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Eevee Friday /ef/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 214
Thread images: 151

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Who order the special salad edition
Looks more like a physical salad to me
Would salad enjoy mulch?
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Wise guys huh you two would make a fine addition to my mindslave horde
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I wanna dress that salad
These stats are great. Too bad they were given to a useless pokemon.
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Leafeon (2).gif
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>bullying the innocent and adorable salad
heartless monster
>green dressing
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I still wanna bury my face in that Sylveon
Which eevee has the nicest butt? We should line them up and compare.
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Reminder that ice dog is pure
pure garbage
Probably Vaporeon, it has the biggest, thickest tail
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I respectfully disagree
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S-sorry, I just wanted a taste. Is it taboo to lick there or something?
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I'm posting it again.png
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>Tfw this doesn't look like cringe material anymore
Have I been here too long?
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You should not lick a Glaceon because your tongue might get stuck.
What a Madman!
Absolute madman!
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leafeon bullied.jpg
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Another salad
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flareon cute.jpg
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Funny thing, Flareon probably has the most pictures of it engaging in actual pokemon battles, yet it's the worst at battling out of all the eevees.
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Good trips
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He tries so hard, and gets so far.
In the end it doesn't even matter.
He has to faint, to lose it all.
In the end, it doesn't even matter.
He put his trust in you, pushed as far as he could go. For all this, there's only one thing you should know.
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What did I miss?
A barely lewd Glaceon rear
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Shit forgot to rename this as "Ieattoomanypizza.jpg"
Why is /vp/ so prude?
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Give thanks to the person who likes Furret.
You are going to summon the "NO FLUFF" Poster.
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Vaporeon is for cute
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Vaporeon is for huge
Does the people feel the fish essence in the air?
They're gonna feel something when she steps on them
Muh dick
or when shesits on them
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Damn hot
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No! Only Umbreon is for bullying!
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Eevee family.png
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Anybody remember this?
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after she sits on them, those who survive the initial crush will definately smell something fishy. Then the flood of sticky fluids will begin and thousands of innocent and crippled city dwellers will be scooped up into the wet slopping nethers of the beast.Those few remaining survivors will then suddenly feel something again as she begins scooching front and back in joy as the kidnapped denizens of hernethers begin pleasuring her in their struggles to get oxygen and not be pulverized in a massive vagoo.
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Because it was me! Sylveonposter all along!
How many Macro Poster there is in every ef? Including me of course
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Well there is me as well however I try to keep it limited so we don't eat up the whole thread.
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Friday's barely started and the thread's already a trainwreck.
Brother in arms then. Nusasame's latest Giant Eevee was a Glaceon i'm right?
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No idea, I don't keep up with these things
Then post Eevee's to counter it you silly billy.
Quite frankly I'd rather not post at all when you're around.
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That is rather difficult considering how I am always lurking/monitoring /vp/ for various reasons, however I respect your opinion regardless.
Hence why I stated "I try to keep Macro autism semi contained to a few posts." When it comes to Sylveon shitposting however, this is something I simply cannot change due to my nature as a shitposter, and as a denizen of the internet.
Sylveon is the best Eevelution anyways
How about you just shitpost with sylveon and not the fetish crap.
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My african brother
Because its fun to bully anons online into getting boners, and its also fun to bully anons online into getting butthurt, both of which make me incredibly happy.
Fine, then I'll start shitposting my fetish then.
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Hurricane Harvey Edition
I remember you posting shit like this a lot in the earliest /ef/ threads, at least you stopped after a while unlike >>33382782 who's been shitting up these threads for months.
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To be fair, I've also been creating and maintaining these threads for months.
Maintaining them is a group effort, and literally anybody can create one. It doesn't excuse treating it as your furfag playground.
Posting the same shit over an over is just going to make everyone hate it more, so you gotta take a break from time to time.
unless it's hotdog head
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There's not much that can be done about it outside of moderation stepping in; I've already said it before, I try to keep my autism to a happy medium so it doesn't consume the thread. If I wanted to let it overrun I easily can. However I unironically enjoy /ef/ so I don't.

By responding to me, and making more of a fuss about it than it really needs to be, you are furthering the issue and expanding on it.

As a shitposter, it is in my very nature to continue to bait, and make you angry; as a poster of this Ugandian Basket Weaving BBS, specifically the /safari/ board, your job is to "Ignore, sage, and report."

I can't really be outsted, nor can I really ever be truly rid of, however by not giving me attention you lessen the actual symptoms to one or three shitposts, vs an argument of complaints regarding those shitposts that turn into 20-30 replies.
I'm only posting my opinion because reporting doesn't do shit and ignoring cancer only encourages it to grow. The only other thing I can do is not contribute to shitty threads, which I do anyway. But good for you for being so proud of your shitposting, though. It's a shame I can't report someone for being a sorry excuse of a human being.
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>is told that shitposter would bait
>takes the bait anyway
>I won't contribute to shitty threads
>Contributes opinion that only further shits up the thread
>It's a shame I can't report someone for being a sorry excuse of a human being.
God you are fucking stupid, people like you are exactly why people like me exist and flourish. When you make posts like these, it like pulling down your underpants and saying "Fuck me right in my ass".
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Fighting type Eevee when?
If there ever is one, I hope it's called Swoleon.
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Why is this macro facesit shit ok but someone posts a butt and it's deleted?
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Because of /vp/ rule 2.

"No furry content."

You see, when a picture exists to be solely sexual or to give sexual pleasure, it breaks /vp/ #2. When a picture is not sexually designed, however is relatively fetishistic then it's fine. Examples of this are "Non obvious tickling, Safe/Innocent Macro stuff, Implied stuff etc."

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it breaks the rules, if you know what the fetish is behind the posting then you are no better than the people who get off to it, or post it are.
I feel like this is following the letter of the rule rather than the spirit of it.
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How would you deal with this grey line rule if not by the letter?

This question goes out to all current lurkers.
Treat it the same as the "no loli" part of global rule 3.
no nipples or vag = ok
I thought furry means anthro.
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Not quite.

There are various levels of furry, and the one applied here is
"Does it mean to sexually turn on the user?" If so, then yes, it's furry. /vp/ is surprisingly conversative when to this.

The tier is as follows:
1. Not Furry (Pokegirls/Trainers)
2. Slightly Anthro (Gajinkas, cosplay)
3. Anthro (Banned for /vp/ 2)
4. Furry (Regular Pokemon posting, if non sexual then no /vp/ 2, if sexual then /vp/ 2.)
5. Dangerously Cheesy (Bui/Slugfucker tier)

It's pretty much "Soft Kink and fetish is allowed, Hard Fetish is not; what that constitutes is up to your own risk and knowledge by lurking and participating."
So if someone posts a picture of Ghost Loli swallowing tiny trainers and showing an internal shot of her stomach digesting them alive; you wouldn't consider deleting that?
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>thread is for dumping cute pictures of pokeymen and arbitrary discussion related to said pokeymen
>instead it's just a bunch of spergy shitposting and people discussing topics that aren't supposed to be discussed

Can't we talk about how cute Leafeon is instead? Because Leafeon is cute, CUTE! Pic related should've been it's shiny!
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am I pretty.jpg
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So is this furry?
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I honestly don't see whats wrong with it so no.
But again that's a charizard in an eevee thread so it may mysteriously go missing.
Salad cat of calm and order.
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shiny eeveelutions.jpg
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>Leafeon is cute, CUTE!
I agree
>Pic related should've been it's shiny!
I also agree
I always hate it when a Pokemon's shiny looks just like the normal color scheme. Flareon and Glaceon have the same problem.
So what games have eevee as a starter? I know conquest is one, are there any more?
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>So if someone posts a picture of Ghost Loli swallowing tiny trainers and showing an internal shot of her stomach digesting them alive; you wouldn't consider deleting that?
Depends on how grotesque it is. If it's nasty enough it could get deleted for guro.
XD has an Eevee starter, and Colosseum gives you Espeon and Umbreon as starters.
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You are wrong.
Posting that sort of thing is considered "hard fetish" and is unacceptable on blue boards.
On most liberal blue boards (co, a, horse, s4s) soft vore (aka mouth play/swallowing) can be permitted, however on more conservative blue boards (/vp/, /jp/ /c/) even soft vore is a no. The most you can get away with is "Implied vore."
That's bullshit, all the blue boards should follow the same guidelines.
Sounds like personal autism. Just don't post that shit period.
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There is always the argument of "differing board cultures and the inverses of it."

You see, a board like /horse/ is a little bit more leniant on this sort of thing mostly because "the worse of /horse/ have migrated elsewhere, or have become cemented into the board's culture itself."

Here, our inverse culture is quite terrifying and truly something special; if /vp/ gives an inch into being more leniant, then we inversely give into our inverse culture.

As we've seen from our recent Buistorm, our inverse culture is something that shouldn't be validated or given credit to whatsoever.

>t. "I don't like the fetish whatsoever so it should be regardless."
This is why you aren't a member of the staff here, and most likely not a staff member anywhere.
>my fetish is ok
>yours isn't.
This is what I'm reading.
Dubs were apart of /v/'s board culture, so why were they banned?
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where my spike dogs at?
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Here you go
I have a lot of fetishes I like but would not allow to be posted.
Something looks weird.
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Its more so of "there are a broader spectrum of fetish and culture verses just black and white, and thus personal judgement based on board culture and board inverse culture is needed"
You can't cart blanche say "I don't like it therefore all forms of it are banned." Likewise you can't say "I like it, so all forms of it are accepted." This isn't the case with obvious things such as Porn and Obvious Fetish on blue boards.

Those were Moot days, and Moot is a fag. Also /v/ /b/ [s4s] and /pol/ are kind of their own special things that are beyond simple analysis.

Which is a good sign of self control; however just because you have a fetish doesn't mean it should be banned for posting all together. There is a spectrum to these things, and as a poster need to figure out where your interests lay on that spectrum.

If you have a tickling fetish and become a member of the staff; don't outright ban tickling fetish threads/posts (unless they are specifically DA/FA tier shit) but also don't overindulge in ticking fetish stuff and push it wherever you go.

I'm a shitposter, so I shove in Sylveon and/or Macro posting wherever I go, this is why I am not staff here.

However you as a regular user would seem to have self control over your interests, and thus have the power to be a proper staff member. Don't hate yourself for what turns you on, but don't be a glutton either. Don't be a cunt, and don't be a faggot essentially.
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No, everything is fine
That's a big Joltik!
The act of posting your fetish in the first place is what makes you a faggot, the intent behind any fetishposting is obvious 99% of the time and that should be factored in when dealing with whether it's allowed, explicit or not. Even the cringe threads, which are supposed to be the designated place for this kind of thing, get routinely deleted because it goes from laughing at autistic art and fetishes to autists circlejerking over their fetishes.
And what's with this mentality you have, this "I'm a shitposter so I'm supposed to post my fetish everywhere" thing? Being a self-aware faggot doesn't give you any privileges. If you actually care about making /ef/ a nice weekly thread then act like it.
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Why is Glaceon so lonely?
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- A little metaposting never hurt anyone
- Salad is indeed cute
- Nice shiny
me, though I only occasionally visit these threads
>reporting doesn't do shit
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Metaposting is actually very dangerous and could get people killed. Trust me, I'm a certified professional.
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A licensed imageboard sociologist in our little Eevee thread, what an honor
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>stuck to the butt
Anybody here order a lifesize eeveelution plush?
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One kek later...
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Hot off the presses
Aka the drawthread
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21st was the Espeon day, and all of you missed the thread.
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espeon sucks anyway
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Sorry, I saw it but didn't post anything since I figured there'd been enough Eevee threads this week anyway. You can always post Espeon here, after all.
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I wouldnt mind being sucked on by an Espeon
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Thanks for reminding me that Glaceon Day is next week
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when is Sylveon day?
trick question, it's everyday.
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In such case, it's surprisingly intertwining with Espeon day!
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The non-trick answer is half a year from now.
Given the nature of /vp/ I am going to wager that is not what most of them had in mind when they say they would like to "eat out" leafeon.
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>ever wasting your eevee by turning it into trasheon
sick meme
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>tfw no Jolteon to use as a body pillow
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who /backatuni/ here?
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>you will never ride in a giant bubble
why even live?
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Mega Eeveelutions when?
>you will never ride Vaporeon
why even live?
I'd be too heavy at my size
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Eat less garbage and move more, if you do that you'll inevitably lose weight and find yourself able to fulfill your dream of riding a completely fictional cartoon animal

You can trust me, I'm a doctor
Sounds like you need a bigger Vaporeon, or a smaller you.
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Wishing to exploit a poor animal instead of wishing to become one...
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What if I want the animal to exploit me?
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They are already exploiting you since you give it free room and board.
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salad is bae
they're almost too cute
Did someone say GREEN SHINIES
>your pet has mold
wash your jolteon jeez
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Now, why can I be hugged by a Jolteon?
I'm sure it wouldn't hurt... not much anyway.
It's spiky and electric, how could that possible be painful?
Nope, I don't see how it could be painful
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>you will never taste Leafeon's paws
why even live?
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Sorry, but it can do that just fine on its own
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That's gross, dude
yeah, I know, I know, I'm a degenerate

but the thought of having their paws in my mouth while they blush and cutely look away embarrassed just makes my world
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>you will never ride Sylveon
just end it now familams
What if you became mentally merged with your Espeon because of a telepathy mishap?
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That merge is the closest to Espeon that you can get...
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I wouldnt mind getting my tongue stuck to a Glaceon's paw after curiously licking it
Image limit reached and I haven't even gotten asleep...
Go to sleep, anon
>tfw no naturally tea leaf scented Leafeon that I could cuddle with and smell all day
I wish I could cuddle with Leafeon too :c
But I still had pictures of eevees to post...
I hate Eevee and its evolutions
Be a lover, not a hater.
Thread posts: 214
Thread images: 151

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