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I. M. T. No. 235

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 334
Thread images: 189

File: 264.png (4MB, 1920x1200px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1920x1200px
Welcome to the /w/IMT! We are here to help. All ANIME-RELATED wallpaper and image modification requests are welcome.

• ALWAYS DO A REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH before you ask us for help. Iqdb and SauceNao are very helpful for anime-related images.
• EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Details help us get you the image that you want.
• THERE IS A SEPARATE THREAD FOR VECTORS. Please take your vector requests there.
• THIS IS A SFW BOARD. If you must request a lewd picture, please do warn us when you post the link.
• UPLOAD AND LINK to an image hosting site such as puush.me, teknik.io, maxfile.ro or others. Temporary file hosters, like uguu.se, make the most sense so use them where available. DO NOT use Imgur as it compresses images.
• DO NOT add white space OR stretch/shrink your picture since they just make it harder to work on.
• SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION. They're doing this on their own time, so don't forget to thank them.

• DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
• BE POLITE. Try to use proper spelling and grammar.
• DO NOT harass people. HELP when they ask for an edit or let others deal with the request.
• CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISMS are always welcome.

>4chan Image/Thread Limitations:
• Images SMALLER than 480x600 pixels DO NOT post. (1000x599 or 479x1000 will NOT work)
• Images LARGER than 6MB will NOT post.
• Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG, WEBM
• Maximum resolution allowed is 10000x10000
• Thanks to /wg/ for this modified copypasta.

>Discontinued Archive Pastebin:

>Basic FAQ:

>Previous Thread:
Can I get this made into a 1920x1080 and get rid of that thing whatever it is to the left of the umbrella? Also can someone edit out the block at the end of the umbrella? Thx
File: makiwp.jpg (856KB, 3840x1080px) Image search: [Google]
856KB, 3840x1080px
Hey all, Re-requesting this.

Can someone edit the door she is leaning on to the other side, so there is one on each side, of the picture and make it to scale?
Also if you're feeling extra kind can someone please recolor this after it's edited with the door to a brown color so it looks like a classroom?
Thanks in advance!
File: de.png (1MB, 1000x1414px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1000x1414px
Now someone just needs to extend it.
Can somebody make the background a light purple color?

Yes, plz someone!

Thx anon for your work, looks amazing.
File: c252bffec383f90e2f666dbb0953d771.jpg (381KB, 992x1403px) Image search: [Google]
381KB, 992x1403px
Can I get a detext plz?
NSFW pic
requesting a render
File: 199-wp.png (876KB, 2560x1440px) Image search: [Google]
876KB, 2560x1440px
File: 199s-wp.png (2MB, 2560x1440px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 2560x1440px
Thanks. Mind me asking what program did you use to do this? I tried Paint tool Sai but it didnt work out as great, unless I did something wrong
Rendered the image and applied to new background. You want the render?
No its fine. Thanks! They both look great
Can I get a render please? NSFW
Requesting a render
File: 0000008.png (1MB, 1723x2056px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1723x2056px
error 403
File: 00000184.jpg (699KB, 992x1403px) Image search: [Google]
699KB, 992x1403px
Thanks man
File: 00000185.jpg (890KB, 3840x1080px) Image search: [Google]
890KB, 3840x1080px
is this what you requested?

You rock
I think that's the tongue, look up kasa-obake
Thank you!
Use: imgur.com
File: 2530-wp.png (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
I'm sure this is not what you envisioned! Just wanted to give you a little hope......
File: 22344render.png (3MB, 1420x2560px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1420x2560px
Not OP. Nice JOB m8!
File: 小鳥.png (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
Requesting complete removal of background on this. Need nothing but Kotori in the foreground, preferably with the draw lines intact. Please and thanks.
File: 1456789681315.png (370KB, 753x900px) Image search: [Google]
370KB, 753x900px
Can someone make this 1920X1080 keepig Asuka and Rei centered and maybe finish Asuka´s hair?
Can I get the text removed?
whoops, let me try that again

Thx for trying mate.
File: pool.jpg (1MB, 2400x1600px)
1MB, 2400x1600px
nice pic
OP girl is cute. What anime is she from?
Wow it looks really good! is it possible to put the pattern of the door on to the other half on the right, so it doesn't look so plain? and maybe do the recolor for me if you get the chance.. thank you so much!
its fucking nico from love live and she is disgusting
File: 1456649073621.png (4MB, 1800x1180px)
4MB, 1800x1180px
Can I get this 1920x1080 without cropping?
Can I get this 1920x1080 with her on the left? and maybe a non plain background?
File: render.png (680KB, 918x1059px) Image search: [Google]
680KB, 918x1059px
many thanks
File: nocrop.png (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
she looks a bit low quality
File: 555.jpg (883KB, 1447x2047px) Image search: [Google]
883KB, 1447x2047px
Probably because she is...
Thank you so much!
File: 932a.png (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
File: 1456589661774.jpg (490KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
490KB, 1920x1080px
Can someone change background to a solid color like light pink?
remove the neps on the right and center the nep-nep family.
Re-requesting, thank you!
File: Hawtpink.png (770KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
770KB, 1920x1080px
So much black
File: 1456519246653.jpg (446KB, 1200x1740px)
446KB, 1200x1740px
requesting a higher res version of this
File: AmbiguityOP.jpg (221KB, 1201x1741px)
221KB, 1201x1741px
Maybe if you say exactly what you want someone might pick it up.
File: 36164053_p0.jpg (620KB, 1275x1075px) Image search: [Google]
620KB, 1275x1075px
requesting render
thank you anon, sorry i didn't realize that i wasn't clear enough.
Can anyone turn this into a 1920x1080 wallpaper?
Render saya pls
File: stretched-1920-1080-106727.jpg (1MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1920x1080px
Ca yuo remove the write and two akatsuki
File: Saya.png (4MB, 2322x3959px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 2322x3959px
A little messy, but the best I can do this late at night.
File: HolyShitI'mTired.png (4MB, 2322x3959px)
4MB, 2322x3959px
Fixed that pink.
File: 1456871812297.jpg (923KB, 3012x1694px)
923KB, 3012x1694px
File: 145687181229711.jpg (480KB, 1920x1080px)
480KB, 1920x1080px
Oops, forgot about 1080 part
File: a797e25c9a77d6dbc6896fe3225daaf4.jpg (183KB, 1000x866px) Image search: [Google]
183KB, 1000x866px
Could I get an iPhone4 wallpaper with just Stocking in it please?
could someone please make a render of this? If possible without removing the white feathers
Ca help me please
File: 00000187.jpg (798KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
798KB, 1920x1080px
Is there any chance someone could please extend this into a 1920x1080 wallpaper?
File: vol_2_scan.jpg (98KB, 801x1088px) Image search: [Google]
98KB, 801x1088px
can someone render this please, also shooping the logo and spikes out would be great but it's ok if that's too hard.
BRUH. Can we render hotaru, please
Can someone make this image 1920x1080 ?
File: beck2.jpg (763KB, 1500x1125px) Image search: [Google]
763KB, 1500x1125px
Ofc i forgot the image
File: Vector Hotaru.png (5MB, 2801x4093px)
Vector Hotaru.png
5MB, 2801x4093px
Heading off to work now so this is the best I got right now.
File: 1454460932763.png (212KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
212KB, 1920x1080px
Can someone make this blue instead of red?
File: BGBlue.png (213KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
213KB, 1920x1080px
Kept it the same tone, if you want a darker or more specific blue I'll get to it after work.
Her hips and right leg sure got chewed up!
Thank you
When you get back can you change all the reds to blues but keep the tone please?
Yeah she had a lot of black blending, had tolerance down to 5 and still ended up like that. I can take another crack at it when I get home.
Of course
File: 665.png (198KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
198KB, 1920x1080px
File: 8.png (1MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1920x1080px
Would this work for you?
In case someone wants to pick this request up, maybe this image here is better to work with:
What's the phone resolution?
Not OP, 640x960
File: 1456898843170.jpg (156KB, 800x1000px) Image search: [Google]
156KB, 800x1000px
Can I get a render?
File: 5109a.png (975KB, 640x960px) Image search: [Google]
975KB, 640x960px
File: 1456363630384.jpg (472KB, 1114x1600px)
472KB, 1114x1600px
Could someone make a wallpaper/1920x1080 out of this? Or higher/lower, whatever makes it look good as a horizontal wallpaper. Background doesn't matter as long as it isn't something silly like pink or yellow or something, I guess black would be the default. If you could somehow use the same background it comes with that'd be pretty impressive. The "hmph" can be taken out.
File: 12605562.jpg (181KB, 1403x1772px) Image search: [Google]
181KB, 1403x1772px
Can somebody extend the background to make it 1920x1080 without cropping/stretching
File: Hawtpink 2.0.png (896KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
Hawtpink 2.0.png
896KB, 1920x1080px
A bit better.
File: BGBlue2.0.png (342KB, 1920x1080px)
342KB, 1920x1080px
Here you go.
File: noprao.png (3MB, 1602x2176px)
3MB, 1602x2176px
requester here, thank you based anon, didn't know there was a better quality version available.

also sorry for posting my request image twice.
File: 1455581647042.jpg (799KB, 918x1272px) Image search: [Google]
799KB, 918x1272px
Requesting render of them both please. Thanks
Yes Thanks anon
Not Op: Much better and I think the original creator wanted to hid all the raggity- frazzle so hence the black + blending. Original Here: https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/1803225
Anyway_good job! [ quote from "Hancock"]
You want her rt., lt. or middle?
Mind explaining how you selected the colors and got the edges so clean?
File: 3614-wp.png (1MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1920x1080px
Yeah I get that and I have the original in my pape folder because of that.
For this image I used Magic Wand with a tolerance of 5 for the larger sections, went in with the Pen for the smaller and more intricate sections. As for the colors I just Eye Dropped each red and just went up on the color bar until I got the right shade. Always layering for each color and Vector masked the BG to protect the original image. Also using a tablet makes things easier.
Sorry for up

Ca yuo remove the write and two akatsuki
File: BG.jpg (645KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
645KB, 1024x768px
Can I get this made into a 1920x1080?
can someone make this into 16:9???
File: 1456987690458.jpg (750KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
750KB, 1920x1080px
Requesting a few things on this one, with optional levels of complexity depending on what people are feeling up to.

First and foremost, I'd like to have all of the text removed, along with the shadows for the pink text. I would also like to have the molepig removed, as well as the motion and sweat lines hovering above Yoko's butt.

Taking things a step further, I would like it if she could be centered in the middle of the frame with the missing part of her ponytail redrawn so that she makes sense in the center of the image. If this is asking too much I understand, and will happily settle for having her swapped over to the right-hand side of the frame.

Last, and most optionally, I would ideally like to have the spray paint drill(?) she's holding removed, with either her hand redrawn to accomadate the change or perhaps her rifle put in the drill's place, whether it's drawn fresh or copied in from another image.

I realize that this is asking a lot, so I completely understand if the last two requests for the image aren't accepted.
OR here, thank you so much.
File: 143-oboi-anime-1920x1080.jpg (313KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
313KB, 1920x1080px
Please remove the flower on nail thanks
Sorry for my late reply, but thanks tons, m8
Hello, can someone resize this picture for me to 1920x1080 without cropping? Thanks in advance.
Can someone remove the watermarkand the black lines.
File: 14570331149591.png (4MB, 2546x1434px)
4MB, 2546x1434px
Thank you!
File: 14570309799941.png (3MB, 1920x1080px)
3MB, 1920x1080px
Resizing without cropping would mean you stretch it. Maybe something simple like this is more interesting?
Cropped and resized the original back down to the size yours was. The edited original you can find here: https://a.uguu.se/vwddum.png
File: 0.png (958KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
958KB, 1920x1080px
Here you go, I tried. I'm afraid the last part of your request is beyond me though.
File: 1456961969023.jpg (1MB, 2000x2700px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 2000x2700px
Can someone make this 1920X1080 keeping saber on the left and, if possible, finish the shadow?
thanks Scizor
That's totally fine, anon. It looks great, so thanks! I really appreciate all the work you put into this.
Bump for more
File: strawberry.159 a.png (3MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
strawberry.159 a.png
3MB, 1920x1080px
File: 5662.png (3MB, 1920x1080px)
3MB, 1920x1080px
Don't like heads /hair/head gear cropped if possible. [http://e-shuushuu.net/image/245662/]
File: 7.png (4MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1920x1080px
Rendered it then tried replicating the background. If you want anything changed just let me know.
File: 3779-wp.png (1MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1920x1080px
An humble attempt.
File: IMG_0026.jpg (377KB, 1200x1780px) Image search: [Google]
377KB, 1200x1780px
Requesting a render of Yukina with the spear.
File: sg71.png (3MB, 2560x1440px)
3MB, 2560x1440px
Can someone remove the text for me?
Yo can someone put on eye patch on any of his eyes, I can't seem to get it.
not the requester but saved
File: Uchiha.jpg (250KB, 1600x1200px)
250KB, 1600x1200px
Can someone make this 1920 x 1080?
File: Argh.png (403KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
403KB, 1280x720px
Thank you very much !
Could an Anon possibly reverse the coloring of her clothes please?
>Hat, Gloves, Top, Bottom, & Boots
>White to Black ~ Black to White
You can keep the detailing in her clothes the same
Render please?
a 16:9 of this would be greatly appreciated and as for the background, something fitting the image (just not pure white or a lot of white). thank you in advance :D.
File: Impractical Gunwear.png (304KB, 600x804px) Image search: [Google]
Impractical Gunwear.png
304KB, 600x804px
File: 1457032866317.jpg (461KB, 1280x1808px) Image search: [Google]
461KB, 1280x1808px
Could I get this turned into a 1920x1080 background please?
thanks thanks
File: BikeGirl Plain.png (1MB, 1920x1080px)
BikeGirl Plain.png
1MB, 1920x1080px
Not the best at making BGs from scratch so here's a basic gradient.
File: BikeGirl Vector.png (1MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
BikeGirl Vector.png
1MB, 1920x1080px
And here's a vector in case you find a BG that you like and you can just drop her into it.
Thank you very much
File: 2016-02-29_00004.png (873KB, 1335x752px) Image search: [Google]
873KB, 1335x752px
Can someone take the girl out
Why has the image quality dropped so much on this image? I can see jagged edges everywhere
saved both kind anon, have a great day.
File: render.png (890KB, 1044x1660px) Image search: [Google]
890KB, 1044x1660px
Thanks very much.
File: 00000188.jpg (788KB, 1920x1080px)
788KB, 1920x1080px
File: HgEgxJH.png (3MB, 1200x1695px)
3MB, 1200x1695px
Can i get this turned into 1920 x 1080 with the flowers repeating?
File: lo9DwSX.jpg (250KB, 1200x747px) Image search: [Google]
250KB, 1200x747px
Can i get this de-texted?
File: 54303506_p0.jpg (329KB, 1091x600px) Image search: [Google]
329KB, 1091x600px
Can someone remove the black lines and text and make it 1920x1080?
File: durrhurr.png (2MB, 1920x1080px)
2MB, 1920x1080px
I detexted this a while ago, here you go.
File: crop.png (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
There is still the black gradient left at the top, I could either crop more or add the same gradient to the bottom.
File: ravness.png (3MB, 2606x3151px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 2606x3151px
Can I get someone to remove the black highlight surrounding her. Any tips to do this myself. Color picker tool ain't cutting it. Shrinking a border selection would leave out some black parts and cut some that aren't. Also this was originally a jpeg file, saved it as png cause it would look better? Did i dun goofed?
File: 14570595886691.png (4MB, 2560x1440px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 2560x1440px
Finally done... Enjoy!
And while your at it, this one as well please. Man, tried a foreground select tool on this one it was just a nightmare.
File: Aoinhatsu.full.343017.jpg (255KB, 721x1155px) Image search: [Google]
255KB, 721x1155px
Meant to add this pic.
There are some more gradients, kind of the opposite of what you were looking for but since I did them I might as well link them.
Looks fantastic, thank you
Remove the text pls
Make this 1920X1080?
File: 1457096997081.png (1MB, 678x960px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 678x960px
Part 1/2

Requesting to have this girl isolated away from the rest of the image (rendered? Sorry, I'm new to this.) I also request that the watermark at the bottom of the frame be removed from her legs.
File: SansStroke.png (3MB, 2606x3151px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 2606x3151px
You were fine, but you can only get so precise with certain tools. It take more time, but pen tool is your best bet for precision.
File: 1457117692790.jpg (3MB, 1485x2050px)
3MB, 1485x2050px
Part 2/2

To follow that first image up, I am also requesting a render of the girl in this image.

Once the both of them are done I would like to ask that they be put on a 900x1600 flat color background, the color of which I leave up to the person fulfilling the request to decide, though I do think I would like either some shade of blue or a pastel color if some direction is desired.

Ideally I would like them to be more or less centered on the wallpaper, standing beside one another, with one placed around 30% from the left edge of the frame, and the other sitting at 70% away from it. Something like that, at any rate. The specifics aren't terribly important, I just don't want them placed on the far edges of the wallpaper, if at all possible.

The person who fulfils the request is of course welcome to alter the scaling of the girls if they are too big or too small to look right at the resolution I requested, but that is entirely left up to them and whether or not they feel overburdened with all the requests I already made for this prospective wallpaper.

Something like this ?
File: Knightess.png (854KB, 721x1155px) Image search: [Google]
854KB, 721x1155px
File: Saber.png (2MB, 2000x1125px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 2000x1125px
Cleaned up everything I could see from the rescaling, let me know if you see anything.
NSFW request

can someone make this into a 1920x1080 pic keeping the girl in the middle of the screen and just extending the background outwards please?

Missed the highlight lines between her left arm and spear.
Dog was rushing me out of the house, thought I missed something.
File: s.jpg (126KB, 802x997px) Image search: [Google]
126KB, 802x997px
Render please thank you.
Can I get a render please? Slightly NSFW

do you want a speech bubble or not?
No, just her
meh, did both
Thanks man
Not OP, but this is amazing; thanks!
That's fine, thank you very much.
Requesting these two images combined into one wallpaper, please.

Make this woman a render
Best I can do after a couple shots.
File: AAAART.png (183KB, 565x808px) Image search: [Google]
183KB, 565x808px
File: Fucking Lines.png (495KB, 907x933px)
Fucking Lines.png
495KB, 907x933px
Thats perfect, thank you!
File: Sekirei_vol03_001.jpg (71KB, 728x1056px) Image search: [Google]
71KB, 728x1056px
Can I get this made into a 1920x1080 wall plz? If possible finish her left sleeve, and round out her boobs. Also can I get the bg soft and pastel like the drawing, and get the text removed? Thx.
Can someone finish her sleeve, the fan and detext this plz?
File: 52971919_p0.jpg (2MB, 2300x1200px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 2300x1200px
can someone remove the letterboxes and resize it for use on a 1920x1080 screen?
File: RCgxgy3.png (1MB, 1659x932px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1659x932px
Can render of this images thanks
Please remove the glasses
File: 0046-save1.png (3MB, 1920x1080px)
3MB, 1920x1080px
Could I get this image in 1080p with Shinon on the right side with a black background?
File: new.png (475KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
475KB, 1920x1080px
That is perfect. Thanks.

You even kept the speech bubble. That's a nice touch.
File: 1457198582666.jpg (2MB, 1865x1300px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1865x1300px
All I need is for someone to remove all text on this picture, just to clean it up. The "blurred" red text directly below the white haired dude can stay. Hope it's not too much work.

can someone make this to a good wallpaper? 1920x1080?
Summer time is coming! Need moa ecchi beach - summer wallpapers
3840x2160? If not, 1920x1080 would be fine too!
remove text please
This is not a thread for requesting wallpapers.

If you have a specific idea/modification that you would like someone to make then feel free to request it. For example, >>1893683 is a valid request, even if it's a bit sparse on details, but a general request for 'more of this' should go somewhere else.

If you just want ___ theme wallpapers you'd be better off making a separate thread or searching the catalog to see if other threads like that already exist.
File: 0049-save1.png (418KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
418KB, 1920x1080px
talk about doing bare minimum

not OR either
it's that or nothing.
Can someone make this 1920x1080? NSFW warning https://a.uguu.se/vzpeyd.jpg
File: demon.jpg (225KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
225KB, 1920x1080px
is it good?
>3840x2160? If not, 1920x1080 would be fine too!
Read first
>Summer time is coming! Need moa ecchi beach - summer wallpapers
Please understand the point I was trying to get across first.
i understand but, you said like he only said "i need moar like this"
File: 00000189.jpg (843KB, 1913x957px) Image search: [Google]
843KB, 1913x957px
Big request for a detext.
The way I interpreted it, he was asking for more wallpapers at the specified resolution. Now I look back I can see how he might be (and probably was) requesting to have the image he posted turned into a wallpaper of that resolution.

Sorry for the confusion.
Requester here: I meant it like i need more beach wallpapers, so i would like some one to edit that picture into a wallpaper of the named sizes. Sorry for no proper writing
can someone render the ritz?
I'll give this a shot when I get home
Way too much noise for my taste, hopefully someone else with more patience than me will pick this one up.
File: Screenshot (3).png (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
Screenshot (3).png
2MB, 1920x1080px
Could someone please make a high quality version of this? (without the text and transparent background if possible)
It's very unlikely that this will get done, try looking for a higher quality (Blu-ray) torrent of the episode and taking a screenshot directly without any subtitles. Then it should be a simple detext and maybe denoise/clean up job.

this is such a fucking troll request

you didn't even wait for the video controls to fade out
Ok I will try

Because it doesn't fade out -_-
File: p_1.png (204KB, 1952x1924px) Image search: [Google]
204KB, 1952x1924px
Can someone help me get this guy cleaned up? I went through the anus of Vector Magic and now his right side doesn't look quite right.
File: RAIDEN.jpg (409KB, 976x962px) Image search: [Google]
409KB, 976x962px

for reference this is the image I stole his mugshot from
File: 55522380_p0.jpg (770KB, 2500x2031px) Image search: [Google]
770KB, 2500x2031px
Could I get a render of this image please
File: 5234235234.png (258KB, 1952x1924px) Image search: [Google]
258KB, 1952x1924px

i tried fixing it more myself

eh whatever
File: 1457217934481.jpg (1MB, 1240x1754px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1240x1754px
Can I get a render of the girl with the Christmas outfit on?

Preferably with and without the white outline, but either is fine if both is too much work.
File: Untitled2.png (1MB, 989x1354px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 989x1354px
no lines
File: Untitled.png (1MB, 989x1354px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 989x1354px
looks great but for some reason its coming up as 1280x720 on imgur
Wow that's my bad, I guess I got the sizes mixed up with another mod I was working on.
File: Shinobu Sidewalk.png (3MB, 1920x1200px) Image search: [Google]
Shinobu Sidewalk.png
3MB, 1920x1200px
Would Someone Edit out Shinobu from this image?
File: Berserk_v22c03p071.jpg (176KB, 746x1100px) Image search: [Google]
176KB, 746x1100px
Repost a request I asked in /wg/ before I was sent here. (which is stupid, fuck you stupid anon / mod / whatever you are)

Could you :
>Put the two faces at the same level ?
>Erase the written text and the dots
>1080x1920 (or bigger if the image allows it)

Make it seem more of a wallpaper than a manga page, to sum it up.

Thanks in advance, you ps gods.
File: 1456639923947.jpg (702KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
702KB, 1920x1080px
can someone please get
awesome! thanks
File: lum_by_kuvshinov_ilya-d9u74rm.jpg (922KB, 1080x1080px) Image search: [Google]
922KB, 1080x1080px
turn this into a 1920x1080 wallpaper please

Looks great thanks!
Can help me.
File: 25277a.jpg (843KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
843KB, 1920x1080px
Thanks looks great, could you make a version where she's more to the right as well please?
File: Ritsu.png (948KB, 1437x954px)
948KB, 1437x954px
File: 25277b.jpg (824KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
824KB, 1920x1080px
File: 1457255421786.png (851KB, 746x1100px)
851KB, 746x1100px
They sent you here merely because this would be the place to go for anime papes, but no one really cares. They did, however, do everything except for making it more of a wallpaper which I understand because there's not much to go on.
Couple questions. Only the girls, did you want the speech bubble as well, and did you want the shadow kept?
File: Ubrella Girl.png (3MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
Ubrella Girl.png
3MB, 1920x1080px
Here you go, hope you like it
Bump my request sorry

Omg yes! You rock anon
File: 554379.jpg (384KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
384KB, 1920x1080px
Can remove the qirte righ
File: Sale.png (3MB, 2500x2031px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 2500x2031px
Then there's without the speech bubble and no shadow: https://imgur.com/a/Wgtwx
thanks man!
Disregard this: >>1893981
I noticed some stuff I missed, fixed them, and uploaded the new pics to the album: https://imgur.com/a/Wgtwx
First time requester here. Can I get this extended to the left in 3243x1824? I would also like the background a really dark purple or blue whichever might look best to the person who takes this request. And if I could get a render of this image as it is now I would be very appreciative. If I need to clear anything up just let me know.
File: sayacoffeepour.png (3MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1920x1080px
I'd like this without the text.
I'd like it more with better quality, or with less grain, or whatever, but this is the best I could get.
Thanks in advance babes.
Nice, thank you!
File: C8B.jpg (367KB, 1920x1080px)
367KB, 1920x1080px
Thanks anon this is perfect.
Not the OR but, if you didn't find the image-without-girl online,
I'd like to know how you did this!

Looks seamless. No trace of cloning or repetition.
Thanks so much for this anon. Hmm I can't help but feel it may be better with lighter shades of purple and blue. If you wouldn't mind giving it another shot that is. Also I saw that you uploaded the picture in a smaller filesize. Just wanted to know why.
Take a look at the girl's hair (on the left, the white spots). You can clearly see that it's a poor render. Not saying that it wouldn't be possible to recreate the stones but it would need some considerable redrawing skills.

File: Cutie.png (2MB, 3840x2160px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 3840x2160px
I'd like a fitting background for this image, anything really, let your imagination flow, either in 4k or 1080p.
Could someone render this please?
Text doesn't matter.
Thanks a bunch anon.

Thanks, really cool. I'll resize Guts head myself and make it a nice wallpaper. Thank you !

That's totally my point, no one really care, I more a /wg/ guy myself and I just asked for a request. There was no point telling me off.
But anyway nobody cares about it and I don't care that much, it was stupid; senpai
Oh, so the background was there _before_ the girl was added.
The paving (when I thought it was new) was giving me an inferiority-complex.
The two wallpapers are the size you requested and the render is this size to fit it exactly
File: 1456101168574.jpg (517KB, 807x1118px)
517KB, 807x1118px
Can someone make this 1920X1080 keeping Rider centered and, if possible, finish her head?
nice, pleas someone make this a wallpaper for me 1920x1008. image centered thanks.
File: white image].jpg (225KB, 1920x1080px)
white image].jpg
225KB, 1920x1080px
File: 3412365123432.png (1MB, 1920x1080px)
1MB, 1920x1080px
Could someone finish the little piece of her hair on the right side? I've got a couple more little things like this that I suck at if someone doesn't mind doing those for me as well. I'll post them after this one.
File: 6251563244.png (1MB, 1920x1080px)
1MB, 1920x1080px
The bit of shadow near her foot
Yeah the ones with the colors are exactly the size i wanted. I was just wondering if they would look a bit better with lighter shades, but they look fantastic as is. And aren't renders usually in png format? And the white background behind her is still visible. I thought with renders the background became transparent
File: a5856c92588bbce56fad2c668b300b93.jpg (256KB, 2200x640px) Image search: [Google]
256KB, 2200x640px
Can someone make this 1920x1080 while centering the picture on a black background? Thanks in advance.
Can I get Alita rendered, centered and put on a slightly off white 1920x1080 background, please?
File: DGsqb23.jpg (734KB, 2804x2048px) Image search: [Google]
734KB, 2804x2048px
Detext request. Thanks!
File: 1894262.jpg (156KB, 1920x1080px)
156KB, 1920x1080px
File: 1894264.png (464KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
464KB, 1920x1080px

Nice, thanks!
please help me in center it puden
focus type
File: 1456180819554.png (794KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
794KB, 1280x720px
remover the letters if possible
Am i missing something? Where are the letters? lmao
File: vvcaSyt.jpg (90KB, 1366x768px)
90KB, 1366x768px
Can some one make this into 1600x900 please.
File: 0052-save1.png (1MB, 1600x900px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1600x900px
File: 1456810403637.png (675KB, 1920x1200px)
675KB, 1920x1200px
Can I get this in 1024x1280. Thanks.
File: 1457223770207.png (778KB, 2701x1600px) Image search: [Google]
778KB, 2701x1600px
can someone make this 1920x1080
File: 0054-save1.png (540KB, 1024x1280px) Image search: [Google]
540KB, 1024x1280px
File: 0055-save1.png (301KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
301KB, 1920x1080px
File: nep.png (2MB, 1920x1200px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1200px
Can someone remove the text?
File: 026b833ddb22535a7423d9bf51cdff96.jpg (298KB, 1280x905px) Image search: [Google]
298KB, 1280x905px
stratching this till 1920x1080 without bluring the fuck out of it?
File: 0056-save1.png (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
here is ur bea
File: 2583.wp.jpg (1MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1920x1080px
File: 782.png (3MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1920x1080px
thanks, now i have ma waifu on dekstop <3
File: DUx4VD3.png (3MB, 3840x2160px)
3MB, 3840x2160px
Could i get a render of her?
File: NicoPicnicMinimal.png (152KB, 1920x1080px)
152KB, 1920x1080px
Could an anon change the color of her Glasses and jacket to a dark blue?
And could you also make the background a brighter blue than it already is (not neon bright please)
File: firstrequest.png (4MB, 2480x1753px)
4MB, 2480x1753px
Hello all first requester here. I would like to know if someone would make this wallpaper 1920x1080 for me, if it cant be done without stretching or something I'm not aware of I'm sorry, just not done this sort of thing for myself before, which makes me think it's awesome you guys do this for ppl...anyways thanks!
Render please?
File: 0057-save1.png (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
like this?
Could I get a render of this?
File: 1457007156009.jpg (677KB, 1920x1080px)
677KB, 1920x1080px
my hero
File: onepiece.jpg (297KB, 1920x1080px)
297KB, 1920x1080px
Could I get a render of the girl please?
Thank you kindly.
Could some people dump a few good Cowboy Bebop papes ? I'm having trouble finding some in good resolutions. Thanks!
Not OR but, what's kek about that request?
Sorry haven't been here for long if this is a dumb question.
File: Gasai.Yuno.full.898294.jpg (2MB, 1181x1500px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1181x1500px
can someone turn this 1920x1080 please?
File: Minimal Blue.png (168KB, 1920x1080px)
Minimal Blue.png
168KB, 1920x1080px
File: Minimal Render.png (190KB, 896x1080px) Image search: [Google]
Minimal Render.png
190KB, 896x1080px
Didn't see this request.
can someone remove text and make into a 1920x1080 wallpaper please
File: 1235432.jpg (562KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
562KB, 1920x1080px
File: Esdeath.png (2MB, 1560x2160px)
2MB, 1560x2160px
Whoever rendered her before putting her on that BG gave zero shits lol.
Thanks, would it be possible to make the whole background like the dotted part?
File: Techno 1920.png (2MB, 1920x1080px)
Techno 1920.png
2MB, 1920x1080px
This's as close as I'm gonna get it tonight.
Idk what you were doing, but it's often times neater to cut the subject out and put them on a new BG
Thank you anon
File: amuro.png (4MB, 1804x2560px)
4MB, 1804x2560px
Is there a good way to double the resolution of this? I used waifu2x with medium noise reduction and it worked well, but it has a resolution limit of 2560x2560, and I want to double it once more.
File: download.jpg (189KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
189KB, 1920x1080px
Could an anon please remove the text and lines?
File: 1447711245663.jpg (1MB, 1920x1200px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1920x1200px
Yea i know, shes my most recent obsession,

Could i get a render of her, please?
New Thread:

I'm not sure how the anon upscaled it here >>1894651 but I used waifu2x, decide for yourself which you like better.
great thanks
I think i saved it in PNG but i dont now if imgur has converted it to anything
File: 1457378583989.png (1MB, 1920x1200px)
1MB, 1920x1200px
Could someone put this on a nice neutral background and make it 1920x1080? Maybe like gray or gradient or whatever looks best.
It was in jpg format when i saved it
File: 1b7c761fbb5932e76119265630a36b41.jpg (385KB, 1124x1600px) Image search: [Google]
385KB, 1124x1600px
Could someone remove the text? Thanks
File: 1457446358792.jpg (139KB, 1920x1080px)
139KB, 1920x1080px
I tried
Thread posts: 334
Thread images: 189

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