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2D Hentai Game General /hgg2D/

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Thread replies: 751
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When Edition

Previous thread: >>183402195

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/
For searching purposes: /vhg/
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DLsite partial interface translation script

VH Specific
>latest VH translation

Installation: http://wiki.anime-sharing.com/hgames/index.php/VH/Setup
FAQ: http://pastebin.com/ZtDHt64k
Firs for how do i play with the loli in VQ1?
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Why no Prontera theme
3rd for VH is dead, and has been dead for years
There is no loli in VQ1.
Blue Guardian crack when
Can someone make a MTL ver of
RJ193055? I swear I've been trying for 1 week and I didn't manage to get it to work, did the tutorial many times but retards like me can't do figure it out even with that.
Cowtits a best
that's a lot of P.
Post link and I'll think about it, too lazy to search for it AND fix you being retarded all at once
Been out of the loop for the last month or so. Any good loli games come out recently?
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Onegai senpai
>no replaying Virgin's Protection Magic everytime the habisain releases a new patch
Is our autistic overlord planning to ever finish that translation?
He just released his 84% patch a couple days ago. Next thing he is going to do is work on matching it up with the latest version of the game.

Full translation god know's when. Maybe after I can read moonrunes myself

It's ATLAS because I'm not going to wait a few hours just for your fap.
what is this sagiri picture
video sauce?
Can't figure out how to unlock the scenes from that farming game in the last thread (twins of the pasture)

Does anyone have the save for it?
use wait
Don't you unlock all the scenes if you clear your debt? Seem like it from an anon's screenshot last thread.
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I just finished RJ170185 and as a certified vanilla loving purefag, I enjoyed it. Some consensual love dickings would've been great, but nevertheless my heartboner had a good time. Too bad the mom was a massive fucking slut, but you can't have it all.
Finished finished, or got your first ending finished?
Just the True end, and frankly I prefer keeping it that way.
anyone got RJ126642?
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How do you get the last scene.
Damn...that means all the scenes are loaded into the bad route, then.
By reading the dialogues that tells you how to trigger the ending.
Oh I heard the ending CG wasn't saved or something and planned to leave that for last. Thanks.
If you go for True end, you'll miss out on nearly all loli scenes but for the mom only 3 out of 23 scenes are missing.
whats the translation of the pleasure of cumming inside?
*best route


Who wants to race to finish?
Is ghostbin kill?
None of the links are working for me.
biyori is kill I believe
I think its just you. I've tried multiple links from each website and haven't had any problems.

Biyori is up for me now, although it was down earlier today.
I wish your avatar was cuter

is this the end game?
wait nigger
Shit show. Everyone other than the imouto was unlikable but that's to be expected from oreimo 2.0
Wait, you nigger.
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I did get bored of it, but i cba search new picture pack anon.
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>Tfw was sitting here for like 15 minutes trying to figure out what a "busuta dosodo" was supposed to be until I figured out that it was "bustado sodo"
Undeniable proof that you can't learn Japanese.
First of all nigga, its basutaado soodo, not bustado sodo, second even fucking google can translate that one.
It's not even japanese, it's fucking kana.
I'm aware of all of this, you nigger. I'm retarded, that's why I posted that in the first place.
>H-RPG with sword girls
Make it happen.
That's cool, you double nigger, but even the way you corrected yourself was wrong. Since it's ba, not bu. Which is why I gave you (you).
I definitely was saying ba the whole time but I typed bu because for the longest time I was thinking it was supposed to be buster and it made no sense and I was about to ask why until I realized.
Now stop reminding me that I'm retarded already. I just wanted to learn Japanese.
Any game where you get NTRd by futas?
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I really like the effort this SmomoGame circle puts in their games, the youtube unity series and blog are really cute. What's really triggering though is that the guy that did the pixel art is a fucking ghost. Anyone had any luck finding a pixiv or something?
what's a game where i can
What's a game where I can't?
was that ever translated?
I think an anon partially did but excluded one girl because wasn't his type or something to that end.
got a link handy somewhere? It's not in the ghostbin
Am I retarded? I've tried a couple times, and I click around and mash my face on the keyboard and I can't get anything to happen. She just slams her foot on the ground a few times then it game overs. How does this even work?
I kept feeding her the omelette and got this >>183657749
Only a partial.
When she complains, click on the food click on the door at the bottom, rabbit on the chair is clickable, but I don't think it does anything, PC is clickable, not sure if it does anything.
Then if you give her food after about 5 minutes you enter gallery mode with some sprite sex. It is as close as it gets to being non-game.
>Discriminating futa fetish
I like that guy
Headpetting simulator version 2.0 is out. any notable differences between the previous versions?

I'm pretty sure there is a general for this game on /h/. I don't want to sound like an arsehole, but you should try asking them.
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I'm here you to sound like the arsehole you deserve. You should fuck off and ask in the thread that exist just for this that we all know you know exist instead of asking you dumb questions where they doesn't belong.
mega link pls
what a dumb looking duck
I don't approve op image
>I am not trying to sound like a grammer nazi, but doesn't?
It was a mistake, there is also a you at the start that doesn't belong. I rewrote it but forgot to remove parts.
That's not a duck, you fuck. That's best friend.
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No, this is the best friend.
RJ079875 - Twin Quest -The Tale of Two Sisters- (13/06/17) (mtl)
RJ086026 - Hikaru senki RPG (06/06/17)
Both still use nys.is
If you have the zip please reupload somewhere else
Came to fap, stayed to protect my loli waifu.
Finally stopped being lazy and made a version of my translator that works with games made in rpgmaker mv.
It should translate most common things, but I haven't tested it on a lot of games or windows yet.

Consider this early access™

If you notice any game being broken after running this, I would appreciate if you replied with RJ code and some info of what's wrong.

Also includes latest build of comfy-translator.exe if anyone still can't figure out how to get it from gitgud.
anon your my hero
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I like you anon.
Holy shit anon you're like a genius.
Thank you based anon, right on time when I was planning to play RJ196616.
Sangeki of Gear rip off ?
Seems like it
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Why the fuck is no one talking about the NTR GOTY?


Because NTR is shit.
Thats why you nigger
Best game
Looks pretty good, no idea what game it is
you might be able to answer this since I'm not sure if I'm still on the true route: the night after you beat the boss in the lower left tower I got two scenes that to me heavily implied that some fucking has been going on, first with two mercs and then with ratboy. I'm not sure if those scenes are avoidable.
When you play the girl your only option seems to be talking to the mother at the top floor, which then triggers the strip show, followed by girl getting groped by mercs, who then proceed to take off their pants before it fades to black.
Next you play the boy and you seem to only have the option to talk to the merc at the stairs, triggering the ratboy molesting the girl scene.
cause it's not English.
It's cuckshit, that's why
kill urself
I'm just telling you why nobody is talking about it.

You asked the question.
I think it's unavoidable, I had it happen on my true end run. Let's just pretend you came in just in time.
is this a game?
to be fair, the game is extremely story heavy, so not knowing the language can take away from the enjoyment.
Yeah he got SCGarden's permission to use his scripts to make the game.

scroll down and you'll get to the demo "v0.1 Alpha"
RJ204007 1.1.0 version when?

In 1.0.0 u can get stuck and not progress.
Really, that's great news.
I am a great fan of scalegarden's autistic battle system.
Will he use RPGMaker XP for the game, or will he port the scripts to a newer version?
Who would use annoying older battle system
Newer one from rhodes fort is a bit better
I dunno, you should check his page there's a lot of info there.
Probably because it's just another CG hunter.
At least CG hunters like the Delta games have interesting gameplay with no H integration instead of the same old boring shit with no H integration.

because female perspective from what I've read

fuck that, let me play as the cuck like in NTRPG2 and Thug Hero
I thought that this game would have a male MC, like the previous game?
Mc is male
>Male mc
>Play game for 20+ minutes
>No h-scenes at all
So this is the power of NTR, huh?
I'm not all that far in, but Nanahayo had a somewhat interesting story. This one...is kinda generic. If I wasn't a lolicon I'd probably pass.
there's your answer. it is GOTW for being dumped in the trash and forgotten.
>Probably because it's just another CG hunter.

But it makes me wanna avoid getting h-scenes at all costs.
Same, the only reason I picked this up is for the loli heroine.

Isn't it streamlined?
Kind of follows a similar pattern as his other game, some fights you can lose on purpose to make your loli go through terrible things.
you have 3 possible routes and you can keep the loli completely pure if you win all h-event trigger battles and do the right choices when the game ask you to choose one of two options (like "do you want to go to the mercenary hq right now to smuggle your gf out of it?" With the options being "FUCK YEAH I'M GONNA DO THAT" or "that seems a tad bit risky, lets wait a bit").
Bump for this also
Yeah, although in Nanaha you could in theory completely avoid all NTR (even though I have no clue how you're supposed to win the arena fight with the healer focused wife). Here it's an "lets reward the player for being good at the game and keep his love interest pure, but lets also give him plenty of h-scenes anyway, so the mother turns into a cum-guzzling slut not matter what" approach.
Looks like trash

No fucking thanks cuck
>Not liking loli
You gay anon?
Not him. Shut your mouth pedo
kek fucking normies
Does the first dungeon have any h-events then? Besides the one where the final boss of the dungeon just pulls her skirt up and nothing more?
Do you know where you are?
it's not even the best NTR of the month
>Female MC
That's not NTR that's just cheating.
No. The NTR content happens mostly at night when she's at the mercenary base or after special h-event trigger battles.
It's the only way of having NTR not suck.
Cheating is still Netorare so it's NTR.
The point of view of a male cuckold (netorase) is just a subdivision of genre.
>The point of view of a male cuckold (netorase) is just a subdivision of genre.
Netorare is POV of the person whose loved one is being stolen from. Netori (not to be confused with Nettori, a boss from Metroid Fusion) is POV of the one doing the stealing. Netorase is when the cuck is specifically setting it up (plans it, wants it, etc.) to happen. Educate yourself.
This >>183693160
NTR requires the player character to be the one losing their lover, therefore all games where you play as the cheating wife/lover are not NTR but just cheating
new NTR game goes to show that they can feed actual shit to these idiots by adding related content.maybe the same can be said for futa and scat fans,but at least they aren't here annoying us
Did you even read the post you quoted?
>Netorare is POV of the person whose loved one is being stolen from
>NTR requires the player character to be the one losing their lover
Now tell me precisely what NTR means.
most games just have 1 scat scene so they can check it off on their fetish list though
Netorare is NTR
Netori is NTRi
Netorase is NTRs
No that is incorrect please try again.
Even independent from the question if the game has to be from the cuck POV to be NTR, cheating itself is not NTR. "Frustrated housewife trapped in a loveless marriage fucking the shota next door" f.e. is clearly not NTR.
Words are defined by how they're used, and people use NTR when the POV is the one being stolen. See: NTR Imouto Misaki, and the millions of other games and manga labeled NTR when they're from the girl's POV.
That is correct though
What NTR game had the most effect on people and why is it Thug Hero Party?
Fucking dumbasses.

Explain how that proves your point on how those abbreviations are wrong anon.
Didn't care for it because the MC is pretty unlikable. The gameplay being pretty meh also didn't help. Shame considering that the game has good art.
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Quiet Girls next month.
What about this?
If you can't read Japanese you may want to stop talking about Japanese definitions and Japanese abbreviations in a thread about Japanese eroge, because thinking NTRi is even a thing is laughably retarded.
I see people use NTRi all the time to distinguish netorare from netori, I don't understand how you don't think it's valid.
Yukikaze, because I was willing to put up with the NTR to see her scenes.

The sister in THP was pretty bland. Literally just became a slut overnight.
Married Wife Emma is NTR and that is from the womens POV. The POV doesn't make an NTR game, the existence of a couple that is potrayed as loving, with the wife/gf then slowly getting corrupted is what makes a game NTR.
No, that's cheating.
You're as bad as the people who try to label shemales futa.
both of those posters are fucking retarded. why are all NTR fags so autistic?
I still feel a cool dagger piercing my heart everytime I see her.
and I love it
We're autistic because you can't understand the simple difference between NTR and cheating?
Probably because the MC actually tries to help the girls instead of doing nothing. It's not like he wanted to fuck all of them too, he was a good guy put into a really shitty situation.
I guess you lads really like to self-insert and play the cuck with your narrow idea of NTR. For me it's more the gradual destruction of the pure relationship and the woman turning into a slut that makes NTR worthwhile.

Also, by your definition the majority of manga and doujin stories that are labelled NTR aren't NTR, since most of those only have the husband/bf as a side character while the focus is on the woman.
>the existence of a couple that is potrayed as loving, with the wife/gf then slowly getting corrupted
>not NTR
So it says on the DLSite page.
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>game has a status menu
>start of the game, check a girl's status
>status: Virgin
>when you start to their check statuses throughout the game, all the way to when you summon their shadow copies and finally check theirs
Yes, all those doujin should be re-tagged as cheating instead of NTR.
That's not at all what it means.
netorare means to have your lover/spouse taken away from you
kek you seriously thank that requires a male pov?

kill yourself honestly
Anon, are you sure you know what you're talking about? You seem a bit lost.
The artist already said on pixiv (in English) and on his blog that QG won't be ready in time for summer Comiket.
It's most likely going to get delayed until late December (winter Comiket).
key term "your"
It doesn't require a male pov just the pov of the person being cheated on.
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Are you fucking sure? It has literally only been used once on /vg/ in human history and that was in a different context.
Whereever he saw it it was not here or any other place I frequent.
It means the lover/spouse is getting taken away from her significant other. Stop trying to force this self-insert cuck fetish as the only legit NTR and instead get yourself a white gf that you can then film getting fucked by a black bull.
what are some good shota yaoi "games"
Sauce i need it please
Read the filename
where are you getting that definition from anon, it's clearly wrong
It's clearly right, NTR isn't cuckolding. Now go and prep that bull.
Being cheated on isn't cuckolding either but it's what NTR means.
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Every fucking time.
>being this hard in denial
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wtf? I love scat now! Best RPG maker game I've played for a while.
Next game when?
expected less sex scenes and more casual lewdness desu

Just read the thread.

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>even scat fetishists have better games pandering to them than the NTR cucks
It would have been nice to romance the futa blacksmith rather than just get raped by her, but oh well you can't have everything.
only the greatest of gentlemen are able to recognize the pure love that is yuri scat.
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Anyone know how to hook 星光華子の時間旅行冒険?
Same way you hook any other MV game
How and why are people so obsessed with NTR the past few years? Have none of you ever had a relationship or something?
I play all hgames other than male protag
shit fetish that's starting to piss people off with how much of it there is
Because its a great and new fetish but vanillafags can't stand it because it hit too close home.
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>new fetish
I can deal with male protag as long as it's an exceptionally good game.
Which is reasonable since games like Vampire Sister exist.
>he thinks this is why people bitch about NTR here
>he doesn't notice it's because of the fact that in a general about all genres, NTR is fast becoming our AA2
NTR = AA2.
It's not about the NTR its self, but the over abundance of posters who can't stop shitposting about it.
I couldn't care less about the shitposting, that's just par for the course here. It's that NTR games that become popular here are almost always awful fucking games, like Thug Hero Party and Netorare Imouto Misaki.
It's not just us though, it's more of a site-wide thing, just look at /h/ people complaining about how there is so much NTR shit and backlashing against it. Even one of the main anime this season is literally about NTR and as expected, it's complete garbage.

The plot in anything NTR related is usually shit too, NTR just seems like a "Buy my stuff please" route for hentai
I'm pretty much done with VH, VQ and Monsterfucking Birds, what are some other good games where I can give birth to monsters?
I liked Misaki
Stop liking things I don't like
>Hit close to home
Do you think people dislike guro because it hit close to home as well? No you fucking idiot, it's a detestable fetish that really has no right being mentioned more than once and while.
the creed of vanillafags.
It's just one cuck who imprinted on the thread back in the NTRPG2 days and keeps trying to relive the glory days of everyone discussing his mental disease. That and shitposters fishing for easy (You)'s.
I enjoyed fapping to Misaki, that didn't make it a good game, a lot of features that are mechanically simpler than building with Legos are missing from all of their games.
NTR definitely doesn't apply to this phrase considering the fetish is designed for you not to actually enjoy it more than a fetish. You really shouldn't ever be taken seriously if you like NTR because it isn't just a preference, you have to be a shitty human being, not just a depraved and degenerate one, to actually enjoy it.
Nice mentality famelade.
>not just us
Indeed, but it goes with what I'm saying still though, and that is that there is too much talk about NTR/CuckholdingCheating that it's actually becoming annoying to people who would normally be indifferent to it.
People liked AA2 but when it took over /hgg/ and started drowning everything else out even the people who where okay with the game started to get upset, same thing with NTR now on a bigger scale.
That's two different things NTR is far from drowning this thread, not nearly as much as faggots calling games CG hunt or machine translation apologists.
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the sister was the scummiest of them all

>being mindbroken is one thing, staying with your pedo rapist even in the "good" ending is another

I also like how the character I thought was going to be my least liked heroine from her introduction ended up as Best Girl. Seriously, BetaMax-kun's life you have been marginally improved if he had been in love with Aina instead of the pink bitch. She may have lost to the cock but at least she wasn't fundamentally retarded about it
I was too triggered by this game to complete it, the portrayals of women behaviour were too realistic for me.
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>Autists throw a temper tantrum whenever picks new game gets mentioned
>I have jacked my dick raw to it and the games still not over
Its the little things like the title screen getting progressively more fucked up as you progress through the game that I love.
>too realistic
nice meme
If you only know stupid and awful people, maybe.
If you seriously try to call 80% of the posts about NTR anything but shitposting, then you really are trolling.
>ever realistically portraying anyone

Thanks for the laff, mate
>Used to think doujins about women coming from being raped or blackmailed into sex from naked photos wasn't real
>They both are
The only thing doujins have wrong is the "Im cumming even though its my first time"
You underestimate how retarded real people can be. I know someone who kept returning to her abusive partner, who actually said 'he only hits me because he loves me'.
Reality is stranger than fiction. If anything many of the porn portrayals are tamer than reality.
finished and got the true route. Went throught the recollection room scenes all the scenes are the same as during my playthrough except that the ratboy scene I mentioned in my other post now has additional content were my waifu sucks ratboys dick. No penetration means she's still pure though, r-right?
>start game
>unequip all items
>character still wearing armor
NTR'd by Ted Cruz
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>go to shop
>buy and equip new panties
>default ones are still in H scenes
>game advertised with "equip all kinds of different outfits!"
>sex scenes are locked to specific outfits
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Hush you. If it isn't shown, it didn't happen, ok? My loli waifu is pure.
>no LWA h-game
are lolis really pure if they sucked on tits just a little while ago?

these are the question preventing me from sleep.
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Good the witches are too pure, except for Ursula.
art really doesn't matter if you just pander to a specific fetish.

look at all the furry patreons.
Enjoy your promotion
Just make some games in RPG maker to start with.
You are good enough to get banned
No, even besides fucked-up anatomy, your shadows suck massive badonga-dong.
Shadow are reeeally important.
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stupid witch couldn't even blow up the moon.
I've seen worse, but no you're not good enough to just be the art guy.
Sorry mate. If you're interested in making a game you should go the solo route at first.
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Actually Croix is a dirty slut too. I'd like a LWA H game, just leave the younger girls out of it.
Played through the pick game and I don't think I want to go for another ending right now, because true end is canon and I except no other possible outcome, damnit.

Also, did the father literally get cucked to death?
Work on your art, alot. Also, RPGmaker and Renpy aren't hard to get used to, so you could just try it on your own.
Can anybody share full anthophobia save? I lost my hdd and its the thing I regret losing the most, because its fucking nowhere to be found online.
Can you grab stuff off of enty without paying your pledge?

It took something like a year and a half for him to translate a 30 minute story act, and a bunch of moaning and cumming. GL. He has the pacing of George R R Martin.
What should I do when I take control of MC after playing as his loli where you find every girl in town become "hostage"

I tried awakening the monster underground but it didn't work.
Does anyone have any short completed games to recommend? i wanted to make one on my own but i am clueless on the technical department to make it be a game and not just a glorified interactive gallery. Playing a few games may give me ideas.
kek i got sent from there to here
>completed games
Funny joke
Mc is male and it's more brutal than NTRPG2.
kek it actually happend
Are there any good games for phones? I'm in no computer hell.
Is that even NTR? the dlsite page doesn't even have a NTR tag. Probably just cheating.
Most games we talk about here are completed or at least have comparable content.
That's because the game reminds you of your highschool life back in the day.
Ill try that out
I see, back to square 1 then, thanks anyways.
unless you're using a windows phone, no.
There is nothing for android.

And the windows phone is basically just windows with a shitty ui.
It's because the devs actually tagged it right and didn't just slap NTR on it to boost sales while misusing the tag
You're pretty much limited to western shit. Namely CoC, TiTS, Akabur games, and twine/html based games
Not just highschool, my entire life.
aren't all games developed with RPGmaker MV also smartphone compatible?
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Is this supposed to be like that?
He wanted good games

Keep your shit out of here pedo cuck
Ebin shitpost /b/ro.
you will be able to activate a bridge later in the game
Thought for a moment that it was just some glitch or something. That's good to know, thanks!
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So, I wanted to ask, does anyone have any recommendations for harem games that are translated in English?
>that series

Literally more infuriating than NTR. And a 1.5x combo bonus for it being from a former hentai artist.
Give it to me Amon. How depressing is the story? I can't handle deprsssing shit in h games, kills all my drive to fap. And do you play as a girl in this one?
Nothing was really going to happen before all the heroines gathered together. I expect things to speed up soon.
It's NTR, what do you expect?
For me, it depends if I'm playing as the girl or guy. If I'm the girl, I could care less.
>Playing as the girl
That's just cheating not NTR
Not as bad as Nanaha Yo. The MC is as much of a badass as you want him to be, so all tragedy happens if you let it happen to you for the most part.
Also, why does the blonde girl look so smug on the DLsite preview image for the game?
Well, let's not get too carried away. Your dad is still 100% cucked, your mom's a slut, everyone you know either rapes or is raped, and your loli still gets molested at the minimum.
Who gives a fuck about the mom? All that matters is protecting your lover's hymen, everyone else is collateral.
Going through my backlog of translated games, waiting for new games. What should I play next?
I'd play Alternate DiMansion. Puzzles and riddles are fun to figure out and the H is pretty great.
The one I would specifically say not to play is RJ122267, it's a pretty bad MTL
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He's working on a translation! Go support him!

This time, he's translating H-Scenes!
You're late
Don't know about that, in Nanaha you can atleast get a happy family kinda ending, here your dad dies in front of your eyes, your mother becomes a cum-guzzling slut and probably a vegetable in the end, your hometown gets slaughtered and at the very least your waifu sucks ratboy dick at some point (that is if that non-playthrough additional scene in the recollection room isn't just a glitch).
I know
Dad dies redeeming his worthless self, mom is a slut so whatever, the villagers are scumbag anyway and best serve to nourish the earth on which they rot and blowjob scene didn't happen. Not so bad if you ask me.
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I was busy, im sorry.
Fuck yes. I love the clothing options in SG games. Just wish there was more articles of clothing.

Open jacket with no camisole on masterrace reporting in!
What's the Japanese word for when a girl gets stuck in a wall?
>and blowjob scene didn't happen

keep telling that to yourself anon, your waifu a slut.
>not フェチ
What's the difference between "RJ" and "RE"?
One is for the japanese site and other for the english one.

Oh, I'm an idiot, well I tried the filename RJ code of these games and couldn't find shit anyway.
We can't die here...
I'll protect everyone!
Heh... you can't protect anyone...
Let alone yourself!
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Thanks for protecting my smile anon.
Twin Quest's link in the Ghostbin is dead.
I have been talked into trying Naked Order again.
Anyone got any tips?
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Why do we fap to RPG Maker games?
cg's are few and most h scenes happen in 30x30 pixel sprites.
The amount of rape, prostitution and other fetish fuel that's inside your average VH/Arms Devicer/Haru Uru rpg game would be disgusting in video form, 2d or 3d.
Is it because you control the characters? Do you get a kick out of maxing some chick's lust stat by sending her to get raped over and over by slimes/old men in an onsen until she starts to enjoy it?
How do you think feminists would react if they ever found out there's this niche market of indie porn games where characters get raped until mindbreak for the pleasure of weeb neckbeards?
It's because it's interactive.
Remember what happened after the rapelay controversy? A few studios put "for use in japan only" on their titles, and the feminists congratulated themselves on a job well done, before going out to buy 3 copies of a book about a filthy rich millionaire beating a pretty whore (consensually, of course).
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I'm kinda bored just when you see cgs on panda or play VNs its too easy to get porn!
I need some challenge but not to annoying or hard something that would reward me with good fap because i know i deserved it.
Best outlet I found for autogynephilic fantasies.
I've been stuck in mischief war for a while, I have no idea what to do. I've been repeating days over and over with no progress.

The last significant event that happened was going to the naked festival and giving a blowjob to the kid's dad. Any help would be appreciated.

I got stuck around that part for a bit too. The missing part for me was clicking the cow at the ranch right next to the dude when you're walking by. Then I was able to do the next field trip scene.

Wow, thanks a lot for the help. Actually wasted an hour trying to repeat everything with no progress. Pretty lame that is the only way to move on with the game.
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Is there really a way to avoid the NTR in Nanaha? (asking for a friend)

The way to win the arena fight as the wife is by using the pancuronium to paralyze Todonja and using her wind attack... but it seems he gets even with her at the reservoir anyways...
No. Minor spoiler: It shouldn't come as much of a surprise, but during the rebellion, your wife and daughter are kidnapped and drugged together. MC being the moralfag he is, he has to stop and rescue everyone he comes across while they're in the rape dungeon.
>loli tag
Where's the loli?
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because i want to be a woman and slut around and see what its like being a woman but I'm not mentally ill enough to chop my cock off in real life but I am ill enough to fantasize and masturbate about it.
Could be worse.
You forgot, some eroge maker also make their website japan only. That was quite annoying back then.
>How do you think feminists would react
I don't
And they say that the NTR tag just gets used carelessly. At least they have not tried passing a tit monster ara ara milf off as a loli, yet.
Do they at least act like lolis? Or is it a case of "we have one or two loli scenes but she is a side character"?
Never ever ;_;
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What's your favorite h-game you played in the last month and tell me why it's so good.
Hard mode: Don't just say "Because it makes my dick hard."
Hardcore mode: It must have a patrician fetish in it, like monstergirls or yuri.
Dante Must Die Mode: Review it like you would a novel. Not a light novel or a visual novel, but an actual book.
>Switch where only people with a close bond will open the door
>It fails when you two step on it
It's probably just the reverse of those people that think 10,000 year old vampire dragon lolis "aren't lolis" because of "age." Basically, "yeah, they're loli because I say they're 11 years old!"
Looking at the CG rips for RJ201949, there appears to only be the one MC girl, no side character. No idea if the character acts like a loli, never played it.
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Loli Succubus Kindergarten.
The bad route had some nice rays of sweetness mixed in with the rape and despair. The good route you're loved and adored by lolis. Not much else to it.
If people just stuck to loli being body type first and foremost (excluding actual oppai lolis, the ones with loli bodies but big tits like some of Noises lolis) and age second then things would be alright.
>CG rips
>CG rips
I was looking into that one too, which is why I assume they must at least act like lolis but it's probably as you said, it being that the creator is taking the "she's a loli because I say so" route.
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Granny lolis
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>patrician fetish
>monstergirls or yuri
Not all things that are beautiful need be complex.
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this ロリbba magazine is the best to have happened.
i hope that guy who translated their last game translates this one too.maybe i should commission him
>Why I like
Self-inserting, and games are interactive, you can feel the results of your choices and that is very pleasurable to me.

>How do you think feminists would react if they ever found out there's this niche market of indie porn games where characters get raped until mindbreak for the pleasure of weeb neckbeards?

Like they always do, huge drama about how fictional character have rights. Thankfully, japan doesn't care about that shit.
I want more games like mature quest but without the shitty DQ styled dungeon and sprites
wouldn't she be a vampire or some other undying creature at that point. you would think people would start lighting up some torches and grabbing some pitchforks when they realize something fucky was up.
If a girl was to stay loli status for that long, she should be regarded a goddess, not a demon (though loli demons are cute too), and celebrated and loved.
but what if she gets captured and experimented on
Are they treating her nicely and using harmless and safe methods? Then using the research to make everyone eternal lolis? If yes then that is fine. Science must be done!
If they are treating her like a lab rat and not caring about her health and safety, and plan to use the research for nefarious deeds, then they must be stopped at all cost!
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>T.S agent translation is dead
What am I supposed to do after I beat this guy? There's nothing for me in town and one of the levers at this place is blocked by an unkillable mob
Nevermind I'm dumb as bricks. Didn't realize there was more maps than the underground stuff.
I'm slowly doing TS Saga as I learn more Japanese. What's the statue of limitations on translation poaching?
Agent has like 4 times the amount of text, too, so...
It's entirely because loli meant age group before it meant body type, until porn reversed it.
Any loli milf games?
I wish more games had pic related, makes me fucking diamonds. Any other games with it?
Loli in context to 2d means "girls that are of young age or youthful looking". Case in point is all the 100(0)+ year old vampires, dragons, demons, fairies, elves and etc, things that are stuck being eternal lolis are still lolis in body. Of course you could take the "3 years old but looks 20+" approach like dizzy from GG, as long as they act like lolis still.
When it comes to the world of 2D it's easier to group lolis by body type first, then age they act, then actual age.
I feel like playing some breast expansion games. Anybody remembers any?
You do. You can just use cheat engine, set your money to 999999999 and keep going to the next day until the guy come to pick up the debt.
sacrifice maze
RJ196717 is a recent release that seem to have some breast expansion action, but I don't know if it's good or not. I might give it a try.
RJ154362 is a classic of the genre.
There must be at least one person playing RPG Maker eroge just because they ran out of DQ to play.
Acerola new blog post with new game?

I don't like this girl's design. I really hope she's not the MC of their next game.
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>start off as some weak pathetic fuck
>pull an extreme reversal
>nothing matters, you've failed your goal as soon as you started the game

Most other games you'd think there'd be a "good end" by that point (regardless of how bitter or even if it were a non-canon one in case of a sequel). Not this one, it's a rigged full on tragedy no matter how strong you get or what you end up accomplishing. Truly the Spec Ops the Line of NTR games.
What does it matter? Between new wolf and their usual bs it's not like it'll be playable.
主人公の「牧原 幸乃」

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>Game has girls I want to vanilla
>Game is NTR or Rape

>Game has girls I don't care about except for their look
>Game is vanilla

>last update on dev blog was almost 1 year ago

is he rip boys?
nah he's fine
>even germans are obsessed with ntr
>give a few omelets
>get to fuck her



not surprising, the jews trained them well.
Yeah because (You) are not dense like every male MC voiced by Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
People who likes loli, /ss/, futa, scat, bestiality, furry, tentacles should kys
literally all better than ntr
>no NTR
Kill yourself cuck
you mean gay shota is fine?
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>all these anons responding to obvious shitposting
alternative is dead thread
/hgg2d/ is made for link dumping and shitposting
>plethora of h-games
>no one even bothers to post about what they play
I still don't understand the purpose of this thread, besides being containment for NTR shitposting.
Because shitposting killed most of possible discussion topics to begin with.
NTR shitposting is site-wide, This isn't really much of a containment board in that aspect
Mah nigga
these games are all pretty much the same, so whats the point of commenting.
What was updated in the ghostbin two days ago?
Anyone got the lastest guide for FOBS (Forest of the Blue Skin)?
This is the one I am using, seeing if there is an updated one
no emotions end is the best ending
I haven't been here for a year or something.
What have I missed, anything big?

Did RePure Aria 2 get released yet?
>Did RePure Aria 2 get released yet?


Only big thing is NTRPG3 is dead effectively cucking 90% of /hgg2d/ So that was nice.

Other then that we have some nice new games for you to try in the ghost bin.
It was confirmed alive the other day. The guy created a playlist in youtube called "BGM candidate".
he's probably offloading his musical works he was going to put into the game.

His blog is still dead, that'd be where he would update things.
nvm I found it
I still believe.
Funny thing is I wanted a 3rd one as well. But I'm not into cuck porn. I just really liked the sprite work and had a good time self inserting myself as the bull.
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>Did RePure Aria 2 get released yet?
It's supposed to get a demo in 20 days or so
Was just the update for 異次元屋敷怪異録, Alternate Dimansion, ever uploaded? I'm not interested in the translation but I can't seem to find it without it.
serves you right playing a non-canon route
This one totally snuck up on me, found it searching some tags I like on DLsite. Great game, not even into NTR but the humiliation/forced exposure scenes in it are GOAT. That Nanaha one had some good ones too, tried it after being pretty satisfied with the one you linked.
RPG maker games are convenient for auto-translation purposes without needing another window with text hooker. Being able to just full screen with my shitty machine translation right there in the dialog box does wonders for immersion.
have you tried learning japanese
Have any recommendations on where to learn?
Thanks man.
How easy is it to edit an RPG Maker game?

I'm ok at drawing and want to add extra scenes to games that I like
>want to add extra scenes to games that I like
Why? No-one will give a shit and will just complain about you making your own content
Not sure if you need the source material to actually work on the game.

If the finished game can be opened in RPG maker it should be easy.
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Does Twins of the Pasture have a H-Patch yet?
I never said that I was releasing it dummy, it's private content

I'll give it a try
Yes, it's in the ghostbin, some anon bought it and patched it as soon as the patch was out
Oh wow Already?
I was expecting a no and an ETA but fuck thanks
So we just copy/paste/overwrite the one in the steam folder and voila,it works?
It's the full game that's in the pastebin, there was no DRM so it was just uploaded prepatched
Does anyone know if the WolfRPG editor comes with an "unlock everything" debug option? If not, I can just play through the game twice, but it'd be really useful. I've tried to avoid messing with code as much as possible.
A couple of times, but it's hard to maintain enough interest to keep at it long enough to actually make much progress. Then I fall behind and start forgetting stuff and it gets dropped for another year or two before I get the dumb idea of learning Japanese again.

Though if I did do so masturbation purposes wouldn't really be top on my reasons why. A shitty machine translation is good enough for that, honestly. Actually comprehending something on a meaningful level only really matters when you care about the story and stuff.
It doesn't, typically devs just make a debug room to "unlock everything" but in most cases they delete it or part of it before releasing the game.
Is it possible to stop time feed in the text stream?
It floods chiitrans and I have to manually copy every message to see it.
Don't thank him, you naive bastard. You'll waste at least a couple months of your life with this shit. A couple years if you really want to learn. And it will be half a decade until you realize you should never have started in the first place. Walk away now.
I doubt he has better things to do anyway considering he is posting here.
It's a NTR game starring the glasses girl
But I genuinely would like to learn Japanese.

Well that's honestly the issue, I've wanted to learn for so long but I'm too fucking busy and learning languages takes time and consistent practice.
Which do you think is a better translation for チルディ

Childy or Tillday.

Nicknamed Chiru or Tiru.

If there wasn't already an alicesoft character of the same name I would've just hoped nobody cared.
>But I genuinely would like to learn Japanese.
That's the worst case scenario. I pity you, poor bastard.
Language is a really cool thing man. Lots you can do with it.
>jerk off
>ask to be jerked off
>write about being jerked off
Yeah pretty much!
Other languages, maybe. The minute you tell anyone you are learning or learned japanese, everyone will know you are a weeb.
just dont communicate with other people lol
I don't really care if people think Ill of me.

Besides, I'm not a Weeb. I like some anime sure, and some of the games but I'm not some fanatic about the shit. It's off putting and weird.

My passion is translation, Japanese is just a language I know their is lots to translate.
I stopped translating because the requests keep coming no matter how much I translate and I can feel a growing rage inside.
That makes sense. I just want to do it as a passion project kinda thing. Not something I'd want to work at. Couldn't really get much compensation for that kinda work with games like these. I don't think I'd take requests personally.
How do you decide what you'll play next? I usually come by here a week every two months to see what's new, and go to mikocon to do the same thing.

>I like some anime sure
That's enough. About japanese, just make sure you have nothing else to do with your time and don't put it in your resume unless you become very proficient in it or are applying for a position in japan. Last warning, though, the time it takes to master japanese you can learn two or three other languages.
>That's enough.

If you insist. Like I said, I don't really care if people think I'll of me because of an interest.

I'm not trying to make it my life or anything, so it's not gonna be info I spread.

But thanks for the advice. It's really something I'd like to do, but my issue is always time.
why is this thread full of cucks?can't you like loli and tentacle rape like we used to?your fetishes are so lukewarm now.what is wrong with this world
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what do
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3d gaems
So a friend is playing J fighter and he asked me if age/profession does anything, I didn't even know you could chose different professions, does it do anything?
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I'll tell you if you tell me.
I wish I had friends that play H games. or friends at all
Let's be friends!
I-i'll be your friend anon... Be warned I'm pretty tsundere.
Thug Hero Party fucking triggered me cause the ending was fucking retarded
>"Hey I killed the guy that raped you for an entire year"
>"Why did you do that whats wrong with you die now lol"
Friends that play H Games and openly discuss them with you are the same friends that will come to your house in womens clothing and offer handjobs
You're better of without 'em
I've never played and don't plan to but it's pretty clear no other game has fucked people up like this one.
>read light novel
>MC forces villain to watch as he fucks his bride on wedding night
Did you read the thing? She was raped at first but ended loving it like the 99% of heroines on H games.
Really wish their was more bull focused [H]games.
The main childhood friend was a terrible person. Literally abandons the nun and the sister, and does fuckall to help out the princess. Just gets fucked by the villain while claiming she's a good person.
Where to find lewd LNs in english
Which one is that?
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You can't win vs better cock
Novel Updates

I was reading God of Slaughter lmao
Can you kill them all? I'll play it if it has such an ending
By the way there was a huge discussion about our games on /weg/ including THP
>>>/aco/1582092 M1zuki
>>>/aco/1582226 Amor Magic Academy
>>>/aco/1582307 THP
>>>/aco/1582337 THP
>>>/aco/1582384 Minako
No one cares about unfinished patreon games general, fuck off
That didn't have much to do with things, considering the sister was 'corrupted' in all of one day by a random underling.
>retards play NTR game then complain about NTR content
>my self-insert vanilla shit where a harem of girls falls over the dick of a complete loser was written so much better
That's not an LN dumb frog poster.
THP is our kamige until ShadowCore gets translated
ffs no
At least pick a decent cuck game as your kamige like NTRPG2.
Good strawman my dude,
this, I dont understand why vanillafags play ntr games only to shit on them later on because it hurt their feelings.
people do that with every fetish though
It'd be really cool if the anon that runs the ghostbin would put fetish tags next to DL links so I know what I'm throwing myself into
the anon who runs it only pretend to listen so good luck with that.
Kind of a lot of work to do that, just put the DLsite number into google.
There's another anon who wrote a script that does exactly that, though. Search through the past few threads.
EoP fuck off.

Vamp Sister is and will always be the threads favorite game
excellent taste
Play this circle's RPG games, best clothing system by far:
Yeah but I don't get off to zombies or ghosts. Shinobi Buster is mostly great though.
Without knowing japanese, does the premise go like this: MC lives together with his adopted sister and parents, who were involved in a project to create some kind of artificial super-being run by the mother's brother. Some day a mercenary group, whose leader wants to take control of the currently disabled super-being, sets up shop near MC's hometown and demands that the townspeople let them use their women as prostitutes. The MC now has to collect the missing parts to revive said super-being and take control of it before the mercenary leader does, while also making sure to not get cucked on the way.

Is that about right?
>No pregnancy
Someone didnt see the ending
I'm looking at the CG set on sadpanda and not seeing anything
>Yeah but I don't get off to zombies or ghosts
Uhh... Unless you're gay, you're supposed to get off to the girls not the zombies.
I self insert as the girls though. zombie cocks just don't do it for me.
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Help, how do I get the purple one I'm missing?
Normal End has the mom fucking groups of dudes while pregnant and the sister turned into a QT with a kid.
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Luluu Farae: An interesting story that shows the struggles of man against the inevitable, a man who hits bottom after a false climax then slowly rebuilds and changes himself for the better to accomplish his goals. An apparently overconfident protagonist that seeks not vague material goals but an honest polyamory, he is challenged constantly by the beasts and odds that plague his path to the end of the road, powerful foes that lie sheltered from the perceived malignant world. But our hero is here to defy the old perceived ways of rivalry and hostility set up by both sides and become a paragon for union of all.
This is why I liked Luluu Farea, Rather than the shit NTR games that the cucks in thread praise, The protagonist of this game has some actual guts and drive and isn't just some weak shit who can't do anything for himself.

Monster Quest Paradox part 2

Because the game is massive and full of the author's love. There's so much love and care put into the world and characters and their details
So lazy newfag question, maybe you'll care enough to answer.
How much of it is translated and how is it related to original MGQ?
Seems you like Rance too much
Sounds like he doesn't like NTR.
it appears that he isn't enlightened yet
Anyone know if there's a translation for RJ186272? I would MT it myself but RPG maker trans doesn't like the file type. I need some elf, bad.
It involves your sick son

Part 1 is supposedly translated minus some h scenes or something. There's so much flavor lines that it's going to take a long time for it to be fully translated compared to the vn

As for how it relates to the vn, you gotta play paradox to find out
Ah, thanks. I thought that would only lead to repeating the school scenes so I didn't bother trying it.
That ending tho. Just remembering it gives me the feelz.
Too bad his next game is meh and Lulu Farea 2 is never ever
Is it a problem to just try a text hooker?
I've tried those in other apps but they didn't work, possibly because I'm on Win 10.
There's only a partial in ulmf.
If you want to MTL it you can use the program that a based anon created here
It uses google translate directly on the MV folder without the need for RPG maker trans.
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Wow thanks I'll try it, if it works that anon is a goddamn genius.
purest love
Where's the other one?
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If you mean the other orange one, he has a new home (pic related is the last one I took of him). If you mean the calico, she's still around

Great work! For obvious reasons, does anyone know if dlsite has a rpg maker mv tag/a way to filter for it?
Anyone got version 1.10 of RJ186272? Pantsu says there's nothing and .si only has 1.00 and the CGs.
I wanna play it with the partial.
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stupid sexy dark elf
is her game worth it?
I was thinking of falling for the wanwanwan meme and playing either her game, or that super huge one with the blond bimbo
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It's literally decrypt/unpack the game, generate a project file for it (or take it from the default new project), open it in the appropriate RPG Maker and waste your time fucking around.

Use the decrypter from the OP for older (XP-Ace, i.e.not prehistoric) games, read ULMF thread on patching MV games for MV.
You'll have to buy/pirate whatever RPG Maker your game is built for, obviously.
A-S probably. I think I saw an update for it there but I'm not interested in the game enough to bother.

No it doesn't but some devs mention MV on the game page, so you can google for RPG Tsukuru MV in moonrunes with "site:dlsite.com" parameter in the search request (without quotes).
>one winged angel
I'm stuck in the prison

Loli got taken and went under ground but can't get any new events to trigger
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Maybe a demon ripped it off
>RPG Tsukuru MV in moonrunes
Case in point >>183827738
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>See in-game pics of female characters having sex
>Downloads game and starts playing it
>Main Character is a boy
>Deletes game
Alternatively, fuck off back to your blog.
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Nothing makes me drop a game faster than this shit.
Random encounters.
>sees more than 1 female character
>expecting a feMC game
Not him, but multi-party-member games exist. Granted, they usually suck because of how the porn or gameplay will be split. There's only a handful of good ones, like Salvation or the Acerola game before last.
Fuck that shit. Though I'm glad I didn't drop RJ081295 because of that.
It's nice. I didn't play it all the way, but it seems to have some branching stories and the art is good.
>white moor
What did he mean by this?
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How the hell do I get 30 wood in Twins of the Pasture?

I've been running around for a while now and i can't find any more wood but I still only have 24.
>the second Delta game is just Megaman Battle Network
Okay I get it.
Had to click on the stack of wood next to the house.
>Megaman Battle Network with sex
My dick is diamonds.
any good recommendations for a srpg h game that plays like disgaea or fire emblem?
In Last Valkyrie of Dreams, how do you open the prison cells?
A Moor is a type of environment as well, you realise.
Is there anything in that game for someone who isn't into futa?
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Never played jack-o-nine-tails before, am I good to go if I just grab the Jack HF Mod (1.7.5) from the wiki or is there some other recommended stuff as well?

She's not even remotely as cute as Misaki or Kanade.
If you don't find help here you should try >>>/d/dgg

Ah didn't even realize that existed, thanks.
Sup, motherfuckers.

Your mom likes it tho.
Does any1 have a translation patch or walkthrough for my secret summer vacation?
Kanade is the cutest of the three by a large margin, i wouldn't mind she also has smaller breast but hey apparently the game will feature the possibility to stay a virgin.
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>Check /hgg2D/
>There's bestiality on Steam
I never thought this day would come.
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Any games with nuns or "holy" people
>enjoying abortions
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What's the game with a bunny girl on the cover? I'm pretty sure it had ntr themes and it's translated. I don't remember what it was.
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RJ195357? I don't think it has NTR though

Yam - Beachside Shack Part-Timers
Thanks, but I just found it. It was RJ146643.
Although this does look amazing.
go to hell
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What does it mean? I'm trying play vitamin quest I got from ghostbin but can't load the premade save I acquired elsewhere.
There's a file missing. You probably did something silly.
i dont know
Sorted it out. Somehow I managed to download a save for a different game.

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>Bulma's second game
We need more of this.
cheekpat at the end >>> headpat


Only the first of the three qualifies, and even then
aka goatfuckers rejoice. Back to the backlog.
You wouldn't happen to like NTR, would you?
>tfw no backlog
Actually, it's even worse than your regular goatfucking, it's femdom now that I look at its English page. Kill it with fire and salt the earth.

And the same should be done to the wastes of oxygen known as cucks in the ideal world.
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Alright, I'm only gonna ask this once.

Who's got the fucking Bulma game?
don't shoot!
New loli games when?
Also, I wish there was a LOLIxMONSTERS instead of SHOTAxMONSTERS. Not enough full loli yuri games.
I hope the circle translate the game again.
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>text skip isn't ctrl or q
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>game doesn't have text skip at all
Playing RJ183743. Guilty.
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>game is not translated
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not you.jpg
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>not mastering Z-press
>Not the half Z press
Ok, """"""""Henry""""""""
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> mashing Z
> it picks first option in whatever the hell choice just came up
Z doesn't skip text loading, which is the reason a text skip key is needed
Their games were pretty garbage until they started giving you some freedom in like the last 2.
>game advertised to pack x hours of contents
>no text skip
Even then it's limited as fuck

I like story branches but it's still super limited, something like Clymenia stuff or mature quest is fine I think


Yeah, they went from total garbage to barely playable. Story branching is retarded since all it does is cuck you out of content for the sake of the shitty ass story.

And don't get me started on them using the exact same animations for like 10 games.
>monster girls
>animated scenes
Oh god. I was meant to sleep 4 hours ago.
Whats best H RPG game that has corruption?
village of nightmare
Yeah there is very little interaction with the world and nearly no depth to the corruption

Sad really, I think if they tried and made better art their games could become very good
holy shit thats out already? i thank ye
report back
fuck mega
shit this is literally the first time ive seen someone talk about NU or CN webnovels
What's the weirdest thing you've seen a girl get fucked by in an h game?
It's always weird and unnatural when a hentai character is fucked by her husband.
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I don't get these nips, why do they even bother with such a simple scenario encryption when they don't even bother changing default key.
Might as well have left it in plain text.
The last boss in LoliQue2 was pretty monstrous looking (and the virgin scene is GOAT), also the abominations in QuiteGirls (too bad the murder eldritch god thing just kills them instead of raping them first).
>cutest (didn't ask, but I don't care)
Kittens, no sex though, just licking.
A big game literally just came out. How is this possible?
no one likes it
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Yeah, can we not do this dead thingy
You can doom the whole world into an emotionless wasteland which includes absolutely no desire to reproduce.
All RPG maker encryption scripts suck.
It's almost impossible to do right. I don't get why people even bother using it in their games.
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>Game looks really good
>Many custom assets
>Good amount of detail
>It's a scat
>Fairly fun gameplay, some grinding, but not much
>It's not-MV game with natural day cycles,
>Townfolk go to sleep, go to work, different interactions
>It's a scat
>Fun protagonist, silly, but not stupid
>Just fun characters overall
>Story is simple but good
Literally one of the best RPGMaker H-games of maybe even just all RPG-maker games.
Talk about games.
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You got me curious anon, what game?
174541 mite b cool
Will Crotch be able to top it? I hope so, he has been getting better each game so I can't wait to see the next one.
It's a fucking tragedy that the best hrpg developer currently in action had to like the only fetish that's more disgusting than NTR.
Why does she do that leg thing?
Dungeons and Prisoners is really dead isn't it?
NTR is good though
Fun fact: Human feces are actually not good for growing crops since they are so acidic and toxic, not to mention the many diseases you will surely get from eating said crops.

The only place it is still being practiced is India, and you know how well that has worked for them.
I wish that game actually had more focus on the farming, it was kinda pointless after a while.
On life support, development slow af
All patreons should stop paying him tbqh
she's an elf though.
I think he is getting 200$. I think those guys simply forgot about the pledge.
muh realism
Oh no, I simply like to share these factoids with you guys. For example, pouring alcohol down a girl's ass to get her drunk? You are more than likely to kill her from alcohol poisoning.
>pouring alcohol down a girl's ass to get her drunk
reminds me of that one ova about anal rape vampires
Just tried the demo. It has random encounters.
Games with alcohol usage
Wasted girls bonus if with impregnation
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>game doesn't have a button to remove the text block
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Hey guys i have been playing School Fight and its pretty fun but i am having problems finding this ONE animation.
Anyone know how you get this last animation that i am missing?
Is this game English yet?
You need two boys to run into you when you're down.

Alternatively just edit the save file and add a 3rd check for him.
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Thanks anon
>RJ Gallery SCRIPT
>Only tested on Opera 43.0 & IE 10. Don't expect this to be updated.
>I hate JS, why won't it die?

>Opera 43.0 & IE 10

Well you problem is right there. IE is fucking deprecated, dont fucking use it. JS is fucking amazing with all the new features from ES6 and beyond. Basically all the shit things have been fixed.
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>people actually play in this and consistently request update
Anon is this title actually good
It's fine.

The animations are quite nice, but the fighting mechanic is pretty bad.

Worth a quick play through on easy to unlock things but that's it.
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How do I trigger her scenes with MC?
All pussy belongs to your lord
You can only get NTRd
nope, there are pure routes but can't find them on ulmf
Vagina muscle training.
Is the game English?
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I wish I was able to get into all these games being posted.
is it loli?
It's NTR
name is in the picture.
so its not the same game as the post i just quoted?
I know, but i sure as fuck don't know what the fuck that kanji is, so i can't search for it
google translate app image text recognition

heil hitler
how do you go through the ??? door in twins of the pasture?
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>walking around naked at night
>dog is still on town map
>use interact button
>can't fuck him
Is there even a good ending? i got the 3rd one and it was fucking awful.
Was there no way to even save tori and the princess? the pink haired slut can drop dead for all i care
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Delet this
Shit like that gets me mad.
New Bulma game (also old one in there) from some fag on ULMF

there's no bestiality in most games so I don't see why you'd expect it
a lot of rpg maker games atleast have 1 bestiality defeat scene so my mind always expects more.
Picks first game had bestiality.
Hell the main villain was black
It's so weird too.
There is always slime/tentacle monster with rape scenes, but almost never wolfs/minotaurs/rape horses.
And tentacles are just boring "dick on rope" variety most of the times too.
Hey, Dungeon Repeater Anon here.
I think I've finished everything to make the game playable, but I was unable to figure out how to rework the action settings menu, so you will have to remember what you set it as sorry.
Anyways sorry for taking too long as I was away from home for about a week.
I've done:
All menu's that I could find
Names of:
Status Effects
And probably some other things

I see that nya.is has been killed so where should I upload it now? the game's rar is a little over 200MB
Also, thanks again to that anon who photoshopped the logo for me
512 MB size limit.
Based anon, you're the best.

As said before, if y'all let me know when it updates I'll try and upload new versions when they come out, as I believe the dev still has updates planned.
NTR was replaced bestiality in most works because it has the same idea behind it but appeals to more people
RJ182139 - Dungeon Repeater

Make sure you don't use any saves from the Japanese version because it fucks up text.
That's not true, bestiality is about all the fun different sex without social baggage and NTR is all about social baggage.
>bestiality is about all the fun
Fuck off
generic shit tier bestiality is pretty much just some girl getting impregnated by something she doesn't want while losing to the cock.
Fuck off
Doesn't that fit basically all shit-tier scenes in HRPG?
bestiality is garbage flash animation tier fetish.
Thanks anon, will check it out later.
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>end of august
>its not even august yet
why can't these shitters translate faster?
is that a paid translation?
if not, why are you bitching?
What game?
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Translation is worse than shit, but maybe somebody will retranslate it someday.
not paid,but i don't care
maybe you should learn japanese
You know what they say anon, if you want something done properly, do it yourself.

Go on, dazzle us with your speedy unpaid translation.
Still thanks for the effort.
Shrine maiden is the first delta game right? the intro makes me feel like a game comes before it by how the characters talk.
>That ending where the MC gets revenge on the thug hero and the pink bitch kills the MC for murdering him while spouting "I was doing this all for you!"

I can't even wrap my head around it.
Don't bother NTR plots are all shit and make no sense.
Does this have actual h-scenes or is it just like the Country Life Survival one where they're all just her delusions? I could deal with the scat but that's what actually killed the game for me.
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>game tells you how many millilitres of semen you've had poured into your various orifices
They are mostly happening, with a few which are (very sexy) delusions.
is the guy who translated country life survival translating this too?
Not that hard to understand.

She thought he returned to his village to live in peace without her, but if the wicked king destroyed the world then his life would get ruined. She decides to go with the chad and throw away her ideal life for the sake of MCs happiness. Only turns out MC was the bad guy after all, so all her 'sacrifice' was in vain.
Why I can't extract the files? There is something obvious I'm missing?
I wish Ahegaon would pour liters of semen into Nene
theres more real sex scenes this time. the blacksmith grows an actual cock for example. I feel like they should just remove the survival aspects of the game though, they are so easy to maintain.
AFAIK a different person made a partial for this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the guy who translated country life say it was a pain to do?

I'd love it if he translate this one since this seems to be a better game, but I'm not too optimistic about it yet.
Read the OP, it's rar5
It's the first, just setting up a quick backstory. If there are any parts that seem particularly misleading though, let me know.
It's mainly the characters talking about the authorities being after him or whatever and them being all familiar made me feel like something was supposed to come before this.
Thanks anon
You missed the important part.
>Don't expect this to be updated.
The author simply cannot be bothered to test let alone maintain the script. If it bothers you this much, it works with the latest Firefox and Opera (so it should work with similar Chromium derivatives as well).
>good ending

>good story

Let this be a lesson for you guys.
It's a NTR game through and through. A sequel to a pure concentrated cuckshit at that.
The only reason it's not circlejerked about in here along with THP and friends is because it's not translated.
It's simply not salvageable even if there's a NTR neutering mod out there.
So the cucks are EOPs? makes sense desu.
>it's rar5
Literally why?
He said he didn't like scat.
Man,if he did,I'm sure he would have started translating this,since it's an even better game.
We can always hope.He translated the last one for it's gameplay,so maybe this one too?
Being EOPs is being permanently cucked and forced to suck machine translation cock to for the remaining juices of your favorite games.
I'm pretty sure he won't, if only because there's even more scat and pee scenes in this one.

It's a shame because the effort and custom assets are interesting, but I don't know if he would be willing to translate things he doesn't like again.
don't forget funding the cuckshit patreons over at weg
I get more triggered by them begging for translations fucking everywhere, even going so far to support horrible companies just to get a chance at it.
Makes sure people have their shit updated.
Also recovery records.
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Remember kids, if you are a highschool dropout and want to make eroge, make sure to learn the language FIRST, then stumble your way around later.
Don't forget the speed, even if the difference is not that much on ~200 MB files.
Yeah Rar5 also supports multicore extraction which is much faster
>eveJapanese can not into Japanese programming
Fun fact: Ruby is coded by the Japanese.
for a second I thought we were talking about an american weeb who went to japan to make eroge and I was deeply confused.
Remember to always back up your claims with evidence anons
EOPs don't use machine translation, that's what made them EOPs in the first place. It meant people who only played english translated games and nothing else, and couldn't even be bothered to take the couple minutes to setup machine translation.
Well you can avoid all the ntr
English Only Peasant
has nothing to do with MTL. EOPs being too dumb to learn a foreign language and being too stupid for MTL is a correlation not a causation. Moreover, being able to set up MTL doesn't make EOP stop being EOP.
>EOPs don't use machine translation
That's how EOP got started. Deal with it.
>Well you can avoid all the porn
Did you even play the game? there are lots of CGs from pure routes
>pure routes
>be adventurer
>infiltrate into slave market town to save a princess
>become part of slave market king's harem
>SM king has magical happiness dick
>The more you get the D, the more loyal you become to it.
>Discussing plan to save princess with quest giver
>"so yeah, plan A failed, only thing left is for you to kill the SM king by poisoning your cunt, also drink this antidote beforehand not to die yourself"
>Do that
>[loyalty check: 1000/500 passed!] "No, I can't kill master! Here, drink the antidote from my blood!"
>Tell him all about the conspirers, they get killed, you get gangraped, but forgiven eventually.
>Choose to become master's permanent slave, slave collar's lock becomes jammed
>live happily ever after, getting the magical D along with silver haired brown princess.
I thought porn games weren't supposed to have intricate questlines.
pretty generic desu
Pure routes are a necessity in H RPG games even though no one uses them, if there wasn't one then all the pervy shit you do in game would seem forced and not part of your own depraved choices.
Completely agree for the most part i wish i could just avoid forced rape/prostitution if possible.
Cursed Armor
I played both vanilla and modded versions. Games with gameplay and not totally dogshit art are pretty rare so I tried to salvage some fun out of it when it came out. It's futile.
You can keep trying if you want, but it's cuckshit at its core, made by cucks for cucks. There's no hope for it as a non-degenerate game. What a waste of the art.

new thread
Ah, the game from this one chinese retard that things he can stop piracy by blackmailing his patreons. I think he even dropped the english version for good now and all the english patreons got cucked out of this game because of that hitler chink.
gonna have to second this guy here as it turns out school fight is a pretty nebulous thing to go on
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