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Pokemon Clover: still beta testing Edition

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Thread replies: 329
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yeah penis in the new thread
>1 off
Should have posted Check 'Em. You'd have gotten trips.
You didn't even bother changing the overall map layout, this is just a reskin of fire red basically. Lame
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3rd for no cheats allowed.
haha hello where is the .cia :DD
>all those ancient memes
>moot leaving

Holy shit, this is depressingly bad
rekroach has /nomoves/
Google Doc fucking where
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>expecting 4chan to produce something good
So uh you guys said not all the pokemon are in this version because you plan on making a second game right? And besides a few bugs everything is pretty much complete right? Post game and everything?
>expecting obsolete ,unfunny and outdated jokes

it exists but does not accept new designs anymore.
>lol XD

ok, still shitty.
This is a lie, dubsclover is still accepting new designs
This version is only goes about halfway through the whole game despite being 8-gyms
Only accepts when they wants, not just anyone.
Try that again in english, please
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Yeah, I'd like to report a bug. It keeps mentioning /vp/, and implying /vp/ made this, when that is clearly not the case. It should say /s4s/ instead, because only they could make a piece of shit as awful as this.
>have the skill to make a full romhack with new maps, music, sprites etc
>instead of making an actually good game you make a "funny" hack that fails to be funny
Why did you waste your time and talent on this?
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Let me guess, you're gonna report this to Nintendo's Lawyers because they could have just made an original fangame inspired by Pokemon instead, right?
Because the mere existence of this hack and it not being DMCA'd means some random Indian will be able to acquire the rights to Pokemon as a whole and no one can do anything about it, right?
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my uncle works on nintendo of america
What the fuck are you spouting? How does "make a good game" have anything to do with whatever copyright bullshit you're spewing?
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I'm having that same problem too. It should actually say Reddit instead.
So you made it shit on purpose?
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I want to have sex with that blonde OC girl
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Why did you delete this?
used arm thrust on a chezetta in some cave in a double battle and the game crashed
Gooey is bugged
Gooey is bugged, apply the patch in the OP, this will remove Gooey from Chezetta
It's a temporary fix but a fix nonetheless.
update to the latest patch if you haven't
does it keep my save still yeah?
yeah your save will be fine
sweet thanks lad
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Yeah, like that
Can you make a patch that keeps everything but the cringeworthy dialog
It contained a spoiler for the plot.
ah yes
wouldn't want the word getting out on that one
Can we make a patch that makes you go away?
There's already a patch. It's called speeding up the game and mashing the A button.
Wanted to know before i try this : where do you get biteki, is it lategame ?
You can get it through wonder trade. It's penis rare, though, so good luck
Was having a look at the sage thread and for some reason somebody keeps linking clover in it.
Are you guys jealous of sage or something?
It's probably a shitposter, lad. Just ignore it.
>Are you guys jealous of sage or something?
They actually think that they're better than sage simply for releasing in less time.
i got thrown off the boat and don't have cut

am i fucked?
you get cut on singles island, not the boat
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Biteki acquired
Bug report: In the ruse cruise, in the first room downstairs, it's possible to get stuck if the trainer spots you when you go in betweent the bed to get the item
Tripecs best mon, holy shit
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got stuck in here after leaving mt moon
i believe this is fixed in the latest patch, update it
That was intended. Get fucked.
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Here's the dex y'all
im retarded what is the gym password
up up down down left right left right b a start
fuck i did this but i guess i misinput
im a double retard
i already patched to the one in the OP
alright shit, wait for the next patch we'll have it fixed
so what team are you faggots using
lol no 1 is playing this what a failure
pokemon clover is literally a shitpost general
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Every vp thread is a shitpost general, what's your point?
Am I the only one who is not liking this
Yet another bugfix update

The bridge in route 7 has a graphic bug if you try to go under it
I'm pretty sure the only people who actually like it are the people who made it.
thought so
me too
Not true.
can you see ev/ivs in this
So which part did you work on?
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This staircaise in rocktunnel doesn't take you back
Get rid of the made by /vp/. This wasn't made by /vp/.
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Just for you.
So do you guys know how to bug test or are you making /vp/ do your work for you?
We're doing quite a bit of bugtesting ourselves, but the larger the group playing, the higher chance of finding everything.
How does it feel to be the DC Cinematic Universe of /vp/ fangames?
You guys are proud of this?
Confused, since I've never been into capeshit.
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This means that we are big guys?
just so i don't waste my time, does showing an unjoy to the lady atop the burial tower give me something
Nothing of all.
No, it means you're all talk and shit showing for it.
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I appreciate this very much
It's better than being all talk and having absolutely nothing to show at all Hi sage :^)
Your logic is flawed.
2.0 will release in a month or three and everyone will talk about it.

Clover dies in a week.
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>A delayed game is eventually good
Owlboy says hi.
Are you implying that owlboy is bad while clover is good?
>duke nukem forever
>the last guardian
>half life 3
This quote is full of shit
Not anymore, we have updates for something.
You only listed sequels
Sequels that take a long time to come out are always shit. That doesn't apply to singular games.
you're kinda right, no one is playing this atm
No Man's Sky
I think a more accurate game would be "a delayed game has the potential to be eventually good, but a rushed game is forever remembered as bad"
Came out completely unfinished, are you intentionally being a dork?
Those who were or are have voiced feedback and been shouted down.

It's hysterical.
it fits your criterion of a singular game that was delayed several times
Not that person actually.
well congratulations
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At Snoop right now.
be a snarky princess if you want, you named a game that doesn't fit the criteria at all
No man's sky is still a rushed game because it was released before it was finished.
Or do you not know what rushed means?
Oh im laffin, ive always hated fakemon spinoffs but this takes the cake.
kinda jelly of those even levels, i'm just soloing with tripecs
all your criteria asks for is
a delayed game: check
and a standalone game: check
don't be buttmad about your lack of hindsight when throwing around meme quotes
I think a more accurate game would be "all games are shit, stop playing and grow up nerds"
>and a standalone game
no, a rushed game
actually read the quote you're criticizing
A game can be delayed and still be rushed.
Are you retarded?
yeah some people who made it hate it too.
>i'm just soloing with tripecs
For what purpose anon?
>game is delayed
>no problems get fixed
so shiggy is still a hack fraud
i didn't know what other pokes would be good, so i just stuck to him and the starter i guess
Well no shit he's a fraud, have you seen Nintendo games lately?
Memes aside, it's a pretty good game so far
can someone help me out with the memes inc headquarters
i cant get to the boss room, i have the card key but cant find the warp
nevermind literally found it as that posted
>viol doesn't actually give you the HM for surf after beating them outside the safari zone
>transparency of some sprites like armando gets weird sometimes
>pokemon center next to the mooshock farm has no secondary floor
>no CIA on the poster in animango
all the bugs i have found so far
great game
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>safari ball sprite when thrown is fucked up
>when you enter the safari zone building you're off of the mat and facing downward
What level does Spargle evolve at
>transparency of some sprites like armando gets weird sometimes
Are you referring to when they get sent out into battle? I think that just might be a consequence of how the game resizes sprites, so we can't do much about it
fucking cookie
Where to go after the sylph co scenario
once you beat or capture jewipede the sprite stays and if you talk to it your game crashes
heads up folks
>a game made by 4chan is full of dumb memes
Holy fucking shit call the cops
>is full of dumb memes
and shit concept and stolen designs
Here's some stuff I've found after playing the version I downloaded from the first thread:
- a trainer in the second gym (the Picnicker) has a Pokemon that uses growth, which caused my game to crash
- I was able to awaken Cacademon without actually having the Poop Flute
- Substitute is wonky; if the opponent has a substitute out, I took no damage

I just passed the 3rd gym and these are the only bugs I've seen though. Great work!
these are all already fixed, please redownload the newest patch
how do I play this
I finished the not-sylph-co dunegon but the dueges south of parax town are still blocking my path
have you been to the underground base
in the sewers? it's locked
theres 1 team karma grunt sitting at a pc in the not-silph co base if you talk to her she'll tell you to speak to another grunt in the city with the game corner to get the key to the sewer door
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Did... did I do it right?
this staircase doesn't lead to where it's supposed to

please fix
yeah penis
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forgot pic
it's on the underground hq, forgot to say
pls fix, i'm stuck
diaperbeam lol
That was fixed in the most recent patch.
In Gadech
so i just beat keksandra outside the safari zone and she said something about giving me surf but i dont have it
is she meant to give you it?
thanks bro
No, that's where the demo ends
who the hell thought kanye's gym puzzle was a good idea
HECK off
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Yeah that's gonna get fixed
this, i'm stuck there for an hour
just use walk through walls
so due to the hm03 bug you can't progress in this, right
So this is the power of the 5-gym demo...
how to unlock the 7th gym?
lazy faggots, fix this shit, i want to play
i fucking hate you faggots
Go into the manor.
that's the 8th gym, going from badge order

i mean the locked on from back the beggining
Did you fight all the gym leaders before it?
I have all the other badges, but it's still locked.

Maybe because after you fight the nazi guy, if you talk to him again, it's treated as though you never beat him(the fight is triggered again)
Is Elephas on route 27 or 28?
so is there a decent download link for this? i used one of the patches in this thread on a fresh fire red and it didn't seem to work.
has to be this exact version

1636 - Pokemon Fire Red (U)(Squirrels)
Ohh. Many thank yous.
this sucks, fuck all of you
Love you too.
how do i unlock the gym in vitlya city
The same way you do in the Kanto games.
it's not working
soundtrack where?
It must be a bug then...
did you manage to do it
Can we get some Pokemon Clover fanart going
Ok I may be borderline retarded but what do I do after I've beaten the 2nd gym and the girl on the bridge. Think I may have missed something.
go north of the bridge then east
first off great work on everything dev team, sorry that everyone on this board are perfectionist autistic manchildren who need to throw a fit every time something doesnt go exactly their way

and second, babos is my favorite mon but he never listens to me in battles! am I just a bad trainer or what
how do I install/patch the original rom
Latter has been fixed
Should be fixed

There was a bug with Carlito's sidequest as well, this should now be fixed too.

New patch: http://www.mediafire.com/file/v8hcyz2b2bpwz4c/Clover.ips

Use Lunar IPS to patch it onto a clean ROM of Firered
Where's the faggot that's supposed to give you the sewer key? I checked around Animango and I can't find him.
>it's a "more available Pokemon than you can get because you barely have enough money early on" hack
Are junk balls much worse than Poke balls?
Junk balls have a 0.5x catch rate
>Star Fox Zero
Are there any others other than Armando where the transparency gets weird?
Pokfusa is Steel/Dark instead of Steel/Fairy
I got the Justice Badge from Tumblrita but the guys blocking the way are still there
Talk to Nomel
Probably a bug, but after beating jewipede twice in the cellar of the game corner he stands still and if you talk to him again it softlocks the game
This was fixed last patch.

Here's another update that fixes many more small things:
I was using the last patch at the time, and it still occurs with the patch that you just posted.
>No Premier Ball

0/10 literally unplayable
I have two premier balls here in my pants you can grab, anon :^)
Or maybe people are complaining because this hack isn't funny in the slightest, was clearly made by /s4s/tards and not /vp/, and is just genuinely shit? If I wanted to see this shit-tier 'humor', I'd go to fucking reddit.
Look, if you don't like the humour just go to your sage thread and die of old age before it actually comes out. This game is funny and fantastic and I can actually play it. Also the mons are frigging adorable.
Shit, sorry. Thought I had it fixed.
Here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/32kj3qw94chaj1n/Clover.ips
I still can't enter the last gym after beating all the others
Does gym 7's badge actually show on your trainer card?
If not, you need to go back and defeat Polk again.
It already showed before the patch, in the 8th spot. I already went back to defeat him again. Now he gives the correct post-battle talk, but the gym is still closed
There's something you need to do first, on one of the routes below Veepier.
Also, now that I beat him again, I got a badge
in the seventh spot, and one in the 8th too, despite never fighitn the last gym
I hope it doesn't involve futaba chambers, because the game softlock after a few steps there
Can you elaborate? Or send your save file?
exactly what it says. after you go down the firts stairs, if you walk around, after a number of steps, the game softlocks. this happens for any entrance
Wonder Trade.
Good luck with it
It's the wild encounters, they're what cause it.
>This game is funny and fantastic
>Also the mons are frigging adorable.
So which part did you work on, shill?
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Also, you can't pass thorugh these stairs
so, how many pokemon are available in this version
so i saved after beating keksandra before in the patch when she didn't give me surf
i've updated my version now where do i get surf?
Potentially almost all of them since wonder trade and breeding
ok, without wondertrade, how many
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It was me
Quite a lot. As far as I know there's fochun and ebin in the wild so far. That's pretty much kanto and johto combined.
is crystalline cave supposed to be fully accessible
Most of the first 251. The legends are missing. There are also a quite few from 252-386 available through wonder trading.
New patch, fixes Polk giving the 8th badge, futabafont crashing the game and some other small things
How do these patches affect users that have already done the events that lead up to the handouts beforehand?
It fucks up the users

just restart
If you already received the 8th badge, the event at vitlya will look very out of place. It means you dont have to do the 8th gym, so there's that
who's this girl
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Armando is fucked
Oh fucc
missingno machop edition
too short

too many bugs
Regenerator doesn't seem to activate when I switch out my Pixila
oops haha
I think there's a fine amount of bug types.
Where am i supposed to go after Meme inc? Im completely clueless
no wonder, they leave no clue. go to memes inc and talk to a grunt in front of a laptop in a maze, then go to the city with the game corner and find a grunt who gives you a key to the sewers
Thanks mate, appreciate it
None of it, I don't have time to do shit. College is a bitch.
story ends just as it gets interesting =(
Dumb question maybe, how do I get to wonder trade?
gadech city
ded project lol
full game when
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What did he mean by this? Unironically asking
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has a split-evo if you level it all up to 60 without using a leafstone

literally read the googledoc
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Oh yeah some people here wanted to see this in action the other day


here's new clover running on the infamous shitty flashcart
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You know despite all the bugs and the hit-n-miss humor, I'm proud of you guys. Your dedication to this project really shows and that's something I appreciate. Hopefully you guys get everything fixed up and finish the full game soon.

Have a shitty drill.
requesting a cia build famalam. if anyone could make one that would be great.
where's the pastebin with the movesets
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So I lost the first battle thanks to a lucky crit.

Should the rival still call his pokemon worthless even though he won?
in this fucking thread, read it faggot
>ctrl+F pastebin
>only result is >>31862760
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look >>31853986
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Rare bobbo
you cannot fight against pollefin, its evo and miasmortor later in the game or it will crash
What was supposed to happen in the house in Parax tha disappeared ? I entered, thought I was gonna have to battl,e so I left and the house disappeared. Did I miss anything important ? (Key item, HM)
On Useless Bridge the guy with the krokling has made my game freeze when it goes to attack occasionally
Try patching to a fresh rom.
Will my save file work in later versions?
just spoopy
what do i do with the dildo
make a better OP next thread explaining what it is or this will catch the interest of no one. it's a good game but needs better PR
Time to dig out the old OP.
when do you catch that roaming pokemon you see a few time in the field?
give us an encounter list
some gym leaders have retarded movesets and there are shitmon everywhere
Whose bright idea was it to give tumblrina ice beam on everything?
and then you get to the 3rd gym and their faggot frog has ice beam
why does it take the dowster line so long to get decent stab, and why give it high attack if he has no phys moves? who gave the greenlight to this shit
1, check the doc
2, git gud
>No phys moves
>Spook Out
>Shadow Claw
>Psycho Cut
cant get good at a bad game made by hacks from /vp/
>git gud
You want me to waste time grinding for this shitty meme hack? Can't do that senpai
>He had to grind
Holy shit, GIT GUD
>git gud
>against a team which counters the only obtainable weakness
What did he mean by this?
Dude we get it, you suck at pokemon. You don't have to be so obnoxious about it.
>make a poorly designed game
>claim those who complain about it are casuals
It's like the good old days on /v/
>suck at game
>it's the game's fault :^)
Amazing deflection
Unfortunately, this is an rpg, so any claims of skill or sucking are pretty much invalidated. I can't help that you lads can't into game design
Yes lad, it must be the game's fault that you can't build a new team to counter whatever you have trouble with
I can't control what pokemon are available to me senpai. That's your job. And you're doing a pretty shitty one
>omg boltbeam how do I stop it
save it, elo shitter
Quit bitching, you have an entire team's worth of pokemon that can't get completely fucked by ice beam, not including anything that you would get in Wonder Trade. You just suck at the game.
quality argument
I'm sure the rest of the dev team is very proud of you for defending them so well.
1 out of 6 being decent doesn't mean it's good. And wonder trade is unreliable as fuck
your argument boils down to
>baww this game too hard im dub
It isn't worth responding with anything other than laughing at you.
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Squirrap saved my ass when it used Sing on SJWhale. I can't speak for Nauseon, Semdrop, or Armando since I didn't even have to use them.

No, anon, it's not the mons that are garbage. It's you who's garbage.
>just okay

nigga is one of the most broken pokes in the game
Maybe if you're in first grade
Although you do type like a 6 year old, so it's not too surprising that's your mental capacity.
he doesn't get those moves according to the doc
Clover won't work on hardware because the header checksum is invalid. Two solutions to this:

1. Change the 4-letter ROM code at offset 0xAC back to BPRE
2. Change the byte at offset 0xBD from 0x68 to 0x75
Do we have shinies?
anyone know where a thunderstone is?
Animango Dept. Store
I feel like someone would've reported it if they did by now, so I guess the search continues.
there are not that many people playing this atm
still not working
i really wish this was finished by now, i want to know what's up with the dildo
The link isn't working?
read the thread, there are new updated versions of the patch

we need a new thread, don't fuck up this time
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I patched it, but it won't work
New thread with actual info.
has to be an specific fire red rom
Thread posts: 329
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