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Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1353: Wake

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 756
Thread images: 184

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Zenkai no /llsifg/! >>186421343

>Current Events
JP: Chika UR scouting
EN: UmiMaki Challenge Festival (Ending Soon)

>Download the Game (English/Japanese)
>Game Wiki
>Event Points Calculator
>Event Cutoff Predictor
>Team Builder


Reminder to ignore shitposters
aqours killed love live
Wake me up
Cute canon!
Can't wake up
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zzzzz friday.jpg
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Save me from these flops
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Sorry, I'm a Chaser fan.
Let's have a fun, positive thread! All raibus are great! Aqours aren't flops! Muse aren't old hags!
I don't care about you, but thanks for replying as though I would.
>Aqours aren't flops!
>moose are't hags
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>All raibus are great!
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For ice cream gays
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It's like puking over a canvas and this came out of it
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Dia's face when you tell her you want to feel her little birthmark. I think I have an idea of what to draw.
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That's a lot of Woobies.
We're lowering the standard in a process selective.
The formulas to thin.
But it takes more than one person.
So everyone jump on.
You haven't posted in awhile. I was worried!
*breaks bones x81*
I had to take care of some IRL stuff.
Like jail
Vans with tinted windows don't pay for themselves. We understand.
I see, good to see you're back though.
Is this a punishment game where they have to listen to Ruby sing?
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>panicked and went over 90k for T2 because predictor claimed underprediction at 89k
>check the tiers after I'm done playing
Is it broken or what? I doubt this will jump 8k in 2 hours.
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Wub Wooby.
You underestimate EN. Lower tiers than JP = extremely high levels of competition
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Yeah but normally there's only a 3k fluctuation at most.
That is an unsafe way to handle glassware.
Cute gays.
I thought you said we were going to be blacklisted for a few hours.
Stop coming here and bumping the thread you fucks.
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You didn't vote for her as best girl.
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First they'll think you're lost, but you're not
It's the easy feeling
Yeah, there's every chance you could crash
If you don't believe it
Why spend more time in a lie if it goes on that way?
Love don't come to you, who knew?
It just was there always
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Honestly, I've always thought that objectively Kotori is the worst one and I like Kotori. Kotori is probably my favorite but as a character, there's nothing there.

Kotori has literally nothing to her, she gets the least development out of all the girls which is saying something. Her character is she's cute, she's friends with Umi and Honoka, and she makes costumes. That is it, you can watch the whole show and the movie and this will not change at all. The last part of season 1 was heavily about Kotori but it somehow managed to not even remotely push her character forward, at all. She really wants Honoka to tell her what to do, that is Kotori for you. When season 2 started, it was like the end of season 1 didn't even happen.

I still like Kotori though because she's fucking adorable and has by far the cutest design IMO, her design is what saves her, also dat voice, but they gave her the shaft as a character. I want to give her my shaft though.

Rin and Nozomi tie for a close second though. They get more than Kotori but just the bare minimum character development. Nozomi and Rin have always felt like tag along characters. Just remember how they joined the group, it was just a "Eh, fuck it. Why not?" sort of thing. I would probably rate Rin lower than Nozomi though because she's just another genki character when we have Honoka already, she's just a shittier Honoka.

It's clear the writers had a boner for Nico though but I hate Nico so fuck that.
I get that /a/ is not your first visit, anon?
bring back m's!!!!
Any advantage on using 100LP on lives instead of the usual 25LP?
>muh sekrit club only content
It's almost strictly superior, yes.
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>some fucker explained my joke on /a/
I hate them already, but they are making me want to watch LL. See you in 10 hours. 26 EP and a movie.
Saves time, that's about it. You can use it during token events while you farming for tokens but I believe if you miss a token note you'll be missing 4 instead of 1 since it's x4. I could be wrong on that tho
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kys poscshn
Just some friends doing the Nico Nico Nii~
Nah, if you miss a token you miss one. LP multiplier spreads the tokens on more notes through the song chart instead of putting a value of 2/3/4 in 1.
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Holding hands with Riko
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Sleep tight, you magnetic gays.
I hope honkniggers get a flesh eating disease from their next meal.
We know, Ruby
Calm down, Maki
It's now 83k
Ruby is such a fucking slut
I bet she sucks like 2 dozens of dicks on a daily basis
You're thinking of Honoka
gotta be more than that
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Fuck off poshn
Love you poshn!
Oh. That makes more sense, I've never payed attention to that since token events are my least favorite. Except for the Puwa Puwa one
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Cute posrp!
i ship honoka and ruby
Fucking kek
Can you imgur link the honk jav drawing?
Cute pair.
ded like honoka's hymen
How is Ruby so cute!?
>last event hour
>thread is ded
Nico and Maki are her mothers.
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I-I'm doing my best!
cute family
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Done. 36 tickets this time, which is actually on the low side for a Challenge Festival, but still way better than any other type.
A god among men.
>36 tickets
Fucking hell Kinto
I'm still grinding! You better appreciate my post during this last hour.
Please don't exceed 90k
Let me suck your massive cock, Kinto!
That's gay Helios
Please be 86k
Who here 60k?
>China dress
>China dress + 1st year
>China dress + lily white
Thanks KiaB
I'm already at 81k but I don't feel like playing anymore
>rubypedos almost destroyed this general
>We post this little shit in OP

You are even lower than /a/
Wtf with tier 3?
everyone spam gems to get 1 Seamen.
Too late for me to get the second SR Maki since I was too lazy to get the points on time.
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I hope this is enough.
Better than doing a scout 11 and getting just a useless SR.
Nah, /a/ is even worse
>mods delete threads
>lol let's make "kanan is shit epic meme shitposting thread"
Good thing insane autist shitposter moved there
Perfect 9000
I can't tell whose side you're on.
Kotori caught thief Eli and she can't escape. What lewd punishments will Kotori do?
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Should be safe.
i love my crosseyed cutie.
>3 more stones for extra silver seal
shit nigga what are you doing?
I don't want a repeat of last Challenge Fest.
>rank 209
please explain
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Were you the guy who almost got an SR card but missed it by a hair?
Kiss Umi.
I was stupid.
No, in the end it was just a gem and some LP that went to waste.
Headbutt Umi.
Headbutt Anon.
Implying stupid burdo can stop Slav
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Fucking kiab
If only stage 4 had that.
Did T2 reach 90k?
92k actually
How do I filter Rubypedos?
Please no ;_;91k here
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Too late now
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Pat Umi.
What's the next event after the MakiUmi Event?
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Twilight Tiger childhood friends are cute.
we due for a token
Ruby is a beautiful singer who sings meaningful lyrics.
The me getting angel Mari event

Plz ;_;
Hope you get an UR!
Remember to solo pull to get her.
More like rape me up inside am i right?
Please be nice to Eli. She has autism.
The cutest autism.
Hanamaru Kanan Medley.
>Hanamaru Kanan
Could this pairing work?
I wish I was Umi so I could have felt Honoka's soft cheeks.
Senior-junior, same sub-unit. It could.
To be honest Kanan could be paired with anyone and it would be good. I have no idea why but it just does.
I wish I was Umi so I could have felt Honoka's soft breath on my pussy
Umi is so sweet.
Kanan is literally perfect
Why are Uminiggers and Honkniggers the absolute worst posters?
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Who /SHINY/ in 14 minutes?
See above.
Conejito found a better girl.
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Fuck off
Smart and loyal conejito.
Reminder to not listen to UR fairies or Yoshitkoturds
We know futa chika
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Yoshiko blesses you with UR.
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do not cry for me argentina...
Who do I pull from with a scouting ticket Yohane?
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>3 tickets
>3 SRs
Cool. Time for Mari.
I'll miss it desu.
Last shiny
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Nailed it
Solo pull always the best.
lol, nice
You're so lucky I hope a meteorite crashed into your house.
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That aint how it works you faggot, delete that UR now.
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>R cards
T-Thanks Klab
I Hate you
Fuck you.
dead like my rolls
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>5 rolls
>2 URs
>2 SSRs
>9 SRs
>5 of those being Angel Maru
She's ladies woman
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Wrongg one
delete your luck
Congrats on your shinies!
Cute kat
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I love my friends!
You have to buy that ticket, right?
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>all these lucky rolls while I have had none in a long time
it's ok, remember the world is million of years old and you happen to live on 2017 where raibus is a thing
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What are you doing? We need to protect her identity.
If I had luck I would've gotten the new Mari and I ended up getting nothing of her at all in four rolls. But I guess a UR is still a UR and that Yoshiko is cute.
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I guess this is fine
Superior Angel/Devil
No thanks, I'm saving up for the Circus Set.
Oh! Sorry about that.
When will it come anyway? I didn't save the table pic anon posted threads ago :/
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Better times. F
Not again
I don't know probably after September, maybe
Sometime next month. After Angel Mari will be Time Travel/Retro Chika and You.
>accidentally do a 5 blue instead of 10 blue
>get a PL SR
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DiaRiko Playboy set when?
fucking roasted
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Going to sleep with Nozomi and I'm the pillow.
RIP anon. He couldn't carry that weight.
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Good to know, Eli
is the miracle nine related to the bali nine?
Holy shit I actually got her.
I feel sorry for you
But hey, look on the bright side, you got another seal
>finally got my kingblades
So, when are we going to stream the satrips?
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You made me waste a lot of time to find that image.
It was worth it I think.
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50 gems for a PL cuck and angel stinkstar, nice.
Do another scout and you'll be blessed with a UR.
So you got a PL Nico and angel Umi? Congrats.
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cute family.jpg
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There were two cucks actually, the second one is a skillup I guess.
hell no, I was going for the Chika SSR in the first place so I don't really care about the UR.
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What did Riko mean by this?
Is she cucking Chika wit (You)?
What a bitch
50 gems for a single SR and it's fucking Kanan

Fuck this shit
We hope you continue to enjoy Love Live! School Idol Project
That just proves NickMack is canon.
>didn't catch on
only a cuck would believe she was cucked
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I pulled three Angel Riko URs last time, so I honestly can't complain.
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>Maki bang with Honoka, Eli, Umi, Tsubasa and Papa;
>makinico is Canon!

You are bigger cuck than Yousoro
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They are homos.gif
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Maki isn't a slut like Honoka, Maki only loves Nico.
Fuck off back to discord, piece of shit redditor honknigger
>everyone else giving chocos to (You), the male viewer
>these two are off to the side exchanging chocos
wtf lgbt millenials
I knew I wasn't the only one who thought she looked just like Hanamaru.

Hentai was pretty hot desu
Tamashii: Insert
>gender bender
Is this the one where he hijacks girls' body?
>borderline incesty
They are lovers.
ded like rubypedo brain
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>tfw no angel Mari
kys poshn
ded like marifags
Will otohime be released in EN? Been waiting for a long time
Nope, Nico intended to give chocolate to selfinsert male(who was in all girls school for some reason), but dropped it
Kill yourself spicsubhuman
Will be my new canon
ded like me
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Two events from now
That's nice, Ruby
I got Angel Mari on my second pull holy shit
>that reply
wtf i love /gbp/ now
>flopnigger also playing bang dream
at least he's readying to jump ship when aqours flops further
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I'm ok with this.
Can we all agree that MariKanan is the worst aqours ship?
SIF meets quality like this when? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIn_eDLGnUI
Last year and they actually move.
Samefagging Rintard is samefagging.
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I didn't know /sp/artans are cucks
>rivals singing µ's songs
FLOPNIGGERS ON SUICIDE WATCH AAHAHAHAHHA Seriously, this is like a slap to the face for Aqours.
>cuck AND a nu-male
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>Ratto seduced another slut;

She's so alfa female. Honoka was a good teacher.
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Seriously, why do other boards like Cucksoro so much? Is she a babby's first like Maki?
She's normie's first idol
>Riko's official listing is number 2, after Chika
>You's listing is number 7
>Riko is closer to Chika than You

We need a scene where Riko kisses Chika while You watches.
>Eli's official listing is number 2
HonoEli confirmed
Love Live should have been senpai v childhood friend just like the manga.
>You's listing is number 7
5. Hanamaru is 7
Pair like honieli would be canon in any other series actually
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>Eli's official listing is number 2
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3 four slot skills.png
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I broke the game.
Please stop! I don't want to kill my dick!
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Spank the bottom of the sea.
>yoshiko is number 6

Wtf? I thoug she flat?
did anyone hear that program last night on npr about japanese idols? i think on Q
i wanted to turn it up and listen to it but my mom was in the car so........
Can't check from my phone and won't return home until sunday
Is it rape? What girl?
Public masturbation
Chika being a voyeur
It's a Maru bestiality doujin where she gets drugged and turned into a sex slave and she ends up having sex with multiple dogs every day.
Kanan being drugged and raped by her fan until mindbroken.
Futa HonoUmi
Female fan-chan I hope?
It's an art.
>not futa fag
People normally only go on about luck in scouting but that's some crazy luck there too. I wish I got veils once in a while.
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1, 2, or 3?
How many days left before sunshine s2?
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All of them
Official pairs


The one that isn't a slut
>no ChiKanan
fake and not official

this is pretty funny


Fuck off Lantis
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>4 10+1's in the non-birthday step-up box
>1 10+1 for Nozomi's birthday
>3 10+1's and 35 ST's for jellyfish chuuni
>1 10+1 for Nico's birthday
>3 10+1's for Honk's birthday
>2 10+1's and 15 ST's for angel Mari
>0 UR's
>25 BT scout out of frustration a while ago >Komem
L-looking forward to your birthday, Kotori.
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Can I have You? I don't want her to stay alone.
>muh big sister kanan
>Maki between her two wives.
She looks so happy
Only if you look like Chika.
Shit I'm not ugly enough then
>Maru's face when she sees slutty ruby

Felt something in my heart desu
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Ouch, we all go through a UR drought eventually. Hopefully Kotori will bless you with some URs on her birthday.
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I understand your frustration, Panafriend.
I hope you get lots of UR soon!
Pretty big and interesting live report.
In japanese, but what the fuck did you expected?
You totally deserve it for being a piece of shit, Chaser.
Hopefully you don't get anything for the rest of the year.
Not bad. I'd rather have a Kenan UR than a rice fatty one.
Should've solo'd.
Kanan has very pretty URs though
Make this incesty and cute childhood friends instead.
Doesn't Chaser always get URs though? The other Panafags are alright.
who cares
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I hope you'll get her soon, anon. just trust kotori.
Thanks, it's okay. I had better luck back when I started playing, so I already have one of my favourite UR's as well as 5 others that I don't like so much and don't even use in my teams. Adding the seal from the recent promo UR, that makes two nice cards I can get from the shop.
It's a bummer, but there are lots of people who are less lucky, I guess.
>Knowing these things about people you don't like
They attentionwhore so much that everyone here knows them
I have no idea who those people are
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Do not bully Chaser. He did nothing wrong.
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Is this any good?
They really don't. You discordfags just started saying his name for every post he makes. I would have no idea who he is if it wasn't for your circlejerking
>Chaser apologists
The state of this general
>no Ruby
Yes, very.
Congrats on the Guilty Kiss
>This shit again

Fuck off Diabetes
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Cute chuuni
>muh discord boogeyman
>actually defending attentionwhores
That's actually sad
a bit disappointing for a bought ticket
>no UR
What a waste
I bet it's Josh. He got outed by his fellow discordshitters for being a crackshitting honknigger.
Now he's always bringing up people who actually play the game.
How many URs do you have and how much money did you spend on the game?
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Got this from the blues right now.
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Where my rubyfriends at?
The original post wasn't Chaser. Most of the posts they assume is Chaser aren't him either.
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>no name in that post
>just a Pana image with a 4chan filename when we have several Panafags here
>people mention their (bad) luck with scouts all the time
Sounds more to me like you're obsessed or you have a gay crush on him, buddy. Is there something you want to tell us?
Cute Maki
Anyone wanna take guesses on how much money I will have to blow for Angel Mari? I am 35$ down the drain right now.
11 URs
>8 URs (Not including the promo URs)
>muh gay boogeyman
>rin image
250 American dollar 7 URs.
Pulled 28. I imagine I'm over £1000 at this point.
10 UR's
I'd say around 600
I once blew $100 and didn't get my UR.

I say $150
6 on EN, 2 on JP
Just bought the starter packs.
50 bucks, no URs from that

I haven't tried to purchased, though.
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I think I've pulled around 30, 2000$
I've had to sell like half of them though since I sell all non scorers and non good healers.
2 UR
EN: 7 URs (sealed 1)
JP: 13 URs (sealed 3)
>spending money on virtual shit
4 URs

Where do you find this? booru doesn't have sauce
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19 URs
I don't want to know.
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>Spend money on the game
>Y-you attention whore!!
I didn't know poorfags were this salty
>130 down
>no Mari
I think I should give up
I sold half of them so I can't tell.
13, at least 500 dollars, probably about 700-ish
6 URs
Around $250
I am sorry for you.
You should give up.

If you get her now, you'll get to stare at the picture, knowing you spend $130 on this while people will get her with a green ticket.

You can't win this. It's better to stop now, take your loss. Blow the rest on a game or a figure to cheer you up.
Currently at 16. Would have twice as many but I killed a bunch for seals.
Probably around 1500€ or more. I don't want to know the exact amount.


*breaks bones*
fucking kek
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No UR but I'll take it. Wub Wooby!
What's the best subunit song and why is it Guilty Eyes Fever
>get free tuition at college
>need electives
Should I just pull the trigger and learn moon runes?
>dat chikaruby closeness
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I'm okay with this.
JP: 6
EN: 2
bought only the starter packs on both versions, so about 10-20 bucks, I guess.
Only if you promise to translate the manga for us
8 excluding one I sealed.
$36 I think. None of the money I put into the game got me anything beyond single SR's.
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I am sorry for you. That Ruby is so fucking worthless. I am gonna seal her right now.
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23 days.jpg
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Turns out I don't know how to count, I have 9 UR's.
do it fagget
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Not the UR that I was looking for but I take it.
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First it was maybe $15 from starter and spring packs

After Nico's birthday it shot up by about $100 and I got FUCKING



So do Klab just not care about the poster girl promos giving a UR seal? They haven't said anything about it and they haven't taken the seal away yet.
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Why did you do this to Ruby?
I'd rather have Riko than Mari
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My remaining μ's URs are just promos. I did sacrifice phantom Eli to idolize my Halloween Dia UR not too long ago. I usually joke about killing μ's cards, but that one was actually a hard decision, because that was the first UR I ever got. Went through with it because I wasn't going to scout for μ's anymore.
They gave chinks -1 UR seal.
It was intentional. Klab said so.
Reminds me about someone who sold or practiced away a yoshiko UR fresh from a pull because it wasn't Ruby or Chika
I think that faggot was doing it for (You)'s. I think he even said he didn't need the seal.
Who is they?
I have levelled up her to 70 today. Unfortunately I didn't realise she was worthless.
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>"Thank you for all the kisses, /llsifg/~"
Kiss Umi.
Eventually I'll need the seal, just not right now.
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kissing Umi again
Cum inside Umi without protection.
Calm down, Maki.
>didn't get Angel Mari
Well it was nice knowing you lads. I had some fun times but I think it's time for me to quit for good. Good bye everyone.
It's an SSR so they're not really worth much unless they're idolized. It's not that big a deal.
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You'll take responsibility, right, anon?
You'll be back.
Yes, with my family's secret abortion technique.

Kick Umi
>scout for Angel Mari
>get Job Kenny instead
I didn't get Angel Mari either but there will be opportunities to get her, fag.
Yeah I am learning the game. These are good experiences.
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U 18~01.jpg
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You made Umi-chan cry.
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You know back when she came out I spent like 150 bucks or more for Victorian Kotori and didn't get her and I felt like despairing. Much later I ended up getting her from a BT scout.
Don't give up you'll eventually get her, Honokami loves you.
>next event's info wasn't added
hmmm update this week maybe
I always remember this from the first day of Aqours joined EN.

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Baka Chika Chan first comic.jpg
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>posting a Chikanigger link out of nowhere
>last login: 260 days ago
Does anyone else have a problem getting boners to love live characters other than yoshiko? I don't even like her

>fully clothed yoshiko doing nothing special
>rock hard
>maki or someone in a bikini wiggling her ass around
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Baka Chika Chan 2.jpg
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Not you anon, I meant the tripshit.
jumpshit polishes chikanigger's anus with his nose at every opportunity. sad thing is he never even gets acknowledged.
You like to take advantage of the mentally handicapped.
I am the mentally handicapped.
Yoshiko is a slut, no wonder you're aroused whenever you see her.
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Seems like anon was right. Thanks for the tips.
Chika would be much more popular if she had a better character design desu
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Next stop is Kobe
Chika's character design isn't great but even if it was, it wouldn't improve her popularity. Her being the leader will always make her less popular that the other girls, similar to Honk in µ's.
Anyone else mad when you see good artists drawing doujin for shit girls like Kanan and Ruby?
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i'm not seeing the problem here
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Ruby is the only good Aqours
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That's disgusting.
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Cute canon.
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Put Yohane in the screenshot!
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wooby's life.jpg
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Put the dick inside Rikako's mouth!
>people still don't realice flat is justice
shaking my head
lmaoooooo *breaks bones*
I wonder who'll be the next wearing those
its a drawing you weirdos
a fucking 15 years old kid you sickfucks
fap to the 24 years old grown-up 3d woman instead
kys seiyuushitter
>fapping to the cutelewd perflat 2d girl
>fapping to the ugly unsexy manface 3d gook
hmmm hard choice
she has bigger tits than Umi, Rin and Nico
Who are the best posters in this general? I say Elifriends.
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rinfriends 2bh
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Nico loves Maki.
Hers and Umi are the same.
Umifriends, they have the best taste after all.
Cute gays
i like honkfriends when they're not trying to force their shit girl in the OP. wait...
More like Nico loves money
Did you just git gud?
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NicoMaki are canonical gays..
Kick Honoka.

Nicofags are cute
Not for each other though.
We know, Kotori.
That's nice, Kotori
wtf i love ai-chan now!
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terrible spic Nico.png
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Dumb crackshitting honknigger kys.
nice master1200

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Hug Umi.jpg
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I congratulate you Seagullfriend.
Canonfriends are smart.
Honestly, I don't know what happened. I'd say I was lucky, but I got a pop-up notification at the start of the song and had already given up, but somehow managed to not break the combo until the end. The PL team helped a lot.
>I don't know what happened
>the pl team helped a lot
Gee wonder what happened lol
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Every time I see that image. Every time.
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Thoughts on this tomato?
she is pure and not a slut
Very cute.
Not really, all the previous attempts were made using the same team.
Rotten and shit.
bad art
uncultured scrub
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But that's correct.
Damm she screams like a girl
She has a fridge for a body
To thin and flat, tries to look sexy but isn't
I have nothing against tomato, but that art sucks.
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>tsundere knees
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Nico loves her a lot.
Remember that one time we bullied that honknigger Fuyuyami into quitting
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Remember to post the original swimsuit to make your point.
Your education sucks
Which one makes it for you?
and then someone posted it on plebbit and Maya sold us out? Yeah I remember.
>Final Login: 58d ago
Delusional tomatofag
I think you people took this meme about hating Honoka fans too far
Piece of shit nigger roastie, glad she's never coming back here
There's a reason I posted a duck as a pic, anon.
Fuck off honknigger, you pieces of shit just don't know when to quit shitposting
Refined taste.
I don't even know what happened. I was bored and thought it would be funny and then next thing you know she ends up quitting, and she was rank 244 too so I don't know if one of you guys messaged her and scared her or something.
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But I'm a fan of Nico not Honk
>rank 244
Rank 146 actually.
>falseflagging as a niconigger now
Fuck off
Oh right, right.
cute art
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Cute datenshi
Sorry for the kabongo

I feel you, I've not had an UR from honour scouting in absolutely ages. Spent 800 gems for devil nico, 400 on nico's bday and got nothing for it. Last 2 UR's I've got have been from coupon scouting.
Sorry about the ratto
>you'll never be in a dark room with cute chuuni
why even try

7 UR's @ Lv 157. Spent nothing on the game.
Why do the japanese just casually drink alcohol on TV
Will we get KanaMaru next or will Klab surprise us and give us Ochinpo?
Looks more like a tenshi to me.
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You = Sunrise
Yoshiko = Youshiko fans
dumb yoshimarunigger
I hope it's KanaMaru so I don't have to tier
>on TV
Cute second Eli
Probably the Kanan and Hanamaru medley. There's a week gap so it gives them long enough to update, but I wouldn't expect anything.
>implying klab is smart enough to actually make good use of event downtime
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>taking a shower
>put music in the background, just chilling
>wild Hidamari Sketch OP appeared
>it's hatena de wasshoi
>suddenly remember that one video where sww autistically dances a hidamari song
>imagine her screaming WASHOI WASHOSHOI all over the place
>can't change the song from the shower
>try to finish as soon as possible before my mind fucking explodes
>trip over the wet floor and die
Fuck off
she isn't like your typical stacy
Me as Yohane but smiling
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Seagull a cute.
Not as cute as NcMk but still.
cute avians
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>Not as cute as NcMk but still.
Throw small rock at Umi.
Throw big rock at Kotori.
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>Not as cute as NcMk but still.
>Not as cute as NcMk but still.
Dumb boyes.
I think she's smiling
Even HonoUmi is better than tsunshit
These threads used to be more comfy, what the hell happenned? Why so much shitposting.
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>only wanted my lord and savior Yohane from this collection
>poorfag so only enough loveca for one pull was all I could scavange the past few days
>pic related
Life is good to me.
Blame /a/
Blame Kussun
Do not blame Kussun.
The medley, definitely. If you look at the longer term event schedule they need to go with the medley now to free up the two backlogged μ's medleys sooner.
It's literally one guy
Come on now. There is barely anything new to discuss.
Mimorin JAV got revealed.
>not even accounting for ST's
Jesus Christ. In case you're going to scout for Kotori, I feel like she will end the drought. Good luck, anon.
at least it's not 4%
Blame /oneguy/
Me on the right.
>did five 5BT pulls for Aqours so far
>3 URs 2 SRs
I pity those who do 25BT pulls
Fuck off KiaB
It will even out in the following rolls, then you'll come back to say that you pity yourself for not using 25BT pull. So be smart, accept this victory and make sure it doesn't even out by using 25BT from now on.
Post chuuni.
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I like the past 800 posts.
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>want to roll once for the srs
>tfw it flipped from an r
I just wanted cutechildhood friends. I hope Maribros get her I feel bad.
scout any good shinies?
Got the pack and all I got were 3 SR's total, feels fucking bad.
No. Didn't see anyone on my friend list getting her either.
sorry to hear! i hope you get her soon ):
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Sadly not. It was a last minute decision to scout for her so I'm not too upset. Got 3 SSRs and 2 SRs from 2 pulls, including angel Chika. I wish I got angel chuuni and Maru though.
>used seals to make a smile BiBi team
>pull Maid Ron
>my shitty 1st years are now better
Got an angel shiny and 3 angel chunnis out of one pull
Yup >>186478623 One of the SSRs was cheerleader Mari.
Hopefully you get Christmas Eli soon
It's telling me to swap out Halloween and Devil Eli for Pepe Pana and Pool v2 Rin, but I like Eli more.
Why Dia is so angry on the downloading screen?
Ignore the team builder and make a BiBi team
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nickle gee.png
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i stopped drawing
Who's your Center?
Baseball Maki. That difference in expected score is only 2.2k though.
Baseball Maki is a good healer, just rank her skill to level 3 and slap a Healer SIS on her.

Maid rin boi is a Scorer, but doesn't rank that high in the Smile scorer rankings (worse than initial Nico UR)

I suggest aiming for Christmas Eli when she's available in the shop.
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>yfw you realize FRAMESPAM is the best player here
Make it short, why should I care about photos of some random Thai girl?
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>mfw I realize FRAMESPAM is a girl
Post tits
I skipped all this story lel
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crying nico.png
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Haha. Same!
>next time
What next time?
They disbanded forever
Fucking cunts.
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I want to slutty one.
I really want that corn
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cuck boiiiiii
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What did she mean by this?
I think my Maki is at lv.2 with the heal SIS, I guess I'll bump her up. And I don't have spare UR sticker just lying around but thanks for the info.
Delicious yokisoba, grats on best girl
No problem.
I don't think Christmas Eli will be in the shop next month, she'll most likely be available on October.
Hopefully you get to seal another UR by then, good luck.
>both Youkisoba and Tears of a Fallen Angel
Youshiko confirmed canon.
Ruby confirmed to always look 17.
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found the "funposter"
just post your twitter here you pussy
What happened guys? I thought you guys told me she was a great singer.
She sells as Maki but not as Pile.
Fucking newfags.
>Fuck "Chika oshis" that clearly like Honoka more and only like Chika because they can see Honoka in her.
You can't make this shit up lmao
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smug honk.jpg
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>pile is going to perform at budokan
>meanwhile WUG hasn't and probably never will
pile more successful than WUG confirmed
I hope nobody fell for the stinky Umi meme. Umi smells great!
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What do you think about double-bun Yoshiko?
Cute, but not as cute.
Why does Mari always put her junior's hairstyle up in double-buns?
Is Mari a pedo?
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948KB, 778x1100px
not as cute as double buns nico
The snow halation episode was literally all about nozomi
>Why does Mari always put her junior's hairstyle up in double-buns?
Because dengeki is a bunch of lazy faggots.
Reminds me of Mickey Mouse.
she's unlucky so it always rains
Cute mouses!
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Sure Honoka.
Umi is abusing Honoka. Bad stinky Umi.
LMAO what a pushover
>actually defending this creative impotence
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Because she knows it makes them even cuter.
Chuuni always makes my pants rain.
Would it be more creative if it wasn't raining?
>Umi will never put her stinky fingers in your mouth
Why even live?
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>you're walking around minding your own business when you see this cutie waving at you
What do?
Keep walking
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Look behind me to see if she wasn't just waving at another person.
I wish she was waving at me but I already know that, she's waving someone behind me.
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>awesome sauce
Ok, Honoka seems pretty cute so far.
I knew poshns were dumb, didn't expect them to be this dumb
Nico smells like poop. Nico looks like poop. Nico is poop.
Are they lovers?
I love poop
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What would you do with a tiny Kankan
Step on her
We know, Maki
>it's so kawaii
>I found my waifu
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Post what you're listening to right now
Our "funposters" = casual newshits
This is why their shitposts are so primitive. HAHAHAHA ROASTED kek slut shit cuck HAHAHAHA. You don't need to know love live for this.
t. Youcuck
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I'm literally Love this dark.
Cute dork.
Haha youcucks still THIS triggered
I mean it should be obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that most of the people here are underage /v/eddit shits that can only shitpost and samefag.
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I was watching the dub since I already watched it sub. I meant how I liked Honk's English voice.
What did he mean by this?
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Wait till you hear Tsubasa's. That voice melts me like butter.
funposters BTFO
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S2 will save her.
Please go away seyucuck.
S2 has a lot of girls to save
She will commit sudoku or will cuck Riko and Kanan?
Which of them will S2 manage to fix?
Hopefully the former, You is shit even without the cuck thing and her absence would improve the flops.
Cucks everyone and then sudoku in the end.
Ruby and Yoshiko need saving.
Ruby and Maru. The 1st years should get their own episode.
Kanan won't get anything new. Her bitchness was solved with episode 9 and she became a background onee-san character just like the slav.
The chuuni is fine
Stacy truly belongs to America
cant fucking avoid thinking about victoria justice i mean the fuck ;_;
show me your pussy FRAMECHAN
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Honestly the only aqours that needs fixing is Mari, but I doubt it's possible, being selfish bitch was her entire character from the start of franchise and first season of anime killed any chance for her redeeming
Sorry typo
>fixing already best idol
What are their faces trying to convey?

Don't know why autocorrect keeps messing up.
>KananMari popularity dropped even harder than YoshiRiko after anime
Literally same story as HonoUmi again, why sunrise is so bad at making decent canon ships?
And you can't blame Kanan character for it because most of her crack ships are popular

This time I'm turning off auto correct from now on
It's because of Lantis' boner for ChiKanan and the rest had to follow and focus on them.
I still won't give up.
Any good ChiKan porn?
I saw some art with them having sex in their animal costumes
Does it count?
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Pretty sure C92 had more KanaMari stuff than any other pairs with them.
it dropped? you mean it used to be even more popular? i see the ship EVERYWHERE and i honestly don't get why.
Yes if arts are cute
KanaMari would've been a great ship if Kanan wasn't an awful friend
Where can I buy those smug smol laying down plushies?
>saw some art
jesuschrist didn't die for this shit...
Amazon is the easiest for me.
My wife is stunning!
Mandarake usually has them.
Why are this plushies so lewd?
Thanks, didn't know the name, so that's why I couldn't find any on Amazon UK.
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Which smol raibu would you get?
It's funny that the moment Mari stopped being a selfish bitch all 3rd years had fun on the beach together during city festival episode, before drama was even solved
Really makes you think
You hate Mari, we get it already.
I need a Maki in my life.
I wanted one already, but today I saw the videos on Just SIF Things facebook page and really want one.
There he goes again
Remember to update the OP with UR Angel Mari~
lol poorfags
Every pairing is awful if you ignore all the development between the characters in the pairs.
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Don't forget to get her wife.
Post your new thread op ranks
God tier
>Early Honk birthday thread that would count for the next year
>Anything with Umi
>Anything with Dork
Okay tier
>Everything else
Garbage tier
But I don't see any rin bois there?
Don't really like her, sorry.
You're trying too hard now buddy.
>Honoka threads anything but garbage tier
New one: >>186526460
Are just friends
Thread dead
>Honknigger not updating the OP again just to be first
i wish more people here would play some less popular idol games so /igg/ won't die 2bh
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