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Pokemon Help

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Hoping to use Jangmo-o early in the game just like in the demo. But turn out its late game. If someone can help me Thanks you a lot.
Pikipek, Female Lvl 6
I'll be heading to the last island today. If you don't have it by then I can catch and trade one to you. Any preferred gender?
No preferred gender and thank you so much, your the best
No problem, I'll be at the other island soonish I think .You want to go ahead and exchange fc in case thread 404s?
FC 4828 4958 0965
Sorry about the wait, had to finish a battle.
0791 5811 6927.
NP and thank you again
anybody willing to throw one my way? its the only pokemon i want honestly
Not a problem. Heading to island 4 now. Once I get to the area I'll give you a heads up and start looking. Hopefully I'll find you a good nature.
I'll catch you one too. Any gender pref?
nope! fc is 023282145900
Fc is here

no gender pref. and thank you, also your on my FC
added. cheers mate
Sorry if there's a long wait, I got story crap and cutscenes to go through. Someone said I had to go through the first trial to get to the area too.

How far are you guys in?
just got to second island myself
Ahh. So you should be fine on the obeying part when I catch one. If you was at the beginning I would breed one for you.
Guys i need help. I lost to Guzma at the Aethwr foundation and I went to a pokemon center on a different island, how do I get back?
yeah thats no prob. again. appreciate it mate
Im at Aether now .. I'm not sure. Try going to the ports and see if you can take a boat?
You can go to the docks on the elevator so I'm assuming take a boat.
are you still there?
Yea I'm here, just working on story stuff to get there, sorry for the wait.
Its No porblem take your time
yeah mate no rush
Thanks for being patient guys. Story shit takes forever.
FINALLY I can go to the fourth island. Gonna speed through the trial as fast as I can and hunt those babby dragons.
Wild pokemon are in the fourties here.
an egg would be nice then
Sure. I can g et it close to hatching for you if you want. ..If the steps dont reset after trade.
i take it back. just give me the jang. i'll just wait to use him a bit
out of curiousity. could i push my luck and get an alola geodude from ya? i'd owe you forever
Sure. Illt rade it when i grab your jang. I caught one last night.
you're the best
did you catch jangmo o yet
Not yet. I'm getting close to being able to get to the area there.

Way too much story.
Fuck yea, I can get to Poni Canyon now guys, wish me luck on finding your babby dragons!

Im so sorry for the long wait.
best of luck
Off topic, but lol at my Slowbro dodging an Arcanine's Extreme Speed.
where do you guys go to get a jangmo o? I tried the trial cave where I first encountered them, but they never show up.
It's Vast Poni Canyon. I'm looking there now.
Do you want me to add you to the list of people I'm catching one for?
Vast Poni Canyon - Top, Walking / Grass
Vast Poni Canyon - Under Tree, Walking / Grass
Nah, I'd prefer to catch it myself, man. Thanks though.
Do you have to be outside the caves in the grass, or inside?
Outside up top. It's a 5% encounter rate.
Where exactly is "up top"? Is it to the right of the bridge where you meat the girl who gives you the FairiniumZ ?
When you exit to outside, and there's a rock with the first patch of grass you see between it and the wall.
Thanks m8. Just saw one. It's a girl though, so my shit luck.
I'm still looking for my first one. Gotta grab two for the other guys. My luck is shit, haha. You could breed the female though if you got desperate for a male.
How could I breed a babby dragon without a boy dragon in the first place? Also I have no dittos.
There are dittos on island 3. Same area as Minior.
wew lad, and here I thought I was gonna have to wait until january to get my S3X S14VE back. Daddies back in business.
Finally found one guys! Female! You guys mind if I just breed it for your babbies? Would be quicker. I can teach them tms.

Glad to help bro.
Oh fuck it just summoned a hakamo-oh on turn 1.
Ay thanks a lot too, man. Just caught my own now.

I'll stick around and catch like one or two more to pass to whoever wants them since I got help from this thread.
Holy fuck OP, >>30063950 use the reply function.
You sure i cant get a non baby one?
Just caught the female. Do you want an egg? Or do you want the high level ones.
I'll keep looking for more.
i can take the egg
I just mean im already 30s and thats a long way for a baby to catch up
Alright. One moment.

I'll just breed one from this female and give you the female, sound okay?
Works for me!
Does anyone have one to trade? I'd really like one. Don't have much yet just a modest eveee with poor IVs.
I'll breed an extra egg for you too.
Your egg is ready, hopping online.
Thanks dog, you're the best
im here
Name on the plaza list? Im Kazeindel.
chillin in plaza whenever ya done with the others
I'd also love a Jangles egg, if that's okay.
Or if an egg is too much trouble, just a male named either Jangles or Muushusashi!

i dont see your name im dave

I don't see you, make sure you're connected ot the net.
found you
Sending request.

Who else was wanting eggs?
Me, please! My IGN is Lyndis!
thanks a lot you helped me a lot your the best
Enjoy the baby jingle jangles.
Sorry it took so long
Aight, jus tneed to breed a few more eggs.
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Can someone hook me up as well? I'd really like a female just so that I can breed my own.
If you dont mind me getting the others done first, then ill hatch my own egg and can try breeding you one.
By the way, are you>>30061370, and if so, can I add you to my friends list?
I have your eggs

I have your Jangle

available any time now! and the geo too
Just shoot the invite my way when you're ready!
Awesome, dude

My ign is Jaype, whenever you're ready, thank you
No problem, I'm about to have lunch anyway. Just let me know when you've taken care of everything.
Nintendo servers are exploding and im getting errors. Give me a bit.
are there still people taking requests?
Here's your mons!

Yea I can do more breeding once I hatch another Jangles.
you're the best man. i appreciate it!
No problem.

I'm taking any old shitmon for these, guys.

Ohh.. Thanks to the dude who gave me a babby Popplio for the jangles egg.
oh sweet. so you're handing out jangmo-os? that'd be kick ass. my ign is Doc 2423-2923-0061
>the egg even has a good ball for Baltsim
Thanks so much!
Does anyone have a Male Litten/Female Salandit that's level is around 15-20 that they'd be willing to trade me?
Alright, I just need to hatch my personal egg and I can breed more jangles guys.

Yea. It'll be a small wait while I hatch this egg for breeding, gave the female I caught to someone.

No problem. I was actually just hoping it would STAY in the ball.. Haha. It kept summoning Haka's.
I have exactly one spare female Salandit.
Sent you a request so we can trade, whenever you're ready
no problemo el capitan
Alright guys, my babby dragon hatched. Time to breed those eggs.
>A jolly male.
>no post-game
>Yeah, let's put the pseudo that everyone will want to use near the very end

It's like they did not learn from Larvitar or Bagon
Okay.. So I hatched the two eggs I had. I have a jolly, and timid. So.. if you guys want either of those two natures.. I can everstone them. Let me know now if you want one of those or a random one.
Want to trade now for Salandit? How do I trade with you in the festival plaza?
I'll take one of them I'm cool with that
Jolly's probably best. I'd say Naive if you had it, because it can be mixed, but Jolly is fine if we're choosing between Jolly and Timid.

Also, should I add you to the friend list, or do you wanna trade by GTS instead?
What's a good nature for this guy? I realized that its a mixed attacker
Sure. Also, I just checked.. It's got an adamant nature. :( Youc an at least breed it if you want.

Which nature?

Friendlist. Makes it easier.

I'm gonna have onto both of these and use them for breeding the natures for ya'll.
Well, I'd prefer the jolly
i'd be good with whatever
What's your ingame name? And how do I trade with you in festival plaza?
Kazeindel. I'm not online yet, but when I am, I'll have you added to friend list and you can find me that way int he name list.

Give me a few minutes.

Alright, breeding.
Going online guys.
Was you wanting a jang egg too?
i was looking for one if your still looking to give them away
If you didn't mind I'd take one. I'm gonna be gone for about and hour so I won't be able to trade right now.
Dont see you on.
I'd like a female, if you can get me one.

Also, how do you select to trade with friends? Is it in the Festival Plaza? That's only letting me trade with randoms.
i have to be in the festival right? how do i start a trade?
Yes. Plaza.
Im sitting in the plaza
Making sure you hit the wifi button and come online so I can select you from the list.
Oh nevermind, I see Kaze now. Will be on standby.

Go into the Festival Plaza, hit the big trade button on the bottom screen, then select link trade, and anyone on your friend list will appear on the list.
Whats your in game name.
ok, now i got it
oh neat, did egg trading start this gen? i can't seem to remember
thank you so much, this team is going to kick ass
Nah, I remember people doing mystery egg runs back in Gen 4.
No problem.
Im not seeing you online. Please make sure you are online. Bottom right hand button when in the festival.
There's a star piece on that meowth Hibi.
Thanks so much, bro
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That's for you. Thanks for the egg!
Oh! Thanks.

Hope ya'll get the genders you want.
I said that I'm gonna be gone for a bit. I'll be back in about 10-15 minutes.
Aight. Hmu when you're back.
Mind if I could get one too? Been dreading playing without him on first playthrough. Actually out getting my copy right now. Don't have my FC in front of me, but my trainer name will be Jono.
You want a Jangle?
I'm back now and in the Festival Plaza.
You wanted the Salandit right?"
Yeah, and Jango if you don't mind.
Sure! Male or female? Or an egg?
Make if possoble
Is that what we're calling Jangmo?
Why's my Moon night-time? It's like 3pm?
Might as well. Would you like a boy, girl, or an egg to leave it up for chance?
Thank you so much! If you don't have a Popplio already, I can breed you one when I get to a daycare
I have one, ty though.
Where do I grind?

I managed to barely squeak past the E4 with borderline cheesing tactics and items, but now in the post-game everyones level 60+ while some of my team is still in the high 40s. Should I just turn on the XP share?
Egg sounds easiest for you, so I'll take that. If you already have a free boy that'd be preferred.
Yea I have a male.
Scan jangmo-o qr code if you havnt seen it, then deposite something in the gts, tell me your trainer name, pokemon and gender of it, and set it for wanting jang
Will do. Still not home yet. Should be within 45 mins.
hey if your still online and could get me a jangmo-o that would be awesome i put a level 17 wimpod named courage in gts
Sure lemme poke it. You want a male or female?
Well the only jolly spare i had atm was male, hope that was okay, it's done.
Anyone here have a Jangmo-o to give?
Yes I can give you one. You're in luck- I just started breathing dragonsbreath on them.
Okay thanks man. How do you want to trade, link trade or GTS?
I'd kinda prefer GTS atm. I'll need a few mins to breed you up an egg- im working on hatching the first one with dragonsbreath on it
I'd like one too if you've got more than just the one.
Sure. Give me a few mins.,
Alright guys, dragonbreath baby has hatched, it wont take long for me to get you your eggs. please post what pokemon you're putting up, set it for jang, trainer name, and nicknames on pokemon help to distinguish.
HOLY SHIT IT'S NAIVE! Teh perfect nature! Everstoning this shit.
Okay, I'm Andy and put a caterpie in.
Calm down, Reddit.
can i get in on this too? I just finished the first island and wanted to use a jangle for my playthrough
thanks a lot, i will put up a gts trade since you said that was preferred
Aes, and I got a Skarmory up for it named RSO. 9
Hopping online.
Make sure to post what you're putting on GTS.
Actually, hol don, I need a few mins. I'll be back in a few. Someone's at the door.
Alright, just got home. Would you like my FC for the time being? I dont even know what the soonest would be when I can use the GTS.
i am putting up a male Rockruff with nickname Mataman. Trainer name travis.
>brb someone at door
>last online: 4723 days ago
Damn you can't set custom messages anymore to make it easier.
I'm upping a Makuhita. Thank you, Kazeindel-kun~
Okay im back, first wave of five is about to go out. Then I'll need to hatch the next one.
Something about this 'mon reminds me of mlp
If you've got one more to give, I'd love one! I'm putting up a Diglett named Spicoli, trainer name Elle.
(It's hidden in the festival plaza, press the trade button).
Received, again thanks a ton!

Hatching the next five.
If for some reason I didn't get you and fucked up, let me know.
Thankyou so much Kazeindel
Aes here, how do I tell when I get it? Because it still shows my skarmory as being up for grabs. I've never used GTS before
I must of fucked up and sent it to the wrong person. My bad. There was a lot of skarmories for Jangle up.
Truly you are the King of Kings.
Give me a bit to hatch some more, and I'll search for you again. I'm sorry for the wait.

Cheers guys, enjoy the ankle biters.
Received, thank you again!
It's alright dude, mistakes happen
The second batch is starting to hatch. I'll be looking for you in a minute.
would you happen to still have some more jangy mos? preferably male?
Yes. Im breeding/Hatching as I speak. Just finished hatching five.
Whew. Took awhile but I found you this time. Sent my friend. Enjoy.

Please say what you're posting, and trainer name, and set it to want jangle.
Nice. Thanks, dude! Really appreciate it
No problem. Go out and destroy with your personal ankle biter.

If you have any more eggs, do you think you could send me one?

I'd like to raise one with my Trainer ID.
Im posting a Grimer , with my Name Cesar
And I forgot my 3DS Code. Of course, 165047740214
Sure, I'll need your FC for that though.

They're alll Naive (For mixed attacking) with Dragons Breath.

Don't need your friend code if you're putting it on the GTS.
Give me a moment and I'll add you.
Im not seeing you on gts
On gts
Butterfree level 10 female

Thanks a bunch
alright I deposited the grimer with poison sludge and set to look for JANGLE
I will need your trainer name.
There's a lot of people with grimer looking for jang. I'm having issues finding you.
alright then Ill switch it out for an Abra
Aight. Gimme a region too to narrow it down more.
East Coast of US
Trainer name is Ceasar right?
Yes Cesar
Alright, I have no idea why im having so much trouble finding you. I'm just going to add you manually and do it.
Thank you so much
oh well alright Ill add you in
Going online for you two.
thank you I greatly appreciate it
Perfection. Thank you very much for this, I'll try and repay you after pokebank updates
Dont worry about it. Glad to help.
Ive added you and went online. Send me a trade when you get on.
Cesar here thank you very much I love it thanks for all your doing

no problem.
Is it possible to get one still? I can put up a level 12 bonsly, my trainer name is Matthew
What gender is bonsly?
Never mind I found you. Enjoy the babby dragon.
Alright, I need to hatch the next batch.
Thank you!!!
Once again, just going to say I want an egg. So save one egg unhatched.
Okay, Kaz. Just got Rotom. Im rushing to the Festival Plaza. Search for JANGLE and post what pokemon I put up when i get there, correct?
Yea, I have you an egg. I tried to trade with you but you went offline.

Yes. I need to hatch another one though. So wait before putting it up.
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If anyone has a spare dhelmise I would really appreciate it.
Funny, I tried trading with you, but you went offline.

I should be online right now, though.
GDI NINTENDO. ABout to try again.
Festival Plaza is in Iki town, right?
Uh, it['s on your menu? Or do you mean to unlock.
Woo! thank you very much! I'll take good care of him/her!
No problem! *Wishes for you to get shiny*
Thought it was a physical location. I'm at the first center. Is it unlocked soon?
Are you still giving out jangles? Depositing a nicknamed Pikipek, trainer named Troy
If it's a shiny, I'll have to give you, like, ten V-create Victinis
Hatching a batch so I'll need a bit.
Should be if it's not on your menu. Doesn't take long.
>i won't be getting the game or 3ds in at least a week

is eevee early game?
I want my fav mon umbreon
Awesome, thanks
Can some pal help me evolve my machoke?
Just trade then trade back?
Thanks boys

A egg given by the breeders)Nursery) on early island two.
Nvm. Found it. All set. Give me the go ahead and I'll put up a pokemon.
>Nursery woman has an egg. >Walk up, she unfolds and refolds her arms.

Fuck. Instant double egg. I better not have missed a shiny.
I have a kadabra to trade for a Jangmo-o if somebody wants to help me. Yes, it has an offensive move.

Should be lvl. 21
Okay this batch of eggs are hatching, the three of you post what you're posting and link it to this post so it's all in one spot.

Trainer name, gender of pokemon, pokemon.
Posting a female lv. 2 Pikipek named WantJang, OT: Troy

Gender of Jangmo-o, thanks!
Fuck, meant to say gender of Jangmo-o doesn't matter.
Yea, post it and I'll trade.
I don't see you on the gts
Awesome, thanks!
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What did I do wrong?
I'll try again, hold on. Sometimes the GTS is dumb though. If I cant find you after a bit ill add and trade manually
Yea it says you're not on there, I'll just add you.
It should already be up.
What gender is your kadabra
Meant for
Just did. We're friends!
I think its a male.
Double check on the summary
Aight. Make sure you get on wifi. Bottom right hand corner button when on the plaza.

GTS is being super dumb. Either someone sniped you or you're just not showing up. I'm gonna add you manually.
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Hey guys. Posted in the wifi general, but it's also relevant to a help thread so here goes.

I'm trying to evolve my Feebas a lot sooner than Exeggutor Island. I would take care of it myself, but no Pokebank until January. Could anyone hook me up with a Prism Scale?
I don't have my ds with me at the moment, the trainer id wont have a customized mc if that helps.
I could go to Exeggutor island and look for the prism scale when im done giving away jangles. Where is it there?
Ah. Well poke me when you have it.
Bummer I got Piki back when you said you couldnt see me.
Just connected to wifi.

Man, that'd be really helpful! Serebii says "All the way round to the north of the island." I've added my tag.

And no problems if you can't find it / don't have the time, friend.
I'll go look RQ.

Waiting on >>30072081
to have his DS anyhow.

Enjoy your dragonrbeath Jangle!
Found it. Would you like a complementary Dragon Breath Jangomo-o?

Yes, absolutely haha. You mind if we evolve the Feebas? I'll bring a random Poke with me for the Jangomo-o.
If you're still here I can help
Are you Alex in game?

Yeah, that's me. Do you want to put the Prism Scale on the Feebas? it would save a trade
Doesnt matter, up to you.

Awesome. I assume you still have to go out the trade for that? I'll just wait for the second invite.
Yea., hopping back on
Trying to trade man

Haha, I was sending you a request too. My bad.

Thank you so much for this! My favorite part of X and Y was getting into breeding. The wifi community is so supportive and helpful. I'll be sure to pay it forward once I've reached post-game. You're great.
Wheres this last piece of shit I need to pick up for the janitor in the mall in Hau'oli City?

I can't believe GF made picking up Pokemon shit a side quest.
No problem. I actually need to go finisht he main game. I sped through the end of island 3 to catch and give them away.. then it evolved to:
Breeding them because more people showed up, to:
Putting dragon's breath on them and breeding.

Once that other anon comes back to his ds I'll give him one then go back to the story for now. I need a break from eggs.
No3dsanon here, I'm so sorry im late.

I'll have to be using a different pokemon for trade. How do I trade using a friend code?
how do i find a Mareanie?
i have to fish and reel in a corsola and wait for it to call in for help right? i cant even find a corsola in Melemele Sea. is there something special
Give me your friend code so I can add you, then we go on festival.. Then go online using the wifi button. Then we initiate trade.

Route 9 and Melemele sea, fishing. The frosthing spots have a higher chance of Corsola. And yes, Corsola has a chance of calling Mareanie.
Enjoy the Jangles. Cheers! Im off to go through the last of the end game.
Thank you, so much!
How early am I able to trade? Do I get to quick link earlier than online trade?
My pikachu always shakes when its out for battle, why?

also how can i catch a corsola
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