not just about cute boys.
Explain that these threads require moderation that is non-existent in /y/.
Explain /y/ is a fucking porn board.
Explain that these threads have been on /a/ for almost a decade.
Or maybe we should create a meta thread to discuss it. Like those with that "approved by hiro" OP pic.
Don't try to discuss shit here.
"it's time" threads having nothing to do with porn, and it breaks the rules of /y/.
fucking homophobic moderators
Already done >>2431906
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All very good points, so please use the feedback so we don't get actually nuked, this is the most important thing here. Being angry isn't going to help, give them a proper explanation why we don't fit on /y/, also, this is mostly kino's doing, so crying over "muh newfag mods" not only makes no sense, but it's also very stupid.

You're not wrong, but I assumed it was a waste of time to keep discussion when he's clearly not the guy that is reinforcing this policy. Regardless, #4chan is an open channel, anyone can go there and talk with the mods, I only did this because no one else was willing, I don't know why you faggots are so afraid of them, they're not going to bite.
>Explain that we talk about anime in manga in general. Not just "homolust", not just about cute boys.
To be fair though it's anime and manga discussion centralized primarily in homolust, which is already not that very allowed in 4chan in general in the first place.
You guys should just give up. No homos allowed now.
It's posts like >>2431588 that will get you moved anyway. Shit has nothing to do with anime/manga.
So this is /y/, huh? Seems like a nice place.
The newfaggotry reeks of nipplemod to be honest.

That thread will get deleted after being flooded with "serves ya rite fuck homoshit :^)" posts. Can't expect any support from non-homo thread posters.
I still think not making new threads after another and waiting for things to calm down a bit would be the best.
Please use the feedback.
It's been allowed for almost 10 years. We're discussing the show and the characters. What more do you want?
Get rid of buyfag, scanlation threads, pre-2000 threads, radio, drawfag, any kind of waifu thread, onepage threads, etc too then because otherwise it makes absolutely no sense.

I forgot, mention how all those other threads that work in the exact same format aren't being deleted.

I already did. You want me to post that list there too?
I thought he was talking about doujin faces.

But yes, that and mobile games are pretty bad topics for the thread.
It doesn't matter, the content couldn't matter less to them at this point.
Shouldn't these threads have been moved to /cm/ instead? Or is that board even worse than /y/?

Those "Hiro approved threads" always end up as shitposting central and without Mods ever showing up. You shouldn't expect new-/a/ to side with you, especially not for fucking homothreads because of their hateboner for homos and fujos.

So they delete the other thread now. This is so fucking dumb.
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This makes me feel less bad about the swordfags move-arounds desu. At least we have a place now in /vg/ and it didn't escalate badly like this is doing.

You think most people are going to know that mugen threads have been around for years? Yeah I remember them from those times too, even when they used to be relatively worse.
I don't want to sound like a tumblrite but you should already know where you are. The site's homophobic as fuck you won't get the support of anybody, if anything it'll get way worse.
It's a shame to see the board dying. I think when mods allowed naruto generals is when the cancer became terminal.
>- Avoid redirecting all discussion of a series to a single thread.
>Only one homothread allowed :^)
I don't want to see Killua in a NSFW board. I'm not ready for it.

I actually watched HxH thanks to Killuafag by the way.
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Will we have to move to another imageboard?
If it does turn out that they're getting perma moved to /y/ we'll just have to drop the template, I'm sorry. We can try making template ones every once in a while, until the mods get tired of pretending they care.
Just choose some random homo anime like Hitorijime and make up a sentence that includes the words "it's time". I'm assuming most people have a filter for that in the catalog. If not, set it up.
I truly agree with your opinion but please don't post porn of Manba.
Or just make a thread about some random BL manga I guess.
I agree with this, just change the OP.
/y/ and /cm/ are too dead to bother. The thread will be up for months. Might as well just make a thread for whatever manga/anime you want to talk about at that rate since there's no point in making a containment thread for gay shit on gay boards.
Include just the word "time" if we're going for stealth.

I wouldn't make a weekly or bimonthly BL manga thread to discuss [spoiler]the newest releases on MRM.[/spoiler]

Speaking of, does anyone know when we're due a new chapter of Koi Monogatari?
That works too but it needs to have something for them to be easy to look up. I don't think filenames show up in the catalog, so a hidden keyword is necessary.
It needs to be an obvious BL page though, so most people don't dismiss it thinking it's something else. Use popular shit. Like 10 Count, even if it's trash, just for the sake of reeling people in.
fuck. I wanted to write "I wouldn't mind"
I guess I wouldn't make them myself either but still
>I don't think filenames show up in the catalog, so a hidden keyword is necessary.
They do actually. I search this thread by typing "homo" in the search.
This shit is all too soon.
It's sad that those obscure shows that no one but 2 or 3 homos watch will almost never be discussed on /a/ now, since any threads for them would die in a few minutes with less than 10 posts.

But I honestly don't care if it's on /a/, or /y/ or /cm/, as long as no retarded mod decides to delete these threads here for being mean to the resident fujos or for trying to discuss anime instead of doing a imagebump.

Not looking forward to threads with 2000+ posts that stay up for two weeks, though.
It's not the same. You can't talk about anime there now because it would be off-topic.
The problem is BL is hard to discuss and frankly not that many people read it. That's why it was contained in homothreads. So, a stealth homothread is preferable.

Is that on neet or the site's catalog? I was talking about neet, I'm assuming most use that, correct me if I'm wrong.
Or anything that's not explicitly BL, too. Pretty much everything I enjoyed discussing wasn't actual BL.
>Not looking forward to threads with 2000+ posts that stay up for two weeks, though.
This is fucking /y/, a week? It'll probably last a month or two. Same with /cm/
>Is that on neet or the site's catalog? I was talking about neet, I'm assuming most use that, correct me if I'm wrong.
Oh. I just use the site's catalog.
I'm unironically wondering if hotwheels chan is better than current 4chan
This shit makes me grateful for /jp/'s mods
Don't be premature. We already had 500 posts worth of homoposting in the last day. Wait to see what the mods do, if we're really moved to /y/ we'll organize yourselves better here first.

I'm sure most people don't want to stay in no-moderation, slow as fuck /y/, so let's not discuss anime/manga here too and give the mods a chance to claim it works.
>Homo threads will become a general after all these years
Lad, I rather we just die out if this ever happens.
Last I've heard, it isn't.
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Is it really that slow? Jesus.
Makes me wonder why the two boards haven't been fused yet and turned into /u/ for fujoshit.
The posting styles are not compatible, other than broadly being about dicks. It would be like merging /tv/ with /hc/.

And the other thread was on page 1 with 100 posts over the bump limit.
I like homo threads because it's -usually- once a week and I get to post and read about many animu/mango at once, amon regular posting in other threads. As an /a/non, it hurts to go to /cm/ or even worse, /y/.

>a month or two
It will always be time and it being time will stop having meaning. This is a nightmare.
The suggestion that we go full retard OP like aikatsufags sounds inviting but I'm sure some would report them regardless.
Did they really move this to a porn board?
Also there's no point in having a thread to specifically talk about BL and cute boys if the whole board is dedicated to the same things. It's like having an "Anime Thread" on /a/.
Yes, this is getting out of hand.
We might even stay here at this rate.
No, we're not staying on /y/. Nobody wants this and it's not a good idea.
I think a full retard OP would work since it wouldn't be considered a template OP anymore.
>you will never say "Good night homodachis, see you next week" ever again

Please no
I forgot, apparently putting it in the subject field would is allowed? So we can do that too, random homo image and "it's time" on the subject.
I'm not sure if it shows on the catalog though.
I don't want to be on this board full of dicks I don't even recognize. I'm here for animu and mango before dicks.
Do you think they care? Not a single mod cares about us, they let that one autistic mod who keeps moving us to /y/ do whatever he wants.
It's not about them, it's about us. We don't want to stay in /y/, so we won't have homothread discussion in here.
It shows, only the name field doesn't.
I don't think putting it in the subject would be a good idea. Just use the usual filename.
Post more lewd manba
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>you will never wish your fellow homodachi a good week again.
Please kill me.
Why not? A lot of other generals put it there. You think it would just get deleted too?
I remember /pc/ specifically was getting their threads deleted too, so they just put Precure in the subject field and added a comment.
>you will never say "Good night homodachis, see you next week" ever again
Don't say that ;_;
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I'm not even sure where homothreads could go if not /a/

Is a porn board, unmoderated. Doesn't have a spoiler function.

This would make more sense, but it's imagedump board. Beside, you wouldn't even need an homothread on /cm/ because all board is about homos. Homothread exist on /a/ because /a/ can't sustain BL discussions.

What the fuck?
You mean starting the thread with a random homo-related pic renamed "_homo.gif"?
That could work. The filter works on filenames too after all.
What should the OP be about then? Just random stuff about anime boys?
>You think it would just get deleted too?
>You mean starting the thread with a random homo-related pic renamed "_homo.gif"?
I'm all for this. That way it's easy to find from catalog/archives, and the OP pic and text can be just whatever.
and /trash/ is for degenerates
"We" won't? People will just discuss wherever.
Though I'll admit I'm this close to reporting the thread. It has nothing to do in /y/. But then again right now it's convenient, we know where to go if we want to whine and talk to other anons for at least the month to come. The problem is that posting here is akin to admitting we're losing the "war" and the mod is right. Which is why I created another thread as soon as the previous one was moved to /y/ in the first place.
At least that other "totally not the homothread" thread wasn't deleted yet. But for how long
Well, it's worth a shot. At least it wouldn't be as easy to spot. We can try without subject first.

I think some Hitorijime picture works for starters, specially since it's currently airing.
Don't go and make one right away though, this is in case we're permanently /y/'d/
>someone made another meta thread
For what purpose? Are you retarded or do you just like shitposting that much?
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ao no flag
>That way it's easy to find from catalog/archives
Am I missing something here? I can't search OP pics filenames from the catalog. Only the text and title.
Do you want to stay here faggot? No. Most don't want to either. So don't start with this "muh it's not we" bullshit, that's not the point.

Just don't make homo discussion in the /y/ thread. It's that simple.
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Thanks anon, I had figured it out thanks to the other thread that was just created, but still.
>You mean starting the thread with a random homo-related pic renamed "_homo.gif"?
I agree with this, just wait a few days before making a new thread.
I hope they don't ban you for making homothreads on /a/, anon. I'm scared for you.
/y/ is to /h/, as /c/ is to /cm/. The threads pretty clearly belong on /a/, but it looks like some mods are getting riled up for no reason.
Not a few days, wait until that one faggot gets a reply from Kinomod and a clear decision is made.
I think it'll be banned off to /y/ all the same. If you're going to do it, just wait until it's time again.
Not if it's stealthy enough I don't think they're even going to notice. But I agree it's best to wait until next week for all sorts of reasons.
/lgbt/ makes the most sense at least temporarily considering they do have media discussions.

they even have webcomic and cartoon rec threads
It's not working for me on neet either. We'll have to use the shitty inline catalog.
We don't talk about wanting media to be gayer though, or how japan is oh so homophobic. We just like to talk about cute boys.
>/lgbt/ makes the most sense at least temporarily
Please be joking or shitposting. I don't want to believe someone could honestly believe that.
I'm pretty sure that people are on watch to report homo threads.

I don't want to discuss 2D boys and be involved in a 3DPD board.
Mainly because it's the only non-image-sharing board on the suggestions block

I don't actually frequent /a/ or /lgbt/ much honestly
Did you select the "Full thread search" option in Neet? I can find filenames there.
I wonder if they're just trying to re-purpose /y/ to include BL discussion and the like rather than just porn dumps, similar to /u/. If that's the case, they should at least say something about it instead of autistically shuffling threads around without saying a word to the users.
>I don't actually frequent /a/ much
Then you shouldn't think your opinion on this matter is relevant
So much 3DPD drama I'd even prefer being stuck on /u/.
I am. For example I searched 1504152390102.png but the Megumin thread doesn't show up.
Agreed. If that's what they think, they should try to talk. At this point, mods look like your average shitposter that goes "fujoshits belong to /y/" on every opportunity.
>I don't actually frequent /a/ or /lgbt/ much honestly
What a fucking retard.
yeah but these threads end up in the place I do frequent - and I can tell you it doesn't belong here
>unwanted guest is rude
quelle surprise
File type fucks it up (no homo finds the GK thread but no homo.png doesn't), but numbers don't seem to work either way.
The hell is going on?
Anon, please tell that to mods. It's more credible coming from a /y/ resident.
Try filtering /filename/.
>/y/ resident
If they won't listen to us, why would they listen to /y/?
Underscores don't work for me either.
It would show that homo threads don't belong on /y/ so much that even /y/ doesn't want us. Well, it can end up homo threads being banned from 4chan altogether too.
>there are /y/ posters here
It begins.

You're right in saying they don't belong here, that's the whole problem we're trying to fix, but they sure as fuck don't belong in /lgbt/ either. /cm/ is probably a better option, despite lacking important functions like spoilers and being too slow, but this thread would be completely redundant (and against the rules) on that board.

At this point, homothreads either are allowed back on /a/ or die off completely.
No wonder I could never highlight the Mugen.
>Well, it can end up homo threads being banned from 4chan altogether too.
Please no, where the fuck would I discuss homoshit with actual normal civilized people instead of dumb twitter/tumblrinas? Holy fuck please no.
I can't believe homo threads will be reduced to making stealth threads like /yoi/.

>At this point, homothreads either are allowed back on /a/ or die off completely.
I'm afraid that you are right.
>stealth threads like /yoi/
Those generals are working pretty good for them right?
I don't know about you fags but I'm not losing the only civilized place where I can talk about this garbage. If it has to be stealth it'll be stealth. The /y/ thread won't die anytime soon so we'll have plenty of time to organize ourselves if we really are kill.
Even homo threads had tumblr/reddit/twitter, especially as of late, but it was a general problem. Nothing can replace the true homodachi.

Having to go to places where people think that Killing Stalking is the best homo thing ever sounds like a nightmare.
If you have sheer numbers and pure autism, you can stay on /a/ with sheer force

worked for the slugfucker on /vp/ and /v/
The mod in question doesn't have any such grand plans like that. He just wants us gone from his favourite board. He doesn't care where we go as long as we're outside of /a/. And if that was him in the meta thread he made it very clear he things we're below him and not worth discussing with.
I can't even talk to non-anonymous people.
It even helped keep the shitposters away for a while. After a while, people stopped paying atteintion to keep things stealthy though. And then there's filter anon. I can't tell if it's genuine or someone from /yoi/ anymore.
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Don't give up hope, homos! We will return to /a/ one way or another, sooner or later.
well, I sent a feedback myself if that helps any.

I highly doubt it though.
Besides the eventual tumblr filename pic, I have never seen anyone linking a reddit page or even a tumblr blog. Twitter from a japanese source is fine, because it's usually news.
Eva isn't shounen
What? Filtering homo.gif has always worked fine for me.
Thank you, anon. I feel like we're banned to eternity, but at least, we'll have tried.
It's not just one guy, they've said this is a new moderation policy >>2431854
Nice joke.
What? As far as I know the slugfucker didn't "stay" anywhere. He was just a ban-evading autist who got rightfully banned every time he spammed porn threads on blue boards. How exactly are we supposed to follow his example?
I can't pinpoint it, but it's the way they post.
I also remember that posting pics from tumblr was more frowned upon a couple of years back. Maybe I'm getting too old for this.
>was more frowned upon
Not really, in the homothread at the very least they never let it slide, even now.
Is it the one who was deleting Mogra threads?
The same who was so pathetic he also made a rec thread on /a/, publicly banned himself, and then closed the thread when someone (probably him as well) replied with a BASED MODS post?
Half serious question: Threads about animu music, be it OPs/EDs or OST, will go to /mu/ because "discussion should be centered on series and characters"? I actually picked up shows thanks to those threads.

I felt like homodachi became more lenient on the subject, I guess it was just me.
>/v/ is mentioned
>ignores it for a meme response
Oh, you mean reddit spacing? I think it's not even reddit, just newfaggotry because they tend to have terrible fucking grammar as well.

'homolust' is not porn

if there is no exposed cock or at least an orgasm face or spunk it doesn't belong in /y/.

we already have a problem with /d/-tier fetishes hanging around here
If we ever go back to /a/ I hope people learn to stop abusing the spoiler function and posting off-topic /blog/ stuff.
>terrible fucking grammar
I'm bothered by this as well. Don't they teach kids about how to use capital letters and punctuation marks anymore?
It really peeved me how people would take up posts with stuff that gets its own general elsewhere. I'll just assume they're newshits that don't know any better.
Kek, it just got deleted.
Welp. I guess the mods are serious about generals then.
I honestly don't see what's the point of this purge if in the end it only forces generalfags to keep finding stealth ways to make their garbage threads. And sometimes threads for airing shows get deleted as well even if they have new content to discuss.
So what exactly does this whole thing achieve? I don't like it but generalfaggotry is already too ingrained on /a/. Trying to remove them by force seems to be going nowhere.
My problem is that if they enforce it on /a/, they should enforce it everywhere. At least on boards that don't already have designated generals.
I feel like at some point they'll either have to give up or create /ag/. All this random thread-nuking is pissing lots of people off, not just homos.
> I don't like it but generalfaggotry is already too ingrained on /a/
No, it's not, don't even start with this shit, DJT was also "ingrained" but they got kicked. The point here is to purge generals, the new policy is basically "no generals, minus Buyfag/Drawniggers, allowed", which is not all that bad, and I honestly can't get angry at Kino/mods for doing something that have been requested for fucking years now.

Anon, please, you know very well that /a/ is an exception. We have always been their favorite, this is not going to change now.
Fuck off /qa/nigger.
Birdmen was pretty naked last month.
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So then what do we do? We stay here and wait?
This is shit. I
mean how is buyfag thread that has nothing but blogging about the shit they have/going to buy better than actual anime and anime characters discussion? Why did they get a pass?
How did drawfags get a pass when it is nothing but "draw muh waifu" with the same requests thread after thread?
How this shit is better than SnK faggots trying to discuss new chapter?
How are our threads are worse than pre 2000s anime threads that are allowed.
I hate it!
Who is this semen demon?
Don't bring up discussion here dumbass.
I'll do whatever the fuck I want.
We'll ask Hiro to make /time/ board that would be open only once a week at random day
To those FGO/GBFfags earlier, wouldn't it be possible to make a collective general for games with pretty boys and homoposting and call it something like /gargg/ - GAR games general or something?
I mean like /mbgg/ being for any mobage that's too unpopular to have separate generals.
I don't think something so good is possible.
Just tell GBFfags to go to /gbfg/ jesus christ, it's so fucking gay there already.
>No, it's not
What would you consider a "general"?
Because even ignoring the exceptions you mentioned there are several threads on /a/ right now that are up pretty much 24/7, have always the same kinds of posts, the same "micro-communities" most generals have, etc. Those could be very well considered generals, but aren't because they're not cancerous enough, because those series have always content to discuss, or simply because they have a mod protecting them.
And besides the last point, I believe that's how it should be. The quality of the posts inside the thread should be used to decide if the thread survives, not whether or not some random fucker considers it a "general". That's almost a buzzword at this point.
I personally don't have a problem with generals unless it turns into low quality shitposting central, like SnK. If it's not a cancerous thread and constantly has new content to discuss it's not a problem, like /buyfag/ for example.
What we need isn't a general purge, it's actual moderation inside the generals. Ban the retards from the source, not their playground because they'll just go somewhere else.
Buyfag get a pass because they literally don't have anywhere else to go, /toy/ don't allow japanese figurines and you can't talk about anime on /jp/. I don't know how much they blog, but since DJT was banned for this exact reason, I can only assume that they're not that bad yet. Drawnigger is an abomination and I honestly hate them more than any other general on /a/, but like Buyfag they also don't have anywhere else to go.

Everything else might get nuked later on, have in mind that the mods said that the only allowed generals were Buyfag and Drawniggers.
That's asking for too much. Why would you bother actually reading a thread if you can just nuke everything resembling a general as soon as you see it on the catalog?
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Generals are always about shitposting/circlejerk and they were never allowed on /a/, they were tolerated and nothing else. I've always wanted generals to be gone from /a/ they add nothing good to the board, generalfags barely interact with other anons and because it's a "closed" community it attract shit like pic related.

Obviously that I'm not happy with us being nuked, but I do think that the homo threads were getting too frequent.
That's the problem, mods aren't invested in /a/ enough to do that nor do they want to put that much effort into it. Instead all they're doing is killing things that could be good or beneficial to /a/ (djt) if moderated.
/jp/ was literally made to contain threads for anime figurines
Can you talk about anime on /jp/? Do Buyfags never discuss anime or manga in that shitty general? Well, there you have it.
This is another issue that is solved through moderating the general, not necessarily deleting it. If by any chance the general dies after taking care of all the shitposters, then that's how it was meant to be.
Them problem is you think most generalfags want to interact with the rest of the board in the first place. They don't. That's why they bring in garbage from other sites when they do. The true answer is to perma ban these faggots, not let them roam through the rest of /a/.

The only generals I'm familiar with were buyfag and /pc/, and neither had bigger shitposting problems than the homothread. /pc/ is kinda dead but it's not an issue, the posters there don't damage the board. Same for buyfag. It's not the general itself that is a problem, but the community in it. It can be tumblrtard crossboarders or simply people who want a place to discuss their niche interest but are too big to contain it into weekly threads like us.
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>what is Waifu Wednesday (Wednesdays at 19:00 GMT, featuring Mint OPs)
>what is Weekend Waifu Drawthread (Fridays at 11:30 GMT, featuring Waifu-tan and group collage OPs)

No, they're just deleted every Thursday at 3:00 GMT to ensure the scheduling cannot be deviated from.

Nowadays when you call someone out for posting a 500px wide thumbnail copy of a scan threads jump to defend it saying you can only know this if you've been to Tumblr, not that it's always the same shit for the past however many years.

Reddit spacing is usually phoneposters who think a single line looks like an entire paragraph on their tiny screen.
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Hey, we can post NSFW images now.
As for the OP, how about we take any random picture and put Mugen into it, like in a photo frame or smartphone/TV/whatever screen or something. Pic related as an example.
Also using _homo as the filename and adding a question to any random episode of the week to the OP.
That's so fucking autistic please just stop
Either we convince mods to stop banning our threads or we stop making them. Doing shit like that to try to sneak around them is only going to make the situation worse.
>tfw completely lost interest in that pairing when they gave sharkteeth an obvious love interest (female)
I'm weak.
Alright then.
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For those who have seen Touken Ranbu, how prominent is Haseba in the anime? For some godforsaken reason I've taken a liking to him.

Seeing how it's been going lately, I don't think it would work. But I do remember a thread during the week about "let's talk about pretty boys" or some shit. Maybe keeping it as a more broad subject might help.
The picture won't work anymore, it's too easy to spot by mods and too easy to miss by everybody else. The easiest way is to trigger people's filters by using the filename or mixing "it's time" into a sentence. Putting it in the subject field is also an option. It should be any random picture with cute boys or BL anime to be as discreet as possible.

I'm not going to stop having a perfectly acceptable anime thread on /a/ because some retards can't into the board.
Bans do nothing, you can't salvage a shitty general, they don't get better, the nature of those threads is to contain a community of people that will rarely ever interact with /a/nons, they don't learn about the rules, they don't know shit about how /a/ works, being isolated is never a good thing. Remember how clueless Monmusumefags or DJTfags were during the nuke? Crying how "no one cares about generals" or that "no one asked them to leave", it's shit like that, if you're not going to post on /a/ then you don't need to be on this board.
Use the fucking feedback, acting like a child won't help us.
I already did. Acting like a child was making new threads nonstop. This is simply a non intrusive way to have a perfectly decent /a/ related thread. If they want to get rid of the template, then we will and problem solved. That's what the whole problem is, that it's a "template" thread.
>For those who have seen Touken Ranbu, how prominent is Haseba in the anime? For some godforsaken reason I've taken a liking to him.
He's more relevant in Hanamaru having quite a decent screentime but still not very prominent. He's not in the current UFO one either.

Honestly if the mods don't answer IRC less likely that they'll actually pay attention to feedback. You guys are starting to become a really loud and annoying minority to them if this keeps up homo discussion could be banned from 4chan as a whole. They're just that retarded.
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Fairly prominent in Hanamaru, not even speaking in Katsugeki.
It is true that is important to not be obnoxious about it no matter how frustrating it is to wait for a real answer. It's just sad that they dumped the thread here without considering what's porn vs discussion, not theme.
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>Mod literally tell homos to use the feedback while replying to this guy on IRC >>2431854
>"Hurr they're not going to read it guys, let's just shitpost instead"
You're the only retard here. Also we've 3 fucking gay boards on this website, how exactly are they going to ban "homo discussion" you mongoloid?
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Damn, that's a shame. Thanks, mates. I'll watch both and enjoy Hanamaru a lot.
We just had a thread though, at least wait a week or so before making a new one.
I know, we've been saying to wait for Kinomod's response first and then discuss about what we're going to do. Read the thread.
Would it really be bad at all if we got moved to /cm/? I mean people already have discussions there.
Yes. It's a slow board with no moderation so you would have a shit thread that lives for months. It would actually become a general.
/cm/ is even slower than /y/.
>Wanting to be moved to the board where underage girls literally post fanart of fucking youtubers
Nigger, even /y/ is better by comparison.
Then just stay here then.
>It's a slow board with no moderation so you would have a shit thread that lives for months.
/y/ is also cancerous as well.
Why should this sfw thread, with people that don't even post porn, stay on /y/? Are you perhaps retarded?
I was mostly exaggerating but really, do you seriously think they will care about it?
Also don't count /hm/ for this stuff. If that's the third board you were thinking about.
But honestly though real question, why doesn't /cm/ get a complete utter reform? It would unironically be the best board for this sort of shit it's not even funny but the state of /cm/ is complete total trash. Hell even /u/ has it better than us that they have a fucking sticky explicitly saying that discussion IS allowed and the board is actually moderated well enough. What the fuck?
Like you said, nobody cares about faggotry.
Sometimes I wish I was a yuributa.
>why doesn't /cm/ get a complete utter reform
Nobody wants to mod that shit. /cm/ in its current state needs long-term authoritarian-tier modding to get it on track and boot out all the underage tumblrshits for good.
If they didn't care they wouldn't even reply. If they didn't care they wouldn't push this new policy. We belong on /a/, not /cm/ or /y/, homo threads did not break any rules.
They got deleted after 300+ posts.
I thought it was made for touhou.
They should get deleted for being /trash/.
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No, it was made to stop the shitposting on /a/.
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I miss him
Or just move them to /trash/.
I haven't been on /a/ or visited any homodachi threads since 2012 or 2013, but it's crazy they moved you guys out here. I'm not sure what it's like now, but before, discussion was not permitted on /y/ or at least, definitely looked down on. So, I hope you guys can get this solved.

Like, honestly. What has /a/ come to? It's time was always a kind of tradition.
This happens at least once a year senpai.
I remember going through 5 months of hell without any place to discuss bl content until they suddenly removed the thread from the hit/sage list and allowed it again on that year to exist.

I'm not that worried though as we'll have a proper male /ai/doru thread to discuss all of the idolshit next season, as I only have idoltrash on my future watchlist.
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Would you also hold his hand throughout the night until he finally woke up?
We're going to be Aikatsu tier now, but at least we're not taking a nuke.

Why won't you stop being obnoxious with the spam? It's like you do want the thread to be ban for good.
Please stop this.
Are you fucking retarded?
Just stop it already. You're going to get the image blacklisted.
I understand that you don't want to submit to the mods but honestly just let it be forgotten for the time being.
Why did you do this. Seriously explain it to me. Why? We said we were going to wait. Wait for Kinomod and wait to come up with something. This is just going to get deleted. Why are you so fucking stupid?
stop false flagging desu. this is just shitposting now.
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Patience, look it up.
Stop acting like a yoishitter.
Delete your existence.
I suspected this quite a while but the thread's indeed being targeted/attacked with these attempts today.
Calm down faggots, kino will post later, just don't let the thread die for now.
Fuck off
Nah, I reported it for spam.
No you stupid motherfuker. There's no need for a thread now. Why the fuck would you want one?
Goddammit why do some of you have to be so literally retarded. Do you have autism you stupid faggot?
>mods actually replied

Because he fucking asked me to make a new thread, calm down, you can let the thread die later.
>making new threads every hour and giving mods a legitimate reason to ban it instead of calming the fuck down for a few days and taking it to /qa/

Good job, dumbass.
Well then you should've started by saying that you fucking idiot.
Welp RIP homothreads.
Not really. The thread just needs an opening subject to be discussed. Literally weekly Hitori MH
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I was going to post the chatlog, but I was waiting for kino to post first.
These threads are dead to me.
>homothread without the mugen image, without it's time, and created under a specific series' name just to be allowed to exist
Might as well be dead.
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Then stay on /y/.
Homothreads has been in the grey area for years and is something that mods like to mess around with for some time now every year, but it's still here as of last month.
Just wait for their autism to settle down in a few months and we're back right on track.
Just be glad we're not exiled forever. You know they'll get tired of this charade eventually.
For now, just use mugen edits and add a line. Please use the same filename, it looks like the catalog picks up on the "homo" part.
Actual generals that need to go.
>Even homo threads had tumblr/reddit/twitter, especially as of late, but it was a general problem. Nothing can replace the true homodachi.
The only thing homo threads had with these sites is an obsession.

Anyway, for OPs we could use actual screeenshots of le homo pose with _homo instead of a picture edit.
That can work.
Another thing, you could just post "it's time" in the first few replies. Buyfag threads do that with their guide because having it in the OP is not allowed but having it in the thread is cool.
Such great moderation.
Buyfag threads have also been nuked several times for unspecified reasons, some suspect it was that.
The moderation on /a/ is completely idiotic.
Well I guess we could just be stealth about it and include it in a sentence. In the end it's just for the sake of being easy to find.
They already said edits are fine as long as they don't get posted over and over again. At least add the red background instead of just posting a random screenshot.
It's more about keeping up appearances than actually moderating.
Sounds good.
I actually like the screenshot idea of this homopose meme.
Are FGOfags really not allowed to talk about homo shit in their own generals? As >>2432151 said /gbfg/ is so gay that I thought /fgog/ was the same.
Jesus fucking Christ, not even /co/ is this bad.
As a resident of /fgog/ since its inception, no, we're not. It's brought up every now and then, but it's always immediately shut down with some fujo shitposting. And then the thread gets derailed entirely by "FUJOS BTFO" or some of the usual shitposting variations. It's absolutely not suitable for homo discussions.
/fgog/ is different, there's the usual fujoposters but they get boo'd out. /gbfg/ is a complete shithole though, no joke. Everything is allowed there.
I guess it's allowed in the sense that it's not against the rules but it tends to lead to a lot of shitposting if it's anything more than a single post joke. I gave up trying to have actual discussions of that sort of thing in /fgog/ a long time ago.
This whole thing is because people kept complaining about generals, which is understandable. So if they manage to make generals so stealth that no one notices their existence, then no one will complain again.
I know people are against this, but the only solution I can think of right now is to make an Anime General board.
>They already said edits are fine
But edit got delette last time. At least they can't excuse anime screenshots, anyway.
Fuck off faggot.
Jesus, I wonder why. I thought type moon posters could deal with homos after Zero and Gilgamesh posting, I wonder what's different
Why is gbf so different?
It's partially because of Zero and Gilgamesh posting that /fgog/ is the way it is. That time apparently traumatized these people, so now they're incredibly paranoid about things becoming like that again. Like the amount of shaking and crying that occurred when Shinjuku was revealed to have an all-male gacha was really incredible.
Honestly, I feel like that might be the problem. F/Z threads on /a/ were so full of homoposting that I'm sure it left all the fans who weren't into that very irritated. A lot of those homoposters just peaced out of the franchise post-F/Z (which is understandable, don't get me wrong) so we're left with a ton of non-homo TMfags with a constant stick up their ass about anything that seems even remotely gay who insist on shouting down the minority of us that would like to discuss that shit.
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The game's just too fucking gay
Is it just a /vg/ thing, though? I don't think the same thing happens on /a/. Homo in /v/ boards has always been more contained, perhaps because /v/ in general are less gay.
Because /gbfg/ like the rest of /vg/ is a shitposting central, and when you've to deal with literal faggotry, ERP and people cumming in your profile, a few pics of boys isn't that big of an issue.
Honestly, I haven't been in /a/ Fate threads much at all since /fgog/ was created, and /fgog/ has never felt very different from the old /a/ Fate threads I remembered aside from the unique shitposting that always comes with generals. I don't think it has that much /v/ influence.
Well, I haven't been in an /a/ TM thread in ages, but /fgog/ has pretty much always been that exact same fanbase transplanted onto /vg/. /v/ made their own separate general for some idiotic reason when the English version launched and it's still going strong, so I don't think that has much to do with it.
I think we could
- Use screenshots anime characters doing the homo pose, especially from recent anime. Edits are fine too, but mods have delete them too so I say hold off to them for a while.

- Try to insert "It's time" in the opening. Like "It's time to discuss what happens in the last chapter of Ao no Flag" or "It's time, the new season is onto us, what are you watching?"

- Name all file _homo.gif for easy archive search.

- Post the actual homo_gif in the thread at one point for easy archive search too.
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So should we gather as many homo poses as posible in order to avoid being considered a repetitive template?
I think I like this idea more than being kicked off /a/ to a porn board.
Wow and I though tumblr was crybabies
Reminder that video games belong on /v/ or /vg/ and VNs belong on /blog/.

"They don't want us!" isn't an excuse. It's off topic. It's not /a/.
You're really that blasted that you felt the need to metapost in this thread too?
It's not /a/. They never talk about the anime adaptations.
Go bitch about it to a mod on irc if it bothers you so much.
They usually discuss stuff a little and then stop definitely a lot less obnoxious than your shitty metaposting
You're being needlessly ornery about this. VN discussions and related material to long-standing /a/ material like Fate have always been allowed. Homothreads are the best place for FGO homo discussion as of now. If the discussion ever becomes about gameplay shit, that's a different story, but as long as the discussion is about the boys, there's no problem.
Fatefags are so integrated in /a/, I don't mind as long as it doesn't revolve around game discussion.
What is this shit then?

That's gameplay discussion that shouldn't be there. I was just defending the Fatefag discussion, not that.
They just posted that because some fag said no GBF.
People usually know that kind of stuff shouldn't be there, if it gets out of control just tell them and they'll back off.
They were even doing it in the other thread.

Then next time just tell them not to do it.
Idolshit is getting their own threads anyway.
Report them if you have to. Don't metapost about it like a bitch.
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I did a Juzo. Use it if you like.
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I liked it!
I prefer my Slaine being abused, but this is fine too.
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You're one naughty anon.
>smug face while being abused instead of tears
This is such a new flavour, I like it.
I like it. It just needs the couch in the background.
Even mods forget /cm/ exist that's how dead it is
well, considering how slow /y/ is you guys could keep returning to this thread to regroup whenever shit goes bad back in /a/

we had a foot fetish thread last a year and a half once
Is this pretty much the designated bitching/meta thread?
I want to ask, what is exactly homothread related?
There's been some faggots nowadays complaining that everything in homothreads must be at least ambiguously homo to be worth posting. Like people complaining X character isn't canon gay enough or something.
Because it's /a/ it should be restricted to anime and manga but you have gamefags too, what happens to those? It's not like gamefags take too much of the thread's posts.
I love it
People bitching about canon/non-canon in any way at all are just shitposters. Don't even reply, pretend they don't exist. The thread always goes to shit when you engage in this type of conversation. Ignore any faggots that try to start shit with it, in any way.
As long as gamefags don't actually talk about the game or take too many posts I don't think most will mind.
>There's been some faggots nowadays complaining that everything in homothreads must be at least ambiguously homo to be worth posting. Like people complaining X character isn't canon gay enough or something.
That's just baiting 101 to derail the thread.
>Because it's /a/ it should be restricted to anime and manga but you have gamefags too, what happens to those? It's not like gamefags take too much of the thread's posts.
As long as it has or it will have an anime or manga, and that they're talking mostly about the boys, then it's fine.
They mostly bring the threads away from meta/shitposting and back to boyposting anyways so I'm good with it myself.
When gushing about anime characters, segueing into a phone gacha game is probably inevitable.
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Thank you guys
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Here you go
>Like people complaining X character isn't canon gay enough or something.
Hey backseat mod, stop false-flagging.
We only get a thread once a week, so people talking about games when they have their own general honestly bugs me, especially if the general isn't even hostile to homo.
I thought they couldn't take those clothes off. Sasuga the power of homo.
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How about a rainbow Jesus?
These are fantastic. Keep it up, Anon.
File: 22010327081.jpg (144KB, 510x720px) Image search: [Google]
144KB, 510x720px
Jesus can't homopose, don't be silly. He's busy dying for our sins.
File: homo jesus.jpg (17KB, 216x226px) Image search: [Google]
homo jesus.jpg
17KB, 216x226px
>Jesus can't homopose
>doubting our Lord and Savior and qtest animu boy
>sex with priest clothes on
That's some exquisite taste. Sasuga Roberuto.
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