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ITT: REEEEEEEE thread people screaming in anger/frustration etc...

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Thread replies: 362
Thread images: 47

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Greifer 3.webm
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people screaming in anger/frustration etc...
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Greifer 2.webm
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Part 2
you got it mixed up baby
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Greifer 1.webm
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I know anon, my bad
no prob

also love this threads shame I lost all my webms when my pc died :(
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feels bad man

ill try and find some more for you
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Angry Chinese Dude.webm
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Top kek brah

Someone post that Russian kid screaming blyat from the top of his lungs
Context? what the heck happened
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Oh man, ive not heard someone that angry before. what the fuck happened whats a cloudsong?
not that anyone gives a fuck but i am pretty sure that guy is korean
From a youtube comment.

"Cloudsong is from a game called Dark Age of Camelot. It's a cloak that dropped from a mob called Eramai. It's an artifact that was considered one of the best cloaks you could (and still get) in the game."
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That's Korean, not Chinese.
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Duelling Carls.webm
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What the fuck is this bitch even whining about?

He's blaming the monitor for his hand??
Showed this to my ex-girlfriend when it first came out. Her dog was in the same room, and it apparently freaked it out.
>and it apparently freaked it out
>not being in the room and knowing for yourself
Online girlfriend?

>The wall behind the monitor was already beaten to shit

Yeah he seems emotionally balanced.
Is this Autistic Bruce Lee?
I was just thinking about this video today and I haven't seen it in years. Weird.
*autistic screeching*
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gmod kid rage.webm
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this is my favorite
>/v/ meets /g/.webm
I fucking love how he casually gestures towards the window mid scream.

what the FUCK was his expecting man you can't just hit a screen with a fucking keyboard
that boy has got a fright
Jesus. If I ever got more than frustrated at a game, I'd probably stop playing.
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Genji POTG.webm
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i loved this game
i am the law
They sound /brit/ish

Should learn to handle the banter
>deck the fuck outta the nigga
>you okay?
Shit's kinda metal.
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the melow jap tune playing really sells it
bro they should nto have stole his cloudsong!
From what I've heard, his viewers pay him to do stuff like that.
That probably just raises more questions, but there you go.
That first screech reminds me of the opening to Down with the Sickness.
I love how he turns the screen off to try to fix it.
i know people like this irl. Its fucking embarrassing.

>looks like I'm retarded

Indeed m8

Looks like you're the retarded one m8
Surprised I haven't heard this audio dubbed over some bad porn.
top fucking kek
Requesting webms of Super Mario 64 speedrunners screaming like the autistic children they are

Like really, is it just me or do Super Mario 64 runners act the most fucking childishly?
That basement wall :D
>its probably just a glitch man, dont worry about it

>it was probably the communists
lmao where did my sides go?
They can't beat panonkek at anything he does, so they're forever 2# no matter how hard they try.
>when you're at 199/200 health and you dont get heals
god i fucking love when their screaming hits that certain pitch and turns into a velociraptor screech

someone should turn this classic into a webm

I never knew I would be looking at the future when it first came out
everything about this animal makes me want to stomp it to death.

I used to be like this. And now as I look back, I'm ashamed and annoyed.

I still punch the arm of my chair or my desk if I get bad at games. But I don't hit anything breakable.

I'm improving.
People have so little going on in their lives that they actually get invested enough in their games to be this mad
>That middle schooler telling them to stop making the kid cry
I knew this guy at work that pretended to be the ultimate chad. Weekend house parties, beer drinking, NFL games etc. He said he the same thing, he could never understand why people rage at video games. I asked him if he ever had a Nintendo, he said no but he did play a little Super Mario, Excite Bike on a friends system but other than that he's never played a video game.

Fast forward two weeks later and he discovers Hill Climb Racing on his iphone. He's playing it every second he can at work and he's fucking raging whenever he crashes lol.
>Theater kid gets hit
>Predictably has an autistic fit
Sounds like it's just a personalty/self control thing then
>Glorious Nippon Steel Folded OVER 9000 Times
>Zero penetration against plastic on the white 2005-tier monitor
top kek
>he got his speedruns disqualified because he fucked around so hard
For instance there was one where you had to get to an oasis in the desert level without jumping as fast as possible and what does pannkoek do? He fucking crawls and takes 15 minutes
>someone had to watch that\
Pannkoek is number 1
Reminds me that I need to get the pellet gun out. Little fuckers have been poking around my garden.
poor ratto
Funny shit aside, i think that kid was projecting way too much. Serves him right i guess

Fuck my sides are in orbit
this reminds me of high school.
I use to have to sit next to some annoying knob.
One day he got into an arguement with somebody and did step by step what this little furbo did.
>back up
>pump up
>attempt to intimidate through sounds

Only 3 of us in class at that time so I turned and punched him twice.
Man what an asshole
>shit like this will just happen
Yeah, it just happens, totally out of his control, monitors just break like that
still makes me laugh
This made me laugh so many times back in the day
was his sword made of sponge? fucker did no damage
Same, it's honestly so pathetic

highlights are 0.43 and 1.30
Like a real life Pokémon
I really love how people join in saying i am the law taunting the kid.
Obviously if you just swing that shit it will only chip or bounce off due to the low weight of that toothpick.
> tedcruzisaskedtohandoverthedelegates.gif
have a dose of unfiltered autism.
sides, orbit, etc
>so I turned and punched him twice

no you didn't pussy
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Genuinely fucking scared me
Why did he delete his channel?
Reddit: the comment
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what did he mean by this? context?
Man that gorilla's a pussy
I can't understand what he says at the beginning.
Anyone able to translate tistonese?
I'm a WoW player and even I can't fucking comprehend what the fuck he's sperging out about.

After looking more into it, apparently some random dude in the streamer's raid won a rare mount drop, and despite said streamer's demands to give him the mount, the guy learned it instead (which consumes the item and permanently binds the mount to their character).

Full version btw
Asian attempting to be Italian in South Africa or Australia. Somebody help me with the location.
Its New Zealand
Either that or just a kiwi elsewhere
1a2a3afou ftw
Whatever, i just think a 14yo saying dick more than 3 times is a signal of being a damn homo
Fresh from next door
Poor thing looks scared
Does anyone have the like greek play actor waving his arms and screaming?
what animal is that?
>MY VOICE IS H.#9JS)A"#L//TV:/)Carrier Lost
>chooses combat gear
kek everytime
People who have never played games like this will never understand. You sit for weeks, constantly playing the same level, getting close but failing. You would rather die than give up beating the level.

Still he freaked out way too much.
Ted Cruz
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It's weird how ineffective it is when a kid just spews a string of swears compared to someone calmly giving you criticism when it comes to online games.
>clearly underageb& kid calls me every swear known to man and insults everything about me
>"lol k"
>someone tells me that I'm not very good and I should consider practicing
its most likely a shitty anime meme sword you get at conventions for 30€
how damn autistic
Sounds like a lebanese aussie. Probably somewhere is N.S.W
Eve is serious business.
More OC EVE Rage soon.
If only that warning had come sooner.
File: This is REALLY EvE.webm (4MB, 400x224px) Image search: [Google]
This is REALLY EvE.webm
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EvE is srs business.

I wish I could've made the video bigger.
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top fucking kek

never seen this much hardcore sperging in fleet before

he literally sounded like a screaming bird or some shit.
I've flown with progodlegend (IF WE EVER LEAVE SYSTEM WITH TWO FUCKING DICTORS...). He is a really swell guy, a top tier Fleet Commander, and is really dedicated to seeing Test Alliance succeed as an alliance.
Test Alliance renamed their Stratop Comms channel to "ProMadlegend: Rage Chamber" because it's not uncommon for him to get angry during fleets.
Classic WRYYYYY and some assburgers too
im sorry about your autism
He didn't. Butthurt streamers that he streamsniped made false DMCA claims on his channel until it got taken down. He's back, though.

Chulgu doesn't count, he does this on purpose.
Did the same thing happen to fkpuz?
>getting mad
>at legion
>Rodent destroys you crops.
>Must have autism for wanting to kill it.

Grow up. Step out into the real world. You are too domesticated if you can't even deal with killing a pest.
is this a jojo reference?
I spent a lot of my life playing these games and mess up a lot, but I do not understand how people could get so angry that they break something.
"You have been ip..."
Holy kek
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As a kid I'd have seriously stabbed the motherfucker to death for that afterward
No you wouldn't have. Sit down.
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Riot Police.webm
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what a pussy
I probably would have kicked him in the nuts as hard as I could
I don't understand why he'd upload this. I'd delete it the second I broke that monitor.
Me irl every time the state infringes on me.
Poor guy, he seems way too mad over it. I understand the fustration. But sometimes you gotta just do something else. He sounds like a grown man and he's crying over not getting the mount.

It's sad but I'm embarrassed for him as well.
Jokes aside, that trailerwas top-tier
>When he flubs his words so much that he's unintelligible
What the fuck is this fiasco?
3 reasons I won't play EVE online
>1: the learning curve
>2: the worth of Ingame items
>3: the spergs
Why is he so mad?
just a lack of self control / anger issues
whoa man that's some swell jojo reference right there

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what an actual asshole. I bet his ego is so inflated from streaming that he actually expects to get a handout for no fucking reason
>that gif
>when grandma calls outta the blue

Norwegian lemming
they have a reputation for standing their ground and trying to fight animals hundreds of times their size including their predators. they often win too because the predators don't want to touch something so angry and aggressive and look for easier food.
Nah, this one is actually legit. The balloon burst and she got an eye full of pepper spray.
Katanas are shit weapons in every sense, only weebs unironically think they're cool
this is fake btw (and that accent too)
He is playing starcraft
dont make shit up
Live by the balloon, die by the balloon.
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He felt he was in the right. He deleted the video along others after it went viral.
a modern classic.
Bullshit. It's a guy from NSW speaking with a thick NSW accent... in NSW i.e. an Australian in Australia.
That's Tamarama Beach, just a short walk from Bondi Beach, Sydney.
That's not the same person, but it's still great
someone should edit in a reaper horn at the end of the vid
Dark Age of Camelot is serious business
>where do you think you release your cock here, fucker?

That is not a NSW accent.
If she put pepper spray in the fucking thing she got what she deserved.
>narrow desk
>awkwardly placed speakers
>blames the monitor
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The guy saying this was kicked out of the event
I hope I wasn't the only one waiting for the camera man to punt it.


I play rhythm games and shit like this. Yes, it's frustrating when you fuck up constantly at that one part, but I don't break my shit.

The worst I do is yell out some curse words and maybe hit a pillow or something. But I'd never break anything of value.
If you're so high strung that you can't play a game without throwing a tantrum and smashing your shit then you need to sort your life out and address whatever makes you act that way. Getting mad and smashing shit is so fucking childish.
When I was a little kid I'd get pissed and hit my controller on the ground occasionally. As an adult I either just exhale slowly or put my hands out palm up and ask "what?" or "what the fuck was that?"

I would NEVER express anger in front of other people though because of how childish it is.
Who was he addressing? The guys playing?
The people who kept screaming WAAAAA
>When I was a little kid I'd get pissed and hit my controller on the ground occasionally.
The scream is edited in
What event was this? I'd like to track down a longer version for context.
>tfw that shit doesn't even touch GMOs
>that autistic comeback
Nice. This game excites me on paper but it's sort of dry in playu
song name?
its a social game so if you can find a good group to play with then its pretty fun. been playing for 7 years and ive noticed whenever my interest starts to wane its because the group im with starts to get lazy and doesnt do shit anymore
because he was a kid
holy bait
That's not a real answer. I didn't throw controllers when I was a kid. Why did he?
>1 British kid telling people to stop making kids cry

>they are all british

OK M80
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this, why are theatre kids so autistic?
theater performances give them the perfect place to dump all that raw autistic emotion
i love how little child think they will win an argument by shouting the louder
I played Osu! a good deal (my roommate does it obsessively) and I would never break my obscene electronics. This stuff is my main source of entertainment and I have a hard time thinking about what I would do without this to occupy me, as sad as that really is. But I agree that this guy got way to upset, even still it must've helped him to step away from that damn game.
EVE rage is the best rage because it's entirely justified almost always
Woops, didn't realize it was the
and wasn't rage but point stands

And if you got your nose bone driven halfway into your skull I'm sure you would have just walked it off, right champ?

Half of being the alpha male is knowing how to pick your fights.
This reminds me of old destiny raids where I got shit like the Gjallahorn and Vex day one and everyone in my raid party was a pissy fuckin cunt
>old destiny raids
>not old wow raids where you get fucking pissed that some fuckstick needs Mithrios
sounds like a wog
I got hard because all that screaming reminded me of all the hardcore porn I've been watching, where women get impaled by brutally impaled by large dicks...

I think I need to take a break from porn for a while.
Getting mad over RNG-based loot is fucking pointless
Does anyone have the "ADMIN ABUSE, ADMIN ABUUUUSE" webm? I lost it and can't find it again anywhere
Dude, I can't even read the subtitles when he starts ree'ing. SOMEONE FIX THIS.
>console player aim
That's hard to watch anon
>That 57 second mark where the little sobs get picked up by the microphone and the game interprets it as the little kid trying to communicate with the rest of his team

Here, have the full quality youtube version:

>at legion

Are you fucking retarded? I dont even play WoW and i know thats from the pandaland expansion
If I remember right he huffed jenkem. That shit can do a bad number on you
how has nobody posted the duke nukem vent harrassment webm yet?

my favorite by far but i keep forgetting to save it
Aw. Shoots, man. You the best, 2bh.
Don't have a webm, but youtubs is just as good, rite?

And another

Oh shit, I can't believe I've never seen this one before. Perfect sequel:

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Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?
I once bought a shitty, cheap meme katana because it was up for sale at 10€. Price so damn low, I thought why the hell not; I can survive losing that amount.
It was the biggest piece of shit ever. So shit that it was almost funny to me. The metal part on the end of the grip fell off almost immediatly, the fake wrapping came off and even the blade itself got all loose after a few swings, the cross-guard (or however the fuck it's called on katanas) too.
I'm glad I didn't spend more money on shit like that lul
he is a l337 haxx0r
The Russian squeaker tried to grief a guy by killing him in a pit and stealing his stuff. He'd been doing this for quite a while, griefing players, stealing their stuff and mounting their heads on his wall.

The guy he griefed this time was the owner of the server.
It worked great against peasants wearing rice paper clothes, anon.
Some people are different, shockingly.
dude I think your dog has autism
Gorillas don't fuck around, but chimps are autistic. They're like honey badgers with thumbs, they will fight and maim bigger shit than them on a daily basis.
good thing that didnt happen to the kid.
>learning curve
>in game corps always want more newbies to teach the game too
ok bud.
Holy nostalgia.Blast from the past, I haven't heard this in years. Reminds me of all those Ventrillo rage compilations
As a guy with anger issues and who loved guitar hero. I still never broke anything cause of how hard replacements are to find now. Back with rockband 1 I had to replace the drumset cause I hit the cymbals too hard while playing about 7 times, until they stopped stocking them.
pandaria with demon hunters

rly makes me think
Overwatch competitve makes me like that. Haven't broken my shit tho just uninstalled multiple times
>learning curve

theyve been working pretty hard over the past few years on making the game a lot more accessible to newfags

still a steep learning curve but nowhere near the vertical cliff it was when i started

>ingame worth

its no different from any other mmo in terms of worth. 1 billion space gold is worth 12 bucks, a decent frigate costs 10 mil and a decent battleship costs 300 mil. all the "$20,000 lost in battle" stories you hear are once-a-year battles involving thousands of ships blowing up, not everyday occurences

how much would a set of max-level gear in swtor or wow cost in cash?

>the spergs

you do know where youre posting right

ive never seen anyone sperg in eve, that shit is all from the massive spaceguilds that inevitable attract autism

everyone ive met in smaller corporations have been pretty chill for the most part, minus the salty russians that are in every fucking game nowadays

give it a try anon, they just made it free-to-play. basically an unlimited trial but you can still do just about anything you can with a subscription

I've heard this level before in many games. I just kicked and banned them from chat.
Don't forget that they also commit mass suicide
actually that's a common myth
it started when Disney released a nature documentary in 1958 that featured a story about suicidal lemmings. the story was completely fabricated however and it was discovered that the shots in it of lemmings jumping into the ocean were actually clever editing and it was the film makers themselves literally throwing the lemmings into a river. its a shame that everyone now believes this myth despite it being refuted many times
Anyone got the one punch man version of this?
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One paunch.webm
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Guy was a serial killer on his server and kept his victims heads as trophies. A hacker fucked his shit up for the luls.
Thanks bro.
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part 1
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part 2
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part 3
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part 4/4
I'd still like to know the story behind this, and why the kid that got punched and the guy that held him in place for it sound like maximum retards.
Obviously kids playing WWE wrestling and they forgot they are not big 300 pound experienced fake fighters and someone got hurt.
You're god damned right it was. Hibernia ruined the game and then WoW killed it dead.
Someone needs to stop sponging off mommy's new boyfriend and move out
Can anyone telle the song at 4:23?
i am the law
whats a cloudsong?
See >>1645155. It's basically one of the best cloaks in the game in Dark Age of Camelot.
The songs that clouds sing.
I miss those old jailbreak servers
i am the law
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Anons please tell me this isnt legit
I got you senpai, this song is a part of my soul.
jesus christ kill all the manchildren please
>Rules state no distracting runners
>Still let the WAAAH shit carry on the entire fucking marathon

God GDQ is so shitty and yet I still watch this trash.
No shit, just a luck of the draw, and everyone looses their shit
Never played WoW desu
Can someone explain why his scream reached a new dimension? That's what it sounds like.
>breaking your keyboard over scrubtier vidya

I'll never understand how someone has such little value for their own possessions.

>lost a game
>If my break my shit so I can't play at all anymore that'll make it better.
That'll really pay off when he gets his job as fleet commander at Hardee's.
>sperging out against the fucking necromancer of all things

I can understand some salt over one of the more annoying ones like the crow or vulf. this guy is a fucking autist. people pay to watch this shit?
>breaking your keyboard over a turnbased RPG
Literally why?
I haven't seen this before. It looks like an angry neighbor due to the fact that I have a peek hole on my door.
What's the source video?
fake, audio was shooped in.
>the worth of Ingame items

What does this mean? Yeah the items in game cost some amount, there's no currency-free commie MMOs
>he's never fought Nyx for over an hour only to have him charm a party member and full heal.
west sydney represent
that girl should collab with merzbow
>when you can HEAR obesity
fuck thats an actual "reeee"
nah that guy is just bad
also pharah has the easiest aim in console
Where the fuck are this child's parents?
>no fun allowed

do you have any idea how many potential REEEEEEEEEEEE videos you ruined?
>video goes viral (or at least he hopes it does)
>get enough youtube bux to buy 10x more than what you broke

literally a meme-tier country no wonder muslims are taking over your country
Based CRS
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If you can't see from the video, the guy is complaining that he has no support in the middle. The guy in purple replies with a salt shaker emoji
>the ree is gonna be real
What the fuck..
>yfw when spooped by evil moon face before camera focuses
Fucking Jenkem, I remember that
Worst I ever did was break a controller in like 20 years of gaming nothing else even compares to that one incident of rage

Gotta take care of your gaming rig
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invisible ink prank.webm
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Holy fuck that poor fucker got rekt
What the fuck happened here?
The "pranked" their kids and yelled at them until they started crying.
Basically child abuse.
>Actually uses the Modern UI

Fucker deserves the BabyRage
>That actual burst of white noise
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They prank (abuse) their children for views on YouTube. In this one the gas giant behind the camera squirts disapearing ink into the carpet and blames it on the children (they don't know it will disapear).
At the end of the video they laugh like they "got em" and pretend like it's all a joke. The father litterally uses the "it's just a prank brah" defense when the kid is crying. They also make the one kid read the outro for them and shout at him when he gets part of it wrong.
Google "daddy of five" and they should come up ("dad of five" maybe?). They've deleted all their videos now, they claim it was because of "hateful slander" even though we have the fucking videos of they abusing their children.
ty for explaining, are there any places where I can watch full videos?
Jesus christ that kid mustve had a rib or two broken.
I can't find any reuploads of their whole channel, but here's the video from the webm.
I love videos of dumb kids getting utterly fucking demolished out of this entire dimension.
Here are a couple of their other videos that have been reuploaded
Im always up for some child abuse or some stuff but this shit is just fucked beyond reason.
even /b/ would probably be disgusted

I kek'd
My favourite part of this one is when he gets mad at the poor shy kid in the nike tshirt for doing exactly as he was asked. You know he didn't want to upset his brother.
desu it happens so much to the kid, i have a hard time believing he isn't playing it up with his father
>"Why do you have a sledgehammer?"

Am I the only one who thinks that kid was genuinely scared for a second when he asked that?
That must have hurt like a son of a bitch.
Radcliffe really hit some hard times after the potter movies.
Fucking horrible people
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Holy shit look at 4:47 how he pushes the kid over. That is straight abuse.
I can't tell if this is real or staged, which is a bit sad.
>being this autistic
He got his Ji Kun mount stolen. It's during the legion pre patch but before the official expansion launched. ji Kun is a boss in Panda raid :^)
Oh, you haven't heard of "He Will Not Divide Us?" You are in for a treat.
It wasn't stolen. The pubbie won the roll fair and square, and the streamer reee'd because he didn't win the roll.
That was pretty great, the fact that it was real makes it even better.
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This little fucker triggerred my ASMR
Either way his reaction was still autistic as fuck because you can just solo the raid now.
Gratzi senpai
I should make some videos with Legends of the Galactic heroes with EVE comms overlaying the video. Maybe use some Rooks and Kings comms.
Okay, this is just ridiculous. I can understand sperging out in the comfort of your own room, but in public? Surrounded by hundreds of people, being watched by thousands.

This is some military grade autism.
She died senpai
Playing at a LAN gets you excited because you're hanging out with other people in the same room. It's the same as couch multiplayer on consoles.
>REEEE thread

This seems more appropriate in autism general
>autism general
so, anywhere on 4chan?
but she didn't
>Not the two best
Nope, 100% legit. His name is Jack Johnson, and he's a 300 pound furry gay tranny who hangs out on rizon.
>Expecting yelling or REEE
>Get T-Rex scream
>Freeman's Mind: Alpine Slide

This is why every 3 months some autist decides to shoot up a hick school in some bullshit ass town.
>that short moment where the kid screamed so hard he opened a portal to another dimension
File: death is not a hunter.webm (2MB, 1024x720px) Image search: [Google]
death is not a hunter.webm
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never forget
>dat deathblow
this is some abuse right here
anyone got the video of the guy playing gmod rp where he knocks on some kids door and the kid spergs out yelling go away?
>gets party wiped by level 2 necromancer
File: American exceptionalism .webm (4MB, 250x250px) Image search: [Google]
American exceptionalism .webm
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>pick anti-fun
>goes mid
>expect anyone to help you
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not wheeeeeee

In their minds at these events they're a towering ultimate badass that everyone is afraid of, shouting orders on the battlefield.

In actual reality it's a gawky autistic screeching. We see this, they dont.

The unwillingness to own the comment with "Funny shit aside", arm chair psychology with "projection", the juxtaposition between exaggeration "way too much" and the tepid attempt at humility with "I guess" is rife with reddit. I am surprised nobody has concocted a formula for these posts.
That's just the first comment...
did she git fuked?
omg it's okay ?

Someone knows if she died?
same dude and it makes me feel so uncomfortable
Thread posts: 362
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