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/fng/ - Fortnite General

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thicc penny edition

>What is Fortnite?
It's a 4 player co-op basebuilder/tower defense with lot's of loot and various hero classes.

>Do I have to buy it?
At the moment yes, currently there are various founders packs for sale, starting at $40. It will go F2P next year.

>If I was in alpha do I have to buy?
If you spent money equal to the price of a founders pack during the alpha you will receive the corresponding founders pack for free plus. If you did not you will get a discount on one.

>Where do I buy it?

>/fng/ discord

>/fng/ loot table (ongoing project, help is appreciated)
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Had to do a double take.
>Playing with two friends
>Didn't notice group lead started a mission
>Roommate is opening one of those rare llamas with the tophat
>It turns gold
>Smashes it open right as the countdown finishes, get pulled into game
>Got no loot, llama is gone

Kind of glad it didn't happen to me, but jesus christ why. Don't open llamas while you're in a party, kids.
Heh I got her last night look forward to see her kicks of death.
With are we gunna need so.e bumps up in here?
I put my only rocket launcher and wall darts/wall lights schematics to my collection before thinking
Im never getting those again right?
Is this game fun? I hate to admit it but this is one of those games that's on my radar solely because of my dick (Penny). Another friend of mine was talking about it so I think I'd have someone to play it with.
Games really easy early on and has some.pregression issues involving rng
But the game get way harder.
And building forts is pretty fun. So yeah I think it's fun.
>See a spot I can drop down with some caves and BluGlo
>No way to get out with building stairs and fucking over the gold bonus for overbuilding

Why? This seems like a huge oversight
So what makes this game better than the other tower defense games available out right now?

Dungeon Defenders 2 is F2P, same with Orcs Must Die! Unchained. I have Orcs Must Die 2, Sanctum 1 and 2.

I get that there's the base building aspect, but is that all to it? Why should I pay $40 for early access and why shouldn't I wait until it inevitably goes F2P?
I'm not selling the game to ya anon
Just wait until it f2p if you ain't interested in investing

You're better off just waiting to be honest. Game isn't that great and not worth the price tag. Major problems with it include a lack of content and variety in this content and a lot of rather poorly thought out design choices.
But right now you're going to be bored of the game in a day or two even though it's clear the developers expect people to put thousands of hours into it.
The build bonus only applies to around your objective. You can build in the world without affecting the limit as long as you're not withing N tiles of the objective

Honestly, if you need to be convinced, just wait. I like the game but it has a lot of stupid decisions. The start is slow and easy, and it's all about creating a grind and masking it, but then putting anything real essentially behind a pay wall.

The only way to get loot that matters is llamas. You do get some periodically and you get objective quests that give some funds, but eventually the only way to get bucks is by daily quests. Which means you're limited to 3 llamas a week, unless you pay. So fuck that and fuck them.
I was really far away stuck in a ditch and I know it was counting because I would build stairs and remove them and the counter would change
I really hope Epic implemnts some basic fucking shit soon.

>making walls diagonal to make based honeycomb designed forts
>ability to instantly delete built fort items like walls/floors/stairs instead of having to fucking chop them all down with your pickaxe
Correct, those specific blue prints are gone for good, you will find others though, don't sweat it.
>Game isn't even out a week
>14 posts in an hour

Dead on arrival, huh

>B-but it's cuz everyone is busy playing


If you want to see something funny look at the official forums and leddit. They're full of people complaining about how shitty the P2W model in this game is. Literally pages and pages of people bitching about how shitty it is and threatening to quit.

If this game makes it to it's F2P release, I'd honestly be surprised.
I could see the deletion aspect being sped up, but I can understand them not doing instant deletes or one hit destructions of your own buildings because it would protect the player from accidentally deleting things or missing a swing on a husk and deleting the wall that was holding it back from your core.
I am busy playing, fuck you for depending on a Mongolian sheep story board to be the measurement of fun.

No one's playing either. Unless you pay for stuff, the game is heavily time gated and unlocking new stuff or making progress just isn't possible.

The game tries to reel you in by giving you lots of loot boxes on the first day, but on the second day you'll be lucky to get 3 and by day 3 you're down to 0.5 a day which you can earn in 20 minutes of playing.
These loot boxes are pretty much core to making progress and are also RNG as fuck.
Thanks for the bump m8.
Also games not arrived yet.
A PvE game can't be P2W. Why anyone would complain that someone else is progressing through missions faster than them is beyond me.

You can fail missions, and without help from other players certain missions are impossible to solo. A player who invests tons of money into the game will have massive advantages not only due to having access to more stuff, but also to more exp to make their stuff stronger.

While you're unable to progress due to missions being too difficult, the person who paid can solo those missions you find impossible.

This is P2W.
It's disappointing, really. I really wanted to give this game a chance, I like some aspects of it, but the pay shit is just insane. I have decent tolerance for grinding but it's just dumb.

I saw people on /v/ warning us about Epic Games before the game was released. We should have listened to them.
Also why is there only one environment? I know there's sub environments - forest, suburbs, industrial, and city, but it's all just one type. Really, no winter set, no different seasons at least?

I expected the new zone to have tons of different types of maps but.. nope.. it's just the same map types. Once you've played on all 4 maps you've seen it all, it seems

Really disappointing

fuck this game
Well paragon was not pay 2 win

Lazy developers.

There is essentially 3 game modes despite having lots of different names for the modes. They are defend something, find survivors or kill encampments.

Likewise, the developers claim the game has over 100 heroes, but in reality there is 4. They all have the same base with the only major differences being the order the unlock new abilities.
If you count their looks, there is 8 heroes, a male and female version for each of the classes, and then lots and lots of reskins.

I have no idea how this game took 6 years to make. There is barely anything to it.
Development started 6 years ago.
They did not spend 6 years working on it.
I don't really get this complaint, I'm playing just fine and having fun without paying real money for anything other than the initial standard edition price.
I'm having fun too but rng progression sucks. I'm half way though plankerton and still only have rare hero's when I'm at the point where I need some epics or legendaries

The game has problems with how it distributes loot and how you can obtain it.

You obtain some stuff from one time only quests, which you will obviously run out of eventually. Outside of this the only way to obtain new stuff is loot llamas. Without loot llamas you literally cannot unlock new heroes, weapons, traps, survivors or defenders.
The problem with loot llamas is again, you get some one time quests to unlock a bunch of them, then you pretty much stop getting them. You get 1 quest a day to give 50 vbucks which means a single loot llama every 2 days.

On top of this, loot llamas are RNG. You can open it and get trash (and usually will).

You can still make some progress without these loot llamas, but it's stupidly slow. I hit level 16 on day one and now on the 4th day I'm level 17. This is largely due to lack of loot llamas meaning I cannot get better stuff.

If you need an example, I got insanely lucky and got a mythical survivor and several other orange/purple ones with matching personalities. These worked very well together and allowed me to pump my offensive stat to 200 (and I could increase it more if I had the exp/rain drops).
My other squads however are all pretty shitty and at around 50 bonus stats.

This is the difference between someone who pays lots and someone who doesn't. Paying person can get 400% of the stats of the person who does not pay despite both being at the same stage in the game.
That I understand, it's not fun getting the short end of the stick in RNG, however I don't feel that forces you to buy V-Bucks. Sure, I wish the real-money transactions were not there, but no one is forcing me (or anyone) to buy it.

This I can agree with, the fact that you cannot simply unlock certain characters / survivors is pretty shitty. Perhaps I am not far enough into the game yet (just did Shield Defense 5) and I have not run into the issue yet.

Not having survivors will kill your progress. As I said, you can still make minor progress by levelling up survivors, but it's inefficient. Bad or poorly matched survivors just don't get as much out the same investment as good and well matched survivors do.

Person who pays will naturally have access to a wider variety of survivors to build better squads with (and lots of trashy ones to convert into exp to further boost their good survivors).
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>He book'd all his schematics because he thought it was just putting weapons in
>Now he can't progress because he has no traps or weapons to choose from

Time to shekel out, goys
I need a wall spike schematic so fucking bad
>1 coin for every chest you get at the end of the mission
>1 coin for every chest your team finds during a mission

Is the game saved?
It would help a lot
So this is another one of those games where everyone buys in immediately because it has massive potential, then the devs completely shit the bed, kill the golden goose and run?
So if I want to do good, later on, I just pick 2 heroes, and 2 weapons and dump points into them?
Since it's alpha we can only hope they listen to Thier feed back section. And work on it Cuz I am having lot of fun playing it.
Don't forget to be lucky and get rng epic and legendaries.

With good bonuses
You know what would be cool. If they make it so that you can choose your own bonuses. Or reroll them with some resources.
Wouldn't that just cause everyone to roll Outlanders?
Can I start a mission simply to farm mats and then quit? Or do I need to finish it successfully to have them carry out.
>Outlanders being useful

What's the problem?
I want to impregnate Penny
Just do rescue missions. 3 randoms can handle saving 6 without your help. You can even go solo it and be done with at least ten minutes on the timer to farm some resources.
I literally cannot decide how I want my homebase to look. Every time I try to build something I get new ideas and need to tear it down.
Honestly? All the girls are cute as Fuck.
I spent $75 american funbux on llamas, I have zero advantage over any other player ive come accross. My girlfriend, who is also playing this game, hasnt spent any money, and is progressing at the same rate i am.

There is literally no pay to win. It's pay for shit you'd unlock anyways, but gives no advantage whatsoever.

at the very least people that spend money might help you progress, but there is no leaderboards or any such thing that would make your pay to win theory viable.
No its pay for a "chance" to get something better. More money for them lamas more chances you get. Rng is still stupid for progression.
Outlanders are one of the best if you want to build a lot of shit.
This, generally I think the game has a pretty pleasing visual look. Penny, Eagle-Eye(I think that's her name?) and Ramirez are all great.
>get a nice purple penny in my first founder pack
>half of her quotes make her sound like the-not-good kind of dyke
>sarah reminds me of a younger mercy
>manage to get a purple sarah out of an upgrade llama i got from the book that went gold
>she sounds like a omigawd-stacey-is-such-a-bitch valley chick

Well shit.....
You mean a good constructor, right?
She dose not look like a dike to me.
No. She SOUNDS like the bad kind of dyke. She looks like a trucker momma which is aces but her voice kills it for me.
Do you get a homebase for each map area, or just the one the game starts you with? I'm trying to decide if it's worth dumping all my resources into the first base or if I should save.
It's more like
Get a bunch of shit
Build strong shit
kill strong shit
Look pretty and contemplate switching classes to something more useful.
all 4. But you'll need to defend them all even when you change zones. So it's worth upgrading it.
Are quotes exclusive to skins or something? I have an Uncommon Penny with brown hair, she doesn't really say anything that jumps out at me as weird.
Ninjas can get 75% extra melee damage and put in real work.
I do like 780 melee damage a hit with my legendary ninja and legendary Kahana that has boosted critical chance and critical bonus damage.
Or just have a constructor with a nice pick and some constructor buddies in the squad to reduce costs by 15% plus your constructive engineering reduction of another 10% while being 10% faster. Now you're shits better faster and on the cheap and you use less materials than the outlander would have given in the same gathering phase.
So what happens if you fail a stormshield defense? Do they literally destroy EVERYTHING or just carve a path of destruction through any obstacles?
Bought the Super Deluxe edition because I wanted to get my friend a copy to co-op with, and it's the only way I could weakly justify the purchase to myself.
Anyone else bought that package?
How the fuck do you give the extra copy to your friend? I would assume an email code, but I bought it over an hour ago and haven't gotten piss. Am I missing something obvious?

Go in game, open esc menu
Dunno but its the way her voice sounded when she said them not the quotes itself. I'd almost say it's a different voice actor but its too similar to the others.
Ninja's are OP as fuck with assassin and then you can get ones that boost asssasin by something like 75% plus you have 2 slots for more ninja's in your squad to boost crit damage for swords. You just need shield bonuses from your suvivor squads to tank shit.
Carv a path
They usually just break a path to the shield. They don't destroy at will. I only lost 1 tile of walls on the path to mine when I lost.
Outlander is MASSIVELY underpowered except maybe Deadshot.

Outlander exists to see chests through walls. If you just want to play you switch to commando or builder.
Deadshot is like a soldier but for pistols. And pistols are really ammo efficient if you get one that hits like a buss.
This. give him a good high damage pistol or a fucking cyclone and watch him go.
Thats great, but their offensive abilities are trash. Teddy is meh and Shock tower is gone by the time you blink. And you can only hold 2 charges.
Honestly just give their abilities cooldowns, none of this charges shit.
>Honestly just give their abilities cooldowns, none of this charges shit.
That's what I've been wanting but outlanders aren't really an offensive type class is what he is saying. And hes right you would want to use something better for that kind of thing like a soldier.
I think the orbs should do something that enhances their abilities (for the duration of the mission) and also having the cooldown effect to not rely on those damn orbs.
or just let charges stack endlessly but also have a 10 sec cd on them or something that way you can't have 4 things up at once but you could maybe get 2 if you really need it
I preordered the Super Deluxe edition, I did not receive my extra inventory slots. Anyone else have this problem?
Also, what did it mean by Daily Loot pinata packs?
I havent received any of those.
we're not tech support go to the forums
>play with others
>playing outlander
>pick up a fragment and try to drop a teddy bear
>Require permissions to use my ability that already tied to having to find something on the map
how do you fuck this up, it lasts 15 seconds. why is it blocked yet supply crate isn't?
Is base also blocked if you play with randos
Try reloging.
>what did it mean by Daily Loot pinata packs?
That you get loot pinatas as a daily login. I mean like its in the words.
>That you get loot pinatas as a daily login. I mean like its in the words.
Yes, its in the words, it hasn't been received.
wow 750 base damage, that is like 0.75 shots from my Shredder, which I can do from a mile away.

Ninjas are only there for double jump, if you want to kill shit you pick soldier, if you want to build shit you go constructer, and if you want to find shit, break shit, or upgrade shit you go outlander.
Do a mission then check again? Sometimes the servers hiccup on giving you rewards.
For example I didnt get a collection book reward, so I did a mission and got it when i finished it.
In my opinion, Ninjas shine best on rescue the survivor missions.
click start/esc, click daily rewards, click your reward.
It'll even tell you how many you got queued up.
how? You are not faster, you are not stronger.

My Outlander would run you into the ground with my 38% move speed boost plus Blink.
750 is without the critical dumbass I reach 1650 when criting witch is also an auto assassinate Cuz that will always bring them below 30%
What class is best for getting items and why?
pinata purchaser class
Outlander Cuz reasons
Double jump and fast run speed > in the zone speed bost
And I hit 3K crits with my Shredder, at huge range.

Ninjas are for double jump, they have nothing else unique that someone else with good weapon can't do.
Outlander soul reason is to get items.
Blink + blink run speed buff
Ninjas won't take damage anyway there are invisible.
>not stronger
>highest achievable dps

>not faster
>triple jump plus 40% movement speed boost rolling with a ninja squad plus a dragon slash thats moves further than blink even if its slightly slower
we don't have to build to get places you would and we run the same speed with a technically better blink with less of a cooldown. outlanders are just shit right now unless you go with a deadshot and an obscene pistol.
I wish the dragon slash glitch still existed in the game, literally THE fastest you could go in the game.
You do know that's like the best weapons in the game right?

Yes, base is blocked
Hold up. What's a shredder and why is it the best?
It's just a shot gun with low speed and far range. It's the conference call in borderlands 2 basically.
*low spread
A shotgun except with none of the drawbacks of a shotgun (no low range and no extreme damage fall off)
Ah I see. It's that semi auto SG I see some people use all the time.
ahh, had to finish the tutorial first. Kind of a weird way of running things. I was intentionally holding off playing the game until I could figure out how to get my friend his code. They really could have been clearer
Last time I recall it's reload was slow as fuck. Affecting its dps. It's still fucked though
Kinetic overdrive with the slugger is pure sex
You mean to tell me you didn't read the fucking message at the beginning of the game that shows up everytime?
Why would that be side note of a usual "blah blah blah, thanks for early access" message?
>tfw using a stack of 999 wood and brick just to make my base look pretty

Can you jump into a solo mission and just mine shit then quit and keep the materials?
Any outlander? or one specific? (traiblazer,fleefooted...)
dedd already
I use Eagle Eye. She's amazing. Runs super fast, boosts around, can see treasure everywhere a mile away, extra loot. Just a rare but she's still good.
>tfw only see people playing the waifu classes
Is this game p2w ? (since its made by a Tecent owned studio I'm seriously sceptical)
the waifus are good in this game
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>no people to help you with defense.
nigga what are you doing with pre level 20 weapons? I'm level 16 and I have a level 50 gun. Or do you have better weapons and their level doesn't matter as much as I suppose it does?
most of my xp has gone into traps, some into weapons, most of what I use I find on the streets. Got the founders handcanon at 5/10.
I guess I've been spoiled by my legendary and epic schematics
Any advice on where to sell my extra copies?
digital? ebay or here or something.
>he can't just craft slice'n'dices or shredders on the spot as needed
Meme's aside don't waste time on the pistol that came with the edition. Shit sucks even when its fully done up. go for high impact high crit damage pistols or high fire rate high crit chance pistols the inbetween ones are shit.
>game looks fun
>buy it
>it isn't

Click trees for 20 minutes then have the easiest fight ever.
The """tutorial""" railroading is lasting way too fucking long. Everything is lol RNG skinner box buy funbux stupid goyim.

Paragons cards were kinda bad, but this is a joke.

I'm level 4 and I'm doing level 15 missions with random unlevelled gear. At what point does the game get challenging?

Or better

At what point will epic give me a refund?
the easyness does go on for way too long, but it gets hard fast once you enter the second zone

the RNG goyim fleecing is obscene though
>he went into a sandbox builder expecting it to make the FUN for him
You got until that 2 day bonus ends to set up an aesthetic and functional castle full of traps. If doing that doesn't sound fun to you why the fuck did you buy it in the first place?
>inb4 i expected an entirely different game despite all the media available showing me otherwise
>inb4 i expect a new and novel masterpiece from every release
Listen, I'm upset I got swindled too, but take it out on the devs, not me.
I forgot the worst part

>no good waifus
>no good waifus

>take it out on the dev's
you mean the people that have bent over backwards since 2011 taking in and implementing literally any advice thrown their way to improve the game from what it originally would have been to what it is now?
Just be active in the advice giving in their forums and hope they keep to that state of mind they had before release. They even personally respond to emails sometimes for clarification on idea's.
Anyone want to exchange help on storm shield defenses? I don't want to lose again :^). I ran out of ammo the first time.. now I am prepared. But still. It's not easy for one person.

Also I'm Homebase level 18, and on Plankerton 2 and uhh, first place 8
everyone's just playing

come back with this shit post next year when its out of alpha
What the fuck do you think "early access" means, you stupid cunt?
Yeah that's what I fucking thought, bitch.
means its something in the Alpha phase. Beta is sometime the coming year and final release is next year.
is this a good game to sink thousands of hours into?
If you enjoy these types of games then yes. But that goes for literally any game that gets made.
Possibly? Not in the sense that a lot of MMOs are. But if you like doing the same styles of mission over and over again to level stuff up and complete various shallow objectives given to you, then sure.
not really, no. Just wait until it's f2p to try it. I regret my purchase. I Did play like 30 hours tho.
Typically it means getting to play the game before it's finished. Sometimes (mostly in the case of games published by EA), it just means playing a bit before the official launch.

A better question would be, what does Epic think it means? Because neither its Buy Now page nor its FAQ actually elaborate on the matter.
>4 different editions
there's never a clearer sign to avoid a game than this
You guys are being weirdly helpful considering how combative I was. It's kinda freaking me out.
Is there any main base progression with this game or is it instanced like Dungeon Defender?
Both. You get 1 to start with, but have 4 eventually, persistent bases you defend. You can visit it any time but the rounds between it are single match. You do use your resources and stuff you collect from matches back at your base though.
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It's time for sadness and despair
>6 years of development for this
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not so fast

some shitty warhammer, but a pretty good legendary survivor. And some other stuff. im ok with it.

Long development times are usually a bad sign. Anything over 4 years and you need to start questioning why the game took so long for them to make.
>Get my 1 gold pinata
>Legendary unique Myth buzz lighter
Kill me
2ish really. They technically made several fortnites before settling on this version and working with it.
Is it better to just buy the Upgrade Llamas are go for the specific ones like the Melee Llamas?
3 Friends want me to play but how much content is there really? I don't usually "invest" in early access or f2p.
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I don't understand the collection system, and I'm too afraid to put anything there. But I need to level this shit up to get fucking level up book for heroes...
I just go for the upgrade ones, but im an impatient cocksucker
How do I get good stuff?
The piñatas just give me shit stuff, the best one gave me a epic laser sniper but that's it
>remake the game a multiple times
>still fuck up basic QoL things, and have to bail to early access to recoup enough capital to finish the game for the 3rd time.

I see the soul of a great game here but some Money Pinching Suit's choice on the Lama system is going to kill this game if they don't address it soon. I makes me physically ill to see all the dick riding that the subreddit is doing to defend this asinine choice on player progression.
Putting shit on your collection removes the stuff from your inventory, i.e. Heroes, survivors, schematics, but, the more you give, the more rewards you get in there, like extra Llamas, and a plethora of goodies you'll sure need.
Now, in order to maximize the effect without emptying yourself is to keep at least one or two rare or better schematics for a good weapon, an Epic hero or better if possible and keep all the traps.
Give every survivor from rare and bellow, but make sure you fill your squad slots first, then give them all, that could easily take your collection lv to 20 or so, and you'll get more rewards for those 20 lv of collection that you can get by keeping stuff you don't use.
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Oh dear
How to win this game every single time.

Build a pyramid with a flat roof. Upgrade all of the walls but the flat roof (but a trap on the flat roof if you want).

Literally that is it. Enemies are too dumb to attack downwards and since they always try to follow the path of least resistance, they run up the pyramid and just stand on the roof doing nothing.
The Ai needs an overhaul, rather than taking the path of least resistance half the time they just run in a straight line towards the objective and break everything on their way.
You should be afraid to put stuff in there, it's a permanent loss. It's meant to be one of three ways to get rid of 'extra' schematics and heroes and such. Generally speaking, if you don't have at least one other copy of the thing, then you shouldn't put it in the collections.

As for the training manual you need to evolve a hero, you can get them from retiring blue heroes or survivors. If you don't have any doubles of those, then nothing to do but to try to farm llamas. Try to play with others and hope to get into their storm shield defenses.
Fun with friends but only like 20 hrs of real content. You can really feel the micro transactions coming.
just retire a hero, you get the level up books from dismissing them
I agree it's a poor decision and it drags the game down a fair bit. Only upside is you can earn them fairly easily even if the rng drags that down a bit as well.
not after the early game, as soon as you hit plankerton you MIGHT get 1 a day. and it only gets slower from there.

End game you currently get 50 V-Bucks from the daily and that is it, since challenge quests stop at rank 10.
Well shit. Can only hold out hope they keep taking advice on shit like this as they had before release.
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You can get them from missions too. It's rare but it happens
>6 mini piñatas
>don't feel like opening them

Should let you trade them up
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This is a first
can you not skip the llama openings? do you have to sit through them with only holding left click to speed it up?
I refunded Fortnite and they erroneously reset my Paragon account, which I've spent $200 and 400 hours on.

I kinda regret refunding Fortnite because this has potential and great looks / feel but the Jewishness ridiculous and the first ten hours are way too fucking easy. I guess pre-emptive addiction withdrawal, but it's probably a good thing I didn't get deep into this, because there's nothing there.
>reset paragon account

Sounds like they did you a favor.

Nope, Paragon is the absolute best in its genre and isn't P2W (or "pay to progress") cancer like this is.
>weapon llama
No just holding left click
>End game you currently get 50 V-Bucks from the daily and that is it

So that's MAYBE one chance of getting better hero/weapon every two days, with no other way of obtaining them via grinding/questing, except for $..

The fuck were they thinking? Everyone is gonna be bored out of their mind in two weeks at most and leave if progression is hard locked like this.
Can I play this game solo? Are there AI teammates? Can I just play with a group of randoms? And how bad exactly is the grind?
they should revamp the transform system and have they be the method for F2P progression. Add green and rare scematics/Survivors to the final loot chest to fuel transforms. Then add Epic and Legendary Transform keys to the mission alerts in Zone 4/5.

This way you can set yourself up with rares (Which are required to beat Zone 3), and then transform the rares and uncommons into epics and epics into Legendaries.

The issue right now is that The cost to transform Survivors is INSANE; it takes 125 of those "people" cards to transform a single rare survivor Right now after 4 days of playing I can make a grand total of 3 rare survivors from transform.
They have 3 stages that i know of and each has a random chance. First its a normal pinata then it goes silver then gold. Each is an upgrade to what you'll get.
>founders went gold twice
>get shredder, slicendice, and several purple heroes.

There is silver, gold and jackpot. Jackpot is like 35 items with high chance of oranges an dpurples.
>best in the genre
Best moba is like being the smartest potato
I'm usually the type to drop 10-20 on microtransactions a week, but the way they're screwing people over really pisses me off.
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>qt Outlander mohawk and warpaint replaced by helmet
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>burn all my bolts and two rifles on a outpost mission
>get 3 mini llama and some xp
Alright outpost missions should give blueprints but I'm starting to find it hard to help with the missions if its sets me back pretty far
Is the weapon llama worth it? What's the best one to buy?
I was upset about that too. I would of been happy with a backpack instead. You know, outlander stuff.
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>can't customize character appearance
>no weapon customization
>weapon durability
Its not that the weapon llama is bad but I don't want any melee weapons so I rather wait for the range llama or the hero/people llama.

Its more of a cut down on as much RNG as possible for the weapons seeing how I know what I want (pistol rifle and a smg) and I want +headshot damage and +normal damage so there are a few walls I need to jump to get there so adding that I might get a melee weapon is not worth my time or my 350 V bucks
this tbqhwyf, I bought two weapon packs and out of like 12 items, 2 were guns, only one was purple.
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>mfw just got the game
is it wrong to main Constructor right off the bat?
I think its fine I have no touched constructor once and I was in was alpha for a few years
I do wonder if there is any reason to spend money (if you didn't want fuck around with transform stuff) once you get the weapons and perks you want?
so if i remember right the types of llama are

People/super people
Range weapons
Melee weapons
discounted upgrade llama
Today is a weapon llama, both melee and ranged.
Super Ranged
Super Melee
Super trap
Super hero
Troll llama
Troll truck llama
need mo money fo dem llamas
send v-bucks
sorry we're increasing taxes on the poor. send v-bucks by the end of this fiscal quarter and it may be tax deductible if paid in full. also welfare v-bucks are being reduce by 10% as a cost cutting measure with the sudden influx of survivors weighing on the free bluglo market.
I'd kill for a founder's shredder
>he doesn't have multiple shredder schematics and its collection page filled out
>Super shredder with reload speed buffs + energy affliction
Dream gun right there
any porn of penny yet?
i've got that on both. it's okay.
>2 founder llamas
>Only crappy melee weapons and a shitty pistol
How many hours is the campaign alone?
Judge is one sexy ass gun
What is the point of the "Mission Defenders" under the Heroes tab?
It's entirely different than the defender squad
You can deplloy defenders in missions if they are in your mission squad, Storm Shield defenders are limited to ones in that zone's defender slots in squads.
Enjoy the game while it last brahs until brazilians and russians start infesting your instances.
Free hero XP because recycle them as they are useless
>meet russian in-game with a mic
>rolling around as jonesy buffing eachother before going dual gatling gun
>sing shitty russian songs from metro
>memes at the others when they started mining our cars and rare rocks with "git awt stawkuh!"
>been tag teaming shields, making weapons for eachother, and generally blowing up shit while drunk on vodka for the past 4 hours
>not once has their been lag for either of us
There any forms of character customization? Can I get some hot ass outfits for these bitches?
It's all RNG. That, and leveling up the stuff you do like. Once you've gotten a white range of rubbish, you can start Transforming some of it for more changes for the RNG to give you something good, but that's it.

It's maybe not ideal, since base building and traps aren't really all that important until around power 9 or power 15 missions, so the other classes will generally feel more useful. But there's nothing wrong with it. if you're having fun with it, then you're winning.
uhhhhnnng, fuck this is good

it helps a lot that she's already got over 3k health at level 20, my fucking outlander is a wet paper sack comparatively

nope, although it can be very helpful early on to roll outlander with the loot vision perk to stock up on rare mats
So you can use your defenders for two different things.
Your mission defender squad, which allows you to assign them to Defender pads when in _any_ mission (as long as your party is not full), or a base defense squad, which allows you to assign them to Defender pads when doing a storm shield defense at that base.
Transforming for the important stuff is broken.

It takes 140 "People" to transform 5 green survivors into a single random blue survivor.

you get about 6 "people" as a reward about every third mission loot chest. just to fully deck out your squads with random blue garbage will take weeks and weeks unless you cough up your good goyim bucks, or get very lucky with Llamas (i've spent about 60$ on Lamas and STILL do not have even a green Think Tank leader.)

This whole system needs a rework, and fast; people are going to hit the late Plankerton pay wall and just stop playing.
>Almost done with challenges
>Only 2 quests left in Stonewood
>Still using a green hero and blue weapons
>Only orange schematic is an axe with 3/4 durability bonus

So what do I do now? Is there any way to like "new game" this shit or am I basically fucked
man I fucking hope the UI gets cleaned up fast, as it's just missing a fingerless glove meter right now
You can clear Plankerton with just greens and Blues, it is Canny Valley and beyond that you will find yourself out gunned.

I would start hording all your V-bucks to buy the special sale llamas for w/e you are most hurting for when they show up; they are pricier but have more loot than standard and if they upgrade you are looking at multiple legendaries of w/e type the Lama is.

I figured that out a bit late, but have 400 goybux saved up. Here's hoping shit turns around soon, I guess.
>almost done with challenges
no you aren't, because..

>2 quests left in stonewood
a new map opens when you finish stonewood questline

>green hero and blue weapons
>only orange is an axe with shit bonuses

man what the fuck have you been doing? do your dailies, do all the optional/sidequests, join up on people's stormshield defenses frequently, and you should have fucktons of small llamas and vbucks to burn on upgrade llamas

offload your extra unused survivors, weapons, and heroes into the collection book, there are several "500 vbucks" reward levels, many llamas, many rare materials, and so on as you level the thing up

you'll want to use blue weapons for most of plank anyway due to the rare material cost of purple/orange weapons; there's maybe a 10% difference in DPS between blue and purple until higher star levels so you aren't losing out on much

definitely be sure to fill out your survivor squads and LEVEL UP the fuckers to give you massive passive bonuses, these help a fuckton with weapon effectiveness and survivability
Penny was made for the mating press desu
I've been doing literally all of that I just haven't gotten shit-all, and I accidentally'd a bunch of stuff into the collection book on day 1.
Im looking for a game like this to kill time in, is the deluxe edition worth it compared the the starter in the long run?
THe challenges that give V-bucks at not Zone dependent, you literally can do all of them in stonewood. You have had 5 days of daily quests, 250 V-bucks, that isn't a fuck ton at all, throw in all the v-buck challenge missions and you are at 1250 v-bucks. You can reasonably hit the first 500 v-buck collection node by giving up the shit you don't like.

all told if you don't drop cash on the game (beyond the 40$ investment for the privilage to beta test this shit) you could have to date 1770 (there was a timed mission for 20 v-bucks today) and with RNG on the Lamas he could very well still have complete garbage.
Is there any way at all to level an Uncommon Hero into a Rare one?
Is that founders shredder from the founder boxes. If so wouldn't it make sense to spend the first 1k bux on the 11 set so you can get more coins to roll those cheats.
I could buy 100 upgrade llamas if i wanted to. But super llamas are better investments
Super lamas? What do they do, I've haven't hurd of them.
I think he means the 350 V-Bucks Llamas
No, super llamas literally have super in the name. They got 1000 vbucks and its a guaranteed gold llama.
Are the daily quests in fortnite of the 'you have to log on every day or fall behind' variety or of the 'you can save up to 3 dailies and do them all in one day' variety.

This is important to me.
I've never seen those.
I believe they save up? I know I missed yesterday's Daily but it carried over to today, so I was able to do two Dailys
Isn't that the troll one or something what's the difference?
Because they haven't gone up yet, the daily llama has just been mediocre shit.
Super llamas are always a specific llama, like super melee llama or super people llama.
Troll llama is a gold upgrade llama, it contains many different items.
Troll truck llama is the same as troll llama, but guaranteed jackpot.
What counts as edged damage? Swords, axes, and scythes?
I've been having a hella good time playing with a few friends, and I think I'll be dropping a hundred bucks on vcoins when payday rolls around.

I'm pretty solid right now on heroes and survivors from the quest/collection vbucks, but my trap and weapon collection is pretty sad.

I assume I'll want to dump a good chunk of this on the weapon-specific llamas? Ideally, I'd get a few usable legendaries/mythics with usable passives.

>think tank leader
I lucked out and get both Malcolm and Nick in two back-to-back gold llamas the other day
Are headshots crits? If not, can headshots crit?
no, yes
So it's one guranteed jackpot for around 10 bucks? Seems pretty steep.
This box shit is so dumb that if you buy the wrong one your fucked for the rest of the week or two weeks.
>Drop BASE
>Can't tell if a wall is damaged or not without getting next to it and checking the health bar

Am I the only one having this problem? The "missing blocks" and the blue glow from BASE look so fucking similar
>he doesn't have the "structures connected to BASE regen 5% HP/sec" perk
There any info about what's in the update?
vcoins removed from daily rewards
enemies now able to attack downwards
huskbrine removed
>gold jackpot llama from lvl 13 collection book
>only 9 items

So I basically just got fucked, right?
Shredder replaced with squeaky toy
Were any of them good items
Legendary survivor and epic wall dynamo I guess. Some rare survivors and schematics, nothing I needed.
power base no longer auto repairs
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so for the collection book you put schematics, heroes, and survivors/defenders in there
but today i found out you can replace schematics/people with the same exact one because what level they are when you put them in also dictates how much exp you get
putting in a dupe also gets you a transform key for that specific type (hero, survivor, trap, weapon, etc.)
i was worried about this because i did notice how the exp of the item scaled with how much you got and when you hit endgame you'd eventually hit a wall witht he book because you slotted no-exp items and miss out on rewards but i see that's not the case

You can get every reward in the collection book and it might even be better to just slot everything you can at once that you aren't actively using since you get transform keys for reslotting
is this silver or plat
so how do you guys like it so far?
still on the fence of buying it
I like it a lot. If repetition bothers you you probably won't like it. If building forts and defending from monsters over and over sounds fun to you then you'll like it.

The main complaints outside of the llama system I've seen is that you have to spend too much time scavenging which I personally disagree with. I spend maybe 5-8 minutes every mission scavenging and I typically have around 700 of each building resource at any given time.
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Hey would you say it's better to get the standard edition, it isnt gimping yourself in anyway to not have the deluxe?
gameplay is fun and addicting

the reward system needs some work, and more players expectations are all kinds of fucked with OP loot right at the very start of the game. where its clear as day from a dev standpoint, everyone should have been in common and MAYBE green gear

ppl rolling around with mythic, legendaries, and epics when the game was clearly not balanced around having that kind of gear at those early stages

and worse, it creates the expectation you NEED to have that gear in order to play well, and when they don't win the jackpot, they get upset and whine of the forums

this is a problem Epic Games created in order to get a huge cash grab, its a shane really, since the game is fantastic

seeing every youtuber, twitch streamer, and their fucking grandmothers complaining about not getting awesome loot, while having spent less than 50 hours, keep in mind these mythics and legendaries are BIS
fuck its like a bunch of fucking kids got spoiled by their wealthy grandparents
>wake up
>can't wait to play
>rush to PC
>servers down


Depends on how lucky you are. If you score a few good items/heroes really early on, you won't notice any real difference between the base version and the $150 version. If you have shit luck you're going to be struggling hard once you get deeper into the game and might as well just be a supply cuck for better geared players.
tumblr link?
Do you need friends to play with?
or solo with pug is fine too?
most of my friends are so into pubg right now I doubt they will get this with me
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As weird as this sounds, it'll make the game more fun if you aren't dead set on playing a specific class.

The rare and epic weapons and heroes make the first zone, which is about the first 10 hours of the game, insanely easy and boring desu. Unless you have friends to play with you'll get bored very quickly with that high of gear that early.
wow it's a truthy
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restart the launcher, it is up.

Time to stop avoiding my base defenses after losing once.
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>Check launcher
>What a fucki-
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It's actually up

But what changed?
>it says you can have up to 3 daily quests
>my daily quest I got to 90% yesterday is gone and replaced with a new one

there goes 50 vbucks im never getting back
What if mini llama's always scale with your current power? because right now once you spend maybe 5 hours with the game mini llama's are worth less maybe out side using it for xp.

pug is fine but as time goes on you do need other peopel to help you or use a lot of traps/AI to make up for the lack of fire power.
Anyone wanna help me do stormshield 6?
i probably don't need help but i don't feel like building much more my base is a fucking disaster and i'm about to leave the zone anyway i'll put some effort into the next map
all i ever wanted was a Minigun. 30 Llamas later - blue LMG with durability boosts only.
sent ;)
FYI you keep defending the first zone once you enter the second. The base is persistent. At least there's up to 10 ranks, so you do at least 7-10. I'm not sure if you keep defending at rank 10.

But you get skill points from the quest so it's important
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got it, thanks
I REALLY want the striker outlander but I doubt I'll get it anytime soon since I haven't in 75+ llamas.
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Post name dummy
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i probably won't play with you after this my friends are just all asleep atm
Thats silver. I've gotten 2 of those. And it's just instead of 3 shit items it's 5.
still need help?
>get a cool epic light trap schematic
>+ damage %
>+ damage %
>+ damage %
>traps base damage is zero

T-thank you mister llama.
>Friend's net died earlier during wave 4
>My net died 40 minutes ago with 2 seconds left on wave 5
If you're still available, then sure.
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made it to tier 2
evolved my legendary sniper
ready to get EVEN MORE crit for it
just stole my mom's credit card
which version should I buy?
Am I better off buying some goybux or just upgrading my game to the next level?

Also, how does loot work. Is it worth upgrading any greens or blues I've got now? I see I can upgrade a copper to a silver?
the 150 one if it's not your money obviously
paypal me 30$ and ill send you the copy I get from upgrading my version of the game
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when you line up 5+husk for a headshot
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This made me laugh more than it should. Rng is a bitch sometimes. But the light wall is good. For that something like attack speed and durability is good.
Eriously what are the good stats to have. I feel like I'm wasting my points on guns that are bad.
Crit chance
Crit damage
Elemental effect

Most others depend on the weapon or are situational. Reload speed would be good on slow-reloading weapons, stuff like that.
What if I have a gun with crit chance and crit damage but the rest are bad. Would it still be worth it? Or do I at least need 2 of each?
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>got legendary hero
>she's black
Is it the black constructor lady? I wouldn't mind constructing her B.A.S.E. if you catch my drift.
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>get legendary hero
>commando spitfire
>just finished stonewood def 9
Jesus Christ, I like a challenge but damn.
Anyone have a spare friend code? I'll be your friend or something. [email protected]

Or just send me spam, that's cool too.
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>almost done with plankerton
>only vbucks i can get is from daily quest now
>collection book lvl 32

i don't know how many fucking llamas i opened but i guess the game simply doesn't want me to play the game? why the fuck do i not get a single good hero and only mediocre schematics
what's the point in playing anymore when i'm just dragging down my team cause i deal shit dmg and die atleast two times per mission?
pay the jew his due, buy vbucks, or just whore yourself out for storm shield defences to get minilamas.
maybe upgrade your guns from copper to silver.
I'm actually impressed you got more than half way through plank.
i leeched my way through and got help from friends during stormshield missions lol, i always had to play in the back so i don't die very often, once i get jumped on by atleast 3 little niggers i just fucking die
The black outlander who doesn't even have keen vision
Can other players drop in mid mission?
>been running specifc missions for raindrop rewards
>dont get any when i complete the mission
where the fuck do i find materials to make weapons and bullets?
If you hover over the mat it will tell you where to find them.
why is it so fucking hard to find a wall-spike schematic
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>Reload speed on wall spikes
It makes them angryer by telling them Yo moma jokes.
>Yo moma so husky, she made you
Im sure the game will eventually just give you one via main quest
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>2 out of 5 Skulls stage
>You Are too underpowered for this mission!
Place people in your survivor squads
>this game sucks
>I am addicted to it
>to the point I almost want to spend goybucks

wow, just kill me and end my misery
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>Play for over a year and never got a megabase
>People are posting them getting megabase constructors
Hmm, should I collectors book my legendary sledgehammer.. I do have an epic kinetic constructor and could make a build there.. but.. 500 vbucks.. and I don't typically like melee. Plus I have another constructor who's epic, but she's black and not as good
Go for it, the best melee for a constructor is the fortsville slugger 3000 anyways
Wouldn't it be Hardware for the Kinetic ability? That's what my constructor has anyway. He's built around using hardware / hammers. I'm going to give him a try and see if I like him first I guess. Might regret losing that hammer schematic. I'll never get it back. Fuck it, I'll wait and armory less useful things.
Does being underpowered stop you getting rewards or something?
I got absolute garbage in my weapon llama and upgrade llama. Glad I didn't waste my legendary schematic on that horseshit
>Power modulation doesnt stack
Holy crap, that legendary sledgehammer is useless. It doess 400dps to my shotguns 2000dps.. and that is accurately reflected ingame. Glad I wasted points making a build around this lmao. Back to my outlander
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So wait, this is a different team within Epic than the Paragon team, right? I thought Epic was still small enough that they only worked on one game at a time
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Well this game has the worst f2p model imaginable so it's plausible it's another team.
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>Have a """sniper""" on the team sitting way the fuck up in a tower he built
>Half a dozen lobbers mortaring the shit out of the base from 50m away
>Deliver the bomb stage
>Take over an hour figuring the thing with the fucking tracks.
>Finally deliver the bomb
>Ok boys now you defend
>lose immediately because guerrilla zombies wrecked our shit.
It was funny though.
did anyone else get an update?
>tfw one shotting most husks with the shredder
Best waifu
So the way they add new missions is.. kind of bad.

First of all, the first many hours have you repeating the same 3-4 missions. It takes tens of hours to get to the second zone and unlock the new missions in it.

Then, people are too retarded to do them. I keep failing the shelter level because I can't defend the raids. It gives you a warning. Then people don't defend the see bots. I hear the bomb missions is bad too. Oh god.

They should have unlocked more missions at the start for variety and to train people when it's easier.
The progression is all kinds of shit.

The new player experience is shit.
I have some friends that want me to pick-up the game but I don't usually buy into f2p/early access.

How many hours can I get outta this? Do you think epic will fuck up the micro transactions and make this game shit?
No one does shelter mission unless the story demands it. No one.
The micro-transactions are already fubar; the game has a heavy pay-to-win/progress model on top of the actual pricetag.
It's insane

that said im at like 70 hours lmao
is there a best way to get rotating gears?
Cities, break anything mechanical
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Based Eagle Eye.png
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For Gizmos just run around solo as an outlander with keen eye and farm chests.

For Mechanical Parts do >>183927570
But in addition any time you loot a Red Tool Chest, destroy it after looting, it doubles the output.
does paragon has waifus?
I just got Eagle Eye yesterday, she's very cute.
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>Why aren't you playing Paragon, /fng/? It has actual graphics.
Get a judge and become OP
>weapon llama is almost done.
Alright what are you guys saving money for?
A super hero llama please
The pack of ten with one bonus desu
Or a hero one, I want dat fucken Striker
I kinda want a range one but there is a few heros I want to try.
>paying to /play/ a f2p beta

How can people support shit like this?
super range would also be great. Knowing our luck, today we'll get a fucking people llama
>don't need keen sense because you can hear chests two tiles away
Keen sense is a crutch
cant hear you guys over all my loot and never worrying about resources to build my schematics ever

won't even get into the speed and resource gathering and loot buffs

plebian non outlanders
I tier 3'd an entire base on a mission and still was at 999 resources. Supply drop is OP
5 mins until we get to find out how we can spend our goybucks guys
On the special Llamas to the right of the Founder's Llama, why does the x(Number) mean? If I spend 350 I'll get x3 Llamas?

Please don't tell me it's something stupid like I can only buy that type of Llama 3 times, it's more than fucking double the price of a normal upgrade Llama
>out outlandering the outlander with my jonesy and sarah
>gets there either just as or just after i'm opening the chest
>gets so bad he accuses me of hacking
>game basically give you contextual clues on area's where shits hidden beneath the floor in a 2x1 or 3x2 or 9x9 area
>chests make a fucking highpitched whine and glow like the damn sun sometimes so bright it bleeds through floors
is there any real reason outlanders exist other than to make other heroes better barring the pistol user?
You can only buy 3 of that llama
it means you'll get that many llamas with that single purchase.
x11 llamas for 1000 for example means you're getting one free.
no it doesn't, it's how many times you can buy it. I had x3 for my weapon llamas then i got one now it's x2
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>super ranged
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>legendary weapon llama today
>1000 virginbucks
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>Super range llama
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you goys got your wish
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Gonna let this set there for a bit
>this just in local man gets not one but 3 shredders with affliction back to back.
my wallet moves on its own.
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seems like trash.jpg
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post your goy loot
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QUICK! vendetta or nightcleave?
Nightcleave my dude
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>>183942715 >>183942780
>>183942796 >>183943056
>>183943097 >>183943215
post 'em, got nothing but shit here

>ranged or melee
no contest
>picking melee
how much damage does the awp do?
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not too impressed.. maybe ill level it up I guess.. I would have prefered an assault rifle or that OP sniper/shotgun
triple tap any good?
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Never used a slug gun before, they any good?
Its alright, kinda eats ammo
It is super Ammo Hungery but if you hit head shots will out damage Shredder
Anyone want to team up to complete the 3 Bluglo siphons?

ign: Altearia
Ill add you in like 5 mins, getting a snack and a drink

But then how could you make mazes?
It seems so obvious now but I JUST realized all weapons are titled copper, or silver, etc. And the silver ones do way more damage. I got a copper legendary from my goybux pack but I have a silver shotgun that does 3x the dps.
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They ignore mazes most of the time already, and there seems to be no rhyme or reason for when they ignore it or follow it.
Fuck. You.,
Please translate this to a civil language.

someone posted it earlier but just make a pyramid around the objective with a single flat roof at the top. they just walk right up it and mill around while your can pop heads from an equally high area elsewhere and they're too stupid to aim downwards to break the pyramid or floor.
>Oh boy a really cute soldier waifu
>Evolve her
>She gets a shitty little hat which covers her cool hair
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I'm a good goy boy
post guts
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So you grind to get better gear to then grind on higher ilvl missions to get even better gear to then grind on even higher ilvl missions to get even even better gear to then...

Am I missing something? I'm trying to understand the appeal to see if it's worth getting.
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this is like all MMOs and like 80% of games, don't be stupid

it's whether you enjoy the gameplay or not
The saw isn't any good? What's wrong with it?
Not sure if it's good or not. I'm just not someone that usually uses LMG's in games.
The prob with them is if you don't do enough damage with them. Prepare to hold that R button because you are going to be crafting bullets all day.
Yeah that's a good point. Right now the single shot bolt action sniper with no scope has been my fucking jam. Does really nice damage on headshots and I don't bleed through ammo like crazy.
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Heres mine. Don't know if its good or not.
Just looked at the stats of the gun rolls. It's shit. Rip me 1k.
I like the pistol not sure what tree the backbreaker comes from and the razor play was somewhat ok in the alpha
what's bacon for

why is there a quest dedicated purely to it that doesn't have any v-coin reward
gas traps and healing pads, otherwise you won't need them.
Bacon is essential for ENERGY AMMO
I think they nerfed this. Or rather, I think they updated the AI during last night's maintenance, because it didn't work for me today when I was doing a power 19 fight the storm.
>bacon found in toilets and washing machines.
>ammo for high tech weapons.
weird ass humor.
>mini llamas are worthless
that's a shame
Yeah they are not much of a help pass like power 4 rating maybe I was thinking they should scale with your level but I'm not really sure how that would work outside you getting weapons/traps with a star rating around that too
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>You can't place Outlander Charges without owner permission
What the hell? That seems like a massive oversight.
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>55 loot llamas
>2 golds, neither jackpot
>No fucking striker
>Can I play this game solo? Are there AI teammates? Can I just play with a group of randoms? And how bad exactly is the grind?
Not really. You can with the early stuff, but the difficulty starts scales significantly after a point, and the game is balanced around being in a group.

Technically yes, but practically no. There are Defenders you can spawn, but only by placing a Defender Post and giving them a gun and some ammo, and they don't wander far from their post).

Yes, you can play with randoms. Of course, if your randoms are all off building an effigy of Ajit Pai on the edge of the map, then things won't likely go well. Usually it's fine, though. It's coop, and the shooting is relatively forgiving, so pugs aren't usually _too_ bad.

The grind is absurd. You've got the collecting of people and schematics, which are almost solely gotten from llamas (lootboxes), which are primarily a cash store thing. And you can (and will) get duplicates, and you will be getting a lot of gray trash stuff.
-The main way to get lootboxes without paying is via Storm Shield Defenses, which are part of people's main story quests, and not repeatable. So outside of your own Storm Shield Defenses, you can try to join into other people's missions to try to get into theirs. These lootboxes are the lowest tier.
-As an alternative, you can get the cash currency from a non-repeatable chain of quests, as well as sometimes rarely as a bonus reward from missions.
-On top of all this, all your stuff has to be leveled up to keep staying relevant as you get into harder content. You do this via putting XP into those people / schematics, but every time levels you have to Evolve them to continue leveling them. And Evolving them requires rare materials you mainly get by 'retiring' (getting rid of) similar stuff of blue tier or higher.
not that guy but I used to remember that you could get schematics as a drop a year ago as random drops at the end of missions
I have yet to see that happen, but it is certainly possible. Probably about as rare as seeing a limited-time mission offering V-bucks.
I really hope they didn't remove it but I'm really sure it was a common thing to get greens a year or two ago
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>you can keep doing the same mission for copper ore
How I did not know this worries me
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FYI to anyone that just got the 2nd Skill tree, I'd advise aiming for research regeneration. It's right down the middle. Didn't notice this was so early in the tree, wasted a bit of time.
its still locked off to me but im sitting on about 10+ skill points so I most likey get that and any +damage nodes
General effective gameplay tips:
Gather with outlander. Get all team mates around the pinata and kill it to get nice bonus loot.

In between missions build up you storm shield with extra traps you pick up and use builder. Helps manage backpack space

Defend storm shield with soldier. Call for help during. You need to guve build rights to outlanders so they can drop bear.

Bonus tips.

Use outlander to hoover wiod then make a sky walkway to get around easy and spot chests. I mean really easy. It makes all obstacles trivial. Your outlander glows the color of rarest loot near you once you get the loot through walls perk.

Bouncy chests are mimics.

Look for garages and kill cars for maximum bolts. Craft duct tape. Attics and basements have best loot usually. Rooftops too. After bold youll need mechanical parts.

Recycle weapons just before they break. Mats received always the same regardless of durability.

Recycle your gray weapons and patrol traps.

Check your respurces tab in backpack and make sure your loot is stacking. Often ill have like 3 stacks of copper with 3 in one and 8 in the other two for instance. This takes up 3 backpack slots. Drop them all in front of you then pick them up again for them to stack.
>Jackpot llama
>Only legendary survivors
survivors give you some pretty fucking good buffs anon

each point is +1% to its affecting stat
My best gun is a rare breacher, and I nearly in the second stage
Survivors are at least as important for long term progression as weapons.

In fact, if you don't level and evolve your survivors regularly you will hit a progression wall where you are too low level to actually join the missions to advance the questline.
I need a hotfix constructor so damn bad
what kind of guns do you like, anon

I'll make you a couple if you throw me the rare mats for them

1-stars take copper, 2-stars take silver
Which tier unlock silver weapons?
Someone should make a JUST Llama
Should I get? I only recently heard about it but the one video I watched it looks okay, I loved Orcs Must Die
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I would probably slaughter my entire family if it meant Penny would sit on my face for 60 seconds.
If you loved orcs must die then you might like this game. However there are some problems with loot wich is the problem and the lamas. If they fix this one problem this game would be very good. Later on in the game guns and traps really start to madder and if you don't have a good rng by then, then I hope you like to be carried. So far I'm having fun. The difficulty really gets up there though.
I see. Is this also one of those games where if you buy the cheapest (39.99 standard edition) you'll have to grind a lot for the stuff you could have got for paying 20$ more?
>no Shredder

My condolences.
that 41 energy sniper has 13% headshot damage, 13% headshot damage, and 10% damage/energy type

it's what I whip out when I want to single-mag drop one of the big fucks before they shit on my base

I'm just fine without a shredder :P
Anyone else have an issue where when you get a whisper, your screen goes black?
The only solution I have is to at tab and retab in
My dick needs Penny SFM like you would not imagine.
Sorta but not really. The rng is strong with this game, so even with all the extra founders llamas, it could still be pretty rough. The game has serious issues with its progression.
Should I just spend founders coins as I get them? Are there any events involving them?
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>tfw happy that my controller kyle is actually a powerbase
>tfw epic might take that from me and turn him into a controller
Quick, do I get the Founder's Warhammer or the Founder's Vendetta? Vendetta's a pistol.
Why is Ramirez's Squad skill so fucking trash.
Worst girl
>15 mins ago
She's cute though.
Commander stop posting
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*loud sweating*
I desperately wish this game had free look cam so I could spin it around.
I absolutely love this game. I've been waiting 5 years for it and I alpha tested for 2 years. But I swear to fucking god if I get one more game where I have to build the entire fort on my own while everyone else in the game is doing fuck all on the other side of the map I'm going to ingest rat poisoning.
>play Fortnite
>don't want to build forts
I tend to let who ever starts setting up to set up so I don't do anything they don't want but I do come over and give them a bunch of building parts to replace what ever they lose.

If no one does it by time I'm done searching for what ever im doing I just do it
What squad skill? You mean the warcry buff? That shit is crazy good.
God speed lars, may the king of Olympus guide your journey.


>Doing missions for copper
Nigga r u srs.
Just open chests and mine it. I have four stacks of copper and I think maybe 10+ or so are from miasion rewards.
>Pistol that shoots firecrackers
Is it as silly and useless as it sounds?
I know that pistol is good for some low lvl clearing.
I add one.

Try to keep a few weapons you like at a lower star rank till sure you can keep up with what the high rank weapon needs-don't rank up all your weapons till you sure you might have enough sliver for the star two weapons because once you do you won't be able to make anything once your weapons break and you stuck with cropper and zip to use it on.
How good is dps as an indicator on a weapon? I have some random blues I find from chests that look like they do more damage than epic schematics I have.
are they silver weapons?
Nuts and bolts are better farmed from parking metres, light poles and coin machines. Anything electrical looking is better than cars because less health, more of them and they can drop mech parts too. Cars are good if you need metal too
No, everything's copper.
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If headshots are different from critical hits, how the fuck do you critical hit?
Weapons have a crit chance indicator, but crit damage on most base weapons is only like, 50% bonus or some shit
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just hit plankerton
the grind begins
So is this good advice for new people? Hold on to your shit until you need it to advance? Also is the $60 buck edition worth it? Do you find the need for that extra inventory? Seems like the extra loot is nice, but I can't properly guage if the rare hero and traps are worth dishing out extra for.
open your mini llamas and the daily ones you get as well as the ones you get from the collection book but try to have at LEAST a stash of 1k vbux for when a super llama comes on the store

you can get inventory slots through the skill tree i'm playing on the $40 right now and i got a couple rare heroes i'm using a rare constructor right now
you can always upgrade it later through the in-game store if you think it's worth it
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>kill a mimic quest
>can't even find regular chests, much less mimics
The fuck am I supposed to do to advance this fucking quest
>quest requirements get harder and harder
>reward remains the same

this isn't a good system
Usually if zombies are just sitting around in a house there's loot in it to get, this also counts for mimics.
Also you can often see chests just sitting in a forest in completely open area, those are 100% mimics.
This. I find chests in the open in the city maps and chests never do that. Now that I think about it they are mostly in places where actual chests don't spawn.
Fucking arcade machines were are you.
Every city I go to is just garages, apartments, hospitals, and shit like that.
Managed to find one in a survivor spawn, but that's it.
So the daily llama is a guaranteed orange gun? I'm in Plankerton and have yet to get one, and from what I can tell gold llamas are less than 10% chance, so it seems kinda worth it
The upgrade ones are not. the jackpot ones are higher and the Super X should give a gold
who the fuck designed the model for Penny
Yeah, super ranged weapon llama is a guaranteed legendary.
You might get a shit legendary, but I doubt you'll need to min/max so early in game.
>the new area gives you a new layout for the base
Glad that got around to that or I just never noticed it
>only rare heroes

Super hero llama soon please.
You want batman?
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Wait a minute, why should i buy a Good-goy-gunbox if i could spend those 10 shekels for regular lamas that have contend that would actualy help me to increase my base level?
IF you asking if it was better to level up your base you get better weapons I would say better guns can carry you longer over hoping to get a person who would give you + offense but thats how I have things set up
>68 fort
>219 offense
>46 tech

I really do need to fix my fire team because all the side buffs I get are only for traps where I should keep a eye on anyone who gives me more range damage
i had some good survivors in some lamas a day ago and leveled up 2 ranks with them, then fought same level enemies with same old guns and they died way quicker.
Atleast im my experience level seems to influence damage alot.
But i understand that maxed out players would buy the gunlama over regular ones.
meant for:
If I'm thinking about it whatever the number is listed gives a flat % to whatever stat that is so if you jumped from 50 to 100 you should be doing way more damage
>gold llama
>2 legendary traps and and 3 epic defenders I already have

kill me
This game desperately needs a free roam mode. One where you just load in a map with random objectives but give you the ability to just extract whenever you want. I'd love to just be able to run around and farm by myself instead of being "that guy" during a mission.
Rescue the Survivors.

There's a 20 min timelimit from the start (usually 15-20 if you join a game) so it's not extract when you want, but other than that you can free roam and do your thing and won't be 'that guy'.
private match, leaving without completing let's you keep resources you find.
I do a lot of questions and answers on public sites about this game.

I am very interested in getting into data mining. Loot tables, drop rates, stuff like that.

Is there any way to do it with this game?

If not, what can I research to get into packet reading/logging? That way whenever I loot something it logs the items I receive.
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What's the quickest way to farm silver? I'm honestly considering just raising a weapon to level 10 and not upgrading to 2 stars because I'm having such issues keeping enough silver to regularly remake my weapons.
Find it naturally playing the game or as a rare mission reward.
If a mission gives it they tend to give about 10 outside of that you just have to mine it.

I say stick to copper till you get like 50 of it then go for it
It might be best to raise lower but faster damage weapons to 2 starts maybe and keep weapons like the sniper rifles to 1 if they still are putting out good damage for you. The worst thing you want is not being able to get your go to weapon because you wanted it to be a start two for 50 or so more damage
Taking a break from the circlejerk. Here to answer any questions with serious answer.
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Can't seem to connect to Fortnite
anyone else not able to log in?
Standby, just logged out. Will try again.
stuck in a loading screen

no dont take my addiction away again

dont do it
>Please log in
>Logging in...
>Login Failed

So yeah. That's where we are at.
Same... fug
You are gimping yourself by not spending all but two of your points at any given time. You should have unlocked 95% of the first tree by the time you hit tier 2
Caveat: Look at the T2 skill tree.
If there are any skills you really want to rush for, save just enough to get those points.

>Really want Hover Turret
>Really want 2* Assault Rifles

Stuff like that.
Otherwise, if you're leveling towards tech in T2 with T1 tech nodes left empty, you're wasting points.
That's not entirely true. Past level power level 15 survivors give like 2% a level. Making the resources required to gain a single level astronomical. In level 20 and have only level 15-28 survivors.
>cant sign into epic launcher at all now
>unironically I need this as my job relies on UE4
Im not him and im not saving points, but

>Otherwise, if you're leveling towards tech in T2 with T1 tech nodes left empty, you're wasting points.

What do you mean by this? I have tons of empty T1 slots because I got to T2 really fast. and a lot of T2 shit is better


I just realized, yeah, I'm skipping tons of +stat stuff, which increases your power level.. is that the problem? I can see it now actually

fug back to tier 1 for those I guess
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>Servers are down AGAIN
All weapons become silver once they are evolved once.
It's because
>Buying 2 nodes in T2 costs 4 points
>Buying 4 nodes in T1 costs 4 points
So unless you are following a specific path and want everything on that path, you can get 4 T1 nodes for the same cost.

When they both just give +3 <stat> you really should buy the T1 version first.
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Are you serious right now?
the epic servers are taking a huge shit
I can't even access UE4 which I use for a living
More importantly, I can't ignore UE4 in favor of fortnite
makes sense. I've mostly been going after specific things. I want to unlock my Gadgeteer leader for example as I have a mythic leader for there.

But yeah I should go finish tier 1..
I don't know but bless his heart.
>Get in and got a Gold Llama as my daily.

I want to fuck Rameriz's tits
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what's the best way to level up Utility within a mission? I notice you only get +1 for Mining someone and +2 for Searching something
Building traps and to a lesser degree ammo.
omg i want to play
No skipping in line!
>somehow me and 2 other dudes get a Lvl 7 Loot Chest from a mission
>literal trash inside

Thanks Epic
16 minutes in queue

are the servers even up or am I just going to waste my time?
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>On the fence about this game
>Decide this morning I'm gonna take the plunge since I just got my paycheck
>Open Epic launcher to buy
>Can't log in yet
>Estimated wait time is 25 minutes
>Wait 25 minutes

This seems like a pretty obvious sign from the universe that I shouldn't buy this game and my gut instincts were right.

But what do YOU think. Is it worth $40 or should I wait until 2018 and play it for free?
>tfw I just bought the game for Penny

Okay, I finished the Loot Llama tutorial, how do I unlock Penny.

Get grinding, you degenerate fatty lover.

She's one of the first rewards you get if you follow the main storyline, iirc
I've spent like 100 hours on it so far but unless you like autistic grinding and buildan/collectan it's probably not worth it.
Can you really call Penny fat though? Sure she's bigger than the other girls in the game, but she has defined body shape with no visible flab. And she has that thigh gap, she's just a big girl with big hips and big thighs.
The fanboys for this game are the worst, even worse than Ark's shitty fanboys. I get the game isn't the end of the world but these guys won't admit even the slightest flaw. They even made up a new category of pay to win so they could pretend the game didn't revolve around the loot you gamble real money for.

You lot are smarter than that, right?
There's literally none of that here, we all know the games glaring flaws, some of us are just addicted anyway because it triggers our autism

I even see tons of shitting on the games pay to play systems on leddit so frankly I think you're just making things up
I wish it was pay to win.
But so far it's more like gambling
Everyone here seems to be aware of the game's flaws, but we are still having fun with the game.
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>mfw when I log out for an hour to go to the grocery store and can't get back on
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I only play it because my friends won't play anything else.
Plenty of silver in mines, usually located along map sides.
>TFW got into Alpha
>They never emailed me and thus I didn't know until a few weeks before the transition to EA
>If you spent money equal to the price of a founders pack during the alpha you will receive the corresponding founders pack for free plus. If you did not you will get a discount on one.
>TFW this only applied if your in-game spending was BEFORE that announcement
Maybe I'm not far enough into the game, but does Penny feel weak to anyone else? As far as being a Constructor goes she doesn't have anything other than B.A.S.E. so the other Constructors like Kyle and Hazard are far better. Kyle even has skills that boost his damage within B.A.S.E. And if you want to go a melee oriented character why not just roll an Assassin?
I am glad that they made Ramirez so cute.
Low rank penny is pretty garbage. High rank penny and Kyle's are dope
Legendary Penny with 20% Sledge Crit is great.
>can't even install EpicGamesLauncher

Holy fuck, why the fuck are you using an MSI file to install your shitty launcher

>What is Warframe
What would "low rank" Penny quantify as? Uncommon and Rare?
Just Uncommon.
So I just to Plankerton yesterday, what level should my weapons be? I have two Level 21 rifles, a level 21 shotgun, and a level 21 pistol all Rare. I don't think the Purple scehamtics are worth build that often as they use 3 gizmoes
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>Get disconnected and rejoin
>Score is now in the toilet and everyone thinks you spent the whole round jacking off to Penny's ass
Mimics are always blue chests
>Fortville slugger 3000
>using melee on anything that's not a finger
>Not using melee to kill those fucking midget zombies that leap 4000 feet to hit you
Just prove to them you can high score and jack off!
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>Always get the most points in building, utility and combat
>Am contructor in a team of ninjas and soldier
>not playing soldier and throwing a grenade at your feet
Constructor has a grenade too
>fucking midget zombies
My hatred for these things is eternal.
Wait until they come in elemental variants.
>tfw have legendary kyle
>His evoltuion is a fucking beanie
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>Have controller kyle
>evolution is sam fisher goggles
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Is this game even worth the 40 bucks? Or is it worth it to buy the 60 dollar version?
Llamas scale with you right? It wouldn't be smart to buy the legendary llama at 15 when it will scale fairly better at 20? I just unlocked plankerton
Llamas dont scale
So just buy it?
The super llama? They are always worth it yes
If you wanna play with friends, tier 3/4. Otherwise, Tier 1.
>. where its clear as day from a dev standpoint, everyone should have been in common and MAYBE green gear
But that seems wrong? Higher tiered items aren't just a bit stronger, they can be leveled higher. As players get further up in homebase power and face higher power enemies, their green tier stuff will likely not be able to scale to the challenge.

And since evolution generally requires having access to blue or higher tier heroes / schematics / survivors, the idea that everyone should be using common and green gear seems flawed. Unless you are instead suggesting that the devs think that players should not be making use of the evolution mechanic in general, which doesn't seem "clear as day" at all.
So if I understand this game right, you buy/earn loot crates which point out shit in different rarities. But then you have to upgrade that loot using XP you can only earn in game.
So a person can spend a hundred bucks, get a shitton of epics. But the upgraded greens of a person who has played a lot will beat those epics in terms of stats?

or can you buy that xp as well?
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>mfw i read the hyperthreading passive in the collection book
You can't buy that EXP under any circumstance.
Grind grind grind.
Also, the Epic and Legendary gear will be slightly better than the Uncommons (Green) at same EXP/Evolution level, but also cost more EXP to get to that same level of investment.
>implying anyone would blame you for jacking off to Penny's ass and hips
>So if I understand this game right, you buy/earn loot crates which point out shit in different rarities.
Correct. Though you can only directly earn the lowest tier of loot crate in-game. You can indirectly get others by earning v-bucks, the premium currency, via daily quests (and a series of non-repeatable challenges).
>But then you have to upgrade that loot using XP you can only earn in game.
So a person can spend a hundred bucks, get a shitton of epics. But the upgraded greens of a person who has played a lot will beat those epics in terms of stats?
Sorta. An upgraded green should have better stats than an orange that has had no XP put into it, sure. But XP is one of the things that can randomly come out of the loot crates, so it's not like you can _only_ earn it in game.
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>tfw its nothing compared to its pre-nerf form
Seriously that shit spat out resources like a madman. But nope, can't have constructor get a steady flow of resources for fucking CONSTRUCTING
So should I just be saving all my V-Bucks for Super Llamas of all sorts?
Super Llamas and Legendary Troll Truck Llamas.
1000/1500 respectively.
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>shit dropped a copper shredder
>epic was a shitty hand cannon
>still got a shredder
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There's a gnome in my wall. I don't think I've ever seen this happen before.
Try upgrading the wall, does it remain
Thanks anon
This was in the first Ride the Lightning mission you gotta do in the early tutorial. Well before you get access to Building Upgrades, sadly.
I just got around to this again after Beta.
Alpha, damn me.
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it doesn't i was playing with my friend and it happened to him on his base
we took a pic and then upgraded and then it disappeared
i haven't seen it in any other wall so far either besides the brick wall
Eagle Eye is better.
No. And breaking it doesn't give any Gnome loot.
There's something I utterly can't fucking stand about the Mini-Llama voice lines, but I can't figure out what.
I like them, I think they're silly in a fun way but not too silly that it gets annoying.

>"I'm werewolf proof!"
I don't mind the regular ones, they're somewhat interesting and not annoying. I think it's the high-pitched vocie.
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i just got one too
So is Penny always a Tank?
>not a single two star+ weapon
How the fuck, upgrade your shit retard
look at the heroes in the collection book
Anyone got images of the evolutions of certain heroes?
Is the Deluxe edition a good value or should I just picked up the base $40?
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Tough choice, I could really use a fucking shotgun
You can upgrade later if you feel like it.
Shotgun if you like Constructors, Sniper otherwise.
Well, what'd you get? Don't be a cocktease.
Is there anyway to test this game?
Or do I need to cough up 40 bucks to see if I like it?
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I didn't even think to do that, thanks for the tip anon.
Eh, could be worse.
My last leggo was 3/5 durability, so I'll take it
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I will send my condolences to your kangaroo wife.
Dammit. I spent 40 dollars on this.

How long until I'll get the hero I actually want to use?
A while, probably. If you want a specific hero, that is.
You'll get 1 of each Hero Class pretty quickly.
>After unlocking Outlander/Ninja Leadership, you'll get a Quest that gives you an Uncommon variant (Dyke Hair/Blonde white girl respectively) for completing it as any Class
So if I want a Pathfinder or Recon Outlander I'm going to basically have to wait a long time... and especially if I want a legendary one?

Is there any reason to invest in heroes that aren't legendary (unless you don't have one)?
You get back a lot of the XP you pump into Heroes/Schematics once you Retire them.
Also lower rarity items and people take less EXP per level.
Ah, so it's worth leveling them so I can progress to get more stuff, then.
Wait, so there's a moment where progression just ends and you need to pay to get further, basically?
Or grind your motherfucking face off and get lucky.
>crit damage
>nerfed dragon fly
I'm so sorry
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>15 mins
Place bets on it being a super trap llama
I'll kms
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>Super Trap
just play the soldier that has a 50% crit chance buff and you'll be fine

headshot damage is GOAT too
>weapon llama

fuck off and give me the hero llama fucking epic fix your game reeeeeee
>Basic Weapon Llama
why the FUCK isn't there any porn of Penny? There's so much potential in both drawn and SFM type porn for her.
Because shitgame that's been in development hell for so long.
yeah I aim for normal damage and headshot damage
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one of you niggers needs to start using your fake twitter accounts to spam this at some artists.
Shame I don't have any shots of my Legendary Penny from the Alpha. Better color scheme IMO.
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>No female Power/MEGA BASE
>no screenshot button
>in 20-fucking-17

just cross-play on console :^)
So is there a list of what's best to invest your vbucks into? Obviously that 1050 or whatever it was yesterday should be top tier. Are weapon llama's better than upgrade llamas? Should I spend 350 today or just save it?
Troll Trucks > Super unless you really want a specific item type.
Well it depends on what you need/want

Special llamas are spendy. The weapons llama is 350 which is the same as 3.5 upgrade llamas.

Super llamas are great if you don't have any legendaries. Really if you have 2 or 3 legendaries of what they give then they aren't super worth it unless there is something you really, really, really want.

Personally I say just get upgrade llamas and super people whenever they are out. Drop rates on legendary people are the 2nd lowest in the game, behind mythic people ofc, so getting a guaranteed one is pretty fucking nice.
troll truck?
Sounds good. Yeah I'm not hurting for legendaries. I have some decent rolled Damage+ weapons, just need to keep steadily upgrading them.
Troll Truck is an upgraded version of the Troll Stash.
>1500 V-Bucks for 20 items with at least 2 Legendary items
Fuck that sounds dank
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I'm about to get the super thing founder stuff so I can give the 2nd game to my gf. Is this a smart idea? Is this game good enough that I will be hooked for AT LEAST a week?
Do you like Warframe?
Never played it. But people compared it to Sanctum, Orcs Must Die and Don't Starve(?). And I liked those
A week is about right to realize how much devs just cucked you. After that you can still play, but you'll be feeling shame while doing so.
Feeling shame afterwards? Sounds like masturbating.
The start is *very* slow and boring alone with two its kinda worst because the rate husks come after you during missions are so low that two people are more then enough to deal with it. Things start to pick up around power rating 15 thats maybe 10~ hours in.
I need to breed Penny
Edit the floor tile to be diagonal and then put up a wall
body pillow when?!
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Look on the bright side. You won't have recoil.
>crit damage increase with no crit chance increase
>recoil reduction on a gun that's firing speed is less than the time needed for basic acquisition
>no crit chance up for the now useless crit damage
Damn, man...
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Is this shit any good?
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What's your current gunfu? Been dumping as much exp into this as it seems to be the best i've found so far.
Is crit dmg different from headshot dmg?
>everyone has a fucking raptor
I want it so fucking bad!! Someone threw a half dead one with crit chance at 70% and i'm addicted to the power. I refuse to go back to using my shitty trooper.
Yes. You can crit on a headshot I believe.
Entirely. Both result in multiplier damage but their rolls are entirely different.
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Fuck you game
Headshot is yellow, what about crit?
>have a ton of copper
>running out of rusty parts
>Being pushed to jump to two stars and use whatever sliver I have.

I have about a 100 but still a bit worried
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At least I got this too, not astounding stats but I like the gun type
And some meh shotgun
larger font than the result and it stands above all other damage and depending on element it will show a different color or have a cool effect.
It's a nice gun but that fire rate is what will make it a beast. you got the mats/exp to get it there?
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Same poster but shitgun shotgun, should be fine for exp and mats except drop of rain which I'm farming now.
Which shitgun is best shotgun? the auto ones?
I actually like reload speed on shotguns desu.
Pity about the fire rate and durability decay.
precision shotgun imo, frankly they have different roles for different situations.
It's gonna sound like shit but did you get shafted on every legendary you got?
depends really I used to use the precision shotgun but I use a sniper rifle and s burst fire smg/AR so I keep a AA12 with me in case there is too many for me. I also use it when I have to solo a outpost mission
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What are the best weapon bonuses?

I'm assuming that weapon durability is shit but is +damage bad?
depends on the weapon. if its high in crit chance then go for crit damage or damage or fire rate or whatever makes it better.

ex: slow ass high crit high damage high crit chance gun but i do mean obscenely slow? pray for 4 good fire rate boosts and blam. miracle gun.
Crit chance and crit damage are the best, +damage % isn't bad imo.
weapon durability and recoil
>Bind fire to scroll wheel
>Scroll at a big mist monster with pic related
>Its dead within a second or so
>it's a you can't find any rotating gizmos mission
I like +damage and +headshot damage I rather not roll dice to see if I do more damage or not
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I got this?
Also the ceiling gas trap legendary and Kyle
>crit damage without crit
does everything have a base chance to crit? is this stat visible anywhere
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IS anyone on the fence about buying this game on Xbox?
Yes, all weapons have a minimum 5% Crit rate.
Yeah, spend them as you get them, because according to the description it's a limited time thing.
depends what's its crit chance? its fairly good but 45%+ crit chance that might be really nice with assassin stacking.
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if you don't got one you are not playing the game right.
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If only Energy Ammo was not such a pain to farm for.
did they nerf resource gathering?
last night I was doing 224 crits, now im doin 122.
What the fuck?
my pickaxe is also green now, it was blue.
Is it worth Evolving Rare weapon schematics?
>how to make outlanders worthwhile
Wow Firetrucks are hard to find.
I noticed my pickaxe was downgraded when I went back to Stonewood. Probably to balance it out I guess.
Any City zone.
10% base crit
the skill point scaling in this game makes zero fucking sense.
You have to practically max out your tree before you unlock the 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
First tier you receive one skill point per level, skills cost one point.
tier 2, receive 2, costs 2.
And so on and so forth.

why the fuck doesn't everything just cost 1 point?
Grind for the sake of grind.

it's dumb, but they want everyone to generalize and unlock everything everywhere

you get more points per level at 2, 3, etc so it's more "worthwhile" to go back and complete the previous tree since you're technically getting twice the power per level

yeah, it's fucking dumb
You better start sharpening your gas chamber architectural skills.
>can bully a wide berth of enemies with the sledgehammers fully upgraded
>can stunlock even the big fuckers in a single heavy attack
>stunlock lasts longer than the time required to get enough energy for another heavy
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>open llama
Fuck, I enjoyed the game and then upgraded to the deluxe.

I guess I have cute Jess to play with now, but still...
I upgraded to deluxe and all I got was a mythic survivor. No other legendaries. Fuck RNG.
survivors are really useful anon, don't bitch about getting a good one instead of some shitty epic weapon
It was a doctor, I wanted damage.
What buildings do I need to look for for arcade machines? I know city but is there like an arcade building I should look for.
I want Penny to ___________ .
Hotels I think.
Kind of disappointed all the female Constructors use the same body, but oh well. I love them all.
Best bet is actually Survivors hideouts in Buildings on city maps.
bear my children
Should I be getting upgrade llamas or saving for when people llamas come around?
Fart in my mouth.
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not a fan of the rolls but its been killing anything remotely large with ease.
When are they nerfing the Shredder, shit is OP.
>Inb4 changes damage to water
where the fuck can I farm silver, this is ridiculous, I can't build any fucking weapons as they break
Im seriously having an issue playing this game because of how thicc Penny is
energy, causes affliction as well.
Just Solo any level 19+ Forest Mission

RUn around looking for caves and large holes in the ground. OR Run around in a City as Eagle Eye and farm chests.

If anyone gets this as their daily quest, I found an actual building with an "Arcade" sign on it full of the machines. Not sure how often it spawns, I might have just gotten lucky.
Dumb question, i got Fortnite key from a friend, is the Display name for account the same as IGN?
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What's the verdict? I can fully upgrade it right now.
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I'm more afflicted over the fact it's thematically incorrect than anything else.
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Fire and Ice, baby.
How big is the download for this game?
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I was actually wrong it was a zapper, has a base crit of 5%
Bars used have 1 or 2.
>upgrade outlander to next evolution

way to ruin a character
I'm almost to the point of being able to take my epic Penny to 3 stars, and I'm terrified it will replace her current sexy as fuck looks

is there a list of the skins that are swapped out with different rarities/star levels somewhere?

none of the fucking wikis have any useful content at all
So which class is the best, anyway?
I can't stop looking at Sarah's ass send help
want to look at mine instead?
Soldier for killing shit. Centurion/Urban Assault/Shock Trooper.
Constructor for building shit. Power BASE.
Outlander for farming shit. Pathfinder/Recon Scout.
Same for Penny

Wtf this is seriously lewd
When will this game give me my fuCKING STRIKER HOLY SHIT
>none of the fucking wikis have any useful content at all
That's because people like you need to add to them.
I just realized we're over bump limit.
>have to create an account
>have to get approved
>have to know what you're talking about
>have to take the risk of doing shit without knowing what will happen just to help some other fuck out later

if devs aren't going to fucking provide answers to this shit ingame, they should at least prepopulate a fucking wiki with basic shit
You are using the Gamepedia Wiki, right? The one that doesn't require an account to edit things on, yeah?
New thread

Its p-good.
lv20 roll is trash though.
Eats shells,
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