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/MJG/ Magikarp Jump General

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Fuck Pidgeotto edition

>1.0.2 and lower can replay Expert League 3 over for infinite diamonds, this is removed in 1.0.3
>Downgrade for android: back up data, delete app, install 1.0.2 apk via google, restore
>Downgrade for iphone: back up data, delete app, check purchases in app store, pray 1.0.2 version is there, if so install and restore, if not rip
>Note data can only be restored once per 3 days

Event list: https://www.serebii.net/magikarpjump/events.shtml
>All safe except for berry jump, pokeball, and macho karp

Normal strat:
>Charizard, Slowpoke, Shaymin, then Popplio only if stuck on 1.0.3
2 Berry strat:
>Upgrade oran and sitrus evenly, never buy other berries or training
>Shaymin, Exeggutor, Lampent

>Support candies to Popplio, Rowlet, Meowth
>Pinch to zoom out pond
>Can rename or retire karp from rank menu, does not count as forced retire
>Jumping out of pond, breaking everstone, ghost girl, dratini, and triple loss are one time only events
>Ghost girl: tap tv 7 times until it breaks, then 7 more times until it's fixed, then go to training
>Dratini: refish 5 times, costs 210 diamonds
>Don't posting beating a karp by .01m, max level JP and boss JP are not randomized


Last thread >>32662607
>Support candies to Popplio, Rowlet, Meowth

Koi is cute and I updated to 1.0.3 because I'm a retard.
1st for qt trap chan

2berry strategy is only efficient if you're constantly playing the game. Normal strategy is fine for casual players.
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Koi is still cute and I fixed it. Why is Android so based,magilads?
Can someone please tell me the rank level needed to beat the 3 Expert Leagues? I've seen posted a couple threads before but I forgot to write them donw. Thanks in advance.
I STARTED the game in 1.3. Can I still downgrade?
Whatever rank gets you level 61 Magikarp. Because that's the level cap.
A question to all the faggots who are or have farmed E3. Do you rank up while farming?
regular karp , +62% food.
Found it on the archives, thanks anyway.

>>Ranks to beat Luxury through EL3: 44, 45, 47, 51
2 berry meme stopped being funny a while ago
Is it rare to see a shiny Corsola during a food fever?
I'm rank 44 and have had food fever 20 times.

Have seen it only once.
I just deleted my app to reinstall 1.0.2 and I forgot to back up my data. If we need someone to test out the 2 Berry shit I could be the test dummy
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It's considerably rare. All the time I've played I've only seen one shiny Luvdisc.
Go for it, what do you have to lose?
My fifth shiny. Gib name.
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I wanted to try out the hacked apk for the hell of it. This is the site right? It seems fishy
It works. Feels kind of slow until you get your first berry to 50, then becomes insanely good.
King Koi
>Don't posting beating a karp by .01m, max level JP and boss JP are not randomized

What the fuck does that even mean?
I have a question. If I have a shiny karp that can reach Lv61, is it possible to endlessly fight EL3 as long as it doesn't reach max level?
I just tried this, and sadly now.
If a Magikarp beats EL3, even without being max level, you're forced to fish up a new Magikarp unlike previous leagues where beating it sub-max level let you continue with that karp.

If they let you do that, you could potentially farm coins with a karp that never reaches max level, unless you happen to get the Jumping Lesson or Macho Karp events that force you to increase JP.
max it. el3 forces a retire once you win. i tried with a lvl 60
So do you unlock purple and gray at the same time?
At one point in the game if you have your Karp trained to Max and you're fighting the league you're guaranteed to win by .01km. it looks impressive so people like to post it but everyone has gotten it so it's nothing special
This game needs a cutscene the league match that takes place after The Challenge that starts with your koi saying "I herd u wer talkin shit m8"
Has anyone else noticed that the amount of coins you get from Nuggets or Roddy Tackle seem to be wrong?

Like he gives roughly 1700, but I receive roughly 1400.

Part of the amount is already in your coin total when you actually collect the coins, for some reason.
Do you actually ever start DOING ANYTHING in this game? I've been playing for an hour and so far it was one long cutscene with no player agency at all. How is it even a game?
It sounds like you don't wanna be the greatest Magikarp Trainer in the world, faggot.
I'd love being a Magikarp trainer if I actually had any effect on the training. But the game can LITERALLY play itself.
>male koi-chan
opinion discarded
It's an idle game in the vein of cookie clicker, it has a certain appeal for people who like to micro manage and make progress over time, even if it's months.
How rare is this pattern? This is the first I've gotten it, even before I accidentally reset my data
Surprisingly rare. Of the 22 standard Magikarp I've fished up, only 2 were skelly.
Finally Rank 44 lads, going to join the big boy league soon.
I'm at Expert League 3 and I haven't got Charizard yet because I fell for the Litten meme that was being spread during the early threads. Is Charizard good for post-game or am I better off spending my diamonds on something else now?
Since you've basically beaten the game, spend it on something else. Maybe Rowlet/Meowth for coins, or Litten to boost your JP. If you get Charizard, you'll have to invest in Slowpoke next.
What if I already have Slowpoke? I heard that Slowpoke was good although I didn't realise it would be better to get Charizard first.
Then it's your call really. If you're doing 2berry, go for Snorlax I guess.
Does downgrading still work or have they blocked the older versions from working?
I have Charizard, Slowpoke, Shaymin.

Should I buy Rowlet or Aegislash next?

It works.
go to apkmirror, it still works

If you want more coins, go for Rowlet. If you want more JP from training, go for Aegislash. If you're doing 2berry, go for Rowlet. Your call really.
I'm focusing all my support candies on Pikachu and Meowth, ignoring Piplup. Those are the only 3 supports I have so far. Good decision?

Other questions:
1. Should I focus spending diamonds on supports or decorations?
2. Are support candies finite? Because there's only a certain number of items to max out and leagues and achievements
When you get max rank (51), every new "level" gives you a candy instead of raising your rank.
So it's one candy every 2 fishes approx.
Also if you didn't upgrade your app, you get 25 diamonds + one candy every fish for clearing expert league 3
thanks mate.

So, it sounds like Expert League 3 is the final league. If you beat that, then what's the point of continuing to upgrade shit?
Please help.

I just lost 7 consecutive times and still didn't get the No 18 Sage Advice event..

How did you trigger it?
wait, is slowpoke random? should i use it while only charizard is on cd?
More content will eventually be added. After you beat the Luxury League and get the last badge you get a message telling you you can play through the Expert Leagues until they eventually add more real ones.
What site?
Also it feels good to keep "improving"
I've been grinding diamonds and support candies and I'm gonna keep going until I get everything.
I mostly focus on berries and even the shittier ones give at least 400k JP
I get a boner every new fish because they eat one berry then just freeze and get 30 levels waiting for the "your fish got bigger"
Why did I update you fucking idiot
>>Upgrade oran and sitrus evenly, never buy other berries or training
the fuck didn't I think of this....
It requires off the chart levels of autism.
I noticed the "unsafe" events are ones that make you confirm twice that you want to do something that could potentially make you lose your Karp.
I got it when my Karp was level 1 and I thought it'd be funny to let it try to jump anyway. It seems like it's random, just like almost every other event

By upgrade evenly, do they mean upgrade them to where the JP they give is equal, or the rank is equal? The OP is a mess
JP. There is no such thing as a 'common' berry, just the lowest JP per berry is considered the most common.
More like common sense. It's literally the first thing I thought of when I first leveled orans to 25 and saw the big jump in JP gains.
>get to the end of expert 3
>time to downgrade
>use a code i created before
>takes me back to level 41 and nukes my progress
So, if I create a backup, and then download the downgraded game directly to my phone via cydiaimpactor, would I be able to keep my data at the point that I made the backup? Or am I getting fucked like you? How did you get a downgraded game? I'm on iOS and it's just 1.03.
Also, Popplio or Snorlax? Level 47 haven't finished the Expert League 3 yet.
Your backup only has the data you had when you made it. Guy just used one he made from a long time ago.
It took me back to when I made the transfer code
Does anyone know if Duel works this way?

Also I just download an APK, and have now downloaded the modded APK for infinite everything because fuck this game
Welp, my level 30 magikarp "Lucky" just died to Voltorb
Thanks mates
Hmm a modded apk... i can't tell if that's boring or not. random events are still my favorite part of the game, the grind is just there to slow us down while new """content""" is being made. Still, now that I know it's just a google search away at least I can farm EL3.
Ahh level 30, the coin grind game will change once you hit the last few leagues. Never risk a voltorb, I take the 80/100k just for saying nah. 7000 coins are nice if your karp is just a babby.
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First five replies decides
Grab that shit.
Grab it.

You'll die though.

Check 'em.
Get that money.
It comes with guaranteed +coins for a reason anon. This is its destiny.
Do it faggot.
do it
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do you think there will ever be character customization?
What's the slowpoke event and how do I get it?




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>tfw you want to know how much time left before you can use a certain support pokemon again
>all you gotta do is tap on them a few times so you can see their cooldown bar
>tfw theyre sleeping and you feel bad for waking them up by tapping them
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Fish dinner may have died, but fuck him. Gold Standard's legacy lives on
>Have to tap them 20 fucking times because games assumes the first 19 were friendly pokes
Got two in a row but we soared too high. RIP MasterCarp. You made us filthy rich.
I'm glad she's dead.
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What should I spend these candies on?
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Oh baby. Charizard finally delivered. Totally worth sifting through entire days' worth of Training Sodas.
You basically have to be max level to beat E3 the first time anyway. Once you hit max trainer rank, it's replaced with support candies.
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You guys do know that using slowpoke on a maxed Rowlet gives consistently more coins than Charizard right?
Share on social media.

Social media being the note application
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I'm going to post this every day until I get any Orca pattern.
I need 50 more Shares for the last one. God, this is going to take a while.
No, this game doesn't really need it if you ask me.
Charizard just gave me a power up for the first time.

When is the best time to use it for maximum profit?
Is fast league the point where you stopped playing?

The level curve becomes much steeper there
stopped? I finished Expert League 3 and I'm still going to I can upgrade everything to its max value and have some coins/diamonds ready to go when they announce new content.
Am I cool now, /mjg/ friends?
v 1.1 Update.
-Added the Gacha Pond. For a small amount of diamonds, you will be able to fish in the exclusive Gacha Pond for special Magikarps with unique patterns and bonuses.
-Popups from coins or JP gains will now display as a small lower window without disrupting gameplay.
-Fixed several bugs and issues.
Where is this from?
The first time I started the game I was going to do that. But then I assumed that the bar was full i wouldn't be able to level the food/training anymore and started buying other things. Later I found out that wasn't the case. I cried inside
How are we supposed to use the one everstone we have in the inventory?
It's always in use while you have it.
You can break it once though by tapping on your karp quickly a few times which will make Magikarp evolve when you hit level 20.
It's possible to get a shiny Gyaados this way as well if you let a shiny evolve.
Bruh. I know all that. We have another everstone in our inventory.
Yeah and like I said, that one's always active since you can only break it once.
It's there so your karps stay karps.
alright fags where's the 1.02 ipa download?
unless there's an apk converter I can't diamond grind... and any google search gives me fake cheat engines for magikarp jump.
>popplio if stuck on 1.0.3
>putting support candies into anything except piplup or litten
holy fuck does the OP need a revision.
tfw USM killed Magikarp Jump
>tfw more excited for next magikarp jump update than you are for USM
No one is gonna update unless it brings a lot of new content though.
That's the problem when you remove a key feature.
> key feature
Ultra Sun Ultra moon
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Quick question, did you guys spend money in this game? I'm really close to buying charizard but knowing that I still need to grind for another couple of days in order to get slowpoke is kinda off a turn off. Should I spend 5 burger dolares or just grind?
buy enough to get both
I already have Charizard, Slowpoke, Snorlax, Shaymin, Aegislash and Parasect. What should I save for next?
I didn't but I know a lot of people that did spend real money.
In the end it comes down to you if you think the game is worth the money. Personally I'd say this is one of the very few mobilegames that can be worth the money but I'd rather just take the long route and unlock everything myself.
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Oh boy here we go
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