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Pokemon Go General /pgg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 101

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Day of the Father Edition
(Last full day of Gyms)

>official Pokémon Go Updates

>Latest APK Update


>Pokéstop & Gym Maps

>Evolution Calculator

>Nest Atlas

>Battle Advisor

>Combat Simulator

>Best Moves & Movesets

>Best Attackers

>Nest Migration Countdown Clocks

>IV Checker Websites

>IV Checker Apps

>Trainer Level Speed Calculator

>Pokédex Progress Chart Template

>General Map Scanner

>City Map Scanners

>Spoofing Guide

>Master Decoding

Previous Thread >>32797374
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>#nth for 5 perfect IV Charmanders
Shame to waste such awesome RNG on shitmons.
First for lemme collect coins before take my gyms away you Jew
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>mfw love dad
>mfw dislike him as a person
Charizard has high attack and (albeit needing to be fully powered up) can put quite a dent into blissey.
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Worth evolving so I don't have to spend dust in powering up?He's just going to kills dragons
Well if you're still gonna be there to see it when it's good then level up now and collect coins while it's still easy. The fact that there are so many level 40 players (legit or not) means they have to increase the cap and make ridiculous exponential leaps between the XP needed to level up so as to even the field a little, such that you could have 20mil more experience on someone but you'd only be a level or two higher.
He might be a bit too powerful to prestiege your own gyms properly, but if for offense then of course you should evolve.
Anyone else is throwing every mon under 100%? I know it does not make any significant difference, but I just like how 100 is round and complete number.
I feel ya. Been me and two other people for months now, at least the troll is gone.
No, unless it's a gym defender that's kind of a waste. Even then my 82% legacy Dragonite still sits somewhere at a comfy 3450 and hasn't been touched yet. 100% is nice if you're showing off, I have a 2801 perfect Scizor and occasionally I'll put that or my ~2900 Machamp just to demoralize people who try to put a blissey up thinking that'll be the end of it.
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Definite this game with a Simpson's quote.
I'll start:
"Zzzz... Change the channel, Marge!"
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>simpsons meme

hello there reddit
Congrats on being just like everyone else.

But I know what you mean ;_;
Did he just inject himself with insulin pretending it was heroin lol
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They have vids of them pretending to smoke crack, among other things
Hope the gym update means I won't have to deal with spoofing Instinctfags and their 100% Blissey's 24/7
Updated thanks to this event. Thank you based Niantic for not putting Slugma in this event too

>all those disgusting white outlines and mixed sprites

lmao shit chart
>among other things

Do they smoke cock as well?
hey I like my dad. He did some shitty stuff, but I can't help to like that smug bastard
>i'm constantly tired, bored of life in general + have no motivation

should i just kill myself pgg?
0 weeks, 1 day, 3 hours, 29 minutes, 2 seconds left
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Depression is a bitch, speak to a Doctor and a counselor if you can. Anti-depressants can be a good first step to help m8
meaning one more cashout for me yay
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It wouldn't surprise me if they pretended to be gay, they were irl trolls before trolling was coined. Hell, they had their own Chad meme that predates the internet
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Take a nap, Nick.
Who here /hatchednine10ksbutforgottousealuckyegg/
>not calling it "Bird Satan"
One job
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>Hatched ed nine 10ks but frog...
Yeah me too
What's the tracked that tells IV's called ?
Yeah I was afraid for even more slugs but they actually balanced it out a bit.

Why does the evolution XP bonus not stack with lucky eggs during this event?
Disregard, I'm a dope, and apparently there is no evolution XP bonus, I just evolved a new Pokémon
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Cityfags will never know this feel

>the only stop visible on my entire screen from home
I am cityfag visiting my gfs parents at countryside this weekend and I have exactly the same perspective atm, cheers
One of the two stops I can see from my home I can't even get to without a 6-minute drive

>cityfags interbreeding with ruralcucks

>been powering up all the best prestiegers for when gym rework happens, I'll have strong unique mons to put away and with decent CP to boot
And they said never power up prestiegers. I am so fucking Reggie for the update.
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I know this feel. My mid tier bros will finally have a chance to shine.
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Can anyone recommend me some decent bots?
>586CP Cyndaquil, bad IVs
>109CP Cyndaquil, 15/15/11

Which one
delete phone
how do you know what exactly will the rework bring? I don't upgrade shit until I see how it works. There is pretty big chance 90% of mons will remain as useless as they are now
Lucky, my closest stop is a fifteen minute drive.
Bonus Stardust event fucking when?
get on your legs spoofcuck
;_; hanke pls

the worst part is theres a fucking park down the street with obvious potential stops but hankes too busy walking his tentacruel to care

Japan has already had two double stardust events

On top of Snorlax Lapras and Pikachu events. Niantic just loves sucking gook dick.
It's a 6-minute drive but a 40-minute walk
How do you even see the pokestop then ?
spoofie detected
Just got my first perfect Mon in about 6 months

Bitter sweet
>Lapras on 4th slot of sightings tab
>only need Lapras and Porygon for G1 completion
>suddenly, a stop comes into distance and restricts my sightings tab to 3
>can't see Lapras
>don't catch Lapras
>all because this one faggot vulpix on my local church occupied the first two rows of my search screen with the rest blank

Really jogs the noggin
Ey what attacks that 'gar gots ?
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fun game niantic!

>hanke promised buffs to rural players way back at that first comicon conference and absolutely nothing of the sort has happened

Just get on a train :^)
because it's technically nearby
there's been a Venusaur I couldn't reach at it and just a couple days ago a Lapras because of the event

Shadow Claw/Shadow Ball

It's legacy + best raw DPS in game behind mewtwo. IVs are kinda ass but it has a nice attack IV (11/14/6, 14 is attack). My bro.
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This is the only one I've found after a year of playing. Although I only ever check iv for the pokemons with the highest cps.
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Reminder that nobody in this thread is more rural than me

I literally have two (2) Pokemon nearby and no sightings
Keep it for the next gens in case it gets any useful moves. Seaking is shit right now.

>Go1D Leader

Reported for spoofing, say bye
You can see a stop from home? Lucky
How can you resist that Big Dick Furret?

>posting your name here

There are people itt autistic enough to fill out a fill report for namefags

I can tell youRe new here but we generally don't post names
>hahahaing on /pgg/
>not using lol

>surprised at autismos on 4chan

you have to go back
Not surprised and it wouldn't even be autism just being an asshole.
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Just caught this shagger lmao
Is there an app for IV checking?
I use poke genie bro

>surprised at assholes on 4chan

I remember catching a wild shadow claw Gengar during Halloween but it's iv's were absolute shit so I threw it away.
I like to throw this boy in gyms sometimes, I might max it after the new gyms.
I'm the guy who posted the screenshot, it's called GoIV, somebody in this thread told me about it a couple months back.

Pretty based, and auto copy + pastes the IVs for you to add to the name.
Thanks, friends.
who else /threadopenallthetime/ ?

Nice picture faggot
who else /haventseenafuckinglaprasever/ here?
Hatched 3 during easter event kek
i heard they don't spawn around gay people
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T-thats mean!
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>I haven't see a magmar since launch when it was on a gym and nicknames were a thing
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Same. I only ever caught one with shitty ivs. I got lucky and hatched a magby and evolved him though. I then proceeded to hatch another magby
nah, just catious.

If I was lapras i'd be afraid some faggot would rape me too
>raping a clearly female mon
it doesn't add up anon
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Why no Jynx on this event?
How is it?
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fake news
Fuck that nicki Minaj looking bitch
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Is there any proof of Hanke ever playing a main series game ?
How does the pokeGO plus work exactly?
Will we ever find true happiness ?
Nah. We are stuck playing Pokémon for the rest of our miserable lives.
Test this dick.
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I always wake up in a cold sweat knowing I need to collect lately.

So are we going to have to update the game through the Google Play store when the gym rework drops this afternoon, or tommorow afternoon? Whenever those Niantic idiots decide, 72 hours after official soon announcement and still nothing lol
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whatever suburbfag
>two quick buzz=poke stop
>five slow buzz=pokemon
>can set to only notify for one or the other
>click to interact
>no catch bonus at all/no berries
>tracks distance
>catch rate is shit
>only catches shitmon
>has speed limit, same as app

Perfect for bikes. Life saver for disneyland or whatever.
Test these trips
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I know right, that sucks.
Will go on until Tuesday. Time is 1pm pdt but hanke likes to fuck w us. Last event ended early and the one before ended at like 5 pm.

June 20th, now fuck off already you lazy shit who can't even Google for basic info for cripes sake
test THESE
Thanks anons.
Kek can't even hit quadds
Amatuer hour
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I just found out about nests.

Do the Pokemon at nests respawn after you capture them? I went to a park yesterday and caught all of the nest Pokemon and wanted to know if the nest Pokemon would still be there again today.
Yall niccas slaccin boe
Of course. Otherwise it wouldn't be a nest. They'll respawn until the nests migrate.
thanks mang
Yep, couple times an hour. Next migration is in ten days but the event is kinda messing with identifying nests.
are you me?
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why is my guy a nigger?
Gyms will probably go down by themselves then we will have to update the app to be able to battle again.
It really is. the only chinchou nest somewhere near my place is turned into a fucking magmar nest.

it isnt even making sense.
its on a starberry and asparagus farm.

why are there chinchous OR magmars? wwhy not, i dunno, oddish? Or any other grassmon? groundmons?
Also, i noticed some pokestops were moved. now my perfect 5 stop-streak on my way home from work is broken down to 4....
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You're worse than a nigger. You're an edgelord.
Good to know there are other 20's year olds playing. Am 21 and allthe people in my town that play are grandparents and creepy ass men in their 30's that dont have jobs.
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You also get an advantage when there are multiple Pokemon, you can catch one with GO Plus while you catch one regularly.
same here. 24 now and still playing. at work, at home, today i got myself a fucking sunburn while walking around outside. took a break last year winter until a few weeks back.
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Did they say when the gyms would be back online?
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That guy meant he was level 23.
>it's on a farm
Doesn't really matter whats there; nests are random, as are the migrations.

And yeah, there were reports of stops being moved/ added. This was due to more landmarks being added to Ingress, niantic other game, from which they pick where stops will be.
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so its the same bullshit as "Go out into the world and explore (The next big city to get something else than pidgeys, ratatas, sentrets, hoots)"

And i remember how thrilled i was, hoping to walk around a sea to catch watermons, walking through the forest to get anything forest-related at all...

i did get some electric mons at my factory ground, but nowadays its just bullshitmons
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I hurt myself today
(At least I got another 10k and a Rapidash immediately after this loss to soften the pain) but...

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I hit 34 yesterday. Now I want some Rule 34.
They straight up said that the game was made for people to explore cities and parks. But I guess they heard the millions of people screaming for better rural spawns. I'm not sure how long you have been playing but the first two months were absolute, certified shit. You would have cried if you had seen a magmar back then.
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It's almost as if the cities are your destinations, not the routes themselves. Like the real games.
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>saw a charized yesterday on sightngs
>too late to walk around blind to find
>use scanner
>20 secs left down my street
at least you battled him anon
except that there are rarely patches of grass in the citys.
How many Pokémon have you catched /ppg/?
You don't advance the games by walking around routes catching Pokemon, anon.
only 1168
But was it worth it though. I've lost so many ultra balls...almost down to zero.
>You dont play a game about catching them all by catching them.

Uhhh....Are you okay?
>tfw would be fired if seen playing PoGo again

This pic keeps me up at night.
I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that throwing Pokeballs made the credits roll.
Well, the credits dont mean anything since you continue to play afterwards.

I used to just power through the games and at the creadits, had maybe 15 catched and 60 seen or something. And that isnt the point in Pokemon
You are like little babby, watch this
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I posted the wrong image. Granted, mine isn't as high as yours.

$5 for Pokeballs since there's zero Pokestops where I live and $10 for incubators. Can't get any coins yet since I'm Instinct and only level 21.
Redeemed, very nice anon
How do those screencaps have the same timemark
I took several screencaps of my Blisseys. You could say I'm a little obsessed.
Why do you name your Blissey's the same thing
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Not all of them, just most of them. It's because they look like a Princess to me. I have many Chansey named Princess too. Someone help me.
spoofie ?
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Just rn outside to get this fucker. Now i just need the prevo for my livingdex.

god im beat. i should exercise more.
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No, I just happen to hatch a shit ton of Chanseys out of my 10k eggs. My last batch of 10ks (pic related - hatched last week) was absolutely garbage, and I still managed 2 Chansey.

I'm the guy who hatched 3 Chansey and a Porygon out of 10ks a few weeks ago.
Steelix is so huge he clips through your mons.

Good job Niantic.
0€ unless you count the power bank acquisition wich was 29.99€. But I need the power bank for other stuff not just PoGo.
Almost lvl 35, with 3 months off (started in September and only missed one month afterwards)... I think it's a good record.
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wew lad
I was erect once
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Fuckin vulpix bitch slapped the first throw right out of the air.
Look at this EBIN ruralfag haul from the town square!

Yes, Pokeballs are the ruralfags primary concern.
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999 steel.png
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Did I just get HANKE'd?
>evolving charzard
>worrying about the hank

U playd urself famalam
Keep that mother fucker, Metagross is next gen.
>next gen
C-can Flygon be good?!
> Not had a Lapras before
> Left PoGo on the entire weekend watching the in-game tracker for Lapras
> Sun was setting on 2nd day
> Still no Lapras
> Checked Pokehuntr
> Turns out there is a Lapras with 10 minutes left at the end of my road while my in-game tracker was showing me Pokestops from about a mile away
> Get to the Lapras, catch it
> Decided to walk a bit more and immediately encounter a Typhlosion, already had one but nice having another

A reminder that in-game tracker will always cuck you so dont trust it.

Now have every Pokemon and its evolutions from the Fire/Ice event. Going to spend next few days collecting Ultra Balls for the inneviteable Unknown/Electric/Pikachu/Legendary event in late July.
Nah. It only has 100 base atk.
>Shadow Claw/Shadow Ball
>It's legacy + best raw DPS in game behind mewtwo.
Whats with this ghost meme?
>I remember catching a wild shadow claw Gengar during Halloween but it's iv's were absolute shit so I threw it away.

How do people not have shadow claw gengars? I'd personally never dust one up but that's me, useless in this meta
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Please, I just found my first charizard today. All those steel types we'll be seeing in gyms next gen will need to worry about 'zard so it's fine.
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>C-can Flygon be good?!
No. Even struggle can kill it
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pgg team.png
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My /pgg/ football team is coming along nicely
>Lol dude SC/SB Gengar is the GOAT
>decide to try mine (14/13/11)
>Dies in a few hit to everything
Gengar is a top tier meme, just like Alakazam
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>Nothing personnel kid
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Ima ruralbro. Before October, the bird/worm struggle was real. I fuckin stopped playing bc I got tired of catching pidgeys. It wasn't until the Halloween event that i had enough candy to evolve and i rolled a non-shadow claw.
Technically he's right, but yeah gengar and Alakazam can't survive for shit. Gengar has an issue where it's super effective against things that are super effective against it, whereas Alakazam has higher speed and better type matchups, and if you've ever killed a blissey with confusion/future sight (Focus Blast does more to TTar but only TTar) or a snorlax then you know what I mean.
Hypno Disk is pretty cool, maybe Sgt Bash or Shunt...
Yes, well 'soccer' if you're a barbarian
Unfortunately my two Confusion Zams rolled Shadow Ball.

Exeguttor is my most efficient Blissy killer
Try using DT/O, 60 second kills.
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>See kid next to gym with his phone in hand
>We both look at each other for a few seconds
>Almost attempt to talk to him just so I know his intentions
>Suddenly grill shows up
>Realize he's just a fucking normie who doesn't even play this game
Spare me the embarrassment, Hanke.
I have one but it has shit ivs.
>>See kid next to gym with his phone in hand
>>We both look at each other for a few seconds

In that brief brief moment... he thought you were the grill he'd been talking to online...
I think I'm going to pop a mass evo.

Got a lot of good shit that could go wrong like EQ Meganium. Fingers crossed
You are demonstrating a fundamental misunderstanding at how this game works.

Spawn points spawn one Pokemon once an hour. You can never "deplete" a nest or whatever. It's all RNG. Once you find a spawn point, it will always spawn Pokemon forever until Niantic deletes the spawn point.
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>attack by dogs while playing Pokémon go
Is BDN/nuck on the team?
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Yeah he is, just a regular player though
HANKE is the real champ
I'm outta balls myself, gotta go downtown tomorrow

can't believe I typed that
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Hanke... Finds a way
Thanks for this one too.
Post more
I've still to make the models for another 11 players currently, expect more to come like vomiting_goose.jpg
what's that gligar doing ?
Being a fag and appearing in 10k eggs as usual
is he really a /pgg/ mem ?
>10k Gligars
They are the new Turdnugget, I'd say so
He's not gonna kill many dragons if it doesn't get the right moveset. js
I hope you will change those Pikachu kits, they are too generic.
Did you find it as a Bellossom or did you evolve it? If you evolved it, then you're an idiot. Vileplumes are far superior.
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Yeah it's just temporary, you might have noticed they also have no feet because I haven't made the boots yet either lel
I'll probably be using a blue colour scheme, most likely hypothermia related
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I did. Hell, they didn't even spawn at my work which is like 10 miles from my house. The only time I see them now with any regularity is when I go to the gym, but even then I'll maybe only see one a week.
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You like my buddy?
I've been collecting egg hatch data and although it's not enough data to assume normality, if anyone else writes down their egg hatches they should post it so I can add it to mine.
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I also live in sandshrew, U.S.A so i guess that influences things a bit as well
They're going to find and molest it

Why didnt you hide its eyes
Is he worth evolving or too low?
>11 attack
See if you get double ice moves if not move along and trash it.
Is he?
>just found a Donphan

Holy shit
If it's female delete it.
>Using IV Go while Hanke is bringing down the hammer
but Mamoswine someday?
girl, why's that matter?
>the mons you love now will be useless once shinies are released
I hope the rates for shinies are beyond ridiculous
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I may actually drop this game if shines are confirmed other than Gyarados. Nothing ruined Pokemon more than muh special snowflake colors
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>have eight 10ks
>trying my damnedest to get the ninth one before the event ends
>hatch 5k
>spin 5k
>hatch 5k
>spin 5k
>hatch 5k
>spin 5k

When will this 5k hell end?
Hanke works in mysterious ways
>wasting all that extra km walking and xp waiting for another pineco 10km when you could of been hatching more eggs
>implying you'd walk any meaningful distance in the 2-3 extra spins you have to do
welcome to my world
I find electric mons at beaches all the time for no reason.

Fire island typically has homos and fire pokemons.
The beaches near me have an apparently permanent nest of magnetite and voltorbs, it's been like that for months
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Anyone know the exact time the gyms will go down tomorrow?
No but appearantly we will get a 6 hour warning.

knowing niantic they'll probably tell us an hour after

Niantic shills on leddit couldn't give an exact time, but said during west coast business hours.

My personal guess would be sometime between 10am - 4pm PDT.

Proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/6hv5pk/gyms_disabled_starting_june_19/dj1dmxw/
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>could of
Hey guys, I found a pretty neat story. Hope you like it! ;^)

tfw next cash in is 3pm PDT
Given that it's on Monday the 19th and not AFTER THE FUCKING EVENT, it's probably going to be "when Niantic devs come in to work and get around to flipping the switch" so probably between 8am-1pm PDT depending on how lazy they are.
I thought skarmory was moved down to 5km eggs. Does anyone have an egg chart?
was it in an egg you found before the change? That could explain it.
I got it Friday. Maybe I just spaced out on it lol. The xp was delicious anyway.

I hope I'll be able to use him in the new gyms;_;
maybe to prestige. I'm sad about it being nerfed to fuck and back, too. I'm a bird trainer usually and none of the birds are ANY good in gyms.

Maybe Honchkrow will finally be the one that changes things... but I'll be old and gray by then.
Can anyone provive me links to videos that work on a android K7? I can't get joystick/fly gps to work, so if anyone can help i'll be thankful
How bout you get off your fat ass and GO outside?
After wasting so many pokeballs and berries, I'd rather try to stack up on balls before attempting.
>inb4 buy the balls
is there any easy way to make a scanner for my city? can't find any good scanners lately
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a mediocre eggman with Solarbeam can do much more damage to Blissey
>Favourite Pokemon is from gen2
>not able to hatch from an egg
>always stuck with crappy 0-50% ones

Loving lanturn is suffering
>Ingress was made for cityfags, game is almost pointless for ruralcucks
>Ingress players were the ones that submitted portals
>Niantic used these portals as the basis for their stops and gyms and has never accepted any submissions

if I could go back in time and play Ingress I would.
latest update/whatever removed 50% of the pokestops in my town to the next town over

into the fucking ghetto
how about Horsea? it's not in this chart
>Not asking Niantic about Stops submissions and shit

Some pokes dont hatch. Luckily its pretty much shitmon.
having a high IV Lanturn is pointless anyway, it's only good for prestiging against Vaporeon and Gyarados (and occasionally TTar) so you'll want one in the 1300-1500 sweet spot.
its just that its my fav mon off all times.

of course i want one even if its pointless

and fuck gyarados, 60% of all gyms consist of this fuck, and rhydons, vaporeon and dragonite

fuck me right?;_;
Be ready to snipe all those empty fresh Gyms
unless they've hatched some plot to bait the spoofers it will be more of the same shit
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Alright pgg, how will this new update turn out? Better? Worse?

>5% for half the 5k roster to be pulled
who the fuck designs this shit?
>2% for half the 10ks
what monkey designed this system?!
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>Having a Bro with good stats andf moveset is bad
it's 2017 faggot that's about the gayest shit I've seen in a long time
it's not bad, it's just not necessary

I like going to strange towns and catching Pokemon designated as being from other towns, especially weird/small ones. It's fun, but it's not necessary or useful.
I'm sorry their special effects weren't glamorous enough to stimulate you, brainlet, they were a product of their time
I'm going to call bullshit.

The chart says they hatched 257 eggs.

That is nowhere enough data for a Monte Carlo experiment for a few dozen Pokemon species.

God, these guys have their own bot armies for "research". How is it that their data is so miniscule?
there's a snooty as fuck community with a "private" park and "private" lake that I really need to report to Niantic for removal considering I have proof that they are on private property.

if you want to be a gated community then put up a gate, don't be faggots and stick U R TRESPASSING signs everywhere.
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Not to sound like a SJW, but upper middle class white people... went to a neighborhood like that to buy some music equipment from a guy who posted on craigslist, and the neighbors were sketchy as fuck, like I was gonna do a B&E
I wish I could decipher what you're attempting to say.
B-but the gates will ruin the VIEW, man.
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Post gym inhabitants before they return. Imma miss my list looking like this.
Can anyone help me out with this?? I haven't been able to find a source that can help me even after I follow them step by step.
>inb4 actually go walk and play.
I have to stay in bed all day due to medicinal reasons so I want something to pass the time
Almost blogged a story only vaguely PoGo related, silly me. Frazzled from wageslavery
>medicinal reasons
Some real estate company suddenly sold a bunch of land in my neighborhood after like twenty years of ownership and they put in some million dollar homes around my parents stank ass lil shack. These new neighbors are so fuckin sketch I was seriously more comfortable living in an apartment downtown.
But can you please help me out
Mugenchan, huh?
Oh, I'll help you out alright.
It's great how they both ignore you while simultaneously ready for you to do some crazy shit, right?
I.. I lost my last one yesterday and didn't have the heart to put one in a gym only to see him get hanke'd. I really just played for like an hour for streaks and a few more cindys.
>>32804364 This is me lol
So what do I do?
You dont need to worry about that anymore ;^)
My dog started barking once at like 4 am and i looked outside and saw the lady standing in the middle of the fucking street staring at the house. No joke, I was seriously about to call the cops.

Keep in mind, I grew up without neighbors so the whole thing really freaked me out.

Who knows, maybe she was just hunting pokes
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God's work, brother. The fire rises. Soon, spoofies will be nothing but a sour memory.
>makes more accounts
>come back to ask again
Play a fucking game boy Jesus Christ I guess only oldfags know that feel.
Keep dreaming walkcuck, reporting some dumbass underage b& is nothing.
Hanke will never end my reign of terror.
>Underage b
I turn 18 back in November
>not knowing hanke is getting ready to insert himself in all of your, and your phones, orifices

The Hankness is coming

And soon it will spread to every corner of the land
Lads, throw me some images for the new thread.
Why are all of these cyndaquils and Swinubs garbage!? I've caught so many and they all suck. Is there anyway to find high iv ones?
luck, or eggs
Holy shit do you guys think hanke spoofs? Or maybe he can choose egg hatches and shit?
What if he's knee deep in blissey and mareep and his tentacruel is only a distraction.
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There's no scanners? I could have sworn there was at least one that could.
LOL superior to what? I was never a fan of the design. So I went with bellosum same with politoed.
>Midnight bike ride
>Keep seeing the sky flashing

Fuck this dude, Swinubs aren't worth it.





Lmao what a faggot.
Spoofies literally make up what's left of the community you daft cunt. Why would niantic cut them off?
If only she didn't have bad bangs and stance... she would be very cute if not for the autism
Aw hell, I did dumb stuff a few years back, can't judge too much

get the fuck back to pol before I kick your ass bitch
A while back someone came up to talk to me in the middle of a gym battle just so they could brag about playing mtg because "that's a real game and pokemon's been dead for years" just assumed I don't play anything else and never even asked about what I play, if you want to talk about a card game go to a card/comic/game/whatever else shop that table top gamers like to meet up at, not the park with the most pokestops in a rural town full of families that like to play pokemon go together. And the way he came up and introduced himself it sounded like he was seriously trying to make new friends, poor looser doesn't seem to get that insulting someone's taste in games right after asking their name doesn't work, probably got kicked out of the local card shop for being an asshole and doesn't have anyone to play with now that they want nothing to do with them.
Beaches are their normal biome.
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