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Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1383: They

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 802
Thread images: 149

Zenkai no /llsifg/! >>188035596

>Current Events
JP: UR You
EN: HanaKanan MedFes, SSR Kotori

>Download the Game (English/Japanese)
>Game Wiki
>Event Points Calculator
>Event Cutoff Predictor
>Team Builder

I love Honoka!
>get used to the prude no men contact LL idols
>walk on over to /@/
>every girl is a slut
It's like a culture shock
Why are MedFests so bad? I hope we don't have another one for a while. Does anyone actually like this event type?
Why are you always bitching about MedFes
too much work
Then skip it
Too hard to get combo bonus. Usually 500 combo is FC but you barely get C combo in MedFes.
JAV THeme Honoka when
What does honoka have to do with JAV?
Deal with it, nigger.
How about you crawl back into your hole faggot, we'll do as we please.
>bitch about early threads
>continue to post in old thread instead of using non early thread
>wonder why early threads won every time
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Guys I'm scared about North Korea.
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Admiring you in the rain, Nozomi!
funposters don't try anymore :/
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Ask bangdreamtard
look at how this thread get purged
Baka deko-chan, it's all bantz
Your damn general should be banned from this board.
Shut the fuck up faggot, go cry to the Mods on IRC.
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Is Sm the next event?
Kissing Umi's and Eli's feet~
On EN? Yes, it'll be Nozomi Score Match, the final single girl event.
Fuck yeah. Can't wait.
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Looks like a pretty cute Nozomi card.
EN Nakadashi event when?
About a year from now, unless there's an Aqours one on JP in the meantime.

EN is way further behind on μ's events. There are 12 other μ's events before the first Friendly Match, which would mean this is due to hit in September 2018. It will probably be brought ahead a little in the queue, but that'll save us a couple of months at most.

We're only 5 events behind on Aqours, so if the next JP event is Aqours Friendly Match then the earliest we could see it on EN is February 2018.

So yeah, not soon.
We need to actually get the patch first but we've fallen way behind JP. We were only 2 months behind at one point.
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Yoshiko/Ruby Magical Girl Set when?
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Post progress.
For Kanan.
Wow, I've been really lazy this past events
>September 2018
>February 2018.
Fucking EN. Good thing I have a Jaypee account, even if its garbage right now.
I swear to God if I have to hear Junai Lens one more time I'm going to kidnap Kussun and proceed to practice auditory torture on her using her own work.
Why is the other thread at 50 replies with 10 unique posters? Do they think spamming it will make people move over?
Just a few retards arguing, probably.
They even have the guts to copy my progress >>188116121
Like the guy did when I got Haregi Dia from my UR Ticket months ago. Fucking asshole.
Dont worry guys. This shit thread will die and RinPana will win.
I'm gonna laugh when it doesn't
Jokes on you I'm posting on both
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Post your favorite ship. Doesn't have to be romantic.
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>tfw I'm pretty sure that was me
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Still waiting.
For Mari.
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Probably going for 650k.

22 tickets so far, which is generous for a Medley Festival.
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I like them too
>captcha: parfait
Kiss Rina
When do you think you'll get to 1000, Kinto?
Kiss hardworking Nico
Seeing you post here is just awe-inspiring. Good luck with getting to 1000!
About five hours from now.
Kinto how do you feel about the fact that redditors stalk your profile and post every update about you?
Can I add you to watch your autism?
So much gold
He's friends with those people, so it's not really stalking. He doesn't have that retarded notion about "muh redditors" like you do
How much do you think you spent on the game?
Shut the fuck up Maya, he's /ourguy/. Go back to plebbit with your RedditReborn.
Kinto-senpai please notice me
Not her. Think about it. He's been here for ages. The mentality you have now is not how this general started out as being. I used to do that too until I went back and read some of the older threads and realized just how terrible it is now.
Hello /llsifg/
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Now this is hot
Are you Kinto? No? Then shut the fuck up, he can post for himself, he doesn't need a lapdog. I'm not talking about Zehel either, I know a lot of the oldfag whales are friends. Some literal who's actually stalk his profile.
Reminder that /llsifg/ is a backstabbing bitch
>newfag trying to lecture anyone
Holy shit. Just sit the fuck down, lad.
>some literal who's actually stalk his profile
Yes, like you apparently, who thinks that being a little retard who kisses his ass will make you loved by someone. Do you think he cares about trivial shit like that? No. Get a life.
>this projection
I asked him a simple question, goddamn. He answers questions here all the time if we ask, fuck off autist.
every day, a thread gets deleted because of multiple threads about people jerking off to lesbians that like dick
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Turn up the heat
Yes, you asked a stupid question that was too trivial to respond to. He doesn't have time to deal with llsifg/Reddit rivalries, he just plays the game.
>Kinto groupies fighting
>being this assblasted over an autist who probably macros
One of the reasons why I'm only on 4chan. The hero worship has been silly even here recently so I've been trying to post less identifiably (although I figure I should post when I hit 1000 for the landmark), but at least it works in love-hate cycles here unlike anywhere else.

You guys don't even know who I am for most of my posts, which I love about the equality here. Anywhere else and the baggage of that ego would come with every post.

I don't mind either way what other communities do - I'm also aware that I'm vilified in some quarters for not conforming to social expectations - so long as I don't have to interact with it.

I'm happy to add more friends from llsifg provided they're not very low level. I keep request spots clear, so just make it clear from your request that you're from here.
As expected of /llsifg/
Thank you for the response Kinto to my "trivial" question, I appreciate it.
I'm 189 if that's high enough
I mostly just wanna wanna watch though so I don't really mind if you decline.
I didn't even do anything, I'm playing Starlight Stage right now. You guys should play, there's 5 free days of 10 rolls and rerolling only takes a few minutes.
I'm rank 144.
Do it pussy.
I did I just told him I want to be an autism observer. I love adding whales and seeing the mass scouts mostly.
add me too then, I'll even buy you christmas loveca if you message me often 898396178
I already have him added though anon.
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Holding hands with Riko
Damn, t2 really jumped away from me during this weekend, 2k - 4k difference from it was more comfortable for me
then drop me a message friend
But you're not him. What's YOUR ID?
>MariDia is more popular than KanaDia
That's just not fair
that is my id, message me and ill prove it
Y-you too
I'm not gonna bother him I haven't had him added long. Sorry, anon.
Okay fine, you got me. Here's my real ID: 004329201. Message me sometime.
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Cute canon gays
This relationship was built on lies I don't think I can trust you anymore. Sorry.
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Love that artist
Too bad he's ded
OKAY FINE. I only lied because I have deep seeded insecurities about my identity and I feel the need to pretend to be other people to feel good about myself. Here's my actual real ID: 248114214. Let's try again, okay? I hope we can be friends.
What? No way.
Anon please
My good friend Maya would love to add you, can she?
Ded in a sense that they aren't active drawing anymore.
IIRC the last thing the guy drew was a New Year's Nico 2017.
Okay but she said you have to say one nice thing about her before she adds you.
Fuck off back to discord, crackshitting redditnigger honknigger Josh
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>mfw nobody iddrops me
Add me and I'll namedrop you anytime you want Makifriend
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I like her roundness and black skin
You guys are so sweet.
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Domestic life a cute
Okay that's nice. Now hand over those IDs.
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Can you guys say something nice about my two(2) girlfriends(female) Breadbug and /llsifg/ too?
Hi Wooby!
Fuck off Keklios
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I love you, friends.
Okay, I'll ask her tonight in bed after we make passionate love if she will start doing that again, just for you.
Haha eww, can her whale heart even keep up?
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who /Maki/ here?
Uh, I don't know what rumours you heard but she's really hot. Like way hotter than Maya.
I wish Maya was a Makibro. All the current Makibros are super lame, especially the ones from /g/.
There's one LEGENDARY Makifriend though
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So how is the trishula of love live! school idol festival
We already told you we don't know what that means
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/g/ please
>tfw at a Chinese food stand at almost 2 A.M.
>one of the dudes sitting down taking orders has a You Koi Aqua shirt on
I should have went somewhere else
Here, maybe
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Cute Woob
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Did you show him this?
Kys traitor
Where will you be on 21 September?
anyone who does anything that someone doesn't like makes them a traitor. get with the safespace yo
aqours funeral, hosted by anchan
He's a backstabbing cunt showing private messages. https://boards.fireden.net/vg/thread/187264841/#187272275
Private messages are PRIVATE.
Here shitposting with you lads
Making epic bait posts on Reddit, I mean, /llsifg/
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I'll be here.
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At home celebrating Ruby's birthday while also checking on who will be Kasumi and Setsuna's Seiyuu will be
Celebrating Ruby's birthday! My twin friends' birthday too I guess
I'll be here celebreating shiitake birthday!
Fuck off honknigger
>flops on suicide watch
Honoka is a good girl.
Honoka is a good girl.

Not like these POSHNs.
>this shit again
This wasn't even funny when Honoka's birthday coming. and I hope you fuckers don't do this on Kotori,Riko and Ruby's Birthday
>Rubys birthday is on the same day as Aqours death
Huh on coincidence
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>being a JAV apologist
Actually pretty good idea, we should do it. It's not like anyone saved gems for her or something...
kys honknigger
Hey, that's a great idea! Shiitake's birthday will be September 12!
unironically this. they're just doormat spics that are obnoxious too
>Not Alpaca
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9 more days!
November 13 is Shiitake's birthday so no one gets hurt

Nope rubypedo. Kotorra is Honokas mistress and we don't have anything against her.

You ruined Honoka's birthday two times already. Now we will pay you for this.
Can you fuck off already?
It's bad enough that you fucks keep spamming your JAV slut now you want to ruin it for spics.
>all these honkniggin poshns
It seems like Rubyfriends were right all long. There are no Honkfriends left in this general.
>blatant samefagging again
fuck off honknigger
>blaming me again
September 12 is almost here! I CAN'T WAIT! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIITAKE! Oh my god! I've never been this excited all my life! Shiitake! Shiitake! Omedetou! September 12 is near!!!!!
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>tfw you're the last rubyfriend alive.
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Kanan is love
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I hope do. Only good pedos is dead pedos.
Good idea Rubyfriend.
Let's make it an Alpaca birthday we won't forget
Fuck off honknigger
I had a dream where Kanan cheated on me and now I can't look at her the same way
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I'm just hiding, Rubyfriend
That's nice, Mari
Who is this crackshitting artist? His style is pretty nice.
Any ideas for the next thread's OP?
>inb4 Honk thread response
Shiitake advance birthday party OP!
Only if the slav joins me in my car bed
Unfortunately, I don't know.
>all this retardation
What the fuck. Something happened?
We, Rubyfriends, all agree to celebrate Shiitake's birthday on September 12!
I said no Shiitake birthdays until November 13
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I refuse
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But his birthday is September 21!
go fuck yourself you goddamn honknigger
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Hey, at least she's still more popular on the pixiv than 3rd years, but Dia catching pretty fast.
Guess sinking her Maru ship was a mistake
It's ok. Shiitake can have my birthday. She deserves more than I do. I'm a worthless doormat anyway.
Fuck off honknigger
Glad you understand Kotorra
Yay! Shiitake birthday confirmed!
You are annoying rubypedos. You wanted shiitake and you will have some in 21.
Deceiving Rubypedos are the worse
Falseflagging poshns are the worst
kys honknigger
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>honkniggers shitting up another thread
And this is why you should've killed poshns
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Could you all just please stop doing this shit.
There will be no Shiitake birthdays. that's it

They will pay for ruin this general.
Fuck off you falseflagging honknigger
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A certain
Why don't you fuck off yourself you piece of falseflagging shit
Go fuck yourself you avatarfagging cunt
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Based Slav and her harem.
Reminder that Shiitake's birthday is on September 12!
Just stop with that shit please
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Based Slav indeed.
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Reminder that Shiitake's birthday is on September 21!
Why are you so mean to Shiitake?
piece of shit honknigger
*September 12
Just no shiitake birthday's on any raibu's birthday.
Just please.
Reminder to not post in anymore future honknigger threads
Last thread wasn't early shit and had actual discussion until honkniggers ruined it again

Why you so angry rubypedos? After all shiitake birthday was you idea.
But it's not though. No raibu has a birthday on September 12.
kys honknigger
Fucking this.
You won't do shit you piece of shit honknigger
Ok rubypedo. Reminder 21.
You're all mentally ill
>muh rubypedo boogeyman
dumb piece of shit honknigger
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Nice image
This just opened my eyes. I think it's time for us to stand up to rubypedos tyranny on this general. Yes, we're a piece of shit honknigger because you made us to be. You made us rubypedos. You first coined up with that term. You made us. Remember that.
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Bitch Please. You attacking Honofriends and our Raibu. You even ruined Honks Birthday two times now.

But in 21 we will Play you for this.
Fuck off piece of shit honknigger
September 21 will be Shiitake's birthday.
just stop. you should all just kys
>guilty kiss
how can the other subunits ever compete?
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I love Kotori and I love Shiitake, what do I do
You fuck off, you falseflagging poshn.
I was just being honest with my kimochis
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Why this child is so lewd?
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But Azalea is bibi of aqours
You didn't saw insane autist elimi hater yet, right? Compared to him this thread is 100% sane with posts full of friendship
puffy You
Hopefully that honknigger got b& and the poshn janni actually does his job (for free) this time.
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Post a card you like from your least favorite raibu.
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post yfw honkniggers are eradicated
What did she do?
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Fuck off you ban evading, avatarfagging piece of shit honknigger
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le fun loving and cool faec.jpg
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Finally, some peace and quiet.
I thought this general was only bad during euro/burger hours? What group is posting now?
Your JAV slut only insinuates shitposting, go fuck yourself.

Honkniggers shitpost 24/7
just do a poll lmao
She's so hot!
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Fuck off back to discord, Josh.
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dumb crack spammer
Dumb ban evading honknigger, go kys already.
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What does Nico think of this?
Reminder to report all avatarfagging and spamming.
Do your fucking job janni.
Nico is a cuck.
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More important what does Umi think of this?
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>implying Honokafags actually exist
These are all falseflagging shitposters
what happened to the cutoff predictor?
Nice dynamic IP faggot, fuck off honknigger
It's time again
>i-im not ban evading!
>all this unique ip honkniggery posts
dumb piece of shit honknigger
It's working
Don't spoil le funposting
If anything, this only proves nicomaki is more canon than ever.

Where's the:

"I don't give a shit about pairings" option
Slut for sale
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I just keep getting this
Try opening it in a different browser or open the predictor link in the OP.
>T2 is barely above the 2nd Maru copy
dead event
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Sounds pretty alive for the current game.
You can stop spamming anytime now, piece of shit crackshitting honknigger
I used the OP link though
opening it in the incognito mode helped though, thanks
No problem.
what did the predictor mean by this?
>All three point seeds adjusted downward... again
No one likes kenneth
Everyone grinded for the second Maru card and then stopped.
No one cares about komododragon
she did it on her own without following
with your pussy
>selfies with Shuka
>selfies with Aikyan
>she did it on her own
theyre just presents for her fans for fappin
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ded announcement
Why doesn't janny do anything to crackshitting imagespamming honkniggers? I bet janny is a honknigger.
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And I improved Kenan
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Because he doesn't break any rules?
Same with eliumi and nicomaki posters.
>imagespamming isn't against the rules
fuck off
>he doesn't break any rules
Ahaha, you so funny:3
Do you think it'd be good if your partnered raibu will also be 3D in the home screen?
>avatarfagging and image spams aren't against the rules
Fuck off honknigger
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Is Maki the only idol who loved by everyone?
Only if it's like SIFAC
I like the 2D illustrations more, but if it were something similar to TD with interactive backgrounds I would sign up for that instantly.
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Based Maribro
cute detectives
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>LL SS x Created by SCRAP
kiss Umi
>not Milky Holmes
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No, that's Honoka.
>implying he isn't a falseflagging poshn
We have janitors who are confirmed poshns and chubby chasers, as people have had posts deleted for mocking those two girls. There was one time where a thread was pretty much halved in size because all the posts calling hanayo fat got deleted. It's not surprising. LL is probably the single most popular franchise discussed on this board and this thread receives an anomalous amount of staff attention because of it. The staff probably post here themselves.
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>LL is probably the single most popular franchise discussed on this board
because he's biased piece of shit honknigger janny
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maki v.png
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>LL is probably the single most popular franchise discussed on this board
I mean out of the ones that aren't pure normie shit like overwatch. Those don't count.
Love Live meets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNMA8eoNO1w when?
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>not normalfag tier
Come on
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Why wouldn't we?
Honokafriends did nothing wrong!
>love live
>not pure normie shit
Go fuck yourself you falseflagging piece of shit
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ll x hunie pop.png
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Love Live dating sim when?
Love Live puzzle game when?
>LL is the most popular franchise on the board if you exclude the franchises that are more popular than it
I think you might be right........
Suki Suki Puwa Puwa Round 2 when?
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The deed is done.
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My condolences.
Brb reposting on r/SchoolIdolFestival for karma
Based Kinto, congrats!
put me in the screencap
Celebrating spring with friends
Use this as the next OP please!
I always laugh at this.
Leave flopqours to me
What did it give you?
idolmaster more like idiotmaster amirite
Waiting for the "Kinto pls sit on my face" comments
Imas exist
ruby a shit
Ruby a best
We know, Sunrise.
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Japs love live threads are active again for some reason, and pdp announcement isn't the case because they don't talk about it.
>honknigger posts deleted
Thank you janny
>inb4 whining
Bokurabu 17?
poppin shuffle?

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piece of shit honknigger btfo.png
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>blatant falseflagging and samefagging
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I got a blowjob!
Thanks janitor, keep up the good work.
>new ip
>oh no! he's falsegflagging again!
Your friend support only gave me bronze rewards
Making our dreams come true.
>not even kinto's friend
kek what a fag
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Based Slav
two weeks left to start calling flopfags hagfags
how about flophags instead
Rikako is already 25. That's cake territory.
She can't be a cake because Chad fucks her every day.
Please sign
sent ;)
No, thank you, singapoor.
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Would You this little burd anons?
I don't think You would. She's more into Chika than burd.
You doesn't even know Burd.
Though they could put them together as the cuck containment ship.
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>the absolute state of honkniggers
neckbeard loser get a life lmao
Am I allowed to gag her?
>All that blatant samefagging, falseflagging and shitposting
Get fucked, piece of shit honkniggers
Kinda feels like babby's first falseflag. No sign of subtlety.
>honkfags dindu nuffin
As always.
>w-we dindu nuffin! s-someone else was falseflagging us honkfrens!
go fuck yourself honknigger
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7 days.jpg
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Dumb falseflagging Rubindians.
>muh boogeyman
cry more poshn
an an mik-an
inb4 this dynamic IP faggot spams another set of JAV whore threads
Fuck off honknigger
>falseflags as Honkfags like an amateur
>f-fucking shitposting poshns!!!
Dumb Rubypedo.
How desperate are they?
>it was an amateur falseflag! honkniggers dindu nuffin!
Fuck off honknigger
>i-it was Honkfags not us Rubypedos falseflagging I swear!!! We dindu nuffin we never do anything
Fuck of posrp
>muh falseflag! muh rubypedo boogeyman!
Go fuck yourself honknigger
>Honkniggers btfo yet again
Every single time.
>hehe if I post Honk images everyone will think I'm a Honkfag and not a posrp falseflagging hehehe
will honkniggers ever recover
>replying to yourself
The sad state of Rubypedos
>be an obnoxious piece of shit
>continuously push your jav whore threads
>blame rubypedos when you get btfo
Dumb piece of shit honknigger

>can't even check for samefagging
The sad state of honkniggers
He's nuclear.
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Finally my love is here. She is my life! I am so happy that I got her before her birthday.
>falseflag as Honkfags being obnoxious
>hurr fucking obnoxious Honkfags!!!
Nice try Rubypedo, but again be a bit less obvious with your falseflagging next time.
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Good for you anon
dude falseflag lmao
kys poscshn
How will we deal with the poshn problem?
I say we poison all watermelon fields and boycott KFC.
if only *** was there....he'd put everyone in their places.
>can't post anything but "We dindu nuffin"
Typical Rubypedo, just like how they call everyone who doesn't like Shitron nu-males because they're too dumb to make proper arguments.
But how will Maya survive?
i hope the poshns and rubypedos both kill each other.
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Colateral damage
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>can't post anything but "it wasn't us! it was rubypedos falseflagging!"
Typical Honknigger, getting btfo for all the shitposting they do and blaming others for it.
Marry Umi.
t. poshnn-m
>Sharon hater is a honknigger
Wait so the rubyfags were actually right all along?
More like the honkniggers are always wrong
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G-Guys please don't fight eachother. This is the best time of the year. Let's talk about something else. How many love gems do you have?
Go fuck yourself you falseflagging piece of shit honknigger
Fuck you burdnigger
>trying to redirect the hate to birb
ded meme
put tongue into kotorichans mouth
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So all nip LLfags are Honkfags too?
Fuck off rintard. Nobody cares about your bang shit.
>honknigger putting heat to burdfags now
you can go fuck yourself now, honknigger

you can't raid the place you came from, dumb rintard
Let's talk about how Burdshit and JAVslut are the cancer killing this thread

dumb honknigger cant even falseflag as rintard right
Nice try Rubypedo, but your kind is more cancerous than all Burdcucks combined.
kill yourself you goddamn honknigger
I forgot to add flops to the list of cancer, how embarrassing
somebody must care considering it consistently ranks higher than sif in the app store.
she loves the sea
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We could have killed this general ages ago if we wanted to do so
In SIF she said she is happy because she's always together with her friends and beloved sea.
>Azaleanigger got btfo
Hmm... Now I understand. It was this fucking honknigger all along.
finally, a canon Kanon ship
Honkniggers are behind all this general's shitposting
Is DiaKanan the new EliUmi where it's cool and hip to ironically call it canon?
but no its impossible to this addictive thread
wtf delete this
I should manage to push to 220
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You can do it anon! We still have 8 days.
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i love my wife nico yazawa
ok maki
We know Santa
Shiitake birthday soon!
Your game is bad and you should feel bad.

t. /gbp/
Yes, on the 21st!

Top kek
Fuck off /@/
@ doesn have ll thread now
Stop shilling your crappy game here.
will there bandori s2
>Is DiaKanan the new EliUmi where it's cool and hip to ironically call it canon?
That's YoshiMaru. Nobody gives a fuck about DiaKanon.
And YouChika is the new KotoUmi:
>HonoUmi/ChikaRiko is the Sakurako's OTP
>but majority ships KotoUmi/YouChika anyway
>there's also KotoHono/YouRiko for fucking weirdos
The fight has stopped. Thank you anons.
sif losers on suicide watch

bandori chads swimming in pussy
>And YouChika is the new KotoUmi
Don't insult KotoUmi like this.
Our pleasure.
Anything to put the piece of shit honkniggers back to the shithole they belong.
How will sif ever fucking recover?
Baka, youchika is the new nicomaki
Who are you?
you wouldnt be posting here if you were swimming in pussy
checkmate bandori shill
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Good morning, Nozomi!
>KotoHono for fucking weirdos
It's not that weird, is it?
just came up to breath is all lmao
It's weird, but it's still within canon spectrum
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Please don't compare Seagull to anything. Because every other ship is inferior.
Honknigger got exposed >>188142549
>azaleashitter that constantly shit talk cyaron = we dindu nuffin honknigger.
Just remember this.
yeah, but roselia will be the main characters
This is TL'd already?
Don't get my hopes up.
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Reminder that alpaca is the one who actually got the lewd.
What a good day to expose and BTFO the fucking honkniggers.
theres gonna be a whole load of seasons
Shitronshitters got still btfo by sales. They sold the least because nips don't like them as much as the other two.
honknigger btfo lmao
How much does lovegems cost in american dollars?
drumming llss up
>fuck they got me
>i know! i'll talk about sales!
The sad state of honkniggers
>muh sales
sad honknigger
Sunrise will probably destroy it in the second season. Have you seen how Shuka and Aikyan acted in the last niconama? They already started working on the anime. Would they act like this if YouChika is getting more content? I don't think so.
I posted the chart earlier but you Rubypedos ignored it on purpose because you didn't want to admit defeat.
>it's the honknigger who always start gen sales war shit
it all makes sense now
piece of shit honknigger
Don't sales usually improve after an anime?
Why did Aqours singles sell worse this year than last?
>rubabbies can't handle the truth
Link? Nothing on panda or dynasty.
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seein mimos pic makes me wanna go check her twitter every minute
fuck off sww
because gaijins who knew them from the anime gets to upload their cds and nips tend to listen to them on youtube more frequently
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Feels good to be ELITE
anyone else sit in a traditional japanese style while posting on llsifg?
No. I sit on the toilet while posting on llsifg
>No mari x trash bin
Even /a/ got it right http://poal.me/olleln
epic kemenshitter
>3+ hours ago
>only 10 votes
fucking kek
/a/ is dead thanks to the Maritard samefagging and bumping his own threads every 30-40 minutes. People only go there to post cute rkk pictures
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You faggots are as dumb as ever. You haven't stopped anything. We're gonna have our early Honk thread and tower over you cronies who lack the courage to be what you wanna be. We know our path, but you all scoff at the idea of best girl taking back her throne. We won't let you hold us back any longer. LONG LIVE HONOKA
Why are Mari ships so shit?
Go fuck yourself, honknigger
the only bastion of good posting left is me
around $35 for 50 I think
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Why are Dia ships so god tier?
>kennethshitter whining about his boogeyman and Mari again
Oh boy, I thought they fled to /a/ after getting btfo constantly.
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Wow, another free SSR and we're not even in cinfes anymore!
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Kotori has lost her birthday thread privileges as well
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Try to bring back something good
>Not trast tier
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P-Please Honokafriends. Please don't bully us. Let Kotori have her birthday threads.
Dia is a good girl.
Goddamn I want to play this but my phone and no english
>No ChikaDia and DiaRiko
Kengenshitter please.
Just comic relief shit. I wouldn't even call it shipping.
Literally what
I sure hope Honkfags don't ruin Kotori's birthday thread assuming she gets one!
>having no imagination
this general just became so boring and repetitive, falseflaggers don't try anymore :/
I really hope people will report and ignore all future honknigger threads.
>needing headcanon because those ships are crackshit otherwise
No thanks.
At this point, please just ignore us.
Shut the fuck up. You just hate funposting
she's the ojou-sama of the group
meaning she can be shipped with anyone
I really hope people will report and ignore all future obvious falseflagging threads.
We both know that they won't
why would honoka ruin kotori's birthday? i thought they were lovers
Maru is canonically have a crush on dia but only in manga
The big PDP update will double SIF's UR rate to 2%
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Look at this guy >>188146953
He scares me ;-;
They haven't even interacted yet you piece of shit.
Where's any funposting in here
It's just fags falseflagging as other fags or making LQ posts and call it "funposting"
im gonna link every good post itt give me a minute
Can't wait for the hundreds of (You)s!
But there's only a few BanG Dream! posts.
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Caption:Having such a kind elder sister, Ruby must feel so blessed zura---<3

Eh, ehehehehe---<3
Wh-what should I do.
When Dia-chan praises me like this, I somehow get nervous instead and my heart beats faster, zura---<3
Dia-chan, the always cool and collected student council president, is someone all of us underclassmen aspire to be like!
Just having her check my homework like this is amazing in itself, but for her to pet me--- Hyaa~ Somehow, I feel kind of warm and fuzzy---.
Ah, but, definitely, today was vocabulary homework and I’m good at that, so I did do well, but--- if she saw my scores in math, she might be disappointed......
I’m glad I had vocabulary homework today!
In any case--- Ruby-chan is always telling me that Dia-chan scares her, or that Dia-chan is strict, or that Dia-chan does nothing but scold her.
She seems so kind though--- Could she really be that strict?
Maru has no sisters, so if I had a kind and pretty elder sister like her, I would definitely be happy, and definitely boast about her---.
Perhaps, the thing where she scares her while she’s sleeping at night--- Maybe that's just Ruby-chan’s misunderstanding?
Ruby-chan's a scaredy-cat, and her house is big, so it wouldn’t be odd for sounds to come out of somewhere at night---.
I know, next time, I’ll go to Ruby-chan’s house and sleep together with her to confirm it!
That would be great, camping in Ruby-chan’s room<3
If Dia-chan was with us, it would definitely be even more fun!
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I want to lick Kanan's ass!
It was kind of cute, honestly.
I wanted to cover her up and then hug Honoka-chan.
9C8(one excluded) × 8C2 × 6C2 × 4C2 × 2C2
=9 × 28 × 15 × 6 × 1
=22680 combinations
good shit
Good lad.
Whenever I see raibus naked I feel depressed. Muse girls are probably married and have children now. This is so sad.
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She loves to search for dicks far and wide
>quoting your own posts
i trusted you
They have to keep the schools from closing someway.
>"honkniggers" go rampant and maruchink disappears
>"honkniggers" stop shitting up the thread and the chink appears to metapost
hmmmmm rmyt......
i consulted the council of eight and this was the decision
>honkniggers dindu nuffin
I don't see any maruchink posts
She's always avoided posting until everything went quiet.
Fuck off honknigger
fuck off nigger roastie
Medfes is the worst event type
I'm a fucking Honkfag, all I'm saying is it's annoying in the sense that it only tears open the wound because anons don't know how to not reply.
I call people whatever they want, not like it even matters.
*Score Match
fuck off breadnigger roastie
Maybe you should stop your annoying and obnoxious honkniggery and stop blaming other people for your shit
Go fuck yourself honknigger
>buy a lot gems for kotori and eat only ramen for a month
>or dont do it
really tough
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>meanwhile in Japan
want mrcnk to post more to appeal to maya
Should I go for a vacation or buy lots of gems for burd?
bravo Aqours!
I'm overdue on my car loan but I think I'll just but more gems for her birthday.
moose btfo
Poorfags gonna poor. Even buying figs or a daki is better.
that's why we should have picked Chika instead of Honk
Wtf? Haha
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Sorry, I forgot mentioning onaholes.
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shame she was so poorly writted
t. T3 shitter
I love Nico!
Ok Maki
we know, nozomi
We know, Takasu-kun.
that's good, everyone
>buy love gems for Burd
>or spend that money on Blue Reflection, Yakuza Kiwami and Mary Skelter
what do
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Yes, she is.
You forgot Ys 8
We know, the universe
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>fuck they didnt get my reference
>ok ill post the image hehe
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What the fuck is wrong with you?
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Make sure you use it only on Pana's birthday.
Sure, send me the codes.
Recolor You
pana is for rough spitroasts
sent :^)
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Get the games. Yakuza Kiwami is fun until you realize that all the bosses now restore health twice and you end up fighting Majima every 5 minutes.
We know, konakona and pana4life
Nico-chan with an eyepatch is so cool and manly!
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Honoka thread next, please!
I thought the Essence of Kiwami negates that if you unlock those heat actions
Ok Maki
Fuck off honknigger

best parts:
1:05 - youre listening to radio happy o(≧∇≦o)
1:23 - le radio shuffle
2:12 - smash the mf replay button!!
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I didn't realize you had to be using a certain battle style for it to work until near the end of the game. Having different styles is nice but I'm happy that 6 apparently only has one again.
Personally I don't like the lack of styles after playing the 6 demo.
Kiryu feels so limited in moves.
>69 love gems
I still haven't played the demo for 6 yet, I'll try it later. The fact that trailer showed Haruka with a kid has put me off it a bit.
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Honoka-chan is such an inspirational leader! I will post in your early thread Honkfriend!
Hope you don't care about the story because I hear its disappointing.
Though it is not as dumb as 5.
Reminder to report all avatarfagging piece of shit honkniggers
Reminder to report all off-topic shit
>Honknigger has to reply to himself because he didn't get enough (You)s
Thank you, Chaser!
RIP 90% of the thread
The absolute state of honkniggers right now is worse than cyaron sales
Yeah, I heard it's an underwhelming end for Kiryu and that you could tell the writers were fed up with him. I do quite like the story but since rubber bullets were a thing I stopped caring about it as much.
Pana is for gentle lovemaking
No problem.
We know, Ruby.
Post that rkk video
Pana's mom is for gentle lovemaking while Pana watches
Honoka-chan told me a secret in School Idol Festival! She must think of me as a close friend! I will never tell people your secret Honoka-chan! Does anyone else know her secret?
followed by rough spitroasts
We already know she loves cocks.
EZD-183 isn't a secret anymore
That wasn't her.
she has lots and lots and lots of...
That's cute! I wish Honoka would trust me.
>still in denial
even the rest of muse accepted her for being the jav slut that she is
maybe you should start accepting her too

Set her as your homescreen partner and eventually she will trust you enough to tell you her secret! It's a cute secret!
Fuck off you samefagging piece of shit
other video suggestions just tell how theyve done funny things on niconama
ded like yoshimaru
ded like kanamari
ded like chikariko
ded like aquors
ded like my sister
I love Kotori but th other guy is right. I did not start this War but I will prosecute it to it's end.

For Honoka.
honoka just yells at me for ignoring her!
im starting to get a bit annoyed!!! go away honoka!!!
My condolences, Aikyan's sister.
Fuck yourself honknigger
im going to trigger honokas blazing link if you know what i mean!
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>Forgetting DiaChika, the most canon of canons
JAV order?
can't wait!
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I see Honoka friends are a losing it. You are blinded by hatred and anger. I thought you only disliked Aqours but now you are harassing every girl including Honoka's lover Kotori. Please calm down and reflect on your behaviours. I still have hopes in you.
mm probably eye wart to no eye wart scale?
Honoka-chan is amazing! She would be so proud of us!
>/@/ is always talking about how much they love X girl
>/llsifg/ is always falseflagging and shitposting about girls they hate
Why doesn't anyone here love their raibu?
love live girls are shit
I do that but people still blame me for falseflagging and avatarfagging.
/@/ has less ribbit than /llsifg/
>not falseflagging and shitposting with your favorite girl
Honkniggers are to blame
love 3d3d3d3d3d3d3d3d ll girls
You're a good man Kinto. You're humble and don't think much of being famous for a high rank in some game especially when it is something so ignomious to be remembered for.

Although I will probably always respect the F2P more than the whale, you are alright.
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I love Eli, also Kanan and Maki.
Happy now?
You guys better stop shit talking Honkfriends right now or I will guarantee the next thread is a Honk thread. I'm already in line behind 5 others just itching to make that thread. If I don't do it, they will.
No I hate you
I will support your Honkthread! She's cute!
I'm sure he cares about your opinion
Fuck off you ban evading piece of shit honknigger
Hahahahahahah poorfag
would you rather have 95 falseflaggers or 95 avatarfags or relastic mode 95 avatarfagging falseflaggers?
Can we trade honk for Mirai?
I'd rather have dead honkniggers
95 avatarfags to sexualize
Id rather nuke this general and send it to /trash/ because of the 10 or so generals I visit, this is the more discord and reddit infested, underage, spic ridden, subhuman hell hole.
>he thinks 95 in poster count = 95 actual posters
actually realistic mode is literally just one guy avatarfagging and falseflagging 95 people
epic falseflag honknigger
Rank 1000 celebration thread next please
pal are you... a 4chan expert? shit,,,,,
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Marry Nozomi after 1000 threads
So we really want to lower ourselves to the level of Reddit who offer their virginity to some guy on the net just because he plays this game more then usual?
Sure, sounds great
I'm pretty sure there's like 5 autists who either spam, false flag, and shitpost and monitor the thread 24/7, another 20 who do the same thing but not as furiously, like 5 newfags who come here thinking they can actually discuss the game here and complain when they realize they can't, and the other 35 post once or twice with a question, comment, or fanart and then fuck off and lurk or go do something else.
No. That's not what Kinto would want anyway, newfag.
but your already married with her
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<more then
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>/@/ is 100% 4chan
>/llsifg/ is 80% ribbit
I order you to translate this alien language.
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for whatever reason I'm doing better with my normie bonding teams than with my proper teams
it doesn't even have PLs, what the shit
the fuck
>no UR
how new?
*black lists all riko accounts*
*makes it safe and just purges all aqours accounts*
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this imaje will be the next op
Nice, nicomaki
I could try grinding expert to get the hang of it, but since I can also bond normies I'm better off sticking to hard
i got 99 flaseflaggers but a honk aint one
90s rin
>Kennethshitter using a fucking poll to whine about Mari again
reminder to report and ignore all honknigger threads
I agree. Let's keep the cock sucking to a minimum.

Reddit's hero worship is sickening enough and the guy isn't even a fan of it. We should give /our guy/ what he deserves which is just treat him as another player and not a cause for celebration as he reaches special number.
Remember this? >>181010850
>doing quite bad on expert, only get to 500 combo occasionally
>think I'm just very bad
>try playing hard songs on expert speed
>FC easily
It sucks that hard is too easy and expert is a bit out of hand.
>kennyger literally seething
fucking kek
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*takes a deep breath*
reddit spaces
i hope theres a rin thread next!!!!!!
Kennyfags are the neo-honkniggers. They aren't THIS bad yet but give them a year.
Please start doing experts. Fail so much but if you don't push yourself you will never get good. Don't wait until you can consistently FC hards. Trust me and start doing experts.
i cant believe the best post of 2017 was 9 months ago already.....
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oh shit there's a maintenance in jp
I think it's supposed to be adding an account system or something.
after the event I will
It was announced after the event I think.
>20 total votes
have to drum up more
>JP getting another upgrade
>EN still stuck at 4 point shit
They made it sound like there was something coming soon for EN on last week's show.
shit muh 3d traitor
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Wait friend. Don't make people hate us. We will get plenty when the burdday comes.
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Reminder to start saving for Honoaks birthday! Can we get a Honk pre-birthday thread next?
Looks like a falseflag, something that maritard samefag would do
Reminder to report and ignore all honknigger threads
You wish
Go back to /a/ kennygger.
Look at all these R Honks
Seal and kill
Hopefully we'll get an update this week. The list of re-released masters songs ends this week so it's a good time to give us swing notes.
Sure, I don't mind
Fuck off honknigger
good thread
new thread
>earn more G's
>Bronze Reward
>Perfect Support
Yup, I'm not leaving T2. Get you next time~
was already made
Don't post in an early thread if it's not a Honoka thread.
Fuck off you goddamn retard
New thread
New one:
Jesus Christ.
See you in two hours.
This general is a fucking embarrassment
I blame honkniggers for this shit
Now everyone's scrambling to make a new thread
Fucking kill yourselves you honkniggers
>4 threads
>they're all complete and utter garbage
Don't say goodbye, just say you'll stay with me, even if just for one day
I'm a fan of this thread
I personally blame maritard samefag for it.
People who make thread on /a/ and bump it every 20-40 minutes because no one wants to reply are pure cancer
That guy is fucking cancer
Sad thing is, you're probably right
>kemonshitter whinning over some boogeyman like ACK
What makes for a good thread, anon?
Where was this Honk thread he kept mentioning?
Rintard is smart, made thread at 745.
>maritard still can't spell
A Honoka one!
Do you seriously insist that shit like this is okay?
Literally 10 minutes to thefirst reply after thread was made and then 30 minutes to the same bait bump with no new ip, and thread is full of garbage like this
all i see is normal love live thread, i think you are insane
>many people on /llsifg/ hate Kemon and shitpost about her
>many people on /llsifg/ come over to /a/ to shitpost
Woah there
Everyone else refuses to make a new thread on /a/ for fear of that moron, the "I like Riko" anon or Marufag showing up. There's no reason to have one now until later in September near Saitama/PDP seiyuu announcement anyway.
>kennyger still mad no one likes his shit raibu
Shitposting and samefagging, which you've already been found out to be doing. What else is new.
You forgot that "cute chuuni ;__; *spams 15 pictures" autist.
I'm not even your boogeyman. And you don't have to be a Marifag to know Keynan is shit.
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People on /a/ hated Kanan when it was airing because she was an edgy massive cunt and a buzzkill, retard.
He's an especially annoying seiyuufag
Don't forget the "rkk" fag either. I'm pretty sure they're both from here
Don't blame the girl for the shit writing she was placed under.
Yeah but you can easily see from the nickname meme and images it's people from here shitposting in recent /a/ threads about Kenbaum.
Yeah I guess I shouldn't hate villains either for that same reason.
I'm glad seiyuuniggers fucked off to /a/
But some villains are more likable than heroes like Lex Luthor
The nicknames started in /a/ too, genius. People would call her "who" because she never got screen time and then people would post an image of her and ask "whats her name again?" and thats when the name thing started.
It didn't help that Kiab keeps getting her name wrong in-game too
Like Kannan hence the kentucky, kenny, kongo, kumon etc.
No, it's not. The name thing where people misspell her name came from here thanks to Kbab EN being retarded fucks. /a/ and other websites came up with the "who?"/"Where's Kanan?" meme.
But he's fucking special.
>come from ribbit
>ruined seiyuuposting here
>now actively trying to ruin it in /a/
>will probably leave after that
That only made it worse, but it was still present beforehand. Nigger, just look at the goddamn /a/ archives.
>came from here thanks to Kbab EN being retarded fucks
This happened after the meme started.
>comparing any sort of raibu to a villain
You're retarded. In the case of Kanan, the only "villain" she could be compared to is Homura Akemi. They both did actions that they knew would make them hated/disliked to protect the interests/well-being of the girl they loved. Kanan just doesn't have the capabilities of rewriting the universe; if she did, she would've changed it so that drama never occured in the first place.
And it's more likely an /llsifg/fag who has constant nicknameposting in the general would post these on /a/ right now than your average /a/non who most likely won't remember /a/ Sunshine threads because they aren't 24/7 generals. Also you can easily prove through filenames where an anon is from.
Way to totally fucking miss the point of my post, based retard.
He is something special. He barely knows English and posts like rintard and other shitposters. You tell him to fuck off but he never leaves.
Anon. You gotta realize something. The post-Sunshine migration to /llsifg/ was probably the biggest in our generals history. Are you guys so new that you guys don't remember this? The same /llsifg/fags posting there now are the same faggots who came here after Sunshine ended.
The worst part is that he never responds. Truly the most dangerous shitposter.
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So cute.
kys javnigger
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