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/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 793
Thread images: 214

Previous: >>183107760

Game released with Prologue (Fuyuki) and Chapters 1 (Orléans) and 2 (Septem)

>[Mega Pastebin]

- Chaldea Gate: Daily Quests - http://fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
- Drop rates (click on the NA tab): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
- Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread.

>[Master Recruitment Campaign]
Campaign Period: June 26, 2017 (Mon) 4:00 ~ July 31, 2017 (Mon) 23:59 UTC

>[66,666 Facebook likes, Gilgamesh rate up - Pt.2]
Campaign period: July 13, 2017 (Thu) 4:00 ~ July 20, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
Log-in consecutively for the period mentioned above to gain Summon Tickets and other prizes

>[Other Campaigns & Miscellaneous stuff]
- The voucher distribution Campaign got extended and will restart on July 19, 4:00 UTC (TONIGHT). Pick up ends August 03. - http://fate-go.us/news/?article_id=44304
- First Order Bluray Release Celebration Quest - July 06~31st.
- The Half-AP cost Campaign is in effect until July 20th.
- Master Mission - Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
- Friendlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
- Add yourself to the list: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

>not giving your loyal costumers another 4* voucher

What a bunch of faggots.
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Do whatever you want with Kuro though.
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What do Jannus armpits smell like?
Eh you can claim your ticket until the 27th now
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Reminder to not turn this thread into a fucking shitflinging contest.
Nobody cares if your favourite servant can beat the other one.
>been with the game since Day 1
>didn't even reroll once
I wouldn't mind a Marie, or perhaps a Tamamo NP2. I think that would just get confusing, though.
Do you think Nero could beat my dick?
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Sweaty metal, given she has chains under there 24/7. Don't the chains cause chaffing too?


Either get a class of what you lack a 4* servant for, get a meta pick (Herc), or get a dick pick.
when Apocrypha ends and they add a Apocrypha only gacha

He's going to be limited
I mean, my servant could kick Nero's ass tbqh.
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Oh yeah? Well my servant is Stheno and she's so weak she can't beat anyone but I still love her anyway, even if she doesn't actually love me back.
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Speaking of Apocrypha, can I watch it immediately after S/N, or are there other prerequisites for it (as to not miss shit, etc)?
My cock > servants
So if I have 400 by now, how many MPs should I farm a day?

>>Implying that Gil or Merlin are beatable by 99% of people/non-god tiers.
But can Nero beat Nero Bride?
Why is she low tier in FGO?
aww look babby's first fate thread
Nah mate she is definitely for Fug
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>be the legendary king of knights and the greatest hero of Britain
>be the servant of the most powerful class
>have to fight an unarmed world history teacher
>get btfo
What did she mean by this?
>get a meta pick (Herc)
Already have Emiya and Herc.
>get a dick pick
Already have Retardcat.
>a class of what you lack a 4* servant for
I mean, I guess I lack a 4* saber if you don't count Lily, but I'm not bothering with Sieg or d'Eon on those qualifications.

Although I don't have a 4* rider anyways, and I've really had fun with support Maries and her invulnerability skill.
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Remember, just 160 days until Christmas!
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Need to make a compilation image of these.
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So what's your dream team friends?

Mine is Atalanta, Jack and Nursery Rhyme.
>gets surprised by an assassin using obscure martial arts and buffed to servant level by a mage from the Age of Gods

Can you not post the same bullshit in two threads please.
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Remove onegai
After F/SN
The point I was trying to make is that EMIYAs stats are incredibly misleading because he is able to essentially spam BPs
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Nero looks like she needs to take a break from feasting and go on a walk

Marie is great for FUCKING INVINCIBLE like Cu, while Martha is a solid healer, removes debuffs, and has a AoE Buster NP. If you're a tier whore, I think Martha is technically higher on the list than Marie.
Am I edgy if I really like her NP animation?
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How the fuck do you even manage to get that many. I haven't gotten a single fucking Caster monument.
How much grind was that?

Im ready to save everything Jack needs so I can max her out with grails the moment shes available.
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Remove this

>20 or so of each monument

How fucking long did that take? Did you completely ignore farming QP/MP?

ban this sick filth
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Yes. Bride.
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Edge Family is my dream team
Can you get pieces and monuments in nerofest?
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Okita, Nobu and somebody else, probably Chacha.
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>sexualising Kids

In the Moon goddess thing, which is immediately after nerofest.
Only if you like it because of the edgy shit she says and the sheer brutality of it
True, and that's why I've enjoyed using her. She's stupid hard to kill, and Cu/Marie together just makes a silly team which keeps on going regardless of what they're fighting.

I'm not much of a tierfag and, to be honest, I'd probably just wait for Rider Kintoki or some other top-tier Rider if I was that concerned. Until then, I'll just be fine with Medusa and/or Ushi.

>tfw like Stage 1 Bride Nero and Stage 1 Lily Saber more than their ascensions

Sometimes the lower levels look better for whatever reason.
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Was on the grind as much as I could even through work.
Could've done better with MP but got a decent amount of QP.
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I really want Okita after all that Okita posting from earlier.
Ready enough to get both vlad and waver to 80, seems good enough for me desu
Dress Lily looks better imo, but I can see why you'd want the armour

Nero just plain looks fucking stupid in her later ascensions
those are cups, don't apply human concepts on them

>only 113 MP

You're fucked boyo.
There's an eligibility period that ends on the 20th, though. Better be sure about this because they fucked it up before.
Moon goddes allows you to get 20 of both pieces and monuments for
Rider, Assasin and Archer
Halloween is for
Lance, Saber, Caster and Berserker, 20 of each too.
>majin seiba
never ever
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>113 MP
I'm still using the Stage 1 Tamamo Cat, despite her already having one ascension and being close to a second. Her robes look nicer than the silly apron anyways.

I also switched Cu Caster's cards back to his first stage, although I kept his sprite and card at Stage 2. I was running into too many problems where I was mixing up Cu Lancer and Cu Caster, and the hood makes it a lot easier to distinguish.
Not me but... H-How much should we have?
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Musashi is cute!
Fuck all my stashed XP are gone and Jannu still isn't 90. Topped at 85. I really underestimated the costs.

At least 1000.
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>Berserker Herakles can't even get past a Wraith or kill a Servant with DCC stats before dying 6 times himself
>thinking he can beat anyone
bout tree fiddy
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>All these people with +30 monuments +1000 MP and +100mill QP and both boxes filled with *4 exp cards
How the fuck do you people do it
Seeing you people games and then mine makes me feel like I'm playing wrong
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I don't see the problem, neither I see the problem that the first ascension is just making the sword have flames.
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>Wanted EMIYA
>Wanted Gil
>Want Kuro
>Want Nobu
Having all my favorites be Archers suck
At least I won't need to spend quartz on anyone now
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>Not me
You'll see autists saying that you need 2000 already, got 500 myself

The only CE worth a damn is Lunchtime, you'll be fine.
How old is Ushi when she's summoned?
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>"Nero's wife, Poppaea Sabina, died in 65, supposedly kicked to death by Nero. In the beginning of 66"
No thanks
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>Majin Seiba/Okita Alter is added as a 5*
>She's made into a Sumanai-tier 5* like Scheherazade and Amakusa
I like Jeanne level 1 more than the later ones, since I think her cloak looks really cool. I wish her final ascent had her wearing a white cloak.
I have +30 monuments but only 2 guaranteed saber ones so it's not all that bright for most.
Use quartz to refill AP
Fake history
Nero dindu nuffin. She's a good girl and the best Emperor ever as you saw in Septem.
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>second archive and main reserved stacked with XP if I need MP
Can't win em all I guess.
Sounds about right.

Why is there no calculator for this.
Far too old
Seibah bullying is the best parts of FSN and F/Z
>she's made into a 5.0 with great stats and shit abilities
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For u
You should have at least 750 by this point. That is the minimum, with about 1250 being more reasonable. If you have less than 750 you did something very wrong over the last few days.
Don't tell me you fuckers still believe this shit will last beyond December.Why are you all so stupid?
Only idiots waste quartz on AP
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Tacitus made it up! He didn't kick her it was a miscarriage.

I got 18 monuments, 1k mp, 40m QP and could probably fill up on exp cards before the 1/2 ap ends, and this is on an account rerolled the day the event started. If I had that extra week and a half I would probably have a lot more done.
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>tfw seeing all these loaded account when I hadn't played for like 2 weeks and only got in for the daily logins and grinded all my AP overflow today for Saber, Lancer, Archer pieces and monuments
Stop making me feel bad you jerks
Are you fags just like grinding the middle tier ember dailies and selling silver exp?
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Has the Monkeys Paw ever come into effect super hard on the JP side of things?
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>have enough saber xp cards to level her to 80 and have all the mats to fully ascend her
>fsn rate up is still one day away
My waifu is on the bottom row, and with one exception every girl I want is on the bottom row.
>Blavatsky is smaller than literal children
That's so sad


1k should have been extremely doable for everyone. You just grind hands and sell the exp.
Are you stupid?
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I swear to fuck everytime one of you jackholes with Nero posts I get the need to roll for a chance at her despite the nearness of her rate up. Please cease and desist for my Quartz and wallet's health.
>he still thinks we're going to have the fsn rate up
That honestly sounds easy enough. I have half of each of those amounts(aside from the full box of 4*exp, that's piss easy) and I've been playing haphazardly after I got my Jeanne to 90 a week or so ago.
Don't bully
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>tfw I have ascended from such trifling matters and want girls from all rows
Don't tell me they're skipping to nerofest
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Don't bother about this too much. The only necessary shop CE that everyone must get is Lunch time. Since these CEs are bounded to the upcoming new year, I doubt they will release it before New Years starting with Mona Lisa (it will stay up for 3 months and it should have a lower price than when it got released in JP FGO for the first time), and you should only aim to get all the shop CEs if you want to help others and swim in FP. Furthermore, our first event could get 500 mana prisms in some sort of a revamped shop or if it's Nero Fest, the lottery gacha from the redux event, making grinding Prisms EZ.
I hope we don't but I wouldn't be surprised if we do.
>9 monuments away from Martha's Final ascension
May the lord grant me fortune.
you do realize the first MP CE is in a year right?
Maybe if people arent autistic and have been grinding those since day 1.

Thats the most effective strategy if all you need are prisms.

However, with 1/2ap it might be more beneficial to use the high tier daily so you can abuse level up overflows.
>That honestly sounds easy enough
How? Just by playing diligently every day through all the dailies?
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>Missing 2 weeks of login rewards
No, I was grinding the 40/20 AP daily and selling the gold cards (after I filled up both my inventories). You get the same reward and x3 exp for doing the 20AP, for only 5 more AP than the 15. The extra exp allowed me to keep leveling for quite awhile, which meant more grinding on the 40AP daily, for more cards, exp and levels. I'm level 103 right now and have 1421 Mana Prisms and 45 million QP.

Right now you should be taking advantage of the 1/2 AP to do the 40AP mission for the extra experience points and keep focusing on leveling yourself for AP overflow.
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Nero can beat anyone if she manages to lock them up in the Golden Theater.
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Well you see the thing is that the last time I saw an Herk fanboy say he was the strongest and other stupid shit, she ended up like this.
1k is easy

I could've gone more but I needed to farm QP
Read again
The chink version apparently skipped it, so people are hoping we will too, because they want mats. We can only wait.
It should be New Years, though.
>she ended up like this.
She's obviously taking a rest.
Does anyone else have a suicide NP besides JANNU?
You just farm the 20 AP exp daily. That's it. Then you can do some QP every once in a while. It's that simple.
Post them boys

We're close to finishing half AP farming

Literally what else are you doing in this game?

Anything with the story content is a horrible idea since nothing there is covered by 1/2 AP

grinding ascension materials is a waste since Nerofest and Moon Goddess are happening soon

Grinding QP is the next best thing you could do, but you should have had time to get your 1k MP and grind QP afterwards.
>suicide NP
Coconut best cat
The only real suicide NP is Arash's
Angry Manjew
>saw in Septem

What I saw in Septem was:

>Wow, Nero seems so nice right now. Shame she turns into one of the worst historical tyrants
Are the Gears obtainable in Nerofest or do I have to wait forever for them to be introduced?
There is no need for the event.

If you wanted Artoria you would have rerolled for her. Everyone has an EMIYA or Herc from the ticket campaign. That leaves all the other F/SN characters who are 3*
She has La Pucelle.
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your account is mine
Ushi is perfection
>377k friend points
Damn, I have 372k and thought I as doing pretty good.
I can't wait til the daily grinding is over, I'm starting to lose my mind.

Spartacus if he has way too much magical energy stored up.
>playing a mobage 24/7
I'm sorry, anon.
I've spent something close to 40k FP actually
>tfw only have 86 mp and 32 million qp
At least I have more void dust than i'll ever possibly need
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>want to roll Okita, Scathath, and Jack
I'm basically fucked, right?
La Pucelle simulates her burning at the stake to annihilate any target in order to save something
Post pics
>lantern drop rates
Holy shit, my Bakaserker will stay at 50 for a long time
She uses Luminose Eternelle here you idiot.
>I can't wait til the daily grinding is over, I'm starting to lose my mind.

You'll love events, since those are all about grinding, are you retarded? This is a fucking mobage, it's grinding all day every day
Remainder that spending 300 quartz (100 rolls) will only net you a 63 percent chance to get a 5* servant and it is even lower if you want a specific 5* in rate-up.

Also remainder to not roll in nerofest banner unless you want altera.
She is resting for all eternity
Same and yes. I'll just focus on Okita, pray for no Jeanne spook and see about Poopchute later on.

5 free from quests, 10 in the shop from trading medals.
>grinding ascension materials is a waste
Unless you're grinding monuments which is literally the only thing I need. There's actually no reason to grind MP unless you're worried you won't have enough in a fucking year
I want Nero though.
You guys and all the stuff you've managed grind are making me feel inadequate and like if everything I've done until now is wrong.
>Been board waiting for Nerofest
>Decide "fuck it, let's level up Lancelot"
>Get him to lvl 50, hop into a daily
>NP is pretty ok, only does like 8,000 on buster cards though,that's kinda shit
>Three 100% crit chance buster cards come up
>Does 60,000+ damage in one turn by himself

I-Is this what it feels like when you know you've found your waifu?
horseshoes are also obtainable I'm guessing then?
Please tell me watching Carnival Phantasm without having read tsukihime or melty blood is ok.

I really want to watch it, but I haven't because of that.
You get 5 just from completing one of the quests in Nerdfest. Why do you think everyone is clamoring for it?
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If I mange to get all the monuments I do, I will post a stage 4 pic.
If not, I'll prob do it when I eventually achieve it when it happens.
Doesn't change the fact that she has a suicide NP.
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>mfw i'm going to roll in the Nerofest banner for Nero.
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I want to get my NP2 Altera higher!!!
What's the chance of getting a specific 4* servant during a rate up?
Yes? She still has a suicide NP, so what's your point
you only really need like 150 million QP to be in an alright spot, I'm fairly sure the mana prisms are gonna end up being a meme by the time we actually get lunchtime for purchase. iirc it was only an issue in JP because it was a surprise.
It's ok my dude just skip the tsukihime scenes
>Can I watch this comedy anime that revolves around jokes about these two series without watching one of those series?
Do you laugh at your friends inside jokes without knowing their origin? Obviously not, because it's not funny if you don't know the joke.

>I really want to watch it, but I haven't because of that.
Clearly not enough because if you truly did you'd have done that.
surely it can't be too hard to get a rate-up 4*
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Its okay anon. as long as you don't care that you will never get FP from friends because you don't have Lunchtime or Mona Lisa, you'll be fine.


This is everything that will be available.
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>have shit for archers
>gil event about to end
>yolo last 20 quartz for a chance at atlanta's rate up, setting expectations low
>get gil on the last roll
I'm gonna get a tripple Nero roll, I can feel it in my bones.
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Wait from what I understood from last thread, the guy arguing for Herakles said all normal attacks are "the same" as long as the source is the same weapon. Doesn't that mean that Lancelot would only need to keep picking up random shit and he would still kill Herakles all 12 times with his A STR? If he picks a stick and then a pole they are basically 2 different weapons.
You'll be fine, 75% of Carnival Phantasm was Fate stuff, and the Tsukihime material stood well enough on it's own. I still recommend reading Tsukihime and Kagetsu Tohya anyway.
Eh, you'll miss out on whatever jokes that are Tsukihime related.

Melty blood you can probably just read a summary or manga for it
Should I be saving Mana Prisms for something?
Read Tsukihime anon
Do it. You'll like some of it, I promise
Fuck it, I'm tired of doing hands, my AP never depletes.
Going to spend 250 AP on mats now.
nothing of value was lost then
When does mona lisa and lunch time come out?
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>Personal lesson CE has a cute olga in it
>Starting to consider buy it first instead of mona or lunch

My fucking autism
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Same, rolling for Altera and Nero.
So, speaking of Nero, people said she wasn't on the Gilgamesh banner? I could have sworn I rolled on that banner when I drew her.
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Should I use a Golden Apple(s) to take advantage of the 1/2 AP to grind for exp/MP, or save them for Nerofest to grind for materials?
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I need this much in mats to ascend my current squad.

Caos Claws: 20
Horseshoes: 15
Demon Hearts: 26
Gears: 33
X Void Dust: 44
Dragon Scales: 10
Pages: 37
Snake Eyes: 6
Crystals: 6
Lanterns: 20
X Proof of Hero: 29
Feathers: 17
Bones: 29

I hope Nerofest is as good as everyone says.
Seriously, who gives a rats ass about FP. All you do with it is get shitty servants and shitty CE's and maybe have a one in million chance to get Angry Manjew. FP is just a meme at this point.
I'll use my tickets for her at least.

>3% just for the regular 4* chance and probably 50%, dunno, for rate up
I don't know the specifics, but it doesn't seem all that easy.
Shit, Herkfags are finished aren't they?
save them
>just want beserker monuments
>get literally everyone besides kintoki
Save for Nerofest.
event CEs

Nerofest mats are INFINITELY more valuable than the MP/exp you'd earn right now.

The final nerofest quest will give you the same rate of master exp you're getting now from dailies at 1/2 ap.
There are limited time event CEs that double drop rates. You can skip grinding now to grind more later I guess.

>shitty servants
Used for interludes for free quartz.

>shitty CEs
Literally the only way to level up your good CEs.

best boy
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>mfw got two serker monuments, but no pieces or caster pieces
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Tfw people complain about drop rates but youre pretty happy with what you got
To get a 4* servant, if you roll 300 quartz, it'll be a 95% chance to get a 4* servant.
Unless i've misunderstood what i've seen in these threads before it goes something like this.

Rate-up Servants have like a 70% chance to be the Servant you draw when you get them. In this case during the Nerofest banner drawing a 4* would give you a 70% chance that it'll be Nero and 30% chance that it's another 4* Servant. Since a 10 roll gives you a 3* or higher Servant guaranteed and a 4* or higher Servant or Craft essence guaranteed in the roll the odds are slightly skewed in a favorable way for a rate-up 4* as opposed to a 5*. Even just a few 10 rolls, like 3 or so, give you a decent shot at that 4* Servant. I think that's how this works, anyway. Someone correct me if i'm wrong, which I might be.
>Hurr durr why do people complain about shitty rates I managed to get good stuff so that means everyone else did durr
Kill yourself
Works for me m8
No shit.
fuck off

Same here, I want a Saber that isn't Lily or the current 3*s available and although I'd like to get Salter, I'd rather take the better chance of getting Nero or Altera.
I need 30 more pieces if i want to ascend all my berserkers
>4 5*
Stop being retarded
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>no Waver

time to reroll, anon
I meant only having two Daily nodes to grind.
I love grinding as a whole, it's just the variety of nodes I have to grind at the moment that is mind numbing.
Finally got Emiya to 60. Where can I get his next mats?

And where's a good place to farm ghost lanterns for Tamacat?
Problem is that it's rare to find just one 4 star on rate up. If there are 3 of them, the odds of getting a specific one are about the same as rolling the 5 star on rate up.
I refuse to do that bullshit, this is my only account and rerolling is only for turbo autismos
>rolling for Waver
>not saving up for Merlin
I spent almost a hundred dollars on quartz today and didn't get a single four star servant.

I am honestly wondering how Type-MOON still has a fanbase after this game.
That's not too bad, thanks.
> Anne is 171 cm
>Mary is 158 cm
Wait, what? That can't be right at all.
what's the difference between rolling a 5* servant by getting the rainbow colored orbs vs rolling a 5* servant by getting the gold crackle? like what determines which happens
>no gil
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Can you count?
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>there are people in this thread that actually believe Memedusa is a strong Servant
Stop thinking with your dicks you stupid idiots.
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>That pile of quartz just sitting there
>piling up
>that aching desire to roll just to roll

Gacha turned me into a fucking gambler wtf.
I thought rainbow was 5 star, gold was 4 star?
You can only get the Nerofest reward drops once, I'm guessing? There's no way they'd be that kind to let us farm ascension/skill materials?
Oh yeah, for sure. But Nerofest is slightly favorable in that regard as Nero is the only 4* on rate-up in the banner. The other rate ups are Altera whose a 5* and then Caesar and Romulus who are 3*. Nero is much easier to pull on her banner than either Lancelot or Atalante on the current banner by the way this all works out.
Anons I got a Vlad and Jeanne dupe from tickets what do I do?
>Herc, three 5* waifus and five 4* waifus

Fuck off, man. You may not have Waver, but people would still kill for an account like that.
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(You) get to touch him. I guess that means (You) are one of his concubine's. Or maybe he's your concubine.
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Come back when you get this hand.
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300 quartz for a 4* is really bad. That's what people spend to get 5*.

Most people really only spend 10 rolls at a time, so if you want to know, 1 ten roll is only a 26% chance to get a 4* servant.

If you do 40 tries, it's 70 percent to get a 4* servant.

40 tries for a 5* servant is 33% chance.

the 40 tries is about the 80$ you spend, so if you want to look at it, 80 dollars only gives u 1/3 chance to get a 5* servant.
Is it impossible to get a 5 star on the tutorial roll? They always come to me on the second.
Should I burn them or use to upgrade NP?
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Not even Kintoki can beat Gudako's futa cock.
wait do you mean in the vn or fgo
because i have no good riders its her or alexander and i don't hear good things about him
That pretty much is what I got, w/o the Medusas.
upgrade vlads np, up to you what you do with the jeanne, her np level just increases her def buff after her np, kinda useless if you ask me but it also allows her to overcharge it further, so thats kinda nice in an arts team I guess?
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Yeah, that has to be wrong. Going by the official artwork they should be at least 30 centimeters apart, probably closer to 45.
Musashi doesn't bath!
I want to fuck Gorgon.
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>Scat and Jack are so close
>I also want Brynhildr because I like her design
>Jack is in the paid new years gacha so I might just gamble it all on that that makes it a choice between scat and bryn
>Scat has 2030 but Brynhildr was never in the Gacha again
This is too hard for me
>blow all gil's freebie tickets
>nothing but 3* dupe servants and CE's
in hindsight it probably would've been better to save that shit
Roll for Scat you fool
So what's her story?
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rare prisms are fucking useless if you dont miss anything
That's is what I'm saying retard. He has a real good account and he goes and says hurr I'm real happy with my account like if his account is a shit-tier one but he doesn't care because it has all his *3 waifus.
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But Scat is guaranteed to reappear while Bryn isn't.
she exists to make my dick hard
she likes poop
She's the great queen of the Shadowland who protects the world of the living from the world of the dead, a master of all forms of warfare as well as one of the greatest mages to ever live. Also, she's a super slut.
Fuck off Shinji
you ain't spooking me priest
I've come this far without spending so i'm not gonna start now
I got the 5* CE that boosts 40% NP damage and Stheno. Sigh.
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It's already better in hindsight.
Like anon's say: "Wait for rate ups"

oh wait but you rolled during rate up

sumenai anon
personality of a rock

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you can always make things right
Wants (You) and Cu to give her a worthwhile fight and ultimately return to the land of shadows and die once humanity has been saved because she feels that she has lived for too long
what does Musashi smell like?
Pleases Lancers for trainings
>use emiya's NP
>I AM THE BOpshsjspshssoskwjppsjshshshsLADE WORKS
Why is the sound mixing so fucking bad?
She got so gud she can't die and no one can beat her. Also, wants to die.
>worthwhile fight
Is this a new description for the dick?
They should add a Kotomine Kirei servant, that can only be summoned with 30 of each Black Key
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hahahahaha yeah i always think the same thing when i use his NP cant fucking hear a single thing he says over the sound
If my name was Scat-hatch I'd want to die too.
Ultimate titty monster team vs ultimate flat chest

who wins
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Kirei's gonna come sooner or later as Beast. You can bet your ass he'll be summonable afterwards like it happened Kiara.

Remember all those idiots who thought Kirara wouldn't be a Beast? And then they changed their tune to that she wouldn't be summonable? You can't get any more BTFO harder than that.
Tiddymonsters have shit like Jeanne Alter but Flatties have Jack and Squirtoria, so I gotta hand it to DFC
Sounds like she just needs a good cheeseburger and a good movie. Maybe a friend or two.
There's no fun or entertainment on the Land of Shadows. She must have been ecstatic to be summoned at Chaldea and being able to leave that shithole.
but her name isnt scat-hatch not even anywhere close to how you would pronounce it

She could always spear herself in the finest tradition of the Lancer class

I thought Hollow/Ataraxia said that Cu killed her with Gae Bolg anyway. When he was lamenting how his spear only ever killed people close to him.
Tamamo + Lancer Artoria + Jeanne Alter VS Jack + Kuro + Elisabeth
Nice try poop-chute

Next you'll say his name isn't Choo Choo Lane.
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>I got the 5* CE that boosts 40% NP damage and Stheno.
Literal shit.
>Arthuria Lancers
>Jeanne Alter

>>She could always spear herself in the finest tradition of the Lancer class
She can't. She's so good she can't even kill herself. She got so good that even gods don't mess with her because she became a divine spirit out just getting gud.
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>Forgetting about Passion Tits and Wu
I burned her for a rare prism
But I heard she's second-worst amongst the 4-stars available right now, second only to Siegfried.
b-b-b-but the T is silent
>When he was lamenting how his spear only ever killed people close to him.
He killed his son, his best friend and someone else with his spear, but he never killed Scathach.
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There are people in this thread right now that couldn't get the 1 serpant Jewell, 2 hearts, and 17 monuments needed to get Gil to 90
what a worthless treasure
only good for pumping and dumping to nab her interlude quartz
Don't know who the latter is.

Astolfo is the current worst 4* in JP but you still see niggas grailing his plump ass.
Ok, where's your cuter sister Medusa, trash.
no i mean like how a silver servant card can crackle and become gold and then that has a chance of being a 5*
like how does the game determine which animation you get or whatever and why
I already have my Gil 100 in JP.
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Should I use the silver Fou stats up cards? or burn them for MP?
This is lady Wu
Praise her
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I don't want to have to wait two years for her. She has one of my favorite designs.
that's because trapfags are literally retarded
there's no excuse for stheno though
Use them.
They are harder to get compared to XP cards.

I would grail astolfo
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>300+ iq
>has a trap fetish
>huge troll
>also a big pervert
>doesn't give a shit about other people
>uses magic better than any professional mage
>can use Excalibur better than artoria but doesn't because he's lazy
>can basically do everything better than any master or servant
>fucking immortal
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/
Oh more shit.
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My Empress!
>literally me (except the immortal part)
Holy fuck.
Will reroll my account when he comes out.
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>not an actual servant, he just got bored and decided to pretend to be summoned one day

absolute madman
MagiMari I need help, the servants I want won't appear in the gache for awhile. What should I do to pass the time?
I bet she is super soft.
what can you buy with rare prisms?

May the new legend never die.
Kill yourself!
I didn't get Gil, that's why.
>nopan side-slits
Nice aesthetic sense.
Doesn't matter, Knight of Owner/Honor only make those random shit D ranked, you need A rank to get through God Hand. Arondight can get through it once, misc. random shit won't even tickle Herc.
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>Wants a harem
>Spends his time jerking off to doujins
>Wastes all his money on figures and video games
>Probably argues about waifus and power levels on the internet
I think Blackbeard is /ourguy/.

In Ath nGabla he says he loved his teacher, that his teacher asked him to kill her, and then says he killed his friend, his son, and before that, "a single woman must have been murdered."

He doesn't say it outright but it's heavily implied.

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Man who here actually likes F/GO?
I fucking hate this game I'm only here for the H pics.
If you have to kill Herc in 12 different ways, how did Caliburn manage to kill him to death? Checkmate atheists.
Can you grind for monuments during the next event which is Nerofest?
Don't you have anything better to do in your tower besides shitpost in here, Merlin?

Mostly missable event items.
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>only drops silver chests
What did he mean by this?
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I'm just here for the Redman posting. Please give me more.
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>he's here for Redman posting.
I think I might spend the next 24 hours farming QP. I've already got 2000 Mana Prisms, that's more than enough for right now.
Don't forget he shitposts 24/7 on avalonchan pretending to be a girl online
I don't understand this meme
How to do hands faster?
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>it's a Marie Antoinette casts fucking Invincible every turn episode
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>his waifu was hated by everyone he knew
>went crazy when they burned her
>touches little kids that he kidnaps with his buddy
>blows his fortune on shit because he's depressed he'll never be with his waifu
I think Gilles is /ourguy/
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Nero Alter who still thinks she is loved by everyone but acts like a total tyrant forcing you to praise her every chance she can get or else she will burn you when?
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(C87) [Kimi no Tame nara Shineru (Tsurusaki Yuu)] Archer Zettai Yurusanai. (Fate/stay night) [English]

bring lancelot
Doujins WHEN?
Smoke weed.
>is both the nicest person you will ever meet and a twisted fucking psychopath
I agree
tfw been farming for 1 rider and assasin monument for 3 hours and not a single one dropped
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Issei route WHEN?
>tfw I didn't get a single cat so I could level up her NP
Stupid gacha
>no quartz
>no MP
>no QP
wow what a shit account you fucked up in all ways
Why has it taken so long for us to get a Nero Bride anyways?
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>tfw he gets crazier and angrier the more you ascend him

I-I don't want this...!
Nice meme!
>mfw 3 hours isnt even 3 runs
I farmed for 2 days now for saber monuments and not a single one dropped in like 300+AP. Got a rider monument today on my first 5AP, kek
No he's right, unless you've got Waver + some great other 4* and 5* you really fucked up. What did you even do these past two weeks?

>only a few months until we can watch her get BTFO by Hassan

Can't fucking wait
Really? Post lines, I wanna know more
yeah what a total meme i think its time for you to reroll
Should I be saving Mana Prisms?
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I finally did it anons. My unexpected Jannu finally reached 90. The bad news is my storage is out of XP and I only have like 200 MP.
Still worth it though.
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Yes. It's likely that they will put it in slightly earlier than 1 year, but I don't think it will be anytime soon. Just save a couple thousand for now.

I thought he was shotacon?
whew you really dont have shit
CEs where.
Yeah, but don't fall for the meme "that you need thousands now or you fucked up".
You still have 19 hours until half AP ends.
Time to kill some hands, anon.
i can relate to this except the touching little kids part but i can over look that definitely /myguy/
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Damn. Ya'll thirsty for AUO cock.
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>Just got some vodka and diet cherry 7up
Has it ever been explained how alcohol / being drunk affects a magus's abilities?
I'm okay. I didn't reroll on JP (wew that was much harder than this shit) and ended up with a bunch of good cards.
Imaginary Around, Ilya, Heaven's Feel, Prisma Cosmos, Imaginary Element, Gandyr
It's probably scheduled for New Years just like in JP.
24 hours
>Not using the FP CE on Jannu

Enjoy your 1k FP a day anon
ok anons, fess up. How many 5* do you have?
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25 hours
Out of AP sadly. Will gring when it refills.
I'm still happy I got a Jannu but I really underestimated the amount of XP needed for 1-90.
Exactly 0
F2P, got vlad and gil
Just Gil. Glad I don't have to worry about mats for another 5* yet.
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Why did Shirou turn into a black man when he got older?

If he stayed living would he fully transform into a super black man?
2 that I got both from tickets
Waver, Arty, Altera, and np2 Gil.
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2, my boys vlad the rad and waver-kun
1 just Waver
so........why do you people keep your FP's and to an extent mana prisms?
rerolled for jannu waver
used a ticket got another waver
spent 300 dollars only got atalanta
Most of my list is made of people from here or level 80+ randoms.
Made around 20k+ per day with Altera + Kaleido in all.
Will see how it goes.
I've only rolled once for CEs and instead of a good 5* CE I got spooked by a shitty ruler I won't use.
Only Jeanne, I rolled her with Herc and decided that was good enough.
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Because he burns his magic circuits from using them so much as a hero of justice.

1, Waver on my day 1 reroll.
Except JP started a month after us and we're already nearly a month ahead of schedule. They're not going to take a 2 month pause for content. They didn't even care about matching up seasonal stuff on the Chinese server.
1, Impaler Man.
same reason michael jackson turned white i reckon
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RAD Vlad is all I need for now.

Seibah from story
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But I pretty much enslaved my friend's Jannu and have Atalanta so it is okay
Event CEs and Angry Manjew

Event CEs, but events usually have ways to grind MP faster than doing hands, so stocking on them now is kind of dumb.
Waver, Atilla, NP3 Artoria
>he doesn't know about EMIYA's giganigga final form
I just want SAlter or Nero as my saber, I'll be pleased if I can get Altera as my 5*.
>leveling golden rule instead of charisma, instead of collector/treasury of babylon
anon you might have nice servants but you're leveling them wrong
Doesn't matter.
New years stuff is going to stick to new years, and christmas events will stick to christmas etc.
We'll get other events moved forward a month / 2 month, but holiday events will stay static.

Except white day and other stuff not really celebrated in the west, that might be back to back with valentines for example.
That's an extremely shitty account.
Why didn't you reroll for something better?
Event CEs. And Angry Manjew, I guess, but it's best not to bank on that

>friend has lv.45 Leonidas
>hey I never used him, it's cool to see someone raise him up
>first order CE
What the fuck?
NP2 Gil.
I should have rerolled until Gil+Jeanne, but meh, his overcharge is nice.
Because Chinese GO started way too close to New Years you dummy, the most likely scenario is that seasonal events happen when they are scheduled to.
2 - Jeanne and Vlad. And thats all I will have for awhile, because I'm not spending any tickets or quartz until Okeanos.
Anyone ever cried after consuming a hentai/porn? Just about to delete my whole folder. Do the same for your TypeMoonfu
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Absolutely 0.

Gotta be honest, when I first saw LOSTman I thought it was someone's DeviantArt OC.

It works in context but holy moly is it silly-looking.
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Kintoki please
Collector is shit until it becomes treasury of babylon.
That pic is old, Gil is 3/4/- now. Golden rule at least helps Gil get out his NP faster
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>2 5 stars
>but they're Jannu and Saber some of the worst fucking ones
>all these people with massive amounts of FP when I only have 100,000

I feel inadequate now.
I'm pretty sound of mind, so no.
2: Jeanne and Gil
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just use some quartz anon
I feel the same but with MP.
I only have 100.
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>EMIYA's giganigga
Nani!?!? What did he mean by this?
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>tfw I only have 18k
Jesus, I hate having to migrate and I'm not exactly new or anything
>people find ways to compete in a single player casual game


Jeanne is the budget Merlin. If you don't have that OP faggot, she's the best pick along with Waver and a damage dealer.
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Is pornography of your waifu bad civilization?
>These aren't my glasses
Archer murmured this under his breath at that time. It was truly from his heart and filled with much endearment close to insanity.
... There were much foreshadowing in the story besides this instance, but they were all limited except for the post-Saber vs. Berserker narration.
Due to the rebound of some magecraft, his skin turned dark... something like that.

Projection magic is dangerous yo.
I admit, I'm surprised how much this design ended up growing on me.
never had a problem with gaining np at golden rule level 1, personally. fucker hits so many times in all of his attacks he just shits out crit stars and np gain.
>team with only 1 damage dealer
What sort of team is that?
So why are you still playing the game now that you have literally everything that's gonna be in the game for the next 6 months??
>tfw Gil is your only friend
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What do you guys think of my issei route?
>Shirou summons saber
>he has a nervous breakdown seeing a girl fight
>Saber kills rin and redman
>sucks Shirou's cock to snap him out of his horror because she knows how to please a man
>goes to school and makes an alliance with shinji
>when the bounded field is complete they wake issei up because he's an all around good guy
>they take turns raping Sakura, shinji goes first for old times sake
>Shirou uses a command spell to make saber watch
>they go to mr kuzuki's room to beat the shit out of him for being a dick
>caster gets there and sees them beating the shit out of her dear souichirou
>shinji pulls out a knife and threatens to kill him unless she uses rule breaker to give issei a servant
>she gets sasaki and gives it to issei
>shinji kills kuzuki anyway because kuzuki is a dick
>caster gets pissed
>gilgamesh comes in and kills her
>demands to marry Saber
>shirou lets him fuck her while they go look for lancer
>run into lancer doing his reconnaissance shit
>he turns out to be a pretty cool guy and tells them about kirei
>they go to fight kirei
>kojirou kills cu behind his back because they don't want kirei to use a command spell on him to make him fight them
>they go to the church to kill kirei
>kirei summons gilgamesh via command seal
>Shirou summons saber
>she comes in butt naked because she didn't have time to put clothes on and Shirou is a shit mage who can't supply her with mana to give her armor
>kirei doesn't give a fuck because he's a eunuch but gilgamesh is paralyzed in awe of his treasure
>they btfo kirei
>gilgamesh gets pissed but Shirou visualizes a way to kill him and saves the day
>since it's just Shirou issei and shinji they fight to the death
>Saber kills them all
>Shirou gets the holy grail and wishes them back alive because he had a good time
>they bathe Saber in the holy grail and let shinji rape her instead of Sakura because Sakura's womb got eaten by the worms
thank you whale-kun for contributing to the servers longevity may you have shit rates so you keep contributing in the future

The optimal team. The holy trinity is Jeanne Alter, Waver, Merlin. Budget options are:

>replace Merlin with Jeanne
>replace Jeanne Alter with other high damage dealers that are NOT berserkers
>Jeanne is the budget Merlin
That's Hans, Jeanne is a Servant mostly used to tank shit on meme quests.
Marie has just used invincibility four fucking turns in a row. I feel like that shouldn't be possible.
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EMIYA's giganigga alter form.
I used two last Sunday
Just Waver.
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>The motherfucking hat trick

I must insist with as much force as I can muster, sir, that you reveal exactly how much United States Currency you have invested into this Bhutanese Play-by-Telegraph Game.
I read the first four lines and it's terrible and your copypasta is terrible
How does one "tank" with no tanking skills?

Hans is the budget Waver, you silly goose. Merlin's and Jeanne's job is to slap on a team-wide invincibility to dodge nasty NP's. Hans and Waver are for buffing and debuffing.
3 Servants and 3 5* CE's. F2p.
I'm >>183131371
Anons i understand that you want to talk about powerlevels but dont
You see we have a socipoath named Melvin who is the bane of fgog since it was created
It was proven that he is a severely damaged autist that also wants to fuck pokemons, like latias
He is now lurking alter
Don't reply to him, he is mad lancelot is a 4 star and he feels his cock is little thinking of Gil and Herk
Don't answer him, never ever
Seal Designation Enforcer or Gandr on Camilla?
Also what's a good CE for Gil?
Don't wish bad rates on whale kun
He's going to pay to get every servant anyway, I wish for him to have good rates.
i-i would read this route sounds like fun
Why did you guys stock up on MP's?
There's only so many tickets you can get right? Am I missing something?
Fucking god damn Gudako, stop showing your shit off. You make me so angry and jealous I wish you would die.
>Am I missing something?
Budget Waver is Ayy Lmao you dumb Jeanne cuck.

Not even something vaguely humanoid like Gardevoir or Buneary? Fucking Latias?

Limited time shop only CE's such as Lunchtime, which gives you a 10% boost to bond points. It also makes you drown in FP because everyone wants it.
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>He's going to pay to get every servant anyway
yeah thats why he needs bad rates so he can contribute more hes going to buy them anyway right?
You probably can get her if you complete Septem.
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Well because Kintoki comes out next month anon, he can't miss out on Kintoki
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>imagine if Georgios was a ruler
By using Mashu.
>completely give in to the will of the Earth or whatever when he became a Counter Guardian
>become nigger

Truly, being EMIYA is suffering.
Kiritsugu was a shitty teacher so Shirou literally burned his nervous system doing magic wrong.
Don't worry about it, they're saving things for some stupid CE that they won't even make full use of when they do get it.

Gandr. Assassins already have good Absorption rates and you typically want those stars flowing to your big-damage Busters, like Berserkers or Sabers.
No that's mean.
The game is going to survive no matter what, and he'll end up dumping 1-3k a year on the game anyway even with good rates. So wish for him to have good rates since he's helping out.

Even I'll whale for a few servants I really like.
Well Martha is hard to kill as a Ruler despite only being 4 star so he would be literally invincible.
>they won't even make full use of
Slapping it on someone in the back row is so complicated.
>talk about Jannu
>he mentions Mashu

It's to rake in massive amounts of FP, not for the effect itself. This is assuming that people on the NA server think with the same amount of autism as the Japanese players.
More like the game would be dead before they introduce it rendering their stockpile useless.
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>no Martha
i didnt waste a huge amount of time getting monuments but every time i see somebody post their stats made me feel like i fucked up.
FFS why did i have to get Jeanne during Gil rate-up, i could have been swimming in MP/QP. Its fucking in reach but cant seem to ever get there.

>the black guy literally becomes a slave of the ENTIRE WORLD

wtf i hate nasu now
It's not that he does it wrong.
It's that he does it too much.

EMIYA (kiritsugu) does the same shit with his time alter magic and it turns him brown.
He had to be nerfed pretty hard.
Mashu is literally the pinnacle of tanking support tied with George.
Literally just enjoy the game you wonderful human being it's just a simple casual game
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>first day the NA F/GO version came out I rolled Jeanne
>everyone said that she was good so I said ok and stopped rolling
>now starting to realize Jeanne is dogshit and that I should have kept rolling
Who else fell for the meme? Please don't let me be the only one.
>all of these idiots grinding super hard
this game literally presents 0 challenge, and by the time any real challenge comes about, things will be decided more by the servants you have than how much you grinded in the first month. Cucks! Lmao!
>tied with
No, 4 star mash is just the best, by a long shot.
2nd best is Merlin because of his retarded invincible all skill
If you don't have 3 5*s, 3,000 Mana Prisms and 100m QP you need to kill yourself
Gudako you never accepted my request dammit.
I saw a Gudako on my list and thought it was you.
Massively disappointed. 891 676 973
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>he fell for the Jeanne meme
>pinnacle of tanking support
>does not mention d'Eon
Okay sure that french gendershifting fuccboi needs some hard investment but come on don't leave him out
There were people saying this in every thread back then, why didn't you listen anon?
>using AP is now grinding
What were we supposed to do, not play the game for 2 weeks? The only idiots are the ones who burned quartz and apples.
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Brown breeding body
Rolled Vlad once but I tossed him and managed to get a Jeanne then stuck with her cause she's cute.

I regret nothing.
That's a limited servant, eww, And he's a buffmachine altogether.

d'Eon is got tier too, but I feel like few people rolled for him either way.
>FFS why did i have to get Jeanne during Gil rate-up,
Are you me? I know your pain friend.
>worst 5*
>expecting American players to understand how the game works 6 months from now
Keep dreaming.
I hope you have good rolls and have fun with this game you fucking faggot
Kiritsugu probably does it wrong on purpose because he thinks he deserves to suffer more.
Jeanne is hella kawaii nigga, what you want some that old nigga ass wava?
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I warned you about the Jeanne meme bro.
We all told you Waver was the only one that lasted into late game but you refused to listen.
Waver was the gameplayfag choice.
Vlad was the artsmeme choice (but there are always better options / budget options for artsmeme) for Tamamo later on
Altera was the generic damagefag option

Anything else was just waifushit
>using AP is setting an alarm to wake up at min maxed intervals to max usage
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Alters for hug or fugg?
>not for the effect itself.

This is extremely wrong. +10% bond will save you a literal month of AP.
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Well she is literally only good for one thing
I was just joking, and I feel that most people do the same when they overreact about some anon not having the so "required" 1,000 mana prisms or +50m QP like it's a tragedy or something. It's kinda fun to read though.
That GODDAMN bubble hat is stupidly cute but also annoying.
Literally everyone told you Jeanne was good at the very beginning of the game, then falls off hard and becomes pure shit, then gets mid-tier again when her interlude comes out. Everyone has been saying this every fucking thread. In conclusion, you are a moron.
I find her pretty useful but I like Tanks and do okay with other servants for the dailies.
It's ok, breeding is all she needs to do
More than the money you spent to get all of that I'm impressed by the meth fueled autism it took to grind all of those materials to ascend everyone.
God speed ye, meth-whale.
So I'm assuming I should just feed my 3* CE's to my 4/5*s.
Is there any use for them besides that?
There was no Jeanne meme except that she is cute stone wall.
I fucking love you glorious whale. May you get Tamamo in the future.
Use 1*/2* CEs, 3* CEs should be burned for mana prisms.
Mana prisms
3* CE can become okay CE if you lack a 4*/5* CE for that type of CE if you stack them
>people claiming Jeanne sucks
>except she's S Rank and in the upper ranks of 5* servants
>and she's absolutely critical to have for certain events if you don't have Merlin

I do not understand why people are whining.
Would your waifu endorse it? If not then yes









>Burn a CE for mana prisms
>Can get 9 burnable xp cards any time I have 40 AP or 7-8 for 30.
Nah, I'd rather have CE xp.
If you don't have Merlin, you might as well reroll.
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>level 50 martha, lancerbeth, saber lily, atalolta, and lancelot

damn it felt good to steamroll the last half of septim. time 2 grind
She is unneeded atm and people should've rolled for other heroes and try and get Jannu later when she was more relevant
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A big fat 0. My rerolls got steadily worse and worse and it was a pain in the ass so I just went with my first account.
People like memes. Let them be.
No fucking damage.
Seriously I only stuck with her because I also got three other 4* plus one more from the ticket.
Why is Saber Lily considered to be so bad? Also, what's the best 3* Saber, then?
So saber got bitched by a nobody human who had Strength and Agility 8 cast on him. The only reason he didn't kill her right there is plot contrivance.
Strongest servant indeed.

Normally I'd say that's fine, but my luck is absolutely atrocious. I am perfectly happy with my Jeanne since I have a shitton of 4* servants for damage.
You will get more 1*/2* CEs no matter what. Use whatever you want, CE Experience is not a crucial aspect of the game either way.
Saber lily is god tier once you read the doujin an anon posted but caesar is the best 3* saber
I wish I could grab a hero I needed at the flick of my finger. You're thinking is garbage and you should quit this game if you think you can get what you want whenever you want without spending money.
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Fuck Merlin
Merlin won't be released until at least a year and half.
Jeanne and Waver

Got Jeanne a second time through a ticket, immediately after that I got a Golden Archer
The only reason you find her useful is because you don't have kaleido'd lancelot + Waver yet, or lv 70 lancelot + any starting charge CE

Lily isn't bad by any means, but she's terribly mediocre. Her raw stats are like that of a 3*, but her abilities are great for nuking shit if used properly (Mana Burst makes her buster cards AND her NP hit hard).
Low as shit damage, somewhat parring Siegfried's.
Pic related.
Maybe if he was wearing a skirt, he looks kinda girly.
Isn't Seibah the worst current 5*(in the long run) you can get right now? Could've been worse.
1, Altera.
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Not really.
EMIYA (kiritsugu) was never in the 4th holy grail war.
But overusing magic and burning your circuits is already extremely painful.
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Thanks man. Finally time to use that Alter.

She is, and ironically Jeanne beats all the 5* we have available except for Gil and Waver if you want to go by the dumb chart.
I have bad luck and I never liked Lancelot in the legends. I will make do with Kiyohime and Lu Bu as my Berserkers.

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You got your Catalyst theme ready for your waifu/husbando?
Medea has no buffs
Checkmate, atheists
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>Literally blows bubbles to attack
It's a wonder he didn't die sooner.
Artoria and Waver could be worse than some anons here
None of the current 5*s are actually bad, but Saber gets outclassed by Altera and Waver will outclass most in utility after he gets his third ascension.
Did they really have to make Komaeda a servant?
Vlad and Altera
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Joseph is best JoJo
Which daily is good for farming snake jewels?
Leglocking is basically a hug, right?
Alter might as well be a 5* tho
The crackle is when the game forces the guaranteed 3* or above Servant/4* or above anything from a 10roll. Rainbow is if you got it naturally.
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Imagine mating-pressing Medea while buffed to servant level strength and agility.
Saber end game is about on the level of redman end game.
She's not bad
But she's definitely reroll material since she's matched by S rank 4 stars.
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Count Dantes was too ballin for Nasu.
Why do you guys think we will be doing the Nero fest right away?
Because the chinks skipped the fsn rate up
>Jojo talk
Fuck that shit, Symphogeah collab fucking when?
So are they going to roll out new content at the same rate that JP did or will they give us bigger chunks since the content already exists?
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Anon, are you japing me?
God I hope I get him
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Because things were going faster, but given the current changes in the schedule, I feel a week of nothing could come if Aniplex of USA is retarded.
Hopefully they add the count outfit in with the new costume system.
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>install FGO
What the fuck is this shit? Transphobic much?
I really really really want Kuro.
What are the chances they'll even give us the event to get her?

Prisma Illya event is already in the credits. We're getting her eventually.
I still wonder why these people still doesn't do Collabs with other franchises using those money they have.
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To summon Cu alter and Scat
Chris best geah
Check the credits of the game, the Prisma Causeway event is mentioned there so it should happen at some point.


C A L E N D A R : https://twitter.com/FateGO_USA/status/887507366211706880



The 3* Rateup rate must be an absolute joke, I rolled absolutely everyone but ProtoCu and Medea. Just tons of Boudica, Jing Ke and Darius.

>not IM THE SCATMAN to get Poop Lid

You disappoint me.
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please stop shitposting and fuck off back to /v/ or /pol/, you fucking faggot

thank you in advance
fit is hot

but please stop making martha lewd
>No attack helicopter
>No fighter jet with surface to air missiles
Yeah, that's when I stopped playing.
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5 facts about Jalter!

1. Jalter is cute!
2. Jalter is top tsun!
3. Jalter best waifu!
4. Jalter has smelly feets!
5. Jalter!
lol its blank
Oh shit, for real?
Thanks for the good news.
But Da Vinci, King Arthur, Claudius Nero, and Attila are transgender in this game. It's super progressive! We should tell all of our followers to play this super progressive game! But I've heard there some nasty stuff in the Jap version. Maybe if we let the translators know how proud we are for this super progressive game, they'll get rid of all the nasty Japaneseness.
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Rolled Altera and Vlad on the first day, but rerolled with my dick for Jannu, at least my old acc is being used by a anon
moe dread, astolfo, d'eon, da vinci. do you want a caeneus servant or something?
That would summon medb
There are only a handful of potato nigger servants, so the potato song would give a good chance
i got an np5 medea and np3 lancelot because of rate up
im so fucking mad
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>it's just a shitty printout calendar

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>Fate x Jojo Collab
Could Star Platinum kill servants? What class would Punch-ghosts be?
I mean, I'm aware 100 Quartz isn't that much, but god fucking dammit, if I at least rolled a Medea I'd be happy.

Also, how good it the 5* CE that gives 8% NP per turn? I don't think it's any good, desu
You cunt
Does someone know the exact percentage of rolling Gil with just a ticket?
It boggles my mind to hear people rolling him and another 5* with the available tickets alone so far.
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>literally nothing for an entire month
It's over, I'm deleting my account.
Burning Jeanne for Rare Prisms!
Hello. I am Canadien. I enjoy your mobile games but worry: Is Prisma Illya illegal in my country? Can I be arrested for rolling her?
If you would be so kind, could I perhaps get some sauce on that?
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Martha is lewd all on her own.
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Why do we need a calendar when most PCs and phones have one a click away?
Why is Dantes so cool?
Man I fucking remember that shit and being hyped only to see and soon realize it was just a general Aniplex stream.

Does anyone even genuinely want Medb? She's garbage as a waifu, and I have no idea how well she performs as a meta servant.
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>2 Homonculus Babies
I didn't know they fucking drop this early. Is this EX rank rare?
Well, ghosts are magical...servants are magical...so clearly Stands are Servants bonded to humans. But not dumb demi-servant nonsense.
>july may almost be over
No it's fucking not, it's not even the 19th
Wait your turn anon you can have her when I'm finished. Don't worry I don't take that long
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.7%. The 99% of people who got black keys aren't bragging about it.
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I have Saber on my main account and Jeanne with Altera on my second.
>I don't take that long
At least you're honest
But Lancelot exists
Did you get them on Cu's interlude first try? That's impressive, the drop rate is abysmal.
Sometimes you just want a fling and think someone is hot. Medb would agree.
She's garbage. She's B rank for 5 star, which is equivalent to A rank of 4 stars.
She's the WORST servant to roll except maybe Arjuna (but even then, Arjuna has fans from Karna fags that want them to reunite). Only cuck fags like her.
eh, I'll take it
Star Platinum - Berserker
Silver Chariot - Saber
Hierophant Green - Lancer
Hermit Purple - Caster(?)
Magician's Red - Caster
The Fool - Rider
The World - Avenger
I wish they'd quit fucking around like this.

So she's on the 5* sumanai list with Choco Bitch then.
She's low tier.
A big problem for people doing the Rider paid gacha in the future as you get three good Riders and Medb in it so there's a 25% chance of getting shit.
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Nope I have one too anon
>The World
>Not Ruler
Or would that be Regent Red
Hello Kurt, didn't know you play FGO too.
Can i get feathers only from the dailies?
I miss 4 for Altria
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They did a similar tease on facedurr.
Cu Alter
Pls no bully
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Only GER could legitimately compete with servants.
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>Medb is the cuck machine
>not only does she cuck people in romance, but she cucks you out of a good rider in the gacha
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>FP gain increase 10-fold when I replace Stheno in the 'all' support slot
Explain yourselves. You should all be grateful to even have this goddess in your presence.
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it was the first result in yandex
KC, D4C and many others could shit on Servants through sheer bullshit power.
So why does Leonidas like math so much? Am I missing some reference here? Because I can't find anything relating him to mathematics.
>people care about the all slot
I don't even know what's in it most of the time, I just go for the tab of the class I need. If your best servant is in the all slot I'm most likely ignoring it.
waver x2 and vlad
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So, what are the chances of getting Nero in her rate-up per roll?
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he's a nerd just like you
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For whenever someone asks "how is X 5 star compared to Y 4 star?"

I only use the all slot for Jeanne since she can't fit anywhere else.
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Angry french powers!
They're selling Aniplex calendars.
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So what does jAlter do better than Jannu?

>Jeanne Alter

Who do we fill the last slot with for maximum pissed French?
>you'll never create a shitty mobage and get hundreds of thousands of dollars a day by doing nothing
Yes, I keep mine there too, I mean when I'm searching for friends. Never even check the all slot.
do damage
that and his Animations are cool
>Forgetting Jets
Shame on you
Wrong general:
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let me ask my wife
Shuten using banana as a boost is 10/10

Be the polar opposite of Jeanne. While Jeanne is the unbreakable wall with super tank abilities, Jeanne Alter has MASSIVE damage, along with all her abilities allowing her to hit people like a wrecking ball.

She is THE damage dealer, much like Merlin/Waver are THE supports.
Fuck, I meant tens of thousands
I mean it does help that it already had an establish fanbase.

All it's done is milk the fact that people want more nasuverse material and make 90% of it fanservice like
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All of the paid class gachas have a dead draw.
Sabers are all shit.
Archers have Arjuna.
Lancers have Enkidu.
Riders have Medb.
Casters have Xuanzang
Assassins only have Jack as a non limited 5*, so to fuck you over they put Jeanne in with her.
Berserkers have Nightingale.
You can only do it once too.
Broken servants are not allowed in my party. Thank you very much.

Where's the rest?
i want more
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guys w-what is she d-doing?

>Wanted to roll Jack with the paid gacha
>already have Jeanne
>literally comes down to a 50/50 nerve wrecker to determine if my $30 was wasted or not

I'm not sure I can do it.
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>Cu Alter, Gil, Ozymandias, Hijikata and Gil Caster that high
Nani the fuck I only knew Waver was a top tier god unit, all my other dick pics and husbando lusts have.
What the fuck is wrong with her leg?
I legitimately do not know. Is there anyone here that has a clue as to why Mordred is licking her own foot?
>he can't lick his own foot
>Using autist language to get to autists
Your loss you are only destroying yourself.
I'm not a girl nor a kid.
Someone got the picture with all the banners thus far?
Looks like she is breaking her right kneecap.
Neither is Mordred.
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Holy fucking shit. This was going to be the summoning ticket I started saving at.
She is literally both.
That's a fucking stupid name you're using for my waifu you piece of-

Oh, that explains it.
anon... please more!! or link! my dick can only get so hard
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>left foot attached to right leg
Thank you.
Go buy a lottery ticket RIGHT now. Try to avoid walking under trees or creating unnecessary static. Also share some of your winnings when you're a millionaire.
Can you give me a Gil, please? Thanks.
This list also takes into account Merlin but Merlin won't come until like a year and a half from now.
b-but you can increase jannus NP for more healing!!
It should really be in the OP or pastebin at this point. Every thread someone asks for it.
Cu Alter is the best damage dealer in the game. Better than Jannu Alter even, he just dies much more quickly.
Ozymandias has the single best single target NP in the game. It does big damage (not the biggest, but still big), blocks NP use from bosses for a turn (incredibly useful), and lowers defense
Gil caster is a great support on arts meme teams due to the damage boost / arts effectiveness boost, and he even has a place on quick memers because his crit star drop rate boost is also insane. If we ever get a quick caster that can heal with their skills or NP, then Gil caster will probably be bumped up to 10.0 with Herc.
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Don't encourage the "muh emergency thread at 750 replies" guy

>a pathetic 500HP more
>when Jeanne's NP is designed to block, not heal

No thanks.
So if Shirou was buffed by Caster, could he kill any servant with prep time?
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>Last four gold ticket summons have given me Romulus
Am I Rome?
I have both Gil and Waver now. Does this make me EX Luck?
Even without Merlin it's pretty accurate, since Waver is very similar to his 'benefits'.
Just move all berserkers and flimsy servants down a bit and all the supports / tanks up a bit.
Though early game you don't even need Mash or Merlin really, the enemies just don't do enough damage.
Why is rama so good?
I'm going to make it early once again, I'm sorry.
b-b-but some day you can get NP5 and heal 6000 with it instead of 2000
>there are people
>in this thread
>who didn't roll Gil
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If I already have a reliable archer like gil and zerker like lance, should I pick up elizabeth with my voucher or go for herc?
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I don't usually say this to people but seriously, fuck you
Just got my voucher
rolling 1-9 for Martha
0 for retardcat
Let's compare our scores.
So we get one more thing from Gil log in right? Unless I lost track.
my penis told me to tell you it will be eternally thankful to you
>get good servants
>no good CEs

I don't even care for kscope, just give me imaginary element.
Nobody cares about the content of the OP, at this point I'm just thinking of making a huge pastebin to update.
Now I am going to start rolling again, and I am going to get shit. And it will be your fault.
i like jets but i can't say he's reliable, because he dies in two hits. herk at least takes three plus his evade.
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I leveled up all of my servants and got their first ascensions out of the way, so that's why I don't have as many MP as I probably could have by now.
>only 10m QP and 100 MP
just kill me
In lore he's up there with Lancelot for one of the strongest sabers in history.

In game, he's got a really good extra attack (4 hits), a nice choice between guts / self heal, and a super helpful skill that increases his star gather rate AND crit damage in a single skill (basically the perfect combination).
He's just a really really solid saber.
Is eli not that good of a lancer? I don't have a lancer at all, so I thought it made sense, but if someone like Cu is almost as good as her it'd make sense to skip her.
She's not in the grand scheme of things.

She's still a 5* and has good health, AoE and buffs. She's just not as crazy as some of the other 5*s. It's like putting you up against Bruce Lee, Ali and Mike Tyson in a fight. They each can only take 1 step every 10 seconds and they're on the other side of the ring. You get a handgun (Saber)

Well, you fucking win.

Or you can get Darth Vader (Jeanne Alter)

Which is gonna be the harder and cooler takedown? Both work, but one is still better.

Alternatively, you never see Saber fight at full strength, she's always missing her Noble Phantasm unlike everyone else. Her REAL one at least, or at least the other half. So she's at 50% strength essentially the whole time. Why? Because just like in the legend of King Arthur if he/she has the sheathe/Avalon she wins...there's no fight, no strategy or anything...Nasu said outright she just wins every fight, period. Which is why he doesn't give it to her 99% of the time. It's boring and no fun. Which is why Nasu doesn't give it to her and why Morgan La Fey had to steal it from Arthur in order to kill him in the legend.
I did the exact same thing, though.
I don't even enjoy saying that but you're a bit behind, anon.
If it helps, I'll raise my hand to lend you my spirit energy

I only have 50mil QP and 1,000MP due to spending a lot of time farming monuments.
>use Gil's last golden ticket
>get Heaven's Feel

Well okay, I hope Da Vinci restocks next month
>Casters have Xuanzang
Fuck you for me it's Waver. I don't even have him but I want my big breast Casters.
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Wasted a fucking ticket on black keys. Fuckin kill me
Work on the pastebin.
I promise I'll make an OP once we hit page 9 if no one else has, I'll be following this thread til then.
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I'm also playing on a second account that had a very hungry jannu and an altera appear out of nowhere, so I kind of focused on that for a bit.

Rolled the summon ticket and got...another fucking Jing Ke.

God-fucking-dammit, if it isn't Jing Keys its Black Keys. I've already maxed her NP and I've burned at least three of her by now.
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Watch as that other anon gets out of his way to be the first at making the new thread.
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Migrate whenever, current Rate up is ending tomorrow:
I'm sorry it's early, /vg/ is quite slow tonight. It's all my fault, it's the last time for now.
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What's this sexy but bland hun trying to tell me?
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Her damage is good and iirc she has a bonus vs. waifus too.
If you want an offensive lancer she's the best one.
It's kind of stupid how OP Arturia is in lore.
B to A rank everything. Fucking same with Herc being A or above rank everything but luck.

Fucking even Gilgamesh has balanced stats for a servant. It's just that, for the 4th holy grail war there was no one that could stand up to GoB or EA, and for the 5th holy grail war there was only 1 servant that could (EMIYA) due to the matchup.
If you were sorry you wouldn't have done it.
That yesterday was your last chance to get those 17 Monuments.
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Ah that makes sense then, at least I got Waver so no matter who I get from my want list they'll be boosted somewhat.
That's fucking great, I love Berserkers so him being the best at beating the shit out of things is awesome. Ozymandias is one of the only Riders I'm interested so it's great to know he's a good choice. And I'm glad Gil caster's thigh windows aren't his only good feature. His hits are like Archer Gil's so I should have assumed that was at least useful
Except artoria beat gilgamesh in the fate route
Tfw need 3 more caster monuments. I'm just gonna fucking wait for the event after Nero fest. I've grinded every fucking caster day since 1/2 AP started and didn't get a single one
Holy shit dude, that's awful luck, got the 2 I needed in one run, if you ignore the 5 ones I did without getting shit
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Been giving everything to Arturia so I'm not too hung up on it, I got my last monument for her so now I just need to grind for the Phoenix feathers
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>the only characters I want in this game are Okita and Scat
>their gachas are consecutive

My bank account will not survive this experience
The best part is I probably only saw a Waver boss like maybe 3-4 times
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Got my 6 Octopus within 180AP at Gaul. Ayy lmao acendan' time
what the fuck, I hate you I've spent over 400 AP and only gotten 1

Should I grind more MP (I have 250 :^) ) or should I try for more monuments
You can only do it once per class choice or just the entirety itself?

You can only roll once. You get to pick which class you roll from.
How often do the paid gatchas happen?

I mean are they a one time only thing or are they seasonal repeating every year?
Two times per year.
Shouldn't you farm on the 20 AP one, unless you want golden statues? That's what I did

So is it the same two events repeating or is each time a new event?
One in new year, you pick the paid gacha per class.
Second one is in the anniversary, you pick between two paid gachas, knights and horsemen.
You can do it anon. Just burned my luck here
You might get better drops getting serpents.
So how many people have gotten a different 5* when rolling for Gil?

the rate up isn't a 100% chance to give the rated up servant right?
got artoria. she took a while to raise but i have her at second ascension and that 12000 hp is great. I regularly pull charisma off twice, and she never dies.
It stays at 1%
I rolled in the Gilgamesh banner only to get Vlad and Altera, so the chances are definitely there. I believe it's a .3% of getting a non focus 5*.
Got my 2nd Jeanne through a ticket, no King of Jobbers, though
Jeannu and Waver...
Gil came first, then Altera and Vlad while trying to get his NP up.
Just Seibah.
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Please rate. What skills should I level?
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