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/owg/ - Overwatch General

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Thread replies: 771
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Messing with Jeff edition

>Doomfist! (Now on PTR)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaZfZFNuOpI [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Most recent developer update
https://youtu.be/-uKkAyLPJe0 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20861969
Live: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker and lore

>Hero tips, tricks, and basics
http://pastebin.com/Qf2AKa8R (embed)

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leaderboards

>eSports info and Contenders League

>Previous >>182649781
Reminder Soe is even worse than SOE
First for the Roadhog buffs were unnecessary and uncalled for.
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Xbox GT: Girseph

Prepare for Diamondposters and people unwilling to get better at the game under this post.
good face
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What would be some Quality of Life changes for Overwatch you would like?
>Cannot affect the game balance too much, else it falls into the realm of buffs and nerfs
Hard Mode: Can't remove a hero, map or ability
The HUD you get in junkenstein/Uprising. Much easier to see your teams health and ults
Junkrats projectiles fly faster
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Give Rein 100 more armor
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Amélie Lacroix
>tfw don't know how Blizz can top her Talon skin
remove from game
So what do you think Hammond is like?
defense barrier hero
Genji can pull out dragon blade whenever he wants but it's based on a timer, if you pull it out with 15 ult charge it lasts 15 seconds, if you pull it out with 100% it's 100 seconds
kind of mean and takes a little while to get used to. but once you know him well enough he's a lot of fun to hang out with!
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What would Merji's kit look like?
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She is the femme fatale, she will get more sexy skins.
QoL changes tend to be buffs and nerfs for others, though.
which zen skin should i get?
Anonymous 07/14/17(Fri)16:05:32 No.182685116 ▶
>>182684420 (You) #

energy increases damage

>rapid fire megaman gun

>beam weapon, charges up then stays on for a few seconds short range. Power and duration based on time charges.

Discord Barrier
enemy takes 30% increased damage and is also barried for 2 seconds

Harmony barrier
ally is healed with an orb and gets a barrier for 2s

Transcendant Singularity
Heals, and sucks in ALL players who are inside the aoe. Zaryatta is invincble and super fast.
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i'm positive i just played the worst OW match of my life

>queue for match
>get placed in numbani
"heh, this easy, i can win this. been stomping through the ranks lately"
>look at team
>3 stack
"oh fuck"
>one of the 3 stack is level 33 and has no main, doesn't have a single hero that stands out
>3stack all instalock DPS after I picked soldier 76
>switch to winston since they're being shitheads
>me and the 2 other solo queue teammates have to carry. one goes mercy other goes lucio, im sure they understood they would need to pocket me since i'm single tank
>walk into teamchat and try to be positive like I am every match, "hey, you guys ready to win this comp? i sure as hell am"
>british cunt then says "shut the fuck up mate"
>at this point i knew i was going to lose
>on attack, they don't group up once, and they go mid on numbani
>it was at this point I knew they weren't competent, probably idiots who can aim decnet in CS:GO and think it auto-translates to OW
>as match goes on the three stack gets more and more toxic
>telling our mercy she's shit
>i mute them in hopes to not have toxicity and keep a cool head
>at least 25 minutes later, we're tied 6-6, all of them hellish and 2 disconnects (but they reconnected)
>after unmuting, it's at this point the british cunt says "alright guys let's actually try and win now"
>one of them goes road, other zen
>tmw they're actually trying after 25 minutes
>we capture the payload and push it, don't get it far cause tracer literally wiped us with a pulse bomb and her pistols
>somehow stop them from capping the point
>win the game 7-6
>block and report literally everyone in the 3 stack and turn off OW
silly anon, zen doesn't have skin!
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>tfw getting nanoboosted as McCree when you're in the zone
Nice blogpost, no one cares.
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This is papi Reaper and his baby chica Sombra. Say something nice to them.
No more voice lines from britbong or doritos
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Thanks for the Pachimaris Uwah~ anon!
As a general rule, I meant this >>182685371
kinda stuff over this >>182685385
You're not cute.
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>spend like 100 hours trying to get out of diamond
>hover around 3200 for weeks, as soon as I get anywhere near masters I get a streak of games with derankers/people on tilt/junkrat mains/etc
>start instalocking Winston Removal Unit, every fucking game, no matter what
>climb 300 SR in a day
and now I can fill in peace and still win consistently, already at 3800

this season is just fucking awful
>rigged as fuck matchmaking
>mercy mains making every match a coin flip
>OTP cancer
>Dva in general
oh, and EU is just straight up trash, it's easier to solo carry with 300 ms on the American servers than carrying French people
Isn't that just basically the HUD you see on e-sport matches?
patrician taste
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Reaper covers for her when she takes advantage of the mission for her own uses.

In return Sombra helps Reaper spy on his sister's family

Is that nice?
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>Belgium is actually going to compete in that world cup shit
I mean yeah we ARE a country but just barely.
Feels strange
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You do?
neither are you.
Of course, I'va actually been serious all this time
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What happened to the gowned Sombrero?
HEY I have just read that doujin 2 hours ago
Does anyone here have a social life?
Well it was on the front page yesterday I think
A fucking what?
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>Expressing my gratitude for cute OW reaction pics means I'm trying to be cute

How many mirrors have you cracked by walking in front of recently?
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QoL change #!: Allow me to erase dumb weeaboo face of genji from my fucking title screen. I fucking have to go into some dumb menu to not look at that shitter while I'm waiting to get into comp. What the fuck?
QoL change #2: Let me fucking see what my teammates most played heroes are without needing to click on three menus in a row. It's fucking hard to see if you blocked someones main, or look if you should or shouldn't nanoboost your rein. And it shouldn't be that hard.
QoL change #3: Allow me to choose a pool from which victory poses and highlights are drawn. I get than there's "random" option, but it includes default highlights aswell, and they ain't fun.
QoL change #4: Stop fucking shutting down training grounds while people try to adjust their settings. It's the whole fucking point of that map, to fix your shit and get used to it by shooting some bots. Why the fuck is there a 30 seconds timer, that runs out and kicks you into the main menu? What's the point?

That's probably all of the important ones. Although, I'd like to see more achievements that are unusual, like lucio "The floor is lava" one. It's fun to try and complete them.
liked and subscribed
Add more japanese lines to genji and hanzo
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>he asks on Friday on 4chan
What did he mean by this?
So bullshit it'd make everyone rage quit.

Shits and giggles: imagine a dragon blade that can revive and damage, them zipping everywhere for 30m and getting resets on eliminations with damage, being able to double jump and wall climb while healing and floating plus damage boosting allies.
I'm only here because I have plans tomorrow not today
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I hope your dream comes true then
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>tfw will be away from my gaming computer for a whole month
detox is gonna be hard
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Ayy yo Reaper, you fuk up one mo mission and I'ma shove my fist insteada this dick right up yo white boy's ass. An' he gon love every minute.

You mad nigga?
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I have a bf and 3 irl friends i see frequently but we are all shut ins so they usually come to my place to watch shit or play vidya
No need to lie, you are with friends, we dont judge.
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>it's a "no one on my team knows how to deal with Symmetra" episode
Training ground is now unlimited time on the PTR I think
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Kind of, yes!
>fix the hud so you can actually see your health bar on white maps like nepal and hollywood
>get rid of passive ult charge
>slightly increase amount of charge gained for healing/damaging
>sombras ult can go through walls, its an EMP for fuck sakes
>orisas gun is now hitscan
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Best ultimate.
What manga are these cute girls from?
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Remove yourself from life.
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Good night, internet friends.
>symmetra somehow holds left click and kills three of your team because none of the three decide to shoot her
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good night anon!
You can press P and hover names to see their mains, training mode lasts a lot longer, and random doesn't include heroic

Healing Shurikens
Deals damage, then heals. allies and enemies

damage Fan
deals damage and grants damage amplification

Deflect Pistol

who gives a shit this is ass

junkrat / ana

Biotic grenades
deals 120 aoe damage/heal 10 shots

Sleep mine
throws a mine, deals damage on trigger and throws them back and puts them to sleep

Beartrap grenade
throws a grenade that explodes into beartraps, immobilizes and prevents/amplifies healing

Creates a nanoboosted riptire that is invincible and gives a nano boost to any enemy or ally hit by it
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New hero
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>Deflect Pistol
>who gives a shit this is ass
It'd work just like HotS Genji's deflect, just more damage because you add the kunai(bullet) plus whatever deflected projectile.
Nite m80
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>haven't had a friend irl since elementary school
>never had a girlfriend/boyfriend
>had a couple online friends but they slowly stopped talking to me over the past year
>only time anyone ever adds me in-game is when they mistake me for a girl
>don't tell them I'm not because I like the attention
I dont care, as long as it is cute, no one needs uncute heroes like Doomfist or Sombra.
>Play Winston because nobody wants to tank
>Tell team to group up with me
>Dive into enemy team
>Start electrocuting their Mercy, Zen, and Soldier while barrier dancing away from the Soldier and D.Va
>Kill Mercy, Zen, and Soldier
>Team is not shooting D.Va in the back
>Team is not even near me
>Our Mercy is pocketing her Soldier boyfriend even though he's at full health
>See team trying to 4v2 Zarya and McCree at the choke
>They somehow lose this
>Lose 40 SR

I'm fucking done.
I wasn't lying. Its just that my social life consists of playing magic the gathering with some friends and then marathoning anime till 3 AM.
So...not exactly exciting
We are your friends now.
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goodnight anon
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How it should feel to play Reaper
Roadhog / Widow

Fat Bitch

M1 - Scrap gun mk 2
full auto scrap gun, more like a flak cannon

M2 - Zoom in
fires a large piece of trash 2m in front of you

Take a breather
- inhales a widowmine and deals 75 damage to herself

hooks a character and brings her to them, can high jump

Infared hog
roadhog ult for 30s, each bullet is a sonic arrow
>reporting people you dont like

gas yourself
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>tfw you're in the shadow pool
Zarya hard to kill. She strong
a minimap
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My latest comp game stats

>50 elims
>22k damage
>13 deadeye kills
>25 headshots

That stupid IDDQD shooting bots tracking routine strangely helped me alot.

I couldn't even dream of diamond as mccree main before i practiced it for a couple of weeks five minutes a day.
Slow-mo is McCree's territory
>as a tank dps is shit
>as dps no tanks
>as healer no tanks protect
>as support no one cares
What routine? Post linkle
Get out and stay out
We're all friends now
>inhales a widowmine and deals 75 damage to herself.
>reporting people you dont like
How is that any different from what people in /owg/ do in their own general?
>Can't learn 23 extremely simple maps
No anon, it is you that is the faggot
Why is it whenever I see a gold border it's a mercy main?
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McCree secondary ult:

Targets 2 enemy heroes and puts them to sleep, goes through barriers

I think a 3D map would be cool so people could find niché spots easier
Genji / Symmetra


Shuriken laser
locks on to a character with a beam, then downloads shurikens into them faster the longer it is locked on

Fan of balls
Shoots out 3 energy balls

Passive: wall run d. jump fast

Dash turret.
- dashes forward, leaving 6 turrets in a line. resets on kill

Deflect barrier
Projects a photon barrier that deflects where you are aiming

Teleporter Sword generator
Symenji deploys a sword generator, giving dragonblade until the generator is destroyed
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>you will never have a friendship as strong as these two
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>play my heart out as tracey
>Our hanzo keeps insulting me the whole game
>Have gold elims and damage
>Hanzo still whines about me in all chat
>Enemy team sarcastically makes a joke about me carrying as tracey before clinching the victory
>Guy from the enemy team friends me
>Declined because I don't feel like getting insulted after the fact
Oh well. At least it was a close game. But the bullying. It hurts
a good half of them is a maze of corridors that lead nowhere
but the main point is being able to see teammates
Got a sadpanda link?
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Like normal Bastion but every shot is scatter arrow.
>downloads shuriken into them
my sides
>make video shitting on Mercy mains over a month ago
>got about 100 comments and 80 subs from it
>all the sudden im getting a huge influx of girls trying to defend themselves in the comments section even though i dont complain about girls at all, just "Mercy mains".

The only mention of a girl was the fact that my supports were a duo queue, a boyfriend and girlfriend with similar names. I didnt say anything mean towards women in general but they still get their panties in a twist.

Its great.

Thanks for reading my blog.
Remove double jump and anyone who had one now has a jump twice as high now.
keep em coming anon. these are gold.
I want to fuck the gay outta Tracer
>Not doing hard mode
What are you, some kind of faggot?
Hanzo / LUCIO


Riffs his guitar bow and fires out many beats. Can charge up for a big beat, can ohk

Boop arrow
Shoots out an arrow that boops in a huge cone

Simple geometry
-Increases the perceived size of the enemy hitbox
Ampd - every beat explodes into 4

Sonic groove
-grants wallhack and movement speed
ampd -even more wallhack and movement speed

dragon wave
once he drops the beat it continues in all directions, like the dragon and kills everyone
>go torb on defense
>suddenly half our team loses their shit thinking I'm throwing
is it just me or has the announcer gotten less excited whenever you get a 6 man kill? she doesn't shout it anymore, she just lazily says sextuple.
they should gas themselves too
"TEAM KILL" is nice to hear imo
What are you, some kinda genji main?
There should be a D.Va like explosion that kills both teams when two nano boosted reinhardts charge into each other
>playing comp
>our team has gold gun torb
>he's doing more work than the other dps
>end of match
>"torb were you throwing?"
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So, is it better to play in a team over solo queueing to climb? In lower ranks, like bronze, silver, and somewhat in gold, you can sort of carry. But plat and above it's a wild card. I've heard people say no don't group, others say it's broken and easily exploitable. What the heck is it? Do you want a 6 stack? 3? 2? 4? 5? Is there a sweet spot or is solo queue rolling the dice really the best way to rise?
can't have a female ingame get excited and say sex.
i like playing tanks but i have little practice with zarya and orisa

what tips can you give me for zarya

i feel like i'm doing hot shit but it's all in ptr qp so that hardly counts
duo or trio q to climb.

teammates are a dice roll so you need to have one or two other people who will actually synergize with you. bonus if your group includes a support that works with you.
DoktaStream again

Seventh game in a row where I've had gold elims and still lose, though this time my team had two troll picks like Torb/Junk and putting Symm's TP on the street. Fuck competitive. I need a party so goddamn bad
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>Teleporter Sword Generator
Now I can finally RYOUJIN NO KEN WO KURABEEP as Bastion
One of the best tips I got with her was don't try to shield your teammates just for charge, and don't shield them preemptively. She seems to be one of those hers where you actually want to save your abilities for when you need them.
Shield yourself just for charge if you like, but use your teammate barriers to protect them.
my best zarya tip: don't overextend
you can become that annoying invincible russian shit no one wants to come near if you know how when to withdraw and when to advance
Zarya you should hit tab and look at who's in the match. Imagine what kind of setups can happen, what fights there will be. They got a Mercy and you got a tracer? Watch that tracer for when she goes for the pick.
Also not sure if it makes a difference but I feel like doing self bubble while you still have shields generally works better. I think it's a mind game, you should have just got a bit of boost and still have shields, that looks good for you and bad for the enemy.
Seagull VS Shadowburn VS Shadder2k

Which of these 3 is the better Genji?
>4200 dps main
>boosting friend to masters on his account
>playing tracer since someone took s76
>literally 1v6ing every fight, we're winning but barely
>account has like a 90% winrate on tracer since my friend doesn't play her
>"tracer can you swap" -plat zarya who held grav the entire round, forcing me to hold bomb, only for her to shoot it into a DM that was already up
>lose my shit and go on a rant about how he's trash and should kill himself
>he starts jumping off the map
>we win anyway
>apologize and tell him he played much better the second round
>on the enemy team next game and I go out of my way to spawncamp him

I hope my friend doesn't get banned.
What are you, some kind of Mercy main? Picking easy mode would make sense for people of your ilk.
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>that picture
Do I even want to know?
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Not even going to bother to spoiler this because you guys are too heterosexual
>Shit stack gets hard carried by their Master friend
>Point this out
>Hurf durf just salty
I can't wait for the dunning kruger to him them hard when they make it to diamond too.

>that image

What the fuck.
Shadowburn by a long shot
Seagull is good at a lot of characters, and that happens to translate to genji
Shadowburn is SO good at genji that he shouldn't really be playing anyone else
Don't know who this is
t. someone who watches very little esports
Torb actually. You have to follow people and watch what's going on with Mercy.
I just want to Rancho relaxo.
>Two are washed up streamers
>An actual pro Genji

Gee anon I dunno
our rein would just walk away with his shield and not cover me
we had a sym who never changed
Then when we asked Rein what the fuck he went hanzo
Shadder2k plays with team liquid
Seagull with nrj
Shadowburn plays for fazeclan
nigga you dumb af
I don't care much for tardsport but from little I've seen, Shadowburn

Fan the hammer
attacks 6 times with his hammer very quick

deploys his barrier and allows him to shoot for 1 energy, 2000 energy barrier

McRein rolls a short distance and pins an enemy if it hits one, instantly reloads barrier

Flashfire strike
fires out an instant wave of fire that melts eyelids shut and deals 100 damage

High Noon shatter
McRein locks on, for each enemy he teleports and earth shatters them ala omnislash
I like that all the stupid romantic tropes applied to those two are still great because it's all platonic.
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what the fuck is that image
what the h*ll were they thinking when they made the young genji/hanzo skins?

Link to whatever story that image is from.
This is great
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Genji is now officially cancer in HoTS too!
They were thinking "Naruto is a popular thing among our potential playerbase"
got it now
time to frag out
>I like that all the stupid romantic tropes applied to those two
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>Jeff finally makes an announcement about the punishment system
>it's an automated script
want me to tell you the story or to explain the situation

Reminds me of this one time when I was playing QP and at the start of the match they started talking about how their Sym was going to shit all over us. Their Sym actually was really good and beat us, and the other team started shit talking and saying we were garbage and it was ez. Then their Sym said "I'm tired of you guys always fucking trash talking and you don't do shit" and left.

We completely destroyed them after their Sym left and their team just told us we were fucking scrubs anyway and left as soon as it was over.
Like on the Doomfist short when there was a "my love gets hurt in front of the hero and he gets engulfed by rage" moment.
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>The McCree buffs
>The Reaper buffs

Could Blizzard finally be getting a modicum of common sense!?
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Hating something doesn't make it cancer.
>yfw Torb's sit emote isn't Rancho Relaxo
I was on suicide watch tbqhfamalam
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>good 70%+ of my kills are stolen
what the fuck is this shit, always gun down a sucker but i never see my name in the fucking kill feed
You won because you're playing against Bronze?

the story told itself buddy
What did you expect?
Story pl0x
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Don't be like that anon you're making me embarrased.
he can
he's not entirely wrong
everything was going ok until at the second round, i with 9000 healing and 3 mins of objective time our mercy kinda changed into bastion, i ended up solo healing and we did a good job of keeping them on overtime but then he dc'd and now i lost... played so well i didnt even lose sr
Or his close friend got hurt and it pissed him off? You're starved for attraction and see it in everything aren't you?
can you do one for mei + pharah please?
No but statistic evidence does

People used the same argument you are using before the Roadhog nerf
How absolutely uninteresting
What? Did you even read my previous post, you daft cunt?
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You're the one talking about romance tropes.
>giving a single fuck about who got in the killfeed and not just that the guy is dead
What the fuck is wrong with you

I could understand this mentality in a deathmatch every man for himself game, but it's completely and utterly irrelevant in Overwatch.
i'm just salty that people say i carry myself out of bronze and say that i don't heal shit with lucio, i tried and could've succeeded but i failed not because of my own fault and this is proof of that
Trying to get the Reaper achievement here m8. If it isn't 3 100% solo kills, it won't pop. Pretty cancer tbqhfam
If you want to carry, go dps and demolish the other team
It'll get you into gold at least
It's a team game my dude
who are you hoping won't get a skin for the next summer games?
Is it just me or is does the Overwatch world cup feels very half-assed and cheap?
The APEX looks much more professional and more qualitative.
You sound like the pistol-only version of Mercy mains that /owg/ complains to
fuck you
>Play Mystery Heroes
>The enemy team has a Mercy
>Entire team unable to kill Mercy even though they've got Winston, Tracer, Genji, etc.
>Tell them to dive on the Mercy because she's going to charge her ult and then we won't be able to break through
>They can't do it
>They just blame me and ask why I didn't take her out

How can five people all playing tanks/DPS not kill 1 Mercy? Even a fucking Winston.
i was going to, i realized im not a bad soldier but somebody picked it
>No but statistic evidence does
I'm pretty sure there's more that have more of the "cancer stats" you like talking about.

>People used the same argument you are using before the Roadhog nerf
That statement isn't an argument. Also the Hog nerf isn't even remotely related to the talk about Genji. Especially since Hog's pickrate wasn't high to begin with lately.
Dva / 76

Twin autocannons
2x 76 guns, infinite the ammo

offensive matrix
stops all projectiles by killing the enemy before they can fire, fires helix rockets continually

jet sprint
infinite thrusters at will

76 year old dva
healing beacons / pistol

tactical self destruct visor
tactically self destructs the enemy, for 6 seconds fires auto aim nuclear warheads continually

"easy mode, I dont play by the rules anymore"
Kinda wanted the ammo number indicator close to the reticle. Hate when I'm in the middle of a fight and a kill I could have secured was lost due to me having to reload.
Like the Doomfist one? That's actually a decent idea.
What if they made a character that could deploy a shield on themself and any of their teammates, and if you or your team take damage you get stronger?
What the fuck has happened to Competitive?

People make comments all the time about it being bad, but it's never been anything like this.

The last ten games I've had both hanzo and widow picked on my team. I haven't seen more than one tank or healer in days.

I'm barely seeing wins anymore, and this is in fucking Diamond.

Whats happened to the community and the general state of affairs?
sounds dumb.
>offensive matrix.
>d.va 75 just shouts a bunch of profanity at the enemy team.
A support with no ultimate whose contributions to team play award ult charge divided up among nearby teammates proportional to their respective charge rates
Playing as Reinhardt is more fun than expected.

>It's summer
>The anniversary event had the game discounted and brought in tons of smurfs, kids, and shitters

The game always had a shit playerbase but these two things together have made it much worse.
let me hide viewmodels or at least make them transparent
hey i just got a transcendence POTG with zenyadda
i didn't even know you could get those
it's fun when you have a healer pocketing you and a dps behind your shield
People getting tired of the game and not caring + no punishment for leaving/trolling/throwing + summer + recent sale.
I uninstalled in December

is it worth coming back?
Not at all.
Id say so, its a fun game
Yeah, you can get POTGs by healing.
>still 30 seconds of hero selection time
>still 1 whole fucking minute of waiting in the shit spawning room
because discussing a strat takes a 1 minute, right
>silver borders are still shit players
>players still cant help out each other
>mercy players have no awareness whatsoever besides pocketing their favorite duo partner
this community is really firing my neutrons
as long as you don't touch competitive and just have fun in arcade and quickplay you should be fine.
Does Widow need a buff? She's countered by like half the cast.
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I beg to differ.
Posting far superior best friends.
What about a hero that can deal 250 damage per headshot on standard fire, and has a 450 damage burst?

Shitters figured out that reports don't do shit once Dafran got a small tap on the wrist for throwing in Grandmaster.
He was literally on stream playing attack Torb watching Hell's Kitchen in GM, then BMing his teammates when they wanted him to actually play seriously.
The punishment? He got competitive banned for the rest of the Season, even though he was in Grandmasters and would get his comp points at the end anyways.
I hate when people are trash, and they can't comprehend that they're trash..I'm only a Plat shitter, but when I do dumb as shit, I fucking know it and blame myself for not making diamond.
Not now, no.

The games in an absolute hot fucking mess right now, you'll not have an iota of fun.
refer to
Do lucio and reaper
>>silver borders are still shit players

This is what really gets me. I was just in a game with a guy who was level 700. Level 700. Let that sink in. And this guy was Silver, had never been above 1500 SR, and was a Junkrat main. And when I asked him why he, playing D.Va and Winston, couldn't kill a Mercy one time in 5 minutes, all he did was scream and ask why I didn't kill her, even though I was getting 1-2 picks before every single engagement while the enemy team had dedicated a guy just to hunting me down because of it so my team couldn't even win 5v3s.
What time of day have you guys found the most success in comp? Late night? Early morning? Midday? Prime time?
Thats not how the gay works.
Gay is when daddy and daddy love each other. Not gay is when granddaddy and grandmummy love each other. Anyway, it would make historical sense for an American to cuck a Red Indian
>lol I have top damage
>has only been using scatter
Speaking as an Ausfag, early morning and late night are absolute fucking tartarus
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Matchmaking is complete dogshit, you have to 1v6 and for some reason this is balanced around having a functioning team aka at least one not completely braindead
You will just struggle because people are so shit on your team that you end up filtering the good players on the other team and start hunting their bad players to abuse it, it's a really stale strategy to climb with.
> people below GM unironically talk about pick rates and metas

It. Doesn't. Matter.
now we're getting somewhere
Buff her hook, reduce cooldown to 4 seconds hook prefers ledges
give her the ability to lie flat oon the ground, on her tummy
poison slows movement continually allowing widow to escape or kill the target
slightly increase the damage on her auto fire
Very late night is the best time, but Early/ Mid Morning is the most practical.
Really? I'm a burger, overall morning has been the best time to play for me. But it seems like it's a dice roll what kind of teammates you get. And I'm not talking good or bad teamates, just teamates that want to play the game and try to win. That's all I want. Toxic fuckers and throwers just drain me
Being best friends with a woman isn't cucking their lover, you insecure /pol/ boy.

That's like saying you can't have an opinion on movies unless you work in Hollywood or you can't have an opinion on food unless you have a Michelin star.

but why didn't you focus the mercy?
Easiest hero to get out of each rank:

Bronze: Mccree or Mei

Bronze is just a bunch of random spread out 1v1s with no rhyme or reason and Mei/Mccree are the kings of 1v1s.

Silver/Gold: Reaper

I'm putting these two ranks together because they are extremely similar. I notice basically no difference in how players play from silver to gold. Reaper is basically an unstoppable monster at these ranks. You can flank behind or above the enemy team, come in, and delete everything without really trying. His ult is also a guaranteed wipe every time.

Plat: Pharah

Pharah is to plat what reaper is to gold, and honestly you could just play her in bronze-gold just as easily. Pharah is busted at the lower ranks and because the skill required to counter even a bad Pharah is so high, that if someone is good enough to counter her, they're already at a higher rank.

Diamond: Widowmaker

This is an odd one and actually requires you to be somewhat decent at the game, but if you have half decent aim widowmaker can absolutely destroy at this rank. The coordination required to shut you down is usually way higher than what is found at this rank, players have terrible positioning and predictable movement, and her SR gains are pretty broken.

Masters: Mercy

Unlike most characters, Mercy actually gets easier the higher you go. Players start to give you better protection, better spots to fly to, die together on point instead of running away or getting staggered, and most of the time they'll be someone on your team telling you what to do/when to res. She also has busted SR gains, making it possible to climb with a poor winrate, and is probably the easiest character in the game to play.

GM: Torb
if we all get real, roadhog is pretty bad now
Wasn't it him playing Nekopara?
Is there such a thing as a multiplayer video game where the other players aren't autistic tryhards? Apparently joking in chat and having fun are things that get you reported, focused and yelled at by internet bullies.
mid day last august
I got myself a new account, I'm only going to play comp past midnight and see what happens.
i mostly played zenyatta and sometimes lucio or symmetra

i wasn't very high in the ranks
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>last August
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Whatever reason you left for is at least three times worse now.
>bad matchmaking
>poor game balance
Season 1 pre buff D.Va

>Frost rocket
Fires a rocket that explodes with coldness, 35% freeze on splash, 65% freeze on direct hit

>Shoot wall
Fires out an icewall and knocking back anyone it hits

Cube Jump
becomes encased in ice while jumping upward. lasts until cancelled or out of jet fuel.

Justice Storm
throws a sentient missile at an area, it slowly converts everything into a missile, including other characters, who then explode
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>cant even kill a mercy with the lmaohook combo now

the tears of a hog main...
6 months with two new characters, one of which was shit and overhyped, and barely any new maps had a lot to do with it. plus comp was shit but the only way to get gold guns

Is there something up with the match making? I just started playing and I got placed at 1700~ I climbed to ~1900, I grouped with a team once, had a few laughs, and suddenly after that all my teammates are shit. No one uses mics, we always have 3 dps none who apparently can kill a solo pharaoh) and so many people just rage quit.

I dropped like a stone to 1600, and I have lost pretty much all interest in the game.

Having a 4 second hook would be kinda retarded. 10 seconds is good enough, it allows her to use it a bit more without having her be Spiderman. Letting her go prone would also be broken, it would make her nearly impossible to kill, especially when combined with a 4 second hook.

Improving Venom Mine would be good. It needs a better everything, basically. Less cooldown, more damage, and stun/slow.

I kind of wish Widowmaker could shoot through barriers for halved damage and no crit or something. Or ignore armor/shields.
Yes, that's why I'm still bronze.
Does the summer event go live when the patch does?
when the fuck is the summer games event

i cant wait until august for fucks sake, i want it now
embrace the shit

come down to bronze and party with the rest of us. face it, you're never going to climb to masters so whats the point of playing if not to have fun?
The main issue in lower levels is the fact of having people who main characters and they are shit.
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Do what has to be done.
I played hog for the first time in a month in quick play last night, he was a strong ok. I'm used to always shooting at least once before hooking, and going for heads hots when I hook a target, so I still got kills. But I missed being able to hard carry with him.
At night expect silent teammates in voicechat and imagine each rank as the one below them in tier eg, Diamond at midnight is equivalent to Platinum in the day, thus the ELO hell range is marginally larger
The biggest challenge is staying both awake and responsive enough to play at your optimal level to have the advantage over the enemy. And don't forget you are playing at an overall lower rank, so don't expect the quality of play you would usually demand for your tier.

Also stacking at night is OP

Because I was playing Widow and getting 2 picks every fight while their D.Va bullied me, thus making it so my team only had to fight a 5v3 where the enemy team had no D.Va.

And they still lost.
デス i don't even know why venom mine is in the game. it isn't threatening to anyone
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Fuck Mercy mains.
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Is m'lady Zarya going to fit into the new triple-tank meta with muh boi Doomfist, now that they buffed her?
That'd be really neat, three of my favourite heroes in meta at the same time.
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>fuck Mercy mains
With pleasure
allows a scoped-in widow to be warned of flankers?
Why are there no GM Reapers?
>Shit team begs for tank
>Troll and go Hog
>Hook and cook Mercy as soon as I get on point
>She's alive
>Still alive
>Shoot her
>Still alive
>Shoot again
>She finally dies and so do I because her team was trying to save her and I couldn't sippy
probably because the enemy team got consistent heals and while a teammate was shitting it up in spawn
there are
I request some post that beautiful gif where mei puts an icicle through her skull.
Gotcha. My ability with Soldier and mcmeme is improved a bunch since I first started playing, so I'm OK with jumping and playing like it's a shooting gallery. I usually play decently enough unless the enemy teams playing barrierwatch
i thought headpones did that
Who are they?
Zarya, Doomfist and who?
>stop guardian angel to dead people

does this fix mercy?
Because Reaper is more useless than Torb or Bastion in GM
>all those upvotes from mercyfags circlejerking one another

This comment really makes me fucking mad.
What graphic settings does /owg/ play on?
you know what, it would change things drastically
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To a degree, yes, but only if the nerfs that are on PTR right now are actual nerfs and not bugs
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Okay, its official, Mercy mains are worse than Genji mains, Hanzo manis, and Widow mains.
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>mfw trying to play widow at 20 fps
what should the next event be and why should it be labor day with mercy in a tennis skirt?
QUESTION: enemy team is running bastion, orisa, reinhart, lucio, torb, mercy on king row defense.

How do you counter this?
Anti Mercy
>Shooting her heals her
>She steals HP
>She nerfs
>She can't fly
>her killls everyone in range
what nerfs/bugs exactly?
Nice taste.
I, for one, hope that my love Reinhardt becomes viable again.
Not necessarily meta, just viable.
The event is already confirmed to be summer games. All the files for it are in the PTR.
Why the fuck does she even have that ability. It allows for insane bursts of mobility on a two second cooldown, and doesn't even have a consistent pattern, you can slow down, you can speed up, land later, land sooner, what the fucking fuck? Imagine if lucio had a self-speedboost every two seconds. What kind of hell would this game turn into?
dva widow pharmercy tracer symmetra
>this is what mercyfags actually believe
it's summer games but it might be beached theme
Ye, I like Rein too, although never quite could play him well. But the idea of a leader tank is very nicely done, if you leave alone of the weird disconnects on charge and earthshatter.
coordinated dive

tracer gets in a position where she can flank from the side of the bastion, winston jumps in, genji deflects into the bastion, zen discords, dva defense matrix in front of the winston
>Mercy one tricks always shit talking
Every damn time.
Mercyfags are the most toxic and annoying people in this game, on par with genjimains and torbmains. Surprisingly, I've met a lot of decent hanzomains, despite their reputation. They either stay silent or actually provide useful info without useless blabbering.
You maybe OK when you are awake, but its a whole other thing when your mind begins to wander when you are sleepy.
You lose focus on the objective, forget heroes and ignore sounds, such as Ult shouts. You become notably less responsive in both aim and reactions (So don't be so reliant on abilities). You prioritise heroes much worse, often going for the closest one to your reticle, instead of the Mercy healing them. Now imagine that for every other person in the game.
You have to be careful man, you will either rise like a pie in the oven, or be brought downstream by RNG to a place you can never get out of. I assume you have ever experienced ELO hell? Because once you enter, it is a hard climb out, especially now Roadhog has been deleted from the game.

Point being, get your sleep routine in order and practice some high level QP beforehand late at night on your main account. Learn what its like, so you can actively shake yourself out of it. Because for all you care, the rest of your team is literally asleep at their screens.

But whenever I play mercy nobody fucking groups. It's a fucking nightmare. Play a healer and they run around and go in one at a time, nobody covers me. Play a tank and they will literally run past your shield, get killed and blame you, all the while they are somehow doing less damage. Play the DPS and someone locks in a torb or a hanzo right as round starts.
>t. Hanzo main

Mercyfags are cancer but don't pretend Hanzo retards who refuse to change and keep insulting the team are any better.
I'm sorry but I can't. I only speak the truth
Nerf*, my bad.
She can't rez from spawn anymore (and literally from any place where symmetra can't place her teleporter near the spawn)

Those are fixed on the current PTR and there's also a small buff that makes his hammer feel A M A Z I N G.
I'm starting to have high hopes ;_;
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>they say this
>I always hunt them down and stop them from doing their shit
>in game they're telling me to fuck off
So what the fuck do you want?
Sombra would nut on them pretty hard if your team follows your ult
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>have to play solo-tank in Comp
>only tank I am okay at is D.Va
>our Mercy sticks with me for the most part meaning I have good longevity
>the enemy teams tanks are a Winston and a D.Va
>have my ult for every teamfight due to surviving for long and melting Winston/D.Va
>that shit german map that nobody likes
>enemy has gone full faggot mode with torb, bastion and sym
>get asked to pick Rein because my shield is totally gonna last more than a nanosecond as opposed to just doing a dive comp
>whatever humor them and do so anyway
>none of them stand behind my shield when it is up, start wondering if they only demand Rein out of habit and don't know why he's good and when
>somehow manage to sneak past the choke despite being 8 feet tall and manage to charge and kill their bastion, Mercy and Ana before getting the enemy Rein low before dying
>hopeful that this is enough of an opening to take the point
>nothing happens
>all my team mates died to Sym's kill gate
>not Sym herself, her stationary 1 hp turrets

This is my 5th loss in a row tonight, should I just give trying and just start fucking around?
So when are we getting another cute brown girl?
When are they going to make it so you don't have to wait 1 minute at the character select screen in Mystery Heroes? What's the point of that? It's fucking Mystery Heroes and then impatient retards keep clicking the hero on and off and it's annoying as fuck.

It's been a year and a half.
I'd swap the greasy monkey for noble crusader anytime.

to anyone who plays Hearthstone, this is the equivalent of telling someone to play around Meteor, that hass been discovered by Primordial Glyph, which was created by Cabalist's Tome, in Arena.
They buffed her but they didn't deal with the core problems she has against the current meta.

Doomfist has gotten gimped.
Or would she be more balanced if her guardian angel was replaced with an ability to jump higher, like short flight up to safety/a higher point

no longer being able to rez from spawn was intentional
His damage output stays the same, the only thing changed so far is his mobility. He still can quite easily melt korean traps and unintelligent apes, and that's what made him so strong against dive - the ability to deny open space those two create for the team
>I have the luxury of spending an hour not shooting at the enemy team to go find some dipshit Mercy sitting in a random ass location on the map

There you go guys, to counter Mercy just abandon the teamfight.
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I can't wait to bash their skull against walls with DF.
It will be glorious!
Thanks man, but trust me I stop playing once I get delerious. I can feel when I'm not at my best. And I'd say I've been in elo hell. I'm weary of blaming things that aren't me, but when you're in a complete blowout of a game, and no one listens to your calls, yur teams wastes ults and the other team doesn't, it's tough. I got myself from silver to Plat playing tanks and healers, lots of hog too, pretty nerf.

I got another account because I kind of felt like it, my goal is to get to diamond and maybe tickle masters, I know on a few heroes I can do it. And if it turns out that I don't make it that high, I know where my skill level really is.
Thanks for the advice anon.
>no longer being able to rez from spawn was intentional
It was? Did they actually say anything about that?
The issue I had was not knowing how to deal with the barriers, as they're always up. I guess go full dive into the team?
Ster mentioned that Jeff mentioned that they were looking into removing that crap. Yeah, not the most reliable source
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help me
i've lost over 400 sr on my lose streak
i'm out of diamond
people don't like eichenwalde? that's the best map in the game imo
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The best thing about DF is that we finally have an Offense hero with a big round hitbox.

>mfw seeing his health melt away when I'm shooting him as D.Va while he charges up his punch

good job rushing in while your team respawned
>I'm out of diamond
You escaped hell, why the fuck are you unhappy?
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>POTG and 3 gold medals as healer
>not even 5 upvotes
So I want to ask you all who aren't shitters, what was your favorite meta? Mid-tier diamond and below need not reply.
Why did you keep playing?
coin flip
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>lmao umm sweetie just kill her through 3 walls and 2 rooms??????????????????????
When are we going to round up mercy mains and shoot them in the back of the head?
bronze fun meta, go fuck yourself
I'm going to screenshot this for the time when muh boi arrives in comp, and I get to mock you for your stupidity when you come here crying.
If it was a Mercy potg it doesn't count
Guys. Help me.
I'm low silver and my aim is mediocre to shit.
What are my best options in terms of hero picks?
Also is there any map-by-map tips? I have immense trouble on attack for most of the maps.
when you can find them before they can rez :)
>try out capture the flag since I haven't played in it a while
>no one tries to defend and enemy has triple cancer sym torb and bastion
>try to defend myself while team gets stomped
>get rushed and flag gets captured
People blame me and start leaving
>everyone who replaces them leave too
>lose horribly
Why do I keep coming back to this game mode when I know this is how it will be?
whats the new update boys
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how much is the SR decay more exactly?
I want to see Mercy nerfed, but for the reasons of seeing Mercyfags cry fucking oceans. They WILL whine a fuckton more then when Genjifags cried with getting his triple jump n shit getting taken away.

It will be glorious.
Simply put, most of your games will have people who don't use voicechat at all, who constantly waste ults and will run into enemy fire like no tomorrow.
But as a trade off, so will the enemy team-and it's basically guaranteed nobody will be talking shit in chat.
Play independent heroes if you can, such as Soldier, Bastion, Zarya, Zen, Reaper and the 3 flankers. Work with your team if they are willing, but as a general rule, the only person you can trust to not be asleep is yourself.
If you are intending to go S76/ McCree, you have some solid chances at doing well. Perhaps try working in some Bastion as well, as he has similar spread to S76 in Sentry mode and his counters are generally less potent/aware at night (Genji, Tracer, Pharah), making for a much better choice on defence than McCree.

I pray to RNGsus that you make it anon. I really do. Good luck mate.
>Escaped hell
He only went into a deeper one
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And will never happen
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Are you prepared for the return of Reinhardt?
Make it so mercy needs LoS to rez people and a windup time where she can be killed. Just ruin the bitch.
Don't get too worked up bitch, she wont be getting anything major.
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8 SR for me (low diamond)
I was referring to people who think any statistics based off what GMs/t500/pros are doing has any bearing on their gameplay in diamond and below
Just to suffer.
This. Make her ult more complex then Q for 5 free respawns
Every night, I can feel my SR
per day after the deadline or what?
> ruin 1/4 of the available healers

As much as I hate Mercy, there's already not enough variability amongst supports
>tfw someone who is silent all game and does nothing but over extend
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tfw I got never got it, and its the one I wanted the most in any of the skins released so far
i dont play autoaim heroes
>want to play first person shooter
>have to play hide and seek
If I was okay with this I'd play properly hunt.
OW prop hunt when
The thing I always found much more annoying than Mercy's res is Guardian Angel, which lets her literally fly back and forth between buttboys for free with a cooldown so short that it's recharged by the time she hits the ground.

That's fucking stupid considering how other movement abilities have much lengthier cooldowns. It should be 6 seconds, at least.
>Mercy ult now needs LoS
>enemy team can also block rezzes by putting barriers over the corpses of their enemies
so no 76?
Honestly Deathball. It had the most variation bar a mandatory Lucio and Reinhardt, but Blizz had to fuck Ana up.
If they had left her in her PTR state, with a longer charge time on the Nano, she would have fit in fine.
But noooo, shitter Reddit had to fucking complain that she was too weak. Literally every time Blizzard has listened to the lower ELO's, it has completely fucked that heroes balance up
>Genji triple jump was too hard to hit
>Ana was too weak of a healer
>Bastion's range was too much
>Widow could headshot too fast
>Sombra is too strong
>The balance of whether McCree or Soldier would be the dominant DPS of the meta
>Hanzo is fine
>Mercy is fine
>Reinhardts' hitboxes are too big
>Literally Roadhog

Honestly Blizzard should ignore anyone with a rank under 3000 when it comes to balance
Correct. And happy to know she'll remain relatively untouched. You shitters who wanted her totally "ruined" like the autist above will be sorely disappointed. I could see a rez charge nerf, a minor self heal nerf, and the end of spawn rezzes are coming obviously, but other than that she'll remain the same and viable
>everyone rezzed by Mercy comes back at half health
Will people ever learn to not be friendly with the enemy?
How to fix Mercy without completely changing her kit:

>Healing stream hps reduced, increases per second when attached to target, like Sym's dps
>Pistol is now equipped alongside staff to make up for reduced hps. M2 now controls healing stream, Shift switches healing to damage boost, E is Guardian Angel
>GA now has 1 sec stationary launch before flying to target
>I have no idea what to do about her ultimate.

This would help fix the Pharmercy problem, give her more utility during battle so she's not just a walking medpack, and essentially give her character a slightly higher skill ceiling without actually giving her anything new.
Dude, dropping from diamond to plat for me is like a heavens bliss. People aren't yelling in their mics, you don't have four dps mains instalocking their shitty heroes,it even seems like there's less 2cp. Probably not true, but adds to the picture. Diamond is literally HELL, that for some reason ascended from the bottom of the ladder to its middle
>You can now see enemy's souls
>Shooting them pushes them away
>You can now make it harder for her to get multi-man rez
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per week I think
Mercy is the Floyd Mayweather of Overwatch
Oh I don't imagine good Doomfists will make the same mistakes like charging punches for longer than needed, so I'm by no means saying "Oh D.Va counters him so hard".

I'm just saying it's nice that there's an Offense character with a rounded hitbox.

I already find him pretty hard to fight as D.Va because of all his displacement abilities throwing me off.
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But S5 is decent fun as well, it's finally a dps meta once again. Tanks can go fuck themselves, especially roadcuck
>reaper can consume the enemy souls
>killing him releases them
>Mercy is Floyd Joy Mayweather Jr. an American professional boxer and promoter, considered widely to be one of the greatest boxers of all time, undefeated as a professional, and a five-division world champion of Overwatch
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>flawless Reaper game

The res is really easy to fix. Either make it have LoS, make it so she can't fly to dead people, or make it charge much slower, like 2x or 2.5x slower.

Guardian Angel needs to have a longer cooldown and not recharge until her feet touch the ground. This would kill Pharamercy, and Mercy's jump jets are jump jets, not infinite flight.

I also think Mercy's self-healing should only kick in at 3 seconds or be removed entirely.
This is just dumb and won't make already barren support roster any more diverse. She needs a complete overhaul of all of her stupid abilities, and blizz will never do that, because there's already too much content related to her dildo spewing healing cum all over her pockets.
>Likes DPS meta
>Doesn't like the fat DPS
I'm guessing you are shit at positioning, and Roadhog kept you punished in Plat, until you rose with a Pharah to GM after Blizz snapped him
I just had this image of reaper running around kicking souls like they're sacks of shit. It cracked me well
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>people legitimately complaining about mercy
>get paired with a 4 stack
>after two minutes I noticed they are not doing any team work and nothing is working
>get three kills
>go on payload
>notice everyone is alive but nobody is on the payload
>die because im 1v3
>check their profiles
>they are arabs
>that explains everything
Mercy herself should not get immunity to damage immediately after rezing
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How about a hero that can take enemies abilities and use them to their own advantage?
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Her solo 1v6 potential is insane
>lmao turn a 6v6 into a 6v12
So how's the realm of useless shit characters treating you, Pathswine? Made friends with Bastion yet?
That gimped mobility's what's going to fuck him when dealing with the dive DPS.
I don't hate Mercy I hate Mercy one tricks and one tricks in general.
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So Genji deflect-The Hero?
>just a few mins ago
>get paired with 5 stack against 6
>struggle hard but win in overtime thanks to my grav
>enemies competent as well, maybe unlucky
>hope my teammates will invite me after
>they don't
>send friend request after getting complimented
>it's not accepted

That is true.
It's more like 6v5 to 6v10, but bullshit nonetheless
Disable hello and voicelines from tracer
When is Doomfist going live?
the post relied on you knowing who Mayweather was already.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised it fell flat in /owg/
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What the fuck is going on here?
Ability to set map type preference for QP
He was shit against dive dps even with that mobility. He can't do shit to pharah, he can't catch neither tracer nor grengi. They are just not his field of operation. Again, his strength against dive came from the ability to beat the crap out of tanks, possibly supports, without much regard for shields and defense matrixes. He can easily punch winston out of his safespace monkeybubble, and what's then? Is the ape going to talk his way out? No, he's going to die miserably by the hand of supreme predator - The Man.
Same stuff with d.va, try supporting your shitty japanese shimpanzee when you constantly get beat to shit and displaced all over the place.
Well there goes that idea, back to the drawing board
Given how on the startup app it says that he's coming soon, it might be next week.
Your graphics card is toast
Sucks to be you
GPU choking up.
Watch your temps, see if it's not already damaged.
It's called HIGH noon for a reason.
>game crashes
>you are suspended from comp
>lost 50 sr
Good job Blizzard.

Why would people not complain about a character who is simultaneously the most important character yet also the easiest to play, with the most crutches?
That's the thing though. The gimped mobility isn't going to have him escaping as much as he used to so he's going to get shredded more often. He himself doesn't actually destroy the bubble when he does his attacks. I'm not denying that he won't be making fast work of the tanks or cripple them enough, but part of his sustainability got a hit.
When will Doomfist go live?
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Because she's not even a great hero.

Instead of complaining about a third-rate support that can be easy to deal with if people have team coordination, complain about how Lucio has been a literal must pick for 4 seasons.
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>when you see a hostile Genji
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Oh, you look tired..jpg
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Greatest fight of all time with Pac Man.
>have a beer
>joke with people in chat in qp
>have fun

you guys yap about this community but i kinda like it
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>mfw it's the only uprising skin I got and I don't even play Widowmaker but love seeing her in that skin
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>when you see that lonely zenyatta at the enemy backline
Anyone else getting a glitch with characters skin turning blue?

Its like everyone is turning into Widowmaker
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>lol just shoot the character with a slim hitbox that can fly straight to other characters on a 2 second cooldown and heals up fully if you don't finish her off before she goes and hides behind her team which she's behind 90% of the time and can also use her ult through walls and gains invincibility on activation and even if you do manage to kill her before she gets her ult off she'll just have it ready for the next fight unless you're a literal god and can kill her first 100% of the time and even then she can still come back from spawn just in time after the rest of her team dies and can rez them anyway WHAT ARE YOU BAD LMAO
>oh by the way she gains far more SR than she loses so having a negative winrate literally isn't an issue and you can get to GM by merely existing. rofl how come you're still playing DPS??
Many people do not know how to ignore the shit. They roll in it, and then say everything smells like shit.
Take screenshots and share that anon
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So how do you all prevent yourselves from tilting in games? I've started to hit shittier MM and teammates who are pushy or unwilling to switch up to assist in the win and after a while it starts to get really tiring to deal with. Any advice for some mid-game rage soothing methods?
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>when Genji realizes he went in too deep and starts running away with Deflect up
>he has sub-25HP
>chase him down with Boosters because the damage from them isn't negated by Deflect
>tap him and he dies
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>everyone is turning into Widowmaker
Yeah I agree with you, but I looked at it with Lucio's rework in mind. They didn't actually change any of Lucio's abilities, just cut his aura's radius and gave him better firing rate, plus the wall ride thing. My ideas are stupid, but it's more realistic because Blizzard wouldn't want to completely change Mercy's abilities since she's designed for people that can't aim and can't lead a team (like a Reinhardt player)
>Because she's not even a great hero.

That's not why people complain about Mercy, retard. People complain about Mercy because her skill floor and ceiling are both incredibly low, so she draws the worst people to her. On top of that, her busted SR gains encourage Mercy maining and letting your team die to farm 5 man rez, which is counterproductive to good play. She literally enables shit players and encourages shit playstyles.

She is also retardedly easy to play, despite being hugely centralizing. Mercy doesn't even require things like gamesense or positioning to play, which is ironic because Mercy players constantly talk about that shit. She can LShift to teammates at will with the lowest cooldown in the game and fly to dead people to Q. What positioning? She starts regenerating her health after 1 second, so she doesn't have to position to be near health packs. She is literally just behind everybody all the time, so she doesn't need gamesense because it's everyone's job to protect her while she's the furthest from actual combat.

Her being a good hero or a shit hero has nothing to do with it. It's like Jack-O in Guilty Gear. Jack-O is not a top tier character. Jack-O players are not sweeping tournaments en masse. But people of all skill levels hate her anyway because her playstyle is annoying.

You're probably mentally retarded because all you can do is trot out the same "just shoot her lel" argument with reaction image, but that doesn't make you any less wrong.
Jesus, taking a hit and going completely down are two different things. It's just a minor tweak, not a roadhogs atomic bomb.

I just tell myself it's just a game.
OW has one of the most retarded playerbases I've ever seen and if you get mad about it your heart will fucking explode every other game. The only way to win is to not give a fuck.
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>Its like everyone is turning into Widowmaker
>Because she's not even a great hero
despite the fact she's in literally every high SR match? despite the fact her raw contribution to the team surpasses that of the majority of heroes?
guess D.va isn't that great either and they both need buffs
but really fuck off
"not great" describes the likes of McCree, Sombra, Orisa, just the whole fucking Defense category, etc.
Anon, I'm just pointing out what's affecting him, I didn't call what they did to him the Roadkilling of 2017.
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for a moment that seemed logical to me, thought it was molten core turret
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I never said I used him. Personally I miss the guy, he gave me a nice 15% ult for free and 50 free hp after I baited the hook.
Even then however, I understood he was anti-shitter. If you couldn't position yourself behind a fucking barrier, of course he was going to get you, even if you are in midair healing your Pharah. His hook was just the same as Hanzo's Scatter. Absurdly broken until there is a barrier between you and it, then its' flat fucking useless.
Just because you had zero gamesense and couldn't bait hooks didn't mean RH needed to be crunched into the dirt by the balance hammer. He was arguably fine from launch, bar his absurd Hook hitbox size which just needed toning down. Hook 2.0 was the wrong kind of nerf, but was definitely good enough, but the flat deletion of RH from the roster was fucking uncalled for.

>QP, PC, 1.3%, Second only to Bastion
>Comp PC, 1.0%, Second only to Bastion

>QP, PS4, 1.34%, Second only to Bastion
>Comp, PS4, 1.04%, Second only to Widow

>QP, XB1, 1.42%, Second only to Bastion
>Comp, XB1, 1.12%, Third only to Bastion and Widow

>PC, Comp, Grandmaster, 0.19%, Worst hero pickrate
>PS4, Comp, Grandmaster, 0.5%, Second only to Bastion
>XB1, Comp, Grandmaster, 0.43%, Third only to Widow and Bastion

>Used to be consistantly in the Top 6 best Heroes
>Roadhog is fine at the literal bottom of the barrel where he is now
>All because now I can rank up as a Mercy with shit positioning :)
leave me alone please
this is so funny that I don't even have a one word meme response to it, 10/10

It happens to everyone, every time I win it's probably because my enemies had the shit teammates in that match
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her time has come
>oh no why are my teammates helping me that was my kill!
>30 seconds later
>WOW where was my team?!?
I will next time it happens, just saw my friendly Hanzo flickering blue and then Pharah in the POTG
Well I wouldn't mind making her yellow leash shorter, fixating her dash, so that you can't neither overshoot nor undershoot, and always land just behind your target, and make her wings deployable only once, resetting on the ground.
Also, her damage boost needs to go. Get fucking rid of it, buff her pistol instead. Make her health regenerate slower or start regenerating later.
Make her ultimate LoS and shorten the duration of the invulnerability frame.
Possibly give her a more appealing alternative to res, the way sym got her second ultimate. I dunno what could it be.
Now spend actual time playtesting this shit, so that it doesn't end up broken and frustrating for everyone involved, and off you go, Mercy fixed, you can stop being a healbot and start kicking at least a little ass.
There's no need to make her gameplay any more tedious and boring, but adjustments must be made to allow people on the other team to counterplay her dumb fucking kit.
>when you know where that is from
>focus the mercy first
>she respawns just in time for a 5 man rez
It's really not that hard, just sneak up on Widow or Hanzo in qp
Also have Death Blossom ready as activating it even after firing your last shot of the magazine still counts as that magazine, as long as you've damaged the people you kill with it beforehand
So basically you can kill someone with 4 shots
Another one with 3 shots
Hit the third one with your last shot and instantly activate Blossom to kill him and you'll get the achievement
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Will the next cinematic be... steamy?
What'd they change in this patch? Are they really too fucking lazy to add patch notes?
I know, but its the solo kill that is getting me.
If they even lose a single point of health, I'm fucked so:
-Can't get it amid a teamfight
-Can get it by solo ulting 3 unwary faggots and actually killing them, as you need to tag them with a shot first

Almost as bad as Zens', Sombras' and Orisas'
help i am sexually confused
>choose a DPS
>2 dps
>1 tank
>2 support
>last guy goes hanzo
>tfw got Sombra's achievement the very first time I used her ult by pure chance
Hanzo, at your service.
Has anyone tested whether the autoreload from wraith negates it?
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Finally managed to cap it, it only lasts for a fraction of a second before going back to normal, anyone else seen this?

Also please excuse the graphics, I play on a toaster
It does.

>talon has successfully infiltrated Overwatch
Were you chocking a bitch?
how do I reduce visual noise. what settings do I turn down?
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please help
Tryharding is evolving... can you give him a katana as well?
That's what he gets for only being 3/4 dressed, now he's got frostbite.
Honestly i wouldn't mind to see the healslut nerfed to the ground.

The other healers already do a better job keeping the team alive
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Mazbe some footage of Ladybug can make you straight again?
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The blueing of my game spreads
dear god i hope we get basketball zenyatta or kung fu zenyatta this sumemr games
saw the thumbnail and for a moment i thought it was her forstbite skin
>pussy riding on pussy
Son, you gay.
>enemy team gets matrix, heal
>I can't get a fucking heal when I'm peeling
>or a matrix or barrier

this is dumb
It's mostly likely because you're on a toaster that it does this. The game loads the lo-res texures first then higher res.
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>*jumps behind you*
>*throws you out of the map*
nothing personel kid
This is the gayest shit I've seen, and I've watched live footage from lgbt parades
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This is me when I play Widowmaker on attack Hollywood, and I switch to Winston
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really good Hanzo/Genji, check him out on twitch please?
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Shrunk Tracers dick once again
>Ilios, 2nd map with the church point
>Booping people off as Lucio
>Got a Rein 3 times
>Instead of going around and attacking me he charges straight for the point through the door
>Boop him again
>He goes flying like a missile around the point and still dies
Felt so bad but it was so damn funny.

Advertising is against the rules.
CTF is the embodiment of cancer, and yet they remove fun modes like no limits when they want to include new modes
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That explains why I like it so much
Advertising your gay stream is against the rules fuckhead
Charging Rein boops are among my favorite.
Others being giving Winston a helping hand right as he jumps in the general direction of an edge, and dumping an ulting Zen in a pit.
yikes sorry. Guess I should read them. just trying to support the bf
What is it with the french and making very sexual cartoons, they're just like Japan
Why is it so hard for them to keep all modes available? Don't give me the "rotate so people play our unfun SHIT" excuse.
Because the playerbase would be too spread out and people would complain about not finding matches.
Go make him a damn sandwich

But 30 million players.
>300000 billion players
>but you'll have trouble finding a match!
People have jobs, timezones, different play times, might only play for a certain amount of time, there's 3 different servers, along with the PTR. It also tries to find people at least somewhat of the same skill level, even in QP. (I think.)
It's not a problem in other games with more than 5 playmodes.
>fucking warps around

Even when I'm focusing him, getting him to stay on my screen for a goddamn second is insane.

Tracer isn't even this annoying
>Sister catches me watching these webms
>"Oh my gosh! Is that miraculous ladybug?"
>"Haha, sorry! I just saw you were watching shaawahh"
Anon you made someone scare the living bejeebies outta me
who would Trump main?
Soldier seems the obvious choice
>silver genji/hanzo main who's currently queueing with a 12 year old
Why would I ever watch this?
>getting scared by your sister
>letting her see that you're on 4chan
>who would Trump main?
Isn't he too busy playing Hearthstone
"You're powered up! Get in there!"

>post yfw
McCree is an obvious choice, with 'Murica skin, obviously
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mfw powered up.jpg
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Winston or Zarya
They're heroes who are high reward for proper positioning and are valuable for the long-term of the game.
Maybe Junkrat too for the same reasons but he might seem to risky against better comps.
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Pharah is pretty.
Is she young? Try watching the show with her sometime
just beause zarya is russian doesn't mean trump would be good with her keep my muscle waifu away from that man
Pretty STINKY!
He'd play Bastion because he likes mowing weak characters down and doesn't care about playing with his team
>Double hanzo and double mercy game
>matchmaking not rigged

so glad widow hanzo lucio mercy on attack is so gud
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>"Didn't we agree that it was going for Winston? I just used ult 6 seconds ago."

Mei to build wall.
McCree to anti-flank sneaky media.
Sombra to disrupt fake news.
She's 21. Judging from how excited she was, and the fact she pronounced it so weirdly, I bet she's pretty into it
>bad on attack
How's bronze buddy
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>Convince a silver kid on global to give me his password because I'm too lazy to level an account to 25
>Farm scrubs all night
>Route 66, not really paying attention
>Dicking around in the backline as Tracer, not really playing cart
>1v4 their Reaper, Ana, Mercy and Zarya
>all of the sudden 10 seconds left, and the cart hasn't moved past the first bend
>Quickly try to to get back to the cart
>See the rest of the team absolutely getting wrecked by a Orisa and Torb

I don't think I ever laughed so hard. The rest of the team was Genji/Mercy/Rein/Lucio/DVa and none of them could deal with the Orisa Sheild/Torb combo. Then the mercy blamed the DPS because we had 2 flankers. This game is 100% more fun in Silver/Gold
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>mercy main
>playing lucio

cmon now
>mom i posted it again
Is it better to boost normal Winston or primal rage Winston? I don't really play Ana much so...
uh isn't Bastion super dependent on his team?
I think he was saying a lucio gets worse value when both the DPS are meant to kinda stay behind (hanzo can be a weirdo and do either)
>golds dont matter
>the 0 medal 76 said
>only the objective does
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I want to have kawaii bronze adventures on competitive, where can I find password giving silver kids
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>Golds dont matter
>The other dps said
>While I have 4 gold medals
>and we lost anyways
>"why werent you shooting the d.va"
>"I was what about you"
As Winston, I prefer to stay normal through the boost and pop rage at the end of it
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>tfw ooga, but team booga
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Meant for (You)
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>almost all D.Va porn is some kind of brutal rape

Why do people want to see their waifu raped?
Time to kick some ass.
I want more face sitting Dva pics.
Also face sitting Widow.
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>muh russian witch hunt
Even the SJWs I know don't believe that shit.
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>D.va throws his mech at my already existing wall placed to block their D.va
>"ugh don't play Mei ever again"
>tab, golds, dmg as fucking Mei
Primal rage nano is pretty much a wasted nano. Nobody needs 1500 hp, NO FUCKING BODY, nano doesn't boost the distance people go when monkey smashes them, and his damage in primal rage is pretty meh.
So, boosting regular ape is almost always better. He deals a lot more damage, especially if enemies are grouped up, and he charges his ult super fast.
Option to turn team health bars on/off like how they have for tournaments. Separate on/off switches for various HUD elements instead of all or nothing. Allow custom colors for HUD.
This one is the funniest
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>mfw an Ana recently powered me up as I was mid mech summoning animation
Are you retarded or something?
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I just got an Ana potg, and I don't even know how to feel about it.
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>Winston ults at 100 hp and antiheal
>get thrown 40m into the air and dies inside a building somewhere off map
was it you throwing a piss bottle into a crowd?
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>You're powered up, get in there!
>Activating Self-Destruct Sequence!
Normal Winston.
No, not really. I'm genuinly confused, because I didn't even buy a highlight in hopes of ever seeing it, I just kind of liked it. And for two seasons it stood that way, so even a mere thought of getting play of the game left my mind. And we lost that game, so I was pretty downhill.
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>Hardore velocity starts playin
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Rude, she's a clean lady.
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>tfw you get boosted as Reinhardt at the same time as the enemy Reinhardt

Let them fight.
The only thing she cleans are toilets.
Im actively trying to get myself banned from comp this season.

They have fucked the game balance up so bad I would reccomend sticking to quick play mostly. People still dont know how to play this game and toxicity in general is just the worst.
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>4 masters on the enemy team



>party goes zen lucio
>ok maybe its not that bad
>Healing received: 0

I hate the matchmaking of fucktard
I'd prefer Black Racers for nanoboostu. The alarms would go nicely with the rush. Could also speed it up to x1.25 for Nekro style action.
>he can't handle bants in an online game
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yes, but I fail to see how that's revalent
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>Im actively trying to get banned
>toxicity is the worst
God it's going to be so fucking satisfying watching all these garbage one-trick mercy mains plummet out of Masters/GM when blizz nerfs her/fixes her sr gains.
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/owg/, I've got a riddle for ya. You're in a comp match and you've just lost the first round. Pretty badly, although there is hope. Do you:

a) rethink your picks and strategy, go into the second round with some semblance of a plan, be generally positive;
or b) completely throw away any measly chance you have at winning and let the enemy steamroll you?

Don't answer, it's b). It's always fucking b).
>diamond/gold party
>against 4 masters

its comp
Playing against Pharah is giving me cancer.
Doomfist isn't going live this coming Tuesday either we'd have got his launch video already, like Orisa and Lunar Colony did. rip console fags
I choose c) carry the God damn team
I never lose.
Most of the women in Overwatch likely smell bad as they run around in skintight clothing all day being shot at.
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>this is what reaperfags actually look like
Me in the middle
Dafran pls.
Consolefag here.
Say it ain't so.
Obviously Doomfist won't come until the next major update. Summer Games. And in all likelihood, that won't be until August 1st.

Doomfist is getting his own panel for SDCC. They should announce when he is hitting live by then.
A chance to focus
Me on the right
Is there a way to check how many times you've been reported throughout your career? What does reporting even do?
That would be very stupid for blizzard to do that. Most people are already bored of doomfist so it would be stupid to wait that long.
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No they look like this.
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Me on the left
why is fighting tracer as zenyatta like a fucking RPG boss battle

Unless you delete her with RMB so she can't react you basically have to beat her ass twice
Whoops meant for >>182707841
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>playing bronze comp
>Nepal 2-1
>one of our guys is losing it in voice chat because we lost the last round
>switches to Zarya because "you don't get a Reinhardt anymore, fags"
>switch from Lucio to Junkrat
>he gets even ANGRIER and starts accusing me of throwing
>jump in and absolutely fuck up the other team
>flawless win in fifth round
>he's completely silent the entire rest of the match
As shitty as it feels to be bad, I love that it lets me do this.
>Still no Brian and Timmy Hero
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>wtf why is reaper killing my winston
discord wallhack into rmb delete will never stop being satisfying though
All new heroes stay trapped on the PTR for at least 2 weeks.
Hey, bronze isn't bad. Diamond is bad, low masters is bad. Bronze is pure fun. Nobody knows what the fuck are they doing, everyone runs around like headless chickens, it's fucking mayhem everywhere. Almost like you're playing a game for fun, and not to grind some damned points.
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But by that logic he should be hitting live servers on the 20th, right?
August seems a bit much. Especially since there's a rumor that doomfist might be getting a skin on the sumer games.
It's not really that obvious since they've never done that before and a new hero is a major update without an event tied to it dafuq.

They didn't talk about Ana's release date at SDCC last time, so there is so precedent for that either... dafuq x2
Timmy is inside doomfist.
its not a rumor, he is getting a legendary skin in summer games. It's marked in the PTR
>why is my counter countering me????
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>Almost like you're playing a game for fun, and not to grind some damned points.
That's true. It can be frustrating because sometimes it feels like I'm the only one trying, but when I see people get so bitter over higher ranks it kind of makes me appreciate where I am.
people are still shitty to one another down in bronze
Bronze shitter, can confirm. People have no fucking idea how to play this game.
>click on Arcade
>think about doing at least 9 matches for duplicates
>back out of Arcade
I miss brawls. I genuinely do.

>inb4 just make your own custom game
That doesn't feel the same, and there's no traction for dumb modes since it doesn't reward lootboxes. It was kinda exciting seeing new brawls. Sure, some were shit, but other were fun. Custom game browser is filled with "Ana/Mercy paintball", "Boss battle", "500% ultra epic eggs dee fun", "Attack on titan", etc.
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>playing once against a GM Tracer as Zen
Nerver again
>team constructs a dive comp
>they poke at the choke for 3 minutes and die
>ask them what the fuck they're doing and that they should just dive in
>they finally listen
>we smash them
now see that wasn't so hard, why didn't they just do it the first time?
Doomfist is just a Doomsuit, the true hero is little timmy, operating it like rein operates his armor.
People still stuck in Reinhardt dance at the choke meta... Jesus. Dive is a godsent nobody appreciates until it's gone (after shitters complain about it until Blizz ends up buffing some shit like Mei or Torb to counter it)
If only Blizzard would do this
>pick Winston on 2CP
>other guy picks D.Va
>"Okay, great, we can dive the-"
>Ana, Mercy, McCree, Reaper
Every fucking time.
Don't worry, the report system doesn't work, unless all of reddit collectively starts bragging about your behaviour. And realistically, that's not gonna happen.
Just give me 1v1. I can't understand why they would take out 1v1.
Why does EVERYONE get so upset when i pick Torb? Even when I have a 60% win rate with him?

Yet no one ever says SHIT to the sombre on my teams with 30% win rates.
>no kill rate skins
>you move you die
>sexy game mode (no kill)
what kind of gaiaonline towns shit
>stomp enemy team in QP
>enemy Hanzo does the usual OMG THIS TEAM routine
>teams shuffle around, the Hanzo is on my team now
>he picks Ana
>holds onto ult for absolutely no reason
>when he does ult, he ults people that aren't even in a position to kill anyone
>spends most of the game trying to be le epin dps ana instead of healing
These are your typical ME OOGA TEAM BOOGA people, take notes.
I dont understand the rate skins thing like, everyone can use the same skin as you so???????
I want 1v1 and No Limits back. I know No Limits wasn't popular with the playerbase, but it's literally the only mode where I don't have to hope that nobody picks the hero I want to play as before me.

Because Sombrero has a very powerful ult and Torb relies on not getting countered.
>play game
>other players are bad and I have a bad time

How many Torb games have you played with your 60% win rate though?
I don't get the "you move you die" shit. Does everyone just stand still and do nothing the whole game? What kind of retarded mode is that?
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this meme isn't funny, stop.
Why are OW videos so shit? I watched some that Youtube recommended me and it's just faggots talking on and on for 15 minutes about some basic shit and trying hard not to piss anybody off.
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>this new zarya grav
oh baby
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beyond rage.jpg
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>playing Rein
>Nepal Temple
>jump down back behind point
>lucio boops me out of the backroom and over the point, land just on the side
>ger hooked and dropped into a pit
It's incredibly easy to make a clickbait thumbnail/title for a video with barely a few minutes worth of content padded out to 10+ minutes to get more ad revenue and get thousands of views
When you're looking at team composition don't think about what you gain from picking a character, think about what you lose by not picking a different character. Why would I want a Torb on my team when other characters exist?
>GM: Torb

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But I'm not the one posting literal garbage
>mascara running down face
>tongue is hanging out of loli
>edgy smile with angry eyebrows
>graevling tier unfunny dialogue

yes shadman being shit is certainly a meme
OW is extremely mainstream. People who make videos like that don't give a fuck about making quality content, they care about making a long video they can monetize and makes loads of money off of because OW is a popular game and they're guaranteed to get hundreds of thousands of views per video.
I tried watching some "Top 500 [x Hero] Gameplay With Commentary" videos when I was just still new, turned out to be some faggot that's not even Top 500 giving his worthless obvious commentary throughout the video.
It's all just filler garbage to generate views for ad revenue.
Shadman isn't good. He has literal bottom/deprivedtier porn. Not as if that SU crap you decided would be a good reply is any better.

tldr if you like Shadshit or SU, go to Tumblr whence you came
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>best girl.png
Just kill yourself now mate
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>Two boosted Rein dishing it out
>They're perfectly sync in their attack and skill use too
>the game has 10+ DPS heroes
>its meta favors 2/2/2
>let's add another DPS hero
>Junkrat gets gold damage
>Lol damage doesn't mean anything. You're padding by shooting barriers anyway
>Only hero damage counts now
>Junkrat still getting gold damage
I mean, I know getting an actual kill is more important than feeding healer ults, but this shit is just too funny.
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>both teams stop fighting to emote spam in a circle around them
its a guide on how to get out of each rank ;)
Shadman turned shit when he stopped trying to be creative and started printing outright porn.
>Mystery Heroes
>Enemy team gets 2 torbs, 2 symms, Lucio and a Soldier
Now I remember why I stopped playing this.
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should i just leave.jpg
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>implying dps can do anything
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>enemy spams emotes and hellos
>is technically contesting your point but it's a rinse so it doesn't really matter
>you want him to leave but killing would be super rude
>garbage mercy on my team
>never uses rez
>swaps off to tank
>I take mercy
>we lose
>I get the blame for him not using ult
>get reported
fuck this community
Junkrat's gold damage is meaningless because most of it is nonlethal damage to an enemy that isn't capitalized on and is immediately healed up by an enemy healer. Half of Junkrat's damage is just free ult charge.
>destroying enemy as dps
>get told I'm bad and should switch
>I switch to healer
>watch them fail to kill anything and lose
honestly I get kind of a sick kick out of watching them try and flounder.
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>infinite 1s matrix spam

nerf this stupid shit

make the recharge 3 seconds, FUCK YOU

it recharges too fucking quickly
>not aeon illuminate
>get reported

oh no what will you do when nothing ever happens to you?
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dick destroyers.png
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everything shadman draws is hot as fuck, you normie.

shadman is great, steven universe is the best show on TV, stop being a contrarian faggot.

only quartz babes are acceptable waifus
other gems are shit
I don't like Steven Universe.
you're le ebin baiting we get it fucking hell
Steven Universe turns you trans
I just want to be able to change the color of my crosshair to orange. Why is this taking so long to implement?
>Not just baiting D.Va into blowing her matrix
>nothing happens
you get muted
Lots. He is my 2nd or 3rd most played hero but I don't pick him every match just where I think he will do well.

>Because Sombrero has a very powerful ult and Torb relies on not getting countered.

But You literally can not counter him. You need an entire team or at least multiple guys on him which means they aren't killing my s76 carry or my mercy healer or my sym before she gets up a tp.

The times i pick Torb I feel he brings more than almost any other character besides mercy rez and sym porter
>infinite 1s spam
>can 4s when she needs to shut down all ultimates forever so gud


if anything, she is allowed to have her infinite matrix, but she has 200 life only, and her gremlin form is nullified on a crit kill
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>mercy mains are all submissive slu-
sorry let me rephrase; nothing meaningful
All those free enemy support ults. Good job contributing directly to the loss friend
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>brain dead hero main trying to talk over anyone
The ones that aren't submissive sluts have massive superiority complexes, so you lose either way.
Often times, I'll pick the one character I know everyones going to want to play but no one knows how to play. And then play them, especially Torb. I pick him the most often because no one knows how to use him, but they think they do and they defend themselves constantly without proving that they're worth letting up on.
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It's so cute when Mercy players try to be edgy with their m1 + fly to daddy slut hero
>>infinite 1s spam
Except that's wrong. There's the upfront charge cost and it doesn't start recharging until 1s after it stops.
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>4 DPS
>be quad golds as D.Va at the end
>our Genji starts acting like a smug cunt in all chat to the enemy team
I'm hones starting to miss Roadhog's one shot. Now Winston is running around rampant and Mei is stalling so much for free
Steven Universe is Tumblr made shit show that sucks ass, it's like bunch of dykes got together and tried to make a diversity show about dykes and slapped in a plot after
>Space rock dykes being rebellious traitors
So deep
this I actually don't understand
Torb is basically a gimmicky Reaper, eg. Winston Removal Unit

yes it forces everyone else to pick and play around him, while gambling away the first few seconds of offense/KOTH, but it usually works out well

as soon as his turret is up the game basically turns into a 7v6
not to mention the utter confusion and mental pressure he applies to the enemy team once he's all set up

at worst a lot of resources must be spent on fucking up the turret, forcing people out of position
when you're muted in the lower ranks, people will rage at you for not responding and throw
getting muted basically drops your wr
>shadman is great, steven universe is the best show on TV
Can taste get any worse than this post?
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>Mercy mains
Not really sure what your point is.
I never play him on koth or offense though.
You mean the
>If health bar full use M2, if not use M1
>Fry marshmellows behind a corner waiting to pop your ult hero
>Be the most boring hero in the game yet required pick for a team if enemy picks her
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really makes your almonds tick.jpg
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ice meme buzzwords! let me guess, you have never watched the show and get your opinions from reddit and /v/
lesbians are hot unless you are a faggot.

MLP is also a good show.
my favorite pony is maud

so? what are you, transphobic? better check that privledge.
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My favorite little ninja...
Irish hero when? Blizzard paying homage to all these cultures but not to the motherland? Potatoes Beers Shamrocks and Wife Beating.
I quite like him on KOTH, every game I've had a Torb main on my team this season was a free win

I agree that on Offense he's tricky but at long as there's a Winston on the other team, he can do his job

not a Torb player myself though, maybe I just got lucky with the few I've played with
*slap on the face*
Back to work you stupid cunt. We all know you can't do jack shit on any other character, so drop the tough talk and pick up your dildo.
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I did this yesterday and stopped the cap.
I got the d.va out of mech too and then reaper showed up to shotgun her in the face.
Felt pretty good.
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Broke my career high from last november. Feels damn good, I'm ready for diamond
>kpop idol
>the number one professional gamer in the world
>served in the Korean military/police force
>starred in multiple Hollywood films
>Member of an international peace keeping organization
>only 19
is she the most mary sue character in OW?
>tfw no Italian mobster hero
That tracer play is pissing me off
>thw one trick Torb on my team blames me for a failed attack because I was Bastion
>he didn't notice the enemy had Orisa and Rein and we need fast barrier destruction
she's also canonically dead, anon
My point is, you need to make sure that you're actually GOOD as Torb before you pick him and defy everyone on the team. If you're picking him, and you're shit despite win rates and medals and elims kek xD, then you're in the wrong for not switching.

IF however you're actually contributing it's forgivable. But sometimes your teammates are picking someone before you can get to them, specifically because you're shit.
maybe you were both to blame
Bastion without the right support is as pointless as he probably was though
I refuse to believe you can actually see that fucking crosshair

that's 2 gay characters killed in a single webm tho, so you might be a wiser man than I am
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>tfw no vampire mistress to serve
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so i heard, you people finally got some TASTE in waifus.
finally heard about the magical HORSE PUSSY, did ya?
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>when the enemy team can't focus me
>when there is low damage on the enemy team
>when Genji is there

Transforming now gives 100 temporary armor for 1s both
I have no idea what you're going on about.

I already stated my win rate is 60% and I'm usually gold medals for damage and elims on him. I don't get what you mean by GOOD. I'm fulfilling my role with him with moderate success.

If my team picks characters that actually synergizes with him then we almost always hold them to the 1st point.

The rest of what you're talking about doesn't seem to have anything to do with my post at all and just comes off as incoherent babble
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>tfw will never go around causing chaos for the mistress
It hurts
Im on season 5 and still not impressed, the story barely progresses and the characters suck ass
>Effeminate chubby kid that is actually his mother
>Stronk independent black gem that is actually two midgets combined
>Fat slob that is supposed to be funny but hasn't been funny in 5 seasons
>Over dramatic skeleton nanny that does ballet and got clam blocked by obese man with guitar
>Emo water bitch.. that's all there is to that character
>Turn coat that is supposed to be tech savvy but cannot make herself new prosthetic limbs
>Deadbeat dad that plays guitar and lives in his van, suddenly became super rich and doesn't use his wealth to help the rock dykes defend earth because lols not his problem
>Token Indian or whatever the fuck Connie is supposed to be character, supposed to be good with a sword but is practically the Sakura of SU
The plot for Steven Universe sucks ass because the homeworld gems are mentally retarded morons that breed traitors like bunnies

>Lesbians are hot unless you're a faggot
I see you're one of those people who enjoy watching others having intercourse, there was a name for that but i just can't put my finger on it
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what exactly is the point of this retard character
what did they do to the ranking system?
>diamond/high plat every season
>season 5 hits
>low gold
what did they do to massacre my rank?
close range barrier shredding
Orisa and Mercy kept on me.
Used to be a tank buster and a retardmower.
Now it's just a retard magnet.
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Should I be worried?
The changes were made because Orisa was coming out and Kaplan wanted to cement Bastion's role as a barrier destroyer. That's the actual reason.
To hold choke points from behind a barrier, his deployed damage eats through shields and squishies alike
>Complaining about Bastion not being able to headshot
>When Ana, a FUCKING SNIPER can't headshot
>our team comp does great and caps first point
>our winston dies in the process
>he decides to swap to bastion
>refuses to swap back despite not being able to do anything when the enemy team has a D.Va
You're supposed to get the other spawn without the seeker catching you moving. It's pretty much red light - green light. It can be fun desu
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>Trying to get 20 kill streak
>Time runs out at 18
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I think Sombra hacked the game.
Why are literally 80% of the heros amputees in this shitty fucking game?

Fuck blizzard and their disabled fetish. When I play my hero shooters I want to play a healthy able-bodied man.

Go ahead and post your smug mercies you fucking weebs.
Time to buy a new gpu, anon
It's a first person shooter, who cares. Go outside faggot.
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Because you touch yourself at night.
>People actually think they're superior being when picking supports.
>Defending Anubis point B on overtime
>Korean Mei ice walls the door I'm trying to leave through
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no, homeworld doesn't breed tratiors, its just that steven has the magic of friendship to turn them to his side.
except for aquamarine, who is my new fav character.

peridot and lapis are shit though.
It's what they play in between making webcomics about Genjis being worse than them by default
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For the last three weeks or so, me and my mate got so sick of competetive, we tried to get down to gold from mid-diamond.
And you know what? It's impossible.
As a fucking meme we ran nanosymmetra for ten games - it's fucking unbeatable. People just can't shoot at a glowing autist, waving her projector like a maniac. It's bloody insane.
*spawn door
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Doomfist isn't impressed.
But fake limbs in OW are straight upgrades?
There's no disability present.
>when you're having fun with gengu but you have to switch to soldier to shoot down the enemy pharmacy
I mean..we won but she just makes the game so boooooring. it's the same reason I hate reinhardt
why can't i get one ctf game with ONE healer

just ONE

i can't sol otank every single time under these conditoins
>playing ctf
I wish he looked like that
the ingame model has literally no chin
I'm not transphobic it's a mental illness like body dysmorphia, don't watch Steven Universe if you don't want to get ill.
>Trying to throw games
Just don't play the fucking mode you autist
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>play an overpowered character
>omg we keep climbing, how!
Listed of amputees/disabled:
List of totally normal people:

And that's not even counting robots and apes. So fuck off, you idiot.
Ctf isn't that bad desu, ya know, as long as you have non-retarded teammates (which rarely ever happens in any mode)

Certainly better than meme heroes, total mayhem or 6v6 elimination

The only thing I don't like is that Symmetra and McCree are amputees.

For Symmetra it's pretty much a big "why" because it's fucking pointless and there's no reason her holo-arm can't just be some kind of gauntlet.

For McCree, there's already something like five amputees in the game, and McCree's cyborg arm doesn't add to his character in any way. Plus, wouldn't it make McCree more skilled if he was 100% human with no cyborg tech or anything, just his fast hands and deadeye? And with the Blackwatch skin we see that he had his Deadlock Gang tattoo on his arm before he lost it and got a prosthetic. Wouldn't it be much more interesting if he still had that, so every time he looks at his arm he sees a reminder that he was the outlaw that everyone still thinks of him as?

tl'dr McCree's cyborg arm was a mistake.
But she's trash. Absolute skunk. You just shoot her down, and there's nothing she can do to stop you. All her power comes from people panicking, and nothing else.
As you can see it's impossible to throw in mid-diamond. Also, don't worry, we probably won't reach you rank, we didn't plan on going lower than gold.
i dont think you know what transphobic means, sugarcube

Hello bronzo
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Anon, I don't think the number of amputees is a problem at all so far! Most of them were either involved in the Omnic Crisis or had a really rough background, so it makes sense that they wouldn't necessarily come out of it in one piece! But don't worry - you can play as 76, Hanzo, Reinhardt, Roadhog, or Lucio if you specifically want to play as an able-bodied man, and there are even more able-bodied female characters too!
>got so sick of competetive, we tried to get down to gold from mid-diamond

Hey mate


Come here

You hear me, mate

There's this thing

There's something called quick play

hes never had a role even when he had a forward barrier or headshots, what are you bitching about
I'm going to assume you're trolling.
>Making assumptions about rank because I called you out on your autism
Just uninstall the game, faggot

Nobody cares except you faggots because whining about people having robot limbs is incredibly nitpicky and bitchy.
I refuse to believe a high ranking player would be this triggered from someone playing a game at suboptimal level.
Quickplay lacks coordination, my boy. You won't get actual team composition in quickplay. You won't be able to practice heroes you don't know how to play in quickplay, because Orisa without supports is just a bucket-o-bolts.
Sounds like you haven't tried QP since your MMR was trash
haha! nice try, I only play quickplay
>I refuse to believe a high ranking player would be this triggered from someone playing a game at suboptimal level
I'm more triggered that you're so autistic you go out of your way to throw games in competitive because you're "sick" of it
Low masters btw
>third-rate support
>can solo heal well
you got that from what? Because I said the literal fact that transgender is a mental illness like body dysmorphia, that's not transphobia and I have no negative opinions or feel uncomfortable around transgender people. Wish you had braincells to read and remember information but watching Steven Universe really dealt the final blow to that didn't it xxxxxxxxxxx
>just kill the mercy first bro git gud xD

I can't wait until this brainless mode hero gets nerfed so otps can't waltz right into masters to get carried every match
she's the best healer atm keep the fuck up Ana's a throw now.
I've had similar problems. At first I thought it was my graphics card, but after finding this thread on the OW forum, I started digging more: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20752258713

I think it has something to do with overheating or overloading. In my previous build, my SSD was choking pretty bad - for unknown reasons - so I decided to reinstall the whole OS. Now the SSD is not overloaded the whole time, and whaddaya know, the problems with OW have also disappeared!

So the GPU might not be the only culprit. Check your temps and loads to determine where the problem could lie.

Jeff: says 2 words about Tracer

what is news anymore
...What I'm saying is you're the faggot that whines about everyone wanting him to change yet you're not contributing nearly as much as you think you are. You never do, and that's your fucking problem. You think gold elims and numbers on the screen mean "contribution" when really there's a lot more to THAT particular character than stats. And people probably get pissed at you for the same reason I do, because Torb is a shit pick unless you know what you're doing and clearly, you think you do but you don't.

Clear enough for you, faggot? Git gud at DPS or heal, something your team can actually fucking use. Don't sit there and bitch that everyone gets mad when you choose a NICHE character and then complain the entire match. If I were teamed with you, I'd fucking report you.
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>make alt with name girlgamer as a mercy only account
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darn shame it took this long to get an SFM model created, honestly. then again, SFM is a gamble when it comes to smut being good or not
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