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/pgg/ - Pokémon Go General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 72

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Last Day For Increased Babies Edition

>Official Pokémon Go update blog


>Pokéstop & gym map

>Latest changes

>Latest update

>Server down?

>Evolution calculator

>Nest atlas

>Pokémon strengths and earning XP

>Pokemon moves DPS

>Website scanner maps

>App scanners

>Youtube channels for info & tips

>IV checker

>Best Pokémon per type

>Best movesets

>Best attackers for specific Pokémon

>Stat/CP changes spreadsheet

>How to spoof

Old Thread: >>31179324
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Gen II when
how to have the most fun at this game:

-never look anything up about it on the internet
-dont talk to people who look stuff up on the internet

if you just install the game and play it, you will have so much more fun because you dont know about spawn points, patterns, probability of rare mons and so on. i remember my first week of playing, i just played for myself and i thought literally everywhere a good pokemon could hide. i drove my bike deep into the woods to see what mons were there, and caught a vulpix by chance there, i was so fucking hype. then i started looking up stuff and all the fun, suspense and mystique about the game was gone. it just became a chore...

It's called to get redpilled.
Also at this point there are barely any players still in the happy ignorance of the first week so heck away.
Is Pokéalert safe? Is it like Pokémap? Or I must use an account?
>if you just install the game and play it, you will have so much more fun
that's a weird of way of spelling frustrating
wandering aimlesly was indeed fun but you also reach a point where you want to know what, where and when you can find
The game is funner at first for a few reasons though. First, you actually fill out your pokedex since this is the first Pidgey/otto/ot rather than your 1000/500/100th. Secondthe level grind isn't as tedious at first. When you combine the exp boost you get because you're filling out the dex and the initially how quick you can level up, it feels as though you make a lot progress in a short period of time.

Later, this feeling slowly dissipates since you don't see a lot of new pokemon anymore and the levels become longer and longer to slog through.

For people who don't feel this way after playing for months, I envy you. I'm 29 and I know when I hit 30 I'm going to be playing drastically less bar any events that pop up.
Good afternoon, lads.
Is PokéTrack safe like PokéMap?

why< does togepi have bags under its eyes?
oh fug, nick is back
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>check spawnpoint where I missed a Snorlax 2 days ago
>at the same hour and minute there was a Magmar yesterday
>today is a Kabuto
I'm observing a pattern here...
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>The egg event is over today
>Didn't hatch a single new pokemon or anything worth while at all

Nick: "I don't celebrate time passing like birthdays or new years"

Also Nick: "Chinese new year is the real new year"

I hate this cuck.
The end is near, lads.
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>more starter spawns till 08
Why are Lickitungs so fucking rare? It's the only single evolution mon I don't have REEEEEEEEEEEEE
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>get Relaxo with 85% from an Incense
>Lvl 19
>mfw doomed to walk Relaxo for eternity
Yeah they never do events without nerfing something to prevent exploits.
Why did Weezing and Omastar lost Acid/Rock Throw respectively? Does Niantic hates these two Pokemon in particular?
I hatched a 71% Relaxo at level 20 with the perfect moveset. Sure I could get a better one but with my luck it's never going to happens so I have walked him 65 km so far.
Hatch five 5km eggs:



Why is niantic doing this to us, why isnt this game more enjoyable ?
My problem is that I was evolving 2 other Relaxos before this one showed up.

I'm hoping to fucking god my next 10km is another one, but It's most likely a baby
Hatched my first and only lapras some weeks ago. Currently at around 100km
Santachu gone yet?
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Did you rike it?
Caught one an hour ago
Dumbass game is freezing every time I open it now. thanks niantic
Speaking of which. Are they worth hoarding? i have like 20 Santachus in my storage right now, in case they could become valuable in the future.
Fuck how long until charizards disappear? I'm traveling, have to rely on free wifis and the charizards i've seen are never near free wifi
>not buying a local sim card at your travel destinations
my phone's sim tray is jammed
Are Frost Breath and Blizzard good for Dewgong?
I found my first relaxo when I was level 22 or so before I really cared about IVs and he was above 90% with the best moveset.
I'd stick him in gyms but every gym near me always has like 3 snorlaxes
I used to find a lot low CP Snorlax when I was low level too.

I will never forget that one that made my phone crash because I was running a shitty music app in the background. That's one mighty shit luck.
My park has spawns now.

I changed it from lot to a park on OSM last week when you all were posting about it. Now it spawns shitmons, but it is better than nothing.
How do you guys deal with autists at gyms? Why do people wear flatbills and jordans? Why are these people generally combined?

Wiggers? I cuck them by taking their gyms and calling them disgraces.
He's on my team and is constantly sperging out at everyone in our little group. I keep wanting him kicked out but something about him having a high level.

I don't see it being worth it.
Went to the beach and had no 3G for a week. Talk about a deserved vacation after so much time playing this shitty game. I gotta tell you guys I didn't miss it that much. We can be freed from this pain, it's only a matter of choice.
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>We can be freed from this pain, it's only a matter of choice.
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Who /huntingforlapras/ here?
But after the nerf you're better off with Cloyster.
Assuming you don't have Lapras to begin with.
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Need two of each type of egg, 2km, 5km and 10km.
I don't know how to hunt for a Lapras when it never spawns in my city.
I have one Lapras but it's pretty low CP with Ice Shard and Dragon Pulse.

I guess I will have to search for some good Shellder.
No need to worry about IVs anymore. It makes literally 0 difference:

i am! i have a 100 IV one with a STAB on its moves, but the cp is super low (714) i need more candy to power it up, along with stardust.
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>IVs determine CP
>CP makes literally 0 difference
What's his end game?
>It makes literally 0 difference

My autism dictates that all my mons be at least 95%.
How do I spoof if I every time I allow mock locations, GO says failed to detect location? I'm on lollipop.
>shitty egg hatches for the past several months
>only got 1 baby dex entry despite Nianshit claiming the rates were increased
>app kills my phone for playing for more than 20 minutes at a time or 1 minute in a gym now, this didn't happen until December
Getting a little sick of this game
You mean it makes very little difference. 10% difference between perfect 0 IVs and perfect 15 IVs.
But the overall difference in CP is roughly 15%. Having a 2887 Alakazam vs a 2472 Alakazam when they're both maxed out is a big difference.
>putting Alakazam in a gym
Nice one!
It makes little difference what you put in a gym if you think your Snorlax is actually going to stop people.
I just had Alakazam's stat page open.
Bru, we had a lvl 10 snorlax gym. After three weeks a spoofer finally took it down.
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Anti-tracker fags can fuck off, I'm having so much fun using the in-game tracker.

Pic related.
It's nice when it doesn't show you that one pokestop (the only one on your screen) 1.5 miles away has 2 pidgey 1 rattata and 1 ekans.
Is the baby pokemon event over or does it keep going until tomorrow?
guys i caught a 96% (14,15,15) iv snorlax in the wild today.

but it only has 1143 cp. what should i do with it? how many snorlax candy would it take to power it up to 3000 cp?
It ends today in the afternoon PST
When that is exactly, who the fuck knows, not even Niantic.
How the hell should we know? Niantic doesn't respect their own timeline.
My calculator doesn't think it's possible to for a (14 HP, 15 Attack, 15 Attack) IV Snorlax to have 1143 CP.

Post your screenshot.
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Never mind. My calculator comes up with (14,14,15) IV for 1143 CP Snorlaxes which sounds like a reasonable typo on your part. That or somebody's calculator is wrong (totally not mine).

But anyway, that would be a lv 12 Snorlax, and it would require exactly 42 power ups to hit 3000 CP at lv 33.

42 power ups are 130 Snorlax Candy + 139,400 Star Dust.

650km of buddying.
it has 95,6 % IV, which rounds to 96 %. are you autistic or just stupid?
hmm the dust is not a problem but i guess im gonna save up some snorlax candy. maybe next year in the winter i can power him up
>can't even type in 3 IV numbers properly
>insults others for trying to help
You're fucking welcome faggot.

This is why I don't bother answering questions.
then dont answer them, fucktard
Yeah I won't shitstain.
Lapras doesn't seem amused though.

Sorry for my ignorance but I was not aware there was a baby event. What does it do? What will happen after? Will eggs no longer hatch baby mons?

Because I have hardly hatched any baby mons out of the 40 eggs I've hatched since they were released. Well I have but they have been 1 magby, 1 pichu and 4 fucking igglybuffs.
Don't click. It's advertisement.
All I can read is teenagers saying that he is the best and got some nice cinematography despite he filming himself wandering around is quite cringy because he puts the camera somewhere and has to comeback to pick it up.

Okay, I guess?

These fucking autists....
>that sexy chin

Incels are the worst. They think 2/10s are 10/10s.
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So no update?
>special massage

Gen 2 finally?
>>special massage

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>download IV checker
>check on all my mons for the first time
>they're all shit except for a low CP 100% Lapras
Hanke approves :^)

Is that safe? I dont want to risk my account.
No one actually dislikes the tracker, they dislike the fact it replaced to old one
All Niantic had to do was add a second screen, or a toggle button to please everyone, but no, they don't like doing that
The new tracker has found me some of my best dudes, but it would be nice to have the old one as an option for when I'm in my own neighborhood, since there are only 3 Pokestops which are clustered together, so besides that one spot you're in complete mystery to what's next to you
After this event, will there stop being incubators at pokestops?
>decide to go into town for shopping and grind out some eggs while I'm there
>Spearow x2, Iggybuff (which I already have)
>Ponyta x4, Psyduck x3, Paras x3, bunch of other shit like Meowth, Abra
One good hatch out of like 15 eggs, I have another 10km cooking right now but I don't even want to hatch it, knowing my luck today
Why are such shitmons so likely to come out of 5kms

At least I found a Growlithe nest, even though it only had two active spawnpoints because the park was tiny
i have 142 chansey candies what should i do with them?
Keep them for the Blissocalypse
Get hyped for Blissey
An option to clear the tracker by selecting all the mons you dont want to see atm would be good
i thought about powering up my two 93% chansey, but i guess i'll keep the candy for a while
Yeah you don't know if it'll get stuck with shit moves because
>LOL no move tutor
ten perfect IVs now, literally the only thing I'm hunting for atm
Blisseys best move is the timer, they should give it soft boiled and protect :^)
Abra isnt shit
>One good hatch
Wasn't the fucking turdnugget now was it
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>A few weeks
Knowing Niandick, it'll be more le ebin minor text fixes! xDDD
how can you hunt for them?

the only perfect iv i had were egg hatches
Update comes in 5 weeks, they finally came up with a solution for tyrogue!!!!!!!
for 1000 coins you will be able to buy him in an incubator and walk 50 km to hatch it!
Poke adoption!!
ofc, you can't hunt but I've caught more than half of these I believe

>bunch of other shit like Meowth, Abra
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I know what I said, which is why I put the comma there, Abra wasn't included in the 'other shit'
The 'other shit' was rubbish like Cubone and Goldeen
I also got 2 Krabbys now I think of it
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Suck my dick.
That message is two weeks old.
Apparently Reversal and BenTimm1 had gay relations in Japan.
>gen II is coming
>still no legendary event

nope. legendaries will come before gen II. Theyll be close together, a double-move to bring back players in the Spring, but look for the Birbs before gen II.
who are you quoting

So is the babymons event already over? Cuz I haven't hatched any Pichus yet
>implying niantic can figure out a good event for the birds

They need to come up with something new, sooner or later they will have to release gen 2 because they dont know what else to do
Guys, how will Smeargle play out?
how do i spoof on android 4.4?

there is a snorlax 500m away in the woods, but it's already dark here and i cant find and excuse to go out to tell my parents. im kind of keeping it an secret from them that i play pokemon go
>implying niantic can figure out a good event for the birds
They don't need to figure out a good event, they just will do a bad one and put it out.
We will know 2019! Can't wait!
Most likely yeah. But even for that they need time, see ditto and that they unironicly not released tyrogue with the babys because they are too retarded to find a solution for the candy
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>only hatched a goldeen

>hey faggots, something may or may not happen later xD stay tuned !

fuck off hanke
hey I'm twelve too x3
this is pretty nice try.
but not this time. not this time.
Here's my checklist for what I expect will be the next batch of Generation 2 Pokémon released in the game. If you have all those Pokémon and Candy ready when they are introduced you should be all set!

>Chansey - 1 really good Chansey >1200 CP, >80% -> BLISSEY
>Eevee - 5 good Eevees >750 CP, >80% -> ESPEON/UMBREON (split evolutions)
>Golbat - 1 decent Golbat ~1500 CP -> CROBAT
>Gloom - 3 decent Glooms ~1200 CP -> BELLOSSOM (split evolution)
>Onix - 1 decent Onix ~800 CP -> STEELIX
>Poliwhirl - 3 decent Poliwhirls ~1050 CP -> POLITOED (split evolution)
>Porygon - 1 good Porygon >1250 CP -> PORYGON 2
>Seadra - 1 decent Seadra ~1600 CP -> KINGDRA
>Scyther - 1 good Scyther >1950 CP, >80% -> SCIZOR
>Slowpoke - 3 decent Slowpokes ~950 CP -> SLOWKING (split evolution)

>50 Chansey Candy -> BLISSEY
>50 Onix Candy -> STEELIX
>50 Porygon Candy -> PORYGON 2
>50 Scyther Candy -> SCIZOR
>100 Horsea Candy -> KINGDRA
>100 Zubat Candy -> CROBAT
>125 Eevee Candy -> ESPEON/UMBREON (split evolutions)
>150 Slowpoke Candy -> SLOWKING (split evolution)
>300 Oddish Candy -> BELLOSSOM (split evolution)
>300 Poliwag Candy -> POLITOED (split evolution)
So with the current event being increased hatch rates for baby pokemo I'm willing to bet most people have enough to evolve magbys into magmars or even elekids into electabuzz. However I personally am holding off until gen 2 arrives. Why? because in gen 4 magmar, electabuzz, and to get it all get another evolution (magmar -> magmortar, electabuzz -> electivire and togetic -> togekiss) and as we haven't had a new generation get released yet we don't know what will happen to hatch/spawn rates. So while baby pokemon are common now, they'll get rarer soon once the event ends and maybe even rarer once gen 2 comes. Whilst there are other pokemon that get evolutions in gen 4 they are generally easier to find, as they are either regular spawns somewhere and generally spawn at nests.
>being this retarded
Is this a copy from a Reddit post? If not, there's no reason to wait.

By the time Gen 4 comes out, you'll probably have a few thousand candies so it won't matter.
>See arcanine on nearby
>Drive two miles to get there
>Worst moveset
I guess it's okay against lapras or something
>125 eevee candy
>150 Slowpoke candy
>300 Oddish Candy
>300 Poliwag candy
what the fuck are you on about with those ridiculous numbers
>176 candy

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I hoard candies until I find a high level high iv poke to evolve
I never saw a growlith
>still never seen any baby pokemon

fuck me

>tfw without thinking I already spent over 900 eevee candy evolving random eevees
>tfw down to 700 eevee candy

feels bad man
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almost 2 months of casual play, just hit lv 26 today
why so many candys?
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1 Chansey and 48 candies, currently walking it
9 Eevee and 1226 candies
3 Golbat plus 340 candies
4 Oddish plus 733 candies -
1 Onix (should have kept several more) and 194 candies it's 100% too
4 Poliwags and 535 candy
>Porygon 2
2 Porygon, 79 candies
6 Seadra and 335 candy
1 Scyther and 51 candy
4 Slowpoke and 185 candy
idk, they just pile up
living in a water+grass biome helps
Do black people play this game?
They won't change anything about the formula. Two-stage lines will need 50 and three-stage lines will need 125.
of course they do, don't be silly
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Making a checklist for pokemon that will never come.
they're already in the code, don't be stupid
as anyone encountered and caught (or just encountered) every single Pokémon in their regional pokedex (excluding babies obviously) in the wild?
Having just caught a wild Venusaur and Charizard due to the event, and having had the good fortune to have caught a wild Golem and Omastar in the past week, I now realise that there are only ten Pokémon I haven't encountered in the wild (Clefable, Alakazam, Machamp, Victreebell, Muk, Exeggutor, Gyarados, Flareon, Kabutops, and Dragonite).
Has anyone literally, caught them all?
(For anyone wondering, I'm level 30, have never spoofed or used a tracker, am just fortune to live in a great area to play)

The only ones I haven't caught in the wild are regionals, Dewgong, Lapras and Porygon.

>have never used a tracker

>hey leddit i am playing baseball without using my arms xD am I cool yet?? le upvote me :3
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If I stop believing the IV meme would I get better movesets?
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>moveset > IV's
you can have a 97.8IV poliwrath with mudshot and submission get beat by a poliwrath with 40IV with bubble/icepunch
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Jew-nosed Nick back at it again!
honestly a 2xl for $43 isn't outrageous unless it's terrible quality shit
it's still $43 for a sweater of a youtuber no one knows outside of pokemon go vids with a gay ass badge
oh yeah, I admit you'd have to be a bit touched to buy one, but the price is fine and I thought that's what was being pointed out
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Fixed it.
No fucking way he's sold any of those.
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i said exactly this at 29

>now 32, still addicted to this wretched game

you are here forever
would cop
Sometimes I think you guys are actually tsundere for Nick. I mean, hell, no one's complaining that he's actually on OP's links.

>gift boxes are gone
>santa pikachu is gone
>increased baby hatches are gone

God speed, trainers.
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Spain here, one-use incuvators are over, over.
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Finished walking my last entries, just waiting for a good cp/iv specimen.
Yo I would actually buy this.
Any one else getting a Honor 6X?

Will it be good for pokemon go?
Good evening chaps, how goes the hunt tonight?
I just ordered a LG G5. Hoping it's alright with pg but let's be honest pg is not optimized very well.
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Daily reminder that IVs are almost completely irrelevant
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Pretty good, about to spoof around to help ally gyms not under attack and collect some coins from it. Call me a cheater but this's the only way to keep gyms around a crowded city filled with spoofers. For respect reasons I don't mess with other peoples gyms, unlees I see it's a single entitled spoofer all over the place. But I leave them blank obviously.
Thanks anon, I was thinking about nipping out at 12AM for a sneaky incubator but I guess not
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>how to spoof
>fully detailed instructions
>lol i dunno
the fuck
Anything good happen today bros?

>Hatch Tangela to finish NA dex
>Hatch Snorlax and Dratini
>On way home from work, see friendly gym being attacked, no one around.
>Gym turns to instinct, see Dragonite on top
>Click on gym, see 3 accounts all named Bohn - something
>two accounts have placed a Mr. Mime
>Now missing one entry in dex

It was a good day, I'm just miffed about the spoofer screwing up my dex.
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You fucker

So I've got this Dragonite that I found wild months ago, and I just don't know what to do with it. I never could bring myself to get rid of it despite the low CP. the moves are great and the gamepress calculator says it's an 83.3%

Wat do guys?
If he was a 100% or near it, I would dust him little by little. No reason to rush it, at long term it would be a good investment for gym sitting. But on your case I would transfer it.
See here for proof:
Keep it, level it up to around 1000 if you don't do it the whole way, should be a good prestiger at the very least
i saw some playing once. we were all hunting for gastly at a nest. they were nice.
>A snorlax has appeared 300m away
>The ground between us is a rather steep slope, and because of the rain the ground is covered by ice
I-If I do not return, please give my Jolteon to Spark...
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>That fucking Gyarados
>I can't go outside of home

Why all the cool things appears when I can't go out? The night is great.
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>wild Gyrados
Nigger what
You best be starting some trust building exercises with your mom because you are missing out
Santachus are gone wtf

This is an iPhone board only. Please delete.
There is not ONE honest Valor player in my town!

Get off your rich asses Niantic and deal with these guys!! Most spoof, even the local guys who occasionally play legit (I've met some) I have seen take down a gym without being there. The Main ass-hats with initials MM and DK also have alts. MM has a blue and yellow alt he fights his own gyms with. This is so lame and no matter how often we report them nothing happens!


It's getting bad everywhere you go. We have a guy with 4 accounts who take the top 4 spots in all 10 gyms in our city center. We did a raid one night and took them all down. Within minutes all of the gyms were attacked and filled back up with the same 4 accounts. Gyms that were MILES away from each other.

Multiple people have reported multiple times. Nothing ever happened except a bunch of legit players quit.
If Niantic doesn't do something soon, the only players they will have left will be spoofers and bots.

Please don't use the N word here

Plus worth getting?
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Anyone else here hoarding dust and candy until a dust event or moves can be influenced to not be shit 2/3 of the time?

The only sub-optimal thing I let myself waste resources on is playing this game in the first place.

You can thank bots Lazymon, Pokefarmer, ninjabot, necrobot2, other hack script, flygps, tutapp, etc. They ruined games. All they do is to taunt legit players and make them more frustrating than ever without the need of going outside.

In my area, there are people who scripted a anti-mystic/instinct bot that kills all mystic/instinct and floods the gym 10 with only snorlax/dragonite. So far, i used a gym tracker, and holy fuck, They got 35 gyms and every single one were snorlax/dragonite. Yes they kick my pokemon out at 3.3k cp. Everyone is 3350CP+.

Now that i have 1000 pokemon storage, 1000 items, i would care less about gyms anymore.

I have reported over 214 players that are literally cheating (multi account, spoofing, botting). I have names listed and i made 20 accounts just to report each and every one so they get banned but nope, niantic does not care. They don't even see spoofing/botting in their vision. Yes i did report the script hackers in my area as well but didn't do shit. I don't quit because those hackers are the same team as me but training gyms became so frustrating due to massive CP. Its painful and annoying...

The only reason there are 99% level 10 gyms is because spoofing and lazymon. Otherwise you will rarely see level 10 gyms. Its inevitable
I just got enough candies for a dragonite but only have a 78 iv dratini, is it worth evolving?
No, you are the only one here with the foresight to hoard resources for future events that will probably won't happen in the near future.
No. It's literally just a button which works about half the time. It's best use is when you're hanging out somewhere with a stop on it and don't want to look like a sperg glued to your phone.
>IV meme
Don't fall for it


Don't waste until you have a 90%+ one.

Shit. I wanted a good IV pikaclause
I had almost enough candy saved up before the event, now i've evolved 2 91% IV Bulbasaur (unfortunately both ended up with Sludge Bomb) and caught one wild low CP Venusaur, overall very happy.
>3 week event

Did you literally stop playing last month?
>increased baby hatches

Wait, so they're still around? Just less common now?

There's a level 37 black dude in my neighborhood. He's an autistic weeb, not a nigger.
They're going to be around forever.
Caught 46 of them. All under 75%.

I stole mine, so yes lol.
Well at least you have one that's 75%. For a shitmon that collects dust it'll be fine.
>I stole mine

Found the black guy.

Max CP is 3219
Atk: 129
Def: 229
HP: 510

I have 141 chansey candies

Can't wait
tfw holding on to about 25 santachu's with 82% and up and taking too much inventory space
I bet 50 Gym Bux that Niantic gonna tinker with those stats

510 stamina is goddamn ridiculous

Nice one, Reddit.

They'll nerf it.

I have never see one.
Spoof around your place to catch mons at night my man, it's what I do. Walkfag on the morning, spoofer at night, comfy as fuck. I don't mess with with gyms of course.
Wait for a better one.
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you have to go back
Whats the oldest trainer you've met/seen?

Just saw an old dude at the park, had to be at least 50, sitting at a stop.
>tfw spoofers gonna get their hand on this annoying mon, max its cp and over saturate the gym with its lard HP

Why Niantic don't go full Nazi on the spoofers is really beyond me
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Post your recents, lads.
theres a dude at least 60 who controls a nearby park. 2 gyms and he is always in them.
I worked at a restaurant where we had a Pokemon Go special back in July/August. Pretty much show you play the game and you got 15% off or more. There was once where a grandfather showed us his phone that he played, as did his son as did his grandson who was about 9.
What about this guy? >>31203238
Fuck off.
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Post disappointments instead
People keep saying there'll be an incoming nerf, even that blissey will be too good, where the fuck is this info coming from?
>where the fuck is this info coming from?

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Only muk was a disappointment, I had to evolve my shitty grimer since that and aerodactyl are fucking nonexistent in my area
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Would I risk a ban if I waited 10 hours, spoofed myself in another continent and then returned to my original location after waiting 10 hours again? Is there anyway niantic could still detect that I'm a cheating fuck? I just wanna get those region exclusives mane
Yes. But even legitimate players risk a ban all the time.
Probably safe to do it. But who really knows.
Although niantic is probably incapable of everything, i would think that regionlocked mons are the one thing they could detect

I don't think 10 hours is enough.

I'd say spoof to the location and play there for at least 48 hours, then go radio silent for at least a day before returning to normal.
I'm currently at 951/1000 because I'm a faggot hoarder who even keeps krabby x-scissor or metapods just because I caught them during the first month of the game. Please tell me I'm not alone.
>where the fuck is this info coming from?
It's not info.

It's entitlement.
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i still have my 253 Butterfree as my oldest mon. Reminds me of the magic

it's sniping safe? even if I just get a lapras? I am tired of getting pinsirs and onyx
As per everything else in this game people are just making shit up and setting themselves up for disappointment.
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>transfered my starter charmander
>still think about him all the time
>still have my starter bulbasaur
>I've been walking him over lapras due to bro tier
>I power him up also
>Razor Leaf and Solar Beam at 706 CP as Ivysaur
Will my bro grow good?
I actually forgot my starter. Fuck me.
>three weeks ago I mailed Trainer Tips Cassie a Relaxo plushy
>Today Nick finally opened my package and gave it to her


It's at 7:15 in their latest video!

You monster
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we all did anon. We didnt know.
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Fellow hoarder here. Charmander starter, first Eevee I evolved praying for a Jolteon as I approached a water gym, and only 4 Dratini I got from a nest before they got rid of them the next day. The rest are just ones I like and don't have the heart to delete.
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>When the reaction images just find you
Another crop

What's the mailing address? I want to send one of those glitter bombs.
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I have Flareon 447 as my oldest mon. Makes me miss summer.

>tfw went back to the park where a lot of normies used to catch mons and now it's empty not to mention cold as fuck
Not him but the address is in the description of his vids. Can't post here or it counts as doxing. It's a PO box, not a house.
>is sniping safe
Thanks for the laugh
>I want to send one of those glitter bombs

Please do.
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fuck that, you can literally send shit. google it.
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Congrats anon, you cucked Nick.
>another bulbasaur just ran after one great ball
why are their catch rates so insanely shit?!

Because they're obviously the strongest pokemons in game.
no he's the cuck
Nick still smashing that
Starter buff when?
Never. They are shit.
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i did it by mistake yesterday when transfering mons but you know what as cold it was I didn't have any connection to my starter whats so ever,i had more bonds to my hatched starter I raised to a Wartotle that I used against a gyms at the start of the game,now I dont want to evolve him to a Blastoise.

Why would you give a gift to a woman you aren't related to or fucking?
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>this post
Goodnight, lads.

Grandparents play a lot with their grandkids.
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>tfw wild gyrados first day of release at local lake.
>200 metres from house
>3am couldn't be fucked
>R E G R E T

Shit that sucks.
Night brah
Not only will you never meet this girl, she has a boyfriend meaning you would get nowhere even if you did, id be slightly impressed if she was even slightly pretty but in all honestly you sent a shovel a present
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My 650cp pinsir,My true starter
Think Gen 2 starters will be wild or will we get to pick one?
>get to pick one


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Post oldest mons
Snorlax is a meme anyway. Just use your base CP ones and spam them in gyms since he's a shit attacker.

Gen 2 is dead.

I transfered everything under 2000 CP.
Niantic would retarded not to be able to choose the gen 2 starters like a throwback to level 1.
...Oh right.

You are a cuck. Friendzoned by a girl who isn't your friend.
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Me too! Mine is a Venusaur already with vine whip and petal blizzard. Really enjoy taking out vaporeons with it or leaving at gyms sometimes.
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Would be nice if rgw gen 2 starters scales to your lvl when the professor gives them out you know so you can actually use them.

Knowing Niantic, they'll be wild but rare as fuck with shit IVs.
Fuck, I did it. I opened pokezz.com and sniped a perfect magnemite, I couldn't resist, I thought to myself "I will have one and only one look at it, probably there won't be one spawned at this hour" and would never look at it again. And there he was, in Las Vegas. I getting banned now right?
It would be nice if this game weren't such a mess but them it wouldn't be Niantic...

RIP in peace
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I'll walk and battle with him only.
I got redpilled 3 days in, I blame it on me being on that vlog wave and finding PGO vlogs entertaining.
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>getting a Huawei
I had one and it broke after 2 months, never buying anything from a shit company ever again
it's almost as if the "Android is much more customizable and flexible" meme is true
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>he didn't keep his starter
lmao look at this fucking scrub
some ~60yo grandpa carfagging with a 7-8yo boy
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>tfw venusaur blastoise never
h-how to spoof?
you're really dumb
I was going to sling some insults at you bit I'm trying to hold back on that kind of thing
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