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Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 125

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Welcome to the Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc., etc.


>Citronic Gear On's music rips:

>Newfag Airing/Viewing Order Guide for XY:

>Movie 20: Pocket Monsters the movie: I Choose You [July 15th]

Next episode:
>SM8 - Who's in Charge of the Egg? [Dec 22nd]

Upcoming episodes:
>Experience It! Gather at the Pokémon School!! [Dec 27th]
>SM9 - The Totem Pokémon is Dekagoos! [Jan 5th]

Shit people will ask:
>Muh subs when?
[PM] is subbing XY&Z and SM. Their releases can happen any time of the week.

Old thread:








>Let's all raise a Pokémon egg together! It gets decided that the egg will be kept at Lilie's house at night, but since Lilie can't touch Pokémon, she appears to be rather uneasy about this. And when Satoshi looks at her, he...?!

>Principal Okido tells Satoshi and his friends to raise and observe an egg. However, it's decided that the egg will be kept at Lilie's house at night! Satoshi accompanies her to her house, and is shocked when he sees how big it is! It even has a garden where Pokémon play, as well as a battlefield! An impressed Satoshi decides to battle Lilie's butler!

>Voice Cast:
>Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
>Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
>Daisuke Namikawa: Rotom Zukan
>Kei Shindo: Lilie
>Kaito Ishikawa: Kaki
>Reina Ueda: Mao
>Hitomi Kikuchi: Suiren
>Fumiko Takekuma: Māmane
>Keiichi Nakagawa: Professor Kukui
>Unsho Ishizuka: Principal Okido
>Shinya Fukumatsu: James
>Megumi Hayashibara: Mokuroh
>Rikako Aikawa: Ashimari
>Chika Fujimura: Amakaji


Experience It! Gather at the Pokémon School!! (Dec 27th)
>At the end of the year, we are going to air a special Pokémon show!
>It's set in the "Pokémon School", where you can actually experience the Pokémon world in real life!
>This school of wonders will be holding super exciting classes that will keep you on the edge of your seat!
>The students get to attempt to replicate "Sparking Gigavolt", the Z-Move Satoshi and Pikachu fire off in the anime, in real life?
>And they also get to try replicating Ashimari's balloons?
>And there's a lecture on Z-Move poses from Taiiku Okazaki, who sings the anime's ending theme, on top of that?!
>This will be a special full of thrills and excitement! Look forward to it!

SM9 - The Totem Pokémon is Dekagoos! (Jan 5th)
>Ratta and Koratta are laying waste to the island's fields. In response, Satoshi goes to meet with Island King Hala, an influential man on the island, as well as a key person in the "Island Pilgrimage" he is challenging. Satoshi immediately tells Hala he will be attempting the Island Pilgrimage, but Hala tells him he needs to be tested to make sure he is qualified for the pilgrimage first.



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There's already a thread up.
Yeah, a thread that we already said was made way too early and has a fucked up OP.
Download link if you want to watch the full video of that .webm:
Don't be autistic about one [Embed]. Move to the other thread.
Expected porn, am disappointed
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Being Bonnie is suffering.
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Thread needs rest.
someone translate pls
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Rate my wife.
there's 2 /padt/ threads.
which one is real?
This one is. The other one is shit.
other one
>not reading the end of the previous thread
This one is real, the other one was fucked up.
Fuck off Pomf
It has one small error. Stop being autistic and move to the other thread.
But she's clearly an adult. No little girl has boobs like that.
So Ash will protect lillie from salandit, right?
>implying that's all that's wrong with it
Fuck off, newfag.
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Does it really matter?

You already know who made both threads, but don't worry.

You can keep falling for my samefagging of "this thread was made first!" or "that thread messed up the copypasta!"

Because ever since Ash lost the league, has it REALLY mattered anymore?
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No, Lillie will protect the egg from Salandit.
Fuck off, go back to your troll thread.
real thread:
Then Ash protects lillie from the salandit!
>le newfag meme
i don't care if this is your thread, at least this thread doesn't have a retarded copypasta error
>not being able to tell when a new bread was made by a career shitposter with a history of making troll threads and pretending to be the OP of non-troll threads
Really, who is worse: The guy whose career is to troll /padt/, or the guy whose career is to catalogue every career poster in /padt/ and whine every time one of them shows up?

Do you really have nothing better to do with your life?
Don't be an idiot. Please move to the first thread.
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Let's be honest op got butthurt the op picture was Lillie. If it had been any other picture this thread wouldn't had been made. Serenafags are pathetic.
That Z..
>going back through comments on old youtube videos
>people expected Iris to stay with Ash when he travelled to Kalos
Guess Serena-fags weren't the first to be so delusional.
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Christ, I still don't know what they were thinking here.
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What did they mean by this?
Exactly. That's why the OP pic is an XYZ pic despite the fact that we're on SM.

>b-but muh oha suta!!

Get out XYZ fags. It's time to move on. Serena lost, Lillie a best.
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New titles when?
We may need to wait until the end of the year for that, anon, due to the holiday.
Lillie a dyke, Lana a best.
Don't we usually get news earlier than that though?
More Gouguru WHEN?
I don't know if that holds true when we're this close to Christmas. We may get a TV guide later this month, I suppose.
What are the standard dates for those thins anyway?
That's clearly mean to look like that, anon. It's an actual cat thing.
I'm not sure, Adamant would know.
the old thread got deleted!
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Alright, I deleted my other thread since I was getting bored.

I'm about to head out, so I'll delete this post in a few minutes. Kudos to those who participated!
Good job mods you deleted the wrong fucking thread you idiots.
So if/when Gladion appears, who do you guys want to voice him?
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I'm hyped for next week!
they got the right thread.
the old thread had Dawnroaches infesting it.
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Thanks for leaving this one up!

Now, let's go back to talking about Dawn!
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I don't want this cancerous XYZ Serenafag denial thread, I want the old Dawnposting thread back
Fuck off mami
I'd say Miyano if he wasn't already voicing a major character.
looking like shit is a cat thing right
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>liking Lana over Dawn

Is there something wrong with you?
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Old thread got deleted, this is now the new Dawn thread.
simple: i'm not a Necrophile.
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I don't know guys, I'm pretty sure May is the best girl...
Miyano already voiced Cilan, so I doubt it'll be him. It'd be cool if Fukuyama voiced him. Or if Sakurai pulled out his angsty voice to do it
Looks like it's time to add "Dawn" to the filter.
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There are only two things to talk about with Dawn.

>nopan status

Both are autism discussions. It's impressive she's still popular but her character is DONE.
Lana is like an entry level Dawn for kids that watch SM as their first season. Men with fine taste will know how amazing Dawn is.
Inb4 all the dawn posts are panda samefagging.
>everyone was posting Dawn in the other thread
>this thread was completely free of Dawn
>one guy was so buttblasted about someone having a Dawn thread that he literally would not shut up about it
>Duplica deletes his Dawn containment thread
>now, all the Dawnfags are flooding this thread drowning everyone else out


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I never liked May that much until ORAS where she was thin. And technically they aren't the same character. But I liked ORAS Haruka. Probably I am just a pedophile.
I don't get it. Can you explain?

The other thread was an obvious troll thread (see >>30887006). What did you expect? He's spamming the thread right now with other garbage since his thread is gone.

It's just the shitposter who made the troll thread trying to spam this thread and talking to himself. Don't filter it. Hide it until he gets bored and fucks off.
>being relevant
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Yes I am.
>Duplica deletes
There's a time limit on thread deletion, dumbass. It was deleted by a janitor.
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It's legitimate discussion, it's an anime thread. Unless she is spammed everywhere and hindering actual discussion of other things I don't see the problem. No different than Lanaposting and Lillieposting really.
screw you i'm not hiding dawn posts she is a miracle of the universe
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Dawn was so full of personality.
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Late enrollee. It's going to happen.
That's what we call the shitposter replying to himself.

No, being MANON is suffering.
im keeping my Dawn filter.
better to be prepared for the next time it happens.

Fuck off panda to the drawthread with you.
Only if she gets a time machine.
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Why is it I've been posting for the last hour in these threads and all we talked about it is who created the thread and who is cancer pretending to be who and is Dawn shitposting or not shitposting. How about just discussing shit?
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>tfw I've already got the copypasta copied into a new window to make the new thread the literal second this thread reaches 309 posts

En garde, Duplica!
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MCs never make it in if they aren't there at the start. This is the rule.
Fuck off panda.
What happen
Duplica is literally the worst cancer /padt/ has ever faced in its lifetime, and I will not stand idly by as he makes a new anime thread. He has NO right to make the new /padt/, which is why the janitor deleted his thread and left this thread standing. I will not stop until he understands his place, and that is nowhere near making new anime threads.
Time machine? Why's that?
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>people actually think this
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okay who of you is this guy? lilliepokemonsunandmoon.tumblr.com
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Maybe next time put some SM related image in because this thread came off as a Serena lost denial thread due to the OP image.
Fuck off panda
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This is my favorite Hainchu Dawn pic
Just report and ignore.
Does someone have that image of litten eating a sandwich?
The other thread had a Lillie image, and the board still flipped the hell out. What image should we put, then?
Fuck off panda
>This window will close in 3 seconds

Thanks for the tip faggot!
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me on the right with the glasses.jpg
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ITT Characters that did nothing wrong.
You keep saying this but you only gave me two yous. Here and one in

Hey, maybe Dawn is just a popular character.
>Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc., etc.
>old episodes
>anime Pokegirls

Instead of posting the same shit, maybe just deal with it, or filter and fuck off? It's on topic.
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So guys, with all this discussion about Duplica going on, riddle me this:

Do you think Duplica will make a cameo appearance in M20? What about other S1 characters?
It won't be of much use. You can filter specific image filenames, but don't filter an entire character. Don't punish other Dawnfags for one autistic shitposter's crimes. I say that as someone who isn't a Dawnfag.

Also, I'm reasonably certain that this is actually him pretending to be an innocent anon: >>30887281. He will literally talk shit about himself just to confuse you.
Actually I'm the OP of this thread, not that guy. Screenshots and GIFs and such from the most recent Oha Suta have always been allowed here.
It had nothing to do with the Lillie image. It was deleted because it was made by a known troll, not because it had a Lillie image.
Kasumi > Hikari
Fuck off.
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>unironically trying to justify spam
What difference does it make? Duplica was in his own thread doing his own thing. If you just left his thread alone and stayed in this one, what would have happened? That other thread would be Dawn flooded right now with 200 replies, this thread would have about 70 replies of high quality discussion, and everyone would be happy. Your ego just COULD. NOT. TAKE. there being TWO anime threads at once, so what did you do? You went off the rails and bashed that thread for an hour whining about how all those Dawn posters were over there.

And now they're here.

Great job!
There is no fucking spam.
Fuck off.
>yfw you want to hate duplica but he's right but you hate him anyway and report both of them hoping the mods nuke them both
Sure panda we know you are a massive dawnfag i wonder why there is no request from panda in the drawthread yet and some "anon" spamming dawn here. Hmmm i really do wonder
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I'm fucking lost at this point
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They think the people posting Dawn are spamming despite them doing the same thing for Serena literally just a month ago.

See >>30887486

It's just Duplica trash talking himself again to confuse and mislead people. His posting style is very obvious when you get to know him, so don't be tricked by his stupidity.
its a conspiracy!!1

I don't know if he's here and I don't care.. I'm not him and there are still 28 people in here. The true cancer in this thread is the meta discussion, admitedly this post is part of it. It's not one guy posting Dawn, she's a popular character, you should probably just deal with it.
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Thanks for clearing that up!
ignore everyone and just talk about whatever.

Fuck off panda. Stop trying.
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I'm glad Dawn isn't still in the show or else we'd get her in that terrible SM style of animation.
Stop it panda
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I'm starting to think these posts are some faggot who just doesn't like the character trying to stop people discussing her.

Oh, well I know the solution to that. Just ignore and keep going.
What is Dawn's best outfit?
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Her normal outfit with her hair down.
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I'm (>>30887421) trying to steer discussion towards other things, but the troll thread maker (>>30887557) won't fuck off and stop pretending to be me and other people. He literally pretended to be me threatening to spam his own thread, for fuck's sake.

What do you anons expect will happen at the end of SM08 to help Lillie finally get over her fear of touching Pokemon or Pokemon eggs?
>He literally pretended to be me threatening to spam his own thread, for fuck's sake.

That is too funny.
On that note I noticed she looked younger in BW due to the artsyle there, which was kind of weird since it had been quite a few years since her introduction.

Along with Ash Dawn is one of the few others you can actively notice didn't seem to age.
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I'm glad she is not in because she might have gotten short hair.
They keep spamming her tho
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>no serena
>stills watching pokemon
Explain yourselves
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Dawn shows up on the television and tells Lillie to give it her best!

>literally spamming a character whose last appearance was over 4 years ago
Jesus Christ
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Maybe if you didn't act like such a sperg he wouldn't be wiggling the bait around

Her best outfit is "stop posting panda"
What's wrong with someone spamming Dawn? No one complained when people spammed Serena.
>not waiting for the Serena cameo
Kill yourself Noodle you pathetic nigger
She's irrelevant.
Are you stupid or just Noodle?
This is why I posted

Seriously, there's a lot of Dawn in here, but there is a bunch of Bonnie at the start too.
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This >>30887775
I'm actually waiting for her special/cameo
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What's your favorite Dawn:

- Anime Dawn
- Manga Dawn
- Sugimori Dawn
>She's irrelevant.
Like Serena?
This. Her hair is slightly longer when she doesn't tie it together with those yellow hair things.
Please avoid referring to pedophiles here.
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Best family.png
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Me too.
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Why don't you just discuss the question I asked about how SM08 will end? I put it there for a reason.
The episode will start with Ash in the classroom. Professor Kukui will ask Ash and Lillie to raise an egg together. They'll go to her house. They will show NO bedroom shots, and no romantic shots at all. Ash will get bored, and battle the butler. The sun will go down, the sun will go up, and the egg will hatch. Kukui will tell Lillie that A-Vulpix is her's to raise. At the end of the episode, she'll have touched A-Vulpix at least once, and she'll start to get better. There will be NO ROMANCE AT ALL between her and Ash.

There, happy Duplica?
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Anime Dawn.

I know a lot of people like the ojou Dawn in the manga but her character felt more plain to me. Her skirt seems longer and things. I don't really mind but overall she seemed less interesting.

Anime Dawn is just crazy sex appeal and a good character all round.

Sugimori Dawn, a bit like manga Dawn(Berlitz) has less sex appeal and she seems quite thin

I guess it's just because anime Dawn is so sexy with bare thighs and everything, has lots of screentime, plot and development and alternate outfits and such, she seems like the best by far.
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Long-haired Dawn

Best Dawn
Anime Dawn, I don't like manga Dawn's eye style.
Nothing. I expect the afraid of pokeyman thing to be a running "joke". The egg will probably hatch, maybe Lillie will be scared of it but resolve to take care of it anyway or something.
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>Dawn had the least character development out of all pokegirls and she was mostly stolen personality from May and Ash which made her the most boring, unoriginal pokegirl to date

Really makes my neuron spark
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How is she supposed to take care of something she is still totally afraid of though?
Stop it panda
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>35 IPs
>172 posts

Nope, nothing suspicious going on here.
She has a butler. Also she is more afraid of touching, she might still be able to do some things
keep up with amour pls
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It's okay. When Dawn shows up in Alola, she'll show Lillie how to properly incubate an egg!
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Did we ever see Dawn get as mad as this, outside of comical expressions? I know we've seen "mad Dawn" but it was usually done for comedy reasons like she got mad at Piplup or something.

May had huge outbursts similar to Misty.
Shut up, Scott.
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>lilliefag and dawnfags arguing
Last time I am replying to this. I got 1 you in there. There is a bunch of Serena spam now. You choose to focus on Dawn and spam "stop it panda". The fact you are still focusing on this just shows you are biased against Dawn if anything.
>assorted other spammers
>no jannies to the point that there's been a porn thread up for 20 minutes
fuck off scott
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I don't use tumblr images. I also don't care what other people think of me.

Stop impersonating me.
But Scott doesn't impersonate you, Duplicashitposter
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I don't use tumblr images. I also don't care what other people think of me.

Stop impersonating me.
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Threads like these make me wish all of you got cancer to the urethra and die.
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Can we just accept the fact that all the girls are sex objects and we just want to fuck them all?
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I don't use tumblr images. I also don't care what other people think of me.

Stop impersonating me.
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I think Dawn is too sexualized for it. A particularly mad Dawn might feel too much like masochist fanservice as she scolds and looks down on someone. Maybe that's why they didn't. I don't really know though.
Serena is Ash only
This is the problem with this board and why the second one on that list keeps coming here (he's the one posting "stop impersonating me, I don't use Tumblr images" over and over again). With such poor moderation, it's easy to shit up any thread on this board without any punishment.
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>wanting Serena to have sex with anyone other than Ash
The cancers true form reveals itself. At last I truly see. The cancer was Serenafags all along, from the OP image not having Lillie to people discussing another older girl.
You forgot about the salandit
And the part where Lillie tries and fails to protect the egg without touching it because she's a terrible mother and WHY DOES THIS EPISODE EVEN EXIST SHE DOES EVERYTHING WRONG AND STILL GETS REWARDED FUCK THIS GARBAGE WTF I'M A LANAFAG NOW
Its ok if Serena has sex with other girls though. If she has lesbian sex it doesn't count, because they're all girls.
>le serenafags meme
So that's how you've been around for so long.
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>Being lesbian
An autistic headcanon.
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Is there a more perfect film than Groundhog day?
Have you forgotten about Shauna?
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Guys, stop arguing and post more of my girlfriend
We can accept that every girl is a badly written mess only there for eye candy, sure
But my vidya waifus are not sluts, the anime versions are just fucking awful
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How can Dawnfags even compete?
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Dawn mad.gif
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So mad she could use Eruption.
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>thread moving along smoothly
>someone brings up Iris
You could show a competitor that has long hair at least.
Are you Ash ?
Yeah but her expression is still that of annoyance. They never had Dawn lose all restraint on someone did they? Don't remember.
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>This triggers longhairfag
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now that racism has been posted the mods will finally show up and delete this thread so we can start over

you're all still shit though
That still just shows annoyance. There's no real pics that show Dawn as actually mad.
She lusted over Serena. Serena didn't lust over her. It wasn't like Dawn and Zoey since Dawn was wet as fuck for Zoey.
>this delusional
I agree. We haven't had a girl truly throw angry outbursts since May.

Its weird so many people seem to forget that May had the second largest temper on the cast after Misty. May spent most of her run bickering with Ash, Max, Drew or Harley.
When was this? But yeah, she got more annoyed than really angry at least in a general sense.
Fuck off, Scott
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So...did Conway ever...

You know...
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Stop it panda
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>tfw Dawn will never be angry and yell at you
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But you are wrong, Scott
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May seemed like a neutral split between tomboyish and girly female companions. Probably because she came directly after Misty early in the animes history, and her design with the bandana and clothing is more tomboyish.
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Fuck off, Scott
fuck off scott
shut up scott
All I see here is a general annoyance. I don't see any kind of actual anger.
It's just the usual shitposters spamming the usual pasta, anon
Stop it panda
I remember when May was considered girly and Mistyfags went nuts about it. Little did people know we would get Dawn and Serena, pulling haitenai and zettai ryouiki and dressing up in different outfits for the beauty contests(lets face it thats what they are).
What do you consider anger then? Its basically the same thing Misty used to do.
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I'm just saying that May is the most tomboyish of all the girls. There's no need to get mad at me.
Anger is what we feel towards you since you keep coming back here, Scott

Fuck off, wannabe
wait is this really scott or is duplica just doing a really good job impersonating him
Misty fans in the early 2000's really were retarded. Misty herself also liked girly things like perfume, princess dolls, she wore dresses and posed in bikini's, she liked cute pokemon such as Jigglypuff, Eevee, etc.

Misty fans are so stupid they didn't even realize Misty herself has girly traits.

If there's anything that needs to go it's this shit. I'm fucking sick of reading these every few lines.
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>this thread
It's really Scott.
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This is my favorite Hainchu pic. Its so lewd yet subtle at the same time. Dawn squeezing her skirt up like that. Holy shit.
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If this is sexuplets, the next thread needs to start with a Dawn picture!
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Scott if you don't respond to this post with "I'm sorry for being a retard and shitposting in padt threads, I promise I'll never do it again" and then leave and never return, you will be forever known as a gay manlet permavirgin nigger with a micropenis
Thus saith the Lord, blessed be His name
Who's excited for the upcoming movie?
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It still won't.
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may queen of b.png
406KB, 1772x2916px

Why do you anime fags steal all the gets

dawn sux
It's just that Duplicafag using his dumb scripts. You idiots are so easily fooled.
It's over now, isn't it?
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Is this a real screencap or fanart?
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hex maniac.png
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download (2).jpg
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All that's left to do is to decide WHICH Dawn pic gets the honor of being the new thread.
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Fuck you Duplica you're doing it again
Put me in the screencap
Fanart never seen it thought but it is from pixiv.
>anime fags
He doesn't even watch the show. He just does this to shitpost because /vp/ has no jannies.
this is now DPDT
>all gets are scripts
I've gotten legit quints before
Besides, should you be too busy making tinfoil hats to protect you from the government to post on 4chan?
>being this new
where is that "is that time again, huh" faggot?
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Not real. Similar things happened though. Her skirt is about that length.
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images (4).jpg
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Fuck off, newfag>>30889030
I've been here since summer, try again sweetie ;)
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. . . Legendary.

That's pretty fucking new.
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I fully believe Lillie will be lucky enough to get something good.

>being amazed by script kiddie gets from a known shitposter
I nominate this one, even though I posted it. It's kinda in your face, gives off a woop woop Dawn vibe suitable for the surprise GET.
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This world isn't fair
Not in the anime.
Chicken is good in the game though.
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rused maxie.png
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who's the newfag now
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Even if you're a script kiddie, it's amazing to see those numbers.
>new thread has Dawn pic
>people sperg out thinking Duplica made it, nothing but spam for 50 posts until two other people make new threads, chaos ensues

>new thread doesn't have Dawn pic
>people think Duplica is reverse trolling, someone mad makes a new thread with a Dawn pic, chaos ensues

what do we do
Why are we still here
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She knows.webm
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Make the new thread with a Dawn pic, duh.

She got the numbers, so she's got the RIGHT.

If people whine, ignore them and continue discussing Dawn.

Im ok with this.
inb4 thread is made way too early in an attempt to counter duplica making the new thread
Can we discuss how cut Sophocles turned out to be in the anime?

Or how Pikachu and Togedamaru are soulmates?
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Move on over:

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Come on.
Jannies where?
Dead >>30887767
Look at the filesize, that one was legit
Wait why the hell are there three new threads when we aren't even at the image limit yet?

I vote we all stay here and then move over when the time comes.
Both Mays are good, but the outfit change for ORAS is an improvement.
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Thread posts: 314
Thread images: 125

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