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Why does DeSmuME have such an anti-Pokemon bias?

How hold is that anyways? Those games have worked on Desmume for years.
Most likely because of 12 year olds shitting things up because they want pokemon for free. That'd make anyone bitter
They created the emulator with the intention of making it as accurate as possible for all of the DS library.
If I'm not mistaken fans following the project only interested in the pokemon games kept asking that they solved compatibilities and bugs, and they got fed up with how popular pokemon games are when the DS has a huge amount of titles to offer.

>stop asking about pokemon, you fucking casuals, it's shit and we care more about the other DS games so fuck you!!
It was literally a baby with elitist tones.
I mean, they're right that the DS has fantastic games beyond pokemon, but their behavior was pretty pathetic.
Huh? I haven't tried BW, but DPPt and HGSS do work.
Granted, they are horribly slow, but it's playable.
The only slow part for me are the intro screens of BW1 and 2; the sound is horrible. Are you using the last version with the dynamic recompiler?
LOL are you kidding me, DP Platinum HGSS BW BW2 all of them worked perfectly since 3-4 years ago.
desmume ran smoothly on all gen 4-5 games
heck, even the pal park and wifi worked
I don't get it. Outside of a few graphical issues from time to time, and that Sacred Gold/Storm Silver doesn't start with glitches enabled from time to time, I played the Pokemon games just fine, even on full throttle.
So DeSmuME being bad for Pokemon is just a meme being pushed on Reddit and /emugen/?

Because they seem to believe that MelonDS and/or Medusa is going to save DS emulation and make Pokemon work correctly.
Oh yes, there's the sound problem too. I usually just ended up muting it. Loses the experience, but it's at least less grating on the ear.

>Are you using the last version with the dynamic recompiler?
I am, but the last time I use DeSmuME to play Pokemon is around 0.9.9 release, I think? If the speed is fixed, I might try running it again.
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All of them are working perfectly
Nowadays it's 0.9.11, but I think no important changes were made in the last two versions, so it's about the same.

Personally, the game slows down when there's some 3D scene (like the choosing screen), but that's probably because I have a toaster.
The sound it's ok most of the time except in a few scenes where you can barely hear a bit of "noise".
Protip, whenever I had a problem with the sound or the color it was always a compatibility issue with the game and the 3D renderer, and changing it in the 3D settings solved those problems for me.
Some people claim that WiFi support in Desmume was sabotaged

I'd believe it,emulation scene causes alot of butthurt to both developers and followers
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>play in x1
>screen is too tiny to play emulating it
>play in x2
>everything feels too jaggy
Anybody bothered by this too?

>inb4 use degenerate filters
>I want to play the game how it was made but I hate how it looks!
No, I don't have autism.
>I don't have autism
Then what the fuck are you doing in here?
Pretty much this, but in my case there was graphical bug in HGSS since the League.
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>mfw just finished Pokemon Moon on Citra
>mfw played all of the pokemon games on Desmume

The only one i still need to play is the last Ranger game since that one becomes slower and slower through gameplay, but other than that they were all fun, especially if you get romhacks
How did pokemon moon run?

I use a toaster and couldnt run FE awakening properly on it(way too much lag). What about SM?
HGSS are still glitchy, other shit is fine

You need a good cpu in order to play Pokemon. In the overworld i had around 15 to 20 fps, but when inside building it would get constant 30 fps which is the proper speed for it. The game crash right when you beat the elite four because of missing archive
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So glad DS emulation is about to pick up again, it's time to abandon this piece of shit.

If you want Pokemon, might i suggest Drastic.
So, the game is 30 fps max? And crashes after finishing, no you can't access postgame content?

Welp, I guess i'll just sob into my pillow as I wait for USUM to release before trying to emulate it as pathetically as I can
Demsume is bad all around.

Good Emulator.

There's a way to get the missing archive, but I'm too lazy to continue right now

the game is indeed 30fps max, you can always speed things up by allowing it to go beyond that, but it will just be a mess with all the speed
what about battles?
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desmume is a meme
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Some reasons why desmume sucks:

1) There was someone named zeromus who rose through the ranks of contributors and took over the project leadership. With this development, the code became more of a clusterfuck.

2) As you already should know by now, zeromus HATES Pokemon with an undying passion. Even in unrelated bug reports about wrong save format, he says "Are you sure you weren't playing cheats and hacks of Pokemon games?"

3) Wi-Fi DS technology is two things: local (between 2 DS) and online (between a DS and the Internet). He forced all development on local Wi-Fi on a branch called EXPERIMENTAL_WIFI not allowed in any public builds, and which he would sabotage constantly either with messing up the timing emulation or more direct stealth removal of variable names to break stuff up. By the way the poor bloke working on it just called it quits and later developed melonDS from scratch (which desmume still tried to steal fixes from). Against all odds, despite all the sabotage, the more easier to develop online part was developed and made it to the 0.9.7 version. He then removed it AND the local Wifi work and made up a threat from Nintendo he latter admitted to be bogus to justify the decision. Some unofficial builds exist for the online, and he continued defaming them later as illegal and suspicious.

The reason? Local and online Wi-Fi is used for Pokemon. Which brings us to reason 4...

4) He refuses to fix any bugs appearing in Pokemon specifically. Some graphical bugs were rejected just because of that.
Some features completely unimplemented b/c Pokemon:

- Local/online Wi-Fi : used for Pokemon trading
- DSi mode : used for memory enhancements in Pkmn B2W2
- Bluetooth Keyboard : b/c Pokemon Typing. Which also shows one failing on desmume's save system emulation he refuses to fix just b/c it's in that game

To Be Continued

5) the emulator sucks. Slow, buggy and inaccurate.

Some like to suck its d**k and say, "but that's because it's accurate! That's the price to pay for excellence you bastard" but many of these just want to promote it over no$gba and drastic (which they hate for being paid, or proprietary, etc)

In fact EMULATING THE EMULATOR THAT'S ON ANDROID is FASTER than desmume. (Apparently their solution is to mow more lawns to get alienware for desmume specifically, more demanding than fucking dolphin). Recent versions 0.9.11 of desmume had people try to add a faster recompiler and they too got sabotaged until their fork was more popular than the official and then he included it.

He did something similar with the high resolution fork some Japanese guy did (and even added some fixes for faster emulation!), and waited two years until no one was using the official one anymore and EVEN NINTENDO added upscaling to the bare bones DS Virtual Console on WiiU.

It's full with bugs related to timing, 3D, graphics, for which there's no real incentive to fix even when there's actual contributors willing to put in the work. And when they do they're treated abrasively all the way through only for him to take credit for the late addition. He's a piece of work.

More and more contributors realize the code base is beyond hope even for forks so many started their own emulators and they already fixed bugs desmume left in for years.
>game looks shitty when magnified beyond it's original resolution
>I don't want to use filters to make it look not shitty

I bet you drink beer for the taste.
I believe everything here except the claim emulating android is faster then Desmume.

These emulators can barely handle actual mobile games, I doubt they'd be able to handle an emulating an emulator.
Try it. I'm dead serious. It's that bad.
Desmume doesn't run well because it's shit. Meanwhile drastic can run DSgames properly at double speed on a smartphone, emulating an android environment for it doesn't hurt it enough to make it as slow as desmume.
I'll try it, but given I get like 20 FPS in Heroes and 10 in Grand Order, but I can get about 90 in Desmume, I'm still doubting it.
trying to figure out how to import a save in this, I have it up and running with every game in my library.
so what's the best DS emulator out there then?
I used no$gba for a while
Drastic, it's a paid app for smart phones, but it runs better than most if not all of the regular emulators.
And which is best from the free ones?
>Not just using Drastic
>And crashes after finishing, no you can't access postgame content?

You have to beat the E4 with at least three nicknamed pokemon, but not more than five, in your party.


As for speed, outside overworld will lag, but not terribly. Indoors and selection screens are nearly max speed, single battles will lag less than outside but worse than indoors, try to avoid doubles as much as you can, they run the worst. If you remove the framerate limit in Configure, selection screens will run crazy fast.
WinDS pro comes with a bunch of good DS emulators, so that's your best pick, since you can try all of them and see with one you like the best.
Or you could download a pirate copy of Drastic and play for free, though most of the times it won't let you do save states, but that's only there if you wanna cheat.
You got it wrong. MelonDS and Medusa will save the NDS Emulation Scene by implementing the features that Desmume and/or NO$GBA don't, not because of anything related to Pokemon.

Ironically and in fact, MelonDS recently got to sucessfully do a trade between 2 instances of itself.
You don't?
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>Granted, they are horribly slow
How? Even my phone's desmume port can run at 200% and my computer can run upwards 400%.
I blame it on my secondhand toaster.
That, or I have the setting wrong somewhere.
Read and apply this: http://wiki.desmume.org/index.php?title=Faq#DeSmuME_runs_too_slow.21
If you can't get at least 100% speed I'd be v. surprised.
Sounds like they are not anti-Pokemon. Instead sounds like they are against DS Pokemon fans who ask stupid questions. I don't blame them, DS Pokemon games have a shitty fanbase. If they can't follow simple directions then I would take their same attitude. It's like the kid in class always asking the same question. Fuck off.
I wanted to emulate platinum on my linux laptop but there's black dots everywhere in the overworld so it put me off.
Times change and so do CPUs, they get better and with time moving on, modern CPUs get to move easily emulators that were problematic to older CPUs. Compare on your own PC Desmume's uncapped speed to NO$GBA's and you'll see that Desmume still has some road to go to achieve solid performance.
I personally can't run Desmume on my PC. Granted, the single threaded performance of my shitty CPU is on pair with a C2Q Q6600's.
>And crashes after finishing, no you can't access postgame content?
At least you're not missing out anything.
You have to be at least 18 to browse this site.
I got Platinum working fine on my Galaxy S8+
Does it emulate local multiplayer allowing you to trade with a physical DS?
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There's a build of DeSmuME out there that increases the rendering resolution for 3D games. I don't know how recent the build is, though.



I remember him, he's the creator of BlargSNES. He's not talking out of his ass, in other words.
Used them since 2012, all ds pokemon games work. From Diamond until B2W2, even the mystery dungeon games all work.
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>Not paying for drastic emulator on your Android

You're either poor, or an apple fag.
Because it's worth it.
So is there a way to play XY or SM on Android? If not, why are about PC?

buy a 3ds faggot
That explains why people were implying it ran better on their phone.

All I got is an i5 4690k and can run Desmume without a problem whatsoever.

I guess the real issue is people need to stop using toasters then wondering why they're having problems.
Do people really play anything but Pokemon on their handhelds?
DeSmuME is dreadful and has a dev team full of faggots. See >>32883005
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I just got it and x2 looks nice enough.Getting playable fps on Pokemon Black.Thanks for this anon.
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I also want to say that this build seems to run better then the official ones but that's a given.Here's a shot of Bloody Platinum.
Isn't this heavy as fuck on the CPU tho?
I really want to give it a try but I'm stuck with a toaster at the moment.
DraStic is amazing for Pokémon games.
That happened to me. Try different renderers in the 3D settings until the overwolrd is fixed.
What's with a bunch of people using toaster anyway?

I honestly thought I was the only one.
But can it give me 4x sizing while smoothing out the lines all while keeping the frames well above solid on Nox or Memu?
No but the experience is way closer to a DS, it runs perfectly smoothly with no bugs and for most roms you have a huge list of cheat codes ready to use. Best 10 dollars I ever spent on vidya.
>its way closer to a DS

So why would I just use my actual DS at that point?

>Best 10 dollars I ever spent

You're telling me it costs money? hard pass.
The price of quality. I spent hundreds of hours on it so the price is almost irrelevant. Also it's different from a DS since you can pause, cheat and use savestates way more easily anon that's the point of an emulator.
Yes but my point was I don't want a close to DS experience. I want high quality processing that comes with playing with them on PC, the ability to use my keyboard or a controller, not some weird touch interface.
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Mine is a piece of shit Toshiba Satellite so I'm sure yours will run it fine.I haven't tested above x2.
If you don't want mobile just say it.
While true, that has nothing to do with what began this in the first place, being the claim "even emulating a phone emulating a DS is better", which means we're talking about Desmume vs either Nox or Memu running this mobile emulator.
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I have 78-82 fps with the normal resolution. with double, it has a small lag but still playable.
Even The Underground works in Desmume. Desmume is GOAT.
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