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/elyg/ Elysium General

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Thread replies: 762
Thread images: 142

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>Server Homepage


Horde Guild:
<We Wuz Dindus>

Alliance Guild:
<Man-Date of Heaven>

/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

>Vanilla WoW database


>Leveling Guides:

>Class specific guides and tips:

Wew all them class guides
Based OP
>spamming the OP full of video guides instead of text guides
>shilling for random retards jewtubes

Whoever made this OP is a retard.
This I refuse to watch video guides unless there is no other option
congrats, you managed to make an even worse OP than earwen

now kys
holyshit its been months of shit and outdated irrelevant information in the OP
now atleast shitheads wont post HOW DO I LEVEL X for the 10000th fucking time.
GJ op wasn't a faggot this one rare time.
Can somoene give me a quick rundown on <We Wuz Dindus>
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wew lad rogue is fun when stealth works
stealth always works in retail
did they update stealth?
or are you using the imp talents?
i swear its a waste of fucking time npcs see you from miles away.
who else /lootbanned till naxxramas/ here
>WoD models

I just read that legion and vanilla are kind of the same game, should I just go play legion instead?
oh well thats definitely not true.

legion is pretty good though, probably the 3rd or arguably 4th best expac.

imo Wrath > BC > legion
but lots of people thinking BC>Wrath>MOP in no particular order

khorne is cute as always :3c
>legion is pretty good though


Reward dilution, it's the worst expansion ever made. Feel free to disagree, just know you are wrong.
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Infiltrated by MoH
>unironically the hardest content blizzard has ever made
>any top tier raider would agree

okay champ keep raiding your 12 year old tank and spanks
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>11 posters
>19 replies
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are you here because you couldn't afford a retail sub?
Let me guess, Alliance player?
literally who
t. man who would likely never be able to kill mythic KJ
>he thinks raid difficulty is what makes a good RPG

Never respond to my posts ever again or else.
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Literally who?
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Retail is good. Even a NEET like you can afford it if u can bum $15 of your parents, just pay for your sub with WoW gold.
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based MoH crushing all opposition against the eternal tranny clique.
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Ok Ok, here's what you do

Use Q,E,R,T, Z,X,C, 1, 2, 3, 4 as spell binds

all other keybinds will be modifiers, like Shift-Q, Alt-Q, and so on

Memorize that and youve learned how to begin to learn PvP

Khorne is a warrior, not a rogue.
Do you think Vanilla PvP is good? Because retail PvP is also better than Vanilla PvP.
>remove engineering items from Bg's
>every season one class gets spiked and the other one gets buttfucked
>forced to level a profession to be on an even playing field in PvP

>not binding 5
Handlet pls.

make up your mind shitter.
it takes like 100g and 5 hours man, i'd be much more concerned about getting the epic mount if you cant fucking level engineering
>forced into having this specific profession to be on an even playing field in PvP

that's the funnier part, not the cost or time.
>Oh I dont like to create stuff for PvP, I want to be both good at PvP and PvE without any repercussions

just up and die already

I want to be fast, but comfy
besides its not like priests have that many keybinds anyway, and it works for my windwalker on tauri as well, so no harm done

>implying that a game cant be fun if its hard
W e w
this. i don't want to have to play the game to pvp

also wtf is this level shit im forced to level up if i want to kill 60's? fuck this shit im going back to legion it's basically the same game honestly
>I want to be both good at PvP and PvE without any repercussions

Literally yes you fucking sperg. lmao i cant believe you nostalgiacucks
This is a pretty bad shitpost OP, Protocuuck. You're a fucking @Disappointment.
what happened to this thread

why is it full of people comparing Vanilla to Legion?
wowg are angry with their new patch yet again
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I bet you use PvP gear in heroics, mongoloid

I dont have a clue, but at least its not as bad as NC shills in the elyg discord
>Modern WoW
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the blizzbulls are laughing at us again
is legion worth my money?
some guy unironically tried to argue for forcing peoples elysium characters to be moved to a wrath server with PTE by saying it's basically the same as vanilla and people should just deal with it
if you want things to do other than mindlessly grinding WSG weekend in premades, yeah.
Okay he's not the best at PvP but he's a really nice guy!
he really is very nice.
Well actually, quoting the mods, it would be >All< Expansions, and they never excluded any, so the crestfall mods are actually so insane as to think that their core that isnt even finished yet will eventually be able to run a fully scripted legion experience, arguably the most story heavy expansion of them all
It's not. It's all fucked when it comes to rewards and muh community. And it feels like a single player game outside of raids and guild runs.
If they make this decision people will overwhelmingly deal with it. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to believe otherwise.
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I remember when Cata was so good you had to actually CC and then--
>join horde guild
>2 weeks later
This is dindu nigger clique
Loiez (mentally ill tranny orbiter)
Squido (handicapped autist)
Goondrinkerr (fucking cunt)
Cheevo (retard who deleted his character)
Mcbeef (another tranny orbiter)
Prepdabull (barrymanalow)
Sniffhow (tranny with a foot fetish)
Protomaan (cringey comic maker)
Bonhuntier (poorfag gypsie)
Broraka (powerhungry teen)
Semitrix (typical faggot aka klimpen)
Diaperslurp (kek)
Lerkingpoo (a fucking normie, doesnt know what 4chan is)
Dont know Loiez? Heres a quick rundown...
>loeiz (zugzuggler)
>went dwarf priest only for the instant raid spot
>reaches 60, get's benched because he has litterally no prebis
>quits the guild, deletes character
>everyone laughs
>gets his character restored, joins normie guild
~a few moments later~
>asks to come back
>manlet says only if he sends a pic of his dick
>actually sends manlet a dick pic, get's shared on #nsfw
>everyone laughs even louder
Avoid Dindu niggers like the plague
That wasn't the argument though.
god tucker is such a faggot holy shit
what's with the lack of youtube videos? I remember people making ret pally pve videos, pvp montages, duels between the "best" of X class vs best of Y, shaman and even rogue tanking just to prove people wrong. There's 6000 people on this server does everyone just unemotionally pick whatever class, powerlevel, fall in line with faggy guides and Vanilla historian consensus about what you ought to do, raid progression and then quit?
And THIS is why you shouldnt roll alliance
tucker is based.
Reminder that a TRUE horde guild has never been tried...
Funnily enough, they didn't squish it like this because the testers complained they feel "nerfed" and because Holinka couldn't balance pvp without people having seven fucktillion hp due to resilience removal.
And also there were issues with damage on tanks being "too spiky" on lower health pools.
We have people pretending Barrens Chat is still a cool place to chat in, even though they have guides and everyone knows where Mankriks wife is

its a very, how should I say... rose tinted experience
also don't add orcbit faggot to op he's the worst of the ecelebs
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whats the best tank?
redpill me on the benched if you dont random lotto legendary
wont it be impossible to catch up to artifact grind?
wont people just ask me for achivements i don't have to do easy raids stopping me from progressing?
sorry I thought this was wowg lol.
why do you hate orc bit?
he just makes mediocre vanilla wow vids
the only ones on that list that are insufferable are loeiz and diaperslurp
LFR basically gives you the equivalent of heroic dungeon gear IIRC, so you can start raiding pretty early at max level
also paladins have combo points so have fun

alexsensual is worse, no?
If you don't have your bis legendary yet you're fucked.
If you're not at least halfway there with artifact you're fucked despite the catch up mechanics.
If you don't have achievements enjoy a shitter guild or LFR, unless you have friends playing somewhere decent.
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Why didn't Progress upload their 08/20 BWL?
Orcbit isis known to advertise on subreddits wouldn't be surprised if this is actually him
>and all that jazz xD
ok orcbit
alexensual's fine apart from being a bit stupid. He's a nice punching bag but his personality is fine, I'd honestly be best buds with him
someone post the streamables
No I just wanted to include some guides in the OP.
Does anybody have any specific text references for the next OP? I just wanted people to have access to it instead of asking a trillion times.
Alex, fuck off.
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Yeah this is the only reason I don't play legion,
legendaries droping off everything, artifact grind, people wanting achievements for heroic not even mythic.
I just don't like the idea of leveling to whatever the fuck it the cap is and being told to fuck off because i bought the game late.

Legion just seems like it'd shit on me and I'd play LFR which i mean i may aswell play vanilla wow if i want easy raids full of retards.
isn't orcbit the guy that has weekly podcasts with dodgeykebaab where they discuss buying gold
and which servers are paying them for endorsement videos.
>and all that jazz xD
what the fuck retard
who are you fucking quoting?
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He's qouting Orcbit, Orcbit.
I confirm this, he's the nicest guy in the guild.
The legendary system is fucked up, and Blizzard is fucking retarded to not listen to people in Beta when they told them it's far better to allow people to have an armory in their meme class hall so they can pick which legendary they'll research or grind up first, preferably doing some idiotic quests involving dungeons/raids.
It's shit, I know, but anything beats the meme rng they introduced with this. Now it's a bit toned down when it comes to the impact legendaries have on performance but they're still the most important pieces of gear and you're at a disadvantage if you don't have your bis legendary.

If you don't have friends in some ok guild, you're bound to either go with a trade chat one or solo unless you're extremely good or lucky and can go through immense Mythic+ grind to catch up in gear. And there's also the artifact grind, greatly diminished by the artifact lore catch up they introduced, however still substantial.
They made retention based choices and fucked it up, basically.
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Loiez can you tell me why spics are so attracted to feminine cocks?
Hey remember when dodgykebaab did this https://youtu.be/VmCaAy9owyQ
your a fucking retard nigger
this is the horde guild you fucking retard
I'm the guy who ratted out to alex when nihilum would gank him. Remember when you couldn't figure out who it was? kek
okay, luthien.
Look at that post again, and tell me that alliance players arent the most neurotic, picky, grammatically incorrect niggers in this server
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>talks about destroying trannies 24/7
>doesn't even play the game
>hasn't even reached 60, let alone 40 yet
bravo, protomaan. really showed them
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Hmmm Horde is actually worse.
This is Loiez / zugzuggler, this is your typical horde player.
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that's lain
is diaperslurp a cute girl?
Read the part about the gender pronouns
whats the most IN demand class for 5 mans?
the only ones that are insufferable are people that keep shitposting about me for 4 threads str8
Madtii: The avatarfag project?
Manlett: Among other things -- but I must admit that I've been somewhat disappointed with the performance of the primary unit.
Madtii: The secondary unit should be online soon. He's currently undergoing preparations and should be operational within six months. My people will continue to report on his progress. If necessary, the primary will be terminated.
Manlett: We've had to endure much, you and I, but soon there will be order again, a new age. Gummy spoke of the mythical Clique on the Bridge. Soon that clique will be a reality, and we will be crowned its kings. Or better than kings. Gods.

t. moh insider
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Yep, diaperslurp is may. So you have diaper, loiez, and tucker all in the same guild. This new horde guild is basically for mentally ill containment.
What level do i have to be for maraudona and sunken temple?
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stop orbiting risa you tranny cuck.
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>a cute girl
anon i....
please marry me!!
>he thinks i'm autistic enough to serverhop
jokes on you
>respect muh pronouns
you're a girl right?
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Eh he.... seems like the only one left whos actually good is Zang, I hope he finds a better guild, should be easier for him since he speaks chinese, too
Give me a quick rundown on Madti.
the only namefags worth their shit are indi and finalflash. Everyone else has been an attentionwhore with no personality. Finalflash was fun and indi never made anything about himself.
>MoH poster
>guild is basically for mentally ill containment

the ironing.
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Quick rundown on everyone:
Theyre all trannies now there is not a single guild free of attention whores run now run far away from this shithole of a general while you still have a mind worth saving
what's wrong with this?
I agree with everything you said except
>indi never made anything about himself.
Jesus fucking christ. What is it about anglos that make them so degenerate?
>while you still have a mind worth saving
I'm fucked up beyond repair, so either tell me what i want to know or fuck off.
literally nothing retards are mad orcbit makes money playing the game he loves.
>comparing yourself to the guy with a youtube channel full of PvP videos

good one, indi.
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indi why are you talking about yourself in third person
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who would of thought that the horde would attract so many mentally ill people. Just look at this list of their discord holy shit.
madti has a vagina

that's pretty much the entire story, she won't shut up about it.

also she's GM of mandate.
You ain't forcing anyone with that foodstamped t9 and gay ass staff.
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I have an army, and you do not, do not cross the horde
>politically incorrect people are all mentally ill

quality post, mandate tranny.
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Who the FUCK let this guy in

A thousand T9 sets can take down any man, woman or fish
I'm rolling horde now.

that's javel, she's white and based

also has a really nice ass and lok'amir.
Puddi visits too!
Fuck puddi, he's a fucked up tranny that only starts dramma.
>also has a really nice ass
post it
it's flabby, don't bother
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>Nice ass

This is the Horde not a Womans stall! I do not care about "her" political views or "her" assets, I care about her worth as a WARRIOR
because prep, zug and handro are all massive cuckolds and won't kick any trannies
Can you be any more cringy.
I thought this was a meme
this general makes me feel really uncomfortable
are 4chan guilds just dudes swaping pictures?
that's literally just a man ass, and not even a good man ass
will Finalflash let me join his guild if I'm shy and don't say much in guildchat? I like Finalflash :3
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Thats a mans ass, not even thicc or cute in any way, just a grown mans ass, are you guys seriously that fucking gay

oh im sorry I thought we were a community based on a fantasy game, not buzz words
what is the next weapon upgrade after whirlwind axe? i already know about bonenbiter at 35 for alliance but what's next?
You only need bis legendaries for guilds pushing world first mythic. Normal mythic guilds still progressing will have people with bis legendaries and people without. If you're anyways serious of a players you'll average around 1 legendary every two weeks from all the mythic plus dungeons you run anyway. High level mythic players reroll the rng so many times a week that they get all their legendaries anyway because of bad luck protection. Best thing to do to catch up is join a casual heroic guild and do raids with them and mythic plus dungeons then join a mythic guild when a new raid tier launches and the item level ceiling is increased.
ok, just fuck off now.
you're such a pathetic faggot holy shit. Do you have any friends irl?
don't bother with these faggots he's probably from dindus posting EPIC God Emperor memes
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she's the top healer in mandate if that's what you're asking.
Thats the thing. Its a perfect man's ass.
t. sad neckbeard who finds shit like >>186830792 entertaining
that's a man's ass
>and not even a good man ass
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You dont have any fun in your life, do you
I don't find it entertaining I just think it's embarrassing you think calling shit "cringey" on 4chan makes you any less of an awkward sperg irl
Show me a good one.
Assblasted tranny replies aside, this post was pretty good.
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you'd have to be gay not to hit this.
Please post more of this shit art, it'll definitely help you feel like a man or whatever the fuck you're supposed to be.
I'm gay and would absolutely hit that.

What's embarassing is that post. And you defending it.
who's on the right?
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Its funny that they are all poltards and orbit zug despite him bieng a spic.
Handro actually kicked jarjarz and boipuccy but that tranny worshiper zug invited them back every time, WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED.
that's zugzuggler
>>186830830 is literally in WWD right now
The second image was a reaction to the first, correct? would be weird for it to be coincidental.
This is /elyg/, not /pol/, indulge yourself in the world, or else the game becomes boring and monotonous
Can you just fuck off already. Your posts are boring and monotonous.
Protomaan, hes the one who makes all the oc for horde side.
nice ad hominem faglord
His butt was better, yes.
Not really. Not even after all the hrt.
thats the most positive response i've gotten about playing legion this late. here or wowg
maybe il check how the tanks play and just experience the content i don't really mind never doing mythic raids.
tfw burned out again
eat a cock
Nope zugzuggler is darker than that, hes a spic. Also he chainsmokes hes not fit.
Protomaan makes all the oc and he wont shut up about "i would be a higher level if i didnt have a job and didnt work out everyday"
>mfw raid logging
>mfw everyone is raid logging
>mfw dont even need to farm gold anymore
new server WHEN
yeah zug is an enormous tranny orbiter
why the fuck advertise yourself as the "anti tranny" guild when your figurehead does nothing but defend and orbit trannys?
>post aimed to insult the faggot is an ad hominem
wow, you're a bright one aren't you.
I miss blonblon's ass..............
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Tanking and healing is pretty easy up to Mythic, then youll have to know what youre doing at that point

Ah, the sweet tears of those who find immersion to be a bad thing
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*takes a puff of my cigar*
yet another lonesome night on the bridge..
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Wrong. I got a commission from Zug to make a piece comparing some of the members, he sent me a pic of either him or one of the members in the discord and asked me to do something with it.
Pic related, this is another piece I was asked to make.
because he'll never land himself a tranny girlfriend and will just chase them off with his creepy pick-up moves.

zug is the weaponized autism we need in these darkest of times.
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one bullet for every tranny.png
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Pulling the trigger on every tranny

leave no trannies alive in your wake
>chase them off
I'm not sure if making one an officer is the correct way to do that.
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Check the Ironforge Airport, friend
Are you guys being serious or is it just super funny to pretend to be creepy homosexuals?
I'm not knocking being gay but all of this makes me feel genuinely uncomfortable.
Like, are you guys literally trading lewd faggy pictures to each other? WTF does that have to do with vanilla WoW? And half of you are literally underage.

I want off this ride. I'm not meaning to sound judgemental but that shit is pretty fucking weird.
as I thought. it's yet another hardboiled, lonesome night..
shut up slut I tried to keep you company you ignored me
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Well, before zug was outed as Loiez he was on a massive crusade against MoH, to the point that it was fucking cringey. (Probably cause of the whole getting benched, gkicked twice and posting dick picks thing)
But ever since people called him out on bieng Loiez he did a complete 180, orbiting the trannies in the dindu nigger guild and flirting with all of them nonstop in gchat. The guy has some problems thats for sure.
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bros... the dindus are too strong... they've built up resistance to electrotherapy... WE CAN'T STOP THEM
keep up the good fight brother, remove the trannies
please don't call me that
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*shoves you to the ground*
*whispers in your ear*
*tauri wow*

*runs off into the distance*
Even the grey dindus are able to take on the level 60 trannies, MoH end is coming close
>lvl ??
yeah that's going to work.
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shooting dwarf.jpg
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Wash yer back...
>Well, before zug was outed as Loiez he was on a massive crusade against MoH,
nope, always a cuck
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why is tucker so based?
Sure you never said it outright but....
>notorious for making ALL OC
>Spend all your time talking about "working out" in discord.
Denying it just makes you seem as mentally ill as zug, anyone whos seen his dick pic 100% knows thats not him on the right. And you claiming thats him in discord and in this thread just further cements the fact that its you on the right. No need to be ashamed man.
>ODcucker takes it like a bitch and gets fried
>based tranny slayer ambushes the trannies blasts them away
Not all dindus are born equal
I just appreciate nice ass, ok. I'm not stalking or orbiting anybody.
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>pull the trigger on every tranny leave no trannies alive in your wake
>barely able to do more than 1 damage
so this.... is the power..... of we wuz dindus...
stop falseflagging me.
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Zugzuggler if you are reading this can you please stop talking about my feet in gchat and sending me pms all day its legit creeping me out. Im seriously considering putting you on ignore and leaving the guild.
Just had to get that off my chest.
t. Sniffhow
did you kill him?
based zug.
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>after months of drawing propaganda for a dead on arrival guild he starts saying that he did it all because he was ordered to
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I just wanted a good fucking guild, GOD DAMN IT why cant you fuckers just learn to play a fucking game together without wanting to fuck every person that compliments you on your goddamn healsnipes oh my fucking GOD
I hope he keeps stalking her, I really dont want any girls/trannies in our guild. Hopefully he will scare them all away with his autism.
Nah I kind of feel bad for the kid. Hes actually very pleasant to talk to... but its obvious hes sort of devestated by the recent developments to the guild.
female nightelf druid or warrior?

already have a priest and mage
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The counter movement to MoH... has become MoH.

This is too real. This is the reason WoW is becoming a single player game, because of communities like these, where everyone thinks theyre a special snowflake and everyone is so goddamn underage they want to fuck the first person who says "wow, dude, you did great, man!"

I hate what you've done to my guild. I hate what youve done to this community, and I hate what youve done to yourselves.

Fuck trannies.
you're taking video games much too seriously
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Remember to never give up, keep up the fight
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tfw the counter movment to moh was salty dogs and now they've been converted into trannies
Maybe, but fucking hell, This shit hurts.
You guys almost had a good tabard this time but you had to ruin it with the ugly ass leafy boarder in green. Still waiting for the guild without a cringy name and bad tabard and I'll join it, even if a faggot like handro or prepdabull is leading it.
>tucker joins the guild
>does nothing but blogpost and attention whore and talk about heroin
>tfw the cucks in charge will never ban him
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Remember trannies, the grey kills you commited will not go unpunished
no shit retard, dindu fags had to wait until they thought tucker had died irl to remove him, he'll never be kicked by the spineless cucks with power
As someone whos been a dindu for about 2 months I feel your pain, the rate at which the guild is declining is mind boggling. I honestly dont even know what to do anymore. When we sacked Handro, we should of gotten rid of Zug too, the way hes been posting the last 2 weeks is the complete opposite of the guy I knew when I joined. I thought it was tranny shitposting but I think the dude for real snapped or something.
>keeping dindu as the guild name
These retards are actively working against themselves.
where is Designated corpse?
holy shit i found lumikaru's wife, she really does exist

This, holy shit. I'm pretty high up but ever since the week before the handro thing went down this guild has just become the exact opposite of why i loved it in the first place. It's no longer just a comfy bunch of dudes shitposting and having fun, now its all about egos and drama. I don't even really care any more and i'm probably gquit anyway.
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Reminder that the dupe script still works for now. Assuming with CF coming into the fold it'll be patched soon since it didn't work on their beta realm.

1. Mouse over stackable item
2. Paste macro into chat and hit enter

Congratulations, you now have the maximum stack size of said item. All I ask is that you don't use it to crash the market and fuck it up for everyone, just use it on vendor shit.

/run f=function(i) o='' for I=-(string.len(i)),-1 do o=o..string.sub(i,-I,-I) end return o end RunScript(f("dne )(metIrosruCeteleD )P(metIyrotnevnIpukciP od 32,0=P rof"))
Hope that faggot dies soon.
god damn it, stop posting this, some retard's gonna crash the market
wtf holy shit i'm rich now i can buy my epic mount
thanks bro!
how long would it take me to level a hunterbro from 30 to 60 on alliance
Thats because when handro was active, he actually gkicked toxic people / trannies / namefags. As soon as he stopped loggin in the guild went to ABSOLUTE SHIT.
It was already pretty bad as Dindus of Nuffin, I felt fucking terrible seeing that name over my head, but then instead of forming with a new name to distance themselves from drama they just slapped another cringy meme on top of it and put the drama into overdrive. Dunno what they were thinking.
Sorry to hear that man, I actually feel bad for you. I'm really glad I rolled Alliance instead and missed this shit.
You can't be a countermovement if you never raid. The only real countermovement was Denominator but he lost it all.
Trannies always win.
Handro was a fucking retarded faggot, eat shit moron. He kicked people who didn't deserve it all the time and chatbanned them. Same with his clique of officers. DoN was the WORST leadership I have seen from a Horde guild, even worse than placeholder.
>/run f=function(i) o='' for I=-(string.len(i)),-1 do o=o..string.sub(i,-I,-I) end return o end RunScript(f("dne )(metIrosruCeteleD )P(metIyrotnevnIpukciP od 32,0=P rof"))
Im gonna try this real quick on a different account, considering elysium bans you for using WoD models you cant be too careful
does elysium hand out IP bans? I might try it out on a VPN if thats the case, I just dont believe there can be something that the chinese havent abused yet
t. namefag that got kicked
Yes, they do hand out IP bans, but you probably won't be banned for this. Ely also doesn't actually ban for WoD models, they retweeted some guy who had them on and unless you specifically tell them you have them they can't do shit.
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>I join guilds for the tabard and name
no wonder all the shitposting against handro got so fierce, all the namefags and attention whores are nice and snug in the new dindu guild and having their assholes licked by zug at every opportunity
handro was awful at the end, but fuck man he never bowed to the trannies like zug and prep do
Join <Colon Three> we have coolest looking tabard.
I would join Verycoolguy's guild desu, I really regret not joining impresive fihgters the 700 times I was invited to it.
>I felt fucking terrible seeing that name over my head
>I'm really glad I rolled Alliance instead

this is your average mandate player, friends.

I also enable the own name shown feature so I don't forget my name in case I'm taking screenshots to post on discord.
Don't make like 5k gold and ruin it for everyone and you'll be fine. On Kronos and Nost this happened too and they just rolled it back a few hours when they found out. The people who were using it for weeks still kept hundreds if not thousands of gold
Yeah, it was bad enough with all the recent drama... when the guild disbanded I thought MAYBE for a second we would actually get a cool guild name.. but NOPE. They probably think it was a clever name too "WE WAZ DINDOOS HAHA GET IT XD" I can practically hear the faggots patting themselves on their backs. Whatever I just rerolled alliance as well, I was only un my 20s so its not too bad of a do-over.
What namefag / tranny were you?
I'm used to playing games that show your name over your head, so I leave it on in WoW because I've grown to like it. Don't be a hater please. :)
I will use this on the Steelbloom Monopoly the chink farmers have and completely ruin their >50s per basic bitch herb bullshit
anyone else wanna try with me?
Yep, with the new leaders of this guild the quality of members has fucking crashed below sea level. They are so desperate for members they accept EVERYONE AND ANYONE. They are desperately trying to cling on for dear life but the namefags and trannies are going to be the death of this guild I swear to christ. I dont even play anymore, I just log in and read the shit show that is the dindu guild chat.
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>check the dindus chat
>zug puddi and tucker shitting it up with degeneracy
boy... getting rid of handro s-sure was an improvement h-haha....
fucking kek, it actually works
going to absolutely destroy the brack rotus and devilsaur leather markets
>"Hey man, it'd be really funny for you to make x and y."
>"Okay, I'll make you x and y. I like shitposting and giving Trannies hysteria."
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Post screens Im at work.
nice damage control fag, your gay little comics would be nothing without me
Dude post screens, but only of your bag, you dont want to be a retard now, do you?
>overshit baby wants proof
either run the macro or don't, pussy
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I fucking love these. Do the OP.
Whats wrong with asking you to show off, mate

we're all just having a gaff here
we made a huge mistake
i wish i sided with handro
handro lad im so fucking sorry
>just post screenshots of yourself using an exploit

sure thing, retard.
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boi i'm boutta do it
>hackers crashing the market again
sell your leather buy a sulfuron ingot and do it with those
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Ho leee
brb crashing this plane with no survivors

If we can ruin the Chinese hold on the market, we can drive them out.

Havent you ever payed attention to business 101
you fucking madman, i'm about to do it
We went from legion shitposting to potentially crashing a market, tomorrow is going to be a fun day
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Gratz to 60 mate.
Wait we wuz dindus? Did something happen to DoN? I quit elysium a few weeks ago. I got to 52 on alliance and was disgusted by Mandate and realized only clique would ever succeed in it. Then went horde and Dindus was dead almost. Had their 60s actually delete or quit after getting 60 like dumbasses.
loeiz/zug lynched the nigger handro

we're now letting puddi/sniffhow run the guild.
zug tricked everybody into thinking overthrowing handro was actually a good idea and now the guild is even more dead than it was and is nothing but just a breeding ground for attention whores
its dead, jim
I actually messaged him when he got online telling him I wish he was still around because the state the guild is in. He was a fucking bro, asked me how I was doing and asked if I needed bags or any recipies for my profession. He gave me 4 bags and wished me best of luck. He is legit one of the nicest guys Ive ever met. Handro man, I miss you!
Guilds suck now, its all about economics now, see linked:


Now I just have to ration out the herb materials very slowly, 2 stacks at a time should be good,maybe per 4 hour intervals
Raid 2 forming soon in MoH with Salty Dog core and memespecs, it's not just clique anymore!

Also Handro stole a bunch of gold and killed the guild
is raid 2 actually happening or is this a meme
>ever using a script given to me by 4chan
yeah right m8.
Eh hem, may I direct you to

Yeah, not a joke, next weekend, they've been talking about it for a while. Expect a lot of shitposting and memes
I heard handro on voice all the time, he wasnt a nigger, he sounded like your typical american bro, his laugh was a little annoying, and I heard it often because zug would make him crack up all the time.
At least with handro autistically kicking people, the faggots were on their best behavior and guild chat was pretty comfy. The state that guild chat is in right now is absolutely disgusting. Zug is completely fucking unhinged as of right now.
When I come back from, im going to sell steelbloom for 10s a unit.

I want to see what happens to the hold these mini chinks have on the herb
Its happening. Next sunday 2 MC raids.

that explains it.
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>MoH is going to get a second raid group
>WWD is going to get a second dead guild
It's like I'm watching a ticking time bomb from the front seats
not the GM nor officer
oh nice, what classes do they need?

i've got a rogue and warrior near max on alliance, been wanting to switch over cause all my friends on horde quit.
>tfw you will buy out it all and make forts for 2g each
Thanks for supporting your fellow alchemists, based retard.
>stop inciting drama, please
>open up discord
>see this
>delete discord

problem solved?
Holy shit, what a fucking joke of a guild. I'm glad i didn't fall for it the second time. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
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>Mocky asking anyone to stop causing drama
You guys let the fox into the hen house, it's over.
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Zugzuggler got outed as loiez. He pathetically tried to brew up some story on how he couldnt possibly be loiez, but got btfo when handro posted screens confirming that he is. Loiez then back peddled and addmitted it.
I mean look at this post he made, read the story and look at him using 2 different discord accounts. The guy is insane and this new guild is going to die because of him as well.
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Hey, i dont mind, Im a tailor, I get all my shit for free anyway

I just want to see the wannabe chinks suffer
based mocky the tranny slayer.
that's not Mocky, it's Rimmer with a meme alt
Who the fuck is Rimmer?
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based lndi killing wwd
>the guy called Moocky it's not Mocky
Of course he isnt, after he got outed as Loiez they shouldnt let him anywhere near a position of power. They way the guy lost his fucking mind in front of everyone the week leading up to the splinter Im suprised they even let him back into the guild.
This is the state dindu discors is in... h-handro p-pleas forgive us....
I rerolled alliance as well, I havent seen handro online but I guess thats expected, the guy was a ghost for like 2 weeks.
Handro please come back.
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That sounds just awful man. Memespecs in raiding isn't what I'm interested in. Losing 2h weapons to retadins as a warrior for example lol gross. Who's the salty dog crew composed of? I'm new to Elysium and private servers in general so I lack the whole knowledge of who's who. If it's chickenlord, marnasaurus, etc that's gross. Those guys were just the most annoying niggers around.
Another person tjat got gkickes by Handro.
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sorry king cuck has spoken
the degenerates are allowed free reign to do what they please and will never face any consequences, just avoid this joke guild
It's going to probably be memespecs until they can fill those spots with actual serious players. Also the Salty Dogs at 60 right now are Asscobra, Chickenlord, and Marna, with Bigwarlokguy at like level 58 or something and Glaston in his late 40s.
Rofl they don't need rogues or warriors I promise you. Jesus everyone plays rogue or warrior. You're never ever needed. Ever. And you'll be sharing loot with half the raid. >>186838531
if you actually have a problem with any of the members feel free to message me. oh wait you can't cause you're just an alliance alt who's bored now that the harem drama in mandate has calmed down.

wrong, we have a slight lack of lvl 60 rogues as of right now
Does Mandate have any use for another mage?
lol, guarantee he looked at the thread and got really upset about being called out so he said something
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Chinese Gold Sellers after the Great Dindu Herb Wars https://youtu.be/OD27woHDWbo
i got mad cause i had to hear zug's annoying ass voice while i was comfyfarming herbs. i was having a good time before that too.

>kicked from wwd discord cuz i dont wanna be a cancer namefagger despite being in the guild
really makes me think
They tried to ginv him, but he said no thanks, hes in some normie guild... not sure which one. Funny thing is after the officer said in gchat that he invited him to the guild zug LOST HIS FUCKING SHIT. Talking about how handro should never ever get invited to the guild, that the last guild failed because handro wouldnt talk to him and fucking sucking his own dick saying that this guild needs him because he basically ran DoN single handedly. They really do need to kick this guy out of the guild already... he brings NOTHING to the table.
who are you, if these guys dont have the balls to even kick tucker they wouldnt kick a literal who
Wow that's fucking sad. I'm noticing a trend with private servers where you have legit no lifers who live on the game as if they were still kids in 2005 again.
>thing's that never happened
and who are you?
i was "aaaaa" in discord
So you can ignore me or mute me, fuck off faggot.
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>being this mad about getting banned for trying to start more drama
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Can I sell Pictures of DoN members now that the guild has died?
I heard photos go for tons of money after an artist dies
To be quite honest if Hansdro is actually Handro then he's a pretty nice guy. I've noticed most people in /vg/ are actually pretty nice on voip.

Still don't like how he ran his guild though.
sorry, preps a cuck
you're better off
>asking ogtucker why he has finally decided to roll on elysium is starting drama
yep yep
Thanks for the info. I thought so. Those salty dog guys are the most annoying fucks ever. I actually enjoyed MoH chat until they jumped over. I hoped northcraft would claim them but only one of them went to it.

Honestly I'd join them even with memespecs if I could stand them but alas I gave up at level 52. Maybe worth going back though.
if you're actually a WWD member, whisper me in game and i'll unban you and apologize. but you're not, you're just a dramaqueen, so you can't whisper me :^)
so you join the discord with the name "aaaaa", the only thing you type is starting shit with some guy in the guild right after the GM said to cut that autistic shit out, and got kicked?

wtf i hate wwd now
Then kick Zug already, Im tired of hearing his autistic rants about handro. Its been days and the guy can not stop talking about him. Hes obbssesive as fuck and the most toxic player Ive ever had the displeasure to meet.
Are you honestly saying Zug doesnt sperg out about handro every 5 minutes? Are you even in the guild???
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>tfw <damage control> is never coming back
bring these issues to me in tells, not in the general lol. I'm not a bitch and can handle criticism, and yes it's getting tiring listening to his drama. Again, feel free to bring this to me in tells, and we can seriously talk about it.
so you can't learn two-hand weapons as a warrior until level 10 in vanilla?
nah that's fine
if the discord is so cucked that u can't even banter with someone u played with on nost then id rather just keep leveling
Wonder if we'll ever see a shit-storm like the GM ninjaing the ZG mount from his own guild in a wpsg guild ever again.
i sincerely hope yeb is fucking dead in a ditch somewhere
r.i.p <damage control>
Depends on your race what weapon skills you start with.
>banter is autistic
nice tranny safespace you got there
>still no serious replies

We reformed since handro sperged out and kicked all the 60s then gdisbanded

Prep is new gm he seems pretty aware of shit, he used to be in Nihilum apparently, working on gearing up our 60s atm and getting lowbies levelled, mostly running 5 mans although me and prep have already run pug UBRS just need someone to get the key so we can start farming ourselves

Guild is chill and already has more 60s than the guild under handro did

Message someone in game to get an invite

t. Squido
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>mfw i started playing ely after gummy failed
>mfw i almost rolled horde /vg/ guild
>mfw from experience horde has been mostly filled with unemployable manchildren
>mfw i scroll through the last 5 threads reading all this horde faggotry
>mfw government programs to euthanise the subhuman should happen soon
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Da loa, dey whisper to me.. Many will not undastand, but you, zugular, must not lead da guild. Da loa whisper to me da name of a Tauren, one dat blows a whistle and draws mythical artworks of da guild. Protoman must lead the dindus..
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oh, you mean someone who doesn't even play the game should lead. great advice
God I just can't wait to get home and suck on Sniffhow's toes. Real girls like her are just the best.
He would do more than Handy or Zugulator ever did, in all honesty
t. stuck at avatar or mister sassysnake

I've killed avatar and will kill KJ within a few weeks, the difficulty of Legion raiding isn't a reason to play it. It's a shit MMO.
me too brother

he's done the most by making great comics lol anyone can lead a guild not anyone can draw
what times/days are the 2nd raid group raiding?
I don't care about memes, shitposting, trannies, etc. The only reason I've never bothered trying to join is because of the raid times.
t. pre-bis geared paladin (not even sure you need that but if it's a 2nd group i imagine you need everything)
sorry mate, they're the only classes i've ever really played. haven't actually had any trouble of getting into groups/raids as either especially on nost/elys.

not necessarily to join moh but which do you guys think i should continue with? having a hard time deciding between rogue/warr
either or honestly, warriors are a bit more overpopulated but both are top dps
Where the fuck is the link for the previous thread
blame the retarded dindu who also included a shit load of orcbit """"class guides"""", almost all of which contain wrong information lmao
omg this script actually works
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Damage Control2.jpg
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tfw i still blame myself for handing gm to yeb

aylmoa truly won in the end...
Real boys like blonblon are just better.
who handed gm to yeb, was it gamer? or pulpjackson? i forget what the fucking line of succession was for DC
how can the saltycucks be annoying in gchat if none of them hardly talk but glaston with his occasionally unfunny meme
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Redpill me on Sniffhow and her toes
It's because he's a fucking moron and takes the thread as fact when more than likely he's never interacted with any of them. They hop in voice every so often and they're all pretty cool.
kill yourself puddi
One Day I will start a guild

that day will be when my guild on tauri finally dies off tho

cant manage two guilds now
why do dindus allow sniffhow to samefag about himself for hours?
Glaston (Gamer) made the guild, then gave leader to Chickenlord so that people would join it, then he gave it back to Glaston, who gave it to Pulp, who gave it back to Glaston, who gave it to Yeb. In Glaston's defense, Pulp was a really cool dude and Yeb seemed like he was determined to make something out of the guild so I don't think he fucked up too bad.
Daily reminder that <We Wuz Dindus> is the #1 community without any cliques!
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Thanks for the kind words, gamer, but it really should have been a red flag when he said he was going to make Immrsimple an officer. Entirely my fault.

I just didn't want to let everyone down who was in the guild and hitting 60 so I handed it to someone who really wanted to play
he's level 60
horde fall to the power of the alliance and the might of Cuckmeme!
It's a guild were the clique got cucked by a literal who.
Its a guild where the GM talks about Man Ass and Feet
dude you better stop posting or you'll trigger some autistic fag that never talks and make him hate and shitpost about you!
>no clique
This is dindu nigger clique
Loiez (mentally ill tranny orbiter)
Squido (handicapped autist)
Goondrinkerr (fucking cunt)
Cheevo (retard who deleted his character)
Mcbeef (another tranny orbiter)
Prepdabull (barrymanalow, literal who in don who got gm of splinterguild because everyone was too lazy)
Sniffhow (tranny with a foot fetish)
Protomaan (cringey comic maker)
Bonhuntier (poorfag gypsie)
Broraka (powerhungry teen)
Semitrix (typical faggot aka klimpen)
Diaperslurp (kek)
Lerkingpoo (a fucking normie, doesnt know what 4chan is)
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easiest kill of my life
>Man Ass
Hey, i'm not wwd GM.
tfw no salty dogs
only because I like to fuck the fag outta them

Methinks Senna From /wpsg/ should just start a guild here already
What level was RFK again? 27-30?
please god no. hes awful to raid with and a total loot whore. him being made an officer completely ruined <you> for me.
Spoonfeed me, and maybe something good will come your way.
fuck no, /wpsg/ namefags are somehow even worse than /elyg/ ones
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I know, dont you just love it!


holy fuck that name brought me back. and all these nostbabies think people like ogtucker or finalflash are bad, holy shit they ahve no idea.
Stop touching my herbs you nigger
>hue monkey fanboy
>not running anything into the barrier
i got 3 black lotus before i hit 60 and i dont even have alchemy lmao feels good man
What ruined the guild for me was when Cobe let Senna take over raid leading because it was clear that 25 man hardmodes weren't happening with how many people would randomly decide to not show up on raid days.

I thought Meer and Snide were the worst raid leaders I'd ever played with until I met Senna.
>lootban for no flasks
>No items after 3.0
>Lose priority rolls for not having gems/enchants

>For fucking NAXXRAMAS
hooly shit I remember being a DPS in ToC and half the people only had Heroic Dungeon gear, this nigger thinks that he needs that much shit for fucking NAXX?
he tries autistically hard to emulate being a raid leader of a top tier competitive guild but he doesnt have the people skills nor the knowledge of how to actually do it.
im just purging chinese filth from alliance lands! for the alliance!
wow the salty dogs are soooooo fucking annoying bro oh my god *vapes heroin*
Youre the only 60 that got kicked. Because you told a GM to pass you guild leader you fucking autist. Then zug and his orbiters followed you.
lol I guess I have missed a lot. Just two weeks ago it had been nothing but mandate drama in here for a month.
It is, I sent gold to hansdro and he sent me 4 runecloth bags with handro. Yeah he seemed like a nice enough guy.
based cuckmeme
>pick a ponytail style
>clips through shield everytime a step is taken
wat do
Well that's fine bud but I'm just saying you're a dime a dozen. If you go through the trouble and get Ironfoe/Felstriker though you'll be at least worthwhile. If you don't do that though then you're gonna be useless.
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Sorry, I kept getting distracted by Salty Bet. Fuck niggers.
t. The Chicken Lord, Original Content Creator
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>Being Nice
>wrong comic retard
OK that actually got me
Prep doesn't have the material to be GM.

He is.
femhuman? never pick the tranny-bun or tranny-tail(the one that has a ridiculously unrealistic form)
I haven't been around as I said in awhile. I quit. But they were around on gchat and voice both. Annoying as fuck too. Same with that nigger Blinkbolt who always goes on about how much better k2 is than Elysium.
The meme is that he was overtly nice to everyone and a spineless cuck, yes he went out of his way to be friendly to everyone, giving out bags, mats, recipies,
power leveling.
Im not sure what youre getting at.
Didn't you quit?

Awww look more butt buddies defending each other.
based as fuck
what hairstyle are female nightelf tanks supposed to use?
You're clearly thinking of other people because they seem completely fine to me. Much better than that fucking retard always begging for help for the axe he's going to replace in 3 levels or that literal who spamming about retbulls.
>he gave out bags, mats, and recipes that were donated by other people

whoa what a real human bean
Funny you shit on Lerking when he was by far the most helpful and good guy in Dindus. If he was the gm the guild would succeed imo.
Possibly your best work yet
Holy shit thats the guild Handro joined, I saw him in booty bay.
short hair
Yeah but he has lyme disease, so who knows how much time left on earth he has.
>Prepdabull (barrymanalow, literal who in don who got gm of splinterguild because everyone was too lazy)

Kek so DoA confirmed?
We wuz we wuz dindus when?
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>Wrong comic retard
lul you guys seem to be pretty bothered by what was said about you here. you moh niggers love to shit talk each other behind backs I swear
>guy who made shitty comics for a scam guild
>tries to defend handro to the death
>joins splinter guild for a day
>quits silently without a word
Madti is my boyfriend stop abusing him
Holy fuck, thank you. The best one yet.
One of them gave me 40g to finish my mount training and a couple backpacks
MMOs are supposed to be a time waster.
I'm still on and off however I have a lot more fun making comics and shitposting than leveling my warrior.
A few weeks max. The guild is in the worst state Ive ever seen.
Yea a few people quit, too many drama queens / trannies / namefags ruining absolutely EVERY CONVERSATION
What are you ladies grinding out AV to?
The dream died with Handro.
I don't know what happaned? It could have been so nice

There is no reason to stay, for all Handro's flaws he was better than Prep
Why is Glaston (Chickenlord) such a god?
t. handro
only comic out of both you and proto to actually make me chuckle, good work anon
He was only playing for a couple hours a day ti be fair. But the way zug and his orbiters wouldnt stop shitting up discord and gchat trying to turn people against him was fucking pathetic, It was all a bullshit power play to get GM title.
>hes still bringing him up
Damn Loiez, for a second I thought you finally fucking ended yourself. Do us all a favor and get over him dude, its not healthy to obsess over someone this hard.
but he's responding to a post that brought him up

how can be be bringing him up in a response to you bringing him up

something isn't right here anondro
Are you implying DoN 2.0 has a better future without him?
Handro gathered the core around him, he was the face of the horde on /vg/.
I sense that the morale is dropping

Unfortunately only a few people liked him
>a couple hours a day

he logged on maybe once a week.

>get 400g from cheevo after he quit
>decides that the best way to spend that money FOR THE GUILD LIKE CHEEVO ASKED was to buy himself an epic mount, "so i can totally help the other warlocks in the guild with their mount quests!"
>guild has like 3 60's at the time

so... this is the power of handro's leadership... interesting..
>Loiez still cant stop thinking about him.
Message him my guy, he said earlier in the thread that he misses you. I was always a sucker for good love stories.
anyone wanna start a fresh horde guild?
>handro still trying to rewrite history

You logged on once a week. When asked to organize things at end-game you didn't respond to anyone. You kicked multiple for what seemed like no reason, and refused to respond when people asked about it. It was later discovered that you were an unironic communist and kicked anyone who mentioned national socialism (yes he actually did this I wish I was making it up at this point). You then proceeded to steal 400g from the guild bank which resulted in multiple members leaving, then you disbanded the guild.
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Yeah, say what you will about the guy but at least he was always autistically in the thread grabbing the op and promoting / gatheting members.
Give it a rest with this "damage controll" Loiez. You said the guild would be better off without him and we are dying faster than ever.
No, but I support you all the way, provided the name isn't cringy as fuck, you don't have a chatban rank, and give everyone a chance to prove themselves in the guild without bringing old drama or shitposting into it.
how to 5500 darnasus rep at 60?
>suddenly handro uses the same filename after some guy who swears he wasn't handro is defending him

ahahahhahhhahahah you can't even make this shit up anymore

>34 people online in eu prime

calm down handro, i'm sure everyone in moh will love having a confirmed guild thief and scumbag in their guild and they'll totally accept you

also lol if i was zug i wouldn't be able to spell half these words.
Loiez its time to stop....
You already got your little splinter guild together, what is the point of bringing him up as often as you do? This is sad.

Remember when you got absolutely destroyed in that argument last night? Still cracks me up.
>hes still bringing him up
Loiez please...
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>i dont wanna play I just want people who are playing a game I'm not playing to play the way I want them to play


if he was smart he wouldn't have done his best to try to kill the horde guild (good work lmao, it's more active than ever)

he also married and fucked a nigger, and has little nigglets that he raises and pays for. No wonder he couldn't help but steal the 400g, it's in his coalburning blood.
this is what loeiz donger abstinence does to your brain
Loiez please...
The thread was going so well too.
I just said I don't want to make it, I didn't say I wasn't going to play or be affected by it. What's wrong with you dude?
>try to do two quests while leveling
>they aren't in the game
>they originally were on the server, but were removed because they were supposed to be in a later patch
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>loeiz reaches 60
>not taken to raid 12 hours later because he wasn't attuned
>goes on vacation for a week
>comes back, wants to farm UBRS
>doesn't get a full guild group for an entire afternoon
>spergs the fuck out and deletes his fucking 60
>shitposts in the thread for the next week how he's disabled and WoW is his life along with anime
>begs GMs to restore character
>gets back into guild, whispers guild members weird shit all day, especially priests
>gets told MoH isn't interested in giving a raidspot to someone who deleted his character in a sperg attack and then shitposted about the guild for a week
>spergs out again and starts shitposting against members again
>Manlett kicks him
>tries to join pupper pals whose GM reads this thread so gets denied
>joins random guild
>rerolls Horde as Zugzuggler
Tbh actually this is my post >>186845616 (You)
One of the few posts I made in the pasts threads
Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.

The greatness of every mighty organization embodying an idea in this world lies in the religious fanaticism and intolerance with which, fanatically convinced of its own right, it intolerantly imposes its will against all others.

The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the vast masses of the nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies but would be ashamed to tell a big one.

What luck for the rulers that men do not think.

The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.
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I got one.
Eh hem.
Fuck Trannies Fuck Trannies Fuck Trannies ah fuck I cant be bothered to constantly type this shit out, im gonna go do some pet battles or some dumb shit
I have one too.
Loeiz... buddy.....

alright guys, Loeiz aka ZugZuggler has a long history in MoH.

>joined as a low level, immediately starts crying because no one is paying attention to him, begs for carries during the day on a Monday
>starts shitposting hard in the thread, saying weird cringey random shit in discord
>finally comes out and says in a sob story in the thread that all he has to live for is saturday morning cartoons and vanilla wow
>comes back to the guild, starts orbiting madti and a few other people
>gets rejected, deletes all his gear and still tries to run dungeons
>goes on a shitposting frenzy, deletes his character in a fit of autistic rage
>goes on a shitposting rampage now, posting screens of his character selection and how much he hates trannies
>gets his character restored, tries to rejoin mandate, orbits madti even more because the thread told him madti missed him
>doesnt get an invite to ony because he's mentally ill
>goes off the deep end, posts his dick in the thread as well as sending it to several "girls" in mandate

reminder, this guy is at the helm of the horde guild now
Never asked for GM I don't want it
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You did though, retard.
>Be me, Loiez
>wake up in my mexican mudhut
>scan the thread
>multiple posts talking shit about my glorious self
>start shitting up an otherwise decent thread with post after post of h-handro its handro, everyone look at handro, loiez is the greatest am i rite XD
I wish you used a trip so I could filter you, you fucking imbecile.
t. handro
Imagine bieng this autistic.
Loiez.... its time to stop, this is getting out of hand.
t. handro
Just message him, Im sure he will forgive you.
t. handro
>joining a guild where pics are shared, voice chat when no raid is happening and rampant discord-namefag culture
you should've seen the first signs and quit right at the beginning.
Loiez... please.
>he doesnt talk with people over voice and have fun
what are you, autistic? dont blame us because you're a joyless sad sack
I can, but I can't imagine being this autistic to impersonate 2 people and shitpost the past few threads non-stop
The first sign of what? Social interaction? I can't believe there are retards who have actually deluded themselves into this mindset, so I'll assume this is bait.
>he doesn't talk to people irl
what are you, autistic?
there's a time and place for things and creating a discord club instead of a guild isn't comfy or wow-like to me
>Asking a literal retard to stop acting retarded.
Remember when moh did their stupid little pickle guild thing, zugzuggler immediately joined in and followed them around, despite no one telling him about it

then, dads told him to fuck off because he was being autistic, and zugzuggler got all whiney and saying how he could have protected us but dads was mean to him (which is exactly how loeiz acted)

THEN, shortly after zugzuggler leaves the group and Loeiz actually logs onto his priest, somehow knows exactly where moh was on their characters, and starts murdering them

This guy is fucking mentally ill man
have a cry you little autsitic bitch
What was it you had again? Was it lyme disease like lerking? Im legit curious, I know youre stuck in a wheelchair, right?
t. Dindu who wants to know exactly how disabled you are
>calling people autistic
>thinks discord circlejerking with 4chan is meaningful social interaction
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Who exactly is this Loiez guy, and why is he pretending to be zugzuggler.
Can someone redpill me please?
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>using discord to stay in touch with the friends you made in your guild when you aren't able to play is autistic
>talking to people is autistic
>socialising is autistic
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>Remember when moh did their stupid little pickle guild thing...
All too well anon, all too well.
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or soon. or else.
Holy shit can you don wwd or w/e you're nowdays just fuck off entirely? Nobody cares about your shit guild, nobody cares about loiez because he's literally who fucking retard, nobody cares about handro because most people never even saw him. JUST FUCK OFF. You shitters are somehow even more unbearable than all the madti/puddi/lumi shitposting. literally kys.
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noooooooo stop taking attention away from meterposting
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Honestly he's probably the type of retard that mutes his mic if he's forced to join voip, and then posts later about how autistic EVERYONE ELSE is but him.
dinduposting is all that keeps this fucking thread alive
I have a prominent alpha wave across the entire scope of my brain. I don't smoke weed or do drugs regularly, it's just how my brain is. Super chill, all the time.
>Both his discord photos are mexican guys.
Whoa, so loiez is no joke, not even kidding, i shit you not, honest to god a full blown spic??!!
You c a n n o t make this up! This just gets better and better.
Tell me Lopez, whats with the white power memes, do you honestly consider yourself white you fucking taco?
>this is what dindus actually believe
the issue is you think talking to strangers from 4chan is socialising, think "banter" is talking about trannies and guild drama and think that's on the same level as normal real life interaction just because you put a cynical spin on your insults is weird. I've been in /vg/ discords and it's not full of social outcasts. What the fuck else would you expect from 4chan? But in your retarded brain you feel superior because you get that daily """banter""" (awkwardly imitating real life talk safe behind a computer screen) Call it whatever you want.
i feel very sorry for you
ya but their still fags tho lol
t. me
You guys are incredibly autistic. You should raid log, let no one speak besides the officers and raid leader, then log off without saying a word to each other. Imagine being so autistic that you make friends and have fun interacting with people in am MMORPG.
This x100.
A lot of people here (mostly teenagers but whatever) have been acting "ironically" like dipshits for so long that it's become their entire online personality.
>look at how sarcastic I am
Most normal people do just that, you autistic sperg. Then they go out and have real conversations with real people.
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>Imagine being so autistic that you make friends
>you are the only one keeping the other thread alive while this one shitposts about trannies all night long

Why do I even try
I fucking hated that those wings would rotate with your camera instead of being static textures.

>oh look there's some cool wings
>let's make them fucking invert when you have your camera behind your character which is 99.99999999999999999999999% of the time
New here, is everyone here this retarded or is it just a back and forth between 2 or 3 people
Im here. Playing an alliance toon for the first time ever. People on this side seem way friendlier than in horde no joke. Everyone Ive come across has been super friendly.
Plus the nelf starting zone was perhaos the most comfy Ive ever been in this game.
How are you tonight?
>is everyone here this retarded
Yes. It's worse even than you may suspect.
>People on this side seem way friendlier than in horde no joke. Everyone Ive come across has been super friendly.

Side effect of the estrogen.
Im doing good, just shitposting here while I wait to come home from some stupid get together

too bad the guild died in the middle of that trip tho
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>night elf priest
What are the areas to avoid while leveling? Im 100% unfamiliar with alliance zones.
daily reminder that if you made a night elf or human priest, you're literally a sociopath with no regard for other human beings. You actively chose to make 39 other peoples lifes worse, because you have such bad taste that you think Dwarves look bad because they're stout and have beards, and that sends your anime-riddled brain into conniptions. If I ever met someone who made a nelf or human priest IRL, i would fucking american history X their fucking face into the sidewalk.
>b-b-but once n-naxx comes out m-my spirit racial will scale w-well right?
What about nelf hunter?
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avoid stranglethorn vale until you absolutely HAVE to go there

its a nightmare on all sides, other than that, the leveling guide on the OP should be pretty good

Hey its not our fault the racials are unbalanced, Horde Doesnt have Fear Ward and you dont see them complaining, asshole
They have shamans.
i don't care nearly as much. Hunter racials for alliance are both mediocre at best; for priest dwarf is the best by far out of all priest races, and nelf and human are the two worst by a mile.

It says a lot that the only priests in MoH that we raid with that aren't dwarves are the erp tranny faggots. That is exactly the type of subhuman that would make a nelf/human priest.

because they have tremor totem, you fucking subhuman.
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And the alliance has Pally buffs which you use every 5 minutes, booo fucking hoo

>He is this much of a perfectionist about raids with little to no mechanics
Those buffs don't remove fear. I'm not saying Shamans are better than Paladins I'm just saying horde has a unique answer to fear and alliance does as well.
kek at allies attacking me as i'm fighting a mob. good job :)
You vastly overstate the usefulness of fear ward in PvE
>literally so mad that he literally made a literal post on a literal website full of literally anonymous literal people LITERALLY
>LITERALLY this LITERALLY mad about LITERALLY being LITERALLY replied to in a LITERAL fashion
o boy I am LITERALLY laughing right now HONESTLY
>leveling my alliance hunter
>killing mobs 5 levels higher than me without a problem
This is going to be even easier than getting my warlock to 60 huh?
Heyyy, you can actually use that vanilla guide addon now, cuz it was designed for fucks like you, yknow :D
>not following the guide 2 levels under the recommended level playing as a warrior

spotted the casual
tfw game crashes and last thing i see is level ?? wwd member ganking someone in front of me

i'm scared gamers
>not following the guide 10 levels under the recommended level playing as a warrior without any gear

Spotted the legionbabby
>play priest
>Hey there fellow gamer why dont you do this elite quest real quick, its super easy :DDDDDD
lads, bad news

I just looked at Yesimret's newest logs and he's still at the bottom below everyone
what can we do to fix his healing?
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Guess he didn't stay very safe...
Stop ganking my boyfriend.
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Dont be scared of wwdoniggers
>guide says any class can solo it
>gives a few ways for each class to do it
>its only hunter, rogue, warlock
proto is a handro crony, he is not wwd
Go away Puddi.
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Was there ever a defined reason as to why Humans couldnt be hunters in Vanilla WoW?
I never got why
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Send me his name, I live to cuck Dindu niggers. The human race must be pure and untarnished by nigger scum like them.
t. Chickenlord, White Supremacist
Dont bully Pancake, he dindu nuffin
>still replying
Nice screenshot nigger, did you crop out the other 60's helping you?
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>using Ctrl as a Modifier

eh hem

use qertyzxc1234 as spell binds
use the shift modifier for extra keybinds

lower the sensitivity of your mouse because you are obviously new to computer games
>c-9, c-0
What do you have baby hands
Hmm im not sure, it seems like dwarf and human would be the obvious candidates for hunter.
Moving your hand to click those buttons seems like itd slow you down a tad, dont you think?
i was level 55, was tabbed out changing my episode of Always Sunny while riding through wpl, and he still had to pop retaliation and a potion to beat me lol
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Die, die, die, nigger. I need no 60s to help me. Nigger scum like you should be taken out into the streets and shot. I, The Chickenlord, will dispose of you personally. I don't need my army to back me up on this one.
These are optimal nigger killing keybindings. To change them would be a disservice to the white race.
t. Chicken "Niggers on a pike when I Mortal Strike" Lord
hahahha holy shit i knew the salty dog clique was shit, but holy fuck jesus christ this is peak garbage lmao
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for fucks sake man what kind of torture is that
ITT: Literal woman hands
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Tell me this isnt the GOAT
>nothing on F
absolutely disgusting
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Im a fucking priest what do you need F for
Its reserved for paying respects
the number keys are there for the action bar
If you rebind r how do you reply to whispers, how do you strafe or open your character tab. Its called efficiency
>Q and E for keybinds
this meme gets me every time
All Eyes See My Sins
>He actually kept a default keybind that wasnt nameplates

I feel so sorry for you

>the strafe meme
its called using your mouse
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>he doesnt have a razer naga
F and C are god tier buttons. There is no excuse for not using them.
>you will never be a part of the paladin police force
strafe should be a and d. Q and E are for binds, as are every other button including and to the left of the 5tgv axis on the keyboard.

shift should be bound on those keys that are left of that axis and NOT in the zxc row.

alt should be bound on those keys left of the axis and are NOT in the `123 row.
Didnt need it in 2004, dont need it now

>F and C

my setup works perfectly, F is out of the way, its too much trouble

see but I dont have enough worthwhile spells and consumables to turn my entire keyboard into a clickety clackity mess
Does it really matter when people clicked their way through molten core?
Honestly now, WoW isnt that hard
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What did she mean by this?
>Feminine tusks
Wow Ironforge is probably the best city ive seen in game. Why does alliance get the best towns?
can you dindus please take back Squido? he's staplerx right? the guy is leveling his MoH hunter and blogging our discord to death
If you want to raid in a shitter guild go ahead, some people like to play with people that are good so you clear content smooth, fast with little repair bills or consumables.
Explains alot, really.
It's a remnant from the alpha, there was going to be a reoccuring theme that female trolls look like male trolls.
I doubt anyone here wants him either
please do not bully the squidster
Race fantasy is better

Horde literally live in dirt huts and dusty houses
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He's a retard who keeps thinking everyone else around him is retarded, can't hold a normal conversation without giving off his superiority complex.
Doesn't even fucking play and still gives shit to others
>waaah I'm sick I can't play
>waaah I can't tank on a laptop
>waaah my sister took over my pc
>waaah someone pls carry me through dungeons
Honestly almost every 60 in there is like this, they just want to get carried and won't even bother attempting
>w-we don't have optimal comp, we can't do it!
>Best leveling zones
>Best cities
>Best Onyxia attunement
Fuck you nigger I beg every day to do Scholo but my cries always fall on deaf ears
Redpill me on Prepdabull, Zugzuggler and McBeefington aka WWD clique
>I beg every day to do scholo
>g-guys wanna farm lbrs?
Take your bitching to the discord or gchat gaybois
You even left strat yesterday thinking you're gonna do lbrs and haven't even fucking done that, so yea good job waiting for "muh guild runs", hope it'll be worth it when you're still be gearing up in 2 months
>n-no guys we can't do it, we don't have a 5th
>n-no guys we don't have the optimal group comp we'll never make it and we're undeargeared
>h-hey guys, anyone wanna pug MC next week? You gotta be 80% pre-bis, gl with that though because we haven't ran any dungeons entire last week!
he sounds pretty fucking annoying but >>186858514 is correct, keep it in your autism containment zone or kill yourself because you're too fucking beta to say it when your character name is attatched to your words
>he types this while bitching as well showing he himself is a hypocrite
Are you a fucking retard?
Im not whomever you were talking to you queer, just hug it over will you?
Are you a fucking hypocrite? Kys
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>too beta to complain to a clique faggot who tried to take over gm spot by force in the last thread
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>horde """""""bulls"""""""
what's the alliance's fixation on the cuckold fetish?
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>been looking for a group to kill Demetria for two days now
>alliance fixation
>OP literally has "horde bulls" made by a horde player
>Horde players always talk about cucking allys
Really making me think here.
baited for this exact response
>it's okay when horde players do it
kys cuck.
who are you quoting?
What? I'm telling you to fuck off and keep it in your guild kiddo.
very carefully
>squido shitposting in discord but not online doing anything
>m-muh lil sister guys, she took over my pc :(
This is the main tank LOL
>gl with that though because we haven't ran any dungeons entire last week!

Why dont you run any dungeons by yourself then, cuck? Ive gotten all of my preraid BiS and tier 1 without ever being in any guild. Do you need to be carried by your guildies that badly? Are you that shit at vidya?
>why don't you run any dungeons by yourself
But I am? I've been doing exactly that this whole time, that still won't make this guild raid faster because barely anyone else wants to do dungeons unless it's a 5man guild run.
She's clearly girl(male).
Im the main tank tho
>moh already cleared MC with 2 groups
>dindus still not raiding ubrs
>disband and roll alliance
>moh has to make RAID THREE
<moms panties>
>tfw your mom is 60 years old and has no cute panties
Don't ever get born to old parents. It sucks.
>Have to speak like a caveman so the chinks in my party have an easier time translating it
>prep logs in once every 2 days to ask for lbrs and goes off after 15 min of nobody responding
>squido keeps making excuses as to why he can't do dungeons unless someone carries him
>sniff doesn't want to do dungeons unless it's full guild run and goes to sleep as soon as people start grouping up for a run
>zang and goon don't even play anymore, beef barely leveling his warrior
>zug keeps making excuses as to why we can't do certain dungeons
Meanwhile I reached 60 3 days ago and already have 4 preraid BiS items
Fuck this retarded guild don't even bother joining if you want to do MC in the next 2 months and unless you like some slav blogging im gchat every 5 minutes
lol...... trannies
Atleast the trannies raid
Im not playing my warrior because im either playing on an alt or my 60, feel free to hit me up either infame or discord if you want to do dungeons.

We told you to roll alliance. What were you expecting rolling cringy edgy chink infested faction that can't even down Azuregos?
raiding is gay
>say we need prot warriors
>"ok should I just lever my warr from now on?"
>everyone says yes
>play it for 5 hours
>"lol fuck this im gonna play my alt"
Nothing wrong with being gay. Just don't be a batshit crazy tranny.

>all posted guide videos made by an ugly sounding britfag

fucking dropped, can't stand the neckbeardy inbred sounding accent 90% of brit gamers have
wrong. all sodomites must perish.
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>Tfw wageslave to two jobs and am only online late night burger time
t. Sniffhow

I'm sorry Cheevo
Please show me your toes
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You're leveling in STV and this female dwarf paladincomes up and 2 shots you. What do you do?
>he wants to kill best looking men instead of breeding them
Are you muslim or something?
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>Female Dwarf
>Female Dwarf Paladin
unironically yes
You have to earn that
Send me fucking Black Dragonscales or Dark Iron Ore and we'll talk more
Im still playing on my warrior tho. Solo leveling is just an absolute snoozefest and i dont want to burn myself out by spending my every day grinding mobs by myself.
Ah ok, remind me to gz you on your 60 in 2 months then
Will do!
Well, stop being muslim. Its bad for your health.
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best everything.jpg
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>uhhh hurrrrrrrrrrr playing on a slavic chinese private server for a 15 year old casual MMO is a race
>why arent you playing for 18 hours a day bro its not OPTIMAL

lol..... the state of you fucking dorks
>being so jealous a hung charismatic chad your only criticism of him is how he used the character customization screen for his alt character in a 12 year old videogame
>Everyone else sux but me
>wants to be MT
>is a fucking casual
How fucking stupid are you? Being mt is a full time job, unless your guild uses your char to get him all raid consumes and buffs so you only have to log in on raid time. But I hardly see this happening in a /vg/ guild full of autists.
take your meds autist boy, i MT on retail and play 2 hours a week
No, everyone else doesn't even try or bother
some people have lives and dont play for 20 hours a day, . try fucking getting a life
why are you trying so hard in a 14 year old Chinese MMO run by a Russian gold seller?
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>I MT on retail
After getting dicked on continuously by undead rogues he's decided to not only counter them hard with paladin, but completely with dwarf paladin. while being a qt thicc girl

I have a naga
Ive never said i'd MT other than to other warriors jokingly when they have talked about tanking although i'll do any role that needs people, i highly doubt being a MT is as autistic as you say anyway.

Stay mad wite boi
>m-muh lives!
Kill yourselves, I have a job and classes and still managed to get more gear than you fucks did in literally 3 weeks. Stop wasting other people's time if you're not even planning on playing
keep crying bitch nigga
go fucking play with the trannies if you care so much about raidlogging you fucking gay nigger LOL LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
the fuss is about your hand being fucking backwards jesus christ
>care about raidlogging
You're fucking retarded, what you're doing is even worse
Obviously can't be called raidlogging so what, you're just logging?
>this is your average mandate nigger when confronted with the reality that nobody cares about their #12 MC speed clear on realmplayers
> i highly doubt being a MT is as autistic as you say anyway
To be MT you need: elixir of giants(x10), elixir of mongoose(x10), flask of titans x2(at the very least, probably 4), str, agi buffs from blasted lands 2 times a week, gfppx4, mighty rage potionx19(asuming no wipes), gapp, gspp, dm buffs+songflower 2 times a week. This is the bare minimum. Best way for you to get all that is to do jump runs, even at 50g/h which you won't get anyway this will take 10-12 hours not counting dm:n(which you will run every fucking week twice). If you think you can skip on any of this you're not cut to be mt.
just playing the game and having fun unlike your needy bitch ass who starts throwing a fucking gay tantrum cuz people arent playing 21 hours a day LOOOOOL
Boy does that ever sound like a lot of not fun at all
t. #12th best guild on the server
unlike you dweebs i legit raided in vanila and i never used consumables. how does that make you feel? pretty gay right?
>this is your average dindu nigger when confronted with questions regarding the future of his guild which will disband again before setting foot into MC
And no, I'm not in MoH nor do I play alliance.
At least Handro made bags so here was some use of him, you niggers literally don't do anything other than put colors on people in discord and male then delete worthless channels
or just ask manlet to give you an allowance from the guild bank like you do, valkyri?
You raided ubrs?
>he's still responding
>he's still running away from the fact that he tried this hard to take over a guild only to realize it'll fail again because you don't feel like doing anything about it
how to tell a post is made by handro:
it mentions handro

breh just give up, you're finished
at least I don't fail at life and decide to cut off my own dick LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
nice argument along with the delusion
nice reply you stupid fucking fag
Reminder that Paladins r the best class
they unironically r. proof me rong.
mel stop posting.
also btfo

why do you even post here, trannies? you get embarrassed every time
I miss being a space cow
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Or else what?
Any good tbc servers?
warmane medivh

I said good servers.
You're not me
good is a relative term
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but it's still the opposite of bad
bad is a relative term
Only poorfags hate on based cuckmane
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>when your erp is not good enough
He needs to up his anal game. Who the fuck calls it a "pooper" when you're erping a rimjob, really.
how do i get a brapmommy gf
give her pooper a rimjob
make her feel good
By letting her give lok'amir to a druid
Don't worry, next one goes to Erodeas or Hawky.
lol no
Yes it does Baby. Unless Chuchu or Havetts want it.
>or Havetts

Of course he does, he's the guy behind 90% of Lumikaru shitposts.
Well then it's decided, though he might pass it for Hawky.
can someone in MoH explain why this fat piece of shit newfag retard autist is an officer? i mean an actual non-meme explanation here. why does this degenerate waste of flesh have a high ranking status in a 4chan guild when she is the antithesis of everything 4chan stands for? why is this rotund fucking mammal in any position to dictate anything?

please give me a genuine, serious answer here. no memes, no shitposting, no redditscord drama, just outright give me the basic gestalt on this fucking sphere
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why am I still in this guild
Priests will never get it because Benediction.
Babymetal will never get it because LC hates him.
Havetts will never get one or he'll instantly jump ship for <Progress>.
>being this mad about a hacked goldspammer getting kicked

hello xiao
>letting your gf hug anyone
jesus christ literal self-admitted cuckoldry
>having a gf in the first place
how cucked can one guild be? this is prime cuckery. can you be any more cucked than this? i think not. we've reached peak cucking. the literal cuckold zenith. how does one become uncucked at this point? it seems impossible. what a fucking embarrassing guild. not even mandate is this cucked and we have dads, a literal black nigger with a white son
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H-Haha i-i dont need a girlfriend to be happy, s-stupid cucks
H-Haha i-im happy w-with my girlfriend h-hugging other guys... h-heh I miss her so much... she w-went to a party in Detroit and I h-haven't seen her all weekend.... f-fucking s-single cucks......
Dindus are literally cucks, it doesn't get better than this
can level 60's join dindus?
only if you've got a bull for your wife
>noobs don't understand mobs have a CONE OF VISION like fucking metal gear solid

seriously, try approaching the mob when it's turned away from you

presto! stealth suddenly works!

you crazy retail kids~
>be a tranny
>burnout from orbiting other tannys to recieve loot
>become orbiters of the dindus

t. transtate
extremely alpha, the heroes the Horde need but don't deserve. the last chance for a competitive, balanced faction ratio

we also have the unkillable Ayydolf....breaker of trannies, slayer of memes....
>be a dindu
>have a cuck fetish
>organize a cucking session
>realize what a pathetic existence you live in
>commit sudoku
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>extremely alpha,

don't mind Fenthor, he's the guild's watergirl(boy)
even little subby bitch boys have a spot in our alpha hierarchy (the guild's toilet)
elyg how do i get a girlfriend?
I'll be your gf
Be a normal human bean with charisma and then go outside.
are you a girl?

okay how do i do that?
what is charisma
you fags told me ret was a joke
looks like a lucky reckbomb.
Ret Paladins are the best class, especially if you have max Engineering on it.
Posting for Tisme of the Mandate of Heaven discord!
sorry man, vanilla just really sucks and i need some time off, been playing this shit for like 2 months straight
your mother is the best class.
based grude
Thanks. It's horrible.
>I want to lead a guild but don't want to play
fuck off, all of you
horde will never fucking raid
Reminder if you don't watch this every time it's posted until he nuts at the end you're a pussy.
have a cry you little bitch
absolutely pathetic
Blink here. So now that Crestfalll is dead, does this mean we will actually last longer than BWL before moving servers and starting over?

If so, it might be worth it to level to 60.
>This is the bare minimum
you must be joking
indi doesn't even do one half of this and he's literally the best tank on vg.
New thread
simply ebin
proper thread with old OP, please stop fucking it up for everyone, thanks
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>two early threads
>thread wars
OP is broken because of the first retard, really hoping it doesn't continue
tfw pocket gm soon
>one thread has the retard ass video guides from youtube that are in accurate as fuck
WWD brainlets strike again.
>5 vanilla wow leveling tips
>sell things
>only do a dungeon once with all quests
>quest smart
>level professions while leveling
>be ahead of yourself/ plan things out
only one of those seems inaccurate.
>squido keeps making excuses as to why he can't do dungeons unless someone carries him
Squido is leveling up IN Mandate each day. He's abandoned you.
>4 titans a week

What the fuck am I reading LMAO
>OP cluttered with garbage to give this retard adsense money
>no real guilds in the OP
yeah lookin great man
>changing the written guides and links from the old OP to shill people's youtube videos
good goy.
just saying guys none of the stuff in the first video seemed inaccurate, why criticize videos you haven't watched?
becasue he makes videos?
Not going to give views to a video that is complete garbarge. OP needs to get back to the written guides from the last OP. Video guides have always been cancer. Fuck off WWD shill.
I'm not criticizing them, I'm saying they don't need to be in the fucking OP so that the dumbass that keeps including them can get paid. At least put them in a pastebin or something, fuck. Though, for the record, I have watched them, and they are shit.
are you finished?
you haven't really said anything worth reading the google drive guide is still included why are you mad?

I agree he should chuck them in a pastebin.
because his guide for my class is utter shit
Nah, I only shitpost in the healer chat.
>last gm of nigger guild played for 18 hours a day for 3 months
>takes a week off
>his officers stage a coup
>replace him with someone who only plays like an hour a day and is taking time off from wow
Good job faggots
GOd damn you were the most annoying cocksucker in the world. You kept begging Artie for help first for the WW axe quest then for everything else. Poor guy just got used and abused by your retarded ass.
I fucking said this last night. These salty dog guys are annoying. And they're not gonna last long. Only a few people find Chickenlord humorous. The rest think he's autistic and prepubescent.
hey there fellow elysium goers, i just toked on a bowl and im adequately high. whats going on?
Gotta say you're right. I was MT in my guild on Dark Iron US from 05-08 and we never bothered farming consumables until Naxx. Needing them for MC or BWL is really fucking hilarious. Shit we cleared most of Mc with people not even level 60 yet. Granted this was in summer 05 so MC wasn't top raid anymore but still it's comical.
No. God no. Fuck off Blink. Seriously no one wants you here. Remember k2 is where it's at. Like you said Elysium sucks. So don't level here it sucks ass.
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