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Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 106

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Welcome to the Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc., etc.


>Citronic Gear On's music rips:

>Newfag Airing/Viewing Order Guide for XY:

>NEW Trailer for upcoming events:

>Movie 20: Pocket Monsters the Movie: I Choose You! [July 15th]

Next episode:
>SM26 - Farewell, Māmane! [May 11th]

Upcoming episodes:
>SM27 - Come Forth, Lugarugan with the Crimson Look!! [May 18th]
>SM28 - The Fierce Pokébase Match! Aim for a Home Run to Turn the Tide!! [May 25th]
>SM29 - Hey Mush, Are You Going to Sleep in the Nemush Forest Too? [June 8th]

Shit people will ask:
>Muh subs when?
[PM] is subbing XY&Z and SM. Their releases can happen any time of the week.

Old thread:




SM20/21 RAW:




>Māmane is moving?! Satoshi and his friends decide to throw a farewell party for him. Māmane is touched by the kindness of his friends at the Pokémon School, but then things take a shocking turn...?!

>Māmane ends up hearing that his parents are seeking advice about moving. Moving means he'll have to part ways with everyone at the Pokémon School! This makes him thoroughly depressed. But meanwhile, Satoshi and the others hear that he's moving and decide to throw him a farewell party.

>Voice Cast:
>Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
>Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
>Kei Shindo: Lilie
>Kaito Ishikawa: Kaki
>Reina Ueda: Mao
>Hitomi Kikuchi: Suiren
>Fumiko Takekuma: Māmane
>Keiichi Nakagawa: Professor Kukui
>Megumi Hayashibara: Mokuroh
>Mika Kanai: Togedemaru
>Rikako Aikawa: Ashimari
>Chika Fujimura: Amamaiko
>Chinami Nishimura: Nyabby
>Kenta Miyake: Bakugames
>Yuji Ueda: Māmane's Father
>Ayano Shibuya: Hoshi
>Unsho Ishizuka: Narration


SM27 - Come Forth, Lugarugan with the Crimson Look!! (May 18th)
>Satoshi has heard word of a Trainer using a Lugarugan who's recently appeared every now and then in the city. Hearing that this Trainer is really strong, he heads to the city, wanting a battle with him. After meeting the Trainer, they start their battle, but then a certain person appears.

SM28 - The Fierce Pokébase Match! Aim for a Home Run to Turn the Tide!! (May 25th)
>"Pokébase" is a really popular sport in the Alola region, and both Satoshi and Pikachu get really into it after watching a match on TV. And one day, everyone decides to play Pokébase during a class at the Pokémon School.

SM29 - Hey Mush, Are You Going to Sleep in the Nemush Forest Too? (June 8th)
>Satoshi and his friends have gone to the forest to camp. They have fun cooking, playing in the river and so on to their heart's content, but one after another they start collapsing. It appears there is some kind of unknown entity in this forest that absorbs their memories and energy when it attacks them.


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>Will Lillie win da Ash?
What did James mean by this?
Dawn best girl and long hair best hair.
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That's cute.
Quill me
Because most of the people who watched before SM are not posting, and obviously, the only ones left are either the ones that will watch Pokemon no matter what, and the ones who like SM (BWfags most of them). As a result, forums are nowhere as active nor as populated as they were during XY.
tl;dr there are always people with shit taste who will watch shit series
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It is!
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Always being together.
This is true. I see a lot of people who saying they didn't like XY or previous sagas say they love SM.
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Why is she so cute ?
Oh please... my little sister was behind me when i opened this, i think she hasn't noticed but keep in mind that this is a blue board for a reason.
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sorry. I wanted to share it to my lilliebro.
Because she is shit, SHIT!
Is she hot? Tell her the stranger from her neighborhood with the candy and the white van says hi
a cute little shit ?
>opening spoilers around normies
shit son you'd be dead if that was year ago
Will we ever get a female character in a prominent battling role again? Every female outside of May/Dawn has rarely battled:

- Misty as we know barely did any battling in her run. Most of her Kanto battles are Psyduck popping out to get a headache and in Johto she barely battled to the end.

- Iris had battles in the Don battle tournaments, but they were made for everyone in BW. Outside of them she only had a few

- Serena literally only had like 3 proper non-TR battles in her entire run, and they were always interrupted or not finished

- The SM girls only battles are against TR

This is pretty sad. I have no idea why the writers thought making the female characters into supporting/sidekick roles again was a good thing.
Fat fuck is for _____
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Cold blooded murder
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rate my waifu
cute family
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report n ignore
besto shippingu
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Remember this time last year?
XYZ would have been more complete if he also conquered diantha and alan in the end.
I like SM and don't like BW.
Both series have in common the same as XY have in common with BW.
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I wouldn't mind conquering diantha, myself
Both BW and SM try a "lighthearted and more comical" approach trying to go back to the OS days. Both have Ash acting stupider/silly only in SM he doesn't seem to have gone full-retard. Both having supporting female characters in similar roles.
why is serena so pretty
I miss Ash's face being like this.
Because she's in love.
because is a full time whore and a part time slut
misty pls go
with Tierno
Fuck off Clemont
Well for you SM is shit i know.
End of the discussion.
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Forgot the gif
>Well for you SM is shit i know.
kenny is only a loser, nobody likes kenny really

Kenny confirmed a fucking loser.
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all I see is feet.
What are you seeing in the gif? >>32488880
cute and in love feets.
ash dont remember the whore's kiss, because whorena is Easily forgettable
I don't think SM is shit, I've enjoyed some episodes, but overall it's just there. Most of it feels like a waste of time or the writers don't know what to do with it.
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is SM the Dragon Ball GT of Pokemon?
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I feel conflicted because i like this anime but i hate the fanbase, probably the worst i've ever seen surpassing the Narutards.
Don't waste your time here, anon
Where else is there to go? Forums are filled with autists and anywhere else is just original trio and Misty fan genwunners who hate the anime after she left.
no, BW is the GT of pokemon

BW like GT was a failed attempt to approach to origins of the series
It's the Super of Pokemon.
But to be honest, Super is even worse for bringing back Freeza again.
OS = Dragonball
AG = Saiyan Saga
DP = Freeza saga
XY = Cell saga
SM = Super

We haven't gotten our Buu saga version of Pokemon yet.

Stay mad, Buufag.
and the 20th movie is Kai
OS = Dragonball
AG = Saiyan Saga
DP = Cell saga
XY = Super
SM = Freeza saga

DP being Freeza saga fits better. Both sagas were good and important to the series, but the pacing was also too damn long especially in the later parts. Goku Vs. Freeza went on forever, just like the later half of DP was too stretched out.

XY on the other hand was pure shonen/drama focused, just like the Cell saga was. It was all about killer Androids from the future and drama with Future Trunks suffering, Gohan letting out his angst to become SSJ2, etc. Just like Ash/Greninja angst and Alan.
The 20th movie is more Path to Power if you ask me.
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OS = Dragonball
AG = Saiyan Saga
DP = Buu saga
XY = Cell saga
SM = Super
>defending TTT's stupidity because it makes people mad
As long as you can enjoy it don't bother with the fanbase, you know like most fandoms
Someone said Dawn was submissive to Ash and hogged the spotlight in DP.
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>it's a /padt/ gets all together to mourn their self insert death episode
that's pretty much every day
>tfw best Ash is gone and all we have left is an infantilized parody
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t. Pablo Hernandez
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I don't see the big deal. In the end, its only just a design. They can easily change him back.
Fuck off IMG
I wish, childish Ash is fun to watch but i miss serious Ash too.
It's not like his design defines how he is in the series, he had a few moments in SM so far.
Dawn's Togekiss or Iris' Dragonite, which was the worst addition to the characters team?
>Lana's mom in the anime
>still no subs

>self insert death
I'd rather say 'kid who's seen half the world and acted like it' but whatever floats your boat.
Action Lillie, Mallow, or Lana when?
Ash going to Akala when
>Only Ash and Lillie got colored Japanese subtitles
What does that mean?
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>even having to ask

what are you a lMAO cuck?
IMG pls
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They have a beautiful future together.
To avoid confusion about who says what
>implying shitposters actually care what the real reason is
Oh STFU, Hikarifag
I love Satoshi
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Yet all the sub characters are white
Bonnie isn't tomboy
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He meant to avoid confusion when two people talk at the same time or rapidly one after the other.
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It's Hikari fused with Makoto.
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Will Lillie hit Ash in the head with a Pokébase ball?
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yet everyone else is white. They could give everyone different colors but they don't. They are clearly separating the key characters which are Ash and Lillie.
Stay mad Tierno.
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Axew was worse than any of them.
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>visit /padt/
>see this post

Oh, I do.
Man, the hype of XY was so real. It really was the last time anyone could believe the writers were taking Ash's character anywhere. People thought XY was making up for BW and getting the anime back on track, but then they just dropped everything again.

Even if Gen 8 is another DP/XY type series, nobody is going to be fooled again.
Eh, I'd consider that XY being followed by SM be a bigger disappointment than anything that happened on XY.
>comparing DP with XY
>the shitfest of sinnoh vs the GOAT kalos
Literally kys
If I EVER got to write pokecarton in some western studio which is less likely than me managing to live my last years on Mars, i'd make the protag to win the junior championship right off the fucking bat
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>they threw the opportunity to get Pokémon on the highest levels up hype ever with Ash winning the league at the same time Pokemon Go was on its highest and SM was about to be released
>they wasted so much potential money and lost so many fans
>for this

I'm still confused. XY still has a dear place in my heart, but I don't think I'm trusting them anymore to write anything worth a shot.
Yeah I don't get it either. Between that and Movie 20 axing Misty/Brock for random unknown characters (I don't even care that Misty/Brock aren't in the movie, but I'm just saying it's odd they market a nostalgia movie without them), makes you wonder what goes on in the minds of the marketing execs.
>the GOAT kalos
shit taste
So do people like SM because they changed it up by it being "Ash in School on Alola (Hawaii)" instead of it being "Ash and co. meet people while Team Rocket tries to GET DAT PICKACHU!"?
From what I gather by reading opinions on other forums, they like SM because the humor reminds them of the OS and they like goofy/silly Ash over mature/battle-centric Ash from XY.
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I still don't understand why they ended the league that way. What the fuck was that orange shuriken for?
Whatever they were aiming at, I think they missed the shot terribly.

>based Iwane still works in SM

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>orange Shuriken was never explained
>not a single character other than Alan even acknowledged it during the moment
>literally nobody asked what in the world was that, not even the narrator was surprised
>it served no purpose because he lost anyway
It's weird how long the writers took us for a spin. It all dates back to AG actually. When AG started we got competent Ash evolving his pokemon for the first time, and even though the Hoenn league wasn't treated as anything special, he then went on to win the entire Battle Frontier using many of his older pokemon.

That was back in 2006...over 10 years ago. Ash hasn't won a single important thing in over 10 years. Just makes me sick thinking about it.
Will this season ever get good or will it stay the same (low) quality all the way through?
I like because the harem is cute and Team Rocket finally have a good pokemon team.
I'd have understood if it had been used again during the Flare arc, but Greneinja literally never used it again. Never. Then why put it in the final battle of the league so that it doesn't do shit at all?
Ash does have more character and SM is a much funner/entertaining show to watch. XY was honestly pretty boring until it got to XYZ. Only thing you could look forward to was the gym battles.
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>all this scott posting and mongs responding to it
I never got bored watching XY, outside some of the duller fillers here and there that every saga has. Bonnie/Clemont were always entertaining and I liked the pokemon on the cast and the way Ash acted. Serena had a slow start but she eventually became entertaining.
What's there to explain? It's just a more powerful version of the attack, like the giant one used against Mega Sceptile after using Double Team.

I'd argue their team was better in BW.
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Reminder that this meme was started in order to lure /a/'s haremfags into watching SM - and they have already dropped the series.
I think people found it refreshing for them to change up the formula. Because I feel like for years they have been stuck on the same formula of Ash meets new crew initially, they go to places, hang out with random townie of the week, battle Team Rocket since they are STILL after pikachu, and then move on.
Which is why I don't get...the same thing still happens in SM. Even if Ash's not traveling the plots for the fillers and Ash still meeting filler characters and befriending wild pokemon is the same thing that's happening.

The school aspect is barely used outside a small handful of episodes. Ash's companions getting spotlight is the same as past series.
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If by character you mean "gag faces and loudness", then you're right. I personally find him annoying.
For my part, I've found SM pretty boring, to the point I haven't watched all of its episodes. In fact, the only episodes I've watched after Ash met Kaki's family were Rockruff's capture and Stoutland.
I want the show to go back to the AG/DP/XY formula. The OS style of humor can never be recaptured so I don't know why they keep trying with BW and SM.
>Ash's companions getting spotlight is the same as past series
More or less, argueably the better episode so far they weren't on it at all and often really do nothing, they're just there.. But I get it happens mainly because it's harder to handle a cast of 6 than a cast of 3 or 4, with the addition of other characters showing up very frequently like Kukui and Oak.
At least that one sufficed to see the scene to be understood: he collected his 60 illusions' Water Shurikens into a single one to power it up immensely. That alone was enough to not only break through a STAB SE Leaf Storm coming from a Mega Evolution but also to destroy a Pokemon that takes only 1/4 of its full damage. You'd imagine that an even more powerful version would overkill something that takes its full damage and that anyone would at the very least acknowledge it, ask Ash how did they gather so much power in a sudden, but literally nothing of that happened.
Fuck off already
What is exactly "Scott posting"?
>scott and people replying to his trolling: the thread
Y'all are stupid
It's the same shit, except the "going to places and hang out with random townie of the week" is replaced with Memele and a classmate of the day. The only reason they "changed" the formula was because the games did it, so they have no other choice but to follow suit.
Lurk more newshit
it's whatever people don't agree with.
That was hype
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>XY-nerds falling for marketing ploys then getting butthurt over it-Z

I love Lana
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However they didn't completely adapt the game's formula this time around, they took some liberties for the better or worse.
>I don't feel guilty for replying to a shitposter and making this thread even shittier than it already was
There ftfy
>SMfags fall for absolutely nothing and their series gets utterly forgotten after it ends
whoa...Kiawe's new Z-move looks interesting https://youtu.be/ocRcku3MXsc
ok fatty
The SM characters in general are likeable except for Sophocles, so it's not all that bad.

Kiawe is cool. Mallow is just blatant sex object, and Lana has a nice personality. I'm a bit mixed on Lillie so far but since she has a game plot coming she's bound to get more interesting.
Remember when Lunaposting was a thing /padt/?
>I've found SM pretty boring, to the point I haven't watched all of its episodes
I don't think you have the right to judge when you haven't given every episode a chance. All I sense is bias towards SM.
You nailed it! I really don't.
Of course, they never do. I don't know if for the better or worse but it certainly was for the more boring.
Not him but I remember Chicken and Lilliefags shitting each other,
Scott posting is

>something about X pokegirl fandom or her body/tits/ass/doujins
>something about X person having X opinion on X pokemon discussion forum, and proceed to do an essay about someone else opinion
>something about comparing new pokemon anime to old pokemon anime
>Kiawe is cool

>Mallow is just blatant sex object,
Sure, but the problem is that she doesn't really do much other than butting her way in.

>Lana has a nice personality
She could as well not exist.

>I'm a bit mixed on Lillie so far but since she has a game plot coming she's bound to get more interesting.
>bound to get more interesting
N and Colress were fine but ultimately wasted.
>want people to stop replying to some kind of posts
>doesn't explain what kind
Boy, you sure are a genius.
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I see, but, what's wrong with comparing the animes?
Yes. Shitposters first used Chicken, then Mallow, and finally Lillie, to shitpost against Serena and amour. Then kissu happened, and they got BTFO.
See >>32490803
Long ass posts that nobody wants to read that actually doesnt say anything.
Lana has a lot of dry sarcasm and deadpan expressions while having a cool and calm demeanor. She's actually the one girl in SM with a fairly unique personality that we've never seen from any past girl on the show.
Not that it matters since Serena is dead.
It's a lot more nuanced than that and it's not the content itself so much as the highly predictable/repetitive, autistic/cringe, manchildy nature of how it's written.
Will Ash ever become the VERY BEST? Or is he stuck failing at everything (except being Pikachu's bro) to keep the series alive?
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Should of used this image.
Well, to be fair, I did try watching the one with Lillie and her ice fox. It was like watching a filler, and just by reading the episodes' summaries and the reactions from the live-watch threads at Thursdays, I've been put off from watching the rest of them.

For the record, I did watch the episodes before the Hala battle, all of them. Most of them felt like filler to me, even the ones that supposedly furthered the plot.
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The problem is that with the current setting of the series it's hard to judge the progression as in if anything happens adds to anything at all.
To be fair, a lot of capture episodes in past sagas also felt like fillers if it weren't due to the actual capture.
I'd rather fall again for another XY's marketing ploy, get hype and then get BTFO again, than having another SM.
>muh hype
literally as meaningless as "comfy"

judge a show on its merits, not your headcanon based on previews
too bad another XY isn't happening anytime soon.
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how does it feel to know we aren't even a year into SM?
The comfyness is hyperbolic because all of the series had a dose of comfyness.
sceptile so fucking cool
It's posting by a highly autistic, easily triggered, robotic sounding, pedophilic, 31-year-old NEET who has plagued just about every Pokemon-related website for like half of his life and gotten banned permanently from at least three sites/forums/chats for trolling and spamming. He has an unhealthy level of obsession with like two dozen specific topics in the Pokemon anime, and he's so hopelessly autistic that he write minor variants of the same posts about those topics over and over and over again, year after year...lord knows why, burn maybe because he's attention-starved, bored, triggered or some combination of those. I could make a list of those topics if I really wanted to, but it's really more about the predictably autistic and creepy way in which they're written than the subjects themselves.
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They're all fucking cool
XY had amazing fanart. I hope SM's UB-arc gets about the same quality.
Anyone who has kept up with the anime after their childhood years is autistic. It's a repetitive show that goes nowhere year after year.
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why live.gif
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>tfw Gen IV starters will never get megas
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why is he so cute?
I know your suffering, friend. I just want my turtle to be good.
Serena pls, he's ugly UGLY

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Delusionfag pls
Shut up Serena
Severe Autism.
I want to marry Lillie
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>Satoshi you better take responsability
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Juast do it Gladion
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>But Ash... We're still 10. ///
Ash pls
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Just how many keep away ships do serenafags have?
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>Lillie: Satoshi... /// That girl is watching... it looks like she's in tears.
>Satoshi: Oh, that's weird. she's just a friend.
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Are we supposed to just accept all this shitposting? because it's getting annoying
it's not cute, it's cringy and no one here unironically believes in this shit.
Gorilla when?
Apparently we are supposed to accept it, because the ones who are supposedly monitoring this place don't give a shit.
Which shitposting in particular? The aurelia thing? That's been going on long before SM even started.
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Thread asleep.
Lillie actually looks better in Gladion's clothes.
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On a random day 3 years ago

These threads were full of life and discussion. There was little hostility and everyone was just having a good time. Now look hat we've devolved into
>Muh Serena Amour posting 24/7
>Life and discussion
Pick one
Blame the anime for being shit
Just report and ignore. Some mod will care eventually.
Don't forget the refusal to remove "Will Serena Win Da Ash?!?" autsim from the OP until the day SM started.Fuckers dragged their feet on that for weeks.
They haven't given a shit in almost two years. Why would they now?
It wasn't removed because it was relevant to the plot.
>Muh Serena Amour posting 24/7

The shipping post end for a good while 2 post after the first amour post. While here the whole first half of the thread is shipping garbage.
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>he has an unhealthy level of obsession with like two dozen specific topics
>two dozen
>specific topics

Seems you may just be retarded. I suggest you talk about the anime instead of getting riled up over your boogeyman.

>What is considered positive contribution?
Our definition of "positive contribution" is the submission of substantial, helpful, friendly, and humorous posts to the boards, along with the uploading of quality images and files. We feel that positive contribution should be treated as a way of donating to 4chan without actually having to fork over cash.

Don't mind me, just helping you get used to the anonymous imageboard culture.

Have a best girl.
Not him, but are you new?
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>lying on the internet
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>he thinks it's not possible to be that obsessed with two-dozen specific topics within the anime
>being this butthurt over something meaningless
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>thread takes place on a week without an episode
>still livelier than today's thread

Also kek
>Serena's crush isn't comparable, as she has yet to imagine Ash in bishounen mode that would propel it into a hilarious running gag like that of Himespetchi.
Granted, it's true: you need to let go of the boogeyman. Otherwise, you're no better than him.
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>these two are almost like a duo in the anime
>they even sleep at the same time
>their fanbases try to make eachother look like shit
What the fuck went so wrong?
Wrong in which sense?
With their fanbases here on /vp&. Did Greninja's special snowflake form really have such a massive impact on how people view starters owned by ash? That they get some kind of massive "shilling" from now on?
This is anime series that had like two years worth of content to fit in one. Blunders gonna happen.

At least we got to know that few people on team are also getting fed up with this bullshit.
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>tfw pottery
they fucking knew that gundamgarde was to come, they fucking knew
It's literally just amourposting, no more "discussion" than these threads give us nowadays, it doesn't help that when people actually try to discuss things, people butt ib with the usual complaints of "Hurr wHo CaRes SM iS so ShIt!!!!!!"
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>she will never be redeemed
>she will never even return
>you will never see her in this outfit in the anime
>you will never feel her sandals stepping on your dick

Why /vp/? Why did she have to be in worst season?
I was actually reading the archives from 2013 and I saw many people say they liked Iris more than Dawn. I was very surprised. People said they found Dawn too bland or Ash clone-ish and talked about how much they hated Piplup, whereas they found Iris refreshing and funny. It's like the exact opposite of the opinion you'd see now.
Was it early BW? Because people were optimistic about early BW. There was the whole Team Rocket change and everything.

It never seemed to me Iris was that popular. She was a nigger and she was honestly annoying in her anime incarnation. I just can't help but wonder what she might've been in say, XY with a different animation style and direction. I imagine her appearing like that pic in the anime and wonder what might've been ya know.
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>relevant to the plot
>After the seasons last episode had ended(specials dont count)
Nigger what
Next episode looks fun.
Fato pls
this is the last episode we're not gonna see him until ula-ula probably, since he's probably moving to where his cousin lives.
He's not moving, it's going to just be some misunderstanding.
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It's good to have hope. If only they put Illima as a classmate instead of that fatso. Sure he has his charm, but I can see why people don't like him much (mostly because we already a nerdy inventory last season).
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>She is in charge of episode 27
She's better than tomioka, and you know it.
Matsui pls go
>>Māmane is moving?! Satoshi and his friends decide to throw a farewell party for him. Māmane is touched by the kindness of his friends at the Pokémon School, but then things take a shocking turn...?!
>then things take a shocking turn
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Oh nuts! Seriously, they should replace that guy with Acerola or something.
>not ilima
Ilima would've been perfect for the cast instead of him, since he's the closest thing to a student in the actual games.
also like >>32493657 said he lives in Ula-Ula in the games, Ilima lives in melemele, I have no clue why they choose him instead of someone who actually lives in the setting this school shit takes place in.
oh no
certainly not a girl
Should-a, would-a, won't-a.
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Olivia is literally made for this anime.
Her?? Better?? Pfffffff If she destroyed a franchise 20 years ago to the point of being put on hiatus 12 fuckin years, then what can I expect of her trying to success in Pokémon?? Admit it, she SUCKS at writing action episodes in a family anime and sucks harder at headwriting anime aimed at boys.

Besides, she's takng the Shudo route, slowly transforming Ash back into the braindead deadbeat scumbag he was in OS.
I actually find him more annoying than funny. He even returned to his bad habits of ordering attacks in reckless abandon, use spam attacks and being literally a braindead animal... even worse than Luffy (in my eyes, the worst MC of every anime, he started the trend of loud, emotionally unstable and reckless to the point of being mentally ill MCs)
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>being this triggered
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rudeposting is not nice
It's rude to show regressive short hair.
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Who's cutting her hair next?
>early BW
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Anon pls
Satoshi no Mo ka Gaogaen when?
Do you think the fatfuck is actually leaving? Y/N?
No. They kept Max and Iris their entire generations, as well as DP Brock. Even if a character isn't liked or poorly received, they still stay the entire saga.
It's an another OLM clickbait episode.
It's time to move
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highly doubt it.
especially after the latest preview
No,these threads would be unbearable without him and I bet you fags would start wanting kiawe to leave too
Kiawe is cool. I haven't seen anyone say they dislike him. He's a bit stoic at times but he reminds me of Piccolo from DBZ.
Waifu fags hate Sophocles for taking their waifu's screen time. The hate would shift to kiawe next
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at least kiawe got some sort of a backstory going for him, beside we haven't really learned much about him aside from his grandfather being a kahuna.
I wonder what his goal is, if it's gonna be half-assed like baruuun or owning the family's restaurant.
she was so much cuter when she was a girl
Says the Serenautist lel
>These threads were full of life and discussion. There was little hostility and everyone was just having a good time. Now look hat we've devolved into
Things were going fine and there was little to be mad about. Then came the leaked picture in December 2014 of short hair Serena which changed everything.
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Heh, remember that one scene in AG where the animators forgot to draw May's spats? So it looks like May's wearing nothing under her white skirt? God bless the inconsistent animation of AG for giving us gems like this, this would never happen today.
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It was just a quieter time when people weren't hyped for Pokemon throughout the gen 6 season. It all turned to shit once news of Ash in the finals spread and every faggot acts like they stuck through 20 years of watching Pokemon, when in reality they only spared like 3 years of Saturdays from their childhood.
You guys are fucking cancer, even Serebii Forums is better than this shithole.
Long hair anime!Serena design is pretty bad
There's some guy on serebii who says he hates Bonnie/Clemont and considers Bonnie worse than Iris. That should tell you what shit taste people on serebii have.
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I miss Jessicafag.
I miss Jessica.
I miss Serena
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I'm still Namifag, and it still brings me great disappointment that they brought back her VA (Yoko Hikasa) back into the show, only to voice Amelia instead, who also was just a throwaway character.
First time we got pokemon death and its all just metaphors then stoutland vanishes.
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She looked better in Ash's clothing.
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Thread posts: 315
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