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/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 792
Thread images: 185

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Brown Ass Edition

Old Thread >>182323882

Game released with Prologue (Fuyuki) and Chapters 1 (Orléans) and 2 (Septem)

http://pastebin.com/Hp918cqA (embed)
>[Mega Pastebin]
http://pastebin.com/HTrhq7Nk (embed)


>[Master Recruitment Campaign]
Campaign Period: June 26, 2017 (Mon) 9:00 PM ~ July 31, 2017 (Mon) 23:59 UTC
If you create an account during this period, you receive the following rewards:
4* CE: Beginning of the Journey
4* Servant: Saber Lily
6,000 FP, 10x 4* All EXP, 5x 3* All HP Fou, 5x 3* All ATK Fou and 30x Saint Quartz

>[66,666 Facebook likes, Gilgamesh rate up]
Rate up period: July 06, 2017 (Thu) 7:00 AM ~ July 20, 2017 (Thu) 03:59 UTC
5* Gilgamesh - [Limited]
4*s Lancelot and Atalante
3*s Cú Chulainn (Prototype) and Medea

- The welfare 4* Servant is now available in the Shop, exchange the voucher you get in your giftbox for it.
- First Order Bluray Release Celebration Quest - July 06~13th.
- The Half-AP cost Campaign is in effect until July 20th.
- An important announcement will be revealed on July 11th.

>[Master Mission]
Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments

>[Daily Quest]
Drop rates (click on the NA tab): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread.
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witch thread
>- An important announcement will be revealed on July 11th.
Don't make your shitty thread theme if you aren't even gonna properly update the OP
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So who here is saving EVERY SINGLE Quartz and Ticked for Jeanne Alter and Merlin ?

Do you really think you can do it?
Save hopefully more than 900 quartz for the juicy +80% pullrate.
>Dont farm Mats, the drop rates are shit wait for the event
>The event is hard you need a decent team to handle it.
I see contradictions. How can i have a decent team for Nero if i dont farm mats?
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give me fp goys


tfw no kaleido
Jeanne alter is out on 11th
no i'm just going to drop an unreasonable amount of money
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Reminder that you should be farming and not attempting to have fun.
Nero Fest 2 Redux Boogaloo is hard, the original is perfectly manageable
There are 2 nerofest events. The first one is easy, the 2nd one is a bitch. You will be good for the first one
I wasted all my quartz trying to get Gil and now I'm trying to save up for Tamamo but I'm probably fucked.
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Nice edition. Also are the servers dying on anyone else? I keep getting a "Can't connect, want to retry?"
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jannu is cute and the best waifu
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I am good sir
How can I farm when I have no AP
>gameplayfags only want JAlter because of HIGHEST ATTACK meme
you bet your ass I am
and edison
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Does third ascension give you literally nothing other than increased level cap? That seems pointless.
Thanks for the clarification
Some buy some more, young man.

Fuck, I meant second ascension.
Is there a chart with the % for ascenision materials? It feels like I already killed a billion Lamias and Wyverns but I never get the items they're supposed to drop from time to time.
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I just want her because she's cute
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Saving all quartz for Merlin and Papa Bones.
I need Merlin just for boosting best Grandpa, setup just around him.
So it's not possible to farm Phoenix Plume right now?
God I hope this game lives long enough to get to Jeanne alter's release so I can see all those people cry when they don't roll her after a year of saving quartz and watching luckshitters get her in 3 tickets.
It's going to be glorious.
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This is my little sister, Illya. Say something nice about her.
Knight skill gems daily
I bet shes good at sucking dick
anus is tight
I wouldnt mind using her as a cup
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She's the best older sister ever and a very good girl.
Your sister is cute and I would like to fuck her.
>leveling servants is pointless
Well memed my man
She is pretty badass in Apocrypha
What did he mean by this ?
Anybody know where I can find all the existing translations?
Illya route when?
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I can dump all the translated ones I have
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Please do
Why is he called grandpa? Something in the story or just cause of his looks?
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Satsuki route when ?
He's the Old Man of the Mountain, after all.
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>And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
>But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.
>And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.
>Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”
>So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city.
>Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.
>—Genesis 11:4–9
Berserker Nimrod/Enmerkar when? I wanna see some intelligible big guy with a horizon wide crumbling Tower/Ziggurat emerging from the desert (see pic, but massive) for his NP
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He's the original Hassan so he's pretty much a grandpa to the rest
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caster route when?
What am I supposed to do with all this XP?
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She is so cute
I love my wife!

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This is Shirou's wife's son.
Say something o cheer him up.
Sell for mana prisms to buy summoning tickets.
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0, not gonna stop until my leaders at 990/990
How long do you guys usually allow someone to stay on your friends list without any login? I usually wait two days without logins.
He's very manly.
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Can someone explain to me why I don't seem to be attracted to Astolfo anymore? It's seriously unsettling.
>Not Otousan
Merlin is at it again
>0, not gonna stop until my leaders at 990/990
w-what how are you getting all those fous if they are limited
You fought away the faggot disease ?
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He has no breasticles oh and he has a dick. Nothing about him is good.
3* Fou's raise the points up by 40-50 each time and their are like 15 stocked.
Well 20 times 50 means you have just enough Fous in the shop in one month to max a Servant's stats starting from scratch.
You need to fap more, when you're horny he'll be attractive again
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100 Gold EXP.png
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Posting is long and tedious. But if you trust me i've got 662
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It must be the flesh fang. What the fuck's up with that. It bothers me more than his dick.
oh dang

I'm guessing I should fou my waver > gil first since they're netting me the most fp
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I whaled for Lancelot and I got him on the 3rd and last 10 pull.

I am happy. and out of pocket thanks kirei for all those useless fucking keys

Only other noteworthy thing I got was Medea (finally got her) and 4*CE 60% NP Start. The rest was literally keys and other 3* CE garbage.

Oh and I got MEGA trolled by 1 golden orbs summon, Archer, but was the 4* Archer.

Then directly after that, Silver Archer card, then started to sparkle, 4* Archer again.

I don't really need Gil, but he would've been nice, but ah well.
You fapped and stopped being a horny faggot.
You found out it was a guy and aren't a raging faggot?
>Friendslist is full
>cant tell who is using me or not
>Want to purge everyone that isnt a mashu
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Last one
Grats jetsman

You can get better archers for the job anyway. Try a NP5 robin sometime
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>Wake up, see the announcement. It's apples and some tickets
I feel disappointed
You realise that liking traps is stupid when there is loads of waifus to chosse from?
>3 x10 rolls
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almost best drop.png
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Post your drop in dailies.
>potentially 7 5* with EX Luck
my man
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true archer.png
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I hope they add him to the game

well they were paid rolls, isn't that what whaling is? Or is whaling literally unlimited money?

eh my bad anon
Not him, but I already have three 5* with my almost EX rank luck and just want events with materials to actually ascend them.
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3 Million QP
10000 FP
10x 4* Blaze of Wisdom
Sou *3 for all x5 HP+ATK
5 Golden Apples
50 Mana Prism
7 Tickets
whaling would have been if you spended tons of money to get 5 copies of him ad max his NP
Fuck that, Archer Hou Yi when?
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>a ticket a day for a week
Nigger we only get a ticket a week for logging in normally, plus 6 other quartz (this includes the weekly challenges).
This month, without even counting the tickets and quartz we'll get from nerofest, just went from 12 free summon attempts to 19 free summon attempts.

APOLOGIZE right now you mongrel.
Daily reminder that you should be purging your Friends List of anyone that hasnt logged on in the past 16+ hours.

If someone is letting their AP go to waste by not using it efficiently then they are not going to net you any worthwhile FP. So its safe to delete them and then you can pick up some more Lvl 1 Mashus.
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>pedos and trapfags
This general went to shit quick, no longer /v/ thread desu. It's time to go back >>182314991
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'Whaling' generally refers to the high rollers of the mobage world, the 1% of guys who pay for the whole server by spending thousands on whatever they want. They are the kind of people with max 5* NPs.
I'm saving up for Scathach, King Hassan and Merlin since I got Gil in my first 10 pulls for his gate, and have an Altera.
>not purging everyone that didn't log in in the past 4 hours
Shut the fuck up nerd
>3 mil QP
chump change
>10000 FP
>10 4* EXPs
can get that from 1 40AP hand run
>5 apples
pretty good
>50 prisms
literally nothing
>7 ticket

Overall: disappointing
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damn how do these niggas do it
kys man
Too little time, once you have a lot of AP you'll need at least that much time to have a nice stockpile of AP again to grind with
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go back to /v/ retard
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This is what I have after I cleaned out the shop's fous and tickets.
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best way to farm prisms?
He's mostly right though
Nothing special because you can get all materials for her.

Wanna level Altera to even 80?
Literally impossible because the next region isn't available yet
Jannu is the easiest to ascend, almost got her ready up to 4th Ascension but lady luck is being a bitch
if my friends aren't in the game 24/7 why should i keep them on my friend list as they won't get me worthwhile amount of fp
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Sleeping Lancelot.png
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Sssh.... don't wake up Berserker.
The tickets and apples alone make it good.
The fous are also nice, since they're silver fous and not just bronze ones.
How my man? what is your secret
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I don't have many but I've just been levelling my random Servants to 1st Ascension until now
she's the easiest one to fully ascend because she only requires pieces/monuments, no bullshit mats
Best girl
Do the 30AP daily and sell silvers
go back to /fgo/ faggot
Reminder that you ALWAYS need atleast 5000 Mana Prism in your stock.

Event CE cost 1000 Mana Prism a piece.
Maxing those limited CE requires you to buy 5 of them.

The first event CE purchaseable with Mana Prism should arrive in a few months.
Happy collecting
His fanbase is so cancerous it killed your libido for him.
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After you get NP5 is there any reason to keep more than 1 of the same servant? Burning doesnt give much but they are taking up so much space.
I'm not autistic enough to do the daily 555 times
I have time.
For now I want my main 3 (Gil-Altera-Waver) to be level 90.
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For all you fags saving for Jeanne Alter, remember that she's a slut who wants to have a harem of handsome men surrounding her
Not really. Don't be afraid to use Burn as a "release Pokémon" option.
no, burn them
fuck off /v/ermin cunt
How about Archer Heracles with his divinity intact? What Nasu says is his best class? Gimme that shit.
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Is this a good starting roll?
Just feed them to your unleveled Servants
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how can other girls even compete?
Altera won't get level 80 before Okeanos Which is 3 months away
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What is she listening to?
No, burn all the repeats.
The 1/2 stars won't give you shit but the 3 stars will give you a prism.
I just feed them to my other servants to level them up when I don't have xp cards
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Nothing special. I just farm the 30AP daily everyday non stop and 40AP if I want to level up.
Lmao, grats on that Cu Chulainn
So terrible I'd suggest getting an exorcism, there's clearly dark forces involved
what do your servants look like?
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They cant. But she really needs animation updates like many others already have.
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Fucking braindead translators better correct it to Knight of Honor.
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Fine by me, I like sluts.
you need to do your other roll first
Meh, QP cost not worth it.
>uses swords

Now he won't shut the fuck up about Arthur or having Toast for breakfast
s u m a n a i
Fucking Gilles.
>Knight of Honor
Knight of Honor is incorrect
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But you are not an archer if you use a bow
If you don't realize that knight of owner is the best name he could have ever gotten then you are you need to remove your japanese dick from your ass and stop being such a fucking weeaboo.
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How do I ban Mozard from appearing? I always get the exact same 4 faggots from FP summoning.
Did nips create any memes about Saber Gilles being a useless piece of shit nobody wants to roll?
>we will never get lancelot animations
>we are stuck with retarded stick lancelot
He may be a filthy Frenchman, but at least he sorta looks cool.
There's only like 6 1* units, so you get shittons of dupes.

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Wait for MY festival
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Is it really 1 year or did they never notice the mistake?
Knight of owner is the original english pun and it needs to stay.
oh god I feel sick just looking at it, why I'm playing through this shit again?
>uses hundreds of spear, sword, halberds etc shooting portals
>as well as chains and some magical horse dildo
Every day is a festival with Nero.
The lamentations of her enemies' women.
>shoots beams
Looks like I'm gonna have to journey through Hell to be able to ascend my Cu.
White noise
why is jing ke so ugly
why is danganronpa man allowed to shit up the trash art even further
at least she uses a sword to shoot beams
>Just saw new tier list on cirnopedia
>Saber Alter went from 8 to 6.5
Damn and I was planning on rolling for her too. Oh well, more quartz for Jalter I suppose.

Civilization with a good beat.
A great light has gone out. I'm finally at that level where I don't have enough AP to get enough Exp to level constantly.
Much like Saber isn't Saber without a beam, an Archer is not an Archer if he uses a bow
It said that the first month of the JP version.
Then it reset.

Rome is bad civilization. I'd rather die than be a part of it.
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Saving for Nursery Rhyme and then Nurse. Hoping for Nursery Rhyme to come to me with very little damage so I can have a high chance at obtaining Nurse. My patience stat is EX.
For the Duel with the Three Knights quest, do drop rates differ between difficulties? According to Cirnopedia, seems that Gold monuments also drop for novice levels.
how do you have 203 quarts
i only have 50 and im just about to finish rome

only did tutorial roll + 15 quarts rolls
>rides very rarely unless it's a dick
Cirno is a sellout stop using that website
Only the highest level guarantees a piece / monument, and higher leveled servants tend to drop monuments more often than lower leveled ones.
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>none of them attack with copies of critically acclaimed manga series Beserk

>- An important announcement will be revealed on July 11th.

>waaa he betrayed our epic memes guise!!
>doesn't assassinate anyone
>the entirety of the fucking hassan clan
Vehicle-and-animal-user-and-sometimes-no-actual-reasoner has a bad ring to it.
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I haven't done a single roll outside of the guaranteed 4* Servant roll. Finished all the Story and Free Quests plus Cu's interlude.
Where can I get purple hearts and Infinity Gears? I very much need them, and it seems like the internet only has them listed as dropping in like Shinjuku.
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In your notice board
I am saving everything for her, since I couldn't whale if my life depended on it.
On the news page dongus.
>king of heroes
>loses almost every fight he gets into
Oh. I rerolled till i got waver + gil

guess I missed a bit of quarts since the anime ex and 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 quarts event
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So anons, how's that QP coming along?
How do you even afford internet if you're this poor ?
>isn't berserk
>doesn't cast magic
Where can I find Serpent Jewels for Gilg? Someone was saying him and Jeanne are the only ones able to get to 90 currently.
She really gets my heart pumping.
Lol that's too much
Do your parents take credit card?
>Being able to hit 90
i wish anon
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Berserker Illya.jpg
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Oh okay. Thanks.
caster actually casted magic that one time
>king of conquerors
>doesn't command any conquerors
>attacks with a magic staff with caster animations
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I'm glad I'm not alone in doing this. I haven't done most Free Quests yet, but I have been levelling up my random Servants and getting Bond levels so I can do their Interludes after the 1/2 AP Event is over to get some more Quartz.
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>doesn't wear a cast
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Is the JP version close to its end or is the plot still going nowhere?
>that's too much
>he doesn't know
Friday daily

I'm only missing 5 Snake Jewels from his second ascension and only few items from his final ascension. Its possible with ex rank luck with material drops.

Not bad.
>Only 4* i want from the 4* free pool is emiya and herc

>but i already have gilg and lancelot

f u c k
name one caster that does this
JP version is finished with the first story arc.
I'm currently at work. At best I can drop 100€ for her, after all living expenses are taken care of, but I know that they won't make a difference and I will regret it.
>gets killed by a girl
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Finally, I can no longer chain level up from AP overflow. Finally, I'm FREE!
A bit more and you'll be able to max out one servant's skills.
>having a computer at his house
Reminder that Gil died like a bitch to fucking Sakura.
Post your Support Lists.
>Free from the eternal level ups
>Doomed to the eternal AP refill wait time
pick herc, different role from lancelot, and loli emiya is better later
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>evil witch
>did nothing wrong
>strongest in the world
>loses to some fucking teenager
>spear that can't miss
>it misses
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Aha, sure
Part 2 hasn't even started.

Thanks man. I'll spent quartz to farm them if I have to, I have four 5* so its not like I need to roll.


I know that feel bruh, Managed to get to level 61 already thanks to this event. Done with the story too.
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>tfw you wanna rename yourself Poverty Pete and use nothing but 1-3* servants
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Most of you will quit by then because you'll get bored with welfare shit.
The one or two that remain will probably get her within 100 summons, then you'll have like 100-300 summons just sitting there from daily logins / the shop / events and you'll realize you wish you would have tried for other servants too.
You'll come to this thread to brag about how your willpower won out in the end, and you'll be met with support lists that have Jalter, along with Scath, Waver, Gil, Jack, Bryn, Kintoki, etc.

Or you'll have E luck, not get her with all your rolls, and will either pay tons of money to keep trying or you'll quit the game entirely because you put all your faith in a single servant.
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No bully, thanks.
Do it anon.
>Even slightly considering paying 100 eurodollars for a mostly cosmetic ITEM in a shitty mobile game

Dude, every Android game ever created put together isn't worth 100 euros.
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>actually is COOL
I value the infinite FP from mashus too much

maybe once i have LITERALLY EVERYTHING from the FP machine
>LVL 70 Waver
>LVL 70 Altera
>LVL 60 Gil

Am i ready for Nerofes?
>uses some weird sword-shaped rock on a stick
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rip leonidas, got Cu from fp gacha
>actually using Spartacus
I think that's the first time I've ever seen this
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>Most of you will quit by then because you'll get bored with welfare shit

Good thing Nobu is my favorite archer in Grand Order and Kintoki is the best 4* Rider.
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leveling up skills sure is expensive
Willy Wonka servant when
>not level 80

Isn't there some Japanese video series of some guy beating all the content in the game with 1* servants?
>holy virgins
>none of the doujins have a defloration tag
I'm not a whale, I'm just lucky.
Not him, but I plan to grail him, and Altera.
Charles Babbage
What do I win?
when's nobu
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I never planned on using him originally. I put him at the end of my team, and he kept saving me all the time. Really I just grew fond of him after all that so now I use him alot, though I can't do 2nd Ascension for him yet since I don't have any Octuplet Crystals yet, and all the ones I get are going to be needed to ascend Kintoki.
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N-no bully
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Keep laughing redman, just wait until you get replaced by a welfare loli.
DId anyone ever make a FGO material site that your setup your team on and it tells you you're total evolve/ascension mats that they have for other mobage?

You should really be level 120 by now (via using super secret quintuple ascension materials you get by buying the biggest quartz package 100 times in a row).
JP version finished the original story, and is now on 1.5 (4 chapters) which bridges the story to part 2.
Part 2 will likely be another 7 chapter story with another 8th for the finale.
Then 2.5 will come out
Then 3
And so on until the money literally dries up.
Is this a girl or a boy or a girl (boy)?
first time I've heard of him
he looks really kuuru
It's Nobunaga dumbass, of course it's a girl
>Oda Nobunaga
What do you think? It's obviously a girl.
Who is the most modern servant, not including OCs?
Fuck off; there's specifically 2 parts planned and that's it.
It's Oda Nobunaga
>Mash for the All slot
Hello, brother!

i respect that
Redman is already replaced with Gil unless you're a shitter. Kuro is never better than Gil. Nobunaga is only a bit better than Gil until London.
In my headcanon Altera and Ushi are in love with me.
FGO 2 nigga
Most of the servants that I want are welfare, so there isn't much that I'm going to regret missing.
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That's Oda Nobunaga dude. The girl (boy) you're looking for is Oda Nobukatsu.
>Just purged every greedy jew using +75 FP on their best servant from friendlist
Reminder to not support the jews.
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The key word is planned.
Here, take a look at this image. It's the most often used image for recommending how to get into Fate as well as Nasuverse.
I want you to look at the part that talks about Fate ExtraCCC
Notice what it says about Nasu's involvement in the Fate series from then on.

Nasu is a habitual liar that says he's done with Fate then just goes back to it a month later. He's worse than Kojima was with MGS and Sakurai is with Smash Bros.
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Nobunaga could beat Gil in a fight, discuss.
>just purged every non mashu main from my friendslist
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I really need a 5* of my own even though I get by fine with Support Jeannes and Wavers.
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Tesla died in 1943, so probably him.
So hows your maximum AP?
Im just at 101 still level grinding to at least Master level 90 before the half AP event ends

How are your grinds doing?
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Post your best lewds. Don't get banned though.
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>JAP FGO ends after part 2 ends
>all the jap players move to the NA version with it still being online and unfinished
More space for stupid Mashus for me then
fuck off fags tesla is mine, hes the only LIGHTNINGU themed servant so I gotta have him
Fuck off, what else am I going to put on my Waver if I don't have an Arts CE?
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Well yea, of course she could.
She could also beat Herc, but would lose to EMIYA.
Because her Noble Phantasm hard counters divine servants such as Jeanne (and the more divine, such as actual demi gods in the case of Gil and Herc, basically get melted) but doesn't do diddly shit against servants with 0 divinity.
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I want to beat Nobu with my dick.
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Is it Gudako's or Gudao's?

Smug Redman wins again, he can't keep getting away with it.
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>8k fp from 5 hours of sleep
>Sleep 2 more hours
>2.5k more fp

The jewCE is racking me up so much FP its not even funny. Lvl90 Jeanne FP machine. At this pace i will be ready for AngraMaynu real soon.
>30 crit stars
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What would his Noble Phantasm be?
mine is currently 97, but ill be leveling up soon- going to max out on EXP cards and then move onto QP
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Does anyone have a good berserker that can friend me?
Want to farm this daily faster but all my friends have shit zerkers.
>Dr. Roman
>Is not actually roman
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Did someone drop Ice Cream on this snek?
I really hate that, in lore, Nobunaga has this crazy amazing reality marble NP that just roasts divine servants and does little to non divine ones.
But then they completely ignore that in game and just make her use a volley of gunfire instead.

You could have a really creative NP too. Like, have the normal NP be a debuff to your opponent and a buff to your team, while the overcharge effect against divine servants and enemies does 500% attack damage or some shit.
When's Scat coming
Sent you an invite in case you want a LV 50 Herc
They are being pretty generous with these rewards

Whats their end game?
I have a kaleido lancelot and a kaleido emiya
tell me what servants you have, my friend list is almost full
friend list limit increase when?
have a kaleido lancelot then
To get you attached to your account so that you won't reroll when your waifu is released.
Making up for the fact that only the US won't get unlimited apples and therefore won't have unlimited AP.
He is Solomon.
Do we have any idea when Jeanne Alter is getting her fabled gacha? I want my unholy virgin.
Money now as opposed to later.

Handing out even 200 quartz is fucking nothing to people who want a specific servant, they know as long as those people are still playing the game they'll spend the money to get that servant.
i have bad news anon
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It's real right now(pre-event) get Phoenix Feather x11, Seed of Yggdrassil x10, Serpent Jevel x8?
Should i try it?
>They are being pretty generous with these rewards
You have to remember that GO has nearly the lowest 5* drop rate of any mobage at 1%.
>Just want to level and ascend everyone 3* and below
>Time is not an issue
>The stupid fucking AP is

monster hunter tier droprates in a timegated game
Jeanne Alter is a pure girl. The one that rides dragon dick is her counterpart.
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Who cares about virginity?
Try what?
>blew all of my quartz on trying to get gil
>did all of france and fuyuki's free quests
>about to finish the rome story

Is there any way for me to save up enough quartz for 3 10 rolls for jannu alter?
She didn't get the dragon dick so it's fine, her virginity should be intact.
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What I'm workin with right now. Deon should be lvl 60 after a few more runs of this hopefully

Have about 200 cards I'm saving because leveling Jannu is hard work.
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You done fucked up.
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Try to grind all this mats for ascend best tank right now.
Jannu Alter isn't coming until next year you buffoon.
added you
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>Playing the story
>During 1/2 AP madness
Wait until we're out of the 1/2AP stuff / non stop event craziness.
We'll either get a week break after this before Nerofest, or we'll get a week break after the moon goddess event.
>They are being pretty generous with these rewards

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Stop fucking dropping that void shit already. Give me monuments.
>There's only like 6 1* units, so you get shittons of dupes.

Poorly designed game. The lower you go, the more there should be servants. There should be like 80 1-star servants so you get duplicates as rarely as you get duplicate Wavers.
problem with your logic is that half ap dailies are great and all, but story mode gives alot of mats by itself so you can ascend, level up further
Getting to enough quartz for an additional event roll can be reason enough to do some story.
They're gearing everyone up for the summer event next week
You are not going to get 8 serpent jewels before nerofest unless you have EX+ tier luck
That's some Gurren Lagann shit
Unless you want Orion that's kind of a waste.

Eat shit nigger, I'm actively looking for +75 FP accessories when I pick supports. If you don't have the FPCE on I'll never pick you.
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Stop posting shit tier "art"
>best in the world but better
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So, i just need EXX luck?
Sounds easy for me.
>Alien servants
that's retarded. Part of why 1-3 stars can be really good is that getting dupes isn't that hard so you can raise their NP levels, while your golds struggle to do that.
Jeanne alter is out on 11th
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You do realize that it doesn't stack if someone in your party already has it
Why doesn't Cu just wear some four-leaf clovers?
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gonna fou gilgamesh first, then herc

Are Serpent Jewels that rare?
Jeanne because I'm not gay.
>Best tank
man I want to run a herc/lancelot crit memeteam but I really hate how deon looks

just gonna use george
I'm a Crest Worm
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Oh well, guess I'll just reroll when she comes out, though it feels pretty bad to get rid of 3 5*
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>Golem in some random free quest drops a crystal
i-is this a sign from the priest?

My active party? Why would I use that shit there instead of a CE that does something?
Who printed Edmond Dantes with shitposting on its head on a japanese store?
Back to Sakura you filth

Now you only need like ten more.
Because at this point in the game, you shouldn't need that fifth guy in the back to ever come in, so you can safely equip this kind of passive gain CE.
If you ever face particularly beefy boss in an Interlude or something, just temporarily re-equip something better.
Yea, most people got 0-1 even after doing the daily over 30 times.
It also shows up only once a week, so it will only show up 1-2 times before Nerofest.
you put it on a back row shitter that never comes out genius
Do you have 3 Kaleidos?
If not you pick an Altera/Lancelot/Cat with it and farm faster.
it's my 6th one
all I need to assend herc now are 4 more berserker pieces
Jeanne because it's not like I have anyone else.
Also, her Atk needs all the help it can get.



Fuck I need 9 more Saber monuments before Nerofest and they just won't drop.Fuck.
Will fou gil first.
Then Waver
Then Altera
Then Nobunaga if before Halloween, or Tamamo if I get her.
>tfw EX luck on summons but not mat drops
Have you ever actually used 6 party members in one battle? It costs 3 points, just slap it on your last person in the back row. Why would you complain about this when you're actively avoiding support members who are using a CE that does something?
What Rider should I pick for the QP daily?
pretty sure Martha is the best rider right now but even then she is garbage.

If you mean for a support, go for it.

If you mean for a 4*, no way fag she blows outside of farming QP
Alexander or Medusa for AoE goodness.
It makes almost no difference. They're not gonna die and Medusa, Martha and Marie all have AoE NP.
Why are all Riders at launch so shit ?
What stuff will Nerofest have?
>majority of people have voted for either EX-luck or Reroller
>I've spent ~200 quartz on a main and rerolled 50+ times and have never even gotten a Kaleidoscope once
Do I possess the fabled F-rank luck?
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>implying there are no memers here right now
>the calm dude
Such a perfect description for me. I just see all these rerollers and people discussing things that are 6 months down the line and don't understand it. Just play what you get and be happy.
It's a game it's meant to be fun not a second job.
I've used both Martha and Marie as supports for full clears with NP
I would still do them regardless.
>no 5* Lancer, Rider, or Assassin at launch
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Not him but
>tfw party 2 strong for even a Mash + FP CE
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Fuck Chimeras to be honest
Ushi best
Fuck you. Did you reroll or whale or
>Doesn't have arts keys
You're lying
Even fucking keys are better than the FP CE
To me it's the planning that's fun. These are the kind of games where you break out a spreadsheet.
What kind of materials?
Cu is more than good enough desu
for you maybe, not for my FP count
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>doing Jeanne's interlude
>suddenly this

wew lad
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>Main story is shit
>Hopefully the interludes will have some good stuff
>Nope, they're shit too

Next hope: Nasu-written chapters will at least be okay.
So when does Mashu announce her love for MC (Me)

I got my waifu Seiba without rerolling and kept playing the account ever since. I only wanted Herc after that and they were giving him away for free so I'm set. I rolled a Carmilla after that, got fucking Atalanta as well, but I also have Cu with his NP maxed and Medusa (also waifu). I have some more 4 stars but I don't care about them. Lancelot etc.

I assume that makes me a waifu fag with a bit of calm dude.
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my wife, then Lancelot
I'm somewhere between the Intense Reroller and The Whale (though I'm only willing to whale for 1-2 servants a year, not counting the guaranteed 5 star gacha)
Well shit. I guess I'll level her in hopes for getting those demon hearts.
France is better than most the shit nasu has ever written, what are you talking about?
I sympathize with the no rerolling thing, I didn't reroll either, but it never hurts to have a gameplan in these kinds of games.
We have the advantage over JP to have a rough idea of what's going to come out and when, so why wouldn't you plan things out? It's not like it requires any effort, literally just pick a waifu, know when she comes out and save.
Is Proto Cu also decent enough? I've rolled an unjustifiably amount of times and never gotten real Cu.
Okeanos is better than the first chapters but Camelot and Babylon is when the story really gets good.
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I fed them all to other CE's because of keymemes.
>Tfw no Black Keys
Maybe I should roll the Gacha for some?
>implying I would have 900 quartz just sitting there

How generous is this game really? Didn't even break 200 quartz yet.
Count that guy who spent 1200$ for Gil and only got a litter of evil kittens as firmly in E-Rank Luck Whale category.
>2x chance for hearts
lucky fuck

Cause I like the raw experience I'm purposely keeping myself in the dark. So for me when the next servant or next story arc comes out I'll be surprised and interested more than, oh I knew this was gonna happen now to do my preplanned actions.

I can see where strategist can enjoy it, but I prefer more shock factor I guess.
Depends on the time of year, in JP they gave away like 50 tickets and a hundred quartz over like 6 weeks a few months ago,
He's alright, but not a cockroach like FSN Cu.
Someone post the Kotomine roll image, Im feeling self destructive today
When she dies.

Are you fucking for real? Orleans was TRASH. IT had like five seconds of good content at the very start when Dark Jannu was going apeshit and it immediately turned to absolute "let's cram 20 characters in that have no business being here then have random battles and random conversations for six hours" garbage. Orleans was 0/10 terrible. Nasu has literally never written anything close to as bad as that.
What do you mean by "cockroach"?

It's not that it's particularly generous, it's that Jalter is probably over a year away, so if they save from the start like they claim, it's not an outrageous amount to have.
They'll be really sad when things don't follow the script they've written though. People lost their shit when gil came out so fast.
it's funny becuase lancer always dies
>tfw Proto Cu is hotter than regular Cu, but regular Cu is slightly better
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Any other fujos here?
proto Cu looks great- but he looks too much like hawke for my liking
The first half of FGO is really uninteresting, with Septem being the crown of shit. They start taking more risks and actually go out of the comfort zone with Servants interacting more with stuff in Camelot and Babylon rather than half-assing it.
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>4 days of straight rerolling
>still 0 accounts with double 5* Servants
>0 accounts with Gil


Must-have waifus:
Jeanne Alter
Artoria (Archer)
Optional Waifus:
I didn't say quartz nigga, I said summons.
You get 1 summon ticket a week, along with 6 quartz a week. You get another 5 summon tickets a month.
You get a minimum of 3 quartz for maintenance, which always happens once every 1-2 weeks when they change up the events. However, that usually goes up to 4 or 5 quartz due to extended maintenance, along with an apple.
Then you get like 20-35 quartz every month or two from quests, free quests, and interludes that get added whenever there's a new chapter.
Then you get random quartz and tickets just because they feel like it, such as this Gil thing they're doing for the next week.
And finally, you get a ton of quartz and tickets from events, though the amount depends on the event.

You get anywhere between 300 to 500 free summons a year if you do everything. The reason is because they want to give free players 3-5 five stars a year
Man, seibah is really talented with her tongue. Must be why she has so high charisma.
They're also piling rewards on us right now. I'm guessing there's a ratio of free rolls paced to the speed of content that Aniplex has figured out. They're not going to potentially lose customers because they feel overwhelmed. Besides, nothing's fun if it ever follows the script to a T. It's the scramble to keep up that keeps it interesting.
Yes let us announce we have vaginas cause that matters
Gender should never matter online so why announce it? Reason women have a bad reputation
>tfw mordred won't do this to you
Is the absolute best place to farm pieces specifically the 30(15) AP daily?
Ye it's actually insane how much more free shit we've gotten than JP did in the same timeframe. Hell I think the tickets alone cover more than JP got in it's first month.
hey stop posting my image
*Exact* same thing here. I'm preparing suicide means during the downtime between rerolls. If I can't have Gil, I can't be alive.
The boss drops a piece or monument guaranteed, so yes. Everything else is RNG.
You guys are doing the real roll and not just the tutorial roll, right?
That said, just fucking take a Waver or Gil roll and leave it at that. At this point you've missed out on dozens of summons worth of giveaway stuff.
Ugh this rate is such shit. Thanks though. Just trying to get my Arturia and Emiya ascended and I've needed 1 more for Emiya for like an hour.
Do you not notice resolutions?
do you not get a joke?
Whats the difference between 30 and 40? Just minimally higher drop rates?

This pretty much. I got a Jeanne day one on reroll 3 and was all IM GOOD THIS IS FINE.

Sounds about right. Just keep at it.
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Also why the FUCK is Summer Evil Cat a fucking CE?
>You guys are doing the real roll and not just the tutorial roll, right?
Yes. I've done four days of doing both rolls, and not gotten one 5* Servant. Not one. Not Gil, nor anyone else. This is why I need to die by elephant gun. If I tried any other means, I would somehow survive due to my F-rank luck.
I think 40 has a higher chance of monuments while 30 gives out more pieces.

The real roll, I'm not actually missing anything since I play in my main acc every day since day 1, if I manage to get 2 5*s in one roll I wouldn't mind missing a few summoning tickets and quartz
That would be gay anon.

JP started getting more free shit after a few months. It took them a while to realize they were being a bit jewish, and they've gotten less and less jewish since (because there are more and more whales, so they don't need to be as greedy).
NA just got the game at the point where they've realized the ideal ratio of free shit to give out to keep people satisfied and don't get burned whenever they whale, but not so much free stuff that the whales don't buy in at all.
They might also decide to be more generous for NA because the gambling addiction isn't as strong in the west as in Japan.
I can't be too mad. I actually have a decent amount of monuments even though I can't use them yet. So while it's not helpful now, it will be helpful later.
Meant for >>182341131
Sell me on Lancelot, is it even worth ascending him right now? I have the 10 berserker pieces and the 3 wings, but he doesn't seem that good.
Want to trade for Gil account? Granted it's a Gil + Emiya x 2, but still.
I feel ya. I just need monuments for Jeanne and all I'm getting are pieces. Jeanne is the easiest to ascend too, so I'm not looking forward to the others.

Huh? All I have is 10, 20 and 30.
you can get more pieces in no time
>Ozymondias on the second roll
Fucking hell wish I had this luck in the actual game.
I got Drake.
Anon confused me.
Lancelot won't be good until Quick teams are a thing. Which won't be for a long time.
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Which Servant should give you super succ?
He is arguably the best character in the game right now in terms of farm parties/aoe. What are you talking about?
Jeanne Alter
Who should I save my summon tickets for? What upcoming characters do you all recommend?

I need a good Lancer and Caster at some point. I'm fine with a good 4*, I don't need the best.
Maybe. What level, what else you got?
That's stupid.
How? I've had 5 so far with his stupid rate up.
It's fresh, I just saved it in case. Nothing else with Gil so that's it.
Some people just have shit luck.
I made like +5 Gil accounts myself but of those +30 accounts not a single had Jeanne or Saber

Well. I don't give a fuck about those two but if i would give a shit i would be pretty pissed
Farming for mana prisms sure is less frustrating than farming for mats.
Why is the Redman so smug?
Is he /ourguy/?
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>No good riders until Okeanos, which is still 1-1.5 months away probably
>No good lancers til Scath, who is still like 3-4 months away
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wouldn't you like to know

Even with the rate up all I get are Alteras and Vlads

Are those Event CEs any good though?
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Good in bed.png
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they drop all the time
Nah, the bonus rewards don't override the regular ones
Cu. He's currently sitting at 970 ATK/960 HP. I figure that, since he's the one most likely to stick around anyways, I'll power him up first. I'll use the cheap Lancer Fous out of the FP gacha to make up the last few points, just so I don't waste them.

Next has been Heracles, who is currently at 640 HP/540 ATK. He can get to the 990 max just with the 4* Fou cards from the prism store at this point, once it gets restocked.

I think I have 40 of those
Except no we don't?
They're the ascension login material for a while. You just only get a few a week.

I've been using some guy's lvl 60 Cu and he's basically the only reason i'm having such an easy time with all the maps
Liz is alright
do story missions. i got 11 pieces there within a day
These are really easy to farm in Septem, anon. I'd kill for your 10th piece. Probably literally.
Pretty sure Ushi and Cu counts as good enough, even though they're 3*. Just need to level them up.
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>no good lancer
That's because it's level 60.
Cu is the best lancer until Scath, but it doesn't mean he's great. He's just a turtle.
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Always loving you.png
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Kiyohime. She would also "force" you to splurg inside without protection every knight.
She is one of few servants that say that they love you on valentines.
I just don't know if I would want to trade an account that I've worked on heavily with a couple other 5*s for something that insubstantial.

Note that the first time Mona Lisa was in the shop it wasnt a flat 5k prisms to buy. It was like 1k then 1.2k then 1.4k then 1.6k then 1.8k


Ctrl F mona lisa and click its tab. It was REDUCED to 1k for all copies the next year. Depending on how they decide to do things it might be a lot more expensive than 5k.

Waver/Merlin are the best casters, or support I should say. Not sure what you're looking for in your casters. Lancer wise, Cu is 3-star but he's an unkillable demon (cockroach). You can save for Shishou or Tamamo no Mae if you want another Lancer.
Up to you, no pressure.

Cu, compared to the 4/5 star servants we have for other classes (except rider), is not that great.
Altera for saber, Gil (yes Gil, he just has reverse S scaling so you need to get him higher to see his strength) for archer, Waver for caster (though more of a support, but godly as one), Camrilla for assassin, Herc and Vlad for zerker, and Jannu for extra (ruler).
Rider and Lancer just can't compete right now.
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How lucky is this, from EX to E? I'm curious.
> I'd kill for your 10th piece. Probably literally.
nigger you can get one billion of those right now. go do a daily. I have 36 of them.
do servants in nero fest drop monuments
>splurg inside without protection every knight
>splurg inside every knight
>every knight
She'd force you to yaoi the fuck out of Lancelot?
Doesn't her bond thing say she thinks you're a reincarnated Anchin? So she probably doesn't actually love you either.

is medusa much weaker as a rider than ushi?
I've been farming it for an hour and a half and all I have to show for it are a bunch of lancer and saber monuments, plus a shitload of lancer pieces.
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thats.. C yeah since not 1 monument at least I'd say this is A at least.
Unless we get the summer event this year for NA, Tamamo is a year away.
Though it's possible we'll get it, but I wouldn't count on it because of Mordred, Scath and Bonny & Read not being in the game yet.
She doesn't love (You) but Madness EX prevents her from realizing (You) exist anyway.
>someone actually max foud mash

im gonna freak
>Not Gawain.
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Everything you want I can provide
Considering they started us out with the reduced quartz cost, I don't think they'd do that.
It's not a bad idea to max fou her HP, since she's literally the best tank in the game.
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Freudian slip. Move along.
to be fair, they're not even the same servants we summon later on, they could justify it really easily by just talking about that a little bit and adding a throwaway line the first time we meet one of them.
Like one of them.

The others are just to justify having wasted one's time.

I would hope so as well but you never know.
I literally don't think I've gotten one monument yet, so I suppose so.
I haven't maxed her, but I gave her some. The servants I want won't be here for a while anyway, and it's not like she's dead weight, either.
Mona Lisa ascended is good for QP grinding, especially if you can get two ascended mona lisas.

The others are shit.
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It doesn't really matter. Madness makes her unable to tell you and "you" apart. She will/has/is
>No protection needed
>Always available for fuck
>Will chat anytime
>Only has eyes for you
Imagine if this game had actually good art.
Sure is. Especially under this bell amirite
Man, the round table was filled with sissy boys.
Alright, bitching about it enough made it drop. That's how probability works, I think.
Marseilles has a 30% droprate.
maybe, but she isnt an elf
Doesn't she (kind of) acknowledge the whole debacle in her interlude? The whole point of it was her being afraid of/in denial about possibly repeating it on you.
I mean, I don't mind either way, I like her and I'm raising her, but it's kinda sad.

>her final graph is based on her 2nd ascension instead of her 3rd
Nice. Never really liked the black outfit.
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What are you saying man. This game has Eggcellento art.
If I said she is batshit insane would she hold against me if I am not lying?
Mash is such a titcow, I love it.
>showing eye behind hair
This triggers me its less attractive that way and kills the entire point of the hair over one eye hairstyle
Some have great art others not so much.
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Season 2 when. Typemoon please.
I can get behind that opinion
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>I now have 224 gold xp cards
I am prepared for nerofest
So how does the FP essence work exactly? I know I can just have it in the back row, but do I also get bonus points if I equip it to my support team?
And if I do, does my friend have to pick the servant who has it, or can I just slap it on a shitter no one will pick and not feel guilty about hindering them?
If you said, "You are batshit insane. I only have my eyes on you. Lets fuck." Then she will not.
>only 224
If you equip it to your support team I'll remove you.
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I need strong friends, post your ID number and servants.

So anyone telling you to keep 5000 mana prisms ready is full of shit, then.

Also that Mona Lisa only saves you some QP grinding. And mainly only if you're gonna level up many skills to 10. Well it might be worth it anyway. You need to grind something to make another type of grinding faster.

Maybe it makes more sense for JP players to keep lots of prisms around, but NA players know what's coming.
>224 gold xp cards
>only this

If you don't have AT LEAST 2k Mana prisms by the end of the half AP event you wasted your time
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But Carnival Phantasm already has a season 2, that's episodes 5-8. We need SEASON FOUR SEASON FOUR SEASON FOUR
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Who has the best armor, and why is it Lion King?
Is there a list of currently available interludes with guaranteed mat drops?
how does one farm material for second ascension? from 50 to 60 for 4 star servant
Because Nasu played too much From Software.
And nothing of value will be lost.
>lion king
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>tfw type-moon shitposting is the best thing in the fate series
Think I can do Emiya's second interlude with a 60 Arturia and a 60 Emiya?
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I think Camelot's going to be fine.
Whos easy to ascend right now?
If I did it you can too.
She seems self-aware enough to accept that.
I need about 20 free slots just in case for summons and rewards.
The other 56 slots are unique servants and rider fous.
>Dozens of Sansons
>Hundred Mata Haris
>Lots of REGEND
>A couple Phantoms of the Opera
>Not a single motherfucking Hassan
Why doesn't he love me?
That's not what I asked you.
I'm sick of hearing it already.
>You can save for Shishou or Tamamo no Mae if you want another Lancer.
Kiyohime is a better Lancer than Tamamo at comparable levels but it's of little consequence since they are in the same gatcha.
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Chigau yoooooooo
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Tituria,Riding EX.jpg
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I distinctly remember tituria being taller than arturia/mordred.
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only the best
>I like wasting my AP on abysmal rate mats farming
you only have yourself to blame for being retarded
>1 Billion QP
Won't get you far.
Waver and Emiya has easy as fuck 2nd ascensions

Can't do 3rd until nerofest though
Presence Concealment game too strong
I would drop the game after getting that much stuff due to burnout
Who's blowing their tickets on another shot at the King of Heroes?
I only befriend cute little girls.
>He didn't get gil with the first ticket.
>implying I care enough to hoard resources
no, i just ranked the armors

agravain doesent count because no helmet
Is Prisma Cosmos a decent 5* CE? I also got a 2nd Gil, so I powered up his NP, so just gotta wait for London.
>That interlude where you have to be pretend to be Medusa's boyfriend

Dating mechanics when?
Nice reroll.
I spent 180 quartz and 6 tickets
I only got 3 Lancelot
1 Altria
And 2 5* CE but shit ones (prisma and Irisviel)
After they gauge interest with the Mashu VR
I'm not even doing much outside of QP/prism farming but I'll be able to get at best around 150M QP and 1000 prism. People constantly yelling that you need to get insane amounts of both resources aren't helping me with anything.
>saber monuments again
I want the regular one first FUCK!
>want to ascend Altera
>no horseshoes
>want to ascend Emiya
>no gears
>want to ascend Gilgamesh
>no eyes
>want to ascend Nero and Herc
>no explosions

Holy fuck
its good on someone like jeanne where you know the battles will take long- on Gil you want something like kaleido to get the NP out earlier
I guess I will just 70 waver and wait to 70 gilga

drop rate for eyes look horrible
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Fuck, this 720p output looks ass on my phone.
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That's me on the pic
it truly is a grand order
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>tfw Tamamo, Saibuh, Marie, and Mordred are the best girls for that event
>But they all get fucking joke weapons, while the others get real weapons
There's something that triggers me about using joke weapons in a game like this. The beach outfits are fine, but I'd rather them use real weapons, even if they're a bit different.
should I hoard friend points for anything useful down the line?
why are the weapons coming out of the gate pommel-first?
What kind of boss am I up against?
Is Arthur/Saber incest or masturbation?
Do single pulls next time. I did 30 roll on memu for like 50 times and got shit. Did single pulls on my phone and got gil,lancelot,atalanta and martha np2.
I got gil and still have some quartz left. Should I try for another to power up his NP or horde for the next event?
>Martha's super lewd, but not that great and I already have Marie
>EMIYA will have a rate up during the Okita banner who I'm saving and possibly whaling for, so I'm probably bound to get him
>my Cu is solid, so Liz doesn't seem all that appealing
I really want to use Kiyo as my berserker, but there really is no sense in picking anyone other than Herc, is there?
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Good CE's for Ushi?
I want to try and make her the best Sam Rye.
That's when he wants to have some fun and wield a few. When it's time for artillery barrage, they come out blade first.
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Gonna catch em all.png
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From her dialogues, she seems to be able to tell the difference between (you) and Anchin, as she doesn't seem to think (you) are literally him and even wants to know more about (you) in her interlude.
Based on that, it seems more likely that her madness makes her think that this person she loves must be on some level the same as the other person she loved as she has eyes only for (you)/Anchin.
260k hp hercules
I read this in George Nakata's voice.
I shall sacrifice them all and I shall fail to get him, with a smile on my face but a pure black etching upon my soul.
Girls, not cats.
>Not the 450k herc with 9 lives.
does anyone have the link to the valentines page with the descriptions and shit?
imr etarded and cant find it
It's a pretty good gift, anon.
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How fucking LONG do I need to wait for my boy Cu Chulainn (Alter)?
>my waifu's interlude is locked in Okeanos

Truely this is suffering.
Any else get triggered by the fact that many fonts have the capital i and lower case L look exactly the same?
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Here anon
You and every non autist.
do i farm monuments from 30 AP event quests or the 20 AP ones?
Thanks, anon.
Which one has the largest plot?
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I thought for the longest time this guys name was "Lida".
>implying her name wasn't 111ya the whole time
Fucking hell there are too many servants that I want. I want to be able to focus on one but its too fucking hard.
i have news for you
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There you go anon, I'm not that strong, but I do have some decent 4* and 5*
What's your seiba?
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>That AP sitting at full
Lancer and Lancer Alter.
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She has a lot of heart.
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How do drop materials work? I'm trying to get Saber chess pieces but I don't quite get what the numbers mean in pic related.
>Gil, Martha, Stheno, prisma cosmos, imaginary element, 2 sound of destruction, gandr

Is this a good roll?
This one.
That's for JP, US has a different Daily set. You want to do the 15AP Green Daily for today for Saber pieces and monuments.
That is how many instances of that drop there are. As in, if the number is 6, that means 6 enemies have a chance to drop it.
Number is the chances per run for it to drop
reroll or on your main?
Maximum amount that could drop
When does Emiya become good in NA?
577329098, Jannu/Waver/Gil/NP2 Herc
Reminder that Taiwan is having their Halloween right now, which means we'll get Halloween in August or September.
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atalanta 31.jpg
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Apples are good.

Be Elegant
Trying to roll for a friend
>she gives you a golden apple so that you can use it to take her as your wife
>what's halloween lol
Nah, Halloween will be on Halloween. Things might change, but that's a pretty set in stone seasonal event in the states.
>can't get one archer monument after dumping my entire ap bar into the daily
Stop eating those apples immediately.
Has anything been announced yet?
I keep getting Be Elegants on rerolls, and literally no other 5*s whatsoever. What is the deal with that?
Oh boy, time to waste that AP on 1 fucking statue per chance. Thanks for the help lads.
Post your ID and I'll get you some FP.
Shinji Gets Fucked In the Ass Jamboree event confirmed for tomorrow.
I'm willing to take it off you
I'll be your friend
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DrGil in action.gif
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God is trying to tell you something
So it's good?
Finally got all the fous from the prism shop. Feels good having Jeanne at 20/20.
Fuck no, you guys did however turn it into consumerist garbage though just like everything else you touch.
Threadly reminder.
I just fucking want Gil, okay? Give it to me.
which is what the GO halloween event is based on so that's entirely fitting
That's not a good one outside of Gil for a reroll, and Gil solo isn't worth keeping an account over. He's eventually good, but he needs a lot of support to be strong currently.

Waver, Kaleidoscope + any other 5* CE and a Heracles/Emiya are the prime choices. But really, any other 5* + Gil is worth keeping.
I don't know about you. But I choose the brown skin.
Brown skin a best.
Cleo is cool too, same with SHIZAAAA
maaang these golems be trippin balls
ain't getting no crystals n shiet
Next June, maybe like May or April he gets pretty good.
Next August or September (not this year lol) he gets great.
Next month will probably be NeroFest. Get as many servants as you can to 50.
So, am I to gather that it has the highest 5* drop rate or something? Meme shit isn't helpful.
Is this a Joseph Joestar's Peculiar Escapades reference ?
Gil is such a dick
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Nitocris is amazing.
Beg me.
If I'm trying to ascend Arturia to 2, would you recommend farming the Fuyuki cave or Thiers?
I've been rerolling for days now. I need a Gil + something nice account. My friend has no concept of a gacha game and I'm trying to make his stay as comfortable as possible.
>wasting mana prisms on fou cards
I beg of you. I just need Gil.
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i feel robbed, all he did was have Cu not die and kill the support waver with his NP
What was so bad about Septem? I enjoyed it. Admittedly, I'm a Nerofag.
I find it hilarious that it took them almost two years to realize Sumanai was shit and needed a buff.
Get on your knees and bark like a dog. I'll give you Gil then.
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Post your emairu, got ton of single gils
people getting mad because you left in an instant without partaking in a celebratory orgy with Nero. Then a personal 'lecture' after
Done. You just can't hear/see it.
>My friend
Pretty much no substance to the plot or much character to anyone aside from the literal joke portion that exists to be filler.

And then the ending is just bonkers with no real buildup to the final boss.
they missused nero and the entire chapter was badly paced and packed with detours, honestly they should have saved Marie for septem- maybe focus more on neros future and her death, also they should have set up the united empire as villains better
2 more singularities, then DinoCu's singularity drops.
I find it heartbreaking that it took them a year to realize they forgot to add a zero at the end of Brynhild's secondary NP effect.
>implying there is anything else worth getting with them besides tickets

I bet you bought Mona Lisa on JP.
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Brown Alien.jpg
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She is fat and ugly. And she is not delicious Egyptian brown like >>182345435 or pic related and is more like nig brown.
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Fair enough.

Here's the Gil you wanted. Pass is GoldenRule. Code in spoiler.
The guys in charge of that design are absolute madmen, I love it.
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Delet this
Why is Proto Mordred's seal a battle against evil, when he was apparently a crazy yandere bastard who wanted to dick his daddy, and would murder all possible competition?
Nah, I bought Lunchtime.
"latest" is not a code.
I love sluts. I even love wormsluts. I am sick man.
thats the file name you idiot. also too late another anon got it.
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Ops, meant this >>182345452
But a gil is fine too.
In terms of comfort, 2 5* is the minimum quality of life for easing someone into things if they intend to play with you long-term, and have never played a gacha style game before. One strong 5* like Waver, who makes everyone else more powerful, also is a kind of easy mode, but is weak on his own, so it requires the player to invest in their other servants more heavily.

For Craft Essences, Kaleidoscope lets you use the most powerful attacks right off the bat in battle while also giving high stats. The other 5* CE are good too, but that one is the big deal.

tl;dr Gil + other 5*, Kaleidoscope = instant keep, if only because it's the only time you can get Gil for free.

Good 4* units that can tip the scales are Heracles and EMIYA, but Herc needs support to work this early, and EMIYA also won't start off as strong.

3* Cu Chulainn, of either variety, are really fucking good. Prototype hits harder, but only has one survival ability to regular's 2. Both can carry you through a lot of content. Ushiwakamaru is one of the best 3* available, and fills the Rider niche better than most of the other units available at this time.

Lancelot and Atalante are also decent units in their respective classes.

Generally, use this info to assess what's good and what isn't in your rolls.
NeroFest next month. Also idiots who want Gil. I already rolled for him with the tickets I got before this annoucement. But I am not spending these new tickets or quartz on him.
If you're going to fuck with someone then actually put a spoiler in your post like you said you would.

Come on son at least put some effort in.
>2 5* is the minimum quality of life for easing someone into things if they intend to play with you long-term
Not really.
Alright. I'll be waiting.
What are the chances we get beach event this year?
I'd really like a decent lancer before Scath
I want lancelot to level up his noble phantasm and his drop rate is one of the ones increased. If I get gil thats just a bonus
>nerofest 1 shop doesnt have chaos claws, hearts or serpents via shop

Actually zero.
>and are new to these type of games
The person getting the account is clearly a casual player and the person asking wants them to be as comfortable as possible, not need to look up who is going to give them the best possible damage in the sea of servants. With two 5*, you can focus all your efforts on them and come out of just about anything without worrying about a lot of stuff.
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I want to watch my alien waifu and Helena fuck!
Would it even be possible to release Ass Ass In Scat before Lancer Scat ?
Forgot that 'email' wasn't a post option anymore; sorry.
The ending for part 1 was so hype. Plus they remade the opening theme with orchestra music for the final battle.
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I was surprised to see it doesn't have monuments either. A real let down. Hopefully they'll add new stuff to the shop since JP has had the event 2 times already.
Lads, I'm finishing clearing the OP a bit, wait for me.
Sent ;)
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-100%. They need to release the base servants before the beach variety.
Should I ascend Martha or Medea first once I get enough dragon fangs? Then again I already have the required caster monuments for Medea but not for Martha. Medusa will have to wait until Nero event it seems.
Gandr or NP damage up CE. She can pretty much oneshot everybody that's not an assassin right now due to her high ST modifier, like Robin. Else you can go crit star drop rate up with Grimoire to go quickmeme with atalantas.
Doesn't you get it after clearing some zones first time?
Like, even 5 claws. And then you can repeat quests for trying to get even more.
Very very low.
We might get the beach event next spring instead of summer though, since it seems like they're trying to run things at 1-1.5x pace so that the US version can slowly but surely catch up to the JP version if it remains successful.
That's an "extended" version, for some reason - and crappy YouTube quality. I posted an HQ audio file of it the other day; here it is again: https://mega.nz/#!j8Bw2TpY!n_AxgfCZXzZVTtn01oTpw0kmaafSTejHNWhQ7iioTBo
>The final boss theme is the opening or a remix of the opening
I fucking love it when anime and games do this.
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Thanks anon. Have foxes from me.
for my Cu, is Imaginary around the best CE for him right now?
Yes, I know /v/, I've read those threads a gorillion times years ago.
And I agree.
All are rewards from some of the quests, and there's a chaos claw / serpent jewel quest with pretty high drop rates.
Hearts you're going to have to wait until gudaguda in September or October for a good source.
theres 5 or so as rewards in nerofest
I want to fuck both Helena and our waifu.
Migrate whenever and remember to login on the 13th no matter what:
Nah, hearts only get 3 and there's no drops of them.
File: farm this shit.png (133KB, 1100x316px) Image search: [Google]
farm this shit.png
133KB, 1100x316px
nigga u blind. It wouldn't be JewlightWorks of them if they don't allow us to farm our brains out every event.

Reminder that Nerofest has limited stages per half a week containing chaos talons, reverse scales, snake eyes, octuplets and lanterns with 10x better droprates than stories do, ready your farming teams.
Everyone's first focus should be buying out the shop though.
Then you farm.
File: atalanta8.jpg (167KB, 850x1009px) Image search: [Google]
167KB, 850x1009px
No. The cute Cat

This pretty much. Make sure you have a decent squad. My friendlist won't be let down since I'm planning to have my Seiba and Herc get their third ascension. Should be more than enough to handle Nerofest.
>saving up your Golden Apples so that you can ubergrind your chosen event
>The Evil Cat manages to break into your stores and eats them

On a scale of 1 to ONOREONOREONORE, how mad would you be?

One of them is a Cat, anon.
This is why I put journey CE on my ALL slot.
>take Journey off Jannu overnight
>immediately my ALL slot drops off and Archer is my most used
Honestly all I ever get from Tickets are fucking 3* servants I already have.
Have fun with the 290k hp berserker
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