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/pmdg/ - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon General

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Clickbait Edition. Previous thread: >>32143965

PSMD and Gates download: http://pastebin.com/kh7GcnYm

Check the guides at >>>/vg/hbg if you don't know how to install them. You won't lose any online features or anything doing so, don't worry. You'll be able to do everything that you'd normally be able to and much more!

MD Exploration Pack, which contains a DS emulator and roms, Wiiware .wads, and custom portraits: https://mega.nz/#F!gFlVkSLI!tXbyoO5rwfUYnb9jf7yVsQ

/vp/'s Mystery Dungeon guides: http://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u

PSMD Wondermail codes: http://www.cpokemon.com/2015/11/24/todas-las-contrasenas-wonder-mail-

REMINDER: If you need a rescue, post your region. Due to a few things that make no sense, rescues are region locked. It's shitty, but be sure to mention if you're European or American.

Side Topic: Discuss why Sky and Super are both terrible and how Adventure Squad is clearly best PMD
>Super hot onions
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>tfw no qt grovyle to fug
>purple neck
It's most likely a scarf.
Wrong, those are bruises Eevee is apparently a chokefag
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So besides being flurries/pokephiles, what do you like and would recommend about these games?
I like how my favorite pokemon can be perfectly usable without needing to evolve them, I like coming across troublesome situations in the Level 1 dungeons and using my resources to overcome them, and I just like dungeon crawling
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I like the fact that my bro, who has been useless in the mainline franchise since gen 4, is usable. It's also why I got into Pokken.
I like exploring dungeons and beating up the natives and taking their stuff.

I like dungeon crawling, and steamrolling and some of the storylines are pretty good.

also I find it super funny that a fucking starter pokemon and his best friend can take down legendaries in the post game
No difficulty whatsoever so people with power fantasies can enjoy it. Better story than most mainline Pokemon games but that barely means shit because it's still horribly cliche. Pokemon have stock anime personalities, which would be bland but it's a step above from the main series giving mons no personality whatsoever.

Objectively, PMD has good music and art direction (for the sprite games, the 3D games are ugly as fuck), which is an actual plus. Towns look pretty, and the soundtrack's memorable.
>the 3D games are ugly as fuck
Not really. I like the 2D games better myself, but you're exaggerating here.
Gates to Infinity looks better than Super.
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>Gates to Infinity looks better than Super.
>when they both use the same assets
you mean like the way they designs their maps?, because the pokemon are literally the same models and animations
i do like the 3D more than the 2D, GTI cinematics were fucking awesome

how fun and casual they are while still being challenging at least in the case of Super, the fact that you can pick it up, do a few missions while hearing a podcast or talking with someone and be done with it for the day or keep going is pretty great.
Also i love having a story with pokemon.
The dungeons just look better in Gates to Infinity because the textures are more varied and less repetitive. And even then, I think their details look better than Super, but I'm not sure how to explain this.
Ah, you're talking about the effort put into the designs and details of the maps.
Yeah, i agree that the dungeon in GTI are much better than the ones in Super, especially because there where some really interesting ones, like the one in the way to holehills.
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Why the fuck are you even here?
He just called the gameplay easy/lacking in any difficulty, and even called the plot better than the mainline games. Stop pointing fingers, the last thread was shitpost central.
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The cringe is way too strong at this point. I remember feeling so bad for Dunsparce.

Seriously, Gates is just a constant beat down so far. I liked the heavy metal twist of Super, but this pounding is getting to be Persona tier. Should I be expecting Adachi to round the corner?
i know nothing about persona, but expect gates to get more upbeat, then awesome, then tense and then take a spike down to a very brutal end.
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>"The world's full of cheaters, thieves, and liars. There's nothing to believe in anymore. Someone who acts nice to you always has an ulterior motive."
>"Making friends will just lead to heartache and disappointment. That's why I just don't have any."
>"How could you feel any other way in this kind of world? You understand, don't you?"
And then we summoned our Pokesonas and did battle.

>Very Brutal end
Man, I don't even want to imagine what this game would consider a brutal ending.
Well not the ending, but it rather a really brutal point.
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Why is Grovyle so autistic?

Like honestly, he could have just simply explained to Uxie & others why he needed those time gears.
Instead he tries to be all mysterious and shit with his
>I need le tym geers :3 nothing personnel kid

Im so mad
>not being edgy on purpose
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Perhaps Grovyle never learned social etiquette in the dark future, so that's why he failed miserably at diplomacy. All that matters in his hometime is murder and food.
Dusknoir eludes to this.

Would you really believe someone who claimed to be from the future and needs the Time Gears, knowing that you're not supposed to touch them or else time goes out of wack? Who would believe it and take them seriously without credentials?

That's why Grovyle didn't explain it, because likely no one is gonna believe him. There might be a chance some would, but majority most likely won't.
Have you seen that guy? He's a middle-stage (read: teenage) coolmon. He's gonna be chuuni as fuck.
What's a .wad file? How do I use it?
.wad is the format all Wii channels are. Stuff like the Internet Channel, and every single Wii Shop Channel game. You'll need a hacked wii and a .wad manager to install them on your hacked wii. You could use Dolphin maybe, but i dont have experience with that emulator.
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I wonder in dungeons if the bigger pokemon would swallow the smaller fainted pokemon whole.
I recognize that Weavile
That's actually pretty adorable.
Sauce for the pic please, vorefriend
have you never played the games? fainted pokemosn just magically disappear
>been through meteor cave 7 times
>deoxys still won't join my team

fucking ayylmaos
I guess complaining works, recruited it on fight #9
>yfw a joltik turns an Onix into an apple with an itemizer orb and eats the apple
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>"huh, that team kind of reminds me of that one anon's te-"
>notice the silhouette behind Absol
Knew it. I can't believe it's been more than a year since that playthrough. Time sure flies.
Can somebody explain what the IQ skill "Extra striker" in Pmd sky is doing? Does it work for regular attacks only and how high is the chance for it to work?

Extra Striker is a weaker version of Quick Striker. It gives your default attack a 25% or so chance of attacking twice. Quick Striker is a 100% chance, and it stacks with Unburden
Thanks! Really helpful information! Kind of a bummer that it doesnt seem to work with quick striker though...
Quick Striker is essentially an "Ultimate" IQ skill, like Nature gifter/Pierce Hurler/Absolute Mover/House Avoider lol
>And then we summoned our Pokesonas and did battle.

That would be cool as fuck. We need a crossover game between Persona and Pokémon.
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>play as an adult stuck in the body of a little girl
>entire story right now is just school hijinx
>game expects me to sympathize with this annoying piece of shit that constantly brings others, even a total stranger like me, into trouble, and expects me to hate Pancham despite being completely justified in finding this fag annoying and not believing my human status
When does the story get better, or at least let me tell the partner to quit being such a shit? I also hope Nuzleaf's just a red herring and isn't actually the game's Dusknoir/Munna, as if max power Frustration, Dark typing and being neglectful, especially when compared to Costa wasn't obvious enough
If you are still playing you should be right at that point, Anon.
Uh, not really. It's always male in Super.
>not liking the school part
>When does the story get better
when you get to the ghost part.

>or at least let me tell the partner to quit being such a shit?
pretty soon i think.

>not liking the school part
he hasn't got to the part where it start getting good.
I picked the annoying option, and it didn't seem to do much considering he's back to dickriding me in Budew's mission and my character felt bad about saying it despite being the truth, and had one of those forced dialogue choices at the tree.

I'm not into "school is so quirky and fun" weebshit, sorry

Does that happen after where I am right now? At the part where I got some scarf and Ampharos comes into town.
As soon as you ditch the town to join the Society.

The school part sucks and runs twice as long as it should have.

First you deal with ghost stuff, which takes a little while but is a little more tolerable than regular school.
The school is the best part. The Society is just "hey look explorers references! so cool right? plz enjoy the game plz plz plz we've got explorers references just for you!!!!!!!! look we even made more great characters like the ones you loved like corphish! amazing, right?"
>Does that happen after where I am right now? At the part where I got some scarf and Ampharos comes into town.
i think it comes after the river mission, so no, you still have quite a few ours
>quite a few hours
for some reason the h didn't make it.
What's a good name for GtI team of Axew(PC) and Pikachu?
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da ducc
All the dungeons feel pretty short so far, so I take it most of the time spent comes from story, right?

Some of the characters in the school are alright, like Pancham, I just think they'd benefit a lot more if they weren't stuck in a boring nothing town where the entire plot is dictated by school drama. How much worse are Expedition Society's cast?
>thunder dragon
>nameless team
i don't know if any of those fits, but go ahead and give it a try

>All the dungeons feel pretty short so far, so I take it most of the time spent comes from story, right?
there will be some kinda long dungeon soon, starting by that river one.
The second part of the game has the situations you'd like to see the school kids in, but instead you get a bunch of literally whos with no personality.
also i forgot
>Some of the characters in the school are alright, like Pancham, I just think they'd benefit a lot more if they weren't stuck in a boring nothing town where the entire plot is dictated by school drama.
some interesting things will happen later in the town, nothing too fancy but still pretty fun.

>How much worse are Expedition Society's cast?
They're all cardboard boxes, also this gem
>Leader: Ok team, we're gonna split into groups, find and talk with this super strong pokemon, don't engage with it in combat for it will wreck your shit, just wait for the rest of the guild
>Pokemon 1: Ok you got it chief!
>you and partner: we found the strong pokemon, what do we do?, should we just wait for the rest of the guild?
>pokemon 1: nah, just let me fight it, i can totally beat it's ass, i got a huge dick and all!
>1 minute later
>pokemon 1: oh fuck, i can't believe how bad i got my shit wreck, not only i failed, but i also made the strong pokemon get pissed off at us and now he's gonna kill us, maybe i should have waited for the others to get here...
>not auto-naming your GTI team the "Paradisers"

>All the dungeons feel pretty short so far,
Most dungeons before the post-game run about 10 floors.

>How much worse are Expedition Society's cast?
They're not that bad except for Bunnelby who literally has no reason to exist and Swirlix who is the games obligatory retard character. The Society cast got really dicked over on screentime because the school section took so long, so they don't get much development.
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>The Criminal Underworld
What next, Illuminati confirmed? I want to learn about all these things, they really flesh out the PMD world.
>Bunnelby who literally has no reason to exist
Just like Buizel, Dedenne,
...hold on, let me look up the list.
Just like Buizel, Dedenne, Mawile, Archen, Jirachi and Swirlix.
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So many of the game's plot points could've been easily solved if the heroes weren't so stupid most of the time. Nuzleaf could've easily been found out as soon as he wanted you and the partner to climb a sacred mountain just because you're human, even though nobody else buys it, and the fact that said place is guarded by the police. He's so persistent that he comes back twice just to get you to climb the damn mountain, yet neither of you bat an eye, and Archen also doesn't assume something's up despite being an experienced adult. Along with the Legendary Beasts only saving you instead of doing their thing before the rest of the Society get swallowed up, or the scarves triggering evolution at Entei's fight, but becoming disabled when the tree starts to get lifted up despite being much closer, the game's story feels like a bunch of convenient coincidences that make the villains' plan work out much faster, or save the heroes when something's unwinnable.

On an unrelated note, what was even the point of the continents mechanic, when only one other continent and a few islands are used for the plot, anyway? Almost all the townspeople use their stock dungeon quotes, anyway, so the world barely even gets fleshed out, unless you count Electrike's "The Air Continent's wind helps me generate static electricity!" as something major.
And the west too. GtI has more potential for Special Episodes-like stories which would work better in anime form. The game stories are fine the way they are, and the gameplay parts in the Sky Special Episodes felt like wasted potential because they could have been a way to make more interesting level 1 dungeons instead of being nothing more than plot.
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It's always the Jews and yes their tendrils grasp the pokemon world.
>So many of the game's plot points could've been easily solved if the heroes weren't so stupid most of the time
To be fair they didn't have a retardedly overpowered yet arbitrarily limited donut steel superpower that could give them all the answers. The Dimensional Scream would have saved the day in no time. Semi-joking aside, even if Nuzleaf was found out the barrier would probably have to be broken at some point anyway because of the whole petrifying thing. Yveltal would still swoop in and do his thing. Maybe the beasts arrived too late to save the others? That was iffy for me as well. And to address the tree thing, it was significantly weaker than it was when the characters were at the volcano.

>what was even the point of the continents mechanic
It just makes the world feel bigger and more alive. Even if they use stock quotes (I don't know, I've only read Kangaskhan's), you see them doing their own thing in their natural habitat instead of only reading their name off of a menu. It's not as good as friend areas but those are never coming back so I'm taking what I can get.
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>It just makes the world feel bigger and more alive. Even if they use stock quotes, you see them doing their own thing in their natural habitat instead of only reading their name off of a menu.
That's not even true, most of the townspeople just stand there and say the same quote every day, they don't wander around or do anything unique, and sometimes you see characters from one city in an entirely different continent the next day. Sure, the towns look different, but there's no backstory or reason behind those towns. The sandy desert town? Just a town in the Sand Continent that was established, no explanation of it besides what it looks like. Certain NPCs' dialogue doesn't even make sense when placed as a townsperson. Cincinno's quote mentions that she'll mention her shop if she takes a lot of battle damage, which'll never happen, since she's in town, and unconnected mons talk about or thank you for bringing them on adventures. The world itself doesn't feel any bigger since the same mons show up practically everywhere, and you never get to see the landmarks of the continent outside of that one town and the dungeons, whereas Gates and Explorers' worlds have landmarks that give the world more of a backstory. It wasn't much, but it was still a lot more than Super's continents.

I'm not even asking for Friend Areas, I'm just baffled at how dead the world is, especially since the Orb/having established characters instead of generic mercs was a major marketing point.
As for the other point, stopping Nuzleaf at least puts one threat out of the way, since he was the one that caused a lot of the stone incidents, like Entei. They wouldn't turn you to stone, since you're needed to open up the barrier, so you'd have more time to plan things out. The tree being weakened leaves me with another problem. How is it that Yveltal was able to turn the duo into stone, yet Dark Matter is unable to? Almost the entire world has been turned to stone, so it should be much more powerful, along with the fact that the Tree of Life is dying, so the scarfs shouldn't do much anymore. Yveltal was able to turn the duo to stone, scarfs attached, yet Dark Matter itself can't, despite being able to turn Yveltal (which turned the duo to stone) into stone.
I'm not even bringing up Explorers' or the other games' plots, since they all have problems of their own, but Super's takes it to another level.
>most of the townspeople just stand there and say the same quote every day
It might be a bit extreme to call them lazy (not saying you did I'm just saying I wouldn't go that far) but it's probably because they didn't want to make a bunch of events for the post-game when they already do that during the main story. Combine that with how most Pokémon have at least three different dungeon quotes plus all the ones that have mission dialogue and that's more work that they maybe didn't have the time for or just didn't want to do so they could focus on something else.
>no explanation of it besides what it looks like
I don't know what the problem is. Pokémon Square was just a small town somewhere on some continent. Treasure Town is named as such because I guess it's famous for treasure purposes but that amounts to, what, the bottle you find that has an E rank mission in it and the cave to the left? I guess if that's enough for you then fine but I don't see the big deal. Post Town is supposed to be a checkpoint on the way to dungeons and succeeds in establishing the reason for Pokémon to just show up (I think). And with the multiple continents thing, you have the goal of the Expedition Society which is the complete the map. You go around seeing the dungeons each continent has, the Pokémon that live there, and upload the data to the Nexus. It serves its purpose.
>whereas Gates and Explorers' worlds have landmarks that give the world more of a backstory
Name them because I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe I'm not understanding what you mean.

(Comment just barely too long, have to make a short reply to other post separately)
They were inside the tree, as close as they could get to it. Even if it was weak, they were receiving all the power it could give. We are to believe it was enough to counteract Dark Matter's power. But like Arceus said, the tree wasn't strong enough to spread the scarves' power to anyone else by the time they are teleported into the stratosphere, hence why only the main duo goes to the tree. Revelation Mountain wasn't close enough to the tree for the scarves' power to take effect even if it wasn't dead yet. And remember the tree never 100% died so the scarves could still protect them.
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Honestly I wish I knew
The generic Pokemon would've still benefited without multiple continents, as those special dialogue comes from the mission rather than talking to them as a townsperson for the most part, with the few exceptions almost always being call-back characters from the past games telling you to give people letters. The missions themselves are accessed in-dungeon (in the case of wandering Pokemon) and through the Connection Orb (almost every other instance), so special dialogue like visiting Nidoran's family comes from that rather than continents.
As for worldbuilding, Explorers and Gates give their places landmarks like Shaymin Village, Fogbound Lake, the Great Glacier, and even places like Apple Woods. All of them range from being very plot-important to minor, but help to give the world at least a little bit of background, with most of the food supply for the Guild coming from Apple Woods, or Fogbound Lake being a rather well-known location that not many people actually have information on, due to Uxie's memory wipe. The extra continents don't have anything like that, outside of the Orb missions which are more closely related to the Seven Treasures if anything. It's all dungeon with nothing else surrounding it, no story or anything. The Water Continent does it alright, with places like the Ruins and Vespiquen's forest.

The Tree of Life became so weak that the duo reverted back to their original forms, yet they can't be turned to stone? I don't buy it.
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I don't disagree that more dialogue would be good. I guess it's just not something I expected since aside from Rescue Team the post-game never seemed to be the focus or important at all really. And since the other continents don't really have a story presence I just went into that mindset.

I also see what you meant now concerning the landmarks. I've spent so much time away from the main stories that I've forgotten a lot of the details like that. I'm not really good at appreciating stuff like that beyond surface-level "this is here and we have to go here for story reasons" unfortunately. But I understand where you're coming from. Like what was the point of Poliwrath River? I couldn't tell you. And of course the non-story continents got it even worse like you said. Again, if they were a part of the story I'd have higher expectations going in.

Of course you can then loop back to "what's the point then?" and we'll be right back where we started. It's probably frustrating for you to read how this isn't bothering me but I can't bring myself to feel like you do.

>I don't buy it.
It really isn't that farfetched to assume the scarves use less energy to stop petrification than to force an evolution. If that doesn't do anything for you then you can have the last word because I don't know what else to tell you.

Also ignore the IP count (probably) going up, my phone died so I switched to my PC out of frustration for losing my post. It's easier to edit here anyway.
Well they gotta go somewhere they lack a explorers badge which ports you out when you're in trouble.
They follow the same rules as RTS dead units, if their faces touch the ground they get swallow it by the earth and dissapear
Don't they get blown out by the mysterious force or whatever it's called?
Well, that's when you spend a lot of time on the same floor, not when you get defeated
>my character finally fits in with the schoolkids and ends up connecting with them
>immediately leave, can't use them anymore
>Costa and the other mons are shitting on Faggot for wanting to ditch town, but are completely okay with us sneaking out the next day
>all the shit that comes out of Swirlix's mouth
Is this a joke?
IIRC, it's because everyone knows the Partner is going to run off anyways. Costa tries to set a good example for the other kids in this situation.

Also, I think people TRUST you to bail him out of trouble.

Incidentally, this makes the Gates partner look way better in comparison. They're a stable adult who hasn't had a cringe incident so far.
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So pokefags I'm from the etrian odyssey general on /vg/ and I'm just curious as to how you would rate this game compared to the pokemon mystery dungeon games.
I haven't played it yet because I want to play regular Etrian Odyssey first, which I'm probably going to do soon enough.
Hey, I noticed they just announced EMD2. Cool!
The worst part about the story is the entire first half of the game. Whats makes it even worse is that it sets up so much stuff that is relevant later in the story its actually necessary to sit through. Except the entire arc with the litwicks that was fucking pointless.
I dunno. It was an alright game, although it definitely has some problems. There's a kind of tower-defense thing tacked onto the dungeon crawling that can really slow progress down. Story's really weak and since the dungeons are all randomly generated there's no puzzles like EO. If there's anything unarguably good about it though, it's the soundtrack.
I've not played it. The only other MD game I've even touched was Taloon's
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Finally done yaaay
Oh shit. You starting Chapter 3 today?
Nah, I got my evenings back, but I'm still tired as shit, but maybe we could do the feedback/q&a thread tonight?
Sounds good to me.
God, you weren't kidding about that. It's only been a few dungeons and I already wish I had the schoolkids back instead of these clowns. At least Archen's okay combat-wise.
>instead of these clowns.
>implying they're funny enough as to be called clowns.
But yeah, the worst part is that they wasted so much time with the schoolkids that you actually grow to like them even if a little bit, but then they get totally ditched, like, you will never see any of them again, not even for a flashback except for this one kid
also tell me when you get to the scene i described in the last post
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Here's some more that I did.
>ywn go an adventure with your evolved partner
>ywn get hopelessly lost
>ywn experience running out of food
>ywn feel the pain of starvation
>ywn make the ultimate sacrifice allowing your bigger partner swallow you whole to sate their hunger
Got there, god Buizel's such a moron. Couldn't they just mesh all these idiots into Archen? It really feels like one bland character split into 6 noncharacters.
Not too big on the scarf transformation's cutscene, and I still hate Faggot, he's probably my least favorite character with actual personality, yet I'm forced to constantly use him in half the missions. I'd much rather use the other kids or Azurill or Azumarill from the Cafe, even if they're way more boring one-liners.
/d/ please go back to your containment board, /tg/
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Who approved of this bs?
there's objectively nothing wrong with it.
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nah that's fine
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He is kind of cute
I really wished the Pokemon fourm had alot more traffic especially this /pmdg/ sub fourm.
>[Pokemon] went to Paradise!
This feels like it belongs in the fanfiction thread. You'd probably tell this to a child when their Pokemon passes away.

Any tips for building up shops in Paradise?
What do you want to talk about fampire?
>sub fourm
>wanting more traffic
not sure which of the things you said is the dumbest
It's been awhile so I can't really remember many specifics about what's best. Just don't build the one that says it sells rare items on daily sales because it actually closes down after awhile even if you've put tons of resources into upgrading it.
No your the dumbest m8. I'm not asking for a flood maybe around 20-30% more posts.
no, stop. being slow is better. if you want something fast go elsewhere or only come here during important periods (new games and stuff)
I'd argue that it's what you would tell to anyone desu
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what if vulpix was a grill?
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>these gaps between corridors
also in homestuck posting mood
then I'd give her my meat
to grill
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>Destiny Tower
>no more food items
>Arcanine and his legion of assholes chasing me while I'm searching for food
>end up cornered
>proceed to get my starving corpse fucked six ways
All those orbs and tms but no apples or even seeds? You ain't shit but a bitch nigga, game.
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He certainly is fucking hot chicks.
>Any tips for building up shops in Paradise?
Get the treasure building ASAP, it will give you free items for playing a daily minigame.
get the orb, seed and elite shop for specific items.
get the normal type dojo, your type dojo and your partner type dojo to train moves.
you can get the prize building to exchange your prize tickets for stuff, but honestly the rewards usually suck ass and end up being a waste of time you can just sell your tickets for money if you want
>not carrying an itemizer orb
>not using it to turn Arcanine and his friends into apples
>not eating them slowly one by one just to feel their cries as you eat them to satisfy your hunger
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I don't know if he was playing Explorers or Super, but either way, it's not possible to bring in an Itemizer Orb.
Although, Itemizer is the best method of getting food. There's nothing quite like the look on someone's face after you take a bite out of their best friend.
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What you think about Krookodile's argument?
he's right
Antifa croc deserves to be shot
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Where can I find some good Pmd erotic literature?
>mfw Mewtwo is now in Smash4 and is MUCH better than Lucario
fanfiction dot net i guess?
Dont you guys have any secret pastebins where you keep the good stuff? Fanfiction is mostly donut steels qnd autism.
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Pokemon are not for the sexual
both antifa crocs deserve to be shot
But I doubt you want the GOOD stuff.
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or are they?
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>nuzleafs raises his girlfriend's son
It all makes sense now
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I havent made myself clear enough, it seems. I dont need the good stuff, I need the "good" stuff . The stuff that really activates those pleasure receptors.
Or comfy stuff, that would be alright too.
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What in the fucking world of fucking fuck is this fucking thing ?
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perhaps they are
It's the future you chose.
Oh, right. VPMD.
Its archduke Franz Ferdinand being shot by a serbian youth, which in return is being guided by a furry god of chaos
Is it still possible get a rescue on sky?
Passwords exist, so yes.
Hope you like writing down passwords
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it is done
So you're saying you need more then?
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>It causes the same effect as when you throw an item at an enemy.
What's the point of this? Why does this exist?
Pretty sure Fling used to literally fling the enemy
that's seismic toss
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Nuzleaf is the bad guy
I couldn't visit or even talk to Serene's townspeople even though it's been ages
Obligatory infodump "lore" out of nowhere
Non-Archen Squad still useless

What a fucking surprise. At this point I'm just playing to see how much shittier things get.
I told you school was the best part.
i told you too, the kids at serene village all but espurr might as well have died or been a dream, for you're never ever seeing them again
Apparently Blue Rescue Team can communicate with Trozei, but I don't seem to be having much luck getting it to work.

Has anyone else ever tried it? The closest thing I've found to a guide on how to do it is a single screenshot in Japanese, which really isn't much help
It throws items like gravelerocks so you don't have to be lined up with the enemy. Still not good enough to be worth a moveslot, that's for sure.
Just gave it a go. In BRT go to the Unknown Dungeon from the menu and in Trozei! click the teacup. If you delete the "Blue Team" agent card you can connect the same games again and get another free item. So far I've got a One-Room Orb, a Thunderstone, a Moon Stone, and a Sun Stone.

Seems like it could be a much better way of getting Leaf Stones and King's Rock than trying your luck in Wish Cave.
After doing it a fair few more times, those four items are the only ones I'm getting. That's a bit of a shame.
Odd, that's exactly what I tried and neither game seems to acknowledge the other. Maybe it's region-locked? I'm using USA BRT and EUR Trozei! (although it's called Link! here for some reason)
Hold on, what? This sounds really cool. I would have never expected this.
I never got to try the Unknown Dungeon thing, too, so this would actually give me the chance.
Why wasn't this advertised when they were new? I would have used this.
More pointless region locking? I hope not.
The only other thing I can think of is are you closing the DSs like it asks you to?
Yep, I close BRT once it tells me to (technically I flip the switch because it's a 2DS), and I close Trozei once I've opened up Espionage.

I could check for a region lock with my R4, except the bloody thing doesn't boot up any more. Oh well.
I just tried it with European BRT and Pokémon Link, it worked fine.
>trozei is canon to pmd
>inb4 next PMD will have bonus items if you have a pokemon shuffle savedata in your 3DS
God no, I don't ever want to play that grindfest again.
I wonder if they wanted Pokémon Link (or BRT) to connect to more games. It would make sense, a lot of early DS game try to use the StreetPass-like features and making multiple games connect with each other would have been a great idea for that. Actually, maybe some other games do connect with Link/BRT.
BRT had some very specific text for it, so I assume this kind of data had to be in BRT to begin with (I might be wrong though), while Link looks like it could have got the data from the other game.
I guess it depends on the way it works. Basically, I'm wondering if they were planning to make future games compatible with past ones (and if, in some cases, they did).
Some games for the DS had a "Tag Mode" Think Streetpass but only for certain games. I know Phantom Hourglass had it.
Don't forget The World Ends with You.
By the way, there's a new /vpmd/ going on now.
Kind of.
When you turn pokemon into items with the itemizer orb there should be a little small line of text saying which pokemon it was so you can build your own little collection in your bank.
Apple- 34
Apple (Flygon)- 1
Apple (Charizard)- 1

I could see it.
Personal Mission 1: Recruit all pokemon
Personal Mission 2: Have all possible heads mounted in my storage
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Is this the hardest puzzle created by mankind?
the solution is crystal clear anon
Twewy was the shit, though. Loved it.
Wait a minute, that flashback...
Is it worth it to restart Super if I hate the god awful boss fights?
It's not like I'm asking we should be able to shove the itemized pokemon up our ass.
Thats the spot where I dropped the "game". I wanted to play not to think.
No, also git gud.
>Faggot leaves, but only at the end of the game
God I wish this happened earlier. Fuck the story, pretty much negated any fun I had with the dungeon crawling. Got boring anyway, since the difficulty dropped after a certain point because you've got a million overpowered escorts in every single mission except for the one where you're already strong enough from evolving.
Ah, you finished the game fairly quickly i see.
Yeah, this game drop the ball hard with the story, it end up feeling like such a mess.
the postgame is still worth playing if only because you can use a team made only by your favorite mons no matter if they're unevolved.
also you still have the epilogue.
>the postgame is still worth playing if only because you can use a team made only by your favorite mons no matter if they're unevolved.
Except you still can't have any fun thanks to the break system.
>Except you still can't have any fun thanks to the break system.
as long as your favorite pokemon aren't pseudos you can get over those pretty fast by doing some short missions on the first continent.
Reminder that this is the only correct mystery dungeon tier list

>top tier

>high tier

>mid tier

>low tier

>shit tier

>meme tier
Wiiware garbage
>time and darkness above sky
>adventure squad is a meme
Reminder that all PMDs are worth playing, no matter what anyone ranks them.
Sky ruined a lot of the things that made darkness/times story good.
>the ending of special episode 5 is "a lot of things" and ruins the whole game
such as...?
Yea, because there isn't really a reason to play the exact same version of the game but inferior.
Which is why you shouldn't play Time/Darkness if you can play Sky.
>Spinda cafe
>Secret shop floor exits
>Ranks that give you a good sense of progression
>Save time cut remarkably down
>Eevee Phanpy, Shinx playable.
You're right, there's no reason to play Time or Darkness. That's usually how these third game remakes go.
Dont forget
>Items from both time/darkness
>Special episodes
>More dialogue choices
Gates is unfiltered garbage as a game, but the plot was tolerable. Super's storytelling is so horrid that it also fucks with the gameplay (see: legendary and other group escorts up the ass and 8 floor dungeons with intersections in between some of them just so you don't forget the DEEP VOIDLANDS LORE)

You're a retard, the plot's identical with side shit that you can ignore if you dislike and the gameplay's improved
Unless you're that faggot that thinks Shaymin Village is "immersion breaking" when Aegis and Blizzard were the same shit that goes absolutely nowhere

Quit droning
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>it's a "stuck in Steel Aegis Cave for 2 hours because the T stone never appears" episode
>not wanting people to form their own opinions
please don't turn your good post in a /v/ shitpost
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I can definitely agree that Super's attempts at trying to add plot or "characterization" had a negative impact on the gameplay. Along with all the plot dungeons being short and a massive amount of player+partner+escort missions compared to past games, some other aspects of the game suffered a lot. One example of this would be recruits. The game's attempt at making every single recruit you get unique (which was also done poorly, as almost all of them only get a few basic lines of dungeon dialogue a-la Rescue Team), this makes the game rely exclusively on Orb connections rather than recruiting members by defeating them in dungeons. Because of this, players are unable to fully form a team they want without hacking, as the game only gives them one (or two, if they're lucky) of a Pokemon, and evolving completely removes the unevolved Pokemon from your roster, there's no way to replace them. Another problem that this would cause is that players can obtain strong Pokemon early. Pokemon like Salamence, which would normally be bosses like outlaws or Gabite, are now recruited upon completing missions instead of later on. To make up for this (and to give Pokemon "real lives"), breaks were implemented, which only restricts players further.
To add to this, missions were also shafted to an extent so the game can focus more on telling the story. In the past games, missions and free time allowed players to do what they wanted to do. Blowing off missions wouldn't make the ingame time pass, so you're able to get more freedom from this. If you wanted to, you could try to recruit everyone from certain locations before advancing the plot, or try to level up if you were doing badly and needed better stats and resources. In Super, however, time does pass, so players don't get the ability to choose what they want to do. What doesn't help is that the game tries to railroad or streamline things, with the partner calling asking you or forcing you to go to certain locations to keep the story going on a consistent basis rather than allowing the player to choose whether they wanted to go or not even after triggering the cutscene to go there. A good example of this would be how in Explorers, the player was able to choose whether they wanted to go to Waterfall Cave and Quicksand Cave as soon as they were given the option to, or try to recruit or complete missions before entering. With Super, your partner is adamant that you go visit places like Poliwrath River and the place where you first encounter Entei as soon as possible, preventing you from doing anything you wanted to do.
As for missions, trying to characterize Pokemon leads to a very negative consequence: the game lacks any sort of postgame replayability. With Connection Orb missions being a thing, randomized missions are completely gone. In the past games, this would allow players to do a lot of different tasks to either get certain item rewards, for fun, or use it to rank up. With Super, once you've done all the Orb missions, there's absolutely nothing to do, unless you reset. You can't even rematch bosses, as you can't release Pokemon like in the past games due to recruitment relying on the orb. Even if you were to reset, a lot of the missions would be almost identical: Zoroark summons a Monster House, Blastoise and Salamence are bosses, Growlithe wants his present, and Chatot needs to save Wigglytuff. There'd be no variety in who you need to fight or bring along, and there's no specific conditions to add challenge, like in the past games.

Even with the game's insistence on trying to add plot or characterization, that aspect is very flawed in itself, due to reasons other people have already stated. In the end, it all feels poorly put together and leads to a watered down gameplay experience.

Didn't expect it to get this long
Do you think they'll learn from their mistakes?
We can only hope.
>all the plot dungeons being short
I think they did that because the dungeons were harder and because of that longer than in the previous games. Not because of the plot.

>To make up for this (and to give Pokemon "real lives"), breaks were implemented, which only restricts players further.
The "strong Pokémon" thing is not a problem because of this. It only matters in the main part of the game, once you reach the postgame is irrelevant.
Breaks are the real problem, they should have been gone once you reach the postgame.

>not being able to stop during the plot is a bad thing
Not necessarily. It was supposed to make the game harder. It's not really a bad idea. Maybe they should have improved Pelipper Island because of it.
From a gameplay standpoint, breaks are implemented because the game gives you Pokemon like Salamence very early on, along with many of your recruits typically being higher leveled or higher in stats than you, and from a story standpoint, all the Pokemon you get are townspeople you connect with through the orb, not from the dungeon. This is also why it still exists in the postgame. I've already said that breaks restrict the player, and that goes extends there.
Connection Orb Pokemon is also a problem, as Salamence is an established character, and since you've already completed a mission with him, you get him instantly instead of later. This might also be why the villains' actions can all be amounted to mindhack plot-wise.
As for being unable to stop during the plot, it is not a good thing, as it prevents players from doing what they want to do. While Pelipper Island exists, it is very poorly handled, with it sometimes preventing you from using the player/partner duo depending on where you are in the plot, and does not allow you to take on any missions or go on floors you haven't been to before. As for making it harder, players can already skip out on optional grinding by simply doing Tiny Woods/Beach Cave type missions just to get to the next dungeon, and like you said, Pelipper Island is a place to get raw exp and items if you're having trouble, so all Super is doing is removing options as you can't do any missions or other things in between.
Does the EoS SOS still work?
>typing out this much shit just to say you hate SMD
I fucking hate you Skyfags
Wifi: No
Passwords: Always and forever yes.
>Wifi: No
I haven't tried, but they should work with the custom server.
Yes, of course. Most of the post is stuff we already established.

Also, if breaks weren't in the postgame they wouldn't hurt the characters or anything, because in the postgame you don't exactly feel like time is passing even if they tell you a day passed. All of the Pokémon keep doing the same stuff forever, so all of them never going on breaks wouldn't be a problem.
>muh skyfags
You supercucks get triggered over everything
vee pee em dee
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>20 year old
>Still saying "Heck"
Nope, not buying it
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>I am a hero sent here to save everyone
That too is something that a kid would say.
I find saying an un-cuss is funny to me because of how underused it is. Hearing it out of nowhere makes me giggle.
>hecking murder
Now it's unfunny and wussy.
You know nothing of inmature 20 year olds.
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I suppose your assesment is not wrong. Funny thing, out of all the possible MCs Riolu is the only one that can't breed. The legit kid/infant/shota pokemon. Sooo, someone who looks like a kid behaving like a kid, the dude has it hard.
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>tries not to curse by saying Heck
>throws a ''wtf'' in there anyways
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All Riolu's have it hard
And I don't mean in the sexual way
How'd you react if you were a young adult stuck in a literal inhuman infant's body and were treated like a kid?
How'd a human even learn to use pokémon abilities anyway? How'd that feel?
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>tfw you say "fuck that shit" and go on adventures like a mature adult and come back all fancy-like
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It would be pretty annoying but at least I can pretend to be smarter than the other kids. Not much I could to prove so might as well enjoy it

In all honestly, I think it would have being better if the Exploration society rejected the MC and he had founded his fucking own Guild with the Partner and the School Children

This is why I have friend with Oblivious and Dark Types.
>20 years old
>clearly struggling with kindergarten

Being angry when receiving an education, usually means they don't understand whats being taught.
>How'd you react if you were a young adult stuck in a literal inhuman infant's body and were treated like a kid?
I would burst out laughing and then be happy.
>In all honestly, I think it would have being better if the Exploration society didn't exist
>How'd you react if you were a young adult stuck in a literal inhuman infant's body and were treated like a kid?

Be happy that I'm not a nigger
Wait, so are you implying you're one now?
No way, I rather be any pokemon than be a nigger
wha about a nigger pokemon?
No such thing exists
jinx is close enough
or a chespin
>or a chespin
Do not bully the Chespin
Isn't chespin the strongest Starter in PMD?
doesn't stop it from being a nigger
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