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/pdg/ - Pokemon Duel General

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Thread replies: 324
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Tyrogue chow edition

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>Figure Lists (Click the figure to see the movesets)
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>Quest Rewards
>Japanese Pokemon Duel twitter

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>Old Thread
pokemon duel confirmed for white nationalist game
>3.0.4 update
>bug fixes
>improved figure loading (assuming for menus)
>Use Fairy Mist like 8 times in one match
>Geomancy+Moonblast does like 200 damage
I love doing this shit
>getting attacked by gyarados
>dark mist 3 times in a row
>roll an 8/96 miss and die anyway
shiet, i forgot to make the trubbish thread.
yeah the figures are largely balanced regardless of type, they shouldnt play a massive role in deciding matchups to the point of 10 damage or greater

there are dudes like Aron that have type hate as well
Should I buy overdrive if I only have zekrom?
yeah it turns 70,90 into 100,120
and can alternatively be a full heal for him

if you can afford the gems, get it
its really good
rate my deck
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can you not
I know this is a biased place to ask but is duel worth the time?

It looks fun, but I already kill enough time playing go and wibble wobble.
I just started yesterday and it's pretty fun so far
for sure, it will boost the damage and it will stay that way until it gets killed, but it will still make for good pressure and what's better, you can use it safely and take advantage of it's flying to do win-win situations.
its a game where you can collect pokemon and also use the pokemon you collected
its a fun board game and a good use of time recreationally
you don't even have to invest a lot of time into it

what do you do in GO still?
I ran out of content for it really quickly
I'm a college student, I'm walking around a lot during the day so I just play when out and about.

When I'm killing time at home I'm using playing wibble wobble.

Does it really require much strategy or is it just one of those games where you could be better or worse but still get by?
Ehhh, i would say it's totally worth the time if you started with the release of the game, since they had this offer where you could use your free gems the most valuable currency of the game to buy booster packs with guaranteed EX figures the most rare figures, so you could make yourself a good team, and while you can still buy booster packs with the free gems you get the first week, it will hardly give you any EX.
but by all means, give it a go, you may end up liking it, and this game does have a singler player mode and a casual mode called room matches.
>I'm a college student, I'm walking around a lot during the day so I just play when out and about.

I'm the same but don't think its worth the battery to continue the same thing over and over

There's not a tonne of strategy to this game, you just need to learn what pieces can do, then use positioning and probabilities to your favour
gym energy is a better use of gems than sex packs anyway, but you just have to spend time playing the matches instead of getting instant figs
>>I'm the same but don't think its worth the battery to continue the same thing over and over

I manage with my battery. Just use some screen locker app to save on energy when I'm actually playing.

It's a fucking hassle honestly, but I guess I'm just used to it now.
reminder that orange boosters are no longer available
for a new player they may want to use their first week free gems on quad packs, since even if they try and go for the gym, they will more than likely get stomped pretty hard.
Wow...what a shame. I won't be able to pack hundreds of Dedenne and Deino anymore, damn.
even if you only win against bugbot its still pretty efficient
have you guys got your xp ready for any new figures you pull during the gym?

you don't want to be playing the gym with level 1 figures do you?
it takes 3 loses for bugbot to appear, that is 30 gems per bugbot, 330 gems max in total for a 11 wins box.
what the fuck

its 10 gems for 110 energy
20 energy per game = 5.5 games
4 games per win (if you lose every match against real players which is ridiculously conservative as you will be matched with similar players pretty quickly)

1.375 wins for 10 energy
=7.27 gems per bugbot win (at the unreasonably conservative estimate of 100% losses)

so 7.27 gems per figure, because paying to continue a streak isnt worth it (especially at one box) and you'd have to pay 3 times for each figure
i'm just saying how much a new player would have to waste only in continues if that player were to lose all of his games except for the ones against bugbot.
the point is that a new player would be better off buying quad packs right now instead of waiting for a gym that will probably kick his ass really badly.
but you don't use it on continues, thats stupid
you use it on energy and just collect whenever you lose
if you lose 100% of your games against real players (which you WONT even if you're new) then you get 27.5 figures for 200 gems just from bugbot wins alone
27.5 random figures from gym boosters is far more likely to contain useful figures than 4 random ones (with one R/EX) from a quad
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>watch a couple of featured duels for fun
>first match a guy forfeits after losing exactly 1 battle
>second match the guy just hurdle jumps twice with latios onto the goal because the other player

absolutely 0 quality control on these things
Fuck, I still have one I haven't opened yet.

But screw them anyways, it gave me a fucking Dialga. I love the actual Pokemon, but of course I would get the worst EX out of the entire orange set.

He better get buffed later on like Mew did.
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>Buffs to Sinnoh Trio
>Dialga makes your opponent's timer run twice as fast as yours
>Palkia occasionally distorts your opponent's screen during his turn
>Giratina randomly disconnects your opponent

How viable are they now, /pdg/?
thankfully my very last orange booster gave me the last sylveon I need for my fairy meme team so I'm pretty happy.

also it's a bit weird that they ended these boosters right before the upcoming dragon/fairy gym that's definitely going to happen this thursday and the devs are DEFINITELY not going to just pretend they didn't spend the last two weeks building up to it and then just not do it. I mean that would be ridiculous.
dragonite teased here: >>32064792

the fighting gym started the day after deo-N was teased last time so hopefully we get it tomorrow
>Arceus figure available at the same time
>your phone is now sentient
>Dialga makes your opponent's timer run twice as fast as yours

That would be amazing. If their timer actually DID run at least half the fucking time.
I've been wanting to play as bugbot in room matches for a while but I'm missing 2 heracross
>unlimited AI tickets with arceus on board
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its 30 energy not 20 this time

dragonair 25 wins
trophy 30 wins
dragonite 35 wins
another dragonite at 70 wins
green ex 85 wins
another green ex at 100 wins and thats the cap
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>its 30 energy not 20 this time
>higher energy
>less wins for rewards
for what purpose
so you get the same rewards for energy (more really) but less time spent

I think most people didnt have time to play enough
Would Shelgon be a good goalie for the gym or will there be too many things doing >100 damage running around?
the white is 90 damage dragon tail (benches opponent and gives wait
post comfy dragon teams of 3mp
Are three gabites that helpful?
seems like it so far
3mp with sand veil is crazy strong
>dragonite is dogshit
Lel, now I don't need to worry about getting him.
Sligoo or Goomy?
reminder that dragonite is a limited figure
Two wins an a loss, a good start I' say, prize gave me exp fodder so nothing too great, but it'll be fun to play around with these teams
>Subscribe to my blog
I got to 6 wins then lost because I did greedy plays trying to finish the game quickly
got a new poliwhirl in the 4box which is decentish
>50 gold
>90 white
>1mp or 2mp with speed boost ability activated
Yeah, I'm not going to try too hard now to get him.
>dragonite, metagross and garchomp are EX
>tyranitar, salamence, hydreigon and goodra are R
What did they mean by this?
dragonite is trash

as to be expected from a welfare ex
>Fluffy dragon was no match for the fluffy guard

Whimsicott a best

>Goomy slippery swaps it into it's death

this gym is gonna be memier than expected
sooo gym last more this time? It says 9 days and i remember thw other ones to be 7
yeah lasts longer, rewards take less GAMES but more ENERGY

so overall its a lot easier to get every reward instead of only people playing nonstop for the week getting the full reward list
>those that spin purple are knocked out
reminder not to run zygarde if you're going to stack your entire team with fat purples
ill try the 100 this time, o i got 120 im water and 95 in fight
good luck, it will cost you a decent chunk more gems this time but the rewards are better
Shrugsy? I believe I've played you
if you had a round team you probably beat me because every single one has been crushing me
Champion aces are EX, other guys are not

Pretty simple
IMO if you choose to continue the win streak after losing for 20(10?) gems it should come with a energy refill to the maximum, but no the devs are money hungry
imo that's a fucking awful idea.
t. Pokemon Co-Master
No, I'm actually just someone with some common sense from a business standpoint.
I honestly can't remember how it went
My nick name is Joops though, if that sounds familiar
>first 2 win streak box rainbows

>EX Aggron

>opponent timer stops going down
>nothing is happening
>eventually see "opponent is connecting"
>wigglytuff is moved
>"opponent is connecting"
>LOSE comes up
>never got the "you're connecting" pop up
fuck this game
>got my 3rd Sylveon yesterday

oh right, time for the meme team
Is hydreigon on good in the gym?
tip: vibravas are miles better than gabites

flygon is better

hydreigon is still only 2mp and wheel isnt very good
they both have 28/96 for draco meteor, but flygon has min 60 white (hydr has 50,60) and flygon has fly away as well which is super useful
(flygon also cancels opponents fly away but who knows how often that will come up)
good goy
why is Hydreigon only 2mp
What about 1 Deino, 3 Zweilous and 2 Hydreigon? or whatever the best team for that is

Hydreigon is only 1MP normally
How's my gym team? Should I just use flygon or evolve it from vibrava?
wow that's fucking sad
a 1mp pokemon with 50-60 attacks and 28 purple.

which retard designed this wheel for Hydreigon
It was probably designed around its Ability. With 5 Deino/Zweilous on the field it would have 100/110.
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>about to lose a match for the Gym
>opponent has a Rayquaza and Zapdos on my entry points, I have a Xerneas on goal and Gardevoir next to it to prevent surrounds
>only have my Vibrava out on the board trying to attack
>he has a Moltres on the goal, also has Ho-Oh and Genesect they want to move up to attack my Xerneas, but are trying to surround my Vibrava
>keep on moving my Vibrava around and spamming Purple attacks
>Eventually gets knocked out because of a miss
>he starts pushing Genesect up
>say fuck it, move my Gardevoir to attack Rayquaza
>it fucking lands on Fly and gets surrounded
>move my Sliggoo onto the field
>Genesect ignores Sliggoo and Xerneas and goes for my open entry point instead
>get to the Moltres
>land on Slippery Swap
>swap into the goal
>win the game
Talk about clutch

this fucking team god damn

>set the AI in the next duel

>it fears NOTHING, just sends the Round pokemon forward and attacks
>doesn't kill anything, wiggly fends off Smence on the goal with no effort so he just sits it on a corner
>starts pushing through the reuniclus because lel 200 round
"is it gonna surround the reuni on the left and cap the entry for one turn?"
>nope, it's going for the goal and nothing will stop it

I just know the moment i meet a magmar or lucario i'm extremely fucked
that's still not as good as overdrive'd Reshiram and Zekrom

it's still a shame
>only using 2MP figures
Round isn't THAT good.
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MFW it's dragon gym time.

i shit you not, the bonus damage makes it a fucking wall as soon as 2 of them are out, the AI had no regard for purples, it just kept smashing forward, the big problem for the other guys were having reuniclus, since the 120 hyper beam soon was useless
someone edit a hidden wigglytuff in the background

first mirror that sylveon's face and place it behind the one on the right
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*blocks your path*

*adds another rounder to the field*

eventually a mew will spin white, or sylveon hits 40, either winning or dying, i think it's real hard counter are lucario and magmortar with those scary purple knockouts
>Let a Round deck set up on

>Gabite user goes first
>Play defensively all game

I like this gym.
Rate my Gym team, /pdg/. Hoping for a Flygon soon.
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someone fill the missing pixels since i can't really work on it right now
Here, i did one myself, i wasn't going to make the sylveon in the background so huge, but it looked really nice like this.
why do I get shit shoveled in my face after I hit 2.6K ELO, highest I've been is 2678
maybe because thats the rating you deserve to be at
why does everyone always assume they're lower than they are supposed to be
because chances are once you hit 2.6k you will be facing people with 2.8-3k with cancer teams that will push your shit in.
>using ai
>it has gabite on goal
>vibrava attacks
>sand veil behind it
>nothing in range of goal
>ai hurdle jumps gabite back over
Because of RNG, either from bad figure pulls or bad spins. For example, I get cucked out of wins whenever Metagross decides to land on Bullet Punch and it happens way more often than it realistically should.
its ridiculous to assume that only you have bad rng

it decided it was better to waste the plate doing a 360 and nothing bad happening, than to fight it out and risk it, then after not having plates it'd probably be forced to fight it out anyway
It's ridiculous to assume the game is 100% skill as well.
>Play 4 for 4 hours straight
>also haven't slept in 15 hours
>Attack a gabite above my entry point on turn 2
>sand veil

I-it might be time for a break
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>reddit bringing plain deoxys decks to the dragon gym

good luck you meme loving fuck
I wish I had another vibrava they're so good
That fag is actually the current top of the gym ranking right now. Tell me you beat him.
of course
>AI round team
>it always spins round until the opponent uses a purple, then it somehow always spins dodge

fucking rigged

>Round vs Round

oh man this can't end well

>My wigglies Sing his Sylveons into submission

wow look at this fucking mess
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Can someone help me build a team for the gym?

Pic related are all my Rares/EXs, as well as all my Fairies and Dragons. Yes, I only have two EXs after several weeks of play and one was from the event. No, I'm not hoarding dragons, I just haven't gotten around to fusing them since I still have room.
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+20 Poison or Water gym when?

try the rounders with Vibraba and gabite, let the AI handle a duel to see how it plays itself, then you can make your own plays later
Evolving Sala
I've got 8 EXs just on my first 2 weeks with the free gems, wtf man
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Kind of wish I pulled a Gabite these past few months now.
I was trying 3 with garchomp evos but swapped them all out because they underperform compared to vibrava
they're no good to attack with
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but he would be so good for rushing.
yeah but if they block his veil off he's pretty junky
I just prefer more consistent pieces

he's really good here but doesnt fit my playstyle
Salamence/Sliggoo/Mawile (Pick two)

I'd say start fusing for Shelgon to get to Lv5, it cannot miss at that level and it should be relatively fast to get to Lv5 since it's a common.
Send Leafeon against enemy Whimsicott or other Grass typesif they have one.
>reuniclus players in charge of counting steps to each goal

brain cells scale linearly with number of reuniclus
this happened to me once expect the Lugia was a Xerneas and I got fucked up.
post yur gym teams senpai
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>I'd say start fusing for Shelgon to get to Lv5, it cannot miss at that level

yes it can
it still has 4/96 miss left when maxed

these are the figs that have no miss at level 5
sylveon X3
Vibrava > Flygon
Shelgon > Sal
x3 Vibrava
Wigglytuff x 2

Might make another team with less Round spam and more Vibrava->Flygon. Maybe Shelgon->Salamence x 2
2 silveons 2 wiglipuffs 1 salamence 1 kirlia
>3x Sylveon
>2x Wigglytuff


Might try Flygon over Mew to counter other Round squads and deter people from attacking with their runner T1. Had Ralts in Mew's slot previously (with 2 evos set) but it was useless

>metagross has no miss

shit, I knew i should have invested on that, i lost today cause it got confused and moved from bullet punch directly into the miss and not one of the dodges
I got two EX Cubes.
What do?

put them on stuff you use all the time, to break ties

>Double 71 Aeroblast lugia keeps pushing niggas aside all day
That's my bad, I was thinking of another figure
Wiggy x3
Sylveon x 2
Vibrava > Flygon
Vibrava > Flygon
Goomy > Sliggoo > Goodra
Shelgon > Salamence
Why did you ask this?
Do you think anyone cares what teams anonymous posters are running?
Why does it matter what someone posts when lying is easy?
All you've done is manipulate retards into spamming the thread with pointless lists.
How do you find Goomy holding up in this gym? I've been using Sliggoo for the starting piece just to get some early pressure/rushing but wasn't sure if getting Goodra evolved from Goomy was worth the effort.
shut the fuck up sperg.
asking to see what other people are trying out is better than dead threads.
>he thinks I'm the sperg when he literally asked for randoms to repost the same Round or Dragon team a dozen times over
These list posts sure are entertaining and full of value. Teams with Vibrava or Sylveon, who would have guessed?
Only a retard would want a thread filled with meaningless drivel. Either create meaningful content or let it die.
Does anyone even go beyond 5 streak wins without paying gems?
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not him but it is promoting some help for people such as >>32067267
I don't see what the problem is.
It shouldn't have taken an asinine question and two dozen meaningless posts for someone to ask if Goomy is good or for someone to post their own list with the intent of discussing Goomy.
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>tfw this gym is the only time flygon will be relevant
Maybe he wants an idea of what framework to build his team with? People spam this whole board every fucking day and you're throwing an autistic fit about a guy asking for our team comps
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Stop exaggerating, it was barely half a dozen. It isn't ruining the thread. If anything, your pointless fit is clogging the thread up more.
>If anything, your pointless fit is clogging the thread up more.
Better than a dead thread, huh?
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>opponent goes the DUDE SURROUND THE GOAL LMAO
>thinks I wouldn't rush over with Deoxys-A and smack his shit sideways before he even gets to surround my goal and decide to be a dick to him by surrounding his empty goal
>sits there for a minute
>he sends out Garchomp to attack Deoxys-A
>he lost to 130 attack
>put fug on his goal
Generally Goοdra isn't worth evolving into, and I doubt it is any better in the gym.
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Too bad its shit
>Save gems to get a quad after update, to try and get something good for the new Gym
> Fucking Hydregion
grats you got a bad flygon
random sperging over < dead thread < discussion and team comps
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Speed Booster is the hot new meme ability
Because it has Speed Booster, read the fucking thread
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r8 my team, /vp/. I just got a second Sylveon so I'm thinking of replacing Ralts and Whimsicott for them. Both have been kinda disappointing so far. Also, I have a Mew and Magmortar, but was hesitant to include them because they don't get the bonus. Seems like they might be the answer to round meme teams though.
I already knew it had Speed Booster.
That doesn't mean 1MP isn't irredeemable shit.
Good thing it actually has 2MP then, retard
drop Goal Block for Hurdle Jump.
Are Plusle and Minun white supremacist symbols?
It has 2MP if you can evolve a trash figure with a majority 60 (SIXTY) White Damage, retardo.
man, you sure got mad over people talking about Pokemon Duel
that 60 damage benches the opponent if it ties or loses (against something thats not purple or blue) so it evolves on death at least like that
>You cannot evolve if you lose the battle due to damage (Ex: [R]Gastly's "Destiny Bond" will not let you evolve.)
ah shit you're right
well that sucks because I was actually planning to use dragonite by suiciding with dragon tail on dragonair

if it had 2MP plus the booster, would it be any good at all?
Yes, it would have insane attacks for a 3MP.

like, in this Gym?
It'd still be good if it was unevolved as a 2MP too. Good sized gold and purple attacks and a 90 damage Dragon Tail.
less good in the gym since all the 2MP strong dragons are also 3MP.
Doing breddy gud now, guess the break worked
>tfw when opponent's hydreigon takes out your goal keeper with land's energy but also kill its own own goalie but doesn't kill your 1 MP pokemon standing 1 space away
>meant zygarde
>rewards cap at 100 wins
>get 2 CLv ex cubes at max wins

Awww shiiiiiiii
I know, that's why I was pissed.
>running zygarde
>not running its plate
you're doing it wrong
What's the best Gabite counter?
>Start making the deck for the gym.
>Gabite, Ralts -> Kirlia, Dratini -> Dragonair, Jiggly -> Wiggly, Vibrava...
>Suddenly spot my second, forgotten Gabite at the end of the list.

I'm going balls deep with the Sand Veil memes.
>surrounds are the only way to kill gabites
Time to run 3.
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Double Hurdle Jump Vibrava is the greatest meme strat ever
Not necessarily only surrounds. They have the option of not activating Sand Veil and battle whatever's attacking them. You just gotta make sure there's something behind the attacker to threaten a surround and the attacker can reliably win the battle.
How do I meme team?

I also have two Vibravas.
what's better: 3x Wigglytuff, 3x Sylveon or 2x Sylveon, 2x Wiggly, Mew, Ho-Oh?
Mawile is amazing in this gym. It has a decent chance to dodge. If you do dodge, you can switch to its 90 power move which takes out most dragon types.
There's a bug where you roll all your misses in a row when you start winning.
Hope the devs can fix this soon.
there's also a bug where you start winning after you roll all misses in a row

that's a bug indeed a bug team

3 wiggly 2 sylv 1 ho-oh is optimal
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>opponent positions his figures awfully
>can hurdle jump for the win
>accidentally select x-attack
>remember that an anon said you can restart the game quickly and rejoin to select a different plate
>loads of time left
>asks me if I want to resume duel
>select yes
>"the duel has been suspended"
my round deck is fun as fuck, reminds me of using beatdown decks in YGOTCG

is it worth using the dust i've saved up so far to buy a second sylveon for it?
>Win 3 room matches

the one mission i didn't want cause bringing optimal teams to a place where meme teams prowl feels terrible

>gentlemanly niggas giving up their matches

i have to note, none of them had reuniclus or deoxys teams
why not 3 sylveon, 2 wiggly, and Ho-oh?
you mean people doing their dailies.

this late?

>try to give up a match as payback

>the other guy goes first and forfeits


Wigglytuff's ability is broken as hell and they can't be hurdle jumped/can't revive things and you can slowly swarm the board

Plus 160dmg rounds are still big (200dmg if you fill the board)
i pulled a second ho-oh. is there any point to two or should i cl its 100 attack?

clv100 so you can beat resh/blastoise/other ho-oh etc

two ho-oh on one team is redundant, you just want one for the ability
what elo should i throw down to before going for an 11 streak
>reach master rank
>all of my wins so far have been hurdle jumping into my opponent's goal because they move a Pokemon next to it instead of on it
You could also try 3x Sylveon, 2x Wiggly, 1x (evolving) Vibrava

One of the top guys on the gym's ladder is using that. I got a pretty decent score (top 100) using that build with Flygon>Vibrava. Chose Flygon because I feel like Vibrava doesn't get a ton of opportunities to evolve against some of the stronger (Cosmo Energy, Round) teams. The guy with Vibrava also had X Attack in his set and I didn't so maybe evolving Vibrava is the better choice with some support.
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is this correct?
Holy shit Gabite is broken as fuck, how can they allow this
what's broken about it? every gabite team ive run into has been nothing out of the ordinary to beat, just use good positioning

or are they just stupid
I'm exaggerating, since I just started yesterday I didn't know what sand veil did and forgot to check. Lost a game on turn 3
If your opponent is using half-decent figures, Gabite can't really do much besides set up walls
Capitalize the edition tagline properly faggot.
>first game in a while
>they nerfed my bro spearow
>but not the cancer legendary birds

for what purpose
The Round meme 2stronk
>last time Spearow was nerfed was before Birds existed.
>use only 2 reuni for the gym because i at least want to give people chance
>streak of 7 dies to 3 reuni team
temptation to fuck playing fair increases
Can someone give me advice for my league team:


I got another Zapdos from my gym booster. Should I swap someone out for the other Zapdos? Or just keep what I have? I get a lot of use out of everything on my team, except maybe Reshiram. Fly is nice sometimes though.
Guess I'm going to wait a bit to continue my 6 win streak.
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Should I put Vibrava->Flygon in my gym deck, or just Flygon?
whats the rest of your deck?
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I'm sure a lot of people would disagree, but for me this has been the worst gym by a wide margin. I've gotten upwards of 2,150 in previous gyms and here I can't even break 1,600. I'll win a single match and then get matched up against round teams and 3 reuni + deoxys or 3 reuni + zekrom/reshiram back to back to back. 200 round is cancer and reuni/deoxys is just as cancer as before.
it hasn't even been a day nigga chill.

>implying people are just going to stop using cancer teams

Generally it at least takes people a little while to figure out what they are, but this time it's straight up brain cancer right out of the starting gate
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>get Mewtwo after Dialga
Fuck my laifu

Also the fact that you can just copy + paste your reuni + deoxys team with literally no dragons or fairies and still dominate the gym is ridiculous.
Haven't played since the reign of the birb trio
What have I missed, if anything at all??
>I've gotten upwards of 2,150 in previous gyms and here I can't even break 1,600.
maybe because it's been a single day
Play to your full potential, you'd be doing your opponent a disservice otherwise
should I use flygon on its own or evolve it from vibrava?

stop asking any time
Are round teams good outside the gym

Cancer. 3 Reuniclus + 3 Deoxys = auto win
im beating up reuniclus and deoxys for y'all

(i have a fairy team tho)
What happens after an 11-win gym streak, do the rewards reset?
you collect it and then it goes back to 0
its the same as any other streak but it wont let you keep playing until you collect it
rate my deck
They were pretty good before deoxys and reuniclus showed up. Round teams take too long to set up and deoxys speed really messes with them since wiggly/sylveon are all 2 mp
super ultra mega shit
mew shits on 4/6 of your pokemon assuming this is league and not gym
it's for the gym
add a shuppet
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I just got a Torterra from my gym booster. Is this guy any good? I had no idea he was even in this game.

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how dragonite should have been from the start
dratini and dragonair are too tough to evolve just to reach an 'on par' ex
i like him. you can cockblock entry point rushers with him. probably useful until you hit the 2400s
60 damage and 1 mp is extremely lackluster. Earthquake is cool though. I guess. I've never seen anyone use this figure but I guess it could work if we ever get a grass gym.

i really wish dragonite and deoxys-n were back to gyarados, i.e. random pulls only and actually good figures

these welfare EXs are shit
its kind of like they saw people saying how good gyarados was and just went "oh it must be that speed booster thing we gave it! slap it on charizard, tyranitar and dragonite too and they'll all be just as good, right?"
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Just got this nigga in a booster ticket

How do I gabite meme
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>complaining about all the birds
>when deoxys and reuniclus exist
The only bird that's bullshit is Zapdos with its bullshit 100, 32 sized, yellow attack.

The developers need to swap its white and yellow attacks, any Pokemon that uses purple attacks and has <90 base attacks literally can't do shit against Zapdos. And god help you if it gets a Thunder Charge off.
Articuno and Moltres are balanced otherwise. You just gotta play smart around them.
how's my gym team

Goomy -> Sliggoo

Started playing two days and literally have nothing better than dedenne right now, I'm not even kidding
Deoxys teams, reuniclus teams and round teams are dominating the gym ladder currently

yet again the main type the gym is themed around is outclassed

round teams I'm fine with, but when deoxys teams and reuniclus teams STILL perform better than teams with +1mp or +30 damage buffs, surely you can realise that they're a teeeeeny bit too strong
use squirtle
use squirtle or do the quests/training for emolga or poliwag
Just pulled a Flygon, how should I use him in the gym?

Also, would a 3 Gabite and 3 Vaibrava be viable to just cockblock people?
>Also, would a 3 Gabite and 3 Vaibrava be viable to just cockblock people?

its decent but then you just get cockblocked by brute force decks like the big three in the gym
>fight triple reuniclus player in gym
>spins miss 2 times and is still able to get a third reroll
FUCK you whales
and FUCK you greedy squinty japs
two nukes weren't enough
does anyone know anything about the supposed 'gacha law' that prevents nerfing figures?
because they have altered EXs plenty of times, who gets to define whether it is a nerf or not?
why cant they alter reuniclus and cosmic energy?
how come dragonite ex but not salamance

how come meatgross ex but not tyranitar
>the other party is connecting for over 4 minutes

wtf? i usually lose when i get disconnected if i can't get back in for longer than 1 minute
I think there are issues at the moment, my last two guys have been disconnecting
>opponent is connecting...
>opponent is connecting...
>opponent is connecting...
>booted to menu
>lose rank
>lose 30 energy
>check WiFi, it's fine

Jesus fucking Christ, this game.
>spend 60 gems to get an 11 streak pack
>charmander, goomy, golbat, onix

>people talking about disconnects
>"Nah I'll be fine"
>disconnects and booted to title screen before I make my first move
>streak and energy gone

i actually can't remember the last time i had a good pull

i haven't had an ex in like two weeks of playing 5-6 hours a day please help
>5-6 hours a day
you finish dailies in about half an hour
Gym time is the best for ex bro, i got my first articuno today
I got my fourth lugia from the gym
I wish you could trade figs for crafting mats
Has this retarded server issues stopped the yet lag.
i just got through

from what streak boxes
aplogems whennnn
dragonite buff WHEN
the lugia was from a 2 box but ending early is silly if thats what you're wondering
How do you stop double jump vibrava rush without deo-s

This shit is retarded
jump it yourself or stop positioning like shit
from 2 or 3, i never have a streak of more than 4
See pic related >>32068388
I got a Zapdos and Torterra from two 2-streak boxes. Honestly if you have a shitty team, it's worth it to just get a 2-streak and quit. If you get to a 3-streak and then lose, all you have to show for it is trading 30 energy for a gold ingot which is not worth it at all.

If you have a sort of good team then don't quit after two wins. Try to go as far as you can. Don't pay gems to continue your streak unless you have a really great team, like a good round team, Reuniclus and some other guys, etc.
>keep getting kicked
>gives me losses

time to stop
what is this vibrava double jump meme you're all talking about
From what I'm seeing here, Gacha law actually does pretty much nothing about nerfing, but instead prevents companies from having exclusive stuff (i.e. special stages) locked behind getting a certain full set of items/character/etc. However, if they nerfed Reuniclus/Cosmo energy, jap players would probably try to exploit the system for refunds under the pretense of being scammed.

I'm actually kinda interested in this whole gatcha business. May have to look into this more later.
well see here you take Vibrava, and then when your opp blocks it, you run another Vibrava down.
They can't attack you so you jump their asses and book it.
well I feel scammed every time I face a reuniclus/cosmo player

literally just walk to your goal or surround it
>just walk to your goal
and now you have one of the best defensive figures on your spawn point.
boo hoo they expended resources to get an entry point
what an unstoppable strategy
you still have another entry point, play from that side and use your plate advantage to take back the board
bait or autism?
how do i stop round decks

>inb4 just rush them or just don't let them set up xd
>Ground gym
>Ground +1 mp
>Grass +20 damage
I will never get those figures
should i run a 3 vibrava 3 magikarp rush deck?
karp rush, best rush
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tfw the Water Gym happened already and we will never see Karp Rush become viable unless they bring it back
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>be me, 2700
>queue against 3000 full cosmo fag
>rng goes his way all game
>down to just leafeon and ho-oh against the deoxys hoard
>notice he's taking 3-4s per move so must be lagging
>let my timer tick down to 00:30, he has 1:12 left
>just stall by moving leafeon/ho-oh around
>he runs out of time

If you can't play the game, play the player :^)
Downloaded the game a few days ago and haven't really sank time into it besides logging in for 15 gems. All I have is the stuff I started with. Should I do the campaign or get bodied in online games?

spam gym battles, earn figures

buy shuppet asap, use squirtle, get a hurdle jump from the tutorial

use your dash start 100 gem bonuses to buy quad packs and pray for EXs

hope they kill themselves
hope the squinty eye shits stop their jewish tricks
how are you losers already at 35 wins. I've been playing all day and just got to 8. Even if I never lost, I'd only be at like 11.

gem refuels

gyms are a better use for gems than quads because you get more shit

general rule of thumb is spam gem refills until you hit 100 wins and get the EX cubes, then just play when you have energy
that's the opponent you tard
So I should get in on this dragon gym thing I just got a notification about? That'll give me some new figures? Thanks.

yes. play in the gym and collect your two-streak boxes whenever you get a two streak together. just farm figures.
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>claiming that shitting yourself all over the gym with gems is better than quads without providing proof of getting anything good in gym boosters
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>claiming that wasting your gems on worthless quads is better than grinding out EX cubes without providing proof of getting anything good in quad packs
idk mate I got four bretty good EXs during the flying gym and a couple garbo EXs in the fighting gym, but I've popped about 6 quads and the best I got was Gabite.
Alright cool. Anything good I should be looking for I'll actually be able to obtain with the nothing I currently have? Not that I have any luck with random pulls in any game either.
if i save up four booster tokens can i buy a quad.
>click play
>puts me in a game even though I clicked cancel once I realize what I did
>dude's stuff is all gaining +30 to its attacks whenever we battle
>he moves his Raticate off his goal when my Pikachu can capture it without any battles in the way
>win because of this
But why?
Also what do coins do? They didn't really tell me anything about those.

coins are used in fusion. that's it. you also get tons of them so it's a pretty pointless currency.
help me build a team for the gym
>(3) vibrava
>(3) salamence line
>(2) flygon
>(2) gabite
>(1) reshiram
>(1) rayquaza

also have a mawile, 3 ralts and 2 kirlia along with 2 mew

inb4 some autists complain about "wahhh why isn't the thread on page 10 wtf i hate vp now"
>"g-guys!! sexpacks are coming out soon!! my calculations say..."
>never comes out
>the plan was to buy out the quadpacks to get meta mons to beat the eager, gullible sexpack people
I've lost like 3 battles in this gym and got the mercy bug bot. Why should I waste energy when I will only win against a bug bot due to everyone running round and meme spin decks?
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This chinaman junewei takes my points at the beginning of the game. So to rub it in my face he lets his timer go down 2 whole minutes like as a "fuck you I can beat u handicapped". Then little did he know my secret trick. I recited pokemon season 1 theme song in prayer and boom insane shuppet knockout on his dialga and magmortar both rolling misses. Then fucking I won fuck JAPAN
Is Vibrava #based or what?

Little fucker has single-handedly one me at least 4 matches. Not even utilizing the double Vibrava rush meme.
Won*, because I am an idiot
yeah the ai feels way too reckless now.

i dont use them in league matches anymore but for gyms since you really have nothing to lose its good to waste ai tickets.
didnt japan already have a water gym that we missed?

i hope we have water gym 2.0

also fuck this 30 battery shit, it makes farming for 1 spree booster boxes way harder
Can someone give me advice for my league team:


I got another Zapdos from my gym booster. Should I swap someone out for the other Zapdos? Or just keep what I have? I get a lot of use out of everything on my team, except maybe Reshiram. Fly is nice sometimes though.
i haven't spend a single penny and have three reuni. and trust me, they jobbed a few times. they can roll miss three times in a row.
>u guys reinculus can roll miss 3 times in a row its not broken trust me its still hard to win with them!

literally fucking kill yourself faggot
nigga you made it too early again.
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