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President Donald J. Trump Webms #5 - Thanksgiving Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 356
Thread images: 123

WebM for Retards

/g/ guide to WebMs

Previous Threads:
#1 >>1385471
#2 >>1387571
#3 >>1390830
#4 >>1397041
File: The Trumpinator.webm (4MB, 706x300px) Image search: [Google]
The Trumpinator.webm
4MB, 706x300px
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Kasich Stuffing It.webm
2MB, 853x480px
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3MB, 1280x720px
I didn't vote for either, but this made me smile
I remember this happening my dad and I both couldn't stop laughing
File: excuse me.webm (4MB, 822x446px) Image search: [Google]
excuse me.webm
4MB, 822x446px
what a polite man

A fun game to play with your Liberal friends: Listen for when they character attack someone and call them out on it. If they get pissed at you you needed better friends anyway.

one of my personal favorites
File: Just The Two Of Us.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Just The Two Of Us.webm
3MB, 640x360px

I see the crystal raindrops fall
And the beauty of it all
Is when the sun comes shining through
To make those rainbows in my mind
When I think of you sometime
And I want to spend some time with you

Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
Just the two of us
Building castles in the sky
Just the two of us
You and I
File: Dahnolds Final Atonament.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Dahnolds Final Atonament.webm
4MB, 640x360px
never forget
I think this is pretty much the reason I don't have many liberal friends
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3MB, 320x240px
I hope the butthurt never ends.
anyone have the farage one where wojak keeps rewinding his speech from his bedroom?
>most dangerous individual ever nominated
a kgb spy was nominated by democrats once...granted they didnt know(presumably) but still
not picking a side but do people listen to this crap seriously? if so no wonder so many people are fucking stupid in the states now
I usually don't like these but this one is great
The only bad thing about this is it ends too soon.
still dick riding that donald i see
I suppose I'm with Her now
File: Ken.webm (4MB, 450x300px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 450x300px
>>1401201 >>1402023
>>1403287 >>1406499 >>1406678
Trump suddenly abandons torture plans...

Now??? After I quit liberalism for him??? Where is my tyranny? I feel let down in a double way: both as a liberal and now also as an ex-liberal. My spiritual transformation, my sacrifice – discarded.

I think it only inflames my desire for an oppressive society. You can't feed a man the red pill (constantly for years) only to serve him vanilla milkshake at the end. 4chan promised me blood if Trump gets elected. (Yes, 4chan... not the Lügenpresse.)

A YouTube comment:
>Trump already backed away from the pro-torture stance (or at least a statement from his campaign office did), only to revive it later. Now he's backing away from it (or at least the NYTs says he did). Who knows what the future holds? – Ivan Kraft, "16 hours ago"

No word on hiring/firing the CIA torture guy though.

Source: https://youtu.be/Mo3AvnHJlt8

Video accelerated 2× to fit whole original duration (9 min) in 4chan limit (5 min). That's how you should watch most of online video anyway – an effective way to assimilate more information in available time.
>14 111 44
Kek wills it
Can I get some more Farage stuff?
Trump knew Ben Carson didn't hear his name called out so he went to stand with him so that he doesn't look so lost. What a real bro.
A reminder that Trump threads aren't just for elections, they are forever.
Jeb is a real alpha male desu
>Secular Talk
My nigger

But that sped up version sounds retarded
File: the two of us.webm (2MB, 320x180px) Image search: [Google]
the two of us.webm
2MB, 320x180px
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good nite.webm
1MB, 640x360px
Anyone have the one sort of like this? It's longer without the nigger music and includes CNN reporting his win
Fuck, he can sound so normal and right from time to time
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A perfect world.webm
4MB, 1920x1080px
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Sniff Snare.webm
3MB, 720x406px
>Dirty Deeds Done Under Budget and Ahead of Schedule.webm
What is this? Does anyone actually believe him? He hasn't said a single truthful statement. I'm convinced this is satire aside from "he said x" but with no context
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2MB, 300x300px

He could have been an inanimate object and he would have beat what Hitlery Represented... Im just glad he was willing to go toe to toe with those nasty legacy media manipulators.
Fucking terrible webm in. Sound is coming almost exclusively from the left, and the video doesn't match up with the sound. Not my machine, all the other ones in this thread are fine.
top kek, that's great
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Watch trump do normal people jobs:

Extremely accurate. Had my neighbor in the apartment over bang on the walls to yell at me to keep it down.
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Trump is elected.webm
4MB, 420x420px
File: ITS HAPPENING.webm (1MB, 640x640px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 640x640px
Did Donald am hero?
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the chaos ladder to trump.webm
4MB, 320x170px
fucking hell took me forever to find it, but here, lets hope its not the wrong one again, i need to organize my collection
I still get choked up
File: JustTheTwoOfUs.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x360px
oh shit i made that desu
Who was that?
Why the fuck would you be discussing politics with your friends? Do you even have friends?
>real work
So the stuff he does isn't real?
I mean, I'm a tradesman, but he does do real work, and he's 70, so I wouldn't expect him to be able to do my job.
Anyone have the video of that South African guy saying the whole thing?
Some people discuss politics with their friends, shock horror.
already in the thread dingus
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chaos emeralds.webm
3MB, 720x1280px
Is he going to kill himself soon? I hope so.
File: AWAKEN MY PRESIDENT.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x360px
https://youtu.be/La_ordk6Iqk some OC
nice meme
that's really cool, where is it?
this was one of the best moments in the entire election, hand down.
Are you sure your "friends" also consider you to be their friend? Do you think they enjoy when you star ranting about politics?
File: maga2.webm (4MB, 427x240px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 427x240px
Are you sure your so called friends actually are your friends? If you can't discuss and have different opinions and still be friends something is seriously wrong.
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trump watercolor.gif
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No, his friends are just trying to help him not be a racist idiot. It's not their fault Trump supporters are too stupid to have a coherent thought, let alone a worthwhile opinion.
I'd question him being a friend to them if he's going around being a racist fuck. Something is wrong if you can't discuss stuff with your friends. It could be them, it could be you or it could be your friendship.

I'm pretty sure it's from an annual choir event.
See, this here was what the original anon meant by a "character attack". It's when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about but have watched too much alarmist television, so you lash out with the most generic smear/insult known to mankind and expect to be taken seriously.

It's pathetic and I hope you grow out of it one day and learn to form coherent thoughts and worthwhile opinions of your own, not ones pre-shaped for you.
File: trump dream.webm (859KB, 400x400px) Image search: [Google]
trump dream.webm
859KB, 400x400px

You are literally supporting someone who thinks being black makes you criminal, being brown makes you a rapist, and being a woman makes you a breed-sow with no worth beyond your sexual appeal.

So, I'm sorry, not just a racist, but a sexist as well.

Keep living in your delusion. A lot of Germans still do too. Hopefully soon it'll be illegal here like it is there and we can stamp you out.

The fact that you try to cling to the moral high ground is sickening. But it's to be expected, Dunning-Kruger and such. Being stupid makes it much easier to delude yourself into thinking you're smarter than everyone else.
This is baffling. How the fuck are these people unable to accomplish the simple task of walking onto a goddamn stage?
You have to be crazy if you don't believe that every single possible political identity isn't full of people who attack character instead of ideas.
Being black doesn't make you a criminal, but it gives you a significantly higher risk to become one due to many different reasons. Many of which are related to culture, education and employment.

It's a significant fucking problem that has to be sorted out, but when people call someone racist for bringing up the issue it kills the discussion and makes people with ideas afraid of speaking up because it can literally ruin their life.

I'd say letting a few odd racists that nobody listens to that much speak out freely is a tiny price for the possibility of having proper discussions about the issues.
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4MB, 640x360px
Jeb is a mess.
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4MB, 480x360px
Memeber when Warren hated Clinton?
I member.
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File: DROP IT.webm (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
DROP IT.webm
1MB, 640x360px
they never let people finish.
they deserved getting btfo
File: trump squad.webm (3MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
trump squad.webm
3MB, 1920x1080px
I will never not cringe.
This video makes me feel so sad for Jeb :(
Ben couldn't hear them well, I think.
Trump wanted to know what was wrong with Ben.
How could Ben not hear? Did he forget his hearing aide or something?
That's honestly a really great edit.
The applause is louder in the arena than on the broadcast
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2MB, 1280x720px
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4MB, 420x236px
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2MB, 480x360px
I don't usually like Donald, but that was a really solid answer.
That was just after the first caucus, where Ted Cruz's staff spread the lie that Ben Carson was dropping out, costing Carson the early momentum, and in hindsight the possibility of nomination

In that debate just after that, the thinking was that Carson hung back deliberately until everyone but him was on stage, made a big entrance, and told Cruz something on the lines of 'despite what you may have heard, I am still here'.
He fucked up by apparently not informing the hosts and just winging it, plus it became awkward when Trump stopped in the wings too either as a show of solidarity, to check if Carson was okay or whatever else.
>and what is a Leppo?
Still can't quite believe that actually happened.
Why are you in a Don thread, then?
This is some good shit right here I'll tell ya hwat
>Gary Johnson as "Jill Stein"
Best joke.
>Rose in the Shell
>Starring: Rose Wolfe
>Guest star: Donald Trump
Lads, am I doing it right?

how can one man be so butthurt?
>Works for MSM
Oh that's why.
>Leftist says African Americans are poor and have shit schools
>Oh, so true. Something truly must be done.
>Non-leftist says the same
File: vicious dog.webm (1MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
vicious dog.webm
1MB, 640x360px
fresh OC
>Page 4
I fear for the future of this thread... it's becoming low-energy.

>A reminder that Trump WebM threads are for life,
>not just for elections.
Have Donald's supporters lied? Was it all scam?
What the fuck?
File: americadatingsim1.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x360px
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2MB, 640x360px
If this is a real game, I need a link.
I don't know the name of it, i just know it's a kickstarted game
The guy in these webms was playing a demo
It's called 'Grand Old Academy'
Kickstarter link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1313881651/grand-old-academy-a-satirical-dating-sim
There was an issue with the audio
>2 days left
>still $1000 short
Trump's granddaughter is fluent in Putonghua. She's also a gongfu master and an overall sexy young lady.
>half of violent crime committed by black men
>there's no problem! everything is fine!
absolutely idiotic, there's nothing racist about fucking statistics.
you're exactly the reason why he won. an insipid little idiot who parrots the "correct" thing to say while ignoring the very real problems the country is facing. People are tired and want change, whether he's going to do that or not is debatable, but they'll take any chance they have
This is some pretty good bait friend. Damn, almost got me. 3/10 for effort.
Well, we'll always have these threads for stuff from the 2016 American election, and other stuff from around that time, like Brexit.
It's just that it's slowing down, because, after Trump, there's a bit less to make these for.
Goddamn I never knew that lady's nose was so fucking huge. I've heard her voice for years, but never realized it resonated out of Mount Olympus
America-chan is a cutie.
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923KB, 480x480px
I didn't vote for Trump, but in retrospect I'm very happy he's our next president.
I am gonna miss the best election that ever happened in the world.
Dont these people understand that if you attack everyone, your attacks no longer mean anything?
If he does this for sport, then he is just doing it for sport.
Being offended by every attack is what made trump win.
Counter Argument of the day
>he has a haircut.
File: killary kiryuinton.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
killary kiryuinton.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
Sorry you have to cringe again.
she is so with it and hip XD
Can someone post the song tthat got stickied on pol after election night?
>Jeb! is genki
I need this
Anyone have the one where the MSNBC guy says trump supporters are childless single men that masturbate to anime then anime music blasts in the background?
>tfw I'm a childless single man who masturbates to anime
File: Obamas_Bizarre_Adventure.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
Dunno if this has been posted yet.
File: orange i am ur voice.webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
orange i am ur voice.webm
1MB, 1280x720px

sauce video?
Can someone translate it from American to Scottish, please?
File: OBAMA DUN DUN.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x360px
makes me sad it's over, the energy here was great. 2016 was a great year
Liberals haven't even begun to lose their minds
This shit is going to warm up again January 20th
File: TYT When The Realisation Hits.webm (821KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
TYT When The Realisation Hits.webm
821KB, 1280x720px
>tendie memes
Still can't believe it
Holy fuck im dying. Thank you anon. Pretty funny just finished rewatching kill la kill


It just keeps getting better and better lads. Work your magic.

not really
File: Shecanstillwin.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 640x360px
>hates people who discriminates against others
>is actively discriminating a group of people
>we can stamp you out
>we can stamp you out

and this is the liberal mindset everyone. they believe they preach peace and togetherness but when things don't go their way they become the very thing they demonize and don't even realize. get off my mongolian fingerpainting forum you fucking degenerate
I, too, find the media focus on Trump's hair stupid. Yes, this is what white people's hair looks like... not one imported from Indian temples. People seem to have forgotten it because everyone today (especially everyone on TV and Instagram) has either fake or short hair. But I couldn't help giggling here. Even so, the title is not mine, I just copied it from the YouTube page title.

Here's the full YouTube feature. You don't need to think it's funny. I'm uploading it here because we collect Trump WebMs.

Do I feel guilty? I do. But science requires sacrifices.

Source: http://dimplify.com/post/22506

Oh crap, man.
not bad anon
File: this is my kingdom come.webm (223KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
this is my kingdom come.webm
223KB, 640x360px
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261KB, 240x240px

>because if they go to the doctor, the doctor will call the damn cops
File: Untitled.webm (2MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 480x270px
good webm
haha, good one
>The president will go on Alex Jones and shit
>That butthurt that your rival pulled a fast one on you
that sums up my year.
Well done. Is it yours?
File: Dog it's hildawg.webm (1MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
Dog it's hildawg.webm
1MB, 854x480px
not quite sure honestly
Imagine how good that dude feels that made the God Emperor laugh
Well, it is right side broadcasting...
File: Presidentwubadub.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
High energy trump incoming
fuck yes freedom thank you america for being so great again
What song is this?
Nice music video. But what am I reading here?

>Fuck (yes) freedom. Thank you, America.
Am I reading it right?

Alright then...
At 26 this was my favorite election of my lifetime. Even when my candidate didn't win. Bernie was my guy, but the democrats totally deserved what they got.
Thanks man

I really hate all news people
Just one more example of how Trump and all his family aren't stupid. They had the foresight to teach that girl the two most widely spoken languages in the world.
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1MB, 320x240px
>mfw people call Melania a dumb whore even though she speaks 5 languages
Not too big on the Alt-Right or whatever but it's disgusting how some of the shit said about her is pretty fucking racist and accepted only because she's white.
You're really out there in the deep end, aren't ya? Insulting someone's character has nothing to do with race. Get over yourself.
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4MB, 1920x1080px
>Insulting someone's character has nothing to do with race
Then why can't you make fun of Michelle Obama without being called a racist?
Outside of 4chan (well, really just /pol/) I've never seen anybody mocking Michelle Obama with the..vitriol they do Melania Trump. Unlike her husband, she didn't even say or did anything that was that controversial. They're just attacking her literally only because she's a rich white woman. And her accent is funny, I guess.

Bernie was much closer to Trump than to Clinton. He understood that the problems facing America were class based and that race and gender were just covers.

The difference was that he sold out.


Just remember to stay involved. You have a louder voice in your town and county than in your state and federal elections. Don't conform yourself to a party platform or a single candidate, find your own truth and make decisions based on that.
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3MB, 640x360px
The most convincing speech ever.
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3MB, 360x203px
You do know you can use this exact quote with pictures of a Hillary rally? Or ANY politician, for that matter?
>Occupy Democrats
File: No_Wall.webm (3MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
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2MB, 640x360px
>attacked Bill Clinton and said he was a rapist

But he is? Everyone who isn't drinking the radical left punch knows this is fact.
File: Thunderwall.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 640x360px
>tfw you remember downloading that Mambo No.5 parody mp3 off napster fucking ages ago.
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3MB, 640x360px
File: Make America Great Again.webm (4MB, 500x280px) Image search: [Google]
Make America Great Again.webm
4MB, 500x280px
Rallies starting back up tomorrow.
File: jessica.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
Three weeks later I'm still going to Youtube to rewatch reactions and still finding the occasional thing I hadn't seen already.
>Hilary rally
>large groups
>not copy-pasted
>Hillary's crowds were so small she had to photoshop and copy paste to look like they were bigger
>But if large crowds=stupidity, then small crowds=intelligence
>Hillary's camp was the smarter one all along
Wtf I hate Drumpf now
r/ing clinton's pro hitler ad
>“...to introduce to you the President Elect of the United States ADOLF HITLER...”
>[sobbing] I need to calm down. (...) I can’t believe that this guy is... I don’t know what to say. I really don’t. [I don’t know what to say] because I really feel like I’m just so... like everything is so... oh wow. This is not a joke. This is our fucking real life.
lol that nigga in the background just smirks and rolls his eyes like... is this bitch for real?
Ann looks so sad when they start laughing
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3MB, 720x508px
You are on national television and were invited, solely, to be the target of Bill's studio shills laughter.

Imagine you've written multiple best sellers on political commentary and want your country to get back on its feet just one more time, but the only attempts you have at getting your message out on television is to accept interviews or panel slots that are 100% dedicated to making you seem like a fool, racist, sexist, and refuse to actually debate your side with any sort of arguement. Just a big red *LAUGH* sign to the audience so they can signal their virtue on air.

I'd be sad too, but in the end she won. And WE won.
>He understood that the problems facing America were class based and that race and gender were just covers.

He was a race-baiting faggot like the rest of them.

"White people don't know what it's like to be poor," get the fuck out of here with that shit. He didn't seel out, he was always one of them.
Wow, that was rad!
File: 京津冀 (fast).webm (48KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
京津冀 (fast).webm
48KB, 1024x768px
He actually says 京津冀. It's one of the biggest cities in China with 110 million inhabitants. This WebM proves that Trump is a secret Chinaman. When he gets sworn into the office, he will take his wig off and everyone will see a proper Asian man with thick black hair like that of his wife, his daughter and his granddaughter who are quite obviously Chinese if you look at them closely. It will be a huge shock to America but an Asian president was a logical step after a black president.


Wrong post.
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Commencing rare Chinese Trump GIF propaganda.
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For sophisticated collector only.
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Source: http://www.360doc.com/content/16/1110/23/413468_605532314.shtml
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you won Corey.webm
2MB, 1280x720px
I've been struggling with translation. I could understand only the first verse of the poem. Help me...

>As early as a thousand years ago, China's famous poet Li Bai wrote a prophetic Tibetan poem "When Trump becomes the US president" regarding this event:

>旅游有感 Travel Impressions
>李白 Li Bai

>特朗普这人很帅,Trump – this man is very handsome,

>Dear friends, share this article with your family and friends, so that they can understand the essence of life of the President of the United States.
First characters of each verse form a cipher:
>Trump US president when
Intellectual humility, if I was to hazard a guess. Trying to see if what they've been told is wrong so they can make choices based on their own views, not the views of others.
>Growing number of Trump fans in China
In Chinese and in English.
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1MB, 635x803px
More rare Trumps:
>Trump Baktocure
>Trump Wound Liquid
and other such...

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248KB, 318x316px
This one makes me so happy. I still can't believe it happened.
Not enough people
Why, though?
Trump hates China.
could you imagine if we lost
>Trump hates China.
1. Wrong. See >>1422241
2. He also hates Mexicans, blacks, women and LGBT people, right? Which is why Mexicans, blacks, women and LGBT people voted for him.
3. Even if he did, hating him wouldn't help it, would it? So there you go, the Chinese love him. They love him just in case, so that he doesn't hate them even more :^).
What's incredible is that this is the only funny material the left made throughout the entire election

What's even better is that it was supposed to mock and hurt Trump but it turned out the opposite
Is that made by the left? I believed they were pro-Trump. Brilliant WebMs, aren't they?

How do you make WebMs like these without asking participants to literally play for you? That's not something an anon from 4chan can do in a basement in Microsoft Paint... right?
>Trump hates China.
So do the Chinese.
I was about to say it, LOL.
>He can't possibly hate China more than the Chinese do.
>Hating China is a means of showing affection for China.
China is so bloody awful I want to emigrate to China.
It's a country for hard men.
WebM Trump threads now are belong to China.
>How do you make WebMs like these without asking participants to literally play for you?
I read this sentence 5 TIMES and I still don't understand what you're asking.
One of us is retarded.
Which part of this question can't you understand?
1. How do you make WebMs like these?
2. without asking participants to literally play for you

Part 1 or part 2?
2, if you put it that way. What participants? What are they be playing?
>What participants?
The "characters" in those videos ("WebMs").
They clearly participate in stories that didn't happen.
Normally it takes willing actors. Isn't that magic?
It's editing, man.
...are you asking how they made those videos without actually getting Trump, et al to say those goofy things?
Because that's called editing.
How to explain it to you...

Editing isn't magic. You can't edit a video into something that wasn't in the source... at least not without special effects. You can only tweak the source. But these WebMs turn actual events on their head into totally different stories. It's as if the participants do and say whatever the editor wants them to do and say... not like real people but like paid actors. Ordinary editing doesn't afford such freedom.
Yes. That's what I'm asking.
See >>1422938.
You're fucking nuts. Nothing about either of those videos is so outlandish or crazy that they couldn't have done it with editing software. The ellen one used a green screen and the Jeb one used...I don't know, Final Cut Pro or something.
Do you think they actually get the animators and VAs back together to make Youtube Poops too?
You make it sound easy, as if average anon on 4chan can do it. I doubt it.

I think that making them takes Talent, Training and Technology, and I'm pretty curious how all this meme cottage industry works. I wish it was so easy that I could do it because visual messages are more effective than writing. And how many anons can afford FinalCut Pro? And do they do it for free? How do you make money making video memes?

Also you seem to watch a lot of these things. I didn't even know about YouTube "Poops" until now. Interesting, thanks.
The average anon could do it. This is shit you learn in video editing class in highschool.
People doing things for fun don't need to be paid. Also haven't you ever heard of pirating?
You're setting your expectations on difficulty way too high and conversely you're setting your expectations for other people and excuse making way too low.
>Idk about youtube poops
Underage gtfo
>I think that making them takes Talent, Training and Technology
This is true.
> I wish it was so easy that I could do it because visual messages are more effective than writing
It takes practice, like anything else.
>And how many anons can afford FinalCut Pro?
It's not that expensive. I mean it is when compared to other software, but even I could afford it after a few days of work.
>And do they do it for free?
>How do you make money making video memes?
git gud at editing, have a sense of humor, and acquire a fanbase.
>I didn't even know about YouTube "Poops" until now.
...who are you?
What the fuck?
Is this one of the middle-aged men /pol/ dragged in?

>...who are you?
1. YouTube isn't very bandwidth-friendly or (!) Tor-friendly.
2. You see, one reason I like 4chan is that it's simple (doesn't consume digital resources). I do have 60 Mbps Internet at home but that's only because I'm currently living in a decent location. But I plan to travel and I must be prepared to live in less developed places. So I'm not trying to get too attached to broadband and unlimited data plans. Therefore I have never used the Internet for watching video a lot.
3. In general, I prefer reading to watching moving pictures. I don't even have a TV.
4. I have enough silly things to do and watch on 4chan. So I don't need to watch them elsewhere.

Underage b8 detected.

>Underage gtfo
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Das rite.
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>But I plan to travel and I must be prepared to live in less developed places. So I'm not trying to get too attached to broadband and unlimited data plans
Good luck and Godspeed, Anon. I'm sorry I called you retarded.
Thank you.
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Death by wall.webm
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>The George Costanza of this election
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Did you make these in an afternoon? Practice for something else?
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>say it again
>you won
>Thats right!

This is what americans call media? Holy fuck
>Super Wall Bros
Clearly that song was from Super Mario World
DESU, the girl on the leash acting like a dog is kinda really hot.
The one with all the Trump's was made by Ellen Degenerate and the other one is made by Vic Berger (Super Deluxe) who is super left wing. He originally said that he made these videos to put Trump in a bad light

I once got into a twitter war with him, called him and autist and he got uber upset kek
This is art.
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What a nice guy
>>1424075 (to the attention of >>1422945 >>1422982)
>Ellen Degenerate
>Vic Berger (Super Deluxe)
So basically people who do this stuff professionally for living... not high school kids or average anons. So I wasn't so terribly wrong after all.

Disclaimer: I didn't intend to say that leftists make better memes, so no hate required. Here's another brilliant example clearly by a Trump supporter. (Or am I wrong again?) Will people call it "a simple edit" too? Looks as if Trump had performed for this ad in person. In particular, explain how he "edited" Trump's embrace with the Japanese girl.

>he was really nervous when uploading the video to YouTube
In other words, no piece of cake. And not anonymous creator to begin with, unlike what I had thought in the beginning. The author gets MILLIONS of views on YouTube and is written about by Time. So he's now a rich man thanks to this... erm, WebM :). Not to mention the U.S. President's gratitude.


Although there are some anonymous meme makers evidently too.
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oh no, that sucks.webm
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Does anyone have that one, where Hillary says "deal me in", regarding the debate about usage of "woman-card"?
Oh, it's you again.
>In particular, explain how he "edited" Trump's embrace with the Japanese girl.
By having a guy hug her and then superimposing Trump's head on it.
That's also how he made it look like Trump was doing the nazi salute, btw.
Pause it at 0:44 and look closely. Doesn't the head seem too big for the body?
Also notice how stiff it is, compared to the rest of the body's movements. This is especially noticeable at 0:43.
>Oh, it's you again.
Something wrong with it? It turns out I was mostly right, so you should be delighted to see me.
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> 2020
> Kasich has lost his race for governorship and is now a US rep
> Election goes by, Trump wins in landslide
> December 19th: No electors cast their votes
> Kasich has eaten all the electors
> Decision goes to House
> Kasich has eaten all the other Reps
> Kasich wins the presidency 1-0 in the House by voting for himself

But in all seriousness we can't let this man eat the nuclear codes
>It turns out I was mostly right
You don't understand how editing works, you idiot.
>>1422945 >>1424488 >>1422981
>You're fucking nuts. Nothing about either of those videos is so outlandish or crazy.
>The average anon could do it. This is shit you learn in video editing class in highschool. People doing things for fun don't need to be paid.

That is one hell of an anon. Even richer than moot. When I grow up, I want to become an anon like you, guys.
So tell me, how much do you earn for shitposting on 4chan?
>Mr. Trump, you've accused Jeb Bush of being weak on immigration...
>Weak period.

fucking REKT
Ellen Degeneres may be rich, but she's a poorfag compared to George Lucas. Did you know he secretly payed NASA to film the death star explosion in actual outer space? How much money do you think it took to convince those egghead console nerds to go along with the idea?

What kind of an SJW does it take to support Taiwan's independence??? Trump is even more liberal than Clinton.

My attempts to influence him in favour of Beijing by taking over this thread the day before the call have failed.
Well, George Lickass wasn't anonymous. So this doesn't surprise me.
>Did you know he secretly payed NASA to film the death star explosion in actual outer space?
No, he fucking didn't.
What's the source?
Taiwan is independent.
Why should we tiptoe around China?
he totally did bro, trust me
how else could he have done it?
China is independent.
Why should we tiptoe around Taiwan?

And what next?
>Estonia is independent.
>Ukraine is independent.
>Why should we tiptoe around Russia?
I should totally be paid by the Chinese government. But I'm doing it out of sincere love for the nation that built the most epic wall ever.
China isn't a tiny nation that means nothing. You're purposefully misrepresenting his argument.
We aren't saying China belongs to Taiwan, we're saying Taiwan doesn't belong to China.
Anyway, Estonia and Ukraine are independent, at least, for now.
1. Russia isn't a tiny nation either. Why should we adore Putin and not the CCP? Is Putin more based than the CCP?
2. Are you trying to say that Crimea is Ukrainian??? I thought that Putin was based. What's wrong with you?
3. Today Taiwan, tomorrow Southeast Sea, after tomorrow Hongkong and Macau, then Tibet, Xinjiang and Beijing. How about nope?
4. You are saying that Taiwan doesn't belong to China... and that's exactly the problem. How would America feel if China said that Texas didn't belong to the U.S., and it supplied weapons to some Texans?
Well, Texas is very state-patriotic, but they most definitely aren't independent.
Taiwan is.
Most of Ukraine isn't in Crimea.
We don't care about your shitty nation, we could crush you in a second.
Fuck off, Chink.
5. Taiwan isn't independent. It's part of China.
Most of the U.S. isn't in Texas. You can't even crush ragheads in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and on your own soil.
>Fuck off, Chink.
Why don't you love China?
Are you liberal?
The American Wall will never be bigger than the Great Wall of China.

The border with Mexico is simply not that long.
Mexican "Star Wars" > American "Star Wars"

George Lucas is a nobody compared to Mexican anons. Watch this! I swear they've created it using props made from an illegal hotdog stand.

Comments, before they Deleted Fucking Everything:
>Comments, before they Deleted Fucking Everything

>Mexican "Star Wars" > American "Star Wars"
And Turkish Star Wars>>>>>>>>> both of them.
But what does that have to do with anything?
It confirms that Trump memes were creations of ordinary anons and that I am an idiot.
>Hong Kong
Already 中国 my friend
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>Chinese shitposters barely have 2 frames to rub together
They'd probably shit their pants if they saw what I was doing in my spare time
>You are saying that Taiwan doesn't belong to China

But Taiwan does belong to China. Unfortunately the mainland of China is currently occupied by stalinists and traitors.
1. You wouldn't praise it if I were the author. But I'm not you and I must say this is good. But if you want a real challenge, try to make a smooth transition from deep space scale to human scale...
2. The whole Asian web looks like they are stuck in the 1990s. Not only in China but also in Japan and Korea. Only look at 2ch. Even static pictures are blurry and for ants. And their palette choices are terrible.
Those "traitors" seem to be improving their country better than anyone else anywhere else.

Not if some irresponsible people from America could have their say on that.
Politics became a one way street for hong kong as soon as the brits gave it back
macau is just asian vegas,nobody cares.
Tibet is pretty much a non country

Taiwan could still be saved,but nobody will challenge china on their 100% controlled turf
You would have to be mentally challenged to try "liberating" chinese provinces.
>You would have to be mentally challenged to try "liberating" chinese provinces.
Yet this is precisely what CIA is doing by sponsoring Falun Dafa and ISIS.
The CIA is meantally challenged,no surprise here.
The problem is that when their plan backfires,someone other than them gets fucked.
They never take responsibility.
And it's not like the PRC can't keep the uyghurs in check with sheer force
Thank you.
First sane anon in years.

Not a joke, serious question. Does this woman have Downs, or is it just her face?
A-are you actually Chinese?
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got you f.a.m
wtf I love Hitler now
CNN: Trump says minorities less important than waffles
kek Never noticed that before. Good eye anon.
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i know it's hallelujah but i can't find this specific version
Before: http://fortune.com/2016/05/30/donald-trump-popular-china/

i hear the dogwhistle
can someone post the webm of this
iirc it's the Jeff Buckley one
I just got ten feet higher!
Isn't this the guy who was saying that drivers licenses shouldn't exist and blind people should be allowed to drive cars?
>even though she speaks 5 languages
There are areas in Europe where it's not uncommon for nearly everyone to speak 4 or 5 languages. Not saying that she's not smart, just that that doesn't automatically exclude her from dumbness.
Never understood why white middle class people are so disheartened by a Trump win. I get if you're black and poor as dirt, but is Trump really going to affect your life sweetheart? Probably not.
I mean to be fair John Kasich was polling by far the strongest against Hillary and if he did get the nom he probably would have won by even a greater landslide than Trump.
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sanders ja väkivalta.webm
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How the heck is Kasich not 500 pounds? He eats an inhuman amount of food.
>He eats an inhuman amount of food.
Whence do you know it?
New thread:
Nerves. And he probably didn't hear his call. I've done many theatre performances, those who don't pay attention to their cues do this often.
It was at a hotel, big choir event.
this, i kek everytime
fck trump
That's the point.
All they gotta do is cry on camera for that sweet social capital
Thread posts: 356
Thread images: 123

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