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/mjg/ Magikarp Jump: Went too high Edition

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Thread replies: 357
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Went too high Edition

>Event list
All safe except for berry jump, pokeball, science experiment, and fishing rod
>Charizard + Slowpoke is great
>Litten good before rank 20
>Popplio is a trash meme
>Shaymin > Aegislash > Parasect
>Remember that you can zoom out to look your whole pool by doing the standard zoom out gesture on your screen
>To rename your Magikarp go to your main screen, click on rank, scroll down and click on change
>You can force a magikarp into early retirement if you train seven times and you're rank 15+
>Events like jumping out of pond, gyarados evolution, and ghost girl can only be done once per save
>Stop posting beating a karp by .01m, max level JP and boss JP are not randomized

>https://pastebin.com/EE4D1Abn (embed)
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Wew fucking lad
God damn it, we told you a billion times already to wait with making a new thread till the last one is at least on page 8.
Can you do the entire league again if you lose once?
I'd never risk this, but good for ya
>17.1k coins
damn zard
>>I tell people to lose matches before max level so that they can get extra coins and events
You don't get any extra coins or events though, what are you talking about. If you lose a match you don't get to do all the other ones over
>Now meowth has disappeared
If you're going to let us buy all the supports at least make a slot for all of them.
When I get bulbasaur I imagine it'll be even worse.
you do get extra coins and events are you dumb?
You get coins when you lose a match and then again when you beat it once your LP restores, and there are events that only proc after losing a league match which CAN'T activate if you were max level as you just retire instead
fucking op kys, you didn't add any of the requested info from last thread and you posted this way too early, leave it to the professionals next tiem
>You get coins when you lose a match and then again when you beat it once your LP restores,
Oh you're talking about just getting a single extra loss for some coins?
I mean, sure, I guess, but that seems pretty boring and inoptimal.
Not to mention that if you have zard or some other supports you pretty much never need to grind coins anyway.
>Karp isn't at max level
>Lose league
>Get cooldown
>Karp reaches max level
>Booted to league
>Cooldown is reset to 0
>Retires once it loses

Not rocket science
You already have to spend over 90 minutes boosting JP until you're able to beat the league, no reason to rush through it right away when you can get some bonus coins. Plus once you hit max level you play even if you don't have you LP ready, so you can lose right before maxing out to get a few extra coins. I think NOT going for free coins would be inoptimal, at least for losing right before you max out.
>Random person asks about your gender and then hands you some money
>Mayor keeps on telling you about the differences between males and females
Fischer will grow up to be a fine prositute (male)
yo nigga they're ur friends not ur pokemon they got shit to do
>Purposefully making your karps lose for a few extra coins
>retiring a karp is no longer enough EXP to get a guaranteed rank up
I'm rank 34 currently and I always stop training at least once before hitting max to be sure I lose one match for the extra coins before finishing up that Karp's run. It can really help early on and means all my berries at this point are at level 25. Besides, you don't redo ALL the fights, just the one you lost so you barely even lose a minute.
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Reminder to post your dead and how they died!
Don't let the dead be forgotten.
also reminder the MCs name is Koi.
Hey, LP is a 1:30 cooldown and so is 3 TP. Also you never know when Pikabro will give you a 25%, also you can get events so there is nothing to lose. Karp knows you love it because it tries its best.
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>multiple feebas spawned

May I ask you what stage you are at, Charizard is one of the better supports, but saying that it is meaningless to grab extra coins is dumb and at least lose to complete the event dex
fucking lazyass cats
I haven't been below 3k coins in ages despite constantly leveling most things.
Holy shit, I didn't even know this could happen.
>haven't been below 3k coins
You can't if you don't actually spend it
Did you really get the 3 boosts? Nice.
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Did you stop reading my post after that?
I have all but the last berries on 25 and I think all besides the last two training sessions.
Do it when it's a new and worthless Karp.
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I only managed to get 2 before my karp maxed out (there were originally 4, couldn't screenshot it in time)
It's really worth it when you have +events karps
Damn anon, I'd suggest buying a lottery ticket today.
You have plenty else to spend the money on, like making the common berry give more JP by upgrading it, don't act like you have an excuse for not spending
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Karp MK.XXII by Pidgeotto
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>1 million
>3 Feebases
>tfw Rank 40, and nothing amazing like that has ever happened to me

I have yet to get a golden Magikarp ;_;
Koi is incredibly cute!
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Wow. That was quick.

Karp MK.XXIII by Pidgeotto
Shelly was a +event JP karp who died to her first berry tree jump. Having not eaten any berries yet her body wasn't even plump enough to be a good snack. May she rest in peace.
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Well fug
how do i increase my number of logins? just opening the app does nothing for my progress
what rank should i expect to finish luxury league on?

i got on it around my 36 generation, probably was around rank 32
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It counts only once per day.
oh thanks. if i delete the app and redownload will it increase faster?
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I was so lucky a today.
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Have fun out there buddy!!!
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probably not
My greed took my Schlomokarp away from me. I shall learn from my mistakes.
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Do pink, gray and purple karp evolve into non-blue karps?

regular karp does almost a 180 on color wheel, so here's this
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forgot pic
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the images are fun to play around with
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I would want to know this too
>Losing league battles on purpose
>slowpoke event still won't trigger
>the already bored of the grind so I bought my bro Popplio so he may chill out with my karp til the end of days
Moving on to new mobile games
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fucking kill me
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>risking a shiny
>Being a helicopter parent
>actively sending karps to their death
>When a golden karp named YES beats three new jumps in Fast league
Honestly, every victory in Fast League feels great.
Those JP jumps are fucking bullshit.
From what I've heard, only normal Gyarados and Shiny Gyarados exist. Which is a bummer, Calico Orange/Gold karp evolving into a Calico Blue/Red Gyarados would be cool as fuck.
ESPECIALLY a shiny to voltorb event. Gold bonus + best gold event is pure moolah.

Speaking of, has anyone figured out the probabilities on choice events?
How likely is scolding to help? How often is jumping going to insatiable deathbirb you? How often is it a ton of coins not ackbar the spherical? That sort of thing?
I like to know my odds before making risky plays.
nigga 150% bonus on a voltorb event is worth it.
According to Joe, it gets even more ridiculous in the last league where jumps are over 100k, with the last jump being 4000k.

And let's not mention Expert Leagues which are filled to brim with 1kk jumps, and the weakest ones are still in 600k territory
I don't think there are any official stats yet but berry tree and voltorb always felt like 50/50 to me.
Scolding works like 30% at the time.
We are rewarded for killing Karps. If it were bad we wouldn't be rewarded.
Charizard gave me a second Support Candy today, this time I took a screenshot, in case anyone was still doubting.
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>Get my 4th shiny this morning
>Fuck it I'm doing this now
>Game actually whitescreens, hangs and quits when the event starts
>Results screen with red gyarados
>5th shiny magikarp
He gave me a training soda today
Whate events give diamonds again? I just know about All That Glitters and random pokeballs in the pond.
I got a training soda once as well. Don't poopoo it too much, that's an item towards the item usage achievement.

So far I've gotten
>Skill Restore
>Training Soda
>Coin Purse
>Support Candy
>Support Candy
My success rates are about 80% berry tree, 33% pokeball, 80% scolding
Time to head home, before it gets dark.
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>Bought Exeggutor Palm and Litten
I didn't know, I just thought I'd play casually and now I'm too deep to restart.
Sandbag Slam!
Good effort!
It's such a nice day out. Why don't we take the long way home?
Let's go to the city!
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Magikarp Adrift!
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Imagine beating someone so hard he feels the need to pay you 100 dollars just so you don't ever get to fight him again.
Shaymin+Aegislash, or Charizard?
I know charizard helps get item use achievements, and can give skill restores, but I know passive bonuses tend to give more than active things in the long haul.

Is it a big enough passive bonus to warrant getting them and not zard?

Alternately, Snorlax+Slowpoke to trigger all the events?
At this point I'm convinced that the Orca pattern doesn't actually exist and everyone is just bullshitting.
Why does everyone complain about the fast league? The jumps weren't really that much bullshit compared to the great and heavy leagues. The level curve still keeps up, and I was able to progress properly, two or three levels each karp except one gen that didn't get a rank up. Just started luxury league and my first karp made it up to battle 5 before losing. Still making progress like usual.
I got 10 candies. Use them on Pikachu or Piplup?
lol i've gotten three and i'm only on generation 10
The thing with the passive bonuses is, while they sound better on paper if you're playing more actively, all they do is make you wait a bit less. Faster JP gain just lets get what you were already guaranteed to get a bit sooner. Charizard on the other hand gives you items that you're not guaranteed to get in any way. You get items for the item use achievement without wasting diamonds that could be put toward other support/decorations. You get support candies which are in limited supply and can't reliably be farmed any other way. Even when you get coins, it's effectively the same as buying popplio or rowlet, which you the use to boost your berries/training to get the same outcome as shaymin/aegislash.
Piplup without a doubt.
And Piplup again when you save up another 12 candies, three training points restored on a 90 minute cooldown is incredible.

When you get to Fast League, you should be getting a lot more coin to get the rank 25 bonus on shopping. Charizard can also give support candies if you're lucky.
And his benefits keep pace with the passive benefits?
Because faster growth means faster diamonds means buying more decos & supports who synergize each other.
>three training points restored on a 90 minute cooldown is incredible.
Isn't that the default rate? You get 1 every 30 min to a maximum of three.
The default rate is 30 minutes per point, up to three.

Piplup's cooldown runs in parallel, so in the same 90 minute lapse you can use the three training points you have, then use Piplup to immediately get another three training points.
Then you wait about roughly 90 minutes again, which practically doubles your rate.
basically goes from 3 punching bags and a quick trip home in 1:30 to 6.
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wtf i love magikarp now
I began day 1 but I don't play a lot. I'm rank 26..
I thought I'd play casually but got addicted.
I have bought exeggutor and sunflora.
How can I fix the mess? I have 440 diamonds.
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I'd say save for zard for now.
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You can start right away with decorations, you have to wait a long while for Charizard, and it is not that big a deal unless you are autistic about the items achievement
>not playing the long game
The items aren't just good for the achievement, their amazing to use too
Training soda and league restore are just okay, sure
The 50% JP boost is amazing for grinding through karps quickly
The skill restore works for ALL your supports, so when combined with slowpoke you're getting a ton of power
>Got 3 goldies and several pinks

>got ONE skelly at the start and no more

that's fucking weird
Does anyone know why this is happening? I just evolved a Magikarp to Gyarados, and I try to do the same with the next one. But now the everstone won't break no matter how long I try.
Is my game bugged or is it because of something else?
btw protag a cute
One time event, like the bird taking your karp away from bouncing out of the pond. Keeps it from being abused to reroll individuality.
read the op
So i found out yesterday that the corsola and luvdisc in the feeding frenzy can be shiny

I wonder if feebas and manaphy can be shiny too
And pidgeotto too
The exclusive events are going to make me buy diamonds for slowpoke and snorlax I can already tell
Just so everyone knows GameStop got these really cute Magikarp plushies today for $13
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And here they are~
Just got my 22nd support candy, now I've got max rank Piplup.

What to do with future support candies, put them into Meowth or Pikachu? I'm leaning Meowth.
Or save them for something else down the line?
Pikachu, or save for Litten.
Probably won't be Litten, I hear it really drops in usefulness after rank 20, and I'm 29.
I'm saving for Slowpoke for the Charizard strategy. Only 94 more diamonds until I get Slowpoke.
Litten doesn't "fall off", it's just that other purchases should take priority after a certain level. Since you can't upgrade slowpoke or Charizard, Litten is who to spend the support candies on. If you don't have Slowpoke yet, get him first, but you can't spend candies on him.
Pikachu and Litten both just give you JP, but Litten gives you more. Once you get high enough level that the % bonuses from decorations give you more JP than Litten does, so you should spend you gems on those things. You can't spend support candies on decorations, though.
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Reminder to thank your cheerleaders
These are dang cute.

>tfw 2 +25% in a row
does standard magikarp grow into skelly or do you know you have a skelly when you fish it up?
You won't know if it's a Skelly until you grow a standard Magikarp full size.
Standard pattern grows in to skelly. I don't think you'll know until it's fully grown.
standard turns into skelly
for each category they all look the same when you first fish, only at the final stage does it turn into one of the specific ones of that category
That's beautiful!!!
Customkarp is cute! CUTE!
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God bless supporters.
is there any way to increase the max level on a karp other than be gone! event?
These are custom made? How, just with Photoshop or some kind of function I haven't unlocked yet?
Could you make a karp that looks like a Gyarados?
Are you a retard?
Don't be mean, it was just a question..
Well they're not any of the patterns on serebii so I'm assuming those are just artwork someone made
People like you don't deserve cute karps.
Not that guy, but I am retarded, please fill me in.
I assume that too but they looks very good, I thought maybe when you got to max level you could customize your karps? I don't know.. But they're very cute!
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>decide to give a try to the game
>name my third gen karp Jesus
>flop out of the water for fun
>Jesus, nooooooo!
Almost as good as the name "Oh god no"
>taken by Pidgeotto
>Oh god no, nooooooo!
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I'm slightly upset at this point.
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>only 34 unique events
>achievement requires 39

Good decision, anon. If I was smarter I would uninstall this shit right now.

As I am, I'm going to play ONLY another 10 generations.
>>You can force a magikarp into early retirement if you train seven times and you're rank 15+
I can't understand it either.
Click your rank bar.

Scroll all the way down.
Do you still get the motivation bonus?
I have a tentative theory

Do +coin magikarps give you more +coin events? I've just had four roddy tackles in a row whilst grinding the league and i've had a lot of nuggets too. Four of the same event in a row seems unlikely.
What part of it is confusing?
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Did I get gud? :3
I like this. Was disappointed when the tiger pattern wasn't actually in the game
Why would you do it?
Farming for patterns. It's not really worth it though, the motivation bonus for completing a karp helps you farm for patterns better.
Yes! Congratulations! What's their name?

not him but it clearly says top left
Is that why whenever you lose your 'karp to a Pidgeotto, you get scolded for working it too hard?
It's not even worth it once you max out motivation either.

I can max out a lvl61 Magikarp faster than waiting for 7 training points.
Yes, that is what I said.
Who hurt you?
But you didn't though.

That's ok anon, not all of us can read.

nigga what does this even mean

i was pointing out the name, top left
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Say hello to Mitten :3
hi mitten

How rare it is to get a shiny? I just caught my first one after two generations
Hello Mitten !
They're pretty rare but are more common at the start because there's fewer possible patterns to fish up. Same with the Skelly.
Should I feed my support candies to Pikachu?
Give one to pikachu and save the rest for piplup
Yes for one rank up, then save them for Piplup and Litten.
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When i try to start the game and chose a language i get this error anyone has an idea?
i already tried
>reinstalling the app
>another internet connection
>reset the phone
First time I've seen this posted here, sorry m8
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>Did it every time
>Every time I got the berry
I'm really pushing my luck since I did it maybe over 10 times already.
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>he actually paid money for Pooplio
im on my third golden magikarp
>he doesn't know about the endgame
once you have everything else might as well get it_
Just got done with the Luxury League
Feels fucking good
Now onto autistic expert grinding until there's an update
But you don't have Charizard or Snorlax or anything like that.
Not my game, but you're right I didn't notice that. My bad, carry on mocking him.

Event: Many Wise Words
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What could possibly go wrong?
Live bold
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im on the edge of my seat
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Silly Sue just reached max level, and during the animation Manaphy floated by... Well, it can't be helped, have a happy retirement, Silly Sue!
Fast League is super gay
I NEED that background.
no u
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"... Poke-what?"
I'm at 5 in a row. It's crazy.
Seems like there was an update. Any information on the update? The store just says "Minor bug fixes"
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Something seems odd about my pink Magikarp, but I can't put my finger on it.
did you already break the damn everstone
>named my fish Red Shirt
>nearly hit max level of 29
So what should I prioritize as far as coins go? I have 1200ish KarpCoins(tm) at the moment.
tfw my sandbag give me this much JP
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No. But he seems happy enough regardless. That's all that really matters, right?

>i make like twice that every time i get a new karp just from leveling it up on it's first screen

the numbers in this game get really weird the closer to a week you are
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Maybe you shouldn't try for the berry?
All 4 of those had + >100% for events
I had tl

better safe than sushi

>I keep giving my Karps to that mad scientist hoping she will fuck up

>she hasn't since that time I have her my 3rd Shiny to make it a Red Gyarados

if you refuse you still get event JP, just a bit less, and considering it was so many fails in a row you totally were better not going for the big prize
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yes I have a grudge against these fuckers now
Same. I keep trying to toss my Karp away to her and nope, just keeps boosting my levels. And it's always the crappy ones too.
Who else is on E3? Only need a few more ranks to beat it I think.
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Just did some datamining, found an unreleased pattern. Thoughts?
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I'm so proud of Red! The motivation bonuses rally add up~
>new generation
>clear the tank of food
>5 trainings (2 massage a karps)
>1 tag battle
>clear the tank between each training
And she's already almost max! Loving each of your karps to the fullest really is the best~
wow, that looks sick

sorry friend, it'll never jump ashore
when do we get an anti-aircraft update
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Which rod and name?
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>friend catches a karp with white spots on it
>names it after himself because he has vitiligo IRL
>doesn't know that magikarps can die
>gets pidgeotto event
>wanna cheer him up
>"It's not dead, your Magikarp just got too strong to want to jump anymore, so it went to go train with a Pidgeotto so it could evolve into a Gyarados!"
>show him pic related
>say he'll see his Magikarp again in the morning, evolved into a Gyarados
I'm gonna draw him a picture of his dead Magikarp, will post when finished
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Rest in Peace, Andykarp
i-i'm not crying
you're crying
i just have onions in my eyes
R.I.P Fishsticks, eaten by Pidgeotto
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Keep leveling berries or buy the new berry?
Buy the new one
1.03 update boys, what changed?
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681% for events.

I'm Rock Hard, Motherfuckers
Bugs are kill
You're a very sweet person, and a good friend in your heart~
I'm sure your friend will love you for this!
Minor bug fixes :/
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You did good Chickenugget.

So yeah, pick next rod and name please.
1, Brat Watson
>spent my first 250 diamonds on lampent deco for more coins
Did I fuck up? I want Charizard and Slowpoke but I'm only rank 23 and I'm less than halfway there, I don't wanna buy this little fuck.
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Brat Watson chillin in the pond.
How long will it take to get the diamonds required then? Essentially, how much time am I buying away if I buy diamonds?
Time? It really depends. You get 10 diamonds for every fully trained karp, 10-25 for league victories when you get to the end boss, and some diamonds randomly from events and sunken treasure. If you're really active you can save as little as 3 days or so, if you're not always playing you could be saving almost a week.
>You can't grind expert league 3 for diamonds anymore

How do you progress in the end game, then? I haven't gotten there yet, I'm sad I missed it.
The last league is repeatable. Beating it always retires you Magikarp, regardless of their level.

The only thing that's worth doing now is maxing out your support candy meter by maxing out Magikarps.

Takes about 2 maxed out karps and 2 full league runs to get on support candy.
>3 days for 700 diamonds, ~$15
Nah. I'll play. Thanks though.
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>be 20 diamonds away from zard
>minor bugfixes
>zard is now 600 diamonds

But he's been 600 even before the update?
I wish there would be an option to skip all league battles you already won at once and just go straight to the last battle you lost.
am I tripping? wasnt he 500?

Popplio rises
Did that come with the new update?
If so I'm just gonna stay on the last version then.
Yeah it did.

Dang, I wonder if there's a way to revert back.
retiring Karps is still a quicker way to get diamonds
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Theory: the trees you keep knocking over had nests full of pidgys. The death birds are simply taking their rightful revenge
You could try looking for the old version on google. Usually there are a few sites that always archive them.
Probably should include it in the next OP to not update the app to the latest version if you wanna grind the last league though.
all good then
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Anyone else always trying to get around the wordfilters?
especially for karps with shitty patterns you already had a thousand times
I'm not edgy so no.
On a related note, Spunk is an inappropriate nickname apparently. Any foreignfags wanna fill me in on what the spunk is wrong with censorship these days
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No! Every one if my karps is special to me, I name each if them individually and train them all with love~
Meet Shortcake, he's a little femenine but that's ok. He likes to eat sweet berries and I love him!
He reminds me a little of me..
It means cum, why are you surprised?
Euphemism for semen
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>tfw you're young, dumb, and full of...
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Is this a typo or is this actually going to improve by more than double?
How to switch cheerleader? I only have piplup and pika. Can I use piplup?
Level 25 always gives a huge upgrade.
They're chosen randomly but I don't think Piplup can actually cheer for you.
At least that never happened to me.
They are chosen randomly, and only land supports can cheer for you.
I named one Kanker and the game was fine with it
Kanker isn't rude or vulgar at all.
In Dutch it is very rude
It literally just means cancer.
They wouldn't filter small-pocks or shit like that either.
It's dutch for cancer. Often misused as a swearword (usually instead of simply 'fuck', due to how well it rolls off the tongue), gets a bunch of people triggered easily. Should be in the word filter if you ask me.
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I feel you.
As far as I'm concerned, Orca is just a myth.
>tfw no Slowpoke cheerleader
This is truly suffering indeed.
One day, fellow anon. One day...
Your ass
hitler dubs win
Ok but what language are you playing he game in?
Chinese traditional
Wordfilters filter vulgar/offensive words for all languages usually.
Anyone tried the android only force close during training on the new patch?
if you mean resetting the ammount of effort magikarp puts in, its not android only.
I had someone test it today on iPhone and it didnt work, so i figured it was exclusive

Any word on it though?
works totally fine on iphone for me, even with the update.
Whats the extra league 3 thing? im yet to update and i want to exploit it
So when you evolve your magikarp do you get to see it swimming around in your pond sometimes like with the other retired magikarp? If so. then it's a shame you can only do it once. I already broke my everstone but I haven't found a shiny magikarp yet.
No. The Gyarados always get taken away by the mayor or the scientist sadly.
>third gold karp
>still not a male
>still haven't seen orange orca
guys, i'm actually at level 35, and i have Aegislash, Shaymin and Parasect. What should i buy next? I have 300 diamonds left, and i don't know if i should go with Litten or wait for something else.
Litten is dogshit after level 20.
Either save for zard or get Slowpoke in the meantime.
why does the gold karp need to be male?
why is it shit? it gives more JP then pikachu

don't get slowpoke without zard. just get zard.
Shaymin, Parasect and Litten here, at rank 30 with about 350 diamonds.

I should buy Zard next, right?

Already upgraded Litten and Pinplup once, what to do with candies?
It's cooldown is more than double that of Pikachu and it gives more or less that amount of percentage as well. So you're basically wasting diamonds on something that you already have.

It's alright early on to get through the leagues as fast as possible but in late game it's just not gonna help you as much since it's gonna take a while to max your karps either way.
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if this keeps up I will run out of blondes to name karp after
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Candies for Pikachu or for Piplup?
Getting two or three training points restored saves a shitload of time.
its a nobrainer. piplup
Why does Magikarp only hang out with Pikachu?
Because you didn't buy enough friends for him.
By your own logic you're spending diamonds to double what you already have, and Litten does give a lot more than Pikachu does so it's more than double.
Yeah but why do that if you can just get zard or whatever which can potentially give you training restores to make much more JP than Litten could give you?
Just saw this, too. The blue corsola caught me off-guard.
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> 6 standard, 1 skelly
> 8 Calico Orange/white, 1 white/black, 3 white, orange, 0 ???
> 3 orange 2 tone, 1 orca, 7 dapples
> 1 pink 2 tone, 1 orca, 3 dapples
> 2 golds

why is this allowed?
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God damn, Pikachu just gave me a 25% bonus which made me win the battle despite being nearly 300k behind.
25 diamonds every time you clear Extra League 3, so don't update the game as it's been "fixed".
That depends how you upgrade, and also depends what zard gives you since Litten is consistent, and also how many candies you've given Litten since zard can't upgrade, and lots of things. The point is, Litten isn't useless.
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is there actually any truth to getting the free zard
what free zard?
Pikachu and Litten are both 2 stars for me, just used them both
Pikachu: 87.5k, ~1,028/minute
Litten: 138k, ~1,640/minute
I did them both at the same time on the same karp so any bonuses we're the same. Litten does give you much more than Pikachu, even though you have to wait longer to activate it it still gives you JP worth the wait and then some.
I meant that Litten gave me 128k not 138k, but the JP/minute is still right.
>Litten does give you much more than Pikachu

wrong, you have invested 2 candies into litten and only one into pikachu, so you cant see them as equal. Also litten scales better the more candies you give it, and it can eat a lot more than pikachu.
I don't know how I fucked up this bad but it's nearly 3am so maybe cut me a break but I did that math completely backwards.
Pikachu: ~972JP/minute
Litten: ~610JP/minute
Also I just checked and apparently Pikachu is 3 stars and Litten is 2 stars. I just keep fucking up.

It says on Litten that taking it to 3 stars take 60%>210% so that's a 150% increase. Assuming that, rank 3 Litten would give ~914JP/minute.

In short Pikachu is better but they're pretty close and also they work at the same time so Litten is still worth.
I got a slowpoke, now do I go for snorlax or Charizard? They both seem as useful as each other

snorlax is meme-tier
Charizard for sure. Snorlax is actually ass unless you spent 100% of your gold on food and have Shaymin, but isn't as bad as Popplio because at least he does something.
Thanks boys, I had my finger on the button with 512 diamonds so I'll keep saving.
>Take even more candies away from Piplup
An irrelevant statement to the conversation.
Let's not waste this energy, let's swim home!
>get glassed
I have like 360-something diamonds

Should i buy a slowpoke or should i save up some more and prioritize snorlax for the food and that event
If you have Charizard, get Slowpoke. If you have no support mons besides the freebies, Slowpoke isn't really worth the investment. Unless you have a fully loaded Piplup and want another refresh every 7 hours.
I only have pikachu, piplup and meowth so far
the palm tree is good by itself, my buy after Shaymin.
[quote]Litten is a meme, sorry[/quote]
>[quote]Litten is a meme, sorry[/quote]
>being this new
get the fuck out of here.
Nothing about what you just said is good, and also you're a retard newfag.
rod/name pls
>Orange Pattern
>JP from events +129%

Eh, could have been worse.
Theres also hope that it grows into mr.skeltal if you dont have that yet
Orange pattern is the one that can give you two-tone, spinkled and orca the latter which I don't have yet so I'll hope for that.
orange and pink give the same patterns
the next two are grouped similarly

it's basically

1. regular karp
2. colico karp
3. orange and pink karp
4. gray and purple karp
5. gold karp
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Why hello there poorcucks, just got a whopping 2123 coins, you can stay mad
How many gold balls can stay on he screen?

I'm saving them all for my next moneyfish but i feel like the balls stopped growing in numbers
20 at a time, I would claim the low level ones as soon as possible to save space for high level ones
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told you so.gif
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>after playing so much shuffle had a hunch that the update would remove the ability to grind expert level so I didn't update
>mfw I was right

You might think you're joking, but in Germany Pokkén was actually renamed to Pokémon Tekken because Pokken is German for small-pox.
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>magikarp retires
>get retirement exp
>4 exp away from leveling up

Fuck this gay earth
To whoever is gonna make the OP for the next thread; don't forget to note in there that the new update removes the ability to grind diamonds in the last league.
>tfw you didn't buy into the °Popplio is a meme" meme
>Already got 24 diamonds in two days
>When I don't get diamonds I still get a ton of money or 30k+ JP from food
>50 diamonds away from slowpoke to get even more stuff
That's a good thing you dumb retard, you get to use your leftover trainings before replenishing them when you level up.
Except I don't give a shit about that single training point that was replenished while the league challenge and retirement cutscene happened, they were all used when the last karp reached max level.
>>Already got 24 diamonds in two days
I mean, I've bought into it as well, but I'm still earning a steady 50 diamonds/day at least, and popplio plays a rather small role in that.

new bread

That's nice but my Zard keeps giving me Power Ups which cost 200 gems each so it already paid for itself. How long would it take your Popplio to earn all that back?
So what do I prioritize my coins on?

depends on your current rank
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