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tiny tournament

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Thread replies: 170
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Come and discuss here about the current online tournament! Post battle replays, teams, ask and/or give advice, post stories of your battles, etc.

>Current day of competition: 2
>Battles allowed at the time of this thread: 30

>Rules and analysis:

Continued from: >>32827546
Too many fucking kartanas even though my monferno has fire punched me out of all that trouble. But cant people just use regular pokemon instead of always usuing legenday level pokemon. It looks less silly if you lose with regular mons
I'd originally intended to use Kartana myself, along with what I'd need for a sand team. Ended up trying TR instead, so no legendaries/UBs on my team. Currently at 5 wins, 1 loss.
Haven't started battling yet but running a Power of Alchemy Muk next to Explosion Azelf, can't decide on stockpile or minimize for muk for maximum memes.
I was thinking about becoming a part of the problem and getting a Kartana ready, but instead I decided to go outside of my comfort zone and use some mons I've never used before. As it turns out, Comfey and Doublade are pretty damn good.

I lost track of my W/L ratio thanks to the game not recording it, but I think I'm around 10 wins to 5 losses with no legendaries/UBs. That includes the two times I got disconnected, but given how both battles were going I'll give myself the benefit of the doubt.
>Oh no how dare people use good Pokemon in a competition!
If you have issues with Kartana you plain and simply should git gud. Everyone and their mom knew Kartana would be every fucking where. If you didn't prepare to Kartana you deserve to get shat on by it.
Minimize gave me a bit of a headache in one match, but luckily I lowered its accuracy with Muddy Water so it was basically in a state where I could hardly hit it, and it could hardly hit me. But then I used a Z-move since it ignores accuracy, so keep that in mind.
Minimize can fuck people over (and they'll hate your guts, guaranteed), but there are ways around it. Z-moves and Kartana's smart Strike being pretty common.
>I posted this on the old thread but then I saw there was a new one, so sorry for the semi-rant but I needed to put this out.

Oh my... I lost count but I think I've done 18 battles, and lost 5, so 13 wins. Still, I feel depressed as fuck.
I'm stuck around the 1600 mark. I was doing really well actually, winning several in a row, then lost one, the following one too because I couldn't focus after the previous loss, then kept winning and losing alternately until I finally stopped after winning one last match. Kinda weird that one, it was against a guy with more than 1660 points. I thought I was going to lose again, as I lost the previous one, but I actually won, so yeah, there's that. Made me stop for today.
I had some serious tough matches I managed to win, but most of my wins are against weaker teams or inexperienced players, whevener I face something unexpected or that I'm not familiar with, I get fucked cause I don't know how to adapt (Z-Splash Mimikyu, Kecleon, Dual Screens Meowstic).
Other times, I just rush and forget things. There was this one match where I only had Dugtrio with 1 HP, the other guy had Kartana with low HP (in the red I believe) and a Pikachu. I thought "Okay, I'm faster, I think I can win this one after all. But maybe I should Protect just to see what he does. Nah, fuck it, I'm faster". Result: Fuckin' Fake Out from Pikachu, game over. I got beaten my a fuckin' Pikachu because I just can't wait a bit and think.
I shouldn't be so mad about this because I mainly enter these competitions to get the stones but I'm getting more and more interested in competitive playing so I like to try and see how far I can get. And I have much more wins than losses but I still feel like shit because I like Pokémon for almost 18 years and know a lot of shit about it from various aspects of the franchise and it fuckin' bugs me that I'm not better at competitive when I feel like I should be.
I replied in the other thread.
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Guess what my favorite number is
This. I think at least half my team is capable of handling the ebin origami man.
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>mfw I'm getting a lot of fun on this competition no matter if I win or lose

Who more?
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I feel you, anon. I would've had a match against a 1600+ player earlier in the bag if I had my Comfey use Calm Mind while in the middle of their Hawlucha's Sky Drop, but instead I was a retard and thought "Oh, I'll just heal off the impending damage with Synthesis!" I realized the INSTANT after I pressed the button that I fucked up, and sure enough when it got down to the wire my Draining Kiss left their Excadrill with literally 1 or 2 HP, letting it kill the mon I was relying on to remove their Rotom-Wash.


Same here. I had a somewhat shitty end to my Day 1 battles, but all in all it was really fun battling and not having to worry about most of the commonly overused mons.
I saw. Thanks. I just posted again cause I thought no one was going to watch the old thread anymore.
But yeah, just to show how much this affects me, I'm doing the matches and I get to the point of start shaking with anxienty, heart racing and shit.
And you're definitely right about the score thing, I keep worrying too much about the score and that's when I get even more nervous.
Yeah, before even starting each month I'm all nerves. I shouldn't be, because it's not like I'm playing to get into Worlds or anything. But when I'm on the Battle Spot I just kinda crumble until the match actually starts.
>Ohfuckohfuck, I'm really doing this.
>Where's my opponent? I hope I can get to a song I like before he shows up...
>Oh damn, look at that team. I dunno if I can handle that. Is he gonna use that guy? Or this guy?
>Fuck, I hope I chose right.
>Battle starts.
>Nerves gone
>It's just me and his Pokemon, thinking about what he might do and trying to get through each turn as it comes and breaking even
Hardly choose my moves based on what I want to do, but instead choose them based on what I think my opponent will do. Until I get into an advantageous position, at least. Then I just go ham and try to clean up.

Every battle competition I've been in so far my wins have been higher than my losses, so I know I'm not a terrible player. But the nerves just DO NOT go away until the Pokemon hit the field. That's when the uncertainty goes away. I see their opening hand, and can pretty much see right then and there if I'm ahead, about even with them, or if I fucked up and am probably gonna lose. The first turn is the one that matters most.
True. The Team preview part and deciding the leads is so important. I've been facing a lot of Porygon2 and Porygon-Z and I've been able to deal with them reasonably well with Kartana & A-Muk but in the team preview I'm always thinking "Do I send Kartana now with Muk or wait? What if he/she sends another mon which my Kartana can't deal with? But what if he sends the Porygon2/-Z now and sets Trick Room / Z-Conversion and then I can't bring in Kartana safely?".
These mind games kill me.
So, I'm looking at my losses in the PGL site, 3 of them were against mexicans and 1 against a spanish. wtf? I think I hate hispanics now.
On the other hand, I've been doing pretty well against the asians and the americans.
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Wep I'm going twelve-three right now
My Eviolite Scraggy's been putting in very good work along with my Kartana and Alolan Muk. Haven't found much of a use for my Wash Rotom and Chandelure so far though. My Dugtrio has been okay.
My only loss so far started off badly from the get-go because I expected him to have Chandelure in his lead to maybe anti-TR me, so I didn't lead with Escavalier or my own Chandelure. He sent out Kartana like I expected, but his second lead was AMuk. So I had a Fairy and a Water out against his Grass/Steel and Poison/Dark.
Got totally out-predicted every turn from then on, too.
1545 at 12-3? Whaddafuk?
I'm at 5-1 right now and I think I'm higher than that.
I grabbed 18 pokemon from the give away thread but dont know which to play
Ya for some odd reason two of my matches we're turned over because of some wifi issue
I feel the same way, anxiety and everything. It took me until this afternoon to finally start playing because I was so worried about my team and whether it was any good. I eventually just rolled with it, and I've come to realize it has glaring flaws and is generally not a great team, and that just makes me more worried about how I'll do each match.

I know this tourney doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things, but it can still be stressful nonetheless. We're interacting with other people and competing against them; even if it's all in good fun, it's only natural to be nervous about how you'll do when someone else is watching you.

I guess all I can say is, don't worry about what they think or how you'll do. Just remember it's all for fun (and Mega Stones). That's what I've been telling myself to calm my nerves.

By the way, do you happen to remember anything about the person you fought who used the Dual-Screen Meowstic? I'm using one myself and I wonder if that was me, even though that's probably very unlikely considering how many people are in this tourney.
Well ain't that some shitty katma I just lost two battles
Man it really sucks to only have time to do my battles at night, there is barely anyone playing, not even the nips.

Doing pretty well in my first online, more wins than losses so far.

my first time against an innards-out Pyukumuku.

Skip to the last 3-4 turns to see me flip the chessboard over


still won
In the day it's usually underage or nips who actually wanna fight. At night it's mostly porygons
Sorry, buddy. My bad.
Yeah, that might be it. I was never really nervous when playing against passersby in Y's PSS, though. Might be a Battle Spot thing, or the fact that this is actually something I physically signed up for. The latter point might be causing my nerves, where the casual battles in Y didn't.
It's the fact that there is a rating, so losing actually punishes you more than winning due to how the rating formula works. That is, unless you play 300 battles, then you can be at 1900s even if you have a 1.1:1 W/L ratio. Not to mention that if you're overconfident because the stupid system put you against a 1300s player while being 1600+ yourself, and you lose, taking a huge hit to your points (-20 or -30), it hurts your confidence.

Best way to overcome this? Try not to look at their rating and make judgments on that. Always try to make your safest moves so that if something goes wrong, you don't instantly lose. If you're in a situation where you don't know what to do because you saw their rating, then consider more the option of them going for the aggressive play and plan around that.

That or just be a shut in like the nips and play all day, every day. You'll always be at the top of the ladder with that.
If it's 1am on the 24th for me right now, what time does this end?
>shield dust blocks flinch from Fake Out
Welll I guess my Rimbombee isn't dead weight
I think it was the same person who was using the Z-Splash Mimikyu that I mentioned previously? I don't remember much else. I remember not knowing if should target the Mimikyu since I burned it but it was at +3 so it still did a lot of damage or if I should target the Meowstic instead in case it caused more trouble (which it did by setting up both screens).

>Try not to look at their rating and make judgments on that
I started doing this on the last competition and I'm trying to do the same here. Because what sometimes happens is I see someone with a bit lower score and I get a bit more confident and then lose, or I see someone with a much higher score and get worried that it's going to be an auto-loss even though I may still win (like it happened with the guy that had 1660+ points I mentioned).
I'm so curious about their stats that when I miss it because I'm doing something on my laptop while waiting for a match I regret it. Guess I need to break out of that habit and just let their rank go by without looking. Let go.
>relying on Fissure
I had to rely on double Protect. It failed me in a match today, but in a previous competition it absolutely saved my ass.
What are the odds of Protect on repeated uses, anyway?
I've had double protect save my ass a number of times, but I have never seen Fissure hit. Not a single time.
Gets cut in half every time. Me and the other guy did it at the same time and we both missed while losing our mons.
It looks like it divides success rate by 3 in the current gen, according to Bulbapedia. Is that right?
Yeah, got changed in gen 6
tiny bump
How do I see my ranking? Can't battle anymore.
>pull 6 random mons from the bank
>still win 3 of my battles
Well, you can keep going. The higher you get the better opponents you'll face
Nah, I don't care about SM anymore
You can't.
Alot of people must forget that Mold Breaker can break through Mimikyu easily. Excadrill at max Attack OHKO's Mimikyu with Iron Head
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>about to land the winning blow
>"The match has been forfeited"

why do they do that
Alright. I think I'm ~1640 after 30 battles. Lost one battle recently because i got critted two times in a row.
Saves time, that's normal
Diddled several Rotom in a similar fashion.
I like how everyone has been focused on Kartana and Excadrill has been way more threatening this tournament.
Kecleon is so annoying in this, I'm seeing quite a few as I get a higher rating. Never know if it's going to Fake Out, Trick Room, or be a full offensive set with Life Orb.
Faced a Life Orb one. Had no idea how to deal with him and lost that match.
They even said they are demolishing them, and are more pointing out how pathetic it is people are using Kartaba so much

Reading comprehension
Yeah youre one of the weaklings arent you lolol. Ive beat every kartana. And people like you look like dipshits when you lose to someone with no legendaries/UBs. Strategies over stats
if you don't love your pokemon, then did you really win the battle?

think about it
"Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites. I like your style. You understand what's important."
So this is my first tournament and I've been having an absolute blast. I definitely should have tried doing this sooner.

Just curious about ranking my performance. I have already reached the limit for the first 2 days at 30 battles. I forgot to check my ranking before the last battle, but I know it's in the 1600's somewhere.

First day: 10 wins, 5 losses
I was nervous and also inexperienced, so I lost at least a couple that I could have won.

Second day: 11 wins, 4 losses.
I was feeling a lot more confident and made less mistakes. I felt like the battles I did lose were due to bad initial picks and the ensuing matchups. Also, a few unconventional strategies threw me off.

All in all, I am super satisfied with my performance. Like I said, this is my first tournament, and I was enticed due to the unique Pokemon pool. I also never play Doubles, nor do I play online things like Showdown or even Battlespot. I just did a lot of research.

Hope you are having a good time too!
I added Excadrill to my team as an afterthought, completely underestimating the prevalence of Mimikyu. I've seen it on nearly every team I go up against, and they usually lead with it. Still blows me away that nobody seems to switch when it's announced that my Excadrill "broke the mold." Only one I missed oneshotting because it was holding a Focus Sash, which is pretty paranoid considering it's ability.
>I think it was the same person who was using the Z-Splash Mimikyu
Alright, then it wasn't me. I've got a Mimikyu but not a Z-Splash one.

Yeah, I'm one of those people who forgot and lost a Mimikyu for it. At least now I know to be more careful.
Still, it's become apparent that Excadrill hard counters my entire team. I never thought about it when building my team, and that's costing me dearly. I guess I just forgot that it meets the size requirement for the tourney. I always thought it was bigger than 1 meter.
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>toxic misses 3 times in a row

so how do you collect the stones once youve played a few matches? do you have to wait til the tourney is over?
Did 6 more battles a few minutes ago... 4 straight losses! What the fuck's happening?
I'm getting completely outplayed, yesterday I beat every Excadrill I came across but today I'm getting annihilated by it, and since when does Bruxish run Trick Room?
Even the 2 wins I got, I struggled with them and they weren't even that threatening.
I'm considering if I should keep battling or stop for good, I haven't felt this destroyed for some time now and this is not good for my mental health. Fuck.
>pretty paranoid
It's one of the standard Mimikyu sets.
I honestly think you need to try to change your outlook about the whole thing. It's completely understandable to get disheartened by failures, but start trying to treat each loss as motivation instead. Think critically about what you did, and be honest about whether it was related to strategic error or merely bad luck. And I don't just mean RNG luck. Sometimes you're just going to pick the wrong starters, or the entire enemy team completely walls you. That happens to even the best players.

I believe in you, anon. You obviously are passionate about this, and I think you will be better for it if you keep pushing to meet your goals. This advice is easier said than done obviously, but at the end of the day, I think it will eat at you if you give up.
Nah man, I recognize it's all my fault, I'm not saying it was just bad luck. I got outpredicted, I guessed wrong on the opponents' leads, sometimes I just didn't know what to do.
It just feels really bad because it's something I really care about.
I think I'll try a few more battles later today and play to at least learn what to do in certain scenarios.
Take the losses as learning experiences. I doubt you'll fall for the same tricks twice. This tournament was a lot of new ground given the roster, and predictions are difficult in uncharted territory.

Don't be so hard on yourself. It's irritating given how much time one spends both researching and breeding/training your team. Each misplay is an opportunity to learn and improve.
Usually wait like 2-3 weeks, you log in to the PGL to get a code
I have Kartana so that people bring their chandelure which promptly gets eaten alive by mmk, marowak and muk
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>see Jolteon on team preview
>open with Muk and Azumarill
>opponent leads with Murkrow and Jolteon
>switch Az for Excadrill
>Murkrow used Thunder Wave
>Jolteon used Volt Switch
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>try to have fun
>endless cheap shitty strategies
>Rotoms spamming Confuse Ray everywhere
>Muks with Poison Touch and Knock Off everywhere
>Skill Link fuckers everywhere
why the fuck does Cinccino even get Rock Blast and Bullet Seed and shit
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I think Cinccino gets Bullet Seed as a reference to cheek pouches, as if it's storing seeds in its pouches and spitting them out. But I'm not sure chinchillas actually have cheek pouches, so maybe I'm wrong.
As for why it has Rock Blast, I have no idea. I guess the devs just wanted to give it another move to use with Skill Link.
You know what? Fuck this! I'm done with this shit. I'll never sign up for these things again other than to get the stones. I rather keep living in my bubble where I have fun beating the game's NPCs with the mons I like than admit the fact that I'm not as good as I wanted to be and ultimately suck at this.

Regarding cancerous shit, someone actually thought it would be fun to use both Porygon-Z and Porygon2. I want to fucking die.
You sound like my buddy. I keep telling him it's not hard to learn competitive play, and breeding/EV training is easier than ever before. But nope, he won't let me teach him, and still complains that he can't beat me.
No, it's not that. I actually put a team with mostly good mons, all properly EV trained and shit. I just fail to outpredict other players or keep doing stupid misplays.
Oh. Then that just sounds like a bit of inexperience, not knowing what to expect from this mon or that.
I hate giving this advice, but just pop onto smogon now and then and look up what people are doing with their pokes.
How much longer until this ends? I wanna know if I have time to do some more matches tomorrow instead of staying up to do some tonight.
Well, I've reading smogon articles for years now, and for the past year, I've been following PokeaimMD on YT but he's mostly a singles player. I also do prefer singles and from the few times I battled on Showdown, I faired pretty well in that format.
I find Doubles to be much more tricky and complicated. Too much stuff to worry about but it's the format TPCi chooses, so I don't know.
You can play however you like, but remember this if you ever want to complain about this game being too easy.
Nah, I'm not one of those people. See, thing is, I want to have fun with Pokémon but there's a side of me that would like to be good on the competitve aspect of it too. But I recognize I'm not someone who can deal with losing very well, so, between having fun just playing the regular game or trying to be a good competitive battler only to feel depressed everytime I lose, I'll choose the first.

Btw, if I'm not wrong (PGL still hasn't updated with all my battles so far), my W/L ratio is 18/16. Not exactly something to be proud of, specially when I got 5 losses in a row.
I hope you were one of the scum that got chewed to bits in the steel jaws of my shiny excadrill
>steel jaws
anon, it's a drill helmet it literally has no chin
Update: I got completely fucked today. 9 losses and only 6 wins. Azumarill really screws my team and it's all I saw today.

I was in the mid 1600's in rating for a while and I think I finished just at or below that tonight. Kind of a pisser, but I guess I should be satisfied with a 60% win ratio overall (27W/18L) for something I've never done before.
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There's a difference between a challenge and cheap bullshit though. I don't mind losing if I gave it my all and lost legitimately. That just means I need to rethink my strategy, improve, and try again. Cheap bullshit will always be cheap bullshit.
unlike smogon OU or VGC, this particular format is so unique and it was announced only a month ago, so even if you regard a tactic as cheap, there's value on having devised it

The idea of double porygons never crossed my mind, it's fucking diabolical
Same here, I never would have thought of it. It sounds super cool. How did they play them? Both on the field at once?
Wait someone other than me is actually running Bruxish?
Fuck you too, faggot.

>The idea of double porygons never crossed my mind, it's fucking diabolical
I believe these are the best words to describe it.
And yes, the guy led with both. How the fuck is one supposed to counter that? I can usually beat one of them but both? At the same time on the field? It's impossible without losing something important. I lead with A-Muk and Kartana. I beat the Porygon-Z with All-Out Pummeling first to prevent the Z-Conversion and Knock Offed Pory2's Eviolite, but obviously Porygon2 just OHKO my Kartana right away. If I had double targeted Porygon2, then I would still lose my Kartana to Porygon-Z's attack or it would go for the Z-Conversion and sweep my team. And then you realize there's still 2 more mons to face. It's insane.
That's ridiculous. Sometimes you just gotta concede to the OP unconventional strats.

Better question: Knowing what a target Kartana would be this tournament, why didn't you Focus Sash it?
Because Fightinium-Z Kartana is the only way to OHKO those 2. When I face a Porygon-Z, going All-Out Pummeling is enough. If I face a Porygon2, I protect with Kartana and remove Pory's eviolite with Muk's Knock Off, and then I KO it with All-Out Pummeling on the next turn. That or the double target thing I mentioned above if I think they'll go for TR on the first turn.
Also, I already had Focus Sash on Dugtrio.
I haven't ran the calculations. Wouldn't Sacred Sword with an Adamant nature be enough to OHKO those two given the scenarios you mentioned?
To clarify, couldn't an Adamant Sacred Sword alone from a Kartana OHKO a Porygon-Z? Or OHKO a Porygon2 with it's eviolite Knocked Off?
Muk would have to land Knock Off before Kartana uses Sacred Sword to KO P2.
Damn, that is pretty fucking ridiculous. I can't think of a duo that could KO the two as a lead. Props to that strategy, honestly.
Kartana Muk could work, but not as an OHKO.
Detect with Kartana and Knock Off P2's Eviolite. Then Fighting Z P2 and Knock Off the Converted PZ.
Wouldn't the Porygon Z be fast and hard hitting enough after Z-Conversion to kill the Kartana first, though? Then the A-Muk gets damaged by the Porygon2. Not sure if it would take it out with the reduced damage second Knock Off.

I'm just guessing at this though. I'm new to this.
Maybe. I'm not sure.
I run Jolly Kartana just because it doesn't really need any investment in Atk to do crazy amounts of damage. Even with +1, Porygon Z can't outspeed it.
hmm... The only calculations I ran was that All-Out Pummeling from Jolly Kartana can't OHKO Eviolite Porygon2 and Sacred Sword has a chance to not OHKO Porygon-Z if they run a bulky variant or after a Z-Conversion boost. I don't know if Sacred Sword is enough after Knocking Off the Eviolite but I'd rather be safe than sorry and just use the Z-Move (like, if they Protect. you still do some damage and can KO the next turn). Also, I think Jolly is the best nature, with Adamant you get outsped by a bunch of stuff and you can't speed tie with opposing Kartana (although that isn't something you should risk anyway).
I ran Kartana too this tournament, but I could only get my hands on Adamant from a friend due to owning Moon and no luck on the GTS. Honestly, there weren't many things that outsped it, so I ended up appreciating the extra power despite initially wanting Jolly.

I'm this anon, btw:

My team: Kartana, Chandelure, Excadrill, Sableye, Rotom-W, Sylveon

Only Sylveon proved to be mostly useless this tournament. I should have swapped it for A-Muk or Hawlucha.
Actually, never mind the Z-Conversion boost part, I forgot Sacred Sword ignored the opponent's boosts. But it still has a chance to not OHKO a bulkier variant.

That depends on whether the Porygon-Z has investment in Speed or not. While testing before the competition, I've faced Porygon-Z that got outsped by Kartana even after the boosts while others were faster than Kartana after the boost.
See >>32858761

I hardly ever had speed issues with Kartana. The only faster Pokes I saw were Dugtrio, Azelf, Hawlucha, and the occasional Wimsicott, Persian, and Midday Lycanrock. But those hardly ever matched up with my Kartana.
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>mfw using all hacked pokémon including mvp shiny kartana and winning every battle
Using a pretty anti-common threats team, though with some nasty twists like bulky SS Poison Touch Muk and Scarfed Primeape. Got in late (breeding/training took forever but got legit 0 iv speed ferroseeds among others so good trade fodder lmao), and won a lot more then loss. Best part is named the six after characters from south park so even if opponent did not see their nicknames hopefully they knew deep in their hearts when they killed Kenny they were bastards.
>shiny kartana
>lying on the internet
He did say it was hacked.
Which begs the question: If you're willing to hack your game, why are you even participating?
Obviously it's hacked, but illegal hacks like shiny UBs don't pass the online hack check
Ran into my first Torkoal Lilligant lead. Was not prepared for that.
>lilligant is 1.1m
what did he mean by this?
I swear to God, he had a Lilligant. I'd check the official list to see if it's on there, but the regulations page expired.
You probably mean Bellossom, it basically does the same thing as Lilligant in this competition
Yeah, you're probably right. I probably got them confused either because I wasn't paying attention, or I'm just tired.
Still, it caught me off guard.
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How is this fish even fair?
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>use Sand Rush Excadrill focused team
>specifically use Gastrodon to redirect Azumarill Aqua Jet
>every Azumarill in this competition ends up having a fighting move to hit it anyway
>they never usually carry it in doubles
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>Theorycrafted a combo of Muk and Azelf where Azelf flings a kings rock as a pseudo fake out to let Muk set up Minimize then explodes on Muk's protect to give it levitate via Power of Alchemy
>mfw I didn't consider that literally the only ground type with consistent usage in the format has mold breaker
>tfw started so good today but tilted out after losing to RNG

I must have the worst rating after 45 battles. Measly 1630.
>remember this if you ever want to complain about this game being too easy.

The game can still be too easy you know.
Just because he sucks dick doesn't mean he can't complain about the game being too easy,if it's too easy,it's too easy.
[Spoiler]It's not[/Spoiler]
>tfw you lose your 45th battle and just miss out on a 1800 ranking
How much time is left?
I think I'd be able to take it with my standard leads of Doublade and Espeon. Espeon brutally murders Porygon-Z unless it's scarfed, and why would it be scarfed with Z-Conversion existing? Doublade probably won't be able to kill Porygon2 in one Sacred Sword, but it'd definitely smart. Alternatively, it could boost with Swords Dance to help take it out next turn.
I don't believe you :^)
Excadrill has been particularly ugly this tourney. Like everyone prepared for Kartana and all these types are getting one shot by a mole.
Weird, every Azu I fought would use Aqua Jet and Waterfall consistently even when I had Gastrodon. Most of those players were trash in other ways though.
>also using Muk and Primeape
Yo, mah nigga
>tfw one match I open with a pair that counters the opponent perfectly, and win

>next match I assume Excadrill can OHKO Chandelure and don't go for Trick Room, Hydro Pump misses, and I lose

>match after that is perfectly even, me and my opponent trading blows
>Ends up being his below-half health Torkoal vs my Escavalier
>only way I can win is if his Torkoal also has 0 speed IV and I win the speed tie
>I win the speed tie
>my 95 accuracy Drill Run misses
>his 90 accuracy Heat Wave hits
>I lose
I'm gonna go do laundry...
I believe we have a bit less than 6 hours left as of right now, but I may be wrong. I know it ends at 11:59 PM UTC.
Okay, Escavalier just redeemed himself by getting a crit Drill Run on an Evoboosted A.Muk and ended up winning me the match.
Okay, I said I was done, but I'm stubborn as fuck and decided to do a few more. Won some, lost others. I think I did play better today, and a couple of losses were more due to hax than misplays on my part (they still happened though) compared to the last 2 days. Stuff like Rotom waking up but missing the Hydro Pump, getting the full para on the turn I would KO the opponent's last mon, etc. In hindsight, the teambuilding was one of the issues. While most of the mons are good individually, I didn't have an actual strategy. It was pretty much me just sending mons that could counter some things but couldn't deal with others.
Overall, I feel better about the whole thing though.
That's good. That was my big problem too. I didn't have good synergy with a lot of my Pokemon despite a few tricks here and there.
This really is "Japanese sun teams, the tournament" it's almost the only thing I'm facing
I just faced a really weird team with a Togetic, Komala, Cubone, and Oricorio. You can't have Eviolite on two pokes, so I wonder what he was doing?
I guess it was just because Togetic is shorter than Togekiss, but can sort of do the same thing. Cubone is a weird one though, does it get a good hidden ability perhaps?
Who was the MVP of your team?
In my case, it was Hawlucha. I love that little guy. He carried the whole team
I actually think this has been my favourite tournament so far. A lot of people are really throwing some interesting and unusual teams together, and a lot of normally unused mons are getting used to good effect. Neither Kartana nor Excadrill has been overpowered (although the latter has been a pain in the ass at times)
Azelf was my MVP, but since that was pretty expected I'd like to say that Cinccino put in the most work for its BST. I faced quite a few good Hawluchas, quite difficult to deal with
Primeape was amazing.
Specs Swellow, Boomburst is just too strong. Honourable mentions to Excadrill and Kecleon for facilitating more booming.
Exadrill was definitely a monster, but I have to give it to my full support Prankster Sableye. Super fun to use, too.
What's your primeape set? I was wanting to use one but I couldn't come up with a set for it.
I didn't expect Hawlucha to do a first-turn Z-move to OHKO my Reuniclus, that's for sure.

As for my MVP, I don't really have one right now. They've all been putting in a fair bit of work. Except my Muk. I haven't been bringing him into battle very often.
Can't choose between Chandelure and Sableye. The lead was pretty safe against most teams, and, since I sqeezed Sunny Day on Sableye, I was able to quickly remove opposing Muks with Inferno Overdrive turn 1 and make my life much easier.

I didn't get to play more than 10 battles though. I really wish the next tournament is as fun as this one and it's a doubles one, because that's when I'll definitely be completely free to play all my 45 battles.
Jolly 252/252
CC, Stone Edge, Encore, Protect.
Rockium-Z, and Vital Spirit over Defiant, as I didn't find many Intimidate users while testing.

Nothing fancy. Encore was a great addition.
A.Muk for sure. I used Knock Off at least twice every battle.
My MVPs were Murkrow and Excadrill. I almost always led with those two, and Murkrow almost always got the setup or shutdown that allowed for Excadrill to sweep the opponent
Midday Lycanroc to me, in sandstorm the doggo is a beast.
Welp guys, congratulate me.
It took me 4 whole days to realize I shouldn't have bothered.
I started making my team late. By thursday I finally had a team laid out, but I still had to breed.
Fast forward to right now, the only things left to finish my team being grinding BP for a King's Rock and grinding my shiny cubone to level 100, and even if I make it I won't be able to finish all my battles before it's over. I simply had too little time to put into this over the weekend.
I was excited to participate, but I guess I'll have to do with the test battles on Showdown. I realized too late I should've started doing this earlier.
I can only hope the next competition won't be VGC and I do things on time.
If you only want to get the Mega Stones, you could simply join with an incomplete or untrained team and throw three matches in a row. It won't be fun, but you'll still earn your prize even if you deliberately lose each time. You have a few hours left, don't give up just yet.

Also, by the way, why are you evolving a Cubone to level 100 without evolving it? Do you just like it better than Marowak or is it part of an Eviolite strategy?
I would have gladly given you a kings rock if you'd asked
>If you only want to get the Mega Stones, you could simply join with an incomplete or untrained team and throw three matches in a row. It won't be fun, but you'll still earn your prize even if you deliberately lose each time.
Yeah, I just threw a few eevelutions in a battle team and did my three battles.
I think I'll still finish my Tiny Tourney team. Some mons will be useful for regular VGC anyway (Mimikyu, Marowak) and I might try them in the Battle Tree.

>You have a few hours left, don't give up just yet.
Well, I need 22 more BP, which means 11 Battle Tree battles, which takes roughly ~45 minutes if I don't drop out before.
Then I need to either find myself another cubone or grind my shiny one (albeit shit-natured) to level 100. Add between 1h and 1.5h.
Then I might be able to do 5-or-so battles and possibly go into overtime on my last battle, before just being unable to do more.
All this before 1 or 2AM here. I just want to watch anime and go to bed desu.
I've done this on other competitions before, and I'm just stupid. I just needed to ramble about it on a chinese cartoon bbs.

>Also, by the way, why are you evolving a Cubone to level 100 without evolving it? Do you just like it better than Marowak or is it part of an Eviolite strategy?
Nah, I count evolving with levelling it to 100.

Thanks, I love how generous people are on this site, and had I been in your place with too much BP on my hands (which is usually the case, had I not bought power items for my friends) I'd have done the same.
Thing is, I feel like I've already asked too much here. Most of the breeding stuff for my teams came from /wfg/.
What moves on the Murkrow?
>levelling it to 100.
Just get it to 50 unless you absolutely need to BottleCap it.
If I didn't want to bottle cap it I wouldn't even bother levelling it further than whatever it needs to evolve.
Competitions always bump your lower mons up to level 50.
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>tfw just lost to Tri-Attack freeze hax
Same. Mine had Poison Touch, so I also got to spread poison a bit.
And Wash Rotom supported me a lot too. Gave it Rindo Berry to burn Kartanas without getting OHKO.
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>Lead with Aromatisse and Chandelure
>Opponent leads with Excadrill and Muk
>Both opposing pokes pile their attacks onto Aromatisse to stop Trick Room
>Chandelure uses Trick Room instead
>tfw opponent only has a 25% chance to OHKO you with max EVs and a beneficial nature
>they do
Who runs modest Vaporeon, dammit.
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I do. I'm not using him in this tourney, though.
Actually, I've never used him competitively at all, so I'm not sure if that nature's any good for him.
I keep losing to my own 5 and 10% miss chances. Getting really frustrating that luck isn't on my side today.
The way you react to luck is the way you create your own luck.
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>Tourney closed just after I lost a match
>Was at 1603 going into it
Well, shit. So much for my goal of stopping when I win one match at 1600+. Gah, ending on a loss makes me feel bitter.
Went 17 - 11 in 28 matches total.

Here's some more battle videos of today's batch:
This was my final match. Lost because my Chandelure missed, then his Muk and my Imprisoned Muk slugged it out. I could only use Shadow Sneak, and got him down to probably 1HP, so maybe a high damage roll could have saved me. But nope. Not how I wanted to go out.

"Ha! It was me! Chandelure!"


Freeze hax lasted way too long. Only thawed hen he accidentally Scalded it. To make matters worse, the same Pokemon got burned by Scald a few turns later, ending any chance I had at a comeback.

Best crit ever.

And these are from yesterday, though I had to delete the first to make room for today's.

Fun tourney overall. More than half of my losses were due to untimely misses (and the above freeze) rather than getting outplayed, so I feel like I should have done better. But when I did get outplayed, I got outplayed hard. I can accept those ones, no problem. Except for Belly Drum Azumarill OHKOing my entire team with Aqua Jet. Got a little salty about that one. But it couldn't be helped, I guess. Funnily enough, my Reuniclus didn't miss a single Focus Blast all tournament. It was literally just Heat Waves and Drill Runs missing that gave me half a dozen losses.
>Hindsight corner
- Giving Bloom Doom to Reuniclus was a good move. Annihilated any Water type I put him in front of.
- Giving Wishiwashi Endeavour was 50-50. It won me a match, but then only having it and Water moves screwed me when facing a Gastrodon (jeez, there were a lot of them, too).
- Incinium Z on Chandelure wasn't too great. Air Balloon, Focus Sash, or even a Passho Berry would have been better. That said, it was extremely satisfying OHKOing a Torkoal with its own sun.
- Aromatisse did very well at doing what it needed to, setting Trick Room and healing partners. Even got a couple KOs. 8/10, would use again. That said, Safety Goggles never got used, should have used any other item.
- Escavalier was awesome. No complaints, except for how often his goddamn 95%-accurate Drill Run missed. Holy fuck that cost me a lot of games I should have won.
- Wishiwashi wrecked house most of the time. Didn't use her terribly often though because it felt like I was seeing a lot of things it couldn't handle, namely other Waters and Grass.
- A.Muk did what it needed to, which was mostly Knocking Off Eviolite and dealing with A.Marowak. Didn't get much use otherwise, was left behind most of the time. Did more work in other formats.
Well, it's all over and done with. I actually had some fun with this tourney for once, and did many more battles than I usually do: 20 this time compared to the usual 4 or 5. 10 wins and 10 losses, so I at least broke even, but I feel like I could have done better. I made lots of mistakes and bad plays, and my team wasn't very well thought out. Its biggest weakness was that Excadrill hard countered everything on my team, and every other team I fought had an Excadrill, so that just exacerbated the problem.

For the record, if anyone cares to know: I used Comfey, Male Meowstic, Mimikyu, Chandelure, Komala, and A-Muk.
Comfey was surprisingly resilient and did some good work with healing my team and keeping herself alive.
I think Meowstic's screens and Thunder Wave helped my team for the most part, but I'm not sure if they did enough to be worth it.
Ironically, Mimikyu turned into my designated Excadrill eliminator by the end of the tourney, despite being quite weak to it, because his Ghost Z-Move was my best bet for beating it.
Chandelure did next to nothing, which sucks because I bred him specifically for this tourney.
Komala also wasn't all that helpful, but her Sucker Punch did some work.
Finally, A-Muk was pretty useful with Knock Off, Poison Touch, and Shadow Sneak.

Also, there were quite a few gimmicks to be found, and they kept things interesting. Shoutout to the Sejun Park impersonator, the Calm Mind Baton Pass Skitty, the Mimikyu who used Swagger on its Own Tempo Mudsbray teammate, and the Bruxish using Frost Breath on its Anger Point Primeape teammate.
I lost 2 matches this entire tournament, but didn't get to play as much as I want. Basically put one of them down to where he has a sturdy togedemaru, and I have kartana at relatively low hp, and a-muk. My wincon is just double attacking since I my berry on muk is gone, and doing what I need to do, I thought it had lightning rod because of his team comp including hawlucha. So I keep playing around it, and I swing into Spiky Shield while Kartana is at +1, whatever, just kill next turn. Nope, the fucker has sturdy, so it lives, and kills my muk. But I put him in a position where his wincon is literally double spiky shield. Suffice to say this fucker gets it and I lose because I play around what nips usually use it for, and instead it has the shitty ability.
Otherwise, I'm happy I was able to hit 1600 in 10 games. I just wanted more since I really enjoyed my team of Sashtana, Z Rotom-H, Belly Drum Azumarill, P2, Assvest Mold Breaker Excadrill, and A-Muk. Excadrill could live through Heat Wave from max SpA Chandelure and Overheat from Rotom-H. P2 could live through max Att AOP from Kartana and kill with Ice Beam. Muk I think lived through something dumb, but I don't remember what since it took very little investment.
My team building took what's good from VGC and transferred it over. I saw some interesting stuff, but usually was able to pull through with a bit of skill and a few tricks up my sleeve.
Porygon-Z probably got 2 KO's/game for me, first with Z-hyperbeam and then zone normal hyperbeam before being knocked out, sometimes getting a shadow ball away as well
Gastrodon by a long shot. It was an old set I had from last gen with Earth Power and he ended up being just bulky enough to survive shit at like 4 HP left while finishing them off right after. Also came in handy handling water attacks since I had two fire types on my team.
It's a tie between Doublade and Espeon. Doublade handled at least one Kartana by itself and was in general a very solid attacker capable of eating most physical and some special hits. Espeon surprised me with just how strong its attacks were with a Life Orb; it easily erased all non-boosted Porygon-Z's I came across as well as Toxapex and Alolan Marowak. Comfey also deserves mentioning since its priority on Floral Healing and Draining Kiss saved my ass more than once.
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