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/arena/ - Arena FPS General

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Thread replies: 760
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Char edition

A place to discuss all of your favorite old-school and modern arena shooters such as Quake Live, Quake Champions, Unreal Tournament, Reflex, etc.

Pastebin with download links for FREE GAMES: https://pastebin.com/NzQifF9b


Slipgate to the previous thread: >>186429686
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First for Hunter is the best Quakefu and there is literally no justifiable competition, and if you think there is your taste is beyond garbage.
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Ignore this thread


Trolling /owg/ wasnt very fun, anons.
They don't seem to be very aware of anything.
I guess overwatch will do that to you :/

It's like making fun of the downie kid that drools on the crayons.
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>made 4 minutes later
suck my dick faggot
Hunter is best. But we may never get her. I hope idsoft isnt stupid, and is working to get her into the game immediately.

But if she doesnt show up, then Nyx is best bae.
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That's gay anon, was too busy trying to find that god awful Ranger skin.
I loved Nyx at first but then her character really started annoying me, she seems less like a femme fatale that will rock your world, and more like a chick with a chip on her shoulder trying to prove she is strong. still a 10/10 design, and would still bang her though, just not Wife material
Ehem.. Anon...
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>Q3A Hunter has hexagon legs and misaligned textures because they put absolutely all their effort and poly count into crafting her tits and ass
If I don't see that much detail in a Q:C Hunter I will be severely disappointed. Given that you can make out the pores on Nyx's face I'll keep my hopes high detail-wise but not let them run rampant lest they fuck up her design some other way if she's ever added.

She's not in the leaked character list, so if she's a thing it won't be for quite some time anyway.
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I see your point, it's been a while since I read/watched anything GiTS related.I've forgotten Motoko's personalityManga Major best Major
hunter looks fucking distusting
same as mynx
>She's not in the leaked character list, so if she's a thing it won't be for quite some time anyway.

That's the sad thing is that they don't realize the pandering level they could be pulling with this character and getting people into quake.

This is one of those things where "It doesn't matter what got you into quake, as long as you're playing quake, it's a good thing."

They could pander to the teenage boys, and the tumblrina's at the same time.


Hunter could also make the lorefags cream in their panties too.
>Adds voice over lines specific to Sorlag and Hunter interactions in games
>Adds specific Lore challenges that unlock Hunter vs Sorlag easter eggs/hidden details.

There is so much hunter could bring to Quake Champions, and if Id doesn't realize this, they've made a huge mistake.
orignal gits major best major
also who the fuck 3 left
>That's the sad thing is that they don't realize the pandering level they could be pulling with this character and getting people into quake.
>pleasing a couple of faggots from one vg thread would make a difference
nigger do you even think
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>never noticed before not just how defined hunter's abs are but that you can see them both above AND below the green belt
Bless you, Paul Steed and co., for giving me fetishes I wouldn't even consciously realize I had until years and years later.
MAJ Matoko Kusanagi was a huge influnece on me as a kid. Surprisingly my uncle managed to convience my mormon parents that GiTS(1995) was fine for us kids to watch with him, and ever since then the MAJ has been an imprinted person in my head.

and Nyx rings that bell loud and clear.

Femme Fatal is Widowmaker from Overwatch. Seductively sexy and yet ready to kill with elegance. Distract you with lust and sexual urges then slash your throat/shoot you in the head.

Nyx maybe sexy, but she's not seductive, she's fronting and, and ready to kill you from the shadows. Not there to draw you in, but to take you out before you know you're dead.

Infact I just realized that Nyx goes invisible, and MAJ has Thermoptic camo in the 1995 film also.
I can't believe I'm just now connecting that detail.
Hunter wouldnt appeal to just a couple of people here.
A lot of gamers like characters like Hunter.

Sellable Booty is one of the reasons why Overwatch got big.
Every girl in Overwatch is sellable to someone's desire in overwatch.
Even their new character Orisa is play on anime female cuteness.
Blizzard may make a shit game, but they sure know how to make sure people stay playing that game.
Explain your reasoning.
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>and Nyx rings that bell loud and clear.
proportions are all fucked up
like a skeleton with bolt on tits
anorexic with a boobjob
a pole and two mellons
a matchstick with mothballs
>A lot of gamers like characters like Hunter.
>tall, strong female with visibly defined heavy musculature and a hate of anything with a penis attached
everyone would be shouting about ess-jay-dubyas too much to just appreciate a fuckin' amazon lady, a fetish dating back how many fucking centuries?
>Rings the bell
It's an idiom, anon.
>Fig. [for something] to cause someone to remember something or for it to seem familiar.
they remind me of those fucking things from half life 2, the drones with metal masks on stilts

>with visibly defined heavy musculature
fucking where?
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And what's wrong with skeletons?
hunter's waist is as thick as major's shoulders or crash's whole body; the rest i can almost agree with but that's just due to the artists going "BOOBS. ASS. fuck there's something connecting those two right, okay uh fuck"
that's why we have to keep fingers crossed for hunter in Q:C, for a properly thicc and modern model
im not criticizing your choice of words
im criticizing your shit opinion
>hunter's waist is as thick as major's shoulders or crash's whole body
no its not >>186712982
Who cares.
idsoft has never shy'd away from controversy. It's what made doom popular.

So what if they ruffle a few feathers. It worked for overwatch. Remember the tracer pose scandal?
Where tracer had an unfitting pose and they changed it when someone pointed it out. then they replaced it with a Pin up Pose from WW2 aircraft?
People went ape shit and news went viral.

Quake champions could benefit from being news plastered all over the web.

SJWs get their man hating trope character.
Teenboys get their fappable booty.
quakefans get another classic quake character in the game.
idsoft gets money.

Everyone wins.
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Yeah, I just recall SAC major being a bit femme fatale-ish. But Manga Major was pretty up-front and personal if I remember correctly

It's just the limitations of the Q3 engine in the QC engine she should look proper.

>tfw you just want a stronk wife, but stronk women shy from stronk men
comparing ant iteration of the major to that capeshit fapbait tumblr spy girl but now with blue hair is a dishonor
That's not an opinion anon. That's a personal history and a fact.

Nyx isnt femme fatal, she's inspired by GiTS's Matoko Kusanagi, and even has a voiceline in the game that's a nod to that.

Nothing about that is an opinion.
Nyx is a dead ringer for the trope character that is Tough Chick.

Widowmaker is a Femme Fatal. Nyx isn't. Her entire theme is "I will kill you from the shadows."
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remove yourself
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>I am the ghost in the machine

She is literally inspired by the Major, my issue was just the way id went about it but I do have to agree with >>186714353

I hope Willits is smart enough to realize this, Romero would do it for sure, he loved being the center of attention.
i stand corrected
shes fat and disgusting
and her arms are the sticks, half the girth
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>that perfectly defined navel and stomach
>that hint of cleavage
>those pits
>that shiny, greasy skin
Nu-Slash really grew on me once I got over the lack of eyewear as default.
> literally inspired by
so if i make a statue of jesus out of shit
does that pay him tribute?
>But Manga Major was pretty up-front and personal if I remember correctly
Yeah, and 1995 film Major was pretty much followed in line with that line of thinking. But ofc with less detail considering how little you can really explain in a film compared to a Manga/TV series.

Then you have Nyx who carries that same attitude, but exemplifies the "I will murder you from the shadows" component.
A cool call back perhaps to one of the most iconic scenes GiTS ever created.
>and her arms are the sticks, half the girth
They're probably just modeled/posed at a different angle, facing forwards instead of mostly sideways like Major's apparently are. Her whole shoulder area is fucked up anyway- ain't no one's shoulders look like that except maybe a Space Marine.

I wish. Lucy when?
>that hint of cleavage
i've got more cleavage than that
and so do you
she looks like a pale trap
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Am I the only Patriot fan in this general?
>america hat and boots
>japan hand
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So you'd suck Slash's dick too? It's good we're in agreement.

Patriot and Razor are neat but I've gotta stick with my man Ranger.
He's a weeb like us
Seriously this scene is so kick ass.
razor had the one of the best sound sets
Could someone webm this?


Or was that Bitterman?
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Truly a Smug Madman
is that guy a cs player
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rail is truly the most interesting and skilled quake weapon
I feel like if you gave Razor's backstory to Patriot you'd have a solid character
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jesus fucking christ
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>he hasn't accepted stock fivehead and sweet widow's peak Slash as his lord, savior, and owner
No it's Cypher arguably one of the best Quake players over all and easily top 3 EU
When is Quake coming to steam so I can play it?
Two days
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>look up Razor's quotes
>"Is this some kind of entertainment ritual?"
>"So this is what you rogues call entertainment."
>"Threedy Relmz? Oh, you mean ol' Duke!'"

Those cheeky fuckers.
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>death by lava: "Nope. Still hate this stuff."
>also some random lines got into QC
>Not "mfw making momma proud.jpg"
I'm disappointed Q:C Ranger didn't get some of the more Q1 oriented lines Wrack had in Q3A, like calling the railgun a sissy weapon and wishing he had an axe instead of a gauntlet.
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>Snake have you ever heard of Les Enfants Terribles?
>Razor has the Strogg skull emblem on his shirt (or the symbol of the Q1 military)
I feel like we're gonna get a lot of that this Tuesday
We bettet get deep lore and more shit to do or WE FUCKING RIOT
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So when we go into BETA in a couple of days is that going to fuck everyone that got it before over?

Bethesda or STEAM?

will Heroes be locked again since it's going to be $30? or will that be to unlock future Heroes we know are coming like Doom etc. ?
Full reset on tuesday. 30 shekels gets you all the champions + future ones
I want to bury my face in the deepest lore. And by lore I mean canyon of sweaty Hunter cleavage.
So you have to buy the early access if you want the Quakecon LG skin?
If you already had a Beta key, no. you will be able to log in and play, you're just on F2P model.

You can still log in and get the LG.
What this anon said. You can still play with your existing account from the beta via the bethesdalauncher. You just start out with ranger only again. Playing via steam requires you to buy the championpack tho, because f2p mode will only be available on steam once the game leaves early access
>person has high ping
>picks slash or anarki

every time
when are they gonna get rid of the massive upload bandwidth requirement? shit's infuriating
Anyone know/have any good Quake profiles on F-list?
Why the FUCK does his arm say "molester"
Maybe he molested someone
is this a trick question
How do i get better or practice at aiming?
does someone with a high ping have peeker's advantage?

Every time someone with high ping plays a fast dude it's like i'm getting shot the instant/before they even turn a corner into my line of sight if i'm waiting for em.

It's like they get to see everything around that corner a tiny bit faster than anyone with else with normal ping.

I guess it would work both ways... still feels like garbage tho.
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>tfw Hunter probably eats exotic fruits
>her sweat smells heavenly
>her loins more so
>tfw all I want is her to smother me and destroy my pelvis
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I know that feelio, and it won't healio.

You know it, even if it's more like caramel.
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>STILL no Doom trailer
>those utterly pointless top straps on her thighs
post yfw Q:C hunter with skindentation
Hunter a shit
Crash when
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>assuming theyll add hunter with her skimpy q3a appearance
if they do add her as a champ, theyll definitely change her just like slash and anarki
They are actually gonna make us wait till Tuesday for this, aren't they?
If she is big a coppertone amazon who wears a dead sorg on her head and only shows her lips then I'm ok with any other changes
They better give her some under-titty and a bare ass in thong.

She aint hunter without that.
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>yfw they finally add hunter
>yfw they make her a muslim
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why are the bots so comfy
They better bring this shit back somewhere down the line
By the stats and shit it sounds like doomguy is underpowered unless there is alot to berserker mode, I just wanna see the lore shit mostly
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tell me about ranger

why does he wear the mask?
the stats are out? oh boy
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Not exactly. They said he was similar to ranger in regards to health and stuff. Having a big melee attack be his super just seems like a bad idea. maybe it could turn out well idk
>activate berserk
>grab anarki by the face
>shove board down throat

i need this
Source on the stats please.
The recent stream where they talked about early access and things to come, they brief ly mention doomguy. I dont have a time stamp sadly
>activate berserk
>rip Nyx' clothes off
>fist her rectum
>activate berserk
>attempt to tear Ranger in half
>end up popping his spine back into alignment a la The Incredibles
You need professional help.
I'm a professional in wrecking asses too.
someone hire this man
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Nyx's rectum is only for my dick
>activate berserk
>rip Slash's clothes off
>suck her dick
I hope id is listening
If they were we'd have gotten the damn trailer already
Protip there are only packs of flaming homosexuals on at night on QC
When the fuck is Crash?
no thanks, I can manage
are they curiously exploring and inspecting each other's foreskins or something?
They're injecting each other with needles and eating each others balls, does this count?
I hope they add a Slash outfit with a noticeable crotch bulge, just to fuck with people.
if they're a/ding like drunk russians on a rave party with railguns then there's the very high chance that they might belong to this group of 'degenerates' we have learned to fear
after mynx
Пeниc вo влaгaлищe
That feel when you will never relieve Nyx of her constipation by fisting her prolapsed and hemorrhoid-ridden anus
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I'd rather just open my mouth and let her push.
this is what you guys are up to on Sunday nights I see
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>Bringing your disgusting fetish to light.
The point of fisting is that she can't push it out anymore. You can still eat it after you're done fisting her though

We need to keep bread alive till Tuesday, but not like this...
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>implying that's my most disgusting fetish
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Anime is the only thing more disgusting than my fantasies involving Slash, three coffee cups, a blender and a funnel.
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Lets go back to the topic of doomguy or sucking off slash's hidden shlong. Fisting hemorroid ass is no good here
maybe so but at least im not into hemorroids
Theories on his abilities/stats?
>implying it isn't making a bulge the size of Orbb as it strains against those thin, silky shorts
Im guessing that berserk will make gauntlets be almost instakill or something to that effect
Berserk causes clothing damage to enemies affected
>worried where this is going
Anyone have that lewd image of Doom fucking an anthropomorphized BFG?
It would have to be more than that, like a movement speed boost + fists ala doom3
I do, but not at my pc rn
What Quake should I be playing right now?
None. Play more Reflex!
Post Asap
Quakeworld if you have taste
Bump again
>QC releases on steam on my birthday
I love you id
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not much going on I see.
>waiting for the eclipse
>waiting for QC early access
>waiting for quakecon
There aint shit to do, anon.
man just one day till Quakecon
>lives in an eden planet pretty similar to earth (twin-earth, super earth) belongs at Tau Ceti constellation
>apparently comes from a female dominant tribe because her regal mien believes in her
>but muslim
>implying islam ever allows females to rise above stars
Yeah, no. That's not Oberbotch.

Only if they add fast movement bonus and life regain on berserk kills paired with some kind of grapple attack.
>implying islam ever allows females to rise above stars
Islam and muslims treat women like property.
Why any leftist self proclaiming feminist would ever listen and accept their psychotic lunatic behavior and misogyny is beyond me.
>literally supporting a symbol of actual patriarchal oppression and women as property.

It's like jews supporting hitler.
is it tomorrow?
oh 24 august my bad.
Early access starts the 22nd, quakecon starts the 24th, and ends the 27th.
well not that far off anyway. does that mean doomguy gets released tomorrow or at Qcon?
>some guy on pcmasterrace posting about an arena fps he's making
>doens't realize arena is practically dead.
Poor guy. All that work and no reward.
arena fps's arn't dead, the problem is that everybody is trying to be Q3 without realizing Q3 is still fine.
You are already fragged.
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>All that work and no reward.
the reward should be the work itself.
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How will he get past US Immigration? Isn't he a known criminal already
>literally won quakecon once during q4 times and became a drug dealer later
>this fucking sideways greased lick haircut again
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Do you think the makeup she uses is waterproof? I wonder if her mascara and eyeliner will wash away once she cries when I fist her anus
>Not wanting to lovingly fuck her soft, beautiful, wonderful pussy.
Does Early Access mean a Steam release? The Bethesda launcher literally uninstalls the game every time I close it. I posted about it a few months ago asking if anybody else had the same issue. Lots of anons laughed at my problem, but nobody else had it happening to them.
Months later, I literally have to play Quake in huge sessions due to the fact I live in Australia with shitty internet and have to reinstall the fucking game every time I want to play it.
Hoping Steam will solve my problems because the game is fun.
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Yes, yes it does Anon rejoice
That comes later
Who's buying QC during the early release? I'm probably going to f2p until they fix some of the issues
I'm buying the steam version early. Bethesda launcher never worked for me, plus it's easier to shill the steam version to friends
I'm buying it immediately.
I already play the game a lot, and I want it for cheaper. Might as well buy it early, and keep 10$ for extras, and get the free LG skin.
Paying for it is def not a smart thing to do at this point in development anon.

It feels like they're cashing out already y'know?
like, "oh no we can't fix shit and bethesda is pulling their funding, might as well go early access and grab as much money as we can before the hype dies"
>This fucking retard.
"Cashing out" the game is on fucking discount early purchase like every other fucking game does, you dumb fuck.

Fuck, I hate people like you. Go fucking kill yourself when you get back to /owg/
i will screenshot this post and shove it in your fave when the game dies
If they were trying to cash out they'd have done a bunch of founders packs, and cash grabs you dipshit.
Not put the game on early purchase discount and spent a million on quakecon prizes.
I will once I get paid in like 4 days
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The only reply is an angry dude bitching
Just like /arena/
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Will they drop the trailer during the eclipse?
Unless it's Uriel's trailer, I don't think so.
well played
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Not gonna be a doomguy trailer is there, it's just gonna be another stream of a chit chat.
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>missing out on sims stream
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is lawbreakers welcome here?
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Fuck off Cliffy
it is if you dont compare it to any true afps
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Is Tribes and Midair welcome here?
I don't know. LB is closer to UT than it is to Tribes.
sry im late
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>tfw no H-Doom sprite of her being used for threesomes with demons.
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>Cosplay competition
>there is a chance we could see a good Hutner cosplay at Qcon
>Nyx cosplay
Ok I've sufficiently fucked up my eyes looking at the sun for a solar eclipse.

Now back to waiting for quakecon.
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>Sorlag cosplay
>Visor cosplay
>bones cosplay
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Would be a pretty bare bones cosplay honestly
>If CTF is more popular will you drop Sac?
>Timmy: YES, we listen to our fans


Now everyone go have fun with CTF so they ditch this stupid as fuck Sacrifice mode.
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>tfw prefer Sacrifice over CTF
tribolts a great area denial tool tho
That mode is shit. They should have done CTF from the start.

I can't believe they thought sac was a better idea.
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During the q&a about adding characters from different IPs sounded like they'd like to stick to id's stuff but it definitely sounded like there's going to be skins from different IPs for certain characters. Get ready for that Dragonborn skin for Death Knight.
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Turok would be a cool champ
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Remember to login to Q:C during QC to get the exclusive lightning gun skin
thats amazing
It even shoots orange-flavored lightning!
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>TFW I will never have to use that ugly default LG skin.
>Join game
>1 minute in
>Dual monitor bug
>have to close game

When you die the game loses focus of the cursor, making you sometimes accidentally click on the other monitor. This of course minimises the game, but when you bring up the game again it doesn't matter where you click, it keeps minimising every time you click the mouse button.

Sometimes it can sort itself out after a few tries but it's just a nightmare.
>3 monitors
>Never had a bug with the game.
Maybe you should stop using Novideo cards, anon.
Just run it in bordeless you fucking idiot
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cooking chicken.jpg
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But then I will go under 120 FPS no matter my settings.
nice toaster
Borderless doesn't change your frame rate, it changes your input lag.
I could swear I tried borderless when I got into the beta a few months ago and found that it lowered my fps with like 20, but maybe that was incorrect.
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too painful to be a dream
Lord give me strength.
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Kek I just got this...
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If there is you fuckers better post pics
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big day for quack tommorow, I'm excited
So, how many of you are buying?
Would asking a female if she wants to see how "Impressive" my Railgun can be, work as a pickup line?
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not sure what are you asking about, how many champions? packs?
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Was planning on buying it anyways just hope they fix it...
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hows this guy called, i forget
zergface I think
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I am
hell yea i'm gonna buy it.
ask her if she wants to see your BFG.
fuck that i aint paying for games
>Zergface is a single image character Macro featuring the face of a Chinese Soldier
>Chinese Soldier
what the fuck he doesn't look chinese at all, looks european
It's the face-paint, but he does look very chinese.
Still deciding between this and pubg
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when you get psyched just right.jpg
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On the 25th, yes
Quakecon ends on the 27th, which means I'll get my orange LG, right?
not buyin' until they fix the fuckin netcode
why would you buy that shit, it looks like an ARMA mod being sold for 30 bucks.
PUBG looks like it would be retarded fun with friends
I'll buy once the netcode is fixed.
The game feels smooth as butter and amazingly fun when everyone has 50ish ping.
If anyone on the server has 100ish, it turns into a stuttering laggy unregistering mess.
>pubg has insane memory leak
>you can play for 5 minutes with 8 gigs
>you can play for 2 hours with 16 gigs
>you can play for 4 hours with 32 gigs
and then your fps drops like a dead bird
you also need a beast cpu.
with a setup that you could run PUBG at lowest settings at 60 constant, you could run quake at 200 constant.
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Where the FUCK is the Doomguy/Early Access trailer !11!!!
Honestly feels like they're gonna make us wait till tomorrow for it
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can I somehow link my bethesda account with steam account so I can play on steam tommorow?? without buying the pack
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It's as if the game was in still in some sort of development stage while being playable to those with preliminary entry, or early access if you would
i don't buy shit games
>Looks for sauce.
>Link to /pol/
why ID I want to love you but you won't love me back.
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/pol/ is a diverse, female friendly board of peace
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>that huge butt
no gays allowed
Clearly you don't love them enough
Big asses are way better than big tits because asses stay firm round soft without ugly flattening overhang.
Bg tits are gross, big asses are lovely and wonderful.

Plus when she bends over and you can see her pussy too...
God damn that makes my dick harder than anything.
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Sure buddy
>ugly flattening overhang
Are you calling natural breast sag ugly? Don't speak to me again you fucking homosex.
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>not liking big tits AND big asses
Big, not fat, you stupid faggot.
God what the fuck is wrong with you.

We're not talking about nasty tubs of lard, you dipshit. We're talking about ACTUAL curvy bodies. Not that hijacked horse shit that hamplanets stole because they can't get over the fact that their fatness makes people puke at the sight of them.

Man there is nothing more gorgeous than a tight cute tummy with a pinched cute waist, with big lovely mating hips, with a gorgeous round bubbly ass, and some cute perky no sag tits.
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>tummy, preferably with abs
>lips (see nyx)
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yeah lips are pretty great too
is this real
i unironically think the doom 3 marine is the best design (as well as best MP) and if it plays like that i might reinstall QC
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>It is real
Finally some content shown off
Fairly decent looking skins I guess
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Tomorrow, you faggot
I just wanna go to to sleep and wake up for release tomorrow
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I just want to go to sleep and wake up to "Good morning sunshine".
Same, but I'm at work ;_;
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Stats are out. His ability video is private though.
>visor stats
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His ability better be op as shit with stats like that
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I think we're being rused...
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which champion should they add next?
So correct me if I'm wrong, going from right to left:
>Original Doom/Doom2 Doomguy
>Doom 4 Doomguy
>Doom 3 Doomguy
>Quake 3 Arena Doomguy (helmet is somewhat different but the shoulderpads and pants are accurate)
I'm guessing it's like scalebearer's charge but with a really short range, once active you'll basically kill whatever is in front of you
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Either Death Knight, Athena, Keel or the Strogg fella, those are the other ones from the leak.
>doom slayer uses his fists to pummel his enemies for 10 seconds, using his ability again will make him lunge at his opponent, striking for massive damage

H-holy shit
isn't visor slower?
also visor has no starting armor
>She's not in the leaked character list, so if she's a thing it won't be for quite some time anyway.
Some time ago there were tweets posted here that pretty much implied Hunter was never in the pipeline yet. Having the expectation that she will come out soon is absolutely not happening. However they expressed interest in Hunter so what it means is they're doing pre-production for her most likely.
>tfw will never be able to succeed with 75hp/Nyx like pros do
Acquire proficiency
Specifically, Tim "Big" Willy posted this image to his instagram, which had only previously been online in the more clothed version on the Quake Live trading card and the artist's deviantArt.
i don't have them, but someone post those dancing doomguy gifs
preferably the one with the doomguy comic face under the visor
Play Quake 3 Arena or any twitch shooter that you are comfortable with. That and turn down your sensitivity.
That's because classic skins will be their Lore skins, most likely
buy csgo and practice with the aiming maps at the steam workshop
When the Steam release comes, does this mean our Bethesdanet usernames are already taken!?
I'm okay with that as long as her normal outfit is just as boner-inducing.
We sign in with our Bethesda accounts on steam once, then it remembers every time
Please don't tell me it's just going to be a Steam entry that launches the Bethesda launcher, like Planetside or something.
No clue tbqh famalam
>tfw I can't tell what's from what except the Praetor suit and classic Doomguy
q3a and doom 3 are the two you're missing
Athena better be next.

We dont have a quake2 character yet.
Bethesda launcher installs its own Steam client then installs Quake Champions
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do you think this is a fucking game

Isnt Major's Name Jessica Wayland?

or my brain is still fucked up because of the "Metal Slug" mod for quake 4 named Hard Qore?
Hell if I know.

But Athena is a Quake2 Character model that was made into a Quake Marine Toy back in the day.
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fuck i still need to find one of those Q2 Toys
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Steam store license that runs the Bethesda launcher that downloads from Steam's data centers that authenticates with Bethesda's login that uses Steamworks matchmaking that uses Bethesda's esports investment that uses Valve Anti-Cheat.
Only Wayland according to her Q3 bio.

>Steamworks matchmaking
>Implying it won't use GameSpy
How to play DM6 by Anon
>pick scaleman
>press choo choo button through shiny door all the time
>when Quad man says Quad come wait a few seconds
>then lead charge through shiny door
>use Zap gun and Quad to kill all the peoples

Like comment and subscribe for more pro strats and guides for each map
>not MPlayer and NOW
Can you write a guide for Hunter sitting on my face?
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1v1 me in Reversi and I'll pwn your ass again on dm6
I wouldn't be writing guides on a Mongolian throat singing board if I knew how to do that.

Deny her LG and demand she sit on your face to get it back?
>not using punkbuster in the year of our Lord 2017
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Been a while since I've read these names
These faggots are making me feel old.
>tfw tim was a god tier mapper and now is in charge of overseeing a bunch of monkeys that couldn't make a decent afps if they tried
should've stuck to mapping
It's Saber's fault really, id had very little to do with the bare bones of the game.
I wonder which is the one that Tim Willits said has air control in the stream earlier
Calling death knight or keel
Keel especially
Probably Keel cause he has a SPESS MAHRINE suit.
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I already have several memes planned
Beta ends and early access starts tomorrow. Are we expecting a new patch as well? Steam version of qc doesn't get free-to-play right?
yes there will be patch with DOOM marine, lore skins, 2 maps and bunch of other shit
>Literal Doomfist
Overwatch copying shit before it even comes out.
fucking cheap asses.

This ability makes him very close to the way you could fight demons in Doom 2016, and he moves almost the same way. Which is pretty kick ass.
Pick up the bezerk powerup and smash the shout out of demons with your fists.

Same stuff new game.
That's pretty kick ass.
Alternately, Death Knight just due to being a Quake 1 character.
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Oh yes. HD edition soon.
Quake2 had bunnyhopping right?

What quake introduced Aircontrol?
The first game.
you're an idiot.
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Oh my.gif
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We have the best meme-makers on the internet, it's settled. Every other board on this site can't beat us. I won't dignify other sites with a mention
quake 2 had strafe jumping
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Patch notes here: https://bethesda.net/community/topic/86315/early-access-update-patch-notes
>Hitboxes adjusted on small Champions and made bigger

Thyx confirmed but alas no PS2 thicc model
>no more toothpicks
its a good day
>New weapon skins
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>Q3 Gauntlet – “Pummel”
>Q1 Nail Gun – “Oscillator”
>Q1 Super Nail Gun – “Perforator”
>DOOM Shotgun – “DOOM 2 Shotgun”
>Q1 Lightning Gun – “Thunderbolt”
>Q4 Nail Gun – “Constructor”
>New Rocket Launcher - “QR3-LL”
>Twitch Rocket Launcher
>Exclusive QuakeCon 2017 Lightning Gun
What the fuck is this autism that webm?
Possibly actual autism
I need those fucking skins
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My body is ready.gif
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We wanted shit to do and they gave it to us thank god
Skins are nice, but I hope they fixed netcode and rockets
Honestly if it was that simple you would think it would've been fixed within a week with a few lines of code
Well if there's any sort of deadline to solve a majority of these problems by, it'd be their big, fancy early access update
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>no custom maps
>no custom servers
>no modding support
>no strafejump tutorial

Pls ID
I'd imagine the rocket issue isn't a bug or a glitch where it's a problem and there's a "fix". It seems to be a balance of things happening in the backend and they it's some kind of optimization that they need to keep fine tuning.
There is a movement section as part of the onboarding in EA including a speedometer and input display...
Can you say that again in common
there's a training mode.
Where? There is only videos
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What a shame.
>Q1 NG, SNG and LG

That shit better be Deathmatch Classic turned to 10.
When the game leaves beta and hits early access tomorrow. The game is hitting a new milestone: https://bethesda.net/community/topic/86315/early-access-update-patch-notes

How long untill the update. It's already 22 aug in europe
hunter when

i hope we can meme her into getting added
It's 1:23 am in -5 eastern. In the "other" part of this continent it is still 10:23 pm in the previous day.
Just started Doom 3 for the first time. Give me a gun fucking already
11 eastern time USA I think
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>opening crates
>armor shader
>armor shader
>armor shader
>weapon shader
I can't wait
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I'm trying to do a Doomguy edit of this pic does anybody know how to do that 200% mad eye effect like in <this pic
the speed is fucked, will repair
This game seriously needs to be popular. If not I'm giving up gaming and doing something else with my life.

I can't watch AFPS dreams rise and fall forever with quake champs.
it's a lens/sun flare, I made it in paint.net with a plugin, also
>these patch notes
>q3 gauntlet
>q1 ng, sng and lg
>doom 2 shotgun
best birthday present ever, id is so fucking based
lens flares, but both lairs have to be additive so it looks like light
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Thx turned out bretty rad.
we now have classic doomguy, ranger and d44mguy
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When you select Doomguy he lets out a mighty roar MFW
VEGA: Rawr.
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anon we all know Vega is going to do his voice lines but he has to roar like the man he is.
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You guys are dumb the literally said he is silent and even has a small passive called "silent antagonist" or some shit like that.
[citashun needed]
ACtually we have no idea if they're doing VEGA voice lines. I hope they do but it sounded like from the live stream that he was going to be a completely muted character.

I was actually the one who perpetuated the idea that VEGA should be used to do voice lines for him on reddit and the forums. I hope they listened to my idea, but keep him from actually making any real vocals in the match itself that other players can hear.
Silent Protagonist.
SyncError said it himself in the livestream that he was going to get a passive added to him in the UI that says "Silent Protagonist."
when can we buy this shit? in a few hours, hopefully?
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>early access
> a tournament will be held while game has microtransactions already
>early access
yeah nah fuck off anon
>buying games
in 5/6 hours or at 5/6?
in 5-6h early access starts, so it's safe to assume you can buy packs
Goddamn that Classic helmet. Could I just use the Q3 helmet? The original one looks bad desu>>186858815
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I never thought I would say this but why doesn't ID let me buy the game yet I just want to preload it.
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yea he sure is hell WALKER alright with THAT kind of speed
It's free to play you stupid faggot.
Did you pay 30$ to play LoL? no.
Did you pay 30$ to play Dota? No.
Will you have to pay 30$ to play Quake champions? No because it's fucking free to play you dumb ass.

Complaing about micro trans in a fucking free to play game is like complaining that you have to buy gas when you own a car.

It's part of the business model that lets it stay Free and avoid pay to win whaling.

Get the fuck over it anon.
>not running solar\hydrogen cars
damn right i will complain about gas
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>bwaa bwaa i have to pay for cosmetics! this game sucks and ill never play it ever again!
[4 year old having a mental breakdown because he cant get every single toy from the shop intensifies]
You goddamn autists can't read between the lines?I was trying to hint that despite the game being in >early access state it will have a tournament already (which is fucking retarded however i look at it) and has already microshit despite what the devs said on top of the countless amount of bugs it has along with memory leak
hence why i implied early access
so either the early access title is a fucking lie at this point or the game is not ready for either a tournament and microshit
also last time i checked the steam page its price was still 29.99euro
not sure why you think i was talking about quake
>Doomguy is blessed with speed and agility
yeah lets make him one of the slowest characters without giving him enough HP/AP to compensate.
His ability better be OP or he will be shit on by literally everything
dusk is tight as fuck
>not enough space for update
the fuck? i have like 25 gig free
you really are dumb arent you.
There was no reading betweent the lines. You were literally complaining about non pay to win stuff that people that make a game capable of being free to play without any pay to win.

Get the fuck over it already.

This is literally the best fucking chance we have at an Arena FPS being big for the first time since fucking quake3, and you're crybabying that the devs want money for their work.

God forfucking bid they want money from working at their job, and you get a player base because the game can be shilled out the ass ot everyone because they dont have to pay a damn dime to play it.

I mean we could go back to 2006, where every free to play game was fucking pay to win, and if you didnt buy shit you were nothing but Whale food.

Or the game could be 40$ straight up and no one would fucking play it because overwatch has ass fucked the entire FPS genre so hard that no other game can sell with a box price anymore.

dota 2 debuted into closed beta with TI1 (the first million dollar esports tourny) when they had literally added only about 30% of the heroes into the game

so i don't know what you're on about
it's still retarded
>bug happens that loses you the game
not acceptable for any game in my opinion

Go to the pub general and bitch there.

game has a tournament is in early access and you're in arena, what the fuck did you think we'd think you were talking about?
Quake on steam when?
Im so hyped I even bought a new mouse
You might want to go into CSGO and play some dust 2 for a few hours. It takes a while for anyone to get used to a new mouse.
Each mouse, even the same models can have slight variations on the way that they track and behave.

You might wanna go and get your aiming calibration done, while you wait.
because the other anon above me did the same or is that ok?
>Pubg currently 2nd place in steamcharts
>putting csgo 3rd place
I can't believe retard casual games like pub and overwatch actually gather this much attention.

Have people really reliquished so much of their pride and become so lazy that they can't be asked to find joy in skill based games anymore?

The entire fucking gaming population is going retarded, I swear to god.
well see anon I bet that in 10 years Quake will still have a small community and stuff like pubg and Overwatch will be dead.

pubg can be really fun in bursts and scratches a completely different kind of itch compared to a game like quake or ut (i don't even feel like I'm playing a "shooter" in pubg)
cause youre not
pub will probably die. Mostly because Bluehole is fuckin retarded and PU will probably get fed up with their shit in a few years.

Overwatch will never die because of blizzards hardcore shills who delude themselves into thinking there's nothing better.

Same shit happened with WoW.

Several great MMOs came out that are superior to wow, yet every wow retard kept playing wow instead and look where it got them.
A dead genre because no one was smart enough to get away from the sinking ship while they still could, and said "no this is fine"

Overwatch will end up the same way, clinged onto as it sinks by a massive amount of fucktards too dumb to realize there's better games out there.
I dont think people like when fps games require practice and skill and prefer when you all you need is rng and positioning
>Overwatch gutting a garbage teir character because people can't get over "muh ultimate was eaten"
I'm so fucking glad I stopped playing that horse shit.
So fucking glad QC is starting EA today.
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My body is ready.
Will I be able to buy EA on steam?
As far as I understand that's the main selling place for the EA, iirc.

But yes.
>Overwatch gutting a garbage teir character because people can't get over "muh ultimate was eaten"
>doomguy makes visor obsolete
>tfw gonna be out of town during qcon
I hope the exclusive lg skin is ugly af and you all hate it
that's mean anon
fun fact Doomguy is actually slower than visor. No i'm serious Visors MS is 310 DG's MS is 300 he is literally as slow as Scalebarer.
Ask someone to log into the game for you?
visor is 300
Like who
ready to be ashamed burgers?
btw nice one on cypher and agent, but that not gonna help
sorry I think it said 310 in game but the site says 300.
me, i am ur friend
thx bb
What time does the steam release drop?
"shortly after maintenance ends"
so is the patch on the bethesda client live yet?
the patch is up and can be downloaded but they're doing maintenance so the servers are offline
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Any chance moving QC files into the proper steam folder will make steam recognize it so I don't have to download the whole game again?
I don't think that would work.
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by chthon when is it going live again.
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Who knows? Probably when steam goes live in an hour and a fifteen minutes
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But I can't hold my wallet back it's screaming to evict money.
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11am EST
I can smell the spaghetti-o's from here.
thats your complaint about the shit game that is ow? that they want to nerf dva, the biggest no skill joke that game has? kill yourself, stupid nigger
They are already out you fucking retard

>tfw internet too slow to play the game on ea launch

fuck i wish i started downloading the patch earlier
game playable when?
39 minutes
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That face when no female marine to vivisect and experiment with
thanks i got fired
Anyone here with shit (adsl) connection? Does it still warp 2-3 times a game?
bro why do you still have an adsl connection just get cable it's darn cheap these days.
did you work in sales?
i live in a rural area, probably wont ever have fiber (no idea wtf you mean by cable)
maybe ill go 4g in the future, latency is much better than before and speeds shit on adsl
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>did you work in sales?
no, why?
no you
quake champs is shit

>ow virgin detected

to the tumblr with you
quake virgin detected
qc is worst quake
cant be the worst if youre the only one alive
Bro I live in a town and I don't even have fiber optics it's also really overkill if you live alone. (also I was talking about Cable Internet access)
well nobody likes to work in sales so maybe anon would have helped you indirectly.
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congrats on the day old post, champ.
are those the new skins? jesus
wtf this picture is actually real
Top ludokinographie
you dont say
sponge on discord just said it's an anarki skin..fuck
there'd better be a clutch tankjr skin you fucks

shit quality but that ranger Q1 grunt skins looks great
>Ranger looking like AL Bundy in footboal gear

sorlag is nice but otherwise yikes
Steam QC when?
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Holy Shit
Is that Slash with the cute Flapper haircut?
When is going live I want to dig into this.
also who is that priest looking skin, Galena?
should be up by now, probably minutes/ hours if shit goes wrong

yes galena

Yep its she

Classic Sorlag Skin
it looks so RAD
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the man, the legend

the bald
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Based Baldness of Rip and Tear.jpg
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Is Death Knight a skeleton?
He better have a Revenant skin.

nope anon >>186877916
our lord, our savior. our bald messiah.
>skeleton with pauldrons
>anarki skin
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When will she be in?
-33 minutes

when Jeniffer Hale decides to do some voice acting for bethesda and Id again

Though Crash would sound like Samus
never or 2+ years, she isn't in the leaks unless they made her brown without helmet
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when my body is done from doomguy.
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be patient lads
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> Starting from tomorrow purchases of Ryzen 7/5 CPUs and all Radeon RX 500 series graphics cards will be rewarded with free Champions Pack for the new game.
Should I buy a new graphics card maybe
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>steam release delayed for "later today"
>client crashes
>restart it
>has been calculating for 30min at least while downloading at the same time
how is this still not fixed?
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If I don't see some action soon i'm gonna start flipping tables.
>delayed for tomorrow

fuck my life
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Nani trigger.png
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QC isn't on steam either, Is the patch being delayed?
it's been delayed, but there's no ETA
delet this right fucking now
quake discord
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>Don't have to hear their complaints about the patch if there is no patch
Seems that we have 20min to kill

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I hope it won't be delayed until tomorrow.
>for the third time
Where are the first two?
Is that a cheating montage? Look at those crisp clean locks
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Willits was honestly right when he said Quake is one of the most fun games to watch at its peak.
And we're already tumbling down.
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>open up the launcher after not playing since BJ patch
>see this
>let it sit
>hours later
>hasn't moved an inch
Steam version can't come soon enough.
This one was proved recorded on slowed game

this isn't a chatroom newfriend
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is it still happening?
guess ill come back tomorrow hope the game is on steam by then

Eat fucking shit, nerd.

If you want Doomguy with voice go play BD. Wait no, maybe you're playing that already.
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I dug up those leaked pics, and here's what we know at the point of EA.
could the brown chick be crash niggerized?
Athena the Q2 female playermodel
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Is there a point in updating Bethesda launcher Quack if I'm planning to play on Steam?
warpath could be fun.
>tfw qc is cancelled

oh well back to ql i guess
See here Anon
thats so current year, but I guess jungle fever anons will have fun with her
jesus this looks like bootleg halo
Wouldn't Crash work better as a female skin for Doomguy?
ok you can have the last word
crash was always doomgirl to me
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2h late
is he jerking off
Have you never seen actual soldiers?
Most of them are quite Tan.

She doesn't look black either. She looks like she might be Latina.
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360 fov hero when
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Shit like this happens every fucking time. I don't know why I even expect anything to arrive on time nowadays. Yes, it's a minor delay. But when it happens with every fucking game... Drives me crazy.
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>what some Anons think id software intends with QC
tfw you make a block of time before work to play the new update

I will fuck off then and play it tonight
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a sad.gif
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>tfw early access turns into another 8.08
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Good timing
>4th installment of the seminal first-person shooter franchise,
Exclude Plutonia and TnT (a cardinal sin) and theoretically it is the 4th installment just not 4th storywise.
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Doom 64, the official sequel to Doom 2, is not accounted for.
>Was never good with LG in Quake Live/3/cpma/reflex usually getting sub 20-25% acc.
>Suddenly achieving 30%+ LG percentages in QC even on 100 ping
Is it too forgiving /arena/? Though granted, I guess aiming at 'heavier, bigger' champions is generally very forgiving
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Comfy kitsune.png
1MB, 1200x900px
My rage has been quelled thanks for the link
How much does new id themselves know about the series they work on?
During breaks, do they even bother to check wikis or videos about them?
idk thats not my experience at all, my lg and primarily rail, went to shit compared to ql

maybe smaller hitboxes, maybe just the game being less smooth idk
Do i want to download the stream version or finish the client one?currently sitting on 66%
So its pretty much confirmed that it wont be released today right
well its gonna be a while it seems
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>can't buy Quack on steam until Friday

Being a poorfag is suffering.
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They're people who love and play the old games just like everyone else. Their artists used the old sprites as references when making the new demon designs, their level designers used old maps as reference when making the new ones (their lead level designer often had Doom/Doom 2 open on a separate monitor while do so).

Pic related is the principal designer over at id pointing out an homage in DOOM 2016 to Doom 64.
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>mfw had over 50% LG accuracy back in the day
>mfw had like 90% rail accuracy back in the day
>mfw lost it fucking hard around ql era
Plutonia is technically after 64 then. From what i can tell id considers DooM, DooM2, and DooM3 milestones per se, or quantum leaps for DooM as a series, and they are ignoring sequels that are kind of the same thing over again.

There are a fair amount of Veteran id guys who still work for id, the current upper management I believe is from the Q3/Doom3 era. Imo the reason id went to Saber to make most of the game and didn't develop in house was:
1. Suing Carmack so engine has to change
2. A-team is working on D44M2

So the QC team has alot of new-hires or lower tier guys working on it on the back-end and we ended up with the mess of the past few months.

>he can afford quake
wow there richy rich
Do beta testers get early access
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You can continue playing FOR FREE
yes but only on bethesda launcher
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>mfw I was a shitter till QL
>got up to 50% RG
>35% LG
>went back to shitter in QC

Not great numbers but I felt accomplished at the time, the lack of a uniform hitbox still irks me.
Well then they better fix the netcode before I pay a single cent
If you want to play through Steam then you have to either buy it or wait for official F2P release. Otherwise you can continue playing through Bethesda Launcher.
you need to buy the 30$ pack if u want to play ea on steam
ill still have my champions if i dont, right?
its getting out of beta, everything is wiped
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It's like they want us to suffer...
oh well, rip quake
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>I'm so poor I can't afford 30$ game
>rip quake
you can just play it F2P retard, surely you have loads of time on your hands so you can just get champs for free
>>I'm so poor I can't afford 30$ game

nigger average 9-6 paycheck is 250$ here MONTHLY
fuck yourself
Live somewhere better.
you'd make more money just multboxing mmos or something retard
Where the fuck do you live? I earn more and my salary is below minimum.
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so play for fucking free, nobody is forcing you to buy the pack

just because you are a third world nigger doesn't mean t willy owns you anything, and devs should give you shit for free, grow up
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>done watching
>still no EA
On the subject of id software crossovers, what do you guys think of Samsara?
yea give me 3 months worth of paychecks for a plane ticket

take a guess
two hints:
its in europe
its at war with russia

>grow up
make me, nigger

doing what now?
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till EA find 5th eastern egg
Save up and move.
just farm dozens of accounts in mmos with sandboxie and sell gold. no idea whats the best game to do that atm
idmc - Today at 7:51 PM
if all goes well, within an hour or two. if we hit new issues, we'll adjust.


srsly these kids must be joking

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>make me, nigger
calling others nigger when you are posting from a mud hut and can't afford 30$ doesn't look good
>Save up and move.
see you in 10 years then

probably need to have a pc capable of running more than one sandbox then
>yea give me 3 months worth of paychecks for a plane ticket
Compared to what you make in a single month, I could ship your ass to me in a single pay check of just 2weeks of work.
ill shave my asshole two extra times just for you, anon
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btw i chose veteran and i suck :^)
ok so how do i buy it?
Suddenly, Quake Live and Doom are -75%
A lot of Bethesda and id games are on sale for some reason.
Quakecon is just around the corner.
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Hell Knight confirmed next hero
>sent back to frontpage
life is pain
it was up for a moment
buying was bugged
now it boots you back to the main store page

something is fucked
someone said that's supposed to be a skin for Anarki
on the left i mean
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>being slow
See: >>186877916

But yeah Death Knight is likely next.
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it's quake man you have to go fast
what about 3rd from right?
Added :^)
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nice login man
ok downloaded and installed the game, aaaaand error: invalid app configuration
>still maxes out my upload twice a game

fuck living in the middle of fucking nowhere
suprisingly there might've been a reason they quickly took it down
The link doesn't work anymore what fuck man
gee who knew, i wonder maybe that's why they took it down ??
>not censoring name
dude you gonna get raped
I didn't know was at the gym for a while.
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Guess we're waiting more.
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I relaunched my Steam and QC disappeared from my library. Thank god the download is still there!
wasn't it supposed to be 25% off?
>americans pay 30 dollars
>euros have to pay 30 euros aka 35 dollars


It will be $40 after EA. Right now it's $30. That's 25% off, no?
yeah i'm sick of this BS.
How do we link accounts?
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quick - should I buy via steam or bethesda?
>implying it's a question.
Open your loot boxes and post results!

I got shit. Duplicate champion and everything else was meh.
i got random blue shit
I'm legit serious, Can one link to steam if purchased from bethesda?
Wait. Where's my EA ranger skin? Why do I have to buy it? And why do I have Gladiator skin unlocked?
got visor
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Is this real? I can't find anything about it on their website.

Doomguy's seen some shit.
yes but its the default one, it shoots orange lightning too
Disregard my post I suck weiners
Fuck I bought it on the wrong account. What do I do now?
refund? what the fuck is the question for

Does someone knows if Buy on Steam i can use my Bethestard ACC?
So the Gladiator skin is exclusive to Champion Pack. Then why the fuck were they showing that RAGE skin for him?
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Doomguy is just tired of everyone's bullshit.
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Goddamn he looks so fucking tired of it all.
I got the Cacodemon head for Doomguy.
Why is Arby so perfect?
>didnt get shit from the box
welp time to be eternal ranger
>q-con lightning gun is just a default one but red
wow, its fucking nothing
>americans pay 30 dollars
>mexicans have to pay 600 pesos aka 60 dollars

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wew lads.png
502KB, 634x1007px
god help us
>Galena is grimacing all the time, like having constant flashbacks from all the people she ritually sacrificed
Why is she so mad bros?
>runes just unlock recolors


>HueHuezians are paying 21 dollars aka 69 Draculas
>remembers that hue hues plays only memetic shit like PUBG, LoL, Dota 2 and CSGO
>try to create account
>says my password isnt good enough every time

This is pretty damn cool.
>americans pay 30 dollars
>russians pay 860 RUbless aka 14.5 пинdollars
thank you based putin
>>americans pay 30 dollars

>zimbabweans have to pay 30 banana's aka 500 coconuts
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Can't deal.gif
2MB, 480x360px
It's a combination of D3 Berserk and D44M Berserk holy shit!
Would be pretty cool if the announcer said the name of the medals in the medal statistics list
>D44M intro reference + punching the camera
Why cant I create an account
yo gatDAMN thats good
Why do I have to wait for a refund
that fov... ...
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quack quack motherfucker.jpg
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>Canadians pay 40 canadollars aka about 32 dollars
I was hoping it would be closer to the actual exchange rate, but at least I'm not getting fucked as hard as yurops.
______, and ______, for forgiveness!
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>cant even create an account because the password field is bugged
Can you make Doomguy show his bloody face and wear the Praetor suit, without the helmet, at the same time?
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wat do?
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Major best girl.jpg
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>my username is just random numbers and letters
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Veteran you pansy. What are you, a beginner?
Literally a reskin of hunter.
Can we shitpost to auto-sage so one of us can make the Early Access edition bread, and then go play quack?
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Uh oh.jpg
253KB, 1920x1080px
You speedrunner
but I want to stomp noobs
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447KB, 512x566px
>not coppertone
>ass is not beautifully defined
>lips nowhere near as cute
>no giggle
>no glorious valley of cleavage

Anon get you must've been staring at the eclipse for too long.
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id Daddies.png
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smug bitterman.png
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>Downloading done in 22 minutes
Almost there boys
What the shit is wrong with you, literally wrong anon! I hope you get choo-choo'd
It's 21:9 130FoV. So yeah it's pretty wide.
>your connection has timed out

what the FUCK does this mean? i've never had this problem until this update and I'm able to connect to servers by myself, just not in matchmaking
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>Galena's acolyte dress
holy shit
What does it look like?
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>olive skinned with freckles
>5 minute ques
here we go again
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2MB, 1280x720px
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praetor torso + legs + doomguy head + helmetless attachment
who the fuck is that
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>LITERALLY no trailer for Doom

Welp. It's confirmed now.

Bethesda/id's PR team is run by goddamn monkeys
>username is just random numbers for some reason
>look on the support forums and you cant change username
Is this where I refund?
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125KB, 703x703px
Japanese School Swimsuit?
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confused galena.png
902KB, 699x828px
One more, I'm only doing this while waiting for the download to finish
>can only be worn as a set
fucking why, I dont like the chest and arms
>Is this where I refund?
my sides
I hope they'll eventually make you refund your username, especially since I do change my own every few months depending on I feel like it
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100KB, 250x250px
It's like a 20 letter/numbers long username and its impossible to remember when I want to log in.
Isn't it your steam account ID?
Good lord anon, what were you thinking back then?
Don't think so, it's my bethesda account login.
I didn't even type it in, it was given to me.
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confused edwin.jpg
67KB, 446x476px
>I didn't even type it in, it was given to me.
I have many questions.

You can use your Bethesda Account too
How does this work? You linked your bethesda account to steam or something like that?
Galena kind of has a Queen or Empress feel to her. Like she would be the type of woman you would want at your side ruling an empire.
Why are loot boxes so overpriced
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31KB, 225x225px
>pressed register account after starting Quake
>verify email and go to complete registration
>Username was greyed out
>try to register a couple of times but password is broken
>finally works
>it gives me a dumb random name that's impossible to remember
I'd Deus her Vult if you know what I mean
Agreed, although I only get that with that skin, her other skins remind me of Hexen, strongly
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>We’ve issued the refund to your Steam wallet. The funds will be shown now as pending and will become available to spend within 7 days.
oh my god please don't hurt me
Might refund as well so I can have a proper username ;_;
Does it change his champ select screen voice back to "NYEEEEEERGH"?
We hit limit time to go lads
no he actually talks with his mouth open wide like that

New bread.
my quake chemps steam edition™ just crashed
man I hope the game is in better condition before it gets out of early access.
The Doom 3 berserk yelling, oh yes
Is that a Quake 1 Grunt skin for Ranger? THat's fucking excellent.

Slash on the left is LEWD AS FUCK
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202KB, 1027x378px
Dumb animeposter
How long does it take to get a refund?
They didnt confirm whether cheeki breeki will get a buff or not
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