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/poeg/ - Path of Exile general

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Thread replies: 750
Thread images: 112

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Turdmoil starts in 5 hours

>ES and Life manifesto
>3.0: the Fall of Oriath
>Offline Build Planner
>Helpful links
Stop stealing /lolg/ and /d2g/ memes
its called a decent OP, you shithead

I bet you made the last 2 (3 with D3 general)
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hows beta
i heard act 8 looks really good
You cant steal memes. They have always been.
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what class should i play in poopmoil /poeg/? hc ssf btw
king of the forest
shitter classes according to mayhem:

scion (rank 1: level 96)
saboteur (rank 1: level 97)
chieftain (rank 1: level 96)
berserker (rank1 : level 96)

anything else is beyond your reach
if you just want level 90, anything works

everything else was too contest
Why does GGG hate pure phys/bleed damage

No access to the 168% WED from gear

Who designed this
first of all i'm an elite HC player and i deserve to be treated as such
Turmoil started 19 hours ago. What's wrong with you people?
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aussie cunts starting these races so late
tfw sleep 12-14 hours a day
tfw never gonna win a race
tfw playing since act 2 was added
>A pool of 45K characters (not people) will be drawing for 100 Loot Boxes and 100 Beta Keys every day
show me your alt art demi?
oh that's right you don't have any, LOSER
second of all i have several HC demis
1 beta key = $30 minimum
100 beta keys = $3000 minimum

is giving away $3k a day for free not enough? is that what you're saying? because if that's what you're saying you need to get a grip
>a dumbed down and less exciting mayhem event with a prize pool shared between sc, hc and hc ssf
Why bother ?
>people paid for unfinished content
Thanks for beta testing anon
You're my hero
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im using nevershit's filter so im wondering if there's anything better then it out there, any recommendations
If you give me $30 a day, that's fine by me. But """"$30"""" in digital products is not.
Just quit your job and make one yourself nerd
That's what I did and I'm at least 5% more efficient in races and leagues now
Glad to hear from you
entitled millennial: the post
Define better. You can also use something like Filtration to tailor an existing filter to your needs or build your own from scratch.

usually I use nevershit filter for leveling then my own at later game (which is nevershit uberstrict adapted to HC leagues and my tastes)
what are my chances of winning of those armors sets

kinda like the bear armor desu wa
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i c. Ill just use Strict until later in the race then. thanks poegtards. youll see me on the ssf ladder as 8 power charge occultist discharge
>Dumbed down
But it is much more interesting. 5x breaches is better than 6 clusterfuck mods combined together.
>Anything in 40-tier
Just above 0.
Slightly more above 0, but still basically 0.
A decent bit more above 0, but still basically 0.
If Mayhem is any indication, ~1 in 1300 per item. If all you care about is the MTX, you want to get as many characters as you can to 90+ in Softcore (where Rips don't matter.)
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>Plan a strong build
>It is boring

>Plan a fun build
>It is weak

Fucking hell lads, I'm tired of theorycrafting, someone save me.
Have you gone mad?
Paying 30 dollars to be able to play a fucking unfinished beta ?
People like you make me sick, youre so high up GGGs ass you would get excited if they shat a giant turd on your fucking head.
GGG is a TINY INDIE DEV and helping them make PoE great is a PRIVILEGE anyone with a brain would gladly pay for
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I just spent 25$ on tabs for a new account
Running on more than 4 tabs is unethical though
this is a new account for unethical reasons
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I-it was not like that
I s-scammed them and didn't pay to test their b-beta
what's the order for ascendancy points on trickster ED?
Shade Form, Walk the Aether, and Patient Reaper last?
>"I'd rather be able to afford rent and food than have updated tech for gaming"
>"wow what an entitled millenial in my day we got by without bread as long as we had our up-to-date blackberries and cellular phones"
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You aren't free poster.
shade form, patient reaper, swift killer
GGG will likely need another 1-2 months before release.

It wouldn't surprise me that after turmoil they will make an exclusive 1 month challenge league for SSF mode or something like that.

GGG giving away beta keys in this event just confirms that they likely will not release in july.
If I got banned and had my account unassociated with my steam account, i'm probably not getting that account back yeah?
show us your demis janny
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no FREE movement ability?
I might be autistic enough to janny but I really do have better things to do than play a game that is made for grinding. Look out the window lads, you might meet your fat wife.
I hope they start work on PoE2 now and put a skeleton crew on PoE1, but inside I know they won't
not worth imo, frenzys are so much damage and attack/cast speed, patient reaper gives decent damage and enough mana regen to spam movement abilities while also giving increased es recovery
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>janny is a shitcrow
>late july
>beta keys as prizes for a 2 week long event which hasn't even started yet
>late july
They forgot to mention they were talking about 2018 I guess.
Nevershit filter set to strict is the best for this fuckin race right? Any other alternatives?

Also what do people think about leveling shadow with Sharpnel shot?

I'm thinking of leveling shadow as a bow guy.
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Here's a pour to Melee AoE skills.
lListen /poeg/ this cpuld make you wealthy. I'm a fat man who needs a woman, this woman needs to have a 7+" penis though. I will care for and nurture you but you will be a slave. A very rich slave. I didn't get rich being stupid so don't reply if you are going to be. You have to like sucking cock.
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t-minus 2hrs 45mins before i show /poeg/ what a REAL hc player looks like
Umm. If I'm going EB MoM do you think 3% regen is enough to sustain all the shit it gets thrown at? Does some 3-link leech suffice? Anyone played this?
eb has been garbo since 2.O
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I fucking hate the catposter
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Could anyone look over the tree and gems, give me some pointers etc? Ignore the gear.
Yh though if you play SSF you want to filter for certain items. Like for example if you want a 2h melee build you got to filter 2h melee weaps.

And that's SSF right?
Hot pic, is that the guy who rapes porn stars. Gotta like that.
Alright post some fucking turmoil builds guys.
Blood In the Eyes or Violent retaliation for my final 2 ascendency points for glad?
splitarrow avatar of fire EE elementalist
Why EE?
Blood in the eyes if your block chance is garbage then respec into violent retaliation
>physical damage that works with GV, bleed and main skills after all the blocks
Occultist BV quadra curses
It's a meme.
you need stun immunity. you wont die as long as you are leeching and the only way you are gonna stop leeching if you something gets stuns on you
meant EO
You could make the rest of those work together though. If you're gonna meme, meme hard.
I plan on Going Max Block so violent retaliation it is
EA berserker but unironically
How do I do that?
VR benefits only when you block so if by the time you get all the ascendancy points your block is in 60-75 range you're good.
mhm you're right. removed some damage and got unwavering. my main concern with the build is low attack speed and movement speed(comparatively), which is why most people go ranger(I assume).
Vaal spark.
By editing the loot filter. (you customize it for yourself).
SRS or FB-totem witch(until I get vfireball going)?
Oh shit guys the SUPER STASH SALE is going on right now
Press M before it's too late
kinda wanna play gladiator sunder for race but it's a toss up between HC and SC, I hate SC for making me eventually autopilot during mapping and I hate how I don't make it too far beyond mid 70s in HC so far.
Ironically playing ultrasonically. Hmm. Can't be bothered changing the word an it is funny. Is it ironic?
Alright post some SSF turmoil builds now guys.
I usually die somewhere around early 90's on hardcore which sucks. Usually due to me overrolling maps.
Hierophant penta totem blight
Anything Sabo Miner.
anything SR CwC firestorm
you could get stun immunity via your ascendancy instead of the warcry nodes
also your attack speed is fine imo, but your movement speed maybe a problem if you want to clear ASAP
Elemental manual animate weapon
30 MS boots, charges, vaal haste and crave of the slaughter(might) solve the MS issue. Not that I care too much about clear speed.
>turmoil soon
>game of thrones on sunday

this weekend is gonna be lit
>still caring about soap operas
>Not drinking your soup opera
why do you retards even wanna play turmoil ? its just a shitty version of mayhem

Are you this addicted to the game ? Just wait for 3.0
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>why do you want to play the game? Stop wanting to play the game!
Better just stop playing altogether then, since the 3.0 league will be shit compared to Mayhem as well.
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tfw when no qt hc player gf
>i don't like it, so stop playing, guys
feet pics?
I have a theory for that: what if the lack of actual reward short-term goals in real life makes people addict to the short term goal completion feeling on vidya?

There are many long-term goals people learn to condition themselves for: school, career, relationships, etc. But how many short term goals do people have these days? They are out of shape, they dont fuck anything, they dont get into real fights, they dont even have to have some kind of job or do anything for money. Maybe only thing left are vidya!
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>tfw no bro tier hc player step dad
>this man has had sex and you haven't
0-2 pizza blast
3-5 meatballs
6-8 CoC'n'cheese
9 ice cream
too late buddy, i got the reddit crossposting (You)s already
here's theory: addicts do addictive things they're addicted to
straight up neanderthal
When you take the me and my wife's son meme too far.
>tfw retards near me still buy their Frost Blades' Touch of Anguish #1ex in beta, when they are now worthless trash because you now get the same effect from a fucking FREE quest reward jewel but without the retarded downsides of losing freeze on crit
It's hopeless.
there is always hope
0 Don't play
1-4 Terminus Est Zerker
5-8 Molten Burst Sekret OP build
9 Kill myself
>+1 pierce = +1 chain
really activates the almonds
0-4 scion
5-9 raider
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0-1 slam totems
2-3 SRS
4-5 ball lightning
6-7 sunder
8-9 BV
fucking beardlet, when will they learn?
For homing projectiles, yes
Just go in it without a plan mang
they don't home in again after piercing, retard
>raiz and havoc have been planning their shit for hours before the 'race' starts
>both of them died quite literally every single day on mayhem
>often multiple times a day
shouldn't they just be planning not to die or something lmao
did ESniggers kill themselves yet
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official turmoil soundtrack:
But they do, fucking sheepled idiot.
Just had a league with 20 of bosses/chests in each zone
Now gonna have a league of 5 of each boss/chest in a zone

..... uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Why would you play this?
yeah 1week+ races are more of marathons than sprints but I think in-depth planning is part of the fun for these guys despite how impractical it might actually be
havoc can get to level 96 in 2 days whenever he wants, the "planning" is just milking views he doesn't actually need it
first of all we'll have perandus this time which is one of the best mods second of all well now people won't be incentivized to run nothing but ambush all the time and their map sustain won't be as strong so they'll be forced to run the more dangerous mods and third of all you can expect more rips and less exp per hour which will make the race last longer
OK? There should have been perandus last time

Why isn't it at least 10 per zone ? 5 is not enough

People only ripped to ghosts or lag anyways
i want a movement speed build that isn't bows, but still fast. i've grown quite a distaste for shield charge/whirling blades and just want to run around. help.
i was rank 35 in mayhem before i died i know what i'm talking about you're just a nobody compared 2 me stop acting like you're hot shit you're not
>rare random chance to buy a random unique item for 68989 coins
>best mod
I never tried out Witch before, what's an easy or budget build I can try out in this race?
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>posts slow shit like srs and totems
tons of monsters = fun
random loot slot machine = fun
both at the same time = fun
ED is easy and budget
almost too easy, you may get bored with the game
CI spell crit inquisitor with no vp and loads of regen

show the treee
gonna play hardcore for the first time in the event
where do i get a logout macro?
from literally any hc streamer
>shirts made in china
is there a bar that chris won't sink to?
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>he races with shitcrow classes like inquisitor, lelementalist, or assassin
real men write their own macros
which league is our boy mathil playing? need to know whether I'll need 160% or 250% life
>tons of monster
it's actually the least amount of monsters of the big leagues that add monsters. also tedious as fuck having to kill the same pack multiple times until the cache opens.
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triple warchief heirophant. have fun friend
mathil got to lv 90 last ssf hc race with a 170% life tree

life nodes are a crutch for shit players
>talks about things being tedious
>plays PoE

mathil is a shit player now?
I'll give it a try, thanks

I'm still really new to the game and don't know all the spells, so that doesn't matter much
I'm always in awe when I see a softcore player reach lvl 100 with 0 deaths and no logout macros.
Those are the real poe achievers. Hat's off to them.
it's relative, buddy....
the original perandus boxes during perandus league were great
the new ones are so gutted and garbage with the mobs that take 10 years to respawn
buddy... posters should be gassed, no exceptions
maybe don't run shit maps because with 20+ pack size perandus can easily swarm and kill shit builds
>not one of the best mods
uhhhhh summershitters??
>he doesn't know
RIP actual Perandus
how good would frost blades be for turmoil ssf? never played the skill before
ah back when people actually died mapping because they ran something other than strand
>retard streamers dying to stupid shit that has nothing to do with perandus chests

uh huh
Admittedly, this Perandus variant is better than Legacy.
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>find a perfect synergy with ascendancy, items and gems
>dmg not even above 30k
Fucking new zealandies. How am I meant to start a race when it starts at 10pm on a friday? I'm fucking wankered. I started drinking at 12, 10 hours of fuck off chris you smelly cunt
bob literally says he dies to "a pack of fucking uhhh perandus shit" (3:36)
just do what normal people do and snort amphetamines
frost memes is dogshit without the jewels
>Being a Euro
It starts at 4 in the afternoon U.S. central.
going with semen drain scion in ssfhc
what are my chances of getting a top 5 demi
ok? He jumped into a pack of shit at half hp and died instantly
Could have happened anywhere

Thats the one death that has anything to do with perandus stuff
>literally every shitter in poeg and reddit going scion ssfhc because "no one else is playing it"
I'm just gonna have fun with Saboturd.
easiest demis for trade hc. go.
literally does not matter
What's the most low effort build to get 90 with in the race?
i'm not playing poe without trading. fucking lmao nerd.
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all those tradeshitters in my thread
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spent $20 on tabs and then quit playing
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ea prolif elementalist 1-9
srs necrocheeser 9-0
shav's will be cheap in 3.0 r-right?
king of shitcrows
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1-9 zerker sunder
0 - occultist ed
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holy shit my logout macro is not working
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>ziz finally visits his gf in seattle
>just plays poe while he's there

is he our guy?
he's reddit guy.

our guy is PT and alkaizer and during high ironicalposting meme hours, ZiggyD

Before that I believe it was etup or something, but I wasnt very active back then (it was him that was in poeg guild right? or was it havoc or someone else?)
>400 MS spikes
Make it stop.
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>no uniques yet
instead of letting people turn particles and spells off, they just shit on the resolution and make it 800x600 blurry
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Does that men you can spam tidal island for perandus coins?
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Is this race going to be any fun?
also stuff like corpses and poorly optimized shit rapes FPS

But hey, the 50 artists working at GGG would mutiny if you could improve performance at the cost of removing their special effects

You are permanently banned from talking in havoc616.

You are permanently banned from talking in zizaran.

You are permanently banned from talking in raizqt.

You are permanently banned from talking in mathil1.

post em
I don't use Twitch.
>twitch chat
Lmao get off my thread junior
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I wanna __________ that dragon
none of you are banned from any streams?

buncha no fun losers
already bored of turdmoil :/
wish they had 20 of each thing in a zone

or 5 of 4 different things
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only virgins watch streamers
Are mods like this on skill gems & support gems global?

>Per 1% Quality: 1% increased Damage
>Per 1% Quality: 1% increased Damage against Frozen Enemies
on gems its not global, it affects the linked skill only (or itself if its the active skill)

k ty

(Herald of Ash & Ice quality gives global increases btw, quite nice)
You can thank Standard for that.
How well does slayer do on more rippy map mods?
the lack of VP sounds like a pretty stiff penalty
You're leeching a third of your HP pool per second or more. It's not quite as good as VP, but not by much. Unless you're eating huge hits 2-3 times a second or the one-shots that'd kill anyone anyway, you'll be fine.
Imagine trying to play PoE while being bad at basic arithmetic.
Is this a male?
That's that one chick from Stein's; Gate.
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>try this build
>this music pays in my head
How do I afford the MTX prices?
Get a job
our boy havoc bought a gull for 2k coins
>xhe doesnt have a 60yo canadian dude who pays money just for you to show him your asshole on skype so you can afford vidya and poe mtx
Will that dude pay for my parent's medical premiums too?
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>People actually excited to play Mayhem's retarded little brother

stop shilling this ridiculous league and go back to the cuckshed, chris
So glad this one wasn't made voided. Imagine grinding in the Mayhem race for two weeks, and finding my level 88 character UNPLAYABLE in Standart after it was over. Screw all of the haters asking for a Void league, as if that's any more """fun""" than this. No mentally stable person is going to waste their time in a Void league.
there are retards in this fucking thread who play this game on standard
there are retards in this fucking thread who play this game on hardcore
there are retards in this fucking thread who play this game
there are retards in this fucking thread who play this game
i wish i wasn't retarded
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>i'm not retarded because my mode logs out rather than dying
how's aids taste
>shitcrow players are so retarded that they just tank deaths instead of logging out
you're literally playing easy mode since you don't lose experience
why in the fuck would I play turmoil when I can play actual different and fun (TM) builds on the beta?
>why should i eat random people's shit when i can become chris wilson's personal colostomy bag
thinking of reinstalling!
not really ofc. have a nice weekend.
is there a concrete release date for 3.0? I'm just fucking bored of doing 3 playthroughs per character and I am just done with the current game right now.
don't have it in me to play this shit for 2 weeks desu
I wanna make a character that deals phyiscal damage but most of it is converted to chaos, is that possible?
in 2.6, yes
i wanna make a character that is fun to play, is that possible
not really
Late september is a safe bet.

I hope
or early october

do so now
its called poison gem
it won't exist in
>Enter race not that long after it started
>Wander around and farm a bit
>Some guy is now already mapping
somebody was at dominus in like an hour, i don't know how people play this game that much
>start speeding up
>I proudly enter A3 faster that I have ever done
>That same retard is now doing T6
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why are shitbirds assblasted at other people being better players
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>5$ minimum
>1 stash tab
Defend this.
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an actual good game would guarantee equality of outcome no matter what a player does, hence no one would be able to skip ahead by abusing game knowledge acquired via IQ-privilege
what should the threshold jewel for SRS do
>Not playing 90% elemental resist, 90% phys reduction, 75% spell block, 50% + life regen, with 25% damage reduction fortify and 8 second vaal immortal call 10k life Juggernaut RF bleed immune build.
Are you all not afraid of dying?
>minions have 15% increased movement speed
>with at least 40 combined dex, int or str in radius, raging sprits convert 50% of their physical damage to fire
>with at least 40 combined dex, int or str in radious, raging spirits penetrate 20% fire resistance
Like I've told you before:
Microtransaction refers to transactions that occur in the digital realm, but within a game or other program. Monetary volume has nothing to do with it.
Doesn't exist.
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Traded some block\life\regen\resist flasks for more damage.
So what you're telling me is you lied.
Add 2 flasks - 90% all res, change a weapon - 75% spell block, respec 2 AoE nodes and 2 damage nodes - more hp and regen.
That doesn't change the fact you have no produced proof.
>I have a build that does all this!
>Post it
>Posts a build that doesn't do all this
someone exaggerated on the internet
you parents's hearts would be broken if they knew what kind of deceit youve been up to
>Traded SOME block/life/regen/resist
You traded off 10% Regen?
Not even that. Just won't bother wasting currency to prove the numbers. Block and resists are proven - add advancing fortress and 2 resist falsks. Regen and life are obtainable if you respec 10-15 damage nodes and change the jewels even without Legacy Kaom's. Can add some cyclone with life on hit for bonus 300 life\s.
Is there a reason to hit 90 with a hardcore char or should i just go softcore and tryout builds to 90 in this turmoil?
turdmoil isnt for trying out builds. play legacy for that
Why not? Survival wasn't a problem - T16 bosses took ages to kill, thus had to give up on something.
if my build needs grand spectrums to work am i bad
no you are just bad at keeping up with the meta
Did they say anything new about their bleed keystone ?

Raiz ripped @81, while being #2 on the ladder.
But since at least 90% of his rips are bait for more views and subs, it probably doesn't count.
died to cruel dom :/ feeling really depressed rn
how shit's my tree?
gonna play a flame totem heirophant on a 4l helm because 5l is 2hard2obtain when you dont have much playtime or rng

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Hope you guys are doing well and having fun in this race!
>not ssf
>playing budget mayhem
>not even deadeye

But why
>current year
>constantly smash 1 button to defeat everything
>same thing for every single build that exists

Great way to spend your time, virgins.
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>posting on 4chan whilst discussing time management
When you realize you've been playing the same skills for 18 years
>Top 3 in SSF HC are using flameblast totems
Anyone who plays this build should be lined up against a wall and shot at 2bh. Its doing them a favor really.
guys my poopsock is getting full but im almost to maps, what do?
Guys what's a good bow/ranger build?
Eat it's content, then it will be empty again.
Unequip bow use melee weapon ranged attack.
U cannot shield charge OR WB with a bow yet.
tornado shot raider
How stupid would it be to go life based? Considering CI is getting nerfed.
Caustic Arrow the humblest of bow skills.
What do you do if you miss the first two weeks of a league? Do you just skip it altogether or do you soldier on with a standard-level economy and a player count dropping by 10s of thousands a day? I've never been in the position of having to miss the start but their constant delays of 3.0 have pushed it back into a bad time for me and I can't see the value in playing a dead league.
its fine
It takes at least a month for a league to die off, even for the hardcore version, and if the player retention for 3.0 is similar to the one during breach then you'll still be able to trade or buy carries/challenges two months in. You'll be fine, unless your goal is to get a demi.
Well the leagues go on for 3 months so playing 2 weeks in you'll have no problem buying shit
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still no auction house or improved trade in 3.0
Yeah, you can buy shit but you can't sell shit. Two weeks in the leagues are already like standard where if it's not GG it doesn't sell for more than a chaos.
Plus, by then the abusable league mechanics have been fixed and the worthwhile uniques are all 10+ ex.
Be sure to play our 2 weeks shit league while we delay 3.0 until 2020
How do we know if that Freeposter is real or not? Why do mods keep being trash and deleting? Will I ever stop being depressed? Find out next time on 3.0!
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There are people in this thread who actually PLAY this fucking FREE game
ive like $28 left for the entire month:

1-5 buy ramen and a stick of butter
6-0 buy a premium stash tab and a couple normal tabs
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Have a nice heart attack.
Blame the fucking retarded sale system they have in this game.

You have 9 gorillian things up for sale but buying is a fucking chore.

Add a player NPC to hideouts that you can put up items for sale and attach a price to them; then other players can just buy from your sales NPC like any other NPC.

No more
>This Player is AFK
>This Player is Offline
>This Player is DND
>"Sorry doing Lab"
>"Sorry that sale isn't worth enough to stop mapping"
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I can't wait anymore, I want the new league to start RIGHT NOW!
>tfw maplestory has better trading than this shit game
maplestory is also a better game
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how good could spark be as budget starter and endgame in 3.0?
buy ramen and hang yourself with it
Scorching ray and pizzas probably take a big fat firey dump on it with the way boss hp is.
Blight too for that matter.
And ed
Efficacy is busted since it's a triple more on dot spells.

I guess it beats freezepulse. Fucking freezepulse what a joke skill.
fuck...how about scorching ray+cwc+detonate dead?
But then you can't use Pyre....
I think DD is bugged. Something about the explosion not applying to something.

Also dude you CWC expensive spells with long casts. DD is a cheap spell with a VERY SHORT cast since it's gets 1 fuckin cast speed per quality and you don't level the cunt.

The cold to fire sr whispering ice build is gross as heck
and dw mortem morsu contagion+cwc+bladefall?
i meant wither+cwc+bf, sorry
>The cold to fire sr whispering ice build is gross as heck
More like dead. First the Pyre nerf, need more investment, for suboptimal results. Then you need 1 million int, so that's a pure CI build, no questions asked. A CI build that relied heavily on instant leech since you have 0 mobility. so, yeah.

A least with SR CWC Firestorm you can build life
Just allocate VP and avatar on a berserker and use brute force solutions I don't see the problem.
Buy stash tabs and sell me exalts in 3.0.
Not enough INT, that's the problem. Without obscene amount of INT fire converted Ice Storm is just fire storm with another skin and less damage.
I'm top 50 of my class
me too

additional information: there are only 38 players with my class shown on the ladder
im top 5000 of my whole ascendancy
>/v/ is making fun of poe yet again
How do we stop it?
It's a seven link tho.
Those brute forces in the right place do work dude.

It's also a free seven link since only CWC and sr need to be linked
>pooptard has bad reading comprehension
How do I get money for a tabula before getting into mapslake? Worth farming anything, like breaches or cadiro?
Buy a supporter pack to get better rng
Yes, in the end the only thing that is valuable anymore in Ice Storm is that it's a 7L on a 6S. Still a shadow of it once was. As for the jewel, you'll need all the STR you can get if you build a life chaneller, manual dodge is not really an option.
Try it if you will, but in the end, even a 5L firestorm will trump a 7L Ice storm with INT <1000. INT build ES, not life.
It's like 10C most Leagues. That's nothing.
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Exactly how rare is the Item Quantity gem in standard? I see it goes for 2 ex at lowest but I have no clue about standard market prices.

Have one of those bad boys on my first character.
I meant in the 2 week
15C. Still not that bad.
TFW abandoned game with bot dev still has better qol and gameplay flow than game with fully active human dev team of 100 dudes
asks a question
answers himself in the same sentence
still clicks post

based retard
2 USA dollars still isn't the same as 2 Zimbabwe dollars
Nobody plays on standart, you twat.
Is this even true?
there is an extreme amount of circumstantial evidence but we can never "prove it to be true" because we don't have access to the game code
One could prove it statistically with a big enough sample
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what's your're's favorite flavor text? mine is bino's kitchen knife
mine's your mom's flavor lol
Inquisitor has one of the better flavor texts
Why are you retards not even talking about the game??
welcome to /scv err i mean /poooeg/
What about mom, int builds mana too
[Spoiler] This is an 2D autist impression of "Zana" , DO NOT FEEL![/spoiler]
>entire prize pool except the top of each ascendancy is shared between all three events
what the fuck, are GGG retarded? what is the fucking point of hardcore and SSF races unless you are willing to no-life for two straight weeks to be the literal best in class?
Joke: Crit Inquisitor
Woke: Righteous Fire Inquisitor
reminder to join the guild :frog_smug:
>No autosort yet
>No auto pickup
>No auto leveler
>no 1-button PoB build import function on the game client

>no uber/lyft/cabify section in mtx shop to buy transport with premium currency
We've had the last two of those for years.
Shame you can't have points auto-allocate on the Passive Tree as you acquire them. Only plan out currently on Beta.
The prizes don't matter that's why
It's just MTX and skins noone cares about
You play to have fun and compete, see how far you can get
It was never about the rewards, but about creating a challenge for players
Well my granddad has terminal cancer and this will be his last summer most likely and he did really me to take home that demi. He couldnt wait to see it on me, at least once...
I have 22 stashes, stop me.
damn that was a fun read
8/10 would recommend
how do I into CI early? can't craft shit, all the gear is expensive as fuck now and the cheap stuff doesn't have any resists
define "early"
if you mean below your mid 60s, then you dont got CI yet
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>not taking CI when CI build
When does 3.0 hit, im looking to get into it.

Also what builds will be good for 3.0?

Poison Detonate Dead
you either buy your shit or craft it then

>cant buy cause poor

>cant craft because X

learn to fucking play
Should I try this out? I played when it was first in beta and haven't tried it since.

Or should I wait for 3.0?
no and no
Early August*
*subject to change
now is like the worst tiem to get into poe id wait for 3.0
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>Playing unarmed build
>Whenever I pick up a chrome weapon, it gets equipped
you can disable auto-pick up in options.

it annoys me that I have to switch that constantly since I tend to play multiple characters
>auto-pick up

what the fuck am I writing
Anyone else getting "unable to connect to patching server" error when they start up the 3.0 beta launcher?
Nice, thanks.
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Rarity: Rare
Phoenix Band
Two-Stone Ring
Level: 40
Item Level: 58
+14% to Fire and Lightning Resistances
+74 to maximum Life
+22% to Fire Resistance
+34% to Cold Resistance
+35% to Lightning Resistance

This is on turmoil, how much should I try to get for it?
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can someone whos actually played this game in the past year r8 my tree
yea ok good job you made a level 100 tree when you'll quit at level 75
Need more jewel sockets.
people who actually play the game please!
>lv28 CA
>mfw fighting bosses

Was it really necessary to give ALL bosses max chaos resist?
great build
looking forwards to see some vids posted in the future
>Failed to connect to instance
>Failed to connect to instance
>Failed to connect to instance

what the fuck is with this league
You signed up for marathon boss sessions when you made that poor decision.
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>he doesnt know about cws
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Of playing this game? yep.
Hey, no argument from me. I'm not playing until 3.0 anyway.
>perandus shit crashes the game
uninstalling then deleting the beta tbqh
>playing hc
lmaoing @ your life
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this is now a sc GENERAL
retardcore get OUT!!!
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if a shitcrow is the sc mascot
what animal is the hc mascot?
the dodo is the official hc mascot
the hcuck hides a deep ingrained fear of loss
he prides himself on the things he doesn't do
how can you fly when youre scared to fall
hc mascot = logout macro
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the waterbear is the HC mascot
>most resilient animal alive
>can thrive anywhere, even in space at vaccum
>its theorized it could survive the gravitational forces at the core of a black hole for at least a year before it would need some some liquid water to replenish itself
>it can even colonize venus

if that doesnt sound like a hc player then i dont know what does
Also it's microscopic, much like HC playerbase.
But can HC player can't survive a lag/dc
Venus is at 450 celcius fucking retard, no they can't survive on venus
>waterbear fossils have been found INSIDE ROCKS
>magma is 500+ °C
provide proof that they can live at 300 c +
There is nowhere on Venus's surface below 350 celcius
vet here, we deal with injured and pregnant water bears all. the. time.
and they can surely survive 300c or more, for what its worth.
>Some tardigrades can withstand temperatures down to 1 K (−458 °F; −272 °C) (close to absolute zero) while others can withstand 420 K (300 °F; 150 °C)
So nowhere near Venus temperatures.
>2001 dev paid to have their games tested
>2017 dev get paid to have their games tested
Modern gamings is a mistake.
Not Chris' fault that a goy and his shekels are soon parted
What will the min level to get top 5 Champion be at the end in the regular HC race?
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>>its theorized it could survive the gravitational forces at the core of a black hole
theorized by idiots.
watebears are cool though, I'll give you that.
That's the least ridiculous claim in his post.
>can't craft shit
That's where you're wrong, friend. If you just stick in there and out your mind to it, you can craft yourself up to a 5k ES pool in no time!
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there's so much wrong with this pic I'll just congratulate (You) and walk away
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How is your guy's ssf rng going? First character so far.
He is kinda right on PoE being low-tier D2 clone, but so is D3. That 80% more variety is bullshit though, since D2 had 2 viable builds per class at best.
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>This system is bad because it sucks because I hate it

I could take every argument ever made on /v/ and take out the name of the game and you would never be able to tell what game they are attempting to critique

Like, watch:

>This post is laughably bad. It's outdated and I can just tell by looking at it that the creator was getting high off his own farts. He simply needs to get off his high horse and really start looking at what REALLY matters in a game, if he can even understand what that is. I mean, look at the pointless, run on sentences full of buzzwords. I don't understand how someone can look at this post and say "Yeah, this is good enough to be posted on my imageboard." Just utterly terrible.

It is ridiculously easy to take a single point you may have and fill the rest of the post with empty air about fucking nothing.
Grubby McCrabby The Crab/10
Didn't grab the Templar Power Charge/10.
Is there a decent frenzy charge generator that's good enough for a discharge build? All I ever see is power and endurance discharges.
Oro's CoC
Blood Rage or Blood Dance.
weird way to spell terminus est
maybe or tulfall
Raider discharge :thinking:
Anyone willing to link me to a babbies first HC build?
I tried a 2h slayer build and got to level 50 for my first real attempt. I was just too squishy and died to bleed
Anything with a logout macro.
HC is about having fun and playing what you want you just need a logout macro and pots script.
Yeah, I had plenty of time to "save" myself if I wanted but I just accepted my fate
I'd prefer a slightly beefier play style than to use a macro
Thanks man, I was doing something close to this tree but I was picking up to many damage nodes
Any idea where I could find some basic def gem setups or some def auras? I'm so used to the SC play style haha
anyway to make flame dash lenghtier in distance
click further
>nevershit's filter
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these aren't my glasses.jpg
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>Great item drops
>It's a divine orb
>If people like it, then it must be shit!
>sorc boot drops in high enough area
>everyone who has ex on white bg and red text is immediately, always, undoubtedly using the neversink filter
you should be a detective.
this meme is pretty tight on passive pts and the 7th charge ends up making no difference, ur capped either way
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>Open a breach
>56x56 resolution


What build are you playing where that that even matters?
wow that Path of Building software is a work of art
it's fucking insane the amount of work that went into it
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I seriously wish I was not playing a trickster right now.
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I wish i knew myself
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>pizza totems

kys yourself nigger, saged, reported, hidden
what's wrong with pizza totems?
>waaaaaaaaah they play faster builds than me, how am i supposed to win a demi with my OFF META elemental hit character???????
stay mad kiddo
>shit base
>very low ilvl
>Shitting on ele hit

lmao _someone_ hasn't heard of the new meta build mathil invented
>acquires 3k life
>equips abysuss or rats nest
>stacks as much crit multi on jewels as possible
>slots a bare minimum of 9 more multipliers in my 2h

heh......i knew watching mathil vids would pay off....
>acquires 10k life
>equips marohi erqi
>stacks as much physical mitigation as possible
>slots a bare minimum of stun, ecoms, blind, knockback on his ground slam

heh.....us HARDCORE players are elite...
holy shit hardcore players on suicide watch
>sunder doing so much damage it's better at stunning bosses than ground slam
>a single gem swap let you skip the entire mace/stun scaling you'd need with ground slam
When's the next mtx sale? 42$ for a set is too much.
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just give ground slam 155% damage at max level
it's already held down by the fact you're forced to use a mace/stave
give ground slam the old graphic back
I'll bet you GGG reads this as "please add stun chance to ground slam" and retardochanges the gem.
tfw majority of people here don't even know what it looks like
Ok bros how do we fix double strike
rework namelock skills entirely
hey guys C. Wilson here, id like to implement the best idea youve got to improve our game.
before you start, id like to remind you that our balance team has probably already come up with all of your ideas twice and scrapped em.
Wake me up when you can use sunder with a sword, please.
wrong. I told you many many times over to completely change that atrocious mini map display, and look at what you did, it's 10/10 in beta if you hide all the shit.
>can frost blades with 2h mace
>can't sunder with swrod
fuggin shid gaemb
K Chris heres the next money maker

The new, revolutionary, next step technology, to not only organize your stash tabs, but manage them aswell.

Introducing, The Stash Stashtab.

Have you regrettably bought tens if not hundreds of normal stash tabs? Are you now too poor to only upgrade half of those to premiums? Well say no more. With the Regular Stash Stashtab you can put all your normal stash tabs in this one, convenient, easy to use, Stash Stashtab. This allows you to reduce your buyers remorse by making it seem as if you only have 1 regular stash tab, instead of dozens!

We have your Currency Stash Stashtabs, your Essence Stash Stashtabs, Divination Stash Stashtabs, Quad Stash Stashtabs, and yes, even your basic Premium and Regular Stash Stashtabs.

But wait, there's more, With the purchase of at least 2 of every Stash Stashtab available we will GIVE you the Meta Stash Stashstashtab FOR FREE absolutely no strings attached 100% hands down FREE(24.99$).

I expect royalty checks, Chris. (You)'re welcome
good shit goy, pm me ur acc so i can tweak ur rng a bit
p.s. i need the pw too, [email protected]
>when reddit is in your poeg
what's wrong with reddit?
Retarded mods + voting system.
>says the redditor
yeah but like, you don't have to post

you can just read the information people get and you don't have to look for it yourself
PoE has too many stats, Agility, Strength and Dexterity is redundant when mana and health exist
Resistance are redundant because everyone has them

Gear should just be cosmetic and have damage bonuses

Basically, your character should just have the equivalent on ~400-800 Str/dex/int, 7-9k life and gear should only be uniques
Too many damage stats.
Physical damage chaos damage lightning damage damage over time damage dealt by hits spell damage attack damage spell damage over time fire spell damage over time bleed.
There are even more damages than these can you spot the damages I missed??
Just make it simple so the common man can understand. Thanks ggg

Also, delete the passive tree. Every character naturally develops his stats as he levels, building life, damage, ES etc. depending on the class selected. What's the point in clicking on +10int anyway? You chose a Shadow: Well you get to be mix ES and Evasion and that's it you shut your mouth and play as it has been designed.

Notable are now toggle that you can activate once you reach the proper level. Get in a map with a lot of chaos monsters? Activate Chaos Innoculation to get chaos immune (without the retarded downside of having your left set to 1). Are you surrounded with monster weak to fire? toggle Avatar of Fire and deal 50% converted fire damage, 50% original damage type what the fuck was that downside for anyway?
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Yes let's dumb this fucker down to world of diablocraft level
>There was a flash, and in the blink of an eye, he suddenly appeared behind the first assailant, plunging his sword to the hilt in the exposed neck. Then he was beheading the second in one quick swipe. Then the third fell with a shriek, his bowels spilling onto the cobblestones. The fourth turned to run, and found himself facing the Duelist, who met his momentum with a stab through the heart. Spent, panting on the ground, the victor wiped his blade clean, and recorded four more kills with Flicker Strike.

And yet devs thought that it was impossible.

The fuck is this sopposed to be even?
Is 3.0 olive now?
you can respec ascendancy m8.

sure its not cheap and you gotta do lab again. but you still can
That would be disabled in Turmoil.

I mean, I know you can get prizes by class, but not by ascendancy, right?
>The top player of each of the ascendancy classes by experience will receive an Alternate Art Demigod's Dominance (Unique Golden Mantle).

That's the reason.
this is what /poeg/ has devolved into

a place filled with disgusting autistic underage redditors
it saddens me deeply
why is touch of anguish so expensive let me play my shit build in peace
muh frost blades
I haven't touched the game in months yet I still post here
Just hit tyrannical on a good base and master it up fampai
they are useless in 3.0 for Frost Blades, so take solace in the fact that this is their last hurrah
>willingly removing your freeze on crit
Just get a good claw and invest in the pierce cluster, you passed near it anyway for the claw nodes
>Skills that have sound design so terrible they are unplayable and would get the intern responsible immediately fired with no hope to ever work again in the industry ever again

Ancestral Warchief

Lighting Golem

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>Lightning Scorpion Pet
Have u ever played warchief staff dude it's hilarious
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TV puppet pal totems when?
It's a sick midleague build actually hierophant assassin ascendant and you just get a bringer and a heges.

Does like 100k dps out of the box.

But you have to withstand the constant GRUNTing from the totems and the bonkbonkbonkbonkbonk
I just call them SLAM totems. The noise is exquisite.
I will never understand why Lightning Scorpion is $110.
just mod the ggpk and have skillsounds OFF

magma orb

jesus christ what were they thinking
when the fuck is this expansion coming out jesus christ im bored
Sometime after July 2017. See you soon, exile

Bex, GGG
September at the earliest
Betas live dude go get your maps eaten by instance crashes every half hour.
No more wipes planned so that means there won't be any.
Why did you kill Mjolner.
What did we not kill?

Bex, GGG
it causes server instability problems
I'll make sure to pass your feedback onto the balance team, thank you! Sorry for the inconvinience, stay sane exile.

How would a classic (DnD-ish) paladin be like in path of exile?

I was thinking lightning strike or dominating blow juggernaut or champion with many auras.

(technically templar would be more paladin-ish but its ascendancies don't really fit).
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>5 perandus chests in a dank den
Inquisitor deals penetrating damage on critical strikes and literally shits out this thing called consecrated ground dude it % fits.
oh my god yes.
I totally forgot about the consec ground shenanigans....thanks anon I'll look into it.
Blight totems is meta
They're not even being changed in 3.0.
can i make a witch build where i just swarm minions
hi vivi
u get HoI+HoT and run through the map
they both trigger shock+shatter so a single HoT proc propagates HoI with no limit on packsize, so it scales nicely with super large pack sizes
but herald isnt considered a spell, so it only scales off elemental damage, which automatically makes 80% of your skillpoints low-value so you get 18 grand spectrums for the luls and vrf map bosses
you can also rf+fireball mine izaro with pain attunement for an ignite that ends up doing about 40x the damage of the actual fireball
clearspeed beats vfb in closed layouts but desu its a shit build since theres too many mods you cant run
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What the FUCK do I do until 3.0 releases?
though honestly anything under 12 spectrums probably loses to a decent crit multi jewel
gradually expand your ass with larger and larger objects and move up to playing with a vibrating buttplug, full-time.
bonus: no poopsock
>12 spectrums
>it's now limited to 2
>crit multi
>it's been nerfed all over the board
Oh anon, you are in for a rude awakening.

Sincerely, Chris.
Play Corruption of Champions.
Who else thinks GGG is going to nerf Sunders AoE? They kind have to considering how much it has on other Melee skills.
They'll nerf the damage probably.
What the fuck, why is Soul Taker so expensive?
Sunder Gladiator is the new meta because of Alk.
raging spirits legit must have the worst most retarded fucking AI of any minion ai in any game
Is it still not worth unlocking all maps on atlas, even in this 2 week?
only non-whites to strand shaping
why are there 0 occultists in the top 100 of the HC turmoil ladder?
becaues poison has been nerfed
no more double dipping
why do you refuse to (you) people?
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Because she looks like she's never taken a bath before.
0-4 clean my filthy room and shower
5-9 play some more path of depression
That's not happening until oriath.
This is your last chance to have fun with poison builds.
>having fun
? take the door on the left

Found this on red.dit
>Forbidden Power
Good overall, but if you're going Crit, you're an Assassin or Inquisitor.
>Profane Bloom
A strong node for general clear, which most builds have no problem with so moot.
+1 curse is only relevant mod and since the AoE changes, Blasphemy Auras are comically small and few people even bother using 1, let alone 2. And applying multiple Curses manually or through Curse on Hit is not very viable.
>Void Beacon
Always decent.
>Wicked Ward
Pretty good if you are playing something that doesn't Leech, negligible if you Leech.
>Vile Bastion
Also good, but has the problem of being more for general clear and crap if you Leech.
The only good build for Occultist is Essence Drain nowadays. Will be more popular in 3.0 due to the no ES Instant Leech change.
is Exif our guy? he's literally better than havoc
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should have a little allert that goes

The funny part is, they're dead in the frame before the Discharge.
>5900+ Fire damage after Resist calculation
>Their Stone Golem doesn't even flinch
you will receive no (you)s here amigo
hardcucks btfo

as usual
this game is total shit.
t. hardcuck
are there any new diablo clones on the horizon? online only?
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Dude, I already play poe with a buttplug inside of me, for extra challenge
I'll try that ty
ur gonna want the editor eventually too
die, freak
tfw you die at rank for your ascendancy.
>corruption of champions is 18+
thanks for nothing
chris wilsonn chris wilsonn chris wilsonn
So is this website junior. I'm afraid I'll have to confiscate your 4chan posting liscense.
How do we find builds with Twitch being down?
>Dude, I already play poe with a buttplug inside of me, for extra challenge
>complains a recommendation is 18+
why doesnt chris wilson post here anymore
because we don't suck him off like reddit does
nice trips btw
Why aren't you quoting the poster you're replying to?
Here, see how easy it was?
chris wilson is like the 70th richest person in new zeland. he doesnt care what you say about him
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what are your expectations for the big whacky balancing they'll be doing in a week and a half /poeg/
Sunder and MoM are kill.
I agree with MoM. There's no way it goes live like it is.

I hope that Doedre armor has 3d art desu.
How do I flameblast elementalist? How do I keep my health/es pool full?
>There are only a few days left before the announcement of the final launch date
Please be September.

Don't get hit.
you know what has 3d art?

*unzips dick*
>GGG also depends on third party scripters for rank tracking that isn't trash
What a shitshow.
I need pics before deciding if i would wear it.
mom is trash unless you run eb
so what you're saying is that a sactuary of thought heirophant is good?
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>This is where your shekels are going.
havoc is doing it again

rank 6

ps why is this place so dead during amerikek hours? I mean don't they (you) play video games?
concept art from the Dexter reboot?
>New helmet
It's a part of the Ahn's set, pretty cool.
Another Ahn item, I've seen worse.
>Note that Doedre's skin won't make it to 3.0.0 - we're planning to add it later. But it looks so awesome, we couldn't help but show it to you!
I thought that was Doedre, but it's hard to tell visually.
Make curses Great Again.
Does each hit of multistrike have a chance to proc Way of the Poacher or is it only one per use?
I assume you mean the last line, "20% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy" in which case, if all 3 Multistrike attacks Hit, then you have 3 chances to gain a Frenzy Charge.
Flameblast links are...
Prolif (if not elementalist)
Ignite chance (unless you have 30+ ignite chance)
Faster casting
Inc. aoe/conc effect
Controlled dest.
Fire pen
>run sunder glad for months, nobody gives a shit, nice cheap gear

>some faggot streamer builds exactly the same and posts video almost 4 months later

>suddenly 'new meta' and everything hyper expensive in the new race

It's not even that good and the scaling is garbage. I mean you can farm up to t10 easy enough, but its slow at strand and cant kill shaper without serious investment
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so the 20% cull on slayer is basically a 20% reduction in monster life
that seems pretty big when literally everything got buffed health in 3.0
culling is fucking dumb why does it exist
Yes. Slayer is gonna be majorly meta in 3.0.
The only problem is that it only has 4 useful points so you waste half the ascendancy.
>only 4 useful points
what did he mean by this
Can brutality be linked with spells?
Fucking link the person you're talking to, idiot: >>182919830
The path up to the 50% reduced reflect.
i won't link the person btw
>waste half the ascendancy
It has 4 shit points.
The 8 good points are obvious too.
>20% Culling for 2 points
>UNLIMITED LEECH for 2 points (and an extra .2% Life Leech)
>All the leech, Stun and Bleed Immunity for an additional 2 points (an additional extra .2% Life Leech as well)
>Take half as much Reflect damage for 2 points
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Recently I seen someone take Slayer's Impact just for the radius increase, the splash was entirely useless.
weird PoB won't link it to desecrate
>thinking slayer leech is useful at all when you're just going to take vaal pact
>Vaal Pact
We're not having this debate again over "Slayer v. VP."
Desecrate doesn't do Physical damage.
yea i wanted to stop desecrate from doing any damage
It's not a debate, so I'm glad we agree.
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Friendly reminder denying (You)s is a microaggresion and no less hurtful than misgendering someone.
Shut the fuck up retard
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How about I macroaggressively beat the shit out of you fag?
*instantly microaggresions u*
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wow just wow

how long until i rip?
why does everyone give a shit about soultaker again

it doesnt do anything 1 skill point and an enlighten doesn't
I don't know, but I sold a 330 dps one for a cool 120c
its a decent thing to use on ssf as it can simplify you build
i wouldnt touch it on a normal trade league tho
is chill really that important?
but it has decent offensive stats (specially for a race) and you can run an extra herald / purity / aura AND you can ditch revelry or whatever mana leech you thought you needed
Oh I get it
So you can just reserve all your mana
why am I even still playing this game
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what do i do about bloodrage\enduring cry now? with the soultaker i am using arctic armor+hatred+just added herald of ash.

What i tried doing was removing HoA at the beginning of zones and casting bloodrage and recasting hoa but thats tedious. Thinking about removing arctic armor for a blasphemy warlords mark, and getting my third gladiator ascendancy for free frenzies.

Waht do u guys think?
Use CWDT for the bloodrage
oh right i was doing that before, of course.

still want endurance charges tho
Blood Magic Support
yea i should just link BM to anything that needs it

which afaik is only this one skill

weird that the soul taker works for totems
Why is it that earthquake sometimes fails to...quake? It does the first small aoe hit but the earthquake never happens. I'm not talking about using it in rapid succession, I know how the skill works. Sometimes when I run into a pack and use EQ it just doesn't work. Is it something like cyclone and running into a pebble interrupts it? Does ice crash have the same problem?
Yes actually @ the Cyclone thing.
If there's an obstruction between you and your target or similar bullshit, it'll do a basic attack instead of a Quake.
quality GGG programming right there
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Unless youve got a AAA internnation hit ARPG you made where you solve all the problems you complain about in PoE, then you should just stop bitching and crying
fuck off chris
your game is shit and I don't need to know dick about making video games to see that
Is there a way to find out roughly how much hp shit mobs in something like strand have?

I want to see if they will be one shot for this build
count one mississippi two mississippi
multiply by you're tooltip
>my are tooltip
you're a tooltip exile
he meant your tool's tip
Is inc aoe still required for every applicable skill?
not sunder
conc effect is what's mandatory
How do we make CA viable?
wither totem and delirium bow
Casting a spell totem at every group is ED levels of retarded. GGG just needs to implement a threshold jewel that gives CA 300% more damage to match all the other skill gem potentials.
if you cant even kill normal packs quickly, then your build is most likely shit. CA only really fails at bossing, and then you do need wither
This. CA is extremely lax. This shows as this is one of the easiest/safest skills to go MF on.
How much has the game changed lads.
Yesterday for the race I made a donotsteal original build, and it just felt slow, low damage and not that efficient for single target. I enter merciless anyway, here comes Hillcock, and I was hoping still to be able to kill him before he drew out his sword, but actually I killed before he finished his second step toward me.
That's how it is, if your build doesn't kill boss and packs literally instantly now, it feels like shit.
I'm not even using CA, I wanted to, but how the hell could anyone expect to get to red maps with a skill that can't even break 50k dps with a lvl 21 CA, +3 bow, +4 empower before curses and Wither?
The game has gone shit, more news at 11
>Kaom's Roots specifically prevents you from being slowed, which is what Temporal Chains does. Slow is not the same thing as reducing movement speed (it affects everything you do, not just movement).

>Kaom's Roots does offer any prevention of reductions to movement speed, which is what the darts do.
Jesus, why do they make the game so unnecessarily complicated?
what the fuck are you on about? on a +3 with +4 empower everything not a boss or rare in a t15 will die instantly, rares will take 2 or 3 seconds at most and you can weapon swap for a decay ed to oneshot bosses
Not that anon, but mind posting your tree? I've been curious about doing CA in 3.0 since I haven't this league (or the last)

Projectile damage will no longer affect CA's DoT in 3.0 right?
>nerds needing to use level 28 CA to do what my level 17 pizza stick does in half the time
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Actually, I haven't used CA myself in forever, but I've seen gameplay of CA in 2.6 and it seems fast enough when geared correctly, and it's actually receiving a couple of buffs in 3.0 one being the pierce gem piercing 7 targets, the other being rapid decay not affecting general skill effect duration, only ailment duration, and yes it still scales with proj damage
How is the pierce change relevant?
since CA generates a cloud every time it hits something, pierce is basically aoe, before, you needed 100% pierce to have consistent coverage, which involved grabbing the shitty pierce cluster, which was far away for some builds, in 3.0 you can ignore it completely, since 7 pierced targets is enough to produce plenty of clouds, since the skill can't even go offscreen.
Oh, I hadn't even noticed but the base damage was actually increased at 20, by a fucking lot. it's 550 in live, according to wiki, so a whopping 40% increase at 20, who knows how much more at higher levels.
Huh, that makes sense. I'm surprised anyone would bother with that, though. Don't get me wrong, as I said I'm very rusty with CA. Last time I used it I remember just re-firing it for AoE, which is fine since you'd typically use a fast base bow (ie thicket) and sometimes have some attack speed on tree anyway (lots in ranger/shadow for example) Also gives you room to not use pierce gem (less duration, conc/inc aoe swap in) and not using pierce nodes.

What ascendancy(ies) to consider if going for a life-based CA? Assuming that it isn't a terrible idea.
654th post for free
>tfw only just found out about race


Are prizes only for HC characters?
So janitor deletes the one person who actually gives (You)s but ignores everyone who doesn't reply? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
My bloooooooooooooooooom
iirc SC, HC and SSFHC
Welp I've gone full autism and started a SSFHC templar, having no idea what build I'm going

When's 3.0? Wanna try my dominating blow max block 2x Scourge Gladiator.
Huh, neat.
So I guess you'd swap that for Slower Proj. or something for bosses?
Announcement of the date soon (tm)
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are ya winning poeg
>Path of Building exists
Why even play this game anymore? Just make a new build.
im not even playing, so in a way, yeah
you thought you were so clever
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Honestly PoB really showed me the light.

Some skills deal hundreds of thousands of DPS for little to no investment and can still clear screens

Then others, for no reason, deal no fucking damage even with dozens of more multipliers and perfect gear.

GGG really has no fucking clue what they're doing.
making money is the most fun part of this game

fucking path of building autists go run a map
and blue life gets tons more fucking EHP than life without even trying.

Watching waggle swap from life to ES... and he unskills all his life nodes to TAKE DAMAGE NODES

>yfw perandus was one of the best leagues
But life has armour, evasion, dodge, block and Fortify!
agreed, perandus breach and legacy were great

I just hope it makes flapping sounds if you cyclone with it.
perandus was a fucking garbage league
SC economy in HC in no time flat, and then they made perandus rarer than a nigger who knows their father
dumb af

You are a garbage league you faggot. Perandus was pretty ok.
>SC economy in HC
cheaper items? what a fucking disaster
i play softcore personally
>evasion, dodge, block
Yeah, it has luck based defences and some physical mititgation that still leaves place for one shots even at their caps.

im scared i used up all my luck for 3.0 playing this race
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Is Ngahamu's EQ berserker a safe choice for a beginner?

I wanna give a buddy of mine this tree to start with.
>ngamahu's eq
>Ngahamu's EQ
And this thing called Vaal Pact.

ES needs to rely on regen and soul strike.
OK I haven't played the game in months, what am I missing?
niggamahu's has only 0.15s cooldown so you want to use a fast hitting skill with it, cyclone being the best option
>weapon has a chance to proc something on hit that deals pretty much all of your damage
>better use the slowest melee skill in the game!
I came
thanks my man

Cyclone seems nice because of stun immunity as well.

Stun immunity and you can pass trough enemies.
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I wish maces had a little more choice for uniques
I cannot think of an average situation where I'd use marohi or kongor's over a hezmana's
anyone else depressed all the time
it's why I poe
just go lift and don't fap for a month
you'll be good to go in no time
thanks for the normie advice
don't sleep too many hours
Anything more than 9 is bad for you
Go get some sun
Do physical exercise
Get a job
Being tired and sore at the end of the day is good for your health
someone should do a commercial like this but with poe instead of meth
if meth makes you skinny then I need to get some meth for my mom cuz shes fat
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>Playing beta
>Go to merc lab
>4.5k life, should be good
>3rd phase Izaro
>Commander of Lightning or whatever
>Hits me with arc
>Instantly shocked
>Before I can even cleanse the shock with a flask i'm clipped by a ebin wave slash's retarded hitbox
>Instantly killed from nearly full life give or take 50-100
>Was probably a crit too

If I was on the live servers playing in HC and this happened I would have punched my fucking screen

This game needs to do away with absurd shit like this
If you were playing HC you wouldn't be such a fucking trashcan who dies to izaro
>come back to this general after many months
>faggots still using that sc2 meme of no replying because they are catposters

Fucking pathetic lowlives (with no shavs at that)
>who dies to izaro

only a true coward who has never attempted sword/board fully buffed izaro would say something so cucked

go back to your t1 maps
hey guys is there a release date yet :D
>Sleeping more than 9 hours is bad
I regularly sleep more than 12 hours and I am perfectly fine. Don't try to convert everyone to your normalfag cult you sheep
i hope you get help with your depression some day
when you're young the effects aren't as apparent

once you hit 25 it feels like the world is glazed over if you sleep more than 9 hours
I only sleep 6 hours a day
What's the best approach to a (budget) flicker? Oro + raider? Any viable DW alternatives?
Yeah, just dual-wield Loath Bane
leddit-tier one-liner, summer is indeed upon us

You could go Terminus Est, more damage but could be more challenging to scale hp as you have to invest into crit
Just came back since breach ended, what's up with this race's rewards? 100 skins for lvl40? Breach had one skin for portal, one wings skin etc. Am I missing something here?
League vs. Race

Legacy is the currently running challenge league, with Harbinger coming up whenever they finally release 3.0.
Oro's Slayer is the best budget flicker build. You could use Raider instead if you wanted with another decent two hander.


Basically they are just slapping together something to tide us over until 3.0 is finished.
Are there any rewards tied to the legacy league? Didn't find anything after skimming through the main page.
For the challenges, like always.
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Dreamfeather ST Raider or Mortem Morsu Assassin for Turmoil event?
Mathil is doing dreamfeather.
I know, but its not a sign that this build is better than dreamfeather.
is MOM gonna be any good in the upcoming expansion, or is the change to damage taken gained as mana too detrimental? seems like a decent way for a spellcaster to get a big pool + instant leech
It'll be good but you need to keep all the negative aspects in mind when building for it.

Also I think blood rage will drain your mana now though I'm not sure.
which negative aspects do you have in mind exactly? i'm loosely trying to plan a build while i wait for the patchnotes to drop. biggest ones i can note so far are:
>no/limited auras
>heavy investment on the tree
>need to maintain mana sustain and ratio of life:mana such that you don't run out of mana without dying anyway
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i've been gone for 3 days
have they made the game fun yet?
The game is more fun now than it will be for the next year while they self flagellate and get rid of all the fun builds
>nearly all weapons follow the "bigger aps -> lower base dps" rule to compensate for flat phys being more efficient on faster bases
>but fastest rapier and fastest claw also have the most base dps, rendering all other bases useless
nice design
>armour is shit
>evasion is shit
>dodge and block are shit

that leaves us with?
don't get hit shitbird
10k life builds

coming to you soon in 3.0
Is there a good defense left in PoE beside life? So much for build diversity when they force everything into a single defense mechanism with the most inefficient pathing
chance to ignite or inc aoe as 6th link on pizza sticks
>Action RPGs have always been about two things: devastating skills and valuable items. Skills in Path of Exile are items - gems that grant abilities when socketed into equipment. A wide range of support gems allow the behaviour of skills to be modified. You can augment your Fireball to chain from enemy to enemy or split into multiple flaming projectiles. Up to five support gems can affect a skill at any time. Because gems level up independently and some are hard to find, they can be very valuable in trade
MoM, with the buff it's getting in 3.0.0.
Life is only mandatory for attack builds, any cast and forget build like ED/Summoner/Totem can just go ES and run around bosses while regenerating HP.
I still remember how mana leech was worth an exalt in closed beta
pantheon is so underwhelming its embarrassing.
what are the chances they are gonna release it as is?
i was really hopeing for more gamplay altering feats rather than even more minisucle %increases.
I played since 2012 and mana leech was never worth more than a few chaos
if they buff it plebbit will cry about power creep and shit
I've played since 2012 as well, it was an extremely rare drop-only gem and at one point it was around an exalt in hc
I once got killed while lvling by the start and end of teleport of a mob in chamber of sins.
sudden crit + shock can rape your ass
Why are eternal orbs kill?
but even reddit is crying about it, so are major "streamers"
I think you've got that reversed. Major "streamers" are crying about it, and reddit parrots the major "streamers".
>wtb gmp
>what are the chances they are gonna release it as is?
Almost certain. Just like 2.0, no matter the outcry they won't bother until late in the league, and they can't really release something on the same power level as ascendancies. Expect minor tweaks at best.
How does 150 life on a 3.0 chest with str compare to belly? wtb kaoms/belly 5 ex early in the league meta?
Just like when they released act 4?

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