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Pokemon Special XY Chapter 31 English Scanlation

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Thread replies: 244
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Translator that handles the other Spe arcs is almost done with the remaining XY chapters and will be releasing chapters almost daily.

Pastebin link to catch up on past chapters if you've missed it:

Will they be doing the actual ending in the tankoubon?
Actual ending is the same as the magazine ending.

Nothing new added.
brought to you by this dude
>capturing zygarde with one pokeball
yeah ok
xy is garb
Thanks OP
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Based, I've been trying to get a hold of PokeSpe X/Y for some time now but never knew where to look.

Have a lewd Y.
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have a lewd Y too.
Sina and Shauna look related
nobody reads xy
It's pretty good
I like it enough to buy all the English releases.
I do
People started liking XY once they could actually read it. It also helps that Y is the best version of Serena.
XY 32 is out by Crt
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What did she mean by this?
based greninja is here!!
i don't wanna find out
Why does it have battle bond if Y never orders it around?
spoon boy is back!
and he's hungrier than ever!
and the based souls who worked on this chapter.
>so much staff for noncanon manga that nobody cares about
why even bother?
Thanks to those who worked on this. I know that at least one of you is in this fucking thread.
There you are, I almost missed you non canon Anon! How have you been?
Are you retarded or something??
Fucking canonfags.
Wtf I thought Hypnosis was visual
You didn't read the rest, apparently. There was a hypnotic signal being broadcasted through the radio towers in the vicinity.
>tfw stopped reading at diamond and pearl

Just something about it turned me off from the rest.
Anyone got the Mewtwo Zygarde fight? Raws or otherwise.
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Hi, I'm the translator and raw provider/scanner.

Ask and you shall receive!
Are all evolutions in the manga as inconspicuous as this? I mean, we have Frogadier shooting out his tongue at... something, then him on a branch and in the next panel he's a Greninja.

Are they always this devoid of flashiness?
Here's chapter 33
3 chapters under one thread. Dang these guys are going fast. And nobody on /vp/ cares because it isn't sm.
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Speak for yourself. I jumped into this thread and i'm reading everything so far. I haven't read the manga since R&S, but this seems great so far. Is the rest of the X&Y manga this good? I'm really liking Lisandre here.

Also, thank you very much to whoever is dumping/translating them, btw.
you're very welcome. glad you enjoyed it
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This Manga is actually making me like Greninja WAY more than the anime ever did.

For one, he's not stuck in a permanently stoic/ tough guy expression at all times, which makes his design feel like it has a bit more personality to me. I mean, did he ever do the froggy eye lines expression in the anime?

Also, i like how he actually uses his tongue in battle often, which is something the anime didn't do ta all, IIRC, Which seems to be a waste considering the tongue is the thing that balances out the dark ninja aesthetic, so it being just tacked on uselessly around his face is dull. I'd much prefer it beat the hell out of things with it sometimes.
So there had to have been a reason Kusaka gave Y's Greninja Battle Bond, right?
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This is also an interesting plot point. What is the purpose of revealing Greninja has Battle Bond? Does it foreshadow a future return of Y? Or maybe just the Greninja? Does it mean that we'll see a Y-Greninja? Was it just something tacked onto the thing at the last minute?

Too many implications.
It is a game-recognized ability, might as well showcase it, although it probably follows the game's rules for it over the anime's. I'm guessing it didn't activate ever in the XY arc since Y was never around to command Greninja directly during the final battle, but that means she at least will show up in SM.
Ash doesn't exist, call it Bond-Greninja and sidestep the issue.
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I never even mentioned Ash, though.
Damn. These translators are moving fast.
One chapter a day.
At this rate, we'll finally finish the darn XY series!
they're pretty good too.

almost like if they're official translators. Much better than the shit we got in HGSS and BW with all the grammar problems.
Chapter 34 is out.

Holy shit.

Will upload

Finally, higher resolution scans.
Green has the Mega Ring!
Greninja really is a ninja.
Tailhugging Charizard
It's time, boys.
Here they are!!
Yveltal laser beams
That's a gorgeous page spread.
Blood is too edgy for me.
I keep forgetting Y is the one who got the Legendary, not X.
Holy shit... when you said "Almost Daily" you weren't kidding. I thought we were gonna stay in Chapter 33 for quite some time.
They're going so fast. I hope they don't burn themselves out. This manga is getting so intense.
Poor Emma, always suffering in every universe.
Welp, that's a wrap for today!

I wish /vp/ actually cared about Pokespe.

Getting some quality stuff here daily until the arc ends.
>posting noncanon stuff
well there's your answer
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Thanks for the dump, bro. I'll be on the lookout for more uploads.
That's if the thread doesn't die because it's noncanon shit.
They care when is BW2 or SM, but pokespec XY was never popular.
I think it's cause nobody scanlated it before and nobody had any actual list of where to read the stuff.
Why are Sina and Dexio carrying the scarves and masks of the Protectors of Kalos ?
Also dat thigh.
Your 4chan autism quota has been met for today! Please return tomorrow to contribute more high quality shitposts!
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I had to a double take. I thought that was in the actual translation.
Thank you anon for dumping this. I really was waiting to read XY, I'm happy to see it's good.
when will mewtwo show up?
This plus /vp/'s hateboner for X and Y in general. There have been threads asking about it every now and then but most people seem to have lost interest in this chapter.
I care. This last chapter was pretty good, I dislike Charizard and all the pandering around it but the megas looked good there. Especially X since the edgy blue is not here.

Overall I really like XY, I can't wait to read the end. X's autism is really annoying though.
Also I think Pokespe isn't really popular because of the absolutely erratic release schedule. People don't come if they don't know when to.
Thought interest was renewing along with belief that Y is the better Serena counterpart.
Y's new haircut is even more disgusting than anime Serena's though.
Short hair is disgusting on her, but this hairdo in particular is horrible.
It's a shame since she's the hottest pokegirl do date with Leaf.
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I care. I've read all of the chapters you posted. Based X
>Thank you to our supporters on Patreon

Wait, they're actually begging for money for this? How much are they getting?
Only $121 and it's used to cover the cost of the chapters and shipping.
>hi, we're too lazy to find a dude in Japan to buy this shit and can it, so we'll import it and bill you fags for the shipping lel
>implying the nip won't charge more
>implying you're forced to donate
Go back there, you faggot
Back where? Let me guess le reddit boogeyman?
If you pay me 120$ a month, I'll post raws right here.
Back to your group.

Uhh they pay for the server to host literally every single page of Pokemon Special in ENG, the Japanese raws, and other pokemon manga on their site.

Shit isn't cheap, man.
>being so far up your own ass you expect people to actually believe this

The dude JB2448 has been hosting the manga on his site for free for like 7 years. It isn't until he hit an actual financial crisis that he even set up a Patreon.

For a magazine that's supposed to cost $7, having it be gouged up to $20-$25 to get it shipped with priority shipping for 25 pages is disgustingly awful.

They apparently pay $50-80 per month on whatever host they use.

Nobody in that group actually gains a profit from doing this because a minimum paying job will pay more than $120.
Strange how others manage to do it for free, then.
Like who?
>taking anon's bait
Don't even bother with that anon. These guys have been doing the manga since basically the BW days. It's literally the same team that has given you ORAS, B2W2, XY, and SM. And it's basically for free. They literally give their PSDs to other translation groups so that others can translate it from English to whatever language they want without having to get their own team to redraw and get their own raws.
>whiteknighting beggars

Like who, faggot?

Before these guys picked XY back up. XY was a dead manga because nobody touched it in the four years it was out. Shut the fuck up and go shitpost somewhere else.
Go to /a/, make a thread about this group, and explain why there's nothing wrong with them getting 120$ a month for this.
See how long it takes before you get called a shilling faggot.
can you faggots quit crying and just enjoy the chapter? y'all think 120 is a lot of money when they run an ad-free site with every manga of Pokemon in uncompressed file sizes.

>daily chapters until they finish XY arc
cmon that's some dedication
i think we all need to just wait until they release their transparency report and to see how the funds are actually used before we jump to conclusions on the dude who's been the sole driving force for pokespe manga.
>I didn't dare actually going to /a/ because I know I'd just get shat on
Why don't you go make a thread on /a/?
Because defending this is so unbelievably retarded I'm sure I'd end up banned for either trolling or shilling if I posted it on a board with actual moderation.

But if you think it's defensible, surely you hae nothing to fear.
can we not kill the only dude translating pokespe?

just go hate on mangastream who give inaccurate translations, 50 million ads on their sites + taking donations, and stealing raws and not crediting the people who scanned it.
"Someone else is worse" is not much of an argument.
Speak of the devil
They're watching us.
The translator dude probably came in this thread seeing his chapters dumped and expected discussion for the chapters, and saw this shitstorm by 1 anon.
Is highly necessary they have to mount their pokemon?
Y likes to ride things
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i wish she would ride me.

thank me later
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I just added up all the images they host on the site. There is an actual original size option, indicating that their claim of uncompressed images is a true statement.

38,000 images on their site.
That's pretty impressive.
props to the dude who hosts the site and his team for giving us manga releases.

I'm loving XY so much right now.
Good plot point by the author because GF made two mega stones for a single Pokemon.

I wonder how they will handle Mewtwo, though? He's a clone and these Mega Stones seem to have been created thousands of years ago.
>wondering about Mewtwo but not Ash-Greninja coming soon to the manga
In the game I assume the Mewtwonites were made when Lysandre fired the UW in the present
Does anyone knows where I can find the chapters between 5 and 31 now that Lavander Scanlations deleted their english translation?
In the op.
In Pokespe, an as of yet unrevealed event introduced Mega Evolution to Kanto, given that Red, Blue, Giovanni, Maxie, and Archie all apparently obtained their Mega Stones there. Maxie and Archie explicitly say they picked up the power of Mega Evolution when they stopped by Kanto to grab the Orbs from Bill.

An apparently sufficient explosion of energy is enough to create Mega Stones, so my guess is that Yellow did it.
Lavender and Illuminate Scanlations are the same group. Just under a different name or a separation from its spanish team.

Scroll all the way up and just read the pastebin.
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Have we seen Y's Battle Bond yet? Curious if it looks as dumb as Ashfrog.
It's never shown, it wasn't revealed that it had battle bond until after the arc ended.
Bright side is that since it wasn't built up in a way that signals the second coming of God, it won't be anywhere near as intolerable. Y can use it to fight off UBs.
Set your timer, folks.
CRT said he'd release at midnight EST since he finished all the stuff early. I'll dump it here.
I mean for this chapter. Unknown if he will release slightly ahead of schedule for the future releases.
and it's out
Damn, that's a nice cover.
More double page spreads!
I wonder who did that.
dual wielding spoons
>tfw mewtwo doesn't remember you ;_;
Lysandre is so terrifying. I wish he was this good of a villain in the games.
Speak for yourself, he's a goddamn cuck in every iteration he's appeared in. He's hubris personified.
Current location... All over the fucking place.
And that's pretty much it!

Here's hoping 36 is gonna be a good chapter too.
how is this thread still alive after so many days? why bother with noncanon stuff?
While this guy >>32128108 is a moron, he brings up a good point. We're eight images away from the limit, so we will need a new thread for the next chapter.
Thanks for the dumb. I'm glad the pace is fast, that way he ending will be soon.
Speak for yourself, he's best villain in every iteration he's appeared in.
what happened to the scans?

they were so bright and grey with no like screentones, now they all have it and everything is all contrasted.
*of fanfiction
They were using e-book scans that you could buy.

But there is no for Volume 6. So they used physical prints and scanned it and cleaned them. I think they did a great job. That grey texture on the blacks is hard to get rid of. You should've seen when they released SM CH1, it was awful.

I'm glad they got it down so it's almost identical to the e-books, albeit more contrasted.
At least he's better than Ghestis and Cyrus.
for fanfiction this is pretty good.
tfw xy is best arc for the manga but it's too late cause everyone moved on to sm
Eh historically no one reads PokeSpe on time. It just started now with SM that fans are finally getting together to get the latest releases out as soon as they're ready.

Now we just need another magazine because shit got real interesting quick...
>both MegaZards getting equal representation
Dang Kusaka, why you gotta be so absolutely based
he isn't. mega charizard y gets jobbed the next few panels.
If they don't pull a completely new and unexpected explanation out of their ass, it has to be because of the resolution to the Yellow arc.
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