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/pol/ related WSG

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Thread replies: 374
Thread images: 90

File: Nazi_Schulz.webm (654KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
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White man marches on.webm
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File: pol goes outside.webm (3MB, 512x640px) Image search: [Google]
pol goes outside.webm
3MB, 512x640px
File: Ryan's Cuckservative Bill.webm (894KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Ryan's Cuckservative Bill.webm
894KB, 1280x720px
love it when the left appropirates the terminology
File: Last Cuck Tonight.webm (972KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Last Cuck Tonight.webm
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At least he's aware of what he is.
/pol/ getting groceries
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pol the history buff.webm
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Appeal to the masses and the middle ground.
Likewise this lacks the self awareness that while he is projecting these qualities of "extremists" (lets be real, he was focusing solely on right wing), he actually is discussing everyone.
>the great thing about having enemies is that you can pretend that all the badness in the whole world is in your enemies and all the goodness is in you.
Ironically the moderate does this, only against both the left and the right. What matter is what IS right, not how moderate you are. One man's moderation could very well be wrong and foolish.
Likewise this was obviously made with the intent of demonizing the right while appearing to be moderate- initially he mentions authority figures, judges, then he segues into mentioning multi-national corporations, which rarely are good, and continues into a list of goofy examples no actual leftist would care to think of.
Then he goes into describing the hard right, but instead of his comically and carefully filtered wording I will surmise the intention
>you're a racist
>you hate laborers
>2 goofy HAHA examples
>you hate normal conscientious people (but fails to mention what the demonstrators are demonstrating about- are they right wing?)
>you hate the poor
>you hate freedom of press
>you hate everyone
Then he concludes with
>you're crazy!

This is just more propaganda carefully aimed at appearing moderate.
t. chapmion of the truth, fighter for the greater good

someone make a webm of these
>declining birth rates occur in industrializing countries
Then why the fuck is India's population still exploding?
File: foreigners.webm (3MB, 712x200px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 712x200px
Heh, his animal-like uncontrollable agression sure destroyed this nazis worldview, sure showed him
I think it's more about prosperity
Higher prosperity = more socially liberal, less strong family values, women work, less religiosity, more education. All these things are correlated negatively with birth rate
Watch it again
The nig was chill, the nazi was sperging and shouting all over the place
I'd say outburst of violence make him less chill than someone shouting
>the nazi
That kid isn't a National Socialist.
Nigger violated the NAP.
I think you might be reading a bit too much into this friendo
Cmon m8, that's merely the party line
Higher prosperity equals-
>more socially liberal
Not necessarily
>less strong family values
consumerism can encourage an erosion of family values, but not prosperity
>women work
Why would women be employed in a prosperous society?
>less religiosity
Not at all true.
>more education
only if it is invested
Americans think they are prosperous, but in truth they're barely making house payments while both mother and father work. The cost of raising a child has increased exponentially, people think America is prosperous when it really isn't.
song name?
>Not necessarily
I don't think there's an example where prosperity and social liberalism don't go hand in hand

social liberalism is then what weakens family/traditional values and encourages women to work

Same with education, I can't imagine a more prosperous country that isn't more educated

'As [nations] grow wealthier and more citizens move into the service sector, they move away from “survival values” emphasizing the economic and physical security found in one’s family, tribe, and other parochial groups, toward “self-expression” or “emancipative values” that emphasize individual rights and protections—not just for oneself, but as a matter of principle, for everyone' - Jonathan Haidt, When and Why Naitonalism beats Globalism
File: [Jew intensifies].webm (4MB, 320x360px) Image search: [Google]
[Jew intensifies].webm
4MB, 320x360px
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Deportion time!.webm
4MB, 640x358px
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trump leaks himself.webm
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alabama nigger wanna be free.webm
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eat shit liberals.webm
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Total War.webm
4MB, 480x270px
>I don't think there's an example where prosperity and social liberalism don't go hand in hand
Singapore, Bhutan, the Japanese while more "socially liberal" still retain their cultural and ethnic pride, Oman, UAE, Poland, Malaysia, there are quite a few nations which are prosperous but retain their conservative systems. Usually nations that were both prosperous and "conservative" in the past have fallen to war, America was always considered conservative and prosperous but has only fallen to social liberalism during the past 50 years. In fact that last statement is true for most of the European, Western nations.
File: save the white race.webm (4MB, 720x304px) Image search: [Google]
save the white race.webm
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File: Hitler was right.webm (4MB, 354x200px) Image search: [Google]
Hitler was right.webm
4MB, 354x200px
>he said words
>better punch him
Why is internet in communist shitholes still allowed?
File: utiopa.webm (4MB, 746x420px) Image search: [Google]
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File: comingdays.webm (4MB, 354x200px) Image search: [Google]
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File: HitlerDreamer.webm (4MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 800x450px
top kek
Its fucking uncanny how relevant this is even now.
I think the internet has only made it worse too, filtering out anything that isnt knee-jerk and reactionary.
File: RWDS_Stay_Strong.webm (3MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 854x480px
I'm surprised this version has ended up on kikebook.
Japan in particular has kept its self imposed isolated nature at heart. I hear over and over again how strict it is about foreigners gaining any sense of citizenship, let alone work visas.
File: bball (1).webm (4MB, 400x300px) Image search: [Google]
bball (1).webm
4MB, 400x300px
Requesting the webm of a rising swastika sun with the deep voiced guy talking over the top. Inspires hope in my heart and I want to save it.
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188KB, 881x528px

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2MB, 1280x720px
You hear wrong then. It's easy as fuck to work in Japan as a foreigner.
birth rates decline when people are told that having children is detrimental to their own live and when wagers are low and taxes are high who can afford kids not on welfare
exterminate modern women
His accent is pretty cool.
heh. Nice. Hope he lost some teeth that day.
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2MB, 640x360px
That thousand yard stare.
and you know what's racing through his mind too.

>has she ever cheated on me?
>if she hasn't she's just made it obvious she'd be fine with not telling me
>she really didn't seem like the type of person to cheat
>I don't think I'll be able to see her the same way again
These make me sad, except with the gay lovers.
Dats cute.
I will be ready...

Preservation of the European Race and its sympathizers.
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>Wahlkampf – 'election campaign'
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3MB, 640x360px
What's the actual context of that clip?
Triggered much buddy?
He was fair on the right and the left. I think you are just projecting your insecurity.
sauce pls. this guy is dank
tried searching for 'immigration gumballs' yet?
File: the basic gestalt.webm (4MB, 360x202px) Image search: [Google]
the basic gestalt.webm
4MB, 360x202px
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4MB, 1280x720px
Does anyone have a webm of the "Tanya Makes Anime Great Again" video?
It's so stupid how media networks and people who are clearly leftist think that throwing the word cuck at them selves delegitmizes any legit conservative criticism that comes their way.
Whats that you disagree with something I've said even though I"m clearly pushing an agenda?
Well I already called myself a cuck so your argument is invalid
File: BASEDKGB.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
Fucking facts dude! I love how people are calling you insecure for pointing out a legitimate problem that has arose in politics. Everyone wants to believe they are right and everyone else is wrong even if all the facts and evidence in the world says otherwise. Also agree with your haha examples political comedic acts especially love pulling the straw man trick were they bring up 1 actual argument a political opponent would have and then throw in 2 other total BS illogical arguments no one would make but throws it on the opponents side to act like see how stupid they are?
I'ma just post this ex KGB member's views on social justice and the problem with getting emotionally invested in your political beliefs because I think it fits in with what you were saying.
File: Leon Degrelle.webm (4MB, 532x300px) Image search: [Google]
Leon Degrelle.webm
4MB, 532x300px
Doesnt matter, swinging your arms around at people you dont like is what animals do. Humans are suppose to be held to higher standards.
Link on YouTube where it isn't compressed to shit?
File: Next President.webm (3MB, 1000x562px) Image search: [Google]
Next President.webm
3MB, 1000x562px
File: CIA.webm (4MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 800x450px
File: Why there's no cure for AIDS.webm (395KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Why there's no cure for AIDS.webm
395KB, 640x360px
They keep getting btfo but still keep trying are they retarded or what?
Acting all superior when he clearly has the upper hand...
Post more hatefacts like this pls

Aww cute the redditors are here
I'll go to Europe to fight.
The only thing Islam has right is that women are basically dogs and need to be put in their place.
"go get him, go get him" apes.
I've come to roughly the same conclusion through my own research over the years. We will see the reckoning in the next two decades at most.
Go fuck yourself
And even mor importantly: Lil' whiteboi's behavior was met with laughter an ridicule while the guy didn't even seem to notice he had made himself a total laughing stock.
Well, at least he hit him.
>still reddit-bogeymanning
No, fuck you, you cunt!
File: Scholars.webm (4MB, 532x300px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 532x300px
>roleplaying as a dindu online
All men are equal. No race is superior. No religion is inferior.
Since pizzagate and spirit cooking and the like, I've also come to this conclusion. Have you connected the (((Semitic))) dots?
File: davo shitposting.webm (3MB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
davo shitposting.webm
3MB, 320x240px
Gods Chosen indeed. But not the 'God' normies think of.
These threads get really boring quite quickly. What happened to the good old days when people used to blame Aliens, the Illuminati or the Men in Black for everything.
Blaming world religions is such an obsolete concept – even though that also makes it quaint in a way.
or just communists, yeah, why not communists? It's rather old-timey as well, but still more progressive than "The Jews did it!" or "The Muslims did it!" etc.
70 years of progress concerning conspiracy theories down the drain. It's sad.
I wish I could be this happy one day in my life.
Because India isn't industrialized, it's dedicated.
>Britbongs descending into chaos and civil war
This cops a strong feel.
God bless this child!
Is there a story on this one?
File: MAGA-reddit.gif (70KB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
70KB, 640x480px
/r/t_d reporting in my fellow centipede! LOVE the work 9gag and /pol/ are doing, keep it up!
Fuck off no one wants you here.
Fuck those faggot moderates. I hate them as much as the annoying clergymen and newspaper owners.
Got the fucking hops on that black kid cleared that desk like it wasn't even there.
Do you have any FN maymays? I lost my shit today when local TV called it "far right"
File: welcome to america.webm (3MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
welcome to america.webm
3MB, 854x480px
Its a couple of ICE agents sending illegals back where they belong, while their anchor child cries and records it on his welfare phone.
Come now, we're all fighting for the same god-emperor. Your not a LIBTARD are you?
they're told to go "uh" for some reason, I'm not sure if it's because of some rule about stopping talking or if it's just a guideline, but they teach you to do that if you debate competitively. It's not just some stupid thing they chose to do.
File: The Good Old Days.webm (4MB, 900x506px) Image search: [Google]
The Good Old Days.webm
4MB, 900x506px
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3MB, 532x300px
Nevermind, found it elsewhere.
File: jonesagatari.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
Y O U ' R E
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2MB, 480x270px
>the enemies of the left are cartoons you can feel no sympathy for
>the enemies of the right are photos of real people protesting are working

real ((((subtle))))
industrilized, not industrializing
that hate will only consume you
is this guy fucking retarded?
great headlines, love random information without any context or sources.
>Come now, we're all fighting for the same god-emperor.

>Unironically calling a 70 yr old diaper wearing cheeto the god emperor.

Are you upset? :^)
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382KB, 480x360px
Hahaha fuck that. They gotta go back.
Imperium movie.
The 70 yr old cheeto who happens to be president of the United States and manages to piss off every leftie in the country.

Feels great mang.
This sounds like the plot of starcraft 2
File: UnsereKampf.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
uncalled for, the man just asked for a decent link get over yourself
File: endangered_species.webm (3MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 854x480px
Wrong. He's actually managing to piss off everyone with a sense of decency.
Youn years of research on 4chan will definitely work to your benefit one day. You just need to believe it!
File: fgt.webm (272KB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
272KB, 640x480px

I always question the age of some people, regardless of if you support trump or not, You sound like you're 7 years old.

>Legitmate conservative fews
>Just a bunch of whiny alt right pussies shouting cuck

Lol, k
>t. asshurt leftie
>metro 2033 soundtrack
FUCK this got me so bad
i know were on the same side, but normie plz, leave and stay leave

they tried to inverse the roles of the normal white privilaged family with the refugess from a war torn country, only they were so far up their own ass that they didn't realize that it could be interpreted differently

You mean like >>1599199 ?
That stuff has all the hallmarks of your classics. Compared to that, the good old Illuminati seem rather "quaint", as you put it.
File: swedish pm.webm (2MB, 1000x428px) Image search: [Google]
swedish pm.webm
2MB, 1000x428px
from which hearing was this? date?
you can't see that non german speakers might hear 'Mein Kampf' instead?
If you really believe that you are extremely sheltered and naive.
But it does not matter because she is good on the inside!

Why is this seen as really really bad, but when black people hate on whites (which is all the time), it's seen as absolutely fine?
mein (roughly the same as en. 'mine') and Wahl ('vaal') don't even sound remotely similar though.
>I'd be having dreams of chocolate-covered watermelons
oh wow
July 7 2016
why live?
>throws kid to the ground
>walks away while the kid is restrained
File: can't-be-named.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 480x270px
She should be in prison desu
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4MB, 400x400px
If I punch you in the face, it's ok for you to punch me in the face.

Isn't it?

You don't understand why they punch you back when you are the one who punched first.

Whites hold Blacks as slaves.


Blacks hate whites for what they did.


Whites: "Hey no, what are you doing, why is this allowed, I want to be allowed to hate you too."


Blacks: "Hey you started that shit, with slavery and all. We are allowed to punch you also."


Whites: "This has nothing to do with me, it were my ancestors get over yourself. I do what I want."


It's time to forgive and set things to zero again isn't it?

Everyday is Christmas. God bless.
>we cant help everyone so dont help more people anymore
Wew lad
I can see why people SITLL like this guy
>help them where they live
you should work on your listening comprehension skills
>less than half applaud
This made me weep a little.
Isn't this a pro-refugee clip?
She looks like a crack addict
I've come to a similar conclusion with royal blood lines, sra rape chambers and mysterious escapees that end up "killing themselves"
I'm tearing up. Hope my wife doesn't walk in.
it was originally from a "save the children" charity fundraising ad for the children of Syria
sort of
it was meant to raise funds for displaced syrain children
it made me donate
File: Adolf Hitler's Warning.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Adolf Hitler's Warning.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
>It's time to forgive and set things to zero again isn't it?
Thing is, that's not gonna happen if Trump and the alt-right keeps trying to DIVIDE US
>Niemals ermüden, und Niemals verzagen, und Niemals verzweifeln
He said, and also commited suicide
just like your mother consumes my semen
I want a version of this with the hustle playing
This makes me have hope
>Tell Niggers to stop having 20 kids dispute living in aid ridden shit holes
>Only way to help all those people is to develop a world economy and single world order
File: The Endtimes.webm (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
The Endtimes.webm
4MB, 480x270px
That girl is cute
if anything it's good to see that not all those people died in vain, that at least some of their ideology and their warnings about the jewish bankers still hold truth
File: debate team pol black people.webm (4MB, 460x258px) Image search: [Google]
debate team pol black people.webm
4MB, 460x258px
File: Hustle_VP8.webm (875KB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
875KB, 854x480px
Excuse my shit video encoder
Consider suicide you autistic fuck
I don't speak sand nigger
Jones sounds like when characters talk in banjo kazooie at certain points lmao
So paul ryan is a leftist?
maybe you shouldn't use ridiculous buzzwords to express your limited ideology.
Sure, let's go back to the time when 67 million people died from slaughtering each other. Those good old days of global devastation.
That isn't a hatefact douche. He's saying we should to improve their home countries.
i came here to post this, glad someone beat me to it.
The wrong side won.
>he still thinks hitler committed suicide
Best moment in the entire election, other than yknow him winning.
John Cleese publicly speaks out now about how London isn't English anymore.
Douglas Murray fucking owns all these Leftist shills.
That IS a hatefact goyim
What the fuck is this show? No wonder Wilders lost.
>limited ideology
>Paul Ryan is considered republican left
>limited ideology kek
How about niggers fuck off and let us run our nation without worrying about them.
Hatred (as well as all other emotions) evolved for a reason.
Was Argentina THAT bad?
you're a fucking faggot
You don't seem grounded enough in reality for me to preach my opinions at you, but you can't "reset" social trends when there can't be compromise and a third party is responsible for enflaming things even further.
Treating blacks collectively as the underdog gives them no capacity for improvement and only makes others spiteful of an abusive system where people that are clearly inferior are falsely considered equal, the self-destructive property of cultural marxism.

If people genuinely want to improve blacks in America they have to stop pandering and let them fend for themselves. Competition will make them better citizens, but this won't happen as blacks are the most conveniently blind voting stock in the nation for the Democrats.
you don't have to hate a criminal personally to love seeing justice happen
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topcuck 1.webm
4MB, 853x480px
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topcuck 2.webm
3MB, 853x480px
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topcuck 3.webm
4MB, 853x480px
File: hitler.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1280x720px
Does anyone have that webm showing trump winning and playing Nico Vega - Beast?

song for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4aaScgdXSQ
Well, you can interpret EVERYTHING differently. Like, say, I'm a complete stanger and I give you biscuit.
Does it mean that I want to violently bugger you? Does it mean that I want to poison you? Or am I just a nice chap giving out biscuits.
Only have the youtube link brother

Why won't the police shoot this chairshitting faggot.
Then go away and will be one less
why do you alt-right SJWs get so triggered by sweden?

they are the fastest growing economy in the ENTIRE western world, and you losers are painting it as a failed state. really makes you think
>i have no idea what i'm talking about so i'll regurgitate retarded bullshit i heard from buzzfeed
If your country has its seperate wiki list for grenade attacks, something sure as shit is going wrong
This guy is paid to do this.
>SJW is an insult
You've already lost
fucking KEK oh my god
>you started that shit, with slavery and all

Daily reminder that the first legal slave owner in the US was a black man. And that black slaves were being sold in Africa long before Europeans started buying them. And that it was whites who ended slavery in the west. So you're welcome.
File: the search continues.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
the search continues.webm
4MB, 640x360px
Cringy as hell.
>no yellow balls for chinese
>no orange for brasilians
>no black for europe
this guy fucked up
File: PureCoincidence.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x360px

source material?
>fastest growing economy in the ENTIRE western world
>Steady downward decline, just like the rest of the currency in Europe
File: afa.webm (2MB, 762x414px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 762x414px
>left wing extremism
>has cartoons of "enemies"
>Right wing extremism
>actual photos of them
really tickles my nipples
anyone have the sweden.gif of the sugar being covered by coffee?
That's cruel and I'm a full blown racist.
don't bad mouth my husbando ever again dumb shitposter
top kek
Russia Continues Info-War Tactics In US | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Uneducated fucktard.
File: honorary indoaryans.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
honorary indoaryans.webm
2MB, 640x360px
I honestly don't get how people could watch this kind of stuff and still unironically say that Trump is literally Hitler. The only vaguely correct comparison is that they were both populist figures and products of their time, but the issues they dealt with and their responses to them have very little in common even tangentially.
>being in a relationship with someone who admits with no shame at all that they've cheated
literally all memes aside please no one do this.
>man, all those awful things happening in Syria!
>let's bring people from the culture where these awful things are happening over here!
>jews have nothing to do with the push for multiculturalism
Thank you bro
Yeah, she and tyrone would probably get a big kick out of it.

Seriously though I don't blame you. It was magic that happened in those days.
>they work for the glacier, the ice cap
>crashing this ship, with some survivors
>the water rises, for you
>So paul ryan is a leftist?
He's a globalist who holds some conservative social beliefs. I'm not sure if I'd call him a "leftist" per se, but he isn't exactly the archetype of classical conservatism.
>"if I say something confidently, most people just think it's true"
Judging by that crowd he may actually have a point
Why are they so well spoken in the interview, but the actual debate part is like kindergartners swearing at each other?
Context, whos marching for what?

>Appeal to the masses and the middle ground.

This is easily the millionth time I've seen liked a gif or movie or tv show, then been btfo by a comment like this. Starting to think that any sort of automatic media is inherently flawed.
This is a warcrime
Swedish pride, not even nationalism or anything, but it was seen as far right and a flag burner tried to steal the flag.
Syria was a rather cool place before the war. Great nightlife in Damascus and everything. They also used to have some nice music festivals there.
But first their fucking idiot of a president felt the need to overstate his point and then those damned wahhabist retards fucked up literally everything.

Mishearing that as "Mein Kampf" would be pretty much the same as mishearing "such time" as "fucktime" just because "such" and "fuck" share the same overall number of letters and the same vowel.
>blaming assad for fighting jihadists funded by americans
yeah, he should have found a peaceful solution with those wonderful people!
Hate and aggression is the natural response towards a threat that must be eliminated.
>t. numale
cuck, go prep the bull and dont keep your wife waiting any longer.
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>Whites hold Blacks as slaves.
because there where no slaves from the sandniggers towords white europeans over the more than 170 war/ conquering battles they did during the caliphates period
>Whites hold Blacks as slaves.
yes lets ignore that niggers held slaves too, lets ignore that niggers that sold the slaves to the JEWS who brought them to usa where also nogs.
>Blacks hate whites for what they did.
i would do to. to bad im white and only sand niggers captivated my ancestors, and if i claim them responsable for that i will be called a fool and to get over with it.
>Whites: "Hey no, what are you doing, why is this allowed, I want to be allowed to hate you too."
niggers are being fueld by the JEWs like ((((soros)))) for anti white hate and we are being pumped up for a race war. just look at the reseach that was done proving how JEWS are the ones that instigate this kinds of conflicts
>Blacks: "Hey you started that shit, with slavery and all. We are allowed to punch you also."
niggers started it. look at history. if what (((they))) claim is true and we all evolved out of africa i can asure you that the first slaves where in nignoglandia.
and even if you argue that whites did this in usa the first slave owner in usa whas a nigger, also the niggers where the ones that sold the other niggers to JEWS to get to usa
> Whites: "This has nothing to do with me, it were my ancestors get over yourself. I do what I want."
less than 1% of the usa population was able to afford slaves, also many whites came to usa after the abolishing of slavenogs meaning that its an even lower statistic now. so you cant blame the whites nigger
>It's time to forgive and set things to zero again isn't it?
i aint forgiving the niggers for what they did and keep doing they should have been genocided, or deported to bad we did not had the guts and thought they where human
This is the way those faggots should be treated every single time they fuck up.
I just wish people could chill the fuck out about race or gender or whatever the fuck else people argue with each other about. I know its probably a silly ass wish and probably very naive or whatever but i still wish it was. It'd be nice to have someone not be suprised that i'm actually a decent person
My sense of 'what a load of shit' never fails watching this. Basically what I hear is this: "What is in those emails is so bad we could never in a thousand years disclose them. If we did the whole USA would collapse."
are collectivists ever funny?
Fuck off nigger
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For a nigger education is racis, honestly anon I don't know why you even bother
What's the song in the background?
my fucking sides are gone
I cant understand him

What did he say?

Girl on a phone wittout her country?
I never used to like AJ until the past year or so. I thought he was controlled opposition. But now I know that he's honestly fighting for good.

Came to pretty much the same conclusion as him a few years ago.
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>people are still forcing the slavery meme in 2017

too funny
Yeah hes misguided but on the right side. And he was actually right about the pedo shit as we now know, like 10 years ago he was right.
It's like you took video of my living room.
Highly original retort.
You're an absolute fucktard. Read up on how it started, you clueless cunt!
I'd like to get all the foreigners out of the country
Iceland confirmed for white haven?
lmao I was thinking the same thing.
sorry to tell you but star wars lied
hate leads to anger, anger leads to survival
And then he got a call that his wife fell down a manhole. Life's a bitch.
Hearts and minds – knowing to play them is knowing to win. It's just a very American thing.
Americans love their "truths" and the truth will invariably have the potential to alter the course of history, set the world ablaze and make you choke on your breakfast cereal – in that precise order; be it the "truth" about 9/11, the "truth" about the moon landing, the "truth" about the Kennedy assassination, Area 51 or the Chupacabra.
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>alt-right SJWs
Oh anon you poor thing :/
that bracket-meme is getting really stale.
90% of India's population growth is happening in a state dominated by Muslims. There were conspiracies that Muslims want to overpopulate the country to wipe out the Christian, Catholic and Hindu population of India

Who drinks soda at a debate!?
Those "jihadists" only crawled out of their holes once the region was thoroughly destabilized. They however came in from Iraq where they had been operating, formerly as a part of al-Qaeda, ever since 2003.
Their ideologists in turn are all Saudis – yes, just like Osama bin Ladin and al-Qaeda – but God forbid even one Saudi is ever barred from entering the US!
Oh no, keeping the refugees out is of paramount importance!
was not nice man.

>90% of India's population growth is happening in a state dominated by Muslims. There were conspiracies that Muslims want to overpopulate the country

Well, nice theory. Only that it's absolutely incorrect!

The Indian states with the highest fertility rates are still Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, both of which are chiefly Hinduist (around 79% in Uttar Pradesh and over 85% in Bihar).
Uttar Pradesh is also the most densly populated state.

The state of Jammu and Kashmir is chiefly Islamic and has a moderate fertility rate (the third-lowest of the entire Indian subcontinent, to be precise) but its population amounts to a mere 12 million, which is tiny, compared to Uttar Pradesh's 200 million.

So, as you can see: Your theory is a pile of bullshit.
What a fucking moron.
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Those Ice trolls are far more welcoming to immigrants and are actualy housing rapefugees from Germany. They are going down fast.
This video is 10 years old, Wilders lost because other right parties took over (or at least parts of) his anti-immigration policies.
Thats how dutch politics work, one party doesn't win, the whole political system goes either to the right or left, this time it went to the right big time

why do you think we are here.
because you have absolutely no life.
>sudden act of words vocalized is the same as physically threat.

Sure is /nugif/ here
It was the SvP - Svenskarnas Parti/Party of Swedes. It was our nationalsocialist party marching in the webm. They have since disbanded because no one was voting for them. People nowadays vote for SD - Swedish Democrats, which looks like it's gonna be the biggest party in Sweden next election. So yay us.
Omg thats funny
Fuck, I knew he was crazy, but...
>someone says nigger and wears a denim jacket
>they're now classified as an avid advocate of the National Socialist party of Germany established in 1920
To be completely fair he was smoking on that show so he's a bit more unhinged and out there than usual.
>truths that are unsavoury are non-truths
Thats not what he said at all?
Didn't you listen? The ones that immigrate are the productive members of their society. They leave, and the countries are faced with more population and less skilled workers.

It doesn't work. It makes it worse.
My eyes have seen the glory of the Ashkenazi Jew.
They're flooding you with refugees, and funding FEMEN too.
They're emptying the churches, pew by pew by pew.
The white man won't last long.
Low energy.
What a loser!
This is as reddit as it gets

>westerners refugees in middle east

this fucking delusional "IT COULD BE US JUST AS EASILY" shit what the hell is wrong with leftists

>Remain voter insurgency enters final days

>right wing list actually reasonably legitimate

I assume you're a nigger and it's so fucking sad to see posts like these that just hurt your cause even further.

Learn some responsibility, or just steal it from somewhere because you sound gifted at that
>open /pol/ thread
>thread is full of hispanic homosexuals
only on /wsg/...
>piss off nog bigger than him
>nog still attacks him while he's sitting like a bitch
>kid still runs away

Two bitches fighting really.
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We will prevail. We must prevail.
He fell on his own sword, a not uncommon way to pay penance for having massively fucked up since at least the fucking bronze age.
>an historic
move to fucking england if you have such a hardon for their faggoty pronunciations you pretentious cunt.
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"I'm a centrist! Please gib mi da puzzy"
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That's not how you use a question mark. Lrn 2 English mongrel.
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What is the source on this?
you realize this is one of the main reasons people hate islam right..?
sounds good in practice right
>grow up work as hard as you can cant make enough to support parents alone but your 10 other surviving siblings can help them too
>have 2 kids
>one dies
>other works hard like you
>you cant work anymore
>your kid cant support you
>you die of hunger

now lets try again
>have 20 kids
>6 die
>most work hard
>one you can afford to put into school
>does well supported by their family
>goes to a better area or country to support family.
im confused? the people marching are the nationalists.the person being saved was a flag burner.

are you a liberal?
You entirely missed the point of the message, it's not about how far right or left you are, he isn't appealing to you to become a moderate. He's asking you not to dehumanize others and to stop yourself from believing you are inherently any more righteous than those you disagree with.
Who is this comedian? Norm Macdonald does the same exact joke in his stand-up about Hitler's dog
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>majority colored population in Greenland

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lmfao that's hilarious
nah that's just what you pretend to be outraged by to rile people up against islam.
same with them throwing homos from buildings.
True. The simple truth is that nobody would've ever cared about Islam if it weren't for a bunch of faggots who like to blow up people and landmarks. In any other regard, however, they're just as hateful, close- and simple-minded as any run-of-the-mill /pol/lack.
They hate homos, they hate jews, they hate do-gooders and they don't know or care a whole lot about women except they feel the compulsory need to "protect" those women who share their mindset as zealously as possible while all others are fair game.
ice ice baby
search on youtube for russian crusade
probably some stupid shit about getting as much air into your lungs as possible and as quickly as possible.
You are a couple years too late my nigga
>only rosie o'donnell
gets me every time
>tell people that they are great and can do everything rather than constantly shitting on them and they'll love you instead of fighting you

I'm amazed that this is apparently a miracle to modern politicians.
>teenage girl thinks she has any chance against a politician trained in that discourse

even if she was actually right (which she isn't) she would get blown the fuck out by any politician worth his money
the worst part is how obviously proud she is of it
Wait, they're in a relationship?
Kek, no wonder he gets the thousand mile stare
>jewish girl cheated on somebody, well colour me surprised
he's being dense on purpose. it took me a couple tries but then I could easily tell what non-natives would understand
He doesn't even say an "n" sound. I speak basically no German and I wouldn't have known the purpose of the webm was "dude haha he said kampf lmao hitler said that :DD" unless someone pointed it out. Wahl or whatever he said sounds nothing like Mein. I'd guess plenty of non-German speakers might not even be able to tell he's saying Kampf.
>close- and simple-minded as any run-of-the-mill /pol/lack
I don't get this meme. They're willing to accept an ideology shunned by their entire societies, but they're the "close-minded" ones. But "open-minded" just means "agrees with me" and "close-minded" just means "wrong" so it isn't surprising.

>they hate do-gooders
Well that can't be true. They may hate people you see as doing good, but that's probably because they don't see that thing as good. In essence, they hate people who do things they think are bad, wow it's almost like literally any other ideology.

>they don't know or care a whole lot about women
I'm not sure how they "don't know a lot about women", unless this is a thinly veiled "educate yourself and you'll agree with me shitlord, everyone who disagrees with me is ignorant!" thing.

>except they feel the compulsory need to "protect" those women who share their mindset as zealously as possible while all others are fair game
From what I've seen they hate the behaviors of modern women, much like many leftists hate the behavior of women in the past or "old-fashioned"/"outdated" ideas of womanhood. Do you expect them to defend women they disagree with? And they treat modern men who go against their ideal worldview the same way, I really don't know where the accusation of "my soggy knee" comes from. Just say you heavily disagree with them like a normal person.

I'm not a white nationalist or natsoc in any way before anyone accuses me of it.
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audio not original, guess where the audio came from :^)
>I'm not a white nationalist or natsoc in any way
Then you're probably not one of the people I was referring to. You also didn't feel the need to resort to memes and other sorts of hackneyed idioms (a.k.a. buzzword-spamming), so it's all fair and square.
Furthermore there's really no need to argue there cause I'm inclined to agreee to most of your points. You see, I consider myself pretty darn conservative, I'm just not a /pol/-fag or a Trump-sheep, that's all.
Nowadays you just need to differentiate a bit: There's "conservative" as in "libertarian by tendency and ready to stand up against the dilution of certain core values" and there's "conservative".as in "clueless meme-spouting idiot"
>Then you're probably not one of the people I was referring to
...Yeah, that was the point of that last bit. People seem to give these types of arguments more credence if they think I'm defending others and not myself, it's dumb but that's why I had to clarify if me referring to the /pol/tard stereotype as "they" wasn't clear enough.

>You also didn't feel the need to resort to memes and other sorts of hackneyed idioms (a.k.a. buzzword-spamming), so it's all fair and square
>Furthermore there's really no need to argue there cause I'm inclined to agreee to most of your points
My whole issue with what you said was that it was based around memes and stereotypes, sometimes even applied without any reason. "Dude haha theyre mysoggykneests and closeminded :^)"

Basically everything I said directly contradicted everything you said, I'm confused about how you suddenly "agree with most of my points".
>what you said was that it was based around memes and stereotypes

Memes and stereotypes that certain posters love way too much, mind you!
As I said: Whatever I posted is unlikely to apply to you, so there's no need to get worked up about it.

>everything I said directly contradicted everything you said

Yes and no. You offered some differentiation to my generalization and that's why I'm fine with it. You see, that's what "open-mindedness" means in my book: Discourse is a legitimate way to differentiate issues at hand.
And there's where we actually disagree – hence "most of your points" as opposed to "all of your points" – cause it seems you got the bit about close-mindedness kinda wrong. See, you wrote the following:
>But "open-minded" just means "agrees with me" and "close-minded" just means "wrong"

That statement doesn't bear close scrutiny in regard to my post – simply because I stated none of the above and you gave in to conjecture there!
"Close-mindedness" in the most general sense of the word means an unwillingness to discuss, a lack of openness towards discourse and debate. An open-minded person will not necessarily flip-flop on their opinions but an open-minded person will also acknowledge that compromise doesn't equal weakness. An open-minded person will acknowledge other opinions and can still be opinionated. And that's where I'm coming from, you see.

Just look at the mindset of some people spamming this board and others with their bullshit. I'm not even mad about it – it just gets SO FUCKING BORING after a while.
Nobody alive in America today "started" any shit with the blacks as a race, your logic is arab blood feud tier savage horseshit, which leads me to believe that whatever race you are, you're a savage autistic prick.

Not to mention that your argument is inherently racist as it's quite literally a call for people to judge people purely because of their race. Fucker, my grandparents only came to this country like 80 years ago, so what the hell is this bullshit about us as a generic white bloc being held responsible?

Whenever I see crime statistics that show how much crimes black people commit as part of the national whole I don't go around yammering about how blacks need to pay for all the murders in this country, and I don't do that because the entirety of the fucking black race is NOT responsible.
Chris Ray Gun fucking outdid himself this time
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Endless keks.
Changing your gender to make fun of snowflakes is some dedication
anyone has the pewdipie ones?
glad I dropped out and went to trade school
His hands line up perfectly with the music
Sweetie, you need to read a book.
that w40k speech.

Also fun fact.
The jews were the first to ''go'' in W40k.
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I'd answer that call every time.
fuck the audio.
That guys fucking rekt.
Thread posts: 374
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