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Trump WebMs thread #12

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 326
Thread images: 86

We've got non-stop contests till June 7th.

Previous Thread: >>1045973

WebM for Retards: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter
File: Make America Mexico Again.webm (4MB, 500x280px) Image search: [Google]
Make America Mexico Again.webm
4MB, 500x280px
She realizes that "Natives" are not even natives right?
If it is their land they would have the force projection to take it, but they can't, because it isn't theirs.
>no matter what board I'm on, it seems like I'm the only person who doesn't want to make America great again

It's not even like I haven't accepted the inevitability, but what good is anything? This'll certainly be an interesting 8 years.
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3MB, 854x480px
That topless fat chunti broad convinced me

I'm a #CruzMissile now
Notice how a few try to start a USA chant and get nowhere only for a much louder and unified Mexico chant to follow suit.
>"He says that we're bringing all kinds of bad people here, that's incorrect!"
>Proceeds to riot and cause property damage because someone said a mean thing

Fucking hell, that totally convinced me Trump was wrong.
can someone post karl the cuck or the YOU'RE A FOKING WHITE MALE guy
the cropped ones
Can't put this into a webm because the filesize is too big, but still needs to be watched.
File: The Trumpinator.webm (4MB, 706x300px) Image search: [Google]
The Trumpinator.webm
4MB, 706x300px
Now this is a good edit.
Should have had the guy who ran away been jeb bush but still 9/10
Hahaha, thanks dude. But the framerate is a little low.
>But the framerate is a little low.

Motherfucker do you know how many motherfucking tweaks I had to make to that goddamn webm to fit? Do you EVEN FUCKING SEE THE 3.99 MB FILE SIZE
Yeah I was thinking to split it up into pieces and I lowered the framerate aswell and didn't like it. The file cap limit is bullshit.
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2MB, 640x480px
File: RealAmericanHero.webm (3MB, 1280x240px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x240px
Isn't this the bitch that tried to get Corey Lewindsky fired for "asaulting" michelle fields?
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3MB, 1280x720px
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4MB, 640x360px
Maybe they shouldn't have started a war that they lost
That land was won fair and square. Don't like it, come and fucking fight for it.
Wy does it even exist?
Because 4chan would have to spend more money on space for servers.
>Why does a website used by millions of people with limited revenue need to try and control it's bandwidth bill?

Did you really just ask that?
that ending with Trump vs Cruz is just gold
they can't even burn a flag right
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944KB, 150x239px

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4MB, 608x1080px
File: stole_flag_burned.webm (3MB, 180x320px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 180x320px

its unbelievable
File: voilent.webm (4MB, 320x180px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 320x180px
So tolerant, so progressive

Does make me wonder, if one were to coat say, a hat, in clear spray adhesive followed by a layer of crushed fiberglass, would people learn lessons about grabbing other people's shit?
thats one way of making some negative karma come their way
File: anti-american.webm (4MB, 320x180px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 320x180px
its a little too ironic
File: wont back down.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
wont back down.webm
4MB, 640x360px
California bros will have it the toughest.
fuck this makes me ashamed to be a mexican
im so fucking tuews of being mexican

someone nuke mexico already
same here man
Could a kind anon post the one Trump webm of him sitting in a car with Barron and a song called S U R F I N G - Moonlight is playing over it? I have the webm, but the file is corrupted and only plays the song. The backround outside the car's windshield was replaced with some vapourware style thing.
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chill trump.webm
4MB, 439x439px
Thank you very much, anon.
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Me three friendos, I miss the older generations that loved America.
Why have so many Mexicans reverted to acting like dindu-tier minorities?
Its the age of perceived persecution. I hope it ends before its too late.
all these webms really make me sad for humanity
how can so many people actively ignore reality
We tried so hard to take the sting out of being a victim that we inadvertently empowered it. Victim hood is power now. Whoever can make themselves the biggest one wields the most power.

That's why even privileged Asian Americans are getting in on the scam now despite none of them having to do with railroads, FDR being a dick to the Japanese or the socio-economic excuses other minorities have since Asians regularly do better than even Whites in virtually every societal category.

Until the power of victim hood is reduced back to cursory sympathy and the echo chambers where this thought grows are taken on any victory will be symptomatic and temporary. They're putting this shit in the education system for a reason; religions are always best spread among the young and impressionable before they have the capacity for critical thinking and dissent.
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Trump Effect.webm
4MB, 444x250px
File: Latino American for Trump!.webm (4MB, 400x224px) Image search: [Google]
Latino American for Trump!.webm
4MB, 400x224px
this is fucking gold
Was that really trump or a stunt double?
Why...why do so many people think Trump is the devil..?

What has he done wrong...?

What is so bad about a wall? Our fences aren't doing that good of a job, so why not try a wall?

How is Trump racist for wanting to secure our borders? I don't understand these people..
Borders are inherently racist
Races are inherently borderist
They imply that the two separated groups of people are unequal.
And how the hell does that imply that?
If everyone is equal it shouldn't matter who travels or lives where. We're all humans.
>If everyone is equal it shouldn't matter who travels or lives where. We're all humans.

I don't think anyone is denying that. If you want to move to the US then you should get citizenship. What is your argument? How does that make borders racist?
Do you know what percentage of people even get accepted for green cards?

People only come illegally because they have no other choice.
They have another choice, go back to yer country, white power.
Emigrating to another country illegally shows you don't respect the laws of that country and therefore do not deserve or have the right to live in that country.
I don't care that she hates America. I just hate that she's a spoiled bitch. Someone should fuck her shit up.
So the litmus test of coming over here is having to deal with one of the worst bureaucracies on Earth?
If you can't show you're motivated and aren't willing to go through bullshit to get into the US then you most likely won't be the best citizen..

This doesn't only apply to the USA though. Every single country in the world has some sort of process to emigrate into another country.
>If everyone is equal

All men are not created equal.
>really love a country
>the first thing you do is break the law
isn't flag burning a punishable offense?
No they're not. They're arbitrary delineations marking the extent of any given nation-states zone of agreed control. Crossing a border will not change your economic status, will not change the way you are perceived as a person and will not change how equal you are in relation to others.

A borderless world is anarchy, and not the version of utopia that misguided youth fervently pray for. An anarchy of government so dysfunctional it cannot fulfill its most basic roles will make a world of haves and have nots faster than anything you can imagine.

Globalism will not lift humanity from poverty, it will plunge it even deeper into slavery by the elite.

There is no inherent right of emigration to a given country. They are allowed to regulate the flow of people to and from their countries to better fulfill their roles.

The US is not alone in having a stringent immigration process. To make an analogy; becoming a rich man is not easy, but theft is still illegal.

No and it shouldn't ever be one. That particular flag represents nothing beyond its symbolic meaning, particularly of freedom, and therefore should be open to any sort of political speech, no matter how extreme. Elevating it above that is turning it into a secular idolatry.

Look at the video. This poor brainwashed, hateful fool is on the verge of tears, screaming all her life's woes, both imagined and real, at a burning piece of cloth before engaging in blatant racism because someone of her skin pigmentation dared to disagree. Stand back, and let people see the utter insanity for what it is, interrupting it would be a mistake.
> That particular flag represents nothing beyond its symbolic meaning
uhhh it represents the country, destroying it is basically treason

now, I'm not american so I couldn't really care less about who wins, I just watch the politics sometimes because it's funny as shit but still I don't think basically saying "fuck this country" is a good way to convince citizens of the country about your views
If I remember how all the flag-disrespecting laws work, they're misdemeanors with no charge.
What that does mean though is that others (Any citizen really) can interfere without getting waylaid by the law, provided they don't meet it with undue escalation. (This is a lot of the same reason suicide is illegal, such that if you saw your neighbor about to hang themselves or something along those lines, you can break into their home to try and stop them without fear of being thrown in the slammer for breaking and entering)

Let's say there's 2 people, Adam and Bob

Adam is participating in a protest, and decides to burn the American flag. Bob loves his country and doesn't like that, so he wants to intervene.
If Bob gets into a heated argument with Adam it isn't grounds for harassment charges, as Adam was in the process of 'committing a crime' and Bob was trying to stop him.
If Bob and Adam argue and get into a scuffle, Bob likely won't be charged with battery as again, he was trying to stop a crime from being committed.
If Bob shoots Adam he's going to prison, because stopping a misdemeanor with lethal force is not ok
If Adam and his crowd get really rowdy and antagonistic, Officer Carl and the tear gas gang can use the flag-burning as a reason to step in, detain some people, and try to disperse/cool down whatever's going on.

A lot of seemingly stupid American laws require reading between the lines for them to make sense, granted about 75% of American laws are just stupid anyways
Seeing stuff like this will push people towards Trump even the msm can't spin this, if they stayed at home they would have done more to serve their interests.
File: The Trump train2.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
The Trump train2.webm
4MB, 640x360px
freshly webm'd but terrible quality, I'll try a couple more times and tweak it
I am Hispanic and it makes me sick watching these beaners act like total niggers.
If this country is bad enough, go back to where you came from and I will assure that you will have two years to live before these retards get gangraped, shanked, beheaded or shot by the same beaners that are running your "beautiful" country.
A lot of these fuckers can't even talk/write/ or read proper spanish, let alone form sentences in english.
I heard the word "like" 18 different times in 1 minute interview with these fucks.

They're victims of the teacher's unions.
nah we're good

File: thumbsdown.gif (4MB, 747x401px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 747x401px
Fresh off the presses
File: carlydown.webm (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
I did with sound
He really should be a used car salesman.
File: Fiorina drops like Cruz polls.webm (4MB, 500x280px) Image search: [Google]
Fiorina drops like Cruz polls.webm
4MB, 500x280px
top kek
Is this supposed to be a hit piece? I honestly can't tell.
>Super Deluxe

Probably not.
File: trump-reservoir-dons.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 640x360px
My humble contribution. Reservoir Dons.
Yes she is anti Trump

That depends. Are you offended?
Why don't they just get the fuck out then?
>Make Need For Speed Great Again!
that v formation, excellent
Jesus christ i hope donald wins
because that would make too much sense
>I'm supposed to pay hightened taxes for this if a democrat wins
fuck that
Don't these retards realize "Viva la Raza" is literally the Mexican version of "White Power"?
Give me a fucking break, I can't wait for these brainwashed spoiled rotten idiots to actually start their "revolution" so we can fill them all with hot lead and put em in the dirt
Is there anything worse than the shrill sound of nasally liberal women bitching at a real man who can defend himself against faggy leftists and doesn't cower to their shrieking? Literally worse than nails on a chalkboard
I was more annoyed by how flaccid the cops were throughout.
you'd almost expect some warning shots or something.
God forbid they let off some warning shots or *gasp* disperse a violent crowd of ne'er-do-wells - they might have 2 of their officers murdered later that week and get told they deserve it for being nazi fascist jackboot thugs by the (in)tolerant regressive left
File: california.webm (4MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 854x480px
cool idea friend
"everonye is equal" is the libtards way of saying "I'm lazy and the government should take care of me"
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4MB, 640x360px
Mind if we all crash at your place for a few months?
If you hate America so much why don't you try to start a war against us?

Worked so well in 1846 and 1861.
File: TRUMPWAVE.webm (4MB, 427x240px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 427x240px
>More money has been spent toward lambasting Trump than actually helping anyone but other politicians
Yeah, nah, this shit has made me not only want to vote for Trump but also get every friend, family member and co-worker on his side as well.
File: putin walk.webm (2MB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
putin walk.webm
2MB, 480x360px
We need a compilation of word leaders walking with music.
Who is this cover by?
File: Trump Madman.webm (262KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Trump Madman.webm
262KB, 640x360px
Doesn't he keep saying that Israel is an important ally to the US?
He's quoting an Iranian leader, he's pro-Israel, like every US politician.
Don't be silly. Mexicans can't be racist.
It's so appropriate that he's schwarzenegger. They're both german.
its the original sped up
>Go away you Nazis
>while at a rally burning something they don't like


I don't care what anyone fucking says, these are the real hate-mongers, not Trump.

Friendly reminder fascism started as a left-wing movement.
>funds an ad that tries to show trumps wife as a whore since she posed half nude
I LOVE how she had to tip-toe around political correctness that entire time.


She can't any more you fucking asshole, and journalists like you are a big part of the reason for that.
Very polite man
love how he waves at the local cop standing guard
>Hates colonialism
>America didn't have any colonies, it was a colony....
this has potential. need a longer version though
>Muslim going on about American slavery
>Saudi Arabia didn't make slavery illegal until 1960

Top hypocrisy
>Muslim relating imperialism to american flag
Here's a new vid:
The media seems pretty neutral.
Aren't they supposed to bring the people the news and not pack their political opinion with it?

>Victimhood cultures emerge in settings, like today’s college campuses, “that increasingly lack the intimacy and cultural homogeneity that once characterized towns and suburbs, but in which organized authority and public opinion remain as powerful sanctions,” they argue. “Under such conditions complaint to third parties has supplanted both toleration and negotiation. People increasingly demand help from others, and advertise their oppression as evidence that they deserve respect and assistance. Thus we might call this moral culture a culture of victimhood ... the moral status of the victim, at its nadir in honor cultures, has risen to new heights.”

>To return to Oberlin, it is instructive to imagine how an exchange-student from Spain might react to the Hispanic student’s post on the Oberlin Microaggressions blog. Were he operating in an honor culture, he might find the student and slap her in the face. In a dignity culture, he might ignore the post, or write the student a private note that says, “Hey, just to let you know, in my native country, there are millions of people who are both white and native Spanish speakers. And we all say fútbol.”

>Whereas in a victimhood culture, the Spaniard might write his own post at Oberlin Microaggressions, constructed to heighten the perceived insult. “Hey you American supremacist,” he might tell the Hispanic student, “your HEGEMONIC ignorance of MY PEOPLE effectively ERASES US. Before you engage in RHETORICAL GENOCIDE against me in the future, consider that by calling it YOUR LANGUAGE you’ve EXCLUDED millions of people in a country smaller and poorer than yours.” Then someone else could take offense and call the Spaniard a white-male colonialist. There is no end to conflict in a victimhood culture.
File: Every Donald Trump Cameo Ever.webm (4MB, 450x252px) Image search: [Google]
Every Donald Trump Cameo Ever.webm
4MB, 450x252px
>tfw trump lost
Who are you quoting?
this is why people feel you need education and an age to vote. this is why the sufferage of women was around. sadly there is nothing to kill off the stupid.
I can't tell who's side these guys are on.
You know that it's suffrage, don't you? It means the right to vote, idiot.
>She can't any more you fucking asshole

Stop white-knighting faggot, Mika is usually the liberal PC police on that show. Joe has also shown some PC faggotry in the past but at least he doesn't tip-toe around topics are not normally seen on the piece of shit media news network that is MSNBC.
File: test1.webm (3MB, 426x224px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 426x224px
Here's a Bloomberg webm
pretty much, I've pretty much already jumped the bernie bus and on the trump train after seeing all the stupid riots bernie supporters are doing. I still like bernie a bit more than trump but there's no way in hell I'm gonna vote for hillary, and bernie getting nominated doesn't look like it's gonna happen
File: itshillary.webm (749KB, 450x360px) Image search: [Google]
749KB, 450x360px
>Stop white-knighting faggot
I dont think that means what you think it means...
fucking kill yourself
im actually even angrier at the fact that they called the guy defending the flag an uncle tom
You definitely aren't the only one here who doesn't support trump
File: AverageBernieFag.webm (3MB, 360x203px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 360x203px
They're gonna start turning on themselves.
>you can call it fascism

Explain this shit to me.
Wait for it.
And fixed.
>that ending

Do you know what the percentage of women who are raped crossing the border illegally is?

You do realize that the US has a serious crime/drug problem involving South American/Mexican drug cartels right?

Apparently Americans are more concerned with not upsetting people's feelings than with crime.

seriously though, it's like something just clicked and she stepped away from the circle-jerk of the table. I'm not saying that she needs to vote for Donald but she just opened up and said that they've been doing nothing but deflecting from the truth.
Please tell me people didn't take "rape" as in unwanted sex.
Fucking based. Look he might be anti-gun, and he might believe that soda should be regulated more but nowadays all I can say is, I'm glad I know today that he's not unwilling to be challenged.


name of speaker and location?
I'm not exactly "in" to politics, but I've been thinking about something for months. When Trump and Hillary go toe-to-toe, how bad do you think he'll rip her apart? I mean look at the shit he's said to Jeb and Cruz unprovoked. Image, just imagine for a second what he'll say to her.
He'll have to be careful of accusations of sexism/mansplaining/whatever-other-buzzword
File: 1461891502427.webm (4MB, 500x280px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 500x280px
He's been called way worse at this point. These words hold no power over him.
The media has not been neutral at all this election cycle. Since his NY win they've shifted tone, but before that it was very much anti-Trump. The best examples are the David Duke (KKK) and Michelle Fields situations. Duke said he was voting for Trump, Trump disavowed the next day, and the media pushed the story for another 3 or 4 days. Fields said she was brutally thrown on the ground by Trump's campaign manager, security footage revealed that he just pulled her back lightly after she bypassed Secret Service detail and put a hand on Trump, media pushed that Trump needed to fire his manager for the next week.

It hasn't mattered because any publicity is good publicity.

Trump also knows how to completely control the 24 hour news cycle. >>1063889 is a perfect example.
"Quite frankly, Pamela, no-one was offended and the original point doesnt matter
kek enjoy paying $849 for your shiny new vidya station then, Trump.
File: Mike Tyson on Donald Trump.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Mike Tyson on Donald Trump.webm
4MB, 1280x720px
Doughnuts are a fantastic new form of counter-protest
You vote for Trump, you get the bump.

I like it.
I like this. Source?
File: Make America Great Again.webm (4MB, 500x280px) Image search: [Google]
Make America Great Again.webm
4MB, 500x280px
holy shit my sides what a fucking meme
I wish they just kept making episode all year long.
fucking +A
Micheal Bloomberg is the speaker, don't know the location though
Dumb american
>no jeb

still good
You know...we had a war with Mexico and we won this land...it's not yours anymore.
What makes it even better is its a miata.
The Nazi thing is sofaking last century...even then I'm sure there are other dictators snd groups of people who have done worse

Stillgot to love that bitch "Oh Please" when the protestor with the trump hitler sign was asked by a reporter, how many jews and gypsies Trump killed.
cocaine seems to be a problem for this particular group of protesters
>Migration is beautiful
Do they mean like the migration of the Mongols across Asia/Europe?

That kind of migration?

Or the migration of colonial settlers across the plains of Western America?

Is this what they're referring to?
...as a born and baptised 2end generation Epyptian "Muslim" American Man, I reserve the right to go old school and smack that bitch in the jaw, because in my tolerant religion of peace, women are to be seen, fucked and do chores, but not to be heard!
Black man trying to save the flag is called a dumb primative by a white woman...

Please Russia, just Nuke us so I can at least live out the last half of my life as post apoc road warrior.
I don't know how to feel about that...
I don't...know, but I know I'm going to need a strong drink too.
...kind of sucks how in California, guns are esssentially banned.

If this was like Texas where both protesting groups had guns, there wouldn't be any violence because nobody despite all their tough talk, wants to die.
Oh it's believable and it's more than just believable, because it's fact that the majority of our young generation think like that as "adults" in their 20's to 30's and have the same equal power to vote, and despite their progressive peaceful views of non confirmity, they are a pack mentality and are more than eager to turn violent.
Also back in the day there was a reason the top of the flag pole was a spear...so you can stsb fuckers trying to take it from you.

I duggest ancient greek like formation of tiny american flags on ash and oak poles with fire hardened points...it's an "unarmed" demonstration.
Such intolerence for intolerence.
Civil War is comming...I'm not glad to see it happen and really it will be stupid silly reasons such as you say "preceived" intolerances. The leftist are creating a dragon out of smoke and mirriors to to give their agendas meaning, but when they tire of it and turn on a fan to blow the smoke away for the next fake crisis to rally troops to their cause, a dragon of flesh and bone will be standing there as the smoke clears, and I fear it will be so powerful it will slaughter us all.

If we go this way then, this land was from the people some indians took, that they took from others that they took from another one until we find the asshole who decided to punch the face of another asshole for a rock.

The only legitimate way a land is owned by anybody is the threat of force.
I've been saying this for years.

Being the loser and the Victim is better than being the Victor.
Birds of a feather, fly together.
Since few native American tribes/empires actual kept written history who fucking knows what it was actually like pre-White Man.

Their oral histories are usually hippy-tier earth-goddess stuff but I'm willing to bet that's bullshit.

The only ones who kept history (Aztecs/Mayans etc.) were a bunch of slave-owning warlike motherfuckers.
Strong walls between neighbirs, create strong bonds between neighbors.
This. If you don't respect one rule, then can I logically expect you to follow other rules?
Might makes right. I can tell My ISIS captors that I have human rights...but I doubt they care, or they do care, but are purposefully treading on them.

Fuck the Tenure professors and their administrators, by logical academics they must be repulsed...
Sign this guy up for Cobra's Crimson Guard.
File: cruzbtfo.webm (2MB, 427x240px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 427x240px
Cause they are spoiled babies.

Hey anybody remember Shaun Penn saying he and a bunch of other Hollywood actors would act as a human body shield in Bahgdad to prevent the War in Iraq...we'll I was with 3rd Angelico and was patrolling Bahgdad shortly after the invasion and did not see Shaun Full Retard Penn, anywhere.

Also somebody check, wasn't that American hating british news Anchor (legit forgot his name) say he was going back to the UK if America didn't ban all guns a year after Sandy Hook...well a year came and past and he was still living in America...though I remember last year his News Show was cancelled and effectively he's out of work as a news guy.

Peirs Morgan, that's the name.
After all, Mexicans always check white on gun, medical or legal forms...
>all the anchormen losing their shit because of bants
His giggling...unsettles me...
Mind Blown...I thought young ones were the stupids just dropping words like facist, hitler, cuck etc. to anything they don't like...old people do it too.
Hey, if this was pre 1960's America, these would be promises people want to hear and need.

It' 2016 and we need hese promises more than wver as we are at war with an enemy that hates us, but our youth, much like with a lot of other things and hard facts of life about growing up, don't want to hear it.
We'll that's been going on sonce the 90's.

All the PC policies that are fucking us in the ass now were seeds planted by Clinton in the 1990's.
Most of it will be deserved...I mean, the woman is cuck for Thor's sake.
>destroying it is basically treason
No it's not. The Supreme Court has said as much. Flag burning, in the case of nonspecific flags, is protected and legal political speech. A three dollar flag you can buy from a street vendor represents nothing but its symbolism.

I am with you on the second point though. Rarely has anyone burning the flag said anything before or after to make their point to anyone who isn't chanting with them and the girl above is no different. The fact she's screaming a nebulous laundry list of vaguely defined grievances at a burning piece as of clothe as if it personally wounded her, all before turning into a giant racist shows this. Nobody is going to side with the bitch other than fellow cult members.

"Like," has become a stopgap filler word at this point. Right up there with "Um."

I think most sane and rational people are pretty anti-Trump. Stop for a moment and look at the man as a candidate. Being anti-everyone else to a much larger degree and wanting someone to flip the system on its head is one thing, but don't devolve into being delusional about it.

Piers Morgan is reviled everywhere in the UK, it wasn't going to be long before the US began to think the same of him.

They know. The problem is the Left has twisted itself into such mentally retarded knots to redefine the hate they target as a white only thing that they openly excuse instances of minority violence and hate in the process.

They go to bat for violent Islamists and the thinly-veiled racism behind BLM, why wouldn't they do the same for La Raza?

Warning shots are illegal. The cops are taught that if you shoot you do it to end a threat. There's too much risk of innocent people getting hurt or accidents happening with warning shots. The last thing you want is cops accidentally killing people to galvanize the support these people get versus the near universal condemnation they're currently getting.
Schwarzenegger is Austrian.
>I think most sane and rational people are pretty anti-Trump. Stop for a moment and look at the man as a candidate. Being anti-everyone else to a much larger degree and wanting someone to flip the system on its head is one thing, but don't devolve into being delusional about it.

It's the fact alternatives aren't much better.

Bureaucrats run the country anyway right?
Actually, he's Amurican
File: MJ crew laughs at cruz.webm (4MB, 836x472px) Image search: [Google]
MJ crew laughs at cruz.webm
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>fascism started as a left-wing movement
No it didn't. The founders of Italian fascism were a splinter group of dissidents from the large and vaguely defined field of Italian socialism and they did stress collectivism, but they also embraced a plethora of irredentist and nationalistic ideas that were no where near in vogue with socialist politics.

Fascism wasn't billed as the third way or shown to have equal disdain for Capitalism and Communism without reason. There are elements of both left and right to be found in the different ideologies that make up Fascism.

But yes, anti-fascists so obviously behaving like the monster they decry is a laughable irony palpable to anyone who takes more than a cursory look at them.
Every single time I watch a Morning Joe clip I can't help but think Mika hates absolutely everyone there and probably plays politico-dominatrix to half the producers behind the scenes. Slavic Ice-Queens are fun.
File: cruzadmission.webm (587KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
587KB, 1280x720px
He admits it.
Here's more.
And more. They can't stop laughing.
File: trump2.webm (4MB, 450x450px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 450x450px

>without you

oh FUCK lmao holy shit
Can somebody "thug life" the guy who says "Are you Canadian"?
I'm pretty sure it's from the University of Michigan's graduation ceremony. He was the guest speaker at it this year.
>free el chapo

Okay, I don't know shit about mexican politics, but isn't El Chapo the guy who was so deep in the corruption of the Mexican politicians that he put himself in a jail with all the amenities that he wanted, and at one point, just walked out?
File: Mongolian Trump.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Mongolian Trump.webm
2MB, 640x360px

> Mongols
song name?
Cruz better watch the fuck out in Vegas. I can actually imagine Mike walking up to him and kissing him on the mouth, followed by whispering in his ear that he can kill him at any time.
what a cringelord
Omar's Chocco
This is great, Cruz is imploding.
File: Ruse Cruz.webm (1MB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
Ruse Cruz.webm
1MB, 800x450px
>Republican Ted Cruz officially suspends his campaign after losing the #IndianaPrimary
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906KB, 480x360px
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Cruzfags BTFO.
File: Ted hits his wife.webm (1MB, 641x360px) Image search: [Google]
Ted hits his wife.webm
1MB, 641x360px
does anyone have a .gif version of this?
>not Heidi Cruz - Facial Abuse
File: cuckservative.webm (730KB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
730KB, 640x360px
The meme magic is real
Such high quality journalism

Why does anyone watch these useless talking heads
hah, wow
>'don't say cuckservative'
>'don't say cuckservative'
File: itsallover.webm (1MB, 854x480px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 854x480px

File: Trump Effect.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
Trump Effect.webm
4MB, 640x360px
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3MB, 1280x720px
Would fug Heidi tbqh
>that hand touch at 0:08
You know he's scheming something.
This is why I'm voting trump lel
Honorary Aryans
No because that's a shit idea
File: lion transform1.webm (4MB, 800x600px) Image search: [Google]
lion transform1.webm
4MB, 800x600px
Watch until the end.
File: el rato.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
el rato.webm
4MB, 640x360px
wtf i love japan now
At least he'll be remembered as the first person to nominate a VP after being mathematically eliminated (also note the convention chooses the the VP if no one got to the 1237 delegates required)
File: trump- never come down 2016.webm (4MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
trump- never come down 2016.webm
4MB, 640x360px
>no one has posted this
meme magic: the force awakens
File: too slow.webm (528KB, 640x480px) Image search: [Google]
too slow.webm
528KB, 640x480px
Nice protrump ad
Wish you could see Cruz's face.
Hopefully the guy's cellphone video surfaces somewhere.
>Please Russia, just Nuke us so I can at least live out the last half of my life as post apoc road warrior.

Niet. You'll suffer the rest of your life being in the middle of those cunts.
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2MB, 320x180px

I like this better after Cruz dropped out.
I don't give a fuck you trumpshit. These pocs need assistance and we can do so.
better version

The kind of shit that makes me ashamed of my generation. We were raised by a bunch of post hippy "teach the controversy" morons and this is what we're left with. Who's up for a eugenics program?
I don't want to admit it, because all of my friends and most of my family are Bernie supporters, but Bernie has lost his luster in my eyes. After looking into it it seems like he and Trump agree on a lot but it comes in two very different packages.
Well, he's not wrong. He just couldn't sell his retarded bullshit as well as Trump did.

I'm excited to see if Trump tearing through this election cycle brings more candor to politics, but at this point I doubt it'd do any good.
No wonder his daughter didn't want a hug, Cruz hugs are nigh domestic violence.

So you're dropping any pretensions that your position isn't just an emotional response? Governing by emotion doesn't change whether you do it out of sympathy or fear, the end result is always an obfuscation of the facts.

You know what those "pocs," really need? A Mexico free of cartels, with a functioning internal economy not dependent on foreign off-shoring. Letting a bunch of poor immigrants flood the US, depreciate the already strained labor market and work the next three decades of their life as an agricultural wage-slave for a corporation like Monsanto is not helping them in any way.

Not me. I want people targeting the bullshit in the schools and confronting this attitude constructively. Going the eugenics route would prove their bullshit right more than they ever can on their own.

It's a sign of the times that Trump is portrayed as Hitler reborn where if this election were taking place 25 years ago Bernie would be colored as Stalin reborn. It's very easy to tell what the establishment is based on who garners the most knee-jerk responses.
I honestly think that the JFK shit was just a joke.
What was the basis of the zodiac killer thing in the first place?
I still don't get how these type of people still have jobs. They have been completely wrong on everything they have said. This is why the country is going to shit, because of incompetence.

She's obviously listening to a lot of Rage Against the Machine
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4MB, 470x264px
Not really since a wall will stop you regardless of your race.
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791KB, 854x480px
Nnnnngh who is that hottie?
race doesn't exist.
That third one from Suddenly Susan is fucking perfect, and describes the difference between at least the upper-middle class and the lower class:

>Guy jabs Trump for being stingy on his bet, remarking that he's rich

>Trump responds: "I didn't get rich by throwing away quarters."

It really is a great commentary between two completely different lines of thought.

If you make 10 decisions every day that only save you one quarter, that's $2.50 a day.

That's $17 a week.

That's $910 a year, nearly a thousand dollars a year assuming you only make better financial decisions a quarter at a time.

If you did this every year for 10 years and invested this money at 5% APR compounded monthly, you'd end up with about $15,000 more money. Just from quarters at a time!

Now imagine if you have the occasional decision that is going to affect your life by the $1,000s or even just $100s of dollars at a time, and sometimes the tens of thousands! (think buying a car, buying a house, choosing an apartment, etc)

Spending habits greatly affect your wealth and your ability to be financially secure.
This gave me goosebumps.

These thoughts need to be enunciated loudly and clearly by all rational leaders in academia.
Ex presidents of Mexico have called him Hitler, the last cuck even went into some pseudo intellectual rant to call him that.

Most people are very retarded outside of the very specific skill they hon, if they ever.
I bet you're poor

but good point honestly.
File: SCREEEEEEE-WHUMMMMMMMMM.webm (2MB, 1030x700px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1030x700px
I was raised in literal poverty. Lived with single mother in shitty apartment in a county poorer than 80% of the US.

I worked my ass off to get into and through college, 60+ hours a week as a fast food manager plus school work. No scholarships because STRAIGHT WHITE HETEROSEXUAL MALE.

Now I'm in a nice apartment downtown in a metro area working a comfy database consultant position for a tech company. I think I had like 40 paid days off last year. I'm going to Germany for a month on vacation soon.

I was poor, but that shit got old real quick.
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389KB, 439x439px
be careful
I bet that sounded like a real zinger in his head
Bantz, and to make him squirm
New thread:
>The Trumpinator.webm
Whoever made it, is an honorary Steven Spielberg.
I’m envious.

>Schwarzenegger is autist.
No, you.
Austrian anon.

I didn’t know that autism had a country.
Autists confirmed for Zionists.
If you're going to be a retarded shitposter, at least make it interesting and witty. What you're doing is Bush league.
>Deja Vu starts playing
whats wrong with el rato? :(
nice sound faggot
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