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/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1886

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 764
Thread images: 138

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I'm killing off this general for good


>Recent News
New Rose Queen Weapons (Bow, Harp, Fist, Axe) - Medium Boost to Allies' Attack and max HP + Reduce damage from off-element.
New Tier 2 (Gilgamesh, Hector, Prometheus, Anubis, Morrigna, Ca Ong) Weapons added.
Tier 2 Raids hosting requirement changed (1 True Anima).

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for July:
6/30 - 7/8 - Ranger Sign: Bravo!
7/9 - 7/14 - A Slice of Summer (Rerun)
7/12 - 7/17 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdowns
7/18 - 7/24 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
7/25 - 7/30 - Rise of the Beasts
7/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

8/2 - Summer Livestream @20:00 JST

>How to Start
Go to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread
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Fuck off
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How does one kill that which does not exist?
What is this Mystic meme?
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My mom.
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i just want my s zoi.jpg
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delete this at once
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>How comfy auto mode does this game is?
How much of auto mode this game have?

Can I play on my phone normally with an apk download (including buying shit through google play)?
How is the gacha and F2P/bang for your buck shit in the game? Is it as bad as shitty FGO?

How comfy auto mode does this game is? Do I have to press buttons on endgame that much?

This game has pretty good art in general and I'm always interested, but never got into on PC, but couldn't run properly on phone either.
Anything becomes easy if you put up some money or TIME and EFFORT.
I want to fuck your mom anon.
Auto mode is solely for content you've completely outleveled. Endgame is all about racing, which means lots of button pushing. Honestly you should probably just avoid this game and fap to the fanart.
Post the bahamut one, that's my favorite
it gives debuff resistance and defense. he's also using a buncle as a main summon for more debuff resistance
I have to keep my eyes in the game to progress then?
Not even FFXII gambits or some shit like that?
ugh, I just want to see cuties level up and shit.
Having to read this shitty ESL comic hurts more than sparking S. Heles and getting everything available to spark 209 draws in.
No, just put buncles and become inmortal.
when the fuck did this happen

We reached peak cancer a couple threads ago. There's no saving us now.
the app is just for buying stuff
it's better to just play it in your browser even on your phone
there's a setting to set the game to beta mode in the setting menu, it's recommended to switch it to that if you're playing on your phone
It's official.
But that HP?
that's a bummer.

thanks though.
>80% DEF up
Add to that the buncles rotation. You can't literally die.
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>tfw can't have fun with everyone in Discord because I'm too shy
FKHR has two shots to get it right with Rosetta + Lecia weapons. Even he can't fuck up something that easy twice, right?
Less thann30 minutes left to complete my dailies before ROtB. Halp.
He fucked up with Rose Queen last uncap.
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>tfw too shy to even join
I fucking hate myself sometimes.
That's not a fuckup, magna wind isn't allowed to be good. Whale wind, on the other hand? That's far more likely.
It's special gift for UltBaha.
>official discord

then what purpose does this general serve?
To coordinate raids easier.
Best skills for dirt lucha?
For people who don't wanna use discord?
What anon meant by this?
It's just shitpost, next thread it will be removed.
None. In a week we'll shut the doors on this shitty general once and for all.
Discord was made to drive the erp away from the threads since they have an open channel to that already.

Threads will be much cleaner now.
It's here to stay. Just because a vocal minority doesn't like doesn't mean it should go. It already has a bunch of people in it.
wuv wuv
post member list
Who is in?
exactly this, we can even post porn so that's a bonus
>elemental summon
>not magna
What did you mean by this?
we should mark this in the next general just in case.
>vocal minority
Just you
You don't decide shit. You already got your members by doing that.
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This is your 2chan thread for today, bring back something nice from your visit.
>shitposters and namedroppers are in the shitpost channel
>lewd and cuteposters are in the ERP channel
The discord is literally saving /gbfg/ and you guys haven't noticed. Don't you see the lack of "post id cutie" posts?
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wtf does ring ruler do
thanks, for some reason I can't seem to find their gbf general on futaba to day.
Yeah, for a day. If you don't think they're going to start showing up here again, but with coordination, I've got an all primals account to sell you.
Post ID
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Judging from SSR JK and Lecia skill, their weapons will get barrier/guage up and enmity respectively, like Katarina and Rakam cases.
If it's the question for you, then leave at once and use discord, the tread will be a lot better.
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Granblue General? More Like Grandblue Funeral.
>sell instead of giving

nice try siero
>guraburu threads in b
Do they not have separate board for videogames discussion? Barbaric monkeys these days I swear.
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I don't know what you're talking about
What caused the sudden rapid rise of ERPposting and namedropping?
English patch.
General threads seem to be in /b/, only added benefit that I can think of is that porn is allowed in the threads.
>sudden rapid rise of namedropping
Uh, that's been there since thread 1. The ERP stuff is because /xivg/ people leaked over here.
Esports people shitposting about casuals last GW, after that the influx of erp got to these levels.
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>/gbfg/ gets a discord
>shitposting stops
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Are you sure about that? Burgers are probably asleep by now.
xivg has several discords and is cancerous as fuck
this is the first step
remove this polyp before it turns into cancer
Novelty will keep the shitposting away for a couple days, but it'll be back. It always comes back.
>the thread is always dead by that hour
where did this even come from? the previews aren't even out
Someone's ass. Repeat something reasonable sounding long enough and people will parrot it.
Baha HL 012EAEA0

I'm HS
i hate homos fuck u im not joining that discord
Everyone should at least try the discord first.

RIP anon
What the fuck
he's baiting right? no one is this dumb
It's about to be 11pm in the west coast so it's not that late.

I'm running that anons pokerbot while I try the bleach game on my phone
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Why should I join it? I'll probably get namedropped or something.
Do raids pick up where they left before the maintenance?
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Oops, do I get the host materials back if it goes into maintenance without finishing
F for you Anon
there are a lot of people in here now and there's no bot that calls you out when joining or anything so no one will know or care enough.
They get time out unless the maintenance ends before the time out
nobody cares about you enough to namedrop you
most namedrops aren't even made by other people
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1500952001 Radio boys
It's 2 AM right now for east coast and at this point only people that are up are neets since it's a weekday.
Does the discord have cute emotes?
Thanks for the (You)'s
NEET canuck checking in
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No problem, it's what we do here
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Was it streamed?
>everyone is a 8-5 wagecuck
check yourself
i work 1-9 so i can stay up all fucking night, bitch boye
Hello fellow neet but I'm not from leafland. Now go to sleep.
Is the ROtB harp worth using if I have flaretato? I was planning to get it but am afraid it'll end up killing Magisa when the cow is up.
I just have tommorow off though I don't normally fall asleep until 2am on days I work. Sometimes I wish I was a neet.
Ult Baha in 3 days.
>game goes down
>discord has now 90 memebers

well, thats something.
I can't into twitch and couldn't figure out how to save it, I'm sorry.

No, it's time for anime and RotB in 2 hours.
Whats wrong with everyone today.
Which is the more efficient way of building a grid?

1.: having 6 weapons with no uncaps (and then proceeding to uncap each by one star by each drop)
2.: having 1 fully uncapped weapon + 1 with a single star (and then fully uncapping it then proceeding to the next weapon)
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>Hard ultimate baha is a 6-man
the former
What is maintenance for? Free tickets?
Isn't that in 14 hours?
New updates have caused systems to go haywire
Vira is shit
Famitsu posts their previews at 18:00 jst

Thats four hours away
Ult Baha on the 28th. Normal is 30 and hard is 6 man.
>6 man

Sounds easy with 5* Song then
Every event starts at 17:00JST
It's in 1:47
Doesn't twitch saves replays automatically for 2 weeks or something?
1 hour 45 min
He's immune to para
>immune to para
I wish the Qinglong Manewhip actually moved like a whip. Someone should fix that.
Sounds easy with Summer Medusa then.
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Shit, I'm time retarded then. Have this image of summer Djannu for my idiocy.
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Check for yourself
twitch /helesanon

tl;dr: stopped at 209 draws in because I had everything sparkable
Dark on suicide watch.
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Current state of /gbfg/ and granblue.
>naobou voice
How in the world will I watch if there is no VOD?
What even happens in a thread discord that couldn't just happen in the thread?
You forgot to turn this on help.twitch tv/customer/portal/articles/1575302-videos-on-demand
ERP and pornposting
The discord is actually pretty chill.
Lewd pics.
Sounds like shit.
Farm those RQ weapons.
>the discord is more alive than the general
/gbfg/ won't last long
it's just an endless stream of shitposting now
Seriously tho. Who is the "girl in blue" on the song?
My daughteru.
Lyria, blue refers to her hair.
That discord wont last. This isn't the first time a general tried to move to discord.

Circlejerking and drama will follow.
You mean the general won't last.
I love somniare. first he leeched horse trains by leaving trains halfway in open coop rooms now he's leeching prom
This time is different.
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I will crash this discord with meme doujins.
Discord proves how vira is shit
This desu.

Someone will make a mod or adm mad, and they shit up everything cause everyone to leave.


They won't leave any mods and gbfg will destroy themselves with avatar-posting.
Is Wawi in there?
Thanks anon. I can go to bed then.
I told you I wasn't familiar with twitch.
Yes he is.

We're all bullying korbo atm
I guess I can finally leave. It's been fun /gbfg/.
See you tomorrow anon.
F-feels good.
We did it /vg! The elevens love us now!

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What does it say
See you tomorrow.
>LG shitposts about discord
>LG people JOIN the discord

Post list please.

One day she started hearing voices and starting swinging her sword at people. Vi's telling her to visit a clinic.
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I can finally thank them for the free Kirins 2 RotB
ago now.
We're hosting a discord only Baha HL after maint. Be sure to join.
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>my crew's discord has been very quiet since the /gbfg/ discord started
Eventually crews will just have private channels on the discord.
reminder you have to join the discord so you can be invited to the real discord
>wasting time on Baha HL when there'll be pendants to grind
No thanks.
>discord only
So sad.
Does this mean we can actually have /gbfg/ kirindong trains now?
Do you really trust people to not leak them
Our crews discord is always quiet
>/gbfg/ continually disses discords like Xieicord
>becomes discord
Oh the irony
So you don't play until 28-th? Too bad, no gold bar for (you).
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>/gbfg/ tries to start a train
>Gets sabotaged by /gbfg/
Leak them to who
Who would win in a fight? gbfgcord or xiecord?
Let's face it, the only reason people dissed discords was because they're from discord. Now they're finally back in their natural environment.
>never been in a discord before
>join for curiosity
>it's both fun and a trainwreck
It's just as bad as here
post some discord logs
What's happening in disco
Just the "fever" of a new thing, as soon they get bored of it it will become to normal. It was like this with every other vg thread.
Of course it is, it's the same fucking people.
It's just retarded shitposting.
Can't wait for the first /gbfg/ discord Ult Baha (normal)
post gransexual
I cant believe you fucking fags made a discord, you've fucked the general and I want you to know you're trash
shitflinging, except it's all in real time
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Post discord list so I can kick them from my crew.
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>fake stuttering in discord

Post the member list so I can kick you stupid cunts from my guild.
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>/gbfg/ makes a discord
>really want to join and make friends with other people
>too socially awkward
>turns out everyone was craving identities all along
I'll be your friend!
It's real stutter actually
Get in here pal.
Post ID cutie!
Post your HECKING id
>let's make this place exactly the same as everywhere else
But why?
Super Robomi Generations when
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i'll be your friend if you join and call vira shit
>official discord
You mean like a containment board? Are there any cuteposters there?
Our queen is here!!
Just look how this thread is slow and you will have your answer.
I'm not joining the discord if the virashitter is there.

But calling shit "shit" is just redundant.
Which one?
Sounds good to me. I'll make sure to stay as far away from it as possible.
Thank you.
whens melty
What did they mean by this
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Summer jutenshu event when
Eureka joined but got kicked
yeah but they don't seem to get it so i would appreciate some help
lies and slander
Leeching 6-man is not ok even if one of the player can solo it. It's just bad form.

You leech magna so you can build a grid to NOT leech 6-man.
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When they become canon (never).
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Just passing by heard you guys got a discord in the OP so looks like I can add you to the /trash/ candidates when /vg/ remade
Discord won't last long. it's a fad. It will fade. A forum always lasts longer.
I didn't realize I had a /gbfg/ friend on my friend list until now.
but summer is not canon
New event? Translate please.
Really, Karen?
Absolute SEAniggery
>Discord won't last long. it's a fad. It will fade.
This desu

That's why I joined asap so I didn't miss the fun.
>male trying to act cute
>le im a tomato lol

>SR water carren

It's ok.
Did anyone even want this bitch?
>literally who event
Shit summer desu.
>tfw no summer Boitato
>He don't want Eugen cumdump.
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Is this what maintenance does to people?
>Complains about not having new event
>New event announced
>Complains about new event
We can't have nice things.
If it's not about my waifu it may as well not exist.
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Post couples
I just want suptix desu.
Glad this cutie is getting some attention, hopefully we get more doujins of her now.
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kill yourself.gif
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>Literal nobody events
>Release new Summer characters that are worse than the regular versions
>The only good "Summer" character got released in February
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when is da nu event
10 minutes
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When is Danua event?
So, if she's water, that means we're getting another Earth weapon and summon?
We've been getting a lot of these lately. How fucked are we for next GW if they're giving us all this earth stuff?
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what are the chances of getting bird eye to drop from agni? as rare as gold bars?
Which new prestige weapon should I choose as a MH for fun?

Earth spear and dark axe seems to be good choices.

Gold bar tier.
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Which one of you is this?
>Carren is Eugen' second cousin
>She's getting an event in summer
>Apollonia is also related to Eugene
Summer Apollonia confirmed!
So instead of getting a summer mommy or cow like magisa or forte like people wanted, we got some literal who character.
>twitter handle
I fucking wonder
My bets are on Wata
Your fatfucker ass would be complaining about it being an SR if you got what you wanted.
>Cisgendered white female. Tortoisekin. Disabled. Singlet. Gainer. Vegan. Feminist. Fat activist. Pansexual. Demiplatonic. Aromantic. Asensual.
This is your average GBF player.
You're getting a free event SR and Summer BK and you'll like it!
Neither, I just happened to see this point looking at the twitter feed.
Suframare event when
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At this point, I'd be glad to get even a limited/summer R Vampy.
Guys, I'm really worried about Naobou's condition. Will she recover by the live event?
You're a literal who too anon!
the fuck is this shit

and where is more of it
>/gbfg/ unironically worshiping tripfags and e-celebs and spouting memes in discord




You'll be back in a week.
what happened to her?
See you tomorrow anon.
I love my daughter but her story is over
>cute name
>cute icon
>talks cute
too cute
>>183762341 Check the first 5-6 mins, seems like something wrong with her throat.
>a discord channel for discussing the game is peak cancer
>people circlejerking around a 'cuteposting' tripfag or ejaculating on people's profiles wasn't
I know what type of poster you are.
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She's loaded this anime season not counting her commitments for macross delta live shows. That's really expected.
Don't fall for the crush meme. Most of the people in discord just act cute and won't actually erp with you, much less give two shits about you. I fell for it and I regret it.
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Reminder that vira is the true cancer
is there any hetero male(male) left in this shithole?
>those hips
what did she mean by this?
That's satire I hope.
Right here. I'm the last of my kind.
hnggg those hips
More key frames than all 13 epsodes of the anime.
i'm still here
we need to remove viracucks to get back to normal
10 mins!
first xeno vohu, now rotb.
I'm glad im a neet
Think about the posters here. Do you really think it's satire?
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Why is DJ pose in the thumbnail so derpy?
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Why did you do this? That picture was fine. Don't thiccify pictures that are fine when there's already pictures that are too thicc of the same character.
Vira is pretty
Less than 4 minutes.
It's already up, baka
I agree.
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>too thicc
No it's not, hmph!
2 minutes!
the world could be a better place if every gbf was drawn by tsukumiya
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Straight, yeah. But I jack off to harvins so that's a downside.
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Purging the homo menace one post at a time
*every good gbf
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I already hosted one today sorry
At least that anon who hosted that Baha got 100 gems as compensation
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>need to grind 27 nuggets
I wish you all luck, lads.
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post kirin raids here
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>No gold bar
>actually kirin
I love you!
harvin and dorafs are the best races, furries and ningen should fuck off
Use OBS Studio, i will stream and save my spark just to remember how bad my luck is for future references.
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Heles' first battle is a Kirin, wish her luck!
>its actually a Kirin

Does Nepnep trident boost RP while not in mainhand slot?
next time ill bring HS
>/gbfg/ will fail kirin
is this the most cancerous event in the game?
>kirins full before I can even copy the number
>try to join regular beasts from raid tab for nugget mission
>goes from full hp 1 player joined to dead before it even loads
If we get enough Soiyas in the current Kirin I'll host my own
Where do I download Viramate? It's not in the Chrome store. I wanna try using it with my alt.

classic TP
get new pc and better internet poorfag -_-
>not killing beast by yourself

fucking low player.
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Thanks for hosting!
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thanks dude
Any of the gears in battles badges worth taking?
Explain for a stupid American what it means
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Thanks for coming, sorry it took so long at the end there. Didn't feel like using an elixir.
No more coop slime blast. Weekend for slimeblasting only.
Killing the beast yourself doesn't get you a nugget though...
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i don't know
but the picture seems to imply you can split the hosting material cost among people
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Almost fucking time.

Option for trains, items and AP get consumed after the first start, this way you find out who is the llecher (because the "train" don't starts) and a nice "fuck you" to the leavers.
Thanks for the Kirin.
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Are you retarded, anon?
>full again
So you can't leave the train right?
You can still leave but you lost your item anyway.
Keep killing your game KMR, this is funny.
you probably can after giving your seal

I assume you can leave it. You just lose your AP/hosting items regardless of whether you stay or not.
>able to queue attack after changing party members

is this new?
He's retarded.
Can I be kickced after giving out my seal?
Anyone want a HL Macula, I'm a sage

Dunno about that.
>waaahhh leeching trains is REQUIRED to progress i can't do anything now
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do we have enough people here for this?
>was going to leech nip longdong lobbies like last celestials
>scared I might be the next Somniare
Got a sage and HS
you can't leech now everyone that isn't braindead is going to use the new system
I'm talking about slimblasting fuckface.
Nothing happened to it, moron.
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Kill this Kirin already.
How do I perform well in kirins and dongs?
No. You get 5 free nuggets for joining raids throughout the event's run plus the ones from the store.
Stop shitposting if you don't know what happens in the event.
Get 5* Song and press her 3 for 15k honour.
they are making the solo slimeblast easier and more rewarding
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Shame these leeching fucks.
>he fell for a random /gbfg/ post
what did he mean by this
which RoB weapons should I be focused on getting?
I already have xuanwu mace, aside from that I don't know which ones are actually good?
post altair
It doesn't have to be a raid started by someone else, dumb anon. Now stop being retarded and go play the game.
I got every single one of those dailies done on my own AP last time, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Was raid was that?

Fire Katana is extremely good.
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Kirin. So he's just shitposting.
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tfw seamonkey.png
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>kmr dead
Never change.
Thanks for the centrum.
Sumanai. I just woke up and am extremely confused. I will now commit sudoku to atone for my stupidity.
>Summer Izmir will actually be real
oh fuck
>Summer Izmir
>Summer Siegfried
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post your kirin grids
>Icetits so big she needs to rest it on the table
Summer Izmir would be nice.
>start train
>say sayonara bye-bye to your hosting mats
>turns out it is too weak to kill boss
That's gonna b fun.
no one cares about the homo
should have been another cow
>kmr is kill
>cakefag is back at the top
gbf is saved
>those boobies on the table
My goodness! I am not ready for summer Izmir!
Thanks mate
what the fuck is this autism
Izmir's hat is really stupid
>enter full health neptune
>press attack once
Has powercreep gone too far?
weapon skills are disabled in kirin raid. only raw attack matters.
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Weapon and Summon skills don't work on Kirin/Longdong raids. You literally need to go full beato on your grid, filling it with weapons with the highest stat.
>total 27000
I think I have that much with some of my actual pools. seems kind of pathetic.
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Kirin grid.jpg
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I can't be fucked making a separate grid, especially since crystals are dead.
How dense are you?
Where is you Hector's bows?
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>summer seigmama water
Oh boy
I'm too jew to roll rupee gacha so I don't have enough +1
>Finally 3 Turn-ing MARK OF WARRIOR after a year
f-feels good
Pretty sure he was talking about the fuck the guy got 6 fucking gw guns
but why he has GW gun with each element?
>not a single loli or harvin summer character
really gets the nig noggin
So, do they disable co-op slimes completely, or just change the weekend ones?
>not 1 turning it
Do you even Gao?
>can 2-3 turn him after a few months
Why would I run Hector's bow without Zeus?
he is going for the 10 element-changed weapon breaking instead of 1 fully evolved weapon, to save 1 gold bar.
That's literally the fucking reason.
I'm a casual cutie, g-goomen!
Summer Siegfried is quadruple confirmed at this point

[Summer House]
H: Alriiight! One super spicy curry up!
I: Thank you..

I: Fuu.. Hafu. Hamu..
Mm.. Spicy.. I like it..

H: Well.. combing back your hair while eating is pretty sexy..
yes, yes*
"I'm sorry, please serve me some curry too"
H: Oh! Okay okay, right up!

S: Mm.. hafu..
S: M.. Hair's in the way..

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>those tits
So can we get a real translation before the inevitable 4kids rewrite?
I remember one anon who made a GW gun grid, he's probably that guy. Also I got GW guns 2 guild war in a row so I can reduce them. Not really surprising.
i love you anon, no homo tho
there is nothing special about the co-op slime, its just a regular co-op stage with regular xp and regular drops.
slimeblasting is just buffing a co-op room and killing stages until its over, people did slime specifically because if you have people with clarisse then you can clear the stage without using ougi buffs.
Yes, it's literally gone now.
I've never understood why they censor it that way.
[Summer House]
H: Alriiight! One rice with coke up!
I: Thank you..

I: Fuu.. Hafu. Hamu..
Mm.. Sugar.. I like it..

H: Well.. sugar is really good for you..
yes, yes*
"I'm sorry, please serve me some coke too"
H: Oh! Okay okay, right up!

S: Mm.. hafu..
S: M.. Sugar..

You can buff co-op room to get up to 4k exp per run, and slime is easily oneshotted by Sarasa if you're soloing. So it's a huge difference.
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>I: Fuu.. Hafu. Hamu..
Who eats like this?
why is cag at the top?
why is ran-chang at the bottom?
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How do you achieve up to 4k? White RB, XP harp, room buffs, and what else?
Is lanlan the gayest?
>bark woof
What dogs sound like this?
Tear shop buffs.
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Oops, forgot to add that in too. Even then I remember only getting about 2.4k exp. Maybe my memory is foggy.
Just 5-0 your GW.
Nep: 5b5ed0f4
RIP coop slime
On a scale of 1 to Xenos, how hard are the beast trial?
ez pizi
Equal to NM120 Xeno
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Yggu plz no
easier than 120 xeno.
I have never died to one. xeno 120 routinely fucked my shit up.
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Trials for solo or it's a raid?
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6 free gold bars is more than enough
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Did I bullied yugu too far?
>only two characters for summer
Zoey not even on the list. abandon ships lads!
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>married to cain
>suddenly gets a new version
Reminder GBF development got put on hold because of SV's blunder.

Enjoy your 2 new summer characters
I can't read shit. Explain it lolbabs.
Fuck you I haven't grinded all my bricks yet.
post kmr lewd pic
kmr doesn't "develop" anything
>8 swords
no, but you wasted a lot of good skill fodder and upgrade fodder.
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Thanks zoi
I only have one Vohu Harp I can still use it as mainhand for SS right?
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what game is that?
Thanks for the code!
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>gayfags get NOTHING this summer
>No Lecia
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too meta
So this is goodbye huh
>Kaguya got dropped for Aphrodite
RIP old hag
>only 1 non-human
Fucking racists.
>No reveals in either Famitsu OR Jump
Are you fucking serious?
is nigblue fantasy fun
You guys know that Famitsu only shows things coming THIS month right?
>Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, dog, Light, Dark
Oh, guess I'll stick to DF.
>no zoi
Are this shit serious.
I saved all my tickets and crystal for nothing?
So.. this is the month GBF died...
W-wait for Light GW!
The past few months have all had new announcements coming from Famitsu you dummy.
If I don't get zoi this summer, I'm not rolling, y'know that?
that's wrong though
No Zoi
No Jessica
No Lecia

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>surprised no zoi

they brought her back like twice this year before summer
Thank god we get no more summer characters, I'm all out of rolls.
>Homoknights and a literally who erune
post zoi
>yfw the discordfags are posting all the Kirins in there instead of posting them in the thread
Any other recommended mobage that you guys can suggest? Fuck FGO, seriously fuck that shit.
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Fucking stop
Pity reply.
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owo what's this???
Try 消滅都市 (Shoumetsu Toshi). Good art, good music, good UI.
They can't seriously expect us to be happy with this shit

There better be a surprise in the actual issue that the preview neglected to mention
Talk about being slow.
fuck off
Our sicoguy loves it.
Is this really the entire Summer lineup for this year?
When does Famitsu actually come out? I noticed the preview for last month neglected to show Yugu. So maybe the same goes for this month and whatever ends up being shown
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>try to find source of quote
>doesn't exist
What kind of moron posts a fake quote and thinks it's real.
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>can now solo titan down to 25%
Progress feels great.
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same here anon
i dont care

>from jewgames to jewflyer
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>no toontix
>only one new ssr summer chara
>no s zoi
I'm playing Soccerspirits, it's pretty comfy now that most players quit.
B-but it's good.
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>No Lecia
>No Zoi
>2 new characters
>No word on free rolls, pots, crystals
T-They just wanted to make sure the magazines didn't upstage the summer livestream r-right?
I hope no one here seriously thinks there won't be any more new summer characters.
Are we at 80 days since last ticket yet?
Macho Man Randy Savage: 8a8bbee2
>Nao is currently sick
>Nakamura not invited
It's only getting worse.
30 minutes until 81 fuckign days.
>Nakamura not invited
I don't get it? What's the point of this scan? How is GBF dying?
Can I stop playing this kusoge now?
KMR fucking released a summer character in February. And these people think he won't try to jew you out the ass during actual summer.
is lyria gay
She wasn't a summer character. She was a themed character. You're not only allowed to wear swimsuits in the summer you know.
Their VAs got married I think.
Whatever you say, KMR.
How hard is this 6-man Ultimate Baha going to be?
Depends if Eureka joins
Jin was also themed yet he was in s.korwa gacha
Does the ball light up from doing very hard?
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What are these for again?
>10k pendants
For the florenbak RoTB dagger change
>3k Crystal
>tfw soloed titan for first time
feels gut
how did you get those crystals ??????
I got 3k too. I guess I can do some singles when summer characters comes up.
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Where do I join Kirin train?
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Which gives better exp now?
Slime Special or Slime Coop?
>I didn't win anything from the login lottery again
What is that? Says Baha in your filename, so you can change Baha elements now?
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I'm going to have 6 seals by the end of this and no idea how to spend them. can I just join random lobbies now that there's round robin hosting?
pls respond.
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How do i join trains boys?
>tfw they fuck up Ulti Baha and forget to make it immune to instant death
how to solo slimeblast
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why do you still play gbf. fgo is better now though
what discord?
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Why is /gbfg/ always arguing about something? Why can't we just be friends?
why are you here if fgo is so better?
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basically any gbf related
>posts a pic of a character that never wanted to get along
No one gets this
Because it's 4chan, dumb frogposter.
GBF international is a good place to find trains.
Is the Zhuque harp still bugged?
Controversy serves the cause of truth.
Thanks. I will try.
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When do we find out the 5* for next month?
>FGO is better now
>Unlimited Farm
>Horrendous droprate
>Horrendous gacha rate
>Same shit over and over again
>Legit phones only. No emu,jailbreak,root allowed
>No browser version
>No source for ap refills other than events
game shuts down with summer live show >>183772584
Maybe not along. but I sure as hell wanted to get inside Clementine, if you catch my drift.
It also has 2 generals. That's how good it is.
>zoinigger just chew away half EX+ hp
This event needs elemental resistances.
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Don't be sad anon, I can host you a longdong to make you feel better if you want.

From access n play promo in last magfest I think.

Grats anon, hope you get what you want.
It does. Do the HL versions
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I'm slowly getting to like bea lately while originally I didn't give a shit about her for the last one year. Gonna spark or suptix(never) her if theres any chance. Something wrong with me?
Host kirin
why do people prefer kirin over long?
people want dark weps
you can just.. ticket her if you mean the dark version ya know
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>being light
long weapons are replaceable especially for end-game light is all about full swords while dark has place for harp,bow and sword for endgame grid.
I feel bad for light
Don't be. They deserve no sympathy.
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w-where do I ask for it?

I'm shy...
Just go to their bot channel and add the role as "celestialtrains", you'll have access to their channel now and just ask around for upcoming trains.
So what's the fastest way to farm pendants?
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join primals and do as much damage as you can
join ex+
do 100k honors
move to next one
Special gives more exp per stamina and if you are lucky enough to get the slime army you will get a wooping 10k+ exp in a single run.

Money wise coop is till better because normally you get around 1400 gold per run, if you are lucky and get the giga gold slime you can get around 10k though but shitty exp.
Not him, but what's the amout of honor I need when I'm hosting? 580k for maximum multiplier?
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Will Zoi (summer) be present on the next legfest?
She most likely will not

Wait until August legfest.
KMR killed the game.
Yes, next january summer legfest.
>found a pubbed kirin
I feel so fucking good right now.
>suddenly no ex+ in quest feed
I wonder if any raidfinder is alive at this point.
Next rate-up is Danua and DLF probably.
Legfest is probably a new summer SSR + SR.

Zoi probably coming back mid-August.
>not setting up your own raidfinder
Summer Anchira when?
When the fuck is the next set of emp passives being released?
Last day of the month like every other EMP update
S-summer Jeanne?...
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Should I save prestige to grab the buncle spear for earth or grab the baihu fist?
7 nuggets out of 40 already. I thought you needed autism for this?
Spear if you play an ougi spammer style, Crit Fist if you auto or DMG up Fist if you can cap via auto.
We final fantasy now?
We've always been final fantasy.
>implying bahamut is a dragon outside of FF and cygames stuff
Ultimate Chicken
Class 4 what?
I don't know my style yet, my titan is only 80 and my earth characters are only siegfried, yugu, sara and H eustace
half staff is literally FF
Nao ;_;
and ching chong to you too my friend
Aren't we tagged as final fantasy clone since start? Post ID Cutie!
Is this the chink way to say ultimate? Shiet, someone should tell them to stop using WW2 ciphers.
>forgot dispel
>pubed raid
>one guy with dispel joined but someone triggered aegis again
let's see how far will I get with yoda
How do I use summer korwa? her buffs keep dying all the time.
stop posting shit if you can't read for shits
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Post it here.
No bully, I don't even know english.
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7 people in, yoda died
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>that ground zero spam
another chev as thanks
3 months without a suptix hahaa......
>>Legit phones only. No emu,jailbreak,root allowed
>>No browser version

These are my only qualms about FGO. I have to go downstairs to get WiFi signal since my room on the 2nd floor isn't getting any.

Buying a router with a wifi is possible but I'm currently short of cash.
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>Join 100% zeph
>Blow zeph up with 3 other gao in a minute.

>posts neptune
look at this woofus!
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>still can't solo zephy
>I am colorblind and can't tell green from blue
It's okay anon *headpats*
Neptune drops green seals?
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b-but muh water spear
Stop stuttering.
For a Kirin grid, you basically fill it with highest att weapon?
The only part of this event that sucks is the criminal lack of fodder, both skill and level.
Which chapter is this? I want to read it.
All bosses can drop any of the 4 10k pendants gimmick weapons (except honor dagger)
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>carren's swimsuit is made by korwa
>siete is in the next story event
Time to go back to my favourite game.
Are you pulling my leg?
>Siete is in the next story event
>literally rape dress
do you really have to buy two copies of any of the 30k weapons to mlb them?
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no lol
I'm going to bed, don't you DARE host any Kirins for the next 8 hours.
Who the fuck said that ?
No, just use gold bar on them doofus

I very nearly bought a second katana..
how does one do it then?
Well apparently Carren liked it so much she said she was going to sleep in it when she first put it on.
OK boys while he's asleep it Kirin trains time!
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>Time to go back to my favourite game.
>my favourite game
Except it's long gone. It's fashionogis bragging about how much they spent on their outfits. I wish the game kept developing on the roleplaying aspect instead of becoming easy and uninteresting.
there's even a tail slot now
Why don't you go to the uncap screen and find out?
you need 10k seal of corresponding element from this event, 60 weapon fragments and something I forgot
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>need 16 more nuggers
>have lasek in just over 12 hours from now

Have anyone done lasek before? How long do I have to avoid screens post surgery?
What the fuck

This is awesome but scary
I AM a woofus, thanks

yea it's the seal, 20 wep elements, and 100 genes
Time to grind for seasonal juutenshu now
Just wear a heavy tinted sunglasses. You'll look weird but it gets the job done.
>60 weapon fragments
20. For some reason I also remember it being 60, but I did the uncap for katana today and it was 20 stones.
How heavy? So I can look at screens immediately after the surgery as long as I wear sunglasses? Will it affect my eyes' recovery?
She's literally asking to be raped then.

>"Dancho, please screw my wet summer cunt tonight until I can't walk anymore."
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Had to avoid screens for a day.
>200 pendants per raid
kill me
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>tfw i slacked too much to s.lvl my fire grid despite lucking all magnas staves
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>using sr seraph
stop this meme
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Just MVP your raid. Get it to 50% hp are you're set.
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rackam 2.jpg
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>kill off my beato fast to bring zeta to the front
>want to see how hard her ougi hits with all the buffs but her ougi is still 10% off
>decide to just pot it for science
>forgot it will bring beato back and kick zeta to the back
>main art director is from final fantasy
>composer is from final fantasy
>you dont know gbf actually started as ff rip-off

It's usually ok in weak grid, you can't get +10% damage bu slapping 0* sl5 stick in.
I don't get this 30% fire resistance up from wind dragon.

Whats the point?
>Can get 1k+ pendants in 30 seconds of EX+ now

I can feel the progress. But not in HL 6-man sadly.
Cause he's a nice guy that gives you free stuff.
ACA6711A JK, spartan inside
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>>200 pendants per raid

sure, it's heavily tied to what you get from box like >>183779087, but how are you getting such low amount?
Those really dark ones. It will work but don't forget to rest and blink once in awhile. 30 minutes playtime then a 10+ minutes rest should do.
post mama
He's probably joining other people raids and can't contribute for big multiplier.
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shitty fanfic.jpg
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I was tempted to post this but decided you're right in the end. I'm sorry.
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If I just opened a kirin train in co op would it work with this new update?
At this point, he should propably disregard cardinal bonus and keep spaming one element he can clear quickly himself. For daily he should still join other raids but not bother beyond wanpaning.
>On-Element takes 3 turns to clear a celestial
>Dark Lucha Zoi takes a turn to clear a celestial
Want went wrong?
I know right? Both are acting captains too.
Zoi, dark without her is a fucking joke.
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>"Eureka used Pleasure of being cumming inside"
>"Eureka makes ahegao"
>"Eureka's private is pulsing"
>"Eureka's body is ready"
>"Marvin thrusts it in"
also this >>183779557
What is she doing?
Song is probably the best mommy.
He makes his enemy unable to move.
b-but he is wind...
There is no fucking sense.
3 hs/spartan inside now, need cr, sage, dps
She helps everyone out by taking care of scary raids.
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