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/ink/ - Splatoon General

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Thread replies: 826
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Previous Thread: >>183461402


Direct Link to current thread: splatoon.ink/ink/
Current Maps Rotation: http://splatoon.ink/
- Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/aahamocdabckhacaedblhgimpkhpiopm
- Firefox extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/squid-thing/
- Booru: https://booru.splatoon.ink/
- Lobby randomizer: http://woomy.github.io/Splatoon-Kit-Randomiser/index.html

> News
- The next NA/EU Splatfest is Mayonnaise vs Ketchup, to be held in the first weekend of August.
- Splatoon 2 needs 3.1 GB of space to install
- The first Switch My Nintendo rewards are Splatoon 2 equipment (Japan exclusive so far) includes:
Splatoon 2 FA-11 Custom Gear (Switch)
Splatoon 2 Ika V Collaboration Gear (Switch)
- New Splatoon 2 Switch accessories have been announced. Products include green and pink joy-cons, a Splatoon 2 themed pro controller, and a console bundle (Switch + Splatoon 2 download key).
- Rotations are now every 2 hours instead of 4.
- New amiibo announced as well being inkling girl, boy and squid. They can save your current loadout and transfer it to another console, they also include exclusive gear!

> Splatoon 2 Information (links + translated tweets)
- http://pastebin.com/h04p6aqy

- http://pastebin.com/1wPYkZc9

> Resources
- http://pastebin.com/6UaR6zHL

> Discord

- https://discord.gg/bPfxAVs

> Wiki
- http://splatoonwiki.org/

> User Stats
- http://splatoon.nintendo.net/

> if you want to add your friend code before splatoon goes out use this:

> list of FC:
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Did they make this guy intentionally look like a minion?
When they add the Splatoon stage to 5mash, do you think they'll have your a squid now/kid now as one of the songs?
S tier:
Charger, Shooters

F tier
Rollers, brushes, sloshers.

Friendly reminer that if you use S tier your a good player, if you use F tier your a shitter who needs crutches to win.
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your waifu waifus my waifu
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Does anybody have any connection solutions that involve switching up settings with the router? I get disconnected nonstop and all my other consoles work well.
>high tide
>lets just send 3 steel eels and 5 flies at once
Why is everyone eating up the on discord dlc that Nintendo's releasing the day after the game came out? I though v hated that shit
What is the fucking cloud on salmon run that keeps eating my ass
I had this happen for a couple hours last night when I got home from work. Didn't stabilize until about 8pm or so. You just have to ride it out, I think its the servers right now.
The missiles the umbrella shaped ones launch rain clouds.
You can stop that by shooting the missiles out of the air before they pop but for some reason nobody ever considers that a priority.
The discord is reddit.
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How do you git gud with the gyro ?
When's "tomorrow"
11 hours 35 minutes EST
You don't, it's a meme, notice everyone at the international event used motion controls.
So for ether net, I must use the TV and docked switch?
Is that with just the two tiny parts alone?
10pm tonight EST, 2am GMT, 11am JP.
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What sensitivity settings are you guys using for motion control?
On disc dlc
The splatbrush files are on your switch, and are a day 2 dlc
But people are just eating that shit up
do the callie and marie amiibo sets have the same main abilities they had in the first game?
Max. I'd go higher if i could.
Holy shit salmon run is nuts
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How much better is the pro controller for this? I've been using the joycons with no problem so far.
It's only hated when you have to pay for it, not when it's gradually rolled out for free to encourage the metagame to naturally evolve and have time to adapt to slowly increasing complexity of content.
It's a good thing.
Oh okay, I was doing that too and was just curious if people were more accurate on a lower setting. (I'm bad)
Would that pro controller be good for this game?
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Is it just me or do some of the Hero Mode levels seem kind of tedious? I don't really mind it but I feel like some levels just drag on.
It's not dlc. It's just time-gated. Did you download anything?

Also it's free. Nintendo did this with the first Splatoon as well, they launched with a small group of weapons, then slowly enabed/added more over time. It keeps users engaged and also ensures people have time to try a few weapons before they dump even more into the game. I'm okay with it.
How good is good enough for ranked?
As in, how many points/kills should I have on average in turf war
It's fun to learn how speedrun them once you start 100%'ing for the Hero weapons.
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Black Ice
So three flyfish at once is just meant to be a party wipe, right?
Seeing as how they can target everyone at least twice and hit them anywhere on the map, and it only takes two missiles to kill...kinda?
Currently on level 18 in singleplayer, this is the most god damn annoying thing ever. They seriously cranked up the difficulty over the first one.

You're on a tower and it's moving upwards with constant flow of enemies and no cover (except sponges). You're also required to use the charger on your first playthrough so you can't aim and fire fast enough to kill the rapidly moving enemies. At the end two snipers appear and just rip you apart because there's no cover.

tl;dr fuck this game and whoever decided to add platforming segments like it's fucking Mario 64
Then how about the amiibo dlc? On disc, day 1 dlc you have to pay money for.
Pic of spla2n disc please
I miss the japs
You're probably just going to have to jump in; ranked games play by entirely different rules and objectives.
How are you supposed to aim in this game, with just the gyro or do you use the stick for major movements and use gyro for small adjustments?
Is it regional servers this time?
Are you really gonna focus on the fact that he said disc and not cart? Come on homie?
What is a Freshness Bonus?
Oh good, I'm about to start world 4. Time to die.
I think it's when your weapon levels up from dry to wet
No, but you only get the closest people to you
Means that for casual turf war you won't see actual japs, just weeaboo. Maybe if you hit a high rank at an unpopular time you'll get japs, but that's still unlikely
Every 5 levels you get with a weapon give you a freshness bonus
Anon, I'm doing that level right now, and it's hard as shit, but you completely missed the sponges, they're supposed to be your cover, they're right in front of the snipers
>t. pic related
Winstreak bonus
You win x games in a row without changing weapons or losing or quitting the game and Judd gives you bonus cash for it
It's just not the same, you know? I swear, it's making me consider making one of those petitions just so I feel marginally less powerless over this whole thing. Maybe I'm just being obsessive about all this, but it genuinely makes me want to take one of the devs to one side and ask if he has any plans to do something about this severe imbalance at any point in the game's planned year of updates.

I'd actually be willing to pay for some kind of full return for the Squid Sisters, and I'm not sure what I should think about that. That is, beyond feeling more bitter over how it'll probably never happen.
No I'm not why do you ask
That's cause rain isn't that big a deal. The fact that that anon manages to get killed by it regularally is impresive.
Don't worry, after the inevitable last splat2 splatfest is squid sisters vs off the hook we'll get them back for splat3 in 2020
I saw the sponges, but the snipers just knock them down fast, and it's hard to pay attention and keep them up while I'm also fighting 4-5 other enemies surrounding me
Its pretty annoying when youve got multiple bosses up and it fucks with your movement, but when you have multiple bosses up you have bigger worries than shooting down a fucking missile.
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don't use your meal tickets and then play ranked or you are just wasting them
It seems the game keeps a separate streak for each weapon, since after switching it reverts to the value I had when I last used that weapon.
Best way to grind snails in singleplay?
>not stacking your FRESH(tm) tree with 6+ ICE
Has anybody done motion controls with the splat dualies? If so can you aim each individually?
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Have they announced what's going to be Inkbrush's subs and special?

>Inkbrush on Salmon Run
nip twitter said splat bombs and splashdown
I'll take literally anything over the blaster
They're both fine, the pro is just a bit more comfortable.
How do you unlock the P90 they give you in singleplayer ?
Why do they insist on putting the motherfucking Splashdown on everything?!?! Aside from the Ink Armor, it's the worst special.
But that's three whole years, Anon. What am I supposed to do until then, Stockholm Syndrome myself into thinking Off the Hook is an equally good replacement?

And even that assumes they aren't replaced by another duo entirely like they were in this game. Goddamn it, I hate having no control over shit like this.
Beat every single player level using it.
ink armor is literally the best special in the game. The entire team gets it no matter how far away they are.
If you can beat a game without failing even once, it's a shit game. Splat1 singleplayer was like that, Spla2n's evidentally isn't.
Balance. Same reason that they removed the Tentamissles from the Splattershot.

They don't want any one weapon to be absolutely perfect, hence why they have to offset it with something "not gud".
it's only a single shot though, in practice it's a slight boost to 1v1s at best
a slight boost to 4 1v1s is better than anything else in the game.
Uh, no. Aside from basic fire, it doesn't really protect you from shit like the bubbler used to. Specials still fuck you.
They're removing it from the splattershot? Got a source for that?
The testfire in march had Tenta Missles for the Splattershot, and it was changed in the final release.
The Splat Dualies also had the Emparry Dualies kit at first, then they moved it.
Testfire had stock Splattershot with burst bombs and missiles and it was ridiculously vetsitale. Think Splat1 Tentakek except more mobile, with less commitment and easier to use.
ink armor can absorb a splashdown. Unless you're still playing turf war where everyone is using aerospray and dualies absorbing one shot is massive. it's just an I win button against chargers and rollers
>golden sewer round
>people walk around like idiots doing nothing

the elevators in salmon run don't work
It was on the Splattershot in the first testfire. It's no longer that way in the main game. There are only two Splattershots in game. Basic and Tentatek. Neither has the Tentamissles, so unless they release one as DLC, it ain't happening.
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>Salmon run
>3 players with eggs squidding to elevator
>1st player makes it on, shoots it up right away, leaving people behind.
>Side is inked anyway so got right up

Not sure if mad or not
If you know the side is inked you SHOULD immediately head up and just let them swim up the side.
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>the devs purposefully give certain weapons sub-optimal loadouts for the sake of balance

I fucking knew this....
How is someone already using the Splat Brella online?
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>teammate doesn't wait for you before lifting the elevator
that's how balance works anon
you give it strengths and weaknesses
It's the smart thing to do. If he waits for you, you could both die. If the side is inked, then you can just swim up. If it isn't inked, you can quickly ink it then swim up, so that it's faster next time. And if you die, then he'll be able to come back and save you.
blaster is good, easier than the charger to kill steelheads with
>mfw roller and brush for tomorrow
who's ready to get their pay cut
shoot the propellers m8.

ink the sides of them as well so you don't get stuck when someone else uses them
I mean they're a shit idea
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*blobs your path*
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Fuck you Pat
Ah. Yes, yes they are.
Hero Splat Brella?
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Why are dualies so based?
>Spend time finding scrolls and fish in levels
>Only to find out I need to replay them anyway with every weapon

Is there anything for getting a fast time on them or just information for you to know?
Just beat the first runthrough of the single player.

Anyone know what the hero replica blaster comes with for sub/special?
D-does Marie have a crush on Agent 4?
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Is there a reward for replaying every level with different weapons?
I think she's just happy someone is helping her, she was pretty overwhelmed right from the start
Same as regular. Which is stupid, zero inscentive to spend time getting it.
When I order something from SplatNet do I have to pick it up before the time is up?
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if you beat every level with a weapon you get it for multiplayer
When you clear all stages with a weapon, you get to use a replica of the weapon in single player with the default kit.
When you replay the last boss, is the dialog different?
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best boy is best girl
Right after doing a combat roll you shoot harder, so dodging an attack and getting to then kill your enemy quicker feels rewarding
Why is Marina such a fucking bitch?

I think I got cheated out of some of his tickets. I went to the salmon run bonus kiosk and it showed the tickets yet when I go to sean I have none. What the fuck happened? I grinded salmon run for hours just for this. This is really ruining the game for me that I get glitched out of mny tickets.
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Eelete this
The Stingray is so bad. Why does it take 10 hits to kill?
Dobson sure has fallen
It has noclip so you can snipe through walls
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She's a sassy black octo that don't need no man.
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Does everyone get the same gear in stores or is it random to every person what gear they get for sale that day?
Special attack tier list
1. Tenta Missiles
2. Ink Armor
3. Bomb Launchers
4. Ink Storm
5. Baller
---shit line---
5. Splashdown
---diarrhea line--
5. Inkjet
6. Sting Ray

Bubbke blower will probably be good
Since you unlock replicas of the Hero weapons for multiplayer by beating every single Campaign Level with that weapon, wouldn't that mean you can unlock the Brella class, before it's officially released for multiplayer?
>when you're down a player and still win
Its a good feel.
It's 2 damage per frame. Assuming that everyone in the match is running at 30 FPS, that translates to a little less than 2 seconds needed to kill. So each hit deals low damage, but it racks them up really fast.
how do i redeem my tickets? plz someone
Random gear per user, resets at midnight
>salmon run gets glitched, making it impossible for you to pick up golden eggs
splatoon runs at 60 fps in game and 30 in inkopolis
just earned a 16k and a 32k bonus in grizzco, and also traded in a shirt I already had for 4k. That was 50k earned in about 20m.
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>store has shoes with stealth jump

It's time
Enjoy your crutch, bitchboi.
Just did a little experement with the amiibo. I already got 4 gifts from Marie, but I hadn't used any of the other amiibos. When I used them, I only got the first present from each. And yes, I tried them twice to be sure.
In short, amiibo items are tied to matvhes played after saving to the amiibo the first time. Marie's 4th present is her solo for the minigame by the way.
i fucking quit. grizzco is glitched for me and i dont get any of my bonuses. trash game wont even work.
You probably got some ability tickets, the food menu has 2 different screens.
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>post yfw 5 Boss Salmoninds on stage at once
>Boss of the Single Player Campaign is the same as Splatoon 1

Lazy shit
Is it normal to just get 30 points per salmon run game? Feels like so little what am i doign wrong
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>The boogie drew porn of marina before pearl
It... it wasnt supposed to be like this man... you were the chosen one... shes short and weird, she was MADE for you... you failed me boogie... you failed all of us..
>it's high tide
Tower Control is totally fucking awful

the menu / buttons not responding in menu and in game is totally fucking awful

first and last splatoon game.
whens the soonest I get the hero umbrella in campaign mode? I really want to use it
Boogie hasn't been good in years
level 20
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>a communication error has occurred
>suddenly back to Overachiever with 40 points
>enemy team has the tower
>teammate decides now is the best time to pull the biggest rotation possible through their spawn
Why the fuck do people do this?
Sounds about right, you get multipliers as you rank up.
>complete campaign with brella
>no brella in shop
the fuck?
>it's not me, it's the controller
So that's about 1 second of continued Sting Ray contact to kill, but only if the opponent doesn't get out of the way. I get the feeling it's best to use it against enemies that are distracted or slowed by your ink. At the very least, it's a useful deterrent for keeping opponents away from a given spot.
>4 weapon freshness
>afk person on team

I just want my fucking xp bonuses
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>High tide
>Three steel eels
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Whoever designed the fourth world boss must've forgotten are more weapons than just the Charger, jesus fuck.
>you can quickly ink it then swim up

Not always depend on the weapon you're stuck with
i mainly mean when the menu just stops responding to the accept / back buttons. i have to restart my switch whenever this starts to happen. only on this game also.
>the reward for getting all the hero weapons could have been Marie's Splat Brella
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I got squidbagged
This happened to us, where a guy joined ranked and thought it was fucking turf war for 70% of the match, and then just afk'd for the last portion.

We lost by ONE POINT
that was me

Yeah, the switch does act up in various ways when it's been on for a long time.
Make sure to remove it from the dock and actually turn if off when you're done.
It automatically stays on when docked so you can't.
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You can see deaths of players in the app, and what looks like an assist count for every game
Going for 100% in SP, I'm having fun so far
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>saying squidbagging instead of seabagging
Is anyone else getting blood shot eyes from this? I played ARMs and my eyes were fine but for some reason I am getting it from splatoon. Am I going to have to get those gamer glasses and be a faggot?
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She actually likes getting mindfucked. What a slut.
rank up but gl you can derank, im getting 60-90 depending how the run goes
Not bloodshot, but I can feel my eyes straining when I play for 3-4+ hours.

Feels like bloodborne
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how the fuck.
are you retarded
>when you solo the entire enemy team by yourself with ink armor
Is it the game? I was fine playing how ever long in splatoon 1. Maybe I have to turn the brightness down or something
Lol the sp is easy don't let them fool you
is the hero unlock in the store instant once you complete every level with it? i just did it for the brella but its not in store still
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>you can get demoted in salmon run for losing
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So aside from me being played like a damn fiddle can someone explain how these guys did this?

Brella is DLC, when the Splat Brella comes out so will you be able to buy the replica.
Clearly you are.
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>mfw this song and getting the rainmaker

My eyes have never lit up as much as it did then
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Anyone got footage of god tier charger action?

I'm thinking about going sniper mode for a while. Need inspiration
Do you think Octavio did hentai stuff to Callie while he had her brainwashed?
>game about sealife

It's not hard anon
He's gay af
>Callie put the hypnoshades back on because she liked how they looked

I don't know if I should laugh or explode with rage. And in either case they had better correct the imbalance in screen time fast, because seeing Marie without Callie this long is feeling increasingly unnatural. Who else is with me, and what are the chances of getting a response if we flood Nintendo or whoever with tweets or something?
Theres always DUDE, unless you don't like clanfags.
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>Octobowlingballs level is stressing me the fuck out
>Can't find the metal fish thing
Who wouldn't?
well fuck
at least i'll have a cool brella when everyone else has the regular

also does anyone have any screenshots of female agent 4 without armor on? i beat the game already and cant take a shot with the real zapfish pose
I think so, because I'm pretty sure the PS4 only runs 30fps, but Bloodborne was the only game that made my eyes strain.

I'm guessing it has to do with trying to sift through bright neon colors coupled with fast movement
It is and always has been squidbagging
Inklings canonically can change gender at will. Even if he was gay, he could just tell Callie to be a guy.
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Post yfw you get a charger in salmon run
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What are you stupid? Of course he did.
>Inklings canonically can change gender at will

Player settings aren't canon, that's like saying "inklings can change their gyro sensitivity at will"
No, no it hasn't. We started out calling it seabagging since the early days of Splatoon 1. Stop being an autistic fuck.
I think he's a racist asian caricature.
fuck all these shitters who cant use all weapons
charger is the best weapon for taking out steel heads
Seabagging sounds better.

Deal with it pussyboy
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Get fucked by Calliefag. Turning you're waifu into a brainwashed octo cumdump is an improvement.
What levels do you have to be to get amiibo gear?
>gyro controls is straight retarded
>regular aiming is also retarded because console shooter

I want to be good but I always topfrag with roller..
Except it's different in this regard because they didn't mention it as being something just the player can do, but rather a reason as to WHY the player can do it, an integrated it into their lore.
Its been said officially that they can do it
Is there any reason NOT to use the splattershot? I just don't see the point in using any other weapon if you can actually aim.
true but it's like saying vegan and vegetarian, even though vegan should be veggies and other stuff like dairy vegetarian takes its place, i still don't understand why but it is
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fuck yeah splattershot
What sorcery is this
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>Pearl: If you ride a motorcycle here, it'll FEEL SO GOOD and LOOK COOL!!
>Marina: But first I'll need to be able to ride without training wheels...

I think Marina is making a pun/ref to squid rings but I'm not fluent enough to translate it better than that. Hime and Iida >>>> Marina and Pearl for sure, though.
the splatling gun is everything what the splatter shot but better

faster fire rate, longer range, better ink coverage
The Splashdown is trash.

>is there any point to not using a weapon if you know how to use it effectively and it works for you
Me, because flanderization is insult to injury enough without the fantasies of disgusting pervs getting involved.
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woops wrong webm
god i hate NoA translations for this game. it was never so apparent than now
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>guys what if we just make Marina a bitch

It's actually weird since some of her lines are fine, it's like she's bipolar or canadian or something
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>tfw your team plays deathmatch instead of turf war
Why are these retards allowed to play? Literally every game I'm the only one who stays behind to actually ink up our entire base.
Sorry, meant this one >>183499106

She's still mean unfortunately......
I think >>183499106 is a more appropriate line for comparison.
i think they're trying to make marina a bitch so more people pity vote for pearl

it's not working
they are trying SO hard to push for Marina it is insane. The splatfest choices, the fucking staff all siding on them, the dialog. Like god damn. I think I might just get the japanese version so I dont have to deal with this shit
Don't you have some feet to worship, Mariefag? You guys are all cucks who'd take whatever punishment your waifu gives you.

Callie is love. Callie is life.
This shit would actually be funny if it were Callie and Marie. Did Treehouse not get the memo that there are new idols?
>Salmon Run
>Stinger appears
>It always aims at me
>No matter if I'm close or far.
Nigga why would you waste the special just to do this?
what hero weapons are there? i havent done single player yet
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this is the ultimate playstyle

underrated post
i had all of them by level 9.
It's already been posted here once or twice
Yes, it's called H3 Nozzlenose
i saw no replies immediately
It just makes Marinafags that much worse, honestly. I can't handle octoling + bitch personality, she needs to get her shit together or gtfo.
Splattershot, Dualies, Roller, Charger, Splattling, Slosher, Brella, Brush
Why did you "waste" your Kraken to do the same in Splat1?
When do new clothes/shoes come into the shop? Is it just random or something?
if i were an octoling living in squid society i'd try to be a lot more humble
>inking an insignificant amount of turf instead of pushing the enemy back
Exactly what she does in jp version
They restock at midnight
new items shuffle every day

america time or?
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how do you get over there
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>four levels away for 56 gal
I'm ready for my comeback
>that fucking God tier loadout
I don't think I can go back to Deco unless it has splashdown
Pearl is going to win this one for DUDE WHITE INK alone
not him, but I'm more of an ass kind of guy. I could go into further detail, but I'd rather not derail this general into a fetish thread
yes, I want marie to sit on my face
>its another episode of retarded cunts drop down during a firefly round

yeah lets just not tunnel spam them to death lets rather split up and die one after another
i usually rush in at the start but if i die i ink home base. i feel like it should be an unwritten rule that if the whole team rushes in the first person to die has the ink base
One of the rollers that makes the bridge stretches all the way back there. Just look for it.
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Anyone? This is gonna bug me.
I want to fuck Primarina
Just got through this level.
A bit panicky, but pulled through on the first go.
Half-charges are your friend.
I'm just annoyed that they wrote it to make Callie look like an idiot. When did "cheerful" translate into "moron"?

I'm tempted to wonder if it was different in the original Japanese, but I have no confidence that it it would be the slightest improvement at this point. Bad characterization is sickening no matter who it happens to. Hell, if I had any say at all I'd have it be a hologram or something and have the real Callie show up alongside Marie, because at least then they could still recycle the models and scenery.
wew, I feel silly now
I didn't hit that one because I jumped off the one before it
thanks anon
Your BASE? Now I know the lil' fuck that gets us spawncamped. Your base is safe turf that you can always ink to charge your special, in the beginning you go forward and rip yourself all the turf you can from enemies' grasp. You can even go pacifist, but turf in mid is simply worth more.
Reminds me of that one superjump glitch that makes you invisible.
did what
theres nothing wrong in that vid
Not sure, I would guess that it's based on your local time.
Honestly they should put Marina on the left and Pearl on the right and keep the lines maybe with slight modifications to fit a little better. Pearl would be much better as the sassy one.
But the ink isn't even white, it's yellow.

Still the cum option tho.
You can ink your base later in the match, get to the center and fight for control you literal useless bitch
the walking in the water? maybe lag of some sort
True. But the way they did it, they could literally recycle everything. The only thing they had to change was dialogue boxes.

Her putting on the shades again is kinda funny, but still a little annoying. Like bitch, I love you but damn. What did she think was gonna happen?

And after that, she's nowhere to be found in the game. They just said "Well, she lost the splatfest, so fuck Calliefags" Couldn't just throw her model in at Cuttlefish Cabin with a little thank you. They better fix this in the DLC
Yes, base is for inking with blind bombs, until last 15 seconds if you get splatted then. Even if enemy goes there, that's just more safe turf you can ink over, just ignore them and get back to mid.
The real question is why you snitchin lil nigga
I missed it the first time, don't worry about it.
or do what i do run interference at their spawn and grab the 2 dumb asses who want to try and find you
Not surprising. I guess they think Americans can't appreciate characters without attitude or a willingness to use sarcasm.
Or just have Marina talk first before Pearl/fix the translations so Pearl is tsukkomi and Marina is bokke like intended instead of the other way around.
how do i join a friend in a ranked match?
she could easily DJ for splatfests along with Octavio if he even has a humanoid form
I dont think Callie was an idiot. She was the boke to Marie's tsukkomi. It was just their act and it worked well for them. Marie actually looked like someone who would make those kind of quick witted quips and remarks as did Callie who looked and acted like someone who was ditzy, energetic, and cheerful and would set up the joke.

Now for Pearl and Marina, NoA fucked up pretty bad with this shit. Marina is not Marie and should not act like her especially when it shows from her looks and body language that she is not the type of person to be making sassy remarks all the time. From what I gather their thing is that Marina is supposed to be this caring mother type who kind of looks up to or after Pearl and Pearl is the kind of selfish child archetype. But their "localization" does not fit Marina and it causes a disconnect with what she says and what she does.

you and your friend have to solo reach B- and then you can squad duo together.
should i instantly use my exp boost or wait till im higher?
League battles
gl changing 2 years of conditioning
Splat Zones > Tower Control >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rainmaker
does Judd not give you money anymore?
There wouldn't be much point in waiting
...why would you wait to level up to use a level up assist? That's what it's for.
You automatically get a fresh bonus every 5 vibe points in the battle results
You get a lot from Salmon Run
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>Enter a boss room
Any good hit and run weapon?
Been using Splattershot and started to get bored of it.

Also can't figure out the usage of burst bombs.
Switch's wireless is garbage, get an ethernet adapter for it or move closer.
They were taking eggs to the egg container normally underwater at the end. I can't tell if my game somehow glitched or there's a way to deliver to non-active containers.
Not trying to snitch, just understand how that was happening.
>notice everyone at the international event used motion controls.
You're aware that gyro= motion controls right?
As increasingly mad as I am about all this, I can't even convince myself that such DLC is even going to happen. They've made no statements on the matter, and nobody has bothered to question them about it. I can't just make myself believe something I have no reason to assume is true.

I'd love to get a straight, clear answer out of them regarding this whole thing; at least then there won't be any temptation to cling to false hope. But I have no idea how to go about doing it.

What do you suggest would be most likely to get answers?
Is the official lan adapter any good? Mine is starting to act up again where it disconnects itself at random, even though the ethernet cable is securely plugged in on both ends.
Get a better router.
Never get DC'ed with my 5GHz overclocked gaming router.
If I change regions do I lose my data?

You're retarded as fuck in the extreme.
people literately cannot handle the special not being a panic button so they found a way to make it one
Honestly, this is the sort of thing that probably won't get resolved for a while. Mainly because the game just came out and the fact that Callie becomes evil is a secret and they don't want to spoil the ending of the game.

The only way I can think of really sucks.

We'd have to wait a couple months until most people who bought the game will have had time to beat Story Mode, probably gripe about the same things we have, and then some game "journalist" who has the opportunity to sit down and talk with one of the devs for Splatoon 2 just MIGHT ask why they shafted Callie.

All in all, our chances aren't great.
I meant the part about her putting on the hypnoshades makes her look like an idiot, since that sure as hell isn't part of their act.

It's even more galling when you realize she could've just gotten a replica or something, it's not like Octavio is the only person who can make shades in that style. God, when a bitter neckbeard like me can point out those issues you know someone has no place in writing. Yeah, I know it's a game for kids, but they're not that stupid either.
Well fuck, you're losing it anyway, may as well win and not lose. 180 turf is nothing, you'll charge it back up in no time by just playing.
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>that dialogue during the final boss rematch
>no Rasputin
This is the most autistic shit I've seen in these threads so far.

Holy fuck.
You've been saying Squidbagging for 2 years when Seabagging is clearly the superior option? Jesus just die already
You clearly haven't been here very long. We're complaining and speculating about some minor cosmetics and characterization. That's it.
You're getting too deep into non-canon nonsense, it's just there as an explanation to fight the boss again. Octavio escaped in the first because cuttlefish was eating crackers or something, it's just a dumb gag.
there is nothing wrong with talking about the issues with NoA and their horrible localization of games
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>Now for Pearl and Marina, NoA fucked up pretty bad with this shit. Marina is not Marie and should not act like her especially when it shows from her looks and body language that she is not the type of person to be making sassy remarks all the time. From what I gather their thing is that Marina is supposed to be this caring mother type who kind of looks up to or after Pearl and Pearl is the kind of selfish child archetype. But their "localization" does not fit Marina and it causes a disconnect with what she says and what she does.
Delusional retard. Literally just a degenerate weeb who's overthinking everything. You even come across as a bit of an aspie because of your rigid and robotic understanding of how verbal expression and physical behavior can interact.
been here since 2015 hombre
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>We're complaining and speculating about some minor cosmetics and characterization. That's it.
No, you're going into wackjob levels of criticism and analysis for background NPCs in a multiplayer shooter.

>NoA and their horrible localization of games
Localization =/= translation you degenerate weeb. NoA fucking NAILED it for Splatoon and Splatoon 2. You can whine about all the JRPGs you want, but S1/S2 are TOP TIER localizations.

Go buy the JP version and learn Nipponese if you really care so fucking much. Jesus christ.
I am not wrong though. There is no reason for NoA to fuck up with their dialog like this and make someone like Marina into another stronk womanz with a sassy attitude. This isnt the first time they did this by the way. This is only adding on to their amazing track record to fuck up characters.
To be fair, there was a Bokke/Tsukkomi splatfest where Callie and Marie took their respective positions, so yes Callie's silliness is true to her Japanese self.

It's just baffling how Treehouse is getting these dialogues, though. Feels like someone just said, "they're talking about motorcycles, feel free to rewrite it however you see fit" and then because there's a height difference between the two, they decided to go for that.

I understand that it's hard to write a kohai/senpai into English but I don't see why they couldn't take the creative liberties of at least trying to convey their amiability in some way, even if it's through nicknames. (Something like MarMar/Reeny/Li'l M and Major Pearl/Pearly-Girl/Princess)

This too, I think it would be fun for fans to see what it would've been like if it was the other way around. It at least gives them an excuse to put out more easy content.
> background NPCs in a multiplayer shooter.
don't talk down on my wife like that
>It's another treehouse meme translation turn nice girl into a bitch episode

Humpback Pump track
>JP -
>Marina: Uu.. Pearl-senpai, you are louder than usual so it's harder for me to adjust the audio setting!
>En -
>Marina: Yeah, the reverb makes it easier to ignore how off-key you are!

Moray Tower
>JP -
>Marina: Pearl-senpai, if you keep staring at the view the festival is going to end!
>En -
>Marina: You know what else is magical? Winning instead of staring at a parking garage.

EOP babies will defend this.
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Did anyone actually show up to this?
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>that guy who wastes time inking every square centimeter of the starting area
I completely forgot
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>I am not wrong though.
Yes. You are.
>There is no reason for NoA to fuck up with their dialog like this and make someone like Marina into another stronk womanz with a sassy attitude
Except that it's funny and it works because somebody has to repeatedly put Pearl in her place.

The REAL issue is that Marina and Pearl as a pair are fucking cancer from the ground up and Nintendo should have done a better job designing the duo in the first place.

>Humpback Pump track
You realize those are saying almost the same thing right? Like, you've completely ignored the Japanese penchant for understating things and being overly polite. Marina is roasting Pearl just as hard in both.
Regardless of the localization quality, Marina in English is overly bitchy and mean spirited and comes off as a far worse Marie
is there any benefit to playing through single player
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>NoA fucking NAILED it for Splatoon and Splatoon 2. You can whine about all the JRPGs you want, but S1/S2 are TOP TIER localizations.
>Accusing other of being autistic but shills this hard

Keep sucking Treehouse's cock, your check will come in the mail soon. :^)
I have work today, so I can't
Listen, all I'm saying is that they could have put her somewhere in the game. Single Player is basically the Marie and Friends show. Fucking Sheldon has more of a role in the campaign. Callie gets a boss fight, and that's it.

I'm willing to let the boss rematch dialogue go, mainly because it's funny.
Guys, anyone got all nozzlenoses yet? What are the kits?
People keep saying this but I'm not seeing it, she's just literally Marie 2.0, Marie made just as many comebacks at Callie as Marina is here.
Excuse me for being pissed off that a character lots of people like got screwed over due to laziness and bad writing.
>Except that it's funny

Not really no. Especially when they do this shit all the time and it is nothing new.

> put Pearl in her place.

That I would agree with but thanks to they way they do this shit Pearl does not even set anything up for her to be put back in her place which only makes it look like Marina is picking on her for no reason. This is a shitty translation job they did.

> Like, you've completely ignored the Japanese penchant for understating things and being overly polite.

Which would have been nice if they could do this but no all they can do is default into sassy cunt woman and nothing else.
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Treehouse alternates between best in industry stuff and unreasonable fuckups. Kid Icarus Uprising, every Mario RPG ever, even fucking Breath of the Wild. All super good localizations. But they fuck up a couple Fire Emblem games and do some mild censorship in a couple JRPGs and suddenly they're the devil.

Cry harder anon. I'm sure if you do we'll all start to hate them just as much as you do.

>all I'm saying is that they could have put her somewhere in the game

She got a big high profile role in the campaign. That's plenty. You do remember she lost the splatfest right?
some noice gear, also good practice for weapons and controls
She's a fucking nigger what do you expect
>mfw I was in earlier and my stop wasn't doing this
ITT: Faggots who can't handle the bantz
Get some friends
god no. fuck playing splatoon in public
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Maybe you should have won the splatfest for her.
But it made sense for Marie. It comes of strange that someone so nice looking would be like this. Their relationship is like a caring mother looking after a bratty spoiled child and this does not come across at all in the english version.
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>Which would have been nice if they could do this
No it wouldn't have, because it doesn't fit if she's not speaking Japanese.
> thanks to they way they do this shit Pearl does not even set anything up for her to be put back in her place
Okay, so now you've crossed over into full on mental gymnastics territory. Pearl acts like a stupid little kid almost all the time. Midair dualie kills for the game win? C'mon girl. Get real.
what gear
Haaaahahahahhaahhaha your trash M8
>It comes of strange that someone so nice looking would be like this.
Not really no. Especially because they're a hip-hop group.
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>But they fuck up a couple Fire Emblem games and do some mild censorship in a couple JRPGs and suddenly they're the devil.

Nice hair today, anon.
They can just say that Cuttlefish is returning from his trip. That doesn't convey any spoilers but since Marie is guarding Octavio till he gets back it conveys the point that the Sisters will probably do something in that update.
I agree her localization is innacurate but I wouldn't say she's any more mean spirited than Marie was in her jabs at Callie is all.
While Callie did lose, and more people do like Marie, consider this.

>Most people like the Squid Sisters together overall
>They have a really solid dynamic, with Callie being chipper and Marie's deadpan humor
>If 45-40% of people like Callie compared to Marie's 55-60%, you're essentially telling 40-45% of the fans "You'll get 5% of the game and like it."
noice gear
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Marie could come off as bitchy it was rarely mean spirited and the dynamic feels different. Callie and Marie are supposed to be a boke/tsukkomi which works as "funny man" does silly thing, "straight main" does straight man thing. This is "person says totally innocent thing other person is a bitch about it"
how the fuck am i suppose to read this?
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>Getting left joycon connectivity issues
>Moved my Switch from my tv stand to coffee table (6 inches away)
>Seems to have helped
>Suddenly getting nonstop internet connectivity issues even though I'm using a LAN adapter
For fuck's sake, everything was fine yesterday when I played for about 8 hours straight. How many times do you need to disconnect before it gives you a temp ban? I just disconnected for the third time in about 10 minutes. Not even gonna bother playing today if it's going to do this.
That's completely mild. Heavy would be a removal of the swimsuit character portraits entirely
I want Marina to sexually bully me!
There are so many ways to have her answer on this but instead we just get another Marie making sassy quips and no character of her own whereas she is actually a different person in the original.
How long do meals last? 1 match? 1 hour?
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Wasn't too many people. Had to wait for each person to finish playing one of the singleplayer maps so there was still about half an hour wait.
Reeeee I fucking hate the blaster in salmon run. I have 0 mobility
surely you can read this
no tell me
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Yo! thatsrb2dude's Twitch is showing Clash Blaster gameplay! This thing's crazy.
You don't need mobility, you need trigger discipline.
20 matches. Theres a counter by the super sea snail count when you eat one.
see >>183511907
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>spend hours doing the campaign again with the Hero Brella
>can't even use it yet
Oh sure, less than 10 lines in the entire game because she narrowly lost a splatfest while Marie gets the whole damn mode to herself and is all the worse off for it.

Their characters need each other or they'll both be diminished. We've already seen that.
It's different because we know Marie and Callie's relationship (technically cousins but effectively sisters) while we don't really know much about Off the Hook as they barely exist in the story. All we see of Off the Hook is on the TV
You aren't going to prove any points anon.

I'm intimate familiar with almost every major localization change NoA has gotten in trouble for over the past few years.

Yes they mangled Fire Emblem. That's about the only thing I'll admit. I'm not pathetic enough to get worked up about some clothing in #FE or XCX.
i tell you it's noice, what else do you need to know?
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Asked this in a different thread but didn't get any answers

i made a drawing a day ago but i have no idea if it made it into the game, does anyone know a surefire way to confirm it?
Brellas are trash-tier anyway
Special Saver Hat
Ink Recovery Up Shirt
Sub Saver Shoes
what the fuck it is so i can decide whether its worth to play multiplayer or single player
it is worth playing
And maybe you should look at how close those numbers are before assuming that justifies all but cutting her out of the game.
>Oh sure, less than 10 lines in the entire game because she narrowly lost a splatfest
Yup. That's how it goes. Honestly, it's lucky they even brought the sisters back at all
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>muh localization is perfect and can do no wrong
>The REAL issue is that Marina and Pearl as a pair are fucking cancer from the ground up and Nintendo should have done a better job designing the duo in the first place.

Well, which is it faggot?
Splatoon is literally the Smash Brothers (Melee) of shooters, but with the devs actually interested in supporting competitive play instead of gimping the game out of spite.
The only Splatfest that matters
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> I'm not pathetic enough to get worked up about some clothing in #FE or XCX.

That's fine but where does the line get drawn? How much cuck are you willing to suck to say that it is too much now? Just let them walk all over you? 30 40 years down the line I bet we wont have characters that arent in burkas becuase it would be haram.
Please respond
Port mackerel for splatzone is so shit, wtf.

As soon as you lose territory you'll never get it back if the enemy is smart
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So is this the fate of the general?

Shitposting for hours every thread about Marina's opening dialogue lines being localized differently?
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So I'm thinking for Slosher both Tri and Regular I'll go:
Main Saver
Ink Recovery
Sub saver
Ink resist
Thermal ink

Anything I should swap out or just not bother using
NPC ≠ the game are y'all fuckin retarded
Get a new Joycon, only $59.99 :^)
>expecting gameplay discussion in a game that advertises its waifus above all else
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Who /detached joycon/ master race here? Literally so easy to aim it's not even fair.
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I'm hoping to get the boy's outfit so we can be twins.
Anyone else play Splatoon in the bathroom? Feels good ranking up while poopin.
>That's fine but where does the line get drawn?
Somewhere else.

Fuck off with your slippery slope.
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>losing round 1 in salmon run
get these shitters off of my team
I hope so. Maybe if we do it more it will get you frustrated enough to leave and never come back. Bonus points if you kill yourself
There's a way to choose stats for weapons?
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>high tide
>everyone dies in the last 5 seconds because the game spawns a gorillion grillers
Where are nozzlenose and sloshing machine, they're different enough to be their own classes
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Why does the lobby and equip screen keep showing the amiibo icon?
I disagree with your overall message but the punchline for that image is pretty solid
You mixed up the two in your translation.
Pearl is the one who needs training wheels.

Chunks but it'll take a lot of grinding for money and chunks
Honestly, that would be an improvement rather than having them being essentially halved as characters. Hell, the Squid Sisters Stories were all but tailor made to drive that point home.
[wood block anon mumbling in the distance]
you can save different loadouts to the amiibo and instantly change to the set
Can you switch which one uses the motion?
As I am left handed, I prefer if the aiming was done with the left joycon.
Nobody is saying that.
You can't. The gyro thing is just built into the right joycon.
>As I am left handed

The Canada of handedness
I reported that one.
>being this new to /ink/
It's in both, though. Otherwise 1-2-Switch wouldn't give you identical games for both players.
who is this cute girl
Switched from Aerospray MG to splattershot pro and I feel like im not playing as well, but seem to be doing much better in general.

The lack of bombs really hurts tho, whats the best strat for using this thing?
>our team is full C
>their team is full C-
>we annihilate them

The tiniest skill gaps in this game are insane.
Well, that's a bummer.
It feels like it could be amazing but I just can't aim very well with my right hand.
Abuse the range because most weapons people are using are out ranged by it.
lurk more faggot
>Beating all of singleplayer with one weapon unlocks the Hero variant in Turf War
Oh, okay, that's kinda ni-
>You have eight weapons and twenty stages in total.
FUCK THAT SHIT. I'm getting my Hero Blaster and leaving.
>griller wave
>10 seconds to go
>3 of us down including me
>lone ranger decides rather than shoot all of us who are grouped up, as we've hit the quota, to go solo the 2 grillers
>dies on 1 second left

i dont have a squid react for this
it only blocks one hit
Shit, really? If that's true they probably only use the right one so it won't fuck up the controls. They probably don't expect you to use it detached.
>10 seconds to go
>only one left alive
>fuck off to the other side of the map, enemies take over 10 seconds to get to me
This line exit in english as well, they don't use the same lines every time for the same map.
For turf war? Just focus on painting, its like S tier for painting. Just aim high and swing back and forth

For every other game mode? Choose a different weapon, it sucks shit at killing compared to everything else

Hero Slosher here

It unlocks it in the store then you have to buy it. Sheldon doesn't do charity
I can't aim but I still want to have fun.
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Here is a squid react for you. Everything is actually not okay, you just accept the results and make believe.

anyone with sense would do this, yes, but alas, my main nigga rupert decided he was having none of it.
>What is ARMS
I know Mr. Grizz is supposed to be the corrupt, exploitative boss type, but honestly he seems pretty bearable to me
People don't seem to realize in those situations all you have to do is survive, I've left my dead teammates several times when the field is a complete clusterfuck if we've hit the quota and are nearly at the end with 15 seconds left, there's no reason or time to risk that shit. Everyone else tries to be a hero and the team gets wiped.
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>on the very last seconds of the salmon run
>suddenly spawns five thousand fucking flyfishes everywhere, die immediately to exploding ink filling the screen
>oh well, we just won anyway
>we fucking lost
this shit should be illegal
I cant figure out a weapon to use though. Aerospray is fun but you're basically screwed against brushes and rollers unless you can sneak up on them.
I've won 2 different turf matches while taking a shit 2 seperate times already
How long does the food you get from crusty Sean work for?
Anyone up for Salmon Run?

Who the fuck decided Salmon Runs should be the Vietnam of Splatoon?
If they didn't want us to care they shouldn't have made the squid sisters stories to flesh them out so much.

That was an exaggeration to make a point. It could be justifiable if the victory was such a landslide tha it was clear nobody liked her, but with a 50/50 split there's no excuse.
>playing splash zone
do they have different kits or are they just reskins
Is there no way to replace the primary attribute of clothing, and no way to reroll weapon abilities?

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This is the only cute Pearl/Marina English interaction I've seen so far.
Been playing flawless since launch, suddenly starting 15 minutes ago every match is disconnecting. Anyone else having the issue?
What’s the best ink color pair and why is it cyan/magenta?
Aero is slippery and inks a lot. Pro is second slowest shooter, and worst-inking shooter as well. You switched too fast, try doing Nzap or Splattershot first to learn aiming and strategy. Or stay with Aero and learn to dance with it.
Primary abilities are locked for clothing, at least that's how it was in 1. You can't change anything about your weapons but there are different varients of almost all of them with different subs/specials.
The real question is what this one was in its Japanese translation.
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That is cute. I wish we can get more like that
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It's actually purple/yellow though.
I wish they were all like that instead of
>Hey Marina I did X
>X is fucking gay and so are you
look at this selfish cunt getting 2 scoops
pearl deserves to be endlessly dunked on
steelheads are worse than flyingfish
How do I get good with Chargers?
Equip a slosher instead because they're way more fun
>Ranged weapon user does nothing to target them

learn to aim

no really, there is no better way to put this. Just put in the time and grind it out
be born with a taste for dick
chargers make steelheads not even a threat
Wait, how do you unlock the Hero versions for multiplayer?
The "you still get allowance?" was alright

This, the shit tier twitter pandering dialogue they gave her is painful.
>this song isn't even in the game
What the fuck
Is it Splatfest only or something? It was the best song in the Splatfest testfire ;_;
learn the maps, where you can hit what
Charge-holding's a gimmick, learn to peek
Stay back, abuse range, paint lines for teammates' advance
Prioritise splatlings and other chargers
don't be that fag that stands around with full charge
that fag never does anything
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t-t-two....scoops you say....grimph?
Why is Inkopolis 30FPS but actual in-game is 60FPS?
It doesn't bother me, it's just weird.
probably splatfest only like the night versions of the maps
Honestly, I can respect any answer except blue/orange. Is that even back in this one or did they realize it was trash?
This new salmon run map blows and the gun rotation blows too.
that's docked, right? because undocked it's 10fps
No, I'm pretty sure I've seen it.
I wouldn't call blue/orange trash, just horribly cliche.
blow my cock
Legitimate actual advice from one of the most experienced Charger players to browse these threads incoming:

>Equip Gyro
Literally no point in Charger if you're a dual analog baby
>Learn to partial charge when merely inking turf
Charger's ink output isn't nearly so bad as you might think. Strafe left or right and lay down neat strips of ink side by side
>Paint wall climbs for you team
A single charger shot is capable of creating a perfect wall climb path for your team.
>Paint over walls
Throw your paint. Few guns have your reach. You can toss your ink really far and make life hard/annoying for enemies
>Abuse the new charge holding mechanic
Pretty self explanatory, but it's a really strong tactic. Master it. Charge while behind cover, then pop out and wreck.
>Learn the Stingray
I'm still adjusting to this, but it's actually fucking incredible. I trick I like to use is going behind cover and activating it when pressured.
>Learn maps
There are power positions for Charger on every map. Learn them and don't be a camper.

Holding a full charge is useful in a couple situations. Mostly it's for discouraging them from grabbing a Rainmaker or jumping into a Tower for TC.

but slosher and blaster are broken AF against half the bosses and clear mobs for fun???????
It's more intensive supposedly with loading everything. The intro part with the idols in both games is partly there to act as a loading screen as it pulls info from online.
>because undocked it's 10fps
I get a better framerate in Inkopolis undocked.
Poplar from working
>forced boss battle with charger
send help
Who the fuck cares about bosses, you can easily kill bosses with any weapon/any bomb.

The best weapons can annihilate waves of enemies so you dont ge overrun, and the blaster explosion doesnt even fucking 1hit small minions unless you hit them with the entire shot.
lol you can do it without charging once, just tapshot this bitch like with a lv1 hero shot
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>tfw octodaddy doesn't give you an allowance anymore
Lads, how will I ever know if my drawings make it into peoples' Inkopolis?
I'm a high level Team Fortress 2 player with over 4k hours. Will I be good at this game?
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>dude we need something a black person would say
Is this a videogamedunkey reference?
>being triggered
It's not possible to reference dunkey because he's never had an original thing to say ever.
mind control doujin with callie and marie when
It's not very hard to git gud at this game, honestly.
Shoot the floor and walls, and occasionally hold ZR
>miiverse is kill
Hope that what you post is quality enough for someone to want to screenshot it I guess, Ninty gave up and decided to leave the social media platforms to 3rd parties.
Blood rushed in my head
You can't sorry.
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>We get Europe's Splatfests
>They get our translation
A year ago I would have said this was one-sided
octonigger pls
I literally banged my desk with my fist seeing this it made me so mad.
I'm level 9 but why can't I get all the amiibo gear?
This means fuckall. The best Splatoon player was a Sonic speedrunner before getting into squid game.
Actually, you're at a disadvantage against people with no shooter experience, you also have to get over bloodlust thst's characteristic for most shooter players.
Gyros will pleasantly surprise you, though.
Did you register it before playing any matches? Maybe its determined by turf inked.
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Why did I do this
is this why octolings are so easy to kill
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This is truly a dark day.

How did you get that, anon? I want one too.
Wow, embarrassing.

what's with his hand
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Is there a splatoon drawfag thread somewhere? I just wanna draw woomies all day.
draw woomy feet desu
I wonder how cringey the jap writing was for them to change it lol
You have to do every single mission in the single player with a given weapon before you get its hero replica. That includes all the missions where you were forced to use a specific weapon the first time through.
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Step up, senpai.

I have the Hero Brella too, but it's unavailable as of now.
>Japanese writing
Pick one. It’s better in every way, like with every video game ever.
Only if your main is Pyro or Heavy, no other character plays like an Inkling. Soldier and Sniper experience may or may not be helpful.

Demoman doesn't prepare you for Splatoon subweapon strats. Scout/Medic/Spy/Engineer are useless skills.
Just the way the standing model is, probably a missed/lazy detail on Nintendo's part.
In Salmon Run is there a rank beyond Profreshional?
you're looking at it
how the fuck do you unlock all the songs in squid beatz
also, taiko no tatsujin controller for squid beatz fucking when, this shit is impossible on joycons or pro controller
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manning the turret is really fun!
His had is like that because he is asking "why did i do this"

Seems easy enough, my Hero Shot is lvl 3 and I prefer it over the others anyways.
Get the fuck out weeb.
Welp, just finished the campaign with it and Sheldon says the reasearch is finished, exept it needs to be "approved" first.

Guess no early Brella-access in multiplayer to show off. What a waste of time.
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We'd love to see some draws, just don't do a drama pls
>The boss music on hard
I don't know how you're supposed to do any of this shit without just mashing the buttons
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this please
Team Excruciating, Slow Bisection Execution
Easy yeah, mostly. A bit boring, though.

There are a couple charger levels that have mildly annoying parts, but they made sure you can complete all the levels with any weapon, obviously.
>this phase
>2 fire flies spawn at once
How do you get 20-26 and 31-42 in the rhythm minigame?

show me the Hero Slosher
I think some are gifts from the Callie and Marie amiibo.
when is there a turret? does it randomly spawn with each wave?
I was gonna go for Herobrush next, but give me ~two hours and I will.
Across the belly or down the whole body?
just play it like taiko
only you can't because nintendo fell for the asymmetrical stick meme
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>bucket + sub power up on tower control
Nah most Nintendo games have terrible Japanese writing. Have you ever played a Mario RPG, or Xenoblade? The Japanese writing is hilariously bad. Not sure if Splatoon is the same tho.
whole body
it seems to just show up on low tide when nothing but large guys spawn.
There are turrets when it's low tide and only the big salmon are spawning.
Nice. Consider me part of Team Excruciating, Slow Bisection Execution.

If I play Salmon Run with someone who's a decently lower rank than me, whats the scenario for EXP and rewards? do I get less? none at all?
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I drew this last night on the switch with my finger.

It took forever. Why can't I just use my stylus?
cup the controller in your hands and hold it near your stomach. give yourself a good range of motion with your wrists, up and down, left and right. keep in mind that you can shift your shoulders when aiming left and right, up and down, as well as utilize the joysticks. it's all one fluid motion.

your regular controls are for your movement, direction, etc. that means you will use the joysticks as you know how normally, but on top of that you will have the gyro/motion controls to make minor adjustments to your screen position.

aiming, meaning looking anywhere within a ~180 degree half-sphere around your character's fov, is positioned from the tip of the head to the bottom of the feet. tiny adjustments and "flicks," or moving the reticle quickly in a direction to fire at an opponent/obstacle/etc., is the main purpose of motion control.

think of motion as an extension of the normal controls. where the camera has a speed limit with regular controls, the motion controls allow you to increase the speed or direction by tilting, turning, and adjusting. this means you can change the angle of movement, aim, and even the arc of mains/subs through simple motions with your hands. in addition, it allows for increased precision when targeting, and ease of adjustment for vertical spraying.

i suggest standing up. you can get a really good feel for the movement that way. use your entire body, shifting your shoulders left or right to adjust direction of attack. I suggest playing on a tv with the joycon/pro controller in your hand if able.

hope that helps!
Marina in JP is sweet as fuck, Pearl is a spoiled brat
Marina in Murrica an are is Marie with a swirl, Pearl is just kinda neutral with a side of brat.

range, knockback or damage boost from Sub Power Up
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Gentlemen, how do we fix the stingray?
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ngyes feet too pls
delete this nasty shit
Faster horizontal movement
What do the grey fish do in single player?
protip: you can use the buttons on the left joycon for pixel by pixel building
get a capacative stylus
You get exp and money but your actual ranking will not change or at least increase to my knowledge.
Obtain proficiency

It's really good. Just hard to use. Maybe a bit better DPS would be good though. Too often I hit people a bunch of times but they escape anyways.
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Those exist? Awwwww shit.
Y'all should check the job guide from the grizzco menu, it details all the different events and salmonids.
I guess I'll just have to stick with normie drawing for now until it arrives. It was only 8 bucks, not a bad deal.
is there a good range to use them? I find that trying to get people from across the map is pointless and just wastes time trying to aim for them and dragging my fat ass to try to get them and needing to aim again.
If you told this was a Splatoon screenshot last year I wouldn't have believed you
Motherfucker seabagged me after getting a kill on me. I preceded to get three kills off on him and win the game after that.

It feels so fucking good.
holy shit salmon run has become fucking impossible
Its not so much for killing as it is pestering people across the map who are either trying to go somewhere or are already fighting a teammate. Keep in mind it shoots through walls.
this is not going to work anon
impossible with shitters, yes
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>A bear owned company commissions children over radio to go out and slaughter another sentient race and steal their spawn
>the children do it no questions asked for the pursuit of material gain
I thought this was a kid's game
Why didn't I get the shirt from salmon run yesterday I had over 200 points?
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>mfw high tide on round 3
Dammit Nintendo, why must you remind us that the Squid Sisters will never be back together in this game outside that one section of the final battle?
is there any reason not to spam tickets as soon as you get em
>is there a good range to use them?
They're amazing at sweeping campers out from crossmap type distances. Super high tier for Tower Control and Rainmaker too because of it's ability to bully the motherfuck out of the tower or rainmaker carrier/barrier.
> I find that trying to get people from across the map is pointless
It often is, but I have found it helpful for fending off competing "long range" guns. They arrive to the frontline, I stingray their asses and deny them their position/cover of choice and my allies tend to finish them.

>Its not so much for killing as it is pestering people across the map who are either trying to go somewhere or are already fighting a teammate
This is a good understanding.
they are the muslims of the splatoon world, dont feel bad for killing them
Has anyone gotten Murch to increase slots? He keeps telling me he's too busy.
Anon, after that one scroll that got way too real about the pointlessness of social media posts, I don't think I know what to think any more.
You pick up rewards from the counter next to the Grizzco entrance.
Come again?
Inklings have already banished a race they were best buds with to the fucking underground, who now must simulate the outdoors and sunlight in order to stay sane. They have no morals.
Is the game in any way less fun for you to play directly due to non playable characters
Ignore him. I'm guessing he's the autist triggered by the term "seabag". That or he was the dude you killed.
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>cats in the cradle plays in the distance
Can you not post to the not-miiverse without a linked social media account? What the fuck is this.
>This guy sperging out about the absence of the Squid Sistsers

Damn son, calm down they'll be back in Splatoon 3 :^)
You can't, and it's annoying.

I made a throwaway to deal with it. I won't follow anyone on the twitter account so it'll basically be a photo dump.

Honestly, I like it because it helps with my vertical aim with the gyro controls. And you can usually finish stages in about 3 mins anyways.
which one? got a pic?
every non-shit artist has a twitter account
Does anyone know what the OK threshold in your rank means?
>can't decide between looking fresh and actually useful abilities

I don't think I need two ink res mains, but damn if this shirt isn't cute as fuck
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You know in your heart what the right answer is.

Fashion, always.
Huh, the Chirpy Chips shirt is available on SplatNet.

Like anyone really remembers them from the first game, right?
The singer girl was quite popular with /ink/.
No, they just made the best battle songs
no big deal
The what?
After 2 days the joycons feel better to aim with than a keyboard and mouse. I need to figure out how I can use them to aim in Overwatch.
>No one throws their goddamn bombs into the flyfish
It's literally in the tutorial, it's like I'm the only one who knows how to kill them.
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>not looking fresh with good abilities
Shooting games are the one thing I actually want more motion controls for.
Oh yeah this is a great "fuck you"
Most people know how to kill them, its just finding a spot where you have enough ink to throw a bomb and youre not getting surrounded by shit.

If mobs are flowing in from 2 sides and there was already a boss up its pretty hard to find a chance to toss in bombs unless its just below a nice ledge where nothing paths through.
How do I get the shirt from salmon run? I got the points and its checkmarked but no shirt ?
So how in the fuck do you get the other pieces of gear from the amiibos? Some people said level 6, but nothing's happening.
you cash in your bonus
Ask for the bonus. Head to Grizzco from the lobby and there should be a booth left of the entrance to get it.
I think its the ability to have my turning sens and my precision aiming sens to be different numbers, I dont have to deal with a fucking 15 inch 360 just so I can properly aim.
Fuck off yukari you old hag
those and the fucker that lobs bombs from his hat

Although I found that you can reflect the umbrella guy's rocket into him to kill him easily
Have they said anything about where the fuck Callie is after the main story? Is she going to come back in a patch or something?
No, she's gone.
No but that doesn't make this less infuriating. They had four holographic concerts for fucks sake, how could they be so dismissive of one half of their de facto mascot for the series?
>Everyone mans the turret
>Quota is failed to get met because no goes for the golden eggs
>Steelhead spawns and buttfucks every turrent
idols come and go, spend some time in the /jp/ idol thread, new women almost every few months
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So should I be doing ranked even though I suck ass? I just want to try modes other than turf war, but will it fuck up my ranks or whatever?
Hahaha this is so good
Yeah, remember that time Nintendo replaced Mario and Luigi as mascots for their games?
If you're shit then you'll just spend time with other shitters. It's no big deal.
Callie died in the ending.
Who else Pro/fresh/ional here?
She can sing as a corpse, that's impressive
Alright /ink/. How do I actually connect my Switch to internet? Router is in the laundry room and can't be moved, I also can't run a cord from there, up through the living room and then into the game room.
>Marina still makes Death Grips jokes

Truly, she is worst girl.
play in the laundry room
>Mario and luigi are idol popstars
>Callie and Marie are idol popstars and not mascots for a video game
When you start playing ranked, you start from the bottom of the barrel anyway, so don't worry and just do it.
The make-believe line sort of works, if you take it as coming from naivite rather than malice.
What the fuck kind of meme are umbrellas
what a shit weapon
also fuck that level
What are the chances they buff the stingray? It's really shit compare to the other specials
how do i get good with the blaster?
they are virtual idols
face it anon, they have been replaced by pearl and Marina
and in splat 3, they're gonna replace pearl and marina for 2 new idols
There isn't really an ELO hell in Splatoon. You win a match, you gain a couple points. You get past a point threshold, you go up a rank.
Anyone up for some Salmon Run?

Friend Code is SW-2729-3339-7972
You need it for screenshots too, which in my case is the reason I made it.
And how their own Squid Sisters Stories said they were more popular than ever before? They wouldn't have wasted time with that or the Sunken scrolls echoing how happier they were as a duo if they didn't want to make people feel so strongly.
They're idol popstars in-game, so they thought it accurate to swap them because the game is set two years after. To say Callie and Marie are the mascots of Splatoon is also stupid considering they weren't even revealed until a direct after the initial E3 reveal. Judd fits the role of a mascot better or just the Inkling girl herself, the one who is always front and center in most promotional splatoon images.
Kinda sucks the sunken scrolls don't offer any more lore bits

It's just memes this time
I don't even think there's a brella we can use in multiplayer, is there?
Salmon Run is better than the main game, why is it not permanently available? What is the actual reason?
They can't bring her back to an active role without having two simultaneous canons, because you know there are tons of people who will never beat the single player.

And they're not going to write extra dialogue for the handful of people who bother completing the single player, either. Your best shot is that she comes back in Splatoon 3.
you can play with it in singleplayer
and it sucks
to keep queue times low
Maybe they knew that and didn't want to split the playerbase too much
any abilitys that increase your gun damage?
Judd was told to plug his cryogenic pod back in when get gets out, along with an apology from whoever put him in it. So there is that, at least.
it's coming later

I actually like it
no it broke the gun balance in the first game
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>It's a high tide, all your teammates are dead, and you're stuck with Blaster episode
Don't let them get in your zone. The key disadvantage is that if they're too close, you're dead. A direct hit outside of the killzone only does 30 damage. Get the range, then connect the shots. Two splash hits or one direct does the job.

Leading in with the Toxic Mist can be a good idea sometimes, but take note that you only have three shots after you throw it if you want to immediately engage. Slap some Sub Saver or Main Saver onto your gear for more shots.

Jump and shoot. If you played the first game, jumping makes you surprisingly evasive for some dumb reason. Just be warned that any time you're in the air, your aim will go to shit. The projectile will sometimes aim left or right of where you're trying to shoot, so if you want the precise shot, stay on the ground.

Blast shitters around corners and low walls and you'll be golden. Also, don't use Thermal Ink. It doesn't work with Blasters. I had to learn that the hard way.
You have videos of good charger play? See like seeing it in action would help me out.
Yeah that was weird. I wonder why he was told to keep his pod powered on.
Is there not some kind of USB wifi receiver I can plug in?
Whats the freshness bonus?
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>literally lose every 1v1 I get into

Oh my fuck why do I suck so hard at this?
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They had Damage Up in the first game but it was removed.

play the splattershot

you need no skill for that and will always trade with them if not survive and kill them
Mayve the tickets you got don't match the food Sean is serving
Depends on your budget. For general internet utility you may want to look into a MoCA adapter, which will allow you to run your internet through your coaxial (tv) wires.
The pod doubled as a cloning device, so that Judd wouldn't be alone. The cloning function doesn't activate until he gets out of the pod.
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Tfw I take damage in single player on purpose so I can see my inkling half naked
It got removed? Shit, I'm buying Squidforce for no reason.

What gear brands should I buy that are most beneficial?
some people dont have the game yet
Post squid boobies
The meta is non-existent, so we really don't know
See>>183521728 and all the stuff ingame indicating the exact opposite of your claims that they are no longer popular.

Literally just asking for her model and some lines in Octo canyon, a mention by Marie of where she went, or anything beyond the whole lot of nothing there now. Why do you assume this is so unreasonable?
>two simultanious canons
Everyone seems to think this and it's the most retarded shit ever. What magical force is stopping nintendo from putting in something for the squid sisters to do just because they'd have to lock it behind single player? I mean, you already unlock gear in single player, and that's something other players who havent beaten it can actually see, why is it somehow worse when it's something only people who beat it can see? What the actual fuck is your logic here? Other than more work, but Off the Hook have like 3 lines a stage now, it's not that much work.

when in doubt movement abilities or ink efficiency abilities are the go to
>tfw you play Splatoon so much you instinctively slightly hesitate before getting in water
haha fuck
Just got Splatoon 2, and I've got a question about the single player mode. Can you farm Sardinium?
How do I ban anime pictures from my square
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called the police
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>attack and defense ups removed from game
>called Tentamissles
>fires eight

...and why weren't these called the Octomissles again?
The final Splatfest will be Squid Sisters vs Off the Hook, screencap this
There is a hidden one in every map.
x menu->options->other->post display off
Either you remove all or you have all.
>deranks when other players DC
This is inexcusable and that it happens in all modes with ranking is astonishing
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Why would you need to farm it? I haven't found what it's used for yet

There's 1 in every map and zone so I imagine they made it so thats enough for everything
And I would need the USB/ethernet adapter, right?
You could put a router right next to your Switch using the MoCA and just use that, but if you're going to do that much a third party Nintendo usb/ethernet adapter is under twenty bucks and the cost of one more ethernet cord is inconsequential.
I know that, but do they respawn every time you replay a mission?
>Isn't called squidmissiles
>why weren't these called the Octomissles
Tentacles aren't squid exclusive
I get attack up but having defence would be nice
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how do octolings reproduce?
This game makes me wanna unironically kill myself.
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They cut their arm off and spawn another one
>e-liter with no damage up or burst bombs OR KRAKEN

Yeah, no. Im sticking with splatoon 1 until nintendo gets their shit togheter.
Well you only get 10 eggs instead the second time.
Stop playing turf war and play salmon run
I'm starting a round now, but the lobby should be up again in 5 minutes if anyone else wants to join
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>that one fucking retard in tower control who sits back and does who the fuck knows what while I'm on the tower
How do these people remember to breathe?
wew shitter
amiibo gear list where?
I wish one of the chargers had a good special weapon. all the ones they have are shit, ink storm, stingray and bomb launcher
Because somebody needs to kill all the incomming inklings, retard.
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>high tide
>night time
Still not as bad as 2 steelheads
Fuck, if you start a game with just 2, it won't find anyone else? What the fuck
Communication error
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They are hydras
They remove a tentacle to make a new octo-x. What that could become differentiates a lot.
Actual octolings are more like elite specimens

That and its implied that they also all wear hypnoshades despite octonids beint very loyal in the first place.
I fucking give up, it keeps fritzing out and putting me in games with just two people
What are the fish in single player for?
I'm referring to the players who find it a smart idea to stay on our side of the map just in case they do a complete rotate.
upgrading your shit
After the first boss, you use them to pay for upgrades.
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>high tide glowflies on wave one
>team wipe on wave one
They upgrade your weapons/ink/bombs within single player to make getting the hero replicas way less tedious.
And if they're so absurdly lazy they can't spare a single line for Marie, I volunteer my own:

>"Callie's super busy with her new movie, but she wanted me to say "thanks" for her. "
>"When Gra- I mean the boss gets back, the Squid Sisters are going to stage a comeback show. You'll get a front row seat of course. "
"Callie seemed to like those shades, so I got her some that wouldn't brainwash her. They actually look pretty fresh on her!"

That sure was hard.
What the fuck, this is the easiest wave you can possibly get, its a free 20 eggs.
>dreading running through all missions to get a hero splatling and dualies
>forgot to upgrade
>upgraded tank
>upgraded splatling
>flying through all these fucking missions
easier than expected

I've seen the lunacy of the fully upgraded Hero Shot. How are the other upgraded hero weapons
What is the point of playing Salmon Run if I don't have friends with a switch?
They're all pretty ridiculous, though of course saving up the currency for them without redoing levels is a pain.

I blitzed getting the hero shot replica and it was trivial because the fire rate was so high I could just demolish everything.
Some of these missions are a real pain in the inkhole with certain weapons
you'd think they'd add the octobrush to the rotation first
if they haven't already, i haven't been playing a lot
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Why does ranked make me less angry than turf war?

Does that mean essentially all Octlings are basically clones of each other?
WHERE IS THE UMBRELLA DLC? Why does the fucking brush get priority?
Never have I cringed harder.
They're both shit anyway.
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>tfw your teammate guides grillers into everyone else
Indeed, but only if your team understands not to spread out and just face them head on.
How do I deal with brushes as Aerospray, my attack range isnt really much longer than theirs is, and they dont have to aim.
Just NoA butchering yet another character in "localization".
Salmon run?
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>our whole team gets wiped in the last 3 second of wave three over gold eggs nobody could've actually gotten anyways
I don't know why everyone jumped for them when there was a griller two feet away from it, but we did.
Yakuza 0 Goro Majima tie-in?

Nonono, you want them to see you're coming and camp your landing spot.

Then you can give them the splashdown surprise.
>play turf war
>despise everybody on my team
>play salmon rush
>would die for anybody on my team
Yes, budding creates a child that's genetically identical to the parent. Most real life animals that bud also have some way of sexual reproduction so the entire species isn't exactly the same.
Hi /ink/, avoided this place for a week before the game came out, but done with story mode now. Anyway, I wanted to ask how important are abilities on gear, because I want to start getting into multiplayer and I don't know if I should be going batshit over my abilities, since they don't seem to make too much difference unless there's a lot. Thanks.
Marinas personality doesnt fit her mannerism at all.
Marie does have one line about Callie. She "ran off somewhere" apparently.
Really if there's no update coming ninty shouldn't have bothered with the Squid Sisters Stories. Why put in extra effort to build up the return if they were just gonna shit all over it out of lazyness?
On the plus side, you can craft abilities now if you're persistent enough about it.
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>steel eel manages to wrap around me and kill me
>someone ressed while I'm still in the eel loop
>ordering clothes in the splatoon app to send it to my game

Should I bother playing the story mode? Is there anything to get besides meal tickets?
if you play through all the levels with each weapon you can unlock the hero skins in the shop

Hero Skins of certain weapons
Hero Armour
Zapfish in the Square
Save Callie temporarily
Techinically yes, though it seems they evolve or change with huge varience. Octolings and Octavio are the only ones with human intelligence.
The boss machines are made by one fresh tentacle being locked inside said machine powering it with a zapfish.
You get a set of clothing that has 4 slots avaliable
>notice I'm the only one alive in salmon run
>oh fuck oh fuck this is the end
>turn around and see all 3 of my teammates huddled together
>revive them all with the slosher instantly
best team
meant to reply to>>183526698
How many hero weapons do you have so far, /ink/?
that line in the DJ Octavio rematch;
>Hmm... This fight reminds me of a certain Splatfest.
The writing was probably one of my favourite parts of the single player of a multiplayer focused third person shooter.
>High Tide
>2 Steel Eels
>First wave
Didn't even get a single egg.
I liked mine better, since for a start they actually make sense. And don't act as bait for disgusting NTR mindbreak freaks. I hate to use my imagination for such things, but if they're too thick to make a half decent conclusion it it falls to me to do the work they ought to have done themselves.
For me as a noob moray towers is sucks on tower control. When you lose a push you have basicly lost the game. Can someone with knowledge give their opinion plz.
Ignore my autism, but how do we get clothes we order through the app?
what percentage
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>play ranked
>entire team shoots the tower to get it to move
talk to the mini spike kid next to the online multiplayer gate
Little spyke whatever his name is

He has a separate orders for annie's stuff. Not sure how long he holds onto it for
but he doesnt have squinty eyes.
>The software has closed as an unexpected error has occurred

She ran off again because she cant handle the fame and prefers privacy.
The joke being that callie and marie are the opposite in personality when they are not idoling.
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>Final Wave
>High Tide
>2 Stingers show up
>2 Steel Eels show up
>get completely fucked sideways, frontways squareways and every other way you can think of
>miss quota by 1 egg
>lose promotion
Preeeeety suspicious...
>taking the rainmaker to our own base

just why
How does salmon run work? I have 200 points, does that mean I got the shirt? Also, holy fuck I love salmon run.
Gotta collect your bonus from outside.
it was singleplayer
but still concerning to be honest
whoops was meant for
Whose idea was it to put moray towers back into the game
thank you
probably because it got voted for the most in the last splatfest. blame chargerfags
They needed a map that favors chargers

The current ones are pretty bad for them
this question has been asked at least 10 times in this thread and answered every time. lurk first holy shit
Is there a way to force solo salmon run?

Japanese players love it


Yet chargers appear to have become an even higher skill weapon
Kinda want the safari hat but quick respawn is ass
A canyon in the middle of nowhere with nobody else but Marie and Agent 4 isn't private enough? That sounds like grasping at straws to justify half assed explanation.
What's going to be the new meme gear like that this time?

The masks seem to be really popular right now
Source on pic
it's because they're fresh
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>welcome to da salty splatoon how tough are ya?
Is there a reason to keep doing Salmon Run after you have the daily tickets and the only rewards left are those shirts every 400 points or so?
raise your title to get more challenging gameplay
I like moray towers

The real question is why did they bring back port mackerel, that one is horrible
Non-chargerfag here, I actually really like Moray. The map allows you to be surprisingly mobile if you remember that rails exist and that you can swim up walls.

Though I've never really faced a competent charger on it, so your mileage may vary, I guess.
If you have comcast though, they routinely disable that shit if you have it enabled. I went through the trouble of doing that mocha latte shit and I eventually found out online that they'll do that to you. So be careful with that. Getting a powerline adapter is probably more reasonable.

Do the shirts past 200 points rotate every month?
ranked is cancer atm.
one round someone was camping on our basket and it's 3v4 the whole game
If you like the shirt you got you can always go for the ability chunks/money by scrapping the shirts.

Seriously. I cant enjoy some challenge, but if I want to get ass-raped every other match i'll go to ranked. The first SR rotation was fun because it wasn't difficult, but you could still lose if you fucked up. The second rotation is such aids.
You get the superbonus every 600 points I think
Sure hope so. I don't really like the Polo since I have nothing to match with it
There's probably no meme gear this time, since annie's shop sells gear with variable mains
where in the fuck is the scroll in the level where you get the octobrush
only twice
The shoes from the app store look okay with it
I know that first polo rotates they say so in the news when you log on

But there's other gear at 800 points or so as well which I'm wondering about
why is there no turf war in ranked?
Better question is why is ranked three goofy cluster fuck meme-modes on rotation instead of one gamemode that requires strategy and skill
I test my weapons in ranked.
Yeah so?
Because turf war is casual for fun nonsense.
ranked modes are for glory only.
Powerline is easier but less reliable and slower. Depending on the quality of your respective lines MoCA is usually better. Of course, if your ISP fucks you then you don't have a choice.
what makes turf war 'casual' and any less competitive than the other modes?
Can you team with a friend for turf war?
Aren't the inklings suppose to change you restart the game? I still have the same inklings from yesterday.
I always ride the cart in tower control
I was wondering if maybe only people who've made art posts show up.
And I exclusively test blasters.
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You're obviously retarted, opinion discarded
what sensitivity do you think i should use?
>Tiny skill gap
Ranks don't mean anything yet
What specific reason would I want to do grizzco? I already have the shirt, I dont exactly need cash because I cant do anything with the cash before I level up enough to be scrubbing and rerolling gear.

Single player gets me weapon skins and tickets to catch up with exp I didnt get 'cause I was doing single player instead of multiplayer. Multiplayer actually gets me levels to unlock gear with more slots. What does grizzco get me that I want?
I can't into motion controls. What are your sensitivity settings? Currently doing okay but feel I don't have entire control at -4 gyro -1 sick. Feels like I'm wavin all over the place and hard to keep steady.
Turned off Gyro, I can't be bothered to learn it. Just up your sensitivity by 3 and you'll be fine imo.
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